>christianity is...

>christianity is... le ebul!
Holy Reddit.

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  1. 1 week ago

    Yeah, game sucks

  2. 1 week ago

    Religion is responsible for the most human deaths in history.

    • 1 week ago
      • 1 week ago

        That number is a rough estimate of deaths, the actual number could be much higher. It turns out communists aren’t very good at management, they are however very good at population reduction.

      • 1 week ago

        he said human

      • 1 week ago

        >Emperor Chong stubs his toe while facing the Northern direction
        >Decides to wage war against the North Ching Emperor
        >4 billion dead
        Such is life in Chinatown

      • 1 week ago

        Communism is a religion.

    • 1 week ago

      *tips fedora*

    • 1 week ago

      I’d say economics and resources are. Religion is just an excuse— it’s using the lord’s name in vain.
      Blaming religion for deaths is psued shit.

    • 1 week ago

      That's malaria, my fellow redditor

    • 1 week ago

      If someone plays the violin poorly, do you blame the person that made the violin?

    • 1 week ago

      True, namely the religion of atheism

  3. 1 week ago

    >The Penitent One is the most devout MC ever
    He's awesome
    We need more extremist MCs

  4. 1 week ago

    it's about spanish catholicism so they're right

  5. 1 week ago

    >game where you kill israelites
    >reddit game
    No it's a Ganker game

  6. 1 week ago

    All organizes religions are evil. Not because of their scripture necessarily, but because after a point they're no different than a big government. Everyone at the top is a sociopath and possible serial killer that doesn't believe in the doctrine and only espouses to gather more power. Worship should be a private affair, or in small groups.

    • 1 week ago

      Ching ching ching ching, bingo.

      I will say you can potentially find yourself with a singular case of organized religion that's actually good if the people in charge happen to actually have the well-being of the population at heart, but when you have big government mixed with private interests, and add the religious component that makes people fanatically devoted to your every word because it's an even more core part of their very being than nationalism can aspire to, you've got a recipe for absolute corruption and as many human rights violations as the higher ups could ever want.

    • 1 week ago

      Do you think so with religions such as Jainism? The more extreme you are in this, the more of a peaceful person you are (in simple and crude terms).

  7. 1 week ago

    But that wasn't the message of it at all. I can't speak for 2, but for 1 it's that people were devoting their faith to a being that randomly gained power and became super egotistical due to it lording it over everyone. It's made pretty clear that the High Wills were nothing more than a normal being that gained a bunch of power and due to its huge ego demanded worship and killed or tortured anyone who refused while "blessing" those who did love or praise it with extreme pain and torture anyway since it held all the power.

    Outside of the High Wills it was showing a criticism of the extremism of faith and how it can be exploited to make people justify extreme acts in the name of it. The Cvstodians had direct proof that their "god" was real and that they were being "blessed". If they didn't worship The Miracle they were killed and tortured; if they did worship The Miracle they were blessed in cruel ways but ways that also benefit the whole so it was a mixed bag. It's basically showing you that people will have faith even in the face of heinous acts by a deity because it's the only one they know is real and that that's what awaits them in and after their death. So either you deal with it or face an actual, guaranteed death with nothing after.

    Socorro is viewed as one of the most holy people in Cvstodia because she's in endless agony and pain due to giving up her life to relieve three soldiers of their pain. She's basically their equivalent of Mother Theresa. Even the Twisted One was grateful to be "blessed" by The Miracle until he realized what the High Wills actually were and by that point it was too late.

    • 1 week ago

      This anon explains it pretty well. The penitent one also is like the games Jesus Christ, suffering through a pilgrimage to then rid everyone of their “guilt” which is the games version of sin. The high wills just have god like powers, not actually god themselves. There’s something called the miracle, and it’s different from the high wills. The miracle is a power, of some sort. Kinda like a mysterious power that comes from peoples prayers. The high wills I think are either the build up of the evil of cvstodians and their prayers or just some deity that took advantage of the power of the miracle. And the high wills only keep their godly powers if more people believe in it, so they would answer peoples prayers in a quite literal way that was cruel and punishing to keep the belief of the people so they would stay in power longer. Idk if I’m exactly sure with all of this but it’s an amazing story.

  8. 1 week ago

    Blasphemous is catholicism.

  9. 1 week ago

    More like:
    >indie pixel art Metroidvania with Soulslike elements
    Holy Reddit.

    • 1 week ago

      Is it true the sequel tone down the SOULSLIKE garbage and its actually fun?

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah, the first game is way more difficult and brutal. And I liked that because it fit well with the theme of the game and being on a pilgrimage. The only “souls like” shit in the game is when you die your guilt which is like your souls is left in the spot you died and you have to go pick it back up. The second game, I just played it recently, i had a really good time but it was easier.

  10. 1 week ago

    it is though?

  11. 1 week ago

    >Protestant comes in contact with the glory of the Catholic Church.

  12. 1 week ago

    >First game had some thinly veiled pozz with some light of self criticism
    >Sequel goes full woke, in the most absurd and deranged way possible
    Kek, good riddance.

    • 1 week ago

      Somehow I doubt it. But do explain anon. I can't think of woke shit in the first game, and I have yet to play the second.

  13. 1 week ago

    are you too low iq to understand the gist of the game?

  14. 1 week ago

    The problem with games that try to tackle complex themes such as faith and religion is that the devs are pretty much oblivious to the major works that have been written on the subject, or are you going to tell me those devs read Aquinas, Augustine, Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Laozi, etc? If they didn't then why should I care about what they have to say on the subject? You're not gonna solve a subject that has been around the history of humanity since forever in a videogame.

    • 1 week ago

      it's a caste problem and they need to know their place

  15. 1 week ago


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