Cyberpunk 2077 Quest Director Thanks Fans for Keeping the Faith After 'Heartbreaking' Launch

>Look at the reception of Cyberpunk right now, how it has turned. Look at the reviews, look at the videos, and the discourse around the game. The fact that you guys come back to the game, play it again, and have fun. I have incredible gratitude. After the release of Cyberpunk, it was tough, it was heartbreaking, but we kept going.

Shazamgay eternally BTFO

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  1. 7 months ago

    I still don't get it. I didn't have very many issues on launch and loved most of the 80 hours I dumped into my playthrough of doing everything.

    • 7 months ago

      glad you somehow missed all of the annoying as frick bugs but most of us didnt

      • 7 months ago

        >glad you somehow missed all of the annoying as frick bugs but most of us didnt

        A guy t-posing?
        A car spawns weird?

        Bruh have you never played a game in your entire fricking life

        Cyberpunks' problems had nothing to even do with bugs. That's just some moronic cope by terminally online dumbshits who'd rather shitpost about the meme of the week than actually play a videogame for once in their miserable lives

        • 7 months ago

          Cars running through the road into the ground and out of bounds. Game crashing and looking absolutely horrible with shaders and textures not loading properly at all even after numerous updates while having a high end PC build ( 3090, 5700x). Draw distance absolutely non existent all for a game that is a 6/10 at best. Mid story, mid character, mid endings, all of the 3 routes basically bleed into one main story route.

          • 7 months ago

            Oh and wasnt this game unplayable on consoles for a while on launch?

            • 7 months ago

              it was so unplayable that it broke records for refunds

              • 7 months ago

                >mfw all the refund talk
                I wonder how many people actually know Sony removed the game because CDPR's refund policy was too generous and it clashed with their own PSN policy. Somehow, Sony found a way to be buttholes.

            • 7 months ago

              yeah because they moronicly decided to release it on the xbox one and ps4. That move alone probably fricked development over harder than anything else.

            • 7 months ago

              Sony did pull it from their store but that was because CDPR offered refunds against sony policy, not because the game was buggy

              it was so unplayable that it broke records for refunds

              It didn't break record for refunds at all

              • 7 months ago

                >ny did pull it from their store but that was because CDPR offered refunds against sony policy, not because the game was buggy

                WHY were they asking for refunds? You need to start asking yourself these questions before saying stupid shit. It was obviously buggy as frick which is WHY they asked for refunds. Moron.

              • 7 months ago

                They were asking for refunds because shitting on cyberpunk and saying it was buggy became an npc current thing trend that a bunch of easily manipulated morons like you hopped on.
                All it took were a few shitposts and some tame webms of bugs and you were convinced it was the most horrible launch in the history of PC gaming.

                You are genuinely a fricking idiot.

                Yeah, but honestly I don't feel sorry for the mindless cattle anymore. Cyberpunk failed because they spent a massive amount on marketing instead of making a good game. Then comes the anime and CDPR decides to capitalize on it and go back to marketing. Just watch the Cyberpunk/Edgerunners mix trailer they released, it genuinely does not make any sense from someone who played the game, but morons only care about OH ANIME REFERENCE! I'll give them credit for trying to make it presentable at the end, but it's still a mediocre unfinished empty joke of a game. They're gonna do the same shit again for the next one and run the same PR play.

                Cyberpunk isn't a failure, commercial or otherwise. Feel free to take the stick out of your ass about the game and learn what's actually wrong with it at any time, but I know you won't. It'll be 2026 and you'll still be harping on about bugs without a single fricking clue what the game is about or did wrong. Your opinion is worthless now and will continue to be worthless in the future.

                >It wasn't buggy at all

                Fricking lol

                >It wasn't buggy at all

                That's right dumbfricks, it wasn't.

              • 7 months ago

                homie you're moronic
                It was fricked

              • 7 months ago

                homie you're moronic
                It wasn't fricked and you're a bandwagoning NPC

                I mean that sincerely and unironically. You got manipulated into hating the game and now have such a stick up your ass about it you're never going to let it go. Cyberpunk 2 can come out and be amazing and you'll still be conjuring up reasons to hate the game. You're treating it like a fricking cult.

              • 7 months ago

                >You're treating it like a fricking cult

              • 7 months ago

                >It wasn't buggy
                -All of the sudden all of those clips of people experiencing bugs aren't real.
                -All of the sudden those 3 years worst of patched to "fix" the game didn't happen.

              • 7 months ago

                I told you pretty explicitly that the bugs people posted were minor things that nobody playing the game would genuinely give a single frick about


                Do you even fricking listen to yourself?
                Or what? A car spawned in the air omg unplayable!!!!!

                Come the frick on bro. Do you think you're actually fooling anyone besides other bottom feeding trash who can't actually think about what you're saying? Anyone who's actually played the game is just rolling their fricking eyes at your bullshit.

                Oh yeah the game does have its problems, I could list a whole bunch of shit I'd like to see them do better, but the game was fun and morons like you are more interested in the epic shitposting than actually talking about a game. For you, cyberpunk and CDPR will permanently be Bad and Wrong the same way moronic leftists can't get over their cultish neverTrump shit. You're the exact same behaviour, 100%

              • 7 months ago

                >that nobody playing the game would genuinely give a single frick about
                But they did

              • 7 months ago

                No, "they" did not. YOU, someone who's never even played the game and only shitposts about it on Ganker, think these bugs were so horrendous that cyberpunk is literally unplayable garbage.

              • 7 months ago

                I played it enough to find plenty of bugs in the starting area

              • 7 months ago

                I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, I want you to post the receipt and proof you play the game and launch and with that tell me without a hint of irony that the game wasn't fricking trash at launch.

              • 7 months ago

                Anon, he ain't going to post anything because most likely he is one of those tourists who bought the game after watching the anime, then ate all that propaganda about the game always being good.

              • 7 months ago

                Who are you talking to? you dumb apologist are like brainwashed or something. Game is in a better place now, it wasn't at launch(to say the least). What part are you struggling with?

              • 7 months ago

                The game if anything, got buggier from launch to phantom liberty's release
                just that fact alone, from my own personal experience playing, tells me you're nothing but some idiot oversocialized dweeb who bases his opinions off shitposts he reads on Ganker, rather than actual experience.

                Go and fricking pirate the game instead of shitposting about how bad it is, maybe then you can actually talk about the shit that ACTUALLY went wrong, and not this surface level superficial garbage about it being buggy.

              • 7 months ago

                >The game if anything, got buggier from launch to phantom liberty's release
                You crazy? 2.0+PL was as flawless as the game can get, I would know because I have the steam rip sitting right now on my desktop, hell the thing even runs better than my "legit" 1.6 gog copy. You are like damaged or something.

              • 7 months ago

                homie you're moronic
                It wasn't fricked and you're a bandwagoning NPC

                I mean that sincerely and unironically. You got manipulated into hating the game and now have such a stick up your ass about it you're never going to let it go. Cyberpunk 2 can come out and be amazing and you'll still be conjuring up reasons to hate the game. You're treating it like a fricking cult.

                I was just poking fun at your moronation before but holy shit dude, you literally are 100%, fully committed to the bit, lost in your own shitposting. There isn't even a real person under all that ironic contrarianism.

              • 7 months ago

                The guy you replied to (

                Yeah, but honestly I don't feel sorry for the mindless cattle anymore. Cyberpunk failed because they spent a massive amount on marketing instead of making a good game. Then comes the anime and CDPR decides to capitalize on it and go back to marketing. Just watch the Cyberpunk/Edgerunners mix trailer they released, it genuinely does not make any sense from someone who played the game, but morons only care about OH ANIME REFERENCE! I'll give them credit for trying to make it presentable at the end, but it's still a mediocre unfinished empty joke of a game. They're gonna do the same shit again for the next one and run the same PR play.

                ) didn't mention bugs even a single time. He didn't even say why it was bad, you're just spazzing out and projecting shit onto him. Calm down.

        • 7 months ago

          >like what?
          >lists some bugs
          Yeah pretty much those are bugs good job moron i don't know why you're mad at other people when you're clearly the actual moron protecting very heavily

    • 7 months ago

      It's consolegays.
      I played 1.0 on PC from start to finish on a high end build and only had a few bugs, nothing unusual.
      I had more problems with red dead redemption 2, and you never heard about that being a buggy piece of shit.

      • 7 months ago

        This is bullshit. You played the same game that had that had the same fundamental problems. The only difference on pc was you could brute force the shit performance

        • 7 months ago

          I had none of the showcased problems from webms and bug compilations on youtube which are all tied to runnign on outdated dogshit hardware.

      • 7 months ago

        I played it on series x with minimal problems. I tried playing it on my Xbox one and it was unplayable. The mistake was releasing to for last generation console.

    • 7 months ago

      It was a trend to find bugs. So that became what the game was known for, bugs.

      After that, it became a trend to see how much the game was 'fixed', so it became known for that.

      I played at release and 2.0 and the amount of bugs and general experience was largely the same. Gaming is all trends, nobody is actually thinking for themselves.

    • 7 months ago

      > Why didn't people like something I did?
      Dunno sparky.

    • 7 months ago

      Congratulations, you were one of the minority who somehow got through with an unmarred experience and whose incredibly low standards meant you weren’t bothered by how underwhelming everything else was. You are the type of hero CDPR wants.

      Game still fricking sucked though.

      • 7 months ago

        >incredibly low standards meant you weren’t bothered by how underwhelming everything else was.

        >buying into bullshit pre-release marketing
        Simply have zero expectations

        • 7 months ago

          you can have zero expectations and still have a baseline standard of what you would be willing to play

        • 7 months ago

          thing is, having zero expectations just allows you to accept any kind of garbage thrown at you, how is that any better?

    • 7 months ago

      How do you even spend 80 hours doing every gig, side quest and NCPD call is barely 50 hours

    • 7 months ago

      Last gen versions were a disaster.

    • 7 months ago

      it took me about 80 hours too, and i never had any huge game breaking bugs, game crashed like 2-3 times, and i remember falling through textures into the building once or twice. other than that some minor glitches, like bugged NPC animations and shit

      CDP made mistake by releasing it on old gen, if they didn't greed out nobody would give a shit that this game had bugs, because EVERY release these days is as bugged as CP was on release

      • 7 months ago

        >if they didn't greed out
        I think people forget you had a hard time actually buying new consoles back in 2020. Not releasing on last gen would've been a financial suicide most likely.

    • 7 months ago

      My first playthrough at launch was my most bug-free. I guess I was just lucky but it literally werked on my machine. In fact, the first t-pose glitch I ever encountered was on my PL replay, on the very first militech training dummy hilariously.

    • 7 months ago

      Consoles = performance problems.
      PC = problems with the game itself.

      Most PC players seem to have played the game relatively normally,

    • 7 months ago

      It was just people disseminating opinions they heard from other people but didn't experience themselves.

      The same thing happened with No Man's Sky. >Game comes out, its fricking boring so noone likes it
      >They patch a bunch of worthless garbage into the game that doesn't change anything
      >Game still boring but people like it now inexplicably

    • 7 months ago

      it was console peasants. they ruin everything. I played the game at launch and loved it. Sure there were buts here and there, but nothing game breaking. Replaying 2.0 and its soulful as frick.

    • 7 months ago

      I've had more bugs with phantom liberty than I did with the launch version of the game, and in either case it hasn't been much

      The people shitting on cyberpunk for being buggy are honest to god drooling morons who just jump on bandwagons. It was trendy to shit on the game for being buggy and they're NPC's so that's exactly what they did. Of all the fricking problems I've had with cyberpunk being buggy is at the very fricking bottom of the list. It tells me most people talking about games here aren't interested in the games, they just want outrage and shitposting.

    • 7 months ago

      At launch I played it and struggled through the bugs & crashes. But when I got to those GODAWFUL early Panam quests (particularly the one where she decides to go on a suicidal revenge mission after getting her car back and the one with the janky on rails turret/chase scenes shooting down the AV) I quit the game. I couldn't put up with both horrible game breaking bugs and shitty quest design and awful characters like Panam.

      Jumped back into the game recently, and the gameplay is like butter now, some minor bugs but nothing game breaking, skill tree actually has interesting shit to unlock, you can customize your outfit to look however you want without sacrificing armor. Unfortunately Panam still sucks ass, but I was at least able to power through her early missions this time and still get plenty of enjoyment from the rest of the game. And it's WILD how much that game actually offers. I went from Starfield to Cyberpunk and it's night and day in terms of the amount of written/spoken quest dialogue. Bethesda really has lost their touch.

    • 7 months ago

      One of the things that made CP2077 fun for me at launch was the sheer variety in bugs and how much they varied across individual computers, honestly fascinating

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      > I didn't have very many issues on launch
      Anon, wtf are you talking about, game was shit at launch, absolutely barebones gameplay with a perk tree that only increased damage, everyone who pretends to love the game when it came out is a gay.

    • 7 months ago

      People probably just expected the wrong game.

    • 7 months ago

      This game is still archived as one of the most disappointing games ever made. Wiki has a list of them and 2077 will always be there on the page. Cope, it's also still ranked below 9000 other games on Steam alone.

    • 7 months ago

      You absolutely did not play at launch. I had bugs for fricking days on PC.

      • 7 months ago

        Cyberpunk at launch didn't just "have bugs". It's 100% accurate to say the game was basically nothing but bugs, punctuated occasionally by scripted (but usually bugged) cutscenes and shooting at some thugs in an alleyway.

        • 7 months ago

          No it actually isn't accurate to say it was nothing but bugs. It wasn't buggy at all and everyone who's ACTUALLY played the game instead of regurgitating trite bullshit they read on Ganker knows that.

          You're increasingly preaching bullshit to a crowd of people who know you're speaking bullshit because they've now finally tried the game out. Deflecting to "it was bad at launch" is just your fricking cope with being so full of shit.

          • 7 months ago

            >It wasn't buggy at all

            Fricking lol

          • 7 months ago

            >It wasn't buggy at all

      • 7 months ago

        The PC day1 edition didn't have that many bugs. The only time that happened is if you have used the "FPS" mod that supposedly gave you an extra 10 FPS, but which actually caused a ton of bugs to appear out of nowhere.

    • 7 months ago

      You have to understand that oldgays expected a massive immersive sim and watched as it was whittled down year after year into normie trash. It was like watching a loved one die of dementia.

    • 7 months ago

      Consolekeks played the cucked version. PCchads won from the start.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah I also put it 80 hours jiggling the breasts in the opening scene.

    • 7 months ago

      Oh frick off you disingenuous c**t, you know damn well tons of people had problems including you. Most of us who played at launch with a decent pc had the best experience with the game but it was still full of bugs and glitches with the occasional crash maybe. Let's not forget the terrible story and it being mostly linear and not like promised, amongst other non bug related issues.

  2. 7 months ago

    >thanks for not making me jobless

  3. 7 months ago

    I watched my brother lose faith in videogames for the 3rd time with Cyberpunk's launch and it was hilarious to see since I didn't see anything special in all the trailers leading up to it.
    He has no intention of playing Cyberpunk again, even after all this positive reception.

    • 7 months ago

      I get it, that game also made me bitter and cynical.

    • 7 months ago

      I get it, that game also made me bitter and cynical.

      Dissapointment and underdelivaring is something that can't be easily forgotten.
      Cyberpunk didn't just release broken and uncomplete, many trailers and previews straight up fricking lied.

  4. 7 months ago

    Truth be told, they really put effort into fixing the game. It still has a few bugs, but nothing annoying or gamebreaking. Shame about some cut content that didn't make it back in with the DLC though.

  5. 7 months ago

    It's still a shit game. Nothing has changed

  6. 7 months ago

    No, frick you. I was promised a real RPG, why would you bring a tabletop IP and make just another action slop

  7. 7 months ago

    Isn't Cyberpunk just a Fallout 3 + Deus Ex + GTA but with neon lights?

    • 7 months ago

      It's Witcher 3 with shooting and in first person.
      That's the best way to describe it.

    • 7 months ago

      It's a Deus Ex lite + open world. It used to have more looter shooter style elements but they did away with a lot of that shit when they added level scaling. It wants to be GTA but it doesn't enough immersive open world elements to justify the comparison. I also wouldn't say it's all that similar to Fallout 3 (honestly that game probably has more choice and consequence lmao)

    • 7 months ago

      not even close to deus ex immersion or gameplay,

    • 7 months ago

      No, all three of those games unironically have more significant player choice than cybercuck.

  8. 7 months ago

    I played it after that one big patch that allegedly fixed everything and it was fun enough for a single playthrough, at the very least the plot kept me engaged until the end. Expected way more given the years of hype and shilling behind it but still, it wasn't a bad game at all.

  9. 7 months ago

    Game is still fundamentally shit because of the shit story and dogshit characters.

    • 7 months ago

      Name a single game with better characters

      • 7 months ago

        Genshin Impact.

      • 7 months ago

        the characters are bland and boring as shit, every dialog is such a slog to listen too, theyre really one dimensional especially Johnny, the one that is even worse to listen to is Takemura

        • 7 months ago

          Johnny is a piece of shit in both the tabletop and the game and while they weren't accurate, they got one thing right. This guy is a piece of shit.

  10. 7 months ago

    >nothing unusual
    >only had a few bugs
    The absolute state of modern gaming

  11. 7 months ago

    Game still sucks but CD was able to use the anime and a slew of paid good press to turn it around

    This is just as cringe as when everyone did a 180 on No Man's Sky because one youtuber made a video

    Newsflash, they're both still shit

    • 7 months ago

      You're right about the public zeitgeist regarding a piece of media being absolutely meaningless and nothing to do with its quality. You're also ironically partaking in the former by shitting on an obviously good game.

    • 7 months ago

      Just goes to show that most people talking about games online don't play them.
      I watched my friend stream himself playing NMS for 3 hours recently and all he did the entire time was boring menu shit like crafting and trading.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, but honestly I don't feel sorry for the mindless cattle anymore. Cyberpunk failed because they spent a massive amount on marketing instead of making a good game. Then comes the anime and CDPR decides to capitalize on it and go back to marketing. Just watch the Cyberpunk/Edgerunners mix trailer they released, it genuinely does not make any sense from someone who played the game, but morons only care about OH ANIME REFERENCE! I'll give them credit for trying to make it presentable at the end, but it's still a mediocre unfinished empty joke of a game. They're gonna do the same shit again for the next one and run the same PR play.

  12. 7 months ago

    Trying to make a reflex midair slowdown build and realized that the sandevistan doesn't slow you down in midair, am I doing something wrong?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, because sandevistan absolutely does slow you down in midair

      take a screenshot of your sandevistan stats

      • 7 months ago

        I think you need the sandevistan booster (cyberware) and/or a perk in I think the cool tree to have it apply in the air

        there's a skill in reflex for Kerenzikov that makes you basically freeze time midair if you do an aiming airdash, allows you to pick off multiple targets mid airdash

        Just checked it again, I thought it was weird but NPCs around me actually move FASTER when I activate the zetatech zandevistan. Is it bugged or am I still missing something?

        • 7 months ago

          different sandevistans slow different amounts

        • 7 months ago

          Just upgraded it to tier 3 and now it slows NPCs again, but still won't slow my fall during while I'm in midair still.

    • 7 months ago

      I think you need the sandevistan booster (cyberware) and/or a perk in I think the cool tree to have it apply in the air

    • 7 months ago

      there's a skill in reflex for Kerenzikov that makes you basically freeze time midair if you do an aiming airdash, allows you to pick off multiple targets mid airdash

  13. 7 months ago

    never bought this trash and i never will. enjoy playing with feces, you deserve it

  14. 7 months ago

    >muh bug narrative
    Bugs or not, it's a shallow, short, and shit game with a cardboard cutout world.

  15. 7 months ago

    Awww that is so sweet... still a shitty looter shooter and not an rpg they promised. Shit studio filled with shit people at the top.

    • 7 months ago

      >looter shooter
      What do people mean when they say this? Genuine question, I haven't played Borderlands or Destiny or whatever.

      • 7 months ago

        This game is nothing but Diablo with guns you fricking moron

    • 7 months ago

      >still a shitty looter shooter and not an rpg they promised.
      This is probably the best summary of Cyberpunk 2077. You have a FPS with way too much text and heavy loot system. These don't really click to turn it into an RPG.

  16. 7 months ago

    People can like it but it's always going to be a fricking far cry from what they promised orivinally.

    • 7 months ago

      This. Where is the flower-arranging minigame CDPR? You pinky promised.

  17. 7 months ago

    >It was heartbreaking
    You fricking morons did this to yourself. You literally put yourself in this situation where the world is panning the frick out of your game for being an unfinished catastrophe. You KNEW the state of the game when you released it, how can you be "heartbroken" as if it came as some kind of surprise

    CDPR needed to clean house after CP2077's launch, and instead all of these parasitic PR types are still entrenched in the company's structure. Please look forward to their next release being just as much of a catastrophe that takes 3 years to become a 7/10 FotM, because they didn't learn their lesson.

    • 7 months ago

      If you look at CDPR they absolutely don't learn their lesson. Just look at itemization in Witcher sin Cyberpunk. First Witcher only avoided it because it didn't really have the same approach to loot and looked up to Gothic more.

    • 7 months ago

      >You KNEW the state of the game when you released it, how can you be "heartbroken" as if it came as some kind of surprise
      I felt like it was all marketing from the start and they "played victim" to come back from it a little bit better later, hoping people will forget all this. It was a Hell of investment, but as things were going the alternative was closing or crawling for a bit and slowly bleed out until they close anyway. Hey, it might even work for them too
      >CDPR needed to clean house after CP2077's launch, and instead all of these parasitic PR types are still entrenched in the company's structure
      I think they did that, even if they didn't it's obvious everyone that founded the studio left either during CP2077 development or after that, look at the ex-CEO. now it's just an established name like many others

  18. 7 months ago

    Looking at BG3 success it was clear that the decision of making it less RPG and more shooter oriented to capture a wider audience was a terrible idea.

    • 7 months ago

      BG3 was largely botted by the chinese, only 2k people play it at any given time. It never sold more than 80k.

      • 7 months ago

        How can you be so delusional? Like 1-2 people out of every circle and friend group I'm in was raving about it at some point.
        I have no interest in the game but less than 80k copies sold? You're moronic

        • 7 months ago

          Real organic response. How much is tencent paying you?

          • 7 months ago


  19. 7 months ago

    It's almost like the initial hate of the game based on its gameplay was unfounded.

  20. 7 months ago

    I recall paid shills shitting on anyone criticizing the game.

  21. 7 months ago

    I'm getting fricking tired of CDPR's attention whoring with this game. It's been 3 years already and they still try to keep it relevant. The DLC was released and it was adequate so they can now move on. Better not see this kind of behavior after they release the next Cyberpunk 2077 game because they should have absolutely no excuses for that game by then.

  22. 7 months ago

    a mediocre game. if you don't get immersed in the story it is a boring forgettable mess.
    i stopped playing and can't bring myself to start again because I lost any connection to the story.

  23. 7 months ago

    >The most boring character in the entire game
    >Zero charisma, does nothing but b***h and moan
    >Emotional intelligence of a soccer mom on Xanax
    >Still somehow an incredibly successful rock icon
    How did he do it?

    • 7 months ago

      Too cool to care what others think of him.

    • 7 months ago

      >Zero Charisma
      Okay this I don’t get at all, like I can totally understand someone thinking Johnny is annoying as frick, but to act like he had zero Charisma is just plain wrong.

  24. 7 months ago
  25. 7 months ago

    >Ganker has done a contrarian 180 and now think cyberpunk was good and not one of the biggest video game launch disasters in history
    fascinating. So this is the power of making an anime for a game

    • 7 months ago

      It's more like console players were the loudest at the time.

    • 7 months ago

      It's basically like this: You're unironically an NPC who can't think for yourself and just assumed the game was bad because someone said so and posted a webm.

      You don't even fricking question how easy you were to manipulate

      • 7 months ago

        >you assume a game is bad because of the mountains of footage of gamebreaking bugs and glitches instead of paying 70$ for it like I did

        • 7 months ago

          t. NPC moron manipulated by shitposts on Ganker with no capacity for critical thinking
          Have you ever thought that maybe, the shitposts were cherrypicked? Maybe someone was even purposefully breaking the game for engagement on social media?

          Why were bugs "funny haha I want to buy this game" when it was bethesdaslop, but when it was cyberslop suddenly it was, "wooooooow this is like, SO problematic!"

          You can simply feel the aura of disingenuous bullshitters surrounding any discussion of cyberpunk, desperately trying to convince people it was the worst game ever made while citing a webm of an NPC tposing on a bike, as if that was the thing that made the game unplayable or unfun.

          Do you even know what the game is about?

          • 7 months ago

            >shitposts on Ganker
            and the mountains of footage on youtube that I watched. This game unironically had more bugs on launch than fricking skyrim

          • 7 months ago

            >Maybe someone was even purposefully breaking the game for engagement on social media?
            Literally all of the bugs people showed videos of were just normal things that happened in the game. Cops spawning on an empty roof or in a closed room with you? Part of the game. T-posing with your dick out while standing on your motorcycle? Part of the game. Dildos in every room in the entire city? Part of the game. Crowds of NPCs vanishing when you turn away from them? Part of the game. Cars not being able to drive so they just perpetually crash into walls and explode every single time an NPC vehicle uses that path or parking spot? Part of the game.

            None of this is "cherrypicked", it's literally just shit that is built into the experience of playing the game.

      • 7 months ago

        It was actually unplayable for me. The bugs weren't just here and there, they were in my face constantly.

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            People T-posing, cars spawning in right in front of me, animations not loading, dialogue being out of sync with the cutscenes, etc.
            I recently played it for a while on the 1.6 release and that stuff was almost all gone.

        • 7 months ago

          I played the game at launch (corpo route) on a suboptimal PC and didn't have too many issues besides low framerate

  26. 7 months ago

    The anime was unironically the best marketing strategy turnaround I've ever seen

  27. 7 months ago
  28. 7 months ago

    It's still dogshit though?

  29. 7 months ago

    they wanted it to be an epic rpg but they simply could not make it happen, so they pivoted post-launch and focused on what was actually good about it, which was the combat. the new skill tree is great. the dlc obviously leans into this even more. the game does absolutely lack challenge and enemy variety though. even on very hard, once you start getting tier 5 gear it's basically a cakewalk

  30. 7 months ago

    I still can't play my game after 2.0 launched when it worked just fine before.

  31. 7 months ago

    If/When they make a sequel I really hope there's more variety to worldbuilding stuff like technology and ads than "SEX LOL"
    I've watched my friend walk around the game for 5 minutes and I already got tired of it.

  32. 7 months ago

    Literally every post about Cyberpunk is just "lol! I mean lllllooooooll I had fUN! Hahahaha shoot peww haha lol! Dicks! It has dicks loooool!"

    No one has ever, or will ever, say anything positive about the game's features, gameplay, or anything else it contains. It's all just shitposting "lol turn ur brain off lol".

    • 7 months ago

      I will make a post mentioning dicks zero times.
      The new smart machinegun in Phantom Liberty, the Hercules, makes my pp the BIG PP.

    • 7 months ago

      There’s several posts in this thread already praising the post 2.0 design for skill trees, not to mention the writing and tone which was there from the start.

  33. 7 months ago

    Phantom Liberty was very good I hope they keep it smaller scale for the next game. Most of the problems stemmed from quanity over quality like the dozens of gigs you can finish in 20 seconds.

    • 7 months ago

      >Phantom Liberty was very good I hope they keep it smaller scale for the next game.
      It's funny because that was true for both Witcher 3 DLC and now Phantom Liberty. Their games are simply much better when they're smaller in scale, but CDPR desperately wants that giant open world.

      • 7 months ago

        Taking Witcher open world made the company the most money they've ever seen in their lives, it's no wonder it's what they chased in cyberpunk
        I still prefer witcher 2's more linear/branching approach but open world just sells more

        >Maybe someone was even purposefully breaking the game for engagement on social media?
        Literally all of the bugs people showed videos of were just normal things that happened in the game. Cops spawning on an empty roof or in a closed room with you? Part of the game. T-posing with your dick out while standing on your motorcycle? Part of the game. Dildos in every room in the entire city? Part of the game. Crowds of NPCs vanishing when you turn away from them? Part of the game. Cars not being able to drive so they just perpetually crash into walls and explode every single time an NPC vehicle uses that path or parking spot? Part of the game.

        None of this is "cherrypicked", it's literally just shit that is built into the experience of playing the game.

        I've literally never seen an NPC randomly t-pose on a vehicle even once and I'm at ~200-250 hours now on a second playthrough with like 600 mods installed. Dildos aren't a bug, and NPC's don't vanish when you look away, they swap to different NPC's due to culling - which is done for performance. Cars also drive just fine.

        People T-posing, cars spawning in right in front of me, animations not loading, dialogue being out of sync with the cutscenes, etc.
        I recently played it for a while on the 1.6 release and that stuff was almost all gone.

        None of the stuff either of you has mentioned is anything that even happens commonly. Like I've seen maybe 2 NPC's t-pose in total ever, for a split during some death animation or something. I've never had any dialogue out of sync with cutscenes.

        In total we have:
        >dialogue out of sync (literally never seen this ever)

        Is that really it? You don't have anything else?
        Holy cow what a gaming disaster, literally unplayable

        fricking effeminate little fairies, go play a bethesdaslop title and come back and tell me this is what a buggy game looks like with a straight face
        You know, I'd like the game to be bug free, sure, but you're like goddamn sissies squealing over a broken fingernail. The amount of actual bugs in this game are fricking nothing.

        • 7 months ago

          >Defend garbage game for the memes
          >Insist that your playthrough of a fake game with more bugs than Bethesda somehow was not only flawlessly bug-free but also that you willingly paid $300 for the collector's edition twice.

          Sorry man, I don't take shitposters seriously. But I'm happy you've committed your entire life to pretending Cyberpunk is good.

          • 7 months ago

            You're a trend chasing moron who shits on a game without even knowing anything about it.

            • 7 months ago

              Tell me more man. I surely want to listen to the fake opinions of someone buried in so many layers of Ganker internet irony that they've constructed a fake persona of loving CDPR as if they're your parent, and worshipping everything they do up to and including writing diatribes pretending the literal fake game that wasn't even developed properly at all and was released as a chopped-together mess based on a fake gameplay demo, is actually a perfect and flawless bug-free game worth replaying 100 times.

        • 7 months ago

          >my experiences differ from yours so yours don't count
          It was foolish of me to answer thinking you were asking in good faith. I'm not exaggerating when I said it was unplayable. It wasn't here and there that bugs would occur- it was constant. Most of the cutscenes I went through were completely broken.
          >you are effeminate if you don't care to put up with glitches
          It's a videogame dude, you're not manly for playing it. What a joke.
          If it isn't enjoyable, I find something else to do with the free time I have. Honestly you should be embarrassed for even suggesting that.

    • 7 months ago

      They really should have just made the intro a single linear questline, and don't even open up the game world until you get the relic in your head. Would have allowed them to make a much more compelling intro sequence with action setpieces to showcase various gameplay styles, maybe give players a hint of what the different branches of the skilltree offer, then have a big reveal moment when you wake up after the relic with the whole city available. Instead, we got a weird disjointed half-linear half-open-world intro that feels to long and drawn out.

  34. 7 months ago

    Doesn't change the fact that every single piece of marketing for this game lied about the content. They deserved the shit launch just for that, let alone all the gamebreaking bugs.

  35. 7 months ago

    The game still not finished tho, they still need another DLC to tie all the loose ends.

    • 7 months ago

      What loose ends? Do you mean like a post game DLC that picks up after the Living Legend ending? Because a CDPR dev said that was never in the cards to start with.
      There was gonna be another DLC, but it took place in the Badlands and was also set before the ending.

      • 7 months ago

        Independently from V's shitty story, the game was building up some sort of conspiracy involving eyes, "rogue AI", the black wall and mega corporations trying to weaponize AI, etc, etc.

        • 7 months ago

          You know a lot of that stuff comes up pretty hard for Phantom Liberty right

          • 7 months ago

            Oh really, you don't say.

            Those aren't loose ends unless you want everything completely self contained in a single game tbh
            They're creating a game set in an existing universe and they need narrative options to drive storylines in the future - if they tied up all the loose ends relating to that stuff they'd have fewer options and less buildup for future DLC or sequels.

            I'd have left things open like that too, it's just a good idea when crafting a setting, especially when it's also used for tabletop roleplaying. You want to have these unresolved hooks in a tabletop game so your GM can latch onto one for a tabletop session.

            Spare me all that drivel anon.

        • 7 months ago

          Those aren't loose ends unless you want everything completely self contained in a single game tbh
          They're creating a game set in an existing universe and they need narrative options to drive storylines in the future - if they tied up all the loose ends relating to that stuff they'd have fewer options and less buildup for future DLC or sequels.

          I'd have left things open like that too, it's just a good idea when crafting a setting, especially when it's also used for tabletop roleplaying. You want to have these unresolved hooks in a tabletop game so your GM can latch onto one for a tabletop session.

  36. 7 months ago

    I always liked the game because I like looter shooters. The one complaint I have is the length of cutscenes. If they gave us a 2x speed option that would go a long way to soothe my zoomie brainrot.

  37. 7 months ago

    Fantastic game!
    Cyberpunk 2077 is now a great game that is worth playing, if you still hate this game you need to get some taste.

  38. 7 months ago

    It’s still trash

  39. 7 months ago

    The game is OK in the current state, but it's not flawless at all

    • 7 months ago

      this bug is way too consistent, got it 3 times in a row

    • 7 months ago

      I had this in the parade mission
      Solved by not wielding a sniper rifle, but man, was I pissed

    • 7 months ago

      Every copy of cyberpunk 2077 is personalized.

    • 7 months ago

      currently, it has that slav jank charm that only eastern european devs can pull off

  40. 7 months ago

    i loaded this up when 2.0 launched
    the ai was total shit
    people running up with rifles to melee me
    others shooting into closed doors or walls
    a group didnt even notice me
    was this a day 1 issue or something?

    • 7 months ago

      The AI is just bad all around
      Combat is fun but extremely easy, in part because of the bad AI, but also because of schizophrenic game design choices for the combat system. Feels like they couldn't figure out anything specific they wanted the game to be so its a mishmash of disparate mechanics that don't work to make a cohesive whole.

      You absolutely did not play at launch. I had bugs for fricking days on PC.

      There's bugs that make you stop playing a game, and bugs that are minor annoyances, and bugs that are sort of funny.
      99% of the bugs in cyberpunk are bugs that are minor annoyances or funny.

      Tell me more man. I surely want to listen to the fake opinions of someone buried in so many layers of Ganker internet irony that they've constructed a fake persona of loving CDPR as if they're your parent, and worshipping everything they do up to and including writing diatribes pretending the literal fake game that wasn't even developed properly at all and was released as a chopped-together mess based on a fake gameplay demo, is actually a perfect and flawless bug-free game worth replaying 100 times.

      I mean, quite honestly you can go frick yourself. You very clearly don't know shit about this game. You just shitpost that the bugs are bad because that's what you see other people say. You're a braindead little parrot frick without a genuine thought in your fricking body.

      • 7 months ago

        Guess those 153 game crashes I had were just minor bugs

  41. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Wage Slave stuck behind his Cuck Counter until the shift is over. I'll have 1 bigmac with fries

    • 7 months ago

      i think they replaced the doors to those stalls with those hanging bead doorways. pretty funny fix but it works

  42. 7 months ago

    To be completely honest I wish they would've spent the development time of 2.0 on something else than the police system and vehicle combat. Both of those systems are still completely whatever because the game wasn't really made with those systems in mind. Then again CDPR's implementation of the vehicle combat and "improved" police system are suspiciously similar to what equivalent mods have done so it might have not been a big time investment for them.

  43. 7 months ago

    >anons have resorted to pretending to fanboy this game for (you)s
    trolling is a lost art on nu/v/

  44. 7 months ago

    >Cyberpunk 2077, Halo and No Man's Sky all turned out good.
    Allow me to also proudly claim that Fallout 76 also turned out exceptionally well made.
    I understand that the MMO-lite components might turn many off, but the game is a little gem ins a sea of shit, and a containment bubble for very enthusiastic Fallout fans.
    The game is really great, and everyone that likes Fallout should give it a try for the few 3-5 measly dollars the game goes on sale with almost every month.
    >inb4 people calling me shill
    I don't care, the game is really good, fun and comfy nowadays.
    See you in Appalachia, Ganker.
    The engoodening of 76 has nothing to do with Todd and Bethesda no longer working on the game btw, absolutely nothing went wrong with their dogshit dev time and the game totally did not get fixed by a bunch of BattleCry trannies like the fat Hispanic being posted here sometimes.

  45. 7 months ago

    Didn't buy it, Never will. Same for Buggery Gate 3

  46. 7 months ago

    >when a game gets patched and devs fix things
    >it turns into a good game

    wow what a shock. Starfield will be one of the most beloved games on Ganker in 5 years judging by history.

    • 7 months ago

      they didn't fix anything that was seriously wrong with the game at launch

      The game was not buggy at launch - you just refuse to accept that as reality because you're bought into this fricking cult bandwagon that the game was buggy.
      The major problems the game has are more systematic and require probably total overhauls to various game mechanics - not that you'd even know about any.

      The stuff introduced in phantom liberty didn't 'fix' the game, they - at best - smoothed over some gameplay issues so they're not as flagrant. You're just post-rationalizing the reality that the game was never buggy to begin with by handwaving that they 'fixed it all' in the expansion and update. No bro, the game was never fricking broken or buggy. You bought into lying shitposter bullshit on Ganker, you uncritical dumbass.

      I played it enough to find plenty of bugs in the starting area

      Yeah plenty of bugs that you've never been able to articulate past "there's webms of bugs" and "I saw an NPC tpose once"
      I've seen a lot of bugs too, but absolutely nothing gamebreaking or so annoying I needed to fix it. All of it has been sitting at the level of a body ragdolling through a wall or similar. Basic b***h shit that almost literally every game in existence has had.

      • 7 months ago

        >I've seen a lot of bugs too
        This is annoying enough for me, I'm sorry that you grew up on games that are buggy and think this is normal and shouldn't be fixed

  47. 7 months ago

    >thanks for being morons who humaize huge fricking corporations with thousands of people and millions of dollars behind them

  48. 7 months ago

    the sopranos crossover threads were glorious

  49. 7 months ago

    It's not an amazing game, I have around 8k hours in DE. But I appreciate what they tried to do and I hope they don't give up.

    • 7 months ago

      >I have around 8k hours in DE

      • 7 months ago

        I like the game, observing every detail brings me joy, and I can do it repeatedly because I appreciate what they were trying to give me.

        • 7 months ago

 spent 8k hours just on deus ex alone?
          no sequels? no jensen?

          • 7 months ago

            I didn't enjoy HR, IW or MD, but I don't think they were bad games. Just different and not as detailed as the first.

            • 7 months ago

              fair enough
              i also like to look at things
              but 8k hours is a tad too much
              i'd understand 500

              • 7 months ago

                I think everyone has their obsessions. I'm sure you have something that you play constantly.

              • 7 months ago

                >I'm sure you have something that you play constantly.

              • 7 months ago

                anon, don't give up on games. There is something for you to love. millions of games exist.

        • 7 months ago

          8K hours, how?

          • 7 months ago

            It's a great game. comfort food in a sense.

            • 7 months ago

              Are those hours even legit? post a save scs or something because I know the game used to leave the process running, I myself have only like 900 hours and that's mostly because I got into modding when the game came out.

              • 7 months ago

                nah, don't keep records back that far. Somewhat aware of people like you though, thank you for making revision what it is today.

              • 7 months ago

                I didn't get that last bit, but you are welcome I guess.

  50. 7 months ago

    I played on launch on PC. Had some bugs here and there, but nothing special really. Game was still absolute dog shit so I stopped playing after 9 hours and never plan to touch it or anything from CDPR again unless they somehow pull a miracle.

    • 7 months ago

      Nice, I feel the same way about many major studios. In particular Rockstar. Been extremely disapointed in their last three games and I don't see a correction in the future. You wanna know the weird part dude? Most of those devs from legacy studios moved to CDPR and Larian around 2015. You'd think that they'd be able to make a good product given their experience.

      • 7 months ago

        It's really pointless to be excited about any big game at this point. At best, you're getting a competent rehash with a safe, unoffenssive story that puts you to sleep with how banal it is, and at worst you'll get some frankenstein after 3 reboots that barely works. Where the frick is another Deus Ex 1? Fallout New Vegas? Alpha Protocol without garbage gameplay? Mask of the Betrayer?
        No, it's all just slop because everything needs to cater to the widest possible audience nowadays, and thus be inoffensive and easy to understand even for a 50 IQ mutt.

  51. 7 months ago

    >thank you for being cucks, cucks
    such a nice master

  52. 7 months ago

    Watching this game try an brute force/buy its way back into some sort of "come back status" has been utterly pathetic and revolting to witness lol.


    KYS cdpr worm. Go manufacture some fake hype elsewhere.

    • 7 months ago

      Isn't it weird how it got nominated for best on going game?
      Wtf its a single player game and has 1 dlc
      This whole entire project has been a giant ass waste of money they paid so much for pr when they could have just made a decent game instead lol fricking morons even ops post and the article is a shill op like damn you paid money to actually say nothing

  53. 7 months ago

    He should be thanking Trigger for putting way more effort into the anime than they had to and for shutting down their stupid requests for changes to the show.

    Still doesn't change the fact that the game has only one truly satisfying mission which is the Militech vs Maelstrom one they used to demo the game. Listening to Keanu monologuing over and over gets repetitive.
    There needed to be more choice driven missions with actual combat instead of just talking.

    • 7 months ago

      Unironically the only reason the game is decent now is because of the anime.

  54. 7 months ago

    People talk about the immersion is so great, wandering the city, but so what, who the frick buys a game just to wander around in it, you might as well just play a walking simulator then,

    • 7 months ago

      When you go full "so what" about immersion and everything that isn't specifically shooting a bad guy or getting fed a questline, you get shit like starfield with fast travel and loading screens to everything so you can skip playing the game and get to all the good parts instantly.

      Wonder if bethesda's next title is going to be a start menu where pressing 'new game' just rolls credits and congratulates you for spending $90 on the game

      • 7 months ago

        immersion isnt really that important, the most important depending on the game, is the gameplay and combat, combat if youre playing an action game needs to be diverse and challenging to keep you engaged, your argument is pretty stupid, older games didnt need any realistic "IMMERSION" to be good and keeping you engaged,

        theres a reason older games are much better than newer ones mostly, because they actually put more effort into the gameplay and combat than muh immersion

        • 7 months ago

          combat plays pretty much the same as the original game

        • 7 months ago

          It's important for a cohesive whole of a game and it's the difference between a game having soul and being soulless. Again, if you completely ignore immersion and just treat the game like a financial transaction you get garbage like starfield where you no longer even feel like you're even playing a game anymore.

          • 7 months ago

            its not the lack of immersion in starfield that is the problem, its the gameplay, from what I understand and I havent even played the game is that theres nothing to do other than wandering around, sure combine that aspect with zero immersion and yeah its a boring as shit game

            • 7 months ago

              I mean its not only the lack of immersion that is the problem*

            • 7 months ago

              Well, look at morrowind as an example where the game actually is immersive - At least for its time. The gameplay was ass but the game sucked you in through immersion into this completely alien world, and the biggest things people liked about the game were those immersive aspects - walking around, reading directions, getting lost, exploring, reading about the setting. Those were the things that people really latched onto. It felt like an entirely different sort of culture, and an authentic and interesting one.

              If morrowind were judged solely on its combat mechanics it wouldn't be fondly remembered by anyone.

              So basically, I don't think immersion is something you can just ignore. It does actually matter and is a big part of what draws people into playing the game, while the other parts like the gameplay mechanics, help keep people invested and returning to it.

  55. 7 months ago

    More like cyberdud

  56. 7 months ago

    Played this game a year ago when it was 30eddies on GOG and i had a blast with the game, even when it ran like shit on my 3060ti.
    Cant speak for the bugs on release, but the gunplay, the story, the atmosphere all around, it's fun.
    I pitty the haters on Ganker who miss games like this because they are contrarian homosexuals.

    • 7 months ago

      the gameplay and combat is boring, you havent played many games then.

      all the enemies are the same with the same comabt moves, all they do is shoot and take cover or dodge around, literally every single one, the skulls arent any different, the AI is dumb as shit, cyberpsychos are dumb as shit and can only stay in the limited area, if you go outside the area they literally cant hurt you, they dont follow they just stand there like idiots. wow what a lot of fun!, also killing enemies because they are so one dimensional doesnt make combat or killing them any enjoyable or rewarding

      • 7 months ago

        Please give some examples of fun shooters that totaly put cyberpunk to shame.

        • 7 months ago

          nta but mgsv

          • 7 months ago

            played it too, had just as much fun with that game as with cyberpunk.
            but i played mgsv with a controller and cyberpunk with a mouse&keyboard so i feel like cyberpunk was a faster shooter.

        • 7 months ago

          I think Halo 1, 3, and reach and destiny all have better shooter mechanics but tbh that's not really a fair comparison considering the experience bungie has refining shooter gameplay.

          Compare cyberpunk and starfield.
          Both shit games on launch.
          CDPR has been working to fix it ever since, bethesda acts as if it's the best game ever and hasnt done any big patches since release to fix the many bugs.

          >bethesda acts as if it's the best game ever and hasnt done any big patches since release to fix the many bugs.
          bethesda learned years ago that their fanbase will fix everything for free

          • 7 months ago

            >bethesda learned years ago that their fanbase will fix everything for free
            I can only imagine how horrid it must be to play bethesda games on console where you cant install mods to fix all the shit.

          • 7 months ago

            >I think Halo 1, 3

            hmm lets see

            first Halo game
            borderlands 2, looter shooter which cyberpunk is too
            deus ex
            far cry 5

            those are much more fun than cyberpunk

            >first Halo game
            I only played the first halo on PC years ago, the campaign and the multiplayer (i think) and it never understood all the hype about this game.

            • 7 months ago

              It was considered really good at the time it was released, the enemies were fun and enjoyable to play against, killing them was rewarding, they could pick up different weapons, some were invisible, others used swords and had shields, and different weapons did more dmg to on some enemies while doing less dmg to others, this is what made the combat fun, cyberpunk doesnt have any of that.

              • 7 months ago

                Halo 1 also had a much more interesting and griping story

        • 7 months ago

          hmm lets see

          first Halo game
          borderlands 2, looter shooter which cyberpunk is too
          deus ex
          far cry 5

          those are much more fun than cyberpunk

  57. 7 months ago

    > ITT shills don't get that people play games for different reasons

  58. 7 months ago

    >actualy thanking the fans instead of acting smug about it


    • 7 months ago

      no, pr with many revisions, never trust something to be genuine unless it's live and even then they could just script the shit out of their presentation

      • 7 months ago

        anon its the gaming industry in modern times by a WESTERN developer non the less
        hitting on the fanbase is their default behavior

      • 7 months ago

        Modern PR with many revisions is to call your own customers entitled trump supporters who need to kill themselves

        Don't know what game industry you've been living in for the past decade, but it isn't the one we have

      • 7 months ago

        Compare cyberpunk and starfield.
        Both shit games on launch.
        CDPR has been working to fix it ever since, bethesda acts as if it's the best game ever and hasnt done any big patches since release to fix the many bugs.

  59. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Has any shooter ever had meaningful classes? All you do in the end is shoot guy with gun, not much room for build variety there.

      • 7 months ago

        You definitely can, not all weapons are equal. Warframe had it right (at some point)

  60. 7 months ago

    I played the game post 2.0 and had a good time. Most bugs were funny visual things. I think the only one that annoyed me was that some of the wall weapons don't display.
    I'm glad CDPR turned it around, but the biggest hope is that they learn.

  61. 7 months ago

    Quest director? that's a title I've never heard of. props to that guy though because 2077 has amazing sidequests. I really liked how random shit on the map had locations that were like full maps.

  62. 7 months ago

    >Halo is a redemption story about doing right by the fans
    HOW? 343i needs to lifted up by a giant crane and dropped into boiling acid if Halo is going to be redeemed

    • 7 months ago

      who said anything about halo having a redemption arc?
      343i didn't make any of the halo games that were mentioned. Halo's done and cooked, it's never going to be good again.

      >I think Halo 1, 3
      >first Halo game
      I only played the first halo on PC years ago, the campaign and the multiplayer (i think) and it never understood all the hype about this game.

      If you didn't play Halo back in 2001 or w/e then yeah it probably doesn't seem that special because every single fricking FPS copied what they did. From control schemes to dedicated melee/grenade buttons and matchmaking. Halo basically took all these good ideas from a bunch of different shooters, threw them all in a pot together, and made it actually work really well, and then seemingly everyone else in the industry went "durr why didn't we do that" and it just became the standard way to do shooters

      Playing shooters before Halo was fricking painful, ESPECIALLY on console.

      And what anon mentioned here:

      It was considered really good at the time it was released, the enemies were fun and enjoyable to play against, killing them was rewarding, they could pick up different weapons, some were invisible, others used swords and had shields, and different weapons did more dmg to on some enemies while doing less dmg to others, this is what made the combat fun, cyberpunk doesnt have any of that.

      Is a big part of what made Halo's gunplay appealing. Enemies were varied, each enemy had their own unique types of attacks and behaviour and weapons and weakpoints and could be combined in a huge variety of ways so that no matter how many times you played through the game, each encounter would end up slightly different from the last time. You change up the gun you use, and the fight is completely different. You use the same gun, and the combination of enemies spawn completely different so it's fresh all over again.

      • 7 months ago

        Halo redemption arc is in the article in the OP

        • 7 months ago

          well halo never had a redemption arc lmao

          just bungie finishing their story followed by 343i squandering a golden goose and burying it 6ft under as quickly as humanly possible

  63. 7 months ago

    >big release
    >wait x years
    >get it patched+modded
    >also cheaper
    should be the standard people gotta consume latest product fast fast now now now eat! quick FOMOFOMO!

  64. 7 months ago

    I played at launch, finished it with all its unfinished jankyness and I will never go back to it. I don't care that they made a chinese cartoon, I don't care how much phantom liberty engoodened it or some shit. Once a shit game always a shit game. People who defend this pile of ass need to revaluate their standards or throw themselves off a bridge.

  65. 7 months ago

    Only played through it recently. Enjoyed it a lot. Very solid game. Shame it sucked at launch. I can only give it 8/10 though due to no 3rd person. Tons and tons of clothing options and no 3rd person? Sticking to first person was a design mistake even if it fit the narrative and their idea of the game more. Also I wanted to do a full body conversion with steel skin etc. but no option for that for some reason. Wish you could get a flying car late game too. Also the buildings were way too small than what they were implied to be. There are larger "megabuildings" in most cities today.

    Anyway kino atmosphere, kino soundtrack, shame they dropped the early idea of many different backgrounds that actually meant something. I was hyped to play a media when I heard the earliest stuff about the game. like in Transmetropolitan.

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