D&D magic items

When playing a rogue, I always wanted one of these because I can think of so many applications for it but I never got one.
What is a magic item in d&d you've always wanted it or what is your favorite to get? Just curious here

(As a dm, I have given them it before to rogue players)

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  1. 5 months ago

    >gives flight
    Into the trash it goes.

    • 5 months ago

      Just admit you can't DM for shit

      • 5 months ago

        >le "it invalidates encounters" strawman
        Never was my point. Any freakshitter who even implies he'd want fly speed for his character will get kicked out. The only time you get to fly is when it's a plot element, like the Great Eagles of LotR.

        • 5 months ago

          not the anon

          can you explain why you don't allow flight into your games? I understand not wanting flight baked into a character through a race, but what's wrong with a magical item doing it or using a spell that grants flight?

          >The only time you get to fly is when it's a plot element, like the Great Eagles of LotR.

          can you elaborate on your reasoning here as well? I am curious with your line of thinking

          • 5 months ago

            >can you elaborate on your reasoning here as well?
            He can only plan in two dimensions, can't visualize an apple and has no idea how he would feel if he hadn't eaten breakfast this morning

        • 5 months ago

          >Never was my point.
          Then you have none.
          >Any [meaningless buzzword] who even implies he'd want fly speed for his character will get kicked out.
          Say you're a nogames without saying you're a nogames. Nobody who runs or plays games actually talks like this.
          >The only time you get to fly is when it's a plot element
          >like the Great Eagles of LotR.
          Tolkein has been a disaster for the fantasy genre because brainlets like (you) look at his mediocre dogshit and think it's the best thing ever for some reason, then you copy it and make it actively worse somehow.

          not the anon

          can you explain why you don't allow flight into your games? I understand not wanting flight baked into a character through a race, but what's wrong with a magical item doing it or using a spell that grants flight?

          >The only time you get to fly is when it's a plot element, like the Great Eagles of LotR.

          can you elaborate on your reasoning here as well? I am curious with your line of thinking

          He doesn't have one, he's just a shitposting nogames. If he's ever run or played a game, it was D&D or one of its clones like Pathfinder and he gets all of his opinions on things from homosexuals on social media or worse, parrots what he reads here.

    • 5 months ago

      >makes you unable to wield weapons while flying
      Into your mom I go.

    • 5 months ago

      Flametongue weapons because they just deal more damage. That's all I need, that and Adamantine Plate to negate crits.

      HYTNPD&D? Other systems have innate flight out of the gate at little to no cost and it's not an issue, hell it's not even an issue in D&D. Only railroading homosexuals who whine when the party doesn't complete the puzzle "the way they intended" care about flight, and those types of GM should paste their pea brains all over the bathroom wall Cobain style.

      • 5 months ago

        >Only railroading homosexuals who whine when the party doesn't complete the puzzle "the way they intended"
        Goddamn I hate "creative" players.

    • 5 months ago

      >can't handle PCs having flight speed
      Go suckstart a shotgun and cleanse yourself form the genepool.

  2. 5 months ago

    I'm a big fan of magical items that have limited charges but unique ways of filling said charges instead of just getting them back on a long rest.

    Stuff like killing specific monsters are okay for this, but one idea I really enjoy is something like lightning in a bottle. It gets one charge to cast a powerful lightning spell, and to recharge it you literally need to catch lightning from a storm into the bottle again

    • 5 months ago

      >but one idea I really enjoy is something like lightning in a bottle. It gets one charge to cast a powerful lightning spell, and to recharge it you literally need to catch lightning from a storm into the bottle again
      Stealing this for later

      Flametongue weapons because they just deal more damage. That's all I need, that and Adamantine Plate to negate crits.

      HYTNPD&D? Other systems have innate flight out of the gate at little to no cost and it's not an issue, hell it's not even an issue in D&D. Only railroading homosexuals who whine when the party doesn't complete the puzzle "the way they intended" care about flight, and those types of GM should paste their pea brains all over the bathroom wall Cobain style.

      Most enemies in DnD, especially at low level, aren't designed with innate flight in mind. I guess this is because, in theory, most encounters are going to be taking place inside dungeons where flight typically isn't that powerful. But these days encounters and dungeons tend to be a lot more varied, and free flight becomes quite powerful. I'd also say that innate flight on a race is just imbalanced as far as race design goes in 5e.
      Also, if these flight shitposting threads are anything to go by, most players who want to play aarakocra are going to start crying as soon as they have to enter a narrow mine or encounter bandits with longbows.

      • 5 months ago

        >Most enemies in DnD, especially at low level, aren't designed with innate flight in mind.
        Give any low level martial NPC a heavy crossbow and watch them pick those frickers out of the sky in a single shot.
        Stop being shackled to that garbage.
        >I guess this is because, in theory, most encounters are going to be taking place inside dungeons
        Again, stop being shackled to RAW. You're the fricking GM, make your own npcs and encounters you lazy git.
        >flight typically isn't that powerful.
        Flight isn't that powerful. I run other systems where players can either get flight for dirt cheap in point buy or even as a free option as a variant rule and it's never, ever an issue. It's only an issue if you're a lazy, railroading homosexual who can't adapt or accept that your players aren't going to do your shitty puzzle the way you intended.
        >I'd also say that innate flight on a race is just imbalanced as far as race design goes in 5e.
        Of the races that can fly, one of them (tieflings) can use Medium armor, and none of them can use heavy armor if they wish to benefit from their flight. Again, toss a heavy crossbow on an NPC and watch them drop like stones, dying on impact with the cold hard ground.
        >Also, if these flight shitposting threads are anything to go by, most players who want to play aarakocra are going to start crying as soon as they have to enter a narrow mine or encounter bandits with longbows.
        99.9% of /tg/ is nogames homosexuals whining about imaginary problems that don't exist in their games that also don't exist. If any of these gays actually ran or played games they'd realize that flight isn't a problem, even in 5e, even at level 1, and that the solutions to it are many and simple. In fact, I always include a flying race (Harpies) in my 5e games, and not once have I ever had an issue with flight.

        • 5 months ago

          >Stop being shackled to that garbage.
          Things like the MM are there for convenience. When I spend time designing custom monsters, I prefer to do it for something interesting rather than balancing innate flight
          >Again, stop being shackled to RAW. You're the fricking GM, make your own npcs and encounters you lazy git.
          I think you missed the point. I already run adventure days that are outside traditional dungeons. It's in spaces like this that flight becomes very powerful.
          >I run other systems
          That's nice. What else are you running?
          >Again, toss a heavy crossbow on an NPC and watch them drop like stones,
          To be honest your players don't sound very smart. Flight gives players a lot of power to abuse cover, both total and 1/2 or 3/4. If your players can't use free flight and 50ft of movement to deal with a heavy crossbow, I'd be a little concerned. Or maybe most of your combat encounters take place in white rooms.

          • 5 months ago

            >I prefer to do it for something interesting rather than balancing innate flight
            If you didn't consider the fact that flying races exist in your setting when worldbuilding, that's you being a lazy homosexual again.
            >It's in spaces like this that flight becomes very powerful.
            Except it just makes them a target. At low levels, a couple of hits will bring them down. At higher levels, Hold Person can cripple fliers. Hell even lower level magic like earthbind can drag down a flier.
            >What else are you running?
            At the moment, my own homebrew fallout system and my own homebrew dragonball system, the latter of which sees every character having flight for free. I've also run Digimon Digital Adventures where flight is a meager 2 points to buy (classless point buy) on ANY Digimon, or 1 if they're champion/adult or higher. Flight means nothing.
            >Flight gives players a lot of power to abuse cover
            What cover is there in the open sky?
            >f your players can't use free flight and 50ft of movement to deal with a heavy crossbow, I'd be a little concerned
            They have 30 feet of movement with flight, because I refuse to use the swill WOTC shits out in my custom settings. I make my own races. Even if I wasn't, heavy crossbows have a range of 100/400, so either they burn their full turn dashing to only reach the maximum range and still take the hit normally or they move and attack and now they're only 50 feet away and they get mogged by turn order.

            >trivialising any fight against beasts is no big deal
            You are free to pretend there is a logical reason why all melee enemies in your setting are accompanied at all times by ranged support and I will say good for you, but that isn't the case in many settings including the published ones

            >Giant birds aren't beasts
            Where there's trees, there are birds. Where there are birds, there are predatory birds. Where there are predatory birds, the weak flying races become the prey.
            >published settings
            Lol, lmao. Imagine using that steaming dogshit in 2024.

            • 5 months ago

              nitpicking + admitting you redesigned your entire setting around flight
              I accept your concession, don't bother replying

        • 5 months ago

          >trivialising any fight against beasts is no big deal
          You are free to pretend there is a logical reason why all melee enemies in your setting are accompanied at all times by ranged support and I will say good for you, but that isn't the case in many settings including the published ones

          • 5 months ago

            >he doesn't use rogue monkeys

        • 5 months ago

          >99.9% of /tg/ is nogames homosexuals whining about imaginary problems that don't exist in their games that also don't exist.
          It's called shitposting for (you)s from the likes of you. /tg/'s Detect Bait is in the negatives.

        • 5 months ago

          >Give any low level martial NPC a heavy crossbow and watch them pick those frickers out of the sky in a single shot.

          No you'll watch them do 1d10+2 damage if they can hit AC 19, exactly the same as if the PC was standing on the ground.

          This isn't Fire Emblem, flying doesn't make characters more vulnerable to shooting in any way. It doesn't even stop them from wearing full plate. It just makes them immune to all non-flying melee attacks for free.

      • 5 months ago

        >Most enemies in DnD, especially at low level, aren't designed with innate flight in mind.

        Any enemy with a ranged attack is designed with flight in mind.

  3. 5 months ago

    as cliche as it is, a ring of invisibility.

  4. 5 months ago

    Flight is pretty boring depending on the system.
    Trivialises a lot of combat. And before anyone says anything about a crossbow, try not playing d&d. A flying target that’s actively moving is going to be harder to hit than that same target on the ground.
    It also makes vertical movement boring. Instead of having a bunch of different options, you just fly, with no downsides.
    The only time I had an interesting time playing a flying character was when I played a fairy, because I couldn’t fly very high because the wind would blow me away. And that was a self imposed limitation I gave my character to keep things somewhat interesting.
    Flight could be interesting. Having limited access to it or having an entire game centred around it would be good.

    • 5 months ago

      >A flying target that’s actively moving is going to be harder to hit than that same target on the ground.

      if they're both moving and at the same distance, why does flying matter

      • 5 months ago

        Erratic movement on 2-3 axis instead of 1-2

        • 5 months ago

          Most ttrpgs don't consider movement speed or direction into gameplay mechancis, just position of the target at the time of shot.
          Also movent on the axis away-towards the shooter doesn't matter (unless it moves completely out of range).

  5. 5 months ago

    >favorite get?

    >what I wanted?
    Van Dyke of perceived alignment.
    It's costume facial hair that when worn changes the wearers alignment good becomes evil, evil becomes good, neutral becomes evil.

    Anyone who sees a character wearing the costume hair will mistake them as a complete separate person, not a guy in a costume, even if they see the character wear or remove the facial hair.

    Any actions perpetrated by the wearer will be attributed to the one wearing the facial hair.

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