>crusader kings 2 comes out in 2012. >8 years later crusader kings 3 comes out

>crusader kings 2 comes out in 2012
>8 years later crusader kings 3 comes out
>in 2023 ck2 is still considered superior to ck3
How does this keep happening?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Only losers play these games

    • 1 year ago

      look at this loser punching down on other losers on a website for losers

    • 1 year ago

      I play these games and I can confirm

    • 1 year ago

      that's true but the original question still needs to e answered

      • 1 year ago

        It's been answered. Utterly moronic devs.

        These are people that have made makeup a genetic trait. This is the level of moronation we're on.

    • 1 year ago

      >Posts on Ganker
      >Thinks he's not a loser

    • 1 year ago

      lose deez nuts b***h

    • 1 year ago
  2. 1 year ago

    Is the game of thrones mod out for ck3 yet?

  3. 1 year ago


    3/4 of the map are pointless and they all play exactly like western Europe (where 99% of games are played)

  4. 1 year ago

    >ck2lets are still seething

  5. 1 year ago

    All the dlc that came out for ck2

  6. 1 year ago

    CK2 wasn't finished until 2019, so it's actually a very modern game. CK3 is still in early access. No shit 2 is better.

  7. 1 year ago

    Once AGOT comes out on CK3 I will disagree but for now 2 reigns supreme

  8. 1 year ago

    >in 2023 ck2 is still considered superior to ck3
    CK2 is just a collection of unrelated mechanics added with dlcs.
    CK3 is better and more consistent. It needs some tweaking but what we already have is much deeper and more interlinked.

    • 1 year ago

      >much deeper and more interlinked.
      examples of this?

      • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago

          The frick, is that some homosexual swedish self insertion?
          The guy needs to pop less HRT.

      • 1 year ago

        Literally the last dlc we got for ck3.
        Every mechanic feels in its place and not just "well now you can join cults and other meetings gaining bonuses but it basically doesn't affect anything".

        >just a collection of unrelated mechanics added with dlcs.
        i mean, that's all Paradox games though
        HOI4 got bloated to frick as well with time-wasting mechanics no-one but the sweatiest neckbeards wanted
        supply, navy designer, tank designer, espionage etc can all literally frick off as far as i'm concerned

        Let's be honest they are moving away from such design with stellaris and ck3.

    • 1 year ago

      Are you one of those morons who didn't get that Crusader Kings is actually a spreadsheet program with graphics as a backdrop?

    • 1 year ago

      >just a collection of unrelated mechanics added with dlcs.
      i mean, that's all Paradox games though
      HOI4 got bloated to frick as well with time-wasting mechanics no-one but the sweatiest neckbeards wanted
      supply, navy designer, tank designer, espionage etc can all literally frick off as far as i'm concerned

      • 1 year ago

        >supply, navy designer, tank designer, espionage etc can all literally frick off as far as i'm concerned
        Fricking tastelet, the supply change was arguably the best change they've made. Espionage is also great for collab governments and maintaining resistance, which the game needed because otherwise you snowballed far too easily.

    • 1 year ago

      >Northern Lords
      Only really affects Scandanavia and Britian. Even then it's mostly just events that repeat themselves a lot and all the special events happen within the first 100 years of the game.
      >Royal Court
      Adds a court that is more annoying than anything. You forget about it until you get a pop up telling you to do the glorified decision pop ups. Customisation is boring. The only decent thing added in this was a few events and the hybrid cultures. Royal Courts is a scam
      >Fate of Iberia
      Iberian Conflict mechanic is more of a headache than immersive. Nearly every player ends up conquering Iberia before the thing actually ends. The hostile side is a gigantic pain to do. Only thing it really adds is some nice events (which get repeated too much) and flavour to the region
      >Friends & Foes
      Some random ass events. I don't think I really notice them all that much in game. They get repeated too much.

      • 1 year ago

        also kinda hilarious how they lock certain things to regions that really should not be fricking region locked
        like the metropolitan dynastic legacy, sure is interesting that's locked to Iberia and North Italians or Low countries can't get access to it, not like those places were known for aggressive urbanization or anything

      • 1 year ago

        And they are better than the ones we had in ck2.
        At least new culture related shit is actually interesting now.

        • 1 year ago

          No they aren,t they're absolutely forgettable and barely makes a difference in game. Especially bad at how little they are and how much they actually put out.

        • 1 year ago

          You just posted one of the best ck2 dlc tho
          Speaking of nomadic in this game is identical to feudal lmao enjoy your MaA horse archers and peasant hordes

  9. 1 year ago

    It gets better 100 DLCs in

  10. 1 year ago

    Idk it just feels like the sims, maybe I just feel like that because I hate map painting.

  11. 1 year ago

    paraisraelites are money grubbing israelites, that's how. they intentionally sabotage releases so they can later sell you dlc to fill in the holes. that is their business model. ck2 only feels more complete because they already sold you everything they intentionally didn't add to the game. ck3 feels empty and that's entirely intentional. in 10 years people will be praising ck3 because they finally made it complete after paying 10+ times the price of a normal game.

    • 1 year ago

      Imperator bros...

      • 1 year ago

        imperator was the tech demo for ck3 just like sengoku was the tech demo for ck2. they can't have them be feature complete or they'll be received better than their main title but they sell them as full games anyway because they are money grubbing israelites.

    • 1 year ago

      >Byzantines still boring as frick
      >Vikings still broken as frick
      >Religion still underbaked
      >Struggle for Iberia still bugged to shit despite being paid dlc
      >Royal court is just more tedious button clicking every 5 years
      >Every variety of pagan plays the same
      >Crusades and Jihads are nothingburgers 99% of the time
      >Combat is still spam pikemen to win

      What gets me is that their DLC schedule is so slow. If you're going to be leaving things intentionally empty to fill in later with DLC's, can you at least fricking make them? We've had one expansion and 2 "flavour packs" in the same amount of time it took CK2 to get everything up to Charlemagne.

  12. 1 year ago

    >Byzantines still boring as frick
    >Vikings still broken as frick
    >Religion still underbaked
    >Struggle for Iberia still bugged to shit despite being paid dlc
    >Royal court is just more tedious button clicking every 5 years
    >Every variety of pagan plays the same
    >Crusades and Jihads are nothingburgers 99% of the time
    >Combat is still spam pikemen to win

  13. 1 year ago

    I stole them anyway, just as I will steal any other of their games, so I don't really care. Though the fact that this money grabbing petty shit divides the mod community does make me mad. For some reasons modders are physically incapable not to flock to the newest shiniest turd, which is CK3 in this case.

    • 1 year ago

      The most gracious Anon, as your liege I DEMAND you stop your plot to pirate paradox games!

      • 1 year ago

        >stops the plot
        >restarts it a month later
        Heh, nothing personnel, my liege.

  14. 1 year ago

    So am I better off buying 2 or 3 if I want to get into the serie?

    • 1 year ago

      >buying Paradoxshit
      Download the F2P version of 2 and then pirate the DLC. You bought the base game at the asking price, you're entitled to the whole thing.

      • 1 year ago

        Idk, i found a key of 2 with everything for 20€ and it was tempting.
        Still thanks, I'll look into 2

  15. 1 year ago

    Last year I had a lot of fun with a Byzantine game on CK3, I played it to completion. Then I tried to start several other new campaigns and I got extremely bored in all of them. It all felt the same, it needs a big dose of flavor.

  16. 1 year ago

    The only thing I like about ck3 is being able to hybridize cultures so I can larp more I literally hate everything else about the game

  17. 1 year ago

    J-just wait 2 more years bro.

  18. 1 year ago


    >The map density is completly and forever botched due to forcing each barony to be visually represented
    >Almost all events are 150% reddit clown mode events about cats and seduction and other dumb stuff

    The actual, non-bait version of what you wrote is: the only thing CK3 has over 2 is the 3D portraits/Pseu-DNA system - nothing else.

    Remember when the lead dev got interviewed by that youtuber guy and couldn't grasp why people wanted Byzantine mechanics saying 'I don't get this obesssion with Byzantines. They will have the same 'Empire' mechanics as everywhere else.' ?

    That was when the game was officially annointed a reddit game - and the perfect time to uninstall it.

    • 1 year ago

      lmao do you remember which video was it?

      • 1 year ago

        Its with that 'proud bavarian' antifa guy. I can't imagine he interviews ck3 guys often. might have been from his 'mod con' event

    • 1 year ago

      worst part is, there IS tons of potential for radically different playstyles
      for example take the men at arms system, an Imperial structure could be built around them entirely
      Imperial vassals provide more money, little to no actual troops, and increase the amount of men at arms you could hold

      with the kicker, that you have to split up the men at arms into different armies, which are not controlled by you but rather by their general, and if said general revolts, THEY get the men at arms, not you

      • 1 year ago

        Men at arms are one of the main problems I have with the game though personally... Speficially their numbers: Retinues in CK2 could basically infinitely scale alongside your power. in CK3 a powerful Duke and a world-spanning Emperor can have the exact same number of professional soldiery in their armies - and I'm supposed to say 'Epic system - thumbs up Pdx!' at this? No

        • 1 year ago

          also means that civil wars are infuriating, but for the wrong reasons
          since your enemies are probably 6 or so people that means they have not just 6 times the retinues, but also 6 times the artillery, which in turn means they can siege 6 times the number of holdings quickly

          which is not how this BS should work, a powerful king absolutely should have siege equipment drastically in excess of any revolt

          However one key example where this wasn't true was the ERE, where men at arms do make sense, since half the revolts there started with a "and then the [insert theme] general rebelled against the sitting emperor"
          that said it should also be a way more involved thing where you constantly had to make the decision between having your troops commanded by a loyal general, a powerful general or a competent general

          • 1 year ago

            The reality is Byzantium cannot be represented properly in a CK game anyway. But these 'people' also think the computational cost of having fricking WEST AFRICA depicted in a 11th/9th century game is worth it - when all their games are famous for eventually running like shit once enough time has elapsed - so may aswell keep 'trying' byzantium until it works...

            Man-at-arms are just a straight downgrade in every way CK2's retinues and its not even debatable though.

            Good luck seeing the high tier unit sprites in the game EVER too, because its % based and all armies eventually end up being 99% '''levies'''' and 1% professional troops you basically cannot look at them after 5 years of in-game time, even though some look cool - no, all you can look at is these hooded plebs on the map.

            • 1 year ago

              not to mention how west africa gets to interact with more unique game mechanics than byzantium because the focus is on wacky and silly edge cases rather than properly presenting the struggle of established nations

    • 1 year ago

      >That was when the game was officially annointed a reddit game
      No, you moronic homosexual. The endless desire for bullshit content and random specific snowflake mechanics is reddit.
      Proper systemic games with universal mechanics have always been antithetical to that shithole.

  19. 1 year ago

    do these games easy to learn?

    • 1 year ago

      CK is different from the others in its map painting so it depends. The WW2 game is not good enough to justify the time it takes to learn its mechanics; EU4 is just modifier spam and numbers everywhere. Stellaris is fine due to its setting but all savefiles eventually lag in the late game.

      Stellaris is probably the most easy to learn.

      • 1 year ago

        Nobody plays hoi4 for the base game except for nazilarpers, the mods however are golden

        • 1 year ago

          Dilate. We reestablish the monarchies.

          • 1 year ago

            Even worse

    • 1 year ago

      The dev dairies are fricking embarrassing at this point. All their DLC now is just shitting out event packs modders could knock up in an afternoon. They are seriously the most incompetent devs at Paradox right now and that's a high fricking bar.

      Depends on which one. HoI4 mechanically is fairly simple, the hurdle with it is the fricking UI and learning its idiotic quirks. And the AI doing moronic things, which it will do constantly. EU4 is a trillion fricking systems nailed together and god help the noob untangling that mess. Vicky 3 is just broken so frick that. CK3 is probably the easiest right now, since there's nothing to it really. Also you can "lose" and the game doesn't end because ultimately you're playing a bloodline rather than a character or country. As long as you have land and a family you can keep going.

    • 1 year ago

      CK3, absolutely they dumbed it down to a good point, everything is prompted pretty much and military shit is easy as long as you just stack archers and only archer MAAs. CK2, still easy to learn but much more overwhelming. I'd just stick with CK3 at this point

    • 1 year ago

      CK2 is easy to learn. It may seem overwhelming at first, but test play a couple of times and you'll be familiar with the mechanics.

  20. 1 year ago

    i cant believe that game that was worked on for 8 years has more stuff

  21. 1 year ago


    CK2 has way more start dates, especially with that date selector. More events, less annoying UI. CK3 does have some nice stuff, but it makes the game a sidegrade to CK2, not an upgrade.

  22. 1 year ago

    I'm not smart enough to know things, I just feel that CK3 functions badly compared to 2 and I don't like it.

  23. 1 year ago

    This is because paradox games are not fundamentally well made and are only praised because of the bloat piled on top of them. Basically every paradox game is pure casual garbage at its core that only attracts midwits.

  24. 1 year ago

    All CK3 needs to do to win my heart is Imperial Mechanics. Decent HRE elector shit and fricking IMPERIAL mechanics for Byzantines.
    But all they seem to do is shit out flavour packs. I can't even.

    • 1 year ago

      Anon, they've only just now, 3 years into the game's dev cycle, announced they'll be introducing regencies

      there's literally zero chance the Byzantines will stop having the stablest primogeniture imaginable before the end of the decade

  25. 1 year ago

    Me still working on a mod for CK2 that I started development on 7 years ago and it still isn't done.

    • 1 year ago

      What mod?

      >everybody plays agot
      >nobody cares about pic related

      Needs more religious and racial mechanics and less gayshit. I wouldn't mind the option to disable certain map regions. Map is way larger than what CK2 was designed to handle. Well, playing on potato laptop doesn't help either.

      Another underappreciated mod, the four nations based on avatar the last Airbender

      Fire nation campaign is the best event/decision chain I've ever seen in CK2

  26. 1 year ago

    CK2 still wins just from the interface being so much better and more full of charm and elegance. CK3 has one of the blandest and most souless interfaces I have ever seem, feels like windows 11, but somehow even worse.

    Also, WTF did they do with the map? In CK3 it is all of full of goofy cartoon shit to make it look like one of those shitty ancient maps that had silly drawings of dragons and sea monsters at the places the cartographers didn't know too well. Totally moronic and unnecessary and detracts from the immersion.

  27. 1 year ago

    >bought CK3 on release
    >haven't even opened it yet
    when the frick is it gonna get good, i want to play it already

    • 1 year ago

      Never with the current dev team.

      The reality is Byzantium cannot be represented properly in a CK game anyway. But these 'people' also think the computational cost of having fricking WEST AFRICA depicted in a 11th/9th century game is worth it - when all their games are famous for eventually running like shit once enough time has elapsed - so may aswell keep 'trying' byzantium until it works...

      Man-at-arms are just a straight downgrade in every way CK2's retinues and its not even debatable though.

      Good luck seeing the high tier unit sprites in the game EVER too, because its % based and all armies eventually end up being 99% '''levies'''' and 1% professional troops you basically cannot look at them after 5 years of in-game time, even though some look cool - no, all you can look at is these hooded plebs on the map.

      The only time I see levies is when I'm still really weak or a there's a crusade. They contribute so little for their cost. Doesn't take many buildings and bonuses for your archers or heavy inf or whatever you pick to just roll over everything.

  28. 1 year ago

    >everybody plays agot
    >nobody cares about pic related

    • 1 year ago

      >Be me
      >Hoping Elder Kings 2 is just AGOT: Elder Scrolls
      >AGOT has mostly normal people on the dev team; EK2's discord logo is literally a rainbow dragon and all their devs refer to themselves as trans
      >Suddenly its no longer odd or perplexing why only the Orcs get to have Male Primogeniture as their sucession law
      >MFW there will never be a 'proper' Elder Scrolls CK mod

      • 1 year ago

        Outside of speedrunning I think Paradox modding communities are the most trooned out places in gaming.

        • 1 year ago

          Idc about them getting their dicks cut out and sipping estrogen wienertails - why don't just they just make a 'default succesion type: male' game rule? Game Rules are one of the best things PDX games have as it allows you to tailor your experience to what you like, but when I suggest that in discord they ignore it, right after telling me Tamriel is a 'fairly egalitarian society' and I don't feel like learning how to mod to do it myself (its probably a simple .txt mod)

          • 1 year ago

            It's all performative. Actual transsexuals don't want to be trans, they want to be the other sex. These people want to be freaks and use it to their social and political advantage. So it's their way or nothing.

            • 1 year ago

              it's like how GDQ actually soft-bans trans runners if they pass too well

      • 1 year ago

        Forgotten realms is not elder scrolls it's dungeons n dragons

        Idc about them getting their dicks cut out and sipping estrogen wienertails - why don't just they just make a 'default succesion type: male' game rule? Game Rules are one of the best things PDX games have as it allows you to tailor your experience to what you like, but when I suggest that in discord they ignore it, right after telling me Tamriel is a 'fairly egalitarian society' and I don't feel like learning how to mod to do it myself (its probably a simple .txt mod)

        Idk a lot of these mods are game changing, the drow elves for example are a matriarchal society and they live for hundreds of years so the only way to really lose would be to get conquered

        • 1 year ago

          Idk what forgotten or dungeons is - you literally mentioned agot in the post

          • 1 year ago

            Erm, my apologies for any confusion. I was shilling for a completely different mod called Faerun which is inspired by the fantasy roleplaying board-game dungeons n dragons.

  29. 1 year ago

    What about Vicky 3?

    • 1 year ago

      Victoria 2 was a bad game AFTER they got done with it - 3 simply smells of CK3 syndrome, no content to diferentiate different areas of the world etc but its core problems are 'being Victoria' related.

      • 1 year ago

        making AH yellow is enough for me to know that the rest of the game will be shit

        • 1 year ago

          Normal austria is a different color I believe - just don't form AH then

  30. 1 year ago

    I'd like to get into these games because there's just so few empire-builders that don't feel like overly-balanced boardgames with a clear win condition, but I never know what to do. Are they really just for people to live out their pet alternate history fantasies?
    I always just go back to Mountain Blade. It's easier to grasp and you actually control your character doing things in the game world.

  31. 1 year ago

    III has no content. Simple as.

  32. 1 year ago

    >How does this keep happening?
    It's real easy anon, here I'll point it out
    >game came out in 2012, or preferably before even, is good
    >game that came out anytime after 2015 is consistently dogshit with a notable couple of exceptions because the entire industry took a huge change in direction of their quality and practices
    I hope that clears it up for you

    • 1 year ago

      the entire industry change in direction between 2011-2015 was worse than anything before or since.

  33. 1 year ago


    >The only thing that CK2 has over CK3 is wacky shit like worshipping Satan or making your horse king.
    so, sovl?

  34. 1 year ago

    I like CKIII, EUIV and Stellaris they are far from perfect but they're cool games.

    • 1 year ago

      Stellaris is direct proof that the greedy homosexuals at paradox can still make something good considering how boring it was on release.

  35. 1 year ago

    Who the frick play vanilla CK3 when Elder Kings exists?

    • 1 year ago

      Me, I like Hispania. I did recently install a ton of Vanilla+ stuff though so I can ByzaBoo to eternity,.

    • 1 year ago

      Gib a list of musthave mods for EK

      • 1 year ago

        Elder Kings 2 Reimagined
        Submod for EK2- Holdings Art
        Elder Kings 2 - FPS Drop Fix for Summoners
        Submod EK2-AI Magic
        Elder Kings - Hold Cities and Academies
        Cities of Wonder 3
        EK2 Undead Expanded
        EK2: New Men-At-Arms
        Elder Kings 2 - Turn into Vampire
        Extended Family Actions
        Extended Outliner
        Knight Manager
        Interface is King EK2 Hotfix for 1.8.1
        Artifact Manager
        CK2 Style Colorful Education Traits
        CK2 Style Brighter Attributes

        • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          I appreciate you

  36. 1 year ago

    Well for everyone the biggest red flag should have been how they sponsored tons of streamers who never play CK or anything like it before to play CK3

  37. 1 year ago

    Waiting for a republic dlc to play ck3 again.

  38. 1 year ago

    i just got this game and whats supposed to be fun about it? seems like the whole game is just clicking on shit in menu screens

  39. 1 year ago

    Another underappreciated mod, the four nations based on avatar the last Airbender

  40. 1 year ago


  41. 1 year ago

    >How does this keep happening?
    Because Deus vulted it

  42. 1 year ago

    CK2 has more content.
    This happens with every actual PC game these days.
    A game lasts for ages, gets lots of content and/or has loads of mods. A sequel comes out and needs to start from nothing and people call it shit, even if the core systems are straight up better (which they obviously are in CK3's case).

  43. 1 year ago

    >almost 3 years since release
    >only 1 real expansion(royal court) that doesn't add all that much
    >everything else is just event or flavor packs
    CK3 was probably thier best launch what are they doing?

    • 1 year ago

      that iberia shit is better than royal court tbqh

    • 1 year ago

      most of the talented programmers aren't in the ck3 dev team and even worse, the event writers are all moronic, mostly non-devs and 60% of the events from them have faulty trigger logic, because, once again, they hired a lot of illiterate morons that can't into simple boolean logic

  44. 1 year ago

    Why do people even buy paradox games. You criticise on EA all the time but here you are buying games from a company with a terrible business model and using your money to support them. Hypocrites

    • 1 year ago

      Who says we buy? I just pirate.

      • 1 year ago

        You’re still supporting them by discussing CK in public and enticing others who might buy it. You need to refrain from discussing their games online

        • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            Continue being hypocrites then

            • 1 year ago

              Playing games and discussing them isn't hypocrisy. Your moronic argument is just 'no criticism allowed'

      • 1 year ago

        I used to buy their games until early EU4 and their new DLC model.
        Now I can't even pirate them anymore. The games themselves have become abysmal.

  45. 1 year ago

    CK3 culture system is a better and more important addition than 50% of all CK2 DLC content

  46. 1 year ago

    I refuse to believe CK3 is that old

  47. 1 year ago

    I tried CK3, wanted to marry off my daughter but saw that everyone is homosexual so i quit.
    Not very immserive.

    • 1 year ago

      >saw that everyone is homosexual so i quit
      did you also quit real life, homosexual?

  48. 1 year ago

    Does Creamapi work?

  49. 1 year ago

    There aren't going to be any good Western games for a long, long time, I don't get why you people can't understand that. The culture is utterly rotten and nothing will good from it until everything is completely reformed.

  50. 1 year ago

    Biggest problem was that they tried to include everything from ck2 from the start, so people won't complain
    And so we have hunts in india and north europe having same fluff

  51. 1 year ago

    It's the Civilization cycle. They release a torso without limbs and make you buy the rest of the game joint by joint until it's time to release another stripped down torso.

  52. 1 year ago

    CK2 has 8 years-worth of DLCs, on top of the main game. Of course it blows CK3 out of the water.

    • 1 year ago

      Except they could've had all of that in ck3 base game. They chose not to, so they could sell it again later as more dlc.

    • 1 year ago

      >CK2 release date: Feb 2012
      >Last DLC Holy Fury: Nov 2018
      >around 10-12 big expansions
      > ~ 6 years 9 months

      >CK3 release date: Sep 2020
      > 1 *worthless* expansion
      > ~ 2 years 7 months

      Unless the next expansion is actually massive and they finally start producing some DLC, I can't see how they will catch up to CK2 in terms of devtime compared

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