Crusader Kings 2

How goes your realm anons?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >pagan reformed daju
    >wins catholic crusade against orthodoxs
    Damn, this gives me flashbacks about my germanic reformed saxon campaign, when my God-King was Jesus Christ Odinson, in Ironmode and without mods.

  2. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Is this an early start mod? A Rome of that size by 862 with defensive pacts on seems rough otherwise.

      • 10 months ago

        >Is this an early start mod?
        Nah. I started in 769, as early as Charlemagne dlc allows me. I just had a bit of fun with console commands; almost solely giving me extra funds. I expanded aggressively by constantly purchasing mercenaries (and the npc vassal kings also expanded on their own).

        • 10 months ago

          Ah, that would explain it.
          And the hell is going on with those Zunibils over there, did Zun somehow not die out?

    • 6 months ago

      Now post post-Mongols.

      • 6 months ago

        Mongols always get distracted by Tibet.

  3. 10 months ago

    Not very good but mostly due to me handicapping myself to get a challenge and am loving it compared to the minmaxy games I have been having lately.
    Just got hit with this event after deciding I would make this game a tall one lmao seems like its blobbing time in a couple years.

    • 10 months ago

      >Tall child doesn’t let you play tall

      • 10 months ago

        It'd be a waste to not build an empire with a child of destiny. Its too tempting I wont resist it.

    • 10 months ago

      Wow, you are just staying as a count? Did you start in 700s or 800s?

      • 10 months ago

        I made it a challenge of following my characters traits to the end.
        My first one was a content greedy craven so I just ended his entire 12 year reign hoarding ducats, then the second was a greedy brave man so I spent his 8 year reign gaining two province alongside my own by attacking fellow vassals since my liege got really big due to a relative of his dying, then he got assasinated since he made rivals and enemies by getting too powerful too quick, got assasinated. And now my current one was a child when he took over and I had my main province taken away in war declared against my liege by another duke, that province was pretty pimped out by the second character so its a huge loss.

        • 9 months ago

          This is the most fun way to play. My first time playing I barely understood the mechanics and just relied on alternating waves of pissing off vassals and family members and then dying as soon as I could so the diplo penalties would go away in the next generation. It’s way more fun if you just play to your role.

          My only criticism of the game is that it’s fun to play at slow speeds taking your time, but you usually end up pausing to avoid changing circumstances, and then having to speed up the game when a war you’re fighting is a forgone conclusion. I feel like you could make the game turn based and it would gain a lot more depth. You could still invest as much time as you wanted into planning, but not have to speed through what would otherwise be a 20 minute war that you’ve obviously already won.

          • 8 months ago

            Insane take actually. Crusader Kings would straight up be better if it wasn't real time because they can't decide on how to handle time, events and so on.

    • 9 months ago

      Is that a graphics mod? My game looks nothing like that.

      • 9 months ago

        its hip its a very good modpack that changes a lot of things for the better.

  4. 10 months ago

    That portrait is racist. Please remove.

  5. 10 months ago

    More or less good. My historical tism made me reload a save when my title-revoked brother became grandmaster of the Knights of Santiago and magically de-vassalize the order from me just because he wanted to. That shit makes no sense: The order was established by leonese-castilian monarchs and ultimately always remained under the crown.

    Besides that, the game is fairly normal and now I am just waiting my moment to strike back against a reunited Al-Andalus. Against all odds one of the taifa kingdoms (my tributary, in fact), waged war and conquered all others, and once I came back from a crusade the lower half of the Peninsula is green.

    Pretty kino I would say.

    • 10 months ago

      Did he have a low opinion of you or were you the wrong religion?

      • 9 months ago

        low opinion: i had taken his titles before that, not to mention I also forced him to join the order, lol.

  6. 9 months ago

    What's for you the peak and best "crusader" starting character? the one that best embodies the theme of conquering paradise, either for his location, historical background or potential?

    • 9 months ago

      The Hautevilles at Apulia, early game is interesting and the mid to late game will have you facing strong empires in nearly every direction. So its never boring.

      • 9 months ago

        love this start. great if you wanna build a south Italian kingdom that branches into Africa and the east Mediterranean, or take crusader states. My best game was converting to Neopolitan, becoming Orthodox after repeated excommunications, conquering Italy, placing a branch of the family on the Jerusalem and Egyptian thrones, and then getting elected Byzantine emperor. I was about 400 years into the game and close to reforming Rome when my savefile corrupted and made me wanna kill myself

  7. 9 months ago

    It would be better if it wasn't for my extremely low end PC and DLC limitations.

  8. 9 months ago

    Anyone knows where is the opinion line for "having too many duchies"? I'm not talking about editing the number of held duchies which is in defines file. I'm talking about that -10 opinion penalty for each duchy.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm pretty sure it's infinite and if it's not it's some unrealistically high cap, at least over -1000.

  9. 9 months ago

    Does anyone have a mod that fixes exclave independence thing and makes it work every 5 or 10 years instead of on rulers death?

  10. 9 months ago

    favorite portrait mod?

    • 9 months ago

      I really like Elder Kings Frosty Portraits. Obviously it's Elder Kings submod, but portraits are well done, mixing more modern gfx-es quite well. I usually use one of BLG submods, since I often play with mods.

      • 9 months ago

        >BLG submods
        yeah I use Better Looking Garbs too

  11. 9 months ago

    Is there a random map generator for CK2?
    Seems like it would be perfect to use with random world.

    • 9 months ago

      there use to be a guy who made a mod that generated a random map with random religions, random cultures, random characters and even a random history
      don't know if he ever updated it to the latest version of CK2

    • 9 months ago

      there was, but it's abandonware

  12. 9 months ago

    Why doesn't the game let me create the empire of Abyssinia when i have all the de jure territories to do so? Why do i also need the crown of Egypt too?! I have Ethiopia, i have Nubia and one quarter of my court is influenced by my sister in law who wants to kill me for a dispute on an exclave duchy in Georgia, aren't these enough in order to be considered an emperor?!

    • 9 months ago

      >Why doesn't the game let me create the empire of Abyssinia when i have all the de jure territories to do so? Why do i also need the crown of Egypt too?!
      There is nothing notable in those two kingdoms, you have to be a part of civilization to be an empire.

      • 9 months ago

        I guess i'll just restore the roman empire then.

        • 9 months ago


  13. 9 months ago

    >be Corsica
    >marry princess of Byzantine emperor
    >use emperor to rebel against Lombardy
    >emperor transfers vassalage of Sardinia
    >rebel against him
    >turn Corsica and Sardinia into an independent economic powerhouse
    >game freezes, corrupted file

    • 9 months ago

      Make multiple saves next time.

    • 9 months ago

      Auto save every 3 months, fren.

    • 9 months ago


  14. 9 months ago

    coomer modpack where
    no I'm not digging through the workshop and three different forums to find shit that was updated after p*x fricked everything

    • 9 months ago

      No digging, no mods. You should be able to find all CK2 porn mods on LoversLab. Requires an account.

  15. 9 months ago

    >political concerns

    • 9 months ago

      >will not consider an offer from an infidel

      • 8 months ago

        >send gift
        >buy favor
        >"invite " to court
        >demand religious conversion

        • 8 months ago

          Courtier won't accept favour invitations if they are close family, claimants, married or have a job at the court they currently reside. This makes it much harder to abuse favours since most characters that you'd be interested in grabbing will inevitably fall into one of these categories.

          • 8 months ago

            >since most characters that you'd be interested in grabbing will inevitably fall into one of these categories
            i got many characters with great stats this way.
            sure, i fricked up with some because i was on a great inviting streak then bumped into family members by mistake.

  16. 9 months ago

    Very well. This started out as an unstable mess settled from nomads but a few decades of shrewd viceroyalty use and council bribes has turned this into a proper empire now. Most of the land is buddhist. Also, Guge is ruled by Rurikids descended from a child of destiny

    • 9 months ago

      So what is your goal with it now?

  17. 9 months ago

    CK2 is a king

  18. 9 months ago

    I kinda want to turn off defensive pacts since they are nonsense and hurt the AI more than the player since the player can work around them in ways the AI cannot.

    • 9 months ago

      ok do it

      • 9 months ago

        I think I’ll try installing the Early Aztecs, Early Mongols, Early Vikings and Early Crusades/jihads/great holy wars mod instead.
        They should be able to carve out nice empires for themselves even with defensive pacts on in 769.

  19. 9 months ago

    Went to war against the Pechenegs with an overwhelming numerical advantage but then the greek doux I called in rebelled against the emperor and his army left me. I got shrekt by the pechenegs and then another doux declared war on me and stole my capital.

    I want to fricking die.

    • 9 months ago

      Meh it would be boring if you won all the time.
      Why are the Tyrells in agot mod so infertile or so prone to dying, every game I have margaery always ends up as LP.

  20. 9 months ago

    Lizard extermination is going well, will continue to exterminate those filthy scaleskins. FRICK SCALIES.

    • 9 months ago

      How did you get the doom-driven trait?

      • 9 months ago

        Random event.
        I was playing normally when it gave me the trait, I am playing the interregnum date and that date has the highest chance of getting it.
        Which daedra is the best to worship?
        I have a heir thats a pretty good mage and want to see the daedra mechanics as I have really only played as a nord and then as a nord vampire and imperial character.
        Are the khajiit characters any different than imperial ones?

      • 8 months ago

        how'd you get BLG working with elder kings? it consistently crashes my shit, even with the compatch

  21. 9 months ago


  22. 9 months ago

    >just wanted a chill pious brabant game
    >get elected
    >conquer france as revenge for taking away brugge and gent from me
    >king of a bloated realm with funky succession laws on every title now

    • 9 months ago

      >tfw a unified primogeniture france-germany

  23. 9 months ago

    What's a Nubian?

    • 7 months ago

      how though.

      • 7 months ago

        You can change your characters culture to your capital county's culture by decision, so you can fabricate claim on whatever county has the culture you want, conquer it, move the capital there, switch culture then move capital back to the de jure capital county of your primary title if you hold it, you can do this once per character but it costs prestige.

        Your heir also learns the culture of whatever tutor you assign to him if he's under 12. So if you can get someone of a particular culture that you desire to switch to into your court, have him tutor your heir.

        • 7 months ago

          I think the tutoring thing isn’t automatic in the DLC, I believe it depends on the education focus picked in way of life.

      • 7 months ago

        You can change your characters culture to your capital county's culture by decision, so you can fabricate claim on whatever county has the culture you want, conquer it, move the capital there, switch culture then move capital back to the de jure capital county of your primary title if you hold it, you can do this once per character but it costs prestige.

        Your heir also learns the culture of whatever tutor you assign to him if he's under 12. So if you can get someone of a particular culture that you desire to switch to into your court, have him tutor your heir.

        Honestly, I did the heir tutor thing because it was easier. Search for characters in range, buy a favor, invite. You can reliably change to almost any culture that way.
        I also did this when I was still tribal, since there is a councilor mission to race replace a county. Pretty based of Paradox to put that in there, especially if you have a high stewardship israeli character as your steward.
        Why wait till the 20th century to begin cultural enrichment?

        I think the tutoring thing isn’t automatic in the DLC, I believe it depends on the education focus picked in way of life.

        This. If you pick the right focus it is almost 100%, provided you give the tutor a few years. Otherwise, it just isn't going to happen.

  24. 9 months ago

    I’ve just started playing the game again over the last week and ran into a bug. My personal levies counter has gone to 0/0/0 - that is, 0 raised / 0 available / 0 total. My vassal counter is working normally. I tried saving and ending both wars to see if it would fix it, but it didn’t. Is this a bug? There are no warnings telling me what would be causing this, and if I can’t raise levies then the game is effectively over. I’ve looked all over the internet but haven’t found a solution.

    I am a child under a regency. My father was excommunicated and abdicated his throne to me. I invited him back to court and made him a vassal. I also created two other vassals. I am over the demense and vassal limit due to my father having revoked titles from some rebellious lords, but the council won’t approve any more land grants to existing or new vassals. I am currently fighting two wars - one I declared, and one that was declared on me. I have no other standing armies. My capital is currently under siege. My father is training troops in a smaller county.

    • 9 months ago

      >I am over the demense
      It's probably this one. Change the council or eat up tyranny. Being above vassal limit also gives you less vassal levies, but I don't think it has any influence on your personal levies.

      • 9 months ago

        Unfortunately I’m in a regency, and I don’t have the money to buy enough favors for it to make a difference. It’s just weird, I knew there were levy penalties but I didn’t think they could go to zero.

        • 9 months ago

          It can, if you have way too many holdings. I think it's percentage penalty to income and levies for each holding over the limit. If you own any baronies, you can give them away without any tyranny, by right clicking them and choosing create a new vassal option.

          • 8 months ago

            i am always amused when a baron tier rebels.

  25. 9 months ago

    I started a campaign in India many months ago (might have started last year in fact) and posted here in /vst/ pretty often. I took a break from the game and from 4chn as well, now I'm back to finally end that campaign.

    • 9 months ago

      What, no India?

      • 9 months ago

        >What, no India?
        It was one of my initial plans but after a few setbacks it took me a while to recover and I realized there wouldn't be enough time left to form India WHILE keeping my territory 100% indo-aryan and buddhist (my 2 other goals).

        It was a fun campaign anyway, more challenging than the european one I played before.

    • 9 months ago

      its crazy how much more money there is in india and areas outside of europe in general.

      • 9 months ago

        Probably because of all those silk road trade posts.

        Which bloodlines did you collect?

        I forged my own warrior philosopher bloodline. Not very good to be honest.

    • 9 months ago

      Which bloodlines did you collect?

    • 8 months ago

      India is so incredibly easy in this game. They didn't bother making it balanced.
      >6 gazillions moneys
      >can switch to jain to choose your heir
      >can implement religious revocation and switch religions to revoke your whole real down to the barony level
      If you're willing to put in 45 min of clicking while paused you can basically renew your vassal pool every ten years and get a whole realm at 100 opinion

      • 8 months ago

        >India is so incredibly easy in this game. They didn't bother making it balanced.
        Depends. If you start small it can be tough since the indian subjugation casus belli makes some kingdoms much more powerful than they would be otherwise and it snowballs.

        The fact that the suzerain cannot deny requests to join wars for their tributaries can make the tributaries very dangerous as well.
        I had a pretty good kingdom going on until a tributary with a powerful suzerain started to invade and conquer everyone in India, he had a 3k army and his 14k suzerain was doing all the fighting for him, moping up everyone. Eventually the tributary kingdom became as big as the suzerain's.

        A powerful suzerain in India is like having free mercenary troops.

        • 8 months ago

          Doesn't the tributary break automatically if they get too big?

          • 8 months ago

            Only if their realm becomes bigger than the suzerain's.

  26. 9 months ago

    I will play hip and cheat since i can't play as the count of thouars in 867 without getting plotted to death or,,,, normans

    • 9 months ago

      Stop being bad at the game

      • 9 months ago

        will good soon

  27. 8 months ago

    No point in playing this game until a project like OpenXcom or OpenRA pops up that makes the game more moddable.

  28. 8 months ago

    >Decide to try CK2+ because im getting bored HIP
    >Play as Hastein to do some weird shit
    >Cant prepare any invasions

    So whats the fricking deal with this mod? Is there some pre req i dont know about? I dont even see the option greyed out on anyone

  29. 8 months ago

    We are in 2023. Play CK 3, chud

    • 8 months ago

      But anon I find the map very hard to look at and I find the lack of content boring.

    • 8 months ago

      its visually unsimulating, I dont know how they managed to make such a soulless ui, though mods are saving the game maybe in the next year when they extend the travel mechanics to go on adventures and shit since paradox is focusing on only rpg mechanics.

      • 8 months ago

        I have a theory that they made a generic UI due to several conversion mods set in different time periods or even universes. I always found that CK 2's UI was too medieval and historical which didn't mesh well with certain mods such as GoT and that Roman mod.

        • 8 months ago

          Ck2 ui was different for kingdoms,tribes,pagans,muslims,catholics, just switching the color of the ui made it mesh well with any mod just look at the winter king mod where it doesnt take you out of the immersion even the got mod if you look at it it does mesh well. Most modders would touch the colours and make it mesh well.
          The real reason is they needed ck3 ui to be console accessible so they simplified it to look like a mobile game ui.

  30. 8 months ago

    >crush a neighboring muslim state to get one province from its vassal
    >my liege sees it as an opportunity to declare a holy war against said religion of peace neighbour
    >every single sunni ruler under the sun joins against my liege as expected
    >our next door juggernaut christian frog kingdom sees it as an opportunity to claim a province from my liege
    >sieges all my provinces on its way to gain enough score
    >two lost wars later, the muslim vassal I stole the province from declares war for it
    >net result; zero gained provinces, negative treasure, half my relatives as prisoners in Frogland and retinues reduced to atoms
    What was the lesson here?

    • 7 months ago

      Don't mess with mudslimes unless it's a motherfricking crusade

  31. 8 months ago

    Are there any timeline extension mods for ck2? Always wanted to play crusader kings in the renaissance.

  32. 8 months ago

    >cannot usurp before (date)
    >cannot usurp a title from someone who is at war
    >cannot usurp before (new date)
    >cannot usurp a title from someone who is at war
    >cannot usurp title from ruler of a different religion and still has land in it

  33. 8 months ago

    It's honestly hard for me to go back to CK2, It's objectively a better game than 3 but it's also way slower, it sucks having to wait like 10 years for a claim only to die and lose it

    • 8 months ago

      real christians get land from infidels.

    • 8 months ago

      >having to wait like 10 years for a claim only to die and lose it
      blabbing is gay

    • 6 months ago

      you just marry and murder, who the frick fabricates claims

  34. 8 months ago

    >playing Warhammer mod
    >become chaos worshipper
    >want to become Everchosen
    >but becoming a demon prince is also seems pretty cool
    >Everchosen says nothing about not being a demon prince
    >pick demon prince and wait like 10 more years for the winds of chaos to grow
    >finally have all requirements to become Everchosen
    >now the "can't be daemon prince" requirement appears, wasting hours of progress
    should I load back or just use console commands to remove the daemon prince trait?

  35. 8 months ago

    So what happened to the GoT all-in-one mod? Used to be a thread active around here.
    Might you give me a link to the feller's github?

    • 8 months ago

      Please respond?

    • 8 months ago

      I don't have a link but it was called Merged AGOT.

      • 8 months ago

        Thanks, found the git lab. 6 months since the last commit. Hope the dev is ok.

        • 8 months ago

          the discord is still semi active, I've asked a few questions on it concerning my own modding and mergeanon has responded to help me out. I might be talking out of my ass when I say this, but I think he realized how bloated/heavy the modpack was and realized he'd never get it to where he wanted it. as it stands, you are hard pressed to get a game past 100 years and if you do, slowdown and crashes at predetermined dates will frick you over. maybe he's been working on a new version and I'm full of shit, but despite his incredibly commendable effort, it seems the engine could not handle the level of heat in mergeanon's kitchen.

  36. 8 months ago

    Does anybody know of a CK2 to EU3 converter that actually works?

  37. 8 months ago

    >emperor of scandinavia
    >finally get a genius son
    >54 years old near death
    >genius son suddenly bedridden and incapable with the flu, his son too
    >other son suddenly has leprosy

    • 8 months ago

      Damn that's an ugly ass cat
      It's literally too painful to look at

  38. 8 months ago

    Silly Mythos dragon wearing a hooman face mask

  39. 8 months ago

    Alright lads it’s that time again

    Post your favourite starting characters and their respected dates

    For me it’s
    >1066 count if vermandois the last karling

    • 8 months ago

      This was the first character I played as back when the fat dna was still a thing.
      I still remember my deformed kinsman being a total bro that lived for a very long time on my council.
      This start was way better for vanilla than mumu imo

  40. 8 months ago

    Nowhere. Never try modding when you lazy talentless asses guys. I did, and now i making mod to play on snail pass, instead of actually playing.

  41. 8 months ago

    I unsubscribed a few mods from my workshop a few hours back, but they insists on showing up on the game launcher no matter what I do. How do I fix this?

    • 8 months ago

      Delete local files. Either Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mods or wherever Steam stores mods, but I think it's this folder.

  42. 8 months ago

    Doing a Crimean Goth campaign with HIP, I convert to Catholicism because Orthodoxy is a meme and I own most of Crimea and the Pontic Steppe, also blursed Rûm

  43. 8 months ago

    This game looks really cool and I'm wondering if it like EU 4 where I seem to need to purchase $100 in dlc to make a complete game?

    • 8 months ago

      yes but you can just own the base game and pirate the dlc

  44. 8 months ago

    The west has fallen, society has collapsed across western europa, millions have died but soissons endures, the visigoths have been defeated, the franks contained and the burgandians subjugated, the light of civilization shall survive in the west

    • 8 months ago

      Soissons to hellenic Roman Empire was fun but way too buggy

    • 8 months ago

      I'd love to play wtwsms but the non aligned rivers piss me off so much

  45. 8 months ago

    I like HIP but outside the main bookmarked startdates several areas have rather unhistorical setups: Vizcaya should be a vassal of Castille around 1212, not of Navarra, and half of Leon should belong to Aragon during the lifetime of Alfonso the Battler.

  46. 8 months ago

    SWMH or HIP with the default map?

    • 8 months ago

      swmh has no mongols, i like mongols

      • 8 months ago


  47. 8 months ago

    Any mods for making the game more interesting?
    I always liked to put the vassel and realm limits down to reduce the blobs and increase war.

  48. 8 months ago

    Playing Muslim for the first time, does anyone know why this trade zone isn't connecting Basara and Baghdad? I own both trade posts, as well as the counties of Baghdad, Al Amarah, Kufa and Basra

    • 8 months ago

      Trade zones only count sea tiles as connecting between nonadjacent trade posts.

  49. 8 months ago

    playing nomad for the first time, It's fun to be so op

    • 8 months ago

      Best CoA on the Steppe

    • 8 months ago

      I think Nomad is boring.
      I prefer playing as Tribal.

    • 8 months ago

      It gets boring fast, nomads never stop getting stronger and every single province conquered takes so many clicks to manage.

      >play ck2
      >join a crusade
      >get 9k in gold, get your relative on a throne (they're going to die heirless in 10 years, so you inherit)
      >marry into tuscany
      >marry into some other kingdom 5 years into a game after a woman inherits it
      >ask for a claim from the pope on a duchy owned by a child
      >you're stupidly powerful in only like 10 years from game start
      what do bros, ck2 has become way too dull and easy

      If you're going to play as a catholic ruler you should start in 769, and not as Charlemagne.
      No crusades for at least 130 years, no HRE to claim, and muslims and pagans are likely to expand into western europe before you become strong enough to prevent it.
      Yeah I know 769 is a joke history wise, but if you pick anything else you will never struggle as a catholic.

      • 8 months ago

        >It gets boring fast, nomads never stop getting stronger and every single province conquered takes so many clicks to manage.
        I really wish they had found a way to make nomads hit a wall somewhere, such that the "settle as feudal" button was useful for something beyond roleplaying.
        They made a whole-ass dlc around nomads, but seemingly never tested them for balance.

        • 8 months ago

          I think the main culprit is the invasion CB which is far too powerful, probably more than they intended.
          Subjugation is fine, they get strong vassals who hate them and will try to break free through factions or on succession (choose unstable nomads).
          The balance would have been better if nomads could only own steppe land, and relied on strong vassals or tributaries for the rest of the world, but invasions allow them to take feudal land with absolutely no downsides. If you don't raze anything, provinces don't even revolt, and if they have at least 2 holdings, vassal khans don't even mind that their khagan owns all that valuable land.

      • 8 months ago

        i want to play in 1066

        • 8 months ago

          Well if you want to play the easy mode and not be bored then you must refrain from using your strong options, don't participate in crusades, never marry a HRE princess, don't request invasions, etc.
          Catholicism tends to win and expand in 1066 even without player involvement so you will be more of an observer.

    • 8 months ago

      an update on my game as a nomad
      >my whole family start dying of cancer
      >my character die of cancer
      >my heir die of gout after reigning for 2 years
      >my new heir being a kid, losing clan leadership
      >reconquer my lands until I become an adult
      >become an adult and join the eagle clan
      >first mission of the eagle clan, fight a duel
      >first duel in my life, lose it and die
      >not have heirs
      >lose the fricking game
      Black folk, what pagan god did I make angry to deserve this shit?

    • 8 months ago

      if only nomad gameplay wasn't "carpal tunnel simulator" this mod is basically a requirement to play as them since for some reason paradox changed the hotkey at some point and the new one doesn't work (just click the wrong management alert and press c instead of going to every barony and pillaging)

      • 8 months ago

        It pains me to say it, but the nomads terrible UI is the only thing that can slow down a human player. They are so OP they might as well be unplayable because of how boring the game becomes when you unlock invasions.

  50. 8 months ago

    >play ck2
    >join a crusade
    >get 9k in gold, get your relative on a throne (they're going to die heirless in 10 years, so you inherit)
    >marry into tuscany
    >marry into some other kingdom 5 years into a game after a woman inherits it
    >ask for a claim from the pope on a duchy owned by a child
    >you're stupidly powerful in only like 10 years from game start
    what do bros, ck2 has become way too dull and easy

    • 8 months ago

      Play as another character in a different realm upon the death of your current character.

      • 8 months ago

        but i want to stay as the heir of my current character, just not be so stupidly powerful and have things constantly going my way

        i wanted to have a slow and steady angevin campaign but by the first character i was king of egypt, with my heir being future king of croatia and duke of tuscany
        >inb4 dont marry anyone

  51. 8 months ago

    HIP map is way more pretty than vanilla it isn't even close

  52. 8 months ago

    I mainly just play this game to have a harem of girls from every culture

  53. 8 months ago

    Question; every time I try to save the game crashes, even though I was able to save at least 2 years into the game. I also deleted previous saved games, but it isn't helping. Does anyone know why this is happening?

  54. 8 months ago

    Why do my subordinates and vassals hate me? I've been throwing money at them and fixing their mismanagement in their territory but they all seem to have a burning desire of hatred to me.
    Is it because I keep on seducing the wives of my most powerful subordinates (not that I'm going to stop as I'm about 25 bastards in and going) or is it they just mad cause I'm easily able to defeat them through the power of money?

  55. 8 months ago

    Anyone know a mod that lets you pick anyone as Byzantine Commander?

    • 8 months ago

      Just mod it yourself.

      • 8 months ago

        What in the game files?

        • 8 months ago

          Probably, but I personally wouldn't know where this one is specifically. Probably under targeted decisions or something like that.

  56. 8 months ago

    Does anybody know how to convert my ck2 hip save into a eu4 save since I want to continue the campaign?

  57. 8 months ago

    >tfw still no updates for WTWSMS, at least a big bug fix patch and maybe map update someday
    I suffer...

    • 8 months ago

      They've moved onto the CK3 version sadly.

      • 6 months ago

        Isn't there already 2 mods in that same era? A bit oversaturated

        • 6 months ago

          That era has frick all in terms of games in general, besides maybe the start point (fall of Rome) and around end point (viking age). It sucks. Need more games, more mods for that.

          • 6 months ago

            I will forever be mad that there is precisely fricking nothing that really focuses on the Germanic tribes beyond "hurrr durrr vikangz n shiet". Nobody seems to give a shit about the Franks, or the Anglo-Saxons, or the Visi/Ostrogoths or Vandals or anything from that era. It's like a black hole of interest forms from "so yeah the Roman Empire died" (ignoring the eastern half was very much still alive and would be for centuries to come) all the way to the 11th century, with an occasional "oh yeah Charlemagne existed" and endless circlejerking over the fricking vikings. Nobody beyond occasional academics look at the era that saw so much upheaval with anything more than a "meh it happened".

            • 6 months ago

              i mean the winter king is a pretty good mod for that era

  58. 8 months ago

    I've only just started playing CK2 and it's opened my eyes on how hard it is to run a country. You don't have to worry too much about your vassals and whatnot in EU4 or HOI4, it's hard to adjust to but it's a fun experience

    • 8 months ago

      It reflects that time period. Medieval french kings were the perfect example of "primus inter pares", technically kings but constantly dealing with the powerful french dukes. CK2 doesn't even properly show how weak they were.
      It's nothing like the absolutist early modern period, at which point vassals virtually lost all their political power.

  59. 8 months ago

    >Haven't played in years.
    >Open game, there's a cheap ugly 'free to play' banner for some reason.
    >Start a new game.
    >The UI's completely different.
    What the frick?

  60. 8 months ago

    Anyone else do autistic stuff like writing up stories about their campaigns or doing AARs? I styled this one after the ASOIAF wiki in a simple google doc, if I played it more I might do a whole html file.
    In this one I was dicking around as pirate Aurane Waters when my AI son started doing crazy shit like taming a dragon and becoming regent of Westeros. The next three generations of characters were w*men that fricked up the dynasty, was fun to play.

    • 8 months ago

      No, but I had fun dicking around as Aurane Waters too

    • 8 months ago

      Nah. I was able to win the Iron Throne with Aegon's Host, though. It only lasted a year and I got my shit pushed in by armies from the Westerlands and the Reach. Jamie Lannister escaped captivity before I could execute him. He ended up as the fricking King. On a good note, Jon Snow was killed by White Walkers but they stopped attacking and went back to ice hell after beating the Nights Watch. I took control of a character in Asshai. After 50 years
      >Starks are extinct and the North is controlled by the Trident through House Baelish
      >There is no king on the Iron Throne, there is a 16 year old unmarried Fossoway queen
      >Lannisters still banging each other
      >the Iron Islands took over the entire Reach and parts of Dorne
      >the Vale hasn't changed and still has Arryn's in charge

  61. 8 months ago

    Anyone else builts cities/castles/temples before unpausing the game on day 1?

    • 8 months ago

      You don't start with that much money tho unless you're playing a meme start

      • 8 months ago

        I go to every feudal/iqta and built holdings since the AI likes to build mostly temples

      • 8 months ago

        doesnt everybody start with no money day 1?

        characters start with around 20-100 also read

        I go to every feudal/iqta and built holdings since the AI likes to build mostly temples

        console command charinfo cash

        This is unlikely to be the best move, unless you don't plan to be at war for decades for some reason.

        Is pretty normal tbh except for the larger levies and more wealth in early game

        • 8 months ago

          >console command charinfo cash
          the game is already easy enough no need to cheat.

          • 8 months ago

            You didn't read the post correct

        • 8 months ago

          In the early game you get far more value from mercs to win major wars and grab land.

    • 8 months ago

      This is unlikely to be the best move, unless you don't plan to be at war for decades for some reason.

    • 8 months ago

      doesnt everybody start with no money day 1?

  62. 8 months ago

    Are there any links to the recent HIP versions? The one on the paradox forum is dead.

    • 8 months ago

      what are some fun starts, lads?
      i already had the vkikings

      its in that thread, like one before the last page

      • 8 months ago
        Now you pick the other side and play Anglo-Saxons, or Britons - Cornwall and Alt Clut are especially fun. Crimean Goths are a harder start on the other side of Europe. If you want something more exotic, try Zunists. Zunbli dynasty rules Afghanistan in 769 and follows uniwue religion worshipping the Sun. Mighty Caliphate borders you, so staying independent can be challenging.

  63. 8 months ago


  64. 8 months ago

    >be me
    >kill the king, my own father
    >take the throne and marry my mother
    >have multiple kids with her
    >one day the secret that I murdered my father is revealed
    >mother-wife gets very stressed out and dies
    >somehow I end up wounding myself and lose my eyes
    >spend the rest of my life with my daughter-sister
    >be Bisutun Ziyarid of Tabaristan
    >pic unrelated

  65. 8 months ago

    Haven't played with CK2 Plus in years.Does it fix Jade Dragon or should I just disable it?

    • 8 months ago

      just don't play with major invasions on

      • 8 months ago

        Does it at least fix Tibet always losing the starting war?I wish the Tianxia mod would actually release a new version instead of just writing new dev diaries.

  66. 8 months ago

    Kind of new and I think I fricked up. Killed the previous ruler and the levies shot up to 20k from 7k once some landless Italian kid inherited with a 2x succession malus. This happened with France too but their levies are back to 7k now.
    The parts divided by the little sliver of France didn't fracture either, despite total exclave independence which needs a friendly land path or limited naval connection.

  67. 8 months ago

    >start new game as irish king in 1066
    >playing until 1067 when suddenly all of england including normandy falls under control of norway
    Did not expect that at all. It looks like William lost in a war against Hardrada

    • 8 months ago

      It's not uncommon at all. Danish England also sometimes happens, although here it's my indirect doing. It usually leads to messy inheritance, with Scandinavians keeping Normandy and a few enclaves in England. The only rare outcome of this whole English mess is the Saxon victory. I don't think I've ever seen this happen after 3.0, and I don't remember it before that either.

      • 6 months ago

        Legit never seen the AI win the Conquests as the English, it probably doesn't help that the only one whose remotely decent in the mess stat-wise is the Bastard whenever I try it and he gets some 10k event troops to boot.

        • 6 months ago

          In one of my runs he had winter warrior trait on top of his already crazy stats. Won the war incredibly fast.

          I've seen Hardrada win too, never seen the saxons win though.

        • 6 months ago

          I have no evidence for this but I swear in earlier versions Anglo-Saxon victory used to be way more common and at some point paradox either nerfed Godwinsons starting army, or buffed William and hardrada
          Maybe I'm just remembering some mod I used to play with or something though

  68. 8 months ago

    Attractive Genius Chad king gets assasinated which leads to his quick but super inbred son inheriting and getting overthrown in Italy.

    • 8 months ago

      that's not italy

      • 8 months ago

        Because i got overthrown which you would know if you read what i wrote.See the strong claim?Inbred King died and got suceeded by his Cruel brother who reclaimed Italy and went on a genocide revenge spree and is about to be overthrown and a minor branch of house Welf descended from a Hunchbank younger brother will be in power.

        • 7 months ago

          Attractive Genius Chad king gets assasinated which leads to his quick but super inbred son inheriting and getting overthrown in Italy.

          It's not uncommon at all. Danish England also sometimes happens, although here it's my indirect doing. It usually leads to messy inheritance, with Scandinavians keeping Normandy and a few enclaves in England. The only rare outcome of this whole English mess is the Saxon victory. I don't think I've ever seen this happen after 3.0, and I don't remember it before that either.

          Kind of new and I think I fricked up. Killed the previous ruler and the levies shot up to 20k from 7k once some landless Italian kid inherited with a 2x succession malus. This happened with France too but their levies are back to 7k now.
          The parts divided by the little sliver of France didn't fracture either, despite total exclave independence which needs a friendly land path or limited naval connection.

          Hip its so ugly to look at holy shit

  69. 7 months ago

    So is ck2+ meant to be fricking garbage when playing as a vassal?You can't even build up a power base anymore because other vassal will declare war on you and demand you give away your titles.

  70. 7 months ago

    I wish HIP weren't so ridiculously harsh with the levy penalty on succession since it means your realm will completely explode if your previous ruler were anything but an absolute saint which is boring for RP. Also removing Ziyarid bloodline because no fun allowed is lame.

  71. 7 months ago

    what is everyone's favorite start date?
    mine is hundred years war or later.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      1066 at the latest

    • 7 months ago

      what mod?

      • 7 months ago

        Besides HIP, what mods are you using anon?

        it's gaea + revolutionary map
        here's the forum link

    • 7 months ago

      Besides HIP, what mods are you using anon?

    • 7 months ago

      Between 1066 and 1100 are imo all good startdates. Anything earlier than that and the campaign just breaks.

    • 7 months ago

      Alexiad. Byzantium is still around but not going to blob. Rum exists. England is Norman. Spain isn't unstable. It truly is the best starting date.

    • 7 months ago

      for me, it's 2666

    • 7 months ago

      769 because I like to play long games.

  72. 7 months ago

    gimme best starts to build tall

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Play a tribal muslim in the early start, then holy war for Socotra and start a merchant republic.

    • 7 months ago

      Any Norse and then settle Iceland. You can keep your old lands or not, either way. I like to keep 2 other duchies so I can make a custom kingdom personally.
      The black death never reaches there, so you have plenty of time to trigger the add holding slot event, so that each county can have 7.
      You also, if you so choose, have time to abuse the rulership event to fill one of those counties with 7 castles. It's tedious, but pretty cool, to raise one county and have 60k+ men.

  73. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      I regret nothing

  74. 7 months ago

    Whoever designed the faction system in CK2+ must have been moronic.The court faction is angry with me...because they are angry which makes them even angrier.Which makes it impossible to not have them sperg out which makes them even angrier.I played the mod years ago and it was all fine and playable,but the balance of the current version is utter garbage.

  75. 7 months ago

    Casual dropping by
    I'm wondering if the veteran experts here consider the 'Invite to court' finder thingy OP / cheating
    It seems like it's not very realistic for my English Duke to sucesfully stack my court with the best generals, smartest councilers and diplomats, most discreet spies, and of course the most beautiful genius giant women in Europe.
    All I'm wondering is how you typically limit yourself in this regard if at all.
    also obligatory who should I play next?

    • 7 months ago

      769 starts are so goofy. Frisia is shia, welsh Britannia, and GroBByzantiums.

      Its a massive tool the player can use to get an advantage over the AI. Especially recruiting deposed mayors and waiting for them die or imprison then banish for huge cash injections.

    • 7 months ago

      Just set diplomacy range to the lowest

      • 7 months ago

        That makes adventures more annoying.

    • 7 months ago

      Having skilled unlanded councillors isn't unbalanced because your strong vassals will dislike it and rebel or contribute less levies & taxes.
      Finding a good spouse and court physician is a bit more of an issue, lowering the diplomatic range is a good idea for that.

    • 7 months ago

      On the one hand, it's cheesy. On the other, it's almost impossible to have a good chancellor without it, at least early on when you are playing minor count or duke. I don't really use it besides that, you can get stewards, priests and commanders without it and spymaster just have to good enough

      769 starts are so goofy. Frisia is shia, welsh Britannia, and GroBByzantiums.

      Its a massive tool the player can use to get an advantage over the AI. Especially recruiting deposed mayors and waiting for them die or imprison then banish for huge cash injections.

      >Welsh Britannia
      She... She's beautiful

    • 7 months ago

      Inviting claimants and professionals to your land is very historical. I would make the diplo range smaller though. You can recruit Flemish courtiers but you shouldnt be able to get Byzantines and Nafris

    • 7 months ago

      Only invite courties of neighbouring cultures and kingdoms ifs he is out of my specific region I never invite that person.
      I really wish crusader kings hid the stat numbers for courtiers away from your kingdom and the higher the prestige of the courtier the more you knew of his skills, kinda like real life where a skilled courtier was very prestigious.
      Honestly I still cant cope with how much of a disappointment and downgrade ck3 was, instead of refining the mechanics and making them actually deep, adding population etc, but no instead we get flavor event homosexualry.

  76. 7 months ago

    So what do I need to change to make chinese event troops take attrition?Just change the number in the text file to 1 instead of 0?

  77. 7 months ago

    Playing as an Alan chief in the northern caucasus and to my surprise the nomads and muslims didnt gave me any trouble, some of them are even bros helping me with wars. Meanwhile my fellow Orthodox Georgians have been a constant threat, jesus christ Bagrat dont you have Arabs and Seljuk to worry about

  78. 7 months ago

    Currently playing as Suomenusko Pagan king of Novgorod, hoping to reform the faith.
    I have pretty much everything I need for it at this point except our MA is stalled out at 38%. I just did the pagan festival, which helped push it up, but I think I’m gonna have to make up the rest with raiding and county conquests.
    If I raid a county that I’m not able to pull any loot from, but sack a heathen temple, does that count for boosting the MA? Because all my neighbors are either my religion or slavs, and the latter don’t have many temples.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago


        Currently playing as Suomenusko Pagan king of Novgorod, hoping to reform the faith.
        I have pretty much everything I need for it at this point except our MA is stalled out at 38%. I just did the pagan festival, which helped push it up, but I think I’m gonna have to make up the rest with raiding and county conquests.
        If I raid a county that I’m not able to pull any loot from, but sack a heathen temple, does that count for boosting the MA? Because all my neighbors are either my religion or slavs, and the latter don’t have many temples.

        I haven’t reformed quite yet unfortunately, but I’m one step closer to doing so. Managed to take Ryazan (holy site) from the Bolghar hordes after a very close-run war. The first thing I need to do is build a temple there so that it boosts our MA to 40%. Then I’ll build the tribal pillar to boost it by another 5, and from there raids and more festivals should do the trick.
        So quite doable, I just need to get a frickton of gold to pay for those first two big ticket purchases

    • 7 months ago

      I haven’t reformed quite yet unfortunately, but I’m one step closer to doing so. Managed to take Ryazan (holy site) from the Bolghar hordes after a very close-run war. The first thing I need to do is build a temple there so that it boosts our MA to 40%. Then I’ll build the tribal pillar to boost it by another 5, and from there raids and more festivals should do the trick.
      So quite doable, I just need to get a frickton of gold to pay for those first two big ticket purchases

      >Managed to reform the faith and feudalize
      >A couple generations later, my ruler dies with no sons, so I end up playing as his little brother (whom I had previously conquered because I still have gavelkind, albeit not elective gavelkind anymore thank goodness)
      >Little brother doesn't have any kids with his wife yet, don't want an uncle or some shit to take over
      >Grab a few concubines for him, including his late older brother's bolghar waifu
      >Character is also fat
      >Manages to get his wife pregnant, cool
      >5 days later gets his concubine pregnant
      >Laughing concerned heavy.png
      >First kid is a son, and the concubine had twins, a boy and a girl
      >Not too bad, I've had worse inheritance slits by now
      >But the fat frick just doesn't stop
      >impregnates every one of his wife and concubines twice
      >I take him off family focus to try and slow him down
      >He then loses the stress debuff thanks to his pet cat, raising his fertility right back up
      >6 years into his reign and I have 5 sons, my demesne is fricking doomed at this point
      >Opportunity to make him go on a diet comes up, but it'll make him stressed again, and he at least needs to live until one of his heirs come of age
      >Fighting off a major civil war and warding off an adventurer threat, still cooming in all his concubines, having mostly daughters at this point thank frick
      >Becomes Obese and a drunkard
      >Finally dies when his eldest son is at the ripe old age of 9
      >Inheritance kills my demesne as expected, just gonna sit and collect money until I come of age and the regency ends
      >Several months into his son's reign, get a notification that my dead father had another daughter
      >The fat bastard managed to impregnate one of his concubines one last time before he died
      I'm not even mad, playing as a fat bastard with an uncontrollable libido was fricking hilarious. Godspeed you fat frick, I hope Ukko has a turkey leg and a prostitute ready for you in the afterlife

    • 6 months ago

      My Suomenusko game from

      >Managed to reform the faith and feudalize
      >A couple generations later, my ruler dies with no sons, so I end up playing as his little brother (whom I had previously conquered because I still have gavelkind, albeit not elective gavelkind anymore thank goodness)
      >Little brother doesn't have any kids with his wife yet, don't want an uncle or some shit to take over
      >Grab a few concubines for him, including his late older brother's bolghar waifu
      >Character is also fat
      >Manages to get his wife pregnant, cool
      >5 days later gets his concubine pregnant
      >Laughing concerned heavy.png
      >First kid is a son, and the concubine had twins, a boy and a girl
      >Not too bad, I've had worse inheritance slits by now
      >But the fat frick just doesn't stop
      >impregnates every one of his wife and concubines twice
      >I take him off family focus to try and slow him down
      >He then loses the stress debuff thanks to his pet cat, raising his fertility right back up
      >6 years into his reign and I have 5 sons, my demesne is fricking doomed at this point
      >Opportunity to make him go on a diet comes up, but it'll make him stressed again, and he at least needs to live until one of his heirs come of age
      >Fighting off a major civil war and warding off an adventurer threat, still cooming in all his concubines, having mostly daughters at this point thank frick
      >Becomes Obese and a drunkard
      >Finally dies when his eldest son is at the ripe old age of 9
      >Inheritance kills my demesne as expected, just gonna sit and collect money until I come of age and the regency ends
      >Several months into his son's reign, get a notification that my dead father had another daughter
      >The fat bastard managed to impregnate one of his concubines one last time before he died
      I'm not even mad, playing as a fat bastard with an uncontrollable libido was fricking hilarious. Godspeed you fat frick, I hope Ukko has a turkey leg and a prostitute ready for you in the afterlife

      Is still progressing well, but I've been keeping track of the rest of the world and holy shit the British isles have been an absolute thunderdome for the past century and a half.
      Pic related is the current state of them atm, I wanna give a quick rundown on each region
      >In the early 800s, a great crisis of heresy and unbelief afflicted nearly the entirety of the Catholic world. Moral Authority got as low as 7%, and what looked like nearly a third of western christendom had fallen to heresy
      >Eventually, mainline catholicism prevailed, and the heresy was, for most part, quelled on the continent. Reduced to a minor annoyance.
      >In Britannia, however, the story was different
      >Here, Catharism and Lollardy not only survived, but thrived
      >And now, in the 963rd year of our lord, they appear poised to achieve primacy in the isles
      >England was the first major victim. Caught between heretical uprisings and pagan invasions, the petty kingdoms of the heptarchy could do little to withstand the tide. The kingdom of the English had only barely been formed when Cathar states carved themselves out of the heartland of the country.
      >The midlands remain a bastion of Cathar strength, centered upon Mercia. The English throne itself even fell to the heretical faith for a time. Following their return to Catholic orthodoxy, the KoE managed to completely crush the cathar duchy of Deira, once the premier Cathar power in the region.
      >Despite this hope-raising victory, the followup war to retake Mercia ended in bitter failure, and Cathar Norfolk took the duchy of Kent off the war-weary kingdom instead.
      >While they now hold the north of the country, England remains in dire straits unless they can regain their momentum.

      • 6 months ago

        >Scotland (now Alba, as they have been ruled by Irishmen for generations) has remained a steadfast catholic realm until the past couple of decades, fending off heretical uprisings and Norse assaults
        >As of late however, they have been losing control of their western lands, with cathar Dal Riata breaking out and onlynarrowly being stopped from taking the whole of Muireb
        >Unfortunately, Muireb was not particularly grateful for the defense, kicking off a civil war with their liege that rages even now
        >Meanwhile, the Lollards in Ireland have slowly picked off the lands Alba once held in Ulster, and the isle of Man lives in sinful apostasy as well
        >If its enemies capitalize on this time of weakness, Alba's future is bleak
        >Ireland at first withstood its own lollard uprisings quite well, forming the kingdom of Eire in no time and holding the heretics in England at bay
        >Those days are long behind the Irishmen however. First the Duchy of Mumu broke free from the king's grip, and then they swiftly conquered the vast majority of the island for their heretical faith. They can be expected to re-establish the kingdom soon, now under Lollard auspices. Little hope remains for those gaels who remain true to the faith.
        >The Welsh princedoms had their own uprisings as well, but many saw it as a petty sideshow for the most part
        >That is, until the recent and sudden rise of the Kingdom of Brythonaid within the last few decades
        >As fellow Lollards, they make for a fearsome power bloc with their brethren in Mumu
        >However, their failure to take Cornwall from Catholic Sweden represents a stain on their ostensible power. Perhaps they will turn out to be a paper tiger?
        >Sweden has rapidly found itself to be a friend of the Catholics in the isles, and their help may be what's needed to free Britain from the heretics, if they can only stand united.

      • 6 months ago

        For sure one of the best parts of this game is getting settled into your proper kingdom so you can enjoy the chaos in the rest of the world with some popcorn, intervening from time to time.

        Tall >>>>>>>>> wide, fight me

  79. 7 months ago

    If I wanted to play my first campaign outside of the British Isles...

    • 7 months ago

      Early start date Brittany into HRE.

  80. 7 months ago

    >be me
    >playing witcher kings mod
    >start as King of Redania
    >help the other northern realms fight off nilfgaard
    >nilfgaard is defeated
    >he dies, play as his son
    >getting bored
    >make my heir into a 100 stat man gigachad
    >now playing as Kazimir the Great
    >conquer the northern realms along with most of the known world and make what remains of nilfgaard and non human nations into tributaries
    >now playing as Kazimir II
    >massive empire starts to crumble
    >loose most of it keeping only the de jure lands of the empire of redania
    >playing as Kazimir III subjugate the neighboring kingdoms as tributaries
    >a few generations down the line
    >stepp Black folk invade the southern realms
    >they conquer the empire of Toussaint and one of the provinces of nilfgaard
    >they successfully conquer cintra despite my assistence in the war
    >manage to help sodden defend against their invasion
    >win but at a massive cost
    >a few years later they conquer what remains of nilfgaard
    It's over, the north has fallen

    • 7 months ago

      >northwestern wastelands
      >they're in the northeast

      • 7 months ago

        or the map is oriented with west as the top :^)

    • 7 months ago

      How do you make a 100 stat gigachad? Cheating?

    • 6 months ago

      man is this mod working on last version?

      • 6 months ago

        It does but it's barebones as frick. Literally 0 events. You'd be better of playing agot or elder kings.

  81. 7 months ago

    Hip mod yes or no?

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


  82. 7 months ago

    Is it always wise to fill up your own demense first before giving stuff to vassals?
    It just seems to be common sense that I want to hold as much land as I can directly

    • 7 months ago


  83. 7 months ago

    Finished my first full game as Ireland the other day, how should be assigning kingdoms and duchies once I hit the emperor level?

    • 7 months ago

      Just give it to people of your culture and religion and hold on the kingdoms
      Powerful vassals are a slog

      • 7 months ago

        >Powerful vassals are a slog
        Doing a rome run right now and I'm reaching the point were even super dukes aren't enough to stay under the limit.

        • 7 months ago

          Use Viceroyalties. You should have unlocked imperial administration at this point, or at least Kingdom Viceroyalties

    • 7 months ago

      Just give it to people of your culture and religion and hold on the kingdoms
      Powerful vassals are a slog

      >Powerful vassals are a slog
      Doing a rome run right now and I'm reaching the point were even super dukes aren't enough to stay under the limit.

      Use Viceroyalties. You should have unlocked imperial administration at this point, or at least Kingdom Viceroyalties

      I just try to have the land partitioned as much as I can. But with large realms it inevitably becomes a chore to keep the land partitioned as vassals intermarry, women inherit, unexpected deaths happen, etc.

      I think this is good though, because it means no matter what, some vassals ought to grow powerful and you can't just give everyone a single county and sit back comfortably forever. You have to take it or go through the hassle of trimming your vassal's domains every few decades and possibly facing rebellions.

  84. 7 months ago

    Did CK2 plus disable the invasion CB from the Alexander bloodline?Got in on my second ruler in 814 as the ERE but I can't use it ,neither on my founder nor the heir(who was unlanded) after he inherited.

    • 7 months ago

      Ok I have no idea why or how but CK2 Plus somehow managed to frick the Invasion CB up.I went into the files and replaced it with the vanilla CB and it works fine.

  85. 7 months ago

    In what situations would it be good to destroy a kingdom or a duchy title?

    • 7 months ago

      Preventing vassals from becoming upset with you holding too many duchy titles is the most usual reason.
      Also, preventing them from falling outside of your control if they have different succession types. A duke with one duchy with primogeniture and another duchy with eldership would lose the second duchy title on death.
      Preventing other characters, either vassals or foreign rulers from gaining a claim on a large chunk of territory because they have a claim on the title.

  86. 7 months ago

    Merchant republic Meta?

    • 7 months ago

      >Lifestyle focus Romance and train all your sons and daughters in intrigue.
      >Within a generation or two you'll have a constant flow of assassins in your court with you.
      >Early game start is slow, Wait for one of the other merchant houses to build four trade posts and then kill them off until their house goes extinct.
      >Because they have four trade-posts and on point of house extinction the posts are divided evenly amongst all other existent houses, you will gain at least (1) trade post for each house you wipe with this method.
      >If you gain a post this way you keep it regardless of your trade post limit.
      >The randomly generated houses that spawn each time a old one dies will instantly sink all their money into building new posts, And will seemingly be hated by all other existent houses, allowing you to wash-rinse-repeat the assassination process easily
      >Within a generation or two you'll have ~20+ trade posts to your family name and with some upgrades will be racking up ~50.0 wealth a month
      >Hire as many mercs as you need to start taking city's / counties your trade posts are in and begin building your thalassocracy

  87. 7 months ago

    Has anyone here used the HIP (Historical Immersion Project) before?
    I recently discovered this and while it seems interesting to me on the surface I have two questions I"m hoping you can help me with
    Is it actually good? Like the map is clearly better (I love the new names, the better portraits as well) but I don't always like mods that add 10,000 different things and just scrolling through the Intrigue panel game me a bit of an info overload...Also why does there need to be 10 different traits for "Novice Diplomat" "Journeyman Diplomat" "Expert Diplomat" etc
    I don't like the UI. Do I need to use the UI? WIll I eventually get used to the UI? It feels like an iPad game too much to me and I'm also really accustomed to the old school layout but if the new UI is required / better or whatever I can learn to love it.
    Just overall what is your opinion on HIP.

    • 7 months ago

      The thing about HIP is that it is a modular pack. You can choose to use the UI or not. I can't say much about gameplay since couldn't play much after installing it.

    • 7 months ago

      Did a persia run with it,but that was over 6 years ago.It was fun.

    • 7 months ago

      >just scrolling through the Intrigue panel game me a bit of an info overload
      those are only on the first day to customize your run
      they should disappear after you run the game for a few seconds
      >Do I need to use the UI?
      no, just reinstall the mod and say no to the ui
      >Just overall what is your opinion on HIP.
      love it, breathes a ton of new life into the game after years of vanilla

  88. 7 months ago

    Which one is easier.HIp or CK2 Plus?I'm usually start as a count but decided to do an emperor start in plus and it was too easy.Btw. is it intended that you can just remove commanders from office?Makes it really easy to elect your chosen heir.

    • 7 months ago

      ck2 plus is a bug mess right now
      Hip is harder even back when ck2+ was in a normal state. HIP makes revolts stupidly stronger (like giving heavy cav to peasant revolt) and make Kingdoms and Empires weaker than dukes

      As for Byzatium you can only pick vassals as commander in vanilla

      • 7 months ago

        >ck2 plus is a bug mess right now
        I noticed.Had to go into the files and fix bugs over a dozen times.
        >make Kingdoms and Empires weaker than dukes

        • 7 months ago

          You might have noticed the new ck2plus is based on the cleanslate project which is a major rewrite of all game files and is bound to have some bugs

        • 7 months ago

          >>make Kingdoms and Empires weaker than dukes
          Giving empires the decadence system weaken stable empire with just 1 ruler death while kingdom have vassal that are stronger than the player and you are unable to have a stable realm if your ruler is not a Saint with all the virtues in the game

          • 7 months ago

            >the decadence system weaken stable empire
            It's not that bad, it gets lower every time you win a war and and an empire will always have a few peasant or religious rebellions even if you don't expand .
            >while kingdom have vassal that are stronger than the player
            That sounds like you went over the vassal and demense cap or created super dukes too early.Haven't played HIP in a while but my last playthrough was as a persian duke to form the empire.Managed to do it just fine and I was never weaker than my vassals even after restoring the old Achaemenid borders.

  89. 7 months ago

    I simply cannot stop making meme conversion runs as nomads. My standard start is Chigil Karluks because of the ease of raiding and in 867 you can get away a good while without becoming Khagan.

  90. 7 months ago

    Are there any good and up to date After the end submods?

    • 7 months ago

      two spin-off AtE mods just released for South America and the West Coast

  91. 7 months ago

    So has anyone ever managed to fix the save corruption in AGOT?Sometimes I can play for 400 years without any crashes and another playthrough it starts crashing after 40 years.But eventually it will crash at a specific date and reloading doesn't fix it unless I go back years.

  92. 7 months ago

    What's more important for a court physician? Renowned physician trait or overall learning stat?

    • 7 months ago

      The trait doesn't count for much. From 10 learning onwards you get 1.44 multiplier every 5 learning for good treatment. High priestly education and learning traits or being israeli is all the same.

      • 7 months ago

        >being israeli gives them a buff

        • 7 months ago

          Same reason israeli councillors give tech points bonuses occasionally. Magic israelites give tech, money and health through various ways.

        • 7 months ago

          Gotta sell the israelite DLC.

          • 7 months ago
  93. 7 months ago

    >playing as a Byzantine count
    >150 years has passed and I'm not even close to becoming a duke
    How are you guys seizing thrones and conquering shit?

    • 7 months ago

      Sit on your ass with intrigue focus kidnapping people by spying on them. Loads of dosh for ransoming dukes.

    • 7 months ago

      >Fabricate Claims
      Get a claim on your neighbor and take them out.
      >Holy Wars.
      Just gather some money for mercs and rush the weakest brown person you can find.
      >Marry and get claims
      Get your son a good claim and if you can kill everyone else in the line of succession.

      • 7 months ago

        >Fabricate Claims
        >Get a claim on your neighbor and take them out.
        He playing as the shitantines so internal vassal wars aren't allowed.

        • 7 months ago

          He is playing as the shitantines so the law is going to change after a few rebellions.

    • 7 months ago

      Starting as a Christian count can be brutal.
      You can get claims from:
      -direct fabrication (invite high diplo guy to court, make him chancellor, have him fabricate)
      -religious sanction (take theology focus, be a good Christian, boost relations with faith leader)
      -marriage claims
      -granted by liege or liege's liege
      It's advisable to start on the border of an empire like ERE too, so you can expand outwards as well as inwards.
      You can use these mechanics in combination to achieve quite a lot. For instance, I went from a one county minor in Dalmatia to King of England because the Pope sanctioned a religious invasion (and then I fought a brutal 10 year war for it).

  94. 7 months ago

    Anyone know a fix for this? paradog has not fixed this shit or other bugs in ck2 for years.

    • 7 months ago

      this bug was known about since holy fury came out and pdx did nothing about it and it will never be fixed by them, a lot of mods have fixed it though. this happens if any reform changes the god list

    • 7 months ago

      Nope. Possibly the most annoying bug in the game. As another anon said, I think it came from Holy Fury. I'm actually not 100% sure that's correct though; I think the bug might be from Old Gods, since Pagan Reformation is what the bug is. It could just be one of those things that gets repeated until its taken as fact.
      TBF though, what other bugs are you annoyed by? I've found some of the most annoying "bugs" are just regular features - like attached armies fighting against/with you even if not at war with the enemy.
      Succession indicator bugs, like who is heir, can be annoying but you can always figure it out if necessary and the actual succession doesn't bug.

      • 7 months ago

        religion god names were added in holy fury, any reform that adds new deities or changes the existing ones (agnatic/enatic and ones that make the reformer character a god make this bug happen, I think there's a few others that do this too)

    • 6 months ago

      Play cleanslate

  95. 7 months ago

    Are there any good mods that make nomads nor stupidly overpowered when you play as them?

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        I don’t believe you.

    • 7 months ago

      HIP nerfs them a lot

  96. 7 months ago

    My kingdom and every kingdom is now part of my family. I love marrying cousins with cousins, grandaughters with uncles, etc

  97. 7 months ago

    Anyone ever tried The Three Towers mod ? I remember it being pretty good.

  98. 7 months ago

    Is there a mod that makes agnatic the only available succession law? I'm so tired of seeing queens everywhere. Also is there a mod to remove the homosexual trait from the game?

    • 7 months ago

      Just disable female rulers in the game rules
      And there is a mod that take away the gay trait

    • 7 months ago

      I love seeing queens, especially underage ones. Means I can marry them to my dynasty.

  99. 7 months ago

    Is it even possible to survive as post-first crusade KOJ in HIP? It's bad enough in vanilla.

  100. 7 months ago

    Man, raiders and landless adventurers almost ruin the game and make it so much less fun.

    If your realm isn't minuscule you cannot take a break because these 4~5k stacks will not stop showing up and it seriously ruins the fun having to pause all the time to deal with raiders. Forcing them away can be difficult and annoying even if you have a large army because they appear constantly, sometimes more than one at the same time in different corners of your realm, they loot provinces extremely fast and you CANNOT attack them until THEY start raiding and become hostile which is an awful balancing decision. You get the "negotiate with" pop-up warning you that raiders have showed up and all you can do is watch them march over the realm until they start looting which can take months sometimes as they just stay idle in a province and you can't attack them.
    If you have coastal provinces prepare to deal with raiders arriving nonstop from the other side of the map on boats.

    I don't hate the mechanic, in fact I think the idea is pretty cool, but the way it was implemented just sucks the fun out of the game.

    • 7 months ago

      >play merchant republic at the ass end of Western Europe (not Britain)
      >Mongol and Khitan raiders start arriving once you're established enough

      I absolutely loathe it how raiders just look at what's the richest and beeline there. I only raid targets my raiding force can actually beat in a straight up fight. Always have to have thick retinue on my capital counties as merchant republic.

      • 7 months ago

        >Always have to have thick retinue on my capital counties as merchant republic.
        This is the only thing I ever used retinues for, positioning them in strategic provinces to defend against raiders. There's no point in using them for anything else.

        I wouldn't mind adventurers if they were actually claimants, but most of the time they are just nobodies that somehow managed to gather thousands of troops while having no money.

        There are claimant adventurers as well. They need to have a few traits like ambition and whatnot but then there's random nobodies who show up with 30k troops.

    • 7 months ago

      I wouldn't mind adventurers if they were actually claimants, but most of the time they are just nobodies that somehow managed to gather thousands of troops while having no money.

  101. 7 months ago

    is New Era Old World any good or is it as cucked as After the End Fan Fork? speaking of that did that one fork some /vst/ anons were making here ever go anywhere or it just stopped?

  102. 7 months ago

    Does anyone else get a lot of CTDs? It happened when I had a 7700k and now I have a 5800X3D and it still happens. It takes me out of playing because I don't save every three minutes. It's probably a mod but I was just wondering if anyone had the same issue.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah I did, when I had some out of date or bad mods. I fixed them and it fixed the issue.
      It can be a chore to identify which mods cause it.

    • 6 months ago

      Only with AGOT.

  103. 6 months ago

    I still don't understand how county culture conversion works.

    At game start my capital county was Andalusian, then it was conquered by Galicia and became Portuguese after some decades, then I conquered it and have been sitting on it for 200 years now but it never changed to castillian, in fact not a single county in my domain has changed culture in all these years.

    Frick this shit.

    • 6 months ago

      Are there any adjacent Castilian counties owned by you? Culture only spreads, it doesn't switch to yours automatically.
      There is an event for the county that is your crown focus, where you can pay gold to change the culture, but only if the prosperity level is at least 2.

      • 6 months ago

        >Are there any adjacent Castilian counties owned by you? Culture only spreads, it doesn't switch to yours automatically.
        Oh, I didn't know this.
        There are no adjacent castillian counties and I thought it switched automatically with a random chance every year.

        >There is an event for the county that is your crown focus, where you can pay gold to change the culture, but only if the prosperity level is at least 2.
        It is the crown focus though and has been during the whole time, prosperity has been at 3 for at least a century. No event happened.

        characters have a chance to convert personal demesne provinces to their culture. This chance scales with stewardship.
        if you want culture conversion to happen reliably then you need a competent steward (stewardship in the high teens at least) to rule over the county directly for as long as possible

        Toying around with culture is so much funner in ck2 because it's not tied to mana or an arbitrary timer. You actually have to seize the land from the local nobility and reorganize it under specialized administrators. Then you monitor the situation, unlanding incompetent administrators and putting down peasant revolts (both of these are controlled by independent game systems that exist independently of your cultural genocide project) and if you're successful, you will have affected the game map in a way that is nearly permanent. It is the HIGHEST level of map painting

        Yeah, county culture conversion is really cool. You can actually erase certain cultures/ethnicities from the game if you can convert all the counties from said culture. That makes it impossible for new characters of that culture to be generated, even barons.

      • 6 months ago

        If he plays with default culture conversion rule then culture in fact DOES simply spread. For other rules it requires adjacent province, coastal or crown focus for the event.

        • 6 months ago

          >If he plays with default culture conversion rule then culture in fact DOES simply spread.
          That is literally what I said, though?

    • 6 months ago

      characters have a chance to convert personal demesne provinces to their culture. This chance scales with stewardship.
      if you want culture conversion to happen reliably then you need a competent steward (stewardship in the high teens at least) to rule over the county directly for as long as possible

      Toying around with culture is so much funner in ck2 because it's not tied to mana or an arbitrary timer. You actually have to seize the land from the local nobility and reorganize it under specialized administrators. Then you monitor the situation, unlanding incompetent administrators and putting down peasant revolts (both of these are controlled by independent game systems that exist independently of your cultural genocide project) and if you're successful, you will have affected the game map in a way that is nearly permanent. It is the HIGHEST level of map painting

      • 6 months ago

        >Toying around with culture is so much funner in ck2 because it's not tied to mana or an arbitrary timer.
        I mean MTTH is still functionally a timer, just with more RNG, and if you are Hellenic you can spend society mana to covert provinces to your culture too.
        In some ways culture works better in CK2 but in others it is worse. Tying innovations to culture in CK3 is probably the worst part since it means you are discouraged from spreading it.

  104. 6 months ago

    Also, We're The Perfect Storm is such a nice song.

  105. 6 months ago

    Just got the nickname "The Magnificent". I have never seen it before.

  106. 6 months ago

    Is there a simple lewd mod for this that lets me bang my prisoners? Loverslab top pages have a lot of overhauls, I'm not really looking for all that.

  107. 6 months ago

    Started a new Haesteinn run. King of Brittany right now and settled my excess sons as kings of Bajadoz and Andalusia. Going to make my way to Arabia once crusades start so I can make myself a Shia Outremer caliphate.

  108. 6 months ago

    I'm playing CK3 with the Elder Kings mod

  109. 6 months ago

    SHOULD I try playing Nomad?

    Never played anything other than comfy christian european feudal before

    • 6 months ago

      Nomads are piss easy and even easier if you go north korea mode. Every time the khagan dies the clans get a chance to go independent. Just raid and conquer the steppe until you reach 30k population and invade wherever you want to settle.

      • 6 months ago

        I heard it is possible to get your son the adventurer trait

        • 6 months ago

          Yes, you can make them a mercenary and hire them yourself or just do it right before you die. They might also go raiding with their own indie band. Plus Attila bloodline allows even settled peoples to send their children as mercs for the trait. Not like you can emulate it from your ancestor like with erudite though.

      • 6 months ago

        why on earth would you ever want to do that?

        • 6 months ago

          Because within few decades being a nomad becomes really fricking boring. You'll swim in money and can't use it anywhere. Even overthrowing China would be piss easy. Hell, all formation or conquest cheevos are a handwave away as nomad.

          • 6 months ago

            religious ones too because you instantly convert any razed province

    • 6 months ago

      their warrior lodge is broken if you're tengri, you get a decision that gives free population

      • 6 months ago

        Definitely the biggest boost as waiting for the population to grow is just not fun.

    • 6 months ago

      You should try it at least once or twice but it is pretty clunky and super overpowered.

  110. 6 months ago

    What the actual frick,
    >Elder Kings, orcs
    >collecting and trying to merge 4 bloodlines, 3 generations in
    >perfectly bred son with the blood of our founder and of the Reman dynasty successfully married to girl combining 2 other bloodlines
    >arranging other succession shit, land and marry some other sons, look back
    >he's married to some bloodline-less lowborn orc thot
    >the girl I literally created for him to mate with, is unmarried
    >keep trying to remarry him back to the girl, at first legitimately killing the false brides, then console killing them as I start to realize
    >my son has -6000 prestige, from immediately divorcing and remarrying on his own to randomly generated 16 year old lowborns as soon as his proposals can be accepted

    It doesn't matter whether I have the "restrict marriage" box ticked, he does this every 5-9 days. This guy is completely unusable as an heir, he can't even stay married long enough to spill his seed in anyone let alone the mate I bred specifically for him. Not knowing why this bug is happening is killing my motivation to continue a playthrough that was going pretty well, has anyone seen this happen or know why my son went full moron?

    • 6 months ago

      That's why you dont give land to your heir

    • 6 months ago

      It's not a bug.Restrict marriage only works on unlanded heirs.

  111. 6 months ago

    >Shia caliphate got bugged and retained by Sunni usurper generation to generation

    Frick. I want my Outmemer caliphate of Antioch-Assyria.

  112. 6 months ago

    Can both shia and sunni caliphate exist at the same time?

    I don't think I've seen it happen, 1066 start btw

    • 6 months ago

      Have you not noticed that Fatimid Egypt is Shia caliph and in Baghdad you have Abbasid Sunni caliph under the Seljuks?

      • 6 months ago

        No I did not

  113. 6 months ago

    >Be also playing Elder Kings as Orc
    >Start conquering left, right and center and rebuilding Orsinium
    >Get too attached to my current ruler because he is just 2 gud
    >Son tries to keep dueling me to death and losing just to forgive them and incurring in opinion penalty for going against the law of the land
    >Keep extending my lifespan through all available ingame means, specially magic
    >Son which is quite capable is already on their mid 50s
    >His heir however is extremely subpar and probably cannot even hold himself against duels to death
    My main ruler will inevitably perish soon, I'm going to get to play as the current heir for a few years before he dies as well and then the realm split is going to be massive while everyone contest this deadbeat grandson to duels to death that he cannot possibly win. I accidentally became some kind of Orcish Queen Elizabeth.

    • 6 months ago

      Succession has been pretty simple for me, though having the luck of bearing many sons helps. Everyone marries into the best possible bloodline they can, the designated heir is always the most capable warrior, even if he isn't the coolest/best possible future. My kings have never been challenged for the throne.

      No mage/immortality shenanigans yet, not until the bloodline is fully set up and we have some genius+strong at least going on. This also gives time for the orcs to tech up toward absolute crown authority, which has been the prevailing lesson of this campaign - do not let orcs expand freely.

      It's been a weird playthrough, I expected to be fighting for the orcish people, a few scattered tribes struggling together to hold our place in a hostile world. Turns out the interregnum start is free real estate for orcs, who have an incredibly easy time invading upwards. Letting even one orc go free as a county chieftain, is too dangerous. If left unchecked, he will survive any amount of bullshit, expand at the perfect time, and balloon into a kingdom that genocides an entire race out of the game and derails Tamriel.

      The story turned out to be one of orcs invading unstoppably into politically fractured Redguard/Breton lands, poised to genocide an entire people, then getting utterly destroyed by even more orcs from further away, for their own alien reasons. Feels Mongol as frick tbh. The Kings of Orsinium are known as the Orc-Killer dynasty, and we've almost finished exterminating every last free orc in Tamriel. The orcs will expand in Tamriel someday, but only after a true ruler can bring their homie tendencies under control with absolute crown authority.

  114. 6 months ago

    You restrict diplomatic range to make the game more difficult, I restrict diplomatic range because I don't want racemixing.

    • 6 months ago

      Less vikang moronation is always nice.

    • 6 months ago

      same pisses me off seeing so few monoethnic couples, I hate it when some fricking greek lady marries some saxon noble it pisses me off.

  115. 6 months ago

    This is not fun.

    • 6 months ago

      >give a county for 10 years of no raiders
      >raider arrives

    • 6 months ago

      You could kill them.

      • 6 months ago

        Living next to the steppe would make that a non-stop annoyance.

    • 6 months ago

      Living next to the steppe would make that a non-stop annoyance.

      Living next to the steppe irl was a pain until the nomads were pacified/exterminated.

  116. 6 months ago

    Never played modded ck2. What should I try? Is HIP good?
    I wouldn't want to get too far away from vanilla.
    Also, a friend of mine used a mos that let he keep torturing people without having them exit the prison, but he doesn't remember what it was. Anyone knows which could it be?

    • 6 months ago

      That's not a mod you can chose that on the game rules but it disables achievements
      Just search for what you think its missing/bad in the game and mesh mods
      But if you are not feeling like searching mods the best overhaul mod its hip at the moment

      • 6 months ago

        Oh well, It doesn't have to be an overhaul mod. I read HIP was the most stable, but I would already be happy with torturing and mutiling people without going to deep as in loverslab deep. This and maybe a bit of balance improvements. I just have little time to test so I was looking for some advice on mods that won't brick my game with bugs or crashes.

  117. 6 months ago

    Does anybody have a link to download the program to use cheat codes with the last version of ck2? I used to have it to avoid bordergore but I've lost it.

    • 6 months ago

      ??? hit enable debug mode in the launcher and then tilde in game

      • 6 months ago

        If you use the cheat engine you will still be able to get achievements.

        • 6 months ago

          You mean a cheat table for cheat engine? just google that

  118. 6 months ago

    >elder kings
    >knahaten flu arrives 110+ years in
    >4-5 generations deep, a great dynasty of at least 150+ living orcs descended from Yashnag
    >plague literally covers everything except black marsh, no one is spared
    >my 17 year old king abandoned his people and family to be slaughtered by disease
    >survived with his favorite uncle and his 13 year old wife-to-be for 4 years, finishing grooming her on the party boat in the middle of the north sea (she would've died in her home court if she wasn't still a child for just long enough)
    >she came of age on the boat and of course married me, because of the implication
    >plague kills indiscriminately, killing 3/5 of the current royal generation, inbred defects and designated breeders alike were lost in the massacre
    >64 living kin when the plague finally ends

    Honestly, we had redundant and even inbred branches to prune, but it hurts knowing I could've saved more special characters if I didn't just stumble my way through this, I expected a plague not an apocalypse. RIP Safia, a half orc half black legendary mage who was going to breed the bloodline of Frandar into our line. Between this and losing our Reman boy to the madness of Sheogorath, it seems Malacath curses us every time we try to breed other races' greatness into his ruling family on Nirn. The 3 orc bloodlines survived at least, and life goes on.

    • 6 months ago

      Succession has been pretty simple for me, though having the luck of bearing many sons helps. Everyone marries into the best possible bloodline they can, the designated heir is always the most capable warrior, even if he isn't the coolest/best possible future. My kings have never been challenged for the throne.

      No mage/immortality shenanigans yet, not until the bloodline is fully set up and we have some genius+strong at least going on. This also gives time for the orcs to tech up toward absolute crown authority, which has been the prevailing lesson of this campaign - do not let orcs expand freely.

      It's been a weird playthrough, I expected to be fighting for the orcish people, a few scattered tribes struggling together to hold our place in a hostile world. Turns out the interregnum start is free real estate for orcs, who have an incredibly easy time invading upwards. Letting even one orc go free as a county chieftain, is too dangerous. If left unchecked, he will survive any amount of bullshit, expand at the perfect time, and balloon into a kingdom that genocides an entire race out of the game and derails Tamriel.

      The story turned out to be one of orcs invading unstoppably into politically fractured Redguard/Breton lands, poised to genocide an entire people, then getting utterly destroyed by even more orcs from further away, for their own alien reasons. Feels Mongol as frick tbh. The Kings of Orsinium are known as the Orc-Killer dynasty, and we've almost finished exterminating every last free orc in Tamriel. The orcs will expand in Tamriel someday, but only after a true ruler can bring their homie tendencies under control with absolute crown authority.

      >Playing as an orc
      But why, where is the nord tiber septim dragonborn larp?

      • 6 months ago

        >Playing boring ass discount vikings
        Only way you could be more boring is to play as generic Breton lord of generic fantasy land somewhere around Wayrest

        • 6 months ago

          >around Wayrest
          So Alcaire and Tiber Septim?

          • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          Bretons and Nords are my to favorite races to play as in Elder Kings!
          Dungmer are the most boring by far to play as. Only counting the Tamriel locations of course, none of the Akavir or sea elf shit.

          • 6 months ago

            Between the Ashlanders, The Great Houses and The Tribunal Temple Dunmer offer great variety and interesting backdrops in one single race. With Nords you get Westmarcher vs Eastmarcher at most (Protip: they are the same, only difference is to whom they are cucking for after the split) and when it comes to Bretons its even more plain and boring somehow

      • 6 months ago

        Maybe in another playthrough, I've got orc goals and I'm enjoying an orc vibe right now. The bright side to not being set on conquering and ruling everything around me, is that the inevitable worldwide border gore from intermarriage and inheritance, is NOT my problem.

        The extermination of the free orcs is almost complete, a single county in Hammerfell is the last resistance. He's of royal blood, 60 but still incredibly formidable as a warrior and statesman. His marriage game was better than my own and he has all 3 orc bloodlines united already, and two surviving sons of the plague who have thriving families already. His heir, 30, is a master warrior, strong, brave, lustful, ambitious, gregarious and wrothful, with narrow flank, desert and flat terrain mastery.

        You couldn't ruler design a pair of orcs more fit to conquer and rule in Hammerfell. Though they're surrounded on 3 sides by the Colovian expansion, there's no doubt in my mind they would find a way, and do what orcs always do. They are truly great orcs, and for this, they must be destroyed.

  119. 6 months ago

    >Expel the israelitery
    >National tax modifier: -10%
    >Diplomacy: -2
    Isn't it a bit too heavy of a malus? How do you deal with it? I'm tempted to just remove the malus using console commands but then again that would mean the decision would be void.

    • 6 months ago

      Didn't it not have any penalties but they added some because players did as rulers did historically: take loans and expel israelites.

  120. 6 months ago

    Just got the game. What settings should I use, should I enable all the dlc's, is vanilla good, what date should I start at, and who should should I play as? I was thinking maybe something in Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, southern France, or maybe England.

  121. 6 months ago

    give me a fricking son you infertile lesbo

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      These homossexual b***hes will NEVER cheat and can't be seduced by your vassals with seduction focus so they actually make pretty good wives

      • 6 months ago

        Just take groom an heir ambition and do family/seduction focus and you’ll overcome her perverse Yuri lust with sheer virility

    • 6 months ago


      Your keyboard literally has a dedicated button for screenshots you fricking animal

      • 6 months ago

        the game has a chance of crashing each time i alt tab so no thanks

        • 6 months ago

          What do you need to alt-tab for? The game automatically saves the screenshots for you.

          • 6 months ago

            to post duh

    • 6 months ago

      Should’ve married a lustful, Midas touched lesbo to counter the fertility negative.
      Lesbo wives are good if you do that, they’ll only cheat with other women which is very rare and harmless.

  122. 6 months ago

    Anyone played as the Alans and did you go to Europe, Middle East, India or stay in the steppes?

    • 6 months ago

      I restored the Roman empire as them. Never even converted away from Manichaeanism.

      • 6 months ago

        Were you a secret religion? Because I thought that without mods you couldn’t recreate the Roman Empire without being Hellenist or Christian.

        • 6 months ago

          Swapping your religion as nomad is piss easy. Just pause the game and do the tricks.

          • 6 months ago

            So you did convey away then convert back, that makes more sense.

  123. 6 months ago

    >Abbasids have 53k troops
    It's over isn't it?

    • 6 months ago

      Swear allegiance and start an independence faction. Assuming that the caliph and his heir are not zealous.

    • 6 months ago

      >Abbasids own a bunch of land in central europe
      wtf how did that happen? did you forget to dial up exclave independence to total and diplomatic range to restricted?

      • 6 months ago

        The Umayyads have land in Denmark and Sweden. I bet they conquered land in central Europe also, but someone in the Abbasid realm inherited it.

        • 6 months ago

          >The Umayyads have land in Denmark and Sweden
          Look at the color and name, that is Khazaria.
          The Abbasids do have land in England, Wales and Ireland though from the looks of it.

  124. 6 months ago

    >gay conversion therapy is a thing
    >and is actually effective
    holy based

    • 6 months ago

      Pray the gay away

      • 6 months ago

        unironically yes

    • 6 months ago

      would never fly in ck3

    • 6 months ago

      fricking loved this character
      >born half a year before his fathers death
      >ruler from literal infanthood
      >neglected by everyone
      >grew up homosexual, failed his studies, was an avid dueler
      >through sheer fricking force of will, he furthered his studies in warfare, became a vassal to the kaiser, became a renowned commander, and conquered the duchy of austria
      >became a paragon of virtue and overcame his homosexuality
      >got elected as kaiser
      >fought back against many foes of the empire
      >beloved by literally everyone inside and outside the hre
      >abdicated at 58 to become a monk


    • 6 months ago

      >losing the gay

      >losing lustful
      >gaining chaste
      >gaining celibate

      • 6 months ago

        >losing lustful
        >gaining chaste
        Imagine not staying faithful to your wife that fell in love with you via the family focus

        • 6 months ago

          For me, it's banging the event maid and then making her my queen. Beautiful woman if the wilds is fine too, but harder to catch.

          • 6 months ago

            How is the wow mod? Never played but very curious.

      • 6 months ago

        >Join monastic order
        >take decision to lose celibate
        I don’t see the problem.

      • 6 months ago

        >being chaste

        >becoming celibate after your wife dies
        nah bro

  125. 6 months ago

    fricking loved this character
    >born half a year before his fathers death
    >ruler from literal infanthood
    >neglected by everyone
    >grew up homosexual, failed his studies, was an avid dueler
    >through sheer fricking force of will, he furthered his studies in warfare, became a vassal to the kaiser, became a renowned commander, and conquered the duchy of austria
    >became a paragon of virtue and overcame his homosexuality
    >got elected as kaiser
    >fought back against many foes of the empire
    >beloved by literally everyone inside and outside the hre
    >abdicated at 58 to become a monk

    • 6 months ago

      Truly based. This is why ck2 is such a good game.

    • 6 months ago

      You can abdicate in HIP?

      • 6 months ago

        it was an event

  126. 6 months ago

    newbie to the game here, been having loads of fun, ive been turning Ireland into a Satanist hellhole, my daughter is the Antichrist, and my horse is, uhhh, interesting

    • 6 months ago

      Kek that reminds me, my first character was in ireland, I got into the satan society with a woman character and accepted to join the crusade, without knowing what I was doing I was given all of greece

  127. 6 months ago

    Was playing a Hvitserk game. Took Britannia and converted Catholic, and am now making the isles Norse culture. Didn't realize that I'd still be able to raid heathens. So, after getting some shipyards built, I now get to routinely burn Spain to the ground, which funds more ships and troops, which bring back more loot, etc. That aspect of the game has been kind of fun.
    The other goal has, of course, been to break the Karlings. But damnit if that doesn't take ages and with low long-term success. And there's so many landed that I think it's basically impossible.
    Anyone have any success removing Karling power in an 867 start?

    • 6 months ago

      You know, I never really played the Vikings apart for the one time I started as a viking c**t, tried to go pillaging and bankrupted my ass before the end of the first year. How does it work step by step? Care to do a quick moron-proof guide?

      • 6 months ago

        You pick weak or isolated targets. Mediterranean islands are rich and easy. Baltic or British coast is shite and Frogs are too strong.

        Gotland is a great start since it has good empty holdings and I've never been buggered by king of Sweden. You don't have to deal with tribal politics or gavelkind and great harbour for military wharf is cheap enough for the extra boats and siege bonus. Just raid for a century and then prepare and invasion wherever.

        Another nice start is Haesteinn since you can hold all of Brittany personally and you're feudal but you have to prepare invasion to land your extra sons.

        • 6 months ago

          What about the actual steps of pillaging? You bring your men in the boat, you attack a domain and siege it till you get the money and then you go back home to unload soldiers and money? I remember the ships cost was so high I literally had no money at all

          • 6 months ago

            The real money in pillaging is sieging down holdings, so you want to have enough troops to be able to do that. But yeah, you have the gist of it.

            • 6 months ago

              Adding to this it takes 10:1 ratio of assaulting:defending, to one tap a castle and take insignificant losses. Once you're 10x stronger than the average garrison, you can smash through counties nonstop on a good raiding route.

              Ngl raiding is busted and I don't like it when mods just let everyone raid. A medium farm produces like 0.000004 gold per year, but going and raiding said farm puts 20 gold in your pocket + ransoms. Raiding realms can pump so much gold into developing holdings early on, overpower all nearby kingdoms with personal demesne, and the AI will never catch up.

              • 6 months ago

                >mfw sieging as Han Zunist with Zun lodge trait, siege leader and way of leopard

              • 6 months ago

                Not letting everyone raid doesn’t really stop the player from doing it since you can just switch to a raiding culture while the AI won’t purposefully do that.

              • 6 months ago

                The bigger thing is it stops you from having the AI constantly raiding everywhere so it is still worth restricting.

            • 6 months ago

              I see. Nice, guess I'll get to it when I'll finish this Karling game. Guess I'll play the Karling bustet then.

              Adding to this it takes 10:1 ratio of assaulting:defending, to one tap a castle and take insignificant losses. Once you're 10x stronger than the average garrison, you can smash through counties nonstop on a good raiding route.

              Ngl raiding is busted and I don't like it when mods just let everyone raid. A medium farm produces like 0.000004 gold per year, but going and raiding said farm puts 20 gold in your pocket + ransoms. Raiding realms can pump so much gold into developing holdings early on, overpower all nearby kingdoms with personal demesne, and the AI will never catch up.

              Yeah feels really OP, but then again most of the mechanics of the game fan be busted, from societies to building up your demesne to artifact. In my kast game I went out of my way to avoid building up my demesne and I let epidemies take out most of my family to handicap myself a bit since at Charlemagne start you are just so big.

              • 6 months ago

                It can be quite OP. In that Hvitserk game, once I had enough ships to safely raid Muslim Spain, I very quickly went from backwater country that really had no business calling itself an empire to being the uncontested most powerful realm in Christendom. Every few years I'd be pulling thousands of ducats from Spanish raids, letting me pretty much constantly be building in my demesne. By the time a set of buildings were done, I had the cash for another.
                But even with all that money, being able to bribe every possible person to join my plots, I can't kill Karlings fast enough. It's truly a monumental undertaking to dislodge the Karlings.

          • 6 months ago

            Make sure to pillage provinces who's primary and secondary holdings are cities/temples because they're richer and easier to siege down

  128. 6 months ago

    Any mod that let's you decide if you want a province to convert culture or not?

    • 6 months ago

      There are mods that let you force faster conversion in various ways but I am not certain there are mods that let you prevent it.

    • 6 months ago

      You can land a noble of that culture to prevent conversion I guess.

      • 6 months ago

        the culture conversion event doesn't happen if the owner is that culture too

        Don't vassals have a chance to convert to the liege's culture?

        • 6 months ago

          they do, or can decide to
          when I did the Norse to English achievement I went out of my way to keep my vassals Anglo-Saxon so that provinces wouldn't convert until the English melting pot is available, and yet a bunch of my vassals became Norman anyway

    • 6 months ago

      the culture conversion event doesn't happen if the owner is that culture too

  129. 6 months ago

    For the ultimate power trip, is there a mod that lets me attack khomies while I'm their liege?

    Yes I swore to protect you, but I also want to whoop that fricking ass when uppity vassals try to blob outward from my beautiful borders, or see dukes trying to war each other to frick up my internal borders.

    • 6 months ago

      Just get the tyrant bloodline from the event chain during bloodline ambition. You can revoke anything. Iqta and Chinese imperialism let you freely revoke dukes as well.

  130. 6 months ago

    Been modding HIP to make 12th century christian Spain a bit more historical, because as good as the mod is, the team really half-assed the work in that region.

    • 6 months ago

      post github

  131. 6 months ago

    Should I be destroying trade posts within my realm? The loot I gain is minimal and they supposedly help my county's income if I leave them alone?

    • 6 months ago

      They do minimal good in increasing city tax since AI can't into unified trade zones. But if you have lots of trade posts from a single merchant republic you can declare embargo war on them and get better loot from dismantling them since AI merchant republics are weak sauce.

      • 6 months ago

        >since AI merchant republics are weak sauce.
        The AI is almost always weak sauce because it doesn't hire mercenaries when it should be an easy win for them.

        Sometimes even count level AI will hire mercs, but often, you'll see a realm being invaded and losing because they have 5k troops while the invader has 10k but the liege is sitting on 10k gold, enough to hire dozens of thousands of mercenary troops.

  132. 6 months ago

    only one child after years of marriage and concubines. hope i didnt get cucked. Also music in ck2 is superior to ck3.

    • 6 months ago

      >only one child after years of marriage and concubines
      unique bloodline owners in my court be like

  133. 6 months ago

    Is there a rotation for the humble bundles? I'm really kicking myself for missing the ck2 dlc bundle.

  134. 6 months ago

    I've spent a lot of time with this game but there are so many things to do I get overwhelmed and just fast forward until something happens.

  135. 6 months ago

    Is there a mod that:
    >removes fabricating CBs with chancellor
    >removes all conquest CBs
    >removes prepared invasions
    >removes holy war CB, keeps crusade/great holy wars

    I want the marriage game to actually matter. We all pretend to believe in God and divine right and then we all cheat the system and wheel out every bullshit excuse to seize each other's lands. I don't think I've ever pulled off a successful "marry my daughter into noble family and assassinate heirs to inherit their land" gambit because why even bother, just have the chancellor fake a claim in 3 years.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't know about a mod, but
      >I don't think I've ever pulled off a successful "marry my daughter into noble family and assassinate heirs to inherit their land"
      really? It's one of my favorite things to play, admittedly only once I've established a reliable powerbase.
      >become king of ____
      >marry my excess sons to daughters or preferably ruling women in other realms
      >establish my dynasty throughout many lands. Dukes here, counts there
      >eventual go for kingdoms, too
      Loads of fun. And the additional cbs I think are important to make that game still dynamic. Still need to help and protect your family, and be wary of where you marry into

    • 6 months ago

      If you don't care about compatibility, that seems straightforward to do yourself. Create a mod that overwrites the cb_types and job_actions so the things you want to disable can't be used by the player/AI depending on what you want. Diplomatic actions are part of the defines where you can modify the PREPARE_INVASION_INTERACTION.

  136. 6 months ago

    Nta, I've never really done the marriage thing myself. I usually try to find a family for all my sons and daughters but only that. How are you supposed to take control of the land? Because usually AI will not accept matrilinear marriage, and honestly it's not even historic enough for me to do it often.

    • 6 months ago

      2 things. First, I'm often not trying to control the land myself, rather just trying to land another member of my dynasty
      Second, I use sons instead of daughters for the job. Once you have a decent powerbase, you should be powerful/prestigious enough to marry some unmarried landed ladies. Especially children will tend to accept a non-matri marriage to a strong house. So, betroth sons to duchesses and countesses. Then, of course, there's always the option of marrying a lady who is not a ruler or direct heir and then killing her brothers and father so she inherits.
      The whole thing is a lot harder to do with kingdoms, because, even if you ally the kingdom in question, the ruler (either your daughter-in-law or your grandson) will either be a woman or likely the wrong culture, and they'll often submit to factions.

  137. 6 months ago

    Any mods that have Gallo-Roman, Romano British, African Roman, etc if not someone should make one

  138. 6 months ago

    Happy New Year, you filthy animals

  139. 6 months ago


  140. 6 months ago

    >decide to do an altaic culture run since I normally play in western europe
    >start in the 900s as the new Karluk ruler of Kashmir and justify it as some mercenary/adventurer takeover
    >give myself a reinforcing army of 1500 horsemen, three regiments with the same ratio as the generic cavalry retinue but double the size (turns out indian provinces are so fricking rich I could probably field 6k but whatever)
    >switch to elective gravelkind and declare the invasion war on my nearest neighbour as soon as I can, trying to conquer my way towards the mountains so I can try to revive the Zun faith
    >get notification that the war in China that I didn't notice has come to an end
    >suddenly some chinese rebel general wanders down from fricking Tibet to shit-stomp the indian kingdoms in the south
    >there's now a fricking rival chinese empire on my doorstep with about 8k event troops currently going on a rampage throughout the south
    guess I'm gonna have to speed up my plans for conquest

  141. 6 months ago

    Who lands their sons for the roleplay?

    • 6 months ago

      barony in my capital county for the eldest, counties for the rest
      except the youngest, the youngest always goes to the monastery—or becomes a priest if i have free investiture

    • 6 months ago

      one of the funner roleplays I did was where my character never married but acknowledged all of his children and gave as many of them as possible land to rule with the best (read; whichever one was lucky enough to inherit good genetics) being legitimised as the proper heir. Gave a nice spin to the tried-and-true "only legitimise one bastard" trick to get around gravelkind.

  142. 6 months ago

    Is it hardcored to only 5 holy sites?

    • 6 months ago

      According to the wiki:
      >If fewer than five holy sites are allocated to a religion this will be reported in the error log. If more than five holy sites are assigned then the game will crash as soon as that religion's religion screen is opened.

      • 6 months ago

        can confirm. You can script less than five and experience no problems. You can even script none, though I imagine WoL pilgrimmage events might become a little jank.

      • 6 months ago

        Damn, Chalcedonian Christianity would need morethan 5 holy sites

  143. 6 months ago

    Decided to di an Han run for the first time. So far it has been pure hell on earth.
    >Start the game
    >Iron century start
    >Some dude on the border with china
    >Dude has the worst traits
    >He dies in his sleep
    >Tangs get GTFO from steppe tards
    >New junichen emperor invades me and takes half my territories
    >My half brother go adventurer and invades me
    >I die
    >My son is a moron
    >I lose to my half brother
    >Finally adult again
    >I die again while to reinforce my county
    >I'm once again stuck in regency hell
    >At 15 I get leprosy

    • 6 months ago

      I did Aladdin cheevo as that guy. Migrated through crusade to Egypt having converted through my friend in hermetic order. Already was king of Xia by that point.

      • 6 months ago

        By that point I figures out I would be better just restarting.
        >Start again with the dude
        >This time Tangs win the war
        >Marry into Tangs to get a truce
        >Get raped by hirdes8
        >Get a couple of concubine to shit as many daughters and son as I can
        >Marry them all to the hordes
        >Use the hordes against the hordes and manage to get 3 duchies worth of territories
        >Every time an horde became dangerous I just killed the khans to fragment then
        So far so good. I've done this for a couple of generation, it's now around 1000 a.D. and I'm thinking about my options. I'm still taoist though, and so hordes keep ravaging my land. Before closing the game I realised my territories were always bad because every time hordes win a siege they destroy a couple of building. Frick me it's a pain.

        Yeah it's my aim but I'd like to avoid go christian. I'm thinking to try amd switch to horse myself, but it's going to be a pain in the arse to trick the game into turning you into nomad.

        • 6 months ago

          Get a bön friend or take over Khotan for the holy site, reform it for prepared invasions and go west slant-eye. Also negotiate with a random nomad shit host. You want to get the hell out of the border and dump that shit to your vassals, eventually giving up that land.

          • 6 months ago

            Thanks for the solid suggestion. It was a pain to get a bon guy in my court since most of the bon countries are no more, until I realised I could just get a concubine.
            Once I converted I managed to expand right away. I need to solve in a way or another the issue with the persians owning Khotan though, or I won't be able to reform the religion. Also aren't reformed religions death screens still bugged?

            • 6 months ago

              Forgot screen.

  144. 6 months ago

    Find a flaw.

    • 6 months ago

      Ygritte and Jon have to live in the snake pit that is Kings Landing instead of comfy camping together.

  145. 6 months ago

    Reverse Manzikert lmao

    • 6 months ago

      Also, I want to mod out a couple of things I don't like about vanilla. I know there are more extensive mods but I don't wanna use mods that changes too many things.
      I.e. 1) how do I avoid that bullshit that frees prisoners after torture? I know there is a rule to avoid this but I prefer to mod it out. 2) how can I remove the bullshit event about foods during pregnacy?

      • 6 months ago

        Pregnancy flavour can be turned off in game rules.

        • 6 months ago

          I just wanna disable that event, the others are fine. Also I thought it was a supernatural event but then it popped up again and, despite knowing you can avoid bad effects, I don't wanna have this one.

          • 6 months ago

            It's just some lines in a text file anon, go nuts.

          • 6 months ago

            Also, I want to mod out a couple of things I don't like about vanilla. I know there are more extensive mods but I don't wanna use mods that changes too many things.
            I.e. 1) how do I avoid that bullshit that frees prisoners after torture? I know there is a rule to avoid this but I prefer to mod it out. 2) how can I remove the bullshit event about foods during pregnacy?

            Do these pregnancy events for food even do anything?

            I just give my b***h something random

            • 6 months ago

              If you give a rabbit leg to your wife the kid will have club foot and so on. I don't remember if it always happens or not, but that is a trigger.
              Also I found out there was a mod to torture and mutilate people called merciless ruler, but it's not available anymore since steam decided to censor it. I found out a link googling but it was actually the ck3 version. Frick me and moronic censor.

              • 6 months ago

                I know there was one torture mod on ModDB and another one on LoversLab

              • 6 months ago

                >If you give a rabbit leg to your wife the kid will have club foot and so on.
                Ah, now I understand. That's why every other character has one of these bad genetic traits.

                They bring some realism and flavor but it becomes annoying when every portrait you open has that deformed mouth.

  146. 6 months ago

    Been playing multiplayer. The mongols invaded china, then china rebelled and took the throne back, now china rules over the entire mongol empire, they've tried to break away like 3 times already I thought it would shatter their empire when they lost but no

    • 6 months ago

      that's just a war for them to stop being a tributary, it's Chinese invasions that shatter nations

    • 6 months ago

      How hard it is usually to break free by such a western protectorate? How many man can they throw at you?

      • 6 months ago

        Just wait until they're not at peace at home.

      • 6 months ago

        >how many men can they throw at you?
        given that its china a fricking lot, an invasion against a pretender empire in one of my games got to about 170k event troops without a golden age - generally don't even bother trying to break off unless things have royally gone to shit in china already.

        • 6 months ago

          Realistically most of those should starve to death or desert before they even got near the edge of map and it would take some time for the chinese to actually send an army if they would do that at all.The whole point of the Western Protectorate was that they were required to raise their own troops since the chinese couldn't just send their armies over a 1000 miles from their core territories through inhospitable land everytime a random nomad started a war.
          >given that its china a fricking lot
          The Tang dynasty fought their short war against the Abbasids mostly by using mercenaries and at best ten thousand actual chinese soldiers.

        • 6 months ago

          Frick me I attacked the first time and fought against 3k chinese reinforcement and 10k protectorate while China was invaded by barbara. Fricked up because caught in irl shit, reloaded and when I restarted China lost the invasion. Since China was still unstable I attacked again and they fricking spawned 10k troups on top of the 10k of the protectorate. What the hell.

          Realistically most of those should starve to death or desert before they even got near the edge of map and it would take some time for the chinese to actually send an army if they would do that at all.The whole point of the Western Protectorate was that they were required to raise their own troops since the chinese couldn't just send their armies over a 1000 miles from their core territories through inhospitable land everytime a random nomad started a war.
          >given that its china a fricking lot
          The Tang dynasty fought their short war against the Abbasids mostly by using mercenaries and at best ten thousand actual chinese soldiers.

          Let's say I'd make a mod to solve this bullshit, what would be the realistic approach? Have max numbe

          • 6 months ago

            Cut the message by mistake. As I was saying, what would be the most realistic approach? Have a max number of chinese armies inferior while adding a delay? Or having the protectorate just recruit mercenaries? I'm thinking about fixing this in a homebrewed mod for my next game.

      • 6 months ago

        I played as a horde empire once and china decided to attack me, they had 100k troops, luckily I had a shit ton too and somehow defeated them

        • 6 months ago

          Not that hard since you have modifiers on your horde troops out of the ass, all cavalry army that can defeat armies several times its size and the chinks dividing their forces.

        • 6 months ago

          tengri pagans get some absolutely disgusting buffs to their light cavalry and if they have the eagle warrior trait they get even more to them and a little to their heavy cav, while their capital (if nomad) can buff horse archers as well as the other cav units too I believe (I have never played nomad correct me if I'm wrong). It's probably the reason they're so miserable to neighbour - they and they alone get absolutely absurd buffs to their troops who they can easily outnumber feudal armies with while also having far more control over their troop comp so you can add better tactics in to boot if you're autistic enough to micro that.

          • 6 months ago

            I just checked and you get around 33% attack bonus to all cavalry, double defence, double morale, camels get extra attack and defences same ratio as before. And that's all before religion and leader bonuses. It's less than what I listed with most nomad capitals due to tech limitations on buildings but still utterly obscene.

            • 6 months ago

              Oh and horse archers get like 150% attack bonus.

            • 6 months ago

              Oh and horse archers get like 150% attack bonus.

              Yeah fighting hordes if you can't afford retinues is fricking hellish, even when outnumbered they fricking cut through my men like they are butter.

            • 6 months ago

              I just checked and the bonuses for the buildings max out at 8 total upgrades, which give the following;
              >lvl 8 horse breeder: 35% light cav, heavy cav * horse archer defense
              >lvl 8 riding contests: 39% light cav & heavy cav offense, +30% global move speed
              >lvl 8 hunting parties: 39% horse archer attack
              >lvl 8 composite bow: 80% horse archer & archer attack
              >lvl 8 lamellar armour crafter: 60% light inf, heavy inf, pikemen, light cav, heavy cav, archers, horse archers, camel cav & war elephant defense
              oh and their wrestling building when maxxed out also gives their armies an extra 28% morale boost, and the airag producer also gives 35% more morale and 40% pop growth.

              For comparison, the jousting lists building, at its max, gives 60% extra attack to heavy cav and 90 heavy cav, with training grounds giving 45% army morale and levy refill rate when fully built.

              • 6 months ago

                >lvl 8 lamellar armour crafter: 60% light inf, heavy inf, pikemen, light cav, heavy cav, archers, horse archers, camel cav & war elephant defense
                >Feudals don't get anything comparable.
                Ahh yes. Because only nomads could craft armor.Who thought this was a good idea when no other government type has a building like this and why for all unit types?This kind of shit just breaks the whole balance.Is there any mod that nerfes this?

      • 6 months ago

        >How many man can they throw at you?
        pic related

        • 6 months ago

          Jesus Christ how am I supposed to fight the fricking western protectorate, they are suffering from great famine and despite the tooltip saying they won't be able to send men they actually sent 8k, added to the western mandate they arrive at 14k I just have 5k and they own a county I need jesus

          • 6 months ago

            Forgot to say that I edited the game files so the normal protectorate army is most likely smaller than in my post

            >How many man can they throw at you?
            pic related

          • 6 months ago

            Mod the chinese stacks to have attrition.Or try surround them with as many troops as you can, get them to attack you in a mountain province and hope that your reinforcements arrive before you lose the battle.

  147. 6 months ago

    Is Voltaire's Nightmare for EU4 as flavorful as HIP?

  148. 6 months ago

    >conquer nomad county
    >If you don't convert it to feudal you will lose it on succession
    >You cam convert a tribe holding woth good walls to castle
    >You need the fricking countu tonbenof your own religion to do that
    What the frick what is the meaning of this

    • 6 months ago

      I unironically made a mod that removes the need to convert nomad provinces religion just to speed up the process of wiping nomads out and console command enough money to put a castle in every province. I'll probably make a mod that lets you just instantly replace the tribe with a castle like you can if there's no spare holding slot at some point too.
      >what the frick is the meaning of this
      the meaning is "frick you nomads are OP and you can't conquer them because frick your mother"

      I just checked and you get around 33% attack bonus to all cavalry, double defence, double morale, camels get extra attack and defences same ratio as before. And that's all before religion and leader bonuses. It's less than what I listed with most nomad capitals due to tech limitations on buildings but still utterly obscene.

      Yeah fighting hordes if you can't afford retinues is fricking hellish, even when outnumbered they fricking cut through my men like they are butter.

      nomads are stupid busted even if you take the "durrr muh historical nomads" arguement into account; the only winning move is to either be a nomad yourself or not fricking live next to them because even if you invest into a perfectly-tooled anti-nomad army you will still lose troops faster than you can kill theirs. If you ever play the byzantines you get to marvel as your crimea holdings get used as glorified target practice. Oh, and don't forget everytime they sack a holding they destroy a building in it for shits and giggles.

      • 6 months ago

        >I unironically made a mod
        Yeah I'm thinking about modding it out. Shit like this is why I waited so much before buying the game back when it was still in development and then they left all those issues in the game. Luckly, most of this stuff is moddable.
        >Oh, and don't forget everytime they sack a holding they destroy a building in it for shits and giggles.
        Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Either everybody winning a siege destroys buildings or nobody. My Han game has been frustrated so much by this shit.

      • 6 months ago

        Did you upload the mod anywhere?

      • 6 months ago

        >I unironically made a mod that removes the need to convert nomad provinces religion just to speed up the process of wiping nomads out
        What files do you need to edit to do this? I'm trying to found the specific decision but I can't for the life of mine. Is the "settlement_decision" txt in the decision folder? What line is?

  149. 6 months ago

    This is how it's going.

    • 6 months ago

      I had pic related happen once

      • 6 months ago

        So I wanted to try out the game, clicked random and got to play some Satyr guy.
        Now I have a giant problem with holding demesne, since I cannot give demons any holdings because they can't reproduce.
        The frick am I supposed to do?
        Because I'm a demon everybody hates me and only demons accept invites to court.

        • 6 months ago

          With some factions in this you have to set up some game rules tailored for it, if you want to do some fun stuff. I think with demons I'd turn off the religion penalty to invite to court.

          This fricking mod.
          Also I got forcefully vassalized by Tyrande, getting her over threat threshold so everyone attacked her at the same time, and during that she tried to forcefully take one of my provinces, at which moment I said "No." and won the war against her tyranny, now she's a courtier somewhere because she got dethroned since I won the war.

          Well done getting rid of Tyrande, she's a menace. If Archimonde reaches the world tree it says night elves will lose immortality, but I didn't see a change in their race trait. If he's gone that far successfully though he's probably in shape to destroy them all soon anyway.

          • 6 months ago

            Seems like he did.
            What now?

            • 6 months ago

              He might have won the war without even sieging the capital, now he owns that land. Switch to him and check if he has decision or something to kill the tree if he owns it? Events like this trigger when you siege down the holding that has the building.
              Either way he's probably gonna continue conquering, he has the invasion of azeroth CB for kingdom sized claims. He can be beaten though, the biggest thing is just killing off the event troop doomstack that arrives with him. Elves might randomly reclaim bits of his land from within, idk how or why.

        • 6 months ago

          high priest cuck

  150. 6 months ago

    >start as duke of Tripoli in early 1000 in HIP intending to become druze empire in north Levant
    >Seljuks spread and form their empire in Persia as usual
    >but then a chink pretender invades them and SUCCEEDS

    Now this is pod racing. Lets see how long they'll survive.

    • 6 months ago

      Well that was fast. 10 years and western protectorate came in and broke the empire Seljuks had conquered. But are they bad enough dudes to take back?

  151. 6 months ago

    >merciless ruler was deleted from steam workshop
    >installed from skymods, no backdated versions, current one doesn't do anything in game
    Ok where the frick do I actually get this mod

    • 6 months ago

      Bro check the autor workshop it's still there, it will just say it's not compatible but it actually works. Also remember to activate the mod from the stupid launcher, I always forget.

      • 6 months ago

        How to find this guy's profile on steam's shitty browser? Viscount Danku

        There doesn't seem to be a simple way to just copy a url into this shitty "browser," workshop doesn't appear to have any selection that lets me browse by authors, and the mod itself can't be found through the normal workshop categories. I have no idea if he's made any other mods (to find his profile and from there his items) but searching by author name gives nothing.

        • 6 months ago

          never mind, found his other mods outside of steam browser, steam is still shit

        • 6 months ago

          never mind, found his other mods outside of steam browser, steam is still shit

          You had to look for other mods of the guy, or alternatively, check the collection called "Major MacMillan's mods" which contains all his mods. Guess I could've added more info but I was outside and couldn't really look into the workshop. Also yeah, it's always a shit, it's literally the worst part of Steam, managing Cities Skyline mods was hell.

  152. 6 months ago

    >dead thread

  153. 6 months ago

    Would you rccomend buying CK3 considering buying it not but not getting dlc and just playing multiplayer first, it seems to me to lack the variety of events and societies as ck2 but have more charachter focused stuff. Is this correct?

    • 6 months ago

      It's just farting and focus trees.

      • 6 months ago

        Honestly a huge disappointment, I'm back to CK2 after trying out many overhaul mods on there. The game just feels so completely stripped down compared to CK2, nothing accomplished in there feels like it was earned, difficulty and challenge is absent. No matter what setting, you simply stroll your way to emperor in one lifetime, then sit there preparing for the AI to put up some kind of late game challenge that never happens.

        Only thing CK3 has better is the culture system they added in Royal Court but I can't be bothered to deal with perk/dynasty trees, event spam, military system, player-facing only mechanics, easiness, etc... The game is just not designed well.

        Hell no, that shit sucks ass

        The issue is that 20k play the game every fricking day, for paradox this is a huge success. The reason they are not shitting more stuff and the game is in such a sorry state is those numbers.

    • 6 months ago

      Honestly a huge disappointment, I'm back to CK2 after trying out many overhaul mods on there. The game just feels so completely stripped down compared to CK2, nothing accomplished in there feels like it was earned, difficulty and challenge is absent. No matter what setting, you simply stroll your way to emperor in one lifetime, then sit there preparing for the AI to put up some kind of late game challenge that never happens.

    • 6 months ago

      Only thing CK3 has better is the culture system they added in Royal Court but I can't be bothered to deal with perk/dynasty trees, event spam, military system, player-facing only mechanics, easiness, etc... The game is just not designed well.

    • 6 months ago

      CK3 is easier to play in mp and has better QoL. These are the only merits on which I can recommend it over ck2.

    • 6 months ago

      Hell no, that shit sucks ass

  154. 6 months ago

    This fricking mod.
    Also I got forcefully vassalized by Tyrande, getting her over threat threshold so everyone attacked her at the same time, and during that she tried to forcefully take one of my provinces, at which moment I said "No." and won the war against her tyranny, now she's a courtier somewhere because she got dethroned since I won the war.

  155. 6 months ago

    >Tfw Papa Archimonde is here.

  156. 6 months ago

    It begins

    • 6 months ago

      How buggy is it?

      • 6 months ago

        A few bugs but nothing unplayable, mod has some cucked decisions though

        • 6 months ago

          Is it as bad as the Faerun mod?

          • 6 months ago
            • 6 months ago

              homosexuals and trannies shouldn't be allowed to mod.

  157. 6 months ago

    Anyone playing AtE Fanfork for CK2? Been having a blast on it. Got the game few months ago. Bought up all the dlc during the winter on steam. I played vanilla to death when I had a sub so already experienced all the dlc. So when to AtE and pretty fun. I started where I live irl in the HCC. Then made a California Caliphate. Then I played some French Canadians, took Detroit and Michigan, formed a huge vast empire that religiously took over most of North America outside the HCC and the West Coast. Now I'm playing as israelites and been taking over New England. Just grabbed most of Maryland, still need to grab DC though. Then I'll focus on the conquest of Hudson and up New England north ways. Already got Boston though so I got the israeliteel of New England.

  158. 6 months ago

    >fricking forgot I have Sunset and Mongol Invasions set to random
    >they both proc in the same year as each other
    >it's 996
    it's so fricking over, guess I'm switching my laws to elective gravelkind and I'm conquering my way into the heart of india in the hopes neither of them reach me.

    • 6 months ago

      Where are you located?

  159. 6 months ago

    Can I call Knights Hospitaller on my revolting Sunni vassals?

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