Could you imagine a major gaming outlet having a swimsuit issue nowadays?

Could you imagine a major gaming outlet having a swimsuit issue nowadays?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 week ago

    >major gaming outlet
    Doesn't exist today
    >gaming magazine
    Doesn't exist today
    >Swimsuits in games
    Doesn't exist today

    • 1 week ago

      And that's a good thing!

    • 1 week ago

      Just like light gun games, an artifact of the past that will never come back.

  2. 1 week ago

    Not in print because print is dead lol!

    • 1 week ago

      Web "journalism" is the worst thing to happen to video games since video games.

    • 1 week ago

      b-but I work in print!?

  3. 1 week ago

    Yeah, but with fat black women with arm pit hair and gay tiefling men.

    • 1 week ago

      Honestly, I am surprised some site hasn't done that.

    • 1 week ago

      if the woman was actually a man and also severely overweight, yes

      >almost twenty years ago

      What year did video games become completely pozzed and turned the page on sexy magazine covers and hetero male focused content like this forever?

      I would say around 2013

      I still have that DVD somewhere and nothing of value has actually been lost by this shit not existing in print anymore. There's more art, better art, and actual porn of your favorite characters now and it's all more accessible than ever. Only morons complain about shit like this not existing anymore

      • 1 week ago

        You wouldn't get it.

      • 1 week ago

        >see attractive woman
        >instantly thinks of porn
        Your generation is utterly broken.

        • 1 week ago

          >fanservice = porn

          >I-ITS NOT PORN!
          Shut the frick up, incels. You're not fooling anyone

          • 1 week ago

            >appreciating the female form = incel
            you are barely sentient you absolute fricking troglodyte.

          • 1 week ago

            >nudes in an art gallery
            >it's porn

            • 1 week ago

              >appreciating the female form = incel
              you are barely sentient you absolute fricking troglodyte.

              Imagine if they actually went outside to a beach. They'd have a conniption.

      • 1 week ago

        >fanservice = porn

  4. 1 week ago

    if the woman was actually a man and also severely overweight, yes

  5. 1 week ago

    >almost twenty years ago

    What year did video games become completely pozzed and turned the page on sexy magazine covers and hetero male focused content like this forever?

    • 1 week ago

      I would say around 2013

      • 1 week ago

        Yup. Just after OWS was completely forgotten about.

    • 1 week ago
      • 1 week ago

        >instead of sports and playing outside, I spent my childhood gooning to products I wouldn’t even buy, and became an ugly fat frick.
        >this is the zoomers fault!
        God I hate boomers so much.

        • 1 week ago

          Zoomers are the least likely generation to play outside.

        • 1 week ago

          millennials literally the last generation who grew up playing outside in the 90s when internet wasnt wide spread and at the same time got into internet in 2000s later on and while also retaining some of that streets smart attitude of playground. it's the zoomers who will never know this feeling and who grew up on neutered and clean and safe pseudo internet

          • 1 week ago

            Both boomers and millennials are the most insufferable people you’ll ever meet, I think it’s because the boomers are a very entitled and selfish people, and they spoiled their children turning them into egotistical buttholes as well. Meanwhile gen x and zoomers are just kinda “there”. Gen alpha are the children of the millennials so fully expect them to be dickwads too. It’s a bloodline curse tbh

            • 1 week ago

              Meanwhile zoomers having a mental breakdown when you get his pronouns wrong

              • 1 week ago

                That’s a millennial behavior, along with chopping your dick off and obesity. So much for that playground culture when you’re all crying and disabled at your Harry Potter book club

              • 1 week ago

                lmao, what a projecting broccolihead

              • 1 week ago

                Obese frick

              • 1 week ago

                Millenials are in better shape, have better mental health, more straight, sexually more active and wealthier than zoomers. You can try to refute any of these points but I know that you cannot use a search engine.

              • 1 week ago

                Keep telling yourself that, maybe your emotional support Harry Potter book club can help you dilate too.

              • 1 week ago

                That's too far man, you took it too far man

              • 1 week ago

                I’m sorry I’ve had to deal with too many entitled millennial “women” at my job to have sympathy for them, along with their shrieking relatives the boomers and gen alpha. At least gen x and z are so drugged up they kinda just mellow out and don’t cause a scene.

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah. We all know how great it is to be around you and your useless parents. You can't be assed to care, and your parents think that telling you to stop being homosexuals would be too harsh.
                So imagine my shock when everything is a complete fricking mess because the vaunted Gen X manager is staring at a wall while the Gen Z workers are messing everything up because why? Because caring is not what the Black folk do. Gotta have that detached dismissal of everything or you're being 'cringe' cuh fr.

                Frick you.

              • 1 week ago

                Shut up dumb troony, you will never be a woman and the world doesn’t revolve around you. Dumb fricks, you and your parents got everything handed to you on a silver platter, and you still complain. Fricking rats, less than the dirt on my boot.

              • 1 week ago

                I don't even know what the frick you're complaining about, but your attitude about life actively makes everything you're involved with suck, all because YOU are the selfish ones who think that because you're not having the best time doing whatever it is you're doing, that you should be allowed to just sabotage everything out of spite.

                Having entire zoomer crews up and quit because you were asked to stop damaging product, and to get your work done on time is just telling.
                But it's everyone else that's selfish, yeah?

                Again; frick you.

              • 1 week ago

                A lot of projection there. You will never be a woman. Go dilate at your Harry Potter therapy session.

              • 1 week ago

                > I want everyone to be as miserable, detached, emotionless, and pathetic as me

              • 1 week ago

                Uh. No. It's totally your generation.
                Look at tiktok.

              • 1 week ago

                And who do you think taught them that?

      • 1 week ago

        >"Ah yes, the youngest generation with the least amount of money that we like to believe don't know how books work is the reason that this department store went bankrupt."
        >"Not private equities intentionally gouging the hell out of the place and making them NOT adapt to the rise of the Internet for the last thirty years and not the stupid zoning laws and regulations put in by politicians WE voted in for the last forty years."
        >"Yes, it's those kids with no money that are to blame."

        Boomers are the greatest failures of human beings to ever exist. They inherited the world, pissed it down their legs and lack the self-awareness, critical thinking nor insight to realize they're the ones at fault.

        • 1 week ago

          I'm gonna hit you with something that's gonna shock you; Boomers and Zoomers behaved the exact same way at their respective ages.
          They are the way they are because they were the broccoli-headed infantbrains that their parents had to coddle due to their uselessness.
          You're going to end up just like them. They had the same college experience. The same youth problems. The only difference is that they didn't have 350 million people to compete with for space, homes, money and jobs. They didn't have 50 million illegal hispanics squatting here going, "Que?" at them.
          Their money had value.
          And you will call me a homosexual or a troony for defending them, but they had as much say in how things went as you do right now. Go look at how that MAGA thing turned out. Do you really think the people running this shit show give a damn about your opinion or political movements?

    • 1 week ago

      I look at it like this.
      1980s or earlier extremely graphic animation content from Japan is practically a Dick Plug.
      1990s Video Games are the Outlet.
      They just start foreplaying it until they've raped you'r mind, sight, and sense.
      Backdoor Pornography.
      We got tilted, kinked, and then folded.

    • 1 week ago

      Hes right

      • 1 week ago
        • 1 week ago
          • 1 week ago

            >outside of a porno
            Did he came from an alternate universe where the people starring in a Porno aren't real?

          • 1 week ago

            >a porno
            What is it with those types who constantly think about pornos the moment they see the approximation of an attractive woman?
            Is porn the only think they fricking know?

      • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago

          Men wanting to see attractive women in media = bad.

      • 1 week ago

        >caring about the supposed personality of a video game character.
        >citing Aloy, at that

        • 1 week ago

          Media affects reality

          Men wanting to see attractive women in media = bad.

          If that's what you got from that you are truly ignorant

          • 1 week ago

            Summarize in at most 10 words.

            • 1 week ago

              He spams these in every thread about Stellar Blade.

              • 1 week ago

                I think he is just threatened by people being attracted to sexy things.

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah, probably because he's mad no one thinks he's a woman.

          • 1 week ago

            >Media affects reality
            Weird how CoD isn't causing mass shootings everywhere. Weird how fighting games aren't causing people to get into fights.

            • 1 week ago

              Not the same thing

            • 1 week ago

              inb4 america and their moronic school shootings

              • 1 week ago

                Hell, the last few have been by troons.

          • 1 week ago

            >If you want to approach the subject intelligently, don't point out the gaping holes in my reasoning
            >What's 2+2? And don't say "4", give me a REAL answer
            kek. Anyway, two major pillars of the feminist-lead sexual revolution were 1) destigmatizing female promiscuity and 2) destigmatizing provocative female outfits. Whether or not you think these are positive changes, they're not without consequences, and it's droll how they shift the blame back to men

            • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago

                Sadly, I feel like the anti-woke movement is the intended goal and the feminist movement is means to an end like the Seperatists in Star Wars were a reason to create the Galactic Empire.
                Think about it: billionaires pay money to create feminism, they cause the problem of porn they solve, and the solution is toxic femininity. Of course men and women will revolt against toxic femininity.

              • 1 week ago

                I think you spend too much time in NoFap and Semen Retention discord groups and need to be less of a homosexual. Feminism was created by the israelites.

              • 1 week ago

                Feminism was created by women

              • 1 week ago

                Specifically, German israelites. The victims of the Nazi's consider feminism to be "German", which is why Poles have a holiday commemorating the shaving and haging of feminists post-WWII.

              • 1 week ago

                Female israelites, actually. But yes. You are right in a way.

                I have never spent time on any Discord group ever. What I can say is I'm a israeli convert to Christianity and I call tell you everything the feminists complain about is about my former people.
                They're quite literally barking up the wrong tree. Have you seen the video of rich women screaming in the wood?

                Yes. Your people create both sides of the awful state of things. They create the culture which makes men as awful as possible, then sells women on a solution that only leads to making things worse and prevents any kind of resolution between the sexes or races so that the issues aren't sorted out.

              • 1 week ago

                >Yes. Your people create both sides of the awful state of things. They create the culture which makes men as awful as possible, then sells women on a solution that only leads to making things worse and prevents any kind of resolution between the sexes or races so that the issues aren't sorted out.
                Do you want to know why? They hate Jesus, who'll be declared the Patriarch of Patriarchs. His return will be the patriarchy they want to condition normies against.
                I converted when they named a train station near the Temple Mound after the Antichrist. He's here.

              • 1 week ago

                I was amused when the Carthaginian israeliteess in Civ VI got mad at me and started screaming about Moloch to me. A little too on the nose, don't you think?
                These things are not related to the people in the Bible. They're Khazarian converts from the 8th Century. Those "Jews" in the New Testament, living in Palestine, were genocided by the Romans.

              • 1 week ago

                I have never spent time on any Discord group ever. What I can say is I'm a israeli convert to Christianity and I call tell you everything the feminists complain about is about my former people.
                They're quite literally barking up the wrong tree. Have you seen the video of rich women screaming in the wood?

      • 1 week ago

        Media affects reality
        If that's what you got from that you are truly ignorant

        Not the same thing

        Here's my rebuttal: Civ VI was an overcorrection to Civ V's skinny and tall hyperfocus. But Civ VI also removed Civ V's realistically proportioned civ leaders who were all conventionally attractive, even when they were middle aged, or even of average looks. What we got with VI is something that could appeal only to Tumblr. I don't want to look at a fat, mannish, flat chested niggress or whatever the FRICK is supposed to be the leader of the Maya. They're all hideous. Who the frick wants to see this? Oh. I know. Spiteful mutants that hate beauty.

        • 1 week ago

          Now do the same with women *and* attractive wealthy men. Conspicuously, during the time of the patriarchy, this was outlawed so we can say porn is anti-patriarchal.
          You're not immune to propaganda. Have sneed.
          >who has never seen
          Why is this so common on Reddit?

          • 1 week ago
            • 1 week ago
          • 1 week ago

            Billionaires. Billionaires pay the porn industry and then the think tanks coming up with feminist rhetorics. By rejecting the billionaires you can and will reject porn and feminism. It's even easier when you realize the billionaires in question are practicing satanists who say so themselves according to Wikileaks.
            You're not immune to propaganda. Have sneed.

          • 1 week ago

            There's no sanity to this. No real logical thought process beyond destroying something that they feel mocks their appearance, or shames it for not meeting a standard.
            It's Harrison Bergeron, but for women. "Male gaze" and "objectification" is just roundabout ways of saying, "This fictional character is prettier than me and I won't stand for it." It's also very telling how many times they remove a White, or conventionally attractive Asian woman with a brown or black one to "increase inclusion" when really it's just telling us that they think hispanics and Black folk are ugly. GG feminists.

            • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago

                I just don't get it. Does he honestly believe that feminists are the only ones to recognize sex appeal as sex appeal? As a vehicle to increase profits? Because everyone knows that, they just don't care. And why should they? Despite his claims, there is zero proof of any negative consequences.

              • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago

                Ironically, the patriarchy has outlawed this and it's only in the death of the patriarchy that this has become not only legal, but lucrative.

                It’s ironic. These pozzed basedboys completely lose sight of what actual women think and want, because they’re so wound up, probably by their own misapplied testosterone. They should probably get their own anger under control before they start lecturing other men on the topic of women, a topic they clearly haven’t consulted actual women on. The whole “where are the bulging pants” question is a prime candidate of that. homie has no clue how women work lmao

                Sadly, you're not wrong nor are you right. You're arguing past us since you're unable to grasp the ramifications of the billionaires who supplied you your talking points.
                Secondary sexual characteristics are not the same as primary sexual organs. Bulding pants would be analogous to bulding panties, and neither are legal in public currently.

              • 1 week ago

                >Ironically, the patriarchy has outlawed this and it's only in the death of the patriarchy that this has become not only legal, but lucrative.
                This, they're using the exact same logic as the puritans back in the 60s

              • 1 week ago

                Billionaires don't come up with new tricks when the normies keep reacting to the old tricks.

                He's the ones who anti capitalist because he opposes billionaires exploiting the female form for money, while you promote it

                Billionaires financed porn in order to create a setting for feminism. Without the adultry acceptance of the early 50s we would've never had the droves of frustrated women needed for the early "women's movement".

                I was amused when the Carthaginian israeliteess in Civ VI got mad at me and started screaming about Moloch to me. A little too on the nose, don't you think?
                These things are not related to the people in the Bible. They're Khazarian converts from the 8th Century. Those "Jews" in the New Testament, living in Palestine, were genocided by the Romans.

                I loved that game.
                Both yes and no. The israelites, my former people, are the descendants of Judah, not of the chosen one Joseph. Many of Judah's children chose wives among the Amalekites, who moved to the North becoming one of the Khazarian peoples, another being the Hungarians.

                I am right. You’ve just never discussed your Commiefornia moronic talking points with a real woman, so you don’t have perspective on how little you understand women and what they find attractive

                If you have no women to talk to, by all means, go check out the works of fiction that women love the most, yet more proof that I’m right. Go chat to a random chick at a bar, and she’ll back up everything I say. Trannies trying to control the topic of sexuality between the sexes is wild lol

                I know the perspective of israeli women and non-israeli women.

              • 1 week ago

                I am right. You’ve just never discussed your Commiefornia moronic talking points with a real woman, so you don’t have perspective on how little you understand women and what they find attractive

                >straight man Gankerirgin telling women what they like

                If you have no women to talk to, by all means, go check out the works of fiction that women love the most, yet more proof that I’m right. Go chat to a random chick at a bar, and she’ll back up everything I say. Trannies trying to control the topic of sexuality between the sexes is wild lol

              • 1 week ago

                >fictional mass media (which is based on society's ideas) doesn't affect reality or contribute to it

              • 1 week ago

                SHUT THE FRICK UP

              • 1 week ago

                >fictional mass media (which is based on society's ideas) doesn't affect reality or contribute to it
                Correct. We have yet to see evidence to the contrary.

              • 1 week ago

                You seem to be under the impression that media creates reality. Luckily, this is not the case. Desensitization causes individuals to become what we call jaded. Your talking points, financed by billionaires, lack the nuance your professors claim to profess.

                SHUT THE FRICK UP

                No. Don't. You must learn how to read their propaganda and interact with it. Why are you here? How are you not like them? You need to understand.


                There's also a cultural element the billionaires are trying to extinguish.

              • 1 week ago

                He's the ones who anti capitalist because he opposes billionaires exploiting the female form for money, while you promote it

      • 1 week ago

        Media affects reality
        If that's what you got from that you are truly ignorant

        Not the same thing

        Now do the same with women *and* attractive wealthy men. Conspicuously, during the time of the patriarchy, this was outlawed so we can say porn is anti-patriarchal.
        You're not immune to propaganda. Have sneed.

        >who has never seen
        Why is this so common on Reddit?

      • 1 week ago

        > western storytelling does everything in its power to demonise, ostracise, and vilify natural straight male sexuality
        > access to older fiction (which was far more diverse in its topics) is readily-available
        > pozzed morons: oh no, suddenly young men have become completely hostile to the slop we’re making! How could this have happened?!

        • 1 week ago
          • 1 week ago

            In my experience, after reading the "futanari is curable" scientific study, I made a field work regarding iron deficiency and feminism. Of course I don't expect to be paid by billionaires who poison the environment and shield themselves with the feminism they paid to create, but I can say:
            Iron supplements cure feminism.

          • 1 week ago

            > blah blah blah
            Trim it out, I’m on the clock here, can’t just spend my day reading endless drivel from some welfare troony queen. Young men have nowhere to discover/explore their natural feelings. Refute my points, and keep it brief

            • 1 week ago

              The poster is a straight man actually

              • 1 week ago

                That's not eye candy (= secondary sexual organs) to women.
                Bulging shoulders and societal success e.g. a big wallet or popularity are.

                Sadly this Redditor has many problems:
                First, his or her ideas are welcome on Reddit.
                Second, he or she is a Redditor.
                Third, his or her ideas are financed by billionaires. Without capitalism, feminism dies.

              • 1 week ago

                Clearly this guy has never seen women's adult novels.

                It’s ironic. These pozzed basedboys completely lose sight of what actual women think and want, because they’re so wound up, probably by their own misapplied testosterone. They should probably get their own anger under control before they start lecturing other men on the topic of women, a topic they clearly haven’t consulted actual women on. The whole “where are the bulging pants” question is a prime candidate of that. homie has no clue how women work lmao

              • 1 week ago

                >straight man Gankerirgin telling women what they like

              • 1 week ago

                Ganker's anti-soiboi contingent here isn't much better when it comes to women, either. The "Three 6's, or better" or "84 weeks vs 1 Meeks" shit is just demoralization by focusing completely on the horrible women, while ignoring the rest that are just people. People with a hole that bleeds once a month, but people nonetheless. In a sense.

              • 1 week ago

                One narrative is allowed to be in charge, because women passively and actively agree with it.

              • 1 week ago

                Then he should probably listen to the perspective of real women before he mouths off like a facist authoritative moron. Real women mind, not deranged lunatics who think they’re women because they put on a choker and high heels

              • 1 week ago

                Clearly this guy has never seen women's adult novels.

    • 1 week ago

      The world became shit because it follows judaism model aka a boring misandry religion with shit taste
      Check out israeli and judaism subreddit stats, they literally have no hobbies, nor sport and are allergic to anime (since anime has beauty, friendship, adventure, love.... something they lack)

  6. 1 week ago

    big yikes. boomers cringe af with they sexualizations.
    glad we have of where i can order gamergirl bathwater and fite against sexism.

  7. 1 week ago

    Time to go to bed, grandpa.

  8. 1 week ago

    are video game magazines even a thing anymore?

  9. 1 week ago

    >boomers gooned to this in 2005

    • 1 week ago

      Go be intentionally stupid somewhere else, please.

      • 1 week ago


  10. 1 week ago

    holy frick i actually bought that mag as a kid trip me out

  11. 1 week ago

    Well for starters major gaming outlets don’t really exist anymore.

    • 1 week ago

      I hate that stupid cat.

      • 1 week ago


  12. 1 week ago

    >thread derailed by some homosexual posting unrelated reddit posting by some homosexual

    Lol shut the frick up homosexual

  13. 1 week ago

    Those were the days

  14. 1 week ago

    We used to tell them to frick off and thats it, why has Ganker been such a homosexual enabler nowadays?

  15. 1 week ago

    It was over when Gen X passed the torch to Millennials.

  16. 1 week ago

    That tanline is on the wrong leg.

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