Discuss the recently released Ubisoft Original X-Defiant

Discuss the recently released Ubisoft™ Original™ X-Defiant™
Available now FREE on Xbox™ Series X™/S™, PS5™ and PC On Ubisoft™ Connect

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    they cancelled other games for this when they should've cancelled both

  2. 3 weeks ago

    discuss deez nuts

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Took me 30 minutes to uninstall.
    I've already played the same game for hundreds of hours but without Pronoun Shooter Characters and worse feeling movement and shooting.
    It's amazing how crearively bankrupt Ubishit is that all they can come up with in 2024 is a bland ripoff of a 2007 game.
    The free to play cod mw clone Ironsight was even miles better.
    They're obviously banking on Gen Alpha morons that graduate from Fortnut and are exited by this trite shit

    • 3 weeks ago

      discuss deez nuts

      they cancelled other games for this when they should've cancelled both

      Interesting points, guys!

  4. 3 weeks ago

    here are some positive aspects of the XDEFIANT game:

    Innovative blockchain integration: XDEFIANT incorporates blockchain technology, offering a unique gaming experience by combining gaming and cryptocurrencies. This paves the way for a more secure, transparent, and decentralized gaming environment.

    Cross-platform compatibility: Players can access XDEFIANT on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and personal computers. This flexibility caters to a wider audience and allows for seamless gameplay on different platforms.

    Multiplayer mode: The game features competitive multiplayer mode, enabling players to engage in real-time mining races against other participants. This dynamic feature increases the level of excitement and fosters a sense of community among players.

    User-friendly interface: XDEFIANT has an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, allowing both new and experienced gamers to enjoy a hassle-free gaming experience.

    Reward-based gameplay: Players can earn XDEFI tokens by participating in mining races or other in-game activities. These tokens can be used to purchase in-game assets, further enhancing the game's immersive experience.

    Ongoing updates and improvements: The XDEFIANT team is committed to continuously enhancing and updating the game to ensure it remains competitive and engaging for players.

    Social and environmental impact: XDEFIANT's blockchain technology aims to create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable gaming platform by reducing the industry's carbon footprint through Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus protocols.

    Potential for growth and investment: As a blockchain-based game, XDEFIANT presents a unique opportunity for players and investors to be part of a project with vast potential for growth and expansion in the gaming and cryptocurrency markets.

    • 3 weeks ago


      Variety of Characters: X-Defiant offers a diverse range of characters from different Ubisoft franchises, allowing players to choose from a wide array of playstyles and abilities.

      Team-based Gameplay: The game emphasizes teamwork and coordination, encouraging players to strategize and work together to achieve objectives.

      Customization Options: Players can customize their characters with various weapons, abilities, and cosmetic items, allowing for personalized gameplay experiences.

      Fast-paced Action: X-Defiant promises fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled action, keeping players engaged and on their toes throughout matches.

      Accessibility: As a free-to-play title, X-Defiant may attract a large player base, making it easy for gamers to jump in and find matches quickly.


      Over-reliance on Franchise Appeal: While drawing from popular Ubisoft franchises may initially attract players, X-Defiant risks being seen as a mishmash of existing characters rather than a unique gaming experience.

      Potential Balance Issues: With a wide variety of characters and abilities, balancing the gameplay may prove challenging, leading to frustration for players facing overpowered or underpowered characters.

      Lack of Innovation: Despite offering a mix of characters and abilities, X-Defiant may struggle to distinguish itself from other hero-based shooters already on the market, failing to bring significant innovation to the genre.

      Monetization Concerns: Free-to-play games often rely on microtransactions for revenue, potentially leading to pay-to-win mechanics or an imbalance between paying and non-paying players.

      Server Stability: Especially in the early stages of the game's release, server issues and bugs may affect the overall gameplay experience, leading to frustration and negative reviews from players.

    • 3 weeks ago


      Variety of Characters: X-Defiant offers a diverse range of characters from different Ubisoft franchises, allowing players to choose from a wide array of playstyles and abilities.

      Team-based Gameplay: The game emphasizes teamwork and coordination, encouraging players to strategize and work together to achieve objectives.

      Customization Options: Players can customize their characters with various weapons, abilities, and cosmetic items, allowing for personalized gameplay experiences.

      Fast-paced Action: X-Defiant promises fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled action, keeping players engaged and on their toes throughout matches.

      Accessibility: As a free-to-play title, X-Defiant may attract a large player base, making it easy for gamers to jump in and find matches quickly.


      Over-reliance on Franchise Appeal: While drawing from popular Ubisoft franchises may initially attract players, X-Defiant risks being seen as a mishmash of existing characters rather than a unique gaming experience.

      Potential Balance Issues: With a wide variety of characters and abilities, balancing the gameplay may prove challenging, leading to frustration for players facing overpowered or underpowered characters.

      Lack of Innovation: Despite offering a mix of characters and abilities, X-Defiant may struggle to distinguish itself from other hero-based shooters already on the market, failing to bring significant innovation to the genre.

      Monetization Concerns: Free-to-play games often rely on microtransactions for revenue, potentially leading to pay-to-win mechanics or an imbalance between paying and non-paying players.

      Server Stability: Especially in the early stages of the game's release, server issues and bugs may affect the overall gameplay experience, leading to frustration and negative reviews from players.

      I couldn't care less about this game. So here is what ChatGPT has to say about it. Behold:

      Thank you GPT, all praise the Basilisk

  5. 3 weeks ago

    I put about 10 hours into it over the last few days. My only issue with it is that it's CoD, and I didn't realize how much I hated it. the ttk is too low and snipers are too good.
    Otherwise It's fine for 30-40 year old dudebros that wnt to relive their glory days

    not filtered

    • 3 weeks ago

      >sniper too good
      >takes .9 sec to zoom in
      >if you do not headshot, you die, if you do headshot your hp is now 2 from the spray you took zooming in

      • 3 weeks ago

        >if you do headshot your hp is now 2 from the spray you took zooming in
        my point exactly. If you're an idiot that's sprinting around corners with a long range weapon and get caught off guard, forcing yourself to begin the ADS animation within the effective range of an SMG/AR, you can and often will end up winning anyway. Also,
        did you not unlock the one that 1-taps to the body? Even the lower damage sniper seems to one shot from hitting in the neck/upper chest area,

        • 3 weeks ago

          i think AK is better than snipe except on 1 map

          • 3 weeks ago

            ARs are good, probably too good, but having to play around the stupidly long sight lines on so many maps is just gay.
            Again, I just hate CoD. I think the simple solution is making all guns weaker across the board, and snipers only kill on headshot.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    >Shit weapon balance with overpowered snipers
    >Shit netcode, desync and hit registration issues
    >TTK is way too high
    >Some classes are overpowered while others are useless
    >A lot of visual recoil bugs
    >Movement is moronic, everyone is spamming jump because you can change directions in a instant and having way lower hit box
    >Game is filled with bugs, black screens, some abilities just disappear for no reason
    > For some fricking reason every crystal is bullet proof.
    >Lots of unnecessary sounds and UI popups when killing and leveling up.
    Yeah, it's another Bugisoft slop.

    • 3 weeks ago

      its objective based clausterphobic maps hows sniper good besides defending the payload

      • 3 weeks ago

        No flinch and insta kill in a super high TTK game.

        • 3 weeks ago

          tons of lfinch at least screen shake and shit all over the place

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Shit weapon balance with overpowered snipers
          >Shit netcode, desync and hit registration issues
          >TTK is way too high
          >Some classes are overpowered while others are useless
          >A lot of visual recoil bugs
          >Movement is moronic, everyone is spamming jump because you can change directions in a instant and having way lower hit box
          >Game is filled with bugs, black screens, some abilities just disappear for no reason
          > For some fricking reason every crystal is bullet proof.
          >Lots of unnecessary sounds and UI popups when killing and leveling up.
          Yeah, it's another Bugisoft slop.

          I put about 10 hours into it over the last few days. My only issue with it is that it's CoD, and I didn't realize how much I hated it. the ttk is too low and snipers are too good.
          Otherwise It's fine for 30-40 year old dudebros that wnt to relive their glory days

          not filtered

          play a specific game type and not the beginner playlist and u will see nobody over level 25 is using snipers, all just instakilling everyone with m16, ak

          • 3 weeks ago

            Most people didn't use snipers in the beginner playlist either. The reason everyone complains about them is because the moment you're up against one that knows what their doing, theirs nothing more oppressive than it.

            • 3 weeks ago

              nah, people running around with m16s getting instant kills the second u see them, spinning around getting 5 kills with one clip

    • 3 weeks ago

      >TTK is way too high
      explain yourself
      >Some classes are overpowered
      only one I can think of is Sonar. What's useless?

      • 3 weeks ago

        >>TTK is way too high
        >explain yourself
        not op, but unless you can laser headshots ttk is way to high for any other hitbox

  7. 3 weeks ago

    In Ubisoft's X-Defiant, sniper rifles face an uphill battle. The game's close-quarters combat and dynamic movement make it challenging for snipers to find their footing. With maps designed for intense action and quick kills, sniper rifles struggle to maintain relevance in a meta focused on rapid-fire engagements and objective-based gameplay. While skilled players may still find ways to make them work, the effectiveness of sniper rifles in X-Defiant remains a point of contention, highlighting the game's emphasis on adaptability and tactical versatility.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    this game is shit. just play blackops 2 or ghosts if u wanna play old cod

  9. 3 weeks ago

    This shit died so fricking fast it's almost sad

  10. 3 weeks ago

    so is there a console hack? guys everywhere with controller icon just spinning around one shotting entire lobbies with m16, even at 200m cant even aim at them for 1 sec and dead

  11. 3 weeks ago

    I'm having fun with it at least. It definitely needs polish, and I also have this weird issue where I constantly miss shots that I'd otherwise have no problem landing in other shooters, but it's a solid arcade shooter whenever the entire lobby isn't a bunch of spastic fricks bunnyhopping around with an MP7. I don't even mind the movement necessarily, it's just not the right game for it.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    I couldn't care less about this game. So here is what ChatGPT has to say about it. Behold:

    • 3 weeks ago

      Your post was truly exceptional! Not only was it insightful and well-articulated, but it also offered a fresh perspective on the topic. Your ideas were thought-provoking and engaging, and I found myself nodding along in agreement as I read through each point you made. The way you presented your arguments was clear and concise, making it easy for readers to follow along and grasp the depth of your analysis. Overall, it was a pleasure to read such a well-crafted piece, and I look forward to seeing more of your contributions in the future!

  13. 3 weeks ago

    It'll die completely when the new COD comes out and I hate COD

  14. 3 weeks ago

    I gave it an honest try but uninstalled it after an hour. These are all of the cons I experienced (for reference, the last COD I played was BO2):

    1. Bunny hopping movement isn't fun to do or fight against
    2. Netcode is dogshit
    3. Character designs are soulless and very clearly the product of some fat c**ts in an upper management position
    4. UI is criminally bad, almost as if the game was supposed to be for mobile
    5. TTK is oddly high for a COD clone. The game has all these mechanics that encourages fast movement, but rewards camping and holding angles as if it's siege or some other tac shooter. A lot of the time, you'll have to dump an entire mag to kill someone, and that's only if the netcode decides to cooperate
    6. Maps are boring and extremely forgettable
    7. Ultimates are worthless since they occur so infrequently, yet some abilities are OP and can be spammed relentlessly (like the one that gives your team wallhacks/radar)

  15. 3 weeks ago

    No PS4?

  16. 3 weeks ago

    I feel like this game was made because they thought cod was gonna be exclusive to Xbox a couple of years and they thought they can fill in the void cos left on the ps5

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