>CotM is janky and has some issues with the sprint and cards

>CotM is janky and has some issues with the sprint and cards
>HoD is just ass
>Aria is good, but it being designed for a handheld and not a real console is apparent

Why did Ganker get hyped for this again?

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  1. 3 years ago

    >good games available in a convenient way on a modern platform
    >and it comes with Dracula X

    • 3 years ago

      You could already emulate Dracula X on PPSSPP.

  2. 3 years ago

    cotm and hod suck ass, i got this for aria alone and its worth it

    • 3 years ago

      >cotm and hod suck ass

  3. 3 years ago

    Aria is one of my favorite CVs
    HoD is ok
    Never played CotM can't give my opinion yet

  4. 3 years ago

    Because they are nostalgia high low IQ subhumans.

    SSS Tier = Dawn of Sorrow
    S Tier = Aria of Sorrow, Symphony of the Night
    A Tier = Order of Ecclesia, Portrait of Ruin.

    Every other 2D Castlevania is absolute dogshit and a waste of time.

    • 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      Dawn sucks dick and was a step back story-wise, gameplay-wise, and music-wise. DEFINITELY fricking art-wise

      • 3 years ago

        HAHAHAHA, anyone who doesn't agree that Dawn of Sorrow is the best is automatically confirmed to be a moron and a subhuman for me.

        The only thing Dawn of Sorrow did worse is the character art-style, everything else is SUPERIOR.

        OST? Has never been better, DoS has the definitive versions of all Castlevania OST.
        Gameplay? Flawless.
        Story? Flawless.

      • 3 years ago

        DoS is a prime example of developers """"expanding"""" on a successful mechanic and fricking ruining it in the process.

  5. 3 years ago

    Still bought it in hopes we get a DS collection, but you know Konami isnt gonna pay out cash to port games where they have to remove touch and dual screen mechanics.

    • 3 years ago

      There will never be a DS collection, because it would take too much effort. This Advance Collection is absolute dogshit, Aria of Sorrow OST and sound quality is fricked, the free mGBA emulator offers a better experience than whatever shitty emulator M2 used for this port.

    • 3 years ago

      they theoretically could map the upper screen to a button and they theoretically could even integrate some of the touch gimmicks like albus's teleport from OoE for example, but that would take just an ungodly amount of work, probably only possible with some extremely technical emulator frickery. of course they wouldn't do it either way.

    • 3 years ago

      We got the Megaman ZX collection though. Have faith.

      • 3 years ago

        ZZXLC only exists because IntiCreates had builds of MMZC, MMZX and MMZXA on hand and was willing to give it to Capcom.

  6. 3 years ago

    cheap. don't have to use jank ass emu shit. puts money to stuff i like. makes Ganker cry tasty tears.
    i guess pretty much everything I wanted.

  7. 3 years ago

    >sprint and cards
    so you got filtered, just say that. Also kys you fricking homosexual, imagine just now playing gba castlevania.

  8. 3 years ago

    Because Konami said that if I bought the cashgrab collections and watched the pozzed Netflix show like a good goy they might consider making a new Castlevania game

  9. 3 years ago

    I hated HoD my entire life but popped it into my GBA yesterday to check shit out.

    It's a good game. Probably the weakest Symphony clone, but it's still damn good. The only bad parts of the visual style are the outlines on player characters and bats. The music sounds fine on actual GBA speakers.

    I finally realized "HoD is bad" is just a meme based on how fricking incredible 3/4 of the Castlevania games are and people playing it on emulators. Circle, Aria and Ecclesia are the three top post-Symphony games. Simon's remixes are a subgenre in and of themselves. The only actually bad Castlevanias are Adventure, Legends, Haunted Castle and mobileshit. 64, Legacy and Simon's Quest are good but awkward games that just aren't up to the consistent high bar of everything else.

  10. 3 years ago

    Harmony is such a disappointment. I wanted to love it too.

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