
/crt/ thread

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Finally a non-audiocucked setup.

    • 5 months ago

      >Altec Lansing slop
      Still cucked

      • 5 months ago

        Yea the right speaker broke. So i added an amp. You can see it on top.
        Im surprised you know that brand.

    • 5 months ago

      Snes uses low quality samples it can't output audio that would benefit from a audi setup that costs more than $20

      • 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    KV-32S42 on s-video

    • 5 months ago

      I'm considering moving my TV over to my little PC desk on the right side of this pic. I sat on it, and I weigh 154 lbs and it didn't collapse under my weight, and this TV is apparently 104 lbs, so it should be able to support its weight.

      Honestly, I have no idea how this little wooden side table somehow managed to support this TV's weight for half a year. I kept thinking it would collapse any day.

      Lucky. I've got a KV-27FV16 here, also using S-video.

      • 5 months ago

        Bump it from the side and see if it becomes a one time folding table.

        • 5 months ago

          It probably would. Every time I changed the cables, I feared that alone would cave the table in. Never even bothered cleaning the screen. But if that tiny table can support it, then I'm sure actual steel legs can.

    • 5 months ago

      This is the sexiest pic of a CRT I've seen in a while.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      21FS140 on Component.

      • 5 months ago

        how to unlock sideways castle

        • 5 months ago

          Play some shmups with crt sideways previously. 😛

    • 5 months ago

      What is man but a miserable pile of secrets?

  3. 5 months ago

    >dinky tray table for a massive tv
    oof right in the structural engineering

    • 5 months ago

      not that anon but its frickin impossible to find good CRT stands that dont look like shit these days
      you almost have to get a corner stand if you have anything bigger than a 20"

      • 5 months ago

        ive been using an ikea svalov end table (20"sq top) i bought in 2007, it has skid bases which is great for moving it around on carpet

      • 5 months ago

        I have a 32" D-Series and bought one of these:

        It's a perfect height for a larger TV and its made of solid wood so it's more than sturdy enough. Plus it's simple enough that it goes with most decor.

        /crt/ thread

        Post yours

        I don't have a picture at the moment but my favorite TV and really my end game grail is a Toshiba 36A41 I've been lucky enough to have in the family since new. It's in storage right now because I lack the space for the time being but my uncle was the original owner. I consider it the perfect TV. Curved glass shadowmask with component is exactly what I want. And Toshiba made the absolute best of the best of that type, which is why I'm constantly surprised it doesn't get as much love as Sony and JVC. If I absolutely need to I'll ditch the D-Series but I'm hoping to get enough room to keep both.

        • 5 months ago

          Here's that D-Series I mentioned earlier. It's a JVC AV-32D503. A couple of the capacitors went bad. I know where they are, too, but I'm too lazy to swap them out right now. It works though so that's good enough for me for the time being.

          • 5 months ago

            Best TV in my opinion
            Wish I could find one
            If only is was black, the silver is not as appealing

            • 5 months ago

              I have a Toshiba 36A41 squirreled away that blows the D-Series out of the water. In fact, this D has a Toshiba tube in it which means I have a pretty even comparison and it's no contest. I think it's just that fewer people are aware of the Toshibas.

              That said, the black D-Series sets are supposedly have better build quality. Over time JVC started cheaping out on the chassis. Mine only has one S-Video port, for example, even though you can see the cutout for a second. Also don't ignore non-D JVCs. What makes the D-Series special isn't the tube but the audio. It has better speakers than non-D sets but the tubes are the same. I think a lot of the D-Series love has to do with the branding. It's easy to identify so people gravitate to it. JVC's marketing worked 20 years later.

              • 5 months ago

                Talking about the look of the TV

              • 5 months ago

                >That said, the black D-Series sets are supposedly have better build quality.
                Not sure about this. If anything, most people I've talked to say you want a silver one because the black ones are prone to developing a serious fish-eye problem as they age.

                I got a black D-series for free and despite endless geometry tweaking and a COMPLETE recap, the image is just warped beyond repair. I ain't complaining because it was free, but I'd never seek one out.

              • 5 months ago

                mine isn't like that. Not all blacks anon

              • 5 months ago

                Sounds like a linearity problem


                /crt/ thread

                Post yours

                Wish I could, phone makes file size too large
                Currently watching some bluray rips of old anime on mine through my 360

              • 5 months ago

                Best I could do

              • 5 months ago

                >Sounds like a linearity problem
                No. The edges around the entire screen are warped, and none of the geometry settings will affect it. It's just 20 year old TV that's fricking tired. My friend's dad had a D-series that is still tucked away in his basement. We dug it out and tested it and it had the exact same issue. I did a complete recap of the deflection board and even removed the speakers just in case they were causing distortion, and nothing made a lick of difference.

                It's actually such a prominent issue on the early D sets that I've read people who got one as their first curved-screen CRT being so off-put by it they swear off of curved tubes forever.

              • 5 months ago

                Its honestly kind of funny how the D-Series is meme'd in the CRT community but you constantly hear about wonky units. Some of that is confirmation bias because they're very common and the more of anything the more problems you'll hear about but it's still a little funny.

              • 5 months ago

                I mean, for how tired my set is, it's still nice-looking. I think people are just clamoring for a big name brand alternative to all the overpriced Trinitrons on the market, and the D-series fits the bill.

                JVC made a good set, I'm actually a pretty big fan of the i'Arts. I owned two of them many years back and they were gorgeous, with generally better geometry than any D-series I've seen, despite the flat tube. I was actually with my friend about 20 years ago when he bought a brand new 36 inch i'Art with money from his first job. I remember he said he liked it better than the Trinitron, and it's a sentiment that is echoed by a lot of archived product reviews I've dug up. Fricker weighed like 200 lbs, though

              • 5 months ago

                I have i'art and d-series and the flat has really bad geometry compared to the curved

              • 5 months ago

                I'm over the Trinitron hype for sure. One problem is that Sony went all in on flat tubes so there are very VERY few curved Sonys with component. Plus the benefit of the aperture grille was originally a brightness thing, which may have been huge in the 70s but wasn't a problem by the time you got to the 90s and 2000s slotmasks. A lot of flat trinis end up looking gaudy in comparison, with dreadful red push.

              • 5 months ago

                >dreadful red push
                I specifically remember this being a frequently complaint about Sony flat tubes in the early 2000s, and one of the biggest reasons many consumer reviews said JVC's flat tubes were a better buy.

              • 5 months ago

                >Sounds like a linearity problem
                No. The edges around the entire screen are warped, and none of the geometry settings will affect it. It's just 20 year old TV that's fricking tired. My friend's dad had a D-series that is still tucked away in his basement. We dug it out and tested it and it had the exact same issue. I did a complete recap of the deflection board and even removed the speakers just in case they were causing distortion, and nothing made a lick of difference.

                It's actually such a prominent issue on the early D sets that I've read people who got one as their first curved-screen CRT being so off-put by it they swear off of curved tubes forever.

                I've only owned this single one and luckily I have no fisheye problem. It has pretty bad focus in the corners though. It was the easiest and most recognizable curved CRT with component inputs to look for

              • 5 months ago

                This just requires adjusting the focus pot with minute adjustments

              • 5 months ago

                doesn't fix it, I've tried

              • 5 months ago

                what about a recap? i have the same problem

              • 5 months ago

                I have blurry edges as well as a fish-eye issue. I did a complete recap of the set. Didn't fix anything.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm glad you got a winner. They're not bad TVs at all. It's just that they're hyped to shit to the detriment of other brands that at least as good.

              • 5 months ago

                stop creating ficitonal situations in your head to get mad about anon. theres no "detriment to other brands".

              • 5 months ago

                How often do you hear about Panasonic or Sanyo? Those are great but nobody talks about them.

              • 5 months ago

                Neither of those use their own tubes anon

              • 5 months ago

                Neither does JVC. It's weird that the D-Series gets a unique amount of attention.

              • 5 months ago

                Well my grundig here

                Best I could do

                has a Thomson tube and it’s super sharp, I heard that the JVC’s had that and Toshibas so I assumed they were good

              • 5 months ago

                Panasonic and Sanyo don't sell CRTs anymore anon

              • 5 months ago

                >What makes the D-Series special isn't the tube but the audio.
                Lol, that's dumb. Why would you accept a shitty tube just because it comes with good speakers when any random bookshelf speakers and an audio receiver from a flea market would be a thousand times better?

              • 5 months ago

                because it's not true and anon is making shit up because its turning into a contrarian circle jerk since he sees jvc as too popular. People look for d-series because they are curved with component and easy to find.

              • 5 months ago

                Back when these were new TVs were such a mature technology that manufacturers had to come up with ways of making their products look better than anyone else's. That involved improved side mounted speakers and other features that don't really matter anymore like picture-in-picture. The tubes were often identical though across a range of product lines.

              • 5 months ago

                That's not what I asked.

              • 5 months ago

                What are you asking?

          • 5 months ago

            I'm so mad I had to leave my D-Series behind during a move. I will find another, mark my words...

          • 5 months ago

            >Saturn games on the floor.
            Are you a psycho?

          • 5 months ago

            ah your d-series does look like shit though. weird

            • 5 months ago

              The D-Series is fricked up for sure. It's got some bad caps I haven't gotten around to fixing.

              My D-series looks better than that. That looks lower TVL

              Interested in seeing it. Like I said, this is what the thing looked like right from Best Buy. I haven't fiddled with it at all because of where it is. Just getting that one picture was a production. It also looks a lot better in person. I have no idea how to take a picture of a CRT and not make it look like garbage. Even the D-Series doesn't look THAT bad in person. I'm using an iPhone. You're basically seeing both TVs in the worst possible conditions.

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                Do you know what tube is in yours? JVC used a shit ton of manufacturers.

                The popularity of BVMs for retro gaming is nonsensical. What they do to a 240p RGB image is going in the opposite direction of one of the biggest reasons people want to use in the first place: seeing obviously square dot graphics (I avoid using the word pixels here because it triggers autists).

                For years 240p120 mode has been considered an inferior substitute for a real 240p60 display. But that's about what you're going to be looking at with a BVM, minus the extra ghosting effect. That's how thick your black lines are going to be.

                To me BVMs are a meme for gays who want one because they are "the best". But that "best" was in a totally different context in totally different industries than retro gaming.

                Somewhat ironically a BVM is going to be one of the easiest CRTs to simulate with a shader. The newest generations of high refresh rate OLEDs combined with shaders should be *very* competitive with a BVM in apppearance.

                BVMs look fine at appropriate viewing distance. They are memes, but the huge black lines disappear when you sit back. Some of my giant CRTs have a similar issue when you get too close even at 400 TVL

                The funny thing about PVMs and BVMs is that retro gaming is arguably not what they're best for. They exist to display a broadcast image with enough precision that a production staff can know exactly what's being displayed and make adjustments. Watching an actual movie on those things is what they'd be best for.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not sure. It's a black 32 inch D-series. I haven't opened it up before.

              • 5 months ago

                >Watching an actual movie on those things is what they'd be best for.
                I use mine for that, too. But I think it's silly to infer that a monitor--or any piece of equipment--should only be used for whatever it's "best" for.

        • 5 months ago

          Here's that D-Series I mentioned earlier. It's a JVC AV-32D503. A couple of the capacitors went bad. I know where they are, too, but I'm too lazy to swap them out right now. It works though so that's good enough for me for the time being.

          I have a Toshiba 36A41 squirreled away that blows the D-Series out of the water. In fact, this D has a Toshiba tube in it which means I have a pretty even comparison and it's no contest. I think it's just that fewer people are aware of the Toshibas.

          That said, the black D-Series sets are supposedly have better build quality. Over time JVC started cheaping out on the chassis. Mine only has one S-Video port, for example, even though you can see the cutout for a second. Also don't ignore non-D JVCs. What makes the D-Series special isn't the tube but the audio. It has better speakers than non-D sets but the tubes are the same. I think a lot of the D-Series love has to do with the branding. It's easy to identify so people gravitate to it. JVC's marketing worked 20 years later.

          Here's that Toshiba 36A41 I was talking about. Excuse the photography, I don't really know how to take a picture of a CRT properly and make it look right. What I can say is my uncle is the original owner. I actually helped him pick it up from Best Buy way back in 2001. What you're seeing here is factory settings. I can not only guarantee the service menu has never been touched, I don't even thing the regular menu has been. My family was never particular about TVs. As long as it got a picture that was always good enough.

          • 5 months ago

            My D-series looks better than that. That looks lower TVL

      • 5 months ago

        I use ikea kallax with some drill-on furniture feet I bought off of amazon. I also bought these shelf dividers off of etsy (because the official ikea dividers are fricking impossible to buy) and have most of my consoles tucked into them. Except the original Xbox, thing is too fricking fat to get into the shelf with the dividers on.

      • 5 months ago

        consider: they sell project boards at home depot and lowes of all manner of sizes, as well as metal pipes and fittings but also beams such as 2x4 lumber. this sounds crazy, but you might be able to devise a way to fasten some of these things together to create some kind of platform that could bear weight.

        despite my sarcasm, i actually don't encourage anyone to do something fricking dumb like pay money for an ancient CRT and actually keep it in your home. I grew up with them. they're bad. trust.

      • 5 months ago

        Can't you just order a custom stand for it from a carpenter? Do people really just furnish their homes with ikea slop and nothing more?

        • 5 months ago

          I wouldn't trust Ikea anything to hold a CRT, personally.

          • 5 months ago

            IKEA has decent value shit, if it can hold a 130kg man, I'm fine it holding even a 100kg CRT.

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        I find this entire room unsettling on a spiritual level.

        • 5 months ago

          It definitely isn't very well thought out is it

        • 5 months ago

          Im schizophrenic dude

        • 5 months ago

          It definitely isn't very well thought out is it

          You should see the other sides of the room
          I can post it when i get home at 4pm

        • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          Same, it’s /x/ tier.

          • 5 months ago

            Looks like good feng shui to me.

      • 5 months ago

        >how many wires you want
        >all of them, but somehow worse

      • 5 months ago

        And a shot of my little game corner. This room is cold as frick in the winter, but that just makes it all the more cozy. Nothing warms the heart like huddling in a blanket around the soft glow of the tube.

        I upgraded. But true rumble is still mostly a product of the subwoofer. Best 20 bucks I ever spent.

        I live in a shithole and have none of this

  4. 5 months ago
  5. 5 months ago

    Dude please tidy the frick up.

    • 5 months ago

      Why are you his mom? Is that why your always bending over in front of men all the time?


  6. 5 months ago

    In my research of arcade monitor specifications I've been looking for any information to allow them to be compared in terms of TVL ratings to consumer television and video monitors.
    See what you think of my math.

    540 / 0.8 = 675 dots (manual says 676 for unknown reason)

    But this 675 is across the whole width of the display. To measure TVL you only measure across the width an amount equal to the height of the viewable display space.
    That is quoted in the manual to be 405mm.

    675 / 540 = 1.25 dots per mm

    405 * 1.25 = 506 dots

    That would suggest 506 TVL. However, I strongly suspect it would be lower due to the lines blurring together at that fine of a test pattern if displayed.

    400 TVL maybe for this tube? 450?


    • 5 months ago

      You can also do this another way. Take the number of horizontal dots and divide by 1.333 (4:3 in decimal).
      That gives the same number of 506.

    • 5 months ago

      Beam focus plays a role too. The physical TVL of the mask might be 506, but you're not getting all of it.

    • 5 months ago

      You can have some fun with this with a PC CRT.
      I have a PC CRT which has a shadow mask with a dot pitch of 0.28mm
      The viewable screen size is 385 x 290 mm.
      That equates to a TVL rating of roughly 1036 TVL. Or just round it down to 1000.
      However, you can easily display a video game in a window on this monitor.
      By setting a low resolution and shrinking the window but maintaining a 1:1 pixel mapping in software you can effectively lower the visible TVL rating because as the screen becomes smaller the dot pitch becomes relatively coarser in comparison.
      So working backwards to achieve a 500 TVL rating you would need to set a window size of 187 x 140 mm while maintaining a 1:1 pixel mapping. By setting a PC monitor to 640x480 mode this can usually be accomplished.

  7. 5 months ago

    I ordered a second pair of these for $42 for a setup corner I have. I want to use one set for a 13" Toshiba CRT for NES, Genesis and PC Engine games and the second set for a PC Monitor for Dreamcast games for VGA goodness.

    • 5 months ago

      why would you do that? are you not allowed to have better speakers you could get for free?

      • 5 months ago

        Limited space and those speakers do what I need.

    • 5 months ago

      Here are my bose speakers in action. I think they are very nice.

  8. 5 months ago

    Got one of wakabavideo/linuxbot3000's video transcoders and some Extron cables on the way.
    The time for gaming is nigh.

  9. 5 months ago

    misconception: CRTs are good

    reality: CRTs are bad

    • 5 months ago

      why would you do that? are you not allowed to have better speakers you could get for free?


    • 5 months ago

      They were the best at the time. And give respect where it is due, good CRT tvs lasted. It was common to get a solid decade or more out of it.

    • 5 months ago

      reality: CRTs are good

      also reality: I don't care to fool with them so much anymore and love the convenience of a high-end low-lag LCD using shaders.

  10. 5 months ago

    I wanna pickup a CRT monitor but not sure what to choose between HP or a viewsonic

    • 5 months ago

      PC CRTs are rarely worthwhile tbh

      I hate living in a place where people want $100 to $200 for a CRT. Wtf do I do?

      where's that? there's probably places you can find a quality slot mask for free/cheap

      • 5 months ago

        Wouldn't say that, they're good for 480p and retro PC gaming, especially all those old 2D RPG's and RTS games

        • 5 months ago

          those games are much more enjoyable without eyestrain and headaches, and shadow mask shaders are pretty good now if you have a 4K display

          • 5 months ago

            Nah, you're tripping mate

      • 5 months ago

        It'd mainly be used as a passive display anyway or for watching anime

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah a used PC CRT is great for that. I used to have a 19-inch Dell I got for free because it had a smashed casing. It burned out after a few years and I didn't care to fix it, but it was definitely great for watching old 4:3 SD content, especially anime.

          But to answer your question, I'd lean toward the Viewsonic just from personal experience and memory, but the real answer is to take whichever is in better shape after 20+ years on this godforsaken earth.

      • 5 months ago

        slot mask? and doubtful I live in Raleigh, NC i've looked everywhere here, I mainly want a CRT monitor though cause the high pitch noise of TVs really fricks with my tinnitus.

        • 5 months ago

          >fricks with my tinnitus.
          anon what?
          how could you possibly hear the sound if you have tinnitus, it's the same sound

          • 5 months ago

            nah its higher pitch, my tinnitus isn't extremely bad, but when I hear the TV it becomes really bad.

      • 5 months ago

        >PC CRTs are rarely worthwhile tbh
        TV for 240p/480i and the likes, VGA CRT for 480p and up, simple as.

      • 5 months ago

        >PC CRTs are rarely worthwhile tbh
        They are good for playing PC games.

  11. 5 months ago

    I hate living in a place where people want $100 to $200 for a CRT. Wtf do I do?

    • 5 months ago

      I remember i picked up 3 in one day. From craiglist . I live by Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

    • 5 months ago

      check facebook marketplace/craigslist every single day until you find someone basically giving them away

    • 5 months ago

      i just paid $100 + $50 shipping
      if you're so uncertain maybe you don't really want one

  12. 5 months ago

    My main monitor has been down for a while, but I finally got it fixed and have been shaking off the cobwebs with my umpteenth FF7 playthrough. These pre-rendered backgrounds are just peak soul.

  13. 5 months ago

    Also kinda getting me hyped for part two of the remake. Not that I think it's amazing or anything, but I do enjoy seeing them extrapolate fully 3D environments from these 25-year-old renders, even if they are less soulful.

  14. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Wow. I need to play ff7, i was thinking of starting with 6 tho.. hm.

      • 5 months ago

        >i was thinking of starting with 6 tho.. hm.
        If you have the patience, try 6 before 7. I think it's worth it, and gives you some added perspective on just how much of a big deal 7 was when it came out.

        • 5 months ago

          5 is better

          • 5 months ago

            Maybe if you’re a contrarian

  15. 5 months ago

    And a shot of my little game corner. This room is cold as frick in the winter, but that just makes it all the more cozy. Nothing warms the heart like huddling in a blanket around the soft glow of the tube.

    • 5 months ago

      >This room is cold as frick in the winter
      do you not have heat, anon?

      • 5 months ago

        I do. It's just an old house, and that room is actually a converted sunroom with a frickton of ancient windows so it's kind of drafty. But I like it because it's the last room in the house that hasn't been renovated since the 70s so it has wood paneling and is generally very comfy. Also I can crank the volume and not disturb my wife as much.

        You have a heater but i guess its not stronk enough

        I just use the heater to take the chill off when it's super cold. If I leave it running, it'll make it quite toasty, but I prefer a slight chill. Sometimes my kot comes to help warm me up, too.

        • 5 months ago

          >I can crank the volume and not disturb my wife as much.
          Ah. So your wife made you put it out there.

          • 5 months ago

            lol no. She actually assumed I was going to set up the CRT in the living room when we moved in together. I decided myself to put it in the sunroom because of the wood paneling and because I like the privacy. Of course, my setup was much smaller back then, before I added the chunky amp, equalizer, bigger speakers, subwoofer, etc.

            Also I don't think she expected it to be as loud as it is, lol. One time I was playing FF7 and I cast Beta and the whole fricking house vibrated. She thought the water heater was getting ready to explode or something.

            • 5 months ago

              >the whole fricking house vibrated.
              >those dinky speakers
              doubt. but at least you're not completely audiocucked

              • 5 months ago

                I upgraded. But true rumble is still mostly a product of the subwoofer. Best 20 bucks I ever spent.

              • 5 months ago

                >fell for the pvmeme

              • 5 months ago

                I have three different CRTs that I swap out as the situation demands. I'm not going to pretend that the PVM isn't the best, though.

              • 5 months ago

                my other is a 27" JVC that I got with the intention of using for 6th gen games because I think fully 3D environments do benefit from more screen real estate, but to be quite honest, 480i content still looks so much better on the PVM that I'm fine with just scooting my chair closer.

              • 5 months ago

                Sour grapes.

              • 5 months ago

                P/BVMs are fun but a 28" consumer TV is better then a 20" PVM, size matters most.
                Im glad I have a 28" PVM

              • 5 months ago

                >size matters most.
                it's funny that you used an image with exaggerated pixels which would actually objectively look better on a smaller tube

              • 5 months ago

                Still all depends on the distance from the screen and the TVL.

              • 5 months ago

                a 20 inch PVM will have higher TVL than a 32 inch consumer set... it would look even more "pixely"

              • 5 months ago

                CRTs don't have pixels, moron.

                >just sit closer
                Bigger size allows you to sit more comfortably and bigger tubes are generally sharper and more impressive.
                There is a reason the bigger TVs were alot more expensive back in the day, everyone wanted a big one

                >bigger tubes are generally sharper
                objectively wrong
                >There is a reason the bigger TVs were alot more expensive back in the day, everyone wanted a big one
                Which has nothing to do with quality of picture. Thanks for proving that you know jack shit about any of this. Consumers are morons.

              • 5 months ago

                >CRTs don't have pixels, moron.
                I never claimed they did? The art style in

                P/BVMs are fun but a 28" consumer TV is better then a 20" PVM, size matters most.
                Im glad I have a 28" PVM

                is pixely.
                I was replying to

                >size matters most.
                it's funny that you used an image with exaggerated pixels which would actually objectively look better on a smaller tube

              • 5 months ago

                >objectively wrong
                Majority of smaller tubes will have lower TVL too. So yeah, objectively right. Nobody was specifically talking about higher TVL PVMs or related, but tubes in general.

              • 5 months ago

                Except a bigger or smaller size literally makes the image look sharper to a greater degree than the effect of more or less TVL. The exact same model of set in two different sizes will ALWAYS look sharper when it's smaller.

              • 5 months ago

                Depends what tubes it uses, just because it's the same model doesn't even mean the tubes are from the same manufacturer. Mostly brands that make their own tubes stick to their own tubes, i.e. Sony. But even then it depends on size difference and TVL, it's not always.

              • 5 months ago

                TVL is something of a farce. It really only matters when distinguishing between monitor types, like a consumer versus professional. Within a class though? It's largely an illusion. Not only did manufacturers lie, the technology was very mature by the 90s and 2000s. 90% of the image quality is the chassis, not the tube.

              • 5 months ago

                >It's largely an illusion.
                You clearly never owned a large collection of consumer tubes.
                Even with PVMs the same size, TVL makes a big difference.

                TVL and pitch play a huge role even within a class, doesn't matter what type of mask/grille it uses or if it's a TV, PVM, VGA monitor, etc.

                >90% of the image quality is the chassis, not the tube.
                No. Other way around and chassis mostly even plays a role only in professional or high end monitors.

                Also I don't know what you're on about with manufacturers lying, TVL can easily be measured yourself.

                Don't know if you're trolling or...

              • 5 months ago

                >You clearly never owned a large collection of consumer tubes.
                Don't make assumptions. At far edges, sure, it makes a difference. But my point is that most of the conversation about TVL isn't at those edges. You see people arguing TVL between JVC and Samsung and at that point the differences, to whatever extent they exist, is pretty low on the list of things that are going to actually affect the picture quality. Again, the chassis makes more of a difference within a range. It's why a Toshiba tube in a JVC D-Series will look noticeably worse than the same tube in a Toshiba A Series. Tubes are pretty "dumb." The electronics driving it has waaaaay more sway over what the image looks like than the TVL. I'd argue even the type of mask matters more. Unless, again, it's at the far edges. But you're not going to find 800-1000 TVL tubes in a consumer chassis anyway. I think one of the most common example of what I'm talking about is the M tube you can find in some 32" JVCs. Yes, they look a little different but the effect is minimal compared to the weight people give to it.

                Personally I'm interested in that universal chassis RetroRGB talked about a while back. It's in early development but if it pans out then you'll be able to drop in whatever tube you want and have a multisync monitor with every input under the sun. At that point even "low" TVL tubes will look fantastic.

              • 5 months ago

                >I'd argue even the type of mask matters more
                Which is part of the tube.

                >But you're not going to find 800-1000 TVL tubes in a consumer chassis anyway.
                Got a 800 TVL (verified) consumer 15kHz monitor right here, not even a PVM.

              • 5 months ago

                >Got a 800 TVL (verified) consumer 15kHz monitor right here, not even a PVM.
                What is it? Are you talking a computer monitor? I'm talking TVs.

              • 5 months ago

                >I'm talking TVs.
                Ah okay, I thought you meant consumer hardware in general.

              • 5 months ago

                Ah, no. You're right in the larger conversation that TVL "matters." I'm just talking in the very specific niche of consumer TVs where people argue TVL. You can also lump arcade monitors in there, too, which are often consumer grade. Once you get into computer monitors, professional monitors, etc. things change. But at the same time, the whole display "changed" because it's built for a different purpose. The gist of what I'm saying is TVL doesn't matter that much in some specific contexts where it comes up.

              • 5 months ago

                >The gist of what I'm saying is TVL doesn't matter that much in some specific contexts where it comes up.
                Yeah that's true.

              • 5 months ago

                >universal chassis
                the open-source crt chassis? hasn't that been in early development for years now? is anyone actually working on it?

              • 5 months ago

                I think so. I haven't heard anything new but hopefully it's making progress behind the scenes. You always have somebody showing up asking about how possible it is to make new CRTs. But not only is that impossible, it's not even necessary. We have plenty of tubes. They're just trapped in garbage sets nobody wants. Imagine how awesome it would be if you could pick up a composite-only bottom of the barrel RCA, yank out the tube, and drop it in a custom chassis that turns it into a multisync beast. I know that's VERY optimistic but a man can dream.

              • 5 months ago

                >Also I don't know what you're on about with manufacturers lying, TVL can easily be measured yourself.
                JVC routinely claimed it's D-Series sets were 800TVL, which is a lie. Or at least VERY deceptive.

              • 5 months ago

                >Don't know if you're trolling or...
                Stop it.

              • 5 months ago

                The smaller size making the image look sharper is a subjective matter.

                It is a matter of objective fact that the same slot pitch was used on tubes of different sizes. For example 25" and 29" arcade monitors have both used a .8mm center pitch. But on the 29" monitor this means the .8mm is a relatively finer pitch than it is on the 25" monitor.

              • 5 months ago

                Except a bigger or smaller size literally makes the image look sharper to a greater degree than the effect of more or less TVL. The exact same model of set in two different sizes will ALWAYS look sharper when it's smaller.

                I was talking about actual sharpness not percieved sharpness.
                Yes bigger tubes at the same resolution will look less sharp if you sit at the same distance, but you get the luxury of not having to sit too close and having a bigger image.
                I actually have a 9" PVM lying around and let me tell you I would never use that over a 20" consumer TV.
                Bigger is better.

              • 5 months ago

                >a 20 inch PVM will have higher TVL than a 32 inch consumer set
                Not always. The older PVMs had ratings of 350 to 560 TVL and there have been various premium grade 32" consumer televisions which surpassed that.

              • 5 months ago

                Small pvms aren't worth it. I sold mine.

              • 5 months ago

                The only professional monitor I'd actually want is an XM29. But unlike PVMs those are legitimately rare and I've never seen one in person.

              • 5 months ago

                Arcade cabinets didn't have PVMs in them. Anyone who prefers authenticity goes with consumer slotmasks. Frick off with that shit.

              • 5 months ago

                That looks extremely comfy

              • 5 months ago

                It is. It's actually theraputic to me and I don't realize it. Sometimes I'll go several months without using it because of my monitor needing repairs or something, and the depression really starts to settle in.

                I have 4 CRTs that don't work properly due to power failures.
                1 was part of my main rig that no longer powers on
                2 are ViewSonic PC monitors, 1 flat out doesn't turn on and the other "blinks"
                1 will randomly turn itself on or off whenever its plugged in
                I think I'm starting to regret collecting these things, bros.

                Part of the territory, sadly. Power supply issues are fairly straightforward, though. If you can find maintenance manuals for any of your specific monitors, you'd be surprised how often OEM parts are availabe on ebay. I basically have search alerts for almost any kind of PVM parts, which I will buy and stockpile immediately.

                P/BVMs are fun but a 28" consumer TV is better then a 20" PVM, size matters most.
                Im glad I have a 28" PVM

                >size matters most.
                Unless you just... sit closer. The only way size matters is if you regularly do multiplayer stuff with friends. I have a friend coming over tonight to play some stuff, actually, and I usually switch out to my 27" consumer model for that, but we've played on the 20 just fine.

              • 5 months ago

                >just sit closer
                Bigger size allows you to sit more comfortably and bigger tubes are generally sharper and more impressive.
                There is a reason the bigger TVs were alot more expensive back in the day, everyone wanted a big one

              • 5 months ago

                Nice setup with the speakers

        • 5 months ago

          I miss when i had this heater

          • 5 months ago

            I feel like I remember seeing daytime TV commercials for that heater. Trying to sell it to all the eternally-cold grandmas as they watched their stories.

          • 5 months ago

            I have a 5-input HDMI switch that uses that same remote.

    • 5 months ago

      You have a heater but i guess its not stronk enough

    • 5 months ago

      >comfy VU meters
      Mr. Coates approves

  16. 5 months ago
  17. 5 months ago

    My RGB Xstation ps1 setup. Need to thrift a stand to replace my moms old filing cabinet.

  18. 5 months ago

    My CRT monitor is making noise every five minutes or so. How the frick do I stop that from happening? It's driving me insane. Model is an eMachines Eview 15P

    • 5 months ago

      Describe noise

      • 5 months ago

        Extremely high pitched screaming noise. Starts at a lower sound level then eventually gets louder and louder until it goes back to being quiet again.

        • 5 months ago

          Capacitor most likely
          Could be something else but the capacitors are usually the first ones to vibrate

  19. 5 months ago

    Do your wife make you put all that away and fold the table up when you're not using it? Be honest

    • 5 months ago

      No. This is just like an experiment setup i put up. To test brightness of games. And it is different. My other tvs are darker.
      Cant see in some games on the other tv.

  20. 5 months ago

    Barco is pretty cool

  21. 5 months ago

    Bro spent all that money on audio equipment and then puts his CRT on a foldable TV tray.

  22. 5 months ago

    I have 4 CRTs that don't work properly due to power failures.
    1 was part of my main rig that no longer powers on
    2 are ViewSonic PC monitors, 1 flat out doesn't turn on and the other "blinks"
    1 will randomly turn itself on or off whenever its plugged in
    I think I'm starting to regret collecting these things, bros.

  23. 5 months ago

    Neat, stupid arguments. Thanks for reminding me why I stopped coming here.

    Anyway, here's a pic of my wife playing Dr. Mario on an old D-series back when we were dating.

    • 5 months ago

      Tell the fat hog to lay off the carbs, moron

      • 5 months ago

        >muh carbs
        they're fine once in a while
        it's the inflammation causing foods 24/7 that caused people to gain weight weight
        glyphosate exposure
        s0ŷbêâńź in literally everything
        its not food, if people are too moronic to not kill themselves with the "food" they eat on a daily basis then give up and move on

        beef, eggs, non-GMO sourdough bread, local tortillas etc
        people are lazy morons

        would you rather use a trinitron that only has s-video or a shadow/slot mask with component? (particularly for 6th gen consoles)

        Not enough information here for me to make the decision.

        Given best case scenarios on both sides I take the trinitron.

        same, atleast the sony you can easily resell +will be pretty reliable/made in japan usually

        s-video is slept on but its the biggest jump from rf/composite without homosexual rgb mods aka ruining vintage hardware

      • 5 months ago

        But she likes carbs. And I like fat hogs.

  24. 5 months ago
  25. 5 months ago

    Screen captured crt


  26. 5 months ago

    I don’t know how to organize my setup. Should I put my 27” consoomer trinitron and my 20” pvm side by side on a tv stand? Or should I put my 20” pvm on the desk next to my pc crt?

    • 5 months ago

      You should use them individually. Swap them out from time to time.

  27. 5 months ago

    picked up this goofy and fairly useless nugget today at my regular thrifting spot. probably should have passed on it but i can't resist mini CRTs when i run across them in the wild

    • 5 months ago

      i have one too
      mine can run off battery power
      so if the world ends atleast i can still play on a crt kek

  28. 5 months ago

    >It's a massive service cap with beach towel sized safari flaps in the back.
    Just now realizing there was barely any reason to transfer Suikoden I and II data into III

  29. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      These are the best shadow mask consumer sets.

      • 5 months ago

        Toshibas are better. Mark my words, JVCs are good reliable sets that are plentiful enough that you won't go wrong. But Toshiba A Series kick the shit out of them.

        • 5 months ago

          Really,I have a Toshiba. Don't know if that's an A series though. I started to go down the rabbit hole of collecting CRTs. I ha e a 20" jvc d series too. This Toshiba is just so nice because it's 27"

          • 5 months ago

            God I miss my 36A60. If I had only appreciated what I had on my hands and how hard it would be to get back these years later.

          • 5 months ago

            I want to say that's an Orion set but those aren't bad at all, either. They might also be better than a JVC, honestly.

            • 5 months ago

              The tube seems a little dim on this one compared to other sets but it's still quite nice. It has a lot of good inputs on the back. Many of my consoles go through scart rgb to component.

    • 5 months ago

      redpill me on JVC

      • 5 months ago

        They're curved glass slotmask consumer TVs with component. That makes them very similar to the kind of tubes found in arcade cabinets. They're also often free because there's less demand for non-Sony TVs. That said, JVC didn't make their own tubes so it's a lottery what you'll get inside. They sourced tubes from a good half dozen manufacturers over the years. Another downside is the build quality of the chassis can sometimes leave something to be desired. They've been known to suffer capacitor plague.

        Like I said here

        I have a 32" D-Series and bought one of these:

        It's a perfect height for a larger TV and its made of solid wood so it's more than sturdy enough. Plus it's simple enough that it goes with most decor.

        I don't have a picture at the moment but my favorite TV and really my end game grail is a Toshiba 36A41 I've been lucky enough to have in the family since new. It's in storage right now because I lack the space for the time being but my uncle was the original owner. I consider it the perfect TV. Curved glass shadowmask with component is exactly what I want. And Toshiba made the absolute best of the best of that type, which is why I'm constantly surprised it doesn't get as much love as Sony and JVC. If I absolutely need to I'll ditch the D-Series but I'm hoping to get enough room to keep both.

        If you want a JVC I HIGHLY suggest looking for a Toshiba A series instead. They're the same type of TV except better. Just look for a true Toshiba rather than an Orion. Basically almost any TV pre-2001 and 32"-36" from about 2001 through 2004. I could be wrong by a year or two but that's the gist. Orion gradually started making more and more of Toshiba branded sets as time went on.

        >It's a massive service cap with beach towel sized safari flaps in the back.
        Just now realizing there was barely any reason to transfer Suikoden I and II data into III

        This guy here is rocking a Trueshiba A Series. A+ grail set.

        • 5 months ago

          >They're also often free because there's less demand for non-Sony TVs.
          Less and less now that they are being evangelized here and on reddit.
          Let's agree not to tell them about the Sanyos

  30. 5 months ago
  31. 5 months ago

    Talking about TV specs/ searching out specific models is kinda pointless.
    Aslong as you dont get some shitty noname brand and the TV is the right size its gonna be good, Panasonic JVC Phillips sony all excellent

  32. 5 months ago

    CRTs in a dark room sexually arouse me

  33. 5 months ago
  34. 5 months ago
  35. 5 months ago


    don't quote so many people in one post, it's incredibly rude

    • 5 months ago

      is it?

  36. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Not everyone has the wall space. You have to use that Z axis.

  37. 5 months ago
  38. 5 months ago

    I just got this 25C-S50 yesterday but I was wondering if anyone could help? S-Video works fine I get an image but when it comes to composite I get not signal or barely any depending on the console. You can faintly see the neo geo cd logo to the left of the screen.

    • 5 months ago

      ps2 connected with s-video. Anybody what the cause may be? both front and back composite don’t show any images just sound.

      • 5 months ago

        Are you sure it's not just got the settings lowered on those channels?

        • 5 months ago

          I don’t think the setting would change anything; treble, bass, balance, soft tone, clear tone.

          • 5 months ago

            that's sound anon, I'm talking about video options

            • 5 months ago

              those are the only settings the tv has

              are you able to switch between video 1 and 2? if not, maybe you need a remote. if yes, is the s-video unplugged?

              yeah i can between 1 & 2 it automatically detects the input
              Anyways s-video looks good enough, it’s probably just a resistor or something that go blown the frick out who knows.

      • 5 months ago

        might want to try putting the video input in one of the audio ports and vice versa just to check to see if any wiring is reversed

      • 5 months ago

        are you able to switch between video 1 and 2? if not, maybe you need a remote. if yes, is the s-video unplugged?

    • 5 months ago

      ps2 connected with s-video. Anybody what the cause may be? both front and back composite don’t show any images just sound.

      Are you sure it's not just got the settings lowered on those channels?

      Oh wait, actually does the TV have a switch?
      Mine has a SVHS and VHS option which switches from S-video to Composite

      • 5 months ago

        sadly no “channel setting” is for searching channels to watch

        • 5 months ago

          I don’t think the setting would change anything; treble, bass, balance, soft tone, clear tone.

          those are the only settings the tv has
          yeah i can between 1 & 2 it automatically detects the input
          Anyways s-video looks good enough, it’s probably just a resistor or something that go blown the frick out who knows.

          you need a remote control

          • 5 months ago

            I’m using an universal controller, maybe an oem would have more options. But I can’t even find any information on this tv let alone the remote.

            • 5 months ago

              I mean if you can't even access the video options then you're not gonna get anywhere

  39. 5 months ago

    Here's my outdoor setup.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm gonna do some nice inch and half thick shelves for each level.

      • 5 months ago

        Here's my outdoor setup.

        if you don't wanna waste wood you can use cabinet liners
        way cheaper and then you can leave it outside

  40. 5 months ago

    Been jumping back and forth between simulated 25" and 29" CRT on my LCD monitor arcade setup and I think I'm liking 25" more.

  41. 5 months ago

    Is the Sanyo DS27425 an 100% flat screen or is an "almost flat" screen. It's marketed as TruFlat.

    I wonder if it has a 110 degree tube in it.

    • 5 months ago

      Idk, but I got one about a month ago and it looks flat.

      • 5 months ago

        Photos please.

        • 5 months ago

          Here is OoT on component from my Wii on that Sanyo.

          >They're also often free because there's less demand for non-Sony TVs.
          Less and less now that they are being evangelized here and on reddit.
          Let's agree not to tell them about the Sanyos


          • 5 months ago

            Second pic

            • 5 months ago

              This pic right here is why we don't talk about the Sanyos.
              (until I get mine)

              • 5 months ago

                Because it looks pretty? I kind of think most of mine all look the same in terms of niceness, i.e. that Sanyo, a Panasonic ct-27d10b and my JVC 27" I'Art.

              • 5 months ago

                The difference is the JVC I'Art is a well known brand at this point and will fetch a premium price. Same would go for anything Panasonic because that was a historically premium brand up there with Sony.

  42. 5 months ago
  43. 5 months ago


    Yeah, the bose speakers are shielded. It's one of the other reasons why I wanted to get a second pair.

  44. 5 months ago

    how bad is having a high contrast on crt/color degradation over time. ive heard its bad so scared to put mine above like 1/4 but how bad actually is it?

    • 5 months ago

      It wont effect anything

    • 5 months ago

      double brightness quadrouple the wear in general.
      But keeping a crt so dimm it looks bad is also stupid
      find a balance.
      BTW low contrast will only make the tube last longer, the flyback or something could still shit itself and kill the entire set

    • 5 months ago

      Meaningless. Crank it.

  45. 5 months ago
  46. 5 months ago

    Someone is giving away a KV-25X1, also comes with this remote.
    Wroth it?

    • 5 months ago

      No idea what that is, but if its free, go for it

      • 5 months ago

        looks good and it's a trinitron, can't go wrong

        >is this free item worth my money

        Still have to pay for gas and spend time driving and carrying it

    • 5 months ago

      looks good and it's a trinitron, can't go wrong

    • 5 months ago

      >is this free item worth my money

    • 5 months ago

      Absolutely worth it. Can't go wrong with late 90s Trinitrons. I've never had an X1, but I've got both X2 and X5 and they're great.
      Here's the service manual by the way:

      • 5 months ago

        >the manual literally shows everything
        >from taking it apart and physically adjusting geometry and how to do it
        >to accessing service menu and what all the options do
        >it even includes schematics
        Why can't modern manuals be like that

        • 5 months ago

          That's not a user manual though, it's a service manual for repairmen, and they probably had to pay some kind of licensing fee to get it.

        • 5 months ago

          Service manuals were meant for professional technicians, if you had a third-party repair shop you could buy them from the manufacturer, but that practice has mostly died down over time.
          Manufacturers don't want you to fix your shit now, most devices are made to be one-time only. Once something dies you have to buy a new one. Even when you send back a faulty appliance to be fixed under warranty, most of the time they just send you a new one, at best just swap out the bad module. There's barely any real "fixing" going on now.
          That's why you don't see many service manuals for newer hardware. Third party repair shops are mostly gone, too.
          I often watch a guy on YT repairing various audio equipment of all ages, mainly amps, CD players, etc. He's recorded a few hundred episodes until now. Everything up to the early 2000s is more or less easily fixable, has a service manual or at least schematics available. After that? He has to guess and use his experience to trace the signal path manually and find the faults that need fixing.
          The parts are mostly tiny SMD components, often mounted on multi-layer PCBs, too. good luck repairing a modern PC motherboard, for example. All of this contributes to a lot of work and costs that make it just not worth it in the long run. Easier to swap in a new module than fix the existing one. And you hardly need a complicated service manual for that.

      • 5 months ago

        That's what I heard before I got mine, and I wish I didn't listen. You absolutely can go wrong with them. I have an X5 stashed away, not sure what I should do with it. Corner convergence is absolutely fricked, especially in the top left, and the plastic is getting really brittle. What you should be doing is thoroughly inspecting every CRT you get, and not just think "well it's a 90s Sony, it's gotta be good", like I had.

        • 5 months ago

          >Corner convergence is absolutely fricked, especially in the top left
          Easy fix though if you're comfortable working with running CRTs

          >and the plastic is getting really brittle.
          Really? I've heard that before but none of my consumer blacks have brittle plastic

          • 5 months ago

            It has to do with a very specific timespan of Sony CRT's, the mid 90's black curved trinitrons. Then again, I have a 20" '95 trinny that's doing just fine.

          • 5 months ago

            I am comfortable with taking them apart, but working on a running CRT is where I draw a line. And it's probably not worth the effort anyway, since the set has over 30k hours

            • 5 months ago

              do you turn it off when you alter the focus?

            • 5 months ago

              Stop being a pussy. Unless you're trying to harm yourself, you'll be fine, even then you could just use electrical gloves. The only thing you would have to do is push a plastic band with a magnet on the end under the yoke. Not rocket science.

        • 5 months ago

          With CRTs being as old as they are its always a gamble no matter what. You're going to find a turkey every now and then regardless of the make and model.

  47. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago
  48. 5 months ago

    Last time I tried to play a PSX game my PS2 just wouldn't. 5 hours in and so far so good this time.

    • 5 months ago

      Nice set up you got there. Very clean and good cable management. I too run a lot of my games through my stereo receiver. The stereo separation and bass from a Model 1 Genesis in particular sounds incredible

      • 5 months ago

        You can't really go wrong with any of them. Square put out nothing but FF masterpieces between 3 and 10.

        • 5 months ago

          meant for

          Wow. I need to play ff7, i was thinking of starting with 6 tho.. hm.

          But yeah, the Genesis 1 has such great sound not just for the chip differences, but the mixer cable makes it basically the only way to play Sega CD.

        • 5 months ago

          Despite having nothing to do with each other, playing FFs in order is a great experience because you witness how each idea first formed and then got refined later on. The games all build on each other in some pretty clever ways, both mechanically and in storytelling and plot structure. Each game is kind of like an answer to the previous ones. It makes you appreciate what each one does on a deeper level.

  49. 5 months ago

    in the next thread
    can the OP add the following green text questions

    >which is best? slotmask, aperture grill, shadow mask?
    >which systems benefit from which types the most?
    >which do you own?

  50. 5 months ago

    I hate this wire rack. I’d like to move to something that can hold all the consoles, but also hide them except when in use without having to reconnect them.

    • 5 months ago

      >want neogeo
      >but have wii
      I really want one, but for $400 I could pay like $120 for a Quest 3 for example.

      • 5 months ago

        mvs & aes gay here
        i think the hardware is worth the chugs
        i like feeling slowdown, on snes too
        finalburnneo is great though +free

        • 5 months ago

          It's really cool and I have some MVS games, but the mvs to aes adapters are like $150 at least and I've been hearing about rotten traces. There is an AES for like $600 on ebay that has the unibios installed on it, but still I'm left without an mvs adapter. I would get an mvs, but I don't know a good place to buy one.

          • 5 months ago

            the seller on ebay in texas seems reliable
            mvs-1c , i submitted a reasonable offer and he accepted

            the magic adapters are quirky / have issues (and are comically expensive)
            +i have been hearing certain fluffy bootlegs dont work with it properly

            the aes 161 is cheaper but has caveats as well- some have glitches, some dont have credits at the end, some cant be beaten (piracy loop) , for what it is its fine but i would get a custom cart from acrade projects forum with the complete library instead for a bit more lunchmoney

            hope that helps

            • 5 months ago

              i had the daedaulus adapter but resold
              that's the "best" one & I still wasn't happy with it

            • 5 months ago

              What was the offer you made?

              • 5 months ago

                $120 or so
                but I lived reasonably close for shipping
                he might've sent me the offer to be honest just added it to your watchlist for a while and see if if he sent you some shieeet

                but yooo you will need a good super gun

      • 5 months ago

        is really like to own an MVS cabinet, but probably wouldn’t want to go down the money pit that would be getting one fixed up to look nice and possibly replace the tube with one that isn’t terribly worn.

    • 5 months ago

      used entertainment center with doors
      doesn't even technically need to have a back on it you could use posters or whatever and cut tiny slits holes for cabling

      • 5 months ago

        like this but with doors
        I don't have anything hooked up though but I could

    • 5 months ago

      But those wire racks are how all the otaku have their stuff organized. Do you even weeb?

  51. 5 months ago

    >bust out my old 'tube tv
    >set off my tinnitus while the screen's on
    >turn it back off after 20 mins

    • 5 months ago

      How did weak homosexuals like you survive back in the day

      • 5 months ago

        Between that and people complaining about eye strain, I just picture them looking like Kyles cousin from South Park

      • 5 months ago

        I never really noticed 15khz whine in the 90s.
        But in the late 2000s I started to notice it a lot.
        I have no explanation but it is what it is.

    • 5 months ago

      This is one of the reasons I like a PC CRT these days. No 15khz whine when I'm using shaders at 1792x1344.

  52. 5 months ago

    >still haunted by all the CRTs I've missed over the years

    • 5 months ago

      this. I had a chance to buy them cheap years ago. Now every crt I see on craigslist or ebay is massively inflated prices. Even the shitty consumer sony are asking $200+ or something ridiculous. You still find free crts if you look hard enough but most of them are in poor condition. Craigslist is a scam.

      • 5 months ago

        I recognize that listing, in your's and my area there are still very nice CRT's you could go out and get if you're willing to go on a little 2 hour drive. Not ideal, but driving long distances for meaningless things is American culture.

      • 5 months ago

        >Even the shitty consumer sony are asking $200+ or something ridiculous.
        >meanwhile in europe they still cost 5 or 10 eur in great condition

        • 5 months ago

          Probably because even the shittiest 14" bedroom TV sold by a supermarket brand has an RGB SCART input in Europe, so looks basically fine.

          • 5 months ago

            Very low end TVs didn't usually support RGB over SCART, only composite or Y/C

            • 5 months ago

              That simply isn't true. The picture I posted is about as shitty and low-end as it gets. A supermarket brand 14" VHS combo unit. I guess maybe if you're from some slav shithole or something they might have sold models without RGB SCART, but not here.

              • 5 months ago

                I've have and have had several of Spanish and German region models of low end CRTs form a few manufacturers and none of them have RGB over SCART. RGB isn't as universal with SCART as people always claim.
                Even with higher end consumer models, like black Trinitrons that have several SCART inputs, not all the inputs support RGB either.

              • 5 months ago

                tons of tvs that used SCART connectors didnt have rgb

      • 5 months ago

        >I had a chance to buy them cheap years ago.
        I have been following CRT prices since 2006 and I don't recall any time I've ever seen BVMs dip into what I'd call cheap. The lowest I ever saw the 20" and bigger ones was maybe $300.

      • 5 months ago

        The popularity of BVMs for retro gaming is nonsensical. What they do to a 240p RGB image is going in the opposite direction of one of the biggest reasons people want to use in the first place: seeing obviously square dot graphics (I avoid using the word pixels here because it triggers autists).

        For years 240p120 mode has been considered an inferior substitute for a real 240p60 display. But that's about what you're going to be looking at with a BVM, minus the extra ghosting effect. That's how thick your black lines are going to be.

        To me BVMs are a meme for gays who want one because they are "the best". But that "best" was in a totally different context in totally different industries than retro gaming.

        Somewhat ironically a BVM is going to be one of the easiest CRTs to simulate with a shader. The newest generations of high refresh rate OLEDs combined with shaders should be *very* competitive with a BVM in apppearance.

        • 5 months ago

          BVMs look fine at appropriate viewing distance. They are memes, but the huge black lines disappear when you sit back. Some of my giant CRTs have a similar issue when you get too close even at 400 TVL

          • 5 months ago

            If you sit back far enough for the lines to disappear you might as well just use a consumer CRT.

            • 5 months ago

              quit being moronic. The lines disappear at normal viewing distance. You aren't supposed to play 1 foot away.

              • 5 months ago

                Depends on the resolution. I have a "hi-res", 20'' PVM with a resolution of 900 TVL and sit about 2 feet from the screen. At this distance, the lines are clearly visible (I like seeing them so it isn't an issue). In order for the lines to become indistinguishable, I would have to move back to at least 10 feet, which is hardly ideal for a 20'' screen.

                Okay, real talk now. Who has actually played for at least a couple of minutes on a Sony BVM, both in 240p and 480i? I don't care about theoretical ramblings, screen photos, or YouTube videos. Does anyone here actually see those monitors in person, and have an opinion one way or the other?

                I've played 240p, 480i, and 480p content on my BVM and PVM. Are you asking which signal looks better? Both look good but the most noticeable difference is the flicker of the 480i image. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what I throw at these monitors - games just look damn frickin' good on them.

              • 5 months ago

                >games just look damn frickin' good on them.
                The thing is, that's mostly just because they are aperture grille CRTs, not really because they are a PVM.

              • 5 months ago

                That plus the high TVL, yeah. I prefer aperture grille tubes, for sure. Got a diamondtron for the PC as well.

              • 5 months ago

                I had a BVM that I sold years ago because the prices have gotten so high and I didn't think the difference was worth it. I thought it looked better than anything I've played games on or watched SD content with. But in the end I'm looking at low res content so the extra high TVL felt superfluous

                I have played for hundreds of hours on real PVMs of various types and on Sony aperture grille type PC CRT monitors in 240p120 mode which strongly resembles a BVM's image.

                So what do you want to know?
                I'll tell you right off they are insanely overrated.

                Thanks for the replies. Basically, BVMs get insane hype in some circles, and the price sure as hell reflects that - incredibly expensive and hard to get. I'm not looking to pay that much obviously, but if I someday, somehow got the opportunity to pick one up for semi-cheap, I wanted to know how they are beforehand, from someone who actually used them and is not a moronic redditor, who only plays his Mario in 240p. I own two consumer TVs and a 600TVL PVM, the PVM looks great, but it does have noticeably more flicker on 480i. I assume that on BVMs you even start to see scan lines on 480i, due to how high the resolution is?

              • 5 months ago

                On my 900 TVLer, yes, the lines are clearly visible at 480i.

              • 5 months ago

                600 TVL PVM is a much better retro gaming display than any BVM ever made imo.

              • 5 months ago

                I had a BVM that I sold years ago because the prices have gotten so high and I didn't think the difference was worth it. I thought it looked better than anything I've played games on or watched SD content with. But in the end I'm looking at low res content so the extra high TVL felt superfluous

                I have played for hundreds of hours on real PVMs of various types and on Sony aperture grille type PC CRT monitors in 240p120 mode which strongly resembles a BVM's image.

                So what do you want to know?
                I'll tell you right off they are insanely overrated.

                One thing I forgot, anyone tried PS1 games on a BVM via composite? I'm curious what that looks like, compared to RGB

              • 5 months ago

                It looks really good actually. You get the typical color artifacting and fuzziness you'd expect from composite, however, the resolution of the BVM is too high and dithering is still visible. Compared to RGB, s-video even, it's just not as sharp and doesn't have that "HD" look.

              • 5 months ago

                600 TVL PVM is a much better retro gaming display than any BVM ever made imo.

                I see, thanks anons. Looks like BVMs are nice to have as one of the CRTs in your collection, not a monitor you'd use everyday

              • 5 months ago

                Once again, if the lines disappear then the point of using a BVM is lost.

              • 5 months ago

                The point isn’t the lines dumbass, it’s the clarity

              • 5 months ago

                If the lines disappear so does the clarity.

              • 5 months ago

                lol what is this logic

              • 5 months ago

                It's common sense.

              • 5 months ago

                So, no reasoning then?
                Having a larger set also creates blank lines, does that create more clarity?

              • 5 months ago

                Yes, that is also common sense. The black lines are creating separation between each scanline resulting in higher clarity.
                That's kind of the whole point of measuring TVL.
                However if you take it too far and have too much of a mismatch between resolution, screen size, and TVL you get the window blinds effect, which is unsightly.

              • 5 months ago

                Ah, now I see
                It's the TVL autist carry on

              • 5 months ago

                You are moronic. You aren't supposed to see lines at viewing distance. Which is just a few feet. You only see them noticeably with your face against the screen. The point of a BVM is not to play 10 inches away from the screen.

              • 5 months ago

                >You aren't supposed to see lines at viewing distance. Which is just a few feet.
                Well you're going to see them on a BVM at that distance.
                >You only see them noticeably with your face against the screen.
                That is not true.

              • 5 months ago

                You've never owned a BVM.

              • 5 months ago

                I've owned an 800 line Sony PVM-20M4U
                which has basically the same performance. You still can easily see the scanlines sitting "a few feet" away. On a 1000 TVL BVM the effect would be stronger.

              • 5 months ago

                You can see scanlines on consumer models too, so I never really understood this sentiment.

                On my PVM, I can clearly see the scanlines, but they don't look like the massive black gaps in the picture they come across as when you take a photo of the screen. I sit back maybe 4 or 5 feet when I play and they just give everything a bit of a nice texture.

                >I've owned three.
                What happened to them?

                One started emitting a high pitched squeal so I replaced it with the next one when I found it for free. The second one I liked but it was 32" and just too damn big. Ended up giving it to a guy who moved into an apartment with no furniture or anything. This was like 15 years ago, so craigslist was lousy with the things. Last one was 27" which was a perfect size, but it was just really worn out and I didn't have room for it, so I got rid of it when I bought a new LCD.

              • 5 months ago

                Sorry it didn't work out with the I'arts. Do you reget not keeping the 27" one?

              • 5 months ago

                I mean, it worked out. I used them all a bunch. This was during the Wii era so I was glad to have something that actually made that system look good.

                I don't regret getting rid of the 27" because it was really worn, and later that same year I ended up finding a free 20" PVM which I'm still using. I am still on the hunt for something in the 27" range to have as a backup, though. I currently have a 27" D-series which I am not a fan of all and would trade for an i'Art in a heartbeat.

                I've owned three. They were great.

                Yeah, all the best-looking Dreamcast games I've seen let the textures do the work.

                You'll either love it or not. It's a divisive game because while the mechanics of it are pretty generic, it's got a ton of heart and atmosphere, and the characters are all very likable. A big reason for this is that the localization team basically gutted the script and re-wrote it from scratch, so everyone sounds much more natural and "Western" as opposed to having stilted anime dialogue like most JRPGs.

                Here's a shot of that exact same scene on the exact same monitor from my last playthrough 5 years ago, but it's the Dreamcast versions via S-video, as opposed to Gamecube via component.

              • 5 months ago

                I have i'art and d-series side by side and the i'art looks sharper and has better colors but worse geometry than the d-series. Interlacing is more visible on i'art than the d-series too

        • 5 months ago

          Even a 25-32 inch consumer Trinitron looks too sharp for most /vr/ consoles, I have no idea why people want their games to look like an LCD with a shitty filter.

    • 5 months ago

      >Picked up dozens of high end CRTs in the 00's and 2010's for free or pennies
      >Filled my whole storage with them over time
      >Only ever been using a few myself
      >Picked a few as backup
      >Sold the rest for massive profit

  53. 5 months ago

    Any chance I could get an invite to the Discord server? I was there in 2021 but I left

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Any chance I could get an invite to the Discord server? I was there in 2021 but I left


  54. 5 months ago

    >all the cancer is on Discord
    >meanwhile all the oldgays are on the IRC and Matrix

  55. 5 months ago

    I have that same exact Panasonic model but in 21''
    Has a great picture honestly, I connect my PS2 through component, looks super sharp and clean.

  56. 5 months ago

    My brother found a crt and gave it to me. Composite looks like crap after playing rgb on my scaler. So I ordered retrovision cables for my master system.

    • 5 months ago

      if you mean component cables and you already have RGB on other shit then its cheaper to buy 1 rgb to component converter to feed them all into it. Same end result

      • 5 months ago

        The converter requires external power. I would rather pay a little extra to not deal with another cord

        • 5 months ago

          I just have a short lead that plugs into a console's USB nearby, it's enough to power it

        • 5 months ago

          I would have probably done that too if I had the money to spare. The only bonus using a separate adapter is that you could have them plugged up to RGB and component at the same time using a switch instead of changing the console cables

  57. 5 months ago

    is the toshiba 27af42 just as good as the a's? i know this model also has a toshiba tube and not orion

    • 5 months ago

      They're just as good. The only difference is the Fs are flat tubes.

  58. 5 months ago

    Okay, real talk now. Who has actually played for at least a couple of minutes on a Sony BVM, both in 240p and 480i? I don't care about theoretical ramblings, screen photos, or YouTube videos. Does anyone here actually see those monitors in person, and have an opinion one way or the other?

    • 5 months ago

      I had a BVM that I sold years ago because the prices have gotten so high and I didn't think the difference was worth it. I thought it looked better than anything I've played games on or watched SD content with. But in the end I'm looking at low res content so the extra high TVL felt superfluous

      • 5 months ago

        >But in the end I'm looking at low res content so the extra high TVL felt superfluous
        This is how I feel. The problem with mega high TVL is the image loses its texture. Some BVMs make the raster look like lines drawn on a vector monitor. That kind of solid color where you don't get the "grain" of the mask just doesn't look right to me.

    • 5 months ago

      I have played for hundreds of hours on real PVMs of various types and on Sony aperture grille type PC CRT monitors in 240p120 mode which strongly resembles a BVM's image.

      So what do you want to know?
      I'll tell you right off they are insanely overrated.

  59. 5 months ago

    I have a crappy 14 inch Matsui (Curry's own-brand) vcr combo unit that supports RGB over scart.
    Although I don't use it, since it has some minor visual issues that I'm too low iq to fix.
    If you live in Europe and your CRT doesn't support RGB over scart, you should buy a lottery ticket.

    • 5 months ago

      >If you live in Europe and your CRT doesn't support RGB over scart, you should buy a lottery ticket.

      tons of tvs that used SCART connectors didnt have rgb

      • 5 months ago

        Maybe in poor countries, in which case you could do with the lottery money to buy a plane or horse ticket out.

        • 5 months ago

          are you just

          That simply isn't true. The picture I posted is about as shitty and low-end as it gets. A supermarket brand 14" VHS combo unit. I guess maybe if you're from some slav shithole or something they might have sold models without RGB SCART, but not here.

          seething and bringing up the topic again because you were wrong?

          • 5 months ago

            >multiple people disagree with me, they must be the same poster

            • 5 months ago

              Plenty of CRTs with SCART don't have RGB, stop trolling

              • 5 months ago

                same shitty and moronic argument, that's why
                also ironic since I'm not even the original anon, so multiple people do disagree with you

                you probably have a small sample size, chassis in europe were pretty universal between countries

                Just ignore and don't derail the thread.
                I already posted

                I've have and have had several of Spanish and German region models of low end CRTs form a few manufacturers and none of them have RGB over SCART. RGB isn't as universal with SCART as people always claim.
                Even with higher end consumer models, like black Trinitrons that have several SCART inputs, not all the inputs support RGB either.

                against that same argument once and got ignored, there's no point in bringing it up again.

              • 5 months ago

                got proof of that?

              • 5 months ago

                What do you consider proof? This isn't some obscure thing


              • 5 months ago

                you said plenty
                It's rare that it doesn't

            • 5 months ago

              same shitty and moronic argument, that's why
              also ironic since I'm not even the original anon, so multiple people do disagree with you

              you probably have a small sample size, chassis in europe were pretty universal between countries

  60. 5 months ago

    >eurotards constantly boast how all their sets have RGB in
    >turns out it's not even true
    top fricking kek

    • 5 months ago

      show proof

      • 5 months ago

        lol you homosexuals already proved everything with your fighting

        • 5 months ago

          A reddit link isn't proof that "plenty" SCART unit's don't have RGB

          • 5 months ago

            cope harder eurotard
            I already saw enough in that thread to be able to call out your RGB bullshit

            • 5 months ago

              I think you need to seek help

              • 5 months ago

                >doesn't even have rgb

                frick off, I never said it's common, only that it's not that rare as people make it seem

                so you do admit not all tvs have RGB, got it

            • 5 months ago

              frick off, I never said it's common, only that it's not that rare as people make it seem

  61. 5 months ago

    Just got a mitsubishi cs-32207. Absolutely no coil whine

    • 5 months ago

      I doubt it, might be muted but 15khz should always be

      >doesn't even have rgb

      so you do admit not all tvs have RGB, got it

      This is definitely the misconceptions troll

      • 5 months ago

        >This is definitely the misconceptions troll
        he already admited not all tvs with scart have RGB

        • 5 months ago

          Go on, post your copypasta

  62. 5 months ago

    are CRT's meant to be infinitely repairable?
    If not, does it make you want to use it extremely sparingly?

    • 5 months ago

      nothing is infinite anon

    • 5 months ago

      Tubes degrade over time with use, rest of the parts are still easily available online.

      >If not, does it make you want to use it extremely sparingly?
      I have enough CRTs as backup and service and repair my own CRTs. So I'm not really worried, they are meant to be used, I'll be long dead before I run out of CRTs.

    • 5 months ago

      It's not worth worrying about. These things were built to be living room televisions. Even if you're an avid gamer you're not going to be taxing it that much.

      • 5 months ago

        i get that, i just figured that it's been around 20 years since people were buying these new, so everything out there has probably already seen a lot of use

        • 5 months ago

          Nah, I have bought several new old stock CRTs. Mint in box.

          • 5 months ago

            interesting, i wonder if that's possible in Australia

            • 5 months ago

              you're gonna have to look for second hand here

              • 5 months ago

                interesting, i wonder if that's possible in Australia

                Doesn't matter where you are, you can always get lucky
                Picked up a NOS VGA CRT monitor just a month ago for 10 eur

              • 5 months ago

                Not here you won't

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Trust me anon
                not here, everything we had was Imported from SEA

              • 5 months ago

                Australia? I've seen people pick up NOS CRTs locally in videos

              • 5 months ago

                Wanna post some proof?
                If they're getting NOS, it's imported

              • 5 months ago

                It's all imported, it was once imported here too, just forgotten in storage or a warehouse

    • 5 months ago

      According to the internet, most consumer TVs should have visible wear after 30k hours. So if you get some that's low use (verifiable at least on some Sony's), let's say 10k hours, how long it would take you realistically to run it into the ground? Even playing for 4 hours every single day, that's only 14k hours in 10 years

  63. 5 months ago

    So lets say I do my diligence and research first before buying a small RGB SCART television from Europe and import it to the USA.

    What am I looking at in terms of needing get it going for 110v electricity and 60hz video signals? (this is me doing the research)

    • 5 months ago

      Just a power converter, RGB doesn't use encoding like PAL or NTSC, so that doesn't matter, all you need is the right voltage, the frequency doesn't matter even, CRTs have internal clocks, that CRT TVs use line frequency is a myth, only some oscilloscopes and related did.

      So 110V to 220V power converter and SCART cables or adapters.

      • 5 months ago

        What about the television supporting 60hz video signals?

        • 5 months ago

          I'd like to have an 80s slot or shadow mask CRT in the 14-19" size range with a very curved tube that accepts RGB.

          Not so easy to find in the USA.

          just add it to your saved searches enable a push notification when it finally goes live and jump on that b***h that's what I do for rare stuff

        • 5 months ago

          RGB mode supports 60Hz by default

      • 5 months ago

        >So 110V to 220V power converter
        Is that even a thing?
        How does it supply more AC voltage than the power point can supply

        • 5 months ago

          By converting current to voltage.

        • 5 months ago

          By converting current to voltage.

          " step up transformer circuit"

    • 5 months ago

      why don't you just get a heavy ass CRT television that's already in the country you live in?
      there are plenty of monitors and televisions that support PAL signals as well as NTSC

      • 5 months ago

        I'd like to have an 80s slot or shadow mask CRT in the 14-19" size range with a very curved tube that accepts RGB.

        Not so easy to find in the USA.

        • 5 months ago

          You won't be able to import such a TVs from another continent. Most people who sell these in Europe have no idea what they're doing. They won't verify anything for you, you'll never know how much wear is on the set, and if RGB 60hz even works, as maybe 1% of people used it back in the day and know what it is. Very expensive freight shipping the thing in a crate? LMAO

          • 5 months ago

            >Very expensive freight shipping the thing in a crate?
            The weight of consumer CRTs is overstated.
            A 19" consumer TV weighs less than 40 lbs.
            A well padded box would be fine.

            • 5 months ago

              That's how you get tubes with broken necks. The box WILL get tossed around in sorting centers, the delivery man won't care to put the box on the correct side and a CRT really shouldn't lie on its back

              • 5 months ago

                You worry too much.
                You ever actually shipped a 19" CRT ? I have have multiple times. Nothin' happened.
                If it did: that's what shipping insurance is for.

        • 5 months ago

          >convert rgb to s-video
          jobs done, now you have easier targets

    • 5 months ago

      Just a power converter, RGB doesn't use encoding like PAL or NTSC, so that doesn't matter, all you need is the right voltage, the frequency doesn't matter even, CRTs have internal clocks, that CRT TVs use line frequency is a myth, only some oscilloscopes and related did.

      So 110V to 220V power converter and SCART cables or adapters.

      P.S. it might be easier to RGB mod a NA set instead of importing from EU. You can add your own SCART port.

  64. 5 months ago


    >a sub is probably overkill for retro vidya anon
    I guarantee you, this is something you'd only say until you actually hear it.

  65. 5 months ago

    sigh, I had a great big RCA before I bought my PS3. Should have kept it.

    • 5 months ago

      Did it have component or RGB?
      If not, it probably wasn’t worth keeping

      • 5 months ago

        All you need is composite though

        • 5 months ago

          Only if you plan on playing up to 4th gen

      • 5 months ago

        it had RGB. PS2 games looked good on it but it really shined on NES/SNES games.

  66. 5 months ago

    so your complaint is that they aren't popular and thats somehow bad

    • 5 months ago

      No, I'm saying its weird that one specific product line of JVCs are uniquely popular. Especially considering, like I said earlier, non-D JVCs have the same tubes and what made the D special back in the day was the audio.

      • 5 months ago

        it's because you can tell that it's a d-series from a shitty pic from the little branding on the top left. that's it. people dont always take pics of the back so its a guarantee when looking for component inputs. I think that's part of the reason wega trinitrons are so popular too.

  67. 5 months ago

    I played some of this for the umpteenth time with a friend over the weekend, and every run only endears the game to me even more.

    I frigging love the graphics in this game. This is peak usage of polygons to me. And I love how everybody's faces are sprite-based; it makes them a thousand times more expressive than fully 3D faces were at the time. Heck, they're more expressive than most modern games, too. It's easy to overlook, but I think one of the reasons this game has such a cult following is because of how expressive the characters are and how well staged and animated all the cutscenes are. All the characters feel very alive.

    • 5 months ago

      The Dreamcast had a shit ton of VRAM even compared to the PS2 so it's textures could be crisp and high res.

    • 5 months ago

      I have the gamecube version of this that I picked up back when I was softmodding a wii for fun. I never really dived into it. Should probably do so.

  68. 5 months ago

    How are the Jvc I art crts? Someone locally wants 25$ for a 27 inch one with its remote.

    • 5 months ago

      I forgot to list the model. It's a Av-27f734.

    • 5 months ago

      I forgot to list the model. It's a Av-27f734.

      I have one and love it. I also paid around $25 for it and it was very worth it, especially if it has the remote.

      • 5 months ago

        I've owned three. They were great.

        Yeah, all the best-looking dreamcast games I've seen let the textures do the work.

        You'll either love it or not. It's a divisive game because while the mechanics of it are pretty generic, it's got a ton of heart and atmosphere, and the characters are all very likable. A big reason for this is that the localization team basically gutted the script and re-wrote it from scratch, so everyone sounds much more natural and "Western" as opposed to having stilted anime dialogue like most JRPGs.

        They're great.
        Feasibly movable by yourself but it wouldn't hurt if you brought someone else to lighten the load if you can.

        Also video from two years ago when I picked up mine.

        One think I recently found out that you NEED to do is to turn off (set to zero)the "red push" in the service menu called "NTSC MAT". Said video in catbox still had that red push enabled and I never really saw a problem until I started Majora's Mask and noticed everything seemed very dark on neutral settings.

        Look at this video @ 8:40 here for more detail.

        Thanks. I'll be sure to pick it up then

    • 5 months ago

      I've owned three. They were great.

      The Dreamcast had a shit ton of VRAM even compared to the PS2 so it's textures could be crisp and high res.

      Yeah, all the best-looking dreamcast games I've seen let the textures do the work.

      I have the gamecube version of this that I picked up back when I was softmodding a wii for fun. I never really dived into it. Should probably do so.

      You'll either love it or not. It's a divisive game because while the mechanics of it are pretty generic, it's got a ton of heart and atmosphere, and the characters are all very likable. A big reason for this is that the localization team basically gutted the script and re-wrote it from scratch, so everyone sounds much more natural and "Western" as opposed to having stilted anime dialogue like most JRPGs.

      • 5 months ago

        Damn that's too sharp even

      • 5 months ago

        >I've owned three.
        What happened to them?

    • 5 months ago

      They're great.
      Feasibly movable by yourself but it wouldn't hurt if you brought someone else to lighten the load if you can.

    • 5 months ago

      I forgot to list the model. It's a Av-27f734.

      Also video from two years ago when I picked up mine.

      One think I recently found out that you NEED to do is to turn off (set to zero)the "red push" in the service menu called "NTSC MAT". Said video in catbox still had that red push enabled and I never really saw a problem until I started Majora's Mask and noticed everything seemed very dark on neutral settings.

      Look at this video @ 8:40 here for more detail.

      • 5 months ago

        Also, here is my thread posts discussing the issues with pictures.


        (Red push on)


        (Red push off)

        • 5 months ago

          In case those post links don't work.
 (Red push on)
 (Red push off)

  69. 5 months ago


  70. 5 months ago

    Nasty question but do CRTs attract pests like roaches or bed bugs?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes. I constantly have to fumigate my CRT room. I keep roach and insect traps spread around the room, but they really don't seem to help. I've just learned to live with it, lol.

      • 5 months ago

        The roaches are part of the appeal. It gives the retro smell when they get burnt

        Not necessarily the CRT, but your dandruff does. If it gets inside the exhaust vents it can attract roaches and it’s a pain to get rid of

        I don't get it, why didn't everyone have roach problems before LCD TVs took off? Do you guys just not clean outdoor finds or something? Do you have an alley couch?

        • 5 months ago

          What do CRTs have to do with roaches
          That’s a problem where you live

        • 5 months ago

          Nobody wants historical revisionism from zoomers, dipshit. Just because your parents probably took care of the bug/roach issue while you blissfully played your Nintendos doesn't mean it wasn't real.

          • 5 months ago

            I think you just live in a dirty hovel anon
            I only have spiders in my home
            Perhaps you should clean more, you sound like the dandruff obsessed troll

            • 5 months ago

              The CRTs came with roaches new out of the box because of the manufacturing process.

              • 5 months ago

                Yep it’s definitely the troll

              • 5 months ago

                less to do with the manufacturing and more with the testing and shipping that occured at separate warehouses, particularly during the 80s and 90s when TV manufacturing was completely overseas. It was much less of an issue for boomers with domestically produced sets in the 50s nad 60s.

          • 5 months ago

            There's zero articles describing bug infestations caused by CRTs. Nah, you're the revisionist.

            The CRTs came with roaches new out of the box because of the manufacturing process.

            I bought a new old stock CRT in the late 2000s for $20 which was then opened in my bedroom where it remained for half a decade before I moved out with it. Zero roach infestations whatsoever.

            This is clearly a forced meme from broke anons thinking it'll tank the value of CRTs. There's no precedent, so it won't.

            • 5 months ago

              >This is clearly a forced meme
              Actually, it's anons with actual medical autism who can't detect sarcasm.

              • 5 months ago

                That's completely correct.

            • 5 months ago

              >There's no precedent
              Literally just google it. Roaches love warmth and will gather and nest inside of electronics like CRTs or big amplifiers that creates a lot of warmth. It isn't an issue with LCDs or most other modern electronics because they don't really get warm the way older stuff does.

              • 5 months ago

                I've opened 20+ used CRTs from various backgrounds and never found dead roaches or their droppings inside. I'm not saying it's not possible, but I think it's less common with CRTs than other pieces of electronics. Bugs seem to prefer game consoles. I've seen a lot of PS1s with roach droppings inside.

                Still, one of the first things I'd do with any used CRT I buy is take the back off and check.

              • 5 months ago

                >Roaches love warmth and will gather and nest inside of electronics
                in addition to this, any piece of old electronic equipment that emits a high frequency either through cathode or transistor tubes will also attract roaches. It used to be that people thought ultrasonic frequencies would drive them away, but really it just kind of excites them and makes them want to find the source. It'll even lure them into your house, especially if it's by a door or window.

                Really, the dead giveaway is how many goddamn roach and pest control commercials used to be on TV in the 90s and earlier. Then they just kinda... stopped. When was the last time you heard about Raid? or the Orkin man? Shit used to be everywhere because older TVs literally attracted roaches into homes they wouldn't give a shit about otherwise.

                I've opened 20+ used CRTs from various backgrounds and never found dead roaches or their droppings inside. I'm not saying it's not possible, but I think it's less common with CRTs than other pieces of electronics. Bugs seem to prefer game consoles. I've seen a lot of PS1s with roach droppings inside.

                Still, one of the first things I'd do with any used CRT I buy is take the back off and check.

                >I've opened 20+ used CRTs
                You know how little that is in the grand scheme of things? You may as well say you opened ONE.

              • 5 months ago

                >When was the last time you heard about Raid? or the Orkin man?

              • 5 months ago

                horror story
                from years ago,
                have roommates
                they always leave food out
                they never clean up the fricking crumbs
                roaches infested the fishtank in the kitchen
                they got into literal AC plug and were breeding inside it
                this activity carried over into the plug itself

                i still get heebie jeebies thinking about it
                when i got my own place
                i had to check every item i owned
                i bought a comical amount of roachtrapbait
                never found anything though
                its been almost 3 years now

                never again

              • 5 months ago

                Correlation is not causation. Your bed is warm, better get rid of that. Your central heating is warm too, that also needs to go to be roach free. Your organs are warm, better disembowel yourself just to be sure.

                >it isn't an issue with LCDs
                Google it. There are far more documented bugs inside LCDs than CRTs.

                >Roaches love warmth and will gather and nest inside of electronics
                in addition to this, any piece of old electronic equipment that emits a high frequency either through cathode or transistor tubes will also attract roaches. It used to be that people thought ultrasonic frequencies would drive them away, but really it just kind of excites them and makes them want to find the source. It'll even lure them into your house, especially if it's by a door or window.

                Really, the dead giveaway is how many goddamn roach and pest control commercials used to be on TV in the 90s and earlier. Then they just kinda... stopped. When was the last time you heard about Raid? or the Orkin man? Shit used to be everywhere because older TVs literally attracted roaches into homes they wouldn't give a shit about otherwise.

                >I've opened 20+ used CRTs
                You know how little that is in the grand scheme of things? You may as well say you opened ONE.

                There are still pest control commercials, all you've said is you don't watch TV anymore. Good for you, by the way.

    • 5 months ago

      The roaches are part of the appeal. It gives the retro smell when they get burnt

    • 5 months ago

      Not necessarily the CRT, but your dandruff does. If it gets inside the exhaust vents it can attract roaches and it’s a pain to get rid of

      • 5 months ago

        Thats why I take showers now.

  71. 5 months ago

    Best way to watch downloaded media on a CRT? Like I want to watch rips of 90s/00s media like tv shows, movies, and anime, but they’re on a hard drive.

    • 5 months ago

      I use softmodded PS3 but the supported file formats are limited

    • 5 months ago

      What graphics card do you have?

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      I use UMS DLNA player and transcode to my 360
      Works well enough

    • 5 months ago

      I use UMS DLNA player and transcode to my 360
      Works well enough

      This reminds me of something.

      Thrift / second-hand stores sometimes have old set-up boxes, the subscription services won't work, but many have proper 480i/567i output, via composite, s-video or SCART and the DLNA client often still works or they have USB connector to play media from. I picked up one once for 5 bucks with remote and AC adapter and used it as a media player for a CRT when I had no better option. Low power too compared to using old consoles.

    • 5 months ago

      There was a Roku unit with composite output designed specifically for SD, 4:3 displays not too long ago. You can create a Plex server from a PC and then play everything over wi-fi on the Plex app. Works really well and requires minimal hardware; just a 4-inch rectangle, a power cord, and some RCA cables.

      Sadly, demand seems to have gone up. They were only 25 bucks when I got mine and now they're 174. Probably still cheaper than a lot of other potential solutions, but goddamn.

      • 5 months ago

        Post the amp in its full glory, anon. The VU meters are sexy.

      • 5 months ago

        You’re better off using a Pi or 6th gen console, they have RGB output

        • 5 months ago

          Pi + component or RGB output hat would do well
          Even a older Pi like a Pi 2 would be fine for SD

        • 5 months ago

          Considering that most of what I play is just old DVD rips, composite still looks really good, and it doesn't take up an input I'd rather use for a console. Actually, the novelty wore off pretty quick and I got into just watching VHS tapes for the full nostalgia effect.

      • 5 months ago

        >25$ usd is now $170usd
        guess fiscal irresponsibility over printing all that money was a mistake
        i hate the feds

        • 5 months ago

          bro just talk about crts instead of whatever dumbass shit that is

          • 5 months ago

            >they hated him because he told the truth

      • 5 months ago

        Any reason some BS like this wound work?

    • 5 months ago

      PS3 is the goated with the sauce media player. It supports every type of video output. Actually I do remember it was a pain to do media streaming for some formats like mkv? But it’s doable

  72. 5 months ago

    would you rather use a trinitron that only has s-video or a shadow/slot mask with component? (particularly for 6th gen consoles)

    • 5 months ago

      Not enough information here for me to make the decision.

      Given best case scenarios on both sides I take the trinitron.

      • 5 months ago

        i guess to keep things fair/consistent, both would be flat consumer tubes and of similar year and size. the slot mask would also be a top brand (toshiba, jvc, etc.) i'm mostly curious how well s-video aperture grille compares to component on slot masks

  73. 5 months ago

    old mini pc that has an amd card compatible with crt emudriver works well for plex on a CRT. I use a dell I got off fb marketplace $50.

  74. 5 months ago

    CRT bros... we won

  75. 5 months ago

    Picked it up for about $15

    • 5 months ago

      looks blue

  76. 5 months ago

    I just ordered a very expensive ass scart cable for the dreamcast. Game shown is Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram. I can't seem to capture a good pic of it but it's pretty. I really didn't need such a nice scart cable for this. The s-video cable I had was fine.

    • 5 months ago

      Odd, the one I got for it is like night and day with the S-Video cable

  77. 5 months ago

    My six input scart switcher is offically maxxed out. Lel

    • 5 months ago

      What switch is that?

      • 5 months ago

        Ali express. They have a bigger one that I might bet the future. For now i dont have any mire room for consoles. I also use a toslink switch and component switch. Ali express also has the best scart to component transcoders.

  78. 5 months ago

    Can't do CRT. High pitched noise gives me headache. Tried 2 times.

    • 5 months ago

      Man you just gotta suffer through the coil wine lcds just don't cut it. You need pure 60hz refresh rate.

    • 5 months ago

      PC CRTs don't have that audible whine because it's outside of most people's hearing range when it's at 31khz or higher.

      • 5 months ago

        >most people
        I would say all peoples

      • 5 months ago

        with vintage failing capacitors you're gonna hear noises brother
        I still can hear the TV if it's left on
        my dad used to bust my balls for falling asleep with the crt TV on

        • 5 months ago

          yes, we can all hear the 15khz sound it makes anon
          A failing capacitor is not the norm for a functioning CRT

          • 5 months ago

            i've just been unlucky then
            every VGA monitor I bought in the last five years has had the problem
            Maybe if I downscale the resolution before sending
            I'm not even using it with my PC kek

            • 5 months ago

              A VGA monitor should make no internal sounds at all, apart from the expansion and contraction due to heat

              • 5 months ago

                Also they are 32khz which is inaudible

              • 5 months ago

                changing resolution to hire resolutions causes it to whine

              • 5 months ago

                Well of course, because it’s no longer 32khz, you’re pushing it beyond standard spec
                I think 800x600 is the standard

              • 5 months ago

                ill fiddle w/ it again
                i have another toaster pc build im working on

                my voice to text displays correctly then changes it at the last second
                makes me feel like a schitzoid

    • 5 months ago

      >shitty LED lighting
      >cheapo cube shelves
      >soulless detolf with consoles on display
      Wow, it's been so long since I got enraged at this level of shit taste I almost forgot how to do it. I'll at least give you points for running a 16:9 mod instead of just stretching the image to fit the screen.

    • 5 months ago

      Roach free setup. Not bad.

    • 5 months ago

      Grow up.

  79. 5 months ago


    >retro gaming
    that's where I got mine from

    Can't do CRT. High pitched noise gives me headache. Tried 2 times.

    really? it's not really that loud at all

  80. 5 months ago

    Is this a good TV? I want a CRT for PS1/PS2 games

  81. 5 months ago

    Does anyone else find it hard to breathe after playing in a room with that CRT burning smell for a long time?

    • 5 months ago

      After a couple of hours, I find the fumes hurt my eyes more than my lungs, but I'm already generally squinting because of the flickering light and the high-pitched whine, so it's really not much of a big deal.

    • 5 months ago

      open it up and dust it bro
      prob got a layer of baked on dust cookin in there

  82. 5 months ago

    sometimes my crt touches me in places I don't want it to.

  83. 5 months ago

    some nerd on fb marketplace finally dropped the price of a dell p991 from 400 to 185.
    now thats progress. still overpriced tho

  84. 5 months ago

    CRTs made me bald!

    • 5 months ago

      NO, your physical age made you bald.

  85. 5 months ago

    A 78 year old man gave this to me the other day for free

    • 5 months ago

      v nice
      i got a bunch for free too even here in california
      >thrift store owner
      >tell him its for sega genesis
      >he happily shares some gaymen memories and gives me a huge zenith crt with svideo

      other time:
      >respond to craigslist ad
      >drive over with my friend and a large truck
      >she finds out its for atari shit
      >laughs, "just take it for free, its been years since i ever even heard someone say 'Atari' wow,,,"
      other tiem
      >sidejob, sweating profusely, get everything done
      >free water bottle, chug it
      >mention you can 8shitdo the amazon firesticks
      >i got an old gaymen tv brother you want it? FREE just take it, it works good!
      it was a truetech target brand but i ran it until the speakers failed and got all shittyraspy


  86. 5 months ago

    >local thrift store has a Toshiba 32AF45
    >looks pretty much mint but the remote doesn't work
    >no input button on the TV
    >can't check the image unless I get something to hook up to it through coaxial
    How hard is it to replace an IR reader on one of these?

  87. 5 months ago

    >t. exterminator

    You just want more business

  88. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


  89. 5 months ago

    Stop feeding the misconceptions troll
    He’s getting you to talk about wienerroaches FFS

  90. 5 months ago

    Haven't seen a single wienerroach in my whole life, not to mention in electronic devices. Is this an American thing?

    • 5 months ago

      the bugs are everywhere
      just because you're too autistic to notice them doesn't mean they're not real
      the worst bug infestation I've ever seen the people who lived in those homes swore up-and-down that they never saw even one

      has anyone ever rgb modded a crt? how complicated was it? my particular set is supposedly easy (sony trinitron kv20fv12) but it all sounds so daunting

      convert the signal to S video
      congratulations now you don't have to do anything moronic

      • 5 months ago

        its just like the cat owners and cat piss smell
        it's in your clothes it's in your carpet
        y'all motherfrickers have toxoplasmosis

        Stop feeding the misconceptions troll
        He’s getting you to talk about wienerroaches FFS

        le bugs r undah my skin!!!

        NO, your physical age made you bald.

        my clippers made me bald
        and my balls smooth as eggs

        Any reason some BS like this wound work?

        sounds bad but maybe its good
        the gen1 apple tv had composite/component out also
        my pops keeps his to this day as a media server

        Ali express. They have a bigger one that I might bet the future. For now i dont have any mire room for consoles. I also use a toslink switch and component switch. Ali express also has the best scart to component transcoders.

        how long until it catches on fire
        i hope you unplug when not in use anon
        use 240p test suite and lagtest it
        chinese crap sometimes adds latency

        What do CRTs have to do with roaches
        That’s a problem where you live

        thrift stores are notorious for spreading rats/turds/bugs/not cleaning etc

    • 5 months ago

      I assume you live in a very cold part of the planet

    • 5 months ago

      I've only seen one when I vacationed in California.

      • 5 months ago

        Saw some in Vegas Airport a decade ago

  91. 5 months ago

    It's a cracked foundation thing

  92. 5 months ago

    has anyone ever rgb modded a crt? how complicated was it? my particular set is supposedly easy (sony trinitron kv20fv12) but it all sounds so daunting

    • 5 months ago

      Do not attempt it if you have no experience with electronics or understanding of what does what
      Just use S-Video

  93. 5 months ago

    My trusty monitor I got with my first PC in feb 2001.

  94. 5 months ago

    stop replying to the roachposter you idiots

  95. 5 months ago

    Personally I find the roach discourse a thousand times more entertaining than the usual shit you guys bicker about like screen size or scanlines or SCART or whatever.

    • 5 months ago

      Of course you do
      You’re the one that started it

      • 5 months ago

        The roaches started it. I'm just finishing it.

  96. 5 months ago

    >Enter CRT roach thread
    >YT recommends roaches and ants in hardware now

    • 5 months ago


      Here are my bose speakers in action. I think they are very nice.

      difficult to convey sound
      even the shure sm 57 changes tone on mic placement
      ill listen in a bit though

      My trusty monitor I got with my first PC in feb 2001.

      i wish we would have saved ours

      >sauce is metal orange

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