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  1. 2 years ago
    Android: Netrunner thread

    Brain damage is now core damage since the latter is offensive

    Amped up gets a reprint with different wording for whatever reason

    NISEI continues to be bootleg Netrunner, but what can you do other than keep playing massive amounts of already existing content

    • 2 years ago

      >Brain damage is now core damage since the latter is offensive
      Offensive to WHO, though? These imaginary offended potential players already weren't going to play a game that has forced sexual slaves (just as "clones" so it's not offensive!) and other potentially offensive shit just because "brain damage" is used as a game mechanical term for the sake of simplicity and thematic-y.

      • 2 years ago

        I actually have no idea how the frick would it be offensive to anybody with half a brain

        Oh, sorry

        • 2 years ago

          It kind of feels like they're weasel wording their way to trying to actually sell the game on store shelves but calling it "Robot: Netjogger" so they can try to avoid Wizard/R. Tal and FFG's lawsuit.

          Which is hilarious because going "we're compatible with Netrunner!" already puts them in that legality grey box, changing the game terms doesn't do shit for that.

          • 2 years ago

            That would take a ton of effort though and still probably not work. Like how many offended do you need to do that covertly exactly?

            • 2 years ago

              BUT GUYS ANY POTENTIAL OFFENSE IS ONE OFFENSE TOO MANY! -Nisei team trying to justify their department "staying open"/doing work.

              Sometimes saying "we're doing no changes," in quarterly or whatever reports is better than making shitty changes. Even Wizards of the Coast knows this, why doesn't the NISEI team know?

              What's funny is that the term is already in NISEI cards: Cerebral Overwriter which is a reprint of Order and Chaos's version uses the "Brain Damage" term. Why wouldn't they change this years ago if it was such a problem?

              Hell, to use ONE OF THEIR FRICKING OWN: [Týr] is one that uses Brain Damage. They made the fricking card 2-3 years ago. Where was the issue with "Brain Damage," then?

              • 2 years ago

                They didn't know it was a problem

                Or rather it wasn't a problem then and it isn't a problem now, it's just that they decided to play the attention seeking woke card for some reason.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's just that they decided to play the attention seeking woke card for some reason.
                That's been the case since they're launch, sadly. Making shitty term changes for the sake of it.

                I still don't get what is confusing about the "access cards," step to the point where they needed to change the term to "breech" for new players. Anyone that is confused by the access step gets over it in 2-3 games.

                why are you defending this

                Because NISEI has a few astroturfers that have to try to "guys there is nothing wrong with what we're doing!" their changes every time they make a change.

                Watch it happen when Traces are officially announced as gone (despite it being clear they're pushing for that with the binary "you're tagged" changes they made with Gateway)

        • 2 years ago

          That would take a ton of effort though and still probably not work. Like how many offended do you need to do that covertly exactly?

          why are you defending this

      • 2 years ago

        >Offensive to WHO, though?
        people with damaged brains, some of whom are part of NISEI staff

        • 2 years ago

          You mean damaged core, bigot

        • 2 years ago

          >some of whom are part of NISEI staff
          Sounds like a personal problem, to me. Did they ask anyone outside of their staff team if the term was offensive in the greater picture?

          Beyond which: WHY would they play a game with an offensive term for as long as they have and develop for it if they were TRULY offended that much? There is the door -> feel free to leave.

          What next? [Eliza's Toybox] is going to become "Oh, guys, the Bioroids that work there and potentially get harmed to death by psychos are actually ok! They get ice cream and puppy dogs at the end of their shift and aren't decommissioned after it!"

          • 2 years ago

            Wait, wasn't that the joke? Do they actually have moronic staff members?

            • 2 years ago

              Not in the clinical sense of mental moronation. But actively looking for things to be offended about and then forcing those sensibilities on other people may be considered mental dysfunction in its own right.

  2. 2 years ago

    I'm just annoyed by the new name, not the renaming specifically. Brain damage was ingrained into the flavour of a lot of cards: HB's brain research, bioroids, anarch drug use and cybernetics that interfaced with the brain. It made perfect sense and was never used in an offensive way but I can understand why they might want to change it, I just disagree with "core". It's such a sterile word that doesn't evoke any of the scariness of brain damage, something like "permanent" or "irreversible" damage conveys the mechanics behind it, sounds dangerous and shouldn't offend anyone.

    • 2 years ago

      >"irreversible" damage conveys the mechanics behind it
      Thing is, you can reverse Brain Damage though, in a fashion: [Public Sympathy] has it thematically called out in particular.

      You're just using support cards to get around it. "Permanent Damage" would've probably been better. But still awkward.

      I'm annoyed by the change because the offense is totally on the NISEI staff themselves. Anyone that offended by the term either already isn't playing the game, or are and accept it's a game-thematic keyword that isn't "offensive" in context of the game.

      It's the "rules and diversity" team trying to justify themselves.

    • 2 years ago

      >"irreversible" damage conveys the mechanics behind it
      Thing is, you can reverse Brain Damage though, in a fashion: [Public Sympathy] has it thematically called out in particular.

      You're just using support cards to get around it. "Permanent Damage" would've probably been better. But still awkward.

      I'm annoyed by the change because the offense is totally on the NISEI staff themselves. Anyone that offended by the term either already isn't playing the game, or are and accept it's a game-thematic keyword that isn't "offensive" in context of the game.

      It's the "rules and diversity" team trying to justify themselves.

      I think "Permanent" is better than "Core", but it's longer and maybe thats awkward for templating? I'd like "Crippling Damage" but I appreciate that other cripples may not.

  3. 2 years ago

    Is this a fricking joke

    NISEI has a diversity team?

    Discord was a mistake

    • 2 years ago

      They've had it since they "launched," but it really does nothing but change up terms that are already established and muddying shit up for learning the actual game.

    • 2 years ago

      >The term meant to be thematically uncomfortable is thematically uncomfortable.
      I fricking hate these comfort-obsessed homosexuals. They should change the theme of the game away from hacking, in solidarity with victims of identity theft and cyber bullying.

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe if we ironically bully them, they'll change it back. But knowing them, they'll double down and go "NO YOU'RE WRONG!" and keep the shit despite there being a term already in the game for the mechanic.

  4. 2 years ago

    I sure love how there are no reprints in the upcoming set

    • 2 years ago

      Eventually, they'll +/- 1 credit/card for Sure Gamble/IPO, Hedge Fund and Diesel/etc. and call it a day.

      I'm kind of at my last nerve with them. Them removing traces, them removing the Neutral factions (to band-aid an ACTUAL "Neutral" faction for the sake of having one for Corpos after FFG never did it), changing already established terms for the sake of trying to justify a stupid department...

      I don't know what they're doing, but beyond adding new cards to the game, they aren't doing anything that I really want them to do.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Confusing prospective new players just to make sure that a bunch of chronically offended nobodies don't get offended AGAIN
    Netrunner should've just died.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think they should have done it, but I also think if you're not able to grasp that brain is now core then you're probably too thick to get netrunner anyway

      • 2 years ago

        It just feels weirdly aggressive for them to tell players to use a new word in place of the old word because of their silly reasoning. It's not nice.

        • 2 years ago

          That's the sort of shit when you're a volunteer org, some people are real zealous c**ts about things

          From what I've heard it wasn't even unanimous inside nisei, maybe

          >Doesn't understand the point
          The mechanic is fricking "Brain Damage." It's been that way for 10 years. The only people offended by it and making a stink about it are internal developers of THEIR run and even then it's been 3-5 years after the game's "official run died" to where they continued to use the mechanics original name.

          LITERALLY TWO PEOPLE are offended by this mechanics name. Nobody else.

          Are they actually getting attention from anyone besides established players telling them this is a moronic (hi, nisei!) change? Who else besides established players know the game still exists at this point?

          is right and it was literally 2 people.

      • 2 years ago

        >Doesn't understand the point
        The mechanic is fricking "Brain Damage." It's been that way for 10 years. The only people offended by it and making a stink about it are internal developers of THEIR run and even then it's been 3-5 years after the game's "official run died" to where they continued to use the mechanics original name.

        LITERALLY TWO PEOPLE are offended by this mechanics name. Nobody else.

        This was a change for attention. They don't give a shit about being 'nice' because there is no imaginary woke campaign to delete the words brain damage from the world, just enough tantrum-havers on the internet that they can imply it and guarantee millions of posts about their bootleg game. You are giving them exactly what they wanted.

        Are they actually getting attention from anyone besides established players telling them this is a moronic (hi, nisei!) change? Who else besides established players know the game still exists at this point?

        • 2 years ago

          I doubt it's getting the many new players, there was hardly a roster full of people who wanted ot play who were alienated by the common descriptive term. But it has got attention, including from old players who stopped. There's more posts in the last 24 hours about this than there was in any entire week previously.

          • 2 years ago

            How many of those veteran players are actually agreeing with the change or wanting to play, much less?

            That's what I want to know: Literally nobody I know was complaining about this. Generally terms change if someone makes a big stink about something (see: The Steam Deck Firefox version behind security issue fiasco last week on Reddit to where Valve kicked the can down the road and made Firefox a Flatpack instead of managing their goddamn repos, but that's off topic) on the internet. I *literally* do not know anyone crippled or not that had an issue with "brain damage" as a mechanical term for Netrunner.

            The only people that seemed to have a problem are the newer internal developers for their take on the game.

    • 2 years ago

      >Netrunner should've just died.
      It did. NISEI is not Netrunner.

      • 2 years ago

        That's how I feel about it.

  6. 2 years ago

    This was a change for attention. They don't give a shit about being 'nice' because there is no imaginary woke campaign to delete the words brain damage from the world, just enough tantrum-havers on the internet that they can imply it and guarantee millions of posts about their bootleg game. You are giving them exactly what they wanted.

  7. 2 years ago

    So is NISEI a fan group that prints fan cards? I never got to play the official game but now getting into it sounds more complicated

    • 2 years ago

      Run tournaments and make new cards, yep.

      It's actually simpler to get cards, kind of - you don't have to find packs that are at the whims of random chinese printers and customs, it's all print-on-demand, and proxies are legal

      • 2 years ago

        That's neat, but I find it strange that nobody seems to care from a legal perspective that this is happening

        • 2 years ago

          They don't care because nobody is making money off it. All the money that goes toward the printers is literally the fees to print the cards.

          It's the as Jihad/Vampire: the Eternal Struggle.

          • 2 years ago

            Makes sense. I'm in

          • 2 years ago

            new print of VtES is made with official approval of both Paradox (on condition of banning the "problematic" cards) and WotC (on condition of removing "Deckmaster" from the card back)

            • 2 years ago

              apparently nisei gets by on the basis that game mechanics cannot be copyrighted and it used all original art

            • 2 years ago

              apparently nisei gets by on the basis that game mechanics cannot be copyrighted and it used all original art

              That essentially goes back to: If they aren't making money off the cards, the places don't really care.

              In Wizards case, they are fine since Deckmaster is a TM of theirs (that flopped but is still a TM), I'm not sure if White Wolf is part of it like R. Tal was for the "Netrunner" name, but I'm sure they don't care either due to no money changing hands off their I.P. name (it being a "fan creation" at this point, dunno on the banning ruling).

              Nisei is in a grey area, essentially. As long as they don't charge for things and don't use FFG or Wizard's art, they're fine.

  8. 2 years ago

    Core Damage

    • 2 years ago

      They did damage to the Core Set, alright.

  9. 2 years ago

    Get woke, go broke.

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