DKC flaws

It's a very good game but a few things piss me off.

The collision data is very... western.. I know it IS a western game, but there were plenty of times where my jaw dropped wondering how something had even hurt me. The physics are indeed all over the place, it's like a 2D version of Sonic Heroes; it's so slippery and trying to fight it just makes it worse cause there's always going to be something you'll end up bouncing off of. The tread levels don't feel good to play because they are very slow and the programmer obviously doesn't understand inertia. The jump the other Kong does when your current guy gets hit is also deceptive because it's not a full jump despite looking pretty heighty, which led to several deaths due to undershot jumps. I really hate how heighty the low jumps are anyway, tapping B should make you hop like in other platformers but instead you are flung high into projectiles above.

Speaking of projectiles, you are constantly being hit by projectiles, enemies, and other hazards coming off-screen because your sprites are too big and the camera can't keep up with your movement, especially when turning or falling. There is other wienerhead level design later in the game like slowly moving platforms and Krushas rebounding Diddy into bottomless pits. The final boss is also pathetic until the Kredits fakeout, and if you die afterwards you have to sit through the unintense, easy and long first phase with the chipper harmonica intro again. I don't know why they didn't just make the entire fight interesting.

I don't know man, I grew up with DKL2 on Gameboy and thought that had better gamefeel.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Man I'm about to drop the game because it's just trial and error. Not very fun to me. Shame because it's 3 games and extras

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah it's a total mess how am I supposed to do good jumps when the platforms are just shitty rounded mounds with an arbitrary hitbox? Fricking shit

      >The collision data is very... western..
      Lol, you think you can stand there? Think again monkey.

      All of you need to play the GBA version. It's the version I grew up and it fixes all the collision problems+ camera too zoomed in. You can also save without having to grind out collectables

      • 5 months ago

        >GBA version
        dios mio

        • 5 months ago

          Download a colour restoration patch

    • 5 months ago

      >Man I'm about to drop the game because it's just trial and error.
      What's wrong with that?
      It's super hard and you keep trying until you get better at the game. Are you really playing a pixelated monkey render collectathon platformer for the story? Lmao

      I actually think the level design is pretty good. Almost every one uses previous elements in a clever way by making them the central focus of a new level, or mixes up the mood with stuff like the stealthy sections. If your reflexes are actually good and you follow hints like banana arrows you can find most of the secrets and make very few leaps of faith. Music and environments are great, too. One of the best looking games on SNES

      get better? how can you get better without any kind of metric other than an artificially imposed standard,(no death, speedrunning etc.) considering there isn't one built into the game? Arcade games have a natural way to gauge this - deep scoring systems.

      >how can you get better without any kind of metric other than an artificially imposed standard
      Literally die less? Lmao. As if there aren't non speedrunners who are better at this game than you

  2. 5 months ago

    Also I hate that you can't jump while you're picking up a barrel, you have to wait for DK/Diddy to finish the picking up animation

  3. 5 months ago

    It took me until the last sentence to realize this is a joke thread

    Well played, OP. Also Donkey Kong Country thread

    • 5 months ago

      Is DKL2 bad or something?

      • 5 months ago

        Honestly OP the entire thing is very weirdly written but you gave me a good laugh. It's not even a bad opinion, just written in a very funny way

        I will say this is the first time I've seen DKC compared to Sonic Heroes or DKL2 specifically and the first time I've seen the word "gamefeel" used unironically on this board

      • 5 months ago

        If you like DKL2 then play DKC2 instead, that's the game it's based off of. DKC1 is a bit different, it's faster paced but maybe a little less polished/precise depending on who you talk to

  4. 5 months ago

    All of Rareware's games have an extremely sloppy, loose feeling to them. I've never been able to stand it, from DKC all the way up to Banjo Tooie. I'm sure they're fine games, but I just can't tolerate the controls. Feels like driving some old ass truck with no power steering and lots of play in the rack, and the shifter that feels more like you're stirring a huge pot of mashed potatoes.

  5. 5 months ago

    It's the worst game I've ever played. I love it

  6. 5 months ago

    Yeah it's a total mess how am I supposed to do good jumps when the platforms are just shitty rounded mounds with an arbitrary hitbox? Fricking shit

  7. 5 months ago

    Nothing like backtracking just to save your damn game

  8. 5 months ago

    >The collision data is very... western..
    Lol, you think you can stand there? Think again monkey.

  9. 5 months ago

    Play the GBA ports. They were rebuilt from scratch, and play a lot better because of it.

  10. 5 months ago

    this homosexual mostly

    • 5 months ago

      Was he in dkc1?

  11. 5 months ago

    I genuinely like Mr bones on Saturn more

  12. 5 months ago

    its not a very fun game, no timer, no scoring so I don't see much replay value other than trying to 100% it which I find gay. Would have been much more fun if they had taken a more Mario approach with that.

    • 5 months ago

      >can't have fun unless the numbers are telling him he's having fun

      • 5 months ago

        you can have fun after the first play through, then after you 100% it..... then what? Impose artificial limitations on yourself to get some gameplay out of it? May as well troon out.

        • 5 months ago

          If the game is fun then it's fun
          >artificial limitations
          404 Protestant Work Ethic not found

          • 5 months ago

            so you just play the same game over and over with no additional challenges or anything interesting? That's fine every now and then, but not really all that fun in the long term, just shows the lack of depth in the game, compare this to arcade games

            • 5 months ago

              You can always get better at the game—funny that you bring up arcade games yet neglect this

              • 5 months ago

                get better? how can you get better without any kind of metric other than an artificially imposed standard,(no death, speedrunning etc.) considering there isn't one built into the game? Arcade games have a natural way to gauge this - deep scoring systems.

              • 5 months ago

                >how can you get better without any kind of metric
                Holy fricking shit you idiot c**t, you can tell with your fricking eyes that you're playing better. Shut the frick up, I'm not replying to you anymore, you're either a moron or a troll, in either case have a nice day

              • 5 months ago

                nice ape out, I won

                >Man I'm about to drop the game because it's just trial and error.
                What's wrong with that?
                It's super hard and you keep trying until you get better at the game. Are you really playing a pixelated monkey render collectathon platformer for the story? Lmao

                I actually think the level design is pretty good. Almost every one uses previous elements in a clever way by making them the central focus of a new level, or mixes up the mood with stuff like the stealthy sections. If your reflexes are actually good and you follow hints like banana arrows you can find most of the secrets and make very few leaps of faith. Music and environments are great, too. One of the best looking games on SNES
                >how can you get better without any kind of metric other than an artificially imposed standard
                Literally die less? Lmao. As if there aren't non speedrunners who are better at this game than you

                after you beat the game without dying then what?

              • 5 months ago

                >after you beat the game without dying then what?
                You play DKC2 and DKC3? What the frick else do you expect, dipshit? Some games are contained experiences

              • 5 months ago

                Right, you dispose of the game and move on. That's what im saying exactly, there isn't much to do in the game other than 100% it, its not a very deep game at all, low replay value. What I was saying is adding a timer and scoring system would have increased its longevity, too hard fro vmorons to comprehend I guess

              • 5 months ago

                Forgot to add that any more longevity can only be squeezed out by artificially creating limitations outside the game, which is indicative of low replay value imo

              • 5 months ago

                >Right, you dispose of the game and move on.
                And? There's nothing wrong with a single player game being a gauntlet of challenges that you overcome and put away. Not everything is designed to be a gigantic skinnerbox timesink of incremental dripfeeding like Monster Hunter or Genshin Impact. It's not even depth, you literally just want to see more numbers going up so your fried dopamine receptors motivate you to engage in repetitive activity again and again kek. That's all you're complaining about.

  13. 5 months ago

    So this game is supposed to be a bunch of frustrating bullshit where you grind your way through the levels until you can finally save right? Also is there coop and is it good?,

    • 5 months ago

      It’s not that frustrating, anon is just whining. Some of levels towards the end of 2 are awful though.

  14. 5 months ago


    The DKC series is more fun than mario

  15. 5 months ago

    The music is good, I enjoy the visuals and I like hard gameplay. That's about it. If you don't enjoy any of these things then this isn't the game for you.

  16. 5 months ago

    >minecart level with a bunch of bullshit
    >Die 5 times getting through it, each time backtracking
    Pretty much every level feels like this too. You just die a bunch of times until you get through. Eventually you get bored of this, but you can't save yet until you beat 2 more levels to reach the save npc

  17. 5 months ago

    I hate the term "gamefeel"

    It has no place in /vr/ discussion. This is something that some Youtuber came up with a couple years ago right?

    • 5 months ago

      You're moronic, because what you describe as "gamefeel" is objectively quantifiable and measurable if you know which parameters cause the controls to have their "feeling."

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Iirc it was Egoraptor who coined the term

      I beat this and DKC2 when I was 7. Why do people act like these games are hard.

      Assuming OP isn't just memeing, it sounds like he was probably born in the late 90's or 2000's after 3D platformers already took over. Perhaps he might enjoy the Banjo games or DK64 more.

      And as always OP, if you really dislike this game (and apparently western games in general for some reason), just play Yoshi's Island instead. Personally I like both games (DKC2 is probably one of my favorites on SNES), but for whatever reason there is this huge weird rivalry between the two and fans of one tend to hate the other.

      • 5 months ago

        Game feel predates egoraptor, also you haven't played enough western jankformers if you don't know exactly what op is talking about

        • 5 months ago

          I know what he means (I've played a lot of Amiga ports and other western platformers), but imo DKC is not one of those games. Maybe it's just because I grew up with it and it was one of my first games. But it still feels a lot more polished than say Cool Spot or the Zool titles imo. Also just all around better than stuff like James Pond

  18. 5 months ago

    I beat this and DKC2 when I was 7. Why do people act like these games are hard.

    • 5 months ago

      This. I feel the same about the dam level in TMNT. If I could beat it as a kindergartner then it's not too difficult!

      Game feel predates egoraptor, also you haven't played enough western jankformers if you don't know exactly what op is talking about

      Just say "controls" or "gameplay" like a normal person

  19. 5 months ago

    >The collision data is very... western.. I know it IS a western game, but there were plenty of times where my jaw dropped wondering how something had even hurt me
    You have to be a moron to let this bother you. I know exactly what you mean, and there's like 2 things in the game where it might matter. You get basically infinite lives, and the game takes like a couple hours to beat.

  20. 5 months ago

    I see where OP is coming from but I disagree that it's bad or unfair, OP needs to get fricking good.
    DKC is, quite simply, the best western platformer.
    Now, it IS a bit like cheating because, while developed by bongs, the game was supervised by japanese, so yeah not 100% western. BUT, it does have the weird collision problems and uniform tiles that western games of the era are known for.
    HOWEVER, DKC's collision works. Why? As opposed to, for example Virgin Aladdin or other western platformers of the era, where the collision makes you go through platforms even though you technically touch them visibly (small collision boxes), DKC has big collision boxes, so, even though it will create some visually wrong moments (DKC standing on mid-air), it will allow the player to perform swift platrforming, which DKC totally has. It does feel good to play, it does have good flow, good level design that goes along with the intuitive controls.
    I'm sure this was japanese input, probably the original early stages of the game were jankier, but ultimately it was fine tuned so that the uniform tiles and the weird collision works.

    • 5 months ago

      I agree to this. The game definitely feels tighter and more polished than other (usually third-party) western platformers of that time period I've played. It is legitimately challenging but for me none of that comes from wonky collision or slippery controls like other western platformers I've played.

    • 5 months ago

      I agree to this. The game definitely feels tighter and more polished than other (usually third-party) western platformers of that time period I've played. It is legitimately challenging but for me none of that comes from wonky collision or slippery controls like other western platformers I've played.

      I'd say I agree too. I never felt particularly cheated and while the hitboxes are definitely large as hell, that works to your advantage in as many situations as if works against you. There's a lot of leniency and snappiness to the movement thanks to stuff like being able to jump out of rolling off of an edge.

      Once you learn the "rules" like

      >The collision data is very... western..
      Lol, you think you can stand there? Think again monkey.

      , the visuals won't confuse you for long.

      It's not. There is even a huge skip near the end of the level if you shoot directly under the third barrel. There's also massive skips in Mine Cart Carnage, Stop and Go Station, and a few other stages. It's hard, but there is a method to the madness

      They put a lot of skips and cheats into the games but that doesn't mean that there aren't a couple of bizarre pacing/design decisions. Stop and Go Station for example feels like an endgame level but is much earlier. The fact that you can literally walk back out of it to beat it easily is irrelevant to that.

      DKC1 is where most of these problems are at their worst, DKC2 is the beloved one for a reason, the characters are both fast and tiny, plus they figured out how to perfectly pace the challenge levels. DKC3 is a fantastic game itself but thanks to the heavy use of gimmick levels, the pacing is weirder and specific players will have difficulties in different places.

  21. 5 months ago

    I'm playing the barrel blasting ice level and it's literally just sheer luck if you get through

    • 5 months ago

      It's not. There is even a huge skip near the end of the level if you shoot directly under the third barrel. There's also massive skips in Mine Cart Carnage, Stop and Go Station, and a few other stages. It's hard, but there is a method to the madness

  22. 5 months ago

    Idk why you guys are telling me to git gud when I clearly beat the game

    • 5 months ago

      Obviously after losing many, many times.

      • 5 months ago

        I also don't know why you guys are saying I don't like this game when the very first thing I said is that it's a very good game

  23. 5 months ago

    I’m a Zoomer and I fricking love DKC the atmosphere the music and the platforming is nearly unrivaled. Even the graphics still look just as good today

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