Did I get memed into playing this game?

The combat is slow as frick, the random encounter rate is unreasonably high, the “job” system with Masters is never explained so you miss out on significant stat boosts and missable spells unless you read a walkthrough. This game unironically sucks so far. I’m almost done with Momo’s tower and I’m genuinely offended by how fricking useless Momo is as a party member. Oh and god forbid you want to change “jobs” because the story is throwing you all around with no way of getting back to previous areas, which you need to do in order to learn skills (i.e. can’t do it from camp or menu). What the frick were they thinking? This is one of the worst job systems in any RPG I’ve played.

The good: fishing, characters, spritework, comfy towns. But is it enough to carry the game? It’s not even difficult, it’s just awful to play.

I’m coming right off from finishing BOF1 which is one of the worst JRPGs I’ve ever played. Does this get any better? I’ve been looking forward to playing it but this is seriously a let down so far. I’m like 10 hours into the game so I’ll probably see it through to the end, but if it keeps up like this I’m not gonna fricking like it.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Ganker post the title of the game in the OP challenge
    difficulty: impossible

    • 2 weeks ago

      if you can't tell what game this is from the portraits you do not belong here

      • 2 weeks ago

        >muh sekret klub vee
        have a nice day

        • 2 weeks ago

          dude is one of the most well know jrpgs

        • 2 weeks ago

          Just drop it. You don't deserve to play good games, go back to playing Fortnite.

          That's honestly embarassing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I haven't even played this game and I know what it is. You don't belong here.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's clearly dragon quarter

    • 2 weeks ago

      Breath of Fire 3
      Dunno why the other anons are being detrimental c**ts. Oh wait it's Ganker that's normal.

    • 2 weeks ago

      it's Breath of Fire 3 from the Play Station 1 which you can play through an emulator by downloading an ISO from pirate sites.
      yeah frick you homosexuals, I'm THE spoon feeder to counteract your know-it-all ass.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Breath of Fire 3
        Dunno why the other anons are being detrimental c**ts. Oh wait it's Ganker that's normal.


        The combat is slow as frick, the random encounter rate is unreasonably high, the “job” system with Masters is never explained so you miss out on significant stat boosts and missable spells unless you read a walkthrough. This game unironically sucks so far. I’m almost done with Momo’s tower and I’m genuinely offended by how fricking useless Momo is as a party member. Oh and god forbid you want to change “jobs” because the story is throwing you all around with no way of getting back to previous areas, which you need to do in order to learn skills (i.e. can’t do it from camp or menu). What the frick were they thinking? This is one of the worst job systems in any RPG I’ve played.

        The good: fishing, characters, spritework, comfy towns. But is it enough to carry the game? It’s not even difficult, it’s just awful to play.

        I’m coming right off from finishing BOF1 which is one of the worst JRPGs I’ve ever played. Does this get any better? I’ve been looking forward to playing it but this is seriously a let down so far. I’m like 10 hours into the game so I’ll probably see it through to the end, but if it keeps up like this I’m not gonna fricking like it.

        I quit BoF3 at the part where you train the sailor up to fight the other sailor. The main story felt like it had gone nowhere in the like 5+ hours of sections of being chased by the two horse dudes. I liked the beginning of the game but once you are separated from your "family" and go off with the princess its directionless

    • 2 weeks ago

      Looks like Final Fantasy 7

    • 2 weeks ago

      >post the name
      >get called a shill

    • 2 weeks ago

      Jackie Chan

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Look. First you need to be 18 to post on here. Second you should have a nice day.

    • 2 weeks ago

      He's right. The game sucks ass.

      • 2 weeks ago

        zoomcraft & fortnite sucks ass, zoomer.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    nah game is legit mid af and only fetishized by tumblr trannies for its isometric pixelshit

    • 2 weeks ago

      not wrong

  4. 2 weeks ago

    You don't really need to engage with the whole master/apprentice system unless you're into min maxing. The game is already easy without it and all in all its a half assed designed system.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    only furgays think breath of fire is anything but utter shite

  6. 2 weeks ago

    If you're not enjoying it now, you won't enjoy it later either. It's not very good; I wanted to like it as well. I got pretty far but eventually reached the point where I just thought "what on earth am I doing this for?"

    • 2 weeks ago

      yeah where's the battle pass dailies, i'm getting all this exp and it's going to waste

      • 2 weeks ago

        Oh cool, you're at the "everyone who doesn't like it is addicted to games as a service" level of cope. Your childhood favourite is just not good, especially compared to other RPGs of the game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      when I replayed it as an adult the one thing that killed it for me was stat autism. I can't play RPGs anymore without a reset build button.
      fishing is addictive though. caught 99 black bass and can tec+4 in my sleep

      • 2 weeks ago

        >fishing is addictive though. caught 99 black bass and can tec+4 in my sleep

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >The combat is slow as frick
    you don't know the meaning of slow
    >random encounter rate is unreasonably high
    hug the walls, walk in straight lines
    >the “job” system with Masters is never explained
    I believe each master tells you when it's done teaching you. kinda sucks having to check after every level up though
    anyway, the game can be beaten at like level 40, it's beatable even if you frick up
    >unless you read a walkthrough
    no need for a guide. sign up for master, level up, check stats, reload, abandon current master, level up, compare stats with previous numbers.
    yes, it's trial and error and it's not foolproof since you gain 0 in a stat even if the resulting number would be negative (this can be exploited), but it's perfectly serviceable
    >I’m genuinely offended by how fricking useless Momo is as a party member
    you don't know shit. momo is perfectly viable and can be built as either a physical attacker or a versatile backup mage (heals, offensive spells)
    >god forbid you want to change “jobs” because the story is throwing you all around with no way of getting back to previous areas
    it's not the end of the world. learn to deal with it. you'll gain ~5 levels at worst until defeating balio and sunder

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why would he do all this when he could just not play a mediocre JRPG

  8. 2 weeks ago

    It needs a remaster that speeds up literally everything. Including instafill text on button input.
    I can't believe I tolerated it as a kid. Truly I had infinite time to burn.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You never played it as a kid, zoomer.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You're right, I lied. How did you know?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Prove where any of that is wrong.

        You're right, I lied. How did you know?

        Take 2 bullets to the head and don't post in the morning.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Just use common sense
    >apprentice the slow character to the speedy master
    >apprentice the magic character to a magic looking master to learn new spells

    • 2 weeks ago

      is giving garr more AP worth it? why not make him a brute who gibs everything with his spear?
      is it worth giving peco more int? why not give it a frickton of STR and abuse its high reprisal rate? or a lot of HP for breath attacks?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Garr does want some AP to use double blow with. Deis is his best master. In fact Deis should go on everyone except Peco, Peco should be under Fahl and never leave.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I always used Garr as a kid, but he's really not fixable because his base AP is just that low. Momo is a better Garr, and her accuracy doesn't matter because she has a big AP pool to use stuff like shadowwalk that doesn't miss.

        Personally I feel like there are only two good team setups. Chain formation with Rei in the front so no one's speed matters except for his, or attack formation with Peco in the front so he draws more hits and counters.

        Some characters almost always want certain masters. It's hard to argue for anyone but Fahl for Peco. Rei really doesn't want to hurt his speed so Bunyan is probably his best. If you're using chain formation it's viable to totally dump agility so Fahl becomes a very attractive master for a lot of the other characters.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Yes, you got memed.
    You can always drop it and switch to Dragon Quarter, the best Breath of Fire.

    • 2 weeks ago

      criticism of the sol system is overblown
      also the game had no business being called or being affiliated with BoF

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Dragon Quarter, the best Breath of Fire.
      This is some kind of inverse of that "Youtubers told zoomers Sonic bad" meme, except that in this case youtubers told zoomers a shitty game was a hidden gem.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nope. Dragon Quarter is genuinely an excellent game and turns most JRPG convention on its head, filtering out people who go in expecting to grind past all their problems. Your performance in every battle counts even before you actually start the fight, and can have a reverberating effect on how you play later on. The game pressures you into urgency and presents clear "right" choices, yet makes the bad choices seem tempting enough to try (and punishes you for taking them).
        It's never unfair. It's possible to beat without dying/resetting even under horribly sub-optimal conditions. It only feels unfair because everything it does goes completely against what JRPG players come to expect of the genre, taking away their usual comforts and means of dealing with (out-grinding) their problems.

        • 2 weeks ago

          This game would get called putrid dog shit even if it was a WRPG. It's just a bad game and you pretending bad game systems is a good thing doesn't make it an actually good game

        • 2 weeks ago

          >filtering out people who go in expecting to grind past all their problems
          how? you can abuse SOL until you steamroll everything.
          >Your performance in every battle counts even before you actually start the fight
          you'll never hit 100% unless you abuse the dragon form.

          I quit BoF3 at the part where you train the sailor up to fight the other sailor. The main story felt like it had gone nowhere in the like 5+ hours of sections of being chased by the two horse dudes. I liked the beginning of the game but once you are separated from your "family" and go off with the princess its directionless

          >main story felt like it had gone nowhere in the like 5+ hours of sections of being chased by the two horse dudes
          without them the story wouldn't progress past the prologue (not that plenty of people aren't curious about a what-if branch where things go as planned). you'd also never meet the champ, who's the one who takes you to the tower. in the middle you meet new party members and locations that will be revisited.
          just because the relevance of places isn't immediately apparent doesn't mean that it's filler.

          Breath of Fire as a series, aside from Dragon Quarter (cause it's short) is full of filler.
          Take Breath of Fire 2 as you finished it, the first part of the game is clearing your best friend by following a bat lady. The issue doesn't get resolved until about 3 or 4 hours of filler until you finally catch her at simafort.
          The second part of the game is asking a sentient tree what the hell is going on. This becomes a 5 step process just to talk to tree complete with hours and hours of filler.
          Breath of Fire 3 has a whole section where you train a onions boy to beat up gigachad for Stacy's heart so you can fix the lighthouse and get a boat. This whole section ended up being completely worthless since there was no boat and there was an alternate path you could have took if not for video game inconvenience, saving you 4-5 hours of trouble.
          Don't even get me started on Breath of Fire 4.

          >there was an alternate path you could have took
          you needed permission from the guild master to cross

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Dragon Quarter, the best Breath of Fire.
      This is some kind of inverse of that "Youtubers told zoomers Sonic bad" meme, except that in this case youtubers told zoomers a shitty game was a hidden gem.

      Dragon Quarter is great, there's no reason to skip IV though.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Zoomers just can't into soulful jrpgs

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >troons when playing any jrpg that isnt persona 5

  13. 2 weeks ago

    >Turn-based jrpg
    >Did I get memed into playing this game?

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >I’m genuinely offended by how fricking useless Momo is as a party member.
    You're supposed to get her trained under a master and she gets a skill where she never misses. Then she becomes a tank.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I was expecting a lot more pushback from this thread, I'm surprised how many anons agree

      What master? Her low def + shit aim + shit agility is busting my balls

  15. 2 weeks ago

    I know it’s a cliche talking point, but I think BOF1 was a product of its time. It seems generic nowadays because it’s been made a million times, each time likely being better. That’s not to say it wasn’t mediocre when it came out, but people played it as kids, and the simplicity of the story and gameplay made it perfect to be “that nostalgia game.”

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I just played about 2/3rds of BoFIV and honestly it's so boring I don't even know what to say about it.

    It looks amazing, all the animations are fantastic and merge so well with the lofi polygon style, maybe the best combination of 2d/3d I've ever seen.
    But the story is so anemic and slow idk what the frick they were thinking.
    As if that's not insulting enough they throw some inane and tedious unskippable minigame at you every now and then just to pad it out a bit more.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    >Does this get any better?
    It does get better when you become an adult but there are 2 further sections that make people ragequit so be warned. Maybe read up on how the master system works ahead of time because it can be hard to figure out. You can also transfer skills learned from masters to different characters using the skill ink, so you aren't stuck with one learned skill for the character.

    There's a pretty fun side-quest with the fairy village so make sure you follow how it actually works to get the best benefit out of it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      What are the 2 areas without spoilers? I was told theres a shitty desert area that apparently filters a lot of people

      • 2 weeks ago

        there's the desert part and there's another part where you have to train some guy to be a good fighter and it's just tedious battles with him over and over until he gets strong enough. I don't think that part is super long but it's just boring as hell.

        • 2 weeks ago

          but that's piss-easy. just beat the crap out of him. hell, I made him so strong he hit harder than the final boss.
          anyway, you can even cheat during the fight if you pay attention to the sprites

          • 2 weeks ago

            well I haven't played in years but I remember you weren't allowed to hit him too hard or something or else you had to start over, so it was just battles but not going too much, and doing it over and over.

            • 2 weeks ago

              it doesn't matter whether you knock him off his feet. any damage dealt and received will be converted into stats following a formula

      • 2 weeks ago

        the desert filters people because in the English version explanation you get is correct only the first time. the translators fricked up and made the text for when you ask the second time onwards wrong.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    bof3 is the obese gamer tier, the moment the rate of the random encounters bother you, drop it, it was made to arificially make the game feel bigger than it actually is

  19. 2 weeks ago

    You're playing a SNES JRPG. Inconveniences ar expected. Also, Master system is not supposed to be classes.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    If you really want to play a dogshit game, then try beating BoF 2 vanilla.

    • 2 weeks ago

      bof2 is the only bof game i beat and i literally cannot remember even a single fricking part of it. not one part of it, not the characters, not the enemies, not the story. the only thing i remember is it being on snes and feeling like the most generic possible jrpg to exist.

      • 2 weeks ago

        i remember that Ryu's sister had to grow up alone and sell her pussy to strangers to survive. By the time we meet her again, she's wearing a skimpy outfit and is obviously a turbo bawd. A clear contrast the the innocent soul we see her as in the beginning of the game.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Breath of Fire as a series, aside from Dragon Quarter (cause it's short) is full of filler.
        Take Breath of Fire 2 as you finished it, the first part of the game is clearing your best friend by following a bat lady. The issue doesn't get resolved until about 3 or 4 hours of filler until you finally catch her at simafort.
        The second part of the game is asking a sentient tree what the hell is going on. This becomes a 5 step process just to talk to tree complete with hours and hours of filler.
        Breath of Fire 3 has a whole section where you train a onions boy to beat up gigachad for Stacy's heart so you can fix the lighthouse and get a boat. This whole section ended up being completely worthless since there was no boat and there was an alternate path you could have took if not for video game inconvenience, saving you 4-5 hours of trouble.
        Don't even get me started on Breath of Fire 4.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Momo is the third best party member in the entire game.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    BoF as a series is just okay at best but it gets propped up much higher than it deserves because it's one of the few Capcom JRPGs

  23. 2 weeks ago

    ye but it look pretty

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Let's be honest.

    Dragon Quarter really is a fricking good game, and people only hate it because it's different.
    DQ also has the best OST in the series, which is not surprising if you know who the composer is.

    And when it comes to BoF3, Myria did nothing wrong.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's too good of a game to have been released in 2002.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >best OST in the series
      I was with you until this part

    • 2 weeks ago

      Genuinely guessing here, Hitoshi Sakimoto?

      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          Damn his sound really is recognizable. Love his stuff, BoF seems like a big departure for him though, although I guess DQ itself is a big departure from the series.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    zoom zoom

  26. 2 weeks ago

    >encounter rate is unreasonably high
    >encounters are very dangerous and/or defeat / wear you down by attrition by costing MP to recover the damage suffered
    This is where classic turn based shit with random encounters lose me

    • 2 weeks ago

      And forgot to add, this wouldn't be a problem except that MP-restoring items are either
      >finite and rare, and can only be found in chests or as rare drops from enemies
      >can be bought, but are incredibly expensive for no real reason

  27. 2 weeks ago

    >get to the desert part
    >note says to go left
    >you're actually supposed to travel right
    what the frick

    • 2 weeks ago

      Doesn't someone say the note might not be correct?

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