>CCP:we are focusing on the new player experience

>CCP:we are focusing on the new player experience
>Also CCP:new players should get into mining,exploration and do agent missions

Who are the morons behind this?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Korean Overlords

  2. 2 years ago

    New players don't give a shit about pvp plain and simple. If they somehow bring back station walking and all the side content planned for it like gambling with isk and whatnot EVE will immediatly get a huge population boost.

    • 2 years ago

      >Hmm, today I think I'll try out EVE Online, I read about it for its massive PVP battles, backstabbing, and espianoge, to farm isk.

      • 2 years ago

        None of that is available for new player, especially not fricking espionage and nullsec drama, at best he can be f1 monkey in time dilation snorefest. Makes sense to focus new player marketing on activities that are readily available in and around of high sec that fairly easy to get into.

        • 2 years ago

          Litterally anyone can be fast tackle after doing the combat career mode.
          >Hurr durr F1 monkey
          This is how I know you're an utter carebear.

          • 2 years ago

            >right click enemy
            >press f1
            >die in a fricking fire

            game is shit I quit

    • 2 years ago

      >>Also CCP:new players should get into mining,exploration and do agent missions
      they've literally stated at fanfest that they're pushing new players into limited time events, abyssals and other co-op PVE because it actually teaches them the game.
      also missions are completely being redone later this year along with FW

      >New players don't give a shit about pvp plain and simple
      actually this
      pvp is aids in this game because 99% of the time you're either ganking, being ganked or you spend 4 hours flying around not getting any fights

      • 2 years ago

        >missions redone
        Yeah, using that node system to script objectives,dialogue,cinematics etc. It would be hilarious if absolutely everyone stuck to doing the current legacy missions anyway because they can actually be blitzed and you won’t have to deal with Aura+other npcs throwing dialogue at you for low rewards.

        • 2 years ago

          the only people even still doing lvl4s are literally Chinese bots farming burner missions
          shit's 170mil/hr in a Daredevil/Dramiel/Worm and they do it in complete safety

      • 2 years ago

        >4 hours flying around not getting any fights
        Maybe this is becuase there are no new players in pvp and its the same 10 fricktards eternally fighting each other?

    • 2 years ago

      >all the side content planned for it like gambling with isk
      that's been in the game for literally years, its called Hypernet

      • 2 years ago

        I've had a year away from eve, I'm guessing not's much changed? I might check back next year by the look of things, or never.

        The hypernet is dogshit, you used to be able to play poker and gamble with isk.

        • 2 years ago

          >The hypernet is dogshit, you used to be able to play poker and gamble with isk.
          Amazing to me that the only MMORPG I've ever played in my entire life with actual gambling was Puzzle Pirates. A game designed, quite literally, for children. That game gave me my first and only gambling addiction, such a great learning experience, truly.

  3. 2 years ago

    Wanting to participate in a 'massive pvp battle' is a litmus test for being a redditor btw. Eve's only good content is solo/small gang.

    • 2 years ago

      True, but make no mistake that newbros join to for its amazing mining simulator or intense red triangle F1ing.

    • 2 years ago

      This but it also hasn't been good for solo/small gang in closer to a decade.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Who are the morons
    The playerbase
    >hurr eve is dying we need more players herp
    >durr lets gank them endlessly and lure them into null meatgrind derp
    Amazing game you got there

    • 2 years ago

      Mostly an issue with suicide ganking being way too easy with no drawbacks.

      Criminals should automatically get gate gun aggro after being on grid for 3 seconds (align time) and clone tags should straight up be removed.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Who are the morons behind this?
    It's a company built around egos, not ideas.

  6. 2 years ago

    The game has a sever problem - the most appealing aspects of the game (that they use to target new players) are time gated. No progression is really instantaneous unless you pay a hefty premium. Most new players are not into PvP, they just want to progress to a point where they can. But the most profitable aspects of the game take place in null sec, which is gated by the more experienced and hard core players.

    The players are also overly concerned with every aspect by which you choose to play the game when you apply for their corporation (guild). They want you to basically release all your play history to them to review (every player you have on your account, every isk you gained, every thing you manufactured, players you have sent in game mail to and so on).

    It can be fun for a while, but you aint making isk wise doing the activities available for new players. I think I trained for a few months until I had a decent Abyssal setup - then I started rolling in isk which I used to fuel null sec excursions on other characters.

  7. 2 years ago


    Also some of the most toxic players I have encountered in gaming reside in Eve Online. There are friendly ones as well, no doubt. But everyone in the game plays with the expectation that you're out there to frick them - so they're often not very trusting.

  8. 2 years ago

    They really think that those activities are "fun".
    First time i started playing EvE, one of those guys on the marketing team PMs me and gifts me a few ships for mining and exploration.
    I heard before that mining was shit, so i asked him about that.
    He went on a full text wall asking if a miner ever did something to me and that i should try things out.
    I triy out mining, ships looks good and everything is beauteful, but its fricking boring.
    Mining in lowsec at least has some thrill to it, but might even be more shit compared to mining in hisec, at least in hisec i can leave the PC and do something else. Leaving the PC on lowsec is an almost garanteed death sentence, since you will get assaulted by a random guy or the fricking rats.
    Explortion is more ok, but you get less than mining.
    Mission runing gets boring after a while unless its one of those nullsec missions from pirate factions, those are ok.
    Hauling is basically mining, you are going to be afk most of the time, but unless you can pay high amounts for the safety deposits in case of getting ganked, you will earn less than mining, and setting up a big cargo hauler its expensive (for a newbro).
    Gas mining is the thing that so far it seems to give the most money to me, but for that you'll need to get at least 35000000 to learn that shitty skill, and at least 10000000 to make a venture that can get the gas.
    There really isn't an effective way to get money besides grinding or getting some authistic friends with lots of free time.
    Now i understaned the why Jita scammers do what they do, they prefer to set up a bot to get that money to skip the grind.

    • 2 years ago

      >you'll need to get at least 35000000 to learn that shitty skill, and at least 10000000 to make a venture that can get the gas.
      the skill book is 25mil and a venture costs like 1mil
      you make that all back in literally 15min of gas mining

      but yeah mining is shit though.
      missions are ok. nice to just chill and run a couple once in a while, some missions actually have decent bounties on them.
      to get the most out of them you have to min-max blitz them or run burner missions.
      hauling is shit.
      >jita bots to skip the grind
      >skip the grind
      what grind?
      there's no 'grind' in Eve
      you just make money

  9. 2 years ago

    No content
    Shit server
    20 shekel/month
    Cancel culture

    I'm Just gonna RMT all my shit frick this game, FRICK CCP Black person

  10. 2 years ago

    Exploration is unironically the most fun content in the game. The issue is the value progression of it is completely fricking bunk, your typical Mid-Low SP combat site ship is going to be a T3D that costs <80m fully fit, then your next step up for 4/10 sites and up is going to cost closer to 400m. There is no real middle ground simply because every ship that SHOULD fill that gap is either absolutely shit (non-T2 Cruisers that aren't the Gila), or shit and ALSO completely locked out of lower sites (Battlecruisers).
    Then there's also the enormous step up in terms of risk when you transition from farming high sec sites to low/null, which almost necessitates that you multibox because otherwise you're just going to get ganked.

    • 2 years ago

      Exploration "fun" lel, ratting pay shit, mining is totally fricked since the r64 are worth nothing, right now only the wh is worth they make 25% of all the isk of eve for 5 % of all the player.
      Because ccp are israelites, and they don't want white men to have a relaxing escapism, where they can speak their mind to each other. also pretty sure much of their employees are mentally ill trannies, thats why they cater so much to reddit

      DED GAM
      FRICK CCP Black person

      • 2 years ago
  11. 2 years ago

    Can someone tell me how to read Somethingawful threads without buying an account?

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    Eve 2.0 by a competent studio (no Icelanders allowed) when?

  14. 2 years ago

    ez , be a streamer, get pvp every stream for free
    ccp would probably give you a sub for free.
    if you can't abaddon this autistic shitfest , gonna go through it baka

  15. 2 years ago

    is't ccp ceo abbadoned this shit like 5 years ago, and just develop new fpsmobile projects or some shit

  16. 2 years ago

    The current meta is so stale. There has not been any major changes past shitty economic adjustments. And ccp wonders why pvp continues to die

  17. 2 years ago

    Why did alpha Claw doctrine die? Was slightly nerfed whatever but still hot.

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