Command & Conquer

>no c&c thread

"We're going to have to act, if we're going to live in a different world."

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    Made a voicepack for C&C Remastered that replaces Deus Ex's JC Denton as the EVA

  2. 1 year ago

    What to talk about...
    I've been playing through the GDI campaign for Tiberian Sun on hard difficulty, originally tried replaying it with the WarZone mod but I ran into problems at Hammerfest, and I've been playing the Tiberian Dawn campaigns parallel to each other but I'm stuck on the Nod mission after Seth was disposed of.

    • 1 year ago

      I just recently replayed cnc on the remastered version and aside from the airstrike ai making the nod missions a lot harder it's close to how I remember it
      I was going through Tiberian sun but I stopped like midway through the gdi campaign and I can't remember why. I think it was the mission you get disruptors

      • 1 year ago

        >airstrike ai making the nod missions a lot harder
        Yeah, it's particularly annoying when it targets harvesters and napalms the Tiberium field while the damaged harvester rolls away.
        >I was going through Tiberian sun but I stopped like midway through the gdi campaign and I can't remember why. I think it was the mission you get disruptors
        I stopped at Hammerfest because the obelisk of light was still active after taking out the powerplant that should've powered it down, not sure if that's on WarZone but I'll find out after I get further into the vanilla GDI campaign, currently in the process of freeing Tratos.

    • 1 year ago

      That Nod mission was always a b***h, supposedly if you get massive, and I mean massive amount of money in the previous mission you can reach the nod base with enough money left over to buy an engineer and not have to sell the construction yard.

      Anyone around here have experience modding any of the Command & Conquer games?

      I made the Forgotten a playable faction simply by editing the Rules INI setting and converting some civilian buildings over to be capturable and built off of.

      I also redid all of the missions of Dawn, Sun, and Red Alert 2 for GDI and the allies.

      I always felt that the latter allied campaigns were too lackluster in RA2

      One fun thing I did in Red Alert 2 was add elments of the map from the soviet campaign. In the Pearl Harbor mission I added the soviet Island to the east to the map and gave it a Russian naval yard and power plant along with the build teams of the level, threw an airfield as well.

      >airstrike ai making the nod missions a lot harder
      Yeah, it's particularly annoying when it targets harvesters and napalms the Tiberium field while the damaged harvester rolls away.
      >I was going through Tiberian sun but I stopped like midway through the gdi campaign and I can't remember why. I think it was the mission you get disruptors
      I stopped at Hammerfest because the obelisk of light was still active after taking out the powerplant that should've powered it down, not sure if that's on WarZone but I'll find out after I get further into the vanilla GDI campaign, currently in the process of freeing Tratos.

      When I first played through I never powered down the obelisk, I just used one of the hover MLRS as bait to get the APC and the other two through

      • 1 year ago

        >I made the Forgotten a playable faction simply by editing the Rules INI setting and converting some civilian buildings over to be capturable and built off of.
        Does it work like the mutant hovels from TibWars or does it function differently?

        RA2 and Generals are the best games in the franchise. Tiberium shit is justb generic sci-fi slop.

        Go bait for (You)s somewhere else.

        • 1 year ago

          Like the Hovels for the most part

          You can pretty much turn any building in Sun into a production building, in my case I took one of the Subterrain Dwellings turned it into a barracks in the rules.

          Then had the MUTANT, MWN, and MUTANT3 units use it as a requiring that building to build them.

          Can do the same with vehicles. Really there's a lot of little things in Sun I found by accident by playing around with the rules.

  3. 1 year ago

    Anyone around here have experience modding any of the Command & Conquer games?

    • 1 year ago

      c&c 1 I remember hex editing files to change unit hp and damage and stuff
      Remember there was a section where it determined what weapons units had
      Ended up giving a tank the obelisk of light laser, or giving rocket soldiers the mlrs 223mm missile for the frick of it
      Upgraded the regular Gdi humvee to have the guard tower machine gun, etc... Then changed turrets to shoot the mammoth tank double shot cannon lol. It was a fun time
      I remember crashing the game by trying to load visceroids or velociraptors into an apc, I forget which
      Also I made all vehicles stealthed like the stealth tank kek
      Man it was a different world being a kid in the 90s and just fricking around with shit like this
      Unrelated I also hex edited XCOM saves to give my soldiers 255/255/255 stats and edit the base to have a better layout and stuff
      Obviously I had beaten it on superhuman before I started "cheating"

      • 1 year ago

        Nice trips, popular one I remember for Red Alert 2 was giving the apocalypse tank nuclear rounds.

  4. 1 year ago

    Why C&C fans has to suffer the most? AoE gays get a new game and another remaster with updates every now and then

    • 1 year ago

      >Why C&C fans has to suffer the most?
      Series is in EA's pocket right now and we know the kind of games they make most the time so be careful wishing for new stuff from them. At least the Remaster's alright, has some visual problems like the other recent remasters, but it's alright.
      >AoE gays get a new game
      You mean AoEIV?
      I don't think it was being showered with praise, anon.

      • 1 year ago

        AoE4 had it problems but it nowhere near being a "bad game", may I dare say it was fun
        for EA, it would be an achievement if they managed to make a worst RTS than C&C4.
        Looking forward to Tempest Rising

        • 1 year ago

          you know it is bad when C&C4 was pulled out of steam due to the overwhelming negative score it has.
          I don't think EA will never remaster the next C&C games, even though the Remaster did fine it most likely didn't reach the target that was set by the producer.

          • 1 year ago

            No, it exceeded expectations.

            • 1 year ago

              >It exceeded expectations
              Yet there's no news nor anything about the next games being remastered.

          • 1 year ago

            The reason they are holding off on a Tibsun/Red Alert 2 remaster is the much larger cost of redoing all those sprites and textures compared to the originals.
            There's no way they are going to budget for that and then also give you both games remastered in one package.
            They will let fans cook until they are ready to fork over cash for both

            • 1 year ago
              You're mother

              Copium overdose

            • 1 year ago

              The reason they're holding off on a Tibsun remaster is the C&C1 remaster sold like trash. RTS is a dead genre.

              • 1 year ago

                The reason they are holding off on a Tibsun/Red Alert 2 remaster is the much larger cost of redoing all those sprites and textures compared to the originals.
                There's no way they are going to budget for that and then also give you both games remastered in one package.
                They will let fans cook until they are ready to fork over cash for both

                I genuinely dont know how well the C&C1 remaster sold but I'm quite sure that doing remastering work for RA2 would not be that extraordinarily hard or expensive, so it's probably low expectations of sales holding them back rather than some large amount of effort involved

              • 1 year ago

                Actually I just had the thought: There could also be some marginal annoying legal headaches around the inclusion of actual actors in those games, e.g. Ray Wise as President Dugan, etc.

              • 1 year ago

                I personally think remastering TS/RA2 graphics would be harder than the TD/RA remaster of 'reasonable HD sprites'.

                Actually I just had the thought: There could also be some marginal annoying legal headaches around the inclusion of actual actors in those games, e.g. Ray Wise as President Dugan, etc.

                I doubt the FMV re-release would be a problem. Otherwise no studio could make a 4K blu-ray release.

              • 1 year ago

                >I personally think remastering TS/RA2 graphics would be harder
                How would it be harder, a problem with the voxels?
                Visually speaking I don't think it would be too much of an issue as we do have renders and pictures from behind the scenes that could be used for reference for some units.
                Would be better if EA hadn't purged the archives.

              • 1 year ago

                Different isometric angle, different fidelity. You also have to take into account that RA2 and TS have terrain destruction, which also requires assets for both static textures and animation textures.

              • 1 year ago

                Different isometric angle, different fidelity. You also have to take into account that RA2 and TS have terrain destruction, which also requires assets for both static textures and animation textures.

                2D assets grow harder to hi-def than 3D assets do. If they still have the original 3D files it will be easier though.

                Look at this screenshot; it's about as visually clean as the Remaster, and scaling it up will be harder.

              • 1 year ago

                Set up scenarios like that screenshot always look so cool to me especially the gi's marching along side the prisms.

              • 1 year ago

                Copium overdose

                you know it is bad when C&C4 was pulled out of steam due to the overwhelming negative score it has.
                I don't think EA will never remaster the next C&C games, even though the Remaster did fine it most likely didn't reach the target that was set by the producer.

                >It exceeded expectations
                Yet there's no news nor anything about the next games being remastered.

                >the C&C1 remaster sold like trash
                Why are you in a thread for a game you hate making up shit? The remaster sold amazingly well and you're a fricking moron.

              • 1 year ago

                Where's your precious remaster vol.2 then?
                Gotta love another 200$ anniversary edition with cheap chinese toys and tasty cadmium double-barreled tank.

                Cum & wiener gays deserved every bad thing that ever happened to them or the series, for they have no respect to themselves, original games and Westwood who made these games.
                Cum & wiener gays can only gurgle on the dick of a multibillion corporation that gives zero fricks about them moronic fanboys or games they own.

              • 1 year ago

                Keep moving those goalposts, won't save you from your lies.

              • 1 year ago

                Better to ignore the cum and wiener poster, honestly don't what's wrong with it.

              • 1 year ago

                >*don't* know what's wrong with it.
                It's late.

                >Install First decade
                >Start soviet campaign
                >Beat first mission
                >Mission two pops up without this cutscene
                What did they cut it from him smoking?

                Don't know what to tell, I don't believe there's any sort of censorship on The First Decade, I'll install Red Alert in the morning and check it out for myself.

              • 1 year ago

                Tasty cadmium mammoth

              • 1 year ago

                Better to ignore the cum and wiener poster, honestly don't what's wrong with it.

                lol, lmao even

              • 1 year ago

                Anon I don't think anyone here has any love for a publisher like EA who's conduct has consisted of acquiring companies and gutting them until the day of their closure and having the carcass converted into a new developer that'll suffer the same fate. I didn't touch Generals and Tiberium Wars for the longest time because of what they did to Westwood and even after playing them I still have my misgivings. I don't think anyone here has any less love or respect for Westwood and their games as you might possess.

              • 1 year ago

                C&C remaster was not only good, it's practically the only good remaster ever made. And I honestly doubt we'll ever get one for TS/RA2 at this point.

              • 1 year ago

                The only good RTS remasters were Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition and StarCraft Remastered, though SCR made Zerg look like plastic bugs and not alien xenomorphs. It tells a lot about how much EA actually cared about C&C remaster when they stopped the support of the game in less than a year after the release, despite the fact that said that they will support the game for years to come

              • 1 year ago

                >Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition
                They kept shoveling new DLCs every year that add random civs to already cluttered roster that could rival CK2 and doing fool's errand that is fixing the messy balance. You can't do that with C&C because what else that needs to be added?

              • 1 year ago

                I don't know, maybe just fixing balance of the game, writing 0.5 in rules.ini instead of 1 you know. Or QoL features that are in the base game and you can turn them off/on instead of community made mod that can't be even used in multiplayer.

                Also, new DLC for AoE 2 DE also add new singleplayer content

              • 1 year ago

                Well, I'm not asking for new C&C mission pack the same way I'm not paying for Welsh DLC and Dafydd the Sheepshagger campaign. Let classic be classic m'kay?

              • 1 year ago

                I feel

                I don't know, maybe just fixing balance of the game, writing 0.5 in rules.ini instead of 1 you know. Or QoL features that are in the base game and you can turn them off/on instead of community made mod that can't be even used in multiplayer.

                Also, new DLC for AoE 2 DE also add new singleplayer content

                has a point though. As much as a lot of AoE 2 stuff is unneeded, it would be nice if we could play a more updated version of classic C&C....

                Oh wait, that exists.


                Only problem - its not official, unlike the case with AoE 2. As it is, AoE 2 does have a "classic" version the game on Steam called AoE 2 (2016)

              • 1 year ago

                Doesn't OpenRA have some issues?

              • 1 year ago

                yes, the biggest one being it doesn't feel like the original games at all

              • 1 year ago

                That's like saying AoE 2 DE and AoE 2 HD aren't anything like the original game. Which is of course true. But that's not the point, is it? You want a better Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 1? Than its no longer "the same game"

              • 1 year ago

                ok but openra is just sluggish. that's not different, it's worse

              • 1 year ago

                Thats because its not official. as I mentioned earlier. The only official version we have is C7C Remastered, and we know EA is not going to give two shits about it. Or OpenRA. OpenRA is sluggish because its an entirely fan-run project done on people's free time, with a limited budhet.

                The only way things can change is if some other comany ahs access to the C&C license. Or someone makes an entire new C&C like. IIRC, the source code for C&C and RA1 is now in open-source. We need more independent games.

              • 1 year ago

                Except the game is so balanced that the best civ is like a 51-52% winrate and the worst is like 48%

                I feel [...] has a point though. As much as a lot of AoE 2 stuff is unneeded, it would be nice if we could play a more updated version of classic C&C....

                Oh wait, that exists.


                Only problem - its not official, unlike the case with AoE 2. As it is, AoE 2 does have a "classic" version the game on Steam called AoE 2 (2016)

                Open RA has this fantastic mod that lets you play every single RTS ever in Open RA...but it started crashing one day for me and it's been big sad every since then.

                It was so good to play Red Alert 2 Allies vs GLA vs Ground Control vs C&C 1 Nod.

                ok but openra is just sluggish. that's not different, it's worse

                Sluggish? What?

                You forgot to mention C&C itself is Westwood going "FINE I WILL MAKE MY OWN DUNE! WITH 90s WARFARE! AND BALD PEOPLE!"

                Except Dune 2 and Dune 2000 were made on either end of C&C.

        • 1 year ago

          dead on arrival

      • 1 year ago

        wouldn't it make more sense to make cia gdi...?

        • 1 year ago

          Guess it would considering GDI's origins as a covert black ops unit.

        • 1 year ago

          According to Red Alert lore, the Giant Ants mission was the first official GDI mission

          • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago

          >Why C&C fans has to suffer the most?
          Series is in EA's pocket right now and we know the kind of games they make most the time so be careful wishing for new stuff from them. At least the Remaster's alright, has some visual problems like the other recent remasters, but it's alright.
          >AoE gays get a new game
          You mean AoEIV?
          I don't think it was being showered with praise, anon.

          >Dr. Mobius, I'm Black Hand.

          • 1 year ago

            >Dr Tratos?
            >I'm Nod

    • 1 year ago

      Because EA killed the studio that made the games

    • 1 year ago

      EA is a soulless vampire that drains the life out of everything it's get it's hands on. Your rights ending up there is a fate worse than death.

      • 1 year ago

        Always related

  5. 1 year ago

    RA2 and Generals are the best games in the franchise. Tiberium shit is justb generic sci-fi slop.

  6. 1 year ago

    Anybody still play Zero Hour multiplayer via Gentool that isn't some brain dead Romanian playing Defcon 6 FFA games? I want more people to 1v1 and 2v2 with but the gamereplays community is fricking awful and gameranger sucks

    • 1 year ago

      radminVPN public servers

  7. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      What's the 3/11 thing?

    • 1 year ago

      Here's something the Iceberg needs to add.

      >GDI General of Dawn was Solomon
      >CABAL is in renegade
      >GDI founded to fight Giant Ants
      >Final Soviet Aftermath mission starts Soviet Civil War
      >Dead body in Sheep's Clothing
      >Tiberian Sun Music Video
      >McNeil was raised by Nod
      >Umagon lived
      >Viruses are Mercenary Amazons
      >Dawn Civilian Structure Nuke
      >fist fight in dawn coding

    • 1 year ago

      >Allies being OP at the very bottom
      This is obvious to anyone who has a basic understanding of how RTS games work.

    • 1 year ago

      Here's something the Iceberg needs to add.

      >GDI General of Dawn was Solomon
      >CABAL is in renegade
      >GDI founded to fight Giant Ants
      >Final Soviet Aftermath mission starts Soviet Civil War
      >Dead body in Sheep's Clothing
      >Tiberian Sun Music Video
      >McNeil was raised by Nod
      >Umagon lived
      >Viruses are Mercenary Amazons
      >Dawn Civilian Structure Nuke
      >fist fight in dawn coding

      Half of this shit is made the frick up or straight up told to the player in various forms

      • 1 year ago

        The first one is already on the iceberg most of the rest is actually real. You just have to look at unused voice lines and code from the games.

        Though is "Fantasy C&C" talking about the Nod base in Lands of Lore?

        • 1 year ago

          >Though is "Fantasy C&C" talking about the Nod base in Lands of Lore?
          It's a reference to the initial high fantasy ideas Westwood had in mind for Command & Conquer before they decided to make it resemble the real war conflicts of the 90s.

    • 1 year ago

      Someone redpill me on the more esoteric ones.

    • 1 year ago

      >generals POW mechanic
      >C&C3 racism accusations
      >WWII C&C game
      The frick are those? I am especially interested in the later
      >fantasy C&C universe
      Is this about Lands of Lore III?

      • 1 year ago

        The second one may refer to the grand total of two dindus present being scumbags.

      • 1 year ago

        Generals originally had a POW system probably like what you see in Act of War but with POW trucks to boot. WWII C&C is just referencing the initial ideas for the game that would be Red Alert same goes for fantasy C&C.

    • 1 year ago

      Should have the early development versions of the GLA and RA3 Empire in there. The GLA was going to be Wewuz mudhuts with war elephants, and the Empire were originally going to be the fricking Swiss for some inexplicable reason (same transforming unit gimmick).

      • 1 year ago

        Don't forget Colonel Kurtz.

  8. 1 year ago

    >replay RA1 again
    >it's much harder for me as an adult than when I was a kid
    >replay RA2 again
    >blasting through missions more easily than when I was a kid

    • 1 year ago

      Haha I know this feel, the early C&C games had lots of no-build missions or missions where it's practically a trial-and-error puzzle game
      RA2 is extremely easy, I have really fond memories of that game but quite frankly the entire game is just "Spam your faction's tank and move at the enemy"

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah Red Alert 2 is actually surprisingly easy, especially the allied campaign, really the allied campaign is such a let down.

        They introduce the Soviets as this all powerful unstoppable force in the intro and you proceed to spend 11 missions seeing almost none of it.

        Hell it's literally impossible to lose the first two missions unless you're a complete idiot who gets Tanya killed.

        About the only hard allied missions are maybe mission 7 because of the nuke and the final mission, 10 would have been hard but despite having 3 bases the AI barely does anything with them.

        Soviet Campaign is harder in pulling things out of left field on you like the surprise rocketeers in 3, and the massive amount of turtling you need to do against Yuri in 11.

        I'll also say the Yuri's Revenge missions for the Soviets were far more creative too.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah Red Alert 2 is actually surprisingly easy, especially the allied campaign, really the allied campaign is such a let down.

        They introduce the Soviets as this all powerful unstoppable force in the intro and you proceed to spend 11 missions seeing almost none of it.

        Hell it's literally impossible to lose the first two missions unless you're a complete idiot who gets Tanya killed.

        About the only hard allied missions are maybe mission 7 because of the nuke and the final mission, 10 would have been hard but despite having 3 bases the AI barely does anything with them.

        Soviet Campaign is harder in pulling things out of left field on you like the surprise rocketeers in 3, and the massive amount of turtling you need to do against Yuri in 11.

        I'll also say the Yuri's Revenge missions for the Soviets were far more creative too.

        Play Mental Omega.

        • 1 year ago

          That's just on another level when it comes to difficulty and complexity.

        • 1 year ago

          >ra2 with a weebshit pink haired oc

          • 1 year ago

            So RA3.

            • 1 year ago

              Tell me you never played Red Alert 3 without telling me you never played Red Alert 3.

              Like seriously, you guys have no other excuse or something? "But Red Alert 3 also has anime girls!".

              You know, there is a difference between a game that doesn't even tries to be serious and makes jokes about everyone and everything, uses stereotypes as comedic relief to the fullest. A game where American president is actually Japanese robot infiltrator, Soviet Union utilizes combat bears and its Premier tries to escape to the Moon because it's the only place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism. Allies are stereotypical democracy crusaders and their soldiers eat nothing but burgers. Soviets can't live a day without vodka and world conquest. Japanese are hellbent on bushido code and utilize in combat giant robots and transformers and a schoolgirl with superpowers which was a popular anime trope at the time.

              Of all the anime stereotypes in Red Alert 3, ninjas, giant robots, transformers and anime schoolgirl, only schoolgirl can be related to Mental Omega.

              Mental Omega claims to be absolutely serious without all the goofiness of the original game. But for some reason has pink haired Mary Sue child savior who is a stolen OC by the way, and a white haired yandere maniac child who is also a stolen OC by the way.

              Meanwhile in Red Alert 3 Yuriko isn't even an important to the story character, she is nothing but a mass-produced super soldier, even in her own campaign in Uprising where presumably original Yuriko tries to free her sister, her campaign has no impact on the main story

              • 1 year ago

                >claims to be absolutely serious without all the goofiness of the original game

              • 1 year ago

                some aggressive cherrypicking here

              • 1 year ago

                >But for some reason has pink haired Mary Sue child savior who is a stolen OC by the way, and a white haired yandere maniac child who is also a stolen OC by the way.
                Who and who?

              • 1 year ago

                Yunru and Libra

              • 1 year ago

                >Meanwhile in Red Alert 3 Yuriko isn't even an important to the story character, she is nothing but a mass-produced super soldier, even in her own campaign in Uprising where presumably original Yuriko tries to free her sister,
                one of my favorite genres of autistic spergout is when it tries to breathlessly describe some moronic lore to me as if what is being described is supposed to be cool or compelling, or as if i possibly could give a frick
                what did you expect me to say to this. "oh wow yukiko is a mass produced super soldier???? whoa dude you're right that is so cool, and so adult, wow such deep themes dude, wow you're so right, it's definitely not entertainment for children at all"

              • 1 year ago

                Uh, where does he explain any lore to you? He's just saying that he thinks Red Alert 3 at least was self-aware and didn't copy and paste any characters.

                Red Alert 3 is clearly marketed towards adults, the front has a woman with her breasts hanging out and if you flip it, it has basically a porn actress with her breasts hanging out.

                There are so many pictures of them posing in various ways, every single woman in that game has their breasts hanging out.

                My grandma visited me and she was like "Why do you have porn on your shelf?"

              • 1 year ago

                we see through the samegay
                >the front has a woman with her breasts hanging out and if you flip it, it has basically a porn actress with her breasts hanging out
                you're doing the autism again

              • 1 year ago

                Wait, the vaccine lady was a porn actress? WHERE?

              • 1 year ago

                Not the first time, all three Tanyas did Porn

              • 1 year ago

                Even the first one? THE HOT ONE?!??!

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah but good luck finding it, she was just a local Las Vegas actress so anything she did was straight to VHS

              • 1 year ago

                Pretty much nothing is known about the woman who played RA1 Tanya. The most plausible theory I've heard is that she was a friend of one of the Westwood staff.

              • 1 year ago

                Thing is Joe is actually a small time director in Las Vegas, even outside of Westwood he apparently does plays in the town.

                So he was already a director, which is why Kane directs the videos in the Nod Propaganda films.

                She was likely local talent he hired in his stuff that he brought on for the game.

              • 1 year ago

                >is clearly marketed to
                only kids watch that
                real mature people get off to their life committed partner as He intended with their vow to God populating the land in His will

              • 1 year ago

                Did Marcion forget to take his medication again?

              • 1 year ago

                Also, he never said she was cool, he said she was a nobody and the game implies this.

          • 1 year ago

            Tell me you never played Red Alert 3 without telling me you never played Red Alert 3.

            Like seriously, you guys have no other excuse or something? "But Red Alert 3 also has anime girls!".

            You know, there is a difference between a game that doesn't even tries to be serious and makes jokes about everyone and everything, uses stereotypes as comedic relief to the fullest. A game where American president is actually Japanese robot infiltrator, Soviet Union utilizes combat bears and its Premier tries to escape to the Moon because it's the only place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism. Allies are stereotypical democracy crusaders and their soldiers eat nothing but burgers. Soviets can't live a day without vodka and world conquest. Japanese are hellbent on bushido code and utilize in combat giant robots and transformers and a schoolgirl with superpowers which was a popular anime trope at the time.

            Of all the anime stereotypes in Red Alert 3, ninjas, giant robots, transformers and anime schoolgirl, only schoolgirl can be related to Mental Omega.

            Mental Omega claims to be absolutely serious without all the goofiness of the original game. But for some reason has pink haired Mary Sue child savior who is a stolen OC by the way, and a white haired yandere maniac child who is also a stolen OC by the way.

            Meanwhile in Red Alert 3 Yuriko isn't even an important to the story character, she is nothing but a mass-produced super soldier, even in her own campaign in Uprising where presumably original Yuriko tries to free her sister, her campaign has no impact on the main story

            seething out of control

    • 1 year ago

      C&C and RA1 were fricking impossible to me without cheat codes as a kid
      >Parents have no PC
      >Playing these games on a PS1 where you can only save between missions

  9. 1 year ago

    Found three videos.

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        I don't get it.

  10. 1 year ago

    New voice mod: HEV as EVA voicepack for Tiberian Dawn

  11. 1 year ago

    New mod recommendations? Already tried and had fun with the obvious greats, ie. Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega, Twisted Insurrection

    • 1 year ago

    • 1 year ago

      I liked the little campaign Red Resurrection had set in Libya.

    • 1 year ago

      ra20xx is also nice

    • 1 year ago

      mental omega is the goat. too bad they didn't continue with the foehn story

  12. 1 year ago

    The Ion Storms in sun make great white noise to sleep too.

    • 1 year ago

      Post video

      • 1 year ago
  13. 1 year ago

    I just started playing Red Alert and I already hate those fricking dogs. Who thought they were a good addition?

    • 1 year ago

      they are a b***h in some of those early infantry missions, and that spy mission for Tanya which is what I'm guessing you're stuck on

      • 1 year ago

        >they are a b***h in some of those early infantry missions

        • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Unironically a skill issue

  14. 1 year ago

    Never played the original C&C before. I've installed it along with the v1.06c revision 3 patch. Looking at the sounds options in the config program, what do I want to choose if I want an authentic soundtrack experience? I read that by default, the patch shuffles some credits music into the regular mission music along with some other changes I'd rather not have, at least for my first time through the campaigns.

  15. 1 year ago

    I never understood why the allies didn't dismantle the USSR.

    • 1 year ago

      I feel like the allied nations would've dismantled it after the events of the original Red Alert, I don't think people like General Stavros would have been content with it any other way; I doubt defectors like General Kosygin who was disillusioned with Stalin would've made any difference either.
      As for Red Alert 2 maybe the allies figured dismantling the USSR would've been trouble and putting Romanov in the Kremlin was the better option. It's not exactly like they put much trust in him, the briefing during the installation mentions allied spies in soviet territory.

      • 1 year ago

        I was under the impression that both the Allies were too exhausted and influence of nod.

        • 1 year ago

          >I was under the impression that both the Allies were too exhausted...
          I don't think it would've stopped them from having their way considering all they went through in the war.
          As for Red Alert 2 here's some excerpts from the installation briefing:
          >With Stalin's defeat, this man - Alexander Romanov, came to power with the blessing of Allied commanders.
          >Although an aristocrat and a member of the Communist Party, Romanov was an advocate of peace...
          >Ever since Yuri became Romanov's chief advisor, relations with the Soviet Union have deteriorated.
          Premier Romanov might have been turning things around back in the USSR in the allies favor until Yuri came along although that doesn't account for his own actions where Yuri isn't present.
          >... and influence of nod.
          Judging from the maps from Tiberian Dawn I don't think the USSR survived until that point not unless its territories in eastern Europe were partitioned after the war, not to mention Russia's GDI alignment. Personally, I think Kane realized why Stalin failed to win the war which is why we see Nod adopt a military doctrine antithetical to the soviet one.

          • 1 year ago

            I feel like the allied nations would've dismantled it after the events of the original Red Alert, I don't think people like General Stavros would have been content with it any other way; I doubt defectors like General Kosygin who was disillusioned with Stalin would've made any difference either.
            As for Red Alert 2 maybe the allies figured dismantling the USSR would've been trouble and putting Romanov in the Kremlin was the better option. It's not exactly like they put much trust in him, the briefing during the installation mentions allied spies in soviet territory.

            So was Romanov an actual descendant of the tsars? It seemed to imply that with the "We Romanovs have our legacy to consider" line.

            • 1 year ago

              I've always remembered him being described as "distant" to the family.

          • 1 year ago

            >Judging from the maps from Tiberian Dawn
            The maps are just contemporary ones and TD doesn't really have anything suggesting that history has changed before the meteor and Nod emerging. GDI is a UN force and it was the 90s so they probably thought Russia is going to play nice and go along with it. I'm sure that at the time the idea of WW2 not happening because of time travel didn't exist yet and there's no really good way to justify the borders.
            If you are willing to accept just broad strokes explanation it seems that no matter what happens in Red Alerts Soviet Union is going to collapse by the 90s anyway and Nod is going to use the chaos to steal a bunch of military hardware.
            Renegade 2 could have been the game to go back and re-establish the Tib-RA timeline connection, there's some concept arts of RA2 era soviet equipment in Nod livery, but the game never happened.

            So was Romanov an actual descendant of the tsars? It seemed to imply that with the "We Romanovs have our legacy to consider" line.

            It seems so. There are other descendants of Romanovs to this day. Only the immediate family of the tsar was killed and there were other cousins and shit. Why would one become a communist and why would anyone let them become leader of the USSR is pretty nonsense though. I guess you could always handwave that Yuri has already been subtly manipulating shit so nobody noticed.

            • 1 year ago

              >there's some concept arts of RA2 era soviet equipment in Nod livery
              There was some cool stuff to be had from there.

            • 1 year ago

              >Why would one become a communist and why would anyone let them become leader of the USSR is pretty nonsense though.
              Well, here's some info from a profile on Alexander Romanov from an archived Red Alert 2 site:
              >Romanov, current leader of the Russian people, has been hand-picked by American intelligence operations as the perfect puppet dictator, a mere pawn to U.S. interests
              >In the press, he's portrayed as the consummate politician, earning the love his people and the respect of the west as a leader of the new World Socialist Alliance, an innocuous organization that gives financial aid to developing countries.
              >But a fire burns within Romanov: a thirst for vengeance, an outrage at seeing his homeland crushed by the decadent empire of the west. He can't forget the war; it's branded on his childhood memories - the air strikes, the infantry trotting through the snowy streets, the factories exploding in orange blossoms of terrible flame. The memories won't die, and neither will the hatred.
              >Romanov doesn't want to destroy the U.S. -- no, his thirst for vengeance is tempered by cunning: he wants nothing less than full control of the country's infrastructure, defense and resources.

              The Ion Storms in sun make great white noise to sleep too.

              For me it's the floater calls:

  16. 1 year ago

    Isn't all the games takes place in one time line?

    • 1 year ago

      There are some links between the Red Alert and Tiberium universes, but I believe Generals is it's own universe.

    • 1 year ago

      No Red Alert 1 and the Tiberium Series are on the same time-line.

      Red Alert 2 is a split timeline caused by time travel from a Command and Conquer game that never happened, Original reason was that Yuri was a Nod agent who went back in time and changed history making Red Alert 2 happen and Tiberian Dawn never happen.

      Red Alert 3 is yet another timeline split caused by time travel.

      And Generals has nothing to do with the time line and is just a time-line where Al Qaeda and all the other Islamic terror groups decided to make ISIS 20 years sooner in Central Asia and call it GLA.

      Oh and Apparently Russia collapsed even harder in the 90s than they did in real life causing Europe to wholesale get rid of their military after the cold war leaving just the US and China.

      • 1 year ago

        >Oh and Apparently Russia collapsed even harder in the 90s than they did in real life causing Europe to wholesale get rid of their military after the cold war leaving just the US and China.
        Was that actually officially part of the setting. It is a bit weird how Russia nor any european country doesn't seem to have any notable military presence, but I haven't really considered if that's a deliberate choice or justified in any way.

        >Red Alert 2 is a split timeline caused by time travel from a Command and Conquer game that never happened, Original reason was that Yuri was a Nod agent who went back in time and changed history making Red Alert 2 happen and Tiberian Dawn never happen.
        TD is happening in the 90s and RA2 is still in like 70s so I don't think it necessarily contradicts it. Also tiberium is kicked off by a meteor that should hit no matter what happens on earth unless someone intercepted it.

      • 1 year ago

        This is correct. Only Red Alert 1 actually fits in the timeline and universe of the Tiberium series.
        It goes like this
        >Hitler dieded because time travel einstein so no Nazi WW2
        >Nod backs / puppeteers stalin and USSR, and does WW2: Soviet Edition instead for World Domination
        >Allies win and GDI is formed
        >Tiberium games happen and Kane continues to live and do shit because he's spooky bible man

        All the other games are just memes and riffs and their own thing, don't overthink it.

        >Oh and Apparently Russia collapsed even harder in the 90s than they did in real life causing Europe to wholesale get rid of their military after the cold war leaving just the US and China.
        Was that actually officially part of the setting. It is a bit weird how Russia nor any european country doesn't seem to have any notable military presence, but I haven't really considered if that's a deliberate choice or justified in any way.

        >Red Alert 2 is a split timeline caused by time travel from a Command and Conquer game that never happened, Original reason was that Yuri was a Nod agent who went back in time and changed history making Red Alert 2 happen and Tiberian Dawn never happen.
        TD is happening in the 90s and RA2 is still in like 70s so I don't think it necessarily contradicts it. Also tiberium is kicked off by a meteor that should hit no matter what happens on earth unless someone intercepted it.

        Red Alert 2 takes place in the late 90's / early 2000's of its own timeline and universe, which essentially goes like this: Red Alert 1 vaguely happens with no NOD existing whatsoever, and instead of GDI and Tiberium the Allies put the Romanov dynasty back on the throne even though they're still communists apparently lol, and then the soviet-romanov-whatevers go for round 2

        The Generals universe is really underdeveloped because it was kind of a rush job and because it really was just trying to capitalize on the GWOT and invasion of Iraq. Also don't overthink it, they didnt do that much worldbuilding in the first place. Europe and Russia are sidelined because they just didn't care to include them.

        • 1 year ago

          >takes place in the late 90's / early 2000's
          Do you have any proof?

          • 1 year ago

            I think anon's confusing the time periods of Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 2 for some reason, this anon

            >Oh and Apparently Russia collapsed even harder in the 90s than they did in real life causing Europe to wholesale get rid of their military after the cold war leaving just the US and China.
            Was that actually officially part of the setting. It is a bit weird how Russia nor any european country doesn't seem to have any notable military presence, but I haven't really considered if that's a deliberate choice or justified in any way.

            >Red Alert 2 is a split timeline caused by time travel from a Command and Conquer game that never happened, Original reason was that Yuri was a Nod agent who went back in time and changed history making Red Alert 2 happen and Tiberian Dawn never happen.
            TD is happening in the 90s and RA2 is still in like 70s so I don't think it necessarily contradicts it. Also tiberium is kicked off by a meteor that should hit no matter what happens on earth unless someone intercepted it.

            is correct that RA2 is set during the 70s and I've always remembered it being set in 1972.

          • 1 year ago

            The weapons, camo patterns, and vehicles were all in use during the 90s. Please don't be one of those "TIB DAWN HAPPENED IN THE 2010S BECUASE A YOUTUBER TOLD ME!" believers

            • 1 year ago

              Didn't the manual said that the first war took place in 2019?

              • 1 year ago

                That's from Renegade's manual, Rade Stojsavljević stated that Tiberian Sun was set 30 years after Tiberian Dawn:
                >When it came time to create the story, we already had the basic framework in place. There was a very rich and fascinating world to draw upon when creating new characters for this story. The one difficulty encountered was making sure the story could stand up on its own and be accessible to new players without subjecting players familiar with previous games to mind-numbing exposition. To solve this problem, we set the story 30 years after the end of the original, which provided an opportunity to create an outstanding introduction that showed players what had been going on in the world.
                Tiberian Sun being set in 2030 would place the end of the first war around 2000 and with the W3N reporter's statement:

                Stating that the war lasted for 3 years which would put the start of the war at 1997.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, plus it would account for how GDI absorbed the G7 nations happening over a longer period of time rather than quickly annexed.

              • 1 year ago

                Even Tiberium Wars which is set in 2047 supports the 1997 date with Kane's statement about "50 years of tyranny" whereas Lieutenant Granger's statement about "28 years of fighting Nod" is likely just referring to his personal career as a GDI soldier.

              • 1 year ago

                Let's not forget how fast the Forgotten culture pops up.

              • 1 year ago

                Are you referring to when Boyle mentions something about a group of militant shiners called the Sons of Umagon?

              • 1 year ago

                Not directly, I was more talking about how the Forgotten as a force crop up in the 30 odd years between the First and Second Tib Wars. Makes more sense to me that happening over a few decades rather than half that time like some champion.

              • 1 year ago

                *G8, because guess where those Mammoth tanks came from.

              • 1 year ago

                G7, because X-66 is American designation for military hardware.

                Prototypes use X in their names. Weapons that entered the regular service use M.

  17. 1 year ago

    anybody remember the 10 network? the one that let you play Masters of Orion 2 multiplayer and charged a 10 dollar fee?

  18. 1 year ago

    Red Alert 2 remastered when?!

    • 1 year ago

      not happening. jimtern is busy with star wars now

  19. 1 year ago

    RA2 is definitely set in 1972 as shown in the newspapers in some of its cutscenes

  20. 1 year ago

    Red Alert timeline happens because Kane=0 and Tiberium asteroid=0.

    Tiberium timeline happens because Kane=1 and Tiberium=1. A mistake is believing the Tiberium timeline kicks off with a Soviet victory in RA1, when all the canon endings of the C&C games (except Generals) are the Allied/GDI/good ones.

    • 1 year ago

      I think former WW dev confirmed that on long dead Petroglyph forum, cba to dig up archived page rn, but i know its there

      • 1 year ago

        IIRC the actual timeline was:
        Red Alert->C&C1->Tiberian Sun->Tiberian Dawn (Westwood)->One psychic Nodite called Yuri accidentally activates the Chronosphere while invading Area 51->Red Alert 2

        • 1 year ago

          C&C 1 is Tiberian Dawn, i think you meant Command & Conquer 3: Incursion, but then again, that was only one of the story drafts, i think there's total of 4 story drafts that are known to the public but this one with Yuri is the most popular for obvious reasons

          • 1 year ago

            >i think you meant Command & Conquer 3: Incursion
            He might have meant "Tiberian Twilight (Westwood)" since that was one of the working titles for the third game iirc.
            >i think there's total of 4 story drafts that are known to the public but this one with Yuri is the most popular for obvious reasons
            I'm not really fond of it to be honest and I say that as a fan of Yuri, the idea of him being an acolyte of Kane is fine but the time travel stuff bothers me and if I had to connect Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge to Tiberian Dawn I'd take the Scavenger route instead. I think the Brotherhood of Nod rallying a militant group in the former Soviet Union would really hearken back to the conflicts in the Balkans that Westwood took some inspiration from.

            • 1 year ago

              Tiberian Twilight was the name given by some members of community and popularized by journalists at the time, Westwood's C&C 3 was always named Incursion

    • 1 year ago

      What happens if Tiberium=1 and Kane=0?

      • 1 year ago

        There's that goofy mod called Global Crisis i guess, where instead of GDI and Nod you have Russia, USA, China and Europeans fighting each other while world goes to shit

      • 1 year ago

        This depends entirely on if Tacitus = 0 or not. Without the Tacitus, humanity fractures and goes extinct.

      • 1 year ago

        Scrin mining expedition awakens to a freshly ripe world.

    • 1 year ago


  21. 1 year ago

    HECU Marine Unit Voice Pack released:

    Also released is the HECU Marine as EVA announcer:

    • 1 year ago

      I still find it funny shockwave stuck them in as the marine unit

    • 1 year ago

      cant wait to download your overbloated shitty 3rd party platform app just to dl sound files jesus fricking christ & you think youre elite for using le gabe hl3 confirmed xd l00t box cuz my sister is getting Black personed next room but at least I have le irony Ganker buddies to live laff love

      • 1 year ago

        You lost this battle in the early 00's, grandpa.

  22. 1 year ago

    I frankly just love the Tiberium universe itself. Was never a big RA fan, though I did play it.

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe it's because the Red Alert games' premise and factions are familiar enough with various other media covering the idea of a war with the soviet union and the Tiberian games have more room to tell it's own story. Tiberian Dawn would be familiar to anyone with knowledge of the modern wars of the 90s and the early 2000s and then we get to Tiberian Sun when the earth is being converted into an alien world and GDI and Nod have adapted in their own ways to survive with GDI going north to the arctic areas or into orbit via space station and Nod going underground; there's also the introduction of new factions like the mutant Forgotten, cyborg CABAL, and the alien Scrin albeit the initial two are severely underused in my opinion.
      Personally, I'd say the exception to Red Alert's familiarity is Yuri and his nightmare army.

  23. 1 year ago

    I'm trying to get Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge set up so I can revisit the campaigns and play a mod later. The mod's readme says to make sure there aren't any other mods installed, does anyone know if CnCNet would fall under there?

    • 1 year ago

      just keep the base game with cncnet and modded copies in separate directories

  24. 1 year ago

    >Where the Romans failed, I will succeed.

  25. 1 year ago
    What went wrong?

    • 1 year ago

      Looks like the Ukrainian War really buck broke their Russian devs.

      • 1 year ago

        Wait... I thought Corona's devs were Chinamen?

        • 1 year ago

          They are, which is why there is the chinese oc wank faction

        • 1 year ago

          They must've taken in some vatniks then.

      • 1 year ago

        that is hilarious

    • 1 year ago

      They unironically thought Russia would sweep in like RA 2's intro.

    • 1 year ago

      >Red Alert 3:Corona is a MOD of the original Red Alert 3 by Chinese modders.

  26. 1 year ago

    New voice mod: Dagoth Ur as EVA Anouncer for Tiberian Dawn:

    Planning to do either the Barney voice for Tiberian Dawn or a surprised Red Alert voice mod next.

  27. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >Red Alert, Counterstrike and The Aftermath
      >C&C and The Cver Operations
      >Remastered exist
      >Privateer III was canceled

      • 1 year ago

        Do you mean to tell me people lie and/or spread misinformation on the internet ??

        • 1 year ago

          I love ony01 so mutch it's unreal

          What does this mean??

          C&C games ports to steam

          • 1 year ago

            >C&C games ports to steam
            If that's really going to be the case I hope the mods work for multiplayer games, seemed like a mistake not letting players using the same mods to play online with each other.

            • 1 year ago

              >Install First decade
              >Start soviet campaign
              >Beat first mission
              >Mission two pops up without this cutscene
              What did they cut it from him smoking?

              • 1 year ago

                Same anon from

                >*don't* know what's wrong with it.
                It's late.
                Don't know what to tell, I don't believe there's any sort of censorship on The First Decade, I'll install Red Alert in the morning and check it out for myself.

                , finished Lesson in Blood and I just get a briefing and no Captain Kukov.
                The unofficial patch fixes this:
                >Red Alert 95
                >Main.mix Patched to include all Music & Movies

    • 1 year ago

      What does this mean??

    • 1 year ago

      >Privateer 3
      Please please please please please PLEASE

    • 1 year ago

      >Renegade finally coming to Steam
      alright what's the fricking catch

      • 1 year ago

        Giving money to EA and using their shitty launcher

      • 1 year ago

        >Renegade rereleases on Steam
        >multiplayer becomes active again
        Grant us this boon, EA

        • 1 year ago

          play Renegade X right now

          • 1 year ago

            they changed too much, I'm only interested if they have a classic game mode that people play

          • 1 year ago

            Im on Linux

            >saw C&C RA at a friend's place as a kid
            >played a skirmish mission
            >thought tesla towers were the shit
            >asked parents for the game
            >got regular old C&C
            >no skirmish
            >no tesla towers

            What's wrong with obelisk of light?

            t. Obelisk of light enjoyer

          • 1 year ago

            have they still not released firestorm? it's been years

            • 1 year ago

              Last I heard from Renegade X was some drama involving one dev ragequitting and trying to sue them.

              • 1 year ago

                Such is the fate of every fricking fan project.

              • 1 year ago

                That was Tiberian Sun Reborn mod for original Renegade

                Renegade X had one of the devs, who is a mentally deranged homosexual and a troon by the way, try to coopt control over the multiplayer games and events hosted by other people, essentially held hostage the dev team due to ownership over the discord server i think, website and also some code. Tried to take down servers of the game using DCMA and other shit like that.

                Now Agent, that's his nickname, while being part of Commander Collective (group of various artists and content creators who are making free assets for everyone while trying to get official EA's approval and founding) is spreading rumors about Totem Arts (Renegade X and Firestorm dev team) having pedophiles amongst them, which is considering him being a troon, well, looks like he tries to narc himself, subsequently compromising Totem Arts and Commanders Collective

              • 1 year ago

                >Commander Collective
                literal who

              • 1 year ago

                >Renegade X had one of the devs, who is a mentally deranged homosexual and a troon by the way, try to coopt control over the multiplayer games and events hosted by other people, essentially held hostage the dev team due to ownership over the discord server i think,
                Many such cases

              • 1 year ago

                >That was Tiberian Sun Reborn mod for original Renegade
                Is it still worth getting into nowadays? I always heard about Renegade's multiplayer being good and the mods for it but I've never gotten around to it.

                Found three videos.

                You know I don't get why he just didn't use the final frame of CABAL's core instead of that triforce thing.

              • 1 year ago

                The answer is simple, C&C community is creatively bankrupt and can only re-use existing things from other media instead of actual artworks and concepts created by Westwood, also

              • 1 year ago

                I don't know what you're talking about because I know there are some mods that actually have units based off of concepts by Westwood:
                >Dawn of the Tiberian Age gives GDI the X-O powersuit for a unit.
                >Red Resurrection gives the Yugoslavia sub-faction a tesla tank based off one of pic related.
                >Mental Omega has some stuff based off of Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge's concept art.
                >Various assets out there based off of concept art.
                That's just what I can recall, only been playing vanilla games lately.

              • 1 year ago

                Could have added Twisted Insurrection and Tiberian Essence to the list, but the mods you listed have been around for years now, and Red Resurrection is dead

                Most of the modern mods would rather re-use 20 different freeware versions of the same couple of units. Steal entire unit rosters if not factions from other mods. Add CABAL faction but give it stuff from Terminator despite the amount of concept art created by Westwood that at least could give general direction and stylistic of the faction, at least they could have tried looking at media that actually resembles CABAL and cyborgs, Quake 2, 4, Wars for example

              • 1 year ago

                >Could have added Twisted Insurrection and Tiberian Essence to the list
                I remember Twisted Insurrection references Project ReGenesis and Tiberium Essence has some units restored from Sun and at least unit that a tiberium auto rifle, haven't played either in awhile and I've been avoiding Tiberium Wars until I finish Dawn and revisting GDI's campaign in Sun.
                >Add CABAL faction but give it stuff from Terminator despite the amount of concept art created by Westwood that at least could give general direction and stylistic of the faction
                I remember passing by that mod with the hunter-killer unit and I understand what you're talking about in regards to some unit concepts going unused by modders, at least I can't recall any mods that make use of those Continuum designs like the CABAL girl for instance.

              • 1 year ago

                >That was Tiberian Sun Reborn mod for original Renegade
                Is it still worth getting into nowadays? I always heard about Renegade's multiplayer being good and the mods for it but I've never gotten around to it.
                You know I don't get why he just didn't use the final frame of CABAL's core instead of that triforce thing.

                >The First Tib War happens in the 2010s cause reasons
                I had a tolerance for his videos since they were decent background noise on long road trips, but Jesus that was his dumbest take.

              • 1 year ago

                > can only re-use existing things from other media

                But isn't what Westwood did with Tiberium?
                >the ion cannon cutscene is literally called "akira" in the game files
                >nod bike based off the akira bike as well
                >mammoth mk 2 is an at-at and one of the fmvs based off empire strikes back
                >guns,weapons and armor that look like the ones from aliens

                Don't really get the issue here.

              • 1 year ago

                You forgot to mention C&C itself is Westwood going "FINE I WILL MAKE MY OWN DUNE! WITH 90s WARFARE! AND BALD PEOPLE!"

              • 1 year ago

                A huge misconception created by EA apologists, the C&C before C&C was supposed to be a WarCraft before WarCraft essentially.
                Not to mention that the argument that "Westwood just wanted to make their own Dune" doesn't even makes sense when they were the ones who made Dune 2 and were the pioneers of RTS genre

              • 1 year ago

                So we are going to ignore all the messiah and fanatism of Nod compared to the Freemen, the Tiberium, and Spice transforming the World into a whole desert (Tiberium by absorbing all the minerals from the land and the spice through the sandworms), the whole ion storms being one of the signs of a Sandworm in dune and the spice and Tiberium evolving humanity just like that?

              • 1 year ago

                Tiberium was changing planet into an alien world and not just desert, with alien ecosystem, biosphere ect. Not even talking about the fact that Tiberium is a direct hazardous threat to humans, animals, plants ect. Some of the concepts mention Tiberium being a tool of terraformation for Scrin, only in C&C 3 Tiberium became just a space drug for aliens.

                Kane and Nod were inspired by many things, but the biggest inspiration was Bible. Dune on the other hand took inspirations from Quran. Dune deconstructs the image of a messiah, where in C&C Kane is a megalomaniac who abuses his status and image while tolerating some less loyal elements as long as they benefit his end goal. In the first game Nod weren't even that fanatical and in the second game for a fanatical quasi super sate, it had way too many elements that weren't all that religious, and some of them were with Brotherhood only for the sake of personal gain.

                Tiberium was changing humans, but mutants were still slowly dying and only Brotherhood had means and motives to make mutation stable and turn people into a Tiberium-based life-from and not just mutants. But i should mention that Nod hated regular mutants, considered them a failure. Though TS Bible and Incursion concepts mention some of the Forgotten mutants gaining psionic abilities and control over the mutated flora and fauna, unfortunately it was never explored thanks to EA, but mutants probably were still slowly dying and suffering from side effects. Overall Tiberium is much more volatile than Spice and has way many drawbacks. And unlike Dune, Ion Storms had more global effect, with them being essentially a new thunder storm in a changing world.

                The only thing that can be clearly traced back to Dune are harvesters

              • 1 year ago

                There is a difference between making a reference or taking inspiration from other media (what Westwood did), Westwood were big sci-fi, animation and military nerds after all, and taking stuff from other media with no changes at all despite the fact that concepts and assets ready to use already exist in the universe or additional materials of a game or a mod you are making (mod developers that add CABAL faction with stuff from Terminator instead of using concepts created by Westwood)

              • 1 year ago

                bullshit. WW were not original in the slightest

              • 1 year ago

                Did i said something about originality?
                I said that there's a difference between taking an inspiration / making a reference and straight up taking something from other media with no changes at all

          • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            I mentioned it to someone recently and they said the servers are pretty empty these days. Renegade X started like 10 years ago. The mod itself also got ancient and people moved on.

            • 1 year ago

              Theres a full server every evening with 64 players

          • 1 year ago

            The game is fantastic but the community around it is moronic. They are only interested in playing 6 hour stalemate matches on Field. Despite like 20 other maps and many custom playermade ones it's still the same thing over and over again.

    • 1 year ago

      When are they going to tie Red Alert 3's multiplayer to something that just fricking works so I don't need to sign up to some third party network to play it?

      • 1 year ago

        Don't count on it

  28. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Didn't this it had an anti piracy's where everything blowup?

      • 1 year ago

        That was pretty funny, all that happens when I launch a pirated version is a lack of cutscenes between missions.

        • 1 year ago

          >ack of cutscenes between missions
          Sounds like a dream for a speed runner.

          • 1 year ago

            Playing through the Allied campaign so far and the mission debriefings haven't reflected well on account of my lack of expediency but it's been a long time so I guess I can chalk it all up as me going down memory lane.

            >all that happens when I launch a pirated version is a lack of cutscenes between missions
            you might already know this but you just need to copy over the .mix files from the installation disc images if you wanted them

            I guess I should make sure those are copied to a folder then, thanks anon.
            I used a freeware installer from the archive at first then I found my First Decade disc in an old laptop that I thought was lost to the void and installed using that.

        • 1 year ago

          >all that happens when I launch a pirated version is a lack of cutscenes between missions
          you might already know this but you just need to copy over the .mix files from the installation disc images if you wanted them

  29. 1 year ago

    and high quality made in china plastic toys

  30. 1 year ago

    How accurate is this?

    • 1 year ago

      The right question would be "How moronic is this?"

    • 1 year ago

      The slots for first and second wave GDI don't make any sense.

  31. 1 year ago
  32. 1 year ago

    Can I join?

    • 1 year ago

      >>FOR THE DUKE!
      >>FOR THE DUKE!
      >>FOR THE DUKE!

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >3D RTS

      • 1 year ago

        Skill issue

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          i remember when i was a kid playing earth 2150 this didn't even make me bat an eye, i just thought it was something all games in this new 3d style were supposed to be like. how wrong I was

          • 1 year ago

            Same, I never realised at the time how unique 2150 was and that no other game in the future would have everything that it had.

    • 1 year ago

      >Dune game remasters never-ever
      >one of the best rts soundtracks of all time will never get the recognition it deserves

    • 1 year ago

      >Muh dark alliance

      True RTS soundtrack supremacy

      • 1 year ago

        So fricking good

        • 1 year ago

          >Muh dark alliance

          True RTS soundtrack supremacy

          This song goes very hard
          Love from Sigma Draconis 4
          I hate the Fremen so much it's unreal

          • 1 year ago

            Jarrid Mendelson's ONLY published work in his career, aside for 1 UFC song, was on the Emperor soundtrack and Tib Sun. According to Frank, Jarrid was a keyboardist in a Las Vegas cover band and a friend of his. Frank was spread too thin across 4 simultaneous projects and needed assistance.

            This random friend of Frank Klepacki drops some of the dopest electronic music I've ever heard and never makes music ever again. Legend.

      • 1 year ago

        >looks like a new age hippie
        >makes the most FYRE soundtrack ever conceived in an rts

    • 1 year ago

      >>FOR THE DUKE!
      >>FOR THE DUKE!
      >>FOR THE DUKE!


      >AT ONCE!
      >AT ONCE!

  33. 1 year ago

    >Kane infiltrating American society in the 1970s

    • 1 year ago

      Would Kane have been the same if he was rocking some hair?

      • 1 year ago

        The baldness was always part of his charm.

  34. 1 year ago

    Just wanted to say that RA3 Uprising's commander's challenge mode is really cool. Only just bought it recently despite picking up RA3 on launch day and honestly it's made me appreciate RA3 as a whole a lot more

  35. 1 year ago

    >nobody has brought up or discussed what happened to mussolini in red alert

    We're just going to ignore the original creator of fascism like that?

    • 1 year ago

      Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Italy wasn't ready for war and also it wasn't a big threat to Europe or the world like the USSR or nazi Germany

    • 1 year ago

      He'd most likely ended up as a footnote in (American) history books as another "at least he's not commie" dictator like Francoist Spain and countless like minded South American Caudillos.

      • 1 year ago

        >Francoist Spain
        Wonder what happens to Spain itself in the Red Alert universe. Did they avoid the Civil War? Or it still happens but Allied intervention forces a Democracy?

        • 1 year ago

          >Did they avoid the Civil War?
          This homie wants to believe deleting Hitler somehow prevents the SCW.

          Look at this map.

          • 1 year ago

            Remember the Gold Nation in Red Alert 1 was Spain and the soviets end up attacking it in the canon campaign.

            >Make every nation have different colors and stats
            >Force the soviets to only fight Greece anyway.
            Would have been cool if you reached france and were fighting France instead.

    • 1 year ago

      His status probably depends on if he went through with his efforts to expand Italy's territory in Africa and elsewhere and whether or not those conquests were successful. Nikos Stavros and Greece status in the original Red Alert at least shows that either Mussolini did not carry out any war against Greece or he was not successful. Unfortunately I haven't brushed up on my history books and don't recall much about Il Duce Benito Mussolini and if the absence of Hitler and his Germany as an ally would effect any of his decisions for Italy. In the face of a belligerent USSR in WWII and WSA in WWIII I have no doubts that some countries would have a friendlier approach to fascism as an ideology.
      However, I would be remised not to mention one of the descriptions of Nod from the Tiberian Dawn manual:
      >IDEOLOGY: To unite third-world nations under a pseudo-religious political platform with imperialist tendencies. In actuality it is an aggressive and popular neo-fascist, anti-West movement vying for total domination of the world's peoples and resources.
      Albeit this reminds me of how they read in that Command & Conquer Bible for Tiberian Sun so I don't know how much weight it carries.

    • 1 year ago

      >Red Alert 2
      Probably one of the allied leaders
      >Red Alert 2
      Died of old age

    • 1 year ago

      homie westwood didnt even care enough to show actual borders in RA1/2 and just went with modern day ones. Stop trying to overanalyze the setting that the devs themselves didnt give a frick about

      • 1 year ago

        >Stop trying to overanalyze the setting that the devs themselves didn't give a frick about
        Good luck with that when the fanbase has been beating their heads over what decade RA1 happens because the Allies use Abrams and Apaches instead of accepting WW just reused C&C1 sprites to cut RA1 develop time down

        • 1 year ago

          imho RA1 was supposed to be about Cold War going hot, i think some RA1 cutscenes have destroyed Allied tanks with NATO logo.

          Also i heard that the whole prequel with time travel and red menace was Brett Sperry's idea and almost no one in Westwood liked it but went along since he was one of the co-founders and lead developers, which would explain books in Nadya's office having BRET ZHOPA written on them, initially i though that this is some kind of reference, but then i tried to use translator and it literally means Brett butthole

          • 1 year ago

            >i think some RA1 cutscenes have destroyed Allied tanks with NATO logo.
            There is also a video with the UN flag to complicate things further.

            • 1 year ago

              imho RA1 was supposed to be about Cold War going hot, i think some RA1 cutscenes have destroyed Allied tanks with NATO logo.

              Also i heard that the whole prequel with time travel and red menace was Brett Sperry's idea and almost no one in Westwood liked it but went along since he was one of the co-founders and lead developers, which would explain books in Nadya's office having BRET ZHOPA written on them, initially i though that this is some kind of reference, but then i tried to use translator and it literally means Brett butthole

              Don't overthink about literally everything they put in RA1, it's an absolute mess, because they didn't know what they were doing
              >M1 Abrams
              >AH-64 Apache
              >Type 22 frigate
              >9K52 Luna-M (V2 Launcher)
              >literally the entire map of Europe

              • 1 year ago

                that's what makes it red alert to me

              • 1 year ago

                the entire map of Europe
                Why though, map in RA1 is much closer to what actual map would have looked like, at least it looks much better than RA2 map of the world

              • 1 year ago

                The major frick ups of the RA1 map are Poland's and Germany's borders. Without WW2 both countries would still be in their pre-war borders.
                >at least it looks much better than RA2 map of the world
                That's true. That map made no sense whatsoever.

              • 1 year ago

                Speaking of which, shouldn't have RA3 featured nazies?
                RA timeline happens because Einstein kills Hitler by time paradox and then general Tim Curie (or whatever the frick his character name is) kills Einstein at the beginning of RA3

              • 1 year ago

                Really now removing Einstein should’ve just restored the original timeline minus whatever contributions Einstein did after 1927.

              • 1 year ago

                Really now removing Einstein should’ve just restored the original timeline minus whatever contributions Einstein did after 1927.

                >Trying to make sense of timetravel
                I seriously hope your guys don't do this.

              • 1 year ago

                Maybe unbeknownst to Comrade Timsky Curienov the Einstein they killed is the one that has invented time travel and killed Hitler? Because they still have the time travel machine to go back to their timeline, instead of being trapped because they just killed the guy who invented their temporal pimpmobile.

              • 1 year ago

                With the Soviets I got to wonder how difficult was it to find a book in the 1990s about 1950s Soviet equipment. You’d have to go to a library and somehow find a book about the Soviet military of the 1950/60s. I doubt those were very common. It was probably a lot easier to find more current magazines/books about the Gulf War and take vehicles used during that conflict as inspiration for the Soviet roster.

              • 1 year ago

                >Stop trying to overanalyze the setting that the devs themselves didn't give a frick about
                Good luck with that when the fanbase has been beating their heads over what decade RA1 happens because the Allies use Abrams and Apaches instead of accepting WW just reused C&C1 sprites to cut RA1 develop time down

                That’s rookie stuff. The real question is why where the allied forces still using Shermans and Panzer IIIs at the time of Red Alert 2 according to in-game news footage.

            • 1 year ago

              There was also a NATO logo in early builds of the game.

          • 1 year ago

            Don't overthink about literally everything they put in RA1, it's an absolute mess, because they didn't know what they were doing
            >M1 Abrams
            >AH-64 Apache
            >Type 22 frigate
            >9K52 Luna-M (V2 Launcher)
            >literally the entire map of Europe

            From what I've gathered, RA1's development timeline was something like this
            >First pitched as a normal WW2 game for the 50th anniversary
            >However this at some point morphed into a TD prequel
            >Based on some early press releases it was supposed to be set in the 70s, which would explain the tech and

            >i think some RA1 cutscenes have destroyed Allied tanks with NATO logo.

            There is also a video with the UN flag to complicate things further.
            >Only the timeline got backshifted again because they wanted to do an alt-WW2 with crazy tech and Stalin
            I have a theory that it may have actually been 2 projects (TD prequel and WW2 game) that ended up being merged at some point, but dev interviews always talk as if it were a single thing from the start.
            >Brett Sperry's idea and almost no one in Westwood liked it
            That was just the title. Sperry came up with Red Alert and most of the staff thought it was too cheesy, but no one offered a better alternative and so it was what they went with in the end.

        • 1 year ago

          >reused C&C1
          The fun part is they didn't. The RA1 medium tank and TD medium tank use different sprites. They share the same unit icon and cinematic appearance though. The light tank meanwhile uses the same sprite and icon as the TD equivalent but looks nothing like it in cinematics.

          • 1 year ago

            >The RA1 medium tank and TD medium tank use different sprites.
            Half true, one can see the hull is the exact same, is the turret sprite the one that changed, pretty sure the Heavy Tanks also use the same hull sprite.

            • 1 year ago

              I believe the heavy also uses the TD turret just with two guns.The smaller/more rounded turret on the allied medium makes me think it was supposed to be some kinda earlier 1950s western tank (M48 maybe). At some point during development Westwood decided to reuse the TD Abrams for cinematics instead of making a new model because those 3D models must've been expensive back then.

              • 1 year ago

                I honestly want to say the light tank in RA1 cinematics is just a squished Abrams

              • 1 year ago

                That ones a squished Abrams for sure. There's another model that looks more like a Chaffee or M41 but squished.

        • 1 year ago

          Don’t forget the WW2 era GIs equipped with M16s in the final allied cinematic.

  36. 1 year ago
  37. 1 year ago
    >one new screenshot posted every 12 months
    >over a decade of development and no release
    This mod is some sort of a prank, isn't it?

  38. 1 year ago

    >saw C&C RA at a friend's place as a kid
    >played a skirmish mission
    >thought tesla towers were the shit
    >asked parents for the game
    >got regular old C&C
    >no skirmish
    >no tesla towers

  39. 1 year ago

    Me, personally, am a based and redpilled Tiberium farmer, spreading my green and blue fields to encompass the entire map.

  40. 1 year ago

    Just finished both the GDI and NOD campaigns of the original C&C. NOD missions were more fun, even though kane and his entire faction are cringe.

    • 1 year ago

      Never understood how he lived for centuries. Also wasn't there a spin off that took place in a fantasy world?

      • 1 year ago

        >Also wasn't there a spin off that took place in a fantasy world?
        Lands of Lore? It actually predates C&C for a few years, and pretty sure it was not originally supposed to be connected by then they added visceroids in 2 and a whole Nod Temple with Cabal in 3

      • 1 year ago

        He's divinely empowered. He can't die until his duty is done, what said duty entails is up to interpretation.

      • 1 year ago

        He's the biblical Cain, cursed to wander the Earth forever

      • 1 year ago

        Just like the shitty C&C4 confirms,
        Kane is essentially an ayylmao.
        Most likely he is an outcast from the annihilated Mars culture mentioned in the Tiberian Sun lore bible which was described as a paradise world with no violence or war which got fricked by the Scrin.
        Veeery likely he was banished from that world for killing his brother and since they were so averse to violence themselves and essentially pacifists they could not give him the death penalty and banished him to earf to wander eternally in the land of Nod.

        Essentially he was cast out of Eden (Paradise) for the sin of murder.

        The whole C&C story is about how Kane is using humanity to avenge the destruction of his entire race and destroy the Scrin. Humans mean almost nothing to him and so he was trying to use Tiberium to engineer humans to be the ideal predator against the Scrin.

        The tacitus is the last remaining knowledge from the Mars culture sent to Earth as they were destroyed by the Scrin and their planet stripmined.

        • 1 year ago

          If you're wondering what the whole deal with Kane floating in a tank at the end of TibSun being merged with Cabal it's because Cabal was always enacting Kane's plan.. basically he wanted to turn the entirety of mankind into tiberium infused war machines hooked up to an AI that he could directly control with his brain so he could use them as a tool to fight the Scrin.
          When this fails because both Nod and GDI turned against him he's like "Alright alright fine! Maybe I won't turn you "all" into machines jeez!" But he still controls the remnants of the program which shows up in the form of Legion and Marked of Kane.

          • 1 year ago

            Then why did he replace CABAL with LEGION?

            • 1 year ago

              Only an AI can take full advantage of the entire knowledgebase and potential of the tacitus.
              A human can go on the internet and find something. But there's no way a human can process the entire knowledge of the internet.

        • 1 year ago

          If you're wondering what the whole deal with Kane floating in a tank at the end of TibSun being merged with Cabal it's because Cabal was always enacting Kane's plan.. basically he wanted to turn the entirety of mankind into tiberium infused war machines hooked up to an AI that he could directly control with his brain so he could use them as a tool to fight the Scrin.
          When this fails because both Nod and GDI turned against him he's like "Alright alright fine! Maybe I won't turn you "all" into machines jeez!" But he still controls the remnants of the program which shows up in the form of Legion and Marked of Kane.

          Then why did he replace CABAL with LEGION?

          Only an AI can take full advantage of the entire knowledgebase and potential of the tacitus.
          A human can go on the internet and find something. But there's no way a human can process the entire knowledge of the internet.

          To clarify, LEGION is CABAL v2.

          This is the most heinous, schizophrenic, braindead bullshit I've ever read on this board, like, this is genuinely moronic.
          Not even talking about the fact that all of this is fricking made up except for CABAL always following Kanes directives, Kane being Biblical character and Martian civilization from a story Bible, which was discarded and considered uncanonical apocrypha by Westwood even before the guy who was writing it finished his job.

          Also, what's up with every moronic degenerate who claims that he can make a better version of C&C 4, but keeps one of the most hideous story changes that EA introduced, i.e. Kane being ancient alien who wants to leave the Earth / frick up the Scrin. Like, frick, even in C&C 3 though it was a game that introduced alien towers, it was never stated why Kane needed them, maybe he wanted to bring more Tiberium from distant worlds in order to finish the terraformation of Earth into Tberium world, only C&C 4 stated that Kane needs them to leave the Earth, essentially throwing decades worth of games and their stories about Biblical character using Tiberium and Tacitus to turn humans into Tberium-based life forms suitable to live in a new Tiberium world - "Today, we march forward into our future... a stronger people. A divine people, enhanced for the Tiberium world! The time has come to claim this world as our own.", and not just slowly dying mutants, into the trash bin.

          Truly, C&C 3 was a mistake and C&C 4 is a monument to all our sins

          • 1 year ago

            It was always gonna end this way.
            Because C&C was always grounded in sci-fi where things have "real" explanations.

            It was never going to end with "The lore of the bible is real and Kane is literally marked by God and Kane is trying to make his way back into Eden so he can give God a piece of his mind".

            • 1 year ago

              >It was never going to end with "The lore of the bible is real and Kane is literally marked by God and Kane is trying to make his way back into Eden so he can give God a piece of his mind".
              Then I lost all respect for command & conquer.

              • 1 year ago

                We will never know how it all could have ended, thanks to EA.

                What that moron posted is nothing but a degenerate ramblings of some moron that watched way too many "lore" youtubers, i think i actually know him, or at east he is very similar to one moron that recently joined Tiberian Odyssey discord server and started posting some random degenerate shit, Sora (Kingdom Hearts)

          • 1 year ago

            >Also, what's up with every moronic degenerate who claims that he can make a better version of C&C 4, but keeps one of the most hideous story changes that EA introduced, i.e. Kane being ancient alien who wants to leave the Earth / frick up the Scrin. Like, frick, even in C&C 3 though it was a game that introduced alien towers, it was never stated why Kane needed them, maybe he wanted to bring more Tiberium from distant worlds in order to finish the terraformation of Earth into Tberium world, only C&C 4 stated that Kane needs them to leave the Earth, essentially throwing decades worth of games and their stories about Biblical character using Tiberium and Tacitus to turn humans into Tberium-based life forms suitable to live in a new Tiberium world - "Today, we march forward into our future... a stronger people. A divine people, enhanced for the Tiberium world! The time has come to claim this world as our own.", and not just slowly dying mutants, into the trash bin.

            How am I moronic? You're moronic. Of course Kane would trick GDI to blowing up a big container of Tiberium, so that the world would seem like a thing to colonize for the Scrin.

            Kane was always obsessed with capturing alien technology, so of fricking course he would bait aliens to invade earth and then hijack their shit. Frick, C&C 3 was written by the exact same fricking people as 1 and 2.

    • 1 year ago

      While the Nod campaign is shorter you can tell that there's a lot more creativity in the Nod missions of Dawn.

      But it's fitting that Nod would get more commando style missions.

      I still find it funny that everyone grew to see the Commando as a GDI unit even if you only get him in a single mission where as Nod gets commandos in several missions.

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe GDI commando mission is more memorable, and also you get to play that mission again if you didn't destroyed the right building

  41. 1 year ago

    Is the Remastered Collection worth it or are the games still possible to run on modern machines anyway?
    Haven't played them for 20 years

    • 1 year ago

      Eh, i would say that remaster isn't worth it, they could have done a better job, or priced it 10$ on release and not 20$, not even talking about the fact that remaster was broken on release, because EA gave it to c&c reddit jannie and wiki fandom fanfic writer Nyergurds to test it, and he knowing all the bugs, glitches and tricks, just speedrunned the games without actually playing them and testing if new difficulty levels and game in general are actually working and told EA that everything is fine.

      The only worthwhile things about remaster are jukebox and the fact that EA released source code of the two first games, which is surprising considering that EA quite literally threw Westwoods archives and various artifacts into dumpster, including gold and platinum disks of Red Alert 2 and Tiberian Sun (gold disk for over half a million copies sold and platinum disks for for million copies sold each), so there's a big chance that there will be no remastered collection vol.2, if not because for the fact that remaster was just cash grab / damage control after rivals / it was popular at the time and still popular to make remasters instead of new games, then for the fact that EA quite literally destroyed the source codes of Red Alert 2 and Tiberian Sun (source codes of the first games was given to EA by Petroglyph (Westwood remnants)).

      Since Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert 1 and Tiberian Sun are abandonware, you can just download them from, but in case of Tiberian Sun i would recommend to download Tiberian Sun Client from ModDB, since C&C Net version is fricking hideous.

      But if you are going for remastered collection, its quite literally dirty cheap most of time on Steam, and you can download some QoL mods, but unfortunately they don't work in multiplayer

      • 1 year ago

        >But if you are going for remastered collection, its quite literally dirty cheap most of time on Steam
        Yeah it's on sale right now, that's why I asked
        >unfortunately they don't work in multiplayer
        No problem for me, I only ever play the campaign in RTSes
        So do the remasters work now or are the originals still less glitchy?

        • 1 year ago

          I think at this point remaster is just like original games but after few hours of playing with remastered graphics, your eyes may start bleeding.

          Also funny story, EA, or rather asian sweatshop that made remaster for them, doesn't know that you can write 0.5 instead instead of 1 in rules.ini file. So, some countries in RA1 remaster from not having a bonus just like in original game because it was op, went to have such bonus as it was originally intended, but since they don't know how to write 0.5 instead of 1 in rules.ini, they went back to not having a bonus. Also grenadier in TD remaster and RA1 remaster now have similar stats which is kind a shitty because even in original games that came out god knows when and RA1 was just a slight reskin of TD, these units had different stats. Also you can normally deploy your units right after moving your cursor over them, you need to wait a little or else it will just select all units of this type on screen. But in general, balanced just like in original, which means that Nod bikes and buggies rape everything

          • 1 year ago


            Also steam achievements are broken, and you can play mission a hundred times, and it still wont give you an achievement

      • 1 year ago

        Considering how hot Dune is, you would think they would get the rights to remaster Dune 2000.

  42. 1 year ago

    Which C&C is the most populated online these days?

    • 1 year ago

      remastered collection and mental omega

      • 1 year ago

        I find it funny that average player count of remastered collection has the same amount of players daily as all of C&C Net combined, but then again, C&C Net can't count players who are using Radmin, GameRanger or Hamachi.

        And no, the most played C&C games are Generals Zero Hour, Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge and Mental Omega, though MO is a mod

  43. 1 year ago

    What went wrong?

    • 1 year ago

      Killed all other RA2 mods chance to shine

    • 1 year ago

      no true foehn campaign

    • 1 year ago

      It became a big fish in a small pond and suffocated the competition.

      • 1 year ago

        Actually, the only competition it had died, because OmegaBolt abandoned Red-Resurrection to make his own game on OpenRA engine, which he stopped developing after a short while since he decided that being a typical C&C grifter, with the exception that he's also a britbong.

        The only mod that possibly can make the difference is Global Crisis.

        Project Phantom and Doom Desire are never ever because author of the first one wants his mod to be absolutely perfect with no problems, and creator of the second one spent more time helping Speeder make MO rather than his own mod,

        There's also type of fodder mods that are basically trying to port Generals Zero Hour to RA2 YR and / or to ponder Chinese, such as Rise of the East that adds China and GLA to the game while merging Allies and USA and making Yuri's faction more like Nod, and also has unspeakable amount of crutches in its code. Retro Generals is basically just like Rise of the East but much much worse and inferior since it has no personality of its own and basically tries to downgrade Generals Zero Hour, and also lead dev of this mod is a Romanian who loves to steal assets from other mods and then after being caught retroactively asks original asset creators for permission, and also the same Romanian hired a Filipino who jacks-off to gore and child porn and steals assets from Generals mods, ports them to RA2 and claims as his own. Red Alert 20XX whos author pretends to be completely clueless while stealing concepts from other mods and trying to literally port Rise of the Reds to RA2 YR.

        • 1 year ago

          Project VEGA that started as MO addon and still tries hard to be MO. AGSA that is being developed by a ching chong who lives in England and is more interested in playing Fallout 76 than making his amalgamation of a mod. Red Alert - Colony Wars whos author is more interested in playing anime porn games than actually finishing his mod. And Red Counter-Strike whos dev has a barely hidden Ace Combat fetish. And all these mods are united by their devs being biggest grifters around.

          Then there's shit like Tiberian Crisis 1 and 2, 1 tries to be a YR mod with a gameplay from C&C 3, units and game mechanics from C&C 3 and 4 and storyline from C&C 4, execution is horrible. Tiberian Crisis 2, through the power of LiveLeak, children sacrifices and HARES managed port some of the C&C 3 mechanics to RA2 YR engine, looks a little bit better than 1 but still horrible, also storyline in 2 just copies Act 2 campaign of Allied Nations from MO.

          Then there's a lot of obscure shit made by the Chinese, such as World Axletree which i honestly forgot even exists since no one talks about it anyway, seems to be a well developed mod though.

          Also worth mentioning Yuri's Revengeance, an obscure shitty mod that in 2023, during the public release, not only looks ugly, but also adds less stuff than first RA2 mods that ever came out back then, i think even first MO version had more stuff to it. Oh wait i forgot, it has some "new" things, MARV from C&C 3, Guan Yu from Contra Mod and horrible new sprite for water, some basic balance changes and bug fixes that every other mod did and all the assets are overused public assets from PPM. I mentioned this mod only because Scorched Earth (le funny C&C meme YouTuber) made a whole video about it, i thought that he just loves to grift sometimes, but now it seems that he's lobbying a shitty mod made by one of his discord jannies. Also this mod tries to showcase some of the basic ARES features as something new, while MO already did this probably a decade ago.

          Okay, I didn't realize how scummy that modding community is. Makes me think what would have happened to Paradox if their dev team wasn't moronic and was realistic with their goals.

        • 1 year ago

          >Global Crisis
          That's just another D-Day: an excellent looking project for the lead who's more of an artist than anything else to show off. If it ever gets released it will not play well. Scipcion also spends more time than he should making assets for others than focusing on his own project.

    • 1 year ago

      Phone sucks ass, mod became trash the minute it became about waifu battles between OC time warp factions.

  44. 1 year ago

    i just wish there was a proper widescreen support / higher res + 120 FPS remaster for Generals and C&C3
    those games are in the awful dead zone of 'too modern to not want modern QoL / hardware support features / not only enough to be charming

    • 1 year ago

      i think gentool does ZH widescreen but not even 60fps is done for SageMetaTool (prepaid tool that unlocks some Lua functionality for 3d C&C games)
      afaik anyway

    • 1 year ago

      sorry idk how i mangled the language so bad. meant to say 'too modern to not want modern QoL features / not old enough to be charming the way it is

      i think gentool does ZH widescreen but not even 60fps is done for SageMetaTool (prepaid tool that unlocks some Lua functionality for 3d C&C games)
      afaik anyway

      yeah i think the fps limitations are engine-bound, the way its coded you cant increase fps without increasing game speed.

  45. 1 year ago

    Project VEGA that started as MO addon and still tries hard to be MO. AGSA that is being developed by a ching chong who lives in England and is more interested in playing Fallout 76 than making his amalgamation of a mod. Red Alert - Colony Wars whos author is more interested in playing anime porn games than actually finishing his mod. And Red Counter-Strike whos dev has a barely hidden Ace Combat fetish. And all these mods are united by their devs being biggest grifters around.

    Then there's shit like Tiberian Crisis 1 and 2, 1 tries to be a YR mod with a gameplay from C&C 3, units and game mechanics from C&C 3 and 4 and storyline from C&C 4, execution is horrible. Tiberian Crisis 2, through the power of LiveLeak, children sacrifices and HARES managed port some of the C&C 3 mechanics to RA2 YR engine, looks a little bit better than 1 but still horrible, also storyline in 2 just copies Act 2 campaign of Allied Nations from MO.

    Then there's a lot of obscure shit made by the Chinese, such as World Axletree which i honestly forgot even exists since no one talks about it anyway, seems to be a well developed mod though.

    Also worth mentioning Yuri's Revengeance, an obscure shitty mod that in 2023, during the public release, not only looks ugly, but also adds less stuff than first RA2 mods that ever came out back then, i think even first MO version had more stuff to it. Oh wait i forgot, it has some "new" things, MARV from C&C 3, Guan Yu from Contra Mod and horrible new sprite for water, some basic balance changes and bug fixes that every other mod did and all the assets are overused public assets from PPM. I mentioned this mod only because Scorched Earth (le funny C&C meme YouTuber) made a whole video about it, i thought that he just loves to grift sometimes, but now it seems that he's lobbying a shitty mod made by one of his discord jannies. Also this mod tries to showcase some of the basic ARES features as something new, while MO already did this probably a decade ago.

    • 1 year ago

      What happened to Robot Storm and Robot Storm X?

  46. 1 year ago

    rise of the shit

  47. 1 year ago

    When Westwood does it, they're "taking inspiration".
    When someone else does it, they're a hack and a fraud.

    • 1 year ago

      Skill issue of a typical EA apologist

  48. 1 year ago

    There are a few videos from Westwood back then on YT. This is about Red Alert in 96, but still gives some insight in what C&C was supposed to be.


    From wiki
    >Westwood conceived Command & Conquer during the final stages of the development of Dune II, and it expands on ideas explored in that title. Inspired by the events of the era, particularly the Gulf War, the team gave the game a modern warfare setting.

    Citation needed though.

  49. 1 year ago

    New voice mods for Classic c&c, this time featuring Barney Calhoun from Half-Life 1

    Barney Unit Voice mod:

    Barney EVA voice mod:

  50. 1 year ago

    If someone wants to see some behind the scenes stuff from Westwood released in 95. That scene in the bus at 21 minutes is wholesome, they had a lot of fun.

  51. 1 year ago

    mental omega update when

  52. 1 year ago

    I really hate how you can't set the speed in Red Alert 2

    • 1 year ago

      in campaign? use -SPEEDCONTROL

  53. 1 year ago

    Does anyone else play C&C General mods?

    BTW, the campaign in C&C 3 is really good!

    • 1 year ago

      C&C Shockwave is thje only one worth it
      TeoD was revamped but balance rolled back after it was balanced in private builds
      OFS is dead & imbalanced
      there are other minor mods like C&C Continue on moddb but these dont have texture work, models reuse EA's assets.

      there's also Ex patch for SHW that has some new models & revamped gameplay & fixed some bugs but also on hiatus for months

  54. 1 year ago

    this is the closest thing we have to a /k/ flavored RTS, and that kind of makes me sad.

  55. 1 year ago

    What was the RTS that let you like move sliders around and make custom maps in like 60 seconds or less?

    • 1 year ago

      Middle East Crisis had auto map generator but needs human interaction to play objects IIRC but never used so dunno

  56. 1 year ago

    To clarify, LEGION is CABAL v2.

  57. 1 year ago

    Who is the fricker who told me and everyone else that the guy who played Kane used to be the janitor and he barely got the part? I believed that shit for years, till I learned he was the fricking casting director.

    • 1 year ago

      That is also a lie.
      He went to a 7-eleven, got a scratch lottery ticket and scratched 3 Kane's. That's how he got the role.

  58. 1 year ago

    >Just my bloody luck. Here I was, thinking that I survived the Great War. And, then I find myself in another bloody war going on, this time with the Bolshevists. Never imagined I'd be fighting the Russians. And when I thought the Hun was bad with the machine guns, these buggers are packing literal electricity and double-barreled tanks. Double-barreled tanks! It is about as preposterous as a failed artist from Austria finding himself in government!


    This mod replaces the EVA announcer with that of Captain Blackadder from the fourth Blackadder Series, Blackadder Goes Forth. Voicelines made with Elevenlabs, as well as a few soundclips taken from the show itself. The voice was derived from over 20 minutes of voice samples of Blackadder's voice from the show itself. This mod took a while as, compared to Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert has a lot more EVA files to work with. (Not to mention some trial and error with making Blackadder's dialogue sound like how Blackadder would sound in the show)

    • 1 year ago

      Oh, nice. I like Goes Forth about as much as any Tom, Dick and Harry would but the second series is my fave. Mostly because the jokes are also done at Edmund's expense, which the latter Blackadders are too smart for that.

  59. 1 year ago

    > only C&C 4 stated that Kane needs them to leave the Earth, essentially throwing decades worth of games and their stories about Biblical character using Tiberium and Tacitus to turn humans into Tberium-based life forms suitable to live in a new Tiberium world - "Today, we march forward into our future... a stronger people. A divine people, enhanced for the Tiberium world! The time has come to claim this world as our own.", and not just slowly dying mutants, into the trash bin.

    That was never canon and never stated. Kane used and abused the mutants, and no one in his faction actually cared about them, despite them being Tiberium lifeforms. They already could live in a Tiberium world, they just needed a little medicine and help, but Kane didn't care.

    In fact, Tiberium Sun is full of the mutants preferring to side with GDI, because they actually do more to help the mutants. Hell, the hovels in C&C 3 were built by the GDI.

    There is tons of indication that he was really fixated on alien technology, and no indication he cared for one second about mutants. We have so much footage of Kane almost drooling, about to cum thinking about the Tacitus.

    • 1 year ago

      The thing is Nod DivinationTiberium infused Humans were mutants, just stabilized Mutants part of the reason for the hatred Sun Nod had towards mutants is they were enhanced by Tiberium but it fricked their body up, they saw mutants as failed versions of the Master Race they wanted to be.

      Thing is Nod could have likely worked to fix the mutants, but they hated them too much to do so, Nod could have easily worked to stabilize the Tiberium mutations, but they didn't.

  60. 1 year ago

    For how bad C&C4 was, in broad strokes it's quite inevitable it's where the story would end up.
    For one, Earth cannot resist a Scrin invasion force and the entire Earth story arc would end at that point.
    The only solution is essentially mankind escaping the earth through the threshold which Kane now has done.
    Kane's vision for unifying all of humanity as tiberium based life-forms would have been the only way Earth could resist.
    But since that failed it's only logical for Kane to take what he has and leave before the Scrin invasion force arrives.

    C&C3 and 4 introduced the concepts of ascension however where they did not exist before. C&C3 also tries to vaguely link the tacitus with the Scrin. This suggest a little retcon (although it was only tentatively canon since information in it was not confirmed by the games and the document only intended for internal reference) of the tibsun origin for the tacitus being from Mars. This suggests that they're going the Stargate SG-1 route of ascension being some "higher state of existence" and likely Kane is a being thrown out of this higher plane of existence which he is trying to get back to.

    In that sense Kane is human in that he inhabits a human body, but he is not human in that he is originally some ascended form of being from some "real" spiritual realm ala Stargate.

    • 1 year ago

      >C&C3 also tries to vaguely link the tacitus with the Scrin. This suggest a little retcon
      Supposedly there were two origins for the Tacitus and one tied with the Scrin, but trying to find any solid proof is going to be impossible.

      Frick who knows anyway, considering timetravel was also going to be canon, maybe the Scrin, Mars civilization, and the Tacitus are all future humans that travel to the past and the Tiberium is this paradoxical element that humans got from humans from the future in the past too

    • 1 year ago

      The problem with the "Scrin invasion cannot be stopped" the entire conclusion of the arc of Kane's Wraith was Kane siccing Legion on the Scrin, now it's questionable that Legion by its lonesome could defeat the entire Scrin invasion by itself, even with the Marked of Kane, but the implication was that Legion bought earth more time and was sent to royally frick with the Scrin's logistics. Thing is it's clear from CABAL's behavior, Kane always had a plan of using Tiberian Powered Cyborgs to defeat the Scrin invasion.

      It's the entire reason CABAL decided to cyborg the entire planet after Sun, earth was reaching the point where the Scrin would show up so CABAL was mass mobilizing a cyborg army in the only way he knew how because things were happening too fast for the Marked of Kane to be brought in. It's why when CABAL was defeated in the Nod campaign, CABALKane has a kind of "I think I fricked up here".

      As for ascension, in Tiberian Sun's nod ending, had Kane himself apparently ascend at the ending where he turned himself into some kind of glowing being of light and vanished so Ascension was clearly always some kind of teleporty leaving of earth.

      The difference between the Tiberian Sun ascension was that Kane fricked off by himself leaving his now mutated andor altered followers to face down the C&C3 Scrin harvesting OP with a combination of divination enhanced Nod leaders, leading what would likely be CABAL harvesting all of the newly mutated humans for a massive cyborg army. Where as in 4, Kane decided to take all of his followers as is, leaving GDI and what's left of the planet behind to deal with it. Thing is with all the Tiberian removed from earth, the Scrin now loses all incentive to invade earth in the first place, sure they could try and seed the planet with tiberium again but the C&C4 technology means any attempt will be thwarted. And without Tiberium to fuel their armies the Scrin invasion will grind to a halt.

      >C&C3 also tries to vaguely link the tacitus with the Scrin. This suggest a little retcon
      Supposedly there were two origins for the Tacitus and one tied with the Scrin, but trying to find any solid proof is going to be impossible.

      Frick who knows anyway, considering timetravel was also going to be canon, maybe the Scrin, Mars civilization, and the Tacitus are all future humans that travel to the past and the Tiberium is this paradoxical element that humans got from humans from the future in the past too

      How Gettar Robo

  61. 1 year ago
  62. 1 year ago

    Why is Twisted Insurrection so dead bros?

    • 1 year ago

      bad leadership after aro

      • 1 year ago

        Based scapegoat Crimsonum, sabotaged TI and left the team in shambles to make his very own vanity project

  63. 1 year ago

    Anyone have beaten MO Allied final mission Hamartia? I'm stuck at the third part, the Paradox Engine is save on the southern plateau but it's recharging forever. I've destroyed all enemy bases, ensured the Allied and Soviet bases won't respawn with Thor gunship and damaged MO tower with Lightning Strike out of boredom.

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds like it glitched out. You should probably restart.

      • 1 year ago

        Fixed it. I've exhausted reinforcement support during the second part, the recharge timer properly showed out when I use it on the third part. I don't know what took them so long to fix that.

  64. 1 year ago

    Say what you want about the gameplay, but Generals was the ultimate piece of post 9-11 media ever produced and it will never be toppled
    It succeeded in delivering the best satire ever produced and it achieved that without having a plot

    • 1 year ago

      What do you mean not having a plot????

      • 1 year ago

        I think what anon's referring to is Generals' lack of live action cutscenes to tell its story compared to the Tiberian and Red Alert games. Zero Hour had them but the focus was on each faction's respective reporter rather than the generals themselves; think Omar bin Ghazali of ARC News was my favorite of the three in that respect.

        • 1 year ago

          Is that Monika?

        • 1 year ago

          I recall being in a EA podcast with ea devs 20 plus years ago. It was purely text if i remember. I asked about cut scenes and the developer (either mark skaggs or harvard bonin) made some cop out excuse saying 'you are the general' as a reason to not have live action sequences.

      • 1 year ago

        You are literally globetrotting the world with only a mission briefing before every mission
        There is 1 (won) named character in Generals and 3 (tree) in Zero Hour

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah but that doesn't change that there is a plot

          • 1 year ago

            what is the plot?

            • 1 year ago

              China stronk

  65. 1 year ago

    Wow Kari Wuhrer really was weird off script.

  66. 1 year ago

    Has anyone successfully ported over vehicle quotes from Yuri's Revenge to Red Alert 2 by the way?

    • 1 year ago

      Asking the real important questions here.

  67. 1 year ago

    C&Cbros, what a night!

    • 1 year ago

      >mental omega on the backdrop during brain freeze
      based frank and his sons

      • 1 year ago

        Mental Disorder

        • 1 year ago

          you'll get better one day

        • 1 year ago

          rotr is shit

          • 1 year ago

            Did i mentioned Rise of the Reds or any other мod that you MOngoloids hate simply because they just exist and slowly becoming popular / becoming popular again?

            Zamn, MOlesters are getting progressively мore and мore obsessed with self-felation that they are starting to see things that aren't really there.

            • 1 year ago

              >see things that aren't really there
              Look who's talking. Take your meds already.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                A literal schizo imagining things. You will end up in a psych ward.

              • 1 year ago

                kys ugly filipinoid scumbag

              • 1 year ago

                What the frick are you talking about you imbecile?

            • 1 year ago

              Why are your m's cyrillic? Dumb russian poverty runes. Learn English.

              • 1 year ago

                动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                stay mad mutt

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                burn alive

              • 1 year ago

                Zamn, all that smog in Shanghai made you white, you need some sunlight

              • 1 year ago

                post physique

              • 1 year ago

                >Why are your m's cyrillic
                Wait a second, that must be "Revolter Ocelot" a minor youtuber homosexual from russia who has a huge hatebonner again MO for some G-d forsaken reason

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                I hope you understand that not every single person who hates Mental Omega is just an alt of some niche internet microcelebrity from Eastern Europe.

              • 1 year ago

                >I hope you understand that not every single person who hates Mental Omega is just an alt of some niche internet microcelebrity from Eastern Europe
                I doubt it, there can be only so many schizos obsessed with hating MO

              • 1 year ago

                they're just envious generals has dozens of mods but only 2 are worth playing, one of which is never getting completed.

              • 1 year ago

                This "generals-ra2" rivalry that some tards on this board force is one of the most manofactured conflicts ive seen between fans.
                Nobody in RA2 modding community seethes at Generals, nobody in Generals modding community seethes at RA2

              • 1 year ago

                The same as this made up shit with RBT.
                Also i wanted to add, people don't seethe at each other, they just don't fricking care, Generals and RA2 communities literally can't be arsed to frick with each other, though some Generals and RA2 mods make references to each-other.

    • 1 year ago

      >tickets for Moscow 2020 concert
      >visas for Russia and air tickets
      >coof closed everything
      I will never forgive the chingchongs

  68. 1 year ago

    For me, it's the Yuri Resurgence mod

  69. 1 year ago

    I'm going to the one place not corrupted by homosexuals! SPACE!

  70. 1 year ago

    Foehn >>> ECA

  71. 1 year ago

    GLA >>> foehn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eca

  72. 1 year ago


  73. 1 year ago

    What are your favorite mods for any of the cnc games?
    mine has to 20XX, i like the extra modern touches here and there.

    • 1 year ago

      MO, Tib Essence and Shockwave. TI used to be great too

    • 1 year ago

      >Tiberium Essence
      >Rise of the Reds
      >Dawn of the Tiberian Age
      >Mental Omega
      still my favs and I think these are most popular for good reasons. 20xx is decent too!

  74. 1 year ago

    What went wrong?

    • 1 year ago

      Fake Cyrillic was a mistake.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >Team made of ideas guys instead of developers
      >No experience with the engine and what was actually capable
      >Too busy circlejerking on a wiki
      >Zero organization
      >Constantly change plans
      >Trying to make a frick huge mod instead of letting it grow more organically
      >Blame the game instead of accepting their own frick ups
      Literally fricking everything

      • 1 year ago

        Basically. The initial plan was ambitious, but had decent ideas (at least a few of them). The longer they fricked around with it the worse it got.
        They made the fricking US faction use Krautshit and le hekkin Gurren Lagann Spiral Power XD. China became a giant Star Trek reference, except they probably never watched a single episode so it was the most fricking surface-level shit imaginable. Crusader faction with a mobile base? Frick you they are le moba now because I'm moronic and I actually beleve that 'RTS Killed By DOTA!' garbage.

        It just goes on.

    • 1 year ago

      Don't look up the team leader

      • 1 year ago

        Do tell what is his story? Did he also become a troony?

      • 1 year ago

        Isn't he just got hired by EA? Something that many mod devs in C&C community strive for in their endless grift.

        Do tell what is his story? Did he also become a troony?

        That will be Agent who, well, this post right there explains it all

        That was Tiberian Sun Reborn mod for original Renegade

        Renegade X had one of the devs, who is a mentally deranged homosexual and a troon by the way, try to coopt control over the multiplayer games and events hosted by other people, essentially held hostage the dev team due to ownership over the discord server i think, website and also some code. Tried to take down servers of the game using DCMA and other shit like that.

        Now Agent, that's his nickname, while being part of Commander Collective (group of various artists and content creators who are making free assets for everyone while trying to get official EA's approval and founding) is spreading rumors about Totem Arts (Renegade X and Firestorm dev team) having pedophiles amongst them, which is considering him being a troon, well, looks like he tries to narc himself, subsequently compromising Totem Arts and Commanders Collective


    • 1 year ago

      Ah yes, the anti-mental omega.

      • 1 year ago

        That would imply that it was actually really good, because Mental Omega is really, really shit.

        No, MO on the RA3 engine except there wasn't enough autism juce to bring all the awful ideas to life.

        • 1 year ago

          >Mental Omega is really, really shit.
          contrarian moment

          • 1 year ago

            >Nooo my waifu war is amazing!!!
            MO is shit. It has been shit for a long time. How people delude themselves into thinking it is good is a mystery to me.

            • 1 year ago

              get shot

              • 1 year ago

                Choke on a dick, your mod is shit and it will only get worse.

            • 1 year ago

              I wouldnt even know about "waifus" in MO if not this board, MP is fun and alive and this is what matters, ACT 1 campaign is interesting. New units really create a whole new experience.
              If you dont think that MO is at least good you are straight up delusional. Name more coherent CnC mod with this active MP

        • 1 year ago

          but MO is really, really good

          • 1 year ago

            Continue to cope if you want. It will only get worse as development continues.

            • 1 year ago

              Your mental condition will get worse

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago


  75. 1 year ago

    Wake up babe, almost a hour long video essay where C&C lore youtuber talks about literally just dudes with the guns

  76. 1 year ago

    >ruins your game

  77. 1 year ago

    How come there hasn't been a HoI4 mod in the CnC setting yet?

  78. 1 year ago
  79. 1 year ago

    >be yunru, a chinese scientist that was born in kashmir, with pale skin and blue eyes

    What did they mean by this?

    • 1 year ago

      Doubt she's an actual Kashmiri/Uyghur, the Chinese part of that region is a desolate place and only people who live there are PLA troops. Libra on the other hand is a white haired Tibetan.

      • 1 year ago

        I thought Libra was made in a lab on the moon

        • 1 year ago

          Her first appearance is a cameo in Epsilon Act 1 mission Warranty Void, set in Tibet. Dunno if it's even the same person, but she's the only one who can use telekinesis.

          • 1 year ago

            That's just one of the psychics Yuri was trying to capture

            • 1 year ago

              There's only one female psychic in the entire Epsilon Army.

    • 1 year ago

      there is in fact a population of blue-eyed, fair-skinned people in kashmir. it's very small.

    • 1 year ago

      >be sniper wolf, a Kurdish sniper that was born in Iraq, with pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes
      They're just learning from the great master Kojima himself.

  80. 1 year ago

    Fatal Impact must be the most difficult mission I've ever played in C&C. It's insane.

    • 1 year ago

      >15 minutes left and last spatha, only have to send Volkov somehow
      >he got caught in magnetron, so did his doggo
      >bulk of my army on lower path can't aid him
      >have to restart the game as my upper base got destroyed as I sent the entire force to clear their last spatha
      >40 kirovs can't even reach the final spatha
      Death to the Chink mapper.

      • 1 year ago

        Fatal Impact must be the most difficult mission I've ever played in C&C. It's insane.


        • 1 year ago

          what about?

  81. 1 year ago

    The only way to play C&C is vanilla. Only mod one should ever use if the uncensor patch if you happen to own the German copy of generals.

    • 1 year ago

      you're stuck in the past grandpa

      • 1 year ago

        He who controls the past controls the future.
        He who controls the future controls the present.

  82. 1 year ago

    Questions about Red Alert 3:

    Why did Cherdenko do what he did to Krukov in the Soviet campaign? Would Krukov have actually betrayed him down the line?

    What happened to the Emperor in the allied campaign? You never fight him. His son is present for the last Rising Sun fight, and around in Uprising's allied campaign, but no sign of the Emperor

    • 1 year ago

      >Why did Cherdenko do what he did to Krukov in the Soviet campaign? Would Krukov have actually betrayed him down the line?

      Considering how the Soviets are in the saga,yes.

      >What happened to the Emperor in the allied campaign? You never fight him. His son is present for the last Rising Sun fight, and around in Uprising's allied campaign, but no sign of the Emperor

      I'm assuming that up to the last 2-3 missions, all the campaigns happen in the same timeline, so the Soviets would be the ones trying to kill the Emperor while you had to kill his son.

      • 1 year ago

        But the entire shogunate were present for both missions

  83. 1 year ago

    So, why was Nadia killed at the end of Red Alert? Stalin I get, but why did Kane decide to get rid of Nadia?

    • 1 year ago

      Killing anybody competent so the USSR would collapse into itself?

      • 1 year ago

        But they wanted to maintain it until the 90s, and Nadia could easily be used for the Brotherhood's goals elsewhere

    • 1 year ago

      But they wanted to maintain it until the 90s, and Nadia could easily be used for the Brotherhood's goals elsewhere

      Killing anybody competent so the USSR would collapse into itself?

      >We got the answer 8 years ago from Joe Kucan (Kane). His answer: "Kane's playing the long game; Nadia seems to know too much about his history and origins and if he really does intend to be around for generations then it's best to dispose of any loose ends as they arise in order to something something something something.

      >TLDR: I don't really know. I think producer Ed del Castillo and I just thought it would be a cool surprise at the time."

      • 1 year ago

        Vague handwaving about loose ends


      • 1 year ago

        So they could have a scapegoat for Stalin's death that would ease Comrade Commander's transition into power.

        It does make sense, she's too politically connected, she was Stalin's lover and I'm sure it was an open secret that she assassinated the other Generals, with the time period of the games it'd be easy to play Stalin's death off as "Conniving b***h thought she could sleep her way to the top".

        Only problem is the Commander shooting her in the back with the same gun that shot Stalin but I'm sure that could be handwaved that he pretended to be a loyal general only to snatch the gun out from behind her and shoot her.

        • 1 year ago

          You know in hindsight the way Kane glances at the commander after she gives him the gun it makes it pretty clear that Kane was telling the player "Don't worry I'll take care of her".

          It's possible that her little psycho show of shooting Stalin in a rage is why he killed her in the first place.

          Which is clear that this isn't canon because Kane would have known better after this than to understand the problems of overzealous Blonde women who are too loyal for their own good and never would have made the same mistake in Kane's Wraith.

          • 1 year ago

            Kane just really likes blondes okay. Please understand.

            • 1 year ago

              Wish Kristos was in Firestorm, or at least a cameo of her giving an emergency broadcast on the situation with CABAL.

            • 1 year ago

              Yet more proof of his divinity

    • 1 year ago

      So they could have a scapegoat for Stalin's death that would ease Comrade Commander's transition into power.

    • 1 year ago

      Why would he need two minions in USSR, when he has the player to do his bidding? Removing the previous minion as he installs the next one sends a message, while also greatly reducing the possibility of his secrets leaking out.

  84. 1 year ago

    >tfw always treat Tib Sun and Twisted Insurrection like a city builder
    >tfw never play them as an rts
    Why am I like this
    I think I just need a city building game set in the Tiberium universe.

    • 1 year ago

      To be honest I think it would be kind of fun to play a kind of defensive Sun mission where you're a GDI or Nod commander in charge of defending a yellow zone town.

      Kind of a tower defense game, each mission you build up the town more and face off against attacks from Forgotten Raiders, GDINod attacks, with the final boss being saving your town of civies from a Cyborg swarm by CABAL

    • 1 year ago

      To be honest I think it would be kind of fun to play a kind of defensive Sun mission where you're a GDI or Nod commander in charge of defending a yellow zone town.

      Kind of a tower defense game, each mission you build up the town more and face off against attacks from Forgotten Raiders, GDINod attacks, with the final boss being saving your town of civies from a Cyborg swarm by CABAL

      Give me a Tiberian Sun: Stronghold Crusader entirely based around the Invasions mode. You build up your walls and your base under increasingly brutal off map attacks by GDI/Nod/Mutants or whatever fits best, maybe even mutated fauna if the map is a red zone area.

    • 1 year ago

      Man, Twisted Insurrection kinda fell off in the last couple of years and two last versions. The last thing i heard is that lead developer of TI, Crimsonum, who became lead dev after Aro left, sabotaged the development of TI before leaving to make his own mod. Currently there's no news or updates on the status of the mod and its development, not even new music tracks, but if mod is actually still alive, i personally would recommend joining TI's discord server since all the updates (when there were still updates) are posted there, and not ModDB.

      Also, the last time i checked onto TI's discord server, people there advised to revert back to previous versions of the mod and don't touch 0.9 unless you want to test something or take a look at GloboTeach as a playable faction, but in general, it is advised to play 0.7 for more or less consistent and balanced gameplay and campaigns, or version 0.8 for remade GDI mission 1 and Operation Friendly Fire about dudes storming Area 51.

      • 1 year ago

        the mod is basically dead and Crimsonum is now trying his best working on Tempest Rising. we'll see how that one turns out

        • 1 year ago

          I highly doubt that Crimsonum works on Tempest Rising. He added information about working on on the game to his Discord account bio only because lead developer of Tempest Rising, Frederik Schreiber, mentioned him and few other people from C&C community in a twitter post where he thanked some of the C&C community members for the feedback, said feedback if i am not misremembering was received by Fred joining C&C community and mod servers and then asking developers what direction he should take and also some technical questions. Crimsonum added that information to his bio only because he wanted some attention and because Tempest morons assumed that every person mentioned in Fred's twitter post are now working on Tempest Rising.

          The twitter post in question -
          Of all the people mentioned there, only No Strings Prd and Plokite Wolf are working on Tempest Rising

          No Strings Prd is a raging homosexual and a troon's wienersleeve that claimed that he's not a writer and really bad at it while making a rewrite of C&C 4's story - now he is a lead writer for Tempest Rising.
          Plokite Wolf is a furry inflation skat fetishist and giant moron in general - now he is a lead designer for Tempest Rising.

          All the other people mentioned in that twitter post aren't involved in the development of Tempest Rising and currently working on their own projects inside of C&C community, only Nyerguds said that he "was there for the early design phases" which boils down to what i said earlier about Fred just going around the C&C community and asking people if his fanmade poster for a mod or C&C fangame looks RA2 enough and also receiving various advices from mod developers at the time when Fred was no-name with no money, without job at gaming studio and the game itself.

          • 1 year ago

            and what is Wayward Strategy's role in this?

          • 1 year ago

            >No Strings Prd is a raging homosexual and a troon's wienersleeve that claimed that he's not a writer and really bad at it while making a rewrite of C&C 4's story - now he is a lead writer for Tempest Rising.
            >Plokite Wolf is a furry inflation skat fetishist and giant moron in general - now he is a lead designer for Tempest Rising.

      • 1 year ago

        >The last thing i heard is that lead developer of TI, Crimsonum, who became lead dev after Aro left, sabotaged the development of TI before leaving to make his own mod.
        Well that's a pretty dick move.

  85. 1 year ago

    A City Skylines kind of game set in the Tiberium universe, with the post apocalyptic aesthetic, with the goal of expanding a blue zone and managing the spread and infestation of Tiberium in the yellow zones, while trying to reclaim bits and pieces of the red zones.

  86. 1 year ago

    >tfw waiting on the forever development hell Tiberiumrim mod

    • 1 year ago

      Wait, that thing is still alive, well, i guess its still better than waiting 18 years for Tiberian Odyssey to come out

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah but he's a gay about it and only posts progress on dickscord. He'll eventually, someday, maybe release it on Steam when he actually updates.

  87. 1 year ago

    >mod gives GLA an airforce

    • 1 year ago

      Eh, not too broken up about it.

  88. 1 year ago

    But if Crimsonum actually works on Tempest Rising, then i can only wish Fred good luck. He already made a mistake by hiring a raging homosexual and a liar, and furry inflation fetishist. I don't know how Crimsonum can simultaneously work on Tempest Rising an his new super duper Tiberian Sun mod, but after he intentionally ended TI in a such trainwreck, there can be only three outcomes.

    He's either sabotages the development of Tempest Rising and then claims that Fred and other Tempest developers were stealing his ideas and interfered with his work on Rubicon (Crimsonum's new super duper Tiberian Sun mod).

    Scapegoats his own Rubicon team and claims that they are ungrateful shits just like Twisted Insurrection team, says that Rubicon is ruined, leaves the trainwreck that he created out of malice or stupidity and either starts the development of yet another super duper mod, tries to take Twisted Insurrection back, or becomes full-time Tempest Rising developer.

    Or, he scapegoats both his own Rubicon team and Tempest developers, sabotaging both projects and leaves to make yet another super duper mod or tries to take Twisted Insurrection back.

    • 1 year ago

      I highly doubt that Crimsonum works on Tempest Rising. He added information about working on on the game to his Discord account bio only because lead developer of Tempest Rising, Frederik Schreiber, mentioned him and few other people from C&C community in a twitter post where he thanked some of the C&C community members for the feedback, said feedback if i am not misremembering was received by Fred joining C&C community and mod servers and then asking developers what direction he should take and also some technical questions. Crimsonum added that information to his bio only because he wanted some attention and because Tempest morons assumed that every person mentioned in Fred's twitter post are now working on Tempest Rising.

      The twitter post in question -
      Of all the people mentioned there, only No Strings Prd and Plokite Wolf are working on Tempest Rising

      No Strings Prd is a raging homosexual and a troon's wienersleeve that claimed that he's not a writer and really bad at it while making a rewrite of C&C 4's story - now he is a lead writer for Tempest Rising.
      Plokite Wolf is a furry inflation skat fetishist and giant moron in general - now he is a lead designer for Tempest Rising.

      All the other people mentioned in that twitter post aren't involved in the development of Tempest Rising and currently working on their own projects inside of C&C community, only Nyerguds said that he "was there for the early design phases" which boils down to what i said earlier about Fred just going around the C&C community and asking people if his fanmade poster for a mod or C&C fangame looks RA2 enough and also receiving various advices from mod developers at the time when Fred was no-name with no money, without job at gaming studio and the game itself.

      >Tempest Rising
      Oh shit I forgot that was a thing. What the current status of that game?

      • 1 year ago

        Somewhere in between Dead on Arrival and Dead Before Arrival

        • 1 year ago

          That’s unfortunate. What happened?

  89. 1 year ago

    Please, I need more Tiberium universe content. I beg you, I'm dying, I need more Tiberium games.

    • 1 year ago

      >EA releases an idle game set in Tiberium where you have to harvest TiberCoin using your PC and phones processing power, and use those coins to bid for GDI/Nod NFTs
      Isn't capitalism grand?

      • 1 year ago

        I'd prefer EA just sell the IP, thanks.

  90. 1 year ago

    minecraft but also tiberian sun

  91. 1 year ago

    what went wrong

    • 1 year ago

      bad pre-planning

    • 1 year ago

      one of the devs literally died

    • 1 year ago

      I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking at.

      • 1 year ago

        russian faction

        • 1 year ago

          Oh is that ride of reds?

          • 1 year ago

            yes. they don't get any stealth units (except 1) so you're basically forced to use them for frontal attacks and nothing else. all the other teams have some different playstyles but they don't

  92. 1 year ago

    >no mod has ever tried to create a proper scifi 1950s aesthetic for Red Alert 1
    For shame

    • 1 year ago

      Rather interested in the prospect of a mod like that, would have to do some research into the pre-WWII arsenals and borders of countries.

  93. 1 year ago

    >china players explaining they don't have enough nuclear missiles

  94. 1 year ago

    Does open Ra come with the three games or do you have to download the mods?
    How does it compare to open C&C?

  95. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      a game like this with sc2 style gameplay would blow anything else out of the water
      especially if it had coh style squad/cover dynamics

  96. 1 year ago

    Tib Sun had the best aesthetics, but the worst gameplay. It's kind of amazing that RA2 ended up working. Tib Sun just feels so painful to play. Terrible gamespeed. Units take forever to build, but die super quick. Most units are just gimmicks, like any aircraft.

    • 1 year ago

      I have nothing to say but, skill issue, git gud, L + Ratio + got filtered by veinhole monster

    • 1 year ago

      I loved Tib Sun.

    • 1 year ago

      I love tibsun but I got to agree somewhat. The amount money and time needed to build units vs their survivability strikes me as odd; it's like everything is a glass cannon apart from stuff like cyborgs which are strangely beefy but expensive and slow.

      • 1 year ago

        >cyborgs which are strangely beefy but expensive and slow.
        They were designed to survive in the tiberian world but be more combat effective than their shiner contemporaries.

    • 1 year ago

      You're meant to play it as city builder.

    • 1 year ago

      I had the same issue with Tib Dawn compared to RA1. Still liked the GDI campaign.

    • 1 year ago

      game feels borderline unplayable after the others in the series, i'm playing it on hard right now and there are giant screenwipe explosions that take out my entire army in a literal instant. it's not even the result of a missile/artillery or even the fire actually being deadly in this game, it's just a random screenwipe that extends the mission by killing everything i have

      • 1 year ago

        Are you sure that you are playing original game and now Warzone mod?

      • 1 year ago

        The problem with hardmode sun is that it gives your units cardboard armor and your enemy bought diamond tipped ammo.

        You need like 4 riflemen to kill 1 rifleman, 3 Titans to kill a fricking Tick Tank, and don't get started about everything else.

        Making hardmode just be "Your units do half damage while their units do double damage" was a stupid call by Westwood that makes playing hardmode just more about wasting your time making storing up enough credits to make 80 Titans or a mix of 60 Tick Tanks and 50 Cyborgs to beat everything.

        And baseless missions become pain and suffering

    • 1 year ago

      yeah i completely agree with this. tib sun is probably the weakest of the whole series (excluding anything after 3 ofc). a lot of the units are weird or only very situationally useful.
      as a kid i really used to think i was just playing the game 'wrong' or i just wasn't getting it, but a lot of things were just strangely designed. there are so many weird 'one-off' units and structures, or only partially implemented ideas, like all the subterranean stuff or the weird units like the weed eater to make chemical missiles or the hunter killer or the carryall. and the air units are a joke.
      the campaign was basically make mass titans and nothing else for that reason.
      red alert 2 avoided these issues partly by design and partly by luck. tanks are the bread and butter units where they provide the best mix of mobility, damage, and survivability. basic infantry were actually given a purpose by being able to garrison structures. around those two things, they had more specialized units which simply were more fun to use and serve a coherent purpose, like the rocketeers, which could actually do hit-and-run attacks unlike the fricking shitty jumpjet fricking frick homosexual infantry which move at 1mph and just die
      incredible look and 'vibes' tho

  97. 1 year ago
  98. 1 year ago

    build more tanks

  99. 1 year ago


    is kill

  100. 1 year ago

    We are going to have to act

  101. 1 year ago

    rise of the east is shit

    • 1 year ago

      t. MOngoloid

      • 1 year ago

        yes, the winning side

  102. 1 year ago

    I only enjoy the Tiberium universe C&C games.

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