Did Ace Attorney jump the shark with this character?

Did Ace Attorney jump the shark with this character?

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  1. 1 week ago

    >most based character ends up executed
    I miss Godot

    • 1 week ago

      >executed for self defense
      do japs really?

      • 1 week ago

        Japanese love getting reasons to punish even if justified.

      • 1 week ago

        It wasn't self-defence though.

        • 1 week ago

          Technically true, it was defense of someone else.

          • 1 week ago

            Even that is debatable but it depends on country and judge.
            He drew a sword sneaked behind her and stabbed her.
            There is also the whole setup, how it all came to this, which is partly his fault.

            • 1 week ago

              To be fair, the alternative to the setup was to tell a little girl that her mother is an evil b***h, which would not go down well even if it is technically true. Pretty sure both Misty and Iris knew this too, and while the setup itself was riddles with potential problems, so were the alternatives.

              • 1 week ago

                >To be fair, the alternative to the setup was to tell a little girl that her mother is an evil b***h, which would not go down well even if it is technically true.
                Because killing another mother was in the end the better choice?
                Not like there was even the need to tell her.
                Just burn the notes before she can read.

              • 1 week ago

                >Because killing another mother was in the end the better choice?
                We both know that was not part of the initial plan and that it was just an unfortunate byproduct of timings going awry.
                >Just burn the notes before she can read.
                Pearl would know, her mother tells her that the note exists. Burning the note sounds like a great way to foster resentment in an impressionable mind.

              • 1 week ago

                >We both know that was not part of the initial plan and that it was just an unfortunate byproduct of timings going awry.
                It's the consequence of their actions. The plan had many holes and it was about life and death
                >Pearl would know, her mother tells her that the note exists. Burning the note sounds like a great way to foster resentment in an impressionable mind
                Resentment vs a persons life. Tough choice. Really

              • 1 week ago

                >Pearl would know, her mother tells her that the note exists. Burning the note sounds like a great way to foster resentment in an impressionable mind.
                Considering Pearl's character, this is a pretty silly thing to think. At worst, Pearl would just be confused and tell Morgan that she couldn't find the letter. Assuming she doesn't have a comical amount of backup contingencies (and the game makes no mention of them), there's nothing else Morgan could really do after that. If she tries to talk about the revenge plot in the detention center, the guard would hear it and report the conversation.
                Godot had no pure intentions when thinking up his plan. It's safe to assume that he'd know that stabbing someone who's channeling Dahlia wouldn't do anything to Dahlia, but would result in the channeler to get injured/killed. His cute little speech near the end of 3-5 makes it pretty clear that the only thing he cared about when concocting his apeshit plan was to try and satisfy his ego.
                >It could have been Misty Fey... Or even that little girl. But I still picked up the blade... It was like I was dreaming! I'm not sure exactly what was going on in my mind at that point... Was I really motivated by the pure desire to protect Maya Fey? Or was it something else...? Was it my hatred for a woman who had stolen everything from me 6 years earlier...? Could it have been simply a desire for revenge?

            • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      >most dumbest character ends up executed

    • 1 week ago

      He was executed? I thought he was just imprisoned for a long time

      • 1 week ago

        He either was executed or died soon after T&T because he had health issues.

      • 1 week ago

        Nothing was said about an execution, but he appears in Larry's drawing among the deceased characters

      • 1 week ago

        Nothing was said about an execution, but he appears in Larry's drawing among the deceased characters

        >most based character ends up executed
        I miss Godot

        It is strongly implied that he died from his wound, which is probably what he wanted, anyway.

        • 1 week ago

          You mean the poison, right?
          I can't see him dying from a scar at the cheek.

          • 1 week ago

            There was a lot of blood beneath his visor at the end, which alludes to him purposely leaving the wound untreated. If it became infected, he was probably not long for the world. It would explain why he essentially helps the case along so Phoenix would eventually learn the truth.

            • 1 week ago

              This makes no sense and sounds moronic. He is along the deceased characters because they are mentor figures and he is one (to Mia)

    • 1 week ago

      Wtf?? He got executed???
      What about Sahwit? Why didn't he got the noose?

    • 1 week ago

      He was a moron who killed Misty and was willing to murder Pearl just so he could have revenge. He could have easily just burned the note.

      Wtf?? He got executed???
      What about Sahwit? Why didn't he got the noose?

      Probably was charged with manslaugter since he didn't intend to kill anyone.

  2. 1 week ago

    Everything about him was lame, except his personality and his theme song.

  3. 1 week ago

    Honestly after all these years it really dawned on me how Godot and his motivations were just... petty. The music really carried his character if not the entirety of 3-5 on its shoulders. The track that plays when he reveals his past is kino

  4. 1 week ago

    Yes. Personally blaming Phoenix for a murder he knew he wasn't responsible for is a moronic reason for him to potentially convict innocent people multiple times.

    • 1 week ago

      Edgeworth and Fran do that and people don't have a problem with them.

      • 1 week ago

        Franciska and her father are doing it for status reasons to make themselves look better after losing and Edgeworth initally is trying to keep his record looking good too. Eventually Franciska and Edgeworth even help Phoenix resolve some of the cases. On the other hand, Godot puts aside his job just for the sake of being a dick to Phoenix. 3-5 is a terrible case because HE is the murderer and just sort of lets the sister of his former coworker he cared so much about get convicted. Godot is shit.

      • 1 week ago

        Edgeworth after Case 3 truly believes the people he is prosecuting are guilty and will straight up stop going after them once he's fully convinced they are being set up/framed.

      • 1 week ago

        I have a problem with Fran
        And after AA1 Edgeworth takes his job seriously

      • 1 week ago

        Because I want to frick Fran, that's why

    • 1 week ago

      He helps Pheonix when it counts though. He just testing Pheonix's logic and making him earn those verdicts.

      • 1 week ago

        At least someone gets it. He had multiple opportunities to end the final case (he gives Phoenix the idea about the body transport method, he outwardly prevents the case from being dismissed and puts Maya on the stand) but chose not to because he wanted the truth to come out in a way that would allow Phoenix to prove himself as a capable attorney.

        • 1 week ago

          >At least someone gets it.
          No, dumbass. Many people get it. The difference is there are people who don't see his behaviour as cool or tragic, because him testing Nick means virtually nothing.
          He already folded Manfred and Edgeworth, two much more competent lawyers.
          And him "testing" Nick after he couldn't prevent a small girl from summoning a slightly taller girl and had to kill the mother, who initially was out to help him borders lunacy.

          • 1 week ago

            >And him "testing" Nick after he couldn't prevent a small girl from summoning a slightly taller girl and had to kill the mother, who initially was out to help him borders lunacy.
            I mean, people like you are allowed to interpret the events in any way they choose. Even if it means ignoring pretty much all of the context of the plot.

            • 1 week ago

              >Even if it means ignoring pretty much all of the context of the plot.
              If anything the context makes it even worse.
              The fact that the writers initially wanted Godot to turn out as a psychopath really shows.

              • 1 week ago

                >If anything the context makes it even worse.
                >The fact that the writers initially wanted Godot to turn out as a psychopath really shows.
                So you make an assertion with no evidence followed by a statement that border on headcanon. This is why I usually don't talk about AA with other people.

              • 1 week ago

                >So you make an assertion with no evidence
                What evidence? We are talking about the context, which you claimed made all of his actions justified or at least sense and I answered it actually makes it worse.

                >The fact that the writers initially wanted Godot to turn out as a psychopath
                They did?

                >followed by a statement that border on
                Admittedly this was from someone here talking about a comment of the writers but in the end wether or not it is true doesn't really matter.
                I am just saying it would explain a few things.

              • 1 week ago

                >The fact that the writers initially wanted Godot to turn out as a psychopath
                They did?

          • 1 week ago

            >And him "testing" Nick after he couldn't prevent a small girl from summoning a slightly taller girl and had to kill the mother, who initially was out to help him borders lunacy.
            To Godot's defense, he just happened to stumble across the murder plot out of pure chance.
            Even he did try to hide the letter, there's no stopping Morgan Fey from sending another letter to Pearl and killed Maya at another time without Godot's knowledge. The letter itself doesn't have the context of a murder plot so reporting to the authority won't do shit.

        • 1 week ago

          just like how Gundham Tanaka in Danganronpa 2 was "only helping everyone get out of the tower" yet fully opposed the MC at every turn when he could have admitted it at any point and was willing to let everyone die before it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

          • 1 week ago

            People acting like he was doing it out of pure selfless intent are just moronic speedreaders.

          • 1 week ago

            Gundham was fine with dying but he still preferred to survive, genius

      • 1 week ago

        At least someone gets it. He had multiple opportunities to end the final case (he gives Phoenix the idea about the body transport method, he outwardly prevents the case from being dismissed and puts Maya on the stand) but chose not to because he wanted the truth to come out in a way that would allow Phoenix to prove himself as a capable attorney.

        >At least someone gets it.
        No, dumbass. Many people get it. The difference is there are people who don't see his behaviour as cool or tragic, because him testing Nick means virtually nothing.
        He already folded Manfred and Edgeworth, two much more competent lawyers.
        And him "testing" Nick after he couldn't prevent a small girl from summoning a slightly taller girl and had to kill the mother, who initially was out to help him borders lunacy.

        He wasn’t testing him. He himself admits that he was just a frickup trying to project his failures onto Phoenix and he did this all the way to the end because he didn’t want to accept that it was he who failed Mia, and so he pushes for Phoenix to fail till the point when he sees that Phoenix has proven far greater a lawyer and continuation of Mia’s legacy than he ever was.
        This whole “he was testing him” shit is a massive misinterpretation. He wanted to see Phoenix fail because then it would let him believe that he wasn’t the real frick up of the story

        • 1 week ago

          In the El tigre case he lets Phoenix lie to the witness to get the guilty party to admit to the crime. I don't think go wanted Phoenix to fail per say. He blamed Phoenix and did not recognize Phoenix as a capable lawyer or ally but he didn't want him to fail.

          • 1 week ago

            Speaking of 3-3
            >Maggey's supposed motive was stealing the winning lottery ticket
            >good thing she just happened to have a bottle of cyanide on her in case she needs to kill a random stranger
            I know Tigre fricked up her defense on purpose, but I'm surprised nobody ever thought it was weird.

            • 1 week ago

              They’ve always brushed basic logical shit like that under the rug in true kangaroo court fashion.
              Remember the kid in AP who supposedly murdered a man using a gun that was powerful enough to dislodge a grown man’s shoulder for just holding it wrong despite having no injuries? And then said kid then managed to drag the dead body of a grown man a large distance before then managing to knock himself out next to said body?
              Crazy shit

              • 1 week ago

                I thought the gun thing could've been easily fixed by having Daryan break Machi's arm or something, but I see no way to fix the "up together in the sky" part.

  5. 1 week ago

    Nah, TT was a good game

  6. 1 week ago

    No, in fact its when it solidified itself as one of the best pieces of gaming fiction

    • 1 week ago

      despite how it is mostly incorrectly used today, 'jumping the shark' is generally considered the peak of the series but also the point that can no longer be met or exceeded, and where descent into mediocrity is inevitable because the stakes cannot be realistically heightened and the story cannot become any more involved without breaking the audiences suspension of disbelief.

      • 1 week ago

        you are right, and thats why Takumi wanted to end the Phoenix story with T&T, its no surprise that everything involving Phoenix wasn't as good after T&T.
        Its why GAA will probably be remembered fondly in the long term - the series ended on a high note and left it there. No doubt they will try to ruin it with GAA3 soon

        • 1 week ago

          There's potential for a GAA3. The setting fully being in Japan would be interesting. It would also be a departure from Britain's characters, so no Sholmes, Iris, etc. It's an opportunity to give us a new central cast

          • 1 week ago

            On one hand that would turn GAA3 into more of a typical AA game, on the other hand, the British characters are pretty much finished so something in the Meji era Japan would be the ideal step forward for a third entry in the sense of "Alright we fixed Britain's legal system, now let's do the same with Japan's because that's why we came to Britain in the first place". It is kinda funny how Japan is just used as first case island to set up stuff down the line but then never really important again in both games.
            So I like this concept, I like how people are talking about their ideas.

  7. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      It is hilarious in retrospective how he tried to act cool and pretending tomhave everything under control after he gloriously fricked up.
      I mean it takes effort to fail such an easy task.

    • 1 week ago

      This triggered so many women.

      • 1 week ago

        Triggered them to be sopping wet, sure.

    • 1 week ago

      Janet Hsu probably wishes sh- I mean, "they" could go back in time and censor this line

      • 1 week ago

        kek of course the pioneer of EAT YOUR HAMBURGERS is a troon

        • 1 week ago

          >the pioneer of EAT YOUR HAMBURGERS
          That's Katie Tiedrich. You unironically fell for the meme.

          • 1 week ago

            i know it's an exaggrated joke but you know what i mean, i'm referring to the heavy localization in general

            • 1 week ago

              Janet Hsu didn't work on the first ace attorney, blame Ben Judd.

            • 1 week ago

              Janet Hsu has nothing to do with Ace Attorney. Janet joined for the second game

    • 1 week ago

      Janet Hsu probably wishes sh- I mean, "they" could go back in time and censor this line

      The irony of this line is that he only says "I don't like chatty women" in the Japanese version.

      • 1 week ago

        Japanese as a language is innately polite, it's frustrating to swear in it so people shout really loud instead of swearing.

        • 1 week ago

          I disagree, there's a lot of ways to be impolite. Even in the pic I linked, he's being pretty rude in the way he phrased it.

  8. 1 week ago

    >did this franchise jump the shark with what is objectively the best game and best character
    Are you moronic?

  9. 1 week ago

    Ace Attorney was never a serious game.
    If you think attorneys have a shouting match in court like that then you're crazy.
    That's why we love it.

  10. 1 week ago

    He wasn't bad, the rest of the characters glazing him for no reason was the writer's fault

  11. 1 week ago

    What's up with the visor?

    • 1 week ago

      IIRC his eyes are fricked up and he can only see with visor but his vision is all red

    • 1 week ago

      Poison killed his eyes. He needs the visor to change everything to a spectrum range he can actually see.

    • 1 week ago

      Laser face

      • 1 week ago

        Protective gear against laser cheese

  12. 1 week ago


  13. 1 week ago

    Yet he doesn't kill the one who killed Mia

  14. 1 week ago

    I feel like not a single prosecutor in the series lived up to Edgeworth and von Karma in the first game, as a respectable opponent you "loved to hate". Everyone else was just dumb, petty or basically on your side.

    • 1 week ago

      As much as I like Godot as a character, I completely agree with this. It is pretty hilarious that Phoenix calls Godot "the most formidable prosecutor he has yet to face" when he doesn't have a single win to his name.

    • 1 week ago

      Godot is fun but AA in general has an issue of being derivative of itself and repeating story beats time and time again, Every Prosecutor past 1 is just Edgeworth with a different gimmick due to how the prosecution role has to play out in every game.
      It's not bad mind you but there's a reason why Edgeworth is King and why the first game aged pretty well.

    • 1 week ago

      The problem is pre-retconned Edgeworth was corrupt as frick, so you fully expected he'd forge evidence to do you in before you got you ass saved, and that's what made him genuinely threatening.
      The Rise from the Ashes and the investigation series retconned it, so the forged evidence wasn't actually his fault and he never resorted to dirty tactics.
      Just ignoring the fact he withheld vital information in both Mia murder case and later the Terry Fawles one.

  15. 1 week ago

    >the character is incredibly cool and based
    >he's also a huge moron
    I don't know how they made this work. It's actually hilarious how hard he fricked up, after learning that you should lose all respect for him, it's that bad. But he still manages to be cool

  16. 1 week ago

    I'm not even a Takumi gay but while I still think what we got afterwards was good, I will admit it was not needed, we had a perfectly fine trilogy that did its best, we didn't really need more with the same characters and formula. I guess what I'm rambling about is I would've been fine if we never got stuff after 3 even if I still liked stuff afterwards, just not as much.
    Also props to recognizing that GAA really doesn't need a third entry with how 2 wrapped itself up even if Iris was rushed.

    • 1 week ago

      GAA would be a trilogy but I heard the first game sold badly and there were development issues as well, so they compressed what they had into the second game.
      They made it work because I beat case 3 of Resolve and enjoyed it many times more than Adventures so far.
      Not the anon in your pic but I think there could be a couple more cases in Meiji-era Japan.

      • 1 week ago

        I'll take that answer because it's something, a lot of people just kinda talk about "yeah i want more" then when asked "alright what and why?" they tend to freeze up. I will agree that Resolve is great and its third case is the highlight of both games, chef's kiss stuff with the formula.
        In general I kinda miss just talking about the smaller stuff and case by case details, for the past few years people have been too focused on talking about overarching plots and characters and haven't really been smelling the roses, so to speak.

      • 1 week ago

        >I think there could be a couple more cases in Meiji-era Japan.
        Yeah I would've really loved a non-tutorial Japan case

    • 1 week ago

      I really wish we got like an actual proper Apollo trilogy that focuses on the Gramaryes and the Jurist system as a sort of overarching plot, like how the Feys were an overarching plot in the original trilogy. I would've preferred that over what Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice ended up being.

  17. 1 week ago

    Godot is one of Ace Attorney's most moronic characters and Trials & Tribulations is the most overrated Ace Attorney game.

    >prosecutor who has never won a case before
    >somehow hyped up to be one of the best prosecutors
    >completely moronic scheme for "avenging" Mia
    >somehow got Misty to go along with his completely moronic scheme
    >kills Maya's mom (who she hasn't seen for years) right in front of her
    >Maya for some reason has no problem with this and doesn't want Godot to get convicted

    The only reason why the final case is "good" is because it ties up the whole Kurain village plotline. If it weren't for that the case would be rightly be known for having Turnabout Serenade levels of moronation.

    • 1 week ago

      who has never won a case before
      That's because he's a defense attorney LARPing as a prosecutor, which is part of the point of case 4

      >gets sidelined for no fricking reason


      I miss AAO but not enough to find out if it still exists

      It still exists.

  18. 1 week ago

    >gets sidelined for no fricking reason

    • 1 week ago

      Man it's weird to think that the fricking spin-off game had better character moments for some of the main characters in both franchises than in either of their main games.
      Luke and Phoenix both felt a lot more real in this game than their flanderized "clueless british kid assistant" and "bluffing defense lawyer" character tropes they've become.

      • 1 week ago

        the anime sucked balls

        • 1 week ago

          Not talking about the anime, that image is from the Layton spinoff

          • 1 week ago

            still reminded me of the anime, which broke my heart because it sucked balls

    • 1 week ago

      He got Edgeworth'd because he was starting to think for himself.

  19. 1 week ago

    I miss AAO but not enough to find out if it still exists

    • 1 week ago

      Still exist, but got killed with recent changes. Nothing was better than the unmoderated mess that was the vanilla courtroom.

  20. 1 week ago

    I want to play these games on my android tablet. Does Retroarch have good NDS cores?

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago


      A quick google search says that it's possible to run DS games on retroarch but it might be fricky.

      The Ace Attorney trilogy is available on Android Playstore though, so you could just buy it or find a way to pirate it.
      I have no experience with piracy and emulation on mobile devices so I can't really help you much more than this.

      • 1 week ago

        Yes, but the games have been ported to mobile as the other anon said. Only AAI2 and TGAA are absent afaik.

        Based, thank you guys for spoonfeeding my attempt at bumping this homosexual thread.

        • 1 week ago

          This thread is based, screw you

          • 1 week ago

            Ey, frick you, buddy!

            • 1 week ago

              I'm not your buddy, friend!

              • 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      Yes, but the games have been ported to mobile as the other anon said. Only AAI2 and TGAA are absent afaik.

  21. 1 week ago

    Dahlia won in the end. She made Mia's boyfriend commit murder and kill Mia's mother.

  22. 1 week ago

    Godot is bad because he never opposes you at all. He's like Klavier but instead of being friendly he's an butthole.
    "You're the killer, did this!"
    "Frick you Trite, can you prove it?"
    "Here's the proof."
    "Yes but could you prove that he didn't also do x"

    every single time Godot "opposes" you, it's just a "where's the evidence" he never goes on the attack

  23. 1 week ago

    the rule in Ace Attorney is always "planned to kill someone = executed" and "spur of the moment killing = jailtime"

  24. 1 week ago

    I like Godot. But I think it could ,have been cool if his gimmick was that he used defense attorneys tactics. Thanks to him I discovered the book "Waiting for Godot" and it's funny book.

  25. 1 week ago

    He's a typical "alpha male"
    Attractive, suave, fashionable, but dumb as bricks

    • 1 week ago

      He's only fashionable to colorblind people

  26. 1 week ago

    Godot looks like he would be an NTR antagonist, but he was the one who got NTR'd when you think about it.

  27. 1 week ago

    anyone have that meme image of godot on who wants to be a millionaire?

  28. 1 week ago

    it's insane how much of a following a character can create just from looks alone
    it takes like 3 lines to release he isn't cool and suave but a whiny c**t who just throws coffee in anger instead of giving rebuttals
    literally the worst prosecutor in the series aside from the monk in 6

    • 1 week ago

      >whiny c**t who just throws coffee in anger instead of giving rebuttals
      That's based, though. Such fiery passion!

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