Does anyone else feel like nostalgia has ruined modern gaming?

Does anyone else feel like nostalgia has ruined modern gaming? From both a creation and audience viewpoint, being way too Nostalgic for old titles is a poison.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Nostalgia is all good fun but you're right. Everybody misses "the old days" or even worse zoomers missing something they never lived through. It's like when i replayed pokemon gold last year and my only thoughts were "i wish i had one of the newer pokemon". If i want to relive the old days i just go to the mall.

    • 6 months ago

      >grew up with a gamecube
      >cant have Nostalgia over it cause zoom
      why are you morons like this?

      • 6 months ago

        Not even close to what i was referring to zoomer. Most zoomers i have to cross paths with all wont shut up about the 20s or 40s. Even worse they go around claiming to be millennials because of the made up social stigma around being gen z. Just like every generation has some made up social stigma. Except actual boomers those guys are actually hard to handle 90% of the time. I was born in 95 and have nostalgia for windows 95 just because i was exposed to mildly early technology. Some zoomers are probably in the same boat as me but most aren't which is why it gets annoying.

        • 6 months ago

          ah misunderstood you, my bad

        • 6 months ago

          >Even worse they go around claiming to be millennials because of the made up social stigma around being gen z.
          I've noticed that gen Z has this bizarre paradox where they constantly shit on Millennials and insult them for being "Boomers", but then also try and claw the title of "Millennial" onto themselves by any means possible. Like they're simultaneously ashamed to be Gen Z and full of contempt for Millennials mocking them, but also proud of being Gen Z while wanting to be anything but. It's really fricking weird and I can't get my head around it, often times it feels like an in-the-moment defense mechanism too, like they code switch between the two depending on whatever context makes them feel best about themselves.
          >t. Gen X oldfrick.

          • 6 months ago

            >but also proud of being Gen Z
            I sincerely doubt anyone is proud to be gen Z. The single positive thing associated with the generation, kicking away smoking, completely rubber-banded with vapes.

  2. 6 months ago

    I think people fall on nostalgia because new games are so streamlined and uncreative. The reliance on nostalgia would ease up if there were more weird and interesting games being made. As of right now old stuff tends to just be better, and a new game that’s marketed as the old thing is a safe bet.

  3. 6 months ago

    Im 40 years old and have massive nostalgia for the older gens, but I still enjoy alot of current shit.

  4. 6 months ago

    you're right, but who cares you're old now. and it continues on. .

  5. 6 months ago

    It is more like the memory I have of playing great games overshadows all the mediocre slop being released these days. If I was 20 years younger I feel like I would enjoy the hobby much much more.

    • 6 months ago

      Those memories dont really exist and youre hyping up things that probably didnt really happen but how you want to remember they did

      • 6 months ago

        >old games weren't good actually!
        Frick you and everyone that pushes this lie. There's way less good games on average compared to back then.

        • 6 months ago

          Never said that, just that your memories of just how good they were arent real.

          • 6 months ago

            then why can I play through them and they still hold up perfectly?

            • 6 months ago

              You can, they will be good, but never as good as you imagine
              I dont know what part of this youre missing

              • 6 months ago

                they hold up exactly how I imagine them thoughever

  6. 6 months ago

    People swore to me up and down nostalgia and imprinting isn't a thing. Then I watched a bunch of kids grow up to be nostalgic for Halo: Reach and CoD Ghosts.
    Some things used to be better but trying to get morons on this website to admit they got rose tinted goggles and grew out of gaming is impossible.

  7. 6 months ago

    Nostalgia is beaten into the ground and discussing nostalgia being beaten into the ground is beaten into the ground. There's no thread topic on Ganker I haven't seen posted a hundred times and the only reason I am here is I am too tired to do anything else but I don't want to go to bed yet or I will wake up at 3 AM.

  8. 6 months ago

    Well there is a reason people are "nostalgic" for old things, there was a time that gaming was just objectively better. If games did get better than there would be more encouragement to make new ideas and play new games

    • 6 months ago

      >more encouragement to make new ideas and play new games
      >games that are a new IP sell less and usually get made fun of

  9. 6 months ago

    No the problem is that there isn't enough nostalgia. None of this phasmophobia, valheim, amogus, lethal company and other zoomer shit appeals to me at all.

  10. 6 months ago

    anthropologists and archeologists dug up old roman ruins at the peak of their empire and the things people wrote on them
    it was full of sayings like "things used to be better back in the day" and "everything is shit now"
    liking the past and whining about the present will always be part of the human condition because of how your brain works when you're a kid/teen
    no different with games. there used to be a lot more impressive years back in the day like 1998 or 2003 when the balance of money/talent was better, but sad sacks whining that everything is slop now have mental issues that prevent them from seeing reason

    • 6 months ago

      While true in concept, video games as an industry specifically has gotten objectively worse.
      >inflated budgets where most of it doesn't even go into the game but rather the advertising and occasionally licensing of big popular IP
      >game dev teams have body counts higher than the weight of an average american, and with somehow worse working conditions
      >laser targeted marketing conditioning fans to not ask questions and consume this specific brand product then get excited for next specific brand product
      >predatory business practices to entice literal children into gambling such as season passes and loot boxes
      >political influences and overtones in video game stories and settings gone from broad and relatable (war bad, etc) to being platforms for devs to preach their own personal biases and propaganda
      >consumers are no longer the target audience, but rather the shareholders lining their pockets
      >and to please said shareholders games need to be as safe, marketable, and reach as wide an audience as possible
      >all the smart and creative people who had nowhere else to go in the 80s and 90s have moved on to better, more lucrative jobs now that computers have become far more ingrained in society
      >video games are no longer seen as a fresh and new untapped market but are now nothing more than overpriced "toys for children" by the masses
      >DLC and online updates are now a get-out-of-jail free card for publishers to ship a (sometimes intentionally) unfinished game so they can sell you the fixes and """extra""" content
      >franchises like Pokemon and Far Cry have taught developers that it's okay to release the exact same game multiple times and turn a profit every single time so why bother innovating
      And probably many other issues.
      You can call it nostalgia all you want. It's objectively worse now.

  11. 6 months ago

    Yeah just like you trannies pretending Lucky Star is good because of nostalgia right?

    • 6 months ago

      No need to get defensive

  12. 6 months ago

    nah the revival of fighting games, 3d platformers, and boomer shooters has spawned the best games ever made. The nostalgia to older difficulties has also been objectively beneficial to gaming as a whole - if you're above 18 you should remember even the obvious examples like dark souls, cuphead, and doom 2016 going against the grain of babification and journalists' well-known preference for gay walking sims. You might think movie games are just as bad as they've always been, but you need to remember that it was WAY WORSE just a decade ago.

  13. 6 months ago

    While the industry is currently creatively bankrupt, it largely doesn't have that much to do with nostalgia. Even remakes are mostly bought by people who thought, "oh I wanted to play it but oh oof it just hasn't aged well at all, glad they're remaking it" or never even had any interest in the original at all.
    What nostalgia gets you is uninspired indie clones of old games or moronic attempts to fake dated visuals with filters and forced lowres rendering. This also sucks but isn't insignificant.

    What would help the industry is more people actually recognizing what was so good about older games (especially those that were never mainstream), seeing the passion or "soul" in them, and learning to appreciate them even today instead of chasing FOMO.
    This isn't nostalgia, and it's too comparatively rare nowadays to ruin anything. Everyone's standards have gotten so low because people often can't see anything past the production values.

    What a pretentious fricking post, why did I even write that.

    • 6 months ago

      >What nostalgia gets you is uninspired indie clones of old games or moronic attempts to fake dated visuals with filters and forced lowres rendering.
      This. I’m honestly annoyed with indie games because a lot of them just feel like they don’t have their own identity.

  14. 6 months ago

    Video games are too new of a medium, so appreciation for good gameplay formulas from a few decades ago gets confused with nostalgia.
    There are games from the 80's that have far superior mechanics when compared to modern stuff.

    People can easily accept that some books written 500 years ago are still great today, or that music made 200 years ago is still great today, but if you say that some games made 30~40 years ago are still at the top of their genres everyone starts screeching about nostalgia.

  15. 6 months ago

    >burnt out on nostalgia for games after playing the same 10-15 games on repeat for all of childhood
    cannot relate to any of this

  16. 6 months ago

    it's subjective
    games have gotten worse though

  17. 6 months ago

    It's not necessarily nostalgia that ruins games for people but the fact that some games were just so much better than anything after them that everything afterwards just feels shit and it has nothing to do with nostlagia.

  18. 6 months ago

    If you don't want me to ride nostalgia then make better new video games. I'm more than content to play the games I know I like and the ones that come out that are like the ones I like.

  19. 6 months ago

    Oh for sure. What's weird is it's never appealed on me the way companies intend it to. I feel more of a longing for the past when a game just hits the right notes, be it a sound effect, music or aesthetic that reminds me of games similar in those aspects, which Vividlope does in spades that I'm surprised how eerily infectious it is to me.
    The game just screams "Dreamcast".

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