But why?

What do you mean 🙁

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  1. 6 months ago

    Nell sexo

  2. 6 months ago

    At least the game is nice enough to tell you the unit limit. Most games usually only give you a "too many units" when you reach it.

  3. 6 months ago

    better than Anicent Art of War where both you and the opponent shared a maximum unit count. Which meant it was a viable strategy to detach men from your squads to create many smaller squads and thereby forcing the opponent to stay in a few big squads when the unit ceiling was reached.

  4. 6 months ago

    It's a turn based game, I don't want to wait 3 years for you to move everyone

  5. 6 months ago

    >scene gba rom file name in 2024 AD
    S O U L

  6. 6 months ago

    >not combining your paradropped mechs to get more money to buy bombers and free up space on the unit limit

  7. 6 months ago

    Military budget cuts

  8. 6 months ago

    I fricking love advance Wars. Im playing through Dual Strike now after playing Days of Ruin. I have a few games going on web too. I wish the games would let you increase the unit count so we could play with more units on bigger maps. Lash best commander

  9. 6 months ago

    I wish, the story actually went on with something like "war is just a game" and the various nations would have contests to see who's the Master Strategist.
    Sure it sounds ridiculous but it's not like the actual story is any good (unless it gets better in DS and DoR)

    • 6 months ago

      DS is a rehash of the Allied Nations vs. Black Hole storyline. BH is sucking the life out of the land & converting it to energy to build their army. There are some new COs and a new leader of BH as Sturm was canonically killed by Hawke in AW2

      DoR is unrelated to all the other AW games with a whole new cast of characters. & a reimagining of the aesthetic to be dark and edgier. I appreciate what they did with it. Meteors fall on the planet & wipe out most of the population, kicking up a massive cloud of dust that blots out the sun. The 3 story arcs in this game flow from fighting raiders/pillagers, fighting the remnants of an ongoing war from the before times between north and south Korea, and finally a private military developer that is sic'ing their creations on the survivors for "science." DoR seems to be an odd one out in the series but again I appreciate what they did for another take on the story. The game has also been rebalanced in many ways. COs and the powers work differently (I'm a bigger fan of DoR COs) and FoW mechanics have been changed (you reveal tiles you pass by like you were scouting instead of units just giving vision where they tap) & there are new units. I really like DoR

      I haven't played AW in like 15 years but the music still sticks in my head.

      Who's got the best theme? I like the high energy of all the Orange Star COs but I also like Grit's laid back countryish theme

      I like Grits theme a lot. I like when they have composed a theme that works with the CO. Grits turtle style, just sitting back with a slow forward creeping artillery army while you plink people is really satisfying.

      Here are two themes I like that you may not have heard anon, from the later games.



      • 6 months ago

        So DoR is basically what happens if Sturm wins, got it.

        • 6 months ago

          I will accept the fan theory of the meteor extinction event being caused by Sturm SCOP

  10. 6 months ago

    I haven't played AW in like 15 years but the music still sticks in my head.

    Who's got the best theme? I like the high energy of all the Orange Star COs but I also like Grit's laid back countryish theme

    • 6 months ago

      The best theme is obviously the SCOP theme
      If I had to pick out of the characters then most of them are great and it's hard to pick just one.

  11. 6 months ago

    All right anons, who's your favourite CO to use?
    For me it's Grit because destroying enemies from the other side of the map is fun

    • 6 months ago

      I love Sturm's lack of movement penalties. Regular infantry sprinting through mountains, recons blitzing across plains to disrupt enemy captures and rockets easily taking the best. Lash should have had that as her day to day ability

  12. 6 months ago

    I got crushed when this happened to me for the first time.
    Why does the game have to be so mean?
    All I wanted to do is slaughter thousands upon thousands of my own countrymen with endless human wave tactics... is that so much to ask?

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