Brood War

Welcome to the starcraft brood war thread. Pick your race and enjoy the ultimate sci-fi RTS of the 90s

SC2 cucks need not apply.

Topic discussion: Favorite unit? For me it's the zergling. Fast movement, fast attack, plentiful numbers and little bug arms allow them to be the top tier unit and a staple of the zerg army.

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  1. 1 year ago

    >StarCraft and Brood War
    Actually got a question, in that cutscene where Fenix has to face off against the Zerg in the temple alone does his blades losing power have any significance?
    >Favorite unit?
    Wraith in conjunction with the ghosts after they nuked detectors.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm not sure about that scene myself. I always wondered if the creators just thought it'd be interesting for this mighty warrior to basically be taken out by bad luck.

    • 1 year ago

      Dragoon. I know it's easy mode unit but God damn, they are satisfying to use.

      I never got it either. It seemed like there would be an explanation later during some briefong section but no.

      • 1 year ago

        >easy mode unit
        >cost-ineffective vs lings, hydras, tanks, zealots, mutalisks
        >worst pathing in the game to the point the entire Protoss base layout centers around allowing goons enough room to actually leave the main; defense and efficiency are secondary to not losing the game because 20 supply of goons is stuck in a corner
        >regularly does shit like pic related:

        Do any of you play 3x3 BGH (with or without mmrbot) or are you all tryhard ladder-schizos?
        There is nothing easy about goons, it's all just Terrans salty that their bunker got busted because they were too lazy to babysit a repair.

    • 1 year ago

      >does his blades losing power have any significance?
      that they couldnt animate a battle so equipment failure after however long in a siege was the easiest way to indicate he's toast

      • 1 year ago

        >that they couldnt animate a battle
        I mean, they could've just implied that he went down fighting by him raising his blade up cutting to black and then have the text tell us he was killed in the assault like it is. His blades losing power seems off to me, even considered the Conclave were behind it considering the direction the Executor was taking in regards to Tassadar and the Dark Templars but I figured that might be too far-fetched.

    • 1 year ago

      IIRC, that cutscene with Fenix takes place after the zerg destroy the defenses supporting the temple he was defending.

      I always took it to be his equipment failing because the pylons were destroyed and they didn't have enough energy channeled in the area for the psi blades to work. It's a fluff thing not represented in the game mechanics, the way Terrans don't run out of food and ammo when they lose all their supply depots or zerg don't lose the ability to control their units when all the overlords are killed. Fenix died because his brothers in arms failed to defend the infrastructure of war and lost him the tools he needed to fight.

    • 1 year ago

      >does his blades losing power have any significance?
      Honestly I think it's like the beer in the nuke cooler thank god for cold fusion; BW had a lot of humor worked into it's serious scenes and I've always figured it was just a cruel joke.

  2. 1 year ago

    We all know Terran vs Zerg is the best match-up, but what about the 2nd best? I like PvZ myself

    • 1 year ago

      The non-mirror zerg matchups are the best for sure

    • 1 year ago

      Gotta be vultures.

      I'm a TvP man myself. It's the most macro-intensive and uses the whole map most of the time.

    • 1 year ago

      TvZ sucks ass. Science vessels counters anything which is boring.
      PvZ is the best matchup by far, way more fights, way more unit variety

      • 1 year ago

        >TvZ sucks ass. Science vessels counters anything which is boring.
        Excuse you filthy Zerg player, Defiler literally delays the game and lets the Zerg have a free reign on where the game will go.
        TvZ requires constant action and it's the highest action packed matchup. There's literally no downtime once the macro is up and going for both sides.

        • 1 year ago

          >Defiler literally delays the game
          Yeah and why do zergs use it? Because Terran builds 100 science vessels. It's not like scourge counters the vessels when there's marines everywhere.
          Science vessels even by themselves are too good. If Protoss wants to do a dt or strom drop they have to invest into that.
          Terran can just scan and do the eraser for free. But still the last balance patch was like 2000 or 2001.

          >it's the highest action packed matchup
          It's PvZ because their units can actually fight instead of I'm gonna irradiate every gas unit I see and then win 30 minutes later.
          PvZ has the most unit variety out of any matchup and don't start with the "terran builds BCs" sometimes like they're fun to watch. All they do is stall the game even more

          • 1 year ago

            >Terran can just scan and do the eraser for free. But still the last balance patch was like 2000 or 2001.
            For free? You have to upgrade it too.
            And science vessels being a problem? Literally 1 plague and like 10 dies in 1 hit from a muta, or literally mass hydras.
            >It's PvZ because their units can actually fight instead of I'm gonna irradiate every gas unit I see and then win 30 minutes later.
            You literally haven't played TvZ nor do you even know how to play the game if all you talk about are vessels which are a late game unit in TvZ.
            >Yeah and why do zergs use it? Because Terran builds 100 science vessels. It's not like scourge counters the vessels when there's marines everywhere.
            That's literally a fricking lie, Defilers are built because it counterrs 99.9% of all Terran Units even the fricking SCV cannot hit under a Dark Swarm

            • 1 year ago

              >For free? You have to upgrade it too
              Think about the cost.
              A shuttle is 200. 2 dts 250/200, 2 hts 100/300. A protoss invests a lot of resources, generally lacks vision and have to carefully dodge any hydras/scourge to get to where they need to go, and that's without shuttle speed.
              Hell shuttles are slower than science vessels which are already fast without any type of upgrade

              >Literally 1 plague and like 10 dies
              Skill issue

              >TvZ nor do you even know how to play the game if all you talk about are vessels which are a late game unit in TvZ
              Why do you people always say this, you build science vessels in TvP for other reasons. Irradiate hts, defense matrix, detection etc

              >That's literally a fricking lie, Defilers are built because it counterrs 99.9% of all Terran Units
              Nope, not a lie. Terran games in general goes on forever because you can't really hurt their economy.
              Their SCVs never die, they can repair/heal, their defense is too strong, so games go on and on. Most exciting games are always the ones where both sides can kill workers like in PvZ.
              You can argue against this but you know it's true.
              How do defilers counter science vessels? SVs massacre defilers, not the other way around.

              Also you wanna talk about fricking unit variety?? IN PVZ?? CORSAIR FIESTA TO TEMPLAR STORM FOR PROTOSS? Really?
              TvZ has mech, bio/sk terran, and valk builds. PvZ is like the most fricking straightforward and bland matchup out there

              Yes. Storms are way more fun than irradiate which is just any unit you click on dies. Irradiate is one of the worst abilities in BW. Storms can be dodged, slaughter workers, storms can miss, well placed storms can win or lose a game.
              And corsairs what do you have against that? Seriously they have to be controlled well the entire game.
              >TvZ has mech, bio/sk terran, and valk builds.
              Mech is played out and the valk build is just Terran doing corsairs does but with less skill.
              SK Terran is still better than any other build in tvz.

              • 1 year ago

                It's pretty simple to lose vessels against zerg. The pros lose them all the time. Put down a dark swarm and move a single combat unit under it and all those marines will uselessly shoot it while the scourge fly past. Even for a pro targeting moving scourge is really difficult. The only real solution is to retreat the entire army back, which taxes a lot of APM, might be strategically and tactically infeasible and doesn't stop the player from just putting down another dark swarm. And of course that's if you even have the reflexes of a pro and caught the attack coming.

              • 1 year ago

                >It's pretty simple to lose vessels against zerg
                It's easier to lose scourge, any grouped up scourge can also be irradiated and they die quick. Using scourge isn't much about skill, if a Terran player targets them down there's nothing you can do.
                Terran players always talk about their own mechanics and not overall balance.

                one huge wall of "I don't play games above F Rank nor even watch pro games"
                I won't even bother, you're a waste of time.

                >one huge wall of "I don't play games above F Rank nor even watch pro games"
                Terran dominated in BW, Flash or no Flash. Every time they made new maps it was because Terran broke the old ones.
                I think a lot of this comes back to Artosis, he's an excellent caster but he's not a good player and him complaining about Zerg/Protoss all the time just gave people the wrong impressions. Watch his Starcraft balance patch video, he doesn't know anything about balance.
                >I won't even bother, you're a waste of time
                It's not like you wrote anything correct in the first place, mate

              • 1 year ago

                >Irradiating scourge
                >Grouping up scourge
                Either you don't play the game or you're a really bad player

              • 1 year ago

                one huge wall of "I don't play games above F Rank nor even watch pro games"
                I won't even bother, you're a waste of time.

              • 1 year ago

                >Think about the cost.
                It's still not free. Don't move goalposts. We're talking Vessels, which you claim is free. They cost so much gas and don’t have easily accessible energy unlike Defilers, the rest of the post is irrelevant.
                >Skill issue
                Address how vulnerable Vessels are in TvZ. Vessels are usually clumped together and easily get plagued.
                >Why do you people always say this, you build science vessels in TvP-
                TvP? The talk was about TvZ and how Vessels are not this seemingly autowin menace you make them out to be. Stop moving goalposts.
                >Nope, not a lie. Terran games in general goes on forever because you can't really hurt their economy.
                Mutas hurt the economy of Terran badly. One wrong micro and an entire SCV line is gone. You need a precise gameplan or precise bioball micro to prevent that. And this is again another goalpost moved. Not even relevant to the original point.
                >Their SCVs never die, they can repair/heal, their defense is too strong, so games go on and on. Most exciting games are always the ones where both sides can kill workers like in PvZ.
                Irrelevant to the original point. It's hyperbole to say SCVs are immortal just because they can repair. It's as disingenuous as saying a Drone or a Probe can just runaway and recover HP/Shield as "immortal".
                >How do defilers counter science vessels? SVs massacre defilers, not the other way around.
                1 Plague owns countless vessels. Defilers also have virtually infinite energy with consume. You have to be blind to not see how powerful Defilers are.
                >Yes. Storms are way more fun-
                Subjective take, does not even add anything to the discussion.
                Stop moving goalposts and address how PvZ is more varied than TvZ.
                PvZ since Bisu crushed savior has always been:
                >contain with Lurkers/Hydras
                >control the contain with Corsairs and wait for Storm
                >break out
                >Macro game
                While TvZ is very varied and Zerg and Terrans could utilize bags of builds in the matchup.

              • 1 year ago

                >It's still not free. Don't move goalposts
                My point was Protoss have to invest way more in other units/upgrades to do the same thing. Terran gets the same thing "for free" just by getting a unit/upgrade they're gonna get anyways.

                >They cost so much gas
                And what does Terran spend gas on in tvz?

                >and how Vessels are not this seemingly autowin menace you make them out to be
                If you cast enough irradiates any zerg dies. Zerg without gas is nothing.

                >Mutas hurt the economy of Terran badly.
                Since when? Professionally mutas never do much as much as I hear pro terrans complains about them.
                "They're getting too good with mutas" they say and then every ASL nothing happens.
                Zerg players overshoot massively on a single target (at least if it's lower HP) so it's complete overkill, there's a lot of wasted damage.

                >It's hyperbole to say SCVs are immortal just because they can repair.
                I said they're immortal because they have too much HP, the repair/heal thing just applies to everything else.

                >You have to be blind to not see how powerful Defilers are
                It's the strongest unit in the game overall but it's a T3 unit that requires 3 ups and zerg spends so much gas just to get to Hive.

                >Defilers also have virtually infinite energy with consume
                You're limited by larva and you have to eat lings every single time, even as cannon fodder it would have been useful to have those lings to throw them into the fray. It's more expensive than terran and protoss players think.

                >how PvZ is more varied than TvZ
                Because they have more unit variety overall and their units fight more because they actually can. Hydras vs anything is more balanced than marines instagibbing everything but ultras. In PvZ lots of lings can survive a decent amount of time vs mass goons or fighting tons of zealots.
                You can also spend way more in PvZ on both sides on "real" fighting units like archon/zealot/goon/dt instead of tvz usual defiler vs science vessel. Does that make sense?

          • 1 year ago

            TvZ sucks ass. Science vessels counters anything which is boring.
            PvZ is the best matchup by far, way more fights, way more unit variety

            Also you wanna talk about fricking unit variety?? IN PVZ?? CORSAIR FIESTA TO TEMPLAR STORM FOR PROTOSS? Really?
            TvZ has mech, bio/sk terran, and valk builds. PvZ is like the most fricking straightforward and bland matchup out there

    • 1 year ago

      ZvT is way too fricking stressful from a Zerg perspective. I prefer to both play and watch ZvP, even with all the bullshit Protoss can pull. And ZvZ is the patrician's mirror matchup, a honorable mutalisk duel between two gentlemen. Only simpletons with unrefined tastes shit on it.

      • 1 year ago

        there is no honour in air units

  3. 1 year ago

    All of the Zerg land-units are amazingly fun to play with and complement each other really well. Nothing beats the playing experience of microing a nice mix of ling + hydra/lurker/ultra. Lings are especially fun in that they start out great, become quite weak, and then become incredibly strong again as the game progresses.

    As for single unit enjoyment I think controlling full groups of dragoons, moving and shooting in tandem, picking of one unit for each stutter-step, is the most satisfying microing in the entire game. Especially if you catch flying units like dropships and BC's.

  4. 1 year ago

    Do any of you play 3x3 BGH (with or without mmrbot) or are you all tryhard ladder-schizos?

    • 1 year ago

      I play BGH 3v3 and 2v2v2, Fastest Map Possible and Ladder mostly. I also play every race but not random.

    • 1 year ago

      I get instabanned from lobbies idk why.

      • 1 year ago

        Because good players often insta-kick new players, play in the noob only lobbies, and then move onto bghmmrbot once you have 50 games played or whatever it is.

    • 1 year ago

      BGH players are absolutely tryhard schizos. It's like they're trying to compensate for being dogshit at ladder with being 'competitive' in BGH. You cannot imagine my disappointment thinking I could play some of these shitty money maps to unwind and make dumb shit like Scouts or goon corsair and it turns out the lobbies are full of schizos who ask you about your match history and demand you use 'optimal' (lmao) strategies.

  5. 1 year ago

    >max selection 12 units
    out bw morons

    • 1 year ago

      12 is enough and a good number, unlimited unit selection simplifies the game too much.

      • 1 year ago

        nta but I wouldn't mind an optional setting to run games without the selection limit.

    • 1 year ago

      Control groups are among the things that make the game timeless. BW is the one and only game in the history of video games to actually represent the movement and interaction of armies correctly. Instead of arcade-y bullshit like attacking a unit from a 90 degree angle giving you +50% flank damage, or attacking into a mountain hex giving you a -25% damage mallus, you get to experience a completely natural and infinitely deeper strategical picture through the direct application of moving clunky units on the battlefield. If a column of units get caught on the move and out of formation they will get destroyed by an inferiour force, in the opposite situation a well controlled and positioned army can fend of an army much larger than itself. To make this possible is the holy grail of strategy games, but no one has yet come further than stat modifiers giving you a "flanking bonus" or event toggles giving X nation increased combat ability, and other railroad-y and artificial bullshit designs.
      Brood war is literally the best strategy game and the best war simulator ever made, and is infinitely more rewarding to play and to watch than any other game in the genre.

      • 1 year ago

        hills do give you bonuses (as well as trees) to defense in BW, -50% acc iirc.

      • 1 year ago

        If youre attacking on to high ground your units have a 50% chance to miss their shots.

      • 1 year ago

        Everything you said in your post is about the pathfinding scripts. Not about the limited control groups.

        • 1 year ago

          Look at this moron!

          If you don' think the control group limit of 12 is game warping then your average match probably doesn't last 10 minutes.

          Playing around the pathfinding is the whole point, you have to position your troops very rationally or everything gets stuck on each other, try rallying 50 zerglings into an enemy army and watch them tumble in single-file and getting gibbed by three dragoons and a couple zealots.

      • 1 year ago

        Not really. In real life, things like arrows or bullets become less accurate as range increases past their max effective range. Microing is only possible when you have this fantastical element where something goes from being 0% effective to 100% effective, allowing you to make tiny movements that let you move inside an enemy's OODA loop.

        If you had ranged attacks that:
        1. Have a max effective range.
        2. Have some sort of trig equation that incrementally reduces their effectiveness outside of that range.

        … then you'd have something more like real life, where macro (logistics, strategy) is vastly more powerful than micro (tactics).

    • 1 year ago

      t. doesn't know that 12 was the number of disciples and 12 has widely been regarded as the number of individuals one can effectively manage since prehistory.

    • 1 year ago

      its a happy accident but game would be broken with unlimited selection and smart casting, too many broken units

  6. 1 year ago

    Give me the genunie rundown on if BW is actually good
    It sounds like it's filled with bugs and glitches

    • 1 year ago

      It's one of the best, it's just showing it's age.

    • 1 year ago

      its good, just people have been playing for so long and have squeezed out almost all the juice of how to do well that it isnt really so fun to play it against them

      • 1 year ago

        I only play against AI and I know how to mineral boost.

    • 1 year ago

      To put into perspective how juice squeezed the game is there's like a pack of 18,000+ maps you can download in one go somewhere, forget what it's called. there's probably some koreans that have played all 18,000 of those. At that point any game has the life sucked out of it for someone. It's still a great game, from when Blizz had soul, it's just old and that comes with some caveats, same as the C&C Remaster.

      • 1 year ago

        Speaking of remasters, StarCraft's was pretty good from what I've heard. Haven't tried it out for myself yet, been sticking with the original so far.
        Not sure how I feel about some of the art however.

        • 1 year ago

          Exactly. The Remastered is good, but some of the art screens feel shittier than the 1998 ones.
          Maybe, because of poorly applied lighting and painting with a "2D" brush instead of well lit 3D. Surely, the stupid heroic zealot pose.

          • 1 year ago

            Well, in regards to that hydralisk it feels like there's more going on in the image then what's needed compared to the original render. Could mention how different the hydralisk looks but that might be because of the same problem they had with the zergling apparently not having a consistent visual throughout development.
            I didn't really think much Remastered's artwork until looked at the images side to side.

            • 1 year ago

              Old = good
              "Remastered" = gay

              Shame on every turdjeet who participated in these "remakes".

              • 1 year ago

                Visuals aside, rest of the game's fine right?

              • 1 year ago

                I see nothing wrong with it.
                It's fine.

    • 1 year ago

      one of my favorite bugs is building a high templar, using hallucination to make another high templar, and merging them together to make a real archon for half the price.

  7. 1 year ago

    the worst unit in the game.

    • 1 year ago

      That's a supply depot.

    • 1 year ago

      If they're so terrible then why do terran players keep making them?

      • 1 year ago

        building command centers for supply is the better strategy, it gives you 1.25 depots worth of supply so you're really only paying 275 minerals for the ability to make more workers at a time, and you can later lift it off and expand with it. frick supply depots.

    • 1 year ago

      i like it aesthetic

    • 1 year ago

      One of these in the correct position can absolutely demolish a protoss army.

    • 1 year ago

      half the time it doesn't make

    • 1 year ago

      I used to love Terrans, but over the past few years I started enjoying Protoss a lot more. Now I also hate Supply Depots.

      • 1 year ago

        You think the Protoss' plasma shields are sufficient when compared to the Terran SCV's repair abilities and the Zerg organic regeneration? I ask because I find myself having to rebuild photon cannons more often compared to Terran and Zerg defenses.

        Am I the only one who thinks the spire looks like a horse wiener?

        >Am I the only one who thinks the spire looks like a horse wiener?
        Yes, trips confirms this.

        • 1 year ago

          I like them more than Zergs repair, but would say they're about the same to rebuild if they get attacked. Terran reigns supreme in that regard.

        • 1 year ago

          Cannons are just weird. They’re made of paper but they’re by far the best defensive structure in terms of DPS for cost.

          Shields themselves are also in a weird spot. They’re very underwhelming to start but in the rare cases you do get 3/3 shields/armor Protoss units become basically unkillable since you’re dealing with 3 armor for the shields and 4 armor for the life total.

          Does anyone here actually play? I'm wanting to get back to laddering but I blow ass. What are the most common standard build orders in each matchup for Terran? And what's the most common follow up to 2-gate goons since every single low-level ladder toss goes for that?

          Textbook follow-up to 2 gate ranged goon is to get a robo + obs, go up to 4-6 gates, and then take a third.

          • 1 year ago

            >Textbook follow-up to 2 gate ranged goon is to get a robo + obs, go up to 4-6 gates, and then take a third.
            Thanks bruv. I take it you play Protoss - what's the best thing to do in that situation as Terran? TvP has always been my weakest matchup by far. I think I'm probably D-tier on the current ladder or CPU on ICCup I barely understand it, probably because I've barely played Protoss while I used to play Zerg extensively

            • 1 year ago

              It depends. So basically Protoss is taking his expansion around 6-7 minutes. You as Terran are on two bases. You can be aggressive, economic or defensive:

              -Go up to 6 factories, make a couple of rounds of units and attack move. This kills P if he didn’t expo off 6 gates or 4 gates + Reaver tech. However it’s completely all-in, you don’t have an armory or an academy, and if for whatever reason P stays on two bases you die. Usually you only do this if you manage to sneak in a vulture or whatever and see he’s skimping on production.
              - Make an academy and an armory. Scan him. If his gateway count is high, go up to four factories and take a fast third. If it’s low, stay on two factories and take your third even quicker. This punishes Protoss greed because he can’t ever be even on bases with you, so now he either has to expand again (opening up to harassing/denying the 4th with vultures and mines), or attack you (with a weak army since he just took a third).
              -Make an academy and two armories. Stay on two bases, make units constantly out of four factories while upgrading to +1 armor/+2 attack. Push out and take a third. If Protoss is even with you he can’t directly contest your third and you can’t really kill him, which gives you the opportunity to turtle in three bases and max out. If Protoss fricked up (has no upgrades, took a fourth right after his third without extra gates, etc), he just dies.

              The rule of the thumb for TvP is P’s army is way worse than yours in a straight up fight, so he needs to take more expansions, but your army is way slower and clunkier than his, so committing with it is way more dangerous. So a good Protoss is constantly checking on how much the Terran has to see how many corners he can cut militarily in order to grow his economy, and a good Terran is constantly checking on Protoss production in order to punish any corner-cutting with his stronger units.

              • 1 year ago

                Thanks a ton for the detailed explanations, anon

  8. 1 year ago

    Can I get some good build orders for terran? I'm 1400 MMR with protoss and 1300 with zerg fyi

  9. 1 year ago

    my fav unit was the BC. I remember playing tons of 8 player FFA and building up a massive force of BC's. Once you got like 12 of them they were unstoppable.

    In an actual matchup? Nah, you couldn't use them, but I never got into 1v1 that much, I was a child. One thing I did do in 1v1's that was really fun, though, was using spider mines. Those things saved my ass so many times. Mine the mineral line and then when the zerg player sends his lurkers in they get shredded with mines. Fun times.

    • 1 year ago

      Spider Mines are a great concept. I love how they would trigger and blow up against invisible units like DTs. One neat thing with the game is that worker units are coded as flying units, so they do not set off the mine.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah all the worker units float, never thought about that. Honestly spider mines were so underrated. I got to the point where I thought they were pretty much a necessity to survive a Terran non mirror match.

    • 1 year ago

      >In an actual matchup? Nah, you couldn't use them
      I remember seeing them in split map TvT situations to yamato tanks

    • 1 year ago

      BCs are now fairly seen in TvT and TvZ matchups. Yamoto is a kill anything button in TvT and you need the damage output from BCs to pound away at ultras while also allowing you to harrass drone lines.

      • 1 year ago

        I wonder why they don't usually research Restoration if they are using MM with BC when fighting against Zerg.

        • 1 year ago

          What would you use it against? Plague? It does nothing against BCs unless you roll your capital ships into a ball like a tard

      • 1 year ago

        does yamato go through dark swarm

        • 1 year ago

          yes, plus it one taps defilers from the other side of the koprulu sector and helps vs lurkers too, great at chipping away at ultras as well. Just don't clump them up like a moron playing the campaign missions or you'll get praeguuuuuu-d and die to one hydralisk.

          BCs are the ultimate ZvT unit, it's just that in pro play the game is almost always decided before BCs are out, either the zerg manages to overwhelm with armored ultras or they don't, BCs are usually just the final nail in the coffin against Z in pro play, in a regular match where your opponent isn't a basement dweller with perfect builds? BCs frick, and they go hard.

          • 1 year ago

            dont they just die to scourge

            • 1 year ago

              In a vacuum yes, but they can shoot down 1 or 2 scourge beforehand, which means the Zerg player will have to avoid sending in small packets and instead build/gather scourge, stack them tightly, assign hot keys in order to take each one down, and then concentrate an attack against a unit you can't see because everything around them is too dead to provide vision. As there is rarely have enough scourge in one place (or even the entire map) to take down a pair of battlecruisers, this will take time. And it gets exponentially worse the more battlecruisers there are. Usually the first thing a zerg player knows about a battlecruiser is when its just killed the entire defending (and scattered) perimeter of scourge and shut down mining at one of your bases and suddenly you've lost a third or quarter of your economy, and now that the nearby scourge are dead that leaves a lot of room for science vessels and dropships to move in. I wouldn't actually use them as a normal build even against a regular player, but they're perfect for turning a minor advantage into a winning one, or as gamble which can either lose or win you the game.

              • 1 year ago

                they seem to be literally the only answer after defilers and ultras start taking everything over, no way you can defend anything with marine medic

              • 1 year ago

                BCs don't really help in that situation, they're more of something you build to stop that situation happening in the first place by preventing zerg mining a 4th gas. They're a lot of resources for something that can't actually stop a defiler-supported attack since a Yamato cannon takes 2 minutes to gain energy. They can also be good for preventing vessels being sniped by scourge.

                A bio terran with equal economy under attack by a full late-zerg economy is basically screwed, but I would recommend pushing the front line as close to the zerg as possible, in order to irradiate ultras and defilers before they can reach your bases. Really, by late-game it's a game about trading space for time, since for both sides having the enemy at your doorstep means an unstoppable loss of units (irradiates for the zerg and dark swarm for the terran). The "best" way of course for surviving a 4 gas zerg is to simply have a bigger economy, then you can just brute force your way through defilers and ultras.

            • 1 year ago

              nah, they one shot scourge, the zerg needs to notice that there is a BC out on the map, then they have to morph scourge and gather them in a control group, then attack the BC with them. just a handful of them would get cleaned by the BC, and if there's 2 or more BCs then scourge will practically be worthless

              what fricks carriers up is a couple hydras under dark swarm, everything else just bounces off of them, they're unironically really good if you get them out in time, just dont clump them

  10. 1 year ago

    My favourite unit is Scout. I like the typical plane design and it is always funny to see when somebody is defeated by scouts.

  11. 1 year ago

    so is flash coming back or what

    • 1 year ago

      there's an indepth writeup on reasons why flash might not come back on reddit by the guy who translates a lot of korean bw videos and knows the scene well.

    • 1 year ago

      effort said if he ever touches the game again hes coming for his sweet little shitcoin scamming ass

  12. 1 year ago

    zerg OP

  13. 1 year ago


  14. 1 year ago

    >Favourite unit
    Hydralisk. I am a basic fricker at heart and hydralisk is a solid do everything spam it a lot unit.

    I never played proper StarCraft though, only 3v3 zero clut and UMS maps. Would wreck the other team with a nydus + never-ending swarm of hydras.

  15. 1 year ago

    MUH REEN. i love using massive amounts of basic riflemen in every game. too bad it's shit/only for early game or cheese in 2/3 matchups.

  16. 1 year ago

    17 years ago...

    • 1 year ago

      I feel so nerdy for knowing who they are

  17. 1 year ago

    I recently started playing SC2 again because I don't want to spend 15 bucks for the remaster, but damn, this game just isn't all that. The graphics are muddled compared to SC, the maps are all divided into clear and artificial dota-lanes and it just doesn't feel weighty and cool.

    • 1 year ago

      brood war is free to play for custom games and the campaign, the 15 dollars is for the new graphics and access to the ladder.

  18. 1 year ago

    S tier

    A tier

    B tier

    C tier

    D tier

    • 1 year ago

      factually incorrect, piss off zerg player

  19. 1 year ago

    S tier

    A tier

    B tier

    C tier

    D tier

    "i get mad everytime at how shitty this matchup is for T" tier
    though TvZ is also unfair for terrans

  20. 1 year ago


  21. 1 year ago

    this is what StarCraft is all about

    • 1 year ago

      it looks like this screenshot is modded but whatever. Guardians are my favorite
      i like Ultralisks. too

    • 1 year ago

      I loved to outrange practically everything with these floating spiders, maybe I shoudl get around playing starcraft again

  22. 1 year ago

    Tried getting into SC after playing dawn of war and warcraft 3.
    But I am really struggling with the campaign.
    Any tips on getting good at SC?

    • 1 year ago

      It's a 25 year old game that can be beaten by an 8 year old. It shouldn't be difficult. Just use whatever is the newest unit given to you, build up your forces until you hit the supply limit or get bored, then attack.

    • 1 year ago

      Are you playing the first SC? If so, what campaign?

    • 1 year ago

      lol pussy. some missions need specific strategy not just group 1 attack move, group 2 attack move etc....

    • 1 year ago

      Produce plenty of worker units to gather resources otherwise you might fall behind on production.
      Terran seem pretty good at locking down areas with their bunkers and siege tanks with missile towers to back them up, the vulture's spider mines are good at taking out large groups of infantry and taking out stealth units, ghosts and wraiths make a pretty good team when taking out enemy bases as long as you have the nukes for it. Zerg swarms do very well once you've evolved everyone up but you're going to want to keep some swarm reservists on hand in the event the first swarm dies out. Haven't anything much to say about the Protoss, their shields make them pretty tough and can extend their life a bit, things get interesting when you get access to the high templars who can project hallucinations to scout for you and the reavers while devastating aren't as tough as I imagined they would be.

      • 1 year ago

        >bunker siege tank missile tower
        lmao that was all I did in sc1 campaign. Shit that trio down throughout the map and have a vulture w/ spidermines shit mines everywhere and then bait enemies to my bunkers.

    • 1 year ago

      For the original campaign, they give you a new unit every mission. The mission is more or less designed to showcase that unit so it's usually a good idea to use it. Depending on the unit, it may need some other units to support it but they're usually a good starting point.
      If you can mass carriers or bcs, do it. Having a max supply fleet of capital ships pretty much invalidates every mission they're available on. Zerg don't really have a good equivalent in their army but making a shitload of hydras works okay a lot of the time.

      • 1 year ago

        For Zerg just make mass Guardians the moment you unlock them, they outrange almost any defensive structure and the computer it too moronic to make a proper anti air response, maybe add some Hydras to help any waywayrd wraith or scout from annoying your offensive. You shouldn't really worry about the campaings, they are pretty much a cakewalk with amusing presentation

        • 1 year ago

          The moment a player knows how to properly macro even from at least 3 production buildings the campaign is a cakewalk.
          I only really replay them for the cutscenes and cheesy dialogue which are still fun some times.

        • 1 year ago

          If you want to do well, Make mass hydralisk with Guardians for support, zerglings are also a must especially against protoss A couple devourers dont hurt to tank

          Guardians themselves are busted in the original, but in Brood War almost all missions have pretty strong anti-measures

          Besides, mass hydra ling may be harder to play than guardians, but is a lot faster. You need control groups and shit for that though, may not be worth the hassle for most players.

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly the campaigns are quite easy outside of some good old fashioned Old-School RTS Design moments (Installation missions, a few spots where really strong scripted defenses annihilate your units on approach)
      If you follow this template you will be totally fine
      >Always have a worker in the queue, income is key. The "Macro" game as the MP sweaties call it.
      >Build lots of whatever is the 'generalist' ranged unit (Marine, Hydralisk, Dragoon) as your bread and butter unit, unless the mission has a specific design otherwise
      >Get upgrades
      >Go for large mass and attack move

    • 1 year ago

      Also downloaded broodwar recently (sc2 player got curious) i only got stuck on the temple defence pprotoss mission in brood war campaing. I got bored to pull of canon+high templars. Gotta finish it soon because im exited for UED campaing. I play it mainly for the story 🙂 but i like how you can select 12 units its like you are actually commanding infantry squads wish they would keep that for scw

  23. 1 year ago

    >favorite units
    probably hydras, relatively cheap, ranged multirole, and compact. looks cool as frick
    i frickin love zerg its all awesome

    honorable nonzerg mentions:
    scout - expensive as frick and kinda niche but one of my favorites and nobody ever expects to see scouts coming.. ....i just like them ok? theyre neat
    reaver - i dont really like playing toss much but reaver drops are damned satisfying
    vulture - whats not to like

    • 1 year ago

      >vulture - whats not to like
      Not being able to replenish spider mines, whoever owns those bikes must be making a killing in the munitions market too.

      • 1 year ago

        This looks like one of those concentration camp drawings

  24. 1 year ago

    If I'm a huge noob who doesn't even know any build orders, is there any point in playing ladder? Do noobs even play this game anymore?

    • 1 year ago

      There is an ELO range for everyone, yes, though with the player count being comparatively low, it might take you a while to get to a point where ladder doesn't feel pointless.

      You might want to try playing vs. better AI first. is easy to set up and good enough for the basics.

    • 1 year ago

      just play 3v3, that's where the fun is, and there's lots of braindead morons so after playing 50-100 games you'll be better than a good percentage of them

    • 1 year ago

      watch the zerg F to S video. anyone can play zerg at low ranks if they learn to macro; the guy is shredding people with 50 APM while his opponents are like 150, and all his strategy is just common sense. he's good at explaining what the hurdles at any given ladder rank are and what your opponents will and won't be able to do.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks for this. I actually like zerg the most. I played a bit a million years ago back when people played on iccup. Don't remember anything anymore.

        • 1 year ago

          So as a follow-up, I got out of F rank really easily but E seems to be a totally different ball game. Player skill level seems to fluctuate a crazy amount and it's been a frustrating experience. One game I stomp and on the next it feels as though the guy is 10 times better than me. One game I died to scouts that were being used like a shitty version of muta essentially. He killed my eco over and over and my hydra and spores did frick all. Comparing my production to what I saw with Hawk at E, it seems on point but I can't get away with just Hydra spam in E rank. Players already know how to survive a hydra bust and the game drags on. I have to deal with reaver and mass storms and drops and when I look at the replay, the players have tons of gateways so their production is decent enough. I'm forced to branch out to other units (lurker, defiler (tons of photons), etc) to stand a chance. I can't emulate the ease with which Hawk got to C rank at all. Also I'm versing almost nothing but toss. Wtf is up with that?

      • 1 year ago

        any equivalent for terran? lol

        • 1 year ago

          I don't recommend terran, macro is le hard and it's too easy to throw away your tanks since as a noob you know frickall about positioning

        • 1 year ago

          if you want to play terran, start to enjoy losing because that's what you'll be doing majority of the time especially as a newb

          • 1 year ago

            thats why i dont play
            shit game haha later nerds
            you cant 9 pool me if i dont play with you

  25. 1 year ago

    do you guys even play

  26. 1 year ago

    Remastered is on a 50% off sale, should I buy it? It's been fricking hard to find people who I can 1v1 with in custom games, however I don't want to give money to blizzard, what a conundrum.

  27. 1 year ago

    >Favorite unit?
    Marines. Their death cries are just amazing!

  28. 1 year ago

    The procedure was a success

  29. 1 year ago

    I like Dragoons. Their voicework sounds impossibly cool, and their death sound invokes what is probably an unreasonable degree of sympathy. It's the only death sound in BW that actually makes me sad. Plus cyborgs are cool as shit.
    but I haven't actually played Brood War in years

  30. 1 year ago

    I can't take much more of this. I'm going to have to go to Korea and make her my broodwife.

    • 1 year ago

      Why are her knees always scuffed?

      • 1 year ago

        she always forgets her kneepads when she kneels down to pick up her contact lenses

  31. 1 year ago

    best sites for finding new 7-8player maps?
    i use, but i dont know if theyre the main place to find maps or not.

  32. 1 year ago

    How do you decide on a race? I don't have much apm, only 150 to 180 on a good day and I don't like controlling a lot of little units so zerg is out of the question. I've played protoss the most but the skill ceiling is the lowest with that race and there are so many protoss players that the mirror match happens very often. I have played terran the least out of the three races so I don't know anything about there build orders or timings other than marine/medic/vessel for TvZ and mech for TvT and TvP

    • 1 year ago

      i play the race i like/find cool, so it's terran. you already seem to know you dont like zerg, so just play more games with terran/protoss to figure out which one you like more.

  33. 1 year ago

    do you guys play through blizzards spyware or do you have a version that plays on third party servers?

  34. 1 year ago

    Any way to force the remaster to use a higher or at least widescreen resolution with the original graphics?
    >play with the remaster graphics
    No thank you, even if I could get past the plastic looking sprites there's no way I'll forgive them for what they did to unit portraits.

    • 1 year ago

      >no way I'll forgive them for what they did to unit portraits.
      But the HD portraits are good what you even talking about

      • 1 year ago

        Here's your Jim bro, no sweat

      • 1 year ago

        Here's your Jim bro, no sweat

        And Terran got the least of it. Zerg and especially Protoss got absolutely ruined, look at that High Templar.

        • 1 year ago

          Terran is just a crapshoot, some of them look like 1:1 replicas while others depict completely different people, just why? Who asked for the firebat's skull shape to be changed? It's not like they had an idea of making things more cool and badass either, the SVC still looks like an ugly dude, he's just ugly in a different way.

          As for protoss, everything looks like shit, it's surreal how hard they missed the mark on every unit portrait except the dark archon, I guess the probe is fine

          Hydralisk, Guardian, Zergling and especially the Ultralisk are unforgivable, they completely missed the mark. The vacant soulless eyes are what make these creatures terrifying, and they somehow managed to make all of them look... angry? Even the drone looks like it's got a contemptful complexion, instead of being soulless murdering machines, "drones", their portrait to me seems as if they were thinking "man I fricking hate mining minerals, frick you for making me work here dad".

          It's expression is akin to that of an american pol larper's, working at a fast food joint having to serve a Black customer.

          Blizzard is beyond redemption in all departments, their other game I quit recently, Hearthstone has also had it's art department raped into the ground, look at these three images depicting the same character, it ain't hard to guess which one was made 3 years ago, and which one a decade ago. Utterly soulless, none of these people love videogames.

          • 1 year ago

            I am reminded of pic related.

          • 1 year ago

            >Hydralisk, Guardian, Zergling and especially the Ultralisk are unforgivable,
            The Ultralisk...I will not agree here with you.
            OG Ultralisk:
            >Has this "Yes Boss" look and one that seems clueless
            Remaster Ultralisk:
            >Has a really mean look and really, really badly wants to go slaughter Terrans and Protoss

            • 1 year ago

              Maybe it was just cause I was a kid but the OG ultralisk looks fricking terrifying with its beady eyes

              >old ultralisk

              New ultralisk looks like he's angry at traffic on his way to work

              • 1 year ago

                Nah. The Remaster Ultralisk looks like he really, really wants to use his Kaiser Blades to clear the bushes. The bushes being Terrans and Protoss. Not to mention that he also looks like he's clearly looking for a fight.

        • 1 year ago

          Terran is just a crapshoot, some of them look like 1:1 replicas while others depict completely different people, just why? Who asked for the firebat's skull shape to be changed? It's not like they had an idea of making things more cool and badass either, the SVC still looks like an ugly dude, he's just ugly in a different way.

          As for protoss, everything looks like shit, it's surreal how hard they missed the mark on every unit portrait except the dark archon, I guess the probe is fine

          Hydralisk, Guardian, Zergling and especially the Ultralisk are unforgivable, they completely missed the mark. The vacant soulless eyes are what make these creatures terrifying, and they somehow managed to make all of them look... angry? Even the drone looks like it's got a contemptful complexion, instead of being soulless murdering machines, "drones", their portrait to me seems as if they were thinking "man I fricking hate mining minerals, frick you for making me work here dad".

          It's expression is akin to that of an american pol larper's, working at a fast food joint having to serve a Black customer.

          Blizzard is beyond redemption in all departments, their other game I quit recently, Hearthstone has also had it's art department raped into the ground, look at these three images depicting the same character, it ain't hard to guess which one was made 3 years ago, and which one a decade ago. Utterly soulless, none of these people love videogames.

          personally, i think most of them look pretty great, except for the protoss ones. they really indexed to the starcraft 2 protoss design which looks too 'fantasy' (clean? angular?) to me
          the big exception for me is the terran ghost, for me it loses a big part of the mystique and 'vibe' of that unit with its generic sci-fi power armor look.
          Also, if we recall, in the original brood war portrait animation, it's briefly revealed that the ghost doesn't even have a face or jaw - it's all wires and crude robotics / cybernetics. Very spooky and missed!

          • 1 year ago

            Meant to link this video - look his jaw when the lighting changes at ~2 and ~9 seconds in

            Such a cool detail! I liked the spookier, more 'noir' vibe they went with here

            • 1 year ago

              I wanted to attach the clip of sam hyde talking about how unjust it is that black americans are the first to have access to cybernetics after a crippled Black in a wheelchair speedy by him, but since he got internet famous, it has become impossible to find his old, actually funny content 🙁

          • 1 year ago

            >Also, if we recall, in the original brood war portrait animation, it's briefly revealed that the ghost doesn't even have a face or jaw - it's all wires and crude robotics / cybernetics. Very spooky and missed!
            Here, the concept sketch gives a better look at what you're talking about.

            • 1 year ago

              >that fricking wrist bend

          • 1 year ago

            the remaster is generally 90% good IMO but one thing they fricked up consistently was shadows. they didn't want things to be too dark and it really hurt. the most notable place is one of the pre-level screens where it shows all the protoss buildings shrouded in shadow with a red sky, in the OG you can virtually only make out the silhouettes, in the remaster it looks like a pixar movie.

          • 1 year ago

            How did Kerrigan grow her head back?

        • 1 year ago

          Really loved how dirty and sweaty the Terrans looked in the old portraits

        • 1 year ago

          I hate how they bleached my cute Latina Medic.
          I also hate how they homogenized the Protoss. At least the High Templar still has his red eyes.

  35. 1 year ago

    Someone explain to me how the frick do you macro in this game as anything other than Zerg. Buildings are impossible to place and can't be queued, minerals aren't spent when the building is placed but when construction starts, you have to click on everything manually since you can't bind multiple buildings... am I supposed to be using 5-6 control groups JUST for buildings? Because the way I'm doing it with camera hotkey + clicking it all falls apart completely the second I have to do literally anything else. I also feel like I overmake workers a ton because I have Nexus 1-3 bound to those control groups, so my macro actually works there - leading to really stupid shit where I die with 80+ supply of workers and no army

  36. 1 year ago

    First for zerg

  37. 1 year ago

    >write a short Seinfeld script involving George Costanza getting defeated in a ranked Starcraft Brood War match
    Jerry and George are sitting at their usual booth. George looks distracted and anxious.
    JERRY: (noticing George's mood) What's going on with you?
    GEORGE: (sighing) I just lost a ranked Starcraft Brood War match.
    JERRY: (confused) What's that?
    GEORGE: (annoyed) It's only the greatest real-time strategy game of all time, Jerry. I was in the middle of a crucial match when my opponent pulled off some crazy move I've never seen before. I didn't stand a chance.
    JERRY: (unimpressed) Sounds like a real nail-biter.
    GEORGE: (defensive) Hey, it's a serious competition. I was ranked in the top 5% of players worldwide.
    JERRY: (sarcastic) Wow, you must be really proud.
    GEORGE: (ignoring Jerry's remark) I need to redeem myself. I'm challenging him to a rematch.
    JERRY: (amused) And what if you lose again?
    GEORGE: (determined) I won't. I'm going to spend all night studying up on his strategy and come back stronger than ever.
    JERRY: (smiling) And if that doesn't work?
    GEORGE: (sighing) Then I'll have to retire from Starcraft Brood War and find a new hobby.
    ELAINE bursts into the cafe.
    ELAINE: (excitedly) You guys won't believe what happened. I just beat my boyfriend in a game of chess.
    GEORGE: (unimpressed) Big deal. Anyone can play chess.
    ELAINE: (teasing) Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you're too busy losing at video games.
    Jerry and Elaine laugh as George sulks in his seat. The scene fades out.

  38. 1 year ago

    How do I know when ASL's finals are? Google is useless as per usual

    • 1 year ago

      Watch until the end of a VOD of the second semifinal or check liquipedia.
      It's at 7pm on Friday the 28th local time.

      • 1 year ago

        >see spoiler
        >click like a mindless moron anyway
        I don't mind, I'm rewatching S7 and going onto S8 later anyway.
        But holy frick tastosis are taking a long time to upload, wish they just got paid by afreeca instead of begging for patrons and releasing vods with a months delay.

  39. 1 year ago

    I always liked how this looks like a bog-standard endgame fight for PvZ on Fighting Spirit... and then there's 3 Medics chilling in the top right. Then you notice the Protoss and Zerg forces are each colored differently on each side of the picture, making for a total of 4 players between them, so the Medics have to belong to a 5th player, but Fighting Spirit has four spawns...

    • 1 year ago

      don't forget, one of the zergs and the medics have the same colour

      • 1 year ago

        Clearly, the teal faction is actually a Protoss player who is living the dream by mind-controlling an SCV and drone.

        • 1 year ago

          Even so, there's 4 colors and two protosses so there must be a third protoss, along with a terran and a zerg, adding up to 5 players total. Clearly this is an UMS map

  40. 1 year ago

    I think scourge should have a weak concussive attack in addition to their main suicide bomb, this would improve ZvZ by making them stronger against mutas.

    • 1 year ago

      They're strong enough already.

    • 1 year ago

      that would be a pretty complicated change, it would be simpler if their explosion just did 110 normal damage PLUS like 14 concussive damage as a double attack. then they would 1-shot mutas without affecting much else.

  41. 1 year ago

    Am I the only one who thinks the spire looks like a horse wiener?

    • 1 year ago

      You were until you told me about it, now I see it too

  42. 1 year ago

    Favourite unit would be archon or dark archon.
    The concept is cool.
    >It all looks so different on this side

    • 1 year ago

      For me it's the Terran ghost, voice reminds me of Clint Eastwood.
      The chain-smoking marines and firebats are cool too.

  43. 1 year ago

    Does anyone here actually play? I'm wanting to get back to laddering but I blow ass. What are the most common standard build orders in each matchup for Terran? And what's the most common follow up to 2-gate goons since every single low-level ladder toss goes for that?

  44. 1 year ago

    The Protoss campaign in Starcraft 1 is the best campaign in all of Starcraft
    The part where Edmund Duke tries it with Tassadar is the best.

    • 1 year ago

      >The part where Edmund Duke tries it with Tassadar is the best.
      its great for sure
      >The Protoss campaign in Starcraft 1 is the best campaign in all of Starcraft
      i remember it mostly as a pvp slogfest requiring heavy usage of scouts because of tech restrictions. Last mission is kino.
      having replayed Brood War recently, UED campaign is probably my favorite. Wish it was a bit longer, 8 missions ain't enough

      • 1 year ago

        Earth Directorate is great
        I just really liked the Protoss because they felt so powerful troop for troop
        Tassadar's story was cool too.

      • 1 year ago

        Frick reavers and AI suicide templars.

      • 1 year ago

        >i remember it mostly as a pvp slogfest
        There’s only 2 in the first campaign and 1 in the second. The first one IS a fricking slog if you don’t cheese it, though.

    • 1 year ago

      it was the beginning of the end for the story, all the moronic writing you'd see in Broodwar, then Starcraft 2, started in the vanilla protoss campaign.
      In terms of gameplay its not quite as boring as vanilla zerg but you still spend way too much time fighting other protoss.
      >The part where Edmund Duke tries it with Tassadar is the best.
      a nice moment, too bad the next mission is the worst in all of SC1 by far.

      • 1 year ago

        >you still spend way too much time fighting other protoss.
        Isn't there only 2 missions though?

  45. 1 year ago

    I yearn for sc1 like campaign where snarky jokes and comments were used sparingly, as opposed to nowadays writing which has heroes behaving like secondary school children

  46. 1 year ago

    I would kill to get something like Gankersc back. Playing with Gankerirgins was fun and comfy.

    • 1 year ago

      agreed, if there's a will there's a way, problem is I'm an adult now and have shit to do

      best bet is to make a discord with hitler as the banner picture to scare away gays, I'M sure many people would be up for it.

  47. 1 year ago

    This is your opponent. He picked Protoss and is making nothing but speed zealots and mass expanding while you're distracted killing them. How do you respond?

    • 1 year ago

      I respond by making zealots and mass expanding too

      • 1 year ago

        PvP is such a great matchup.

  48. 1 year ago

    If Artosis gets 5k subs he will do a HOT TUB STREAM (no homo)

    • 1 year ago

      why does he even need the subs, he nets like $10k daily from the moronic TTS donations

  49. 1 year ago

    *recalls u* lol 🙂
    *complains about tesagi when best loses to any terran* ree! lol 🙂
    i'm b protoss despite having 0 game knowledge lol 🙂

  50. 1 year ago

    ASL S15's finals is fricking crazy, the winner and his gf are both so thirsty

    • 1 year ago

      I'm too lazy to watch, did JYJ_______ propose after winning?

      • 1 year ago

        Kind of. They interview his girlfriend pregame and she says she'll propose to him if he wins then in his victory speech he says something about marrying her.
        There was no getting down on one knee or rings getting pulled out but there's a pretty safe bet of marriage in their future.

  51. 1 year ago

    I want to create my own custom campaign but not sure what to do in regards to the story. Should It take place between SC and BW, after BW or a prequel? Which faction to focus on first? I was thinking Zerg Protoss Terran since that order isn't used in sc1 or bw. Any suggestions?

    • 1 year ago

      I want to make custom map called siege of bahmut. It would have 4 Terran factions. One side yellow, green and other red with white, a lot of scripted warfare involved siege tanks, nukes, marines and bunkers.

    • 1 year ago

      I would not bother, but a BW continuation is best. By far the most well made custom campaign is HunCraft, that's what they did.

      I feel compelled to shill HunCraft here, it's something every brood war player should have played.
      Highly recommend checking it out, 3 full campaigns complete with a bonus mission, much better story than SC2 ironically enough, actually difficult gameplay, motherfrickers even made a 3D ending cutscene, however crappy. There's also full on voice acting, but its not available in english I think, only in text. They even made new units with unique sprites, and only one of them sucks.

      Only downside is that the devs also made extremely shitty WC2 tier synth music which you cant toggle off and it's mixed into the base music rotation.

      • 1 year ago

        Huncraft is the one made by hungarians, right?

        • 1 year ago

          Evidently, yeah. I am hungarian myself so for me the experience may have been more engaging with the voice acting and everything but even for english speakers, it's worth a playthrough, shit's hard but in a good way.

    • 1 year ago

      Don't bother with an overarching story. Just make interesting standalone missions.

  52. 1 year ago

    StarCraft is so good, they really perfected the genre.

    It's hard to imagine what you might do differently in an RTS game.

    • 1 year ago

      There’s a bunch of things you could theoretically ‘fix’ about it in regards to bugs, path finding, QoL, but nobody’s tried because the possibility of a cascade effect ruining balance. It really was lightning in a bottle.

      • 1 year ago

        Sure. They could definitely do bug fixes and optimizations and that would be a cool project.

        I just mean if you wanted to make an RTS game what would you make? It's really hard to think of something that doesn't look like star craft, or is just inferior.

        Base building is perhaps the one mechanic not explored much.

  53. 1 year ago

    The finals were somewhat underwhelming, but JyJ's gf is a qt3.14

    • 1 year ago

      are you blind?

      • 1 year ago

        why? what seems to be the problem? anon-kun... are you gay?

        • 1 year ago

          asians arent very cute unless youre ill.

  54. 1 year ago

    How boring was the finals

    • 1 year ago

      It was unironically the most entertaining TvT I've ever watched. Definitely more exciting than any finals with flash in it at least. very back-and-forth but the winner really deserved it in the end.

      • 1 year ago

        The finals in recent ASLs have been pretty good, this one wasn't great in comparison. Mind never really seemed to have much of a chance.

    • 1 year ago

      was actually breddy gud, despite being TvT.
      JeJ even used Valks in the last match to dunk on Minds Dropships

  55. 1 year ago

    god i hate protoss players

    • 1 year ago

      Artosis? have you come back home?

      • 1 year ago

        no, artosis is a lot better than me, i'm just a lowly c terran shitter who hates protoss

  56. 1 year ago

    >protoss starts losing
    >makes panic dts
    Every single time. Why are Protoss players so predictable?

  57. 1 year ago

    Does anyone here actually play? I could use some practice partners who won't ragequit after a single loss or get bored of kicking my ass 5x in a row.

    • 1 year ago

      Whats your rank? Race? How long have you played?

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Rank, how long have you been playing?

          • 1 year ago

            Lmao, I fricking moronic. I thought it was
            >Terran forever

    • 1 year ago

      is there such a thing as a chess handicapping system for this game?

      • 1 year ago

    • 1 year ago

      I play Terran (mid D scrub back when I did ladder seriously some years ago, I hit a C peak once) but right now my internet is quite shit. Once I get back on fiber instead of being stuck on wifi I'll likely have much better TR.
      What's your general location? That's going to affect matches and no one likes to play on laggy TR8 Extra High.

    • 1 year ago

      I wanted to get into it after watching the angry terran man for entertainment purposes and then saw that western servers have like 100 players each online and ten thousands on the korea server with latency I don't wanna touch.

    • 1 year ago

      You need to use d*scord if you want to find practice partners nowadays. Join the CPL channel and you will have plenty of shitters to play with, and you can join some low rank tournaments also. I find it almost necessary to play because when I try to ladder I get matched with TR8 Extra High Peruvians 90% of the time, it's fricking horrible.

      • 1 year ago

        the places where people are looking for practice partners are also full of peruvians on fricking modem internet, SC1 is a wonderful game if you have someone to play it with but as far as randoms on the internet go, I'd say its not worth getting into it

  58. 1 year ago

    can you say you are a brood war avocado if you haven't listened to the national anthem while playing on

  59. 1 year ago

    I like to make the zerg unit sounds while eating pussy, anyone else do this?

    • 1 year ago

      yeah but i don't eat pussy because i'm busy playing starcraft

  60. 1 year ago

    the dirty secret of brood war is that almost every unit in the game has roughly the same DPS. a fully-loaded carrier is like 1.5 adrenal lings worth of damage. a stimmed marine has exactly the same DPS as a hydra, vulture, dragoon, guardian, or half of a dark templar. it’s amazing what an enormous range of unit values the game manages to cover with such an important stat being relatively constant.

    the main exception is that basic air units don’t deal much damage to ground units (with their high mobility they’d be too good at picking things off). the other big exception is splash damage, which isn’t accounted for in DPS statistics. but it seems to be a hidden principle of the game that damage output mostly scales with unit count and not unit quality, as long as they can actually land their attacks and have a target that doesn’t reduce their damage. a costlier unit is much more likely to give you more HP rather than more damage, though it’s likely to have a better attack in any number of more indirect ways.

  61. 1 year ago

    >feel the magic of bw for the first time
    >in 2023
    It's over bros. At least watching it is entertaining

  62. 1 year ago

    Has anyone played these unofficial expansions and are they fun?

    • 1 year ago

      Insurrection is fun

      Huncraft is where the real shit is, it's unironically quite difficult and the story is great, ironically it plays out in a similar fashion to SC2, except without kerrigan becoming human or "amon"

      I remember it was a bit of a pain in the ass to get it working though. But if you're a tryhard SC1 fan it's a must play. The people making it were so hyperautistic they even made a 3D outro cinematic, it's hilariously bad but you've gotta hand it to them for the effort

      • 1 year ago

        Cool, thanks. I'll give huncraft a look.
        >3d outro cinematic
        I just gave it a quick look and cracked up so hard. god bless these guys.

        • 1 year ago

          HOLY SOVL


      • 1 year ago

        Cool, thanks. I'll give huncraft a look.
        >3d outro cinematic
        I just gave it a quick look and cracked up so hard. god bless these guys.


        This is funny as frick, it is impressive for 2001, hats off.

        • 1 year ago

          Cool, thanks. I'll give huncraft a look.
          >3d outro cinematic
          I just gave it a quick look and cracked up so hard. god bless these guys.

          Insurrection is fun

          Huncraft is where the real shit is, it's unironically quite difficult and the story is great, ironically it plays out in a similar fashion to SC2, except without kerrigan becoming human or "amon"

          I remember it was a bit of a pain in the ass to get it working though. But if you're a tryhard SC1 fan it's a must play. The people making it were so hyperautistic they even made a 3D outro cinematic, it's hilariously bad but you've gotta hand it to them for the effort

          This was awesome, thanks. Loved the space battles with the overlords exploding. Gave a different perspective to air-to-air combat in SC. And the first person perspective from the cab of the wraith while the pilot was jamming to apocalyptic techno was awesome.

  63. 1 year ago


  64. 1 year ago

    me fricking cadenzie's mouth

  65. 1 year ago

    >SC2 cucks need not apply.
    Understatement. And worst of all this is the finale of SC. A finale that ended on a horrible note.
    If there is to be a SCIII, then only by retconing SCII's horrible story.

    • 1 year ago

      Agree the story pales in comparison each campaing gets progressively worse

      • 1 year ago

        The part with Kerrigan going super saiyan was the apex of moronation here.

  66. 1 year ago

    >Rediscover brood war
    >Play through campaign having a blast
    >Try to go back to other strategy games, gameplay is too slow
    >Not enough shit to do
    >Pathing is somehow worse, units less responsive every time
    How is it that brood war still feels better to play than 90% of other strategy games released even 20+ years later goddamn it.

    • 1 year ago

      No fricking idea, you'd think since the formula is figured out, new games' devs could just copy unit behaviour, yet you have shit like Iron Harvest coming out where your entire army will movecommand into enemy fire to chase one unit that walked backwards.

    • 1 year ago

      I swear to frick anyone who complains about StarCraft pathfinding has never played Dawn of War or Command & Conquer. Especially the former.
      >A vehicle exists somewhere on the map
      >Infantry AI completely breaks

      • 1 year ago

        Dawn of war was exactly the game I was playing before making that post. I love it to death, don't get me wrong, but holy fricking shit trying to move an army anywhere is impossible. Even without vehicles trying to path through things, the minute you've got more than a few squads out at a time get ready for the trip to take an extra 4 hours. Especially as a man who appreciates swarm tactics, playing ork/imperial guard is pure suffering.

      • 1 year ago

        >Command & Conquer
        GDI computer will always air strike your northern-most unit. Useful.
        Of course it's easier to just wall-in the enemy base with sandbags and the AI won't even drive over it with a Harvester.

        • 1 year ago

          Sandbags enable the true gameplay loop, city (base) building.

    • 1 year ago

      What games did you play where the pathing was actually worse than brood war?

      • 1 year ago

        Dawn of war, impossible creatures, rising kingdoms to name a few

  67. 1 year ago

    finished Vanilla Terran today, now on to Vanilla Zerg and maybe even Protoss today.Then its off to BWand then all 2 campaigns, to conclude my yearly SC campaign run. Is good fun

  68. 1 year ago

    I miss husky StarCraft

  69. 1 year ago

    anyone interested to create a permanent small chat lobby, for low level plays?

  70. 1 year ago

    When's the next GSL?

  71. 1 year ago

    What software should I use if I want to make broodwar style pre-rendered sprites and unit portraits?

    • 1 year ago

      based huncraft player

      I think the coolest would be to 3D print the unit and just take photos in front of a white screen, its probably a pain in the ass to get the angles just right, but it's how it's always been done. These days its just way easier to model something digitally and take screenshots. That's a lot less cool though.

  72. 1 year ago

    come join diplomacy on us west 🙂

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Sure, I guess..

  73. 1 year ago

    I was offered a PhD position in experimental quantum physics today and I think Starcraft 2 has a better story than Brood War. Since I am more intelligent than all of you that means I am right and you are wrong.
    >But! B-but! Buh-buh-bu-

  74. 1 year ago

    When's ASL

    • 12 months ago

      Probably sometime around fall, just going by the fact it generally happens twice a year and the last one was late winter/early spring.

  75. 1 year ago

    Any Zerg player that doesn't recognize his race has the absolute best units in the game (by a big margin) is delusional.

    • 1 year ago

      >Any Zerg player that doesn't recognize his race has the absolute best units in the game (by a big margin) is delusional
      Prove it. I'd love to see it.

      >Irradiating scourge
      >Grouping up scourge
      Either you don't play the game or you're a really bad player

      As opposed to what? Not having any units grouped up ever? You could only do that if you had 20k APM.
      Good luck with that

      • 1 year ago

        Nobody, not even double digit APM players, groups up their scourge because there's no reason to do so and every reason to avoid doing so.

        Reasons to spread out scourge:
        General defense, covers a larger area
        Might get irradiated and die all at once
        Will all suicide to one vessel/dropship

        Reasons to group scourge:
        Being an idiot
        You are 101% sure that the only air units on the map are battlecruisers (lol, lmao)

        >Irradiating scourge
        >Grouping up scourge
        Either you don't play the game or you're a really bad player

        hit the nail on the head, this is a level of moronation than can only come from not playing the game or being utterly moronic.

        • 1 year ago

          Pro players do it all the time. I honestly think you're confused because nothing you said makes any sense.

          >You are 101% sure that the only air units on the map are battlecruisers
          Never said that.

          • 1 year ago

            kek, the other poster was right, I shouldn't had bothered, you're a waste of time.

            • 1 year ago

              >I shouldn't had bothered,
              Will you please? It'd improve vst forever.

    • 1 year ago

      >zerg has "the best units in the game"
      >every single one of them get instagibbed by a bunch of 50 mineral marines sitting in a ball
      >only way to fight back at all is by rushing an endgame spellcaster
      >oh wait, they are all dead because a science vessel irradiates them for free the second they hatch
      >said science vessel is immortal as long as it stays above the marines
      Damn, terran really has the worst units. Happily terran players are better, more honorable people than us, which is the only reason they have been dominating the game for the past 23 years.

  76. 1 year ago

    >move goalpost and then post nonsense

  77. 12 months ago

    flash vs rush was pretty good

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