D.O.R.F. Real-Time Strategic Conflict

DORF will be featured at PC Gaming Show, hopefully this time Henskelion will show us more gameplay or else i will unshill his game

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    He finally made it after a year of shilling his game on here.

  2. 1 year ago

    You're game better be drm free or I'm pirating it.

    • 1 year ago

      It won't have any.

      >doesn't have any dorfs

      It does, though it isn't really apparent because of how zoomed out the game is. It'll be more apparent when we have actual decent prerenders/cutscenes, but that won't be until near the end of development.

      • 1 year ago

        You're the man!

      • 1 year ago

        Oh shit, quick question: this game got mech? After playing Brigador I wanted a RTS with mech in a similar style.
        So far the Red Industrial faction looks pretty b***hin

        • 1 year ago

          Yes, though they are mostly limited to one faction. Although you can get hybrid-tech units by capturing production structures belonging to another faction, so technically the other two factions could get unique mechs if you are able to capture the necessary prerequisite structures.

          • 1 year ago

            >you can get hybrid-tech units by capturing production structures belonging to another faction
            Oh, so those units work like RA2 Chrono Ivans/Chrono Seal aka steal the gimick of the enemy faction and mix it up with yours".
            Also I see infantry and vehicles also follow the RA2 route of "non anti armor infantry tickles armor".

          • 1 year ago

            >you can do hybrid units by stealing tech a la RA2
            I fricking love you

          • 1 year ago

            Dangerously based. I'm actually interested now.

      • 1 year ago

        This was all sort of last minute, and PC Gamer actually contacted me months ago and asked to feature it, I didn't contact them, so it wasn't something I was planning for. Ideally we'd have a lot more unique systems in place, but it's still a ways off from release, or even a demo, for that matter. For instance, we wanted to get the new Factorio-like logistics system in place, but couldn't quite get it done in time before the trailer, so ironically it doesn't show up in the trailer itself, but was featured here (the little moving crates) https://youtu.be/i-uKAuLq2d0

        Ideally we would show off lots of the unique gameplay concepts, but most of them are either in an unfinished, unpresentable state, or are just not actually implemented at all yet, so I made the trailer with what I had to work with.

        As an example of stuff we want to have:

        - indoor fighting/building capture (working ingame but slightly janky and not totally presentable)
        - subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
        - dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)

        >As in you control all of this, or as in how it is done in Act of War/Aggression? If the former, then that is really ambitious!

        You essentially garrison them in a building, and they fight the enemy garrison inside. The battle itself is more simulated (the units don't really exist in physical space in this state, they are just represented in the UI). Here's a really old, kind of shitty GIF to show off how it works.

        Note that this can be done with civilian buildings that have been garrisoned, as well as enemy base buildings. Though base buildings will always have a compliment of guards to keep players from abusing these storming tactics.

        >- subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
        The mining/digging will be controllable, yes. What we want is something like a toggleable setting that switches between displaying the surface map, and subterranean map, sort of like how Sim City lets you toggle on/off displaying subways or plumbing. There will be a few purposes to mining: mining for ore (obviously), undermining enemy defenses, creating passages through cliffs or other obstacles, and building underground bases (though most buildings can't be built fully underground).

        >- dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)
        Well if you want an idea of what we're aiming for, look up Brigador. We're going to try to use a similar system.

        >I do like the conveyor and train system you have showed though, especially if it is something that is more than campaign mission eye candy.

        The Conveyor and train logic actually serves a function; resources don't exist in a "global pool" ala most RTS's, they have to be physically transported from the refinery (or silo) to the factory. There are units that can move resources, but using conveyors/pipelines is more efficient, obviously.

        As for a demo, that's a ways off, but we want to have a demo or playable beta *at some point*.

        Okay, devman, I have to say me and some of my mates are quite impressed by your game. Please don't frick it up.

      • 1 year ago

        This was all sort of last minute, and PC Gamer actually contacted me months ago and asked to feature it, I didn't contact them, so it wasn't something I was planning for. Ideally we'd have a lot more unique systems in place, but it's still a ways off from release, or even a demo, for that matter. For instance, we wanted to get the new Factorio-like logistics system in place, but couldn't quite get it done in time before the trailer, so ironically it doesn't show up in the trailer itself, but was featured here (the little moving crates) https://youtu.be/i-uKAuLq2d0

        Ideally we would show off lots of the unique gameplay concepts, but most of them are either in an unfinished, unpresentable state, or are just not actually implemented at all yet, so I made the trailer with what I had to work with.

        As an example of stuff we want to have:

        - indoor fighting/building capture (working ingame but slightly janky and not totally presentable)
        - subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
        - dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)

        >As in you control all of this, or as in how it is done in Act of War/Aggression? If the former, then that is really ambitious!

        You essentially garrison them in a building, and they fight the enemy garrison inside. The battle itself is more simulated (the units don't really exist in physical space in this state, they are just represented in the UI). Here's a really old, kind of shitty GIF to show off how it works.

        Note that this can be done with civilian buildings that have been garrisoned, as well as enemy base buildings. Though base buildings will always have a compliment of guards to keep players from abusing these storming tactics.

        >- subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
        The mining/digging will be controllable, yes. What we want is something like a toggleable setting that switches between displaying the surface map, and subterranean map, sort of like how Sim City lets you toggle on/off displaying subways or plumbing. There will be a few purposes to mining: mining for ore (obviously), undermining enemy defenses, creating passages through cliffs or other obstacles, and building underground bases (though most buildings can't be built fully underground).

        >- dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)
        Well if you want an idea of what we're aiming for, look up Brigador. We're going to try to use a similar system.

        >I do like the conveyor and train system you have showed though, especially if it is something that is more than campaign mission eye candy.

        The Conveyor and train logic actually serves a function; resources don't exist in a "global pool" ala most RTS's, they have to be physically transported from the refinery (or silo) to the factory. There are units that can move resources, but using conveyors/pipelines is more efficient, obviously.

        As for a demo, that's a ways off, but we want to have a demo or playable beta *at some point*.

        henskelion man, I'm the moron who offered up the Orwell/Huxley/Golding faction codenames and prodded you towards a weird Panther II+Crusader turret for the probably defunct Advanced Medium Tank for the Empire way back in the other /agdg/, if that rings any bells

        just wanna say keep on keeping on, I never expected deving to take this long, let alone for you to KEEP deving or for the logistics system to get so fricking elaborate as to have functional rail lines, real eager to do some dieselpunk schizo tech shit

        • 1 year ago

          no wait hold on I have to make an addendum reply to myself

          Yes, though they are mostly limited to one faction. Although you can get hybrid-tech units by capturing production structures belonging to another faction, so technically the other two factions could get unique mechs if you are able to capture the necessary prerequisite structures.

          >you can get hybrid-tech units by capturing production structures belonging to another faction
          what the frick, I just thought of that shit not the other day as pie in the sky expansion pack material, like Empire stealing a NWO builder to construct Yuri Flying Disc-style Haunebu do-all nazi saucer units, or Barbs getting to stick suicidal NWO 60s rocket booster engines to their cars as land kamikazes; NWO getting Gerald Bull-style wheeled superguns from the Empire or super-cheap 4x4 armored cars from the Barbarians; Barbs making Empire scrap-clone Grot megatanks; now you're telling me you accounted for that concept already?

        • 1 year ago

          I remember you, cool to see you're still around.

          no wait hold on I have to make an addendum reply to myself

          >you can get hybrid-tech units by capturing production structures belonging to another faction
          what the frick, I just thought of that shit not the other day as pie in the sky expansion pack material, like Empire stealing a NWO builder to construct Yuri Flying Disc-style Haunebu do-all nazi saucer units, or Barbs getting to stick suicidal NWO 60s rocket booster engines to their cars as land kamikazes; NWO getting Gerald Bull-style wheeled superguns from the Empire or super-cheap 4x4 armored cars from the Barbarians; Barbs making Empire scrap-clone Grot megatanks; now you're telling me you accounted for that concept already?

          To be fair the hybrid unit system is basically just a remix of what RA2/Mental Omega do with getting special units by putting spies into enemy tech buildings. Though here it's easier to do since you can do it with regular building capture, rather than using special spies. Also from a production standpoint, hybrids units are a good way to have a lot of units without screwing the balance too much, since units that might be too weird, have a niche usefulness, or don't fit the vanilla balance of one faction can just be shoved into being special hybrid tech units.

          Honestly: consider changing this image on the steam page; the cartoon look makes it seem like a shitty mobile game compared to the in-game screenshots and videos.

          The illustration was a last minute thing I made for the Steam page. Ideally I'll replace it with something from an actual professional artist, but that'll be near the end of development when I (hopefully) have more money to spend on polishing the game with things I can't really do myself (ie voice acting).

          • 1 year ago

            yeah, the feeling's mutual

            >from a production standpoint, hybrids units are a good way to have a lot of units without screwing the balance too much, since units that might be too weird, have a niche usefulness, or don't fit the vanilla balance of one faction can just be shoved into being special hybrid tech units
            see, now I'm curious as to what meta-balance concepts you have regarding them

            inability for comeback is a common theme in RTSs these days, where after a certain point of losses you're probably just fighting tooth-and-nail to delay the inevitable; while obviously we've got scrap reclamation ala SupCom to ameliorate that, capture of enemy base structures probably implies a pretty serious coup over the enemy.

            So at that point, beside filling weird niche gaps, do these weird units tend to serve as a counter to their original faction? Or better to counter the third-party remaining faction? Or even the capturing faction itself? Or a grab bag, where combo tech may swing any which way regardless of who's capturing who, just based on what you decide is cool to bang together? There's potential for hybrid units to be a serious kick to an enemy that's already down, or to be a completely sideways meme option that's less worth the trouble of building, defeating the point of capture, and I wonder where your happy medium sits.

            plus, while we're at it, players may team as differing factions, for whom they might deliberately surrender a building or directly transfer control of it if that's an allowed function; are hybrid units allowed to be produced in that context, or not? Would that be intended, or unexpected?

            The units themselves certainly look like they're operating on the render-to-sprite method, so is actual render model kitbashing how hybrid units ultimately come to be, or are they purpose-built?

            • 1 year ago

              >inability for comeback is a common theme in RTSs these days, where after a certain point of losses you're probably just fighting tooth-and-nail to delay the inevitable;

              That's another thing we've considered, and there are some solutions. One thing we want to do is a sort of reinforcement system, though it doesn't work like how it sounds. Basically, instead of population cap points being something instantly acquired when you build a Supply Depot equivalent, instead you build buildings to house Recruits. Recruits come in from off-map from a specific position at regular intervals, are "consumed" whenever you construct new structures and units, and are effectively a supply line of their own. Lose units, and you can't necessarily instantly replace them, even if you have the resources. So this could be a good way to make it so players on the losing side could still try and make some kind of comeback by depleting enemy population, giving them enough time to recoup their own losses.

              Another solution is to add ammo as a mechanic for units, with supply units that can deliver ammo to depleted troops. This would be a good way to make it so a losing player still has an advantage in that units defending their own base will be easier to resupply.

              Keep in mind neither of these ideas are final, they exist just as concepts to potentially better balance out the game.

              >so is actual render model kitbashing how hybrid units ultimately come to be, or are they purpose-built?

              A bit advantage of the graphics just being prerendered sprites baked from 3D models means I can quickly make really sloppy, super hipoly models with bad textures that still look good when baked down into a low-res sprite, so I can make new units fairly quickly.

              if the supergun is a turret with autofire and not a manually-targeted ability call, this becomes probably impossibly elaborate to code portions of, but otherwise:

              >when the supergun is idle, call-and-response by megaphone and muffled responders can be heard engaging in drills & system checks, audible to the player if they're panned over it, and the enemy if they have current LoS and are panned over it
              >as the supergun is being supplied with resources, when it hits certain breakpoints in the total % to fire, a loading step will begin with attending audio; both the animation and audio must be carried out fully before the next even if the next breakpoint in loading % is hit for the flags to fire, so the gun cannot become prematurely loaded, skip steps, or step on its own audio toes, and all this before aiming
              >when you give the order for the gun to take aim, chop-&-stitched HECU style soundbite orders indicating the actual range will go out, numbers keyed to whatever the maximum engine map size is; "Azimuth ###! (azimuth ###!) Azimuth ###, confirmed! Elevation ###! (elevation ###!) Elevation ###, confirmed!"

              The mega cannon is supposed to be a superweapon with a long cooldown, that you have to manually target something with, which has shells that need to be purchased with resources.

              • 1 year ago

                That sounds, essentially, like Men of War or Call to Arms' callins, but as a sort of passive resource and a stockpile of actual bodies, but physical like C&C Generals air supply drops? For which, presumably, you see descending manpower quantities from Barbaroi-Empire-NWO down.

                Maybe with an inversion in terms of material efficiency applied to said manpower? The Barbaroi are wasteful & material-hungry, emphasizing their hit & run and scavenging while they keep pumping expendable meat into rathole-launched ambushes & overgunned buggies;

                while the NWO invests lots of material resources per unit (and perhaps has the best long-term refining ability?) to make the most of a deficient manpower pool that REALLY doesn't like any parity in trading bodies, probably wants to win midgame as swiftly as possible;

                and then the Empire is sort of in the middle, with varied semi-expendable infantry & tanks, okay resource refining, the best macro-logistics if they can dig in to set it up, and a focus on fire superiority/spacing to make sure lives being spent are spent efficiently?

                >A bit advantage of the graphics just being prerendered sprites baked from 3D models means I can quickly make really sloppy, super hipoly models with bad textures that still look good when baked down into a low-res sprite, so I can make new units fairly quickly.
                when you think about it, it's sort of like the digital modeling equivalent of stamping out steel gun bodies or molding plastic, innit? Fits the subject matter nicely.

                >The mega cannon is supposed to be a superweapon with a long cooldown, that you have to manually target something with, which has shells that need to be purchased with resources.
                yes alright there's that clarified, but ambient Cannon Fodder dialogue-style reloading audio centered on the gun and ominous HECU-stitch ranging callouts when you start to fire, is that anything other than devhell bait as an idea? you can call me a moron if it please you

              • 1 year ago

                that supply mechanic sounds cool. i think the reason why rts games turn into steamrolls is because there is nothing holding back an attack. realistically, units must be supplied so supplying an offensive is something that should be taken into account. it adds a dimension to conflict that is lacking in most games. for example, capturing neutral logistics hubs on the map (ports, rail yards, airports) would allow for quick resupply of forward units and serve as natural points of conflict on the map.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't really see this would allow for comebacks, wouldn't the winning player inflict more recruit losses than the losing player? Usually what happens in strategy games is that the enemy gets a huge deathball going, and there's no way to stop it from rolling down to your base, because you end up losing more units than they do when you try to fight it. Do the recruits refresh faster when you have fewer units on the field?

                I've been trying to solve the strategy game comeback issue while working on my own thing, here are some other thoughts I had

                >Have a variety of niche/counter units to tech to, so that when the losing player rebuilds his army, he can aggressively build those counter units to counter the enemy and gain the initiative again (enemy has a lot of tanks? replace your army with AT infantry)
                >Place important objectives around the map while making base defense easier early on, preferably so that deathballing 1 doomstack towards the enemy base isn't the main strategy
                >Give different factions varying power spikes, like 1 faction might be bad against another faction early on, but they gain an advantage midgame, and then become equal in the lategame. This allows for natural "comebacks" since you only need to hold out until your power spikes arrive, and then play aggressively when you get them. This could be expressed through specific units (like teching to an excellent anti-infantry unit against a faction that loves spamming infantry early)
                And finally
                >"Forcing" a comeback too aggressively isn't good either, because individual engagements can start to feel like they don't really matter. All engagements should have some impact on the outcome of the match, otherwise it'll feel like the first 25 minutes are fluff and only the last 5 minutes matter. Hence why the last part about power spikes is more important than forcing comebacks imo

                anyway your game looks great, feeling kinda jealous since my own strategy game project looks like shit

              • 1 year ago

                It's definitely something that will need testing, either way. The ammo concept may be better at allowing for comebacks, but that's something we'd have to be careful about, since per-unit ammo could make the game totally suck if it were done wrong.

                Will this have a fleshed out campaign or will skirmish be the main focus? If there's no campaign I'm not interested

                Oh there will be a focus on campaign over multiplayer.

                Honestly I'd like a campaign like Dark Crusade.

                The most ideal situation: campaign is sort of like Wings of Liberty, where you have a series of missions but with some wiggle room as to which ones to pick, as well as some customization options like using special campaign resources to permanently upgrade your army. Also story and dialogue doled out via navigating what amounts to an optional point and click game in between missions, instead of normal cutscenes.

                Worst case scenario is it's just a normal RTS campaign with a linear series of missions and some basic cutscenes.

                Though, a Dark Crusade or Emperor: Battle for Dune style campaign wouldn't be bad either, and may play into the slower basebuilding and economic side of gameplay better. There's still a lot up in the air regarding what the campaigns will actually consist of.

                How close to finished is this?

                We're just two guys with limited time and money, but hopefully we can get the game out in 2 years (sooner, if we get funding)

              • 1 year ago

                >campaign is sort of like Wings of Liberty
                So like Tiberian Sun? It gave you multiple missions to pick, and depending on what order it affected how each mission would play out. Like the one with the UFO as GDI, if you took the train depot first NOD would get reinforcements, but the level would have harder emplacements since they had more time to prepare for an attack.

              • 1 year ago

                >sooner, if we get funding
                Try Hooded Horse as a publisher. That guy seems really hands-off development wise and pro-indie strategy game.

              • 12 months ago

                looking for a (paid) dev to make it 3?
                been a programmer for a while now

              • 12 months ago

                sure, what can you do?

              • 12 months ago

                did some small projects in opengl 3.3, glsl and c++11 back in the day
                worked as c dev, c++14/17 dev, qa in c#, gui monkey in c#/wpf
                now python3 + golang devops (ci, docker, the usual)
                shifted from graphics to network over the years

                if you need nice build pipelines with test automation to speed up your workflow I'd be the guy
                could do container-based servers for mp autoscaling depending on load
                can do also normal programming, depends on your needs
                cannot do pixel art

                tbh I don't know what your stack is

              • 12 months ago

                I open the OpenRA source files in Notepad++ and edit them as needed, can you do that?

                Our plumbing's great, thank you.

                I lost my stack in a boating accident.

              • 12 months ago

                edited windows registry so that all guys had all factions unlocked in dow1 for lan party
                created mods with notepad.exe (notepad++? excess) mspaint.exe and irfanview for eu3, little fighter 2 and soldat to play with friends

              • 12 months ago

                I made flags/counters/shields for HOI2/DH in photoshop using a automated script, also made events and new countries.
                I made edits in Men of War and Empire at war, imported some basic models.
                Made some portrait edits for CK2, added a new culture and religion.

                I will work for 2000 USD a month.

              • 12 months ago

                edited windows registry so that all guys had all factions unlocked in dow1 for lan party
                created mods with notepad.exe (notepad++? excess) mspaint.exe and irfanview for eu3, little fighter 2 and soldat to play with friends

                I made flags/counters/shields for HOI2/DH in photoshop using a automated script, also made events and new countries.
                I made edits in Men of War and Empire at war, imported some basic models.
                Made some portrait edits for CK2, added a new culture and religion.

                I will work for 2000 USD a month.

                We could honestly use everyone. Shoot us an e-mail, you can find it on our youtube channel. Just include an actual resume

              • 12 months ago

                >Ganker makes an RTS

              • 12 months ago

                Still probably going to be better than that countryballs RTS, or how i call it, Reddit the RTS

              • 12 months ago

                The CountryBalls Heroes one or has there been another one?

              • 12 months ago

                No no, like an actual RTS with base building 'n shit, Countryball The Real Time Strategy Game

              • 12 months ago

                Interesting, looks like a mod for original StarCraft, buildings look like they were drawn by Carbot which is apt. QRD on the development drama?

              • 12 months ago

                Nah, nothing like that, just Reddit the RTS, though in the last years armchair dissidents started to prefer map painters like HoI4 instead of just autistically fricking around and drawing gay porn with humanized balls painted in the colors of country flags

              • 12 months ago

                So the gist of is that it's just a bunch of homos faffing about while project meanders without a vision. Also,
                >drawing gay porn with humanized balls painted in the colors of country flags
                that sounds even more autistic than obsessing over fictional governments, especially given how many anthropomorphic versions of countries exit, Hetalia being a prime suspect. Who in their right mind would draw an equivalent of Anons in different paintjobs when such bombshells such as Brittania, Helvetia, Hispania and Mother Russia exist.

              • 12 months ago
              • 1 year ago

                Reminds me of that one old game, Real War, where your base got a steady trickle of resource deliveries through off-map cargo helicopters, ships and trucks. Realistically it basically never mattered because you were next to map border so to disrupt that flow the enemy had to punch through your base but it worked on some maps.
                I think it also had capturable resource points on-map resources from which also had to be transported by vehicles to your base. Always thought that was pretty cool but the rest of the game sucked.

        • 1 year ago

          So which was supposed to be which?

          • 1 year ago

            The Empire was Orwell, because of course it is, it's a ridiculously wasteful totalitarian ultra-dictatorship that exists solely to wage war by primitive means as a matter of willful corruption & hard social control. It's 1984, but cuter and Command & Conquer flavored. Easy.

            The NWO was Huxley, because it was a hyper-advanced capitalist/consumerist society that in spite or directly because of its advancement had become a dystopic nightmare of soft social controls and hard financial ones. Whether or not they actually did or do Brave New World cloning and gene modding shit I don't recall, I think it was somewhere in the running that they did.

            Golding was the odd one out, and was my actual anonymous contribution when devman/Hensk was puttering around /agdg/ taking suggestions & critique; the other two codenames were sort of tentatively in place, but there wasn't one that fit properly for what're now the Barbaroi. 'Lovecraft' was an early codename he used because of mutant/supernatural elements, but they aren't really cosmic horror based, so it was an awkward misfit.

            I suggested Golding, the author of Lord of the Flies, because it made it a three-for-three of socially dystopic fiction authors naming the factions; the deranged, anarchic tribal society of gearhead child soldiers and war criminals matched to the closest popular equivalent to their themes in a deranged, anarchic tribal society of child non-soldiers.

            Ultimately, the codenames obviously went up in a puff of wind, because who needs them when the factions get real front-facing names anyways? But I still feel happy remembering it, because it was nice to be a helpful cog in the ad-hoc early concepting & prototyping process.

            • 1 year ago

              So needless to say there aren't "good guys" in this setting or one where it could be argued either way like NOD or GDI?

              • 1 year ago

                I can't say, because you could easily have splits between more and less evil members of the dystopian warring factions, with the protagonist commander trending towards being more 'good' or gray C&C style. That's a question for the actual dev, who probably isn't present now. I'm just an enthusiastic observer.

              • 1 year ago

                Looks like Sins of a solar Empire. 3 groups fighting for their own selfish reasons.

              • 1 year ago

                The TEC are the good guys since they're the only ones fighting for humanity's sake. The others are commie transhumanists and aliens.

              • 1 year ago

                The TEC are the good guys since they're the only ones fighting for humanity's sake. The others are commie transhumanists and aliens.

                >TEC was living alone by themselves
                >Advent are revenge obsessed religious fanatics who want to do genocide for something that happen thousands of years ago
                >Vasari are running away from something and attacking everybody else for no reason
                The TEC are literally the good guys.

      • 1 year ago

        All I can think of when I see that MG tractor is the mg tractor from Sabagebu.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, though they are mostly limited to one faction. Although you can get hybrid-tech units by capturing production structures belonging to another faction, so technically the other two factions could get unique mechs if you are able to capture the necessary prerequisite structures.

        This was all sort of last minute, and PC Gamer actually contacted me months ago and asked to feature it, I didn't contact them, so it wasn't something I was planning for. Ideally we'd have a lot more unique systems in place, but it's still a ways off from release, or even a demo, for that matter. For instance, we wanted to get the new Factorio-like logistics system in place, but couldn't quite get it done in time before the trailer, so ironically it doesn't show up in the trailer itself, but was featured here (the little moving crates) https://youtu.be/i-uKAuLq2d0

        Ideally we would show off lots of the unique gameplay concepts, but most of them are either in an unfinished, unpresentable state, or are just not actually implemented at all yet, so I made the trailer with what I had to work with.

        As an example of stuff we want to have:

        - indoor fighting/building capture (working ingame but slightly janky and not totally presentable)
        - subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
        - dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)

        >As in you control all of this, or as in how it is done in Act of War/Aggression? If the former, then that is really ambitious!

        You essentially garrison them in a building, and they fight the enemy garrison inside. The battle itself is more simulated (the units don't really exist in physical space in this state, they are just represented in the UI). Here's a really old, kind of shitty GIF to show off how it works.

        Note that this can be done with civilian buildings that have been garrisoned, as well as enemy base buildings. Though base buildings will always have a compliment of guards to keep players from abusing these storming tactics.

        >- subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
        The mining/digging will be controllable, yes. What we want is something like a toggleable setting that switches between displaying the surface map, and subterranean map, sort of like how Sim City lets you toggle on/off displaying subways or plumbing. There will be a few purposes to mining: mining for ore (obviously), undermining enemy defenses, creating passages through cliffs or other obstacles, and building underground bases (though most buildings can't be built fully underground).

        >- dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)
        Well if you want an idea of what we're aiming for, look up Brigador. We're going to try to use a similar system.

        >I do like the conveyor and train system you have showed though, especially if it is something that is more than campaign mission eye candy.

        The Conveyor and train logic actually serves a function; resources don't exist in a "global pool" ala most RTS's, they have to be physically transported from the refinery (or silo) to the factory. There are units that can move resources, but using conveyors/pipelines is more efficient, obviously.

        As for a demo, that's a ways off, but we want to have a demo or playable beta *at some point*.

        Easily best game shown all week. Following this with great interest.

  3. 1 year ago

    Damn so he actually did it.

  4. 1 year ago

    >doesn't have any dorfs

  5. 1 year ago

    i like spamming pure infantry (sometimes with supporting artillery/antitank). will DORF have any or will it just be different vehicles/mechs?

  6. 1 year ago

    dorfspeed dorfbros

  7. 1 year ago

    looks great

  8. 1 year ago

    This article has the trailer in case if someone missed it


    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        Looks cool, nothing mindblowing when compared to the older teasers/trailers. The giant frick off superweapon canon was cool though.

        • 1 year ago

          This was all sort of last minute, and PC Gamer actually contacted me months ago and asked to feature it, I didn't contact them, so it wasn't something I was planning for. Ideally we'd have a lot more unique systems in place, but it's still a ways off from release, or even a demo, for that matter. For instance, we wanted to get the new Factorio-like logistics system in place, but couldn't quite get it done in time before the trailer, so ironically it doesn't show up in the trailer itself, but was featured here (the little moving crates) https://youtu.be/i-uKAuLq2d0

          Ideally we would show off lots of the unique gameplay concepts, but most of them are either in an unfinished, unpresentable state, or are just not actually implemented at all yet, so I made the trailer with what I had to work with.

          As an example of stuff we want to have:

          - indoor fighting/building capture (working ingame but slightly janky and not totally presentable)
          - subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
          - dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)

          • 1 year ago

            >This was all sort of last minute, and PC Gamer actually contacted me months ago and asked to feature it, I didn't contact them, so it wasn't something I was planning for.
            If it is any comfort, I didn't notice that, you still had the best trailer in the whole show. Hell let loose's trailer looked like it was throw together 10mins before the show started.
            >- indoor fighting/building capture (working ingame but slightly janky and not totally presentable)
            As in you control all of this, or as in how it is done in Act of War/Aggression? If the former, then that is really ambitious!
            >- subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
            Again, controlable?
            >- dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)
            I personally have never been all that into dynamic light and stuff, I like blobshadows.

            I do like the conveyor and train system you have showed though, especially if it is something that is more than campaign mission eye candy.

            • 1 year ago

              >As in you control all of this, or as in how it is done in Act of War/Aggression? If the former, then that is really ambitious!

              You essentially garrison them in a building, and they fight the enemy garrison inside. The battle itself is more simulated (the units don't really exist in physical space in this state, they are just represented in the UI). Here's a really old, kind of shitty GIF to show off how it works.

              Note that this can be done with civilian buildings that have been garrisoned, as well as enemy base buildings. Though base buildings will always have a compliment of guards to keep players from abusing these storming tactics.

              >- subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
              The mining/digging will be controllable, yes. What we want is something like a toggleable setting that switches between displaying the surface map, and subterranean map, sort of like how Sim City lets you toggle on/off displaying subways or plumbing. There will be a few purposes to mining: mining for ore (obviously), undermining enemy defenses, creating passages through cliffs or other obstacles, and building underground bases (though most buildings can't be built fully underground).

              >- dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)
              Well if you want an idea of what we're aiming for, look up Brigador. We're going to try to use a similar system.

              >I do like the conveyor and train system you have showed though, especially if it is something that is more than campaign mission eye candy.

              >Factorio-like logistics system
              >cnc like rts
              I am erect, will there be a demo of this?

              The Conveyor and train logic actually serves a function; resources don't exist in a "global pool" ala most RTS's, they have to be physically transported from the refinery (or silo) to the factory. There are units that can move resources, but using conveyors/pipelines is more efficient, obviously.

              As for a demo, that's a ways off, but we want to have a demo or playable beta *at some point*.

              • 1 year ago

                Since you are a new studio with no track record I guess nobody will be mad for game not having expanded MP capabilities.
                Do you just plan to leave some game lobby server for MP and concentrate on matches not de-syncing (still above many RTS today)?

                Since you are trying to do something new, I would guess that the focus should be on single player content to ease players in and simple MP matches for people wanting more. Balancing and ladders should be left to a dedicated expansion/update some months after release, using the time to observe how players prod the system for weaknesses.

                I don't think that any beta test before players will have time to understand mechanics in SP will reap anything useful outside of hardware bugtesting.

              • 1 year ago

                >The Conveyor and train logic actually serves a function; resources don't exist in a "global pool" ala most RTS's, they have to be physically transported from the refinery (or silo) to the factory. There are units that can move resources, but using conveyors/pipelines is more efficient, obviously.
                I can only get so erect

              • 1 year ago

                The idea of factorio-lite elements in an RTS is amazing and I love you no homo, gonna shill this game to my friends

              • 1 year ago

                >You essentially garrison them in a building, and they fight the enemy garrison inside. The battle itself is more simulated (the units don't really exist in physical space in this state, they are just represented in the UI). Here's a really old, kind of shitty GIF to show off how it works.
                Ah, that is how they do it in Act of War. Ever considered having troops repelling from transport helicopters/air units to garrison/CQC a building?
                >Note that this can be done with civilian buildings that have been garrisoned, as well as enemy base buildings. Though base buildings will always have a compliment of guards to keep players from abusing these storming tactics.
                Nice, are there any "engineers" that allow for fast capture?
                >The mining/digging will be controllable, yes. What we want is something like a toggleable setting that switches between displaying the surface map, and subterranean map, sort of like how Sim City lets you toggle on/off displaying subways or plumbing. There will be a few purposes to mining: mining for ore (obviously), undermining enemy defenses, creating passages through cliffs or other obstacles, and building underground bases (though most buildings can't be built fully underground).
                Sounds good, I have been pondering something similar for a never-ever game myself

              • 1 year ago

                >Ah, that is how they do it in Act of War. Ever considered having troops repelling from transport helicopters/air units to garrison/CQC a building?

                Yes, factions with transport helicopters will be able to repel troops down into certain buildings to enter them without having to run up to them under fire. Though this will likely be added later in development rather than sooner.

                >Nice, are there any "engineers" that allow for fast capture?

                Engineers in this game are what you use to construct buildings, though they can also capture structures that don't have a garrison. For instance, some maps will have little windmills you can capture to acquire power from, but since they don't have a garrison, this is done with Engineers instead of normal infantry. Otherwise, there won't be a fast capture system.

              • 1 year ago

                Regarding building captures:
                Will you be able to capture other factions' buildings to produce their units or build their buildings? Some of my favorite singleplayer experiences were doing that in C&C. Idk why, usually it was more of a 'win-more' condition, but that must be what made it fun. The idea of being able to capture their buildings then beat the computer with what I took from them was always enjoyable.

              • 1 year ago

                Thanks for answering my questions dude, this is shaping up to be a really interesting game to follow.

          • 1 year ago

            >Factorio-like logistics system
            >cnc like rts
            I am erect, will there be a demo of this?

          • 1 year ago

            >As in you control all of this, or as in how it is done in Act of War/Aggression? If the former, then that is really ambitious!

            You essentially garrison them in a building, and they fight the enemy garrison inside. The battle itself is more simulated (the units don't really exist in physical space in this state, they are just represented in the UI). Here's a really old, kind of shitty GIF to show off how it works.

            Note that this can be done with civilian buildings that have been garrisoned, as well as enemy base buildings. Though base buildings will always have a compliment of guards to keep players from abusing these storming tactics.

            >- subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
            The mining/digging will be controllable, yes. What we want is something like a toggleable setting that switches between displaying the surface map, and subterranean map, sort of like how Sim City lets you toggle on/off displaying subways or plumbing. There will be a few purposes to mining: mining for ore (obviously), undermining enemy defenses, creating passages through cliffs or other obstacles, and building underground bases (though most buildings can't be built fully underground).

            >- dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)
            Well if you want an idea of what we're aiming for, look up Brigador. We're going to try to use a similar system.

            >I do like the conveyor and train system you have showed though, especially if it is something that is more than campaign mission eye candy.

            The Conveyor and train logic actually serves a function; resources don't exist in a "global pool" ala most RTS's, they have to be physically transported from the refinery (or silo) to the factory. There are units that can move resources, but using conveyors/pipelines is more efficient, obviously.

            As for a demo, that's a ways off, but we want to have a demo or playable beta *at some point*.

            sounds great can't wait

          • 1 year ago

            I will buy your game.

          • 1 year ago

            >As in you control all of this, or as in how it is done in Act of War/Aggression? If the former, then that is really ambitious!

            You essentially garrison them in a building, and they fight the enemy garrison inside. The battle itself is more simulated (the units don't really exist in physical space in this state, they are just represented in the UI). Here's a really old, kind of shitty GIF to show off how it works.

            Note that this can be done with civilian buildings that have been garrisoned, as well as enemy base buildings. Though base buildings will always have a compliment of guards to keep players from abusing these storming tactics.

            >- subterranean mining/digging (planned but not added)
            The mining/digging will be controllable, yes. What we want is something like a toggleable setting that switches between displaying the surface map, and subterranean map, sort of like how Sim City lets you toggle on/off displaying subways or plumbing. There will be a few purposes to mining: mining for ore (obviously), undermining enemy defenses, creating passages through cliffs or other obstacles, and building underground bases (though most buildings can't be built fully underground).

            >- dynamic lighting/shadowing (in the early phases of development, not presentable ingame at all)
            Well if you want an idea of what we're aiming for, look up Brigador. We're going to try to use a similar system.

            >I do like the conveyor and train system you have showed though, especially if it is something that is more than campaign mission eye candy.

            The Conveyor and train logic actually serves a function; resources don't exist in a "global pool" ala most RTS's, they have to be physically transported from the refinery (or silo) to the factory. There are units that can move resources, but using conveyors/pipelines is more efficient, obviously.

            As for a demo, that's a ways off, but we want to have a demo or playable beta *at some point*.

            looks great, lads. I am very happy that while you clearly draw inspiration from other games in the genre (C&C) there's also plenty of new mechanics. I am very interested in the game and wish you good luck

      • 12 months ago


        DORF will be featured at PC Gaming Show, hopefully this time Henskelion will show us more gameplay or else i will unshill his game

        is this openra?

        • 12 months ago

          No, to my knowledge this is Patrick Star
          Of course it is OpenRA, it was mentioned by the devman and anons above

  9. 1 year ago

    Where is the developer from?

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        So I guess american?

      • 1 year ago

        So I guess american?


  10. 1 year ago

    >completely mogs Shartgate
    westwood bros, we are coming home...

  11. 1 year ago

    Honestly: consider changing this image on the steam page; the cartoon look makes it seem like a shitty mobile game compared to the in-game screenshots and videos.

    • 1 year ago

      >the cartoon look makes it seem like a shitty mobile game compared to the in-game screenshots and videos.
      That don't look nearly as plastic-y as mobile games "look", and clash of clans' look isn't the norm anymore.

  12. 1 year ago

    NWO seems cool with those walking buildings

    • 1 year ago

      That french lookin armoured car makes me horny.

  13. 1 year ago

    So fantasy gets technology? What are the races/factions?

    • 1 year ago

      >has autism
      >the deathball faction
      >high tech
      >very cowardly
      >buildings have legs and tracks
      >will probably put you in debt slavery
      >low tech
      >low life
      >creative solutions and ingenuity
      >vietcong tactics
      >might or might not have Not-Yuri

      • 1 year ago

        to supplement meme answer by what may or may not be dev-man

        >dieselpunk buttholes inspired primarily by the Memories anime short Cannon Fodder; a totally militarized pastiche fascist society waging eternal war on- well they're not really sure who, but somebody, everybody, and do so with complete brute force and 1984 floating fortress-style wastes of materiel & absolutely no sense of scale or propriety such that even 1945 German engineers working for ENDSIEG would step back and go 'woah, hold the frick on, calm down you can't just-'

        >some hideous bar wienertail you can't pronounce the name of blending Terminator and other '80s sci-fi, astrotechnology, classic Western mecha and '50s Future G.I nonsense pumped up by Popular Mechanics mixed with actual real-deal Cold War stuff, expensive quality-over-quantity gear queer pricks, who may or may not have outright mobile base elements like the Heirarchy in Universe at War

        >it's the goddamn raiders from Mad Max- all of them, any of them- if they were also the maybe-possibly-post-apocalyptic Mongol Horde with mutants, lots of napalm, every kind of rat rod, and the good old GLA scrap upgrade mechanic if I'm not mistaken, hit and run asymmetrical bastards who will live die and live again, literally so because they're probably the best at recycling dead vehicle units into raw resources I'd hazard to guess

      • 1 year ago

        to supplement meme answer by what may or may not be dev-man

        >dieselpunk buttholes inspired primarily by the Memories anime short Cannon Fodder; a totally militarized pastiche fascist society waging eternal war on- well they're not really sure who, but somebody, everybody, and do so with complete brute force and 1984 floating fortress-style wastes of materiel & absolutely no sense of scale or propriety such that even 1945 German engineers working for ENDSIEG would step back and go 'woah, hold the frick on, calm down you can't just-'

        >some hideous bar wienertail you can't pronounce the name of blending Terminator and other '80s sci-fi, astrotechnology, classic Western mecha and '50s Future G.I nonsense pumped up by Popular Mechanics mixed with actual real-deal Cold War stuff, expensive quality-over-quantity gear queer pricks, who may or may not have outright mobile base elements like the Heirarchy in Universe at War

        >it's the goddamn raiders from Mad Max- all of them, any of them- if they were also the maybe-possibly-post-apocalyptic Mongol Horde with mutants, lots of napalm, every kind of rat rod, and the good old GLA scrap upgrade mechanic if I'm not mistaken, hit and run asymmetrical bastards who will live die and live again, literally so because they're probably the best at recycling dead vehicle units into raw resources I'd hazard to guess

        weeb and ayyylmao factions when?

        • 1 year ago

          this man's askin for an Empire-Barbaroi hybrid human wave IJA-Chicom horrorshow expansion pack faction no. 4 and the game ain't even out of (a very promising) alpha state god damn. Maybe you'll get some C&C Forgotten-style unplayables to stomp in an Empire campaign's not-Manchuria as a starter enemy that'll get fleshed out later, don't ask me.

          but to be an absolute cretin and complete & utter hypocrite, I just had a horribly elaborate idea for the scrap suggestion book devs man hensks man and I can't let it go

          in memories, the cannon scene is THE scene; it's the midpoint, centerpiece, the pièce de résistance, it's what ties all the visuals & themes together in addition to being the most richly, ridiculously animated parts animated in the whole quasi-one shot with all the continuous panning, and it has obviously contributed directly to the Empire railway/supergun, frick you even primary colored its barrel & mechanics so it LOOKED the part of Cannon Fodder's cannon 17 when the player is red

          but in Cannon Fodder, almost every single step and sub-step of loading is a call-and-response of the Load Commander's order, repeat order telephoned by signal, signal & confirmation response; perfect, clean, stilted bites of barking militarized language, shouted brevity, like, say, the kind you could make into stitch-together soundbytes... you know, like Half Life's HECU marines.

          • 1 year ago

            if the supergun is a turret with autofire and not a manually-targeted ability call, this becomes probably impossibly elaborate to code portions of, but otherwise:

            >when the supergun is idle, call-and-response by megaphone and muffled responders can be heard engaging in drills & system checks, audible to the player if they're panned over it, and the enemy if they have current LoS and are panned over it
            >as the supergun is being supplied with resources, when it hits certain breakpoints in the total % to fire, a loading step will begin with attending audio; both the animation and audio must be carried out fully before the next even if the next breakpoint in loading % is hit for the flags to fire, so the gun cannot become prematurely loaded, skip steps, or step on its own audio toes, and all this before aiming
            >when you give the order for the gun to take aim, chop-&-stitched HECU style soundbite orders indicating the actual range will go out, numbers keyed to whatever the maximum engine map size is; "Azimuth ###! (azimuth ###!) Azimuth ###, confirmed! Elevation ###! (elevation ###!) Elevation ###, confirmed!"

            • 1 year ago

              >once aimed at the designated position, some more random misc non-chopped soundbite checks play- 'Check steam pressure! (pressure nominal, check!)', 'Breech check! (breech good, check!)', 'Windage #.# degrees! (windage #.# degrees, check!)' etcetera, before it is confirmed explicitly ready to fire
              >if it doesn't fire automatically once zeroed & checked in, a big fricking manual UI "FIRE" red button becomes ungreyed and available to press; after maybe a half-second delay, the lead gunner screams to fire and the gun is loosed wherever it was aimed
              >random post-firing system check bites play, and the whole process starts again; if firing is semi-automatic, you can re-aim while loaded if you so please for whatever reason you may have. Maybe semi-auto/manual firing can be a toggle like Warcraft autocasting, allowing you to set it to aim & fire and forget about it if that target isn't going anywhere without having to manually pull the trigger.
              >bonus: when the cannon is fully loaded, the 3D unit portrait of a gasmasked crew commander is temporarily replaced by the fat smug fricking mug of one of the Empire officer concepts, who I know for a fact was directly modeled on the One Who Fires the Gun.
              man I missed throwing nodev idea guying at the wall to see if anything useful sticks, it's been a long time, didn't know you were hanging around these parts

          • 1 year ago

            That track is called "The Cannon's Fanfare" I listen to it like 5 times a week. I'm definitely looking forward to dieselpunk guys the most, but they all seem really flavorful.

      • 1 year ago

        Some asian country
        Is this correct comparison?

        • 1 year ago

          Why does everything need to be a real country? The empire looks like a blend of fascist and nationalist concepts mixed with fictional representations of them. Their big WW1 aesthetic tanks look more like French interwar tanks than anything Germany produced and the art gives them fascist Italy vibes. Some of their like stacked tanks look like manga tanks designed by someone like Akira Toriyama.

        • 1 year ago

          >has autism
          >the deathball faction
          >high tech
          >very cowardly
          >buildings have legs and tracks
          >will probably put you in debt slavery
          >low tech
          >low life
          >creative solutions and ingenuity
          >vietcong tactics
          >might or might not have Not-Yuri

          >NEW WORLD ORDER
          Anarchy - punk

  14. 1 year ago

    Hope the campaign is good

    • 1 year ago

      Oh yeah, devman, you got any ideas you're allowed to share on the campaign? Is it gonna just be mission based? If so, will it be 3 connected campaigns narratively or 3 separate campaigns where your faction wins at the end like old C&C games. Or will it be a more metagame campaign with like an overworld/campaign map kinda like DoW Dark Crusade or Warlords Battlecry 2?

      • 1 year ago

        I guess since this a new setting, linear campaign would be preferential for start.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm hoping for something like the "Conquer the World" mode on Rise of Nations, moving your pawn around the map conquering the world piece by piece. Other than DoW I, no other rts has come close to that for me.
        Also persistent structures and battle scarring on the map zones would also be pretty cool.

        • 1 year ago

          Battle for Middle Earth 2 has that mode as well if you want something like that.

        • 1 year ago

          Also Warrior Kings Battles.

          When you think about it.
          DoW2 did the whole "Choose a level. Choose 3 boosters for finishing it" before Slay the Spire made it a rougelite standard.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah having a good meta map like this or the one from Dawn of War Dark Crusade or Soul Storm would be fun as frick. Even the world war thing that Kane's Wrath did was fun, too.

  15. 1 year ago

    It's just two guys, right? Is there even manpower to make a proper campaign?

    • 1 year ago

      Not touching it unless it has a good campaign. That's the whole thing that makes the old C&C games great.

      • 1 year ago

        It's the corny FMV and campy characters that made C&C campaign memorable

  16. 1 year ago

    Hi devman, hell of a job you're doing, keep it up for us.
    I want to throw in a question too, from what I see from your materials, only Empire seems to use railway and pipelines for logistics, would you like to fill us in on how different factions approach the economy side of things?

    • 1 year ago

      would love to see Mad Max convoys for Barbs going across the map

  17. 1 year ago

    Sorry dev, but this game seems like t's gonna be stuck in developement hell
    it has too many features that you probably won't be able to properly implement, sorry.
    and even if you do release it, how demanding would the game be? Could most PCs run it?
    I won't buy it day one, maybe after a couple of weeks after i read reviews

    >tldr: scope creeep is a b***h

    • 1 year ago

      >it has too many features that you probably won't be able to properly implement
      bro it's a traditional RTS, what are you talking about

    • 1 year ago

      typical ESL unwarranted self importance

      • 1 year ago

        electronic sports league?

    • 1 year ago

      >how demanding would the game be? Could most PCs run it?
      Does the game look like it would be demanding, moron? When was the last time a game had performance issues stemming from logic rather than graphics? The CPU side of things is basically insignificant nowadays in terms of cost.

      • 1 year ago

        Optimization is kind of a lost art, tho. Some games like Hero's Hour can run less smooth than they seem.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          You mean the game that operates on a scale orders of magnitude greater? I get the feeling DORF isn't aiming to have tens of thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of individual pieces of resources moving every frame on conveyor belts, but maybe I missed something.

          May as well mention UEBS2 then.

    • 1 year ago

      >how demanding would the game be? Could most PCs run it?
      Go back to ifunny.br you low IQ poverty stricken homosexual

      • 1 year ago

        >it has too many features that you probably won't be able to properly implement
        bro it's a traditional RTS, what are you talking about

        >how demanding would the game be? Could most PCs run it?
        Does the game look like it would be demanding, moron? When was the last time a game had performance issues stemming from logic rather than graphics? The CPU side of things is basically insignificant nowadays in terms of cost.

        >people that think they know shit but they do not

    • 1 year ago

      tbh these aren't unreasonable concerns. I'm trying to talk to some people who know some important people that can get me funding for my game, but it's a lot of back and forth. Worst comes to worse I can try kickstarter to try and speed up development.

      >how demanding would the game be? Could most PCs run it?
      Does the game look like it would be demanding, moron? When was the last time a game had performance issues stemming from logic rather than graphics? The CPU side of things is basically insignificant nowadays in terms of cost.

      The actual specs are a bit up in the air right now. I'm sure a toaster could run the game now, but we're experimenting with some dynamic lighting effects (ala Brigador) that may cause some performance issues. Although my programmer will also try and apply these in a way that they can be turned off for people with weaker systems.

      Hello devman, will there be a veterancy system in the game? Getting my Apocalypse tank to max level in Red Alert 2 and watching them shoot 4 rounds of cannon fire instead of 2 is pure fun.

      Veterancy is already in the game. It will work like RA2's, except there will be 4 levels instead of 2.

      You mean the game that operates on a scale orders of magnitude greater? I get the feeling DORF isn't aiming to have tens of thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of individual pieces of resources moving every frame on conveyor belts, but maybe I missed something.

      May as well mention UEBS2 then.

      Yes, the logistics system is pretty optimized. Unlike Factorio it's more of a streamlined simulation, vs Factorio having literal hundreds or even thousands of resource piles moving around in physical space at any given moment.

      • 1 year ago

        >Veterancy is already in the game. It will work like RA2's, except there will be 4 levels instead of 2.
        Thanks for the response bruh.

      • 1 year ago

        >It will work like RA2's, except there will be 4 levels instead of 2.
        Westwood always did 3 levels.

        • 1 year ago

          RA2 only has veteran and elite, there is no double chevron

          • 1 year ago

            I thought it did a one, two, and three? Either I'm completely misremembering this or I'm from another timeline, but I swear I would send out and micro SEAL's and watch them get three different ranks.

            • 1 year ago

              No, it's just none, one and three chevrons.

              • 1 year ago

                He is right, it goes none->1->3
                Pretty sure there are mods that add the middle step, probably from there?

                I need to go reinstall my old CD's of RA2 and see what they did.

              • 1 year ago

                You can see the prims tanks going from 1 directly to 3

              • 1 year ago

                I'll be damned.

            • 1 year ago

              He is right, it goes none->1->3
              Pretty sure there are mods that add the middle step, probably from there?

            • 1 year ago

              >It will work like RA2's, except there will be 4 levels instead of 2.
              Westwood always did 3 levels.

              You're probably confusing RA2 with Generals and C&C3, where there actually were three ranks. RA2 still had three chevrons as its max rank but in that game it went unranked (no chevrons), rank 1 (one chevron), rank 2 (3 chevrons).

    • 1 year ago

      honestly devman, from your answers itt up to now it does seem like the game will suffer for feature creep. All of these ideas you guys have are amazing - but the most important thing is getting a good game out rather then have it stuck in dev hell and eventually abandoned due to lack of funds (a la grey eminence or whatever it was called)

  18. 1 year ago

    Could you kindly add more animations to unit when they dying?
    Like red alerts when unit got electrecuted or irradiated.
    I feel its lacking something important when watching trailer

  19. 1 year ago

    Dorfspeed magnificent Dorfchads

  20. 1 year ago

    Hello devman, will there be a veterancy system in the game? Getting my Apocalypse tank to max level in Red Alert 2 and watching them shoot 4 rounds of cannon fire instead of 2 is pure fun.

  21. 1 year ago

    DORF dev I want to do voicework for your game. I have experience in some mods and an indie game a friend made. I could do voicework in whatever campaign you're working on.

    • 1 year ago

      Don't do it game dev. Only go with paid contract work with lawyer'ed contracts.
      He'll do to you what another contributor did to Workers and Resources and DCMA your game in an autist fit.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm not autistic, I just want to get my foot in the door for more voicework. Abusing the legal system is really fricked up and I've seen it enough to never ever want to do it to anyone. It's the reason Broquest never took off because that one israeli artgay from /tg/ took all his art and copyrighted it and then did all that cloud meadow and other furry porn shit and ruined those games, too. Trust me I'm not bad like that.

      • 1 year ago

        >He'll do to you what another contributor did to Workers and Resources and DCMA your game in an autist fit.
        He wasn't even an contributior of any kind, he was a self righous shitheel that abused the fact that DMCAs are ruinous to fight as a small time bussiness, let alone a foregin one at that.

      • 1 year ago

        >He'll do to you what another contributor did to Workers and Resources and DCMA your game in an autist fit.
        He wasn't even an contributior of any kind, he was a self righous shitheel that abused the fact that DMCAs are ruinous to fight as a small time bussiness, let alone a foregin one at that.

        Wasn't he just some autist throwing suggestions on the forums and then claiming the developers had to pay him for coming up with those ideas?

        • 1 year ago

          He "wrote" a guide how to play by self imposed rules to make the game harder for yourself.
          Rules that other people had come up with and he had compiled, so he should have still been DMCA'd off steam if there were any justice in the world.

    • 1 year ago

      You can twitter DM me or email me if you want, though VA stuff probably won't get worked on until late in development.

      • 1 year ago

        That sounds good. I don't use social media so I'll send you an email. Do you just want a formal inquiry for a position or do you want some samples, too?

  22. 1 year ago

    Will this have a fleshed out campaign or will skirmish be the main focus? If there's no campaign I'm not interested

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly I'd like a campaign like Dark Crusade.

  23. 1 year ago

    How close to finished is this?

    • 1 year ago

      Not soon enough.

  24. 1 year ago

    Well isn't that sexy. Best of luck to ya.

  25. 1 year ago

    Which faction is best for turtlegaming?

    • 1 year ago


  26. 1 year ago

    Hey Devman what engine are you using? Is it a proprietary one?

    • 1 year ago

      not a devman, it's heavily modified openra engine afaik

      • 1 year ago

        If it is, that certainly explains why it feels so much like an old C&C game.

  27. 1 year ago

    I like the chunky graphics.

  28. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago



      If you want to know what we're up to, we're trying to get dynamic lighting working ingame. Sprites will have accompanying normals sprites to determine surface facing when doing lighting/shading calculations.

      • 1 year ago

        You said this one before Hense, just post some gifs that you didn't put into PC Gamer Show trailer or that pre-PC Gamer Show teaser

  29. 1 year ago


  30. 1 year ago

    This is looking great and I will follow with keen interest.

  31. 1 year ago

    The king of RTS is back so you can all frick off now!

    • 12 months ago

      I just want more Tiberian Sun. Ignore everything after that and start over. I want post-apocalyptic alien-terraforming weird shit where you're fighting the environment as much as you are the other factions.

    • 12 months ago

      GDI dress code sure got interesting

    • 12 months ago

      Will DORF even have cute dorfettes?

  32. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      He actually says Ryan in a thick country accent. As a southerner I know it.

  33. 12 months ago

    Is there infantry, or is it vehicles only

    • 12 months ago




      • 12 months ago
  34. 12 months ago
  35. 12 months ago

    If this game will ever have a DLC that adds a new faction, my bets are on mole dorfs that lived underground before the war, and that they are even more technologically backwards than Raiders, but have a lot psionic shit and other stuff like that. Or maybe even classical dorfs that live in mountains, dig out ancient cosmic horrors while searching for mithril and have big book with the names of everyone who offended them

    • 12 months ago

      >my bets are on mole dorfs that lived underground before the war, and that they are even more technologically backwards than Raiders, but have a lot psionic shit and other stuff like that
      I like where you're going but they should be mutants like the ones from Planet of the Apes with psionic attacks and still having advanced technology, but they're incredibly few in number and largely pacifist, their attacks scare and make enemies surrender or run away but they never actually kill anyone. That'd be interesting, go the Yuri-ish route from RA2 where they're effectively having to mind control or convert everyone instead of killing them.

  36. 12 months ago

    Will I be able to build killdozers in the game?

  37. 12 months ago

    dorf is still a terrible name. keep expecting to see dwarfs

    • 12 months ago

      It is about dwarfs

    • 11 months ago

      Your mom is a dwarf.

  38. 12 months ago

    >hmmm, I am working on my game but want more people to know about it and maybe help me out
    >I know I will go to the internet, let’s see 4chong, pleddit, discord
    >yeah now plenty of people are on board of my project, so cool we have a team of video game inthusiasts and not corporate saleout soulless drones
    >oh no! My project was hijact by leftist trannies who infected it with thier ideology
    >now there is a gay furry communist faction who fights le evil white men
    Many such cases. Be careful op

    • 12 months ago

      great post, and heckin epic funny memejak too 😀 thank you third world!

    • 12 months ago

      Black person, is you moronic?

    • 12 months ago

      have a nice day wojakspamming twitter immigrant

    • 12 months ago

      What's this guy talking about?
      >Many such cases
      Name three

    • 11 months ago

      Please make a randomly spawning killable creep-mob that's just a giant green kangaroo, I demand vengeance and satisfaction

      • 11 months ago

        I don't get this reference, but for some reason it reminds me of C&C Fallout mod for C&C3

        • 11 months ago

          I am pretty sure is about a suspicious wealthy furry who pushed his green kangaroo c**tsona in everywhere he could by throwing piles of money and his autism ended up destroying multiple projects

          • 11 months ago

            Tell me more

            • 11 months ago

              Imagine being rich enough to alter other peoples fetishes and sexual prefferences via economic bullying. . .
              I'm not even joking

              • 11 months ago

                WTF are you talking about, you schizo?

              • 11 months ago

                epic conspiracy theories correlate with low IQ and being from 2nd world countries

              • 11 months ago

                WTF are you talking about, you schizo?

                You really don't understand how God-damn autistic Duncan can get just to have his way.

              • 11 months ago

                frick off moron

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not the obnoxious homosexual who uses my dad's oil tycoon unlimited israelitegolds to force my cringe OC into every single indie game made in the past 11 years though...

              • 11 months ago

                nobody cares weird autist

                frick off moron

      • 11 months ago

        I don't get this reference, but for some reason it reminds me of C&C Fallout mod for C&C3

        I understand it and agree fully

    • 11 months ago

      Henskelion is a weird /misc/-type millennial that hangs out with others "I am a cool guy that uses Ganker"-types millennial twitter users. Honestly I have already told him that he was being an idiot by being both public about his views and hoping to get funding by popular support/donations, albeit I think the game will remain in limbo regardless because of the aforementioned feature-creep.

      • 11 months ago

        By the way describe him you would think that he is a swastika posting nazi when in truth he post mildly right wing takes, This was talked about in the older thread it's such a shame that any vaguely right wing dev has to hide their views out of fear for journo making a hit piece on them

        • 11 months ago

          that little slimeball is just doing what is called concern trolling, pretty pathetic behavior but what can you do. there will always be these types on the internet
          >ugh i REALLY want your game to succeed it's just that I"M SO SCARED ur game might get CANCELLED, that'd be A REAL SHAME~

          • 11 months ago

            Frick of Journo scum.
            Day of the AI-writer can't come soon enough.

            • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                I don't know, did you bite or not?

              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                Guide me in your wise ways, oh great poobah!

              • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        This is simply not true. I have talked with him. As for his Twitter followers, from what can tell it’s just people like Nostalgia Critic fans or vehicle and equipment posters. You are either a paranoid spastic, extremely out of touch or are trying to start something.

  39. 12 months ago


    That pic reminds me of a Brigador map set in the 1920's.

  40. 11 months ago

    I heard this game has armoured trains, is it true?

  41. 11 months ago

    Nice paid mod, homosexual.

    • 11 months ago

      and yet still more successful than you

  42. 11 months ago

    No news or something?

  43. 11 months ago

    Hope the game turn out good,i'm patient and godspeed my friend

  44. 11 months ago

    waiting for more logistics autism info

  45. 11 months ago


  46. 11 months ago

    They made an article about the upcoming light and depth sorting system for D.O.R.F.


    • 11 months ago

      >Lastly, we have the most experimental aspect of this system, called the Micro Z-depth sprite, or alternatively the Shadow Sprite. Using a series of Z-depth frames rendered from specific angles, the game will take this Z-depth information and use it to create a 3D mesh on the fly. This mesh will be invisible ingame, but will function as a means from which 2D sprites will cast functional, dynamic shadows onto objects from light sources.

      Sounds actually interesting, hope they will be able to implement it.

    • 11 months ago


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