Do speedruns impress you?

Do speedruns impress you?

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  1. 3 years ago

    It used to. I even partook in such activities. Popularizing it was a grave mistake.

  2. 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      Is that supposed to be impressive?

    • 3 years ago

      What's so special about women playing games?

    • 3 years ago

      My wife is so talented!

    • 3 years ago

      That is a pathetic "speed run". I could do better than this shit when I was like 9 years old when mario 64 came out.

    • 3 years ago

      Yay, she did it 😀

      • 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      How can people watch v-tubers? The avatar or whatever they call it looks like its having a stroke 90% of the time.

      • 3 years ago

        I don't get it either but it's legitimately fricking poison. I have a friend that spends real money on v-tuber merch, CDs etc and will forgo spending time with people irl to watch his v-tuber stream.

      • 3 years ago

        its mostly socially stunted underages

  3. 3 years ago

    If it's a game I like then sure. I just don't like very many games

  4. 3 years ago

    The one of mischief makers blew my mind because I had no idea about the glitches and just seeing how you fast you could get through the game was pretty cool I guess.

  5. 3 years ago

    I think they're entertaining enough, they add more of an athleticism to gaming, if that makes sense, and their community is there if you're into it. I watch summoning salt videos on the regular, and if there's one channel to get you into the culture of it, it's that one.

    • 3 years ago

      I like his videos, but they can be a bit tiring to sit through because they all have the same structure and music. My favorite parts are when he describes the glitches and how they were discovered. Talking about each person who improved the time by 1 second isn't that interesting

      • 3 years ago

        >Talking about each person who improved the time by 1 second isn't that interesting
        That's the human element you autist, people care about other people it's why his videos are so popular

        • 3 years ago

          It's not like you get any sort of connection to the people who have the records. Lots of times the people are just listed by their username and maybe a profile picture or an epik reaction from their stream. It makes sense to spend time talking about people who dominate the game for long stretches of time, but listing every improvement is tedious.

          • 3 years ago

            >but listing every improvement is tedious.
            It builds upon the scale and shows just how dominant those dominant players were

              • 3 years ago

                >I wish they would stop talking about the victim and their family
                That's to make you care about the victims, once the viewer starts caring about them they'll watch the whole episode because they are invested in seeing justice done for someone they care about albeit the care being temporary. Simple shit here mister no empathy

              • 3 years ago

                Just sounds like he's not a woman.

              • 3 years ago

                Women are inherently more empathetic it's also why they're so fricking evil they understand emotions better but it also makes them more emotional instead of logical because their understanding of life is based on emotion

              • 3 years ago

                Based. Joe Kenda's show was the best on ID for that exact reason. Just the fricking facts, and none of their neighbor's cousin's dog's input on how they feel + using actors to make the killer look as horrible as possible and the victim as a beautiful individual who didnt do nuffin to frame a narrative. They might as well play an ominously sharp violin when the killer shows up to let the audience know they should be upset.
                Oh wait they fricking do.

                Kenda's show was the only thing worth watching on all of ID because it was just him telling a fricking story from his own perspective as the detective.

          • 3 years ago

            >It's not like you get any sort of connection to the people who have the records
            That's where you're wrong mr autist. Learn empathy

    • 3 years ago

      Always my go-to channel when I’m hungover in bed. Those videos are comfy as frick

  6. 3 years ago

    Speedruns are great, as they present a way for games to be competitive, when arcade game scores lost all meaning.
    Instead of PVP as a means of competition, speed running can be done with single player games, and is just a new way to enjoy games. It's great because it goes across games, but there's better ways to try games, like Nuzlocke challenges, or Mods

  7. 3 years ago

    The end result yeah, the autistic obsession and depravity that often comes from it, no.

  8. 3 years ago

    Not really, I think it's good background for something else though like if you do live funny haha commentary.

    I think TAS videos are far more interesting, showing just how far each games individual engines can go when strained. + They're weirdly relaxing to watch

  9. 3 years ago

    I used to speedrun for fun because I didn't have a lot of games but I liked playing the ones I had over and over to see how fast I could beat them. The people that take it so serious where they quit and start breaking shit because they lost a quarter of a second because the care about records; that's really moronic.

  10. 3 years ago

    Depends on the game really. It can be both entertaining and teach you a thing or two about a game you may not have known.

  11. 3 years ago

    I think the amount of time runners invest in practicing is pretty unhealthy, but the end results are definitely impressive.

  12. 3 years ago

    i thss paracusias SSL all stars speedrun?

  13. 3 years ago

    Depends on the game. When it's something like this then yeah it's awesome, when it's just lots of wall glitches or skipping past levels/areas then it's kind of shit.
    Not to mention the freaks who speedrun turnbased games like pokemon

    • 3 years ago

      Turnbased RPGs can be fun to watch for the routing and seeing how precise the boss fights are with your lower levels. Pokemon however tends to be a bit of a train wreck as every goddamn thing is RNG based to the point where getting your damn starter is a crap shoot until later gens, and even those are just abusing RNG manipulations to get perfect IVs/ nature/ abilites.

      • 3 years ago

        Personally I think someone should make a speedrun mod for these games to remove the rng aspect and make the games purely about the routing and strategy like you said.

        • 3 years ago

          That would be a godsend for both the runners and the people watching, doubly so at an event like GDQ, where its basically required to have like four different carts of the damn game to account for RNG failures.

    • 3 years ago

      i understand where you're coming from as some games have oobs that are so easy to pull off and little to no checkpoint system meaning you can skip everything (Doom 2016 and Eternal) but even those can be skillful for what they are, especially at the highest levels. You have to be mindful of the goal: beat the game as fast as possible through any means. It isn't a test or competition of skill in the games intended mechanics.

  14. 3 years ago

    no but whoever created these images impresses me though, also post more of these!!!!!!!!

  15. 3 years ago

    the frickwad that starts all his videos with "you absolute legends" irritates me to no end

    • 3 years ago

      It's a shame that Apollo killed himself and rwhitegoose stopped making speedrunning drama videos. I liked their content more than the stuff Karl Jobber puts out.

      • 3 years ago

        goose only stopped because he was a fricking moron

        • 3 years ago

          What made him stop? The Discord leak incident?

          • 3 years ago
  16. 3 years ago

    Trannies replaying games for 23 hours per day is not impressive in a good way.

  17. 3 years ago

    No. But I enjoy learning about the glitches and why they are possible.

  18. 3 years ago

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: speedrunning is something that gets significantly less impressive the more you know about it. The first time you see someone blaze through your favorite game using methods you've never even dreamed of it's like watching a god. Then you start looking into it and you realize the absurd amount of hours it takes do something even remotely record-worthy, and the fact that these people dedicate nearly all of their lives to this meaningless cause, and the insane drama surrounding it, giving themselves carpal tunnel and complaining about cutscenes that have frame-perfect pixel skips or whatever, and all of that intrigue washes away and is replaced by a sort of wretched pity.

    • 3 years ago

      So agree with this. The sheer amount of cheating and drama that comes from trying be just 0.1 sec faster gets sad.
      I got turned off once I saw glitches being abused. Out of bounds, weird set of actions done to skip 95% of the game, flat out cheating. Not really interesting when you arent showcasing actual mastery of the game.

      • 3 years ago

        >The sheer amount of cheating and drama that comes from trying be just 0.1 sec faster gets sad.
        there isn't a lot of cheating or drama it's just people only care about that the cheating or drama. Which gets more clicks OMG CHEATER EXPOSED or Hey guys check out my PB I am not rank 69 on the board. Face it despite cheating being such an microscopic percent of speedrunning it dominates the content. If you think cheating or drama is happening at such a large amount then you aren't actually seeing speedruns

        • 3 years ago

          Lampshading, like you are doing, of the cheating and drama is pretty common. Speedrunners spend just as much time trying to cover their ass cause that record means everything to them.
          "I like that jump"

          • 3 years ago

            >"I like that jump"
            was by a social moron who wasn't a major member of the scene in which he was cheating in. For fricks sake all you remember are the fricking memes and not the boring meat and potatoes of daily speedrunning communities. The drama and cheating aren't common only the attention. Look I hate to use this example because frick politics but how many people do you think cops killed in America last year? I bet you guessed a really big number based on how much attention is put on it. In 2020 only 1021 people were killed in a nation of 330 million It's the same with speedrunning the drama isn't common but the publicity is extreme

          • 3 years ago

            I like the video of the guy who got a record for goldeneye and was saying speed running is stupid and that all speed runners are pathetic (himself included)

    • 3 years ago

      I agree with this post but no hit runs are particularly interesting to me. Breaking the game to shave a millisecond off the time is stupid but I quite enjoy seeing someone play a difficult game and not get hit. Watching hollow knight no hit runs are great, especially the path of pain sections. Those don't really take an insane amount of autistic dedication like some games do. A lot of people are just really fricking good and master the games mechanics and are able to memorize all the enemy's moves. I find that really cool. But the speed running community is like the smash community in that its filled with trannies, losers, and other mentally ill folks with too much time on their hands.

      • 3 years ago


  19. 3 years ago

    There are cool Speedrun and then there is just the pure autism runs like that one dude who spent like 5 years running the same golden eye level only to shave off a second

    • 3 years ago


  20. 3 years ago

    Its impressive but I find it incredibly boring to watch.

  21. 3 years ago

    It's as impressive as juggling.

    • 3 years ago

      Don't insult based jugglers by comparing them to these frickheads

      • 3 years ago

        >t. seething juggler

        • 3 years ago

          I don't juggle, I'd love to learn. But I mean people good at juggling are absurdly impressive compared to fricking "bro i exploited this Nintendo 64 game now i have the fastest time in a fake genre"
          They should at least spend the time speedrunning doing it in a game that'll reward them for it, like fighting games or STGs

          • 3 years ago

            How is it different? It's just a niche skill that people find somewhat impressive, but not much more than that.

          • 3 years ago

            >fighting games
            >rewarding speed
            going for raw speed is not rewarded at all and is not fun as it boils down to finding one exploit that the AI wont handle and using that exclusively
            it doesn't foster actual skill since repeating the same strategies leaves you in a horrible state to fight an actual human, and strategies that work on humans with reaction time dont work on AI that react to everything on the first frame and just flip a coin on whether or not to act on it

            • 3 years ago

              >fighting games
              Yep, Ganker as moronic as ever

              • 3 years ago

                a computer playing a game is AI

              • 3 years ago

                >Ganker literally doesn't know what a fighting game is
                Mashing buttons against an AI is not a fighting game

        • 3 years ago

          Fricking Kek

  22. 3 years ago

    The carpetless Xiah7s run on rainbow ride was TAS tier legit.

  23. 3 years ago

    i speedrun my ejaculation when i jerk off

  24. 3 years ago

    I don't know about being impressed, but I do find them fascinating. Especially for a game I know quite well. The glitchless ones are nice to see, to see how they optimize them, but I love the videos with the glitches. As another anon had posted, Summoning Salt has a number of good videos about it. Enjoy his content, even if it's repetitive. To show the glitch, to explain it in detail and how it was discovered is interesting.

  25. 3 years ago


  26. 3 years ago

    Bitches don't know 'bout my half-A press

    • 3 years ago

      How did this literal autist make the most informative, entertaining, and downright charming video about game physics on youtube?

    • 3 years ago

      >After all, I do build up speed for 12 hours
      >But to answer that, we need to talk about parallel universes
      Every fricking time, Kek

  27. 3 years ago

    Depends on the game, namely the ratio of skill involved versus routing. This isn't genre-specific, Quake runs need no explanation why they're good while Goldeneye is a fricking joke, 99% of it is knowing when to stare at the floor to avoid framerate loss and where to look to so autoaim does what you want it to.

  28. 3 years ago

    only if they take skill and arent just out of bounds skips everywhere.

    • 3 years ago

      sometimes out of bounds skips can be skillful, even if they're not as visually impressive

  29. 3 years ago

    Cheating by abusing glitches isn't impressive but it can be amusing.

  30. 3 years ago

    no cause anyone can be come good at it if they spent the time to

  31. 3 years ago

    The glitchless, non TAS stuff that doesn't require 7000 resets until you get perfect RNG? Yeah, sure.

    The autistic troony shit that doesn't even vaguely resemble playing the game? No, not at all.

    • 3 years ago

      So you don't like speedrunning.

  32. 3 years ago

    I can't watch speedruns anymore after what happened to poor Cosmo. A lot of people like to joke and meme about it but it just made me sad. Seemed like a nice guy before he went nuts

    • 3 years ago

      I was there for when Cosmo had his college graduation stream. I forget what he was studying but he was an incredibly chill dude, he had a bright future ahead of himself, and was one of the pioneers of speedrunning so he could have done a lot more with that. But then he got sucked into troondom and that shit is legitimately a cult, it fricks with you on so many levels.

  33. 3 years ago

    Speedruns impress me. Speedrunners don't.

  34. 3 years ago

    TAS's/superplays have always been more entertaining to me, especially the ones thay just frick around. bonus points to games that are just busted

    • 3 years ago

      never really played these is there a reason he's turning into other characters?

      • 3 years ago

        Shang Tsung can transform into other characters. As to why he does it in this since it's TAS it's just for fun.

  35. 3 years ago

    Yes. ESPECIALLY ones where glitches and major skips play a part. Not just because it makes random homosexuals on Ganker mad (though seeing the morons in this thread, I am reminded that it helps), but because discovering and learning to properly use those glitches requires a dedication beyond what it takes just to learn the "intended" mechanics really well.

    • 3 years ago

      Typical excuses for cheaters. Just not good enough to play it properly.

      • 3 years ago

        > glitch is harder than regular gameplay
        what now moron

  36. 3 years ago

    Remember that one GDQ run of left 4 dead?
    The one where they played on easy.
    And played like complete dogshit, constantly getting slowed down by fodder.
    Where the only 'speedy' part of the speedrun was playing an unpatched version for skip exploits.
    And they exploited jesus spots during holdouts. On fricking EASY.
    Good times.

    • 3 years ago

      >Remember that one GDQ run of left 4 dead?
      No? All I remember was the awesome L4D2 one with awesome grenade boosts

    • 3 years ago

      Depends on the game, sometimes it's interesting to see what speedrunners do differently in your favorite vidya or it could be entertaining for how ridiculous they can be. Other times they can be very mundane, and as points out, easy mode runs where the difficulty is specifically chosen for the sake of going faster at all is lame as shit, especially if it just turns into a faceroll. NG+ runs can be way worse, though.

      It's a shame that Apollo killed himself and rwhitegoose stopped making speedrunning drama videos. I liked their content more than the stuff Karl Jobber puts out.

      Was Apollo's death actually confirmed?

      • 3 years ago

        >Was Apollo's death actually confirmed?

        Yeah, police entered his home and found him dead via suicide.

  37. 3 years ago

    >people not liking glitches in speedruns
    Without glitches speedruns are boring

  38. 3 years ago

    Yeah, of course. Imagine watching stuff like that webm or the Sonic Adventure 2 speedrun last GDQ done by a human being and not TAS and not being impressed.

  39. 3 years ago

    Yes, it's interesting to find players exploiting unknown glitches to pull them ahead of the game, fun to watch. But I'm not the speedrunning person myself though.

  40. 3 years ago

    Spending 3 years or more to just finish game faster than me as kid is honestly hard to be impressed. You could do so much better at something meaningful in life with this time.

  41. 3 years ago

    Dropping thousands or even tens of thousands of hours into a single game like Ocarina of Time or Super Mario 64 is impressive but not in a good way

  42. 3 years ago

    I really don't see the point of them at all. It seems like you're taking something designed for fun and just ruining it by speeding though it and ignoring the majority of the content, and for what exactly? No matter what you do in a videogame it's not an impressive life achievement.

  43. 3 years ago

    if you're speed running a video game, especially one made for kids, then you have to seriously reevaluate your life.

    I mean that wholeheartedly. Did you ever as a kid visualize your future self being a shut-in, hiding from the challenges and rewards of the real world? It is ok to say yes to this question.

    • 3 years ago

      it's a hobby. calm down.

      • 3 years ago

        Did you answer yes to the question? It is ok to say yes

        • 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      have fun b***hbreasts, doesn't matter the game as long as it hurts no one other than your shit opinions of course

    • 3 years ago

      >if you're speed running a video game, especially one made for kids
      All video games are made for children, so I don't know why you had to repeat yourself there.

      • 3 years ago

        >this meme again
        It's getting stale and was never true in the first place

        • 3 years ago

          What meme? I'm being serious. What self respecting adult even touches video games?

          • 3 years ago

            This, all self respecting adults only ever go to work, get married and sleep after working on their car and drinking whiskey. Anything else is for degenerate effeminate "men", now hail odin as I post on pol for 120 hours a day like a REAL man

            • 3 years ago

              I'm no /misc/tard, I'm just simply stating the truth. If you play video games past the age of 12, there is something seriously wrong with you.

              • 3 years ago

                Here's your last (You), this bait is terrible

              • 3 years ago

                >everything I don't like is bait!

  44. 3 years ago

    Nothing impresses me

    • 3 years ago


      • 3 years ago

        you're a few years behind on /misc/ memes. That guy is a complete deepstate puppet. He just didn't like Obama

  45. 3 years ago

    the most degenerate act man has ever come up with

  46. 3 years ago


  47. 3 years ago

    I mean sure but in the end it's just a lot of work for little reward. Sure I enjoy challenging video games and it feels good to beat them but speedrunning takes hours of monotonously practicing the same thing over and over. I just hope the payoff is worth ut to them

  48. 3 years ago

    why the frick would I be impressed?
    They can be mechanically interesting though.

  49. 3 years ago

    They do. They're kinda like technical showcases of the games featured. The gameplay is usually impressive too. My favourite speedruns are the ones which have both mechanics abuse and skilled movement, like HL2 ones.

  50. 3 years ago

    Not anymore, it turns out 90% of speedruns were made using cheats and shit.

  51. 3 years ago

    I've never seen a 1:13 and never fricking will

  52. 3 years ago

    Not really but I enjoy engine jank and basically everything by

  53. 3 years ago

    only if they don't skip half the fricking game with glitches

  54. 3 years ago

    Some but not all.

    • 3 years ago

      >Thought they were trying to align themselves to get the star in the box
      >It was the red coins
      Holy shit

  55. 3 years ago

    I like speedrunning videos but will never speedrun
    Speedrunning is more of a "teen hobby" than anything else , that intrigues you when you're adolescent , but you will move on to other things once you're mature
    If you're over the age of 25 and still doing speedruns you're treating it as a "lifestyle" instead of a hobby, and that's extremely dangerous mentally
    Do you ever realize that most speedrunners now look like they're 3 inches away from taking the gun out of their pocket and ending it all?

  56. 3 years ago

    Speedruns are only impressive if they stay within the bounds of what the game developer intended rather than being about who can luck into the cheesiest way to avoid playing the game.

  57. 3 years ago

    No, and the TAS ones are just annoying to watch.

  58. 3 years ago

    They once did, especially when the runners weren't fricking autismos and actually provided interesting and entertaining commentary. Now it's just a bunch of over-reacting trannies who use it as a soap box for whatever trannie problems they forced upon themselves.

    • 3 years ago

      >Umm.. could you stop?
      I don't think even the trannies could condense cringe into such a concentrated form.

  59. 3 years ago

    actual speedruns, yes. muh exploit shit, no.

  60. 3 years ago

    Not in the slightest bit. Unless it's supposed to be a speed run type gameplay. Like timed missions or something. But just blasting through platformer games like Mario is pure autistic weird shit.

  61. 3 years ago

    I used to think its impressive but now I realize its pathetic. They should use their precious time better and the ones making a living from it should figure out they will have no marketable skills in a decade.

    • 3 years ago

      ZFG will still be making money speedrunning OOT in a decade

      • 3 years ago

        his hands will fall apart in another few years and his audience will grow too old to care

    • 3 years ago

      Do hobbies really need any other justification than personal satisfaction? I don't really see how spending lot of time on speedrunning is any different from spending lot of time on chess for example, which as a skill is very specialized as well.

  62. 3 years ago

    No. I am more impressed by no-commentary playthroughs that show all dialogue/cutscene options. The true skill-based rarity among vidya.

  63. 3 years ago

    It really depends on the game and run.

  64. 3 years ago

    So if Kamille is with AEUG why is he now working with Bask

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