Can Swadia be saved?

Can Swadia be saved?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Yes, you may have to manipulate several disgruntled lords to rebel and join swadia over time. RNG can frick you but i’ve seen lesser morons all join one faction and subsequently get fired losing titles to bloat said faction. This may take several hundred days.

    • 1 year ago

      I'll do what I can. I'm still a mercenary in the early game. Alot of lords have defected, and we have meagre army. Suno still has a strong garrison doe. Maybe I should put Lady Isolla in charge...lole

      • 1 year ago

        >Maybe I should put Lady Isolla in charge

        Oh boy did I have a game when I did that. (modded playthrough)

        >goal of the game was to put Isolla on the throne and marry her to be co-ruler
        >spend early game as a Merc for Swadia to build up my relations with the lords
        >become vassal, get awarded Uxkhal and Suno by retaking them from other factions
        >switch support to Isolla and initiate civil war
        >use influence to get Praven and later Veluca when we conquer the Rhodoks
        >unfathomably rich at this point with around 10k men spread across my garrisons
        >as the most prominent and wealthy lord I decide to make my move on Isolla
        >she says no, she prefers Count FRICKING Deglan, a snivelling rat of a man who never did anything for the kingdom, who ran and hid from every crucial fight, who schemed for fiefs he didn't deserve, and who had a stupid looking hair cut
        >initiate second civil war to put myself on the throne
        >lords flock to my cause because it turns out they were loyal to me and not Isolla
        >crush Isolla's forces and boot her out of Calradia
        >tell Deglan to frick off too because I don't want to see his face in my court
        >he flees to the Khergits and probably married a horse
        >I marry some Rhodok lady after putting down one of their rebellions
        >can't even remember her name, she was just young and available
        >spend the rest of the game alternating between brooding in Praven and riding down Nords for sport

        • 1 year ago

          it wasn't your fault

  2. 1 year ago

    >Still has multiple castles in their possession

  3. 1 year ago

    Gas all israelitedhoks

  4. 1 year ago

    Looks pretty bad, anon.

  5. 1 year ago

    The Dhirim has fallen...

    • 1 year ago

      Mein Harlaus...

      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago


        At least a couple thousand must die....

        fricking kek

    • 1 year ago

      At least a couple thousand must die....

  6. 1 year ago

    All they have to do is allow the Saranid doctors and Engineers to enter in the thousands

  7. 1 year ago

    a brave leader commanding their Warband(TM) can shorely turn the tides

  8. 1 year ago

    1 Swadian Knight could defend that entire Kingdom, Anon!
    They just choose not to

  9. 1 year ago

    How the frick am i supposed to beat this stupid game?
    I have close to 900 in game days in my current playthrough and every time we are close to win the entire world decides to declare war on us or some shitty lords defect to an enemy's faction
    And then there's all the busywork you have ro do like training a new Army fron peasants everytime you take a new castle or city to garisson you're new win because none of the AI lords want to Garisson is it themselve and shit like that

    • 1 year ago

      increase relations with villages and improve them whenever possible
      then recruiting from them becomes much stronger

    • 1 year ago

      Call it a day, it's just an autistic grind nobody truly bothers to fullfil and it will go endlessly.

    • 1 year ago

      Just increase your training skill as well as your companions training skill.

    • 1 year ago

      >How the frick am i supposed to beat this stupid game?

      You just snowball until a point where it gets super easy. Build shops in all the cities, get a full army of malmukes or knights so you never lose a land battle, raid far away villages for tons of money and improve relations of nearby ones to get recruiting almost trivial. Get companions and level them up with every party skill you don’t want, give them trainer too and you can get elites overnight. Starting a kingdom is the same it’s tough at first, you need to defend until you get enough right to rule to not be spammed with war declarations. but once you have a good garrison and find lords that get along with each other it gets easy. If the player is marshal it’s easy to wipe out another faction.

    • 1 year ago

      put AI on easy
      on hard it get some cheats more like in bannerlord

    • 1 year ago

      >becoming independent king
      biggest mistake
      the amount of shit you have to deal with just bogs down the whole fricking game. everyone will hate you if you're not constantly jumping through hoops and planning your life around satisfying their autism.

      just rule as a high lord of an existing kingdom, marry into a family of gigachads and befriend all righteous nobles, play politics while fighting alongside your lordbros and ensure castles go to your friends, villages go to shitters and always convince everyone that you should receive cities.

      even one town can bankroll your elite army, then you're going around having fun beating the shit out of everyone else in the game - make friends by releasing honorable lords, toss shitters into your dungeon. As time passes, the power of your friendship will align the nobles of the world into two kingdoms - the kingdom of righteousness, and the enemy kingdom of debauched reject shitters who hate their liege and each other but hate you more. DON'T fall for the marshal trap unless you're in a secure single-front war, unless Swadia is lined up for a slam dunk just pass that shit off to someone else and keep doing your thing.

      turn the tide of wars, ask for all cities, decline all castles. Harlaus is often memed as being a stingy git who won't reward you with lands you conquer, but with enough renown he will hand you anything you ask for. not only am I lord of Dhirim in Swadia, he's also given me overlord of the Nord, Rhodok and Vaegir kingdoms. I'm more powerful in any of those lands than their kings ever were, and if I ever had cause to rebel, most castles in my neighborhood are in the hands of righteous chads who love me as a brother.

      • 1 year ago

        But I never had cause to rebel, Harlaus gave me everything I wanted, based Haringoth was a beast of a marshal who led the lords for ~500 days before he finally took enough Ls to be relieved, and we managed to conquer most of our enemies before they went full realm divide and united against us. Sarranids remained at the end of my playthrough, they probably never would accept peace and conquering them would be simple at this point, it was a good place to end the campaign. Swadia is saved.

      • 1 year ago

        >As time passes, the power of your friendship will align the nobles of the world into two kingdoms - the kingdom of righteousness, and the enemy kingdom of debauched reject shitters who hate their liege and each other but hate you more
        damn just like real life

  10. 1 year ago

    >i just saw a swadian woman with a serranid man the other day
    >it's over, calradia has fallen
    someone make a chud in the mount and blade character creator

    • 1 year ago

      there was a guy posting porn with mount and blade related captions on /gif/ awhile ago, funniest shit I've ever seen in that shithole

      • 1 year ago

        Kek please link to the archive

        • 1 year ago

          should be easy enough to find if you just search mount & blade, it was last month actually

        • 1 year ago

          should be easy enough to find if you just search mount & blade, it was last month actually

          found it

          • 1 year ago

            >none of the images work

  11. 1 year ago
  12. 1 year ago

    Is Butterlord good yet?

    • 1 year ago

      It was always serviceable just soulless, samey, uninspired, dull, and boring with little to aspire to late game. But smashing heads is fun.

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