Can you miserable fricks atleast appreciate the love for detail?

Can you miserable fricks atleast appreciate the love for detail?

>unbelievably detailed Pip-Boy scenes including flashlight sound effect
>radio station host
>the entire soundtrack
>landscape is mostly building foundations in the desert
>the pitch perfect weapon designs
>every trademark is featured

The only thing that pisses me off is the way the vault entrances are designed, hilariously open.

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  1. 3 months ago

    No. The show is awful. Walton Goggins is good though, as always.

    • 3 months ago

      Lemme guess
      >she fricked after the wedding 20 minutes later, what a prostitute!
      >she fricked the black guy, what a prostitute!

      • 3 months ago

        If those two examples don't disgust you, you aren't a person.

      • 3 months ago

        She never fricked the black guy all they did was kiss

      • 3 months ago

        What are you even saying? How does this relate to my post that you replied to?

        • 3 months ago

          they think you hate the show because left/right political dichotomy and not just giving your opinion on what you saw from your experience. "i don't like the dry writing and poorly executed action scenes" immediately wordfilters into "I HATE Black folk, FRICKING israeliteS STOP PUTTING THESE GOD DAMN Black folk IN MY FRICKING EYES" and vice versa.
          at some point it just devolves into everyone accusing each other being a troony

        • 3 months ago

          Just standard leftist neuroticism

  2. 3 months ago

    And of course the silly wardrobe some of the characters wear.

  3. 3 months ago

    Buy an ad gay. You “lmao DAE sex” show is moronic and has nothing to do with the IP you desecrated.

    • 3 months ago

      this. these threads as well
      >got the itch to play fallout __
      reek of shills

  4. 3 months ago

    Copying the surface level iconography of an existing property so normalgays will uncritically view it as a faithful adaptation while distorting its themes and fricking up the tone is literally the entire problem with modern adaptations and sequels.

    • 3 months ago

      The tone was already fricked with Fallout 3, you genius. You want an award for this groundbreaking revelation? Yes, we will never get a gritty and somber F1 adaption. We know.

      • 3 months ago

        >uh okay yeah it's shit but it was already shit!

      • 3 months ago

        >The tone was already fricked with Fallout 3
        How? It has been years since I have played it, I remember the story was a bit of a shit, but the game was as gloomy as the old games were. I think its the mid soundtrack of F3 that couldnt emphasize enough on the grittiness, like F1's masterfully terrifying soundtrack did.

        • 3 months ago

          In Fallout 3 it's as if the bombs dropped that very same year or even more recently than even that. And yet it's meant to be a couple of hundred years later.
          The region only has 3 notable settlements, and it's charitable to even call them that because they're all shit. People don't even have proper homes.

          Consider how young all of IRL America actually is. Now consider how long ago the bombs went off in Fallout 3. It's pathetic how shitty the living situations for all the people is. And monsters and warring factions really is not even close to be enough of an excuse.
          There are tons of people and families in Fallout 3, who have lived over an entire generation, in homes that either don't have a complete set of walls or even a ceiling. And if they do chances are there are giant holes in them. And it doesn't even appear to concern anyone. Frick you've even got examples of corpses that have been around for like a human lifetime that no one can even be bothered to clean up or deal with. No one cares. It's ridiculous.

          Fallout was a post-apocalyptic setting, with an emphasis on it actually being "post" the apocalyptic.
          But Bethesda came and were enamoured with the apocalyptic aesthetic of that post-apocalypse. And built their entire setting around that. Ignoring how the setting was actually meant to be a new, emerging, and rapidly evolving world. That was moving away from the old one. And instead Bethesda are like married to everything being a shithole. Instead of people cleaning up after the apocalypse, it's as if it just happened. And even with way more time compared to the previous entries, it's as if everything is stagnated, all while the game jerks it to old-world nostalgia in ways that doesn't even make in-world sense.
          >b-but fallout 3's wasteland is harsher!
          And yet people survive there. But they do so without even trying to improve things even though they can.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, F3 kinda feels like that. I wasnt aware of that detail to be honest, but to be more honest: Did you really expect Bethesda to take that important lore logic into account? Look at them how they are shitting on the game's lore with that TV show. They are too moronic, man.

          • 3 months ago

            >In Fallout 3 it's as if the bombs dropped that very same year
            This really bothers me.
            In F1 and F2 there are people who live like shit too. but in F1 an F2, it's almost always because those in power are exploiting them, making their lives shit. Not because they just failed to build anything better in hundreds of years.
            And in F1 and F2, while there are people being exploited who live like shit, the people in power generally has it made. With a lot of them living like kings.

            But in F3. Even those in power live like shit.

        • 3 months ago

          Fallout 3 is a fricking vault tec themepark, meet BoS and shoot supermutants. This will now be a stape in every game despite being a one off in the first game! Also somehow enclave returned

        • 3 months ago

          How about the whole game being just a unch of West coast things being sprinkled around East coast without a single thought as to why those things worked in previous games. I

    • 3 months ago

      Welcome to every Bethesda Fallout. There's a reason why Starfield isn't exactly cared about, let's just say that.

    • 3 months ago

      besides the lore this is the biggest issue for me

      • 3 months ago

        Fallout 1 was a lightning in a bottle. It was so brilliant, most people dismissed it at the original release. It only became a groundbreaking masterpiece later. I still remember the review in the magazines i read at that time. One page. featured in the middle. Most AAA titles had 2-4. No one had this game on any radar. It was so raw and unapologetic, you could kill children in it.

        • 3 months ago

          Fallout 1 is dogshit

        • 3 months ago

          >It was so raw and unapologetic, you could kill children in it.
          You could in 2 as well, but somehow gays like you who haven't played Fallout 2 for over 10 years just remember the pop references

          • 3 months ago

            I was there kid. I was there when the strength of men failed....

    • 3 months ago

      >Copying the surface level iconography of an existing property so normalgays will uncritically view it as a faithful adaptation while distorting its themes and fricking up the tone
      yup (FF7 Rebirth spoilers. but I'm pretty sure nobody cares at this point.)

      • 3 months ago

        I don't get it, did she die or not?

        • 3 months ago

          This is so poorly done I can't even tell what the frick happened.

          That's the whole point of Rebirth. If you look closely, there's flashes where it's either Rainbowy, or gray. Rainbow flashes in Remake & Rebirth are to signify a new timeline was created; when Cloud deflects Sephiroth's sword, a new timeline is created where she survives...but in that webm, you see it flash back to a gray tone, the "original/prime" timeline where Aeris still died.

          So the answer is both yes, "she died and didn't die", and no, we don't know what the frick just happened.

          The current best theory based on information ingame is that Sephi & Aeris have basically found some form of Timeline altering power and while Sephiroth is trying to rejoin the timelines into the one where he kills her and succeeds in general(The "Reunion" as he calls it), some kind of Lifestream Super-Aeris is going around thwarting him where she can. They both seem to have the power to summon those timekeeper janny ghosts to influence what the player experiences, both to prevent them from saving people or to ensure their survival.

          We're not getting closer until the third and final game comes out though, and Rebirth is still really new.

          • 3 months ago

            Sounds really fricking homosexual. Nomura should be forced to seppuku on livestream.

      • 3 months ago

        um, why does aeris keep a glass sphere of cloud's sperm?

      • 3 months ago

        This is so poorly done I can't even tell what the frick happened.

      • 3 months ago

        Nobody thinks FFR is a faithful adaptation anon. There are people who accept and enjoy it and people like you who are seething about it.

    • 3 months ago

      Wow. The Fallout TV show managed to rehabilitate Lonesome Road.

    • 3 months ago

      anon pls, don't be so poignant

    • 3 months ago

      Extremely well put, it legitimately bothers me when you bring stuff like this up and people counter by saying they don't care. Like, then what the frick are you gushing over, just the way shit looks?

    • 3 months ago

      I'm just going to post this image as an argument from now on.

      • 3 months ago

        I dare you to post that on the fallout subreddit

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      And this is why the show is, ironically, a perfect adaptation of Bethesda Fallout. They brought the Bethesda ethos to the West Coast.

    • 3 months ago

      While this is absolutely true, you could've been more direct and crass by just saying that the problem is normalgays like it is in literally every other facet of life from shitty tv shows to sitting in traffic. They're a plague that was properly contained in sports and pop music for so long but theyre running rampant and killing everything else with their total lack of fiscal discretion right now.

      • 3 months ago

        >They're a plague that was properly contained in sports and pop music for so long but theyre running rampant and killing everything else with their total lack of fiscal discretion right now.
        i hate how much sense this makes.
        its "easy" to watch sports.
        you just turn on the sportsball channel and thats it, you're done.
        the choice was made for you because there's just sportsball
        its "easy" to listen to pop music
        you just put on the [latest hits] playlist and you're done.
        the choice was made for you because you're just listening to whats popular
        its "not easy" to play videogames.
        due to how open the vidya market is, there's a little bit of something for everyone.
        but normalgays, as usual, just go to whats popular. they let the choice be made for them by advertisements and shilling.
        this sadly funnels them all to the "biggest budget" games, giving the large studios more money for producing absolute shit.

        • 3 months ago

          I realized this a while ago when I noticed normalgays will endlessly praise "story" games for having great stories and never any games with actual gameplay and learning curves that also have great stories - because those are inaccessible to them.

      • 3 months ago

        normalgays have always played videogames, the real oddity is that they're now doing it at age 30+ because they don't "grow out of it". but think back: if you're a first worlder then pretty much every kid you knew had a console, right? and pretty much every kid in your class went on to be a normalgay even if you didn't.

    • 3 months ago

      you cant reason with idiots and narcissists
      which are the people this slop appeals to

    • 3 months ago

      This, motherfrickers will act like this is just people being unable to please but there are fallout web series and other shit that managed to do this with far less money and resources.

    • 3 months ago

      Themes are for 8th grade English classes

    • 3 months ago

      Holy shit right on the money on why I feel the tv series is head a scratcher for me

    • 3 months ago

      I love Kirsten so much bros

      • 3 months ago

        What happened with her after spiderman 3?

        • 3 months ago

          Nothing, she's still acting

          • 3 months ago

            I love her new boobies and milf look

          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            Gross those breasts are too fat

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty well put

    • 3 months ago

      It is faithful, to Bethesda's fallout, i don't know what people expected from this show, its just a case of Bethesda doing what it always did with Fallout by turning it into flanderised shit, the plot even suffers the same problems as Fallout 3.
      >some enclave scientists gets plans to limitless energy
      >the enclave NEVER use this despite it being a plot point of F3 to gain control of the masses
      >the entire point of the vault-tec is to usher in a new society they control by nuking a city that they gave a GECK to
      None of this shitshow makes sense and Bethestards are terminally moronic.

    • 3 months ago

      >Copying the surface level iconography of an existing property so normalgays
      Fallout is normie tier RPG for normies you mouth breathing moron.
      >while distorting its themes
      Why does the show have to take the burden of having to make a carbon copy of its "themes". The show has every right to do its own thing.
      >and fricking up the tone

      • 3 months ago

        >wrong, actually Fallout was always a goofy slapstick romp

        • 3 months ago

          Fallout 1 and 2 is irrelevant now Grandpa

  5. 3 months ago

    >menu theme when Lucy discovers the NCR flag

    11/10 kino

    • 3 months ago

      That segment was kino, but the meta sense it was fricked because it was basically like a funeral dirge for the NCR

      • 3 months ago

        No one says the NCR is dead. Stop poisoning the well.

        • 3 months ago

          The show and plot said the NCR are dead

          • 3 months ago

            They dont you stupid frick. Its told from the perspective of two MCs who dont know the complete political landscape of the wasteland.

            • 3 months ago

              You moronic moron.
              If the NCR isn't dead why the frick is there a raider remnant faction of NCR troopers? Why is there a nutty cult in Shady Sands? If the country if fine why haven't all the civilians moved to someplace else like the Hub and there army isn't there to fight the BoS?

            • 3 months ago

              They spend weeks wandering around California with the only sight of the NCR being some remnants at the finale. No people encountered outside the vault refugees ever refer to the NCR or themselves as citizens, and in fact multiple people refer to the NCR in the past-tense. Besides even any people of the NCR, zero sign of any structure or infrastructure of the NCR is ever seen anywhere anyone goes, just a blasted ruin.

              A country spanning from north California down to Baja with over a dozen cities and over a million citizens, after Shady Sands is nuked, and the only "definite" "existence " of the NCR is a single scrap compound of shabby squatters in the observatory, about 100 people maybe and none of them in proper uniform, led by a woman who associates with raiders and is pretty commonly infamous/reviled in the region. Ruling that miserable scrapheap which is literally sign-labeled "NCR headquarters" so I'll assume it's the NCR headquarters.

              There was the NCR, and then there's... whatever the frick that was in the finale of the show. And even if you try to claim it was legitimately the NCR, as if that's not enough of an assassination already, even that gets utterly destroyed in the show by the Brotherhood.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                It's insulting. The fall of the NCR and the NCR's capitol is the development on which the entire narrative depends, yet the NCR is essentially never mentioned.
                >the scene in Vault 4 where Lucy sees the chalkboard and the flag
                >the scene in Vault 4 where the Shady Sands survivors perform some sort of blood ritual, because... ?
                >Muldover gets one (1) scene in episode 8, and it isn't about the NCR, it's about Lucy and Lucy's dad and Vault-Tec
                >the other NCR remnants at Griffifth Observatory don't get lines
                >they're then promptly genocided by the Brotherhood of Steel
                >Muldover dies to a mortal wound which occurred off-screen
                The issue isn't the NCR imploding - after all, Avellone wanted to do this. It's that the NCR, one of the most significant factions in West Coast Fallout, is destroyed for nothing. It's destroyed for the sake of Lucy and her father. One of the most significant developments in West Coast history is wasted on a rehash of the Fallout 3 plot.

                Imagine a Fallout 3 TV show where the citadel is a smoldering crater, there are 20, 30 Brotherhood of Steel survivors, and they're wiped out by an East Coast detachment of NCR rangers 10 minutes after Sarah Lyons reveals that Liam Neeson nuked the citadel. They get no other scenes. That's what this is.

                It's honestly fricking hilarious. I love it.

              • 3 months ago

                I would love that version and niam leeson going full taken with a power armor KEK

              • 3 months ago

                >Son, you have to come with me
                >It's what your mother would have wanted, a future for the wasteland
                >Three Dog enters and unloads his scoped .44 magnum into the back of Liam Neeson's T-45 power armor and shooting his ear off
                >Liam Neeson gives on last look of longing to his son before jumping 500 ft. off the dome of the capitol building
                >"Damn, they fly now?!"
                >cut to wide shot of forested mountains
                >Neeson runs into frame, insert shot of his face as he takes it all in
                >Country Roads starts playing

              • 3 months ago

                small correction, Avellone wanted the NCR to suffer a crisis which would test it, and put it through a period of decline, but he didn't want to destroy it outright

              • 3 months ago

                I see, thanks. I haven't read his blog in a long time, but I (mis)remembered that detail.

                the funniest thing about the whole way the NCR is handled is that at some point between 2 and NV, they moved Shady Sands into the boneyard. They just picked up town and moved it I guess, including the sign (which is now completely worn despite it only being a few years since the city was abandoned) just for it to get blown up super hard. The Master also never found the vaults in the boneyard, despite the entrance not being hidden even slightly.

                It's insane. I'd love to see a map of the show's West Coast. Santa Monica being nothing but sand and sparse foundations doesn't make sense when downtown LA (which you'd be able to see from SM) is so intact that it still has its electrical grid. I have no idea which direction any character is going at any time, honestly. There's no sense of place.

              • 3 months ago

                the funniest thing about the whole way the NCR is handled is that at some point between 2 and NV, they moved Shady Sands into the boneyard. They just picked up town and moved it I guess, including the sign (which is now completely worn despite it only being a few years since the city was abandoned) just for it to get blown up super hard. The Master also never found the vaults in the boneyard, despite the entrance not being hidden even slightly.

        • 3 months ago

          It is dead all that's left is remnants with not enough power to fight the BoS

        • 3 months ago

          They dont you stupid frick. Its told from the perspective of two MCs who dont know the complete political landscape of the wasteland.

          >No one says the NCR is dead. Stop poisoning the well.
          The show runners literally do multiple times.

          • 3 months ago

            What's that? A delivery manifesto?
            I wanna see how homosexuals will say this proves nothing
            >urgh, chud. The Fall of Shady Sands wasn't the nuke, it was an economic fall
            >the dates stop because economic fall means everyone stops working

            • 3 months ago

              homie, ever been in a library? It shows....

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah the ones from after WW2, where it's all digital and you use a magnetic card to get and return books

            • 3 months ago

              It's a library checkout book pretty sure, it's in the credits for the shady sands episode. The response generally is:
              >That means nothing, just no one liked books or something
              >Bethesda can't have deliberately wanted to retcon anything, that's just a random background detail
              >So what if Shady Sands was nuked in 2276? That doesn't stop New Vegas
              The delusion is hilarious.

        • 3 months ago

          nobody has to SAY the NCR is dead when the show clearly demonstrates that california is once again a desolate lawless wasteland and not the burgeoning democratic republic we were told it was after they chased out both the enclave and BoS after 2

          • 3 months ago

            maybe they were just full of shit and trying to sell a bag of dust as gold to new vegas
            seems like a very californian thing to do

        • 3 months ago

          The Brotherhood would be hole dwelling cowards if NCR wasn't dead

    • 3 months ago

      I söyfaced irl at that scene. One of the best scenes in the series.

  6. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      every time

  7. 3 months ago

    > Bethesda's Fallout assumes noone made any new fricking music in 200 years

    • 3 months ago

      Explain to me how someone can make new music to be aired on a radio without the infrastructure to record, produce and then print the music onto vinyl in radioactive wasteland.

      • 3 months ago

        New Reno has an entire fricking porno industry in Fallout 2

      • 3 months ago

        Anon, vinyl record making is child's play compared to the other crap they make in that universe.

      • 3 months ago

        >can play over radio
        >have the infrastructure for that
        >it's been 200 years
        >humanity hasn't figured out how to do something people in prison can do, which is make vinyl
        LOL this show really is for morons like you

      • 3 months ago

        Don’t they do it in the nuka world dlc?

        • 3 months ago

          That's just the DJ singing with an acoustic guitar over the radio

          • 3 months ago

            Well he made new music chud checkmate

            • 3 months ago

              Sure if this qualifies as music to you

              • 3 months ago

                Shit slaps tho anon

      • 3 months ago

        >Gun Runners have entire munitions plants that manufacture guns and ammo.
        >NCR has the capacity to mint currency at enough of a pace to inflate their currency's worth past existing bottlecaps.
        >New Reno's entire dirty movie industry.
        >NCR mass producing standardized uniforms and weapons for their military.
        >Fallout 4 literally playing music sang by in-universe performers over the radio.
        What in your tiny pea brain makes it impossible for humanity, with the technology already available to them, to produce music and play it over the radio? Fallout 4 does this exact thing with the Goodneighbor b***h and her songs, so don't use the bullshit excuse that it's too difficult for humanity to pull this off.

    • 3 months ago

      >meanwhile F1 and F2 had TOOL posters

    • 3 months ago

      >new vegas has a side quest where you help some guitarist get his original music on the radio / in front of an audience
      uh oh

  8. 3 months ago

    No frick you, stop putting your race mixing fetish in every piece of media you fricking israelite

  9. 3 months ago

    Good morning saar

  10. 3 months ago

    God I fricking hate Bethesda.

    • 3 months ago

      Me too, bethseda fricking sucks

    • 3 months ago

      Same. They're basically EA at this point: A once good company that is now complete shit and holding a bunch of good franchises hostage.

      • 3 months ago

        >once good
        There are no good bethesda games. None. Not one.

        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            Shit game with some interesting writing. A subpar RPG even at the time. For comparison, Gothic 2 came out before Morrowind.

            Skyrim and Fallout 3 are good
            2024 F76 isnt bad

            >Skyrim and Fallout 3 are good
            No. They are ARPGs with crappy mechanics, bad combat, and worse writing. Also ugly as shit for the time.
            >2024 F76 isnt bad
            Yes it fricking is. It's a moronic GAAS looter shooter.

        • 3 months ago

          Skyrim and Fallout 3 are good
          2024 F76 isnt bad

  11. 3 months ago

    >>the entire soundtrack

  12. 3 months ago

    That youtube show from back in the day did Fallout way better. I think it was called Nuka Cola Break or something like that. Shit was gud.

    • 3 months ago

      Nuka Break is correct and it was good. Better writing.

      No one says the NCR is dead. Stop poisoning the well.

      Show goes on and on one town got blown up and it's over.

  13. 3 months ago

    You must be 18 to post here, kiddo.

  14. 3 months ago

    Race-mixing propaganda wearing the clothes of a franchise I used to enjoy. Shant be watching.

    • 3 months ago

      I didn't even get that far. Got to the troon and turned it off.

      • 3 months ago

        Ironically there's no women in the Brotherhood except that troon who thinks she's a man, it's less inclusive than the game.

      • 3 months ago

        Troon or not, I'd bury my dick so far up her boymoding pussy you could call it fricking Excalibur.

        • 3 months ago

          I wanna frick her into a woman again.

        • 3 months ago

          You must be one desperate mother fricker

        • 3 months ago

          She was pretty before all the testosterone and mustache

      • 3 months ago

        I wonder what it's like being this autistic

        • 3 months ago

          It’s sad I didn’t even realize it was a troon maybe their bullshit is working on me

          • 3 months ago

            She is starting hrt and still have the lesbian/tomboi look compared to ellen page that looks like an adult ratkid

          • 3 months ago

            I couldn't immediately tell by appearance, but the voice instantly clued me off

            • 3 months ago

              >clued me in
              >tipped me off
              pick one, don't just shit in a blender anon, please

            • 3 months ago

              I just thought it was some Hispanic zoomer homosexual because that is how they all are now. I’m actually ashamed I didn’t know it was a troon

          • 3 months ago

            I couldn't immediately tell by appearance, but the voice instantly clued me off

            >Ganker claims they can 'always tell'

            • 3 months ago

              I knew from the first minute it was a woman from the voice and lack of adams apple

            • 3 months ago

              >Ganker is one person
              Sorry I am not around troons or obsess about them to the point where I have a masters degree in identifying troons I’m not always on the lookout for the eternal troon. I just assumed it was a homosexual which is correct we didn’t have all this confusing shit back in my day sunny

  15. 3 months ago

    No one gives a shit about your pozzed amazon slop, go back redditor. LE HECKIN STRONK FEMALE LEAD AND Black PALADIN. LOL.

  16. 3 months ago

    please redeem the amazon prime saar
    fallout is the wonderful it includes gun and song saar

  17. 3 months ago

    >pls praise it because they copy-pasted shit they knew would make people clap

    I bet you loved Ready Player One that is nothing else but a constant flood of copy-pasted references

  18. 3 months ago

    The show is weird on several levels. Its a very well done love letter to pretty much ll the things making Fallout Fallout (copying the oping animation for the Goggings commercial reel), but also being a product of modern woke agenda.

    Its violent as frick, but also pretty mid when it should take risks. The sets are amazing, the writing hilariously meta when it comes to the ridiculousness of the Bethesda quest writing. There are real moment of true pure fan love, and then you can see the stinking fingers of the suits all over it.

    • 3 months ago

      This post reads like gpt4.

      • 3 months ago

        because it is a gpt-4 / claude post.

        • 3 months ago

          That's fricking whack. Link to script?

    • 3 months ago

      how we liking it it homie Gankerros? Ganker loves it btw

      Basically I'm just not gonna watch it (the latest goyslop trash with gays, trannies, homos, coons, and empowered women!!)
      I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....
      There's just no way I'm watching this!!!!

      • 3 months ago

        >Basically I'm just gonna post it (the same pol pasta every time!!)
        >I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....
        >I'm gonna post the same shit over & over!!!!

    • 3 months ago

      This is the most ai post I've seen in a while

  19. 3 months ago


  20. 3 months ago

    not watching it just because everyone is telling me to but it actually does look pretty good. I don't necessarily hate diverse casts in shows, I just hate when the main character is just some boring dyke like in 3 body problem. From what I've seen from the trailers the vault dweller actually seems like a charming autist though.

    • 3 months ago

      >I don't necessarily hate diverse casts in shows
      you are a homosexual

  21. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Bot website.

  22. 3 months ago

    Fallout is shit.

  23. 3 months ago

    The show was great but not perfect. Anyone complaining about the show either didn't see it or are quite literal incels/racists. Simple as.

    • 3 months ago

      >on Ganker
      >not racist
      go back Black person

    • 3 months ago

      >Anyone complaining about the show either didn't see it or are quite literal incels/racists
      This is why everyone thinks you're an obnoxious homosexual.
      You say this every single time someone doesn't worship the latest kitsch licensed focus grouped bullshit that gets churned out by media execs on the daily.

      • 3 months ago

        What other criticisms do any of these glue sniffing fish lip motherfrickers have other than just “black character”, “mix racing”, and “female protag” = bad, hmmm?

        • 3 months ago

          It's horribly unfunny and obnoxious and not only rapes the lore but destroys the entire setting.

        • 3 months ago

          These are the only complaints you've read in this entire thread because you've already decided that those are the only reasons anyone could have an overall negative opinion of this show.

          • 3 months ago

            >only complaints youve read
            Those complaints make up 70% of the threads that talk about the show, don’t act like they dont ya trog

            • 3 months ago

              Because the alternative is sincerely engaging with morons like you, so it's easier for both of you to do this moronic song and dance instead of engaging because both of you are insufferable.
              The difference between the two of you is that you're trying to get people to watch this cheap corporate trash while the other is mainly saying things specifically to annoy you for shilling.

              • 3 months ago

                Who the frick said I was trying to get people to watch this? All I said was most of the criticism here was basically “Black folk!? Boooo! Women!? Boooo! Mixed race couples!?!? BOOOOOOO!!!” although yes I admit it got annoying but then that begs the question, frick is you doing here then? Also I dont shill for Cuck Howard and Amazon. I sail the high seas to watch the show.

              • 3 months ago

                >All I said was most of the criticism here was basically “Black folk!? Boooo! Women!? Boooo! Mixed race couples!?!? BOOOOOOO!!!”
                When you're a shilling moron that can't read, I guess you'd think that

              • 3 months ago

                >Who the frick said I was trying to get people to watch this?
                Okay explain to me why you're here at all.
                Just to tell everyone the show is great and everyone who doesn't like it is racist?
                You like it, everyone who dislikes it is wrong and stupid, but you're not trying to get anyone to watch it?

  24. 3 months ago

    Im feeling the itch t play every single Falllout game now. Bravo, Todd. Bravo.

  25. 3 months ago

    I can appreciate the cinematography which is very good, but everything else is stale

  26. 3 months ago

    >Fallout New Vegas fans are incels and racists now
    It's a new era

  27. 3 months ago

    >saves your entire show

    • 3 months ago

      i call him chudley

    • 3 months ago

      Honestly I think exploring vault 32 was one of the shows highlights, it is just a shame they did stuff that took me out of the show like all the really bad sex dialogue, that scene where eyepatch's water broke or repeated "frick, frick, frick" ad nauseum.

    • 3 months ago

      >radio station host
      Wait, who ?
      The violine guy that drove everyone mad ?

      Most interesting plot of the 4, hands down

    • 3 months ago

      i unironically like him despite the fact he looks like manlet and turbo israelite

    • 3 months ago

      i unironically like him despite the fact he looks like manlet and turbo israelite

      he looks like steve buscemi's kid and it makes me happy

      • 3 months ago

        when i saw him first i thought he looked like that twitch streamer Shroud lmao

        • 3 months ago

          i unironically like him despite the fact he looks like manlet and turbo israelite

          he looks like steve buscemi's kid and it makes me happy

          he just has rat genes, he played that little kid on hannah montana and now looks 40 despite being like 28
          drugs and alcohol are the cause probably

    • 3 months ago

      He just have an interesting underdog role of sniffing out with his nose

    • 3 months ago

      Todd’s obvious self-insert

    • 3 months ago

      Why didn't he just smash the brain it would've potentially saved him from being locked in there

  28. 3 months ago

    Double G is carrying this show only ghoul goggins story actually matters. The guns look like trash they are so fricking huge they look like toys

    • 3 months ago

      The makeshift ones are game accurate.

  29. 3 months ago

    i'm not watching that israeli filth.

  30. 3 months ago

    >is that... THE FLASHLIGHT MP3?
    >oh my science what a love of detail
    you fricking moron. easily amused manchild frickface failure

    • 3 months ago

      You my friend need to go see a therapist since you seem to live a miserable life

      • 3 months ago

        you need to have the penis surgically removed from your israelite mouth because it appears to be stuck there

  31. 3 months ago

    i appreciate the detail of the black guy being branded

  32. 3 months ago

    >stop hating everything past surface level shit that attracts to lowest common denominator
    Youre a genuine shill or a fricking sheep.

  33. 3 months ago

    Mfw lucy sucked 666 bbcs

  34. 3 months ago

    The fact that the show nails the games so hard might cause shock in the average NV autist.

  35. 3 months ago

    >love for detail
    >Yeah so anyways ghouls have this super obvious grace period where they just repeat their own name to themselves in an attempt to maintain identity before you turn feral and no one has ever noticed this.
    This is a show for people who vaguely remember playing these games or read about them on wikipedia.

    • 3 months ago

      >Those 99 things they did right ?
      >Nah, frick that, I wanna be mad at the one thing that isnt clarified in the games either


      • 3 months ago

        99 things they did right ?

        • 3 months ago

          errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm they got the correct shade of blue and yellow on the vault suit and they copy pasted the soundtrack

      • 3 months ago

        It's a major setting detail that ghouls are a ticking time bomb and can suddenly go feral without warning, and the circumstances that cause this are unknown. It's why it's a rarity for civilization to integrate the friendly ones.
        But now I guess it's a long obvious process and there's a drug that reverses it. Thanks.

        • 3 months ago

          Ok, I give you that the drug which stops them from turning into ghouls was a pretty cheap explanation for, and I say it again, something that the games couldnt be arsed to explain either.
          But what was the alternative option, never explaining at all why the one main guy never turns into a ghoul but the mom of the other main girl does ?

          • 3 months ago

            >something that the games couldnt be arsed to explain either.
            There's nothing wrong with the games not explaining them. There are tons of minor circumstances that could explain a ghoul turning in the games. The accepted explination that it's simply the condition of the ghoul's brain. Their bodies rot at varying rates and the decay focuses on different locations on different subjects. Oh. Maybe that applies to their brains too.
            But that's not the point. The point is it was SUPPOSED to be something most characters couldn't predict and determine so that both viewpoints regarding the stance on integrating ghouls into society had a leg to stand on.

      • 3 months ago

        99 things they did right ?
        Like what? They couldn't even get the location of Shady Sands right

  36. 3 months ago


    you utter morons. This show is for us and us only.

    • 3 months ago

      >stars woman
      >who fricks Black person
      lol for YOU maybe, cuck boy

      • 3 months ago

        >lol for YOU maybe, cuck boy

        • 3 months ago

          nice self portrait but we don't avatargay here, newfriend. Also lose some weight

  37. 3 months ago


  38. 3 months ago

    Goggings killing innocents and beng a generally shifty motherfricker is a bold move for a show as big as this.

    • 3 months ago

      its annoying, theres not a single likable character in that show

      • 3 months ago

        They tried way too hard to make the ghoul morally grey and dipped in to him ultimately just being a thug that happens to have the writer's favor.
        The main girl acts like a naive teenagers for the whole fricking show despite everything she goes through.
        And I have no fricking clue what the were going for with the brotherhood guy. I thought he was supposed to be the everyman, but he starts being a serious prick as soon as he's given a modicum of power. He sits there and watching his knight die because he bullied him. Then he proceeds to bully the shit out of his own squire. The frick is the message here?

        • 3 months ago

          The message is that millennials don't know how to write

        • 3 months ago

          I dislike the black dude cause he's a c**t (I actually think it's cool that every character is a c**t and nobody is le super cool and nice moral hero. Imagine if the show devolved to jerking the BoS as the good guys) but the military aspect of the brotherhood is actually spot the frick on. Everything from older recruits bullying newer ones to the dude jerking off in his cot.
          Also, he bullied the squire cause he was one of the dudes beating the shit out of him in the beggining. There's like a whole arc about that. Did you even watch the show?

          • 3 months ago

            >But the "shitter" was one of his bullies!
            Why would that matter? My point is he was subjecting someone else to the exact same behavior he condemned someone to DEATH for.

            • 3 months ago

              He was just perpetuating the violence like the recruits before him did cause he's a dumbass

              • 3 months ago

                I can believe that for hazing but not watching a guy bleed out to completion.

              • 3 months ago

                Thats a crappy take if you got the butthole that bullied you at high school at your knees and you can make him suck your used underwear its dumb not do it

              • 3 months ago

                Listen to fewer podcasts.

              • 3 months ago

                The bully in this case is an organization that will kill him if they find out he killed his own guys, he already comes close to being executed for treason twice.

            • 3 months ago

              this anon is a socially stunted moron

              • 3 months ago

                >You wouldn't sit there and look your boss in the eyes as he bleeds out and asks for help??
                >EMOTIONALLY STUNTED

              • 3 months ago

                > Yo stupid employee pass me that medkit or im gonna whoop your ass and human resources gonna search your anus to make a newer anus *COUGH*

              • 3 months ago

                it's funny because it honestly would have been less cruel if he just shot the guy in the head.

          • 3 months ago

            He's a c**t so he constantly gets his shit kicked in. It's pretty funny.

  39. 3 months ago




  40. 3 months ago


  41. 3 months ago

    >All these this hard work on the details being ruined by wokeness.
    Understand yet?

  42. 3 months ago

    I thought they did a good job with the sound track and the sets felt like Bethesda fallout so ill give them that but I don’t like that they promoted race mixing and troonys but most importantly I hate that they raped the lore

  43. 3 months ago

    how we liking it it homie Gankerros? Ganker loves it btw

    • 3 months ago

      >israeli actor hiding in bunker looks on in approval
      I thought this was just a ridiculous Ganker meme about wokeness

      • 3 months ago

        She could be one too with those giant uncanny eyes

        • 3 months ago

          >lose some weight
          As if your fatass didnt look like the vestige in the picture

    • 3 months ago

      humiliation ritual

    • 3 months ago

      >Ganker loves it btw
      no they fricking dont Rajeesh

      • 3 months ago

        This homie gets it.

        It's like watching an auto accident. Nobody with a functional soul enjoys watching vehicular collisions, but you can not help but stare.

        Engagement doesn't = enjoyment of a thing.

    • 3 months ago

      Ganker here. have a nice day shill. Nobody likes it. Everyone is pointing out the lore inconsistencies and memeing on the show's shittiest moments

  44. 3 months ago

    Its an amazing Bethesda series, its a terrible Interplay one.

  45. 3 months ago

    Yes, I can appreciate that the sets and props look very good and accurate, and I can still say that the writing is dogshit.

  46. 3 months ago

    its a 7/10

    • 3 months ago

      a 5/10 is the best i can offer

  47. 3 months ago

    i like the show, but you know how Ganker is, contrarian without trying, a better question is why you're asking the cannibals why they eat human flesh, why even bother speaking to heathens when they're only good for fertilizer

  48. 3 months ago

    Why the frick is the black guy in this literally just Finn from the star wars prequels? Why would you ripoff such a lame character?

  49. 3 months ago

    not watching it
    have a nice day corporate dicksucker

  50. 3 months ago

    So I don't give a shit about this show but recently got an urge to replay New Vegas (it's the best game ever made and DD2 disappointed me and I always replay it when a game I was hyped for lets me down).

    Are there any new breakthrough mods?

    I really like this one as far as a visual upgrade -

    Keeps the same vanilla style and I also like this more for a gameplay/combat overhaul (doesn't go too overboard) -

    For reference, my PC is disgusting (strong, 4090 + 7800x3d) so if there's any more heavy mods (that aren't disgusting ENB over saturated shitshows) feel free to dump em. Any recommendations are appreciated regardless

    • 3 months ago

      and of course the first "amazing" mod looks like shit
      >flaked off area now looks just like a different color of paint
      >loss of detail everywhere
      stop believing people on youtube who are just farming views for ad money

      • 3 months ago

        You implying that left looks better?

        • 3 months ago

          yes. more detail at less resolution and actually depicts what's trying to be depicted

      • 3 months ago

        So I don't give a shit about this show but recently got an urge to replay New Vegas (it's the best game ever made and DD2 disappointed me and I always replay it when a game I was hyped for lets me down).

        Are there any new breakthrough mods?

        I really like this one as far as a visual upgrade -

        Keeps the same vanilla style and I also like this more for a gameplay/combat overhaul (doesn't go too overboard) -

        For reference, my PC is disgusting (strong, 4090 + 7800x3d) so if there's any more heavy mods (that aren't disgusting ENB over saturated shitshows) feel free to dump em. Any recommendations are appreciated regardless

        modders be like
        >wow this looks so much better and more realistic now! THIS is what the game should have looked like! They should make the next game in unreal engine so it can have more betters graphics!

    • 3 months ago

      >too pleb for DD2
      >likes Fallout New Reddit

  51. 3 months ago

    >pip-boys were too big, but otherwise it was alright. didn't exactly have the analog snappiness though, was like digital pretending to be analog
    >only in one episode, in fact that was something that felt lacking through the show, that there wasn't some ever-present radio show/host in the background, whether or not the host is ever actually seen/met
    >this kind of feeds into the above, but the soundtrack not only felt overdone, but it should have been from the omnipresent radio station rather than just songs playing for no plot reason
    >the landscapes were good, maybe the best part of the show in fact
    >they only showed like 10 weapons total, only 5 of the, more than once, and they were the dogshit Bethesda style guns, like the fricking moronic FO4 assault rifle. the 10mm pistol looked good, but that's about it
    >they had a chance to expand and create more trademarks, but instead it was just constantly "remember Blamco Mac and Cheese?! remember Nuka-Cola?!"

    I thought the vault doors themselves were well done, with big horizontal tracked rails along the wall for the door to roll along. but the entrances were stupid, if not underground then at least in some recessed bunker type entrance, instead of literally just free-standing on the surface

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        That was kind of weird, Nuka-Cola is shown all over the place but does anyone ever drink a single one?

      • 3 months ago

        Now that you mention it yeah that was a big miss. I think now showing super mutants or deathclaws was a miss too. Those are pretty recognizable aspects of Bethesda slop normalgays would eat it up.

        • 3 months ago

          Saved for later. 100%. They wont spill all the good shit right away. I was genuinely surprised about the radroaches.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah but I like the monsters of the fallout lore so more of them would have been cool. There were not even mole rats it’s like the wasteland has almost no fauna anymore. It has plenty of Black folk tho

        • 3 months ago

          We saw a super mutant corpse under a tarp in the Enclave facility

        • 3 months ago

          >enclave base
          >Govnmint wanted poster
          >their skulls literally scattered across Vegas during E8

          >where's my fricking family will be a major plot point I reckon
          Shouldn't he know where his daughter is? He was with her when the bombs dropped. His wife or ex-wife might have got in a vault but there's no guarantee she had a cryostasis tank like vault 31 either.

          they must have been separated anon idk 🙂 but its clear she aint with him

    • 3 months ago

      >they had a chance to expand and create more trademarks
      Nah, you'd complain that they're just making shit up for no reason and were too lazy to make proper reflections of the in-game trademarks.

      • 3 months ago

        I specifically a, not complaining, and asking for more/new material

    • 3 months ago

      >MC's dad calls her his "little sugarbomb"
      imagine nicknaming your kid after a snack brand
      >good night my frosted mini wheat
      >i love you so much my little gatorade

      • 3 months ago

        The dad really likes irony and shadowtease the viewers

      • 3 months ago

        I know someone who affectionately calls their young kid their "little gummi bear"

        • 3 months ago

          not the same, it'd be like if he called her 'haribo' or something

  52. 3 months ago

    >Fiends are in the show
    >They're just cannibals not drug addicted chem fiends

  53. 3 months ago

    yeah, it was genuinely well done, even if more in a "member pip boy, member deviled eggs, etc." way. it's a solid 7-8/10 show, which is a masterpice, as far as video game adaptations are concerned and I enjoyed much more than I thought I would. it's like everyone rightly assumed it must be total shit and then never updated their script when it miraculously turned out it isn't

  54. 3 months ago

    totally organic shilling

  55. 3 months ago

    NGL, the show might be mid but at least we are having this FO threads like we used to back in 2015 before FO4 came out.

  56. 3 months ago

    I dunno why people are so mad about the show not caring about the originals and what they set up when bethesda has always shown they don't actually care about depicting the rebuilding of society in their version of the setting, keeping the wasteland in a perpetual state of being a lawless frontier.

    • 3 months ago

      Because Ganker is a social media outlet and all social media outlets operate on outrage culture now.

    • 3 months ago

      4 showed a rebuilding effort, with the Brotherhood having fully claimed DC and projecting power outwards to Boston. As well as the efforts of the Minutemen to create the foundations for a new country.

  57. 3 months ago

    Buy an ad homosexual shill

  58. 3 months ago

    so were Lenny, Charon, Raul, Hanwiener etc. just huffing anti-ghoul juice that never appeared in their inventory behind your back all the time or something?

  59. 3 months ago

    frick off

  60. 3 months ago

    Yeah because trivial nonsense is what I fell in love with Fallout for

  61. 3 months ago

    Heard they cucked the setting to have Vault-tec nuke America instead of the Chinese.

  62. 3 months ago

    Zoomers are disgusting. They know exactly what the show is going to be yet they choose to watch the cuck porn. Only explanation as to who all these gays actually watching this slop are

  63. 3 months ago

    why did the NCR move shady sands to the boneyard

  64. 3 months ago

    >Can you miserable fricks
    When will people realise that buttholes derive enjoyment from shitting on things?

  65. 3 months ago

    Let me just repeat what I said in the other thread. 2008's Fallout 3 was a reboot, where the "re" specifically stands for "moron". Do not expect Fallout to ever go back to the quality and standard it once had. It's worse than dead now. Just move on and accept it. It's been almost 20 years.

    With that said, if I ever meet Todd, Pete, Emil or any of the other fricking bastards I'll spit in their faces.

  66. 3 months ago

    Why do they call that thing a gulper when it clearly is an FEV monstrosity with human components and Gulpers seem to literally just be irradiated newts that got bigger?

    • 3 months ago

      Oh I don't play shit so I didn't even know it was a fallout mister. Thought it was a show invention

    • 3 months ago

      wastelanders are stupid and don't care to study the critters they have to shoot

      • 3 months ago

        >why is literally everything in this show wrong
        >because everyone in the setting is too stupid to get anything right

        • 3 months ago

          wastelanders being stupid isn't the reason shady sands teleported miles south anon. it's reasonable to think that a creature that looks like another creature may be a part of the same family species wise. stop acting like every character in universe has the benefit of being an audience member, yes they get things wrong, this is hardly one of them.

          • 3 months ago

            If the monster type ever shows up again tin the show you can bet it'll be the exact same, because nobody cares on this production to get anything correct.

            • 3 months ago

              of course it'll be the same because that's the origins of that style of creature in that part of the world. seriously go b***h about The Master never finding the vaults in the boneyard and not that characters with no knowledge of FEV experiments would think a creature is something it isn't

        • 3 months ago

          NTA, they call it a gulper cause it’s a giant scary mouth, they don’t call it an F.E.V monstrosity cause no one we follow would likely know jack about F.E.V

  67. 3 months ago

    They literally LITERALLY included the password hack screen when Norm is accessing the overseer computer

    Based Based Based

    • 3 months ago

      The password is "Dubbed" hehe

    • 3 months ago

      >the little quest/objective completed noise her pip boy makes when she reaches the NCR
      Show ain’t perfect no corpo bullshit is but there was love, love was there
      >they even managed to make someone say “War. War never changes” without it sounding shoot me in the face forced like every mod does

      • 3 months ago

        >do LITERALLY ANYTHING like the games
        >no matter how easy it was to do
        Yeah, they just completely ruined the entire setting to do it, they loved it so much.

        • 3 months ago

          You think the prop people and the sound designers had any say? If a suit wants to frick with it they will but there’s no way there wasn’t fallout fans on the crew
          >honestly how many people do you think are responsible for making a show? It’s a lot more than three dudes

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, I'm sure they copied easy, surface level aesthetic choices. It's the bare minimum they had to do to fool people like you into thinking that this wasn't a soulless production by people who don't care about the series. You think they loved it but can't get any of the basics right? Who added the iron man power armor anon?

            • 3 months ago

              Did better than the halo show didn’t they? Besides it was a writer who added the hand jets same as it was a writer nuked shady sands and some suit who resents NV was behind it probably after something better was pitched or some shit
              And then a bunch of nerds did a bunch of nerd shit to still make it feel like fallout
              Fricky nu fallout but if there wasn’t anything left to go back to would any of us still be talking about it?
              It ain’t perfect but it’s far from the worst we could’ve gotten

              • 3 months ago

                >listen, it isn't literally the worst adaptation possible
                >like, they added blips and bloops from the pip-boy and the hacking screen! They must really care!
                There's nothing left to go back to and this show was the final nail in the setting's coffin. They literally reset everything the setting has been about to 0. We're back to pre-Fallout 1 now, the setting is now just a handful of aesthetic quirks over rubble. This show did more damage that the Halo one.

              • 3 months ago

                And isn’t talking about it nice? Cause I’m willing to bet even if you or I were a writer on this show we wouldn’t be able to save it. Fallout is no one’s baby anymore anon, I’m mourning it too. But it was pretty cool seeing that old video game I like get a show that wasn’t painful to watch as a show
                >even if it was as a gamer

              • 3 months ago

                No? Talking about it isn't particularly nice. I'm here to vent vitriol before I go back to never thinking about Fallout. Watching something you like spiral into self-parody isn't pleasant for most people.

              • 3 months ago

                Well the old games are still where we left them

                You gonna miss the legion as much as I am?

              • 3 months ago

                >reset everything the setting has been about

                And what's that? What is the setting about, anon?

              • 3 months ago

                the resilience of mankind and it's ability to rebuild in the face of total destruction

              • 3 months ago

                >reset everything the setting has been about

                And what's that? What is the setting about, anon?

                >answering yourself
                Anon you know there's a difference between the setting and the theme of the setting right? The setting has been reset.

              • 3 months ago

                >anwering yourself
                huh? I am not that anon dipshit
                >the setting has been reset
                yes, and that is what the bulk of the complaints about the show and it's handling of the west coast are about.

              • 3 months ago

                That wasn't me
                >The setting has been reset
                Still not answering the question. I know you're making the case that the setting has been "reset" or ruined or whatever, so my question is, what was it that was ruined? In what way? What was the narrative sacred cow that got "reset"? What is it that Fallout is/was "about" that was subsequently ruined?

                Please give a real answer instead of dodging the question again.

              • 3 months ago

                And again, I'm not talking about the theme, I'm talking about the literal setting being reduced to nothing but endless rubble. Or does the NCR being dissolved offscreen as well as every major east coast faction that isn't the fricking Brotherhood not something you understood?

              • 3 months ago

                I don't think that anon knows that by the time NV rolls around the NCR is a fully function democratic republic that has total control over the state of California

              • 3 months ago

                >What was the narrative sacred cow that got "reset"?

                the resilience of mankind and it's ability to rebuild in the face of total destruction

                nu-fallout would prefer an unending cycle of destruction constantly putting everything back into lawless frontiers

              • 3 months ago

                You realise Fallout is inherently fatalistic, right? Hence “War never changes”.

              • 3 months ago

                you know fallout is more than a oneliner in a prologue right?

              • 3 months ago

                Anon Fallout isn't fatalistic in the least. If anything it's endlessly hopeful. STALKER is fatalistic. This was just an easy way to wipe everything clean and simplify 30 years of faction inteactions down to ANOTHER fricking Brotherhood of Steel versus Enclave conflict over a bunch of crumbling buildings.

              • 3 months ago

                >Fallout 1
                >protag has to find a water chip to help his vault
                >Vault gets invaded by the enclave anyway and slaughtered, prior to Fallout 2
                >other objective is to kill the Master and stop him from creating a new society/faction of mutants
                >game ends with the protag being kicked out of his home
                >"no you see, fallout is really about hope and building up new communities after a disaster"

                Now I KNOW none of you Black folk actually played these games, holy frick.

              • 3 months ago

                hey anon what happens to the vault dweller after he gets kicked out of the vault? does he acquire new hope and builds up a community after a disaster? the answer may shock you!

              • 3 months ago

                You really are that stupid, huh. The vault isn't a "New community", and was portrayed as a bunch of morons that weren't worth going back to in 1. They died because they welcomed the old world in and were killed by it, the new world that wasn't obsessed with stagnating in the past is what thrived.

              • 3 months ago

                These boomers clinging onto dear life their irrelevant Fallout 1 and 2 games lmfao.

              • 3 months ago

                NTA, and thus in the face of destruction and hardship all we have left are the connections we make, people survive not ideals like

                the resilience of mankind and it's ability to rebuild in the face of total destruction

                said. We can’t save the world but shit we can build a home
                >even your enemies got homes

              • 3 months ago

                >nu-fallout would prefer an unending cycle of destruction
                Black person are you serious
                The fricking tagline of the franchise ever since the very first game has always been "war never changes". The point being that we're always going to find reasons to kill each other no matter how much we progress.

                "nu fallout" my fricking ass, I bet you morons never even played fallout 1. Get the frick out of here.

              • 3 months ago

                Subhuman. moronic fricking subhuman. War didn't even cause this new full setting reset, it was literally muh capitalism billionaires deciding that the best money making opportunity was killing everyone and removing their fiat currency.

              • 3 months ago

                >actually this one liner in the prologue is more important than the rebuilding and reestablishment of society that has tracked through every game that directly ties into the original in meaningful ways

              • 3 months ago

                The east coast fallouts have had consistent growth of factions and territories and all of that got wiped out completely because Bethesda prefers it when no settlement looks like it's been around for more than twenty years.

              • 3 months ago

                Chris Avellone holds the same preference, and they’re both right. The setting loses a lot of its charm if it gets too advanced. NV is about the most advanced you can get before it goes too far.

              • 3 months ago

                And now it's back down to Fallout 3 or 4, which is the most charmless wasteland we've ever had.

              • 3 months ago

                3’s wasteland had plenty of charm. It was wacky, outlandish and atmospheric. 4’s was pretty soulless though.

              • 3 months ago

                It was green and covered in chunks of concrete, it was awful. Downtown DC was the best part and was only okay, the rest of the wasteland was a bunch of disconnected places of interest with trash storylines.

  68. 3 months ago

    I know that you are being sarcastic, anon.

    But the reality of the situation is that almost every aspect of this show fricking sucks and even meming that we enjoy it, is probably causing us more harm than good.

  69. 3 months ago

    I resent the stolen labor of prop spergs being used for shitter productions
    The fallout 4 t-51 was immaculate but the game did not deserve that prop sperg

    • 3 months ago

      > Fallout 4 t-51 "immaculate"

      > Its a piece of shit with worse rad resistance than welded raider " power armor" in 76

      • 3 months ago

        Don't care

        • 3 months ago

          When its an armor that can easily deflect passively small calibers , explosives and laser it matters

  70. 3 months ago

    "Detail" is not replicating the imagery of Fallout without understanding its premise, plot, or tone.

    You are stupid if you believe that
    >I clapped when they showed Sugar Bombs!
    >I clapped when they showed Grognak the Barbarian!
    >I clapped when Goggins said Dogmeat!
    >I clapped when I saw the mini-nuke in the shop!
    >I clapped when they broke the water chip and then forgot to write it into any scene for the rest of the season!
    Makes a good adaptation

    • 3 months ago

      stop being jaded and just consume please

    • 3 months ago

      >and then forgot to write it into any scene for the rest of the season!
      Why did the show keep doing this? Same with the razor blade in the BOS girl's shoe. They just dismiss it is soon as it happens even though it's literally the impetus for the BOS guy to start his story.

      • 3 months ago

        I think the shoe thing was to demonstrate how Maximus is a sociopath who will sabotage anyone, even his friends to get what he wants. his "arc" coming to head later when he returns the fusion core to the shady sands vault refugees

        • 3 months ago

          What the frick? Was I really not supposed to think he was set up?
          Why would they write him to be such a piece of shit?

          • 3 months ago

            I thought so at first but then after he let Titus bleed out from the Yao Guai I figured he was an opportunistic piece of shit. this mirrors vault girl who is incredibly naive and well intentioned, the two of them coming together improves Maximus as a person as he learns to act in ways that aren't entirely self centered.

            4 showed a rebuilding effort, with the Brotherhood having fully claimed DC and projecting power outwards to Boston. As well as the efforts of the Minutemen to create the foundations for a new country.

            >4 showed a rebuilding effort
            the biggest settlement in 4 is a baseball stadium built out of scrap metal with trash still all over the floors and they still use caps. boston is in the same exact state DC is in during FO3, the onus falling on the player to rebuild via the settlement gimmick.

            • 3 months ago

              I mean yeah that does line up, but it's so weird they would try to be sneaky about the black guy actually being an immoral turd if you read between the lines.
              I believe your reading into it correctly, I am just surprised.

            • 3 months ago

              >the onus falling on the player to rebuild via the settlement gimmick.

              Again, the game is in part, about rebuilding. By the time of 4, DC is underway for being rebuilt and much already has, an in 4 Boston starts being reclaimed and rebuilt. By 5, from precedence, you can expect mention of Boston about how it's developed, as DC was in 4

              • 3 months ago

                the game is not "about" building, it has rebuilding as a core gimmick but the rebuilding of the area is completely and totally optional, and hardly ties into the plot. And moving to a new frontier every game and saying "the setting is advancing" is cheap, FO2 manages to showcase the rebuilding of California by explicitly having areas from the first game revamped, the area now using minted currency instead of bottle caps and so on. there's more to the reestablishing of society than planting tomatoes in a dozen or so various player sandboxes

              • 3 months ago

                If you go the Minutemen route it very much ties into the plot

              • 3 months ago

                This s Bethesda, you are only ging to get cheap from them in comparison to the old games. But cheap or hot, you can't claim the don't rebuild or advance the setting. It may be cheap and hamfisted but 4 shows a clear and definitive trajectory of rebuilding and advancement from 3. 5 may prove otherwise but thus far there is clear precedent.

            • 3 months ago

              To Bethesda's (minor) credit, they did try and explain why Boston was a shithole. The Institute kept dumping mutants on their head, assassinated their burgeoning government in a fit of nerd rage, and destroyed any sense of social cohesion via the synth program.

              That doesn't explain why people refuse to clean up the 200 year old skeletons just sorta chilling out in their homes but Boston does have good reasons to be in general disarray. Of course, Bethesda goes on to do... basically nothing with all the plot threads they set up but that's a whole other issue.

          • 3 months ago

            Because they're bad writers. I'm not being pedantic with that criticism, the show is full of plot-critical events and details that should be motivating both the plot and the character arcs, but don't. The water chip (for Norm, Lucy's brother), Muldover and the NCR, and basically everything in Lucy's arc.

            The obvious direction to go with the water chip was escalating the moral dilemma of the raider prisoners - forcing the wasteland and its morality into the vault in an inversion of Lucy's arc where the vault's morality is forced into the wasteland. It's even said, in the scene were the engineer says that the water chip is broken, that his calculation of 2 months water supply doesn't account for the prisoner. And this is right after other vault dwellers were gassing up Norm in private about being the son of the overseer, and how it's his time to take responsibility. He's the one who puts forth the idea of killing the raiders before they're interrupted by this news.
            You know where they go from here? Literally fricking nowhere. The water chip is never mentioned again, the raiders are poisoned by an unspecified vault dweller who likely wasn't Norm, and the whole overseer's son thing is dropped. Luckily the rest of Norm's scenes are actually good, but the writers are smoking crack.

            Maximus didn't do it, the other initiate confesses that they injured themself and frames it as hazing because they were afraid of dying in the wasteland. You're supposed to think that Maximus is set up, but this "twist" is so late in the show (it's either episode 7 or 8) that the average viewer will believe that Maximus did it himself because he's had no qualms with manslaughter (knight Titus), murder (attempted, against Thaddeus), or theft (from Vault 4). Maximus is by all accounts a selfish, stupid person, but he has plot armor and gets the girl because the script demands it.

            >You're supposed to think that Maximus is set up
            I am? Because I only watched the first episode and it was vague as frick but I was given the impression that he sabotaged shclem but couldn't come to terms with it.
            If I was supposed to get that he was being set up from him freaking out, then the injury, then him doing absolutely nothing to proclaim his innocence then the show is very poorly scripted/directed.

            • 3 months ago

              >then the show is very poorly scripted/directed
              Now you're getting it

              You're supposed to think he's set up because he's already being bullied by Thaddeus and the other boys. It would be a way for them to kill two birds with one stone: incapacitate Max's friend and frame Max. Him doing nothing is because he's stupid and cowed by the BoS, but I also misinterpreted it as moral ambiguity. Then the scene where Thaddeus discusses the bullying happens and you're like "Wait, what the frick?" and you realize that the writers just have no fricking clue what they're doing. You've been watching Max be a selfish, lying, thieving, murderous butthole for 4-5 episodes but suddenly he's actually a super cool dude and the bullying wasn't even real, bro. They're writing against themselves.

              • 3 months ago

                >but suddenly he's actually a super cool dude and the bullying wasn't even real, bro
                what the frick are you talking about, the bullying was real. Thaddeus admits that he picked on Maximus to move the focus of the bullying onto someone other than himself. I swear you guys are trying as hard as possible to act like the show totally tries to justify Maximus' abhorrent behavior

              • 3 months ago

                To be fair, with these bloated writing teams on shows like this, the writing genuinely is fighting against itself a lot of the time.
                A lot of moral ambiguity and claims of 'complicated characterization' is often just the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

      • 3 months ago

        Because they're bad writers. I'm not being pedantic with that criticism, the show is full of plot-critical events and details that should be motivating both the plot and the character arcs, but don't. The water chip (for Norm, Lucy's brother), Muldover and the NCR, and basically everything in Lucy's arc.

        The obvious direction to go with the water chip was escalating the moral dilemma of the raider prisoners - forcing the wasteland and its morality into the vault in an inversion of Lucy's arc where the vault's morality is forced into the wasteland. It's even said, in the scene were the engineer says that the water chip is broken, that his calculation of 2 months water supply doesn't account for the prisoner. And this is right after other vault dwellers were gassing up Norm in private about being the son of the overseer, and how it's his time to take responsibility. He's the one who puts forth the idea of killing the raiders before they're interrupted by this news.
        You know where they go from here? Literally fricking nowhere. The water chip is never mentioned again, the raiders are poisoned by an unspecified vault dweller who likely wasn't Norm, and the whole overseer's son thing is dropped. Luckily the rest of Norm's scenes are actually good, but the writers are smoking crack.

        What the frick? Was I really not supposed to think he was set up?
        Why would they write him to be such a piece of shit?

        I think the shoe thing was to demonstrate how Maximus is a sociopath who will sabotage anyone, even his friends to get what he wants. his "arc" coming to head later when he returns the fusion core to the shady sands vault refugees

        Maximus didn't do it, the other initiate confesses that they injured themself and frames it as hazing because they were afraid of dying in the wasteland. You're supposed to think that Maximus is set up, but this "twist" is so late in the show (it's either episode 7 or 8) that the average viewer will believe that Maximus did it himself because he's had no qualms with manslaughter (knight Titus), murder (attempted, against Thaddeus), or theft (from Vault 4). Maximus is by all accounts a selfish, stupid person, but he has plot armor and gets the girl because the script demands it.

        • 3 months ago

          But the chad ghoul have the girl they re gonna enjoy larping bdsm in new vegas again

        • 3 months ago

          >major motivating plot threads dropped, major twists poorly set up
          The reason is pic related.
          One person wrote three episodes, and the other five were all written by individual writers. Likely all at the same time with very little communication.
          Of course it's not going to feel like a cohesive narrative from a singular source - it isn't one.

          • 3 months ago

            That explains a lot. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they had a writer's room, at least.

          • 3 months ago

            That explains a lot. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they had a writer's room, at least.

            >curious, check all of their pages
            >the "executive story editor," aka the one in charge of making everything a cohesive whole and wrangling the writers, is a fricking GRIP/GAFFER

            • 3 months ago

              >main writer is a grip
              Actually, you're wrong, he has two writing credits
              >a short that shares its name with two OTHER short films released in the same year (no trace of this online)
              >and a sketch comedy show about zoomers during the quarantine (no trace of this online either)
              Literally who is this fricking guy? Bezos's secret bastard son?

              • 3 months ago

                >main writer
                I think that'd be Geneva Robertson-Dworet, but having your story editor/supervisor be a lighting tech is fricking weird

            • 3 months ago

              >main writer is a grip
              Actually, you're wrong, he has two writing credits
              >a short that shares its name with two OTHER short films released in the same year (no trace of this online)
              >and a sketch comedy show about zoomers during the quarantine (no trace of this online either)
              Literally who is this fricking guy? Bezos's secret bastard son?

              Just to be clear, Chaz Hawkins is the executive story editor, but he only wrote one episode. So let's look at the other writers' credits:

              >Geneva Robertson-Dworet (writing credit on 3 episodes)
              Previously wrote the screenplay for Captain Marvel and Tomb Raider (2018)
              >Graham Wagner (3 episodes)
              Portlandia, Silicon Valley, Baskets, The Office. This guy's a professional.
              >Karey Dometto (1 episode)
              Portlandia, misc. staff writer credits from Community, Arrested Development, and a nothing but trash since 2011. A professional, but not getting good work outside of Portlandia.
              >Kieran Fitzgerald (1)
              Snowden (2016) screenplay and a 2017 mini-series
              >Carson Mell (1)
              Silicon Valley, more trash
              >Gursimran Sandhu (1)
              Staff writer (entry-level position) on 6 episodes of Game of Thrones, more trash

              Basically what you'd expect from a writer's room on a project like this. Someone with "experience" relevant to the project (Robertson-Dworet, for Tomb Raider), a couple of seasoned writers, and then the rest are newbies.

              • 3 months ago

                Why you need a lot of morons to write shit like this instead of just one?

              • 3 months ago

                You're supposed to sit in a room with a bunch of theoretically talented people and bounce ideas off of them to improve them. Scripts / series that are written by one person are the exception, not the rule.

              • 3 months ago

                >Basically what you'd expect from a writer's room
                I'd expect Graham or Geneva to be the editor and not a Gaffer

          • 3 months ago

            >One person wrote three episodes, and the other five were all written by individual writers. Likely all at the same time with very little communication.
            >Of course it's not going to feel like a cohesive narrative from a singular source - it isn't one.

        • 3 months ago

          >You're supposed to think that Maximus is set up
          That doesn't make any sense. If you're supposed to think that Maximus didn't do it, then later confirming that he didn't do it, is not any kind of twist. Additionally, confirming that the mentally unwell person cut themself with a razor blade is also not really a twist.

          Their choice to give Maximus a clear motive for the crime but not actually reveal the truth to the audience WAS good. Combined with his light bullying of Thaddeus, his unabashed enjoyment of being powerful with the armor, and the ease with which he allowed Titus to die just for being an butthole (and attempting to directly kill Thaddeus later who literally did nothing wrong), all of it started to paint a realistic possibility of Maximus not being a good guy. None of that writing suggests the audience was "supposed" to think Maximus was set up.

          Revealing the truth of the razor blade at all was the bad decision. They should have left it ambiguous, just like the truth of who started the war should be left ambiguous.

          • 3 months ago

            >Hey bro, thanks for telling me I'm actually a super cool guy and it wasn't personal
            >But I'm going to fricking kill you now

          • 3 months ago

            You'd think someone who was raised by the BoS would have more loyalty to them, they probably all went through the same hazing bullshit before becoming knights.

          • 3 months ago

            You know what, you're right. I had difficulty trying to understand where they were going with Maximus's arc because the beginning (BoS base) felt so disconnected from both the scene with Titus and the yao guai and Lucy's arc where she holds onto her morality despite the pressures of the wasteland. The waters were muddied.

            I actually liked the moral ambiguity in the first episode, and felt less invested when Maximus went from the rigidly regimented BoS to a setting where the selfish exercise of power and the consequence of his actions were essentially disconnected.

  71. 3 months ago


  72. 3 months ago

    >Bethesda has NO idea what the canon for anything is
    >the writers for this show has NO idea what the canon is
    This is clearly an entirely new timeline or something.

  73. 3 months ago


  74. 3 months ago
  75. 3 months ago

    how the frick did fridge ghoul not go crazy without the ghoul sanity drug

    • 3 months ago

      Nick & Lever is great and need to get an anime.

    • 3 months ago

      my guess is that later in the show they reveal the drug never actually prevented insanity and the insanity was from withdrawals

    • 3 months ago

      He didn't know he needed it to survive

    • 3 months ago

      It just works like alzheimer but more agressive

  76. 3 months ago

    I thought ghouls don't need to eat, why did he filet his ghoul friend after killing him?

    • 3 months ago

      They took literally to the word " ghoul"

    • 3 months ago

      They are literally supposed to be able to survive in a vacuum for 100+ years without food or water, yes.

  77. 3 months ago

    Do you vote for him?

    • 3 months ago

      No he is a coward fat homosexual i would just vote the hook nosed or the pirate blonde

  78. 3 months ago

    >Shit in gold foil
    Ok reddit man, tell me about your "eye for detail"

  79. 3 months ago

    >the entire soundtrack
    I actually got sick of hearing oldies every 5 fricking minutes. Do people seriously play Fallout games without turning off their radios and appreciating the ambiance? They just listen to same 5-6 songs on a loop?

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, i like the music

    • 3 months ago

      Im burned out of the fallout 3 tracks, new vegas its fine and fits with the whole setting in vanilla, also i hate the violin shit of that cuck israelite thnx to fallout 3 and 4 with the Black personmen

  80. 3 months ago

    >leftoid propaganda goyslop

    • 3 months ago

      This "Never seen a woman before" post is brought to you by 'person who thinks women have penises'

      • 3 months ago

        That's just the NPC response they post on anything they don't like

  81. 3 months ago

    courier do your facking job

    • 3 months ago

      >big mt
      >west tek
      I got chills

      • 3 months ago

        Only house its fine the rest are clowns and parodies like an asian guy being the ceo of a company that experiment with chinks and other muts with vef

  82. 3 months ago

    REDEEM IT YOU b***h

  83. 3 months ago

    >Sits and watches his own knight die when he had the power to save him
    Cold, but I understand. He was disrespectful and made you clean his codpiece-
    >Proceeds to get his laughs being disrespectful to his own squire and makes him clean his codpiece as well
    ...I genuinely don't understand modern morality

    • 3 months ago

      The fat squire bullied him with the usual khans "initiation ritual"

    • 3 months ago

      >...I genuinely don't understand modern morality
      what is with you morons and thinking everything a character does in any piece of media is supposed to be seen as a good and positive thing by the writers? He's a piece of shit initially, then grows to be a better person through his interactions with vault girl. it's like the least subtle arc imaginable and you think his initial behavior is lauded as a good thing?

      • 3 months ago

        Okay but if you watch the show, he IS framed as a morally good character, so your post is just kind of rambling about a moot point.

        • 3 months ago

          >it's morally good to let people bleed out so you can engage in your power fantasies of being a big cool guy with power armor, then immediately letting it get to your head and enact the same abuse you hated suffering
          you are stupid.

          • 3 months ago


            Nothing in the show implies him watching his knight die was a bad thing.

            • 3 months ago


              you need the show to tell you what is or is not moral now? if you see someone bleeding out on the side of the road and can help them, but choose to let them die so you can steal their Hellcat are you morally good for doing so?

      • 3 months ago

        Nothing in the show implies him watching his knight die was a bad thing.

        • 3 months ago

          you need the show to tell you what is or is not moral now? if you see someone bleeding out on the side of the road and can help them, but choose to let them die so you can steal their Hellcat are you morally good for doing so?

          • 3 months ago

            Let me re-frame that since you don't really seem to understand the scope of the narrative.
            The show does everything in it's power to make it seem as though him watching Titus die was the correct thing to do, and it is what allowed him to do what he did in the show. It is what allows him to become a hero.

            • 3 months ago

              it allows him to later become a "hero" under the influence of the vault girl, without her he was an opportunistic sociopath who when confronted with the first chance to take the power armor to fulfill his power fantasies, he took it. and even then in the end he really only ended up helping the girl he wanted to frick, so even that was totally selfish. How anyone can see his actions in the show as entirely morally good is absolutely insane to me.

              • 3 months ago

                Backpedal harder, maybe it will start doing something.

              • 3 months ago

                I accept your concession. I have to tell you you lost this argument because if any piece of text doesn't explicitly spell thing out for you you come to wild nonsensical conclusions.

            • 3 months ago

              NTA, but all yall What’s more fallout than the “hero” being a selfish c**t when he feels like it? C’mon it’s not like you all never did a bad karma run or maybe a shaky decision for reward or your character’s pride

    • 3 months ago

      >modern morality
      Writers (white women and their enablers) don't have senses of morality, full stop. Their moral compass is just a mirror and they'll hop from one source of gratification to the next like unsocialized toddlers.

    • 3 months ago

      He's black and they were mean to him so he has a license to be a piece of shit, that's modern morality.

  84. 3 months ago

    >Female coworker who's never played a single game says she's gonna watch the tv show because "she loves the vibe"
    >Later says she liked it, but was surprised by how dark and violent some parts were.

    The state of Fallout's brand is truly grim.

    • 3 months ago

      there was a magic the gathering crossover too
      it couldnt be more over

      • 3 months ago


  85. 3 months ago

    Is this shit worth suffering through for Goggins kino?

    • 3 months ago

      If you stop after his big fight in episode 2.
      But they just start whittling him down from being a orally grey hardass to just making him the kind of badguy you'd kill without a thought in one of the games.

  86. 3 months ago

    OP here, glad i poked a real hornets nest here. You guys are as pathetic and predictable as always.

    • 3 months ago

      I like your acting besides not knowing who the frick you acted before

    • 3 months ago

      >You guys are as pathetic and predictable as always.
      You think a TV show about a video game is good entertainment.

    • 3 months ago

      >say something moronic
      >get made fun of

    • 3 months ago

      OP here again. Since I got your attention, can someone recommend me a good way to perform self fellatio? I have been trying to suck my dick for a month, but I cannot reach it. If I lose weight will I be able to reach it? Im a bit overweight.

      • 3 months ago

        Damn, I can't believe OP actually posted this, I had such a high opinion of him before.

      • 3 months ago

        ah, man; you gotta have a few ribs surgically removed

  87. 3 months ago

    Man whats with normal cattle and the addiction to feeling validated?

  88. 3 months ago

    have a nice day

  89. 3 months ago

    >Critical and commercial success
    >Emil is on damage control overdrive on twitter and shills are going ballistic because a vocal minority of actual Fallout fans are pitching a fit
    Interdasting. It's like they thought this dumpster fire that actively pisses on the real fans was going to sway them over to Bethesda's side or something.

  90. 3 months ago

    Can someone tell Todd that power armor can be worn by any character and doesn't have to be part of a faction named brotherhood of steel?

    • 3 months ago

      cooper is the only one that looked good in the power armor

  91. 3 months ago

    i'd rather appreciate a good script, you know maybe one that could take itself and the characters seriously for longer than 20 seconds without constantly resorting to DisneyMarvel quipslop. but sure whatever makes you happy.

  92. 3 months ago

    >Everyone freaking the frick out over a date and a direction the show MIGHT go but hasn't yet based on credit sequence graphics that are non canon in all of the episodes (seriously go back and look they used completely era incorrect vehicles models)

    >Completely disregarding the fact that they are entirely writing the Chinese out of the series and completely changing the plot to everything being vault tec and Russia or something

    • 3 months ago

      Russia also makes more sense than China ever did.

      • 3 months ago

        have a nice day

        • 3 months ago

          you first

      • 3 months ago

        Would you mind explaining?

      • 3 months ago

        Neither one is mentioned by name they just say reds or commies which are russia and china

    • 3 months ago

      disregarding the fact that they are entirely writing the Chinese out of the series and completely changing the plot to everything being vault tec and Russia or something
      Nobody is ignoring this, it's probably the second most b***hed about thing regarding the show.

    • 3 months ago

      It isn't being ignored. I think the two biggest criticisms are
      >Vault-Tec started the war for profit and power
      >the NCR being basically written out of the canon in service of this

  93. 3 months ago
  94. 3 months ago

    I found it funny how the “Raiders” that killed a shitton of Vault Dwellers turned out to be NCR soldiers.
    Lel, they made them savage barbarians.
    I can wait to see what they do to Legion in Season 2!

    • 3 months ago

      I think they were literally raiders not NCR remnants, since they're on drugs and shit, while the remnants we see of the NCR are shabby, but not like mad dog half naked drugged up raiders.

      I was under the impression that Moldy played all sides, and for the vault raid she enlisted actual raiders, then goes back to her NCR cronies. Like Benny enlisted Khans against the Courier.

      I mean, considering Moldy is somehow a pre-war survivor and manipulating mastermind.

  95. 3 months ago

    >nukes the NCR so that they become a tiny raider tier organization with a headquarters so tiny and shit that they have to paint a wooden sign for it so it can "make sense" for the BOS to roll through and murder everyone decisively, all while delivering the new macguffin cold fusion unlimited energy tech to the hands of the BoS so they can take over the west coast
    this is comical levels of spite

    • 3 months ago

      I don't know what's worse, this or House sitting in on the corporate meeting that decides to start the war for power.

  96. 3 months ago

    >NV2 will be made by bethesda
    Gonna be great to compare them to each other so we can see just how dogshit Bugtesda is.

  97. 3 months ago

    ESG slop is still ESG slop even if you put in a handful of neat details

  98. 3 months ago

    you ever notice that all these shows like to talk up diversity and all this other shit but theres always a distinct lack of latinos, specifically of mexican heritage
    in a show based in fricking CALIFORNIA

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah well i just hope they hire Danny trejo as raul and do a cowboy duo with the murderhobo

    • 3 months ago

      mexicans are already accepted in society
      that's why they push Black folk, gays and troons so hard

  99. 3 months ago

    I watched episode 1
    >starts out pretty good, guy who is obviously the ghoul has some personal issues and is afraid of the apocalypse, the women are coping and seething, tense atmosphere even before the bombs drop
    >bombs drop, cut to the vault girl
    >despite the vault looking really cool, the whole marriage setup makes no sense
    >the raiders make even less sense, why would they go through the trouble of putting vault suits and attending the marriage
    >meme 50s music with violence montage Todd really likes
    >her dad gets kidnapped by the raiders and she goes out to the wasteland to find him
    >we see she's in LA, contradicting the stablished lore, how the frick did nobody found that Vault out in the open like this, the Master would have a field day with this one, frick Vault 13, there's another one in his doorstep
    >cut to BoS camp
    >guy is best friends with a fricking troon
    >somehow, a woman pretending to be a man is a more capable soldier than our buff black guy protagonist
    >get injured by literally getting trolled, how much of a fricking moron do you have to be to not see a fricking razor inside your boots
    >the elder think it was the black guy because he was mad his troon friend got promoted and not him
    >promotes guy anyway, here's a reward for filtering your tard troon friend
    >cut to ghoul
    >he's buried in a cemitery
    >3 shit actors unbury him
    >they get in a gunfight because they wanted the ghoul to work for them but the ghoul didn't feel like it, and he got pissy for them knowing he's from California (I'd be ashamed too)
    >the gunfight itself is fine, some wonky choreography but nothing terrible
    >episode ends

    By far, I enjoyed the stuff with the Ghoul the most, I was thinking it was some meme but the actor actually delivers. The Vault girl and BoS soldier are likeable on their on right, but their entire setup in unfathomably moronic, not to mention the inconsistencies with the region. I'll watch another episode, but I'll probably just drop it

    • 3 months ago

      The homie was too dumb to recognice a chip

      • 3 months ago

        Tell me more, I might have missed some stuff

        They posed as fellow vault dwellers so they could reach the armory before the 33ers could arm up

        They were there to snatch the overseer as a priority, he has the code they want after all. The armory was just a bonus.

        Ok, that makes sense, they're still a little too inteligent for being just raiders, but as long as things get properly explained later, this is not a issue

        If i let my lore autism influence me, I'd go mad, but I just treat it as an AU/ loose adaptation and literally don't care about the inconsistencies. The NCR was a 30k population shantytown instead of a nation with a couple mil population? Sure, whatevs. They're two different things. The only thing in common is the name.

        It's hard to do it when the producers are on twitter saying its canon

        • 3 months ago

          He just failed the tests to not be another raider with better gear instead of cultist member about saving technology

    • 3 months ago

      They posed as fellow vault dwellers so they could reach the armory before the 33ers could arm up

      • 3 months ago

        They were there to snatch the overseer as a priority, he has the code they want after all. The armory was just a bonus.

    • 3 months ago

      If i let my lore autism influence me, I'd go mad, but I just treat it as an AU/ loose adaptation and literally don't care about the inconsistencies. The NCR was a 30k population shantytown instead of a nation with a couple mil population? Sure, whatevs. They're two different things. The only thing in common is the name.

  100. 3 months ago

    Ulysses was right.

  101. 3 months ago

    >bomb drops, little girl stares right at it at the moment of flash and doesn't go blind

    what the frick

    • 3 months ago

      Black person powers

  102. 3 months ago

    How the frick are zoomers supposed to watch this decompressed crap? I'm on episode 5 and it feels like there's like half a movie worth of actual content and character interactions so far, stretched as thin as possible.
    Also the way they are just running down the game's greatest hits playlist like this is particularly soulless.

    • 3 months ago

      Remember thing?
      It has reference to thing, so that means if you don't like the show you aren't a real fan.

      • 3 months ago

        >if you don't like the show you aren't a real fan
        What? Only fans are the ones getting mad about stuff anyway.

        • 3 months ago

          >Only fans are the ones getting mad about stuff anyway.
          I was pretty explicitly referencing the OP in this thread, anon.

  103. 3 months ago

    >They showed thing and I clapped
    This is what you sound like.

  104. 3 months ago

    >Lucy leaves the Vault
    >Doesn't wear, not any suggestion that she should wear goggles

    Fricking bullshit

    these homosexual """writers""" never even played the games

    • 3 months ago

      no Fallout game has ever had a vault dweller leave their vault with goggles on.

      • 3 months ago

        2 where the goggles imperative is introduced, doesn't begin in a vault. Bethesda naturally forgot it because they never played the old games, but that's Bethesda, it's to be expected since they hate the old games. The show was a chance for it, but of course the writers didn't play the games either .

        • 3 months ago

          where are all the goggles in 2 then anon? surely vault city would have a bunch on hand, no? it's just a minor detail from an FMV that isn't reflected at all in any of the game worlds, of all the things you could complain about you've chosen one of the most minor details to do so. if you wanna be mad about them not playing FO1 and 2, complain that the master never found vaults 31 to 33 in the boneyard, and that Shady Sands has seemingly teleported miles south of where it used to be.

          • 3 months ago

            ummm Vault City long since opened to the world so of course they wouldn't still have or need the goggles duhhhh

          • 3 months ago

            It's one thing to not play the games, but the goggles are an indicator that these people did not even watch the opening/ending cinematics as a barest minimum.

  105. 3 months ago

    I liked all the scenes where Lucy came across just random weirdos in the wasteland like the snake oil salesman and the dude with the water pump or the stoned organ harvesters.

  106. 3 months ago

    There is some decent "cinematography" or whatever the frick you call it, it is pleasing to look at. Fallout 4 was ugly.

    • 3 months ago

      >Obvious greenscreen
      >Obvious greenscreen
      >Basic looking shot
      >Extremely dark CGI shot
      Yeah, wonderful.

      • 3 months ago

        It is an upgrade. Do you prefer brown and blue?

        • 3 months ago

          another anon. I don't mind that they tried it at least once, but they need to go back after 4.

          • 3 months ago

            They learned. 76 has diverse biomes like the show.

            • 3 months ago

              They dont learned it was bethesda austin the ones that bother do a decent biomess

    • 3 months ago

      >decent cinematography
      >ugly Black person staring into the void
      Holy Netflix shill.

    • 3 months ago

      >blurry backgrounds
      >dark as hell and can barely see anything

      • 3 months ago

        >I need crisp high contrast image
        Ok buddy

  107. 3 months ago

    Walton Goggins has had such a strange career. I hope he got paid well for Fallout-- somehow it seems even more humiliating than picrel.

  108. 3 months ago

    Why did both the Yao Guai and Gulper look like mutated humanoids, like they were FEV subjects?
    I thought they were just regular radiated fauna after a few generations. Not a manbear and a fish man with human fingers in it's throat.

    • 3 months ago

      They have another vault mid 8 episodes that straight inject fev to women wombs and birth mutants that straighy ate their mothers after birth

      • 3 months ago

        ... so anyways, why are they making mutated fauna look like FEV abominations?

        • 3 months ago

          Most of the living beings of the surface have fev thats the enclave excuse of being nazis im more shocked they put normal chickens and one head bambi in the tv instead of two heads animals

          • 3 months ago

            That's not true, surface dwellers simply have slightly mutated dna from all the radiation exposure. The human race up there would be extinct if they were all exposed to FEV.

            • 3 months ago

              Thats true play or read fallout 2 until emil says another bullshit in twitter and some moron copypaste it as bible

              • 3 months ago

                Every human with FEV contact has turned into a super mutant or something like Harold and The Master, furthermore the FEV experiments were secret and conducted on chinese prisoners and shit not the entire human race.

              • 3 months ago

                The bombs opened industrial containers of fev to the atmosphere even the master explains it in first game why his army its a bunch of green roided morons with sticks and heavy guns

    • 3 months ago

      The gulper looking like a mutated humanoid is explained.

  109. 3 months ago

    zoomers hating just to hate but boomers appreciate because they know it could have been so much worse

  110. 3 months ago

    The writing in this show is not very good, and I don't understand where the story even thinks it's going.
    It is multiple times more functional than Fallout 4's story.

    • 3 months ago

      It has the tv series stereotipe of rush and finish it and explain everything at latest episode

  111. 3 months ago

    frick you show, you think a little bit of kino is going to get me to forgive the trespasses?

    • 3 months ago

      Not even the right theme to represent the NCR/west coast

    • 3 months ago

      I went numale here, literally paused the series and got up to pace the room a bit while smiling

  112. 3 months ago

    Damn it's almost like if America got nuked and stopped taxing the shit out of citizens the people would just go on about their lives and forget about the government while just trying to survive day to day

  113. 3 months ago

    I’m in the middle of it and I like it. It’s tonally and aesthetically accurate to the games, contains homages to every game in the series, and most of the characters are decent to good. My only major complaint is that the Vault subplot isn’t as interesting as the other plots (which leads to everything up until the action shifts to the Wasteland a bit of a drag).

    Most of the complaints I hear reek of people just hating it because the Bethesda name is attached to it.

  114. 3 months ago

    >Can you miserable fricks atleast appreciate the love for detail
    You saying that while posting FO4 style ghoul

  115. 3 months ago

    Filters work, 3 & NV had them for a reason. Bethesda copies mods and they noticed gays removed the filters. So they shipped 4 without one.

    • 3 months ago

      True, although I think NV’s filters were too bright and highlight the imperfections of the character models too much. 3’s grimy filter just straight up looks better and more timeless. Don’t know what they were thinking with FO4 though.

      • 3 months ago

        >Don’t know what they were thinking with FO4 though.
        It would probably look better with a BF3 tint, give it it's own personality

  116. 3 months ago

    a, yes, mister surface level there. can see why you like bethesda stuff.

  117. 3 months ago


    just keep throwing money into the festering pit. it isn't 'love for detail' Black person, it's showing you things you liked before so you'll like the awful trash you see it in now. its bare minimum nostalgia bait. does this surprise anybody?

  118. 3 months ago

    its been 36 hours now since I finished the show and my opinion has solidified
    its an absolutely fantastic adaptation, best live action vidya adaptation in fact, and I'm very happy its based on NV

    really looking forward to S2 and I'll probably watch E6-7-8 again sometime soon

    • 3 months ago

      I'm trans btw

    • 3 months ago

      >based on NV

      It’s not really based on any one game. It takes bits from every game. That’s why it’s good honestly.

      • 3 months ago

        I disagree and I know I'm right, sorry
        game taps into NV lore and setting any chance it gets, from SunsetSars ads instead of NukaCola to the entire board almost being NV original or NV-centric companies
        like, even fricking Repconn for fricks sake.
        it also goes without saying how Vegas (and House) will probably be at the epicentre of Season 2. Episodes 6-7-8 felt like I was watching New Vegas 2: The Series

        there isnt a single reference to 3 for example, and 4 gets referenced 2 times (BoS mentions commonwealth and I think radio scene was a nod to Minutemen)

        aesthetics are 4/76, but this is based on NV. 1/2 are thrown out of the window though, and whatever lore NV had on the West is now what West is

        • 3 months ago

          >aesthetics are 4/76
          There is some old fallout in there

          • 3 months ago

            there is, yeah
            it also helps that its cost effective to sprinkle some barren lands lol
            but Filly, Vaults, Griffith etc are more nu-Fallout than old

            >You're supposed to think that Maximus is set up
            That doesn't make any sense. If you're supposed to think that Maximus didn't do it, then later confirming that he didn't do it, is not any kind of twist. Additionally, confirming that the mentally unwell person cut themself with a razor blade is also not really a twist.

            Their choice to give Maximus a clear motive for the crime but not actually reveal the truth to the audience WAS good. Combined with his light bullying of Thaddeus, his unabashed enjoyment of being powerful with the armor, and the ease with which he allowed Titus to die just for being an butthole (and attempting to directly kill Thaddeus later who literally did nothing wrong), all of it started to paint a realistic possibility of Maximus not being a good guy. None of that writing suggests the audience was "supposed" to think Maximus was set up.

            Revealing the truth of the razor blade at all was the bad decision. They should have left it ambiguous, just like the truth of who started the war should be left ambiguous.

            who started it is kinda ambiguous still

            During the board scene we have Repconn, Rob-Co, West-Tek and Big MT

            >Repconn was purchased by Rob-Co in 2075, so the meeting should take place at least 2 years before 2077.
            >I just feel like they would know of this information as it would be easier to use a Bethesda company (Arc-Jet, Hallucigen etc) instead of NV original like Repconn, and literal basic wiki check of Repconn states this piece of information in one of its first paragraphs.
            >We also see the cowpoke paying alimony and acting as a birthday charlatan during the d-day, so some time must have passed after hearing his wife's antics, further supporting my theory that the meeting was years before 2077 I think.
            >and why wouldnt she keep her daughter with her if she knew the exact bomb day?
            >We also know House didn't know when the bombs were gonna be dropped, only the fact that he was certain of it (and was one day off lol).

            Bonus: there are at least three unfinished vaults in the series as well (pseudo-13 from 2, 114 and 88 from 4) indicating there is a chance that the board might not have been the ones dropping the bomb, as they might have waited for these to finish too?

            What I'm thinking is, while the meeting before 2075 resulted in the board kickstarting development of their vaults, its not (yet) clear a) whether House was part of it (he was portrayed as a skeptic), b) nor the corpo board were the ones that dropped the bomb or not, as US/China/Aliens might also have been the ones who kickstarted the sequence.

            albeit I concede the show makes it look like they were the ones who dropped the first bomb and can confirm it any second

            • 3 months ago

              I doubt Mr. House pressed the nuke button you can probably rule him and Robco out.

              • 3 months ago

                I think Mr House will be an antihero in S2
                >I knew VT was gonna do it if noone else did it
                que in NV lore
                >so it wasnt a matter of if but when, I tried to save stuff
                >I was only a day off

                One of the bounty hunters Howard kills in the first episode uses a Rock-It Launcher, which is a gun FO3 introduced to the series.

                I thought it was Junk Jet! nice catch anon

            • 3 months ago

              I too think they wont explicitly state VT launched them

              • 3 months ago

                Not all of them, we know from fallout 4 that the chinese had nuclear equipped subs in american waters and the ghoul you meet confirmed that his sub launched nukes at boston.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean yuh, obv chinks and yanks launched nukes en masse
                but who launched the FIRST one was made a central theme by Beth, which is now close to being answered

                before beth pre-war stuff wasnt this important as you probably know, Beth is the one who just loves connecting pre-2077 to post-2077 by using any means necessary

                >the show makes it look like they were the ones who dropped the first bomb
                Hard disagree, for one reason only: Barb wouldn't have nuked her own daughter. Barb seemed to be not just any executive, but one of the head honchos at Vault-Tec in charge of the whole vault program and the plan to end the world. If those were Vault-Tec bombs in the prologue, she sure as shit would have already had her daughter tucked away safely in a vault.

                yeah I agree, I think we still dont know who launched the nukes due to all that stuff I listed, including Barb-daughter thing, but if you quiz 100 people who watched the show, 90 would say yes, VT launched the bombs

                S2 should confirm or deny who did what as
                >where's my fricking family?
                will be a major plot point I reckon

              • 3 months ago

                >all the stuff I listed, including Barb-daughter thing
                I'm gonna level with you anon, I didn't read your whole post and I missed that part of it, my bad

              • 3 months ago

                thats alright anon
                thanks for going back and checking out my post tho

              • 3 months ago

                >where's my fricking family will be a major plot point I reckon
                Shouldn't he know where his daughter is? He was with her when the bombs dropped. His wife or ex-wife might have got in a vault but there's no guarantee she had a cryostasis tank like vault 31 either.

            • 3 months ago

              >the show makes it look like they were the ones who dropped the first bomb
              Hard disagree, for one reason only: Barb wouldn't have nuked her own daughter. Barb seemed to be not just any executive, but one of the head honchos at Vault-Tec in charge of the whole vault program and the plan to end the world. If those were Vault-Tec bombs in the prologue, she sure as shit would have already had her daughter tucked away safely in a vault.

        • 3 months ago

          One of the bounty hunters Howard kills in the first episode uses a Rock-It Launcher, which is a gun FO3 introduced to the series.

  119. 3 months ago

    The show is shit and YOU are shit for tolerating it. You are a moronic gorilla Black person consoomerist homosexual. The world would be better if you dropped dead.

  120. 3 months ago

    y'all lack media literacy

  121. 3 months ago

    he saw the thing and clapped

  122. 3 months ago

    Based on the ratings there are two option here. Either A. People voted without watching all episodes or the type of people actually watching this are the rejects of society.

  123. 3 months ago

    Plese wotch the show saars.

  124. 3 months ago
  125. 3 months ago

    They shit on Fallout NV way too much, Todd's spite is coming through
    >Yeah Shady Sands is nuked
    >The NCR are pretty much all dead
    >New Vegas? Yeah it's a ghost town and in ruins lmao
    >Also, nothing in Fallout New Vegas matters because everything becomes ruins shortly afterwards anyways

    Why did they set this game right after Fallout 4? They could've set it between Fallout 1 and 2, or after 2, and it'd be fine
    Why did they have to set it near New Vegas? They could've set it somewhere else and the story would be the same
    Why did Shady Sands of all places need to be nuked? They could've nuked some other settlement but chose Shady Sands

    • 3 months ago

      >nothing bad is allowed to happen to the factions in NV because…IT JUST ISN’T OKAY?

      The NCR’s collapse was inevitable. NV itself established this. The central theme of Fallout is that humanity will continue to destroy itself repeatedly, afterall.

      • 3 months ago

        It didn't collapse it was obliterated in 2 seconds

  126. 3 months ago

    As far as I am concerned it goes

    Fallout Show > NV > FO2 > > > FO4 > FO3

  127. 3 months ago

    >How Fallout: New Vegas Helped Me Discover My Gender Identity

    • 3 months ago

      >no one
      >(you): Trannies!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!

  128. 3 months ago

    no kys nu fallout gay

  129. 3 months ago

    >Lucy is a good karma character
    >Maximus is a neutral karma character
    >Howard is an evil karma character
    >each of them also have clearly different skillsets, so multiple playstyles are represented

    Kino, tbqh.

  130. 3 months ago

    It was good Todd, don't be so insecure
    I will give 8/10

  131. 3 months ago

    >watching modern movies or shows

    No thanks.

  132. 3 months ago

    >do the bare minimum
    >expect praise
    It's like when the kid who pours coffee into a cup for me immorally thinks they deserve $25/hour at the expense of the person who owns the shop.

    • 3 months ago

      Well, hope the guy who owns the shop can pour coffee for all the obnoxious, rude Black folk that come through and lower the quality of his business overall. Wonder how long that'll last.

      • 3 months ago

        For decades because there will always be young first time workers who need experience ina high turnover market. I’m all for paying them more by the way as long as they are prepared to commit to 60-80 hours a week and a long term commitment to that place of employee and an attitude change to make up for the work force that doesn’t have the chuff to make it in that environment and will be cut from the payroll. Really it’s win win and a good thing

  133. 3 months ago

    I think it's really impressive that Bethesda managed to take a lesser-known IP with 2 CRPGs and failed spin-offs and reinvent it into Star Wars for gamers. They turned the IP into its iconography. Power armor isn't a dual symbol of military-industrial excess of pre-war America and the "might makes right" ethos of the wasteland, it's a lightsaber. Dogmeat isn't a one-off companion from 1 who reappeared as an easter egg in 2, he's R2D2. Vertibirds, X-Wings, etc.

    I don't mean this as an insult, like it's actually impressive. All Bethesda or anyone else has to do is throw a few of the recognizable icons of Fallout into a product and people love it.

    • 3 months ago

      Fallout has an interesting setting, and FO3 very smartly focused on the things that made the setting unique and cool. As much as some autists b***h about Fallout 3 being primarily focused on “rule of cool”, that’s exactly what made it such a massive success.

      • 3 months ago

        >FO3 focused on what made the setting unique and cool
        Rubble, super mutants, and power armored good guys?

        • 3 months ago

          That, and tongue in cheek black humour, 50s Americana, mundane settings taking on a whole new purpose, weird simulations and critiques of McCarthyism.

          There’s really no other post Apocalyptic vibe quite like that.

          • 3 months ago

            Fallout 2 reddited up the series before reddit existed. Fo3 was just a product of that.

          • 3 months ago

            Anon aside from 50s americana literally every post-apocalyptic american media has all of those.

            • 3 months ago

              Not really. Compare it to something like Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, and you’ll see the vibe is quite different.

              • 3 months ago

                The Road isn't a nuclear apocalypse, Fallout's apocalypse is pure cold war nuclear scare. Every similar work has the same themes. Fallout just cranked up the '50s and '60s of the cold war.

      • 3 months ago

        >Fallout 3 being primarily focused on “rule of cool”
        Rule of cool does not equate to "We now move characters, factions, a monetary system and whole lot of shit , that has no reason to be anywhere else, on the other side of the country"

      • 3 months ago

        >FO3 very smartly focused on the things that made the setting unique and cool
        Oh my fricking god, are we here now?
        Ganker hated Fallout 3. HATED IT. And FO3 threads were peppered with the EXACT SAME ambiguous complaints that the show is getting: "they're missing the point of Fallout! they don't get the philosophy of the past games! they ruined the Brotherhood! it's just shallow references by people who didn't research the lore!". New Vegas was so beloved here that posts about NV frequently contrasted it against the shitshow that was Fallout 3.

        I dare any of the armchair philosophers ITT to tell me in one paragraph what Fallout is "about". Describe for me what the "point" of Fallout is. Go ahead.

        • 3 months ago

          >Describe for me what the "point" of Fallout is. Go
          Conflict in inherent in human nature, yet persevere we must in try to live in harmony lest we go extinct

  134. 3 months ago

    What is this sudden hatered torwards authencity? Its like people are having their windows broken and pets shot by Fallout fans with the kind of scorn people talk about people not being happy with this shit show.
    What kind of mental illness leads to this kind of behavior?

    • 3 months ago

      it's authentic to bethesda fallout, which is what popular culture and the mainstream think Fallout is.

      • 3 months ago

        This is the issue with the show as

        Copying the surface level iconography of an existing property so normalgays will uncritically view it as a faithful adaptation while distorting its themes and fricking up the tone is literally the entire problem with modern adaptations and sequels.

        said so well
        >Bethesda Fallout fan watches the show
        >loves it because it's a perfect adaptation of Bethesda Fallout
        >goes online and sees Fallout "fans" brandishing torches and pitchforks

        >Black Isle / Obsidian fan watches the show
        >hates it because it's a perfect adaptation of Bethesda Fallout
        >goes online and sees Fallout "fans" praising it for being the best video game adaptation of all time and a "love letter" to the series

        There's no winning here

        • 3 months ago

          I dunno, I think the only way to win as an old fan is to make peace with the fact that the current IP holders don't care about the legacy and story of the originals. we've known this is the case since 3 released almost 2 decades ago, NV seems to have given people false hope that the series would actually continue off of it in a meaningful way instead of being the freak accident game that Bethesda will never revisit.

          • 3 months ago

            I imagine Bethesda deeply regrets ever letting Obsidian get a hold of Fallout to make Van Buren into New Vegas, because now it's haunting them forever. Like imagine getting so BTFO by someone handling your IP better that you're STILL dealing with the consequences more than 10 year later. That's insane.

            • 3 months ago

              There’s literally no evidence to suggest that Bethesda dislikes NV. Especially since them and Obsidian are still on good terms.

              Literally they only reason they loaned Fallout out that one time was because they were busy with Skyrim.

              • 3 months ago

                Except the tweet where Avellone alleged that Bethesda was displeased with NV's reception, both "good and bad"

              • 3 months ago

                That’s very vague. It could just mean it didn’t meet sales expectations (which it didn’t).

    • 3 months ago

      bro don't be critical
      stop thinking
      if you dislike product you're a bad person and probably live in your mom's basement

      • 3 months ago

        I mean yeah. People who are critical of the show for anything but the story beats are seemingly unhinged.

    • 3 months ago

      Man, what an authentic show that gets everything wrong. They just put so much effort into not even slightly researching anything about Fallout....

      • 3 months ago

        I meant the exact opposite with people being angry at Fallout fans for not being fine with Bethesda or Amazon influence to the series.

    • 3 months ago

      >and pets shot
      The show has a German Shepard puppy be incinerated. Guess what kind of dog I grew up with homosexual. In a way they did murder my pet you Black person

      • 3 months ago

        >guy kills the dog
        >then later heals that dog (????)
        >dog likes him now (??????????)

        • 3 months ago

          Go figure my dog was real smart she never would have befriended someone who tried to stab her to death. They can’t even write dogs

          • 3 months ago

            The dog was looking for its owner, not going alongside the Ghoul.

            Are you really so stupid that you didn’t pick that up?

            • 3 months ago

              >dog finds dead body of owner
              >doesn’t loyally wait by his side and guard him to keep him safe even kn death
              The dog already found him. Unless your gonna pull someBethesda bullshit and say the dog isn’t a dog it’s a robot dog with a mission to protect the fusion bullshit frick off. A dog wouldn’t follow someone that stabbed it or let them pet it

    • 3 months ago

      It has accurate costumes but is written like shit and it's hard to watch because nothing makes sense, characters are stupid and bland, I really can't listen to the dialogue for longer than 1 episode

  135. 3 months ago

    >radio station host
    Can you post a clip with him in it? I must've forgotten him.

  136. 3 months ago

    >Le gamer memes are in the series so it doesn't have to be good
    Buy an ad, still more effort than simply putting a prop on the set and hoping that audience will like the show because there's muh game reference in it

  137. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      for me its

    • 3 months ago

      I'm a sucker for Louie though

  138. 3 months ago

    how did she know what raiders are

  139. 3 months ago

    they put the pip boy in! CONSOOOOOOM

  140. 3 months ago

    >the pitch perfect weapon designs
    Of the worst Fallout.

    • 3 months ago

      at least they used the classic 10mm pistol from fallout 1

  141. 3 months ago

    Im just not gonna watch it is all

  142. 3 months ago

    >>the pitch perfect weapon designs
    They sang?

  143. 3 months ago

    I don't watch goyvision I play videogames released before the year 2012

  144. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      She's right and she won

    • 3 months ago

      What do you expect? A mentally ill character to understand she’s fricked in the head?

    • 3 months ago

      She is going for the Mosley look

    • 3 months ago

      Seeing as this actress is Indian, what are the chances they make her an ancestor of Aradesh/Tandi?

  145. 3 months ago

    >hourly shill thread from executives at amazon
    >plz buy into our dead IP we ran into the ground with live service MTX cancer

    • 3 months ago

      Get over yourself. Bezos doesn't give a single frick about a Taiwanese underwater basket weaving forum

  146. 3 months ago

    There are "people" out there who exist to make you miserable, what no foreskin does to a man

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