Can we finally admit that it wasn't as good as RDR1?

Can we finally admit that it wasn't as good as RDR1?

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  1. 1 week ago

    RDR1 was indeed better. And I'm tired pretending it's not.

  2. 1 week ago

    both kinda suck

  3. 1 week ago

    cope harder

  4. 1 week ago

    rdr1 has a much more focused story whereas rdr2 is a tale about dutch being a moron

  5. 1 week ago

    I knew it the moment I played RDR2. RDR2's story and the gang get in the way too much to make it a good game you're constantly on a fricking leash on shit missions where characters just yap at you for 5 minutes until you kill a few guys and ride back, then all the technical shit gets in the way like the dumb wanted system and the controls are shit too.

    RDR1 was simple, simple story, good missions decent world, John felt like a relatable person too you're just a man on a mission to find Bill and get your family back and that takes you places and the ending hits harder, it didn't feel forced it was just the natural culmination of John's deeds, he deserved it when you pick things up as Jack and he's just standing in front of the two grave plots, it just feels right.

  6. 1 week ago

    I played rdr1 for the first time after I played rdr2. I think it is better.

  7. 1 week ago

    both games are shit. Rockslop Games

  8. 1 week ago

    RDR1 has a tighter story and snappier gameplay. RDR2 has pacing issues and some plotholes/questionable writing, but still delivers a memorable narrative full of great moments, characters and lines. they somehow made Arthur into just as good of a protagonist as John, which to me was kind of mindblowing - Marston stood alone for me as my favorite vidya protag, now he shares the distinction with Arthur. RDR2 is also the best looking and perhaps most autistically detailed game ever made, so i count that in its favor as well. and RDR2 in first person is really cool, something that wasn't possible in 1. all in all it's like picking your favorite child - i simply cant and wont, they're both amazing. if they're not making RDR3, they should release a final "duology" edition with the 1st game included. they don't even have to remaster it, the game still looks good to this day.

  9. 1 week ago

    as an immersive sandbox, RDR2 is way better and that's the main reason why I play those games. The only thing RDR1 has over RDR2 is the animations aren't so awkward and slow.

  10. 1 week ago

    Sequels are usually worse.

    • 1 week ago

      There are countless of examples in video games where the second game in a series improved on virtually everything and is the far superior experience.

    • 1 week ago

      It's a prequel

      • 1 week ago

        prequel is a classification of sequel you dumbass

  11. 1 week ago

    the world is so empty like fallout4 no meaningful locations or storys or characters or weapons
    and your MC dies so no free roam cowboy antics post game

    • 1 week ago

      i hate to resort to this, but the world is supposed to feel vast and empty in RDR2. it's why there are a hundred instances of you riding your horse for five minutes to start a mission, they're trying to simulate the feeling of life on the frontier juxtaposed with encroaching civilization. think of the town in the northeast with no laws, where anatagonizing someone too much will start a street-wide gunfight and compare that to st denis, where you can watch your horse get run over by a streetcar or cop a bounty for bumping into someone in the street.

      • 1 week ago

        It's full of shit to do though also fast travel exists

  12. 1 week ago

    i enjoyed 1 better yeah

  13. 1 week ago

    I just like riding around and hunting in 2.

  14. 1 week ago

    I liked the "feel" of 2 more mechanically, but yes the story, setting, and pacing of the first one makes it the superior game. It really needs a rerelease, I dunno what the frick Rockstar's problem is.

  15. 1 week ago

    Knowing ahead of time that Dutch is a conniving, self-serving butthole only out for himself makes most of RDR2's story very annoying to me. Seeing Arthur just passively stick around, when even he knows Dutch is a lost cause, irks me endlessly and sucks out my enjoyment.

    • 1 week ago

      Dutch has been his mentor and father figure for 20 years, what is he supposed to do? Just because they didn't show us those 20 years you are underestimating how sunk cost he is on this guy. Dutch letting the facade slip is something that only happens in the last 8 months of Arthur's life and in the end he sticks around to help others get out.
      He also straight up tells others it's also about the money, all the money he's saved up for 20 years is supposed to be stashed by Dutch somewhere

    • 1 week ago

      I'll actually defend RDR2 in this case. It makes sense Arthur would stick around. He's an oldhead in the gang and Dutch ranges from a father figure to the younger guys, to a level-headed tactician to the others who they at least know will keep things running smoothly and profitably. By the time Dutch is completely off the rails, Hosea is dead and Arthur is on his last legs. Those are the only two guys that could've had any hope in challenging Dutch's spot. John was too young, Bill was a moron, Micah was too new and obviously had no interest in it anyway because he was playing Dutch, and Javier never really struck me as charismatic or even interested in the job.

  16. 1 week ago

    Can we finally admit that revolver is the best game in the series?

  17. 1 week ago

    RDR2 was never good. And neither was RDR1. It’s basically the prototype for prestige cinematic Snoy slop. Gaming would be better if it died in obscurity.

  18. 1 week ago

    Both games sucked! What made Red Dead Revolver so good was the social commentary and fun gameplay. It was a western GTA. RDR1 was dull and ugly looking. RDR2 was beautiful but painfully boring.

    Why the frick is Rockstar Games shying away from making fun of everyone?

  19. 1 week ago

    Much better story, worse video game. I've always said this from the beginning.

  20. 1 week ago

    > Marriage? A sacred institution? Heh, it's anything but in my experience, brother, I can tell you that. If two fellers wanna tie the knot, who am I ta say no? If the Lord ain't judged our gang, I'd say he's been takin' some time off the job, yer probably safe. Heh heh. Have at it, I say.

    > Abortion? Well, that's a rough one. Bit of a tough pill to swaller. At first, I didn't rightly take kindly to the idea of killin' babies, but Dutch gave me this ole thick science book and I pretty much surmised that well, that thing is about as human as Micah here, which is lackin' to say the least, heh. Hell, I'd say a gal has the right to choose.

    > A gal? As president? Well, what I can tell ya is its been nothin' but fellers since this whole thing here started up and what have we got? A bunch of other dead fellers. What have we got ta lose? I reckon' tryin' a gal's touch wouldn't do anyone no harm. If weakness is a concern of yours, I promise you some of the ladies runnin' in my gang would probably make Old Hickory look like a nancy in comparison. Hell, I'd reckon its her turn.

    > Lettin' a black feller do yer wife? Well, if the old lady's havin' fun, who am I to deny her that? I reckon that feller's got a bigger one than me anyway. Besides, we gotta pay some back for that whole slavery bid'ness we did to them. Dutch raised me and I ain't his real son, so I'll raise my wife's son, whether he's black or white.

    > Cuttin off yer willie sure sound silly but I reckon a feller might as well chop it off he ain't goin use it. And i suppose a wig can't do harm neither, heck men use to wear em all the time back in oldin' days.

  21. 1 week ago

    RDR2 Was amazing, I dont care about comparing it to 1. Both are excellent.

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