Crazy how From Soft basically had the perfect combat system, but decided to frick it up just to be flashy

Crazy how From Soft basically had the perfect combat system, but decided to frick it up just to be flashy

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  1. 2 months ago

    Playing the older from games after Elden Ring feels kinda embarrassing. As OP said the fights are extremely structured and slow to the point where I don't feel any sense of achievement. I think it's good that they dared to push forward.

    • 2 months ago

      adhd zoomer spotted

      • 2 months ago

        Dont tell this guy about Nioh, he may think you're on drugs while playing or something.

        it is literally, actually, mathematically, functionally impossible to defeat Morgott with a great club. there are NO openings. there is NO pause in his attacks. NONE.
        on top of that, he 3 shots you on 50 vig.
        this is not engaging, it's bullshit. and the entire game is like that.

        How can you post something so moronic and feel no shame? You probably dont know rolling attacks exist, also there are windows to get even the fully charged R2 in, you just were too busy complaining to yourself instead of figuring out the boss.

        • 2 months ago

          >there are windows to get even the fully charged R2 in
          no there are not

          • 2 months ago

            Just look up "Great Club No Hit Run", and thats the ones you have if you dont wanna get hit, if you dont mind trading you have a lot more.

            >boss does a combo
            >once it ends, he does nothing, signaling an opening for an attack
            >he does it again
            >it ends
            >i push r1
            >he INSTANTLY punishes it with another attack because he's an input reading Black person with too little recovery time
            the enemy design in ER is absolute fricking dogshit

            You're just slow man, its okay

            • 2 months ago

              >You're just slow man
              no, the bosses have input reading and combo extenders, both of which are bad design

              • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      This, you just suck brother im sorry to tell you

  2. 2 months ago

    >Souls boss
    >A fricking turn based RPG in disguise, big blind spots on lots of bosses, strategy is often no more than circle strafing, pressing dodge the moment you see any animation and "to defeat the cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies"
    >Elden Ring boss
    >Enemy actually engages you, reacts to you trying some bullshit, has tools and attacks for any range or angle, aggressive and won't let you "take your turn"
    Elden Ring's bosses are infinitely better than anything before it.
    It added style and substance and viability of all playstyles to the plain King's Field / Souls combat, pushed then tempered the aggressiveness of Bloodborne / Sekiro to get everything just right.

    • 2 months ago

      Low quality bait.

    • 2 months ago

      >Elden Ring bosses
      >spam dodge rolls as the boss attacks over and over for 20 seconds straight, and then gives you just enough time to get one light attack in

      • 2 months ago

        You aren't a no hit challenge runner. Why are you pretending that you are?

        • 2 months ago

          Why wouldn't I avoid being hit? Explain yourself NOW, Latinx.

          • 2 months ago

            Says the shitskin who sucks at elden ring lmao
            >Why wouldn't I avoid being hit?
            Because trading hits isn't a big deal. Especially against bosses like morgott where only a handful of their attacks do meaningful damage.

          • 2 months ago

            Classic example of a low IQ fromtard described here

            Elden ring plays more like monster hunter than any of the other from games, this isn’t a bad thing. Fromshitters are just morons who get mindbroken when circle strafing and occasionally I frame dodging is actually countered by the bosses now.

            Elden ring still has that, but there’s a greater emphasis on spacing (which means utilizing sprint freely) forcing openings via stagger, using different options to separate attacks IE parry vs shield counter vs jumping vs rolling. It’s a much more fluid and open ended style of combat. The fluidity is in part again due to stagger giving combat an ebb and flow state, where you will want to be aggressive when you know stagger is happening soon. Or that you need to back the frick up and heal, accept stagger decreasing.

            That being said fromgays are so dumb I bet they can’t track stagger without a meter for it.

            To the fromgay he literally cannot comprehend thinking about purposely trading with an attack, even a weak one that may only do 20% or less damage, to force an opening on a boss. Play monster hunter it makes you better at games. Sometimes you have to stand in front of the tigrex or rath knowing it’s going to charge you and you will take damage

            • 2 months ago

              NTA, but in MH there is no such thing as trading hits because more often than not when you get hit you won't just stagger a little, you will literally be sent flying.

              Correct positioning is the most basic skill you need to actually play the game correctly, not that a dirty rollslopper soulsgay would know that.

            • 2 months ago

              >Classic example of a low IQ fromtard described here
              No argument, just being a little Black person.

              Says the shitskin who sucks at elden ring lmao
              >Why wouldn't I avoid being hit?
              Because trading hits isn't a big deal. Especially against bosses like morgott where only a handful of their attacks do meaningful damage.

              You wish Javier
              >who sucks at Elden ring
              This is true, also makes sense to just kill them before they kill you if that means taking a few. Thanks for clarifying. Still, go mow my lawn.

        • 2 months ago

          well you don't have the option to choose in ER because enemy damage is so comically overtuned that getting hit means death in 99% of cases

          • 2 months ago

            No it doesn't. There are some attacks that hit like a truck and some that are hard to dodge but none that are both

            • 2 months ago

              absolutely wrong

  3. 2 months ago

    Blame Bloodborne for modern Fromsoft dodgeslop.

    • 2 months ago

      Thanks bloodborne for making dark souls 3 and ER actually playable games.

  4. 2 months ago

    >perfect combat system

    Souls games have laughably simple combat. You can’t even do combos and the hitboxes are wonky.

    • 2 months ago

      Dark Souls 2 lets you chain heavy and light attacks together freely and fromdrones hate it

      • 2 months ago

        It was a combat system that worked around how shit 7th gen controllers were with Z-targeting and using i-frames to compensate for an inability to play a spacing game with the enemy AI.
        It would always need to be discarded eventually and it getting worse is largely a symptom of how much cruft it has accumulated by trying to set each game apart from the last, balance more and streamline the whole process.

        Because the game is unfinished and the attempted alterations to the gameplay are stuck in an experimental stage with missing, unfinished and placeholder animations that are occasionally interspersed with feature creep because the people trying to manage the whole thing could not keep the development on track to a release date.

        The real difference between past bosses in Dark Souls and modern Souls is in the past the thought was
        >maybe the boss can have some weakpoint for the player to exploit
        >how about there is something in the environment that players can utilize
        >maybe we test the players positioning and have hazards in the arena
        As opposed to modern Souls
        >just make another anime swordsman, make him flop around and spaz out a lot.
        >make sure to give him a second phase where he spazs even harder
        >oh and you fight him in an empty featureless square room.

        Fricking Dark Souls 3, I swear to frick. This is where they overcorrected and made everything interchangeable, low effort and streamlined.

        • 2 months ago

          >Fricking Dark Souls 3
          2 was way worse about every boss being a big knight. the DLC is the worst it's ever been, but it was present in the main game, too

          • 2 months ago

            DaS3 made everything into a 2 phase boss in box that could be placed almost literally anywhere with some tweaking.
            DaS2, while unfinished, gave pretty much every fight a unique gimmick to least set it apart.
            This could mean that you were fighting a boss in complete darkness (fricking lighting changes), in a room that was slowly filling with water, in a room with poison you could disable, in a room with floors you could raise, along a literal chariot track that you had to sabotage, etc.. And when the arenas weren't unique, the bosses were unique in their stead with bosses that could unequip your armor, bosses that could summon invaders, etc..
            The game even had 2 phase bosses, except they were used sparingly.
            And DaS2 was really just mostly on par when it came to making bosses that were essentially just dudes swinging swords.

            • 2 months ago

              this is why DaS2 will always be my favorite, despite it flaws I feel like they really tried to make it unique and not guy with sword does flips to get your ass 2: the electric boogaloo, this time with a dog that also has a sword

          • 2 months ago

            They're actually very close. 2 has more total "Big Knight" bosses, but 3 has a higher percentage of it's total bosses as "Big Knight" bosses.

            The Pursuer
            Looking Glass Knight
            Flexile Sentry
            Lost Sinner*
            Ruin Sentinels
            Old Dragonslayer
            Smelter Demon
            Velstadt, the Royal Aegis
            Twin Dragonrider
            Giant Lord
            Throne Watcher and Throne Defender
            Smelter Demon v2
            Fume Knight
            Sir Alonne
            Burnt Ivory King
            Giant Lord*
            >*I thought these were debatable since while they're all giant swordsmen, they're all completely unarmored, but I added them in anyway

            18 out of a total of 41 bosses, or 43.9%

            Iudex Gundyr
            Vordt of the Boreal Valley
            Abyss Watchers
            Pontiff Sulyvahn
            Yhorm the Giant
            Dancer of the Boreal Valley
            Dragonslayer Armor
            Champion Gundyr
            Lothric, Younger Prince
            Soul of Cinder
            Nameless King
            Slave Knight Gael

            12 out of a total of 25 bosses, or 48%

            • 2 months ago

              Not to be that guy but you wrote Giant Lord twice

              • 2 months ago

                nta, but putting him there twice seems fair. I always use a bonfire ascetic on him for extra souls before finishing the game.

  5. 2 months ago

    The sad truth is Bloodborne was so good it ruined every other souls game that came after it. The methodical combat from DS1 got thrown out the fricking window in favor of spastic hyper aggressive enemies while leaving you stuck with the same old jank roll and 1 hour long sips.
    There is a reason quickstep and Bloodhound step make the game 10x easier (and are therefore considered cheating by brainrotted Fromsweats), the game was basically built to be Bloodborne 2, therefore sidestepping is a core part of the combat.

    • 2 months ago

      i personally feel like sekiro was the peak of fromsoft's combat with bloodborne close second. i don't know if im glad or sad it was a one off for a combat system

  6. 2 months ago

    if I wanted to play a rhythm game, I could just play a rhythm game. having to force openings and play aggressive instead of being rewarded for hitting circle at the right time while circle-strafing is a lot more fun

    normalgays that felt hardcore for beating dark souls 1 eternally stay losing

    • 2 months ago

      it is literally, actually, mathematically, functionally impossible to defeat Morgott with a great club. there are NO openings. there is NO pause in his attacks. NONE.
      on top of that, he 3 shots you on 50 vig.
      this is not engaging, it's bullshit. and the entire game is like that.

      • 2 months ago

        Just jump attack lol. Create your own openings.

        • 2 months ago

          every single one of his attacks hits you when you do a jump attack. i tried.

          • 2 months ago

            Skill issue

            • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        >str "chads" when they can't just poisetank and mash r1 anymore

      • 2 months ago

        >on top of that, he 3 shots you on 50 vig.
        Have you considered wearing armor and taking off soreseals, you fricking moron?

      • 2 months ago

        There are windows to get Dragonmaws in.

  7. 2 months ago

    There are patterns, like an easy one is when margot charges at you with his staff raised, Just walk towards him to the right and both his attacks will miss and you get some free hits.

    All the bosses have these easy dodges. but finding them is a painful trial and error process because the hitboxes are not always representative of the act.

    on the other hand I haven't tried tanking with the tower shield on the later enemies.

    I should scrap my entire build and see what that plays like.

  8. 2 months ago

    The real difference between past bosses in Dark Souls and modern Souls is in the past the thought was
    >maybe the boss can have some weakpoint for the player to exploit
    >how about there is something in the environment that players can utilize
    >maybe we test the players positioning and have hazards in the arena
    As opposed to modern Souls
    >just make another anime swordsman, make him flop around and spaz out a lot.
    >make sure to give him a second phase where he spazs even harder
    >oh and you fight him in an empty featureless square room.

    • 2 months ago

      Here you go it's the perfect boss according to (You).

      • 2 months ago

        Kino fight that utilizes multiple mechanics of the game like jumping and tail cutting

        • 2 months ago

          >enter room
          >boss is too far away to attack
          >does his range attack 10 times
          >shimmies forward 1.37 mm
          >does his range attack 27 times
          >shimmies forward one planck length
          >arrives at the edge 30 minutes later
          >worst camera issues in the entire genre frick you and you die
          it's the worst boss in the game. yes, worse than BoC.

          • 2 months ago

            bro your ranged attack? even guts had his crossbow/canon despite being the patron saint of all unga bunga str players

            • 2 months ago

              >being able to do more than one thing

    • 2 months ago

      The novelty has worn out for some of their tropes now. Either they do something new or their next game is going to be the same stuff.

  9. 2 months ago

    who's zanzibart?

    • 2 months ago

      Just some zoomer meme don't worry about it.

  10. 2 months ago

    Your image says "perfect combat system" but I'm not seeing Sekiro anywhere?

  11. 2 months ago


    Imho, the most annoying attacks are those that are specifically framed to catch you drinking (like, they hit you at the last frame of your sip). That said, the solution is to not drink and dodge until they're recovering.

  12. 2 months ago

    Souls bosses are completely sloppified with the same all encompassing movements, spastic combos and giant health bars. Utterly soulless

  13. 2 months ago

    Elden ring plays more like monster hunter than any of the other from games, this isn’t a bad thing. Fromshitters are just morons who get mindbroken when circle strafing and occasionally I frame dodging is actually countered by the bosses now.

    Elden ring still has that, but there’s a greater emphasis on spacing (which means utilizing sprint freely) forcing openings via stagger, using different options to separate attacks IE parry vs shield counter vs jumping vs rolling. It’s a much more fluid and open ended style of combat. The fluidity is in part again due to stagger giving combat an ebb and flow state, where you will want to be aggressive when you know stagger is happening soon. Or that you need to back the frick up and heal, accept stagger decreasing.

    That being said fromgays are so dumb I bet they can’t track stagger without a meter for it.

  14. 2 months ago

    just use mimic tear bro

  15. 2 months ago

    is this image supposed to imply dark souls is turned based or is the guy who made it just moronic

    • 2 months ago

      Your turn as in: you rolled through my attack, now it's your turn to attack.

      • 2 months ago

        it is always your turn to attack dweeb you don't have to play it so binary

  16. 2 months ago

    Hey Ganker, relax for a second, I'm just gonna take a small sip...

  17. 2 months ago

    nusouls bosses were made so the only non game souls content there is (boss rushing) is more amusing for cucks (viewers) watching autistic twitch rats and toobers

  18. 2 months ago

    >Remember thinking Fume was peak of boss design back when he came out
    >Go replay DkS2 recently
    >webm rel
    Elden Ring boss design is an amazing step up if you actually enjoy the combat in these games and have been playing them for a while. It's frustrating if you liked the simplicity of earlier Souls games, which I get, but I'm still happy that FROM caters to me instead of (You).

    • 2 months ago

      The fact that all enemies in DS2 can be beaten by circling around them is a clear reference to the Dark Sign, which is a circle.

    • 2 months ago

      >grab stick
      >puncture air's butthole
      >boss gets one shot
      if it wasnt for no damage meme builds i wouldnt know most of the moves they spazz out

  19. 2 months ago

    Elden Ring bosses are too hard on first playthrough without spirit ashes. There I fricking said it. That being said, it adds replayability since its not likely you'll master a boss the first go, unlike midir for example who has maybe like 10 attacks and has fairly simple interactions with what the player is doing.

    • 2 months ago

      I ve never played any soul game, i got filtered by taurus demon. I beat elden ring without summons with faith and str alone.
      You can, jump, roll, parry and block. Ez game.

      • 2 months ago

        Let me guess, radahn set with blasphemous blade?

        • 2 months ago

          Almost, crucible set with blasphemous blade. Also blackflame incantations + dragon maw + crucible stuff.
          Shield with carrian parry or DungEater sword

          • 2 months ago


  20. 2 months ago

    >Boss has a stab attack in the floor that causes an explosion
    >A ranged attack that's meant to catch your heals
    >A tekken combo
    >An under night combo
    >And also a Blazblue combo that they throw out whenever they feel like it
    >Has a wild flail attack with delay on each of the individual hits
    >Waits for you to attack before swinging (smart but also annoying with From's gameplay)
    >Everything has a phase 2 with a reset health bar
    This is great if you like learning every minuscule detail about a boss. But I also prefer playing it in the RPG kind of way where I just use everything at my disposal to counter their bullshit. Fight bullshit with bullshit, you know. I don't know how From will approach boss design in their future Souls-like games, but if it stays the way it does in Elden Ring I'm probably gonna cheese that next game too.

    I dunno man, I like overcoming challenges in games, but I also don't like learning everything about a boss's moveset and every possible counter in every situational position. I'd rather just spam staggers, abuse bleed, and frick with the boss' targeting AI by fricking its face with multiple allies. Call me a shitter, but yeah a lot of these bosses didn't feel fun. Compared to Sekiro's polish, ER's bosses felt underwhelming and designed to be irritating.

    • 2 months ago

      >I just use everything at my disposal to counter their bullshit. Fight bullshit with bullshit, you know.
      >I'm probably gonna cheese that next game too.
      I kneel.

      >playing a mage in elden ring
      >Oh that's a mage academy (tm) location, I hope I get some cool spells in there
      >everything is resistant to magic in some way or form
      >enemies that cast the same spell I can cast somehow have infinite range, tracking and insane damage on it
      >get to the final boss of the location
      >hitting her for 2 with my magic attuned rapier

      Liurnia sucks fricking ass as a mage if you don't grab rock sling first, but you wreck the rest of the game.

  21. 2 months ago

    I don't care. Demon's souls still is my favourite game.

  22. 2 months ago

    >playing a mage in elden ring
    >Oh that's a mage academy (tm) location, I hope I get some cool spells in there
    >everything is resistant to magic in some way or form
    >enemies that cast the same spell I can cast somehow have infinite range, tracking and insane damage on it
    >get to the final boss of the location
    >hitting her for 2 with my magic attuned rapier

    • 2 months ago

      Cold infusion?? Gravity spells??

    • 2 months ago

      oh also another thing
      >get a super cool spell that supposedly sucks in enemy magic/projectiles so they don't hit me
      >test it
      >doesn't work, literally useless
      that was on release though, maybe fixed now

      • 2 months ago

        Eternal Darkness is so good in Raya Lucaria

        • 2 months ago

          Except on Rennala, it doesn't work.

          • 2 months ago

            It doesn't work against her laser and I assume the moon, but everything else it should work against just fine. Keep in mind the suction radius is very small. You can't drop it and run, you need to take cover behind it.

            • 2 months ago

              I tried to drop it in her face

    • 2 months ago

      >INT players when they can't cheese one zone in the entire game
      It's even worse when you realise you can still cheese since gravity spells do physical damage and bypasses the ressistances

  23. 2 months ago

    Does OP have arthritis?

  24. 2 months ago

    you forgot
    >input reading
    >animation cancels
    >dynamic attack delays
    >10 hit chain instantly flowing into another 10 hit chain

    • 2 months ago

      >poise break cancel chain memory attack while locked into standard animation
      you forgot to get good, chud

  25. 2 months ago

    >take bleed spiked ceastus
    >stack armor and stamina regen
    >face frick everything
    Hard game.

  26. 2 months ago

    >Filtered by Elden Ring
    Vtubers and tiddy streamers beat it with ease.
    Perhaps you should find another hobby that's more suited to your abilities. Like sewing.

  27. 2 months ago

    You're probably shitposting but I unironically prefer the slow paced combat of their older games. I don't care about being a le epic hardcore gamer.

  28. 2 months ago

    The only thing that fricks me up about elden ring bosses is how some of them tend to "drag out" their attacks. I'm too used to them letting it rip immediately.

  29. 2 months ago

    I'm begging you Fromsoft players to get out of your comfort zone and plays some action games.

    You're putting a C-tier action dev on some kind of pedestal.

    • 2 months ago

      Like..? Name some so I can see what im missing

  30. 2 months ago

    Nioh 2 does aggressive, attack spamming bosses correctly because your character can be just as fast and aggressive as them.

    • 2 months ago

      Nioh 1&2 in all honesty make you feel cool as frick, especially with the custom skills and moves you can switch out. Kinda wish fromsoft would do something similar. At least they're on the right track with ashes of war, and the new gear in SotE trailer.

  31. 2 months ago

    >bossfights require you to trade damage and forces every encounter into DPS race
    >playstyles always evolves in jumping R2 bonking

    • 2 months ago

      Have you heard of no-hits?
      >always evolves
      Yes, its true

  32. 2 months ago

    >boss does a combo
    >once it ends, he does nothing, signaling an opening for an attack
    >he does it again
    >it ends
    >i push r1
    >he INSTANTLY punishes it with another attack because he's an input reading Black person with too little recovery time
    the enemy design in ER is absolute fricking dogshit

  33. 2 months ago

    just use sleep pot

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