Dirty tricks to use as a player? Anyone have any tricks to use to make the DM sweat?

Dirty tricks to use as a player?

Anyone have any tricks to use to make the DM sweat? Currently playing star wars with a bunch of friends and I want to make the DM sweat a bit. Just to inject a bit of drama and it always makes the game a bit more interesting.

anyone have any good advice?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Frick his girlfriend/wife/mom/sis before the game. Make sure to drop some innuendo.

    • 5 months ago

      I did fricked his ex gf

      • 5 months ago

        Weak, I fugged his ex-mom

    • 5 months ago

      Our GM is a literal cuck, it would only make him horny. Everyone fricked his wife until we found out that's actually what he wants.

  2. 5 months ago

    I hope this is bait OP, you sound like a homosexual and what's more, a terrible friend.

    • 5 months ago

      not bait. generally wondering. I'm not going to burn his house down. looking for a bit of dirty playing as a player just for a bit of fun.

      my DM is a general dick and plays dirty.

  3. 5 months ago

    >How do I exert power over an omnipotent being?

    • 5 months ago

      yah thats totally how to do it.

    • 5 months ago

      >my DM is a general dick and plays
      It’s their game. They are the master. Either be along for the ride and enjoy what they give you or find another GM.

      • 5 months ago

        so there is the regular

        >roll dice and lie about the successes you got
        >every so often remove any hit points you received
        >increase skill points by 1 every so often

    • 5 months ago

      >>How do I exert power over some egomaniacal nerd?
      Fixed it for you, and there's several ways of going about it

      • 5 months ago

        Wrong, he can just boot you from the game at any time. Why would you show up to a game you aren't enjoying anyway?

  4. 5 months ago

    DM holds all the power. Best you're going to do is waste time and piss everyone off.

    • 5 months ago

      basically this. HE can win the war but players need to win battles.
      we have 2 DMs that worked together. when I make me pause goto the other room to discuss. that shit is fun to me. Its fun to them.

      my DM is a trickster. he wants to be challenged. its all fun and games in the end.

    • 5 months ago

      Jesus wtf is wrong with you morons. Why the frick would you play with a DM who is trying to make your experience as miserable as possible so he can make his pitiful existance working at the local walmart more meaningful. Yes the DM is supposed to create a challenge for the players but he is also supposed to be just a referee of sorts as you guys get around his challenges not actively working against you. This shit sounds horrible.

      • 5 months ago

        You are getting upset at the basic conceit of nearly all roleplaying games. Did you just learn was a gamemaster is for the first time in this thread?

        • 5 months ago

          >Did you just learn was a gamemaster is for the first time in this thread?

          Did you just learn english and grammar yesterday. Please form a proper fricking sentence so we can atleast answer you fricking ESL.

          • 5 months ago

            replace "was" with "what", O' King of literacy, and then address the question instead of being a trembling homosexual.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm also going to assume conceit is actually concept spelltard and say to you the gamemaster job isn't to be a obnoxious homosexual who is constantly trying to play 4d chess to make his players lose every second of the game and instead creating obstacles for them but mostly just letting players handle these obstacles and reacting appropriately. The fact that you want to sit around argueing with him though makes it sound like you guys are a match made in heaven though.

              • 5 months ago

                I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you, though. Who the frick is saying the GM's job is to be a prick? Besides John Wick, who is a notorious homosexual who made up fake stories for attention. The idea that anyone, as a player, can do something, in game, that one-ups the guy who is running the whole game and puts them in a position of power over the game that trumps the GM, is fully and totally moronic. Simple as. A player chooses to act like a moron in game and the guy in charge says, "okay, your moronic actions have consequences. Are you happy now?"

          • 5 months ago
            • 5 months ago

              unfathomably based. Frick angl*s

              • 5 months ago

                Yet here you are speaking their mongrel tongue on a website designed by their bastard children.

            • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                I only posted the first image from google, i dont really care about image compression of a meme in Ganker.
                I actually studied and taught about jpeg and data compression in university, but ok

            • 5 months ago

              It's the only language I know because it's the only one that matters.

      • 5 months ago

        >Jesus wtf is wrong with you morons. Why the frick would you play with a DM who is trying to make your experience as miserable as possible so he can make his pitiful existance working at the local walmart more meaningful.

        many campaigns ago my DM was exploring doing dnd. it felt like we were all in this together play. over the years it switched to. its my way or the highway. rail roading. DM vs The Players. its been worse and worse with each campaign.

        he lost his job recently. I think he is seeking something or someone to control to cope.

  5. 5 months ago

    Say you're going to show up then don't. But don't just quit! Have an excuse every time. Give him false hope. Make him kick you.
    This also ruins all the other players night, so it's a huge power move.

    • 5 months ago

      Lol. I'd do this for atleast 1 game

      >dm asks what what our characters was up to since last game
      >its my turn to give a description.
      >RP that my character looks back into the distance
      >something faint in the distance glints
      >my character nods in agreement
      >"I'll tell you guys about it another time"

      my dm was legit speechless. he said I totally undermined his game.
      AGAIN this is just for fun. its all fun and games.

      • 5 months ago

        see this as an example.

        its a bit of fun. looking for explains like this.

        >pocket sand
        >bag of glass
        >bag of marbles

        any of ideas?

    • 5 months ago

      I generally tell players that money in the game doesn't matter during the game when a npc character is negotiating pay.

      I also remind them
      >ask for anyting , if you say NO the game narrative can't continue

    • 5 months ago

      >Say you're going to show up then don't. But don't just quit! Have an excuse every time. Give him false hope. Make him kick you.
      This disrupts the player, not me. I usually have 2 or 3 people up for a game but on the bench due to the group filling first. If you flake for a non-legit reason (sickness, untenable work conflicts, untenable schedule) in a way like you describe, I just tell you you're no longer in the group due to lack of attendance and - if the group needs another person to function - inquire as to whether one of the other people want to play.

      If you're an annoying flake you won't be getting any more games with me, I can't speak to other GMs. Again, it's not that it bugs me, but that it disrupts the good players, and I've a vested interest in the game actually being entertaining for them. In general I'd keep that in mind when you're deliberately antagonizing a GM. You're probably also annoying your fellow players. Maybe you want that, though.

      • 5 months ago

        Your huffy little book report does nothing but endorse the strategy you're responding to.

      • 5 months ago

        A good rule is if the player doesn't show up the GM will play their character for them. But they also roleplay as the absent player playing their character and act like a huge homosexual.

      • 5 months ago

        you sound like an butthole

      • 5 months ago

        I don't give a rat's ass about some morons' I feel bad 🙁 spiel, If you sign up for a regular game that somebody else goes through the trouble of preparing, I have 0 issues with kicking people out of the regular group. If someone acts like a diva or causes trouble in the party dynamics on purpose, it's a kick too. My table is not a kindergarten for maladjusted manchildren

        • 5 months ago

          >Say you're going to show up then don't. But don't just quit! Have an excuse every time. Give him false hope. Make him kick you.
          This disrupts the player, not me. I usually have 2 or 3 people up for a game but on the bench due to the group filling first. If you flake for a non-legit reason (sickness, untenable work conflicts, untenable schedule) in a way like you describe, I just tell you you're no longer in the group due to lack of attendance and - if the group needs another person to function - inquire as to whether one of the other people want to play.

          If you're an annoying flake you won't be getting any more games with me, I can't speak to other GMs. Again, it's not that it bugs me, but that it disrupts the good players, and I've a vested interest in the game actually being entertaining for them. In general I'd keep that in mind when you're deliberately antagonizing a GM. You're probably also annoying your fellow players. Maybe you want that, though.

          aka sit and listen to me talk for 4+ hours. you get less then 20min of real play time.

          look at this game I prepared. AKA look at this entire story I created that you have an illusion of choice in.

          everyone come on down to complete my dream while I get to control you.

          • 5 months ago

            >roll dice
            >lie and say its a success

            hey guys I prepared a story here.

            >maladjusted manchildren

            says the guy that is too stubborn to listen to his players and perhaps what they want. provide an alternative. or do what most DMs do. just give him some useless gold. or some shit that has no real impact in the game.

            a bunch of entitled socially maladjusted children are projecting a bit too hard in here

        • 5 months ago

          >roll dice
          >lie and say its a success

          hey guys I prepared a story here.

        • 5 months ago

          >My table is not a kindergarten for maladjusted manchildren


          yah I have a better attitude from my nieces

          • 5 months ago

            listen, 80% of players bring NOTHING to the table
            you're an entitled little piece of shit
            most players lack the decency of preparing for session on their own, least learn fricking rules that 12 year old children understand perfectly. They want the power trip with none of the risks, the fun with none of the effort.
            You are not a loss if you leave my table, you moron. There is a net gain in the IQ found in the room when an emotionally stunted piece of shit takes the piss and leaves because "muh DM didn't coddle my expectations and feelings 100% as I wanted him to". Make your own trpg group. Oh wait, you're almost unable to assemble a Char sheet, let alone managing a coherent storyline and improv of two dozen npcs. Yeah, frick off.

            • 5 months ago

              >80% of players bring NOTHING to the table
              >you're an entitled little piece of shit
              >managing a coherent storyline and improv of two dozen npcs
              Go back to playing with your dolls, loser

              • 5 months ago

                seethe cope and dilate playeronlycel

              • 5 months ago

                >he wants to be the only person speaking in the room
                >he thinks he's super special like his youtube idols
                Kekked and check these digits

              • 5 months ago

                you're projecting, again. Moving the goalpost, grasping at straws, etc etc.
                Sorry, I have a The One Ring session tomorrow, players gonna be exploring the Wilderlands after they made a deal with the Beornings to hunt for a wild beast. Afterwards they plan to travel to Lothlòrien to seek Galadriels' counsel. You'll never play in a game of this quality, I'm afraid. Too focused on not letting the DM "storyshit" you. Kek

              • 5 months ago

                >Sorry, I have a The One Ring session tomorrow, players gonna be exploring the Wilderlands after they made a deal with the Beornings to hunt for a wild beast. Afterwards they plan to travel to Lothlòrien to seek Galadriels' counsel. You'll never play in a game of this quality, I'm afraid.
                That sounds terribly boring, so ok.

                Wrong, he can just boot you from the game at any time. Why would you show up to a game you aren't enjoying anyway?

                >implying this will actually ever happen
                Try it. I dare you. See what happens.

              • 5 months ago

                >Wow that sounds so boring I would rather sit at a table and argue with me power hungry dm over rules because we all secrelty hate each other.

                Sorry anon his game sounds better.

              • 5 months ago

                >Try it. I dare you. See what happens.
                Lol, what the frick do you even think you're going to do?

              • 5 months ago

                Sounds like you have it all perfectly planned out already, hope that having other people at the table won't ruin it for you. Kudos!

            • 5 months ago

              >listen, 80% of players bring NOTHING to the table

              DM's job is to know the game and play the rule of "cool" . Inspire the players to want to dive in more and have fun. nothing wrong with allowing time at the end of the game to chit-chat about the overall game. Perhaps even audit the players characters and offer some advice to have more fun and "buy" into their role in the story.

              >what are your goals of your character?
              >what are some things you want to explore?
              >psstt here is an idea don't tell anyone else etc etc

              most games are set on the momentum by the dm. If you just sit there and spectate and listen for 80% of the game. it becomes less and less fun.

              >ive read the book inside and out so should YOU!

              this isn't school with a less and homework. this is to inspire creativity , have fun and always have the players want to come back for more. get them excited.

              DM VS Player mentality. is fricking aspie.

              • 5 months ago

                expecting the DM to carry the whole momentum of rules, excitement and character motivations is called being a deadweight. I ask for the bare minimum, in being that a grown adult has to care only for his character and his A4 character sheet with the corresponding rules and skills, and the basic knowledge of how a roll works and what numbers they have to target.
                If you fail to comply this bare minimum, idk maybe go play chess or a videogame? I don't understand the idea that the sole responsability of everything has to fall squarely on the DM

              • 5 months ago

                >whole momentum of rules, excitement and character motivations is called being a deadweight

                you are literally the fricking game master. you are running a game. people are at YOUR table playing YOUR game. there isn't a problem with nudging people in the right direction and get them thinkin, inspiring creativity and creating excitement.

                the DM has the vantage point.

              • 5 months ago

                you dont run roleplaying games, you give people regular tours of your game world.

              • 5 months ago

                ? I don't follow

              • 5 months ago

                of course you dont because youre the tour guide.

        • 5 months ago

          >maladjusted manchildren

          says the guy that is too stubborn to listen to his players and perhaps what they want. provide an alternative. or do what most DMs do. just give him some useless gold. or some shit that has no real impact in the game.

        • 5 months ago

          You misunderstand me. 'I'm sick' is a perfectly fair reason to not play, assuming it's not a lie. 'I want to play League' is not. I have the other players to consider, and they understand real life comes first, but they're also there to play consistently, not when the whim strikes.

          • 5 months ago

            ah no, we're on the same page here mate, I meant players that flake on a whim and take the "i'm sick" card every time.
            Of course someone being ill is a legit reason, or any other real life problem. But flaking because laziness is inexcusable

            • 5 months ago

              Oh yeah, I get you. Lying is honestly worse in my book than just saying 'I don't want to play.' I don't have time for those kind of frick-frick games.

      • 5 months ago

        I just run my game with 6 players, and assume 2-3 will flake at any given day. Their characters will suddenly go off and be indisposed, or will do basic acts under my command if stuck in a hostile area. If the behavior keeps up, then they just remain written out.

      • 5 months ago

        >If you flake for a non-legit reason (sickness)
        This homie wants people snotting and coughing in his games

        • 5 months ago

          Sickness is a legit reason, you're misunderstanding. I wouldn't expect someone to attend if they were ill or had suffered a death in the family, that would be ridiculous.

      • 5 months ago

        >I usually have 2 or 3 people up for a game but on the bench due to the group filling first.

        do you play in person ? or just on webcam?

        I only play in person. I don't think you have 2-3 people on the bench. I think you have perhaps 2 people interested but don't want to make the commitment.

        • 5 months ago

          Online, via text. It works for me, and it makes it slightly easier to find players, though a bit harder to tell at 'first glance' if they're going to be good players.

      • 5 months ago

        choices. Be a good person or be an butthole. sounds like you're an butthole. sorry your Dad was a prick to you growing up but this doens't fix it.

      • 5 months ago
  6. 5 months ago

    >make book on dirty DM tricks
    >ask about dirty player tricks
    >dms get mad


  7. 5 months ago

    Yeah it's called the Be That Guy To Get Kicked From The Game combo, you act like That Guy and get removed from the game and replaced with someone who isn't a c**t.

    • 5 months ago

      lol wow dms are pissed.

      • 5 months ago

        If you act like an antagonistic subhuman who lacks any sense of social decorum and is too autistic to behave themselves, then the GM is well within their right to remove your antisocial bullshit from the SOCIAL ACTIVITY they have taken the time and effort to organize.

        >dms control everything
        >bend rules in their favour
        >ask about ways for players to do the same
        >get mad

        lol le reddit in here

        >dms control everything
        The Game Master is in fact the Master of the game and builds the setting, decides what options to allow and disallow, and ultimately presents obstacles for the players to try and overcome. They do not, in fact, control the players' characters outside of very specific, preventable circumstances such as mind control or similar. They do control who can play at their table though, which means that if you're going to act like an antisocial misanthrope you get what you fricking deserve.
        >bend rules in their favour
        Correction, they bend the rules in favor of the players. I have not once seen a GM bend the rules in their own favor, unless you're talking about banning or changing outright broken options in which case those changes are applied universally to both PCs and NPCs.
        >ask about ways for players to do the same
        They can't, because players are unable to win an arms race with the GM. If you are an antagonistic That Guy, you have no place at any table worth a damn.
        >get mad
        If you gathered your friends to partake in a SOCIAL ACTIVITY and one guy was continually being a complete piece of shit butthole disrupting everyone else's fun just to be an ass, you'd cut ties with him. Nobody is required to tolerate you being an unlikable piece of shit subhuman at their table, and it shows your entitlement that you think they are, playerleech.

        • 5 months ago

          tbh my dm is a bit of a dick.

          he is controlling, rail roading and it feels ur character has nothing to really do in the story or have any impact. he has gotten worse as the years gone on. he should just stick to writing books then dm'ing.

          I was asking what are some fun dirty tricks.

          >That Guy, you have no place at any table worth a damn

          sending the DM through a loop is a bit of fun. there is no REAL way a player can play dirty. it was a bit of fun really.

          calm down

        • 5 months ago

          >antagonistic subhuman who lacks any sense of social decorum and is too autistic to behave themselves,

          fails to realize its a bit of fun.

    • 5 months ago

      >dms control everything
      >bend rules in their favour
      >ask about ways for players to do the same
      >get mad

      lol le reddit in here

  8. 5 months ago

    Given how you're posting, and assuming you're actually playing in the game and not stalking them, you could try something unsettling and unexpected, like taking an honest and actual interest in the game. They know you, so they'll be waiting for you to be an ass about it, but you can hold that off for a while. Maybe.

    • 5 months ago

      >like taking an honest and actual interest in the game.

      we play 5 hours every week. It's hard to want to read up more on star wars dnd or even think about it after.

      its legit a bit of fun. on how to make the DM sweat. its not like im going to put forks in his microwave and explode it.

      jesus christ you guys have to relax

  9. 5 months ago

    The Fantastic Technology source books from West End.
    Star Wars generally is not built for smart, creative heroes who abuse things like net guns, stun grenades, flamers, flashbangs, mines, shotguns, traps, tear gas, etc. You can body even high level foes in most editions by not fighting fair.
    I've done this in West End, D20 and the most recent games and it works in all three. The tech in Star Wars is absolutely mental and almost noone uses it.
    Needs the right kind of GM to allow/fall for it, but it will give him something to think about if nothing else. Most games tend to default to 'cinematic' mode where the GM assumes fights will be straight up battles.
    An NPC even calls this out in Kotor2, being a right sneaky bastard can even the odds against a dumbly played Jedi.

  10. 5 months ago

    >Anyone have any tricks to use to make the DM sweat?

    >Invite non-gamer women to the game session, whether they're your wife/girlfriend or whoever. They will instinctively disrupt things out of boredom and need for attention.
    >Pay very close attention and be active one sesison, then just look out the window and play with your phone the next(ideally during a time he obviously stuck in an encounter or subplot he thought you'd like).
    >Have your PC act like a real person and not an adventurer to put the brakes on the session. EG, if you hear a noise at night call the police(or town guard or whatever) instead of investigating yourself.
    >Pirate/buy expansions your GM doesn't have or are outside the scope of the existing campaign and insist they be implemented and new abilities added to your PC.
    >Beeline for the one thing that's banned or restricted. The Gods have abandoned your GM's world? Well, you have your heart set on being the very last cleric.
    >Drag things out by insisting on regrouping to rest/resupply after even minor battles.
    >If the GM and/or other players want to fast forward past a wilderness journey or shopping trip into town or whatever, insist on roleplaying it out.
    >Make a flirty female PC if you're male. Incorporate your magical realms as needed.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Critical Role has entered the building

  11. 5 months ago

    Doing this without consulting your table makes you a That Guy.

  12. 5 months ago

    Just don’t talk without being directly addressed, that always gets to me

  13. 5 months ago

    >roll dice
    >lie you had more successes then you do

    am I the DM now?

  14. 5 months ago

    >lie that you didn't say something last game

    look at me I'm the DM

    >get mad that a thread pops up for similar strats as a player

    look at me I'm a DM now Mom

  15. 5 months ago

    theater of the mind is great for roleplaying

  16. 5 months ago

    Make it that you're not available any day that the majority of other players are

  17. 5 months ago

    Here’s what you do, OP. Make up a story about how you totally owned him in a long con, old man Henderson style. Make sure it’s only marginally believable. Feel free to describe in detail how everyone clapped at the end. Then, next time when he dumps on you and you sit there like a cuck and take it, you can smile in your head, secure in the knowledge that he’s the star of another forced meme on the 4chins.

    • 5 months ago

      so DMs dump on people intentionally ?

  18. 5 months ago

    The DM may have total control of the game, but they can't control when I retaliate with a little passive-aggressive farting.

  19. 5 months ago

    The only way to frick with the DM is by misbehaving out of game and purposefully sabotaging play during the game, which both amount to acting like a c**t. Best case scenario, you ruin your friendship with everyone at the table and they stop inviting you. Worst case scenario, you start a fight and the cops probably get called, and now you have no friends and a criminal record.

    • 5 months ago

      >social pressure to play every week for ~6 hours with no real break during game play
      >you can take a break but he just keeps playing with whom ever is there
      >all your turns seemed rush and push along
      >no real time to RP anything
      >no real interaction with other players
      >pushed along

      this is what I'm dealing with

      • 5 months ago

        Sounds like a shitty GM. Quit. Go find another table. Best revenge is a life well lived.

        • 5 months ago

          >social pressure to play every week for ~6 hours with no real break during game play
          >you can take a break but he just keeps playing with whom ever is there
          >all your turns seemed rush and push along
          >no real time to RP anything
          >no real interaction with other players
          >pushed along

          this is what I'm dealing with


          I pretty much told the guy that I didn't want to play. he said no problem if I don't want to play all I have to say is "no".

          this is a list of shit I've had to deal with from this guy

          >sessions every week for 6 hours no break
          >"oh well you didn't actually take your break I gave you so I just played through it"
          >DM vs Players mentality
          >too long of fight scenes
          >too many npc players
          >npc players that are basically your character that he wants to control
          >pressure to play
          >pressure to play friday night even though there was a vote for sunday night
          >he thinks his games are perfect
          >skips over you on turns cause you didn't take your turn during battle

          list goes on and on. It was never this way. I think the guy just should go write a fan fiction at this point.

          seriously don't waste time w/ shitty DMs

          • 5 months ago

            anon needed 107 replies to function like a normal human being
            congrats I guess

            • 5 months ago

              no one on Ganker is functional anon
              this includes you and i

              • 5 months ago

                Don't include me in your cope, you fricking loser.

              • 5 months ago

                im going to kiss you on the mouth

          • 5 months ago

            Good job. Now remember this moment the next time you feel like being adversarial; it really is this simple. You're free.

          • 5 months ago

            I like how your excuses started out
            >lol i'm just trying to liven up the table by making the gm sweat a little no big deal guyz
            and now it's clear this is just an exercise in petty revenge.

            • 5 months ago

              >haha I just want to have a little fun haha
              >no really haha why aren't you giving me any ideas for how to frick with my terrible DM haha
              >you all fricking suck why haven't any of you given me any good ideas for making this guy's life miserable because I didn't have fun playing a pretend game?
              OP is always a homosexual, but this one's an especially awful breed of homosexual.

      • 5 months ago

        Alright, so you're young. You haven't learned this yet, so someone will have to tell you: You can just talk about it. If you tell your GM that you aren't having a lot of fun because you feel pushed around and not given enough time to immerse yourself in the game; then odds are they'll try to accommodate you. The GM is trying to have fun too, and can't if you aren't, so they'll probably want to make you happy. And if they don't, then instead of acting like a child, you can simply leave. You can simply do something else, somewhere else, with someone else.

        Acting like a piece of shit to "own" your GM is a recipe for a broken friendship, tons of frustration, and later regrets that you didn't just talk about it maturely.

        • 5 months ago

          >You can just talk about it. If you tell your GM that you aren't having a lot of fun because you feel pushed around and not given enough time to immerse yourself in the game

          already tried this. this sorta just ignored it and seemed pissed that I would ever even question his game.
          he is too insecure

          • 5 months ago

            Then follow the next step: Stop playing. You had your fun, it is over. Say you're out, and stop showing up. This is the best course of action both for yourself and for the rest of the people. You don't need to, and will not benefit from, forcing yourself to play. You will not solve the problem by agitating your DM, you will just make the DM, and probably the other players, upset with you. Which, in turn, will make you upset.

            If you can do this then you have solved the issue, and without burning any bridges or anyone being upset. Reject the idea of "getting back at" someone for their bad behaviour in a leisure activity, it will accomplish absolutely nothing that you would not accomplish simply by not playing any longer.

            Can you do that?

  20. 5 months ago

    Your arms are to short to box with god

  21. 5 months ago

    >this thread is full of 'hurr durr you can't win, I'm a god'
    Wow, it's all true.

    • 5 months ago

      Have you ever played any TTRPG?

      • 5 months ago

        I have, which is why I know most DMs vastly overrate their own charm, wit, intelligence, imagination, people management skills and personal hygiene. You're not a god and your players barely respect you.

  22. 5 months ago

    >whole thread about passive aggressive b***h moves no one cares about and just get you booted from the game if you keep acting like a b***h
    >zero build ideas or in character ways to make the GM sweat a little because it would technically be within the rules
    Proof that /tg/ doesn't play games yet again.
    Also I won't spill them because I'm a SW GM myself and you little Black folk deserve nothing.

    • 5 months ago

      >zero build ideas or in character ways to make the GM sweat a little because it would technically be within the rules

      thank god this guy gets it

      >A player chooses to act like a moron in game and the guy in charge says, "okay, your moronic actions have consequences. Are you happy now?"

      its legit a thread asking for ways to surprise the DM and get him "sweating" . this way of thinking if lighthearted and I'm sure the DM would enjoy.

      its a game remember.

    • 5 months ago

      >zero build ideas
      No system was described, there's several Star Wars systems.
      >in-character ways
      No plot was described, Star Wars has several eras, and you have to derail the plot in different ways for each era.

  23. 5 months ago

    why even bother showing up to a table where you arent having fun and have to resort to fricking over the GM for kicks? just leave Black person

    • 5 months ago


      >zero build ideas or in character ways to make the GM sweat a little because it would technically be within the rules

      thank god this guy gets it

      >A player chooses to act like a moron in game and the guy in charge says, "okay, your moronic actions have consequences. Are you happy now?"

      its legit a thread asking for ways to surprise the DM and get him "sweating" . this way of thinking if lighthearted and I'm sure the DM would enjoy.

      its a game remember.

      >ideas or in character ways to make the GM sweat a little because it would technically be within the rules

      this. damn you DMs are fricking sensitive

      • 5 months ago

        asking for advice on how to throw the GM off for fun and not because you want to do something interesting that there isnt an immediate clear ruling for is fricking the GM over. Im sorry you are bored at the table but you always have the option to leave either temporarily or permanently.

        • 5 months ago

          most of the campaigns I've played the DM enjoys the outside the box thinking and making the game more interesting. I've never said that I want to be a dick to the DM.

          of course you dont because youre the tour guide.

          who is the tour guide the player? I don't get what you are trying to say

  24. 5 months ago

    i would maybe piss on the map and shove some figures in my ass

    • 5 months ago

      >player pisses on the map
      >i declare the piss is acid and don't allow his character to make a saving throw (everybody else is allowed though, with advantage)
      Oh no, your character died. Anybody want to resurrect the map-pisser? No? Buh-bye.

      • 5 months ago

        luckily my character is not in the piss acid, he is in my ass

      • 5 months ago

        now you're down an actual player. no one is going to play your game?

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