Conquest of Elysium

COE thread
>What is it
Strategy game with a lot of factions, where every faction has at least a few unique units (often a lot) and a gimmick
>which should I buy
Each game is just the last + more, so buy whichever you can afford.

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  1. 2 years ago

    i liked it, but i wish i could build more buildings/fortifications/etc as a senator. i know that only certain characters can do it, and that this game isnt about that, but i wanted to make more buildings anyway.

    • 1 year ago

      did you try the total overhaul mod from the workshop? pretty sure it makes every faction able to build and modify tiles

  2. 2 years ago

    Anyone try the isekai mod?

    • 1 year ago

      Fun as frick, sadly haven't updated in a while. Made me wish I could capture other classes' starting castles and get their waifuified versions honestly

  3. 2 years ago

    The main appeal of the game is playing some moronic human class and being able to successfully colonize hell.

    • 1 year ago

      I wish there was a “one more turn” mode after conquering the AI. I want to conquer the other planes as well.

      • 1 year ago

        pretty sure there are mods that add an "observer" player so the game never ends even if everyone is eliminated

        • 1 year ago

          Bystander mod or just put in a dwarf AI

          • 1 year ago

            Dwarf's annoying due to the constant spam of little armies. Observer mods work better but they still have an effect on the initial spawn locations

  4. 1 year ago

    I noticed that the archon doesn't have charm immunity despite having dozens of other resistances, does it mean it's actually charmable and recruitable if you get through it's magic resistance?

  5. 1 year ago

    Wish the devs would go back and touch up some of the really bad factions like barbarians and pale ones. Not 'balance' them as that isn't really the point, but make them fun and interesting. PO in particular are just such a chore, though a lot of that could be solved by making Agartha at least semi-interesting.

    • 1 year ago

      Well as a weird consolation, pale ones can tunnel to Inferno the fastest of all the classes via cave grubs.

    • 1 year ago

      CoE4 had a user mod for Pale Ones, made them better. I think there was also a mod for barbarians, made spirit guides easier to recruit orsmth. Dunno if those were ported to CoE5.

  6. 1 year ago

    Everything bigger than medium map size is tedious to conquer

    • 1 year ago

      agree, the only problem is that even on large map size you still can only fit in about 4 AI civs before it starts feeling too crowded and the AI doesn't have enough room to snowball and offer anything resembling a challenge

  7. 1 year ago

    How does it compare to Dominions games?

    • 1 year ago

      much simpler, much more RNG to the point where people call it a roguelite strategy game, lore is often humorous and takes itself less seriously than Dominions, no multiplayer scene and not really built for multiplayer anyway

    • 1 year ago

      This game is meant to be played solo, unlike dominions where its an afterthought.

  8. 1 year ago

    How do I deal with late game AOE casters as the Baron?

    • 1 year ago

      If you mean generic wizards then use your own wizards. If you mean frickhueg demon lords and whatnot then you don't really; just use your numbers to take all their citadels or vainly try to attrition them down with stack after stack.

      • 1 year ago

        How do I deal with late game AOE casters as the Baron?

        If it's actual demons or anything else banishable, you should have plenty of those monk guys to banish them.

        • 1 year ago

          Do the monks actually have a reasonable shot at banishing them?

          • 1 year ago

            If you bring enough. Monks can be upgraded at temples and their upgraded forms can turn farms into more temples, so you can have a high recruitment chance and potentially a bunch of them. You can also get ballistas easily enough and they have a range comparable to casters even though they slow down your army, as well as high damage.

  9. 1 year ago

    >Kobold game
    >Teleport a big army into hell
    >Land right next to a mine
    Oh yeah
    Unfortunately I did it as a Sorceror instead of a Shaman, but it's a good day either way.

    • 1 year ago

      I've had Dwarves hold the line against the combined forces of Hell when I teleported an army of furnace guards and a consular into Inferno then start up a mine. Unlimited Ballista Works >>> Demonic Magic

  10. 1 year ago

    Illusionist is fun as hell mid-late game. Too bad it's a pain reaching it.

  11. 1 year ago

    frick yea,, I was typing away in a dominions thread. so I've been playing my first game as Baron, seems like a pretty easy class but some Baron questions and just questions in general..

    1) Baron class mechanics: I understand the Level 1 stuff.. you basically want to find hamlets and Raise Levies and also Raise Fort in order to get slightly larger levies but also increase gold income. But, what do the Level 2 abilities do? Sounds like Appoint Vassal will generate a Friendly AI who will then go out and fight? Sounds like Relocate Manor will physically relocate my Main Base (good for mid/late game when I want to push towards the enemy)

    2) I constantly have small independent armies and other AI invading armies taking my stuff. So I guess you also have to have many tiny armies protecting your areas?

    3) How do I deal with units that are of type ethereal? They are kicking my ass since all my guys are using swords, bows, etc. I do have some wizards that I've been slowly leveling up with libraries, but my main forces tend to be Longbowman + Knights + Halberdiers. Spearman are absolute trash and Heavy Infantries are Slow.. that burned me for a while until I actually realized it.

    4) any other general tips are appreciated.

    what a great game.. great aesthetic and music and really really cool magic system and it's just no bullshit.

    • 1 year ago

      >Sounds like Appoint Vassal will generate a Friendly AI who will then go out and fight?
      Yes, with the caveat that they take the levies that settlement would've given you and use it in their army instead, and have a limited patrol range. They're mainly good for recapturing farms and the like from independents. Just stick them down in areas you don't want to guard manually. That also answers 2
      >Sounds like Relocate Manor will physically relocate my Main Base (good for mid/late game when I want to push towards the enemy)
      Yes but it's limited in use. It cuts down on army travel time from their spawn but you won't have very many places you can actually use it.
      >How do I deal with units that are of type ethereal?
      The magic of COE is that the game isn't balanced. Baron gets massive deathstacks with the caveat that he's weak to AOE magic.
      His late game strength is his Trebuchets. With enough of them you can annihilate a garrison before the fighting even really starts. They're slow so stick any heavy infantry you buy in the same army as them as guards, but don't bother bringing either out of a fortified settlement unless you've got a specific target in mind.

    • 1 year ago

      >I constantly have small independent armies and other AI invading armies taking my stuff. So I guess you also have to have many tiny armies protecting your areas?
      My rule of thumb is just stick one or two archers anywhere with walls, that'll prevent most random independent chaff from taking those locations. Baron has it even easier since you can just raise levies at most sites. Baron can also tag ancient forests which is very helpful to cut down on roaming beasts, classes that can't do that have to hope they get an indie mage or item that can burn forests.
      Having multiple armies is always necessary for dealing with threats on multiple fronts, but personally I can't be bothered with tiny armies whack a moling random indies.

    • 1 year ago

      >I constantly have small independent armies and other AI invading armies taking my stuff. So I guess you also have to have many tiny armies protecting your areas?
      Don't worry about that. Since in most cases* it's not like you'll lose anything by them walking over your properties, just have a small army in the area ready to take stuff back. Baron specific, the ability to raise levies should take care of most things but if you can make a vassal in the area, he'll take stuff back for you. The baron in particular can also get rid of most independent enemy spawners. You can completely destroy bandit camps, and even get recruits from any towers and ancient forests you capture. With other classes I do make patrols occasionally, but you don't usually need more than a single small army for that. Also as mentioned, the baron can make almost anything into a fortification. Even monks can turn swamps into farms and then their evolution can turn those farms into abbeys which have walls. Archers on a wall are one of the most dangerous things, so you can just stick a handful of them in problem locations. AI indies also have different "goals" per creature, so just having people in a town may deter them from even bothering them.
      *The baron's auto recruitment month is one such exceptional case, make sure you have as many locations captured as possible on that date, even if you can't hold them after.

      >How do I deal with units that are of type ethereal?
      Magic and magic weapons, or tons of hits per turn.

      >Spearman are absolute trash
      Good. These guys are only there to take hits from enemies while your real guys(archers, mages, ballistae) do damage. In barons case, try to capture libraries so you have a higher chance of recruiting court mages. If you can capture a sky city you can get cloud archers which are both ethereal and use magic weapons.

      >any other general tips are appreciated.
      Capture everything, you get all sorts of recruits. Focus on taking enemy citadels.

    • 1 year ago

      Baron's terraforming abilities are a trap that take too long to pay for themselves. You want to just get as many knights and archers as you can and win as soon as possible before you get wrecked by lategame units. Capture trees for unicorn knights.

      • 1 year ago

        I hate that units can't retreat in this game. It makes morale seem pointless. It makes disease seem pointless. It makes curse seem pointless. It makes Fear too powerful.

        >Baron's terraforming abilities are a trap that take too long to pay for themselves.
        They're not about paying for themselves, they're about having fortifications everywhere.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah disease and curses feel weak since there's no strategic retreat. Though I'm sure the main reason there's no retreat is so cut down on tedious troop collection after every battle, game's already tedious enough

          • 1 year ago

            Disease and curses are for guerilla warfare for immortal necro casters like vampires and liches. You can safely screw over enemy army without any losses.

  12. 1 year ago

    >all druid's late game stuff requires an ancient forest
    >ancient forests don't count as capitals for him
    I hate this

  13. 1 year ago

    So, haven't played this in a while, two questions:
    >Is the game challenging at hardest difficulty and going for total planes domination?
    I remember the AI being stupid and dying in the first turns to roaming goats. Is the game hard at the highest difficulty? I'd play mostly to conquer the entire world rather than just the AI, but still i can't do that if the AI commits suicide.
    >Any class to terraform/build stuff on the map?
    Right now the Avian guys got closest by building castles in the clouds, creating the clouds and summoning Air vortexes that yeld gems, but i'm all up for terraforming, map blobbing and building stuff everywhere in other ways as well.

  14. 1 year ago

    god bless you elysiumsisters!!

    • 1 year ago

      Can you repair those sigils first?
      A sun with hooves just burnt my farm...

    • 1 year ago

      never feels like canon elysium when El isn't around

    • 1 year ago

      I wish Voice of El had more player control. feels a bit dumb that all your power is derived from AI angels/celestial lions doing whatever they want and just telling your crusade who to attack

      • 1 year ago

        I think part of Voice of El's gimmick is its ability to spam AI against enemy players

  15. 1 year ago

    >playing Demonologist
    >cast of Infernal Horde failed

  16. 1 year ago

    any tips for necro? my guys keep going insane and then I can't drag them around the map for a while. early game seems pretty slow too

    • 1 year ago

      You carefully think when to reanimate with your main necro. Have one or two apprentices under his lead do it instead. Getting higher rank necro ASAP is a must. Skelespam is viable and so are one man armies with necro. Invulnerability, soul drain, Stygian flames on a vampire is lovely.

    • 1 year ago

      >Find a pyramid
      >Infinite free spawn immortals with no sanity cost
      Other than that you have to relay on normal mortal troops until you get some more powerful rituals

      I think part of Voice of El's gimmick is its ability to spam AI against enemy players

      Voice of El has a pretty cool gimmick, i like that you bring upon apocalypse that consumes all, even you. But i wish there was something to do in celestial layer for El, and more terraforming (aqueducts, roads etc) for Senator.

    • 1 year ago

      The insanity causing reanimations raise a portions of things dead in an area, so only use it in places where there are hundreds of dead and old battlefields. You can twiceborn a couple of them to have guys that slowly regain sanity. Focus on getting hands so you can cast non-insanity causing rituals.

  17. 1 year ago

    do you guys use any mods - I am looking at this QuickStart mod now and it seems to speed the early game up a bit, plus save AI enemy factions from dying so early (something I'm noticing in my games; I'll have AI enemies die on turn 3 due to some deer.. another enemy nation.. etc)

    • 1 year ago

      I use an AI garrison mod, makes it almost impossible to die to indies

      • 1 year ago

        only in your starting capital, that is*

  18. 1 year ago

    I now like playing High Priestess

    • 1 year ago

      what changed your mind? she always seemed very dependent on what spells/rituals you roll

      • 1 year ago

        I spawned in the south. After conquering the surrounding area I sent one army east and got a nice deathball going from all the spider/serpent tribe villages that were deep in the jungle. You start with two ritual casters, unless you get unlucky at least one should be able to convert villages into troops. Just make sure to only do it to stuff that's inconvenient to hold, like anything in the center of the map. You can really snowball as her so long as you're smart with which settlements you destroy.
        I also rolled a society with a lot of settlements to destroy, which probably helped.

        • 1 year ago

          >I also rolled a society
          I should start playing with random ages, I always pick whatever my faction seems suited for thematically but I imagine it's fun to try to survive as a senator in dark ages for instance, or really any class in fallen empire

  19. 1 year ago

    I wish they used the same battle graphics as they do for Dominions, I kind of hate this top-down version with squares and extremely tiny sprites

    • 1 year ago

      I also dislike the teeny-weenie sprites. They used to be a lot bigger with the old battle system. Trying to figure out what hoburg is what is absurd with the current graphics.

  20. 1 year ago

    This is the only game I know of, other than Dwarf Fortress with mods, that lets me play as a horde of shitty kobolds.

    I appreciate it just for that, even if I suck at it.

    • 1 year ago

      Doesnt KeeperRL also allow you to do this?

      • 1 year ago

        Never heard of it, so maybe?

      • 1 year ago

        Checking around it seems like there's a Kobold mod but not anything in vanilla

    • 1 year ago

      The kobolds aren't so shitty actually with their freespawn armor dudes, flying, poison, and wyvern knights

      • 1 year ago

        Everyone's shitty when I'm playing them. :^)

  21. 1 year ago

    The God Emperor fricking sucks

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        Shitty God Emperor
        >Massive AOEs kill his army
        >Doesn't have regeneration so he sucks in solo too
        Based God Empress
        >Support spells to help out your massive late-game armies

  22. 1 year ago

    i joined the multiplayer discord like a year ago and my username was "taiwan is the property of china" and the moderator messaged me and demanded that i change it. i offered to change it in the discord but i wasn't going to change my global username so he bans me for "being political". haven't bothered to try to play mp since.

    • 1 year ago

      The game is made by swedishcucks, what in the world did you expect?

      • 1 year ago

        sweden supports the peaceful reunification of china and the rebellious province of taiwan

        i joined the multiplayer discord like a year ago and my username was "taiwan is the property of china" and the moderator messaged me and demanded that i change it. i offered to change it in the discord but i wasn't going to change my global username so he bans me for "being political". haven't bothered to try to play mp since.

        >shitstirrer cries crocodile tears that he wasn't allowed to bother decent people

        • 1 year ago

          >sweden supports the peaceful reunification of china and the rebellious province of taiwan
          dude, get back to /misc/ with this moronic trolling

    • 1 year ago

      Have you tried killing yourself? I hear that usually fixes it.

  23. 1 year ago

    Dominions is shit for singleplayer, is this fun in singleplayer?

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, the game is much simpler so even though the AI is still moronic it can do a more serviceable job. Also a big part of the game is just dealing with independents and wildlife

    • 1 year ago

      CoE is practically a roguelike masquerading as a strategy game, think of the world as one huge dungeon your armies crawl.

      >sweden supports the peaceful reunification of china and the rebellious province of taiwan
      dude, get back to /misc/ with this moronic trolling

      None of the Nordic countries recognize Taiwan as rightful China and they never have.

      • 1 year ago

        Lithuania does

        • 1 year ago

          Lithuania isn't Nordic kek

          • 1 year ago

            Baltics are wannabe nordics so it counts

        • 1 year ago

          Reminder that only Sweden, Norway, Romania, Iceland and Denmark are true nordics

      • 1 year ago

        >CoE is practically a roguelike masquerading as a strategy game
        Probably the best succint description. It's basically the strategy version of Nethack.

  24. 1 year ago

    10 humans vs 3 lanky samurai demons
    The 3 lanky samurai demons win every time
    Imagine spawning next to 3 iron mines

    • 1 year ago

      >3 lanky samurai demons
      sweep (or is it swipe?) is a motherfricker
      >Imagine spawning next to 3 iron mines
      as which faction?

      • 1 year ago

        I remember fighting the Troll King for the first time and being confused as to why I am losing 3 troops everytime he hit
        and the faction is Bakameno
        They get freespawn, potentially lots of them

  25. 1 year ago

    Is there a way to get mods besides steam workshop? Would love to buy the game but I live in a shithole leadership of which thinks invading a neighbouring country for lulz DEFINETLY won't backfire horribly.

  26. 1 year ago

    >dryad queen spawned in the desert
    Oh frick off

  27. 1 year ago

    What's a class you think needs buffing and how would you do it?

    • 1 year ago

      Barbarian needs the tattoos to be cheaper and/or expanded to non-amazon units

      I haven't played since 4 where I loved being an OP necromancer vampire lord defeating entire armies. What's changed in this?

      Too much to list honestly, it's a straight upgrade. I think the changes that stand out the most are more fort types/buildings on the battle maps and ships/naval combat. Ships are pretty underwhelming tbh, I rarely use them since you have to go in and out of port cities that tend to be rare

    • 1 year ago

      I don't think any class needs an overall buff but a lot of skills/abilities need changes. The first tier of Illusionist's phantasms (silver mirror ritual) shouldn't cost as many gems as it does just for 5 solid human dudes. The witch needs either flying or swamp walk without needing to turn to a lich. The dryad queen could use a higher freespawn rate and the baron should maybe be able to get the centaur knights if he takes over one of the special dryad forests. The enchanter needs to have less or no gold cost for golems since they need to already spend time, iron, and a map tile to create most golems. Statues should also move at normal speed since everything else does, and creating statues and terra cotta soldiers should just be a single ritual like the necro's one where they raise a battlefield and consume the resource, though I think temples should just have a fixed amount of statues, like how the game tracks corpses, and not be destroyed when using the ritual.

      Barbarian needs the tattoos to be cheaper and/or expanded to non-amazon units
      Too much to list honestly, it's a straight upgrade. I think the changes that stand out the most are more fort types/buildings on the battle maps and ships/naval combat. Ships are pretty underwhelming tbh, I rarely use them since you have to go in and out of port cities that tend to be rare

      Boats need so much work. The game still registers the right and left sides wrong when a boat is flipped and the boats themselves don't matter much in battle. They should probably just put in the effort and make a sub-engine for boat combat. Maybe also make tiles that are too deep for things to float over to reduce that question of why you would use a boat when you can just swim/float/walk under water.(this isn't even the only game that has that question)
      >since you have to go in and out of port cities that tend to be rare
      No you don't. You can walk from a boat to any land tile or from any land tile to a boat; you just have to transfer the boat out of the army.(you don't have to have the boat in the army to stand on it.) You only need the port to make boats.

      • 1 year ago

        >Maybe also make tiles that are too deep for things to float over to reduce that question of why you would use a boat when you can just swim/float/walk under water.
        I think it'd be better if boats let you go through coastal water at 1 action per tile. Flying is balanced by the limited range and floating is balanced by its rarity.
        Boats right now are just a shittier version of amphibian you have to spend resources on.

        • 1 year ago

          I didn't mention flying because boats are actually good for that, since they can be used as perches. Boats are better used as bridges and for bridging than anything.

          >floating is balanced by its rarity.
          Floating is about as rare as ethereal, which means every third thing has it. I wish there was something that screwed over offensive magic as commonly as that.

    • 1 year ago

      For Pale Ones they need to make Agartha much more interesting and less of a hassle to explore - PO are so hopelessly unfun to play right now that the idea of just turtling up in the unnerground and then boiling up with a ton of forces after a while sounds a lot more fun than what pale ones do now - which is basically nothing. They also need mre interesting lategame summons and to share less shit with the warlock. The sealed chamber in agartha should actually y'know - do SOMETHING as well; and that goes for any faction, not just Pale Ones.

  28. 1 year ago

    I haven't played since 4 where I loved being an OP necromancer vampire lord defeating entire armies. What's changed in this?

  29. 1 year ago

    >monkeymen are animals for the purposes of animal affecting spells
    >monkeyghosts cannot possess animal corpses

  30. 1 year ago

    Is there a list of all magic item descriptions somewhere? I hate having to buy something to see what it does. The guide on steam just lists all the magic items by name, no description.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah this is incredibly annoying

      • 1 year ago

        You can usually roughly guess that it does just based on the name

        • 1 year ago

          yeah it's just annoying when it's a cursed item

  31. 1 year ago

    >colossus just walked into the void

  32. 1 year ago

    I just had a crazy game
    >voice of El
    >manage to charm a scourge herald at the start
    >break all the seals to finally eradicate the dwarves
    >50% of the map is desert by the end
    It makes me wonder what'd happen if you broke all the seals and also summoned Baal. That'd be crazy

    • 1 year ago

      Not as crazy as what your blessings must have been with the ability to have blessing and dark blessing on your guys

      • 1 year ago

        >Not as crazy as what your blessings must have been with the ability to have blessing and dark blessing on your guys
        I didn't realize until I had already caused the apocalypse that they shared upgrades so I only did dark blessing upgrades.
        Also fun fact: the two rituals share some upgrades so the blessing upgrade ritual got a bit more expensive (~2-3 upgrades worth) even though I never used it and just upgraded dark blessing ~5-6 times.

  33. 1 year ago

    >Playing as monkeys
    >Some b***hes open a portal to the primal plane
    >Can't close it
    >Feel this game is ruined
    >Notice my monkeys growing in power and intelligence
    >Feel like this game just got awesome

    • 1 year ago

      Aside from the gods you sometimes have to deal with, I think the Primal plane opening is the best plane opening event. It's got stuff to conquer and the independents aren't that big of a menace

  34. 1 year ago

    I wish you could develop your territory more and gain access to more different kinds of units throughout the game.

    • 1 year ago

      Played with 5 AI. 2 of them managed to spread and get decent sized armies roaming. The other 3 never got further than a couple of tiles past their spawn. They didnt die, they just dont expand.

  35. 1 year ago

    Dwarf magic shields should be how big shields work by default

  36. 1 year ago

    I preferred the static combat system from the older games, but all the extra factions and mechanics in the new games are hard to pass up.

  37. 1 year ago

    what is this?

    • 1 year ago

      >Strategy game with a lot of factions, where every faction has at least a few unique units (often a lot) and a gimmick

    • 1 year ago

      Latest entry in a MoM/AoW-esque game series that Illwinter created before they started working on the Dominions series as a side project.

      It's key features are being really random, having absolutely different factions, having even some pissant slinger be able to solo an army by chance, multiple planes that contain finite amounts of powerful creatures to summon and that can be killed permanently, midgame menaces that can theoretically be stopped early, sites that cause various effects when interacted with, funny unit descriptions, and fun secret stuff like random choice AI only classes and all kinds of horrible and fricked up enemies that you will probably rarely ever encounter.

      There are multiple NPC factions that can fight each other as well. Even generic indies have different goals, some sticking near beaches or forest while others like to unflag your towns. Unlike other games, all you do is walk over a tile to claim it, with different factions being able to claim different types of tiles. You defeat an opponent by killing all their heroes or taking all their bases. The planes have their own things going on, with killed units' ghosts going to hades, the forces of inferno trying to make people into more demons, etc, though how much you interact with them depends largely on the faction you are playing. This particular version, CoE5 has a new focus on boat travel and varied battlegrounds. Where you fight can lead to your army getting broken up as they push their way though plants, certain wizards animating those plants to attack enemies, your army getting beaten by comparatively few archers on a tall wall, melting the ice someone is standing on so that they fall through it, and other fun things.

      Also contrary to what the OP says,
      >Each game is just the last + more
      There are rather significant changes between the second and the third and between the third and the fourth where the battle system changed to the style this current version has.

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