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  1. 1 week ago


  2. 1 week ago

    No, I played it too recently to be blinded by nostalgia goggles

  3. 1 week ago

    >scholar romhack
    2024 and OP continues to be a homosexual.

    • 1 week ago

      vanilla+dlc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[...] of the first nig

      That's a cute opinion, did a Youtuber give it to you?

      Scholar is way better than the vanilla game
      Yeah keep grasping to that.

      • 1 week ago

        Vanilla DS2 had the best early game in the series with deliberate enemy placement meant to teach you the basics through gameplay, and you Black folk threw it all away to add le dragons and white dude gank squads to the second fricking level. Frick you
        And the parts that needed to be harder got easier in scholar, there would be no reason to even play that shit except for novelty, if Black person homosexuals at bamco didn't force everyone to do it

        • 1 week ago

          The only people who spout this kind of crap are the ones who never played both versions. PS4 and xbone never got the real DS2 and most people only have exposure to the shit version.

          There's a reason why only a tiny minority of players that's played both versions prefer Vanilla, despite some YouTubers falsely claiming that Scholar ruined DS2. Vanilla was gankier and had worse runbacks. SotFS removed lots of annoying ganks and made lots of runbacks easier. It also removed the bonfires where you would get attacked immediately after resurrecting. In Vanilla the very first area was already gankier, which is a worse experience for newcomers. Scholar has a better difficulty curve and is much better at introducing new enemy types. SotFS also gives you more freedom as you can access Shaded Woods earlier and can infuse weapons and can buy Large Titanite Shards much earlier. SotFS also gives you way more environmental factors to deal with enemies, like more explosive barrels, hitting the trees to distract the invisible enemies in the fog, or using the torch to keep spiders away.

          Vanilla has more ganks, more jank, less shortcuts, worse runbacks, less npc summons, more linear progression and is just an unrefined beta experience. But I guess vanilla is better because... it just is okay?!?!

          • 1 week ago

            >Scholar has a better difficulty curve and is much better at introducing new enemy types
            You're literary typing up walls of false claims one after another hoping to overload the discussion
            Apparently gorillion fragrant branch statues is "more freedom" now.

            Adding a couple gimmicks here and there isn't enough to excuse massacring the second level, and adding so many enemies to the first your weapon can break. Giving the ember early was a huge mistake too btw

            Did they restore the original lighting engine in Scholar?

            Of course not lol

            • 1 week ago

              >Apparently gorillion fragrant branch statues is "more freedom" now.
              It is. You have more fragrent branches.

          • 1 week ago

            These youtubers didn't just make up a conclusion, they simply repeat what was already known by introspective humans.

          • 1 week ago

            >vanilla was gankier
            This is outright misinformation. Jfc do you have no sense of shame whatsoever?

            Scholar of shit replaced the optional heide knight fight in the forest with an unavoidable gank section with 20+ soldiers. Also added a moronic dragon and pointless gank knights in heide tower. Shitty ambushes on every 10 steps at earthen peak. Made the gank section in iron keep much, much worse. Made the iron pass shortcut impossible to use. Shitty Forlorn npc invader which adds nothing and is a pure annoyance. Ruined the dragon skeleton moment in aldia’s keep.

            This is just off the top of my head, but jfc I hate scholar of SHIT edition so much. Unrelated to gameplay but the graphical "enhancements" suck ass too. The sun in majula looks like a nuclear explosion and ruins the scene.

            • 1 week ago

              Yeah SOTFS introduces some nice things but it’s a tad wacky. Vanilla DS2 is better. The game wouldn’t have nearly the reputation it got if SOTFS was tuned a little better.

            • 1 week ago

              You mean the "unavoidable forest gank" where you intentionally have to run around the area and aggro all the enemies at once? Fricking lol. People just lie about scholar. The unavoidable gank is only in vanilla because you exit the ladder and get jumped by 4 guys and there's nothing you can do about it.

          • 1 week ago

            Funny that I beat it just fine and yet you bossrush cancer aids 'didnt beat it' both want elden ring the way it is AND hate it for being so

        • 1 week ago

          >Vanilla DS2 had the best early game in the series with deliberate enemy placement meant to teach you the basics through gameplay
          That's funny cause I thought Scholar did the exact same thing.
          >threw it all away to add le dragons and white dude gank squads to the second fricking level.
          You're not supposed to fight all the heide knights and dragon early game.

          • 1 week ago

            >You're not supposed to fight all the heide knights and dragon early game.
            If you don't fight them early game, the boss they're guarding becomes a complete joke
            Everyone was already complaining about bosses being too easy and scholar made it worse

            • 1 week ago

              So what? No one wants to bash their head against an unfair boss for hours.

              • 1 week ago

                >dragonslayer is now unfair
                The absolute fricking state of scholar Black folk
                That's enough Ganker for today, I'm done here

              • 1 week ago

                All you homosexuals do is just complain how unfair scholar is because it actually has enemies in the levels. Frick off.

          • 1 week ago

            Just kill the dragon with a crossbow lmao
            I know pretending half the options in the game aren't there is normal but goddamn

      • 1 week ago

        The only people who spout this kind of crap are the ones who never played both versions. PS4 and xbone never got the real DS2 and most people only have exposure to the shit version.

        • 1 week ago

          There's a reason why only a tiny minority of players that's played both versions prefer Vanilla, despite some YouTubers falsely claiming that Scholar ruined DS2. Vanilla was gankier and had worse runbacks. SotFS removed lots of annoying ganks and made lots of runbacks easier. It also removed the bonfires where you would get attacked immediately after resurrecting. In Vanilla the very first area was already gankier, which is a worse experience for newcomers. Scholar has a better difficulty curve and is much better at introducing new enemy types. SotFS also gives you more freedom as you can access Shaded Woods earlier and can infuse weapons and can buy Large Titanite Shards much earlier. SotFS also gives you way more environmental factors to deal with enemies, like more explosive barrels, hitting the trees to distract the invisible enemies in the fog, or using the torch to keep spiders away.

          Vanilla has more ganks, more jank, less shortcuts, worse runbacks, less NPC summons, more linear progression and is just an unrefined beta experience. But I guess vanilla is better because... it just is okay?!?!

          Did they restore the original lighting engine in Scholar?

          • 1 week ago

            the e3 demo lighting? no

  4. 1 week ago

    the base game is underrated and the DLCs are way overrated

  5. 1 week ago

    vanilla+dlc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    of the first nig

    • 1 week ago

      >scholar romhack
      2024 and OP continues to be a homosexual.

      These gays know what's up

  6. 1 week ago

    what went wrong?

    • 1 week ago

      diversity hire poojeets

    • 1 week ago

      You jest, but Elden Ring's graphics are genuinely garbage
      It looks worse than DS3 at times and runs like ass. Cool art style tho, no complaints there

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        >Pooja Rani
        Oh no no no Rannibros???

      • 1 week ago

        Recently japan started hiring poos to work in IT.
        I will have to start boycotting jap games from now on.

      • 1 week ago

        It's hard to believe, but Nintendo pays devs better than From kek

        • 1 week ago

          Give me a QRD on FromSoftware from King's Field to Elden Ring

          • 1 week ago

            They used to be nobodies, but then this dude with one fricking trick turned their story upside down and is now Gaming Jesus.

            • 1 week ago

              > but then this dude with one fricking trick
              The head of marketing at bamco?

          • 1 week ago

            It's hard to believe, but Nintendo pays devs better than From kek

            Fromsoft have the same problem that CDPR and many other successful studios got - like Blizzard back in the days.

            >good devs make good games
            >but making those games was hard and the studio becomes known for its harsh deadlines and overtime
            >people quit
            >new people join the company because everyone wants to work on the next Witcher/Dark Souls
            >those people get paid below industry standards and have rough working conditions
            >quit after their game is done
            Repeat until nobody except pajeets wants to work for you anymore and the end result you get are getting worse and worse

            • 1 week ago

              That's a possibility, but I'm still not sure From's "downfall" has began though (but I know it will happen as it often does). Miyazaki seems to keep a short leash on the core team and it's not interested at all in dumbing it down for the sake of money OR even milking its games beyond the core design. Not a single western executive would do what From seems to be doing now by dropping Elden Ring after this absolute massive success. You would get at least three iterations and much more DLCs, minimum. So they probably have some time yet. I think whatever happens that kills From will occur either when Miyazaki drops the crown or Kadokawa starts to interfere in the Golden Goose1.
              1 I say this but I have no idea how important From is for Kadokawa. I imagine a lot, but I'm just guessing it.

              • 1 week ago

                It's about to begin.

                Off the gorillion dollars Fromsoft made on Elden ring, they got a bug new office and are now an independent studio.
                This is going to be the end of them, because now there's nobody left to keep them on track. Bloodborne happened the way it team because SGS fricking held them to task to make a game. Dark Souls as a series exists because they were given a do or die ultimatum.
                Fromsoft NEEDS someone to keep them on task. Whenever they feel like they have true freedom, you get ridiculous scope creep, self derivative echo chambers, and poorly tuned gameplay because it wasn't a priority. And there's nobody left to hold them to task.
                It might not be the next game they make, depending on when proofs of concept were made, but definitely by the second next game they make the downfall will begin.
                The fact that they're falling for the industry standard staff mill that just results in most of your team being unfamiliar with tools and systems made by people who no longer work there and thus can't explain things is just another nail in this coffin.
                The fact they have a quasi-celebrity head that is surrounded by yes men and fanatics convincing him that he can do no wrong is another nail.
                The fact that they are prone to capitulating and pandering to streamers and influencers who are as loyal as their ad revenue is another nail.

                LITERALLY the path Bethesda took before them. Although at least Miyazaki likes climbing in coffins.

              • 1 week ago

                >the way it team
                The way it did I had a stroke or something what the frick

              • 1 week ago

                Reminds me of how naruto's author had a tard wrangler(editor) who constantly put him into check because kishimotto ideas were even more moronic than what appeared on manga. After naruto ended kishimotto tried to make new manga entirely on his own and it flopped embarrassingly hard.

              • 1 week ago

                Nothing lasts forever, creative output isn’t even reliable even if it’s just one guy. How many solo artists made great albums more than once or twice? Even one great song is barely achievable, let alone consistent output for decades.

              • 1 week ago

                I agree that the process you are describing is a real occurrence in the gaming sector, but I'm still willing to bet that From's case is a bit different (as in they will remain longer in the game). They iterate very conservatively. Miyazaki expressed interest in downsizing the scope of their games as a non-issue (as in not necessarily aiming bigger and bigger). I really think that as long as he's leading the operation, everything will sort of work out, simply because they don't do huge changes to the core mechanics, reuse a lot of assets etc.
                >The fact they have a quasi-celebrity head that is surrounded by yes men and fanatics convincing him that he can do no wrong is another nail.
                Quasi-celebrity, yes, but I'm not sure about being surrounded by yes men. Is this really true? I don't think we have any idea how many of the original devs they still have. How much they are bleeding in personal from game to game. I do agree with you that the moment this starts, they are fricked, precisely for the reasons you said: tooling that no one fricking understands.

            • 1 week ago

              Holy shit, it can actually describe many popular studios and it's doom spiral

              • 1 week ago

                Yep. Just look at the Mass Effect games.
                Mass Effect 2 only has like 10-20% of the original ME1 staff.
                Look at ME3 and pretty much nobody who worked on ME1 is around anymore.
                Studios are meatgrinders who abuse their talent until nobody with skill wants to work for them anymore.
                Fromsoft already made the news as one of the worst studios in the japanese gaming landscape as far as working conditions go. Only a matter of time until all their talents frick off and we see the downfall.

        • 1 week ago

          >big company pays better than small company
          no way

          • 1 week ago

            Listen: I'm not a hater. I like their games, but they are one of the worst abusers in Japanese game industry. Devs over there get paid less after it goes past midnight. This is how fricking insanely they are exploiting employees.
            >How is this overtime compensated? According to one source, overtime is "generally included in the salary." After midnight, however, "we were paid late-night overtime but that was half of our usual hourly rate."
            >This is unusual in Japanese companies, where "hourly wages are often increased" after midnight. "

      • 1 week ago

        >Gagandeep Singh

  7. 1 week ago

    >Miss me yet?
    nah. i have you right here

  8. 1 week ago

    Frick no. I liked it at launch but every play through makes me hate the game more. Not to mention that scholar is straight up fricking worse too. Those statues blocking random paths that used to be open can suck my anus.

  9. 1 week ago

    Vanilla DS2 is much better than the tasteless SOTFS shitshow

    • 1 week ago

      >Vanilla DS2 is much better than the tasteless SOTFS shitshow

      What are the differences?

      • 1 week ago

        Enemy and item placement, integrating keys to DLC areas into the game's world, new NPC invader, more statues that require branches to pass through them

        • 1 week ago

          Shit ton of differences in enemy and item placement. A very small number of changes are good, like extra shortcuts in no man’s wharf. Most of the changes just flood every area with more enemies and ambushes. There’s also this pointless npc invader who will keep attacking at completely random moments and is very annoying to handle because of the input reading. He can invade when you are already being invaded by another NPC to make it a gank.

          How different are DS2 launch and DS2 scholar?

          • 1 week ago

            The launch version was before they nerfed a bunch of weapons and spells and some enemies and patched out some bugs and that's it.
            The 1.10 update for vanilla adds Aldia and the new ending, you really won't miss out on content if you play it.

      • 1 week ago

        Shit ton of differences in enemy and item placement. A very small number of changes are good, like extra shortcuts in no man’s wharf. Most of the changes just flood every area with more enemies and ambushes. There’s also this pointless npc invader who will keep attacking at completely random moments and is very annoying to handle because of the input reading. He can invade when you are already being invaded by another NPC to make it a gank.

        • 1 week ago

          I only appreciate SOTFS as a sort of romhack style “Let’s increase the difficulty of a favorite game” but they didn’t know exactly what they were doing but still made something interesting.

          • 1 week ago

            I don’t have a problem with people GENUINELY preferring SOTFS. Whatever floats your boat. It’s just that most of the people who claim sotfs is better make it painfully obvious that they’ve never played vanilla because it wasn’t available on their ps4 and the complete bs they spout pisses me off.

          • 1 week ago

            It's not even harder

            I don’t have a problem with people GENUINELY preferring SOTFS. Whatever floats your boat. It’s just that most of the people who claim sotfs is better make it painfully obvious that they’ve never played vanilla because it wasn’t available on their ps4 and the complete bs they spout pisses me off.

            Vanilla feels unfinished and Scholar is cleverly better designed in all areas. Scholar even has way better wordbuilding with the hollow soldiers attacking the tree giants in forest. Way better atmosphere.

            • 1 week ago

              >better wordbuilding with the hollow soldiers attacking the tree giants
              Nah, it's one of those tasteless modder's ideas.

              The battle was long ago, giants have turned to trees, some dumbasses still somehow ineffectively whacking them ruins the mood in an otherwise silent defeat.
              It was the giants who had burning righteous hatred for men, and the men were desperate defenders after the king's misguided barbarism.

              • 1 week ago

                It's not tasteless. It's really well done and adds a lot.

        • 1 week ago

          I only appreciate SOTFS as a sort of romhack style “Let’s increase the difficulty of a favorite game” but they didn’t know exactly what they were doing but still made something interesting.

          >I only appreciate SOTFS as a sort of romhack style “Let’s increase the difficulty of a favorite game” but they didn’t know exactly what they were doing but still made something interesting.

          They stated that SOTFS was designed for co-op, so they added more enemies and summons

      • 1 week ago

        Changes items/enemies and their placement, adds summons and invaders. Doesn't sound bad, but they often appear unfitting, like an amateur modder got their hands in the game and kept adding unnecessary changes. A bit more soulless.

        Like removing the crestfallen heide knight under the tree in FOFG, which was kino and very dark soulsy. Then they added a summon who dual-wields shields in havel's armor, which isn't very believable, if you care about immersion.

        Played vanilla afterwards and it was more pleasant to play and felt more authentic, with intent behind it. The poorer parts of vanilla weren't even fixed in SOTFS.

  10. 1 week ago

    Elden ring is hot steaming goyslop shit
    Its still better than DS2 though lol

    • 1 week ago

      This cope now feels especially pathetic

      • 1 week ago

        But strangely and highly accurate, seethe

  11. 1 week ago

    No. Vanilla was better than Scholar. I played it enough as a teen, I don't want or need to play it anymore.

  12. 1 week ago

    no, I love you and play you all the time

    best DS of the 3 by far. Better than ER as well. ER could have been great but it was made so damn easy for the casual homosexuals.

    The more I think about ER the more it pisses me off. have a nice day casuals. I fricken hate you

  13. 1 week ago

    Being better than Elden Ring doesn‘t make you good.

  14. 1 week ago

    God you have no idea. it was such a good release.

  15. 1 week ago

    Serious question. Do you guys wanna go back to actual hard enemy placements and level designs where you actually have to think overcome a wide variety of scenarios because you dont have roll spam and super powers, or are you happy fighting embarrassing anime bullshit with 20 hit tracking combos that one shot you?

    • 1 week ago

      >are you happy fighting embarrassing anime bullshit with 20 hit tracking combos that one shot you
      It's not that bad, but yeah, I know how to roll and it's far from ideal, but I'll rather have this than gimmick boring bosses, if these are the options. At least there's a challenge here, even if it's bullshit.

  16. 1 week ago

    the worst souls game

  17. 1 week ago

    No, in my opinion the games of the trilogy ordered in best to worst are as follows:
    >Elden Ring (Demon’s Souls 3)
    >Demon’s Souls (Demon’s Souls 1)
    >Dark Souls 3 (Demon’s Souls 2)
    This isn’t to say DeS2 is bad, just the weakest of the trilogy.
    Of the spin-offs, best to worse would probably go like:
    >Dark Souls
    >Lords of the Fallen 2023 (LotF 3)
    >Dark Souls 2 (LotF 1)
    >Lords of the Fallen 2014 (LotF 2)
    BB and DaS are very close and are largely interchangeable in their ranking, whereas the LotF trilogy is strictly at the bottom of the barrel. However, LotF 3 was an improvement!

  18. 1 week ago

    I enjoyed all From games because unlike the rest of I actually like playing vidya. Except for Sekiro, the mechanics suck the fun out of it. Dropped that turd half way through Boring world too. Muh seeds.

  19. 1 week ago

    No. I want Soulshit to frick off for good.

  20. 1 week ago

    No because I never uninstalled it or stopped playing. It is the last proper souls game despite its flaws.

  21. 1 week ago

    It will always be funny how DS2 improved on DS1 tenfold. All they needed to do with 3 was design a more fluent world with better bosses. Instead, DS3 completely abandoned the improvements and was the catalyst for shitty anime roll spam bosses.

    • 1 week ago

      >It will always be funny how DS2 improved on DS1 tenfold


      • 1 week ago

        >inb4 other anon replies with blatant lies

      • 1 week ago

        Bigger emphasis on non-linearity, manual weapon aiming, sprinting while locked-on, revamped durability that actually makes use of repair powders, estus shards, powerstancing.

      • 1 week ago

        Bigger emphasis on non-linearity, manual weapon aiming, sprinting while locked-on, revamped durability that actually makes use of repair powders, estus shards, powerstancing.

        yes. shame we never got a sequel to dark souls 2

        The vision of what DS2 has definitely lived on in Elden Ring and became what DS2 was unable to do due to the many problems that game had

        They both tell the story of a queen who convinced her badass warrior husband to go kill all the giants for her so she could advance het own agenda and then betrayed him once he was no longer of use.

        Both DS3 and ER have tons of influence from DS2, especially in terms of core mechanics and balance changes.
        Yui Tanimura, the DS2 was director, worked alongside Miyazaki on both these games as co-director.
        Tons of ideas got ported over nearly 1:1 because they worked very well:

        >estus shard/golden seed system
        >midroll up to 70% weight
        >rolling in any direction while locked on
        >effigy/ember/rune arc useable at any time and get HP back to max or get stat boost via great rune effects
        >hit stun limit in PvP to prevent infinite stunlocks
        >casting magic also consumes stamina to limit perpetual spam
        >backstabs have 2 way confirmation via a grab animation
        >guardbreak on a blocking enemy allows for a riposte
        >jumping attacks on all weapons unpariable
        >ultra/colossal weapons unpariable when 2H, except rolling/running attacks
        >reasonable poise/hyperarmor levels that allowed for strategic trades but not facetanking endgame bosses
        >parry frames active at the apex of the shield swing, not instantly at the start
        >4 ring slots so you can still have some interesting synergies and use of niche effects instead of having 90% of players just put on Havel's ring and Ring of Favor
        >blue sentinels to save hosts from invaders
        >limited respec
        >power stancing with any 2 weapons of the same class (only ER)
        >rolling in poison/rot covers you and build up the status (only ER)
        >rolling in water raises fire def by 20% and lowers lightning def by 20% (only ER)

        • 1 week ago

          >elden ring takes a handful of generic RPG elements from Ds2
          >this is exclusively a Ds2 reference, and homage, these are NOT generic RPG elements like consumable keys, dual wielding, systems from 1 are actually just Ds2s mechanics and were implemented in the prequel and sequel and successor series, therefore Ds2 good

        • 1 week ago

          ds3 and eldon rong have more in common with bloodborne than DS2

      • 1 week ago

        The amount of weaons and armors you get. The variety of options you have in combat, building your character. Gameplay that isn't poise cheese and backstab spam.

  22. 1 week ago

    Why would I miss this piece of shit game? Scholar slop sissies forget that not everyone has their deranged stockholm syndrome love for this pile of wet dripping slop.

    • 1 week ago

      >We cant have challenging enemy placements and levels you to use your brain for without triggering muh enemy placement gays so instead make way for embarrassing anime bullshit enemies that one shot you instead

      • 1 week ago

        challenging enemy placement != stunlock gank squads moron, once you get hit by one of those reused bosses (thank you dark slop poo) you get stunlocked with each hit doing a quarter of your HP, no option of escape and the only way to avoid would be cheesing the enemies out one by one. But I know you already knew that, scholar sissies are prone to spinning up tales to defend their shitty game because how else would they do it?

        • 1 week ago

          >challenging enemy placement != stunlock gank squads moron
          Yes it does moron. What else could it possibly mean? Fighting one guy?

          • 1 week ago

            >it's already begun
            leave it to ds2 sissies to defend shitty gank squad tier enemy placement with their lives, anything to let them defend their shitty game! (which they only like due to being contrarian sodomite homosexuals)

            • 1 week ago

              So like I said we cant have muh ganks without triggering duh enemy placement gays so instead fight one guy with an embarrassing anime cringe moveset who takes 10 minutes to kill and one shots you.

          • 1 week ago

            Ah yes, the defender of "throws knife at enemy from distance far enough to draw out a single enemy from the gank squad in the room ahead designed specifically to kill you and teaches nothing other than game hard". Gameplay loop in Ds2 takes the other games' formula for combat that is challenging and fun at the same time and replaces it with the literal "game hard" meme. Ds2 is literally the double down on the meme post PTDE, and is the reason the game is ass.

            Also the only people who like Ds2 are brazilians and people who's first game was Ds2 and are actually blinded by nostalgia. Game aged like milk, while Ds1 and Ds3 age like wine. Wild.

            • 1 week ago

              What is the game supposed to still be teaching the player 40 hours in at the end of the game? Obviously you haven't learn anything cause you ran in like a moron and got owned.

              • 1 week ago

                >ignores the point entirely to focus on the goal post that was moved

              • 1 week ago

                The only point you have is "skill issues" which is what everyone tells you

              • 1 week ago

                >still not understanding anything at all
                Not surprised. Lemme point it out since you cant read. Its not about the game teaching you anything, dont focus on the insult, focus on the topic.
                >Gameplay loop is fricking terrible in every possible way, and people defend it because of nostalgia exclusively
                >the other games in the same series design enemy placement for engaging skill checks and balanced fights that provide a more enjoyable experience at the same time as challenge
                Ds2 fans are the loudest minority fanbase in gaming

              • 1 week ago

                DS2 did exactly that, but better, as evidence of you getting owned like a b***h for playing bad. Which is what the game is supposed to do. Stick with DS1 and 3 if you just want braindead easy enemyplacments and gameplay.

              • 1 week ago

                >tripling down on game hard
                Its a self sustaining cycle of inability to comprehend the argument entirely, and instead leaning into the meme, thanks for literally proving my point. The only skill issue here is your reply.

              • 1 week ago

                The game is supposed to be hard.

              • 1 week ago

                This has to be bait, you arent even reading my reply. Ds2 isnt even hard, its badly designed. There's no "Challenge" that cant be answered by throwing knives and baiting enemies from far away, thats the entire gameplay loop.
                The "game hard" part is a journalist meme, and the fact that you're quadruple downing on confirms that Ds2 fans not only dont have valid opinions, but cant cope with criticism or even comprehend it.

              • 1 week ago

                Sure sounds hard, and all your webms are you dying, and all you do is complain how hard it is..

              • 1 week ago

                That's not even me you fricking moron, the webm is someone else and I used it as an example. I'm not surprised at all. Ds2 fans are fricking morons and you are making it an example yourself.

              • 1 week ago

                Using it as an example for what? That you're bad and whining

  23. 1 week ago

    I'm surprised people even defend this shitty game, however if there's one thing i've learnt its that scholar sissies are; liars, mentally ill, transgender (refer to the second point)

    • 1 week ago

      wow dude three whole enemies. That's crazy

  24. 1 week ago

    slop sissies dick rippers ball snippers... our game is a mess...

  25. 1 week ago

    I don't care how any of you feel about open world vs. linear design, i can't imagine going back to a Souls game without an Ashes of War system.

  26. 1 week ago

    yes. shame we never got a sequel to dark souls 2

  27. 1 week ago

    Elden Ring set a bad precedent for future games, fricking hell, we had it too good bros and we didn't even know it. From now on, all Souls games are just gonna be roll slop.

    • 1 week ago

      Worst part is that bosses are obviously the main selling point of the series and rest of the game is boring long filler, which is what i was actually looking forward to.

      • 1 week ago

        >enter boss room
        >boss flies around swinging his weapon side to side like an anime gaylord
        >boss jumps up and slams the ground
        >fire particles everywhere can't see
        >spikes shoot out from the ground
        >hit boss once
        >repeat until someone dies

        It's all so fricking tiresome

        • 1 week ago

          I feel you. The worst is then you cant catch boss or hit them properly because their hitbox spazzes out everywhere and you fight more with camera than with boss.

  28. 1 week ago

    Actual, real, mental illness plagues this board.

    • 1 week ago

      Why do Indians type like that?

  29. 1 week ago

    I got gud by beating this. The trick is to roll aggressively instead of trying to use roll to create distance. Something about souls iframes where if you roll away from the attack you're more likely to get hit than if you were to roll right through the attack

  30. 1 week ago

    >outting yourself as the moron
    You don't have to keep giving me (you)s, you already proved my point.

    • 1 week ago

      I accept your concession

      • 1 week ago

        Not that anon, but you look more moronic than him based on your guys' interactions

        • 1 week ago

          You're the moronic one

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