Direct on the 18th. Make your predictions. Will we see Metroid Prime 4?

Direct on the 18th
Make your predictions

Will we see Metroid Prime 4?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 weeks ago

    >Will we see Metroid Prime 4?
    if it's cross gen with switch, then maybe

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >Direct on the 18th
    Say who or what?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Say who or what?
      Brasil the guy who leaked the switch 2 delay first that was immediately corroborated by everyone else. It's also just common sense because they said they'd do a direct in June and there's only 2 weeks left in June.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Actually he said anytime after the 19th, which is vague is shit so he can still be a “credible” leaker

        • 2 weeks ago

          Why are you lying?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >He says Tuesday after everyone else said the 18th, even though days ago he said end of the month.
            Bet your one of the famitards who also thinks nate the hate is legit

            • 2 weeks ago

              Nintendo themselves said end of the month

              • 2 weeks ago

                No just in June

            • 2 weeks ago

              Nah, Nate is full of shit. I have screencaps of him saying the Pro would release in 2021, Late 2022 / early 2023, would be revealed in March 2024, etc, etc.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Look at that fricking shit
            Do you really trust someone who looks like such a gay, displays his pronouns, and posts on resetera?
            Ganker is getting fricking bleak

            • 2 weeks ago

              you're posting in a wokeTendo thread anon

              • 2 weeks ago

                glass houses. anon

      • 2 weeks ago

        >switch 2 delay
        >erm guys trust me they were TOTALLY going to announce the switch 2 but it got delayed
        lolwut why are people so gullible? How can we confirm this delay when there's no announcement from Nintendo in the first place?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >lolwut why are people so gullible? How can we confirm this delay when there's no announcement from Nintendo in the first place?
          It's obvious the switch 2 was delayed because they have jack shit coming out this year.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It was rumors coming not of a delay, but more such that Nintendo was internally asking Devs to push their releases back. Which led to rumors Nintendo was pushing the Switch back into 2025 so it'd have a stronger opening selection of Games.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Personally I think its hardware causing the delay. This thing is looking much more impressive than the switch did.

      • 2 weeks ago

        So his basis for trustworthiness is claiming a delay for a thing that didn't have a known date? That's nothing.
        >corroborated by everyone else
        Who also give us no basis to believe them.

        • 2 weeks ago

          One of the corroborate articles was from Eurogamer. They were the first to report on the Switch's clock speeds and almost certainly have sources for the Switch 2.

          • 2 weeks ago

            And Pokemon Stars, right? That was legit. And how Breath off the Wild would not launch with the Switch. And that a Mario game would launch with it instead.

            Real credible stuff.

      • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      I saw it in a dream

    • 2 weeks ago

      There was some among us trailer that was put up early then removed for an update that comes out on June 18th, so people think it’ll be shadowdropped after the Direct.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The reason most think it's on the 18th is because GameSpot uploaded an Among Us trailer early by accident and the trailer revealed that they're shadow dropping an update that day. Among Us shows up in directs a lot and they've shadow dropped stuff after them before.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    It won't be on 18.
    And I think it's more likely to see Silksong than Metroid Prime 4 ( we won't see either).

    • 2 weeks ago

      I doubt silksong could even run on the switch.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Wat? This has to be bait
        The ONLY playeble demo show was on the Switch.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Silksong actually makes sense to drop this year, surprisingly. I can't see Nintendo dropping Metroid Prime 4 on the Switch alone at this point. Next year alongside the new console seems far more likely for it.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    i think Takahashi will tease Metroid, smirk, and then give us overpriced Wind Waker and Twilight Princess
    if Prime 4 is really happening, they will keep it until Switch 2 games Direct

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's happening june 26th
      3rd party games include sonic generations, goldeneye 007 wii remastered, epic mickey rebrushed, just dance 2025, bomberman 40th anniversary collection, xenoblade warriors, rocket slime returns, bo path of the tea lotus, pac man world re-pac 2. Indie shit.

      Nintendo games.
      Twilight princess hd, Mario party live, rhythm heaven showdown, kirby epic yarn hd, pandoras tower remastered, Mario all-star sports. Secret surprise unexpected title.

      >The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker/Twilight Princess HD ports
      >Hi-Fi Rush port
      >Price cut for the Switch, plus multiple Switch games
      >Mario & Sonic at the 2024 Paris Olympics
      >More info on Dragon Quest III-HD, Pokémon Legends: Z-A, Professor Layton and the New World of Steam
      >M-rated N64 NSO app
      >Castlevania: Symphony of the Night port
      >Metroid Prime 4 as a cross-gen release for Switch and Switch 2

      The Zelda HD ports are obviously happening at some point, but not because "nintendo leakers" said so. These homosexuals been saying Nintendo's going to announce it soon throughout the switch's life cycle, they don't know shit

      >Still portbegging for the Zelda HD Shit U games
      It's never fricking happening. Jesus FRICKING Christ, how many times must I fricking say this to you portgays?

      • 2 weeks ago

        who the hell are you, homosexual?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Of course it's happening, schizo. It would be moronic for Nintendo to avoid porting mainline zelda games for easy money

        • 2 weeks ago

          No it fricking won't, you fricking turbohomosexual.

          who the hell are you, homosexual?

          Who the absolute frick are you, portbegging Black personhomosexual?

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I expect one major port and one more major new release as a swan song for the switch.
    Remaster: F zero GX
    New: Mario Odyssey 2

    • 2 weeks ago

      Zelda just came out. If they release a Mario game now, it will be half a decade until the next system has a major exclusive outside of Mario Kart.
      Mario Odyssey 2 was confirmed to not exist the moment that BotW 2 was announced.

      There is a zero percent chance that Metroid Prime 4 will be cross-gen. It will ONLY be on the Switch 2.They need to give the Switch 2 as much juice as they can at the start. If they announce that it's also coming to the Switch, which has a far larger install base already, consumers won't see a need to upgrade yet.
      Ergo, it will not be at this Direct either.

      Speak for yourself. My launch day Switch can barely run Mario Wonder for more than an hour without overheating.
      Besides, they honoured their commitment to Twilight Princess on Gamecube and Breath of the Wild on WiiU. A Metroid Prime game should also be good side-by-side video comparison fodder, given that the next system will be a substantial jump unlike the WiiU-Switch transition.

      Direct on the 18th
      Make your predictions

      Will we see Metroid Prime 4?

      Umihara Kawase trilogy remake
      A Link Between Worlds HD
      DK64 and Mischief Makers for N64 Online
      Donkey Kong Party
      Geology of the Holy War: Revelations: Featuring Starfy from the Devil May Cry Series
      Mario Sluggers
      Songs of Conquest Switch port

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Mischief Makers for N64 Online
        I wish

      • 2 weeks ago

        >hour without overheating

        yes for some reason some third & 1st party games will absolutely wreak it to the point my switch sounds like an exploding jet engine

        after playing for just 20 mins of clubhouse games the thing sounds like it's going to ****** explode,should I take it into a repair shop how much would it cost if it's just the thermal paste or fan?

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I want something Kirby and something Warriors crossover.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You're getting a collection bundling squeak squad, triple deluxe and planet robobot

      • 2 weeks ago

        >triple deluxe and planet robobot
        unlikely. they're more to remake those and give those secondary characters a game mode for themselves like Magalor.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    It's happening june 26th
    3rd party games include sonic generations, goldeneye 007 wii remastered, epic mickey rebrushed, just dance 2025, bomberman 40th anniversary collection, xenoblade warriors, rocket slime returns, bo path of the tea lotus, pac man world re-pac 2. Indie shit.

    Nintendo games.
    Twilight princess hd, Mario party live, rhythm heaven showdown, kirby epic yarn hd, pandoras tower remastered, Mario all-star sports. Secret surprise unexpected title.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Rhythm Heaven Showdown
      What a weird subtitle, sounds like something for a versus/competitive game more than RH, whose multiplayer was always cooperative

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Pandora's Tower Remastered
      I'll believe anyone who dangles this carrot in front of me, the rest is just noise

  8. 2 weeks ago

    New console, they have to the current one is so outdated and hot trash if they don't I actually think Nintendo will die due to being outdated.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    New FE doko?

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Nah, at this point they'll save Metroid Prime 4 to be a prestige game for Switch 2 to get people to upgrade. All that's left for Switch is filler. Enjoyable filler but nothing that would really pitch the tentpoles, so to speak.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Kid Icarus Uprising 2 and a new Custom Robo.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    If I had to guess
    >Gaben floats onto the stage
    >he makes some announcements in his iconic Gordon Freeman voice and leaves
    >some shit about Pokemon Legends ZA WARUDO
    >the new Pokemon TCG sim gets stealth dropped
    >another gay remake or two
    >some gay third parties
    >some gay spinoffs
    >some gay dlc. Probably for Splatoon 3. Splatoon 4 is releasing next year anyway
    >some gay SQueenix title with 20-40 year old graphics
    >suddenly Crapcom
    >"Please buy a PlayStation 5 for Monster Hunter Wilds"
    >Suddenly Bamco
    >it cuts to Harada in a Kingambit cosplay prostrating and begging people to buy a Playstation 5 for Tekken and DBZ
    >some gay NSO titles. Still no Pokemon and everyone gets angry
    >some 5 second Smash teaser that tells us nothing except Alear from Fire Emblem being the posterchild for the next game

    • 2 weeks ago

      Splatoon was only the Smash Ultimate misdirect teaser because it instantly rocketed past all the other Nintendo franchises to join Mario, Zelda and Animal Crossing as the A-listers. There's zero chance they use fricking Fire Emblem the same way to announce a Smash game.

      At best I see maybe Pikmin going off how crazy Pikmin 4 did and how much it's Shiggy's baby.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >There's zero chance they use fricking Fire Emblem the same way to announce a Smash game.
        "I don't care. Have more Fire Emblem!"

        -Sakurai, probably

        • 2 weeks ago

          Sakurai charges the stage at the Switch 2 premiere and announces EVERY game in the opening line up has a Fire Emblem Character in it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            But only from Avatar Emblem titles.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Splatoon was also noticeably absent from Smash 4's DLC. Everyone was sure it was going to happen based on how popular the game was and were immensely disappointed when it got passed up for Lucas and Roy. Inklings made sense to be the first new fighter revealed for Ultimate since it was obvious they would be joining this game for sure.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    >The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker/Twilight Princess HD ports
    >Hi-Fi Rush port
    >Price cut for the Switch, plus multiple Switch games
    >Mario & Sonic at the 2024 Paris Olympics
    >More info on Dragon Quest III-HD, Pokémon Legends: Z-A, Professor Layton and the New World of Steam
    >M-rated N64 NSO app
    >Castlevania: Symphony of the Night port
    >Metroid Prime 4 as a cross-gen release for Switch and Switch 2

    • 2 weeks ago

      >M-rated N64 NSO app
      I really hope it happens so that we get Conker and Perfect Dark

      • 2 weeks ago

        It already happened in Japan, since Goldeneye and Jet Force Gemini were rated CERO Z over there, so maybe

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Mario & Sonic at the 2024 Paris Olympics
      Not happening.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Not happening
        Why not? They've done a new Mario and Sonic game for every Olympics so far

        • 2 weeks ago

          If they were going to (which they aren't since it was cancelled), then it would've released a year beforehand like *nearly* every title beforehand so it isn't immediately outdated on release. Nintendo isn't interested in the franchise anymore after the last 3 entries got poor - negative reception, which is why SEGA is doing the Olympics alone with Sonic and other SEGA franchises.

          forgot to reply

  14. 2 weeks ago

    And I mean this
    Literally nothing but shovelware.
    No zelda HD remakes.
    no metroid prime 4
    not even a major DLC.
    We'll see more Luigi's mansion 2 to try and hype it up since nobody cares and MAYBE another DLC for MH Stories or some other crap everybody thought was already dead.

    It's not even a holding pattern while we wait for switch 2, it's a death knell for the console because covid delayed the new console by 6 months and the big announcement was meant to be now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They need a holiday game, which will probably be TP HD

  15. 2 weeks ago

    There is a zero percent chance that Metroid Prime 4 will be cross-gen. It will ONLY be on the Switch 2.They need to give the Switch 2 as much juice as they can at the start. If they announce that it's also coming to the Switch, which has a far larger install base already, consumers won't see a need to upgrade yet.
    Ergo, it will not be at this Direct either.

    • 2 weeks ago

      So, what you're saying is Metroid Prime 2 & 3 will be at this Direct?

    • 2 weeks ago

      There is a zero percent chance Metroid Prime 4 isn't vaporware. If we're seeing any Metroid at all, it's Metroid 6.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I agree

      So, what you're saying is Metroid Prime 2 & 3 will be at this Direct?

      Yes. Maybe just 2 and 3 will come later

    • 2 weeks ago

      The switch 2 doesn't need prime 4 to sell. It doesn't need any games. It will sell 20 mil in the first quarter off the goodwill of the switch alone

      • 2 weeks ago

        That's pretty optimistic. That wouldn't be a bad thing at all to happen, but I'm of the mind that the Switch 2 can do literally everything "right," and still not sell as much as the Switch. I think the price point plus the quality library already on the system made it the obvious choice for customers once Covid finally hit, which really juiced up its sales. It was lightning in a bottle

        • 2 weeks ago

          I'm exaggerating with the 20 million sales but only slightly. Especially with scalpers existing. This is the main reason for the "delay" in my mind. They're probably building a big enough stock pile to combat scalping since Nintendo quite literally cannot afford to get into a PS5 situation where the software sales are abysmal for the first few years because they actually make their money off of software

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Nintendo deploys security forces to businesses all over the globe to track down scalpers.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    >no pyoro
    it's a partner showcase

    • 2 weeks ago

      imagine the vitriol

    • 2 weeks ago

      Friendly reminder, HotD 1 Remake was even in an Indie Direct. HotD 2 Remake just got rated.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    I'm still hoping.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Is this real?

      • 2 weeks ago

        No, it's just a mockup.

  18. 2 weeks ago


  19. 2 weeks ago

    Has that one autist claiming TP/WW doublepack was guaranteed showed up since Midori was outed as a fraud?

    • 2 weeks ago

      The TP/WW doublepack is going to get treehouse'd. Monkey paw.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Hard to treehouse what has already been treehouse'd anon.

      • 2 weeks ago

        What is there even to treehouse?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Are you talking about that one schizo that kept saying "Twilight Princess HD is happening and Midori confirmed it." on every direct prediction thread? He probably killed himself after finding out Midori was a guy

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah, him. This thread was what reminded me of him.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Twilight Princess HD is happening and Midori wasn't the only leaker saying it was happening.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The Zelda HD ports are obviously happening at some point, but not because "nintendo leakers" said so. These homosexuals been saying Nintendo's going to announce it soon throughout the switch's life cycle, they don't know shit

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Min-Min spin-off by Platinum.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    >Will we see Metroid Prime 4?
    It's been seven years...

  22. 2 weeks ago

    If it really is next week, where is pyoro

    • 2 weeks ago

      The Nintendo Ninjas got him. Come on, we've been over this.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It is possible that pyoro only got his information second hand from someone in google that had access to the video backend for Youtube. This is why he would know about a week in advance, because Nintendo usually would upload the video to youtubes server and mark it as private and locked. Then they would just unprivate the video a few hours before the "premiere". Youtube backend still allows you to view private and locked videos, so he would get the content of the directs leaked to him. This is why he never tells us news on Switch 2 or other things going on in the company or games that are only rumored, but still months away from reveal. With google clamping down on the backend and Nintendo only uploading to youtube the day before, pyoro's information flow is basically dead

      • 2 weeks ago

        That’s what I think too. All of his info seems to be just from YouTube trailers, and he doesn’t seem seem to actually know jack about anything else.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It is possible that pyoro only got his information second hand from someone in google that had access to the video backend for Youtube. This is why he would know about a week in advance, because Nintendo usually would upload the video to youtubes server and mark it as private and locked. Then they would just unprivate the video a few hours before the "premiere". Youtube backend still allows you to view private and locked videos, so he would get the content of the directs leaked to him. This is why he never tells us news on Switch 2 or other things going on in the company or games that are only rumored, but still months away from reveal. With google clamping down on the backend and Nintendo only uploading to youtube the day before, pyoro's information flow is basically dead

          He seems pretty adamant his info isn’t from Google because he knows things about the stuff being announced that aren’t in the videos. But it’s also possible he uses that info to figure other things out like if GameStop updates their systems to have a new unlisted Nintendo game, he can figure out it’s the game in the trailer.

          • 2 weeks ago

            His literal only excuse is hiding behind “knowing” price of NWC which wasn’t in the English announcement trailer.
            However that shitty alibi of his falls apart as the price was actually shown in the Japanese video and with that it’s exceedingly easy to figure out what the USD pricing will be.

            • 2 weeks ago

              What about Everybody 1-2-Switch? That didn't get a YouTube trailer until weeks after it was announced. It had been rumored, but he knew when it was actually getting announced.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Just because it was announced via tweet first doesn’t mean they didn’t have the video sitting as private already.
                We had already known long before Pyoro cuck that Everybody’s 1-2 Switch had been finished and left in a vault for almost 3 years. The announcement video was likely already done years in advance as well.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Ok, but then how did he know when it would be announced?

              • 2 weeks ago

                All he did was say “they’ll announce a game this week” because that’s when he saw the private video uploaded.
                Even he didn’t know that Nintendo would sit on the video for a little bit longer but now he’s desperately using that as his last shield.
                We’re already under 72 hours from the Direct and he hasn’t said shit because Nintendo cucked him out of his precious private videos now that they know about the google leaks.

          • 2 weeks ago

            If I was getting my info from Google I would adamantly deny I'm getting my info from Google every time someone asks
            If I wasn't then I would let people believe I was so they don't clamp down on my actual leak source

  23. 2 weeks ago

    I just hope the Switch 2 has NSO and they don’t completely reboot the virtual console again.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I bet they'll announce they're adding 3DS games to it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      But rebooting VC is TRADITION!

  24. 2 weeks ago

    dont care unless they update animal crossing new horizons

    • 2 weeks ago

      They're making a new Animal Crossing, why would they update New Horizons?

      • 2 weeks ago

        a new animal crossing with less content than new horizons, you mean

  25. 2 weeks ago

    All I want is Silksong man

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Please understand.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    >Luigi's Mansion (ported to 3DS)
    >Metroid Prime
    >Pikmin 1 + 2
    >Paper Mario
    Besides Prime 2, are they out of beloved + feasible Gamecube games to port already?

    • 2 weeks ago

      wave race

    • 2 weeks ago

      Gotcha Force

    • 2 weeks ago

      >are they out of beloved + feasible Gamecube games to port already?
      >1080° Avalanche
      >Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
      >Kirby's Air Ride
      >Mario Golf & Tennis
      >Mario Party 4-7
      >Super Smash Bros. Melee
      >Wave Race: Blue Storm

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
        Please no, I'm waiting for the Gamecube version to hit 200 bucks on ebay before I sell.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
      >Super Smash Bros. Melee
      >F-Zero GX
      >Animal Crossing
      >Mario Kart: Double Dash
      >Eternal Darkness
      There's still a handful of game they could re-release

    • 2 weeks ago


  28. 2 weeks ago

    If I get anything Xeno, Metroid, or Kid Icarus related I’ll be happy. Don’t really care about much else.

    A Xenosaga Collection or Xenoblade Warriors seem the most likely to me from the Xeno front. We haven’t gotten a Nintendo collab from KT in a few years and Xenoblade would fit pretty damn well. Xenoblade X is for the next system at this point.

    All I want from KI is an Uprising remaster. If Sakurai isn’t working on the sequel I don’t want it.

    What I want from Metroid should be obvious to anyone.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    Rhythm Heaven Megamix port

    • 2 weeks ago

      >a port of a compilation
      Please no, make it an original one

  30. 2 weeks ago

    The rest of the Senran Kagura titles. Frick you, Marvelous. I'm not buying into that stupid Gacha.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    If they were going to (which they aren't since it was cancelled), then it would've released a year beforehand like *nearly* every title beforehand so it isn't immediately outdated on release. Nintendo isn't interested in the franchise anymore after the last 3 entries got poor - negative reception, which is why SEGA is doing the Olympics alone with Sonic and other SEGA franchises.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    Nintendo begins the Direct. They wait a few a seconds and then proceed to apologize. They don't have games to show. Please understand. Nintincels proceed to riot. This is the most likely outcome.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nintendo Derangement Syndrome is real

  33. 2 weeks ago

    nothing interesting

  34. 2 weeks ago

    Its time /m/chads. We ride once more.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wouldn't it be better to get it on Switch 2 at this point?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Rather, it needs the switch 2. They would want a big upgrade to get people to rebuy it and the switch cant give it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Revitalized online
      Yep, give it to me.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It cant run on the switch. My fairlady runs better games then that shithole and its engine is cracked

      • 2 weeks ago

        >can't run

        anon crysis II can run well into the 50FPS threshold!

  35. 2 weeks ago

    August 15 - Pushmo-Go
    September 12 - Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
    October 3 - Donkey Kong: Culture Shock
    October 24 - The Adventure of Zelda
    November 14 - Pokemon Turbo Black and Tera White
    December 5 - Tomodachi Collection: Luxury Life

    Screencap this

    • 2 weeks ago

      >November 14 - Pokemon Turbo Black and Tera White
      Why would I screencap something blatantly wrong? If you had put a spinoff then it would've been more believable.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    Mario and Sonic 2024 Paris Olympics

  37. 2 weeks ago

    An actual leak (but it's fricking shit so who cares anyways)
    A free DLC for Scarlet & Violet will be revealed, focuses on a Mythical Pokemon that lives in Area Zero, it releases on the game's 2nd anniversary and also requires you to have bought the DLC for the game, more will be shown off in a Presents on August

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Wario Land is back!

    • 2 weeks ago

      I want a sequel to Wario World.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    You will get Prime 2/3 remaster, some mario spinoff slop nobody cares about, ports of 10 year old games and another Teaser for Prime 4 with no gameplay.

    Please look forward to it.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    >faceapp smile

  41. 2 weeks ago

    Star Fox Assault Remastered

    If it has online play I'll buy a 1 year Switch Online card.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Giving Assault online multiplayer would be my only reason for buying the game. Otherwise I'll stick to emulating it.

  42. 2 weeks ago

    Uprising HD

  43. 2 weeks ago

    No Silent Hill 2 remake for tendies. Too mature and scary for the little babies

    • 2 weeks ago

      Okay we get it, you're trying to recreate the Soul Hackers 2 thing where anti-Tendies were gloating about a game before it released because it wasn't on the Switch, only for it to turn out to be a piece of shit, but that won't work this time, because we already know that Silent Hill 2 Remake will be a piece of shit.

  44. 2 weeks ago

    >faceapp smile

  45. 2 weeks ago

    Wouldn't it be announced already if it was the 18th?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Wouldn't it be announced already if it was the 18th?
      Directs are always announced 1-2 days ahead of time. So Tomorrow or Monday, probably Monday.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    Kid Icarus needs a sequel so we can have Pit dick down all the disobedient Goddesses causing trouble all the time.

    These b***hes keep interrupting hot spring time.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Pit is gonna get femdommed by Viridi

  47. 2 weeks ago


  48. 2 weeks ago

    I don't even know what I want from Nintendo at this point. Maybe new Wario Land?
    I've maybe had my fill of Nintendo franchises. If they release another Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Smash/Kirby/Pikmin/Splatoon/Platinum vehicle, they'll be good, and they'll be worth playing eventually, but I don't care.
    It would be cool if they revisited their GC mentality of investing in a bunch of out there concepts like Eternal Darkness and Geist, but I don't see them doing that.

    I guess there's F-Zero. LMAO.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Resident evil classic collection

  49. 2 weeks ago

    Pit should have been Nintendo's first Harem Protagonist.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Pit should have been Nintendo's first Harem Protagonist.
      Ignoring the anime games, that would be Ocarina of Time I think

    • 2 weeks ago

      The strongest Nintendo character of all time...

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Kirby in the pic
        yea your right

    • 2 weeks ago

      There is already a harem protagonist in Smash.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Who is the blonde on the back supposed to be?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Viridi, Goddess of Nature. She's in Kid Icarus Uprising.

        We literally know for a fact this Direct will not have any Switch 2 info or anything interesting. It's just a stopgap Direct before the inevitable announcement at the end of fall. Who cares?

        Because we have the rest of the damn year before the Switch 2 comes out. We're just hope for something fun to the mean time.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    Palutena probably doesn't pay him either.

  51. 2 weeks ago

    So when is switch 2 getting shown?

    • 2 weeks ago

      All Nintendo has said is that it won't be talked about in this month's Direct and it will be revealed before the end of March 2025.

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          of course the switch 2 israel you fricking idiot, nintendo said it was

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm guessing October

    • 2 weeks ago

      >So when is switch 2 getting shown?
      Furukawa seems to be extremely careful with this so I think we see basically nothing until next year. The spring will be a soft launch for the hardcore with a big push in the holidays. Similar to the switch, basically. So don't expect to see anything big until January.

  52. 2 weeks ago

    My predictions are going to change depending on whether Nintendo announces this Monday or not, but I'm not expecting much either way. Some new remake, some smaller brand new game or two, and a lot of ports.

  53. 2 weeks ago

    2d zelda, tomadachi, DK, Metroid
    , rhythm Heaven, mario party

    • 2 weeks ago

      I can believe most of these alone, but not all at the same time. Rhythm Heaven seems the least likely of all.

      • 2 weeks ago

        rh usually comes along near the end of console life

  54. 2 weeks ago

    I'm still saying a late 2025 release is way too long for the Switch 2.

    There's no way they have enough content to last that long.

  55. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago


  56. 2 weeks ago

    We literally know for a fact this Direct will not have any Switch 2 info or anything interesting. It's just a stopgap Direct before the inevitable announcement at the end of fall. Who cares?

  57. 2 weeks ago

    Prime 4 is done and being sat on for Switch 2.

    • 2 weeks ago

      yeah prolly

    • 2 weeks ago

      I want Metroid to sit on me.

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