>DMC5 voted best Capcom game. >Dante voted best Capcom character

>DMC5 voted best Capcom game
>Dante voted best Capcom character
>Over 8 million copies sold, 10th best selling Capcom game ever
>Won several other awards including TGA's Best Action game

Yup, I'm thinking DMC is BACK!

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  1. 7 days ago

    erm, actually it flopped
    >source: my dad who works at Capcom

  2. 7 days ago

    Nice, can't wait for another DmC game

  3. 7 days ago

    SURELY DMC6 is being worked on now that Dragon's Dogma 2 is done, right?

    • 7 days ago

      If a DMC game hasn't been in development in tandem with DD2 but Resident Evil gets 6 games in the pipeline at once Capcom needs to fire their top management

      • 7 days ago

        After DMC2 and DmC, Capcom doesn't want to make a mainline DMC that doesn't have Itsuno's involvement. At most they can only make mobile shit, because it's mobile shit.

        • 6 days ago

          anon, I...

          • 6 days ago

            He came in to make the game playable

      • 7 days ago

        After DMC2 and DmC, Capcom doesn't want to make a mainline DMC that doesn't have Itsuno's involvement. At most they can only make mobile shit, because it's mobile shit.

        A couple of years ago, in one of the internal Capcom reports it was mentioned that they wanted to give DMC more attention, especially with junior talent. I think a DMC 1 remake looks like a safe bet - use Castle Dimitrescu as a base for Mallet Island and you're saving tons of time on asset creation for one.

        • 7 days ago

          On the Capcom survey they had a question of what IPs they'd like to see get remakes and DMC wasn't even an option, so I assume they already have plans in motion

          • 7 days ago

            Best case scenario.

        • 7 days ago

          >use Castle Dimitrescu as a base for Mallet Island and you're saving tons of time on asset creation for one.
          They also have a good chunk of assets from 5, between Dante, Trish, Nelo Angelo, Sin Scissors, Nobody, Shadow, Griffon and Nightmare. Getting DMC working on the RE Engine's already done, so now it's a matter of getting the rest of the assets made, if they actually were doing something with it.
          They even have DMC1 assets they could pull from MHW kek

          • 7 days ago

            The Resi 3 remake had a grenade launcher they could use.

        • 6 days ago

          >I think a DMC 1 remake looks like a safe bet
          That's what I thought but then Capcom used the summer vidya announcement show to talk about the MonHun game they already announced. Not even RE. Do they just not care about it?

          • 6 days ago

            MH is gonna be their big game for early next year
            Whatever they're doing with DMC if it's not DMC6 I don't think it will get the same kind of push

      • 7 days ago

        I love DMC but I don’t like business inept people like you. Of course Resident Evil gets several games developed in tandem with each other, Resident Evil is Capcom’s flagship franchise, each games sells millions in the first year alone. Devil May Cry is Capcom’s 5th flagship franchise, before 5 the games sold 3 million per game on average and it usually took over a year to reach that threshold, it DMC5 for a game in the series to really become a blockbuster at over 6 million copies sold but still it took over 4 years to reach that mark, in comparison the REmakes sell their first 4 million in just 8 months to 1 year, DMC just compare to that.

        Capcom has several groups specialized in developing RE titles, meanwhile DMC really has managed to work with one specific team.

        • 7 days ago

          Investing everything into their golden gooses while neglecting everything else is the reason companies like Ubisoft are doing so poorly right now. Capcom already made this mistake before with Street Fighter so you could think they would learn. Focusing only on your biggest IP's might be smart short term but its extremely risky because all of a sudden you get Guitar Heroed

      • 6 days ago

        Resident Evil games have different directors. I wouldn't want to compromise either games if Itsuno is going to be stretched thin across DMC and DD. On the other hand, would you really want a DMC without Itsuno or DD without Itsuno? Let the man cook.

        • 6 days ago

          >On the other hand, would you really want a DMC without Itsuno
          I'd be open to it. Maybe the game's world would be allowed to expand past just Sparda stuff and the Vergil wank might be toned down.
          I forgive it in 5 because first DMC in 11 years, but in the future people will play these games back-to-back and the narrow scope will become more apparent.

      • 6 days ago

        REslop is easily replicated, actual good action games like DMC and DD can only be done by masters of the craft AKA Itsuno

    • 6 days ago

      They are making a game with that Suzi (ex-male)

  4. 7 days ago

    I hated how dmc5 was more 1v1 focused instead of being able to combo multiple enemies at once like the previous games

    • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

      >instead of being able to combo multiple enemies at once like the previous games
      literally only DmC was like that

    • 7 days ago

      You can definitely still combo multiple enemies in DMC5.
      If anything DMC1 was the most 1v1 focused, a lot of enemies were basically mini-bosses.

  5. 7 days ago

    Baby girl won

    • 6 days ago

      I love my funny handsome broke hubby

      • 6 days ago

        All self insert art looks like this

  6. 7 days ago

    Cult fanbase
    RE is better

  7. 7 days ago

    dmc series needs fresh blood to direct
    and actually have a plot that really develops the characters and that is as interesting as 3, has great music like 3 and cool cutscenes like 3, has a cool setting like 1 and not have an ugly grey filter over the color palette like 4 and 5

    • 7 days ago

      >Doesn't even mention gameplay
      I hate 3homosexual secondaries so much its insane

      • 7 days ago

        3 is overrated anyways

      • 7 days ago

        lets be real they are not gonna have gameplay like 4 because they dont have to after every normie ate the frick out of 5 in sales and now even journos constantly calling any game faster than a snails pace dmc
        also im a 4secondary not 3

        • 7 days ago

          >have gameplay like 4
          Good thing devs won't do gameplay with 1 halfbaked and 1 nerfed into oblivion character again.

  8. 7 days ago

    >DMC is back
    Your ass is not getting another game until the next decade.
    That mobile game and the upcoming "anime" will be the only new things DMC fans will experience until then.

    • 7 days ago

      t. crinja gayden enjoyer

    • 7 days ago

      new DMC will be announced before 2025 is over, screencap this

  9. 7 days ago

    >Capcom planned an onimusha movie at the height of onimusha's popularity
    >capcom is currently planning an onimusha anime when the franchise has been buried for at least 5 years
    I just want to play 2 again. I'd love to play 3 again but that probably won't happen because of whatever insane contract they signed with that gay

  10. 7 days ago

    I'm desperate, does anyone have the edit of Visions of V manga where it says "the same face, the same dick"

  11. 7 days ago

    The real takeaway is that a Nero only game is basically impossible. I actually wouldn't mind even as longtime fan (as long as Dante was unlockable in NG+), but the wider fanbase has spoken.

    Also, having Dante and 4Leon battle it out for the crown is pretty funny when you know the dev history of RE4>DMC1.

    • 7 days ago

      >I actually wouldn't mind even as longtime fan
      I would mind, I still remember my 12th birthday when I got DMC1, I was blown away with a game that looked so much like Reaident Evil (that I didn’t like all that much at the time) could be so fricking cool, Dante is Devil May Cry and the very idea of some game, even a spin-off, without is repulsive.

    • 7 days ago

      I've always thought DMC6 should have nero as mc, dante&vergil as minor support. d&v have finished their character arcs & there's not much you can do with them.

      • 7 days ago

        You could also say that Nero finished his character arc, he finally found a family.

      • 7 days ago

        >I've always thought DMC6 should have nero as mc, dante&vergil as minor support.
        4 and 5 are already like that, what are you on about? 4 is pretty much Nero’s story with Dante guiding him from afar, and 5 only finished Dante and Vergil’s conflict, but the whole debacle is done through Nero and it is he that forced the, the end their squabble.

        >d&v have finished their character arcs & there's not much you can do with them.
        They are demon hunters, they don’t need to an odyssey for a character arc, they need to hunt demons and look stylish while doing so, a story like that doesn’t end when their "character arc" ends, they go on as long as there new demons to kill, it’s like wanting James Bond to step down the secret service on his "character arc" ends, or Sherlock Homes to step down being a private eye after his "character arc" ends and so on.

    • 6 days ago

      So every DMC game since 2 has had a new playable character
      >2 had Lucia and Trish
      >3 Had Vergil
      >4 Had Nero and Lady
      >5 Had V
      Just give Nero a new character he can bounce off of that isn't Dante or Vergil.
      And yes, I know at least a few of those characters were in the special edition only

  12. 7 days ago

    DMC5 being at the top is pure recency bias
    You see the same pattern of behavior on IMDB and Letterboxd and especially places like MAL for anime
    It's not that great of a game. It doesn't have anything going for it except the combat just like most character action shit. 7/10 tops.

    • 7 days ago

      >recency bias
      it's a 5 year old game, if anything REmake4 is the recency bias game

      • 7 days ago

        DMC1 and DMC3 are universally considered the best ones though?
        You're right about RE4make though. It's a great remake but it's not better than OG although it comes close in a lot of ways

        • 7 days ago

          I started with 3 and 5 is my favorite, that is not to say 5 is perfect, but I don't think 1 or 3 are either

        • 7 days ago

          Autists on the YouTube and this site like me consider 1 one of the best. The general brain dead public consider it an outdated relic that needs to be remade

          • 7 days ago

            Thinking DMC1 is the best is not some unique fringe opinion, it was huge back on the PS2 from day 1, neither is MGS1, RE1-3, Terminator, Alien etc.

  13. 7 days ago

    Has there been any news about the new anime yet? It's supposed to air this year but all they've released so far is the little teaser, not even the full theme song. No news about voice actors either. Does Netflix always handle releases that way?

  14. 7 days ago

    now stop putting nero in dante's games

  15. 7 days ago

    >Ganker not once let us know that there was a capcom poll we could vote in
    This place is fricking useless now.

    Back in 2009 we used to have constant threads about ANY online poll that was related to videogames to make sure our voice was heard.

    Now its just bots replying to bots. Frick this place.

    • 7 days ago

      There were several threads

      • 7 days ago

        There was a thread, I got a neat megaman themed wallpaper from it

        You should stop blaming others for your mistakes.

        have a nice day. Everytime I use the catalog its just endless goyslop and dumb ecchi shit.

        • 6 days ago

          Skill issue

    • 7 days ago

      There was a thread, I got a neat megaman themed wallpaper from it

    • 7 days ago

      You should stop blaming others for your mistakes.

  16. 7 days ago

    >Mega Man legends in the top 10 in Japan


  17. 7 days ago

    >Gen Z actually has better taste in Capcom games than Millennials and Gen X boomers

    I kneel zoomers

    • 7 days ago



      • 7 days ago

        Rise is the Wii U of the MH franchise, World fans just pretend it was some weird off shoot and that the real sequel is finally coming

    • 6 days ago

      Holy shit dino crisis bros.

    • 6 days ago

      How can anyone genuinely like Okami? It's such a shitty Zelda clone

    • 6 days ago

      >Regina has more votes than Phoenix Wright and Ryu.
      People really want that Dino Crisis remake.

    • 6 days ago

      dont blame me i voted for okami

  18. 6 days ago

    Megamanbros... we will be our time?
    We can't make these numbers...

  19. 6 days ago

    This just means shitsuno will be kept around for a while longer. Can only pray he'll trip over his own feet a second time in a row, fricks up DMC6 and is finally shitcanned.

  20. 6 days ago


  21. 6 days ago

    Whatever about old DMC on 6th and 7th gen no one needs infinite sequel franchises anymore or reboots, remakes or re imaginings.

  22. 6 days ago

    >best Capcom game
    >best Capcom character
    that seems like quite the small pond
    what's the competition like

  23. 6 days ago

    Hell yes

    • 6 days ago

      >Asura's Wrath
      >God Hand
      >above Dino Crisis, Lost Planet, Plasma Sword and Cyberbots
      b***h Asura's Wrath and God Hand ain't even gotten ported. They're not even franchises. They're totally irrelevant.

    • 6 days ago

      >Shitting on Chads Legion
      Very shit opinion

    • 6 days ago

      It is so painful that Exoprimal has some absolutely top notch armor designs and they’re forever trapped in a ‘okay’ PVPVE game with barely any players
      >long coat Kamen Rider
      >Cyborg Samurai
      >Robot Ghost Rider (surprisingly really good looking fire effect for a 3D model)

  24. 6 days ago

    5 had a lot of problems but I'll be damned if I let Ganker try to convince me it was a bad game
    Biggest complaints are
    >levels are vary samey and boring from a traversal and visual perspective (all the missions are just the demon tree, with a few in the city)
    >The game is way too easy until you hit DMD difficulty, and even then it's not as hard as most other games in the series
    >V's missions are not fun, especially on DMD difficulty
    >plot is predictable, but I won't pretend I didn't enjoy Vergil coming back
    Besides that, it was all I wanted. A DMC game without annoying to fight enemies is all a man needs

  25. 6 days ago

    Will this finally make Capcom understand that zoomers actually love Dante and their whole "younger audiences only like young protagonists" is moronic headcanon shit they made up and nobody actually wants him replaced? I rememeber when I was young I didnt give a shit if characters were 20 or 50 as long as they were cool and likeable.

    • 6 days ago

      nerogays need to frick off

    • 6 days ago

      That's not why Nero was made. They had no more ideas for Dante after DMC3 and they didn't want to step over DMC1 story-wise so they decided to make a new character.

  26. 6 days ago

    The only thing this poll will do is prove that the only reason why Crapcom still cares about baboon fighter is that it gets them a lot of ESG points.

    • 6 days ago

      Street Fighter's rights are owned by Capcom USA after Street Fighter III. You could see where everything goes wrong.

  27. 6 days ago

    Interesting how no one gives a shit about the fighting game franchises. People keep talking about Darkstalkers and Rival Schools and whatnot, but in the end they're just a tiny vocal minority (sad, because I think VSav is dope).

    What's with Dino Crisis, though? Did some Twitch streamer organize mass voting for it or something?

    • 6 days ago

      People have been asking for a dino crisis remake for years at this point. Who doesnt want to fight dinosaurs? My understanding on why it never happened is simply no one wants to actually take up the cause in house. Dino crisis is sort of an orphan of the studio that no one seems to want to make the next game for.

  28. 6 days ago

    >Side A: play as Nero and his long lost twin sister (plays like a more refined V)
    >Side B: play as Dante and Vergil
    >Encore (DLC): play as Trish and Lady
    >you can play each of the campaigns as either character with optional co-op
    >shit like orbs are completely separate for the characters
    >Bloody Palace can be played with any character
    Tell me one (1) good reason why DMC6 shouldn't be like this.

  29. 6 days ago
    • 6 days ago

      That's the female vote I'm betting.

    • 6 days ago


      • 6 days ago

        >everyone wants more Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Phoenix Wright and Mega Man
        >the West wants more Dino Crisis
        >Japan wants more Okami
        >Street Fighter and Monster Hunter barely make it in despite them being pushed non-stop

        to be fair no one gives a shit about MH characters
        I like the series but I couldn't name a single one that isn't just one of the monsters

        • 6 days ago

          and yet they're trying to market the story of wilds lmao

      • 6 days ago

        Jap loves cute thing

        Don't frickin say it man.

        I don't want it to happen either anon, but you know these homosexuals will do it. They're scared of his public image

        • 6 days ago

          Idk, do normalgays even remember the reason he got in hot water? I didn't see any youtube drama grifting channels report on it.

          • 6 days ago

            They don't, but it's not the normies they're worried about remembering

      • 6 days ago

        They're cute and effectively the mascot of the franchise alongside Rath.

    • 6 days ago

      We love Dante

    • 6 days ago

      >everyone wants more Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Phoenix Wright and Mega Man
      >the West wants more Dino Crisis
      >Japan wants more Okami
      >Street Fighter and Monster Hunter barely make it in despite them being pushed non-stop

      • 6 days ago

        Well, MH still makes gorillion sales. Capcom will probably compare the poll results with the money-results

    • 6 days ago

      Leon getting in the way of the would-be absolute kino of a top three

    • 6 days ago


  30. 6 days ago

    >still no remake of DMC 1

  31. 6 days ago

    Megaman related stuff being top 3 as much as it was was a neat surprise

  32. 6 days ago

    was there a coordinated e-celeb campaign in favor of dino crisis? its very random how it got top spot considering it has a very low amount of games ages ago
    Maybe exoprimal has some influence over people remembering it lol

    • 6 days ago

      It's basically RE with dinosaurs so people have been expecting a remake since RE2's was announced.

  33. 6 days ago

    >Reuben will be replaced lile they did with Ken

    • 6 days ago

      Don't frickin say it man.

  34. 6 days ago

    my glorious white haired blue eyed king

  35. 6 days ago

    >DMC6 english voices
    >YongYeah as Dantes
    >Nostalgic Critic as Vergil
    >Tomar Joshua as Nero
    >Suzi as Trish

    • 6 days ago

      It's genuinely unsettling that DongYeah finally sucked enough wiener to pollute AAA video games.

      I actually want Devil may Cry Zero more than DMC6, Sparda needs some love


      • 6 days ago

        Its SUPER unsettling that he got a job on Inside Out 2 as the "Gamer voice actor", we are so fricked man, he can be the new Troy Beker of asiatic characters and ruin english VA for decades.

    • 6 days ago

      I am the weebest of weebs who never plays anything in english and normally I wouldnt be affected by this, but not DMC no pls, this is the only series I dont really want to play in japanese but if I have to I will, as much as I love dante and neros voice youtuber homosexualry would make me give it up
      At least dmc JP voices is good enough, I specially like japanese dante

  36. 6 days ago

    I actually want Devil may Cry Zero more than DMC6, Sparda needs some love

  37. 6 days ago
    • 6 days ago

      Oh boy for real I love Capcom, this image will be used in any discussion about videogames in the next 5 years everytime people asks why people don't enjoy "hero shooters with DEI characters"

      • 6 days ago

        And any threads about why gacha are everywhere

        • 6 days ago

          >exhilarating gameplay
          So yeah, half of the image don't work on a gacha.

      • 6 days ago

        suddenly all furries

  38. 6 days ago

    >megaman.exe made it into JP male characters
    >Sonia made it into JP female characters
    I'm glad JP still has taste

  39. 6 days ago

    If he's so great why doesn't SMTV feature Dante from the Devil May Cry series?

  40. 6 days ago

    I knew people wanted a Dino Crisis remake or a new game but its kind of wild how popular it is in this survey

  41. 6 days ago

    >be Itsuno
    >make one of capcom's best games after the franchise almost dies
    >want make your dream game after making a succesful game
    >capcom then gives 1/3rd of the trqm for dmc5 for a game 4 times larger
    I fricking hate capcom

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