frick this game

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Beware Cat Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago

    Literally not even a critique of capitalism.

  2. 3 years ago

    Capitalism IS bad.

  3. 3 years ago

    this is the worst post about bioshock i've ever seen. a cactus has a higher iq than you
    play the fricking game before you ever DARE even connecting to this website again.

  4. 3 years ago

    But the bad guy is literally a fascist commie.

    • 3 years ago

      Fontaine isn’t a commie

  5. 3 years ago


  6. 3 years ago

    >Make linear corridor shooter woth very limited and scripted inreactivity and barebomes AI
    >homosexuals call your game immersive sim

    • 3 years ago

      never heard someone calls bioshock an immersive sim

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah that was bioshock infinite bio 1 and 2 were not linear and had horror/semi open levels to explore and discover shit

      • 3 years ago

        bio 1 and 2 was linear in the sense that there were almost always one way to do the things, the exploration was pointless and just a proto looter shooter

  7. 3 years ago

    >Bad guy's name is anagram of Ayn Rand (with a bonus e)
    >OP brings up capitalism out of nowhere

  8. 3 years ago


  9. 3 years ago

    Bioshock thread?

    I played Prey recently and I can't help but feel like it failed horrendously to live up to the Bioshock style.

    • 3 years ago

      I liked prey a lot except for the repetitiveness of the enemies.

      They’re all variations of black blobs. It’s just dull

      • 3 years ago

        in what ways other than combat (only 1 regular enemy and 1 more you run away from until you can delete it like its the first enemy type)

        The enemies are my main gripe with the game
        I still have no idea what half of them do

        There's a real disconnect because, as aliens, you don't expect them to behave like humans yet they patrol in circles and have vision radiuses like it's a fricking Dishonored game. The Arkane engine is literally not built for combat and Prey and Deathloop really shows it.

        Too many of them, too niche in their use and you only ever see 30% of them unless you play the recycling minigame or NG+. They also feel like shit to use, plasmids felt great in 2007 shocking people yet a big yellow explosion is the best they could come up with in Prey? Gimme a break. They spent too much time perfecting the moronic mimic physics shit and forgot to make the game fun.
        Not to mention if you want the fun powers you will literally just not be strong enough to finish the game.

        Bioshock hits you with the twist 2/3rds of the way through. Prey just hits you with the ending and says "ok now play it again", it's not satisfying or particularly clever.

        >Too much shit going on
        The amount of pointless systems that do nothing but introduce tedium is mind blowing. Inventory management, the shitty spacewalk segments, recycling is cool for like 5 minutes.

        >Nothing is EVER explained
        You can have a ton of fun abusing all the cool systems, but it nevers gives you prompts or opportunities. It expects you to put in all the legwork to navigate its extremely dense mechanics, which combined with the above point makes for a shitty time of bashing your head against the wall unless you slow down. Most gamers will not do that.

        All this adds up to WHY the frick am I playing this? I don't give a shit about the story, minmaxxing to make myself strong is pointless because all the enemies are just moronic AI bullet sponges and combat isn't fun. Exploration is rewarded with shitty alien rip-off colour stories or more Neuromods. They made this big fricking sandbox and forgot to make it fun

        • 3 years ago

          >Environments suck
          They spent a lot of time making a self contained believable space station - except since it's a realistic space it's fricking OVERLOADED with clutter and tight spaces which fricking suck to fight anything in.

          Again, when Dishonored did so much with so little why did they have to water down the core game they were trying to make? Watching documantaries it's very clear they just wanted to create a living world and everything else just happened around it.

          The developers refer to it as "metroidvanialike" which is moronic and bullshit, because the environments you visited do not change except for the glowing yellow shit that shows up and the enemies are respawned, but higher level. Going through 5 double loading screens is cancerous, what the frick were they thinking?

          >Incredibly uninspired design
          An alien infestation on a space station? Is that REALLY the best they could do? They came out the gate with that idea and seemingly nobody stopped and said "hasn't this been done to death?" and yes it has, they do absolutely nothing to set it apart either. The game looks like SHIT. Why the frick is half the space station art deco? It looks disgusting. The other half is sterile sciency shit and pipes. BORING.

        • 3 years ago

          >The Arkane engine is literally not built for combat and Prey and Deathloop really shows it.

          prey uses cryengine, deathloop and dishonored 2 uses void engine

    • 3 years ago

      in what ways other than combat (only 1 regular enemy and 1 more you run away from until you can delete it like its the first enemy type)

  10. 3 years ago

    >Ayn Rand
    >Ken Levine

  11. 3 years ago

    m4a1s is overpowered and csgo devs don't care about balance therefore it is a waste of time to play csgo

  12. 3 years ago


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