Crusader Kings

The systemic oppression of pagans by the HRE needs to stop

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  1. 1 year ago

    pagans exist for BCC (Big Catholic wiener)

  2. 1 year ago

    I decided to get back into CK2, redownloaded and on opening spotted an old save. Duchy of Apulia dated 1225. I now see why I abandoned it, the world is a fricking mess.

    I am the king of Sicily a Polish child of the de Hautville line. Currently I control most of south Italy, Sicily and Tunisia/Libya.

    The Byzantines have a snake empire over to Iraq with a large chunk of Anatolia being owned by a Turkic kingdom. A catholic one that also owns all of Iran and Iraq (now firmly catholic land). The Kingdom of Egypt owns all of Palestine, Egypt, Sudan and Cornwall but is fighting 4 revolts due to excommunication. Algeria is ownes by Genoa and slowly morphing into Italy 2.

    France doesnt exist, Aquitaine, Brittany and a breakaway Normandy are locked into eternal war over Paris.

    Spain is half run by Valencia which is ruled by a black frenchman and Anadlusia run by a visigoth catholic. Portugal is the last Umayyad state and is a sunni heresy just sat idling. England is ruled by a muslim norman who is fighting constant revolts. Ireland is united except for 1 province ruled by an irish muslim.

    Sweden owns half of scotland and the other is run by an english king.

    The HRE is now under crusade as its gone Lollard and is being ripped apart.

    I dont even remember the rest except an Ethiopian coptic family somehow married into half of europes nobility so lots of heirs are black. Except their own royal fanily which is culturally Ethiopian but are white.

    • 1 year ago

      > Portugal is the last Umayyad state

      • 1 year ago

        Well what is territorial portugal, is now Umayyad family and Zikri and it seems the rest of Spain just dont care.

        I've decided to add Restricted Diplo Range to my "must have" rules. It really is much more sensible and better at preventing things like Coptic French Kangs.

        Unrelated I've seen other anons suggest removing matrilineal marriage, I'm not sure if it's worth the risk but it seems like it might create a more realistic feudal dynamic.

        It was my first ironmeme save so didnt touch the rules.

      • 1 year ago

        Well what is territorial portugal, is now Umayyad family and Zikri and it seems the rest of Spain just dont care.
        It was my first ironmeme save so didnt touch the rules.

        ummayad dont exist in spain way before then, nice larp.

        • 1 year ago

          The entire post is bullshit.

          He said Iran and Iraq were targets of crusades but Persia has a crusade target weight of 0. All of Europe, including east and north, Africa and Arabia would have to be completely catholic before the AI could possibly target Persia, let alone defeat the Seljuks and make Iran firmly catholic in 1200s.

    • 1 year ago

      I've decided to add Restricted Diplo Range to my "must have" rules. It really is much more sensible and better at preventing things like Coptic French Kangs.

      Unrelated I've seen other anons suggest removing matrilineal marriage, I'm not sure if it's worth the risk but it seems like it might create a more realistic feudal dynamic.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >Except their own royal fanily which is culturally Ethiopian but are white
      CK2 doesn't have mulattos and flips a coin instead to decide the kid's race, so in this royal family's case they all rolled white kids

      >Algeria is ownes by Genoa and slowly morphing into Italy 2
      Kino, would live in

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah its been fricking hilarious watching the world descend into shit. The problem is theres so many armies running around with the crusade in the HRE its showing my game to a crawl.

    • 1 year ago

      >A catholic one that also owns all of Iran and Iraq (now firmly catholic land)
      I find this the least believable.

      Seljuk conquered by catholic AI in the 1200s? No way

      • 1 year ago

        They were subject to a crusade and just cucked out and flipped to catholic in around 1100. Another 100 years of endless revolts but they eventually converted most of the middle east

    • 1 year ago

      I've decided to add Restricted Diplo Range to my "must have" rules. It really is much more sensible and better at preventing things like Coptic French Kangs.

      Unrelated I've seen other anons suggest removing matrilineal marriage, I'm not sure if it's worth the risk but it seems like it might create a more realistic feudal dynamic.

      ive also seen the light and use restricted range now because of Black folk

    • 1 year ago

      Kino, Post pics

  3. 1 year ago

    >be me
    >playing the "when the world stopped making sence" mod
    >start as soisson
    >4d chess the franks into fighting each other while I gobble up the visigoths on gaul
    >subjugate the armorican tribes
    >annihilate burgandy
    >later cuck the franks
    >eventually form the Gaulic Empire
    >meanwhile a king on britannia manages to unite most of the briton petty kingdoms and contain the anglo menace
    >on italia a roman general manages to usurp the barbarians ruling the core provinces of the former western roman empire
    >on hispania a roman general takes most of the visigoth's land and creates the biggest kingdom on the peninsula
    >many other smaller roman sucessor states appear all over the territories of the former roman empire
    >babarian hordes getting consistently cucked by roman sucessor states
    >mfw there is still hope for western europe
    this timeline is peak kino

    • 1 year ago

      That's what I deeply dislike about WTWSMS. Stuff you describe here happens in every game. Italy never stays barbarian past the year 500, Visigoths always collapse. Romans are ridiculously OP. I once played as Romulus Augustulus. After a mere decade I was making a hundred gold a month, from owning Italy alone. Meanwhile, Gepid king described as fabulously wealthy, is tribal, with about two ducats of monthly income. Winter King is much better Dark Ages mod, but it's unfortunately rather limited in scope.

      • 1 year ago

        Is Winter King worth checking out? It's one of those mods I thought sounded cool but never followed up on.

        • 1 year ago

          Yes, it feels like a proper total conversion mod, very immersive.

          Do you play with shattered worlds / random map?

          No, I tried it once and I didn't like it.

          >play as alfonso jimena in 1066
          >kill sancho by wounding him in personal combat and stressing him out
          >abduct garcia and throw him in the dungeon
          >urraca gets pregnant but dies in childbirth along with our incest bastard
          >all of this in less than a year
          >click religion map mode
          >half of iberia is fricking akom

          The frick's akom?

          • 1 year ago

            >The frick's akom?
            It means that one of the mods that I had enabled broke the game.

      • 1 year ago

        holy frick, there were only ever 9 Italian Roman emperors? I thought there'd be more considering that the first five emperors were part of the same Italian dynasty.

        • 1 year ago

          9 Emperors from Rome. 9+16 = 25 Emperor from whole Italy + more if some of unknown birthplace Emperors also born in Italy.

        • 1 year ago

          keep in mind that the Illyria had so many emperors because it was during the 3rd century crisis, most of them were very short lived

          • 1 year ago

            Subversive Albanians destroyed the Empire, baka

      • 1 year ago

        But it has a lot of pagans in it so I really like it for that. Wish they worked more on it and fixed up the bugs and such.

  4. 1 year ago

    One of the most enjoyable campaign in CK2 that i've had in a while. It had the complete package of the fun CK2 progression where you turn some dirty tribes into a flourishing empire.

    You have the threat of Catholics right on your doorstep with the heart of the faith itself, the Papacy, on St. Louis, along with a number of feudal dukes and chieftains that have converted or conquered their ways east of the Mississippi, where you are.

    You have the Holy Columbian Confederacy to your Southeast, which will test all of your combat strategies when the inevitable war with them comes, because while fighting thousands of knights in armour with a bunch of spear-chuckers is not impossible, it's also not easy.

    And in your times fighting against these two and other, less notable folk, you will come to see a clear, ultimate goal for your campaign. And that is, conquering all of Mississippi and her tributaries. Your empire flowing alongside it's brown, muddy water. Where prosperity is nurtured, and authority is enforced.

    Would recommend.

    • 1 year ago

      After the end is one of my favorite mods for this game but unfortunately my potato pc can't handle the mod very well

    • 1 year ago

      are you larping as game of thrones while larping as american?

    • 1 year ago

      Did you convert to the HCC's religion? The riverlanders took a lot of land and did that last time I played this mod.

    • 1 year ago

      What mod is this?

      • 1 year ago

        After The End Fan Fork

    • 1 year ago

      What religion are you? Rust?

      Best overhaul mod?

      Personally, Game of Thrones or After the End. GoT has tons of depth and flavor, but I rarely play more than a few generations. AtE better suits long campaigns.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know how to install CK2 mods. Has never worked for me. Have wanted to try this one though.

    • 1 year ago

      After the End is fun.

      • 1 year ago

        I heard the mod got pozzed with homosexuals and muslims. How true is that?

        • 1 year ago

          yes but it's complicated. the ck2 version was originally made by a different team, and the one that took over had some issues:
          Muslim dev adds islam in four places: tiny realistic one in Wisconsin, realistic one in Suriname/Guyana, small silly Aladdin larper one in Florida, and a bizarre self-insert wank in SoCal which starts strong but the AI can never hold it together. In the final update they were badly nerfed when the Muslim dev added Christians to California and a Mormon invasion so complaints about it being too OP are a little outdated.
          Minor censorship of Holy Columbian Confederacy: removal of actual confederate symbols (CoA changed), war uniforms no longer grey uniforms, a couple dynasties named after segregationists were changed, and its historical founder was made black. The original version already had blacks with noble status and the HCC was never supposed to be racist, so these changes felt very unnecessary.
          Head dev (israeli, who added some israelites to the game but all are weak and small) came out as a troony, added a few traits like bisexual and one which is basically autism.
          Mexican native religions had human sacrifice removed because some actual Mayan was offended about it.

          Despite those, other changes they made were generally for the better and the above are basically the full extent of damages to the ck2 version. but the ck3 version is seriously fricked. they destroyed lore because it was too hard to implement, they added a million extra religions with no flavor, they expanded the map further with regions no one really care about, etc. they even made gay Islam, i think due to some falling out with the muslim dev for him being too conservative.

          • 1 year ago

            I don't expect my games to be historically accurate, but frick that. There is no reason for any of what you described.

          • 1 year ago

            >Mexican native religions had human sacrifice removed because some actual Mayan was offended about it.

          • 1 year ago

            And you forgot to mention that their ck3 version literally added Communist religions in South America (though Posadism is wacky at least)

            • 1 year ago

              Wasn't there already one for Russian colonizers in CK2? It might have been something else (Noosphere?), I don't remember.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, it was a STALKER reference.

          • 1 year ago

            Gamers have been effected more then women by the troony menace. How many amazing mod projects made by amazing autistic bastards have been ruined due to due troony brainwashing, sucking then down the autismo to troon pipeline.

            • 1 year ago

              HRT is crack cocaine epidemic for the nerd community

              • 1 year ago

                Why do modders/progammers go trans? I mean its not like there is some big psyop going on that makes them transition

              • 1 year ago

                simply, autism + being incels/shut in loners, wanting to fit in and be praised mixed with a lot of porn consumption (specifically self inserting as the girl) and mental illnesses

              • 1 year ago

                >not like there is some big psyop going
                Wrong. The most schizo theories of the most schizo Gamergaters were all true, all of them: trannies are just one facet of the great glowie retaliation for throwing a wrench in the works.

          • 1 year ago

            Gamers have been effected more then women by the troony menace. How many amazing mod projects made by amazing autistic bastards have been ruined due to due troony brainwashing, sucking then down the autismo to troon pipeline.

            HRT is crack cocaine epidemic for the nerd community

            what did you expect when one of the ATE devs bio looks like this? literally schizophrenia but make it gay

            • 1 year ago

              What zero pussy does to a motherfricker,

            • 1 year ago

              What the frick does any of that mean? I live in a very liberal area and don't even see this kind of shit in real life.

              • 1 year ago

                look up what an Alter is it's a thing with Dissociative Identity Disorder, basically multiple identities form in that person's head and as you can see in that pic their own genders and shit. As you can imagine, talking to someone like that is an absolute nightmare

              • 1 year ago

                >don't even see this kind of shit in real life
                You thought these kinds of people ever go outside?

            • 1 year ago

              >Head dev (israeli, who added some israelites to the game but all are weak and small) came out as a troony
              Every time. TTD and TKD.

              reminder that this guy literally is like this because he was bullied by /gsg/ and utterly buckbroken

          • 1 year ago

            >Head dev (israeli, who added some israelites to the game but all are weak and small) came out as a troony
            Every time. TTD and TKD.

          • 1 year ago

            >Head dev (israeli, who added some israelites to the game but all are weak and small) came out as a troony
            Every time. TTD and TKD.

            I remember...

            • 1 year ago

              Where's the homosexual trait?

          • 1 year ago

            >Mexican native religions had human sacrifice removed because some actual Mayan was offended about it.
            But that would be accurate though. Modern natives are all hyper-catholic (meme syncretisms notwithstanding) and liberal mestizo "Aztlan" LARPers wouldn't have the stomach for actual human sacrifices (they would probably replace it with animal sacrifices or something like that).

            The only way you would have ritualistic human offing is if criminal organizations decided to LARP as followers of ancient native religions or whatever but I can't see any crime syndicate surviving a complete collapse of society situation (as they would get crushed by the local armed forces; the only thing stopping that from happening now are bribes and human rights, but both money and lawful processes become meaningless when your society is collapsing).

            • 1 year ago

              but they didn't replace it with anything, they just made it more bland

            • 1 year ago

              yes but it's complicated. the ck2 version was originally made by a different team, and the one that took over had some issues:
              Muslim dev adds islam in four places: tiny realistic one in Wisconsin, realistic one in Suriname/Guyana, small silly Aladdin larper one in Florida, and a bizarre self-insert wank in SoCal which starts strong but the AI can never hold it together. In the final update they were badly nerfed when the Muslim dev added Christians to California and a Mormon invasion so complaints about it being too OP are a little outdated.
              Minor censorship of Holy Columbian Confederacy: removal of actual confederate symbols (CoA changed), war uniforms no longer grey uniforms, a couple dynasties named after segregationists were changed, and its historical founder was made black. The original version already had blacks with noble status and the HCC was never supposed to be racist, so these changes felt very unnecessary.
              Head dev (israeli, who added some israelites to the game but all are weak and small) came out as a troony, added a few traits like bisexual and one which is basically autism.
              Mexican native religions had human sacrifice removed because some actual Mayan was offended about it.

              Despite those, other changes they made were generally for the better and the above are basically the full extent of damages to the ck2 version. but the ck3 version is seriously fricked. they destroyed lore because it was too hard to implement, they added a million extra religions with no flavor, they expanded the map further with regions no one really care about, etc. they even made gay Islam, i think due to some falling out with the muslim dev for him being too conservative.

              >Mexican native religions had human sacrifice removed because some actual Mayan was offended about it.
              The Latinx that go into the "Aztec Mayan native American resisting Spanish and American imperialism" larp instead of "traditional Catholic conquistador savior of the white race" larp literally threaten people on Twitter with drawings of Aztec human sacrifices and defend the practice, here I found a recent thread that's full of these two mutt groups having a larp off:
              >actually the human sacrifices weren't that bad and also Europeans did it too
              not to mention Paradox literally included in holy fury a human sacrifice reform because they realize that larping as an evil bloodlord is fun
              and based off the cartel videos I've seen out of Mexico, there would absolutely form at least one religion in post apocalyptic Mexico based on the practice
              And sidenote about israelites in the mod, but they removed the Rothschild bloodline for some reason for "antisemitism" reasons even though they're still a playable character in New York, I got back into the mod recently and wanted to play as them because I remembered them having a +2 stewardship bloodline but it's fricking gone

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                t. seething latinx

              • 1 year ago

                Nope, just laughing at you for genuinely thinking latinks is something reasonable.

              • 1 year ago

                he's clearly saying it as a joke

              • 1 year ago

                >they removed the Rothschild bloodline for some reason for "antisemitism" reasons
                Extremely lame. And now having that family in the game without a bloodline, but there's a Rodham bloodline for some Hilldawg worship.

              • 1 year ago

                >they removed the Rothschild bloodline for some reason for "antisemitism" reasons even though they're still a playable character in New York
                frick that israelite troony dev

              • 1 year ago

                >I take autists on Twatter seriously
                Lol, lmao even.

                >and based off the cartel videos I've seen out of Mexico, there would absolutely form at least one religion in post apocalyptic Mexico based on the practice
                Organized crime intimidation tactics -/- ritual sacrifices to feed the gods

              • 1 year ago

                >funny meme mod excludes human sacrifice for Mexican Aztec wannabes
                Lmao indeed anon.

        • 1 year ago

          the lead dev is literally a troony, and everything

          yes but it's complicated. the ck2 version was originally made by a different team, and the one that took over had some issues:
          Muslim dev adds islam in four places: tiny realistic one in Wisconsin, realistic one in Suriname/Guyana, small silly Aladdin larper one in Florida, and a bizarre self-insert wank in SoCal which starts strong but the AI can never hold it together. In the final update they were badly nerfed when the Muslim dev added Christians to California and a Mormon invasion so complaints about it being too OP are a little outdated.
          Minor censorship of Holy Columbian Confederacy: removal of actual confederate symbols (CoA changed), war uniforms no longer grey uniforms, a couple dynasties named after segregationists were changed, and its historical founder was made black. The original version already had blacks with noble status and the HCC was never supposed to be racist, so these changes felt very unnecessary.
          Head dev (israeli, who added some israelites to the game but all are weak and small) came out as a troony, added a few traits like bisexual and one which is basically autism.
          Mexican native religions had human sacrifice removed because some actual Mayan was offended about it.

          Despite those, other changes they made were generally for the better and the above are basically the full extent of damages to the ck2 version. but the ck3 version is seriously fricked. they destroyed lore because it was too hard to implement, they added a million extra religions with no flavor, they expanded the map further with regions no one really care about, etc. they even made gay Islam, i think due to some falling out with the muslim dev for him being too conservative.

          said is correct. another mod for a paradox game falls into the "wacky fun scenario ruined by devs that want it to be "realistic" "

    • 1 year ago

      I had a really fun time playing it in two different playthroughs.
      First was yeehaw horde trying to reform the Trailwalker religion before an update came in (successfully)
      2nd was starting as the Duke of Maumee and creating the Kingdom of Ohio of Rust

      • 1 year ago

        My favorite playthrough was when I reformed the trailwalker religion, became feudal and eventually formed the Heartlands Empire which also encompassed all of the Lone Star Empire as well. I like to imagine that the former US eventually got dived into three massive blobs empires, The Heartlands, California, and the HCC.

  5. 1 year ago

    Does anyone know what could be the reason death sounds are not playing in my game?

    I have them turned on in the menu and the audio is working completely fine otherwise but there's no death sounds when someone is executed or assassinated.

    Without death sounds the game loses a bit of the charm, I love them

    • 1 year ago

      I wish you could choose what execution. Hearing peasant uprising leader #94 screaming in my ear as he gets carved into a blood eagle gets old. The only execution sounds I like are the gallows and the guillotine sounds.
      The worst one is the assassination sound where you hear muffled screaming and a noise that sounds like a man’s spine slowly being ripped out, followed by a blade noise. I have no idea what action that sound is supposed to represent.

      • 1 year ago

        They are still not playing here

        • 1 year ago

          Have you tried validating the game files?

          • 1 year ago

            How do I do that?

  6. 1 year ago

    Are there any mods for Ck2 and Ck3 that prevent the AI from revoking vassal titles, preferably if the limit only applies to vassals of the same religion as their liege? I want the nobility to actually feel like nobility rather than satraps or strategoi who are completely disposable. The AI has a habit of revoking titles just to give them to random courtiers, sometimes doing this with the same title over and over again.

    • 1 year ago

      Not that i know of. This has been a nagging issue in CK2 since the game was released.

    • 1 year ago

      I've only had problems with AI lieges trying to revoke my titles when we had different religions

  7. 1 year ago

    Do you play with shattered worlds / random map?

    • 1 year ago

      Shattered World is fun, Random is a little much for me. Animal cultures are a neat little meme I guess

    • 1 year ago

      It's disappointing since I consider it to be ck2's best feature that ck3 doesn't have and yet I've barely played with it, maybe a dozen hours max (out of 1500 total). I think it would be way better if it actually let you make your own custom map, edit their cultures and religions, so that I could make my fantasy projects in-game. That's probably why I've barely used the shattered and random worlds is because they're still set in Europe and I hate unrealistic outcomes in normal mode so seeing idk Hindu Turkish Imperial Britain irks me the wrong way

  8. 1 year ago

    >play as alfonso jimena in 1066
    >kill sancho by wounding him in personal combat and stressing him out
    >abduct garcia and throw him in the dungeon
    >urraca gets pregnant but dies in childbirth along with our incest bastard
    >all of this in less than a year
    >click religion map mode
    >half of iberia is fricking akom

    • 1 year ago

      I have played as him in the tutorial scenario, eventually I forgot it was the tutorial and played the whole campaign until 1453.

    • 1 year ago

      Playing as Alfonso and assassinating people is b***hmade, play as the true Castilian Sancho and conquer your claims through honorabru open warfare with homie El Cid

      • 1 year ago

        Make El Cid a governor, save, load game and play as him

        • 1 year ago

          Better yet, fast forward to 1094 when he historically formed an independent Valencia. CK3cels not invited

          • 1 year ago

            that was my favorite campaign in ck2

      • 1 year ago

        Playing as Sancho would be ten times more historically accurate if after winning your claim wars Alfonso and Garcia get auto-exiled from their kingdoms like it happened in actual history. Instead you get them as vassals and of course they are pissed.

        But well, at least HIP bothered to make the historical taifas tributaries to them.

  9. 1 year ago

    Best overhaul mod?

    • 1 year ago

      For me it's Geheimnisnacht > Winter King > WTWSMS > AtE.

      how does warhammer run on a potato pc?

      noooo. Geheimnisnacht is very very heavy, at least last time I played it. Although really CK2 is a literal 10 year old game by now, I don't know what pc wouldn't be able to play it. Just make sure you're out of power saving mode if on a laptop...

    • 1 year ago

      I like Elder Kangs (No Akavir)

  10. 1 year ago

    Can anyone recomend me some total conversion mods besides "Winter King", "Witcher Kings" and "When the world stopped making sence" that can run on a potato pc?

    • 1 year ago

      how does warhammer run on a potato pc?

      • 1 year ago

        it's an absolute pain to run and nearly unplayable on my potato, even the after the end mod feels laggy

    • 1 year ago

      Warcraft GoA and Elder Kings should run okay for a few hundred years. Maybe Lux Invicta, although the latest version gives me persistent crashes after the year 1100. Try Westeros Seven Kingdoms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Avatar Four Nations, or Crusader Finns; all of them have maps equal to or smaller than vanilla CK2. There is also this Silmarillion (First Age) mod, perhaps the fastest CK2 mod I've ever run
      Middle Earth Project is also fast, but janky and prone to crashes, First Age submod is more stable, but it's missing localization for a few events.
      Save Pruner:
      From Warhammer mod discord. Allows you to prune dead characters clogging your memory and make the game run faster. I think this should work with any mod, but I have only tested it warhammer
      >How to use:
      >Step 1: Save your game "uncompressed" rename it to "save"
      >Step 2: Place the "save.ck2" in the programs folder
      Step 3: Press "Load" button to load the "save.ck2"
      >Step 4: Open the "Character Pruner"
      >Step 5: Go to the top of the window and from the dropdown select "Lowborn" now hit "Refresh" then "Prune"
      >Step 6: When finished press "Save" and it will create a new "modified.ck2" of your save game you can now load that

      • 1 year ago

        Problem with GoA is that everyone that is interesting has either died of old age or been murdered or KIA within a generation

        Unless you turn them undead of course 🙂

    • 1 year ago

      Been playing the shit out of the AGOT mod it's fun

      • 1 year ago

        >it's fun
        unlike the CK3 version

        • 1 year ago

          I can almost guarantee the ck3 one will collapse into estrogen fueled drama like elder kings 2 already did

          • 1 year ago

            What Elder Kings 2 drama?

  11. 1 year ago

    This guy came out of Chernigov with around 30k event troops in an invasion war against the fricking Ghaznavids for an entire Kingdom here in India. He's the son of a cuman khan that invaded and established a kingdom in Chernigov.

    Somehow he's made it here in India and on top of amazing traits and stats he has a bunch of incredible modifiers like Strange Mind, Promised Godhood, Inspiring Presence, Protected from Evil, etc. I've never seen any other character with these modifiers and strangely, he doesn't have the adventurer trait.

    • 1 year ago

      He had the child of destiny event.

      • 1 year ago

        Does it happen randomly?

        I've never seen this before. He's slapping everyone around in India but luckily I am more powerful and his event troops are dwindling.

        • 1 year ago

          It is random. I have around 800hrs and it has only happened to me one time and I've only seen it happen to an AI character once.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah it is very rare but will happen maybe once or twice in a playthrough. The trick is finding the guy and he doesn't always succeed in his initial invasions. Once in my life, it was a dynasty member who had it, but they failed miserably in invading some steppe shithole even after I sent them buckets of gold.

          • 1 year ago

            It is random. I have around 800hrs and it has only happened to me one time and I've only seen it happen to an AI character once.

            Damn, imagine your heir is born a Child of Destiny then he dies of the flu or whatever

  12. 1 year ago

    936 > 1066 > 867 = 1337 > dogshit > 769

    • 1 year ago

      I only play 1241 and 1337.

    • 1 year ago

      Why is 769 bad?

      I have only ever played 1066 but if you are trying to do some particular challenge or minmax your realm with the borders you want it might not be enough time

      • 1 year ago

        Since he put Iron Century first i assume its because 936 is more "balanced" because there are fewer large Empires or Kingdoms and none of them are stable.

        Where are 769 has a few Mega Empires like big Byzantium, Abbasids, and soon to be Megas in across Europe

        • 1 year ago

          I’m not him but I know exactly why he hates it and why everyone even slightly smart does. Not because “balance” in crusader kings, but becuase no matter how many times you run a game of 769, even if you ran it for a million years and over a billion games, the borders become absolutely insane and moronic and a fricking mess and never recover or even have some sense of normalcy. In europe you’ll never see a France or Holy Roman Empire, or anything in the east. It’s just trillions of little duchies and counties who own 2 provinces in France and 2 in western Germany (not connected). The old gods start date is pretty much the same, but with 936 and 1066 you will see historical outcomes or outcomes that are believable, IE: kingdoms and empties will actually take advantage of a power vacuum, unlike the earlier dates where the world devolves into shattered world with like 2 nonsense duchy blobs in Germany.

          • 1 year ago

            I thought AI characters always tried to form the de jure realm that their land belongs to

            Like, if an adventurer from Norway invades and successfully conquers the Duchy of Normandy, the AI is gonna seek to eventually form or usurp France, then Francia and anything else it happens to come across. It could be a lot more interesting if the AI actively pursued higher tier de jure titles that are not held by anyone or held by a liege that they dislike/from another realm, even more aggressively with the ambitious trait

            I've seen the AI form kingdoms that don't exist in the 1066 start but I've never seen AI form de jure or custom empires. You see guys like the Seljuks and Ghaznavids with 10 kingdom titles and over 600 in realm size yet they never form custom empires

          • 1 year ago

            >I know exactly why he hates it
            I'm that anon and you described it perfectly.

      • 1 year ago

        Here's Europe in 1013 from my last 769 start game with very little intervention on my part. I would say this is actually more cohesive than it usually turns out.

        • 1 year ago

          Damn, this is disgusting.

          Wouldn't restricting diplomatic range fix this somewhat?

          • 1 year ago

            diplo range and exclave independence help somewhat, but as soon as one blob reaches empire rank, nomads make it to poland or one tribal superrealm subjugates another it's over without player intervention.
            pic rel is the result of a comfy 867 britanny game with those gamerules, i only crusaded britain because the norse ireland that controlled 3/4 of it kept raiding me, and it still completly escalated

            • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                diplo range and exclave independence help somewhat, but as soon as one blob reaches empire rank, nomads make it to poland or one tribal superrealm subjugates another it's over without player intervention.
                pic rel is the result of a comfy 867 britanny game with those gamerules, i only crusaded britain because the norse ireland that controlled 3/4 of it kept raiding me, and it still completly escalated

                So it's either shattered border gore or megablobs?

                That's too bad. It feels like something that could be fixed by changing a few parameters in AI behavior

              • 1 year ago

                it's too easy to blob at all. I suspect that Conclave may have made realm management too easy for players and AI alike

              • 1 year ago

                Then why did all those kids cry about Conclave back in the day

              • 1 year ago

                mad because bad, I presume

        • 1 year ago

          Itd better then normal but still absolute bottom of the barrel gutter trash compared to iron century or 1066

  13. 1 year ago

    Why does the AI has the urge to conquer very far away lands? I think it should evaluate potential conquest based on how far they are from the King’s main castle. Isn’t that possible to mod?

    • 1 year ago

      Restricting diplomatic range, modding the AI to have higher preference for conquering/forming/usurping the de jure titles that are above it's primary title rather and only then going for expansion outside it's de jure borders could maybe fix this

    • 1 year ago

      This isn’t really an issue at all if you play a non-meme start date. The only thing that can happen in 1066 that pisses me off is the chance of the HRE megablobbing and inheriting Hungary, which isn’t so bad because IRL the HRE tried to do that quite a few times and eventually did, so at least it makes sense, another annoying thing that can be fixed with mods, is the HRE blobbing into North Africa, but there is a mod that disables holy wars for HRE vassals and that fixed it perfectly, now they didn’t even touch Africa..

      • 1 year ago

        >you can only hold 2 duchies as a kang
        frick off, where can I edit this? I've looked in multiple places and can't seem to find it

        • 1 year ago

          Why do u wanna fix this. The game is already way too easy I’d you don’t self impose rp rules. After like 3 rebellions you’d hold all the duchies in the kingdom

          • 1 year ago

            because I'm a gay and want to

          • 1 year ago

            Speaking of this, what mods can I get to make the game harder? I got the dark ages mod which is pretty good

        • 1 year ago

          because I'm a gay and want to

          Go to steam workshop, search for hold more duchies and either use this mod or copy their solution

      • 1 year ago

        sorry didnt mean to reply to (you)

  14. 1 year ago

    My only question is, why play 1066 when 1081 is basically the same thing but better? I only like 1066 if I want to play around with Norman conquest or the unification of Castille & Leon

    • 1 year ago

      I usually choose the William the conqueror start date if I’m playing as a character outside of Britain.

  15. 1 year ago

    Should I get Crusader Kings 2 or 3?

    • 1 year ago

      2 as it actually works and is free you just need to get the 6 million dlc but if you do the subscription you can pay for a month then keep it or ditch it.

      • 1 year ago

        Honestly 3 because you’re too far behind in dlc. If you can get all the dlc, then 2 with mods is the greatest game ever made.

        3 isn’t as bad as they make it sound but the issue is it’s missing crucial features from ck2 like republics and steppe nomads, and the devs have no interest in adding this shit. The last 2 30$ dlc were... Tavel times and tournaments.. and a 3D court room... and the game has been out for like 3 years, AND these dlc are coming at a snail’s pace. Ck2 with all dlc and mods is literally perfect

        2, pirate dlc and play HIP

        Could you tell me other major differences between the two?

        • 1 year ago

          More Ck3 cons
          Ck3 has these really terrible gamey perk trees that suck
          Ck3 has souless and shitty ai
          Ck3 has all these minimalist video game symbols everywhere
          Ck3 has broken crusades

          Ck3 pros
          The culture hybrid system is really really amazing
          Some minor quality of life stuff, like how you can just click the province you want to give to vassals

          The 3D models may be a pro or con to you, it’s subjective. I prefer ck2 portraits.

          • 1 year ago

            I hate the 3D portraits in vanilla Ck3.

          • 1 year ago

            CK3 is coomer material if modded right.

            • 1 year ago

              Ck2 better for coom, all the good lewd modders don't have time to mess around with 3d models, 2d portraits were a million times more accessable

              • 1 year ago

                2D > 3D

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly 3 because you’re too far behind in dlc. If you can get all the dlc, then 2 with mods is the greatest game ever made.

      3 isn’t as bad as they make it sound but the issue is it’s missing crucial features from ck2 like republics and steppe nomads, and the devs have no interest in adding this shit. The last 2 30$ dlc were... Tavel times and tournaments.. and a 3D court room... and the game has been out for like 3 years, AND these dlc are coming at a snail’s pace. Ck2 with all dlc and mods is literally perfect

    • 1 year ago

      2, pirate dlc and play HIP

  16. 1 year ago

    Bros what are some interesting historical characters to play in the 1300’s (my fav century ever). I started a game as the jalayarids and it’s pretty fun, but then I saw the safavids and wanted to know what other interesting people are around. I wish I could play as timur

    • 1 year ago

      King of Bohemia or King of Poland are both fun starts. Poland is good as theres a lot of options. Robert the Bruce is good. Uros king of Serbia if you want to curbstomp the balkans and then remove kebab.

    • 1 year ago

      I would also be interested to hear.

    • 1 year ago

      Playing as King Robert of Naples and using commands to give the Anjou family historically accurate rivalries is pretty interesting.

    • 1 year ago

      >I wish I could play as timur
      There’s a mod called the beginning of the end that adds a 1400 start date. Timur is pretty old but he’s invading Anatolia in that start date.

    • 1 year ago

      Gauthier de Brienne is a count in the 1337 start who has a lot of claims in Greece.

  17. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >having the cringe metal dlc on

      • 1 year ago

        Viking Gods!

    • 1 year ago


  18. 1 year ago

    Do you guys think using intrigue focus like this is too gamey and cheap?

    So, the maharaja of Bengal had been my enemy for a long time and I planned to subjugate his kingdom, but due to the adventurer trait that he got somehow and his very high martial he had a large army.
    I bribed and swayed his 3 sons enough to invite them to my court, had the eldest and heir spied on until I could make up some bullshit reason to imprison so that if the king tried to attack me I immediately had 50% warscore, then I tried (and failed) to imprison the second one which fled back to his father's court but somehow his own son didn't flee with him and the third son is also still in my court.

    So, the maharaja died, his heir inherited while in my prison, his brother (the next to the throne) is back in Bengal but his own son and his younger brother are still here and his son is almost 16. I'll try to imprison both of them, if I succeed I can execute the current maharaja and declare subjugation war on Bengal with 50% warscore right away.

    I don't know if this was an oversight or they really intended for you to be able to invite people high in the sucession line like this. They won't accept matrilineal marriages if they are heirs or pretenders but if their opinion of the current liege is not high you can invite them over and marry them matrilineally or imprison them for guaranteed warscore.

    • 1 year ago

      I also got a ton of money from inviting and murdering courtiers that used to be landed and lost their titles somehow

    • 1 year ago

      I also got a ton of money from inviting and murdering courtiers that used to be landed and lost their titles somehow

      I wouldn't say it's unintended, getting people into your court is meant to grant you powerful opportunities, and people with claims join your court in the hopes you'll press them. Using seduction focus is my favorite, seducing a woman into joining your court when their father would otherwise forbid a marriage for obvious political reasons is pretty fun, it's like conquering a realm with your dick.

  19. 1 year ago

    6k damage per day from 850 elephants led by a general with 24 martial and war elephant leader trait using elephant trample tactics.

    I'm convinced this is the most powerful unit in the game, you can obliterate even larger armies with it if you get a general with war elephant leader and a decent martial.

    • 1 year ago

      Elephants aren’t very good, they are heavy cavalry that doesn’t benefit from heavy cav tactics. They are also expensive and low in number. They’re not an active detriment like Horse Archers are after the extreme nerfs horse archers for but they are by no means the best.
      The best retinue for general combat is Camels, which is just better light cavalry which are otherwise the best.
      For sieging or main combat, Scottish pike retinue with Italian leaders is the very best setup.
      Honestly I absolutely hate the way the Tactics system is set up in CK2.

      • 1 year ago

        I can see why light cavalry is so good. It's active during the 3 phases of combat and very effective during all of them. Any culture or government type can also raise significant numbers of them.

        Why they programmed light cavalry to do so much damage on skirmish phase is beyond me.

      • 1 year ago

        I can see why light cavalry is so good. It's active during the 3 phases of combat and very effective during all of them. Any culture or government type can also raise significant numbers of them.

        Why they programmed light cavalry to do so much damage on skirmish phase is beyond me.

        What if you just make your entire retinue Light Cavalry? If I understand right this is actually what you're supposed to do as nomadic, but what about the rest of the world?

        • 1 year ago

          You can make cavalry retinues with any culture or government type, but certain cultures have access to even more cavalry from buildings and culture specific battle tactics.

          • 1 year ago

            >You can make cavalry retinues with any culture or government type
            Well yeah obviously, I mean how would a LC exclusive retinue actually stand up in battles

        • 1 year ago

          >You can make cavalry retinues with any culture or government type
          Well yeah obviously, I mean how would a LC exclusive retinue actually stand up in battles

          >light cavalry only
          Terrible. If you have a balanced number (which depends on the commanders martial, <50% if below 12 martial and <75% if 12+, though never with 50%+ horse archers) you get the “Harass” Tactic in the skirmish, which gives +300% offensive power to light and camel cav, at a cost of only -40% defense.
          Go above those numbers of light cav? You get “disorganized harass”. Only +100% offense to light and camel… and -60% defense, ouch.
          Both give a really hefty horse archer and normal archer penalty, all the more reason to keep horse archers out.

          Are horse archers bad? They seem to be shredding settled cucks for me.

          Horse Archers are terrible tactically with all the patches, because they were too good before. Nomads can still crush with shear numbers but the tactics are terrible.
          For one they count toward Light Cav % but get penalties from light cav tactics. That harass from above for example is -150% horse archer offense modifier.
          If you field the “right” number (<35%, or <65% with 12+ martial… except not really because going above 50% ever triggers something else and they will still be counting for triggering light cav tactics…) of Horse Archers? You get Swarm, +100% horse archer offense and -150% offense for light cav, camel and not so archers.
          Go above 50% horse archer? You start go see “disorganized swarm”, +50% horse archer offense with -100%(!!!) horse archer defense, with the same other penalties as normal swarm. God damn that is trash.
          They are just tactically fricked, since the game counts them toward light cav calculations but light cav tactics frick them over and horse archer tactics frick light cav over (or even frick horse archers over).

          • 1 year ago

            And that is the Skirmish phase, they struggle with similar tactical frickery in the melee phase too where they go well in barrages only which require 20% archer minimum in the skirmish phase but of course horse archers don’t count as archers, they count as light cav. Horse archers get a good bonus from the skirmish charge tactics, but those can’t be used on flanks and are either random (charge of opportunity) or influenced by heavy infantry and heavy cavalry too and switch the phase to melee… where almost no tactics boost the Horse Archer, certainly not the ones that boost heavy cav or heavy infantry.
            Altaic culture group leaders, in the right terrains with a big horse archer group, can repeat and ambush for goodish damage in melee and switch back to Skirmish… but as mentioned their tactics there suck too. And since they are still counting as light Cav, a group of Horse Archers sized to avoid the terrible “disorganized swarm” skirmish tactic is likely to trigger the “Raid” tactic in melee which is great… if you are Light or Camel cavalry, because it gives +240% offense to those two but no modifier at all the Horse Archers.

            Why are horse archers considered bad? I shred larger armies with horse archer armies, when fighting them on plains, steppe or desert.

            I don't know, I'm not the anon who said that.

            Horse archers are mediocre during melee phase when most combat and actual unit killing takes place but they excel during skirmish and have the very best attack in the pursue phase, killing more than any other unit type.
            Maybe he said they are bad because they aren't very efficient, having low morale and high maintenance to be super good only at pursuing.

            They’re just broken into being terrible tactically and can actually hurt your warscore if you aren’t careful or already completely overwhelming the enemy numerically anyway. This is especially true in the hands of the AI, so watch out for Allies that use Horse Archers.

            • 1 year ago

              Ck2 combat is soooooo ass.

              • 1 year ago

                It really is. Tons of micromanagement to work around the broken tactics system.
                CK3 is brain dead simple for combat but at least it isn’t the micromanagement headache of Ck2 where you still end up with only one or two good solutions anyway.

      • 1 year ago

        Are horse archers bad? They seem to be shredding settled cucks for me.

      • 1 year ago

        I honestly never bothered learning anything about ck2 combat other than pikemen=good and recruiting good generals because the politics are the interesting part of the game and I somehow always end up ahead of the AI in tech anyway

        • 1 year ago

          You really don’t have to learn nah of that unless you’re really sweaty and feel the need to meta game and already insanely easy game.

          • 1 year ago

            I honestly never bothered learning anything about ck2 combat other than pikemen=good and recruiting good generals because the politics are the interesting part of the game and I somehow always end up ahead of the AI in tech anyway

            You can defeat larger armies that you wouldn't otherwise be able to if you actually micromanage stuff like army composition and generals with traits and cultures that make certain tactics more likely to happen, but you are correct that you never really have to.

            Pikemen aren't good, they are amazing. On the defensive with a general that has infantry leader, unyielding or defense trait they can destroy a significantly larger army. It's the most efficient defensive unit, even if the battle is lost they can kill so many troops.

            • 1 year ago

              Why are horse archers considered bad? I shred larger armies with horse archer armies, when fighting them on plains, steppe or desert.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't know, I'm not the anon who said that.

                Horse archers are mediocre during melee phase when most combat and actual unit killing takes place but they excel during skirmish and have the very best attack in the pursue phase, killing more than any other unit type.
                Maybe he said they are bad because they aren't very efficient, having low morale and high maintenance to be super good only at pursuing.

  20. 1 year ago

    I will forever seethe at the fact that Mercenary Kings got abandoned: the mod seemed very, very well made and there is several historical instances in which playing certain mercenary captains would have been awesome.
    As an example, Roussel de Bailleul or even Roger de Flor would have been kino.

    • 1 year ago

      >Band of the Hawk never ever.

  21. 1 year ago

    Aw, not now man, I needed just a few more years to arrest and kill a few more people and leave everything prepared for my heir.

    They live to 65 with some disease and incapable when you want them to die already, when you want them to live a few more years they just drop dead of "natural causes" at 45.

  22. 1 year ago

    Is there any way to use the More Bookmarks+ mod without it adding the rest of Asia into the game?

  23. 1 year ago

    My first playthrough of the expansion is as the duke of barcelona. I'm aiming for the el cid achievement, one of the "ending the iberian struggle" achievements (probably the diplo or stalemate ones), and the one where you own the iberia over in the caucuses.

  24. 1 year ago

    Thoughts on the 1262 start date?
    >Multiple claimants to the HRE, including the King of Bohemia, Duke of Holland, King of Sicily, Duke of Swabia and King of Spain
    >Start of the Byzantine restoration
    >Mongols in Eastern Europe
    >Anjou and Hohenstaufen rivalry
    >Crusader states still exist
    >Habsburgs have a perfect opportunity to claim Austria
    >Turks in Northern India

    • 1 year ago

      Bredy gud overall. Not a fan of SteppeBlack folk but as you said HRE situation is fun.

  25. 1 year ago

    How am I supposed to get vassals to elect my son as HRE emperor?

    • 1 year ago

      Through alliances, bribery and threatening of course, like they did back in the day

  26. 1 year ago

    moron question: what am I supposed to do in this game? I started as a count in France trying to work my way up the ladder. What am I supposed to do besides just fabricating claims and waiting? I've only ever done ireland before where fabricating claims and kicking ass was the main playstyle, but I feel like I'm missing something here. I should love this game but every time it devolves into me waiting decades on max speed while I click through events. Pls be nice to me I'm a noob.

    • 1 year ago

      Get a score of 100000 on the game over screen.

    • 1 year ago

      As a French count, you should focus on 2 things to rise in power. The marriage game and the intrigue game.
      Try to get a good marriage for yourself, one that will net you a useful wife and claims for your kids. Use said kids to get allies in (and maybe outsource) the realm. Especially useful is marrying sons (even second sons) to women who hold or will inherit titles, as it will spread your dynasty and increase the numbers of friendly people in the kingdom.
      Use life focuses to get good at intrigue. Seduction and Scheming are both very good. At the same times, sway your liege and try to become his spymaster. If you're the spymaster, you can plot to forge a claim on your liege's title. Once successful, you can start a faction for your claim. You can also spy on other lords to get favors from them, and then call in your favors to get them to join yourself faction. And, should it come to war, you can call in your allies, too.

      Definitely not the only way to play, but I always enjoy the intrigue game.

      • 1 year ago

        Play somewhere more interesting. I also fell into the same hole of playing some Catholic French Count when i first started CK2 and it's not until i played the Vikings that i actually find the game fun.

        If you have the Old Gods DLC then i suggest you to play Vikings first, just so you can have fun conquering stuff and consolidating power in a more exciting manner.

        Good suggestions, thanks anons.

    • 1 year ago

      Play somewhere more interesting. I also fell into the same hole of playing some Catholic French Count when i first started CK2 and it's not until i played the Vikings that i actually find the game fun.

      If you have the Old Gods DLC then i suggest you to play Vikings first, just so you can have fun conquering stuff and consolidating power in a more exciting manner.

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds stupid but part of the fun for me is just seeing the world unfold around me and looking for interesting stuff going on. At speed 5 you miss a lot of this stuff. Besides that, you just have to find things to do to keep you busy while waiting for that next claim to fabricate/plot to fire/truce to expire. These games really aren't that mechanically complex or complicated in what you have to do, the appeal is moreso in the historical simulation and writing your own story than the strategy aspect. You can "win" just by repeating the claim-conquer cycle on speed 5, but the appeal of the game is gone if you really are just focused on having the biggest blob.

  27. 1 year ago

    >pope excommunicates me
    >i issue a declaration of repentance
    >pope accepts
    >2 months later the same pope excommunicates me
    >i can't issue a declaration of repentance because i have recently declared repentance
    Wat do?

    • 1 year ago

      Stop committing so many sins

    • 1 year ago

      Does killing the pope solve anything?

    • 1 year ago

      The pope is the one reason I dislike playing catholic. Religious heads are lieges that you can never get rid of unless you vassalize them or become the religious head yourself.

      Vassalizing the pope gives you the very useful power of imprisoning and executing almost everyone you want though.

  28. 1 year ago

    What the frick is this modifier?

    It has no expiration date and I have no idea what triggers or removes it

    Is this because of those satanic cults? I'm a fricking buddhist in India and my lord spiritual never found anything

    • 1 year ago

      Looking it up, if you follow an Indian religion and have less than 30% moral authority it can pop up. There is a possible yearly pulse event to get rid of it on one county of the county holder follows an Indian religion with above 50% moral authority.
      If the land gets granted to someone that doesn’t follow an Indian religion it should go away in a few days.

      • 1 year ago

        >if you follow an Indian religion and have less than 30% moral authority it can pop up.
        That makes sense.
        I have chosen the hardest path by playing buddhist to try and make all of India buddhist. It's a bad religion for expansion and starts the game in 1066 already low on moral authority which gets even lower as the decades pass by because muslims expand in the north and the vast majority of indian rulers are all hindu.

        It was only after some time in this campaign that I found out most buddhist holy sites are outside of India so I'll have to holy way all the way to them or find some way to convert the rulers. It's the year 1339 already so I don't know if there's enough time left.

  29. 1 year ago

    Another modifier that I have no idea how to get rid of

    Mind you, both of these modifiers appeared in counties I don't personally control so if there's an event that triggers them I didn't get to see it

  30. 1 year ago

    I dismissed a war alert that appears on top of the screen and now I don’t get them, how do I restore them?

  31. 1 year ago

    My decades long plan to get my dynasty on the Byzantine throne up in flames because this alcoholic moron somehow changed his fricking culture to Avar while I wasn't looking.

    • 1 year ago

      I like seeing Wallachia, Bulgaria and Moldavia.

      In ck2 unless you start before the HRE exists they always blob up so much towards the east and never collapse.

  32. 1 year ago
  33. 1 year ago

    Defensive pacts on or off?

    Explain your reasoning

    • 1 year ago

      Defensive Pacts become pants on head moronic when your fellow christians fight against you because you're waging war against the muslims

      • 1 year ago

        I also have them turned off because I want big challenging AI enemies and defensive pacts stunt nations like the Mongols who cannot handle being at war with all of Asia after like 3 wars

      • 1 year ago

        I also have them turned off because I want big challenging AI enemies and defensive pacts stunt nations like the Mongols who cannot handle being at war with all of Asia after like 3 wars

        Makes sense. I let them on to make the challenge bigger for myself but hand't thought about how it hinders the AI.

  34. 1 year ago

    >just became king of jerusalem by accident

    • 1 year ago
  35. 1 year ago

    what are some good CK2 mods?

    • 1 year ago
      Middle Earth on Earth
      You can play as Morgoth and conquer the whole world. Or play some irrelevant elves or Numenorians or dwarves or orcs.

      It's funny to send balrogs n shit after the holy roman emperor.

    • 1 year ago

      Mods are shit, base game + all dlcs is all you need.

  36. 1 year ago

    I'm split between buying CK3 or the DLC I'm missing from 2.
    Which one is better at this point?

    • 1 year ago

      Just pirate both.

    • 1 year ago

      I pirate literally everything I can

      I pirate even free games

    • 1 year ago

      As anons said, you can pirate. Personally, CK2 with all the problems, is still one of my favorites, while CK3 either lacks things or is just annoying to me, UI and all of it. But it does have some things that CK2 lacks, so you could see it as a sidegrade.

  37. 1 year ago

    So are archers/crossbows the new ck3 MaA Meta?

    The workshop gives them siege damage and normal damage. The military lifestyle gives them a bit of siege too, and both the archer and crossbow accolades given them stacking bonuses.

    You can stack that all in a plains or wetlands barony with a smithy and a ref mental grounds for some crazy bonuses.

    • 1 year ago

      Can’t build the workshop until high medieval so depending on your start and era that could be a long while to unlock.

      • 1 year ago

        It's high, bit late, and it's the first innovation I grab from that it isn't too late into the game. Using normal archers before that works fine too.

        The martial lifestyle that gives archers siege is a good early compromise for having siege archers early game.

    • 1 year ago

      >not wootz steel elephants

  38. 1 year ago

    Gavelkind sucks dick

    • 1 year ago

      It is meant to.
      But it isn’t really that bad.

    • 1 year ago

      I have the same issue until Muslims invaded.

    • 1 year ago

      >marry infertile old bag
      >pick seduction focus
      >frick a bunch of lovers with good genes
      >legitimize one heir that shows promise
      >if he dies just legitimize another
      >take advantage of gavelkind demesne bonus
      Gavelkind is based actually

      • 1 year ago

        >get the flu and die before you can legitimize a bastard
        >game over

  39. 1 year ago

    Seniority is the best.
    All dat dynasty prestige.

  40. 1 year ago

    The hre is annoying as frick with the force vassalize shit. Playing in 1080 and the took barcelona and both Sicilies in like 30 years. I wish I could disable that for just the HRE

    • 1 year ago

      That's exactly why 936 is many people's favorite start. There's a lot of large stable realms but there's no giant blobs like HRE or Abbasids

      • 1 year ago

        The hre is annoying as frick with the force vassalize shit. Playing in 1080 and the took barcelona and both Sicilies in like 30 years. I wish I could disable that for just the HRE

        It'd be cool if large blobs had a chance to collapse once in a while

        The HRE just blobs into eastern europe and no pagan revolts, no cultural revolts, nothing

  41. 1 year ago

    any good AARs?

  42. 1 year ago

    After how many centuries should I stop playing?

    • 1 year ago

      When max speed starts feeling like min speed.

  43. 1 year ago

    Do you think ck3 will get a sunset invasion dlc?

    • 1 year ago

      No, not until the game is going to be killed off.

  44. 1 year ago

    Being unable to change de jure capital in CK3 triggers me so much
    Like the Provence duchy, the capital is Arles which is a 4 barony county but the county of Provence proper is a 5 barony county. Why can't I change capitals reeeeeeee

    • 1 year ago

      This is somehow a problem fricking everywhere. There are surprisingly few duchies where the capital is located in the spot with the most baronies/the best terrain.

  45. 1 year ago

    >27 intrigue spymaster swatting down assassination attempts left and right for my emperor
    >i ignore people that get discovered and don't jail them
    >half of children die, but I don't care lol, got 30 of them
    >emperor finally dies of old age, empire falls apart, all the children get assassinated
    >even with massive intrigue spymaster and no courtiers that hate me all the heirs get killed within a few months of one another
    >can't figure out what's going on
    >savescum and troubleshoot
    >eventually right before death one of my vassals gets caught trying to kill one of my courtiers
    >even though he's 100+ relations with me jail him anyway
    >still super happy with me even though he's imprisoned
    >suddenly assassination successes largely stop
    So my 100+ vassal was trying to kill me, or did me randomly jailing him bork the assassination AI?

    • 1 year ago

      They coded some weird shit where AI will try and kill you or other characters for 'slights' even if you're +100 Rep with them. For example, I had sex with some female champion as an male only nation and she had my kid. She was 27 Martial so I made her my Personal Champion (as she had like 34 Prowess). My wife then constantly tried to kill her simply because she had a kid with me (she seduced me and I just laid with her because RP). My wife then dies... and then other people start to try and kill her despite good rep with her. It's almost like the AI just marks people as bad and then tries to yeet them.

      • 1 year ago

        that's a pretty cool feature but I've literally never interacted with this guy before, and he wasn't even trying to kill me, he was trying to kill a random chick I had never interacted with. I honestly think me skipping all the reveals of the people trying to kill me instead of jailing them for literally 20 years borked the game into killing me off as soon as that character died. I went through his memories and I never interacted with him or anybody he had ever met, maybe he was in a pool of AI targeting me for wrongdoing and by jailing him I turned it "off".

    • 1 year ago

      Don't employ an amazing or shit spymaster, and don't employ a spymaster that has the potential to gain land via deaths, like for example the most powerful vassal will inherit the liege's titles if the liege dies without any heirs.

      • 1 year ago

        I went with a 14 intrigue spymaster that liked me a lot until he failed to warn me about an assassination on my life 3 times in a row so I savescummed and went with a 16 intrigue spymaster and it was instantly found out

    • 1 year ago

      I've never seen anything like that. Even with a mediocre spymaster I discover assassination attempts often enough that my courtiers and vassals don't die left and right. Having a bunch of people assassinated like that is weird.

      Don't employ an amazing or shit spymaster, and don't employ a spymaster that has the potential to gain land via deaths, like for example the most powerful vassal will inherit the liege's titles if the liege dies without any heirs.

      >Don't employ an amazing or shit spymaster
      IIRC your spymaster's ability to discover plots is a measure of his intrigue vs the intrigue of the plotters. Unless your court/realm is filled with high intrigue, ambitious buttholes, even a mediocre spymaster with 10 intrigue will find out most plots.

      • 1 year ago

        >Having a bunch of people assassinated like that is weird.
        It happens to me every time I rapidly expand to make a kingdom or empire but I never realized there's a pattern to it until now. As king/emperor I get used to all the assassination attempts (sweden specifically tried to assassinate me like 20 times, probably because I singlehandedly btfo 3 viking invasions). I just click through them like they're nothing, but as soon as I die and an heir takes over it's just one after another domino effect all my heirs are killed and everybody in my territory declare war on me/neighboring rulers declare war on me. Then I decide to jail ONE person and it all stops?

    • 1 year ago

      Oh, I just realized you're talking about CK3, ignore my post above

  46. 1 year ago

    >played the DLC of CK3
    >did all the cheevos
    >can't do the remaining two because they're fricking broken STILL
    >can't even do The Iron and Golden King in Bohemia
    I ended up doing it Sri Lanka. You have a hill with a +5G mine. There is probably a place that has a Duchy building. Then you just stack development and Stewardship and max all the gold producing buildings.

    Gotta wait for all the patches to fix so I can install coom mods.

    • 1 year ago

      Also forgot to say it is so fricking fun playing with that mine as your stationed siege weapon MAA. You absolutely DESTROY castles if you go martial and get the better siege weapon stuff. You do nearly 3 siege damage. You just storm through high shit. I ended up stopping expanding because it was ultimately pointless.

      My goal is to do a full map paint when I get a good PC that can handle it. Last time I had to stop.

  47. 1 year ago

    Dear fellow dynasty founders,

    >As a 37 year-old life-long enjoyer of anything strategic, I bought Crusader Kings III last year without having played any of the more complex Paradox titles before.
    I played for around 25 hours and took a break, life happened and now, one year later, I was in the mood for a second attempt.

    I created a tall, strong, Nordic woman and let her start her journey to become the lady who unites Finland and the country to the north. I am 32 in-game years into my playthrough and while I enjoy the game a lot,
    >I am a bit overwhelmed by the complexity of the game.

    >I play on medium difficulty (must be talking about easy)

    and the game excels at making you understand early on that there is not a perfect path where you can get everything in life (unlike Civilization or Anno for example). However, due to the complexity of the game, I fear that I miss a lot of stuff or make decisions too short-sighted. For example, I have a Faith value and I use it to conquer enemy Duchies, but I have not done anything else with it or even know what else to do with it.

    I only have thirty hours in the game in total, so I know I am a noob who has a long road ahead of him, but I wanted to know, if you consider all mechanics of the game when you make decisions? Do you plan your strategies long ahead (like in chess)? I feel like I am riding a wave and make decisions whenever needed.

    These are the people you play this game with and who the game is developed for, so I wouldn't expect the game to get any more complex or difficult from here on out. Literally The Sims.

    • 1 year ago

      What about this game is complex in your opinion specifically? I'm probably oversimplifying this game in my head and am missing some stuff, but overall everything is pretty straight forward imo

    • 1 year ago

      This post is a tragedy. Took me so long to figure out what was even being said because you’re such a moron who formatted it this horribly

      • 1 year ago

        I'm an ESL and I figured it out with no issues

    • 1 year ago

      I've been trying to figure out CK3 for over 100 hours and I've come to the conclusion that it's compeltely random and broken. Every single one of my playthroughs has been plagued with assassinations, constant warring factions tearing my empire apart and the game AI going haywire.

      You will quickly realize savescumming is the only way to play the game satisfyingly

      >First real playthrough is a 100 year old sage obsessed with learning
      >create hyper advanced kingdom with awesome technology
      >everybody likes me
      >die of old age
      >all my heirs get assassinated/kingdoms is torn apart and the game keeps trying to hand me glorified duke titles after wasting dozens of hours on that save

      >Second real playthrough create an empire in africa
      >as soon as I die all my heirs get assassinated/and the empire is torn apart by infighting to the point that my massive gold lead and military prowess is whittle down to nothing
      >starting to see a pattern here

      >third playthrough
      >start with the smallest county in I think switzerland
      >don't make a single title, stack tech and focus on military
      >let my king/empire tank all the aggression while I build forces
      >have the third strongest military in europe in as a tiny duke
      >take my king's title
      >all hell breaks loose as the AI gangs up on me
      >massive army is whittle down to nothing, eventually lose and get reverted back to nothing
      >stack intrigue and kill every living member of king's dynasty
      >inherit most of my titles back
      >stop playing

      • 1 year ago

        >fourth playthrough
        >create massive slavic empire with cannibal religion in a single lifetime
        >game bugs out and kills all my heirs
        >when I die all my heirs are also assassinated
        >game bugs and this stops when I jail one random person that wasn't even mad at me
        >live life in relative peace for about 10 years, finally can do some slight expanding again
        >character drinks himself to death
        >daughter assumes throne
        >all hell breaks loose
        >spend the 3000 gold I was saving up for this case specifically on the two best mercenary groups
        >it doesn't matter as I'm at constant war for 6 years and my army is whittled down to nothing because of constant new factions against me
        >finally after killing 15,000+ enemy soldiers in the year ~950 it's down to my 2000 soldiers vs their 200 soldiers
        >im going to win through attrition
        >hold court
        >vassal queen comes up to me and tries to stab me to death with a knife
        >50% chance of wounded or death
        >get wounded
        >die from wounds anyway because inbred

        Is there a "frick you" code for pirated copies or something? Or is the AI ganging up on you for no reason really the only "gameplay" you have to watch out for

        • 1 year ago

          Oh I forgot to mention every time my character dies all my heirs are absolutely hated near -100 by the vassals despite my character all having them above 60

          • 1 year ago

            and by heir I mean the children of the first character, I don't know what it is about your cousins and nephews plotting for your destruction

            • 1 year ago

              They probably have claims on titles or perhaps follow a different religion or culture?
              It sounds like you might be exaggerating though.
              You should save some landed infidels in the tank to execute when your heir takes the throne for some quick dread.

              • 1 year ago

                >You should save some landed infidels in the tank to execute when your heir takes the throne for some quick dread.
                Well not save them due to the update but having some small, independent infidel countries to invade and grab hostages from to sacrifice.
                Torture helps too.

              • 1 year ago

                I waited to have kids until I was like 50 and had 3 concubines and a niece-wife, all in all I had 20 children. 3 heirs were murdered and then 2 drank themselves to death. The 6th, whom I assumed control of, also drank himself to death, and his daughter was murdered, ending his line. The next six children were also murdered, of the last 8 children 3 were murdered and two joined factions against whoever I was playing as at any one time. One of the murdered kings had four children, one that was murdered and one that was executed for murdering my player character. His son became king and is now my player character, the emperor. Looking at the new emperor's memories I see he lost all his land to his sister, the one executed for killing my player character, he then lost a couple major battles against Finland. On previous playthroughs I noticed he was one of the people trying to kill my player characters. After I executed his sister for trying to kill me he inherited all her lands that he lost, then he probably plotted to kill me.

                This was ONE of the several reloaded saves I did in this exact scenario, the only one where the guy who I eventually ended up paying as wasn't also immediately killed

                What I don't understand is, where's the logic in the game forcing you to make two king titles and then those kingdoms spending all their energy trying to kill you

              • 1 year ago

                >I waited to have kids until I was like 50 and had 3 concubines and a niece-wife, all in all I had 20 children
                >20 children
                You must've modded the game then because even with concubines the max amount of kids you can have is 14. Or you had bastards, and their personality makes them less honorable and more likely to murder but you would've mentioned that.
                Again, your story isn't really adding up.

              • 1 year ago

                I assume then that when all your children get murdered/randomly drink themselves to death you're not actually reaching the children cap and the game allows you to have more children?

                >their personality makes them less honorable and more likely to murder
                Well that's stupid because I'm the head of faith and made it so that bastards get all inheritance rights at birth. Why are these options even in the game if they don't do anything positive

              • 1 year ago

                Do you have rivalries and/or a house feud?

              • 1 year ago

                I did but they died long before I died, their kid "grew up hating me" so I invaded his duchy and that was that. Is the only way to counter a rivalry to murder them first? I don't like the idea of having to murder every rival when it's random and I did nothing to them, plus it's a waste of cash and you only have like a base 25% of it succeeding

              • 1 year ago

                oh also I've noticed I "forgave" my rivals like 5 different times without murdering them. What's up with this game randomly applying rivals to you that you've never met

              • 1 year ago

                Are you RPing as a schizo?

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah pretty much

              • 1 year ago

                Oh yeah, I guess it makes sense they didn’t all die at once. Sorry about that.
                >made it so that bastards get all inheritance rights at birth.
                Those aren’t bastards, they’re wild oats which have a different AI modifier.
                I don’t care much for that one though, it tends to spread the claims and inheritance too far. Making it so you can pick which bastards are worth using and which are not are is usually worth it to me, though if you just want a huge dynasty and to frick up your vasssl’s inheritance than it can be worth it if you have other ways of controlling claims.
                Note that children only inherit the claims of stuff you had when you died, so landing some before you die can prevent them from fighting over it when you’re on partition. You’ll still need to worry about primary titles though and once you are on a sole heir inheritance type it gets a bit different.

              • 1 year ago

                I specifically went out of my way to make every single county independent and not all owned by one guy, what funny is the few cases where this wasn't the case, where I had to actually make some dukes so I wasn't over the limit, they always targeted my with a liberty faction. Literally anybody with any power target me with a faction. Another thing, the liberty faction rose up for me to reduce my crown authority, which I did because my empire was being torn apart elsewhere, then I immediately raised it again and they didn't do anything

        • 1 year ago

          I've been trying to figure out CK3 for over 100 hours and I've come to the conclusion that it's compeltely random and broken. Every single one of my playthroughs has been plagued with assassinations, constant warring factions tearing my empire apart and the game AI going haywire.

          You will quickly realize savescumming is the only way to play the game satisfyingly

          >First real playthrough is a 100 year old sage obsessed with learning
          >create hyper advanced kingdom with awesome technology
          >everybody likes me
          >die of old age
          >all my heirs get assassinated/kingdoms is torn apart and the game keeps trying to hand me glorified duke titles after wasting dozens of hours on that save

          >Second real playthrough create an empire in africa
          >as soon as I die all my heirs get assassinated/and the empire is torn apart by infighting to the point that my massive gold lead and military prowess is whittle down to nothing
          >starting to see a pattern here

          >third playthrough
          >start with the smallest county in I think switzerland
          >don't make a single title, stack tech and focus on military
          >let my king/empire tank all the aggression while I build forces
          >have the third strongest military in europe in as a tiny duke
          >take my king's title
          >all hell breaks loose as the AI gangs up on me
          >massive army is whittle down to nothing, eventually lose and get reverted back to nothing
          >stack intrigue and kill every living member of king's dynasty
          >inherit most of my titles back
          >stop playing

          there's a bug that can literally brick your entire save

          • 1 year ago

            That's CK2.

  48. 1 year ago

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to personally expand that Empires of Conquest Melting Pot Culture mod by adding in some more Arab-European cultures for some Ummayad Empire Flavour.
    The problem is I don't know what to name any of the hybrid cultures, especially the ones for German substrates like Suebi, German and Saxon.
    I'm debating just allowing the Saxons to keep their original culture while the Christian Germans have a Muslim hybrid form since they're a civilized people.
    Italy presents a problem to me though. Sicily is all Greek and the Lombards are settled throughout Southern Italy, so I'm confused to whether I should just make separate Hybrids for Greeks and Italians and what I should name them, or if the Lombards should just be under the German hybrid. I don't know if I want to make a Celtic and a British hybrid or not.

    For context, I played as the Cordovan Caliph and took over all of Iberia and France, while the Ibadi Libyans are taking over Italy. I'm going to allow them to take over Germany and Central Europe. The Abbasids and the Bulgarians steamrolled the Byzantines, but by now, the Shiite Caliph uses Anatolia as his base of operations. Anatolia remains mostly Greek.

  49. 1 year ago

    Is it even worth spending military tech points on anything other than siege engineery and military organization?

    Siege engineery makes your sieges faster and sieges against you slower while military organization gives your troops more global supply limit and raises retinue cap.

    The other options don't seem anywhere near as useful

    • 1 year ago

      Some youtuber argued the other way.

      • 1 year ago

        I just can't stand dragging out wars because of sieges. Some castles can take months to siege once they have high fort level even if you seriously outnumber the garrison. Not to mention the siege events that can kill a lot of troops and have more chances to trigger the longer it you are sieging.

        I invest tech in siege engineery, try to always have a general around with the siege leader trait and invest in troops that are good at sieging. I had a chinese general with both way of the leopard and siege leader traits once, 90% higher siege speed in total, it was awesome.
        Imagine having way of the leopard, siege leader and architect in the same character.

        • 1 year ago

          Is this CK2?

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, I was talking about ck2

    • 1 year ago

      no because winning a war agains tthe AI is trivial in paradox games.

  50. 1 year ago

    I never had a problem with gavelkind, I don't mind spreading my seed instead of hoarding all titles for myself

  51. 1 year ago

    >just want to secure some nice defensible borders at a mountain pass
    >we have the land our people need, our neighbors are manageable, time to enjoy peace and the reign of "the good kings," maybe a little degeneracy or demon worship
    >fricking vassal dukes keep expanding on their own
    >territory spilling into other de jures and bordering larger neighbors
    >one prepares an invasion on a kingdom sized territory outside my de jure kingdom and fricking succeeds
    >borders are permafricked for a century before I can even deal with this, forced to expand into the new land to keep my vassal from devouring the whole thing or growing stronger than me
    >entire campaign derailed

    • 1 year ago

      Unless I am roleplaying I always ban vassal war declarations because they don't stop trying to grow with fabricated claims and marriages, which is how it should be anyway.

  52. 1 year ago

    CK2 noobie here.
    How do I rejoin the Kingdom of England as France came over to claim the title duke of Wessex and I basically own all but one of the counties in Wessex.
    How would I go about rejoining England without loosing land or getting buttfricked.

    • 1 year ago

      You'll need to declare independence from France, and then, once at peace, you can swear fealty to England. Independence is gonna be the hard part. Try to form and lead the independence faction in France, and get the strongest allies you can (especially England, if possible) to support your independence war. Then, if you win, swear fealty to England asap so that they don't declare war on you (that's why an alliance with England would be very helpful).

    • 1 year ago

      You'll need to declare independence from France, and then, once at peace, you can swear fealty to England. Independence is gonna be the hard part. Try to form and lead the independence faction in France, and get the strongest allies you can (especially England, if possible) to support your independence war. Then, if you win, swear fealty to England asap so that they don't declare war on you (that's why an alliance with England would be very helpful).

      Sorry, missed the duchy of wessex situation. You'll need to usurp the title first. You should be able to plot against your liege to claim the duchy title. Then, if successful, you can form a faction or just declare war on your liege. Again, allies to win the war.
      Once you have the duchy, then you can work to be free of France.

      • 1 year ago

        You'll need to declare independence from France, and then, once at peace, you can swear fealty to England. Independence is gonna be the hard part. Try to form and lead the independence faction in France, and get the strongest allies you can (especially England, if possible) to support your independence war. Then, if you win, swear fealty to England asap so that they don't declare war on you (that's why an alliance with England would be very helpful).

        Cheers Anon ty

    • 1 year ago

      What the anon above said is correct but I'd like to add that you can also wait for a good moment to backstab your liege and break away without having to fight a risky war.

      Moments of instability like civil war or foreign invasion can be capitalized to break away from your weakened liege.
      If he isn't very strong himself and the realm isn't stable, with vassals being allowed to declare war on each other, you could check on your liege's relationship with the other dukes. Maybe he holds a piece of land that belongs de jure to someone else within the kingdom of France, maybe he's rebellious and plotting against the King of France. Assuming you are playing with DLC there's also the possibility of adventurers or raiders showing up and ravaging your liege's demesne, leaving him severely weakened, then there's the intrigue focus which you can use to slander him, making every other character more likely to backstab him in any way they can, if you roll a strong reason to slander him to everyone, whether it's a real thing that your character has found out or some bullshit that he made up, you can even cause his liege to try and imprison him, which will trigger a civil war if he resists arrest.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah there's a Crusade going on and 2 big rebellions in France.
        However, I've managed to get the dutchy of Wessex but I tried to declare independence without any allies (bc the French vassles all seem to like him).
        I've got a save back up but quite annoying seeing as how its quite obscure how I get people to join in on my revolt. Also pope btfo'd me by excommunicating.

  53. 1 year ago

    So, anyone care to give me a quick rundown on the HIP mod?

    I heard no one goes back to the original game after playing HIP

    • 1 year ago

      Think of HIP as a bunch of various improvements on the base game. It's a must have mod.

  54. 1 year ago

    holy shit, the plague in The Winter King is brutal. I had about twenty heirs scattered around various sons, brothers, uncles and nephews, and all of them fricking died in the span of a few years. I only managed to pass on my titles once before I ran out of relatives and lost the game.

  55. 1 year ago

    Is it just me or does nothing bad happen to the AI?
    They revoke 10 duchies and counties within five years of me giving them a perfectly divided land, it's not even a de jure cluster they just yoink random territories and no one blinks
    Meanwhile I try to fix a little border gore and everyone loses their mind

    • 1 year ago

      The AI gets into all sorts of rebellions and civil wars all the time because it cannot micromanage vassals like a player does, you just don't see it. That's why it's rare to see the AI form large empires without counting the major invaders.

  56. 1 year ago

    How did Otto manage to form the HRE in CK? The pope never gives out kingdom claims if you are a king

    • 1 year ago

      Otto gets special events to get the claims on Italy and Lorraine

      • 1 year ago

        Ottonion gemeraldo

  57. 1 year ago

    >install a bunch of mods for CK3
    >they're all up to date
    >game start crashing every odd year
    How do you figure out teh correct load order or what is causing crashes? The mods I'm using aren't even that big

    • 1 year ago

      Dont install too many mods at once. Generally you want to load big mods first then smaller mods.

    • 1 year ago

      Check the error log.

    • 1 year ago

      I spend more time tinkering with mods than I do playing Ck3 or CK2.

  58. 1 year ago

    What's the best retinue? Please tell me heavy cavalry is worth it

    • 1 year ago

      I mean in the end it doesn't really matter, hell you could probably own with a pure horse archer army and those guys are considered pretty trash. But if you want to minmax I'd look on the wiki at the battle phases and tactics of each unit type.
      If you want to go all out into heavy cavalry, do it with the cultures that have access to the Knights retinue (so French, German, Norman, Occitan, Breton) or do Outremer for Heavy Cavalry + Camels. Use commanders that fit your culture for cultural battle tactics (all the ones I listed use Couched Lance which gives fricking 420% offensive to heavy cavalry)

      • 1 year ago

        What's the best retinue? Please tell me heavy cavalry is worth it

        But the downside is Heavy Cavalry are expensive (in money, and more importantly in retinue cap). Light cavalry are considered better, and camels are considered the best unit in the game, and horse archers the worst. Scottish and Italians have very strong retinues and tactics (pikes/heavy infantry). Light infantry and archers are mostly very weak and you mainly use them to get a biggus dickus army to warn off factions until you're rich enough to afford something better. One thing I'll give ck3 is being more transparent at what men at arms do, what terrain they're good and bad in, and what units they counteract

        • 1 year ago

          >archers are mostly very weak
          o shid, I swear I remember using them all the time for the initial skirmish phase where they'd inflict ungodly amounts of casualties, coupled with them having a very low retinue cap to ward off factions and the like, I always stacked them. CK2 combat is an opaque beast.

          • 1 year ago

            The tactics system in CK2 is completely broken, I really hate it.

    • 1 year ago

      Light Cav (camel cav actually if you can access it to replace them) and Pikemen are the best two.

    • 1 year ago

      Light cavalry is very good offensively.
      Pikemen is the best defensively, but it's also reliable on the offensive.
      Heavy infantry is the most well rounded non-special unit, not the best at anything but pretty good at everything.

      From the special units, camel cavalry is the very best. Amazing at both offense and defense in all stages of battle, cost effective in comparison to other special units, not affected by terrain which means it won't get boosts but won't get debuffs either.

      You don't really need to worry about minmaxing this stuff because the AI isn't competent at using troops or generals efficiently. However, you can defeat larger armies and crush battles that you would otherwise lose if you pay attention to battle mechanics and make good use of generals, traits, unit types and battle tactics.

  59. 1 year ago

    Is early middle ages the best starting year?

    • 1 year ago

      No. First two start dates are a mess.

    • 1 year ago

      The Iron Century is the best

    • 1 year ago

      867 is pushing it, but 769 is a straight up disaster.

    • 1 year ago

      936 or 1081, atleast with HIP

  60. 1 year ago

    Monophysites are really the worst heresy that can appear in a game, not only they spread fast as rabbits but it also takes an exagerated amount of time to convert back a county.
    So by the time you eradicate the heresy in a county they have already spawned in other three counties and you just can't keep up with the pace because your court chaplain is too slow at the best or at the worst he becomes an heretic saboteur himself, not to count the endless amount of times they retake a reconverted county and you have to rinse and repeat everything plus all the new counties they have conquered.
    And the court? the court gets so fricking full of heretics that you either have to waste time reconverting everyone or exile all of them before they do too much damage.
    In conclusion: nerf the monophysites please.

  61. 1 year ago

    Is there a mod that nerfs viking?
    Because I can't stand how overpowered they are

    • 1 year ago

      It's the mudslimes and horse frickers who btfo the AI in the early start dates tho, the Vikings usually only btfo weak fractured powers

      • 1 year ago

        They all need to be nerfed
        Christians suck balls

        • 1 year ago

          Well the game was originally made for you to only play as a Christian. Crusader kings and whatnot. As such you had to struggle against tougher enemies to in theory give some challenge.
          As new DLC gets released you are able to play these enemy groups, which get some additional features too so they are more interesting to play and often even more powerful, since options are power.
          Christians do get a fair amount of love though, with lots of features focusing on them. Many of these can be a bit tricky but powerful when mastered, like manipulating the college of cardinals and/or using antipopes.

  62. 1 year ago

    Is there a guide to setting up your early game?

  63. 1 year ago

    Why do you Black folk hate 769 so much?? Can't stand playing as a tribe or a hoard before technology improves and you can get out of gavel kind???

    • 1 year ago

      I think it is due to how questionable it is on a historical basis. The further back you go the more needs to be made up.
      It also is a time of the biggest Empires at their most stable, meaning they’ll blob, lock down the map and then sit there like a turd the entire game.

      • 1 year ago

        There are big empires but they never get their shit together. The Abbasids will blob out a little in Africa, the Byzantines might blob into Russia a little, but generally they seem to do very little. If the Umayyads blob into Southern Spain they get crusaded. Most of the time these empires are so big that they just seem to be caught up in internal strife rather than actual blobbing in my games. You can of course make this worse with assassination plots. Anyone who you might be playing as, you can call in an AC-130 airstrike from China by giving them an emerald tablet to shatter ant empire you might border. Just play as a horde, become ridiculously overpowered, and then settle down near the midgame

    • 1 year ago


      Here's Europe in 1013 from my last 769 start game with very little intervention on my part. I would say this is actually more cohesive than it usually turns out.

      The map becomes a disgusting clusterfrick 100 years in, Catholicism MA gets raped and not a single Catholic kingdom can keep their shit together

      • 1 year ago

        I think a simple and effective solution to that would be scripted events or adventurers giving rise to historical domains so that the map would eventually have some semblance of normalcy no matter what your start date was

        Like, have historical important dynasty founders like the Capet have an event where it's founder will show up in the appropriate year with event troops and a claim on France, the founder of the Almohads in North Africa, etc etc

        It doesn't even have to be a major event like the turkic conquerors and Genghis Khan and they don't have to be as powerful, you could make it minor events with reasonably sized event troops that are powerful enough that they can defeat the AI and form their realms in the appropriate territory, but not so powerful that they will just blob into everything. Make the event troops disappear once they conquer their territories or whatever.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah? It isn't fun. I never reach the end date on gs games in the first place. There's nothing worthwhile in 769. I consider people who play it to be slow-in-the-minds who just want to look at the blue blob for hours on end.

  64. 1 year ago

    Chinese invasions on or off?

    Explain your reasoning

    • 1 year ago

      If I am not playing in that corner of the map, on because who cares.
      If I am playing in the Far East, on because it gives me something more to do.
      I've seen some people complaining about the Chinese tributary empire stretching all the way to Iraq in some games, but I've never experienced it. Granted, it's been a while since my last long vanilla or vanillaesque campaign, and most of my games in CK2 are relatively short.

  65. 1 year ago

    I played the israelites in ATE and enjoyed it 🙂

    • 1 year ago

      I did too. I think they're tastefully done because of how small and weak they are. Muslims, on the other hand, get bullshit event chains to seize important kingdoms like socal and florida. If the muzzies were as small as the israelites, I could accept it, but as is, it ruins the atmosphere. There's less and less Americana in the mod, and it's a damn shame.

      • 1 year ago

        The bullshit event chains in general are moronic, I don't see the point of them. Like that Mahonic guy in New England that for some reason needs an event chain and free soldiers to railroad him into overthrowing his liege, even though a vassal uniting tribes and overthrowing a liege is literally just gameplay 101. It makes me not want to pick the character they're trying to fluff up just so I can actually fricking play the game myself.
        Last I heard they were writing meme events for the high intrigue scumbag heir apparent to the Caribbean, God forbid they just leave it as an interesting stage with set pieces for the gameplay to naturally explore

      • 1 year ago

        Catholics are also overpowered imo. Compare ATE's religion map to real life.

        • 1 year ago

          Protestants are divided into a gorillion denominations, homie. Of course the New New Baptist Evangelical Church of the Las Days of East Middleofnowhere is going to be less powerful than the centralized C*tholic church.

        • 1 year ago

          Heh parts of the map look like the troony colors

        • 1 year ago

          albeit the reason catholicism is dominant in after the end is because the protestants compromised having a central authority in exchange for protestant beliefs being inserted into catholic canon its why the st louis pope is named shit like "PRAISER OF JESUS HALLELUJAH" instead of "Pope Julius XXIV"

  66. 1 year ago

    In AGOT More Bloodlines, does anyone know how to get the Vale to join you when playing as Robb?

  67. 1 year ago

    You restrict diplomatic range to roleplay

    I restrict diplomatic range because I don't want Black folk in my realm

    We are not the same

  68. 1 year ago

    I said like 2 very innocuous things in the CK3 GOT discord and my posts were deleted for absolutely no reason...

  69. 1 year ago

    Travel is cool and all, but I really just want more flavor packs like the norse got. Give me dlc that fleshes out a certain cultural sphere, give me dlc that adds new government types. I want content that makes it interesting to play in a new part of the world, not just the same gameplay but with a different starting position.

    Can't wait for legacy of persia. Hopefully it gives flavor for all muslims and not just those in persian lands.

    • 1 year ago

      Apparently legacy of Persia will come with more clan government reworks, since the ones in the Iberia dlc were not enough.
      One thing I find to be stupid is that clan is locked to Islamic tribals only. The mongols feel like they should be a clan instead of just tribal.

  70. 1 year ago

    What am I supposed to do when the world is already filled with big countries like England, France and HRE?

    • 1 year ago

      play the earlier starts where these nations aren't a thing?

    • 1 year ago

      either eat enough territory to get big yourself or swear fealty and kill them from inside.
      On that note i'm gonna try out a campaign with a halfed vassal limit soon to see of that helps prevent blobs

      • 1 year ago

        Increasing revolt strength might help too

        • 1 year ago

          the way i understand revolt strengh, it only boosts the provincial revolts, as in peasants and heretics. the first one isn't much of a problem, but the second one might kill the religious authority of most religions, similar to what happens in shattered worlds

          • 1 year ago

            Are heretic revolts more dangerous than peasant ones?

            I've never seen one happen but then I'm playind in India

            • 1 year ago

              they are especially because they lower moral authority

              What is even the difference between clan and feudal?

              clan is worse feudalism, they don't have vassal contracts and their stuff is based on opinion instead. muslims had an actually good government in ck2

  71. 1 year ago

    Do skills matter when looking for potential vassals?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. Vassals with more stewardship will get you more money. Higher skills on other areas can sometimes cause trouble but could also be useful too, especially if they are going to be a powerful vassal you want on the council.
      Personality and dynasty are important factors too of course. I almost always prefer landing my own dynasty if I can, though watch out for infighting since they may all have claims on each others lands of your aren’t careful.

      • 1 year ago

        I always turn vassal wars off but that doesn't stop them trying to murder each other

  72. 1 year ago

    What is even the difference between clan and feudal?

    • 1 year ago

      Clan vassals give taxes and levies based on opinion rather than contract obligation levels like in feudal, so it operates more like ck2 vassals. The amount they give if they really love you is more than you’d get from max feudal obligations and you don’t need to slowly raise it over time with different generations on the contract like with feudal obligations.
      However, all clan vassals want to be in an alliance with their liege and they get a big opinion penalty of their liege if they are not. You’ll want polygamy/concubinage and bastard recognition so that you can gm have plenty of offspring for marriages or landing because of that, but that is true anyway.
      Clans don’t have access to most of the feudal special contract functions either, but do have a couple of their own instead. The one that gives +10% piety is pretty great.
      The final big thing is that clans have automatic access to conquest and the kingdom invasion causus belli like tribals, no need to get it from religious tenets or cultural traditions like with feudal.

  73. 1 year ago

    Umm... How do I yoink my vassals' lands?

    • 1 year ago

      kick the dog until it bites. I just annoy them until they plot against me, at which point I'm legally allowed to do all manner of horrible shit to them.

    • 1 year ago

      intrigue focus > spy on them
      satanic/hashashin powers
      be part of a religion that allows excommunication
      temporarily change religion if you have the religious revocation law

    • 1 year ago


      Eventually, all vassals WILL give you a reason to imprison and revoke some of their titles.

      • 1 year ago

        I couldn't get the revoke law through because of the dumbass council, so I waited until my ruler died, gained an ally and slowly plotted to revoke all the counties one by one

  74. 1 year ago

    >DLC expands the map east all the way to Japan
    >Includes 3 Separate Game Modes that alter the map
    >The West, stops just short of India
    >The East, stops just short of Persia
    >Full Map, Default option for non-potato hardware only
    Would be kino

  75. 1 year ago

    >living in a small edge in ireland
    >get tricked into an alliance with scotland
    >they pull you into their wars
    >help them win them
    >their ruler dies
    >alliance gets nulled

    • 1 year ago

      anything to cuck the english/norse

      • 1 year ago

        Replace all of Western Europe with Saxons and Norse.

  76. 1 year ago

    >first crusade
    >go into it half-heartedly
    >kill a few heathens
    >crusade ends
    >get 7k gold, 7k prestige and 4k piety
    Holy shit, I love crusades! I'm swimming in money

    • 1 year ago

      >Holy shit, I love crusades! I'm swimming in money
      >Aaaand it's gone
      I always spend it all really fast on great works and city holdings

    • 1 year ago

      >>get 7k gold, 7k prestige and 4k piety
      You can get up to 30k if the war chest is large and you really crush a lot of enemies in the crusade

  77. 1 year ago

    >mother is queen
    >her realm is being invaded by a strong enemy
    >refuses an alliance with her son who is gonna inherit her realm, she has 100 opinion of and is far more powerful than the invaders
    >"political concerns"

    • 1 year ago

      The enemy king is her lover.

  78. 1 year ago

    I'm doing a Kingdom of England blob run with no empire creation, so I have a lot of duke vassals that are constantly at war with each other, life must be absolutely chaotic for the average commoner. Things would be so much peaceful if women couldn't inherit titles.

  79. 1 year ago

    >it's a "AI builds the 'traps' feature in the great pyramid of khufu so after taking egypt back in a roman restoration run half my family dies to a broken event that paradox never fixed, every fricking succession, and I'm forced to burn the entire pyramids down to remove the bugged traps because you cant remove individual features, and then afterwards cant repair the pyramids because its tied to gyppo culture so they are ruins for the rest of the game" episode

    • 1 year ago

      You should fix that then.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah great works are pretty shit ngl

      • 1 year ago

        The harbor and the garden are excellent.

        • 1 year ago

          Great Walls gives you bullshit amounts of troops. If your cultural unit is archer or heavy infantry it's even better.

  80. 1 year ago

    What are your got-to picks when reforming pagan religions?
    For me it's
    >Religion: Germanic or Slavic
    >Nature: Unyielding
    >Doctrines: Animism, Astrology
    >Leadership: Autonomous

    • 1 year ago

      >Religion: Germanic or Slavic
      Romuva for a comfy tall kingdom game, Hellenic for empire blobbing
      >Nature: Unyielding
      usually pick this too if playing a small kingdom, but if your gonna have a big empire then you need proselytizing or converting takes forever because vassals wont use their chaplain if they aren't zealous
      >Doctrines: Animism, Astrology
      usually do whatever the religions unique one is for the first doctrine, even if they are kinda shit just for the RP, and also regularly sea-fairing if they don't have it because I love raiding, and being to sail up rivers gives you so much more targets and choices. Never tried animism, I heard it's bugged and removes your religions army/levy/garrison bonuses for a small morale buff so I never messed with it
      >Leadership: Autonomous
      based and best choice frick temporalgay minmaxers, only thing you miss out on is the unique artifact you get for being temporal, but besides that I don't see a reason to pick it, its a lot more fun to have a vassal religious head if you want one for great holy wars or RP, also with the temporal title it overrides your primary title so instead of Emperor/Basileus its Pontifex Maximus or whatever.

  81. 1 year ago

    Can I win against the English? This bastard is trying to take over northern Ireland

    • 1 year ago

      if he has no alliances and you can borrow/expel israelites for shekels then it should be easy with the moral penalty england will have for being in debt

    • 1 year ago

      Um, actually sweaty, he doesnt have the bastard trait, ok?

      • 1 year ago

        all english are bastards

    • 1 year ago

      you have roughly equal amount of troops and he hast o naval land to get to you, just ally someone else and call them in to distract them

      • 1 year ago

        He has no money dude.

        I panicked when my ruler died leading my army and took a white peace.

        In other news, Islam is threatening to take over Europe 900 years ahead of time

        • 1 year ago

          And you stared on the 1066 start date?
          Damn usually the spainards only get destroyed in the earlier start dates

        • 1 year ago

          Just wait until the pope launches an emergency crusade, it usually works.

        • 1 year ago

          Why didn't you just hire mercs you stupid fricking troony?

          • 1 year ago

            He's playing in Ireland in 1066, obviously new.

    • 1 year ago

      He has no money dude.

  82. 1 year ago

    >have a brother
    >give him land
    >make him your chancellor
    >make him a duke
    >makes everyone owe him favors
    >obstructs your every action
    Oh brother, must I slay you with my own hands?

    • 1 year ago

      Never had a younger brother?

  83. 1 year ago

    >be king of Sicily, North Africa & Jerusalem
    >discover that my second wife, and mother of my current heir (the original one died of depression), has a lover
    >execute the hoe but I refuse to use the console so I have no idea if the kid is mine or not (to make things more difficult - unlike literally all of my children with my first wife, he didn't inherit my facial traits)
    >die soon after
    >my new king is hated by all his duke half brothers
    >Jerusalem gets jihaded while my armies are putting down all their rebellions (and the Pope decided to march by land because frick me I guess)
    >by some miracle manage to defeat everyone
    >forgive my half-brothers, name the son of the original heir as successor and start improving my realm
    >die murdered not even a month after the Jihad's end; having governed a great total of 4 years of civil wars and religious invasions

  84. 1 year ago

    I figured something interesting.

    When giving out titles, you can arrange for vassals under vassals to serve you directly rather than the de jure liege.
    I conquered a in India and revoked all titles from everyone in the duchy down to the barons, including cities and temples. Then I handed the de jure capital and the duchy title to a courtier, afterwards, I distributed the other counties in the duchy to different courtiers and they became vassals under me rather than the duke who gained a lot of opinion maluses towards me since they are supposed to serve him. I still held all the baronies in the duchy as my demesne, so I transferred the counts to my vassal duke and created new vassals for the baronies in his demesne county and transferred them to him, eliminating all opinion maluses. I then created randomly generated vassals in all the baronies that were under the counts under my duke and they became my direct servants as well, which caused the counts to gain opinion maluses, the difference being that I do not have any obligation to transfer the barons to these counts since they are vassals under my duke and they can't pressure me in any way.

    The opinion from vassals of vassals is irrelevant. They can't join factions or withhold taxes and levies from you because they have to pay tributes to their liege, who, in turn, pays to you, which means that as long as you direct vassals like you, their vassals can dislike you all they want, you will still get taxes and levies from them through your direct vassals on top of the taxes and levies you will get from their de jure barons that will serve you.

    I don't know if this could be considered cheesing the game. It doesn't seem to give you a much bigger advantage than simply giving out titles like you are supposed to because the counts will pay less taxes to your dukes who will also pay less to you anyway. It's still a net increase in the end but not something absurd and maybe not worth bothering with. Still funny.

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds like a recipe for a bunch of murder plots targeted at you.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh shit

        Vassals of vassals can plot or join plots against you?

        Didn't think of that

  85. 1 year ago

    Oh yeah guys remember to turn off the AI Seduction rule otherwise your wife will constantly cheat on you. With it off you're wife can still cheat on you, but it becomes the exception rather than the norm.

    • 1 year ago

      >Not marrying a homosexual wife

      • 1 year ago

        >Not marrying a homosexual
        Sounds gay as frick ngl

    • 1 year ago

      Nearing the end of a campaign and so far no one has dared to try and seduce my wife... apparently.

      One dude seduced a concubine but I realized he had been seducing her before I made her concubine so I just set her aside and forgave him. This is the reason I almost never marry a woman that has been an adult for some time. She could have been seduced and is already lover with someone unknown.

      >playing Ck2 for the first time
      >start as Alfonso VI "The Brave" of León
      >later into the campaign
      >controlling nearly all of Iberia
      >marry a 17 year old welsh girl just because she is attractive
      >she quickly becomes pregnant
      >genius girl is born
      >plague hits
      >my ruler dies
      >genius daughter inherits
      >mom becomes pregnant again
      >son is born
      >gets pregnant again
      >then again
      >my genius ruler becomes adult and immediately finds out mother has a lover
      >is some welsh duke that is 30 years older than mother and didn't even pick seduction focus
      >decide to use "charinfo" console command this one time just to find out
      >the king had no children with my welsh mother and was cucked to oblivion, everyone including my current genius ruler are children of welsh duke with welsh mom
      >it hits me that a daughter of some welsh duke and a welsh woman now rules all of Hispania, having no ethnic, cultural or dynastic ties to it whatsoever
      >with my curiosity satiated, turn off console command and keep playing as if nothing happened

      I thought characters had to be in the same court or at least within close distance to each other for them to have children, but this welsh duke and the wife of my ruler had never been in the same court and she kept getting pregnant even after moving to my court in Barcelona, far away from him. I guess lovers can have children as long as they are within diplomatic range, without having to be in the same court or in counties that are close.
      It was funny ruling Hispania as this genius, redhead, blue eyed, "castillian" empress.

      • 1 year ago

        At least the bull didn't have shit stats.

  86. 1 year ago

    >not letting your bros help impregnate your wife
    too busy campaigning, the court steward must see to sowing the fields. Also you aren't really a "character" in CK2.... you are more like "an inheriting principle"

  87. 1 year ago

    I want to like playing as muslims but polygamy just feels wrong

  88. 1 year ago


  89. 1 year ago

    I'm gonna say it: I hate the HRE and how it takes up the most interesting space in Europe with its dumbass empire

    • 1 year ago

      I love the HRE.

    • 1 year ago

      >t. slavic pagangay

  90. 1 year ago

    It begins. Ironman run starting as Progon, Count of Avlonas in 1187 start. Have usurped the Duchy of Dyracchion, looking to maybe form Epirus or Serbia. Not sure exactly what I should do beyond that. Try to become Emperor, Albanian Byzantium? Lead an independence revolt?

    • 1 year ago

      Wait for the 4th crusade and you'll be free.

      • 1 year ago

        When can it occur? It seems a little late…
        Anyway. Patriots in control. Got strangely lucky - chancellor fabricated a claim on Serbia despite not having an ambition to become King of Serbia. Will have to clean up borders.

        • 1 year ago

          As long as first crusade has occurred any crusade can turn into 4th crusade. Crusaders winning will destroy Byzantine empire leaving you without a liege and thus free.

        • 1 year ago

          Have expanded quite a bit - second king died very quickly in battle, third king is doing okay - BUT, my prostitute wife (Duchess of Achaea) is holding my children hostage and turning them into Greeks. The whole point of this run was to remain Arberian. It’s so over.

  91. 1 year ago

    What's a good name for a hybrid culture between norse and anglo-saxon?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Proper English without the fr*nch influences

  92. 1 year ago

    >start as a random dude in norway
    >invade england
    >take some stuff
    >make lots of money, build some things, etc etc.
    >realize that I picked this dude called "tanglehair" who vowed to unite norway
    >now my autistic fricking brain is screaming at me to start over because he never would've invaded england, his goal was to unite norway, I should've started as a danish dude or whatever if I wanted to invade england, REEEEEEEEEEEE

    I hate my brain so much. Please talk me out of deleting another save in a moronic meltdown.

    • 1 year ago

      It’s just game why do you have to be mad?

      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        I'm autistic.

    • 1 year ago

      same shit happens to me, I always gotta google the dude I start as to see what his ambitions in life were and what he achieved

      • 1 year ago

        >start as a random dude in norway
        >invade england
        >take some stuff
        >make lots of money, build some things, etc etc.
        >realize that I picked this dude called "tanglehair" who vowed to unite norway
        >now my autistic fricking brain is screaming at me to start over because he never would've invaded england, his goal was to unite norway, I should've started as a danish dude or whatever if I wanted to invade england, REEEEEEEEEEEE

        I hate my brain so much. Please talk me out of deleting another save in a moronic meltdown.

        I try to succeed where the guy failed in real life

        • 1 year ago

          same here, but then I find it unrealistic because in real life this and that happened and the game doesnt simulate that so I stop playing

          • 1 year ago

            I just have a vague aesthetic ideal for a character/dynasty and follow it. E.g. Last run was Gwynedd -> Wales -> England, through a “North Sea Conspiracy” (Extremely careful marriage alliances with Scotland, Britanny, France, and Norway, followed by an invasion sanctioned by the Pope. Had to hire mercenaries with crusade money, but got there in the end - one of my favourite wars I’ve fought in CK2.) This campaign was inspired by the IRL guy’s (Owain Gwynedd) real role as the Prince of Wales, combined with the ideals of Arthurian myth. Went on to marry into the thrones of Scotland and France, basically had to just vassalise all of Ireland once I had created e_britannia. Stopped after a few more crusades and cleaning up the random independent counts that had popped up in France - my family ended up having about 9 kingdom titles (I had 6 myself in Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Brittany, and Aquitaine, a distant cousin in Egypt and Arabia, and another in Morocco. This was about the fourth or fifth generation since start.)

            Myth and legend can be a good source of campaign inspiration. Current campaign is based on the disputed notion that Albanians are descended from the Illyrians - thus I’m trying to unite western Balkans under the man (thus dynasty) who was, IRL, the first Albanian monarch.

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah, we don't have to do what they did (or tried to) in real life 100%

    • 1 year ago

      I'm like this with RPGs but I don't really give a shit in CK2, nothing ever works out historically in Paradox games for one thing but also we really don't know shit about many of the historical figures in this timeframe. Especially for old viking heroes most of the historical record comes from stories written centuries after their death with likely lots of embellishment and flourish, some historians question if Harald Fairhair even existed. The details of their lives come from piecing together fanfiction to the point it may as well be a fictional character.

  93. 1 year ago

    Is it smart to build a second or a third castle in a county?

    • 1 year ago

      Other than the capital putting more castles in border counties makes invasion and raiding harder for enemies. Capital county has the biggest levy bonus so castles should be put there first.

    • 1 year ago

      A county you own directly or a vassal county?

      Castles give more troops
      Cities give more tax money
      Temples give a moderate amounts of both and increase monthly piety/karma to the liege

      Improve your own demesne first

  94. 1 year ago

    Umm... My genius wife is giving birth to clubfooted and slow children. Should I be worried?

    • 1 year ago

      Satisfy her pregnancy cravings and make sure she isn't a drunkard.

    • 1 year ago

      The court moron is fricking her pussy

    • 1 year ago

      Tard strength gets all the girls.

  95. 1 year ago

    Man, I hate that they always do this and this shit never fricking implodes

    • 1 year ago

      Wow, that raum sure is lebensing, famalam.

  96. 1 year ago

    The game tainted my line of rulers by forcing a clubfooted hareliped FEMALE on me reeeeeee.
    First born out of 6 other normal daughters, couldn't live long enough for there to be peace in order to change the inheritance that would ensure my nephew would be king.
    I was incredibly salty about it, I was ranting at the tv (way more comfy pc setup btw) that fricked up offspring should be killed at birth and such.
    The game even called her 'the Great' just to rub it in, she didn't even do anything!

    • 1 year ago

      Just turn off pregnancy events bruh.

      • 1 year ago

        >Just turn off pregnancy events
        Won't that turn off the Child of Destiny event as well?

        • 1 year ago

          Child of destiny has its own game option.

          • 1 year ago


            Next time I'm definitely turning off these pregnancy events. Harelip is just way too common and it makes no sense.

    • 1 year ago

      Just turn off pregnancy events bruh.

      This, the overabundance of clubfoot/harelip/ugly people is Holy Fury's fault.
      You know that event where your pregnant wife is asking for food like "a hare's head" or "fish eye"? You probably don't pick the one option that has a visible chance of giving Gluttonous, but that's the one you're supposed to pick. The other ones have something ridiculous like a 1/3 chance of giving the fetus a negative genetic trait based on some moronic old wives tales about rabbit meat giving harelips or something.

      • 1 year ago

        Just turn off pregnancy events bruh.

        The game tainted my line of rulers by forcing a clubfooted hareliped FEMALE on me reeeeeee.
        First born out of 6 other normal daughters, couldn't live long enough for there to be peace in order to change the inheritance that would ensure my nephew would be king.
        I was incredibly salty about it, I was ranting at the tv (way more comfy pc setup btw) that fricked up offspring should be killed at birth and such.
        The game even called her 'the Great' just to rub it in, she didn't even do anything!

        Does anyone else think the homossexual trait is too common as well?

        • 1 year ago

          I sent my homosexual daughter to marry the king of Hungary. He got depressed and committed suicide

        • 1 year ago

          I think the homosexual trait has a higher chance to be added to children if one the parents are homosexual.
          Would be funny if sent your child to be a ward of a priest and he came back gay.

      • 1 year ago

        huh, interesting. I've never experienced that even once since I always choose the expensive option due to my interest in architecure

      • 1 year ago

        Use HIP and stop your nagging.

  97. 1 year ago

    Something funny happened.

    An invader attacked a kingdom I was about to inherit. This king Kanna "The Wise" who is my enemy joined in defending the kingdom because he had an alliance with the ruler I inherited from. So the ruler died, I inherited, and this dude who hates my guts because I imprisoned two of his sons, causing one of them to die in jail and have casus belli on him, is helping defend my realm.
    To make it even better, some uppity dukes from the land I just inherited started rebellions against me when I tried to revoke their titles in order to install my cronies and even though the king isn't allied with me, directly involved in these rebellions or hostile against my rebel dukes in any way, I found out that if I order him to attach his army to mine and get into battle against them, his troops will fight as well.

    So, I split 30 units from one of my armies, ordered the king to attach his 13k army to these units and am using them to battle and assault the holdings of my rebellious vassals while I let the war against the foreign invader go on so that the king doesn't disband his units until I crush all the rebellions.
    The assaults are causing lots of his units to die which is great because I'm gonna attack him soon after these rebellions end.

    Is doing this too gamey? I found it funny as heck.

    • 1 year ago

      It’s funny when shitty rulers are called “the wise”. I was playing as a king of Cuba in After the End and both me and my younger brother were both called “the wise” even though our bickering nearly destroyed the kingdom, caused the deaths of my sons, left him maimed without a son. and bankrupted the both of us.

  98. 1 year ago

    My campaign as it stands. My current long-term goal is to wipe out Anglo-Saxon resistance in England. Short term subsidiary goals include:

    1. Building up my army/economy through raiding and building stuff with the proceeds from that raiding.

    2. Launching a ducal conquest war on Kent, to further weaken Wessex (my most powerful enemy)

    3. Create a hybrid culture between Norse and Anglo-Saxon to reduce the possibility of populist revolts and acquire any positive culture traits I want from the Anglo-Saxons.

    If you have any advice to offer me, I would appreciate it. Seems pretty straightforward though so I don't know if there's much to say.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh frick that screenshot is old, sorry. The more current map includes: Jorvik having taken chunks out of Mercia, negotiated Danelaw, and me controlling east Anglia.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm attempting to conquer all the territory inside the green line and become the Samrat Chakravartin of India

      I started as this man named Vijayabahu who led a rebellion against the Chola Empire and successfully freed Sri Lanka from them in 1055. In the 1066 start you only control a county in Sri Lanka though.
      I also severely handicapped myself by choosing to stay buddhist until the end of the campaign and try to have all of India under buddhist AND indo-aryan ethnic rulers. Vijayabahu was buddhist, as were most of the natives of Sri Lanka at the time, and religion was a major motivator for his war.

      I don't know if I can make it in time now, however, as there's only about a hundred years left and there's so much territory to conquer while trying to get rid of all hindus and ethnic dravidians.

      • 1 year ago

        Goddamn indian portraits are so fricking ugly, literal orcs

        • 1 year ago

          Art imitates life

  99. 1 year ago

    I have never played as a ruler in India.

    • 1 year ago

      I liked it. I thought it could be boring because it's not like in Europe, North Africa or Arabia with their constant holy wars and dynastic crazyness going on, but indians have the unique subjugation casus belli to make up for it and there's the constant threat of muslims in the north and the extremely dangerous China if you play with chinese invasions on.

      I let chinese adventurers on but turned major invasions off because it seemed too ahistorical and everyone says China is completely broken with their bullshit overpowered armies that are immune to attrition.
      I'm not going to play a game for hours and hours only for my campaign to end because of some bullshit chinese invasion.

  100. 1 year ago

    Well this has gotten out of control

    • 1 year ago

      I have no clue how you do this. Do you have a massive empire where all your vassals are dynasty members?

  101. 1 year ago

    never play tall in Eastern Europe during the age of the mongols worst mistake of my life

    • 1 year ago

      Did you become a vassal or did your lands get destroyed?
      You still have a chance to become independent again if the mongol empire collapses.

      • 1 year ago

        The crisis was averted, for a time. There’s a buffer state between me and the Mongols but, more importantly, they’ve been stuck trying to subjugate a random Siberian tribe (which is being defended by the Christian, Muslim, Eastern, and Pagan defensive pacts.) The clock is ticking! Will try and peace them out once they come for me.

    • 1 year ago

      The crisis was averted, for a time. There’s a buffer state between me and the Mongols but, more importantly, they’ve been stuck trying to subjugate a random Siberian tribe (which is being defended by the Christian, Muslim, Eastern, and Pagan defensive pacts.) The clock is ticking! Will try and peace them out once they come for me.

      You didn't play tall enough

  102. 1 year ago

    The shape of my borders on the mainland look like another England lol

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      What the frick, I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to unsee that

    • 1 year ago

      Cute empire but you need bordeaux

  103. 1 year ago

    How do you go about destroying the HRE from the inside? I somehow got elected as the emperor...

  104. 1 year ago

    What's the most this game goes on sale for on Steam? I wouldn't buy it for anything more than a 60% discount.

    • 1 year ago

      It goes for free if you pirate it like I did

      How do you go about destroying the HRE from the inside? I somehow got elected as the emperor...

      Sow dissent, start an independence faction, annoy the vassals if you are emperor

      I don't know

      • 1 year ago

        Has any person bought this game legitimately? Even Sseth says you should pirate it.

  105. 1 year ago

    If I convert all the culture from Africa to something European will blacks disappear from my game?

    • 1 year ago

      Only if you diligently breed them out too

    • 1 year ago

      If a culture doesn't exist as the culture of a province in the game, characters ethnically from that culture cannot be generated anymore in the game through commands like "present debutante" or as randomly generated barons, but the ones that already exist don't just disappear. They can still keep their culture and ethnicity going through procreation.

      If you want to completely remove an ethnic/culture group from the game, you have to convert all counties that have the culture so that they can't be generated anymore and then kill off the rest or dilute them through eugenics.

      Also, remember that culture is dynamic and ethnicity is a hidden attribute. Characters can be of cultures that aren't tied to their real ethnicity because of miscegenation and culture conversion through events and decisions.

  106. 1 year ago


    HELP ME!

    • 1 year ago

      Taking Canterbury activates their trap card, wait until you're decently powerful before taking it. (that is assuming that Hastein doesn't take it and frick you over. If you go here it will explain how and when they get access to crusades.

    • 1 year ago

      That pope looks indian

      It probably works the same as in ck2 where early crusades can be triggered if holy sites are captured by infidels

  107. 1 year ago


    This has got to be the saddest stream I have ever seen, that homie looks ready to die.

  108. 1 year ago

    I panic converted to Catholicism because I thought the crusade was going to absolutely rape me. However, despite the catholic armies numbering 18,000 and the pagan armies numbering only 9,000, the pagans won. I converted for nothing. I feel a little ashamed. I guess I had to convert eventually, right? They would eventually call another crusade, then another, and so on. Right? Idk. I'm going to create a hybrid culture with Anglo-Saxon now and take over England. We'll see how that works out.

    Also, I appreciate that Paradox gave us some emblems/heraldry that mix crosses with Norse runes, it's a nice look and it gives cool flavor for recent converts to Christianity from paganism.

    • 1 year ago

      I prefer to stay pagan when taking over England. Britannia is a super defensible island and crusades don't pose that much of a threat. Every crusade will be for England but I think it's fun. Also no matter what you do religiously make sure you make your secondary duchy Hwicce, it has a mine, a university and Stonehenge.

    • 1 year ago

      I prefer to stay pagan when taking over England. Britannia is a super defensible island and crusades don't pose that much of a threat. Every crusade will be for England but I think it's fun. Also no matter what you do religiously make sure you make your secondary duchy Hwicce, it has a mine, a university and Stonehenge.

      >They would eventually call another crusade, then another, and so on.
      If I'm not mistaken, there are other targets with more weight than England so the pope wouldn't keep targeting England for crusades.

      • 1 year ago

        That's just how things worked out in my game, every single ruler that came to power had to deal with a crusade. I think there may have been a few that weren't targeting me but I don't always notice that sort of thing.

        • 1 year ago

          Well, if it works like in ck2 every crusade lost drops moral authority, which means christians will keep getting weaker, as heresies start to pop up everywhere and rulers convert.
          You can accelerate this process by helping the other holy sites be taken by infidels, or taking them yourself.
          Below a certain MA, the pope cannot call for crusades anymore and it's over for christianity.

          • 1 year ago

            In ck3 certain cultures have a tradition called "fervent temple builders" which increases fervor or moral authority every time they build or upgrade a temple so eventually Catholics never have to worry about fervor and it always stays around 90% to 80%.

          • 1 year ago

            Doesn't the fervor or whatever in CK3 actually INCREASE from losing holy wars?

            • 1 year ago

              Only for the defenders.

  109. 1 year ago

    >make Carantanian count in 1066 HRE
    >manage to gobble eastern half of Carantania to become king
    >can't join crusades because the arsehole emperor keeps making anti-popes
    >my uncle who's a vassal of mine gets elected HRE
    >inherit Tuscany, Susa and half of Milan and create kingdom of Italy
    >crusader Egypt has gobbled all of Levant
    >Abyssinia rules everything south of Egypt and threatens Mecca from Yemen

    Gotta get rid of HRE or I'll become it.

  110. 1 year ago

    Speaking of religion, I feel like if you reform Asatru other viking rulers should be more likely to convert to your reformed faith, right now I'm pretty sure they're scripted to convert to Catholicism.

  111. 1 year ago

    Would you still get targeted by crusades if you kept a catholic vassal on a holy site?

  112. 1 year ago

    >800s rome
    >iconoclast isauros ruler
    >all siblings except sister died of various illnesses, had to overthrow her to take the imperial throne
    >conquer serbia and bulgaria, push the nomads out of crimea and hand it over to my gothic vassals to hopefully strengthen them against nomad incursions
    >vassalize georgia diplomatically, convert pagan bohemia to the faith
    >push south into antioch and tripoli, defeating the abbasids with 18 thousand less men
    >have to deal with 11 revolts and an adventurer, win every single one despite 3 firing at the same time
    >declare great invasion of egypt, hope to collapse the arabs
    >vassals revolt over bullshit
    >another adventurer invades
    >continue fighting in egypt, plan to head home and deal with the civil war once the war is won
    >siege down all of the levant and sinai, 90% warscore
    >locked from 100% because i lost one 12000 vs 17000 battle
    >go home
    >3 vassals die, inherit their duchies
    >i'll deal with that in 5 minutes
    >my ruler dies
    >realise that i was over the vassal limit due to inheriting the duchies
    >most of greece and anatolia is shat out, egyptian war is automatically ended
    rome wasn't worth saving

    • 1 year ago

      These adventurers can be a catastrophe if they show up at a bad timing. I don't know if this applies to all types of adventurers but claimant adventurers can muster up armies that scale with the target's all the way up to 30k maximum.

      Imagine you're fighting a big war against a dangerous enemy and some dude shows up with 30k units ready to cause trouble because he's the nephew of the brother of some duke whose lands your father conquered in a holy war 30 years ago.

      Raiders also annoy the shit out of me.

  113. 1 year ago

    I know I am late but oh well.
    Welcome to Castillia gentlemen. Home of the men of the north who saved Iberian Christendom and put an end to the barbarous Umayyads. To our east the fractured kingdoms of the old Caroligians are practically all elective, and in constant civil war. The Aquitanian even go so desperate they elected a Muslim Tyafa to rule them, but was short lived and taken over by one of the numerous claimants.
    We just got done with a civil war with the glory faction because they wanted me to lower crown authority, but lost because God was on Vela Gute, rightful king of these lands. Still, we are bankrupt and depleted of levies. The silver lining is that it gave me a chance to reconcile my brother, who has been butthurt since I got the king title and he got mere counties, but now we are friends again and he is my most fervent supporter in the kingdom(plus him being heir to the kingdom probably helps). We will be able to rid ourselves of gavelkind soon an all will be well.
    If we can continue to centralize the kingdom, ensure loyatly, and kick out the muslims of the south and the French in the north, Iberia is all but ours! However, with Jihads starting, crusades half a century away, and our involvement in Aquitanian and French Politics through marriage, things can also go south. Also my king is matrilineal married because my previous characters ai is moronic and im desperately trying to not have kids because I would lose the kingdom. cant kill or divorce the b***h either cause she is a duchess.

    • 1 year ago

      Why does the map look like that? There's big ass dynasty shields everywhere

      • 1 year ago

        I had it kind of zoomed in

    • 1 year ago

      I fricking hate you and everyone who plays with this shit on.

      • 1 year ago

        : (

    • 1 year ago

      >Home of the men of the north who saved Iberian Christendom and put an end to the barbarous Umayyads
      I sitll see Muslims in Andalusia there.

      • 1 year ago

        yeah but the Umayyads are broken up and no longer dominating Iberia. They controlled everything but Galicia before I showed up.

        Anyway I have been declared war upon by treacherous southerners, so now I must destroy them

  114. 1 year ago

    Which cultures would be considered Germanic in ck3? Obviously the ones with Germanic heritages, but would French be considered Germanic? I'm planning on doing a "unite the Germanics" run kind of like the unite the Slavs thing. Also who should I start with? I was thinking Bjorn Ironside or Hastein, but they're both pretty OP, is there someone else I should try?

    • 1 year ago

      Probably not after Hugh Capet. I believe the game does distinguish between franks and french, so you can probably just use that.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm gonna start in 867. But it would be simpler just to just do the cultures that have Germanic heritage.

        • 1 year ago

          yes but you could do mega larp where you make france frankish again and Italy lombard with some hybrid culture. up to you.

          • 1 year ago

            No this is easier. I'm gonna try to do it as Hastein so all of Scandinavia doesn't convert to my culture and drag down my innovation speed. Now I just need to figure out what my two duchies and capital will be.

  115. 1 year ago

    I feel the urge to play a mega campaign. Currently considering Jerusalem/Outremer, or Welsh England/Britain.
    Open to other suggestions.

    • 1 year ago

      You could reform Rome and restore the borders + Hellenic religion
      Or you could play as Spain or France and colonize Africa

    • 1 year ago

      Also you could try to form the British empire.

    • 1 year ago

      Massive HRE but dont centralize it so its wackier in EU4

  116. 1 year ago

    thinking of picking this up purely for elder scrolls mod. how is it for a brainlet like me that's pretty much only played stellaris?

    • 1 year ago

      very very different. I personally don't like stellaris as the autistic history is 50% of these games for me. Gameplay wise, CK2 is much less fair in terms of starts. Your character and his surroundings determine much of the gameplay and strategy to take, rather then your "build" in stellaris. Elden Kings is a good mod, but I recommend some base game Ireland for just your first run to get the ropes. I think it is really important to understand how Powerful a good character is. A good character in CK2 can make your realm 2 or 3 x stronger then a bad one, so that is probably the most important thing to internalize
      t. 15 hours in stellaris, 600+ in Ck2

      • 1 year ago

        Why do you homosexuals recommend Ireland for a first game, that’s soooooooo boring. This is some dry gay Reddit advice. Your first game should be William the conqueror, that way you learn how war works right away, and you get into vassal management.

        • 1 year ago

          Because there is a lot to grasp for complete newbies and Ireland 1066 is a good place for it. You say the bastard is better due to war and vassals but there is warring and vassals available for the typical Irish tutorial start too.
          Ua Brian is the Duke of Munster. He is a duke with a single county, two vassals, a De jure claim on a nerby county, a male heir and even a historical bloodline. The claim lets you start warring on a smaller scale without a giant kingdom claim kerfuffle like Will has, slowly working your way up to king instead.

          • 1 year ago

            Two vassals won’t teach you shit about true vassal management. William the conqueror you’ll have to deal with factions and multiple vassals, some of whom will hate you. It’s seriously not hard at all. You can also go crusade and learn how that works and how ships work. Playing Ireland for the first game is awful advice, I bet you also tell new eu4 players to play Portugal and new vic2 players to play Brazil.

            Ck2 play England
            Eu4 play ottomans
            Vic2 play Prussia
            These are actual fun games that will teach you everything you need to know for real future games.

          • 1 year ago

            I first started out as the Count of Breifne with back when characters had the fat dna, he always has a pretty decent martial stat. The force vassalisation and border dispute claims makes noob island a lot harder to deal with though, as England gets a foothold there quick.
            I had one young male heir before I died, and the eldest daughter murdered him and became petty queen and eventual future queen, that b***h! My playthrough got ruined when I lost a war to a weak spainish kingdom because I sieged the wrong holdings, I was 5k in debt after so no way did I want to continue.

            Then I started out as the child vassal of Scotland and had no idea what was happening, my demesne kept on getting attacked due to my liege's wars.

            Now I have 2.5k hours in CK2 and have the major dlc except for the extremely israeli content packs, the republic, and the india one.

        • 1 year ago

          I didn't say play Ireland till 1453 moron. I agree you shouldn't play through a real campaign, but it does give you a little breathing room to mess around with the mechanics. Just learn basics, marriage, claim fabrication, plots, succession, creating vassals, etc. I played as 1-2 characters in Ireland, learned the basics without dying immediately, then went and played as Rurik. Really you should go to what attracts you to play your first "real" game.

          • 1 year ago

            That’s fair and good advice, say that to someone you give the advice to next time instead of just “ireland”. I think the second part of your post is perfectly fine and skip the Ireland part, play whatever country or character is of the most interest to you. There aren’t really any serious impossible starts in the 1066 start date that anyone would care about, other then maybe harold godwinson

  117. 1 year ago

    What do I do with this sandBlack person?

    • 1 year ago

      Remove his entire line and religion from the game, as it should be

  118. 1 year ago

    I've been using the intrigue focus for a while and imprisoned quite a few characters, spread vicious rumours and etc but my intrigue won't level up from "amateur schemer" to "schemer".

    Am I doing something wrong or is it bugged?

  119. 1 year ago

    is there a way to play HIP without the UI changes in the character and county menu?

    • 1 year ago

      Install only the EMF module

  120. 1 year ago

    >think about trying After the End again
    >go to their discord for latest version
    >checking out submods
    >a pirate one catches my aye
    >adds pirate republic governments, a warrior lodge, reformation, and a bloodline for founding a pirate empire
    >fricking awesome, I know what my next game is!
    >"adds gay marriage to the pirates"
    what the frick. why?

    • 1 year ago

      butt pirates

    • 1 year ago

      Everyone involved in AtE, especially on the discord, is some kind of gay or troony. All of them.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't get why people feel the need to add gay marriage to games set in the medieval period. Even gay rulers like Hadrian (classical not medieval but the point stands) had wives. Although male concubines that reduce stress might not be a bad idea as long as the religion allows it.

      • 1 year ago

        It’s insane. Even the pagan rancher religion in the Great Plains has gays accepted. The devs are all gays though.

      • 1 year ago

        that's exactly why I think ck2 and ck3 model sexuality pretty well, it's something that you engage in on the side but ultimately your DUTY is to have kids, hell this is probably why a gay gene if it exists survived in the first place
        and when I tried playing elder kings for ck3, quote "fertile" brides are just a bunch of dudes that the actual marriage screen says literally have zero chance of giving me kids, so it's literally shoved in your face no matter what
        Makes me feel shit cause I know a few guys that bought ck3 purely so they could play that mod because they're huge elder scrolls fans
        Also the lead dev of elder kings ck3 is a troony that constantly talks about "chuds" on their discord

        • 1 year ago

          I have started to notice a pattern across multiple communities where modders are mostly either trannies or third worlders, why it is like that?

          • 1 year ago

            Autism. Same reason there are so many troony programmers. You need to be very autistic to spend your time making mods.

          • 1 year ago

            Autism. Same reason there are so many troony programmers. You need to be very autistic to spend your time making mods.

            it's also because trannies and third worlders do literally nothing all day it's why dudes in China all have like 20k hours in random games. game modding has taken a huge hit because all the slavic ones are involved in the war which heavily balances the scale towards western troony ones

    • 1 year ago

      This is why I play as christians and destroy pagan butt buddies

  121. 1 year ago

    (ck3) East Seaxe or Hwicce? I'm doing a North Sea Empire game and I want my capital to be in Scandinavia but I can't decide what my secondary duchy should be. Hwicce has a university, a mine and Stonehenge, but East Seaxe has London which is farmlands and the tower of London which is a pretty good defensive building.

    • 1 year ago

      For my North Sea Empire, it's Mann (capital for RP reasons), Sardinia, and Thrace.

      • 1 year ago

        >North Sea Empire

  122. 1 year ago

    Am I bad at the game or are Hastein and Jorvik difficult starts? I suppose they wouldn't be to bad if you convert to Christianity after taking as much land as you can but that feels lame. I had an easier time as Harald Fairhair than either of them. Hell even Alfred the great is easier as long as your brother dies right away, and he's listed as a hard start.

    • 1 year ago

      >listed as a hard start.
      The difficulty slider that shows up when you select a character is moronic and meaningless

    • 1 year ago

      Haestein is piss easy. Just immediately start gobbling up Brittany, raid during truce and become king ASAP. Brittany is tiny ass so you can't even get a crusade up your ass and can repeatedly prepare invasions generation after generation to dump off your sons. Only thing that could screw you over is early war with France or independence revolt.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah but it seems like after the update he gets instantly killed by Charles the bald.

        • 1 year ago

          Yes Haestein and Dyre in AI hands never launch.

  123. 1 year ago

    >Play in Byz
    >Have one really good leader
    >Put the empire into good shape
    >Heir is shit, doesn't get elected or is deposed via faction
    >Empire spirals back into chaos
    >Really good leader takes over
    Surprisingly accurate

    • 1 year ago

      if you don't get elected just instantly start a civil war and hire as many mercs as you can, you should have become rich from being emperor before

  124. 1 year ago

    >playing as Harald Fairhair
    >got kingdom of Norway
    >got kingdom of Denmark
    >reformed Asatru
    >got kingdom of England

    This man is a gigachad. I got everything I need to form the North Sea Empire now my son just has to hold on to all of this for 30 years.

    • 1 year ago

      >now my son just has to hold on to all of this for 30 yea-

      • 1 year ago

        He's about 30 and I'm gonna die any day. He's also on a learning education so he can get whole of body.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, you never die when you want to. I waited like 10 years (from 75-85) for a son to inherit recently. On the lifetime before that I had an heir with 20 stewardship die of random illness at 18 so his theologian brother inherited.

  125. 1 year ago

    >playing as mexico in ate
    >entire nations youth keeps getting sent to brazil each generation

  126. 1 year ago

    Has anyone ever played ck3 without ever reforming asatru? The North Sea empire and the Kingdom of Mann both let you go feudal without reforming. It lets you keep raiding but it seems like it would be difficult to get over that -20 opinion modifier. I might try it sometime, I always feel bad for the Jomsvikings. (also did you know that when you form the Jomsvikings that it spawns in a city called Jomsborg for them to have? I think that's really cool)

  127. 1 year ago

    Is there a way to keep the AI from chimping out constantly and weakening itself and to stop every country from bordergore exploding? Like a mod or a setting to make them not act like fricking morons? After 100 years in game there is nothing even approaching a credible challenge.

    Using HIP if that matters.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        How will that help kingdoms from exploding internally and duchies constantly bleeding each other out? The only thing I could think of was the mod that makes everyone use primogeniture and see if the AI does better since it definitely cannot cope with gavelkind. I never see the AI do anything that would generate coalitions, usually the Mongols just around jerking off and the Aztecs take maybe on kingdom before getting BTFO.

        • 1 year ago

          Just turn of conclave then

          Coalitions help stop blobing

          • 1 year ago

            I don't even blob, I like to keep things fairly reasonable but the fact that I have like 10x the troops of everyone in my area simply because I don't find nonstop moronic wars takes the life out of the game. When I have more troops as some pissant Swedish superduke than the Emperor of an intact HRE, theres a problem.

            • 1 year ago

              >When I have more troops as some pissant Swedish superduke than the Emperor of an intact HRE, theres a problem.

              That's because of the HIP mod , vanilla is impossible for a duke to have more troops than a empire with levy only

              • 1 year ago

                So HIP is the problem? That's a shame. Are there any good overhauls/expansions?

              • 1 year ago

                I liked to play ck2+ but they decided to remake the mod and now is full of bugs and glitch
                Its just vanilla ck2 with more content

              • 1 year ago

                Any other mod suggestions? I haven't played CK2 in a while, been trying to get back into it but I guess I've gotta start from scratch now if HIP is borked.

              • 1 year ago

                Hip is the best one at the moment unless you plan on playing fantasy setting like Lux invicta or AGOT

                You can try and play ck2+ too maybe they updated and is now playable i havent tried yet

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