Come, Anon. Confess.

confess your hobby sins, so that you may be forgiven and blessed, Anon.

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  1. 3 months ago

    I play online online, with completely random people, so you run into all kinds of folks. when I suspect a troony or nonwhite is in one of my games, I'll subtly try to sabotage things they try to do. Don't really consider this a sin though.

    The last time I did it, I had a troony GM who had a GM NPC. It was a post apocalyptic setting and we were in a friendly compound surrounded my land mines, the GM NPC, who was trying to catch up to our characters, was unaware of the minefield and accidentally started walking through the minefield. He ended up stuck in the middle of the minefield after being disabled by a toepopper in the dead of night. Too far away for us to hear his voice and too dark to identify visually, but the GM gave us lots of hints that it was the GM NPC, I ignored those hints and yelled "INTRUDER ALERT" and started opening fire on the GM NPC. Of course the GM swooped in and saved his npc with GM powers, but it is what it is.

    • 3 months ago

      I am slow. My mini assembly and painting is slooow. I always hate it until it's about 75% done then I like it.

      I also watch a lot of gaming podcasts which is as we all know a motivation killer.

      I run into a lot of trans in rpg circles. Not sure what to make of it because they are obviously usually very nervous and don't hide it well. I don't want to be cruel but I would not want this for my children, not at all.

      The nonwhite thing is just fricking bizarre though. You're playing online, they could be anywhere, not moving next door and opening a restaurant lol.

      My assessment is you're probably a dumb c**t. Play with the best intentions or literally drink poison.

      • 3 months ago

        >I run into a lot of trans in rpg circles.
        autism and gender dysphoria are frequently comorbid, this is why some people think they're "taking over" nerd spaces

        • 3 months ago

          I try to be polite but I would be lying if I didn't say I think it's possibly the worst path for many who take it with some exceptions... I just look for the common ground

      • 3 months ago

        >I run into a lot of trans in rpg circles
        there is a huge correlation between being a troony and being autistic.

    • 2 months ago

      I never sandbag. If someone is so disgusting it makes me uncomfortable I obviously just leave. No point in making myself miserable wasting time contributing to something I don’t rate.

  2. 3 months ago

    I once got an interracial couple (Indian guy, Chinese girl) to break up by putting a 'miscegenation is bad' message into our campaign. A half-elf girl wanted to meet her father, so she accompanied the party to an elf city. The dad admitted he loved her mother, but her birth was a mistake and she could not stay. She would be badly out of place in the city, just the same way she would be living amongst humans.
    Well, something must have stuck, because the Chinese girl abruptly got cold feet and broke up with her boyfriend. She eventually married an intellectual property lawyer.

    • 3 months ago

      Couples break up all the time, anon.

    • 3 months ago

      Another /misc/ power fantasy and proof you guys are just as antisocial, venal and nasty as the people you purport to oppose.

      • 3 months ago

        No its different when they do it, obviously. When they act like Black folk it's just JUSTICE.

        • 3 months ago

          I can't be around you people. The neo Nazis we toleratedbecause there was still a good person under there somewhere but it got old fast. Political extremists are like coomers, they cannot talk about anything else, everything is a platform for their politics etc

      • 3 months ago

        If anything I don't think we're nasty ENOUGH. Until we start actually shooting economic migrants, I feel there's a way to go.

      • 3 months ago

        If it's any comfort that didn't happen.

  3. 3 months ago

    I like Cestree.

    • 3 months ago

      we all like cestree.

      now, roll for your compatibility with her

      • 3 months ago

        Rolled 11 (1d20)

        Here's hopin'.

        • 3 months ago

          >Rolled 11 (1d20)

          we all like cestree.

          now, roll for your compatibility with her (You) #
          >Here's hopin'.

          >she'd notice you in a bar, and maybe eye frick you
          >if you actually approached, she'd be short with her answers

      • 3 months ago

        Rolled 8 (1d20)

        Im probably gonna fail this miserably but you never know.

        Are you a twink or something? Your GM seems suspicious.

        I wouldnt call myself a twink but I am on the thinner side. I am also the resident bisexual of the group.

        • 3 months ago

          >Im probably gonna fail this miserably but you never know.

          Roll of 8
          >when you approach Cestree, she quickly covers her exposed cleavage with her shall
          >excuses herself and leaves the tavern

          • 3 months ago

            I shrug my shoulders and order a drink. I then ponder if she went home to work on her art.

    • 3 months ago

      Rolled 18 (1d20)

      we all like cestree.

      now, roll for your compatibility with her

      My pappy told me to always shoot my shot.

      • 3 months ago

        >My pappy told me to always shoot my shot.

        >at an 18 roll, she'll def bump into you several times at the tavern, making eye contact when she says "..sorry"
        >stands directly in front of you when the minstrels play, often "accidentally" backing up into you

    • 3 months ago

      Rolled 12 (1d20)

      Hey there, do you Catan?

    • 3 months ago

      Who is Cestree?

      • 3 months ago

        board mascot for /tg, new gay

      • 3 months ago

        while not quite the /tg/ mascot, she's been around a long while.

        never did quite understand if she's a bad succubus in the way that's she's actually good, or is she a succubus for games, or is she only pretending to be good to consume our time, like our games and discourse?

        • 3 months ago

          She's a bad succ because all she does is play games instead of whoring around like a good succ.

    • 3 months ago

      You like Korsar?

  4. 3 months ago

    I'm a paid DM.

  5. 3 months ago

    I sometimes use slight-of-hand to fudge rolls, but only during chargen.

  6. 3 months ago

    when I DM I make up literally everything on the spot. it's all improv and my players never notice because i'm really good at retroactively making previous player decisions/ random items/ silly encounters into important, story-defining centerpieces.
    When I say everything, I mean everything. I let the players be whatever they want, I even encourage them to just make up their own species, and then I on-the-fly build the whole world around them.

    • 3 months ago

      I thought this was just called "being the GM." Players inevitably want to go somewhere and do something you haven't planned for, and then you have to make shit up. The better you are at making shit up, the less planning you need before hand.
      Me, I mostly just need a couple of seed ideas, and a table of names because I'm terrible at coming up with names. Any other prep is just because it's fun.

      confess your hobby sins, so that you may be forgiven and blessed, Anon.

      One time, I ran Dungeon World and me and my group had a wonderful time.

    • 3 months ago

      They notice, they're just too polite to say anything.

    • 3 months ago

      I do this too stressful at times but also insanely liberating I do legit 0 prep

  7. 3 months ago

    I hate being the forever GM. Everyone else either flakes out or gets cold feet when they think about running a game. I used to put my heart and soul into this stuff, but now I just limp along. Inspiration comes slowly, if ever, and my players are indecisive mollusks who follow the lead of the guy who just follows whatever weird impulse guides his character at the moment, which can be funny at times, but seldom makes for a coherent game. Still, these are my friends, and I feel obligated to keep going so I don't become a hypocrite. Any other GMs out there that know how to deal with critical levels of burnout? I used to like doing this, but trying to cater to this particular group of players is exhausting. I could make a game for any one of them that they would enjoy, but the mix is such that I'm probably just going to end up pleasing nobody.

    • 3 months ago

      Pick a game you want to run, the one you feel inspired about, the one you daydream about and come up with cool stuff for. That is the game you are currently running, and if someone tells you they don't want to play that game then you tell them you're sad that they don't want to play. Then you don't play with them. If this is a problem for the group then it's time for the other players who prefer a different type of settinggametone to GM their own game. You can help them set it up, offer advice where needed or wanted. But you are supposed to have fun too, and no one in their right mind will tell you to sacrifice your fun for theirs.

    • 3 months ago

      >Any other GMs out there that know how to deal with critical levels of burnout?
      Talk to your friends about you being tired lately (no need to do explanations, they'll understand) and you need a break from GMing. Give yourself around 1 to 2 months and see how you handle things out. I'm doing this and feels quite good. I'm even starting to thinking on my games more fondly again and having neat ideas for when I come back.

    • 3 months ago

      I read posts like this and wonder if one of the people behind these posts happen to be my DM. Either way, I always play neurotic characters guided by impulses that end up leading the party, even when I don't want to lead the group.

  8. 3 months ago

    I exclusively play in Equestria.

    • 3 months ago

      ToE, or do you use it as a setting in some other system?

  9. 3 months ago

    I used to suffer players who dragged their feet. these were my friends, after all, I should be happy to cater to them, right?
    Part of the responsibility of being a good DM is making it fun for everyone, and that means keeping the game going.
    institute timers if you need to. for combat & non-combat.

  10. 3 months ago

    I include a smug maid in every game I run.

  11. 3 months ago

    >confess your hobby sins
    I let my backlog get massive. So I have decided on giving some stuff away to the LGS.
    I have a small amount of miniatures to pick up to complete some armies and then put a cap on it and just get to painting my backlog and not buy anymore minis until the backlog is done. It will be a long hobby journey.

  12. 3 months ago

    > Be me, forever GM
    > Sex fantasies about the female PCs
    > Sex fantasies about the female players
    > It's usually villain/monster rape
    Does this happen to other people? I don't even think it should be happening to me.

    • 3 months ago

      Why would you ever have fantasies about the corpulent beasts that are female RPG players?

      • 3 months ago

        Skill issue. Don't live in America.

      • 2 months ago

        Lol, let me coworkers talk me into playing D&D with them. Two semi normal nerds. 3 women are at the table and they're all terrifying. 2 overly excited fatties, one scrawny greasy smelly chick. I could only stomach to games. They went on forever and it was just autism fest the whole time.

        Skill issue. Don't live in America.

        Is this really it? Will there be normal rpg players if I leave?

    • 3 months ago

      No, you're online too much.

      >confess your hobby sins
      I let my backlog get massive. So I have decided on giving some stuff away to the LGS.
      I have a small amount of miniatures to pick up to complete some armies and then put a cap on it and just get to painting my backlog and not buy anymore minis until the backlog is done. It will be a long hobby journey.

      Also me.

      I have basically zero creative energy anymore after sleeping 5 hours a night for 5 years of wagecucking. It's my own fault but I just can't quit. I have erectile dysfunction, probably lead poisoning from my job, dissociation from reality from lack of sleep. I'm just so fricking sick of everything. I make 50k a year in a factory and it's my only hope of ever owning my own home. Still live with my parents. I'd go NEET to recover (have plenty of savings) but the damage is probably permanent. Having a girlfriend raped my remaining free time. I've considered quitting my job, living in my car, using a gym membership to shower and workout, maybe doing a few hours a week of DoorDash to feed myself, and running multiple games at the FLGS and possibly spending some of my savings to do some HEMA classes at a place nearby. Like some bizarre warrior monk nomad. I've thought more seriously about this than I should. I'm so sick of my life. I don't want to leave my girlfriend because I would miss her and she would probably actually kill herself if I dumped her. I feel numb to everything. I'm going to be 30 soon. I dream of running a massive open table mega campaign at the FLGS, semi competitive West marches game. My brain will never be more than a shadow of what it was. After 8000 hours in a flourscent linoleum gehenna it's all just one steady hum.

      You need to stop and rescue your health immediately. Do not pass go.

      I secretly think that Dark heresy 1e is better than dark heresy 2e in every way

      My secret is Idk what that is.

    • 3 months ago

      I dunno, your awareness of it makes it less concerning. It's weird maybe, and you probably do need to get out more, but I dont think its any kind of problem. Sexual tastes aren't really within your control, and just -liking- fricked up shit is fine, as long as you're not doing it to people without their consent

    • 3 months ago

      Stop watching porn and it goes away

    • 3 months ago

      Find a prostitute who's willing to indulge your kink.

    • 3 months ago

      Talk to someone in general, anon. Violent fantasies are usually a sign of bad depression.

    • 2 months ago

      confess your hobby sins, so that you may be forgiven and blessed, Anon.

      >I'm in a D&D game with some frens
      >There is 3 girls 2 guys, with me, and the GM
      >One of the girls is the wife of the my fren
      >I in fact fricked the 3 girls (in different moments of my life) none of them are too fat or ugly and feel like I'm in my own personal harem.
      >I softly flirt with all of them in every ocasion.

      • 2 months ago

        >I'm in a D&D game with some frens
        >There is 3 girls 2 guys, with me, and the GM
        >One of the girls is the wife of the my fren
        >I in fact fricked the 3 girls (in different moments of my life) none of them are too fat or ugly and feel like I'm in my own personal harem.
        >I softly flirt with all of them in every ocasion.
        You flirt with your friend's wife? What the frick? Repent.

        • 2 months ago

          >You flirt with your friend's wife? What the frick? Repent.
          Yep, in his fricking face and she like it, sometimes we play with our feet under the table.
          But the fact is that I really repent of doing it, he is a good person.

          • 2 months ago

            brother i have a harem fetish but if i saw this in real life it'd be an omni ick

  13. 3 months ago

    I love barely roleplaying with my ridiculously loose avatars and being my bratty self so that they have intrusive rape fantasies about me.

  14. 3 months ago

    I 3D print all my models and buy all of my paints directly from the manufacturer. I do literally nothing to support my FLGS. In fact, I actively harm them by 3D printing models for people for free, thus disincentivizing them from purchasing from the store.

  15. 3 months ago

    I make female characters because every other time I play a male character they either get castrated or turned into a woman. It genuinely pisses me off because Im getting bored of playing female character concepts. Even if that doesnt happen there is always a veiled 'joke' that they might get turned into a woman.

    • 3 months ago

      You may need a new group.

    • 3 months ago

      Are you a twink or something? Your GM seems suspicious.

    • 3 months ago

      How many times did it happen, how did it happen ? Does it seem targetted ? Is it the gm's magical realm ? What if you play a brutish manly barb ?

      • 3 months ago

        First time I got castrated it was after my half orc fighter beat the shit out of a dwarven prince. There was another time I made a rape joke and got castrated for it. I had an elf PC fall victim to the girdle of masculinity/femininity. My drow half fiend got his dick ripped off by lolth. I managed to obtain Corellon's sword and gave it to lolth who proceeded to rape my character. I rolled a 1 and pretty much busted on the initial penetration. Instead of simply getting castrated she did turn me into a biological woman, so I guess it could be seen as a reward. And before our current game He made a crack about giving my character the girdle so I just swapped him to her.

        I would have said yes but last game he gave the girdle to the new player and has been pulling those shenanigans with him now. Couldnt say if its his magical realm or if thats just his way of fricking with people. Ive made manly characters in the past but it doesnt really stop the jokes.

        • 3 months ago

          >First time I got castrated it

          And this is why I can't play anything with you people. Let's have a three hour podcast about castration in games. You're like little mice in wheels

        • 3 months ago

          I think the gimmick could be funny one time, like a player gets castrated and then has a journey to magically recover it, but sounds like your DM has lack of self-awareness, or just lazy to come up with new stuff.

        • 3 months ago

          >Couldnt say if its his magical realm or if thats just his way of fricking with people.
          Probably both.

  16. 3 months ago

    Rolled 13 (1d20)

    I play 5e

  17. 3 months ago

    I give bad advice about games I've never played.

  18. 3 months ago

    I have basically zero creative energy anymore after sleeping 5 hours a night for 5 years of wagecucking. It's my own fault but I just can't quit. I have erectile dysfunction, probably lead poisoning from my job, dissociation from reality from lack of sleep. I'm just so fricking sick of everything. I make 50k a year in a factory and it's my only hope of ever owning my own home. Still live with my parents. I'd go NEET to recover (have plenty of savings) but the damage is probably permanent. Having a girlfriend raped my remaining free time. I've considered quitting my job, living in my car, using a gym membership to shower and workout, maybe doing a few hours a week of DoorDash to feed myself, and running multiple games at the FLGS and possibly spending some of my savings to do some HEMA classes at a place nearby. Like some bizarre warrior monk nomad. I've thought more seriously about this than I should. I'm so sick of my life. I don't want to leave my girlfriend because I would miss her and she would probably actually kill herself if I dumped her. I feel numb to everything. I'm going to be 30 soon. I dream of running a massive open table mega campaign at the FLGS, semi competitive West marches game. My brain will never be more than a shadow of what it was. After 8000 hours in a flourscent linoleum gehenna it's all just one steady hum.

    • 3 months ago

      You can make some money as a professional game master to offset taking fewer factory hours for your mental and physical health.

      • 3 months ago

        I can make 25 dollars an hour as a game master? Who the frick pays for shit like that?

        • 3 months ago

          >Who the frick pays for shit like that?
          My guess would be people with good jobs and not many free hours. Why not pay for a professional service to ensure you have the best experience possible? That's what they do for everything else, too.

        • 3 months ago

          This anon is correct.

          >Who the frick pays for shit like that?
          My guess would be people with good jobs and not many free hours. Why not pay for a professional service to ensure you have the best experience possible? That's what they do for everything else, too.

          Also, corporate clients where dudes who were D&D-playing nerds in the 80s now have big team-building budgets to blow.

          There's also a market for first-time players who want to ensure they have an enjoyable and informative first experience. Parents who want to introduce their kids to the hobby also commonly go this route. Ditto for birthday parties and other kids' groups, like at community centers. I specialize in such clients.

          • 3 months ago

            How much do you make? What's the experience like?
            It feels like giving kids a really pro D&D game is just gonna set up for disappointment later, like a mini mercer effect. Not a fan of crit role but the effect is definitely there.

    • 3 months ago

      >she would probably actually kill herself if I dumped her
      Allow her to kill herself if she's so inclined. You are never responsible for somebody else's wellbeing. Would you REALLY miss her?

      I completely ghosted a prostitute who abused me and depended on me despite pretending she didn't. Nothing fricking happened to her (though I sometimes wish something did)

      • 3 months ago

        > Nothing fricking happened to her (though I sometimes wish something did)
        How the frick would you know that nothing happened if you ghosted her?

        • 3 months ago

          Ghosting mean you stop contacting someone, not that you lose all concept of what they're doing.

          • 3 months ago

            > Nothing fricking happened to her (though I sometimes wish something did)
            How the frick would you know that nothing happened if you ghosted her?

            lol, anon thinks ghosting requires you to move to a new town and disconnect from your friend group and shit

  19. 3 months ago

    I secretly think that Dark heresy 1e is better than dark heresy 2e in every way

  20. 3 months ago

    My experience of gamers, left, right, rich, poor, gay, straight etc is so negative that I wantnto literally melt everything I have accumulated over the years and never have anything to do with this hobby again.

    It always attracts the worst, most petty, moronic, short sighted, negative, ine upping, perverse little shitc**ts I have ever met and it only ever gets worse. Just be nice, play game, go home. Instead it befomes a vehicle for every foible, fetish or extreme viewpoint.

    Zooming out even further I hate myself for not realising that it should have been obvious.

  21. 3 months ago

    These days I'm in a bad mood due to work being stressful, and I keep rehashing bad stuff that happened at the table when I'm alone. Shit a dm did, an argument that never really ended. I'm on edge and about to blow

  22. 3 months ago

    I hate GMing my current game but i keep going because right now i'm unemployed and TTRPGs are pretty much the only form of social activity that i can afford, also i want to keep my group in touch and invested for future games i may be more invested in.

  23. 3 months ago

    I'm avoiding looking for a gaming group because I hate being "the new guy." I've been in too many groups where it didn't work out and I'm honestly kind of sick of it.
    >inb4 projections of "you were the problem."

  24. 3 months ago

    I crave novelty and can never settle on a system I like. I've run 5 different systems in the past month. I wish I could settle on one game because I'm pretty sure my groups hate the fact that they have to learn a new game every so often.

  25. 3 months ago

    I blatantly insert My hyper-autistic niche fetish into the game. My players are aware of this but powerless to change it, since it can easily be written off as "historical accuracy" and makes sense in a medieval setting anyway.

    I'm not weird about it, since it's basically just a "this exists" and we move on. I will not elaborate but it is present in this picture somewhere.

    • 3 months ago

      white gloves?

      • 3 months ago

        Imagine if you got horny every time you went to see a doctor holy kek

        I blatantly insert My hyper-autistic niche fetish into the game. My players are aware of this but powerless to change it, since it can easily be written off as "historical accuracy" and makes sense in a medieval setting anyway.

        I'm not weird about it, since it's basically just a "this exists" and we move on. I will not elaborate but it is present in this picture somewhere.

        please confirm this

  26. 3 months ago

    I hate nuWW but I enjoy V5.

  27. 3 months ago

    I’m a Marxist and I constantly inject historical materialism into my games. My conservative players come to me with some of the most reactionary character concepts and 100% of the time I can get them to take progressive actions siding with oppressed minorities. I’ve never had a complaint because the complications I throw at them are consistent and engaging, but that’s because historical materialism is objectively correct.

    It helps that I’m playing Burning Wheel. My players are in positions of relative power so they can interact with the setting from a materialist perspective instead of just as individuals. It’s incredibly funny to see the same people complain about politics in games. That’s probably the only time I take sick pleasure in this.

    • 3 months ago



      If anything I don't think we're nasty ENOUGH. Until we start actually shooting economic migrants, I feel there's a way to go.


    • 3 months ago

      do you actually believe "labour = value" as described by Marx or is there an ideological "hotfix" for this? at least it works for rpg-pricing I guess...

      • 3 months ago

        NTA, but the LTV is a statement about the tendency of commodity prices to fall to the cost of labor needed to produce them. Most attempts to disprove it utterly fail to get that "commodity" is a critical element without which is does not apply, even though Marx sets it out pretty clearly. The LTV is not why Marx was wrong

        • 3 months ago

          >about the tendency of commodity prices to fall to the cost of labor needed to produce them.

          • 3 months ago

            *towards, mister nitpicker

    • 3 months ago

      >I’m a Marxist
      No, you are just a moron, I don't mean this as contempt for whatever political opinion you hold or from a political point of view at all - These people are playing an rpg, of course they are gonna help "oppressed minorities", not because you somehow "mindgame them into it by subtly injecting your political themes", you absolute moron. Get your mind out of the political gutter.

      • 3 months ago

        >No, you are just a moron
        This, uncle Ted was fricking on point, and i say that referring to whatever ideology people larp around injecting it even in everyday meaningless shit. It's pitiful beyond belief.

        • 3 months ago

          >I’m a Marxist
          No, you are just a moron, I don't mean this as contempt for whatever political opinion you hold or from a political point of view at all - These people are playing an rpg, of course they are gonna help "oppressed minorities", not because you somehow "mindgame them into it by subtly injecting your political themes", you absolute moron. Get your mind out of the political gutter.

          Just because your ideology happens to align with the status quo, doesn't mean you two don't inject your ideology into everything you touch.
          You're just rarely challenged on it because most people are in the same position as you

          • 3 months ago

            "If your not with me your against me"
            Spoken like a true idealogue.

    • 3 months ago

      Your setting includes an ethnically diverse metropolitan utopia, doesn't it?

    • 3 months ago

      Me too except kind of in reverse, my players are all pretty libbed up but my games include grotesque amounts of sexism, racism etc (depending on where they are) and they lap it up and think it's really 'deep' when all I do from a world building pov is the economics to justify the setting

      • 3 months ago

        I like how you guys think that just because liberal, they can't role play in a fricked world. You realize there's a difference between make believe and real life right?

        Oh wait, because you get butthurt if there's a troony character in a setting you refuse to play. You think it's the same for leftys.
        Having said that, frick both sides of pol that have to over inject their pol views into any game. You know who I'm talking, everyone fricking complains about them. Like both sides can come together and agree on that.

        First time I got castrated it was after my half orc fighter beat the shit out of a dwarven prince. There was another time I made a rape joke and got castrated for it. I had an elf PC fall victim to the girdle of masculinity/femininity. My drow half fiend got his dick ripped off by lolth. I managed to obtain Corellon's sword and gave it to lolth who proceeded to rape my character. I rolled a 1 and pretty much busted on the initial penetration. Instead of simply getting castrated she did turn me into a biological woman, so I guess it could be seen as a reward. And before our current game He made a crack about giving my character the girdle so I just swapped him to her.

        I would have said yes but last game he gave the girdle to the new player and has been pulling those shenanigans with him now. Couldnt say if its his magical realm or if thats just his way of fricking with people. Ive made manly characters in the past but it doesnt really stop the jokes.

        That's fricked. Why are you still playing with that guy? Clearly fricked in the head and projecting fetish onto gaming group. Leave now, save anyone you can.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      I don't mind resin or metal miniatures even though it can be such a taboo subject among autistic miniature painters that preach that hard plastic is the best material to work with. I find myself seeing the advantages of all material for the wargamer.
      >plastic=advantages of plastic glue usage
      >metal=advantages of being a robust model
      >resin=advantages of mostly being cheapest

      >I’m a Marxist
      I was when I was a teenager speedrunning the political spectrum. (another confession lmao)
      I hope you're underage here if your pic is anything to go by. It means there's still time for you to do things like getting a job and growing out of your phase of worshipping an ideology that killed millions.

    • 3 months ago

      Kek based

  28. 3 months ago

    Sometimes I take pics from golden demon runner ups and post them in miniature subreddits saying that I painted it with apple barrel craft paints

  29. 3 months ago

    I play 4e. And think it's the best.

  30. 3 months ago

    I procrastinate my GM work for ages and I'm really bad at improv, so when i do work it's a lot of planning ahead.
    A lot of what I end up doing is patching over holes in hopes the players will never stumble onto the patch and fall through.
    It looks really fricking grim from my end. I hope they're having fun, at least.

  31. 3 months ago

    i got scolded by my dm for wandering from the party when all i wanted to do was investigate down a hallway, does this count as a sin

    • 3 months ago

      Some folks take that "don't split the party" thing too seriously. And some DMs are worried they won't be able to handle it if the party does split up, like if you hit a pit trap and fell through to a different floor or something
      But no, it's not a sin, and I'd say you didn't do anything wrong. Except maaaybe "clear it with the other players before heading off on your own"

  32. 3 months ago


  33. 3 months ago

    Let the old group fall apart because I think one of my old gaming buddies is a child molester. I've never seen anything sexual, but the only people allowed to visit him or his family were me and another one of the old highschool gaming buddies, and he would always end up getting drunk and playing this weird head-game with his kids, basically it was always some version of being mean (or pretending to be mean, or something in the middle) to his girlfriend and/or his 6 year old daughter and telling his 10 year old son to fight him or stand up to him. He'd keep going until his son cried and then he's laugh it off like it was always a joke. He never remembered it the next morning. At one point I told him that he was acting like a bully (which was sugar-coating it) and he told me and our friend to stop visiting him and I have no idea what happened to him after that. Feels bad man.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't get CM vibes from this description, but I certainly get moron vibes.
      Maybe the signs were always there but you found convenient to have an extra person at the table, sometimes it's hard to let go even when a friendship is subpar.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah if he even suspects he's a chomosexual idk what you do, tip Police off to do a welfare check? Ask related friends how they are going? Definitely a weird dynamic

  34. 3 months ago

    I bought a frick ton of miniatures years ago. I still haven't painted more than a handful of them and those handful are not even finished.

  35. 3 months ago

    I spend days at a time improving the components of the board and wargames I own - Risk, Zombicide, Talisman, Battletech, Dark Emperor, Traveller's Azhanti High Lightning, etc. Adding and painting figures and game pieces, using photoshop to design and print off better looking cards and boards, etc. I know that most will never be played with others due to lack of interest or time by my friends, but I do enjoy the process.

    • 3 months ago

      Passion is a virtue, not a sin.

  36. 3 months ago

    Last month I bought official merchandise instead of just pirating/proxying it. It was horrifically overpriced and not worth it and have been having intense buyer's regret even though it cost less than 30 bucks. Never again.

  37. 3 months ago

    I've been putting off painting a bust for months because Ive decided to do nmm on it and I don't want to frick it up.
    I also decided to buy a pile of cheap undead minis to paint in the meantime, something I shouldn't mind being sloppy with. They've been sat on my desk half painted for two weeks now

  38. 3 months ago

    i once started to apply to be a janny for /tg/ but i couldn't find the part of the application where i listed my preferred hourly rate of pay

  39. 3 months ago

    Forgive me anon for I have sinned.

    I have never bought anything new from a FLGS, it's all been secondhand purchases from eBay. I buy a large lot and sell it off separately keeping the thing I wanted. Most of my army was built by other people. I have a massive pile of random stuff but maybe paid like $300-500 total for the hobby after the reselling. I have 5 armies Orruks, orks, Imperial Fists, sigmarites, Tyranids. All of my paint is secondhand too. Most came with the models.

    • 3 months ago

      How is this even a sin?

      • 3 months ago

        Supporting your FLGS means they don't go out of business and you don't lose a nice place to meet people and play games. Not 100% of the value of buying from an LGS is in the product itself.

  40. 3 months ago

    I have never played a game of anything because you guys seem really mean in dm threads

    • 3 months ago

      Don't look for people to play with on social media.

    • 3 months ago

      Dont worry, most people are very kind to new players and willing to explain things. People come to those threads to vent, most people are relatively kind off the board

  41. 3 months ago

    I have gotten to the point where I don't actually prep for dnd sessions because I just don't give a frick anymore and I fly by the seat of my pants every single time I end up running the game. I'm so fricking sick of DMing dnd. The game isn't bad, I'm just sick of it. My campaign is shit and yet the lemmings keep lapping it up. And holy frick there's no point prepping anything when they are gonna spend 3 hours discussing theoretical crimes they can commit anyway.

    • 3 months ago

      Same boat my friend, hopefully you'll get the chance to run some other game.

      • 3 months ago

        I actually finally managed to pull together an l5r campaign. Which is nice, but my players are really only doing it to humor me. They aren't passionate about it like I am, and that's its own kind of hell cause they don't really engage with the setting and it kinda ruins the experience if I'm honest.

        • 3 months ago

          >my players are really only doing it to humor me
          Basically the same as for me (and another guy i know who timidly tried to start gming CoC but eventually renounced because one of the players didn't even try to engage with the premises doing only borderline lolsorandom stuff). I learnt that is best to humor some players with what they want and hope to eventually clock what touch their heartstrings and form dedicated groups for specific games. Takes an hell of a while though.

  42. 3 months ago

    I haven't played a real tabletop game in over a decade since I graduated college and started a family and didn't really have time anymore but I still come to /tg/ to shitpost about it daily from work and keep up with industry news.

  43. 3 months ago

    I sell chinkcasts while claiming it's a real deal.

  44. 3 months ago

    I AI gen artwork of my PC in every different setting we go to and constantly update my picture while we're playing.

    • 3 months ago

      What's wrong with that? Me and My buddies use AI to generate shitposts, memes, and "what could've been" scenarios.

      • 3 months ago

        EVERY time the setting changes, I do something, or I take damage, I start genning images to replace the character portrait with.

        • 2 months ago

          Ah, I see how that could be annoying if you play online. Stop that.

          >Every female character I've played as has been a tomboy of some stripe, usually angry and/or sarcastic.
          >Nearly every male character I've played as has been a pretty boy twink (see: Raiden from MGS) or straight up androgynous, and I sometimes secretly hope for a scene in which an NPC mistakes my character for a woman. I feel like I have to force myself to play as something else, and it usually ends up being a generic, boring tough guy.
          >I've left every group I've been a part of that didn't just collapse on its own. The reasons for leaving were usually trivial and, in hindsight, somewhat silly, like the GM taking a bit too long to get to combat or the tone of the game being too "lighthearted" for my taste.
          >I've only ran one-shots, never full campaigns. I usually ended things after the first session because I lack confidence in my abilities as a GM and could sense that my players were unsatisfied.
          >I've never played a game of Warhammer 40,000 in my life. Instead, I've just read a few Black Library books and watched some lore videos on YouTube.

          >every male character I've played as has been a pretty boy twink
          Stop LARPing and go be a pretty boy twink in real life, homosexual.

          >I'm in a D&D game with some frens
          >There is 3 girls 2 guys, with me, and the GM
          >One of the girls is the wife of the my fren
          >I in fact fricked the 3 girls (in different moments of my life) none of them are too fat or ugly and feel like I'm in my own personal harem.
          >I softly flirt with all of them in every ocasion.

          Your friend deserves better - both a better wife and a better friend.

          • 2 months ago

            >Stop LARPing and go be a pretty boy twink in real life, homosexual.
            That's a good way for me to get beaten up and murdered. Besides, I'm too ugly.

            • 2 months ago

              >That's a good way for me to get beaten up and murdered
              What kinda hellhole do you live in where this is a legitimate concern you have? gays walk around everyday in the West with no problems.

              >I'm too ugly
              Lose weight, shave your body hair. It's not that hard, really.

  45. 3 months ago

    >I plan a lot of games and run them for no one.
    I am the epitome of nogaems. Last D&D campaign I ran took a lot of effort to get off the ground because I don't have a forceful enough personality to convince anyone of anything, let alone turning up on time-if at all-for an RPG. I'm probably the only DM in the world whose most common excuse from absent players was "I couldn't be bothered"
    >I want to play an old war game called Hordes of the Things but I won't.
    I look at a lot of minis in online stores, write up army lists based on them, purchase nothing, delete the list, and invite no one to play. See my previous point.
    >I run a youtube channel where I talk about obscure D&D settings and refuse to let anyone know about it.
    I do a silly voice and pepper my videos with unfunny jokes. My most-watched video has nearly 500 views and I have 20 subs. I have had nothing but encouragement from the comments. I could post links to my shit in places where I know it will be well-received, but I won't. I want my channel to grow, but I also don't want anyone to know it was me in any way, shape, or form.

    • 3 months ago

      You seem like am aimless coward.
      Find an online group to play with, you're going to go through a lot of trash but that's better than being a nogames. Don't DM from the get go, it's less pressure to just join as a player at first.

      • 3 months ago

        >Find an online group to play with
        >Don't DM from the get go
        This is exactly what I did last time I had a group. The other DM gave up on his campaign due to IRL scheduling conflicts and I stepped up to run an interim game. They were hyped for a campaign before and after the first session and treated the game like a bother after that.
        >you're going to go through a lot of trash but that's better than being a nogames
        This contradicts the old /tg/ axiom: Having no game is better than having a bad game.
        I walked away from the last group for that very reason. I choose how I waste my time and I don't appreciate others making that decision for me.
        >You seem like am aimless coward
        No u.

    • 3 months ago

      >I run a youtube channel where I talk about obscure D&D settings and refuse to let anyone know about it.
      Don't worry, homosexual. I'll do it for you:

  46. 3 months ago

    After my last SIFRP game finished, I loved it so much that I walked things back to about halfway through the campaign, reconstructed the character sheets and started replaying things. By myself. It's the saddest thing I've ever done.

  47. 3 months ago

    I use safety tools and they measurably make the game more enjoyable for everyone

  48. 3 months ago

    My DM is awful, railroads, punishes players and loves to kill/hurt characters unfairly so I fudge my dice rolls.

  49. 3 months ago

    I am too ambitious with the stuff I wanna GM. I've been trying to write a campaign for GURPS but something in the back of my head is just telling me "Dude, frick this. Use D&D or something. Nobody cares" But I do 🙁

  50. 3 months ago

    >confess your hobby sins, so that you may be forgiven and blessed, Anon.
    I always randomize my characters to a certain degree, because I like having elements out of my control. However, I always roll my PC's gender with a weighted die to ensure I'm playing a girl, while pointing out to my group that it's a "random" roll result, and I have to play what the dice give men, right? This is entirely because I'm both trans and massively, completely, repressed. I actually got diagnosed with Gender identity disorder under the DSM III back in the early 90s, and do you have any idea how stringent it was to get that diagnosis back then? But I'm married and have 3 kids, and I'm not going to put them through that hell, so I'll repress till I die, and my only solace is pretending to be a girl on weekends during my RPG sessions, and I won't risk that on using <fair> dice.

    • 3 months ago

      >with kids
      >Still wants to be a woman
      Your life would've been way worse if you were born a decade or two later, make no mistake, you dodged a bullet.

    • 2 months ago

      Damn anon, that sounds rough. I didn't know they even had GID back in the 90s. Hope you have a good life otherwise though.

  51. 3 months ago

    I had a troony at my table. She was a good player, better than some of my regulars, and never said anything crazy. Technically me saying she's trans is still just a guess, because it never actually came up. It's a shame scheduling conflicts lead to her leaving the game.

  52. 3 months ago

    For years I have been obsessing over the Armenian genocide, what little recognition it receives in mainstream consciousness, and write their history as elven and the elf haters as Turks.

  53. 3 months ago

    Rather than rise above inserting my fetishes into games, I found a group that shares my fetishes so no one objects

  54. 3 months ago

    I will never buy or play with Warhammer minis. I just pirate the books and read them.

  55. 3 months ago

    I once killed a baby.

  56. 3 months ago

    I often check other tabs on my computer and do other thing at the same time whilst I'm playing a game cause I'm a adhd frick who can't help but try to focus on 5 things at the same time, sometimes I lose track of the plot because of this.

    • 3 months ago

      You probably don't have adhd, you just fricked your own attention span and are indulging in behaviours that actively make it worse.

  57. 3 months ago

    I'm a nogames because I don't enjoy 5e, and the only publicly advertised groups in my area only play 5e. One of them is an Adventurers' League. So help me, I've started to consider looking online to find a paid-for GM...

    Also, I miss the games I grew up with - even though they rarely got played. I just bought anything that looked interesting, tried to complete collections, filled shelves... loved reading the splats but only played a couple of them. And then offloaded them cheaply like an idiot, because life happens. I've looked at rebuying a couple with the aim of finding players (as if... they're all into D&D), but they're just so expensive!

  58. 3 months ago

    I really wanted to multiclass for flavor while at lower levels, but now that I'm level 6 and my DM is finally allowing multiclassing, I'm not doing it because I feel it'd make my character less useful mechanically.

  59. 3 months ago

    Heironymous has been corrupted by Nurgle

  60. 3 months ago

    Why do you get to forgive me? You're not the one I wronged.

  61. 3 months ago

    I've built a very bad hobby backlog because while I love painting miniatures. I love doing it when I'm in the mood for it. For the longest time I've been very sad recently and so I've fallen into a pattern of buying models I promise myself I'll paint and break said promise because I feel too sad to paint miniatures.

    • 3 months ago

      Anon can I recommend trying something. Check out a lego set. I've been in the same boat recently. Nothing has been going right I didnt even buy the right paint I needed and that mistake crushed me.
      I had a succulent and orchaid lego set in my pile for over a year and finally put them together. It was nice to semi mindlessly follow directions and progress the project. Now I have plastic plants in my hobby corner. 🙂

      • 3 months ago

        Only Lego set I've got is a Lego ship in a bottle set lying around. I'll get to assembling that.

  62. 3 months ago

    I like to play unarmed combatants/martial artists...

  63. 3 months ago

    Its ben 4 years posting here
    Never done a game

  64. 3 months ago

    i don't count is as a sin, but the 90% of my Warhammer miniatures i had since the 2000 were copies. In my country metal copies were always a common thing until late 5th edition until we had a boom of Chinese resin kits and now 3d printing. GW were always mad about recasters here even though we never had official stores and they would send lawyers in waves every 3/4 years.

  65. 2 months ago

    I am slow painter and I spend alot of time on a single detail before moving on. I refuse to speed up to finish my stuff faster but once I get the hang of thing I do it really well and really fast. My backlog is full, I buy other pretty figures and I do not mind doing so because of some "backlog bloat". Also while I am painting things I get to sculpt some details and it slows the whole process down even further. I refuse to purchase miniatures that are from my army but are ugly and use pretty ones instead.

  66. 2 months ago

    I don't thin my paint or wait for it to dry.

  67. 2 months ago

    I decided to punish this board for its hate speech, so I contacted every publisher still in business that had PDFs represented in the share thread and sent them the links of the troves. They know everything. They know about this place, the threads, the security protocols, Da Docs,, everything.

    Games Workshop reacted the fastest, bringing down the hammer like it was a fricking comet hitting Mordheim. Most just thanked me and took down the trove in question. Osprey didn't react at all. R. Talsorian actually shrugged and suggested that the piracy was harmless, so the remaining troves will remain because the publishers allow it.

    It's alright, no need to thank me. I'm just exercising that free speech you all get so excited about.

    • 2 months ago

      Isn't giving false confession some kind of sin? Surely

  68. 2 months ago


    >didn't even use the pic meme right as some posts were incredibly short
    Like way to validate the saying that the left can't meme. I say this as someone who doesn't like chuds.


    I don't mind resin or metal miniatures even though it can be such a taboo subject among autistic miniature painters that preach that hard plastic is the best material to work with. I find myself seeing the advantages of all material for the wargamer.
    >plastic=advantages of plastic glue usage
    >metal=advantages of being a robust model
    >resin=advantages of mostly being cheapest

    >I’m a Marxist
    I was when I was a teenager speedrunning the political spectrum. (another confession lmao)
    I hope you're underage here if your pic is anything to go by. It means there's still time for you to do things like getting a job and growing out of your phase of worshipping an ideology that killed millions.

    said it best when addressing you. Please change and grow as a human being don't stagnate through staying as a bad leftist stereotype.

  69. 2 months ago

    >Every female character I've played as has been a tomboy of some stripe, usually angry and/or sarcastic.
    >Nearly every male character I've played as has been a pretty boy twink (see: Raiden from MGS) or straight up androgynous, and I sometimes secretly hope for a scene in which an NPC mistakes my character for a woman. I feel like I have to force myself to play as something else, and it usually ends up being a generic, boring tough guy.
    >I've left every group I've been a part of that didn't just collapse on its own. The reasons for leaving were usually trivial and, in hindsight, somewhat silly, like the GM taking a bit too long to get to combat or the tone of the game being too "lighthearted" for my taste.
    >I've only ran one-shots, never full campaigns. I usually ended things after the first session because I lack confidence in my abilities as a GM and could sense that my players were unsatisfied.
    >I've never played a game of Warhammer 40,000 in my life. Instead, I've just read a few Black Library books and watched some lore videos on YouTube.

  70. 2 months ago

    > I fricking hate 90% of my current table and friends close enough irl that I play tabletop with. They're all predictable, closeminded to try anything other than D&D (and when we do, they try to turn it into D&D), and hold Critical Role and Dimension20 as paragons of gameplay.

  71. 2 months ago

    I keep printing battlemechs even when I know I should paint what I already have. Problem is I'm a shit painter and the amount I can improve is heavily limited by the fact I have a tremor due to past injury. I don't really feel bad about it myself, unpainted is fine IMO, but I do get shit for it.

  72. 2 months ago

    I buy more products and games than I will ever have time to run or play.

  73. 2 months ago

    I've browsed this board for 15 years now. I spent 12 of those years eagerly awaiting the day I could play a ttrpg with friends, and then it finally happened.

    I did not like D&D 5e, Shadowdark, or DCC. This is all my group has played, and they have doubled down hard on DCC ever since they fled from 5e and found Shadowdark lacking. I think it's the one I like the least of the three. I am trapped, and may not actually like ttrpgs at all. But I remain to play with my friends.

    • 2 months ago

      DCC is "Dude Old Skewl LMAO: the Memening" and I am sorry for your predicament. DCC sucks, as does Shadowdark and 5e. Maybe some day they'll do an actual old-school game instead of the pretend-old-school shit. Fingers crossed.

      • 2 months ago

        What makes DCC bad exactly?

        • 2 months ago

          Well, yeah, to be totally fair it's not bad per se, it's just not good, and it's usually sold with a false bill of goods.
          It pretends to be "how they did it back in the old days" but isn't actually like that at all. It lacks game structures, and punishes players (particularly magic users) in silly ways for playing the game. It's essentially a wacky beer'n'pretzels dungeon-themed new-school RPG. It's closest cousins from a design standpoint are AD&D 2e and 3e.

      • 2 months ago

        I had the same hope but the GM fell for the whole scam really hard and bought a fricking shitload of weird dice I've never seen before, in addition to way too many hard copies of books. They can't pull out now.

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