do you think the xbox series one x and ps4 pro+ also known as ps5 will be able to run gta 6 well?

do you think the xbox series one x and ps4 pro+ also known as PS5 will be able to run gta 6 well?

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  1. 7 months ago

    GTA 6 isn't coming to ps4 moron

    • 7 months ago

      u are the moron with bad reading comprehension

      • 7 months ago

        >do you think it WILL BE ABLE TO RUN ON PS4
        implies that it's also coming out on there. Moron.

        • 7 months ago

          ps4 pro+ is the PS5 lol

          • 7 months ago

            No, that's the ps4. You even said ps4. Goddamn you're a moron.

            • 7 months ago

              holy frick can you read ahaha are you esl??

          • 7 months ago

            u are the moron with bad reading comprehension

            >WOULD/COULD it run well on the ps4
            See that wouldn't be implying that it's coming out on ps4.
            >WILL IT RUN WELL ON PS4?
            that implies that it is coming there.
            Fricking idiot.

            • 7 months ago

              you truly are dumb huh.. well then please don't have kids anon.

          • 7 months ago

            Why do you type like a moron?

    • 7 months ago

      >do you think it WILL BE ABLE TO RUN ON PS4
      implies that it's also coming out on there. Moron.

      >WOULD/COULD it run well on the ps4
      See that wouldn't be implying that it's coming out on ps4.
      that implies that it is coming there.
      Fricking idiot.

      is this the birth of an epic forced maymay?

    • 7 months ago

      Leaks proved otherwise.

      • 7 months ago

        And the game was already running out of memory, they'll axe it

  2. 7 months ago

    24FPS is a perfectly playable framerate, it's only because of PC gays with 60fps that anybody pretends they can see a difference.

    • 7 months ago

      Most PC gays agree that anything at or above 60 is fine. Anything below that is garbage, though. Unacceptable. I say that as a PC and console gamer.

    • 7 months ago

      Definitely depends on game genre. 30fps is fine on open world games but is dogshit on rhythm/racing

    • 7 months ago

      Not for a game with explosions and tons NPCs. Even 60 frames struggles with all the action if you cause a traffic jam in GTA and get the cops all around you.

    • 7 months ago

      The actual correct answer is yes, 24 is fine; really 30, but it's fine. The problem with frames is not the frames, but the *drop* in frames. Dropping from 24 to 15 or even 20 hurts the eyes. Dropping from 100 to 70, doesn't. That's literally it anon.

  3. 7 months ago

    Probably. It's a mid-gen game and from the leaks it doesn't look like a huge leap from 5.
    I expect the usual performance/quality toggle with 60/30 targets respectively and for it to mostly hit those targets.

    • 7 months ago

      looks don't matter in modern gaming a game from 2023 that looks like a game from 2017 will be 2x harder to run

      • 7 months ago

        I dunno. R* has decent programmers, but they've traditionally used that talent to deliver an impressive level of detail at a mediocre 30-ish fps. This feels like an exception somehow. There's a limit to how much more detailed than RDR2 it could realistically be, so there should be plenty of performance headroom and unless all their good programmers have quit I have to imagine they'll make it run quite well.

  4. 7 months ago

    I wouldn't be surprised if they're lining up updated versions of their consoles to release with GTA 6

    • 7 months ago
      Anonymous The full power of PS5 hasn't really been utilized yet, remeber how good the games at the end of PS4s lifespan looked like the last of us and such.

      • 7 months ago

        we already know there's going to be Pro type cosoles this generation due to the Microsoft document leaks from their court cases recently

        • 7 months ago

          The all digital refresh of the series x only had a bigger hard drive I believe.

      • 7 months ago

        >how good the games at the end of PS4s lifespan looked
        The PS4 is still alive bro

      • 7 months ago

        try playing a game like god of war ragnarock on a ps4 pro and see if you still have hearing afterwards

        • 7 months ago

          What do you mean by that?

          • 7 months ago

            the fan will spin so loudly you WILL be worried for the system which will also be hot as frick
            games focusing on graphics is the most cancerous shit in all ways
            not only does it lead to shallow movie game shit its also uncomfy to have the system pushed to its limits

            • 7 months ago

              So you don't pay new games on your game console because the fans spin up, what do you play then?

              • 7 months ago

                i play games like fortnite and rocket league with friends and they run at 1080p 60fps and look pretty great without making the fan spin, nier automata which also looks great but is a little more shittily optimised, bloodborne which barely even makes the console warm (ps4 pro, no boost mode)
                i dont put graphics or whatever naughty dog or rockstart classifies as a story above actually fun gameplay lmfao

              • 7 months ago

                You seriously choose the games you play based on how loud they make your console's fan spin?
                You don't need to worry about that. The console is explicitly designed to run those games without damaging itself.
                If it does somehow get too hot (should only happen if poorly ventilated), it'll say so and shut down.

              • 7 months ago

                not really
                im just saying its an extra added detriment to games that rely solely on graphics to prop up mediocre gamelplay

              • 7 months ago

                >nier automata which also looks great but is a little more shittily optimised
                Hope you're using FAR (or whatever it's called now) anon. I literally just gone done playing it and I'm amazed at how nice it runs on my ultrawide 1440p. Like just a dream with the 4k mods and what not. No idea why you even put that in your list.

            • 7 months ago

              >the fan will spin so loudly you WILL be worried for the system which will also be hot as frick
              Clean your fan then you fricking moron. Reapply thermal paste too

      • 7 months ago

        >remeber how good the games at the end of PS4s lifespan looked like the last of us and such.
        And remember how low the resolution and framerate went. Just a reminder about how bad things are at this moment for the PS5 (which is the middle of it's gen)
        >ele não sabe a resolução que o jogo roda pra chegar a 60fps

        ■ Cyberpunk 2077 900p
        ■ Dead Space Remake 936p
        ■ Final Fantasy XVI 720p
        ■ Forspoken 720p
        ■ Immortals of Aveum 720p
        ■ Star Wars Jedi Survivor 648p

        • 7 months ago

          lol, I accidentaly copied that with a post in another language

        • 7 months ago

          lol, I accidentaly copied that with a post in another language

          Found the hue monkey

          • 7 months ago

            >ele não sabe a resolução que o jogo roda pra chegar a 60fps
            LMAO he's a fricking HUE

            Só tem BR aqui. Peguei do Ganker do Brasil.

            • 7 months ago

              Alguem BR?

        • 7 months ago

          >ele não sabe a resolução que o jogo roda pra chegar a 60fps
          LMAO he's a fricking HUE

        • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          volta pro seu buraco de merda, boiola

        • 7 months ago

          Jokes on you, my 4090 runs at 26fps in that area also. That game is horribly optimized and is a shit example. I gave the game a bad steam review because of how shit the performance was on that planet. Oh and the constant crashing.

  5. 7 months ago

    get fricked pctard

  6. 7 months ago

    The fact that GTA 5 ran on 360 and PS3 and looked as good as it did was amazing

    • 7 months ago

      looking back on it they were pretty awful versions, but it was still amazing for the time. especially since the ps4/xbone didnt really have any good games for the next year anyways

  7. 7 months ago

    Series X will run it at 1080p 30FPS.
    PS5 will run it at 8k 120FPS.

  8. 7 months ago

    I'm more interested in how the PC version will run. gta5 is really well multithreaded, but the default graphics options are pretty limited due to it being a console game. I'm hoping they will turn it up to 11 for PC version.

  9. 7 months ago

    >xbox series one x
    You mean the Xbox 360 series one XS ultra deluxe?

  10. 7 months ago

    Question is, will R* force MS to get them to drop Xbox series S
    This one thing holds devs back big fricking time and is a stain on this gen.
    R* has the clout to just say no frick you we are not developing for it.

    Its obvious R* are not gonna be releasing it for last gen at all and even when games are developed for last gen, nobody is developing for xbone at all, just PS4.

    We know they wont put it on switch but I bet they would want to (minus the piracy) so I imagine in a year+ when the next nintendo console comes out they will port it to that at the same time they port to PC.

    • 7 months ago

      Making a series S version is as simple as turning the settings from high to medium, shouldn't be much problems with it.

      • 7 months ago

        I cant tell you the technicals because I am not a game dev but in cases like this, R* are used to squeezing everything they can out of the console hardware and making the game work around that. In this case it will most likely be a n either 30/60 FPS WITH ray tracing or 30 RT and 60 no RT on consoles. series X wont be able to reach either.
        In PS5 case, its a top tier hardware on par with high(ish) spec PCs of today. Where Series S is not much better than a last get PS pro, or maybe even lesser.
        It will really hamper them. Increase dev time etc. and make the game look shit which ruins their image.
        Its the same reason why games like this are not developed for the switch and probably gonna be the reason where nintendo actually boost their hardware next console to be at least on par with modern hardware, because they have a massive playerbase and are loosing top tier games like GTA to them making cost effective hardware.

        Back to the point, series S will harm the games image and harm the devs ability to create a decent product, then post game having minimum 3 ATM console platforms to cater to for GTAO, then another 2 in the future PC and next nintendo console, its too much work.
        I expect they will want to drop series S and again they have the clout to do it.

        Heck they could even completely drop xbox all together and just develop PC off the bat on R* social club and make more money.
        They wont of course as countering piracy is number 1 priority and PC instigates piracy.

        I wouldn't be suprised if on the trailer this week it doesnt mention any platforms, and when it eventually gets closer to release date it is only for PS5 and Xbox series X. Possibly PC R* social club exclusive same release but I doubt the latter.

        They will probably look at their analytics for current and past GTAO players and what platforms they are on and guarentee series S will be second from last. Xbone being last.
        Of course 360 and PS3 online is gone.

        • 7 months ago

          gta6 is not going to be 60fps on any console lol
          it will be a silky smooth ~20fps with blurry upscales

          • 7 months ago

            >look at me I am too poor to buy a console so consoles are always shit
            Sure thing homosexual, keep telling yourself that.

            • 7 months ago

              i just built a new PC worth more than every current console combined lol.
              Anyways, every console GTA has always been an unstable ~20-30fps mess.
              That's definitely not changing, especially when console hardware is even more behind with even more taxing tech.
              Quit being delusional

            • 7 months ago

              >i am too poor to buy a console

              no, consoles are for poor people, you moronic monkey.

              • 7 months ago

                Consoles are for smart people.
                morons care about arbritrary shit like FPS.
                morons care about arbritrary shit like resolution.
                morons pklay multiplayer games where every fricking game is hacked full of chink and russion shitters

                PC is for RTS games, single player games where you want high fidelity and PC FPS MP games like CSGO and BF.
                Consoles are for fighting games, driving games, the majority of FPS games, any multiplayer game minus PC FPS games and to not be a fricking moron.
                Buy console, put disc in (install and download patch now) play.
                PC is dick around with settings, drivers, unique issues that you have to troupble shoot, find your games are hacked then be a cancer on the community.

                You play any mulyiplayer game on console that allows PC players, see it is full of shitters. Turn that shit off pronto.

                >inb4 console flame war homosexualry
                I am an idort, I own all platforms minus xbone onwards as that shit is 100% useless as their games are on PC. Maybe if I liked halo It would be worth buying a series X for but that game is shit and I rarely play MP FPS games.

              • 7 months ago

                >morons care about arbritrary shit like FPS.
                >morons care about arbritrary shit like resolution.
                consoles started caring about both of these things too lmao
                >PC is dick around with settings,
                consoles now have graphics and settings menu like PC.
                consoles truly became the worse-PCs they were memed about years ago.
                You're delusional lad.

              • 7 months ago

                >consoles started caring about both of these things too lmao
                Visual fidelity hit diminishing returns last gen.
                All there is to "care about" now is petty stuff, FPS increases, resolution and petty ray tracing gimmick.
                Thats why the PS5 and seies X was marketed on SSD tech and RT rather than look at this massive leap in visual graphical power...

  11. 7 months ago

    my ps4 runs every game like shit, it's amazing how low the fps is compared to my switch
    i got it for free and i still feel ripped off (but hey it has bloodbourne!)

    • 7 months ago

      Clean the fans and apply some thermal paste you moron. It has an APU you idiot.

      • 7 months ago

        i have to open this shit up in order to get more than 25fps?

        • 7 months ago

          IF you dint take care of your hardware, it will underperform.
          What the frick do you think?

          • 7 months ago

            it's been sitting on a tv bench for a few years that's hardly beating it up, and i expected it to outperform a ps3 and a switch but it runs most games worse, i'm about to try metal slug anthology and i hope to god at least that will run well

            • 7 months ago

              >it's been sitting on a tv bench for a few years
              collecting dust
              No having new thermal paste applied
              How moronic do you have to be to not understand that things decay and that you need to maintain them?

              Its a simple job to open a PS4, replace thermal paste and clean the fan. Only issue is you need a T4 torx security screwdriver.

      • 7 months ago

        IF you dint take care of your hardware, it will underperform.
        What the frick do you think?

        Not him but are you certain a PS4 can thermal throttle while otherwise continuing to run normally? I'd find it very surprising if that were true. I understand it shuts down when the temp gets way too high, but until then I'd expect it to maintain the same performance target.
        I can find a few reddit posts suggesting that it downclocks but nothing trustworthy.

        • 7 months ago

          Effectively, the consoles do not throttle, they'll run at the clocks they are programmed to, if the console heats too much it will simply shut down itself.
          That said you are full of bullshit, I still play with my jb ps4 and most games run at locked 30fps.

          • 7 months ago

            Right, that's what I thought.
            And yeah, with a few high profile exceptions (Bloodborne), games tended to be well optimised for the PS4 since it was the most popular platform.

          • 7 months ago

            >the consoles do not throttle
            You are talking fricking BULLSHIT.
            WTF do you think will happen to the APU if it is not cooled enough. You think it will work in tip top shape until the console shuts down because of too much heat.
            It will slow your entire system down.
            Stop being a moron.

            • 7 months ago

              He's right, they just close shit and shuts down if the temperature goes critical. See

              You seriously choose the games you play based on how loud they make your console's fan spin?
              You don't need to worry about that. The console is explicitly designed to run those games without damaging itself.
              If it does somehow get too hot (should only happen if poorly ventilated), it'll say so and shut down.

              • 7 months ago

                I knoiw I am right as I have had to deal with that shit myself.
                Teh hardest thing was I didn't have a T4 screwdriver so had to frick my hands up opening it with a flathead and eventually the fan was fricked so I had to handle with the chink scammers on ebay selling me "brand new" fans which were just ones they ripped from other PS4s.
                Getting an actual new fan is difficult as you have to wade through scammers.
                As that anon said, will happen if poorly ventilated.
                I.e got too hot.

                Just take 30 mins, open the fricker up, put thermal paste on the APU, clean the fan, maybe add some oil to the BBs in the fan if it is too old and not yet broken and the entire system will be near quiet as a mouse while you play any high intensive game.

            • 7 months ago

              Yes, consoles are like that, pc components throttle, specially in laptops because they have limit of watage or temps and clock down to protect the components.
              But consoles do not do that, the games run as they are programmed to, that's how the consoles and games are made.
              In PS4 case I don't know exactly what the temp shut down the system is, but the ps4 will always try to have temps of ~80ºC and rise the fans speed as much as they can to keep them at that max, which is the only reason you should apply thermal paste, clean the console, elevate it etc. So the fans don't go into max speed even at shitty loads and you have to hear all that noise.

              • 7 months ago

                t. moron

              • 7 months ago

                I understand what you are trying to say, and is the reason the meme that the PS4 sounds like a jet engine is because morons never took care of it, applied new thermal pastes, cleaned the fans.
                Simple fact is it is a computer, all computers work the same.
                The CPU needs to be kept cool, if it doesn't it stops working properly, takes ages or cannot open and run processes/programs.
                A GPU, if it runs too hot it cannot process the graphical power, framerate drops and you get stutters.
                Both will eventually crash.
                A PS4 has an APU
                APU being a combined CPU/GPU. If that shit is not cool, you will get fricked up framerates, shit will frick up, going to the OS dashboard will take forever and slug...
                Its not difficult to understand.

                Sure PS4 has a OS/bios safeguard so if say you removed thermal paste and let it run no cooling, it wont get hot enough to fry an egg or it then set fire to your house, it has a failsafe that will cut the power to it.
                IT still doesn't take away the fact that if it is not at the optimal temperature it will not perform optimally like ANY computer.

                Its why PC homosexuals spend so much on liquid cooling on their CPUs, so they can get the best performance and play games in mid summer with no issues.
                PS4 is no fricking different.

                First port of call, thermal paste, it decays, reapply that shit.
                Second, optimal cooling, clean the fan.
                Third, keep it in an environment with good ventilation, don't shove it in a corner or a cupboard where the fans are covered and the heat is circulating.

                You know the fricking irony, this shit was basically explained in the PS1 and PS2 user manual, about cleaning the fans regularly.
                I never read the PS3 or 4 manual but I bet it says the same shit.
                It doesn't tell you to open it up to reapply thermal paste for sure as that would void warranty and be against ethics to instruct customers to do so, but thermal paste evaporates. And as I said, it barely has any thermal paste on it to begin with, they cheaped us on it.

              • 7 months ago

                >thermal paste evaporates
                Not the right word, disintegrates or decays or looses fluidity is more adequate, but it is the same meaning. It needs to be reapplied. Infrequently, but reapplied.

              • 7 months ago

                You are trying to apply the logic of pc, with a private system where everything is already fixed.
                No it won't, the cpu will run at 1,5ghz of whatever the number was if the game demands for as long as it demands it be it with new thermal paste, thermal paste from 10 years ago, or even no thermal paste and the same for the gpu.
                The components will work as they are told, if it gets too hot it will simply shut down or even brick.
                That's how the ps4 and every console ever released work.
                The only improvement in "performance" you can do to it is buying a ssd, which will give you better loads, improvements in texture streaming when the system is able to, and fps drops than can be caused by slow reads from the hdd.
                New thermal paste does not affect performance and I know this one because I know they work like that, and because I've checked the fps counter in multiple games I had installed before and after late last year in my jailbroken ps4 when I changed the paste after 9 years, and the fps were exactly the same in the same instances, scenes etc.
                You just got placebo effect'd.

              • 7 months ago

                I cant even be fricked to replay to moronic shit like this.
                Also SSDs wont work in a PS4 work as in increase read/write speeds.

              • 7 months ago

                >Also SSDs wont work in a PS4 work as in increase read/write speeds.
                wait are you saying an ssd doesn't matter in a ps4?

              • 7 months ago

                >if it is not at the optimal temperature it will not perform optimally like ANY compute
                Computers don't inherently run faster when cooler and slower when hotter.
                A computer processor runs at the speed of its clock signal.
                It has the ability to control the speed of its own clock signal, so it CAN be programmed to modify the clock speed at any time based on various factors, potentially including temperature.
                Crucially, a computer processor will only do this if someone has gone out of their way to program it to do so. Your PC and phone have definitely been programmed to do this. But your PS4? Probably not. Consoles generally want to run at a fixed, consistent, predictable speed unless they absolutely can't.

              • 7 months ago

                It might help to consider the PS1. Its CPU runs at 34 MHz. It doesn't, as far as I can tell, have any temperature sensors. The designers probably decided they weren't necessary because the CPU runs cool enough that no fan, or even heatsink, is required.
                It shouldn't be hard to convince yourself that despite technically being a computer, the PS1 doesn't vary its clock depending on temperature. It just runs at 34MHz and that's that.
                Later consoles certainly DO have temperature sensors and DO have the ability to use a lower clock speed and run cooler if they're just showing the wifi settings menu instead of a game.
                But when they ARE running a game, they probably don't frick around with the clock speed just because things are getting a bit warm. They likely just ramp up the fan instead, or turn off on the rare occasions that still isn't enough.

            • 7 months ago

              >WTF do you think will happen to the APU if it is not cooled enough. You think it will work in tip top shape until the console shuts down because of too much heat.
              yes, they don't have boost clocks or anything, it's all fixed. If shit gets too hot it turns off.

        • 7 months ago

          Of course it fricking does.
          It is a computer ffs.
          If the CPU (APU in PS4 case) is not sufficiently cooled it will frick up your FPS and performance.
          If the HDD is wearing, your load times will be fricked.
          Cleaning the fan and reapplying thermal paste should be your first step and like a PC, you want to do it like once per year. Cleaning fans once per season, or 6 months.

          Ask anyone who has a PC how annoying it is to play their PC in the hot summer months, because shit is overheating.
          Now use that logic that you have not reapplied thermal paste and cleaned the small and only cooling fan it has for years.
          The PS4 will only turn itself off when it gets critical to the point that if you carried on in such high temps it will destroy the components (APU)

          Trust me I have opened many PS4s and they skimped the frick out on thermal paste, like there is barely any on there to begin with.
          The fans are shit too, tiny and weak.
          you need to DIY take care of that shit yourself, like any computer.

          Good thing about that is PS5 cooling is really good and while the fan is shit it is large and the liquid metal wont need to be replaced for possibly its lifecycle. (not sure, will have to see)

          I remember playing that shit game ghost of tsushima on my PS4 and my PS4 sounded like a jet engine, it basically bricked my HDD and I had to reinitialise. Needed to open it up, reapply thermal paste as well as get a new fan as mine was too old.
          Still I had the PS4 for like 8 years at that point and only applied thermal paste once in that time when MK11 fricked it up as well.

          It is not hard to open and put together gain, a simple YT vid will show you. Just you need thermal paste, that screwdriver and if your fan is fricked, need to find a replacement.

          • 7 months ago

            I accept your claims that
            >the PS4's cooling solution has loud fans and may be borderline inadequate in general
            >maintaining your PS4 by occasionally cleaning dust etc is a good idea
            >a degraded HDD may affect load times
            The only claim I don't necessarily accept is the idea that high temperatures can degrade performance without causing the console to shut down entirely.
            That claim is true on a PC, more or less. Some components will throttle, others won't strictly throttle but will decide not to enable boost clocks, etc. There's a lot of variance depending on manufacturer and software but in general lower temps can be expected to lead to better performance on PC.
            That doesn't mean it's true on a console. Generally, consoles aim to run at the same speed no matter what. The PS4 Pro went to great lengths to make sure it didn't run any faster for games that weren't designed for it.
            I'd expect the PS4 to run everything at exactly the same clocks regardless of temperature unless things get so hot that it feels the need to shut down.

            I'm not 100% certain about this and am open to being proven wrong, e.g. by a carefully controlled and measured comparison showing the same scene in the same game running at different framerates depending on ambient temperature/ventilation.

  12. 7 months ago

    I expect 30fps with 60fps option on the Xbox Series One Z and the PS4 Pro++

  13. 7 months ago

    As long as it doesn't use any memetraycing it should run perfectly fine, the consoles are very powerful, but they don't have the hardware for that.

    • 7 months ago

      asking the AAA to not use memetracing, is like asking them to make a game worth 0 ESG points

    • 7 months ago

      >AMD doesn't have the hardware for that, no matter what

      fixed that for ya

  14. 7 months ago

    even if it doesn’t run well, it probably require cloud servers to store 750GB data. it will end PC pirating

    • 7 months ago

      >it will end PC pirating
      we'll just go back to part1...part10 again, except zoomers will get hard filtered lmao

  15. 7 months ago

    now you remember xbox 360 having issues with streaming and buildings disappearing

  16. 7 months ago

    I mean, in the leaks there's a video of it running on a PS4 dev kit.

  17. 7 months ago

    It'll be locked to 30fps, no question.

  18. 7 months ago

    so are there any ps4 games that do run over 30 fps?

    • 7 months ago


  19. 7 months ago

    It will be fine. Rockster does a fantastic job optimizing their games. One of the few devs that do.

  20. 7 months ago

    Anon, it was running in a PS4 devkit in last year's leak

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