Did you like Skyward Sword?

Did you like Skyward Sword?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    No. The story is weak, the artstyle is wack, and its gameplay is some of the most vapid in the series history.

    • 3 months ago

      The story is fine in isolation and if you don’t take the rest of the series into account, but as soon as you do it becomes the most moronic shit imaginable

      • 3 months ago

        How so?

        • 3 months ago

          >actually zelda is this super special goddess reincarnated
          >all the villains in the series are just a manifestation of the super bad guy in this one
          >actually the master sword wasnt created like described in alttp, it was created by link in ss, but actually hes just reforging what once was before the sword lost its power

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, something I hate about SS is that it retroactively makes it so that none of the characters in the franchise has any agency because of “muh destiny”

            • 3 months ago

              Considering BotW and TotK in particular said "lmao we don't care about virgin timeline nerds" (which was based) it does not really matter.

              • 3 months ago

                I think that was just part of their reboot effort. They didn't do anything to break the timelines as some suggest, they just set the games so far into the future that anything is possible given how far removed BotK/TotK are from the other games

              • 3 months ago

                Nintendo, or any company that gives up on canon, makes it clear that whatever they're shitting out is not worth consuming. I find it both sad and hilarious that the devs outright tell you not to think about what happened to the divine beasts and previous shrines

            • 3 months ago

              >retroactively makes it so that none of the characters in the franchise has any agency because of “muh destiny”
              The Japanese unironically LOVE that hack shit

            • 3 months ago

              to be fair, Zelda has always been full of "prophecy" and "destiny". I think the only Zeldas where the hero had to work to earn the Triforce was 1986 and Wind Waker.

              • 3 months ago

                which makes wind waker the defacto better game between twilight princess and skyward sword

              • 3 months ago

                agreed. despite being incomplete, I really enjoyed Wind Waker quite a bit.

              • 3 months ago

                Like I said earlier, I prefer Skyward Sword to both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, but you can't beat the sailing. Also as people here mentioned, the charm and personality in the game is damn near unparalleled in 3D Zelda.

            • 3 months ago

              >retroactively makes it so that none of the characters in the franchise has any agency because of “muh destiny”
              The Japanese unironically LOVE that hack shit

              I think it marks the point they moved away from having it be a good mix of eastern/western themes to being mostly bhuddist and eastern inspired just with a semi-western coat of paint.

              Considering BotW and TotK in particular said "lmao we don't care about virgin timeline nerds" (which was based) it does not really matter.

              Just because other things did bad doesnt make one bad thing any better. TOTK sucks.

              • 3 months ago

                Wind Waker felt very eastern but pulled it off much better than Skyward Sword or the games that came after. Twilight Princess was a great example of Japanese fiction that takes a lot of obvious cues from western media but nonetheless feels very distinctly Japanese.

        • 3 months ago

          dumb origin for the master sword
          dumb origin for the three triforce wielders
          dumb origin for Ganondorf (and the DARK MASTER SWORD OOOOOOO)
          dumb origin for Hyrule

          everything is just dumb

        • 3 months ago

          >Fi is another annoying "helper" type character who won't shut the frick up for the entirety of Skyward Sword and even though she continues to live on as the "spirit" of the Master Sword at the end of the game, she never speaks to any of the other Links again because....um.... BECAUSE SHE JUST DOESN'T OKAY?????!!!!

          • 3 months ago

            she isnt just an another annoying type helper, she is the pinnacle of annoyance

        • 3 months ago

          removes agency from all characters: >ganondorf is cursed to continue the quest of an ancient demon and his goals were never his own.
          >link isn't just a nobody that happened to rise when needed, he's also stuck reincarnating because the goddess had a crush on him.
          >despite embodying wisdom, zelda is responsible for setting the events of the entire series. her short sightedness is what rooms hyrule to a never ending cycle of pain, death and rebirth.
          also the triforce cannot be wielded by mortals, they're fated to be wielded by the special 3 which cheapens the plot of games like alttp that have a war for the triforce as a backdrop. SS is a mess on all levels, literally unsalvageable slop

      • 3 months ago

        It is the first Zelda game I ever dropped, so no.

        >The story is fine in isolation
        Well there lies the problem. It refuses to stay isolated. Everything else got reduced to just winks and nods while Skyward Sword has replaced the gods, Zelda herself, and even Ganon.

  2. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >Making her hotter than she actually is

    • 3 months ago

      Frick no, Skyward Sword was disappointing. The only good thing about it was , some music tracks and Demise's design. Otherwise it was a shitshow of a game.

      >actually zelda is this super special goddess reincarnated
      >all the villains in the series are just a manifestation of the super bad guy in this one
      >actually the master sword wasnt created like described in alttp, it was created by link in ss, but actually hes just reforging what once was before the sword lost its power

      This especially pissed me off. Ganondorf can't be a good or neutral force, Zelda can't be rash or abrasive ruler (Though BotW kinda did this), and Link in the Wind Waker is no longer a kid who wanted to save his sister that took matters in his own hands and became his own hero as well as Spirit Tracks Link being a master conductor who took care of an unrelated force that was harming his home and his friend.

      And when they realized how bad they fricked up with SS and that Historia bullshit, they threw it out altogether and made a clean slate but did not stick to it with TotK. I don't even want to know what the next Zelda title will be like, Fujibayashi needs to frick off, he may have been fresh blood in 2011, but in 2024 he's now part of the old fossils that need to frick off.

      • 3 months ago

        >Ganondorf can't be a good or neutral force
        Well, he CAN.
        But Fujibayashi is too obsessed with his waifu to remember anything else about SS besides her.
        And Demise, who is now wearing Ganondorf's skin because...uh...

        • 3 months ago

          Why do you morons want Ganon to be redeemed. He's Ganon. That would defeat the point of the series.

          • 3 months ago

            I don't, you dumb b***h, I'm saying that Groose is literally the good counterpart to Ganondorf that every moron seems to clamor for.
            You want to complain about something, complain about Ganon not appearing for a literal decade now.

            • 3 months ago

              I misread your post, sorry I am moronic.

          • 3 months ago

            it was better when he was evil because he was a bad dude and not evil because a demon god of old cursed him to be so

          • 3 months ago

            Anime name please

            • 3 months ago

              Plastic Nee-San, iirc. It's okay.

          • 3 months ago

            It's not that he needs to be redeemed, it's that making him out to be evil because of muh destiny hamstrings him and Zelda and Link as well into their respective roles permanently and TotK is more or less still going with that decision. Sometimes you can have a Bowser that is the antagonist but can also be an ally when shit gets real. EVERY form of evil according to Skyward Sword is a form or manifestation of Demise. That is boring as frick.

  3. 3 months ago

    No. Unironically the worst 3D Zelda and if you hate BotW/TotK, you have Skyward Sword being as offensively bad as it was that it made Nintendo feel the need to reboot the series

  4. 3 months ago

    Yes, very.

    • 3 months ago

      up,down,up,down to do the the finisher in the HD version.

      frick the devs were fricking idiots.

    • 3 months ago

      My only complaint with this game is the lack of hard combat encounters. Shit like the 4 armed skeletons were really fun.

      • 3 months ago

        Same, really think the game would benefit from a hard mode (that goes beyond hero mode).

  5. 3 months ago

    Very much.
    I never understood the hate with it especially with the motion controls.

  6. 3 months ago

    I like everything that happens in Lanayru and nothing more

  7. 3 months ago

    frick no

  8. 3 months ago

    Yes, i liked the controls on Wii, it was awesome even everyone else tells it was shit.

    Would buy on Switch but i'm very concerned about the controls there...

    • 3 months ago

      I read that the motion is worse in that you have to recenter it more often than you did on the Wii. Apparently it's just by pushing a button instead, but you have to do it enough to where you can tell it could be better.

      To be honest I played Mario Galaxy on the Switch and tried using just the gyro and even then it would get off calibration and make it feels, to me, infinitely worse than the Wii version. So if it can't even do that, I don't see why it would be able to do Skyward Sword better than the Wii with Sensor Bar Assist.

      • 3 months ago

        >Apparently it's just by pushing a button instead, but you have to do it enough to where you can tell it could be better.
        Yes, I never had much issues with my Wii runs. On Switch when you swap between say beetle to sword you usually need to resync with Y. It's not an issue once you just get in the habit of pressing Y between all your item swaps but it's noticeable at first.

      • 3 months ago

        It has some awful parts that are obviously just padding. But the cute artstyle, fun characters, innuendos and especially the dungeons made for a fun playthrough.

        The waggle controls are totally awful on Wii. I haven't played it on the Switch. I remember recalibrating at least once a minute, if not more often. You kinda get used to it but it's awful.

        The worst part is that the game boots into sensor bar controls which has perfect aiming at least. But then it drops you into WII MOTION PLUS(R) and instantly the cursor turns to shit.

        • 3 months ago

          >I remember recalibrating at least once a minute, if not more often
          I rarely ever had to recalibrate on my end. I don't know if I just got lucky or something, but I never had anywhere near this kind of experience with Skyward Sword on the Wii.

          • 3 months ago

            It might be related to where your TV is positioned or God knows what else. Certainly I did not have a Nintendo approved dorm room at the time.

        • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        I played it on release on the Wii as well as on the Switch recently, and I'd say the controls feel better on the Switch. You do have to re-center it more often but it's one button press, while on the Wii it's a much more tedious process.
        The Switch version also speeds a lot of other things up, feels fast paced and looks really good.

      • 3 months ago

        I played it on release on the Wii as well as on the Switch recently, and I'd say the controls feel better on the Switch. You do have to re-center it more often but it's one button press, while on the Wii it's a much more tedious process.
        The Switch version also speeds a lot of other things up, feels fast paced and looks really good.

        you recentered with a button on wii also, didnt you have to have the wii pro thing to even play the game? that basically didnt even use a censor bar, u just realigned with like down on the d-pad

        • 3 months ago

          The Wii version didn't use the pro controller, but it used WiiMotion Plus. If you bought the game new, you got the game, a controller with WM+ built in, and a music CD. If you got it used but still in the box thing, you still got the WM+ controller with it. Otherwise just buying the game alone, you had to make sure you had a Wii Remote that either said across the bottom "motion plus included" or you had to have the little Motion Plus accessory to plug into the bottom of the Wii Remote.

          You're also right about the recenter thing for the Wii Remote for aiming. You could press the "down" button on the D-Pad for your aiming recital to reset back to the center. However, the issue I think being talked about is more about recalibration rather than recentering for aiming. So instead of Link swinging to the right when you swung to the right, link might swing down or something. In this case, recalibration is what's needed and, while the Wii version may have needed to recalibrate after the initial one a few times, you may not have had to do it as much as with the Joycons.

          All that said, I'm speaking out of ignorance on the Switch version, but I'm the guy who said I played Mario Galaxy and could definitely tell the difference in Wiimote (with Wii MotionPlus for the games that used it) and Sensor Bar (or Sensor Bar Assist for Skyward Sword) in comparison to just the gyro from the joycons

        • 3 months ago

          >you recentered with a button on Wii also
          You had to do the thing where you place the controller on a flat surface all the time on the Wii.

          • 3 months ago

            That was the recalibration process, yes. That said, you could re-center your aiming recital for your items and while using the first person view by pressing the down button on the D-Pad on the Wii Remote.

    • 3 months ago

      Switch gyro controls are awful. You have to recenter constantly. It's better with a controller but not as as fun and it drops inputs often. Still fun, looks good and the performance is great.

  9. 3 months ago

    not even a little bit

  10. 3 months ago

    I really like the desert areas, the game comes in to its own in all three sections.
    Otherwise, no. I never enjoyed the soundtrack much either, felt really weak outside of a small amount of tracks. I feel people just aggrandise it due to it being orchestrated.

  11. 3 months ago

    it is still the worst zelda game. at least the cdi ones gave us ytp

  12. 3 months ago

    I finished the first dungeon and lost interest. Just got sick of fighting the controls.

  13. 3 months ago

    Yes! As I've said in other threads, Skyward Sword is my 3rd favorite of the 3D Zelda games. Ocarina of Time first, Majora's Mask second, Skyward Sword third.

  14. 3 months ago

    Just started playing it, went down the clouds into the first temple.
    It is as good as ocarina of time and wind waker

    • 3 months ago

      No it isn't.

    • 3 months ago

      >just got to the first temple
      >already judging its quality
      >putting ww and oot on the same level
      >irrelevant image

      It has some awful parts that are obviously just padding. But the cute artstyle, fun characters, innuendos and especially the dungeons made for a fun playthrough.

      The waggle controls are totally awful on Wii. I haven't played it on the Switch. I remember recalibrating at least once a minute, if not more often. You kinda get used to it but it's awful.

      The worst part is that the game boots into sensor bar controls which has perfect aiming at least. But then it drops you into WII MOTION PLUS(R) and instantly the cursor turns to shit.

      some of the dungeons like the sandship and ancient cistern are pretty good Ill give you that. OST is mostly good.

      It's excellent. Fujibayashi's magnum opus.

      that would be the oracles

    • 3 months ago

      You’ll start hating it as soon as you reach Lanayru

      • 3 months ago

        Lanayru is the good part.

        • 3 months ago

          >all that padding before the mining facility

          • 3 months ago

            the entire fricking game is padding

      • 3 months ago

        Lanayru is the best dungeon you fricking moron.

    • 3 months ago

      It's good until it starts recycling the zones
      I'd argue that the desert one wasn't that good either

  15. 3 months ago

    The original game on the Wii sucks, but the HD Remaster is pretty enjoyable, even with all the flaws.

  16. 3 months ago

    It's my favourite.

  17. 3 months ago

    It's excellent. Fujibayashi's magnum opus.

  18. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Maybe it's just me

  19. 3 months ago

    not really
    i have lots of complaints but the thing that made me give up was that you couldnt save your game from the menu but needed to go to a save point
    the last thing i did in that game was navigate through a scrolling type mine/conveyor belt room with lazor beams to avoid twice because i was tired and wanted to go to bed, but needed to slowly migrate to a save point before i could turn off my wii
    never put the disk back in again after that

  20. 3 months ago

    I like Fi.

  21. 3 months ago

    It has been 13 years and Skyward Sword is still this divisive in the Zelda community. Literally 13 YEARS.

    • 3 months ago

      Weve had less games in the 13 years after than we did in the 13 years before. It probably doesnt help that this was the big 25th anniversary game

      I think that was just part of their reboot effort. They didn't do anything to break the timelines as some suggest, they just set the games so far into the future that anything is possible given how far removed BotK/TotK are from the other games

      that could have been true with BOTW but TOTK no

    • 3 months ago

      Why would there be one opinion?

    • 3 months ago

      Skyward Sword isn't divisive. Even in this thread the overwhelming majority are shitting on it. The pic you posted is from the divisive game. And yes, it sucks too. People can blame SS all they want, but in hindsight, TP was clearly the beginning of the the dark era for Zelda titles

      • 3 months ago

        >The pic you posted is from the divisive game
        That pic is from Skyward Sword anon.

      • 3 months ago

        That was WW. Shitty unfinished game.
        TP isnt that great either. The wolf sections suck hard, but dont act like WW was any better with mindless sailing and a whopping 5 dungeons

        • 3 months ago

          Didn't the planned dungeons that didn't make it into WW end up in TP?

          • 3 months ago

            By all accounts it's ideas were. So who knows what. I imagine something to do with the Command Melody and the Temple of Time rooms

        • 3 months ago

          Wind Waker was fricking awesome as a child because I did not mind the sailing. I did not mind it at all. Now I can see that it is kind of a drag. Same with the wolf parts in Twilight Princess.

          It's weird how many 3D Zelda games would be totally fantastic if only they cut some parts.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah I didnt mind it as a kid because it was zelda and the music was great. But looking back its a really empty nothing game

            Let's lay some facts.
            Best Zelda girl (those bangs)
            Best signature theme (ballad of the goat)
            Best art style (great emulated 4k)

            The rest you can debate.

            not best zelda. pic related is
            best signature theme isnt really a contest when like 3 zelda games have a signature theme, unless you want to count the dark world theme in alttp. TP's main theme is better than Ballad of the Goddess anyway, and so is The Great Sea.
            Best art style a tie between OOT/ALTTP

          • 3 months ago

            I really don’t understand why people shit on the sailing so much yet gladly run around the empty fields in BotW and TotK when it takes like a minute to get between two different points of interest in the former while they’re way further apart from each other in the latter

            • 3 months ago

              Because its different

            • 3 months ago

              Because its different
              and I also dont really like BOTW/TOTK

              Majora’s mask, BotW and TotK all have a similar amount of dungeons yet they’re well regarded, if anything the dungeons in WW are way better than the ones in BotW and TotK

              Majora's Mask makes up for it by having better dungeons than WW. The "dungeons" in BotW are not great and the ones in TotK SUCK hard.

            • 3 months ago

              The sailing in Wind Waker, to this day, has NEVER been beaten in terms of giving you the feel and sense of adventure. It's also fun to sail (traverse) just because, which isn't the case with any of the other 3D Zelda games for me. I say this as someone who prefers Skyward Sword to both Wind Waker and absolutely to Twilight Princess.

              • 3 months ago

                >skies of arcadia

              • 3 months ago

                the sailing sucks dude, the sense of adventure comes from the presentation and the bombastic music.

              • 3 months ago

                >the sense of adventure comes from the presentation and the bombastic music.
                Of which Wind Waker still has not been beaten from any of the 3D Zelda games. The camera angle helps with that too I feel and the little details like seeing Link getting soaked when it rains and how well the visuals of rainstorms work so well with the sound design of the moment (which I get is also a thing in newer Zelda games, but it's more "muted" or "grounded" I guess).

              • 3 months ago

                As a child, sure.

            • 3 months ago

              BotW and TotK have a lot more enemy camps, treasure, and variety in scenery. Most of the ocean is flat blue with a glowing rupee chest, the occasional submarine, or a tiny (often copy-pasted) island.

            • 3 months ago

              oot and tp Hyrule field are emptier than the great sea and are a much worse slot to traverse. ww truly filters the adhd morons that cannot enjoy the journey

              • 3 months ago

                OoT has the advantage of being relatively small, TP however has no such excuse

        • 3 months ago

          Majora’s mask, BotW and TotK all have a similar amount of dungeons yet they’re well regarded, if anything the dungeons in WW are way better than the ones in BotW and TotK

      • 3 months ago

        TP was a middling game that spent way too much time sucking Ocarina of Time's dick to have its own identity. A reminder: it was the game Madd in response to the backlash that Wind Waker's artystyle got from the "hardcore" tendies.

    • 3 months ago

      The game that broke the Zelda cycle

    • 3 months ago

      Here's how I've seen it and how another anon put it a while ago. If you liked the Oracle games, this is about as close as you'll get to a 3D version of that and you probably found liked Skyward Sword at least somewhat. If you liked Link to the Past and NES Zelda, you probably hated Skyward Sword.

      • 3 months ago

        I loved the Oracle games, still hated Skyward Sword. with the Oracle games, I could at least engage with the story understanding that it doesnt have much to do with Hyrule, and enjoy it on its own merit. Skyward is so steeped in series lore and so serious with its subject matter that it becomes really hard to enjoy on its own merit.

    • 3 months ago

      Still the only title that has yet to reverse Zelda cycle polarity.

    • 3 months ago

      It was enough to make Egoraptor and his deranged fanatics meme on it and shit on it so hard that suddenly you were somehow an idiot for liking it. No other Zelda game has caused this much consecutive seethe at its mere mention other than Breath of the Wild which I think beats it (or WILL beat it eventually. BotW seethe is going to be going on for multiple decades).

      • 3 months ago

        >It was enough to make Egoraptor and his deranged fanatics meme on it and shit on it so hard that suddenly you were somehow an idiot for liking it.
        Jesus; imagine the type of person that unironically cares what Arin Hanson has to say about anything...

        • 3 months ago

          At the time, Egoraptor was bigger than Asmongold is today and it wasn't even close. Today he is irrelevant, but at the time of Sequelitis, he was untouchable and people took nearly everything he said as gospel. You know this.

          • 3 months ago

            Holy frick am I glad to have never known such a person in my life; and also to have never met anybody influenced by him; ever.

      • 3 months ago

        Egoraptor's criticisms of OOT were always moronic and amounted to "It's different from ALTTP so it's bad". However Skyward Sword really is mediocre.

        • 3 months ago

          I always took his criticisms to be about pointless series convention (starting with ALTTP) and the differences between 2D and 3D design using Zelda as a medium to talk about the transition.

        • 3 months ago

          If only the way you took his OoT stances was the way the majority did. Even now the "major complaints" you hear about OoT are basically ripped word-for-word from Sequities.

    • 3 months ago

      It's funny;, Skyward Sword, BotW, and TotK are more divisive than Wind Waker was. I kind of fricking hate this series now.

      • 3 months ago

        Unlike TP, the developers actually cared about Wind Waker, even though it was rushed.

        • 3 months ago

          Wind Waker was just as much of a mistake since it nearly killed the entire IP. I always felt that game was the beginning of the great decline until Nintendo rebooted with BotW.

          I don't think Nintendo has a single fricking clue how to make a good Zelda anymore, it's been over.

          • 3 months ago

            Wind Waker killed the IP... how exactly? If anything, Twilight Princess's constant gargling of Ocarina of Time's balls is what lead the series into stagnation.

            • 3 months ago

              >Wind Waker killed the IP... how exactly?
              I said almost did, and historically it's a fact. Nintendo was considering shelving the entire IP and Twilight Princess was their big emergency plan. Wind Waker was Aonuma's baby so he felt burned by all of this which is why TP didn't end up as good as it could have been.

              >Wind Waker was just as much of a mistake since it nearly killed the entire IP.
              This is true, but since Twilight Princess's success saved the franchise, why would TP be in the same category of "worse" as Wind Waker?

              TP suffers from a lot of pacing issues, moments where it detracts from the actual game, and the difficulty is non existent. It's not a bad game but it's very sloppy and leaves much to be desired after you finish the main questline.

              I've tried to give TP many chances seeing if age would be kinder to it, but the first couple hours of the game and all the bug collecting are an absolute bore fest. It doesn't really start until Arbiter's Grounds.

              • 3 months ago

                Maybe so, but I wouldn't lay the blame at Wind Waker's feet. I think a lot of people were still burned by the fact that they weren't getting that cool Link and Ganondorf fight like they showed at Space World 2000. Honestly, I'd place the blame squarely on fan expectation that almost killed the IP.

              • 3 months ago

                >Honestly, I'd place the blame squarely on fan expectation that almost killed the IP.
                Then they should have just made what people wanted then. IPs thrive because of the dedicated fan bases that continue to buy your shit, I blame Aonuma thinking he knew what gamers "UHM ACKSHULLY" wanted. Even at Space World/E3 when they had playable kiosks for Wind Waker, no one was bothering with it because they were that pissed off.

              • 3 months ago

                There should be a balance. Coming at it from an artistic perspective, I would have rather them had faith in the new direction rather than doubling back to Ocarina of Time to sell units. On the other hand, I get the more practical concerns of needing to sell units as killer apps for their consoles... Business is hard man.

            • 3 months ago

              He's actually correct. Wind Waker did horrible in Japan and, at the time, Nintendo was very concerned about "gamer drift" in Japan where people seemed to be playing games less and less. So they looked to North America, saw how games were doing here (even considering WW was received poorly here as well) and basically made Twilight Princess for Americans and westerners in an effort to ensure the series didn't end up like Metroid or even Starfox. Its success is literally the reason why we still have Zelda today (including BotW and TotK) and the failure of Wind Waker legitimately did put the entire franchise in jeopardy.

              • 3 months ago

                It's terribly ironic, too, that Twilight Princess is also the title where people really began talking about the "Zelda formula" being stale in earnest.

              • 3 months ago

                Because Twilight Princess just wasn't as good as it could have been, and expectations were already high as is because Wind Waker turned off a huge majority of people.

              • 3 months ago

                >gamer drift
                I haven't heard this term in years. This is what led to Nintendo thinking about the Wii.

              • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              I wouldn't say it was Wind Waker itself.

              • 3 months ago

                The argument on "what killed Zelda" has to be, without a doubt, one of the most moronic things I've ever seen on the internet. It was like everyone would point fingers at other fans, or the actual games themselves, but not Nintendo or any of its employees.
                >hm yes, i believe it was the wind waker fans that made skyward sword bad
                >ah but it was majora's mask that made wind waker bad
                Or maybe, just maybe, it was the people MAKING THE FRICKING GAMES that made the games shit.
                Zelda started going to shit with Wind Waker. That's not a Wind Waker problem, that's not a WWgay problem, it was an Eiji Aonuma problem all along.

              • 3 months ago

                Nintendo hasn't felt the same for years. If you like the games they put out now for what they are, they're fine enough. Anyone who grew up with Nintendo though knows there's been a huge "something" really missing from their games for a long time, and like anon said

                If you genuinely believe that, then you weren't around to experience the sheer backlash during WW's reveal or initial release. The controversy was off the charts.

                The difference is that WW's divisiveness aged better than the former three, most likely for reasons [...] already stated. Aonuma genuinely cared for WW but had to rush it out the door due to the sheer controversy it generated back in the day.

                meanwhile TP was just a byproduct of Aonuma & co. sticking to standard conventions in an effort to save the IP from the Wind Waker fallout, SS was another Miyamoto peripheral gimmick project gone wrong, and BoTW & ToTK are soulless focus group shit following standard Ubislop and open world trends. Hate to sound like like some npc but WW was the last major 3D title that felt like it had some "soul" in it, despite its many flaws.

                I'm still sticking around because Smash, Mario Kart (and some Kirby titles) are still top-tier but other than that, the quality of Nintendo's titles this gen have really dropped off a cliff. ToTK, Mario Odyssey, AC:NH and Splatoon 3 were all massive disappointments. Meanwhile the Mario Sports titles are trash and the general difficulty in modern Nintendo titles is becoming non-existent to the point of boredom. The majority of their titles no longer feel like games for "everyone" anymore, but aimed at literal children.

                The Zelda formula was never stale, just badly mismanaged. TP did a terrible job at utilizing items outside of their respective dungeons and suffered from piss-easy difficulty (then again, what modern Zelda game doesn't suffer from this.)
                IMO they went to far with the OoT pandering (especially with the environmental design) and that's what made the game feel "stale." Zant should've been the main villain, Wolf Link should've been scrapped and at least a third of the game should've taken place in the Twilight Realm with its own towns and dungeons.

                It's like they just design games for literal brainlets who don't really play games or have the time to anymore, which is why Odyssey and BotW share very similar shallow formulas.

              • 3 months ago

                Thing is, though, Eiji Aonuma was also responsible for Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, arguably the best of the 3D Zelda titles. Were those flukes? I find that incredibly hard to believe.

              • 3 months ago

                He was one of four directors who worked on OoT. He was never the lead, but he was lead on dungeon design.

              • 3 months ago

                Miyamoto and Koizumi were heavily involved in those, they were essentially Aonuma’s tard wranglers

              • 3 months ago

                >Toru Osawa
                >Yoichi Yamada
                >Yoshiaki Koizumi
                >Toshio Iwawaki
                >Eiji Aonuma

                Ocarina of Time had 5 directors. Osawa was also one of the writers next to Kensuke Tanabe.

              • 3 months ago

                Apparently, Majora's Mask, by contrast only had Aonuma and Koizumi as directors.

              • 3 months ago

                Koizumi was the midas touch.

              • 3 months ago

                Considering Koizumi ended up leading the Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2 games, it's 100% clear that it was Koizumi and not Aonuma that made the games great.

              • 3 months ago

                Agree. Even the little story that was told about Rosalina in Super Mario Galaxy 1 was super well written, and only served to confirm that Koizumi is really solid when it comes to writing narrative.

                Doesn't matter now cuz he's lead on Mario and never wants to go back to Zelda.

              • 3 months ago

                Have you seen Zelda? I wouldn't want to back to that mess either! Mario is simple and easy to understand!

              • 3 months ago

                It only became a mess after Aonuma got his hands on it, fancy that.

              • 3 months ago

                I hope he goes back to a more structured Mario game for his next one instead of the approach they took with Odyssey. It felt more like Banjo Kazooie than a 3D Mario game. The Galaxy structure where you can have clearly defined levels that don't all need to be so connected to one another (a drawback of removing the "get a star, leave the level" formula) I think helped allow for more creative and interesting level design. That and let him do more "storybooks" for the new characters.

              • 3 months ago

                >The Galaxy structure where you can have clearly defined levels that don't all need to be so connected to one another (a drawback of removing the "get a star, leave the level" formula) I think helped allow for more creative and interesting level design
                The "Galaxy structure" is just fricking 3D World with a space backdrop and a bunch of cutscene setpieces. Don't act like its levels weren't more than floating blocks.

              • 3 months ago

                galaxy is better than 3d world

              • 3 months ago

                It's better in presentation but 3D World mogs every other 3D graphics Mario game other than 64.

              • 3 months ago

                I did have a lot more fun with 3D World than I had with Galaxy. Galaxy is more "epic", but 3D World is so chill and fun with its ideas.

              • 3 months ago

                Galaxy is better

                there's a reason galaxy 2 threw out all the planetoid stuff and just focused on platforming

                I liked the small planetoids that you could just jump around and around and around

              • 3 months ago

                You're entitled to your opinion, even when it's wrong. I don't think Galaxy is bad at all, but I have way more fun with 3D World.

              • 3 months ago

                Galaxy has an identity crisis. Simple obstacle courses don't work with its gimped movement. The worlds that attempt to be sandboxes are still too small and linear in comparison to ones from 64 and Sunshine. Don't get me started on the motion gimmicks.

              • 3 months ago

                there's a reason galaxy 2 threw out all the planetoid stuff and just focused on platforming

              • 3 months ago

                Agree. Even the little story that was told about Rosalina in Super Mario Galaxy 1 was super well written, and only served to confirm that Koizumi is really solid when it comes to writing narrative.

              • 3 months ago

                And Aonuma is the reason MM3D is the way it is.
                So yes, I would call Aonuma and his tenure at Nintendo a fluke personified.

          • 3 months ago

            >Wind Waker was just as much of a mistake since it nearly killed the entire IP.
            This is true, but since Twilight Princess's success saved the franchise, why would TP be in the same category of "worse" as Wind Waker?

          • 3 months ago

            Wind Waker killed the IP... how exactly? If anything, Twilight Princess's constant gargling of Ocarina of Time's balls is what lead the series into stagnation.

            >Wind Waker killed the IP... how exactly?
            I said almost did, and historically it's a fact. Nintendo was considering shelving the entire IP and Twilight Princess was their big emergency plan. Wind Waker was Aonuma's baby so he felt burned by all of this which is why TP didn't end up as good as it could have been.
            TP suffers from a lot of pacing issues, moments where it detracts from the actual game, and the difficulty is non existent. It's not a bad game but it's very sloppy and leaves much to be desired after you finish the main questline.

            I've tried to give TP many chances seeing if age would be kinder to it, but the first couple hours of the game and all the bug collecting are an absolute bore fest. It doesn't really start until Arbiter's Grounds.

            Twilight Princess is the worst 3d zelda and its not even close.
            >worst overworld
            no explanation needed here
            >worst dungeons
            even majora's mask shallow dungeons outshine these garbage excuses for dungeons. this game wants to be OoT but it cant
            >worst items
            so many boring filler items with one-off uses just to end up as item screen clutter, the only saving grace is the beyblade
            >b-but my double clawshots!!!
            trash and slow garbage. just look at the temple in the sky, its the most tedious dungeon of all time and the boss of the dungeon should have never made it past the testing stages.

            despite its flaws, skyward sword having superior dungeons and bosses puts it miles ahead of TP. that being said, id take TP 10 more times over botw/totk as those are not zelda games. but the new zelda team is a bunch of morons who cant make dungeons and they proved that with totk

            • 3 months ago

              I never really understood the praise TP dungeons get, they’re pretty bland and unremarkable overall, just like the whole game, really

      • 3 months ago

        It's unrecognizable from what it once was, if you liked the older games there's hardly anything for you to enjoy in the newer ones

        • 3 months ago

          I hate Fujibayashi era Zelda so much. Aonuma wasn't doing any better after Wind Waker either. BotW and Totk burned me so bad I'm not bothering with the next Nintendo console until I see what they're doing with the next Zelda. If it's Botw 3 (it absolutely will be) then I'm done with Nintendo.

          • 3 months ago

            I’ve already come to terms with the fact that I’ll be playing OoT romhacks until the day either I or Aonuma die, whichever comes first

          • 3 months ago

            If you genuinely believe that, then you weren't around to experience the sheer backlash during WW's reveal or initial release. The controversy was off the charts.

            The difference is that WW's divisiveness aged better than the former three, most likely for reasons [...] already stated. Aonuma genuinely cared for WW but had to rush it out the door due to the sheer controversy it generated back in the day.

            meanwhile TP was just a byproduct of Aonuma & co. sticking to standard conventions in an effort to save the IP from the Wind Waker fallout, SS was another Miyamoto peripheral gimmick project gone wrong, and BoTW & ToTK are soulless focus group shit following standard Ubislop and open world trends. Hate to sound like like some NPC but WW was the last major 3D title that felt like it had some "soul" in it, despite its many flaws.

            I'm still sticking around because Smash, Mario Kart (and some Kirby titles) are still top-tier but other than that, the quality of Nintendo's titles this gen have really dropped off a cliff. ToTK, Mario Odyssey, AC:NH and Splatoon 3 were all massive disappointments. Meanwhile the Mario Sports titles are trash and the general difficulty in modern Nintendo titles is becoming non-existent to the point of boredom. The majority of their titles no longer feel like games for "everyone" anymore, but aimed at literal children.

            The Zelda formula was never stale, just badly mismanaged. TP did a terrible job at utilizing items outside of their respective dungeons and suffered from piss-easy difficulty (then again, what modern Zelda game doesn't suffer from this.)
            IMO they went to far with the OoT pandering (especially with the environmental design) and that's what made the game feel "stale." Zant should've been the main villain, Wolf Link should've been scrapped and at least a third of the game should've taken place in the Twilight Realm with its own towns and dungeons.

            I don’t even know why I stick with Nintendo anymore considering every series I ever liked is either dead or unrecognizable/shit now, maybe out of habit or because they’re the last bastion of physical media?
            >star fox
            shit and souless
            >paper mario
            dead but there’s a small glimmer of hope given recent developments
            I kinda want this next nintendo gen to deliver the games I’ve wanted for years so I can get some closure before gaming goes all digital hellscape but it doesn’t look like it’s happening with zelda

      • 3 months ago

        If you genuinely believe that, then you weren't around to experience the sheer backlash during WW's reveal or initial release. The controversy was off the charts.

        The difference is that WW's divisiveness aged better than the former three, most likely for reasons

        Unlike TP, the developers actually cared about Wind Waker, even though it was rushed.

        already stated. Aonuma genuinely cared for WW but had to rush it out the door due to the sheer controversy it generated back in the day.

        meanwhile TP was just a byproduct of Aonuma & co. sticking to standard conventions in an effort to save the IP from the Wind Waker fallout, SS was another Miyamoto peripheral gimmick project gone wrong, and BoTW & ToTK are soulless focus group shit following standard Ubislop and open world trends. Hate to sound like like some NPC but WW was the last major 3D title that felt like it had some "soul" in it, despite its many flaws.

        I hate Fujibayashi era Zelda so much. Aonuma wasn't doing any better after Wind Waker either. BotW and Totk burned me so bad I'm not bothering with the next Nintendo console until I see what they're doing with the next Zelda. If it's Botw 3 (it absolutely will be) then I'm done with Nintendo.

        I'm still sticking around because Smash, Mario Kart (and some Kirby titles) are still top-tier but other than that, the quality of Nintendo's titles this gen have really dropped off a cliff. ToTK, Mario Odyssey, AC:NH and Splatoon 3 were all massive disappointments. Meanwhile the Mario Sports titles are trash and the general difficulty in modern Nintendo titles is becoming non-existent to the point of boredom. The majority of their titles no longer feel like games for "everyone" anymore, but aimed at literal children.

        It's terribly ironic, too, that Twilight Princess is also the title where people really began talking about the "Zelda formula" being stale in earnest.

        The Zelda formula was never stale, just badly mismanaged. TP did a terrible job at utilizing items outside of their respective dungeons and suffered from piss-easy difficulty (then again, what modern Zelda game doesn't suffer from this.)
        IMO they went to far with the OoT pandering (especially with the environmental design) and that's what made the game feel "stale." Zant should've been the main villain, Wolf Link should've been scrapped and at least a third of the game should've taken place in the Twilight Realm with its own towns and dungeons.

        • 3 months ago

          >a third of the game should've taken place in the Twilight Realm with its own towns and dungeons.
          That reminds me of the original concept for the twilight realm which had it be monochrome as opposed to orange and midna has a cell shaded teal and red tentacle coming out of her helmet, shit would have been cash and looked much better than the visual vomit we got instead

  22. 3 months ago

    Dropped it 5 minutes in back on launch but after playing the switch port it became my favorite Zelda alongside OoT. Always played these games for the dungeons and Skyward Sword wasted no time with that past the intro

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah it's dungeons are so good you do one twice!

      • 3 months ago

        You must hate botw then, cause you'll be doing alot of copy pasted shrines and the same looking dungeons lmao

    • 3 months ago

      All skyward sword does is waste your time.
      more dousing

      Yeah it's dungeons are so good you do one twice!

      cant forget about anything to do with scrapper

  23. 3 months ago

    >people are starting to discuss what other people said somewhere else instead of people in this thread
    Thread dead

  24. 3 months ago

    Soundtrack is good at least


  25. 3 months ago

    Let's lay some facts.
    Best Zelda girl (those bangs)
    Best signature theme (ballad of the goat)
    Best art style (great emulated 4k)

    The rest you can debate.

    • 3 months ago

      >ballad of the goddess
      Theme is dogshit, get some standard

      • 3 months ago

        frick your ass moron

        • 3 months ago

          >gaylord likes the shittest theme
          Checks out

      • 3 months ago

        Time to kys

    • 3 months ago

      >ballad of the goat

  26. 3 months ago

    You people are just salty because you fell for her tricks.

    • 3 months ago


  27. 3 months ago

    Wind Waker was my favourite for a good while but on replaying it dropped right down to just above Skyward Sword. It just about wins out due to its charm and overworld characters.

    • 3 months ago

      >when link meows when hes stalking the formerly rich girl
      oozing with charm. too bad the actually game isnt that great

  28. 3 months ago

    Was somewhat disappointed at the time given it was going to be THE NEW ERA of Zelda and it basically ended up being TP again.
    They learned from that going into BOTW though.

    • 3 months ago

      its not really anything like tp

    • 3 months ago

      They really hyped up the "the area around the dungeon is just like another dungeon!!!" thing but then the sky overworld was totally empty. I was hoping for a new ocean kind of experience.

    • 3 months ago

      It essentially was the beginning of the new era of Zelda, TotK is heavily influenced by it and to a lesser extent BotW is too

      It is the first Zelda game I ever dropped, so no.

      >The story is fine in isolation
      Well there lies the problem. It refuses to stay isolated. Everything else got reduced to just winks and nods while Skyward Sword has replaced the gods, Zelda herself, and even Ganon.

      Which is why I treat SS, BotW and TotK as their own continuity separate from the rest of the series, everything makes more sense aswell, they’re not really “The Legend of Zelda” but rather “Eiji Aonuma’s The Legend of Zelda (tm)”

  29. 3 months ago

    Yes, the art style is great and everything in Lanayru desert is awesome. The boss rush is the highlight of the game.
    What I don't like is how many times it makes you repeat areas and even a dungeon and traveling with the bird is boring.

  30. 3 months ago

    It is the only Zelda game where you canonically have sex.

    • 3 months ago

      You don't.

  31. 3 months ago

    I did only played the switch version. The desert timeswapping to ocean was a god tier gimmick

  32. 3 months ago

    Yes but you can tell the formula was getting stale.
    It's a mediocre Zelda game but even a mediocre Zelda game is still a good time.

    • 3 months ago

      >getting stale
      >when it completely changes the structure from the previous 3D zeldas
      If anything it was bad because it didn’t stick to the formula enough

  33. 3 months ago

    All the settings feel inorganic and sloppy.

    All the characters feel like led weights, and will never break off their ideology to seem human or responsible.

    All the enemies are the same.

    All the weapons are the same.

    All the fights are the same.

    The controls are the best thing ever, especially on the Switch.

    The puzzle solving is excellent.

    There's literally no exploration to complete outside of finding the Goddess Cubes.

    There's more stuff about the game that stood out to me, but these are just the basic things.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Welcome to Ganker.

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, we get it, you like eating shit.

    • 3 months ago


      Thanks saucy

      • 3 months ago

        You're whale cum

  34. 3 months ago

    I did, but I understand why it's so forgotten / disliked.

    I actually really enjoyed the combat though I only played the Switch version, not the original Wii.
    The Dungeons are fantastic, genuinely some of the best dungeons in the entire series. The bosses are pretty great as well even though some have ugly designs. Soundtrack is pretty good.

    The issue with the game is entirely with the Sky region. It's empty, it's soulless, it's barebones. You would think it would have been MUCH larger with a lot more to do up there but there's really not much of anything to do at all and the entire flying mechanic is completely wasted on such an empty, barebones area. It has basically one community and one other small island with a few NPCs and that's it. It could have been so much more, they could have had entire dungeons up there but instead it's just shitty and you only really use the main town hub and collect some items on the various stupid floating rocks. As far as I can remember there's only one boss up there and it's the flying one that's incredibly easy.

    • 3 months ago

      if they wanted to make the Goddess Cubes interesting, they should have gone the Chrono Trigger route by making them mysterious in the beginning, then start drip feeding you what might be in them.

      • 3 months ago

        I totally forgot about the goddess cubes until now.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah there's just no exploration at all. I tried to like the exploration in Skyward Sword many times, but I just sank each and every time. Wind Waker is the king of exploration in Zelda games, and I wasn't even expecting it to be that good. Even just a little better than Twilight Princess, and I would have been happy.

  35. 3 months ago

    Frick you, I liked it.

  36. 3 months ago

    VERY unpopular opinion, but I didn't hate the Sky. I liked going to Skyloft and the little side stories/side quests after being on the Surface. I also liked visiting the Lumpy Pumpkin and Bamboo Island despite the fact that there isn't much going on in the sky as far as challenges or dangers. Also the flying was kind of soothing for me. It wasn't perfect, but I didn't hate it.

    • 3 months ago

      I liked the controls the most, flying was fun because of them.

    • 3 months ago

      >Also the flying was kind of soothing for me
      I've finally found 1 other person who feels like I do about the flying in SS.

  37. 3 months ago

    Best 3D Zelda before BotW. Motion controls worked like a charm

  38. 3 months ago

    skyward sword would be the worst game in one of nintendo's historical franchises if metroid other m didn't exist

    man the wii was garbage

    • 3 months ago

      >if metroid other m didn't exist
      No. I'm tired of this shit. Metroid Other M, as a video GAME was good. You and everyone else shit on the game because you didn't like Samus' characterization and story of the game. Yes, not everything about Other M was great especially the first person "I Spy" puzzle book game stuff, but 95% of everyone's issues with it are the story, "The Baby", "Samus doesn't need to be TOLD to use weapons, she's a BADASS", "why is she not cold when Ridley shows up? WHAT THE FRICK" and shit like that. It's the story you have a problem with, but the actual game is solid at the least.

      • 3 months ago

        I still maintain Anthony Higgs is the best part about Other M's story

      • 3 months ago

        Not him but the NES controls sucked in a 3D game and being able to fully heal at any time ruined the difficulty.

        • 3 months ago

          >fully heal at any time ruined the difficulty
          I'm almost positive you could only fill your current Energy Tank so I don't think it was "fully healing", but I haven't played Other M in years.

          • 3 months ago

            you are correct, it only filled a single energy tank and some missles.

      • 3 months ago

        >as a video GAME was good.
        no it's fricking atrocious garbage, much worse than skyward sword

        SS has at least some genuinely cool ideas like the desert timeshift stones and interesting mechanics like the beetle, other m is a mindless, absurdly shallow mobile tier action game that has none of its series strong points

        • 3 months ago

          >other m is a mindless, absurdly shallow mobile tier action game that has none of its series strong points
          Oh frick you. Play the game next time without having people tell you how "bad" it is next time. Other M wasn't the best game, but it for damn sure wasn't the worst game.

          • 3 months ago

            >no argument other than u didnt playd le gayme!!!
            literal fromtroony tier

            other m has zero depth, exemplifies nintendo's poisonous trend of simplifying their games to the point of absurdity during the wii era, is a 3D game played with a dpad, is a TPS with auto aim, is an action game with an infinite invicible dodge, is a metroid game with zero exploration or sequence breaking

            it's bad and you're a mongoloid, it's ok I forgive you

            • 3 months ago

              nta, but I don't think it's terrible either. granted, it's definitely the weakest Metroid game, but I think it does a good job of translating Fusion's more linear structure to a 3D action brawler. it's the cinematic writing of the game that really makes it worse.

              • 3 months ago

                >but I think it does a good job of translating Fusion's more linear structure to a 3D action brawler.
                that means precisely nothing

                everytime someone tries to defend other m it's always this sort of completely moronic, empty sentences, proof the game is total shit

              • 3 months ago

                Only the story and the stupid fricking pixel hunting segments are awful in Other M. Everything else, from map design to controls to general gameplay to graphics and sound ranges between fine and great. And playing on hard mode with only 10 missiles feels like how the game was designed to be played. And the idea of Mother Brain made into an Android and seeing Metroids as pets is forever genius.

              • 3 months ago

                >map design
                featureless corridors and completely linear progression to the point they use fricking invisible walls to prevent you from grabbing items out in the open, have a nice day
                full 3D game controlled with a dpad like an early sega saturn game, dodge activated by mashing said dpad, the point the remote towards the screen to activate missiles nonsense, have a nice day
                >general gameplay
                no depth whatsoever, no interesting new ability for samus, the game aims for you, no incentive to master the system since there's no scoring (not like there's anything to master in the first place), have a nice day
                >graphics and sound
                everything looks like plastic, environments are straight out of new super mario bros with zero creativity, they got rid of every classic tunes and replaced it with ambiant garbage, have a nice day
                >And playing on hard mode

                in conclusion, have a nice day

              • 3 months ago

                >featureless corridors and completely linear progression to the point they use fricking invisible walls to prevent you from grabbing items out in the open, have a nice day
                They are labyrinthine enough for being in a Metroid game; have a nice day.
                >full 3D game controlled with a dpad like an early sega saturn game, dodge activated by mashing said dpad, the point the remote towards the screen to activate missiles nonsense, have a nice day
                And despite everything it works like a dream; controls are legit super tight, sense move works like a dream, and shooting missiles is fun, have a nice day
                >no depth whatsoever, no interesting new ability for samus, the game aims for you, no incentive to master the system since there's no scoring (not like there's anything to master in the first place), have a nice day
                Apart from no new abilities; everything here can be applicable to every Metroid game ever made. Because that shit is not what Metroid is about you verminous subhuman homosexual, have a nice day.
                >everything looks like plastic, environments are straight out of new super mario bros with zero creativity, they got rid of every classic tunes and replaced it with ambiant garbage, have a nice day
                Graphics are incredibly sharp considering it's a Wii game; that it runs at a locked 60 fps is a miracle and the fixed camera is the greatest this side of classic God of War. have a nice day.
                Yeah, I am not dignifying this with a response.

                You are a fricking embarrassment, have a nice day.

              • 3 months ago

                >They are labyrinthine enough
                HAHAHAHAHAHA THIS Black person I SWEAR
                >And despite everything it works like a dream
                it feels like total shit and is a clear regression from a control scheme nintendo themselves democratized 15 years prior, other m defenders have no standards and no vidya culture
                >everything here can be applicable to every Metroid game ever made
                ? you have to aim yourself in every metroid game other than this one yes even in prime games on the wii, are you just typing random words now? having a stroke?
                >Because that shit is not what Metroid is about
                dar rite but other m is evidently not a metroid game but it's an action game and as an action game the things I've listed disqualify it from being good, I knew you were slow but I didn't think I'd have to explain such an obvious thing, sad!
                >Graphics are incredibly sharp
                art direction trumps all and other m looks like a cheap sentai movie, baby ridley is particularly ridiculous as is adam malkovitch in his military uniform, motherfricker looks like he's fresh out of love boat
                >Yeah, I am not dignifying this with a response.
                But call him a snoy moviegame enthusiast and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".”

              • 3 months ago

                >HAHAHAHAHAHA THIS Black person I SWEAR
                Giving up already, I see. No shame in running away. Not!
                >it feels like total shit
                Not to me, but oh well. If you don't like it I am nobody to tell you you're wrong.
                >you have to aim yourself in every metroid game
                I was referring to what you said about "mastering the system" in Metroid. There is nothing in Metroid to master. That's not what Metroid is about.
                >art direction trumps all and other m looks like a cheap sentai movie, baby ridley is particularly ridiculous as is adam malkovitch in his military uniform, motherfricker looks like he's fresh out of love boat
                >snoy moviegame enthusiast
                Not dignifying this with a response, either.

              • 3 months ago

                >Giving up already
                it's ok jamarcus, it's not your fault you didn't learn the meaning of the word labyrinthine in public school
                >Not to me
                sure but it's already been established you were a gorilla brain Black person with no standards
                >There is nothing in Metroid to master
                imagine unironically typing that in a series known for its speedrunning potential which the games themselves encourage by giving you different endings depending on how fast you beat them

                fricking hell I knew other m fans hated metroid but I didn't think it'd be that bad
                concession and dilation accepted
                >Not dignifying this with a response
                enjoy your next tlou2 playthrough on grounded sister!!!

              • 3 months ago

                You have incurable brain worms and sound like a self hating troony

              • 3 months ago

                >it's ok jamarcus, it's not your fault you didn't learn the meaning of the word labyrinthine in public school
                Oh, okay, you're just moronic. Good to know.
                >sure but it's already been established you were a gorilla brain Black person with no standards
                Projecting like there's no tomorrow.
                >imagine unironically typing that in a series known for its speedrunning potential
                >speedrunning potential
                Pardon my English,



                Yeah, the rest of your post doesn't even deserve me reading it after you unironically brought up fricking speedrunning. Just frick off kid; the adults are trying to talk about Skyward Sword here.

              • 3 months ago

                the games are built for speedrunning, dread for ex gives you illustrations for beating the game under 4 hours in normal and hard mode

                I understand why you wouldn't know it though, you don't play games being a fan of israeli movies, no big deal

              • 3 months ago

                Dawg, it's over. Nobody cares what you have to say. You admitted to caring about speedrunning in public. You are subhuman.

              • 3 months ago

                ITS REALLY A Black person HAHAHAHAHAHA

              • 3 months ago

                I think it's medically necessary for you to have a nice day

              • 3 months ago

                there is no need to be upset, ngubu-kun 🙂

              • 3 months ago

                Let's hold hands

              • 3 months ago

                Trump will lose 😉

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not an amerimutt, ja'nigus sneed =^)

              • 3 months ago

                If you're not American and still this fricking racist that is actually even sadder than I thought.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not an amerimutt, ja'nigus sneed =^)

                Yeah, calling everyone you don't like a nigher when you aren't even American is one giant-ass OOF right there. Sad.

              • 3 months ago

                A speedrun watcher AND a /misc/tard. Can there be a combo more repulsive?

              • 3 months ago

                >A speedrun watcher
                where did I ever mention watching speedruns? I said metroid games have been designed from the start to encourage players to beat the games the fastest way possible, which is done by mastering the movement mechanics and the level design

                that's a fact, not sure why you're coping and dilating about it

              • 3 months ago

                >where did I ever mention watching speedruns?
                Oh Jesus it's worse, he's an actual speedrunner, run for the fricking hills!

              • 3 months ago

                I want to measure your skull

              • 3 months ago

                >metroid games have been designed from the start to encourage players to beat the games the fastest way possible
                Beyond your general homosexualry and subhuman status - this is patently wrong.

              • 3 months ago


                samus gets progressively more naked depending on your completion time in the very first metroid

                I understand that an enormous homosexual wouldn't care about it but the games have always been about beating them the quickest way possible

              • 3 months ago

                badly programmed bot

                This is just pathetic at this point.

              • 3 months ago

                He just provided you with evidence of what he was claiming and backed it up. Why is this somehow a problem? Just because you NEED to push that Other M is awful when it really isn't and you just can't concede an argument among a bunch of random anonymous people?

              • 3 months ago

                Dawg, I told you, it's over. You like speedrunning. I'm only still here to clown on yo ass.

              • 3 months ago

                badly programmed bot

                Decades later and people are still misunderstanding Metroid design, Jesus frick...

              • 3 months ago

                This is just pathetic at this point.

                Yeah, bringing this stuff up anywhere in thr same sentence as speedrunning is enough to make your blood.boil

              • 3 months ago

                badly programmed bot

              • 3 months ago

                metroid has a built in timer and samus strips if you get better times

              • 3 months ago

                compare graphics to prime 3 which came out 3 years earlier

              • 3 months ago

                They probably had to make sacrifices for what they were doing. It's the Wii; eventually every game on it blurs together into general 6th gen graphics. No point in arguing about it.

              • 3 months ago

                or maybe its just shit

              • 3 months ago

                Frick outta here Son of Dob, your inflated ego has no power here.

              • 3 months ago

                >other m
                >Great-good map design
                did you even play the game?

              • 3 months ago

                Wouldn't have been so bad if they took the controls to heart and designed everything in a 2.5D way with right-angle corners.
                But nope, the game has extremely round map design to mock Samus' etch-a-sketch movement.

              • 3 months ago

                Given the caliber of people replying to you I would say you're right here

              • 3 months ago

                anon, it's not that my sentence was empty, it's just that you're, I'm sad to say, moronic. you missed my entire point being that Other M is essentially Metroid Fusion done slightly worse in a 3D environment. I wouldn't consider it terrible, by any stretch, it's just worse than what came before.

              • 3 months ago

                >you missed my entire point being that Other M is essentially Metroid Fusion done slightly worse in a 3D environment
                it's nothing like fusion outside of the fact it regurgitates most of its story beats, man other m apologists truly are subhumans

              • 3 months ago

                Wow. You are spectacularly moronic. Way more moronic than I initially suspected. This might actually be a terminal condition!

              • 3 months ago

                it really isnt like fusion except for the heavier emphasis on story and the space station setting

              • 3 months ago

                Metroid Fusion is a linear 2D action platformer with a focus on collectibles and power ups, culminating with a plot twist, a final boss battle, and escape sequence.

                Metroid Other M is a linear 3D action platformer, with a focus on collectibles and power ups, culminating with a plot twist, a final boss battle, and escape sequence.

                In terms of overall design structure, they are very similar with some minor differences, including but not limited to: find-the-pixel segments, QTEs, and cinematic story sequences. Coincidentally, the things that I mentioned which separate the two games are ALSO the worst parts about the game.

                Outside of those, you cannot possibly argue that they aren't VERY similar.

      • 3 months ago

        other m sucks as a video game
        dpad controls in 3d environment
        move the wii mote to aim first person
        green pixels on green grass
        it sucks

      • 3 months ago

        no, other m fails at every fricking step. there's literally nothing redeemable about that garbage as a game, let alone as a Metroid entry. the graphics are hideous, music is non-existent, the gameplay is moronic and drops to a crawl just so you can shoot missiles, and the least we talk about the plot the better

  39. 3 months ago

    It's the best zelda. WW is unfinished. OOT and MM are outdated. TP is a soulless rehash. Both and totk are Ubislop.

  40. 3 months ago

    I just beat it for the first time the Switch version and it’s really good. It helped it didn’t have any motion controls since i would have probably hated that, the new controls are excellent, I like controlling the sword with the right stick it reminds of the Metal Gear Rising finishers, the dungeons are top tier and some of the bosses are fantastic too. There’s some trashy areas and padding like the imprisoned bosses and the constant reused areas but overall it’s fantastic, it’s honestly refreshing to have a game nowadays that doesn’t have souls combat and is a tightly designed linear experience as opposed to open world slop. I liked it more than TP


  41. 3 months ago

    It's the only Zelda game I actually still like but it's also hard carried by the spectacle of groose and the koloktos fight tbh. Also peatrice is a cutie

  42. 3 months ago


    -Motion controlled combat is best in series history
    -Impressionist graphics are nice
    -EVERY SINGLE AREA in the game sans the overworld is laid out like a dungeon; so every place has a set of puzzles to complete in order for you to progress forward. It makes the game linear; but boy is it a ton of fun! I like it more than segregating the puzzles to stupid ugly blue rooms.

  43. 3 months ago

    It's a fantastic game, but since Zelda is such a high quality series people say it's shit because the standards is very high

    It's still destroys most games released nowadays even it it's "shit"


  44. 3 months ago

    This has the worst backtracking of any game I've ever played other than Metroid Prime 1

  45. 3 months ago

    Yes, I wish it was harder though.

  46. 3 months ago

    Yes but it took over a decade because the controls were a dealbreaker.

  47. 3 months ago

    not really. the artstyle makes everything look like a fisher price toy and there are some annoying parts like the imprisoned and the temple with the slider puzzle. but the motion controls were fun and ghirahim was a fun antagonist

  48. 3 months ago



    • 3 months ago

      Where's forma de sheik

  49. 3 months ago

    I like some stull like the art and atmosphere.
    But the constant repetition of going back and forth between everything like a dozen times, having to fly through the barren sky to get anywhere, and fighting the same boss 4 times really made it feel like it was 10 hours too long.

  50. 3 months ago

    No, and never will.

    I'm still amazed Fujibayashi became lead director of the series after this piece of shit, and all of Skyward Sword's gimmicks ended up as important mechanics in BotW and TotK. This era of Zelda has been dogshit.

    • 3 months ago

      >all of Skyward Sword's gimmicks ended up as important mechanics in BotW and TotK
      you mean none of them

      literally the only thing that was kept was the stamina bar

      • 3 months ago

        >Item Durability

        • 3 months ago

          they don't work remotely similarly, if anything botw's paraglider is an evolution of tww's deku leaf

          • 3 months ago

            pre-release it was a sailcloth, and it functions as a hybrid of both.

          • 3 months ago

            The Sail Cloth vs the Deku Leaf/Paraglider is the best way to describe Skyward Sword's shallow gameplay.

      • 3 months ago

        That's only because later Zeldas were massive steps backwards in terms of gameplay.

  51. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      My favorite part is link longingly looking into his butthole like it's a pie on the windowsill

  52. 3 months ago

    If any Zelda games were actually bad Ganker wouldn't talk about them at all.

  53. 3 months ago

    Third favorite Zelda ever, or second if you think like a Gankergay that believes BotW and TotK are the exact same

  54. 3 months ago

    Yes. Sword control is fun, dungeon were the best in the series, best bosses too.
    Switch version is the best.

  55. 3 months ago

    No, I remember being annoyed and angry by the end of it. Fighting that fricking toe monster not only twice but three times made my blood boil.

  56. 3 months ago

    I remember when it leaked/launched and Ganker was loving it.

    • 3 months ago

      I remember the opposite. Everyone was shitting on it.

      • 3 months ago

        It was after launch when opinions started shifting.

    • 3 months ago

      link straight up looks like an ayy here

      • 3 months ago

        He just making a goofy, face he cute.

  57. 3 months ago

    I did, people whining about waggle were just morons mindlessly flailing about

  58. 3 months ago

    I *kind of* liked it. There was more of it I didn't like than I did like, but it's not totally irredeemable.

  59. 3 months ago

    No, I hated the repetitive structure and the really obvious filler content. I also didn't like a lot of the character designs, or the fact that every Zelda since has been cel shaded. I do like the environments, but the actual graphical fidelity was pretty dated for 2011, I remember thinking the Mario Galaxy games looked much better on the same system. Also, Fi is fricking horrible in the Wii version.

  60. 3 months ago

    absolutely not, I loathed every moment of my experience with it. it destroyed the canon, it's chock full of padding like tears of light and tadpoles the waggling is literally everywhere. tp and ss sucking prove there's no Zelda cycle as these continue being hated and moronic as the worst 3d zelda

    • 3 months ago

      TP was great don't associate it with garbage like SS

  61. 3 months ago

    Frick no

  62. 3 months ago

    Would hate it less than Wind Waker if it wasn't the reason that it was created because of it.
    But then Skyward Sword like Wind Waker tried so hard to bury the previous Zeldas before.
    It is worse than Celda by the mere fact that BotW allowed them to get away with it by gameplay only.
    It turns out that BotW was a fluke and they have learned nothing.
    This time instead of the game play formula with BotW, they spearhead Skyward Sword's frickall excuse of a Shinto plot.
    God I want a new top down Zelda so fricking bad with none of the new writers or Fujibayashi or Aonuma's input

  63. 3 months ago

    It's mediocre and the real beginning of the end of LoZ as a series. Botw wasn't even an LoZ game though and is propped up by underagers and a VICIOUSLY aggressive former marketing campaign that I'm sure Gankereddit will choose to forget about, since that's all your board is.

  64. 3 months ago

    I dont know. I remember even less about it than I do Twilight Princess

  65. 3 months ago

    Pajeet thread.

  66. 3 months ago

    Genuinely an abhorrent game with no redeeming qualities

    Even being a real Zelda game can't save it, I'd rather play the open world spinoffs than Skyward Sword.

  67. 3 months ago

    and it is even better without the wagglan

  68. 3 months ago

    Yes. One of the Greats.

  69. 3 months ago

    It was okay. It does what Twilight Princess does bad good, and vice versa.

    The only GREAT 3D Zeldas are Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Wind Waker is my favorite but I can see why people don't like it, I don't care though.

    There are no bad Zelda games but some are much less good than others.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't know how typing in a Zelda thread automatically made me Redditspace but I guess that's what happens.
      Skyward Sword also has one of the best soundtracks of the series.

  70. 3 months ago

    >fetching 30+ tadpoles to fetch a third of a song
    >fetching your whole inventory over again to get the second part of the song
    >can't remember the third fetch quest to fetch the last third of the song
    >guess what now you have to fetch tears of silence after you fetched the things to fetch the things
    >finally unlock the dungeon
    >fetch three more things
    I did not like it

    • 3 months ago

      the third fetch was healing water or healing fruit or some shit for the lightning dragon

  71. 3 months ago

    It was good. It felt like one really long Zelda dungeon, and dungeons are my favorite part of Zelda so I can't complain.
    I do miss the "getting lost and not knowing what to do for a little while" parts from older Zeldas, though.

    • 3 months ago

      Try doing a "no dowsing" run sometime. Outside of when Fi forces you to dowse in the "tutorial" of it, don't use it. Including for the key piece hunt in Eldin Volcano.

  72. 3 months ago

    I like the music, groose, and the dungeons. Everything else was awful

  73. 3 months ago

    Like all Zelda games it was a different flavor of the same thing. It had cool moments but was definitely a bit too easy and tedious. Not to the degree that it became entirely unenjoyable, it's just not as great as the rest

  74. 3 months ago

    No, it was so bad it killed Zelda games as we know it.

    Though it is amusing seeing so many zoomers defend this tripe; proves the Zelda cycle is real but it has less to do with fans being fickle and more to do with each major title introducing a new generation of fans who didn't know how truly great the older titles were.

  75. 3 months ago

    I liked it a lot, I never understood the hate. Some people hate it because of the controls but thats what made it fun for me, even though I played it on a tv with very high latency.

  76. 3 months ago

    Yeah it's alright. I didn't like the fact that the world was so disconnected and temples were reused, but I found the combat to be engaging if a bit finicky. Plenty of cool ideas temples though. Ganker just hates it because of wagglan.

  77. 3 months ago

    Yes, I loved it.

  78. 3 months ago

    it wud of been ok if they didnt push that fricking awful control scheme

    • 3 months ago

      no its padded to hell and back

      • 3 months ago

        How is SS padded?

        • 3 months ago

          >only 3 main areas
          >have to revisit each thrice
          Lanayru is literally the only one with an interesting gimmick.

          • 3 months ago

            Faron woods getting flooded is cool, but it gets ruined with a collectathon.

      • 3 months ago

        Skyward Sword is really fricking shitty, but if that game is "padded" then every 3D Zelda ever made is padded.

        • 3 months ago

          >do skyview temple again
          >ok now get the tadtones
          >stealth section on eldin volcano

          • 3 months ago

            Considering all Zelda games have things in them that we consider undesirable or "out of place" to the main objective, every single 3D Zelda games is "padded to hell and back" at that point. OoT, MM, WW, TP, SS, BotW, and TotK. Even a good number of the 2D Zelda games.

            • 3 months ago

              no 3d zelda game is as padded as skyward sword. OOT and MM arent padded at all

            • 3 months ago

              Why is it okay for an entry in a series with 10+ games under its belt to continue something they've all done badly?

              • 3 months ago

                It isn't. It's just the idea that SS is the worst offender of "padding to hell and back" is ridiculous when Triforce Hunt Wind Waker and Twilight Princess both exist. He is correct that OoT and MM have the least amount by comparison and it's not close.

              • 3 months ago

                >the idea that SS is the worst offender of "padding to hell and back" is ridiculous when Triforce Hunt Wind Waker and Twilight Princess both exist
                It IS the worst offender because it has an equivalent to the Triforce Hunt and an equivalent to the stupid bugs hunts with less actual game.

              • 3 months ago

                If you're talking about the key piece finding in Eldin Volcano and comparing that to the end game Triforce Hunt in Wind Waker, I really cannot agree with you at all. You'll have to help me with the bug hunts thing since I don't recall helping Strich find bugs as being essential to finishing the game. Or were you referring to the tears sections which, in comparison to TP, we're much more streamlined and better to go through.

            • 3 months ago

              >every single 3D Zelda games is "padded to hell and back" at that point
              That makes Skyward Sword looks worse because it has LESS areas AND less sidequests.

            • 3 months ago

              >things in them that we consider undesirable or "out of place" to the main objective
              what do you mean by this? going back through skyview temple to get a bucket of water is blatant padding

  79. 3 months ago

    Yes. It has great dungeons, fun gameplay, one of the best stories and cast in the franchise, and a stellar OST + atmosphere.

  80. 3 months ago

    >can't fly at night
    >nothing to really do in the sky
    >only one aerial fight
    >Hyrule is forest, lava, water like every fricking beginning of a Zelda game except it's the ENTIRE game and everything is isolated
    >items back to being useless outside dungeons
    >Ghirahim is objectively more interesting than Demise, who was a fricking moronic muppet for 90% of the game and suddenly I have to act like I give a shit that some generic gorilla fricker with a big sword appeared
    >brought back land Octoroks and reskinned the shit out of them, effectively killing Deku Scrubs
    >Hero Mode doesn't disable the mountain of tutorials or the majority of Fi's horseshit

    • 3 months ago

      I can't believe he and Ganon's trident got passed on in favor of a completely generic sword.

      • 3 months ago

        Not just ANY generic sword, that DARK MASTER SWORD, complete with an upside-down Triforce! OOOOOOOOOOO so creative and visionary

        • 3 months ago

          But Demisedorf doesn't use the anti-Master Sword. He uses a katana.

          • 3 months ago

            >But Demisedorf doesn't use the anti-Master Sword
            nta but he literally does
            >upside down Triforce
            I thought you Black folk were joking

            • 3 months ago

              meta knight ass sword

            • 3 months ago

              I wasn't joking about the TOTALLY COOL AND ORIGINAL ANTI-MASTER SWORD!

            • 3 months ago

              Demisedorf is TOTK's Ganondorf

            • 3 months ago

              >Demise is such a nothing villain that Anon mistakes him for Ghirahim

              My complaint was that the 'Ganon'dorf in TOTK using this thing. Rather than, y'know, Ganon or Demise's weapons.
              But I will agree that Ghirahim literally ceasing to exist (twice over at that) at the very end of Skyward Sword was, in fact, very lame.

          • 3 months ago

            >Demise is such a nothing villain that Anon mistakes him for Ghirahim

  81. 3 months ago

    Yeah, but it has some glaring flaws.
    In particular, tadtones, revisiting the same 3 areas 3 times, and the barren sky map are shit.

  82. 3 months ago

    One of the only games that has no gimmick single-use items, and you actually got to use them because you got them all by the halfway point.
    So yes. It's pretty good. Every other 3D Zelda besides BotW/TotK has been pretty shit never of this, with Twilight Princess being an absolute low point.

    • 3 months ago

      gust bellows is THE definition of a gimmick single use item

    • 3 months ago

      The gust bellows and whip are fricking useless outside of dungeons

  83. 3 months ago

    ALTTP's origin for the master sword and general lore was so much cooler than what we have now.

  84. 3 months ago

    Yes. Top tier dungeons, combat was novel and fun, stellar soundtrack, neat idea like the adventure pouch, durability system that was actually good. I don't like it as much ash the 64 era, but it's my next fav in the 3D line up.

  85. 3 months ago

    Yeah it was pure soul despite its flaws

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