Dominions 5

Is anyone playing this?

I bought it yesterday and it's a lot of fun. Currently on sale on Steam.

The only thing that has annoyed me so far is that I can't see what units each nation has when picking who to play as.

What are peoples favourite nations and why?
Post stories, screenshots, etc.

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  1. 1 year ago

    I stopped playing, because the most popular discord server was headed by a gay man, who a few years ago became a troony and even transitioned the melqart profile picture he had to a female version. He literally started a reign of terror on discord and even has influence on other secondary discord servers. No one in the community thinks there is anything wrong with having a sexual degenerate control them. That's why I despise the dominions 5 community and stopped playing it.

    • 1 year ago

      >even transitioned the melqart profile picture he had to a female version
      fricking lol. I'd say I'm surprised it happened to a game like dominions, but I guess the reach of discord trannies truly knows no bounds

    • 1 year ago

      there are multiple different discord servers for exactly this reason, many people don't like the person you are referring to. there is also /vg/ if you don't like discord at all or even the steam forum for finding games. You quit because you couldn't handle getting rocked in games (i know because i quit for the same reason) don't blame it on trannies there are plenty of ways to play and never interact with trannies.

    • 1 year ago

      there are multiple different discord servers for exactly this reason, many people don't like the person you are referring to. there is also /vg/ if you don't like discord at all or even the steam forum for finding games. You quit because you couldn't handle getting rocked in games (i know because i quit for the same reason) don't blame it on trannies there are plenty of ways to play and never interact with trannies.

      to be fair, the reach of the algulod troony is impressive, I think it has influence with the devs as well

      Banning people from the server for perceived anti-troony dog whistles expressed off server, or having suspicious names, that sort of thing

      Its an unfortunate side effect of a game being developed in sweden

      • 1 year ago

        >to be fair, the reach of the algulod troony is impressive, I think it has influence with the devs as well
        He's moderator on the steam forums, a dedicated beta tester and trusted by the dev to give feedback. Even lucidtactics bowed to him and called him a woman, but when the comments are surprised about an actual girl playing Dominions 5 and asking who she is, he bans them.

    • 1 year ago

      I think I know the one you're talking about
      -Banned anyone for leaning republican/voted trump
      -Banned someone who had a sci-fi war game character as an avatar, because in his head, it was a "nazi".
      -Banned owners of secondary communities/discord servers who disagreed with his opinions
      He doesn't care that opinions can differ or that certain matters can be subjective. His views are the only ones that matter. He won't try to back it up, straights up bans you and gets his friends to gang up on you.
      I used to love playing PBEM games organized there, but stopped by late 2018 because this person and his circlejerk of elitist EU morons would get on your case if you posted anything they deemed 'problematic'.
      Glad the multiplayer scene for that game is dead.

    • 1 year ago

      I got banned from his server for my pfp like 2 hours after I joined and then from the rest of the community servers I've been in for longer as well. I looove discord.

      • 1 year ago

        I think I know the one you're talking about
        -Banned anyone for leaning republican/voted trump
        -Banned someone who had a sci-fi war game character as an avatar, because in his head, it was a "nazi".
        -Banned owners of secondary communities/discord servers who disagreed with his opinions
        He doesn't care that opinions can differ or that certain matters can be subjective. His views are the only ones that matter. He won't try to back it up, straights up bans you and gets his friends to gang up on you.
        I used to love playing PBEM games organized there, but stopped by late 2018 because this person and his circlejerk of elitist EU morons would get on your case if you posted anything they deemed 'problematic'.
        Glad the multiplayer scene for that game is dead.

        I stopped playing, because the most popular discord server was headed by a gay man, who a few years ago became a troony and even transitioned the melqart profile picture he had to a female version. He literally started a reign of terror on discord and even has influence on other secondary discord servers. No one in the community thinks there is anything wrong with having a sexual degenerate control them. That's why I despise the dominions 5 community and stopped playing it.


        • 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago

    >The only thing that has annoyed me so far is that I can't see what units each nation has when picking who to play as.
    there you go

  3. 1 year ago

    is this game playable singleplayer good?

    • 1 year ago

      It is good your first couple of games but your are gonna realize very fast that all it does is make cheap unites en masse and doesn't plan out spells.

      I stopped playing, because the most popular discord server was headed by a gay man, who a few years ago became a troony and even transitioned the melqart profile picture he had to a female version. He literally started a reign of terror on discord and even has influence on other secondary discord servers. No one in the community thinks there is anything wrong with having a sexual degenerate control them. That's why I despise the dominions 5 community and stopped playing it.

      Just play on Blitz with the rest of the Ganker dominion crew. There is at least 1 autistic fricker who screams out Black person ever time he starts to lose. I am sure you will fit right in.

    • 1 year ago

      The AI can't adapt at all to your tactics. Eventually you'll find one army setup it can't beat and you'll then steamroll the whole map with it. But that's every 4X AI in a nutshell.

    • 1 year ago

      It's sort of fun but get old fast

      Is anyone playing this?

      I bought it yesterday and it's a lot of fun. Currently on sale on Steam.

      The only thing that has annoyed me so far is that I can't see what units each nation has when picking who to play as.

      What are peoples favourite nations and why?
      Post stories, screenshots, etc.

      It's pretty popular on /vg/

      • 1 year ago

        On steam the game has about 200-300 concurrent players. I am pretty sure there are at least 35 people on /vg/ who play the game if not less.

    • 1 year ago

      Singleplayer is either for basic practice or for just fricking around with everything the game has to offer without having to worry too much about trying to win. For serious play singleplayer kinda sucks because the AI is very basic and not good at the game at all.

    • 1 year ago

      Only if you enjoy role-playing. If you actually try hard then you will absolutely blast any AI. Spamming elementals will trash pretty much any AI. Though to be fair spamming elementals will trash most players too.

  4. 1 year ago

    Are EA ermor a nation that is just supposed to win by mid-game? It feels like they have no real strong lategame option like other nations do.

    Communions are cool, undead stuff is neat, but the fire you get will hurt yourself, the undead stuff requires insane investment and your mages (and all your other fricking commanders) being so squishy makes it so difficult to keep them alive, sure you can give them Twiceborn (but only your mages) but even the skelly body is really squishy.

    Their capital only is neat and fairly strong but not really worth going hellbless on. Getting the unique recruit-only in no fort territory (pontifix) requires insane investment and it's still just rolling the dice on getting water and earth.

    Gladiators are anti-rush but still requires 10 gold and losing them is really easy if the enemy knows what they are doing.

    TL;DR does anyone know how to stomp with EA Ermor or is it just a mediocre nation

    • 1 year ago

      Best move with EA Ermor is horde + Nature / Fire. Your sacreds suck and human to boot. That said, with your prophet you can get holy4, so fanatics ho! Dom spam.

      They have a weak late game compared to Nief, Ashdod, and Abyssia.

      Undead/Death just doubles down on the above.

      Essentially, you want to flood the field with cheap troops as you dom kill your neighbors, while your priests are strong enough to keep it together while Mictlan and Abyssia spam sacrifices.

      Of course, I favor Mid Ulm so I usually win through power of Autism/others force quitting.

  5. 1 year ago

    Can someone gift this to me Ill play with you guys

  6. 1 year ago

    I stopped playing in 4 after stepping on some shizo's toes, resulting in him hunting me down in other games I joined.
    And by hunting, I mean mindhunting me from capitol when I don't even border him and sending scouts with bane amulets after 3 turns.
    That was not even that annoying until he got me AI'd after I was skipping turns due to high fever.

  7. 1 year ago

    Dom5 threads make me feel weird because i want to get into it but at the same time i don't or cant exactly justify it
    I got Dom4 and enjoyed what i experienced but it was also not many hours and only singleplayer
    Even after all these years im not sure what buying Dom5 would get me over 4

    • 1 year ago

      Dominions isn't made for singleplayer, the AI is dumb as rocks

      Anyone have a link to a good tutorial on how to get started?

      This channel is excellent for learning

      • 1 year ago

        The strong caveat for singleplayer makes me want to just pirate Dom5 and play with the game's mechanics enough to scratch the itch and just move on
        Oh well

    • 1 year ago

      I was in your position. Someone gifted Dom4 to me, played a few SP and MP matches, enjoyed my time with it. Bought Dom5 mainly for the real-time battles but it's just sitting in my library. Don't have the time for MP anymore and there's LESS SP content than Dom4 (far less maps, no scenario map). Sort of regret the purchase but at least I supported the dev.

      If you have no intention of playing MP then stick to Dom4.

  8. 1 year ago

    Anyone have a link to a good tutorial on how to get started?

  9. 1 year ago

    why the frick does this game costs 100 brazillian reais? does the developer hate brazil or something?

    • 1 year ago

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