>Cell Stage: Carnivore. >Creature Stage: Predator. >Tribal Stage: Friendly. >Civilization Stage: Economic

>Cell Stage: Carnivore
>Creature Stage: Predator
>Tribal Stage: Friendly
>Civilization Stage: Economic
>Space Stage: Knight

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  1. 1 year ago

    not bad

  2. 1 year ago

    thanks for reminding me how EA ruined this game and Will Wright's career

    • 1 year ago

      It is kinda expected from EA. Worst thing is that the Spore Licence is still in the hands of EA and they refuse to do anything with it while none of the "spiritual successors" shows any promise.

      It could be possibly revived if spec-evo became mainstream but I doubt that will ever happen.

      • 1 year ago

        Thrive never ever

        What's really sad is zoomers look back fondly at this game as a "classic". EA won in the end.

        Some time aog I read a discussion where an EA dev said that they still own Spore license because they have a plan for a Spore 2 when they finished (to ruin) the rest of their franchises.

        Also Thrive isn't the only successor of this great game (wasn't perfect but was great).

        • 1 year ago

          What's the game on the bottom right?

          • 1 year ago

            Elysian Eclipse, which is the only one of the games in that image that actually has a future

            • 1 year ago


            • 12 months ago

              The dev is walking himself right in to a lawsuit with how much he directly copies spore.
              Either way i doubt that something will happen out of it, i've watched several videos and didnt see any improvement to the original, just plagiarism with unimportant changes like "guns" in the cell stage, very amateurish work.

              • 12 months ago

                Plagiarim in games usually makes the product better

              • 12 months ago

                >didnt see any improvement to the original
                Being disappointed because of how similar it is to the finished Spore rather than what it was initially is reasonable, but you lost me here. The creature creators alone are already better than Spore's.

              • 11 months ago

                >The dev is walking himself right in to a lawsuit with how much he directly copies spore.
                That's usually never a problem.

        • 1 year ago


          • 11 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              >he got mad

      • 12 months ago

        Spore doesn't deserve a sequel, the game we got sucks wiener and only moronic zoomers who were 7 when it came out like it

    • 1 year ago

      It is kinda expected from EA. Worst thing is that the Spore Licence is still in the hands of EA and they refuse to do anything with it while none of the "spiritual successors" shows any promise.

      It could be possibly revived if spec-evo became mainstream but I doubt that will ever happen.


      >Cell Stage: Carnivore
      >Creature Stage: Predator
      >Tribal Stage: Friendly
      >Civilization Stage: Economic
      >Space Stage: Knight

      Thrive never ever

    • 1 year ago

      What's really sad is zoomers look back fondly at this game as a "classic". EA won in the end.

      • 1 year ago

        Zoomers have turned on the boomer propagandists like crowbcat who might've shown them the way out, too.

        • 1 year ago

          zoomers have dildoed the pilpil goatse

          • 1 year ago

            Basques have pilpild the Bacalao...

            Amaitu da...

            • 1 year ago

              "Bacalao al pipil" is overrated, there are much better dishes among the basque cuisine. It ain't even the best basque dish using fish, that would be hake in greensauce. Now that's tasty as frick.

              t. bilbaíno

              • 1 year ago

                >hake in greensauce
                Seems relatively simple except for the large amount of parsley from recipes I'm seeing, what makes it your favorite basqueanon? I really love the taste and texture of bacalao personally, probably my favorite dish when I went to spain which is saying a lot.
                Any other basque food/drink recommendations? I fricking loved patxaran and am sad there seems to be nowhere to get it where I am in burgerland

              • 1 year ago

                >Seems relatively simple except for the large amount of parsley from recipes I'm seeing
                One thing you've got to know about basques, is that we put parsley on EVERYTHING. Like, it's actually hard to find a dish that doesn't have parsley, even if it's just a little stem on top of it.

                >what makes it your favorite basqueanon?
                I just love hake in general. It is a very nutritious fish, very healthy, and has a soft, not-overpowering taste. That's why you almost always eat it alongside some kind of sauce. And greensauce really is simple to make, as long as you have easy access to the ingredients, of course.

                >I really love the taste and texture of bacalao personally, probably my favorite dish when I went to spain which is saying a lot.
                I hope you enjoyed your stay. May I ask which regions you visited? And about cod, I prefer it breaded and fried, though "a la vizcaína" is also nice.

                >Any other basque food/drink recommendations? I fricking loved patxaran and am sad there seems to be nowhere to get it where I am in burgerland
                Well, I'm pretty sure you already had a couple rounds of pintxos. So if you ever come back, be sure to try marmitako (tuna stew with potatoes), revuelto de setas (scrambled eggs with mushrooms) and chipirones en su tinta (squid with a sauce made with their own ink)
                As for dessert, try goxua and pastel vasco (which means... basque cake)
                And as for alcoholic beverages, we also have txakoli (white wine) and sagardoa (cider, my personal favorite). We don't really have any NON-alcoholic drinks of note, which is a pity. We basques really do love the bottle.

              • 1 year ago

                It was just a catalonia trip actually, did a few days around costa brava and then barcelona. And yes I did have the patxaran at a pintxos place, pintxos mogged the tapas places I went to before so hard it's not even funny. And I'm sure those weren't even the best pintxos possible either. Next time I go I'll have to do a basque tour for sure, maybe do galicia as well if I have time for it.
                nice, looks like crema catalan (aka literally creme brulee) on top with more stuff on the bottom
                and thanks again for the advice, I swear the best places to talk about food are everywhere except Ganker aka fast food restaurant arguments - the board

      • 1 year ago

        I loved the game as a kid but I know it was supposed to be far better than it was. I remember buying a physical game guide for Spore around when it came out and what was odd is that the guide had images of the aquatic stage that was originally supposed to be in between cell and creature stages that didn't make it into the final game, makes me think that even right before the game came out there was something fricky going on behind the scenes. I wish I still had that book so I could check it again but I'm pretty sure the thing fell apart and my parents threw it out years ago. A Spore remake with some love put into it would probably be massively successful on its own so long as they didn't frick it up too badly.

      • 1 year ago

        Spore still ended up being an enjoyable game with neat ideas, just nowhere near as good as it could have been.

      • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        Because even though it was shit there was no game like it and still isn’t. Only No Man’s Sky and Stellaris come close and really they only apply to the space stage.

        The minute someone makes a non-shit version of Spore, it will merely be remembered as a vestigial game that was the predecessor that paved the way for something much better. Kind of like how the game “Gun” is seen in comparison to something like Red Dead Redemption.

        • 1 year ago

          >A bad game is good, because it's the only existing attempt on the subject, so let's pretend now it doesn't have all the flaws it has or that it's not shallow as all frick in everything it does
          This is your brain on being moronic

          • 1 year ago

            Where in that post did he even remotely say the game is good, he says it's shit. He's just explaining why zoomers still look back on it fondly.
            If anything the main problem is the assumption that a non-shit version could ever be made, imo the entire game concept is hopelessly flawed

            • 12 months ago

              The concept isn't flawed.
              But both the execution and even the technology at their disposal back then was flawed for the task ahead of the game.
              I mean do I need to remind anyone this game came out in 2008 and is written in x86 architecture and it can't even RUN on a 64bit OS without bunch of fiddling?

          • 1 year ago

            Omega moron

          • 12 months ago

            no you are wrong and dumb
            rethink your logic

      • 11 months ago

        It's still a unique and fun game, the whole lost potential aspect is irrelevant since most people who played it never even knew about it and only found out years later.

    • 1 year ago

      will wright ruined this shit for himself. EA gave him a blank cheque and unlimited time (which is unheard of for a company as profit-focused as EA), but he wasn't able to reign his team in and he eventually let the part that wanted to make The Sims but with Aliens win.

      • 1 year ago

        If Wright had been left to himself the game would still be in development and would be talked about the way Duke Nukem Forever was then and Star Citizen is now.
        It only took four years for Cities Skylines to be developed and released after Simcity 2011. The fact that we've had 15 years since release and 19 since the demo and nobody has been able or willing to create Will Wright's TRUE VISION shows that it really was an unfeasible project.


        It reminds me of Mount & Blade Bannerlord: a relatively small dev starts a new project with a much bigger team, the game stalls for eight years and eventually releases with many features cut. Wright himself said the size of the team on Spore and Sims Online was one of his least favorite parts and a reason why he didn't continue working at Maxis.

        • 1 year ago

          the sad truth tbh, that Soren article lays it all out very clearly from someone who was hired on to get the mess into a releasable state
          >making five different games at once is a bad idea
          the crucial flaw with Spore and, as you mention, why no one has come even close to making a direct sucessor
          >On the other hand, procedural content was a genuinely interesting and fertile idea – one which was novel for the time, appropriate for a game about evolution, and rich with gameplay possibilities
          also agree with this, and I do hope that someone eventually makes a singularly focused creature stage procedural evolution type game that does well. I know there are already some in development/EA indie titles aiming to do it

          • 1 year ago

            Procedural generation is like machine learning in that they're both used as a synonym for "magic" by people who are either too dumb to know better or trying to fool people who are.
            All it is is content generated programmatically, which means that it is only as good as the program and data set. And for all the promise of "infinite replayability" and "games small enough to fit on a floppy" (that was actually touted during Spore), from the days of the first roguelikes what it's actually given is the same gameplay but somewhat reshuffled.

            I think that part of the problem is that the more complex the simulation the harder it is to create a model that covers all the edge cases to create something believable, let alone realistic. If you want to draw a picture using PG, you have to create a complex model and fine-tune it through trial and error and even then it might not give you what you want. You might be better off drawing the picture yourself, at least you'll have absolute control.

            This is a pretty good blog about it, one anecdote is about a city generator that kept putting skyscrapers in roundabouts, another is a story generator about a boat that kept sailing in circles. AI models have the same issues, some of the aesthetic stuff they produce is impressive but how much trial and error do you need to create one usable image? How many times do you have to regenerate an AI story generator or ChatGPT dialogue in order to get what you want?

            Even today I don't know if Spore could make proper use of procgen. Maybe there's a genius somewhere who could do it. I don't know if the end result would actually be fun.

            • 1 year ago

              At least in the creature stage I think they could make use of the sporepedia to make a somewhat realistic model of evolution so you don't get stuck with the same creatures everywhere with vastly diffetent bodyplans.

              It would work by taking the bodyplan of a creature and using it to determine what their successors will look like by replacing the creature with one from the sporepedia with a very similar bodyplan.
              It isn't exactly simulating evolution but it at least could give you the feel of the world evolving with you instead of being the only organism that evolves on a planet of horseshoe crabs.

              • 12 months ago

                that is nice but what about actual gameplay

          • 1 year ago

            >the crucial flaw with Spore and, as you mention, why no one has come even close to making a direct sucessor
            Seems like it could be possible to do by releasing 5 separate games.
            Like if Paradox actually tried to link their games together. I know there are some mods that attempt it but an official way to go from Imperator to Stellaris playing the same nation.

            Or just, the original vision I remember for Spore:
            Cell Stage game -> Aquatic Stage game -> Creature Stage -> Tribal Stage -> Civilization Stage [like Civ4] -> Space Stage [like Stellaris]
            So in that case the latter two games are done, the important aspect is linking them somehow.

        • 11 months ago

          >It only took four years for Cities Skylines to be developed and released after Simcity 2011
          It's Simcity 2013, it only took 2 years.

    • 1 year ago

      If you still believe in him, he's making an NFT based game now. Go support him.

      • 1 year ago

        Wright just likes chasing interesting technical things, it's just that in the 90s that was procedural generation and today it's fricking glorified metaverse bitcoin grifts.
        Or at least it was, nowadays it's all about AI which at least is related to procedural generation. Wright doesn't seem bothered about dropping projects if they don't go anywhere so maybe he'll jump on that pretty soon. He could even work with John Carmack!

        • 1 year ago

          He has nothing to show after quitting Maxis. If he has a modicum of passion in the industry he would've had a title or two under his name. Even Molyneux accomplished more than him. The guy just burned out, mentally, creatively and emotionally.

          • 1 year ago

            I wish Molyneux was more active nut I guess he’s really old now.

          • 1 year ago

            >Even Molyneux accomplished more than him
            Such as?

            • 12 months ago

              Successfully scamming people multiple times and getting away with it.

              It's really astonishing how people would still get excited for one of his scams. Me too actually.

              It seems some people can just get away with it, like the guy in my village who scams us out of money everyday, and we always fall for it. We call him the village scammer, but now that I think about it I might call him Molyneux

              • 12 months ago

                dungeon keeper
                the movies
                all are great games and very inventive
                theres still almost no games that change your character model based on your actions, the only ones i can remember is gta sa and kenshi

              • 12 months ago

                And populus

                But let's be honest those games fell short on the promises. Still good games, but it's like buying cologne from the gypsys on the street and getting 50% water 50% cologne. You are still impressed, but it's not like buying it legit

                >We call him the village scammer
                Are you from Moldova perchance?

                No, but I get the meme

              • 12 months ago

                what if you were never aware of these promises to begin with. Im not his investor, i have no stake in this.

              • 12 months ago

                Black and white, fable and whatever still fell a bit short. I was a child playing them. It became obvious when I played the sequels and followed the dev diaries or whatever it's called

              • 12 months ago

                >theres still almost no games that change your character model based on your actions, the only ones i can remember is gta sa and kenshi

              • 12 months ago

                did it really?
                i vaguely remember some crab arm but maybe it was just an ability

              • 12 months ago

                Alignment changes the appearance of your skin, your clothes, and your powers in the games, though nothing as drastic as changing your bodyparts completely.

              • 12 months ago

                thats what im talking about, the amount of games that change character's body in progression is close to zero since black&white and fable

                did it really?
                i vaguely remember some crab arm but maybe it was just an ability

                the arm was in prototype, same type of a game

              • 12 months ago

                >We call him the village scammer
                Are you from Moldova perchance?

    • 1 year ago

      Spore was always going to be shit. Addition of more minigames like aquatic stage or stuff like flora and planet creator wouldn't fix the game. And planet creator was added in some way with Galactic Adventures anyway.
      Game was shit at it's core and it could be seen since the earliest gameplay vids. The fact alone that they couldn't decide whether to make a strategy game or an action adventure game made it shit. The most promising part that was Space Stage suffered in most spectacular way because of this. Because you, as a single ship of a single adventurer, are meant to wage war or engage in diplomacy on behalf your entire empire.

      All Spore clones overfocus to autistic level on some pointless bloat like realistic simulation of evolution. At least Stellaris is a Space Stage done right.

      • 12 months ago

        stellaris doesnt have anything except combat in terms of the game mechanics. Everything revolves around it. If you dont fight theres nothing to do.

        • 11 months ago

          >not installing gigastructures and playing a /comfy/ Isaac Arthur simulator

          • 11 months ago

            Spore with megastructures would be kino. Also gigas is bloated.

    • 1 year ago

      I think it wasn't only EA that ruined the game.
      While making a game about evolution of species and civilizations Will Wright was researching various scientific documents for inspiration. However, he came across a document about the Orgone energy and realized what kind of truth was hiding from him and how he could implement it in his game. CIA intervened just in time to blackmail him into removing every trace and mention of Orgone energy from the game, because they don't want anyone to find out about the massive source of energy that resides in nature. EA made a deal with CIA to dumb down the game even further and make it utterly insufficient for teaching people the details of realistic evolution, so after that EA did what it usually does.

      • 11 months ago

        >Orgone energy
        Schizo time
        Tell me more anon, but keep it short, this isn't X and I refuse to ruin threads with off-topic

    • 1 year ago

      What's really sad is zoomers look back fondly at this game as a "classic". EA won in the end.

      I only ever really enjoyed the space stage. Still do, in limited quantities. Shame about how quickly it gets repetitive though.

    • 12 months ago

      From what I've read EA may have oversimplified the shit of the project, but what I heard about the original idea or the creators didn't sound coordinated.
      Procedural generation proved to be a good way to make extra cheap games who look as large as an ocean but as deep as a puddle.

      I think it wasn't only EA that ruined the game.
      While making a game about evolution of species and civilizations Will Wright was researching various scientific documents for inspiration. However, he came across a document about the Orgone energy and realized what kind of truth was hiding from him and how he could implement it in his game. CIA intervened just in time to blackmail him into removing every trace and mention of Orgone energy from the game, because they don't want anyone to find out about the massive source of energy that resides in nature. EA made a deal with CIA to dumb down the game even further and make it utterly insufficient for teaching people the details of realistic evolution, so after that EA did what it usually does.

      Based anon
      May you be reward by REDACTED

  3. 1 year ago

    WE WILL NEVER GET ANOTHER SPORE, GOD DAMN IT EA, I wish I was rich enough to invest indies dev to make another spore guys

  4. 1 year ago

    Finally, I can repost this.

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago


  5. 1 year ago

    Cell stage and creature stage are the most fun
    Space had the most potential but it is boring.
    If only the pre-release demo had become reality.

  6. 1 year ago


  7. 1 year ago

    >why yes I read the wiki, how could you tell?

    • 1 year ago

      Unironically my first playthrough had this archetype.
      Besides name a better archetype than knight.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Good taste
          Captcha 8DDDDK

  8. 1 year ago

    I do that

  9. 1 year ago

    I want games that take cell and creature stages and flesh them out but as standalone games.

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe anyone has some recommendations for that?

      • 10 months ago


  10. 1 year ago

    GA was fun.

    • 1 year ago

      I can't listen to israeli music without laughing anymore because of memes.

      • 1 year ago

        There literally exists an official adventure in which you commit terrorism in the congress. What did Maxis mean by this?

        • 1 year ago

          >Talk to Amended Bill

          • 1 year ago

            Also there exist these things. They are also made by maxis.
            >TFW a Joe Biden spaceship starts abducting baby creatures

            • 1 year ago



              Do you have more info or a link about this game??

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                >Tfw can't get it to run on Win10.

            • 12 months ago

              >Trying to ally rogur creaturs
              >All of a sudden Obama shows up and steals the rogue I wanted to ally and add to my pack

              On a sidenote has anyone had their creture abducted? Like it happens to other creatures but never to the player. Is it just a myth that the playet can be abducted or is the player abduction impossible?

              • 12 months ago

                Player can't be abducted. Pack members can.

              • 12 months ago

                Then I believed a lie for more than 10 years.

                Captcha D8WWW

              • 12 months ago

                Fricking buttholes stealing my pack members.

              • 12 months ago

                >You cannot impress the Big Sir

              • 12 months ago


  11. 1 year ago

    Shame there is no Spore 2

  12. 12 months ago

    Frick it, i am going to say it
    Darkspore was actually good

  13. 12 months ago

    You people are stupid. Whether evolution is realistically simulated or not is not that important for the game.
    The core selling point was gradual progression of your character with varying possibilities, ie rpg but with much more significant changes like changing your whole body.
    Most people stopped playing after the creature stage because you no longer controlled your character, lost your identity in a way.

    • 12 months ago

      You go back to controlling it in Galactic Adventures

    • 12 months ago

      The Tribal/city stages felt like such lost potential, I wish that The wars in Space stage actually played out like the ones in City stage, with both your ship and the city turrets being significantly nerfed, and the cities you overtake just commanding and producing by themselves, but letting you interfere as well as there being 2 cities per atmosphere tier, or maybe a +1:+2:+2:+3 added on T0:T1:T2:T3, it would make wars an actual slog, with it being possible to have wars on multiple planets at once, and making trade routes for expansion more of an option, as well as possibility to ask other empires for help in time.

      It would also make the stuff you came up with in the city stage be more prominent after it, instead of something that you just never look at again

      seeing anything related to spore reawakens a primal autism deep inside me that makes me want to quit my job and devote my life to creating the most autistic evolution simulator on the planet. full blown formation of the planet, plate tectonics, millions of years of geological events that distribute minerals, ecological disasters, along with some genetic algorithm that mimics real life genes, etc. unfortunately it'd be too much for me and i'm a brainlet so it'd never be good enough compared to my imagination

      🙂 the primal need to create

      • 12 months ago

        Making your worlds bigger and more developed would actually matter, bacause it would meen thay can send more "soldiers"(ships and vehicles) more often, although it still would be slower by the actual distance, but you unlocking/upgrading the engines ,would suddenly mean that your civ cansupprt planets a bit further away, while supporting conquest in the centre of galaxy would be way harder than just taking grox one planet at the time, both due to the dense clusters of grox supporting each other, and the distance of support being relatively shorter.

  14. 12 months ago

    >be such an apex predator that you don't feel aggression towards the animals that you easily kill and consume
    >make friends with them, then casually tear them apart and consume them when you get hungry
    >pay them to cut off their own limbs and cook them for you

  15. 12 months ago

    seeing anything related to spore reawakens a primal autism deep inside me that makes me want to quit my job and devote my life to creating the most autistic evolution simulator on the planet. full blown formation of the planet, plate tectonics, millions of years of geological events that distribute minerals, ecological disasters, along with some genetic algorithm that mimics real life genes, etc. unfortunately it'd be too much for me and i'm a brainlet so it'd never be good enough compared to my imagination

  16. 12 months ago

    >mfw all my galaxy is filled with technological horrors that make the grox seem like cartoon villains by comparison

    • 11 months ago

      >That tophat

      • 11 months ago

        even technological terrors beyond human understanding have a sense of fashion

        • 11 months ago

          I agree.
          Fashion is the end-game of every SPORE species.

  17. 12 months ago

    What's the best Captain build?

    • 12 months ago

      Assuming you have the bare minimum in regards of stats in the form of at least level 1 sneak, level 5 health, as much speed as possible, some capability to glide and at least jump and as many social skills possible with dumping all the not attack skills as they are not needed for captain.
      All the Warrior Tools and depending on what you want either full Scientist Tools or Ecologist Tools with two picks left to be put into either Scientist, Ecologist or Zealot. I would keep the Warrior tools at level 2 to not overkill. Obviously you need to put the "Singuard" somewhere for a small HP boost.

      As a meme build you could go with max Zealot and Scientist with 1 put in Shaman and 1 in Ecologist. With this you would be extremely tanky as your energy bar would esentially be another health bar, your offensive abilities would go drastically down but you could potentially sacrifice the 1hp/s health regen for the second shaman weapon and keeping charge and strike.

      Either way you should avoid social captain parts like the fricking plague as they are as useless as they come.

  18. 12 months ago

    I liked this game (never listened to pre-release info so I wasn't disappointed)
    I always stop playing in the space stage though, because I get annoyed that I have to manually go pick up spice and sell it from all my planets
    Is there a way to automate that?

  19. 12 months ago

    The only good parts were the cell stage and the creature creation because you still had your hopes...

  20. 11 months ago


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