Dragon Quest IV

Dragon Quest IV

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    is the best one

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        stop projecting
        if youre insecure just play the games you have time

        • 5 months ago

          >just p-play the games
          I've played every DQ except IX and X.
          IV is good but III, V, VIII, and XI all shit on it.
          Calling IV is a fake claim to look like a "trve fan"

          • 5 months ago

            >didnt play the kino that was 9
            >has the nerve to put overrated casual slop like 8 and 11 or overrated nippon shit like 5 over 4, yet berate me for my choice of favorites


            • 5 months ago

              >casual slop like 8 and 11
              >waaaah they have 3D graphics so they're baaaad!
              When did your contrarianism start? Was it bullying in school?

              >overrated nippon shit like 5 over 4
              4 is the epitome of overrated nippon shit wtf are you talking about LOL they made a whole spinoff game based on the fat merchant guy from the absolute worst chapter of 4.

              5 is certainly not better than 4 and is easily the worst of the Zenithian trilogy.

              Absolutely abysmal taste.

          • 5 months ago

            5 is certainly not better than 4 and is easily the worst of the Zenithian trilogy.

    • 5 months ago

      it's the biggest trashpile besides 2, AI controlled party members are obnoxiously stupid and the healer is unusably moronic so you need to overgrind until nothing in the game can challenge you

      • 5 months ago

        If that's a dealbreaker for you, you have three different remakes you can play, all of which give you the option of controlling your party directly.
        Even if you really prefer the NES version I can only imagine there's some romhack out there that fixes the issue.

        • 5 months ago

          I know, but anyone that praises the nes version is moronic. It actively sabotages your ability to play tactically and forces you into using the hero as your main healer for any difficult fights.

          • 5 months ago

            The rng was never that bad for me but I don't really use kristo. I think nes dq4 is a contender for best nes game full stop. The remakes/remasters all add stupid stuff imo

            • 5 months ago

              I used Cristo in my latest playthrough and he was awesome. Beat/Defeat got rid of many tough enemies even up to the final dungeon and generally saved more time/ressources than it wasted. Like the Plesiodon enemies which have a frickton of HP and which Cristo constantly got rid of just like that.
              As I said I think people just tend to focus/remember when something doesn't go their way, but don't pay attention when it goes their way.

              I do agree about the healing thing, it's not THAT bad, but I do wish that selecting the "defense" command would make them more likely to heal and buff, which doesn't seem to be the case.
              But I don't agree about having to grind to compensate the AI, there are 3 difficulty spikes in the game: Balzak (both fights in chapter 5) and the final boss. DQ2 and 3 had more difficulty spikes.

              • 5 months ago

                oh and those 3 difficulty spikes remained difficulty spikes even in my previous playthrough, in which I used the gameshark code to control everyone

              • 5 months ago

                >Final boss
                I never had any trouble with Psaro, the hero heals while Aleena, Ragnar and Torneko attack, Aleena is OP and can crit twice with the he Falcon earrings, what a lad.
                Also do the AI learns for future battles or they have to relearn for each new battle?
                I have to replay it.

              • 5 months ago

                I never really used Aleena, nor the Steelito Earrings, damn. Only time I used Aleena was in the DS remake to exploit her speed and kill Metal King Slimes (but even that I didn't do for long because I was aiming for the Metal Helm drops and then found a better solution).

                >Also do the AI learns for future battles or they have to relearn for each new battle?

                If it's an enemy they fought before, they'll remember what worked or didn't and their HP. Although in order to be sure that a spell doesn't or isn't likely to work, they have to try and fail several times.

  2. 5 months ago

    I just beat the second one and it kind of wore out its welcome multiple times

    • 5 months ago

      jrpgs tend to do that

      • 5 months ago

        Don't you love when you have no control over 3/4 of your party, and those dumb shits keep doing stupid shit like casting inta death even though it never works?

        • 5 months ago

          Apparently the AI learns which spells are best for certain enemies I you fought them enough times but i never played the game without having the Hero, Aleena, Ragnar and Torneko full time in my party so i can't say if it works or not, either way there's a cheat code (YYEXVTGE) that allows you to fully control your party members in chapter 5 only problem is that you can't change the formation in battle.

          • 5 months ago

            Based party. Good to swap bray in there for some bikill sometimes

      • 5 months ago

        Play better jrpgs.

        Don't you love when you have no control over 3/4 of your party, and those dumb shits keep doing stupid shit like casting inta death even though it never works?

        Stop playing the shitty NES version.

        • 5 months ago

          >shitty NES version
          It's one of the most soulful games ever made. DShit version? Worst localization in the history of video games. I haven't the slightest clue what they were thinking.

          • 5 months ago

            My main issue with the DS versions are the graphics, they recycled the engine, NPCs, a lot of art, from DQ7 so now everything looks the same.
            Also chapter 6 is just bad.

            And honestly while it's nice to be able to control your team in chapter 5, I'd argue that the game was not balanced with that in mind. The only reason why the Hero learns shit like HealUsAll is precisely because he's the only one you can control directly. Also, no, you're not supposed to be able to use Tarrot Cards in chapter5.
            So I feel shared towards that; yes it's nice to control your characters, but at the same time had the game been designed with that in mind it would have been balanced differently.

            • 5 months ago

              >My main issue with the DS versions are the graphics, they recycled the engine, NPCs, a lot of art, from DQ7 so now everything looks the same.
              >Also chapter 6 is just bad.
              That's all the fault of the PS1 remake for DQ4.

          • 5 months ago

            >Worst localization in the history of video games. I haven't the slightest clue what they were thinking.
            Localizers trying to escape the industry by showing off their English degrees for portfolio reasons. I held off on playing DQV and VI on the DS because of this.

  3. 5 months ago

    When's the de-localization hack coming out?

    • 5 months ago

      Hopefully never, dude is moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      If it's anything like the DW2 one, I don't really want it. All I want is something that restores gameplay and graphics, but no, they have to mess with things that don't need messing like the names of towns, enemies, weapons and items. Why the frick is the Vampirus and Magic Vampirus called "Vapirus" now? They also didn't seem to be aware that the stats of enemies differed between the two versions until a few months ago, it's like all they care about is putting their "touch" in naming shit.

      • 5 months ago

        It's a classic example of nameshittery and Dragon Quest/Warrior is full of it due to the numerous differing translations it has had officially. This logically carries over to its fanbase.

      • 5 months ago

        >They also didn't seem to be aware that the stats of enemies differed between the two versions until a few months ago, it's like all they care about is putting their "touch" in naming shit.
        Suddenly, it makes sense.
        Sounds like my friend can affect this dude's rep too if he were to come hard at how much a hack he's loosely affiliated with plagiarized with name autism over honest restoration.

        • 5 months ago

          I heard the guy is a native Japanese speaker. Is that a larp? He's banking on that idea because "lol DQ wasn't respected outside Japland and I can save it"? Is that what's going on here?

          I have no idea who the guy is or if it's even the same guy, I was just making a comment about the DW2 one that I played, it's all I know

          It's three stooges that call themselves "Translation Quest" that's been focusing on the "localization" aspect of these games, and they made a worse "retranslation" of A Link to the Past than the ancient one made by KWhazit (but they thought they were clever by burying it with QoL BS).
          Polinym of all people somehow made a better retranslation of Dragon Quest that's actually of value since it uses the Japanese version as a base, and they've been seething about it ever since.
          Their goal isn't to have the best versions of these old games put there, but to co-opt purists and inject themselves into these games, making them no better if not worse than the localizers they rail against.
          Pro Tip: if you see a "relocalization" listed under the hacks category, chances are, the author(s) know they're full of shit, and if a game known to have significant, gameplay-affecting regional differences uses the English ROM as its base, that's usually not a good sign either..oh, and RHDN is a yesman hugbox filled with the most easily impressed reviewers on the planet, so be sure to pay attention to what negative reviews say..there, I just saved you the trouble dealing with 80% of bad fan-retranslations/relocalizations, you're welcome.

      • 5 months ago

        >They also didn't seem to be aware that the stats of enemies differed between the two versions until a few months ago, it's like all they care about is putting their "touch" in naming shit.
        Suddenly, it makes sense.
        Sounds like my friend can affect this dude's rep too if he were to come hard at how much a hack he's loosely affiliated with plagiarized with name autism over honest restoration.

        I heard the guy is a native Japanese speaker. Is that a larp? He's banking on that idea because "lol DQ wasn't respected outside Japland and I can save it"? Is that what's going on here?

        • 5 months ago

          >They also didn't seem to be aware that the stats of enemies differed between the two versions until a few months ago, it's like all they care about is putting their "touch" in naming shit.
          Suddenly, it makes sense.
          Sounds like my friend can affect this dude's rep too if he were to come hard at how much a hack he's loosely affiliated with plagiarized with name autism over honest restoration.

          I have no idea who the guy is or if it's even the same guy, I was just making a comment about the DW2 one that I played, it's all I know

          • 5 months ago

            Lemme guess - you got it prepatched, right? I hardly see anybody apply patches anymore, they all trust whoever's compiling these "T-EN" ROMs to vet it themselves.

            It's three stooges that call themselves "Translation Quest" that's been focusing on the "localization" aspect of these games, and they made a worse "retranslation" of A Link to the Past than the ancient one made by KWhazit (but they thought they were clever by burying it with QoL BS).
            Polinym of all people somehow made a better retranslation of Dragon Quest that's actually of value since it uses the Japanese version as a base, and they've been seething about it ever since.
            Their goal isn't to have the best versions of these old games put there, but to co-opt purists and inject themselves into these games, making them no better if not worse than the localizers they rail against.
            Pro Tip: if you see a "relocalization" listed under the hacks category, chances are, the author(s) know they're full of shit, and if a game known to have significant, gameplay-affecting regional differences uses the English ROM as its base, that's usually not a good sign either..oh, and RHDN is a yesman hugbox filled with the most easily impressed reviewers on the planet, so be sure to pay attention to what negative reviews say..there, I just saved you the trouble dealing with 80% of bad fan-retranslations/relocalizations, you're welcome.

            Sounds like all they did was flip the 'r' to a 'd' in 'relocalization' to try to stand out. Not sure if I should be insulted or impressed.

            At this point, I'll just take the hacks that transfer the modern scripts into the NES games, with every bad pun and horrid accent intact.

            Look up the "Project RE-Quest" series by Choppasmith. It only exists for the first two, but it shows that it's possible for the rest.

      • 5 months ago

        At this point, I'll just take the hacks that transfer the modern scripts into the NES games, with every bad pun and horrid accent intact.

        • 5 months ago

          The problem with that is many Japanese rereleases have their scripts rewritten to an extent, so they oftentimes present incompatibilities. You could not give a crap, but then you'd be doing a poor excuse for a text port. That's why you should still have basic weeb skills, ensuring that stuff not representing the original game doesn't slip through.

          • 5 months ago

            >The problem with that is many Japanese rereleases have their scripts rewritten to an extent, so they oftentimes present incompatibilities.
            That's every video game ever made.

      • 5 months ago

        Slowly realizing that every translation patch does shit like this is why I started learning Japanese.
        The people who make these things have some weird mental complex that makes them feel like they just fricking NEED to put their own personal touches on shit instead of giving us something faithful. It's sad and pathetic.

        • 5 months ago

          If it's translated from another language, whether officially or unofficially, it'll never be "faithful".

          • 5 months ago

            To an extent, yes. But that doesn't mean to give up and not find ways to mitigate bullshit. If we can't restrain ourselves, we were right to have AI replace us.

      • 5 months ago

        >Why the frick is the Vampirus and Magic Vampirus called "Vapirus" now?

        • 5 months ago

          They can't be serious. Yes the Japanese name literally translates to "Vapirus". But the chances of it being inspired by the griffin "Vapula" are close to none. It's a fricking bat. More likely it's a mistake in the Japanese script.

        • 5 months ago

          I could never understand why it was called a Vampirus when it looked and acted nothing like a vampire. At least its current localized name of "Terrordactyl" makes more sense with the design.

  4. 5 months ago

    The way they worked out these simple tiles to make the cross look threedimensional is pretty soulful. I love NES graphics for DQ.

  5. 5 months ago

    pure fricking kino.

  6. 5 months ago

    I for one, liked the Chapter system and their respective themes.

    • 5 months ago

      Thanks for sharing this music, I enjoyed listening to it.

  7. 5 months ago

    512k of ROM and they used almost all of it up. there's about 60 unused bytes left.

    • 5 months ago

      This cross is part of the things that were censored for the US release. I actually made a romhack which uncensors most things (this cross, the cross on the hat, the coffins, the priests, the bunny girls etc), the only things I couldn't do were text based (mentions of "priests" and "god") but I never released it because of a nasty glitch which pissed me off: when I started testing the hack I never made it past the name entry screen because for some reasons most letters in the name entry wouldn't show up.

      I should get back to it but I have to say this doesn't help

      • 5 months ago

        What other hacks have you worked on?

      • 5 months ago

        I'm trying to remember but the NES didn't have the bunnies?

        • 5 months ago

          Nah it had these instead


    • 5 months ago

      also here is a fun fact about how tight things are: object definitions for characters and npcs only take 4 bytes per frame. Just 4 bytes for 16x16 characters, I had never seen a system that uses this few space which is why it actually took me a while to figure out what the frick I was looking at and how it worked.
      The standard I've seen in other games looks more often like something like this: for each 8x8 sprite, one byte to say which tile it is, one for its relative X placement, one for its relative Y placement, and usually one for its palette. DQ4 has all this data and possibly more in a single byte.

  8. 5 months ago

    When they frick are they going to release a translation patch for the ps1 version?

    • 5 months ago

      Apparently they need more space without sacrificing the script.

      • 5 months ago

        And that wasn't a problem with the DS port because...?

        • 5 months ago

          Completely different hardware, media, memory architecture, code

      • 5 months ago

        >Apparently they need more space without sacrificing the script.

        Why has this never been a problem with virtually any other japanese to english fan translation of a game?

        • 5 months ago

          Professional translations in the PS1/DS era usually had access to the original dev teams, who had the original source code and could solve resource problems normally instead of via reverse-engineered hacks

        • 5 months ago

          It is, you've just never heard of it. One Japanese character is one phonetic syllables, whether we often use several characters to make one such syllable. That's without mentionning times when a single Japanese character equals a word, which thankfully. Therefore it often takes more space to say the same thing in other languages.
          Finding solutions such as moving a lot of data around, using compression, or expanding the ROM are common.

        • 5 months ago

          What are you talking about, this was extremely common through early fan translation scene

        • 5 months ago

          Both DQ in the PS have some fricked text boxes problems, the guy behind the DQ4 translation actually did a lengthy post in his page about this.

      • 5 months ago

        Why do we care if it can actually fit on a CD?

  9. 5 months ago

    Okay we're getting way too obscure with these [game title] threads now.

    • 5 months ago

      Ok zoomer

  10. 5 months ago


  11. 5 months ago

    >Playing the first one on gameboy
    >Frick up a saved state and get sent back ~3 hours of pure grinding


    • 5 months ago

      Only what savestaters deserve

    • 5 months ago

      exactly why i never use savestates in games with a save function
      its way too easy to just accidentally half your progress

      savestates in DQ hardly even make sense to begin with tbh
      iirc the punishment for death isnt even that severe

  12. 5 months ago

    so whats actually the big stink about the GBC versions of dragon warrior 1-3?
    i havent played them since i was a little kid, but i dont remember them being a difficult-to-read experience like many other JRPGs back then. im pretty sure it was just nob again, but i dont seem to hate his translations as much as some of the autists here. if anything i think he was usually pretty decent at parsing the nip jibberish and making it something more relatable to kids in the west
    ive seen examples of more literal translations of pokeymans red/blue and everyone talks like a fricking idiot

    anon once told me that the GBC versions are easier/less grindy, but that also doesnt bother me too much. 2 in particular was still kinda grindy from what i remember
    so whats the deal?

    • 5 months ago

      The GB/C versions aren't bad, and in terms of difficulty they actually are a bit less easy than the SNES versions (at least for 1 and 2, not sure about 3), but the low FOV and the graphical and audio downgrade just isn't worth it to play as a main version. Still they're nice versions when going on a trip, I enjoyed them on my holidays. Of course these days even that is moot since you can emulate the other versions too on the go.

      • 5 months ago

        i guess ive never played the SNES versions, but imo the gfx on GBC were pretty nice. definitely a step up over the NES versions, those looked kinda fricked

        but i was a pokemania era kid so maybe thats just me being "nostalgic" over that particular sprite style that most GB(C) games had back then

  13. 5 months ago

    >get to the end of Alena's chapter
    >already played the game before so I know I'll lose my money
    >buy as much expensive gear as I can to fill the character's inventory so I can at least sell them in chapter5 and get some money back
    >have 80 Gold left
    >ah what the hell, let's waste them at the slots
    >don't even try to save for those 8 coins in case I lose them, not worth the effort
    >get to the last coin
    >pic related

    Well now I have a Staff of Jubilation, nice. These little stories is why I love RPGs.

  14. 5 months ago

    >two years in development
    >one entire year was spent on just the AI
    We really didn't need that shitty AI, guys. Seriously.

    • 5 months ago

      The AI is great though. And it learns from what it does which is pretty amazing.

      When I first played the game, I thought to myself, there weren't many times when the AI wasn't doing something I wouldn't have done; and the AI has the advantage of choosing its move the moment it acts, rather before the turn begins, for instance it will often heal you right as you get hit, something you as a human probably would have only done on the next turn, at the risk of dying in between.

      I think people tends to only see the negative. It's like people complaining about the encounter rate and saying there are fights every single steps. Yes, it happens, but in fact the game alternates between combat moments during which you'll get many encounters in a row, and exploration moments in which you won't have a single encounter for 15-30 steps. But a lot of people don't realize that, they only notice when they get 2 fights for 2 steps in a row, they don't notice when the game lets them walk freely for 30 steps.

  15. 5 months ago

    Completed DW4 many times. I dont remember this building where in the game is it?

    • 5 months ago

      It's the Royal Crypt. The cross was taken out of the US version, like more than half of a dozen other crosses in the game.


      • 5 months ago

        I actually prefer the pitchfork design that later DQ games adopted for the Holy Cross. Looks a little more stylized and distinct for Dragon Quest, but still recognizable enough. Not like that weird tumbleweed that got introduced in DQ11.

        • 5 months ago

          Yes the Pitchfork is in DQ8 and 5 PS2, I quite like it too. It's a nice compromise: won't get censored, and emphasizes the fact that we are indeed in a parallel world.
          Many Japanese people don't see it that way because they don't have a long history with christianism, but seeing christian symbols in my JRPG does take out my suspension of disbelief a little because it reminds me of the real world.

          With that said I'd still rather have the crosses than whatever butchering they did to take them out.

          • 5 months ago

            I would call 500 years pretty long|Nobunaga but that's just me. But I like the design anyway and the series :3

            • 5 months ago

              >I would call 500 years pretty long|Nobunaga but that's just me.

              Still not the same thing. Every city I go to has gigantic christian churches. Chapels in every village. All with gigantic crosses (of course the buildings themselves *are* crosses too)
              I can't go out and have a walk somewhere without at least passing by one cross somewhere, sometimes just on the side of the road for no apparent reason. (and yet it is not a religious country, religion does not mix with politics here and presidents or kids at school do not swear to god)

              I don't know much of Japan outside of games/movies/anime/manga etc (I did know Nobunaga was christian because of that) but I very much doubt they have crosses on the side of every road.
              So, you understand why seeing the crosses in Dragon Quest just makes me think of real life.

      • 5 months ago

        Missing one.
        In the Jap version the guy who lost his memory in Ragnar chapter recovers it when his wife gives him a puff-puff while in the US version she smacks him with a frying pan.

        • 5 months ago

          She's doing all that through prison bars? Doesn't make sense. You must be thinking of the PSX/DS remakes.

          • 5 months ago

            He's not wrong.

            • 5 months ago

              I just went through that section yesterday in the US version and there was no mention of any frying pan

              • 5 months ago

                But he does get smacked, as opposed to JP where he gets breasts. Frying pan is just extra detail added to the remake's version of the English script.

          • 5 months ago

            Around 01:25

        • 5 months ago

          >in the US version she smacks him with a frying pan
          Isn't written "Smack!" just an old onomatopoeia for giving a kiss? I remember in Earthbound the character Venus gives Ness a kiss after getting the autograph, but a lot of people I know thought she b***h-slapped you because of the "Smack!".

  16. 5 months ago

    Konami left crosses in their NES games and got away with it. Sometimes devs were willing to b8 NOA and see how far they could push the envelope.

  17. 5 months ago

    Did you know ?!

    In chapter 5, changing whoever is in front changes the battle music.

    There is a glitch which makes stronger sea monsters only appear on one tile rather than in the entire areas they're supposed to appear in. There is a patch to fix it.

  18. 5 months ago

    Also the wood cutter leaving in the small shack south of the nameless village is the hero's grandfather

  19. 5 months ago

    so I've been playing the NES version lately and I've been maining Cristo.

    I don't know why people complain about the whole Beat/Defeat thing. From my experience so far the Beat/Defeat use has been more favourable than defavourable. You know the Plesiodon enemies who have a bazillion HP and hit like a truck? Yeah, Cristo has gotten rid of many of those just like that. And now that he has Defeat, he often kills 4 or even 5 enemies at once. And this, is something I would have never done on my own, I usually don't gamble with such spells unless I'm in a pinch.
    Sure, he will attempt to use it on bosses too and waste a turn, but he'll realize it doesn't work and don't attempt it again.

    Maybe the AI is actually worse in the DS remake idk; but in this playthrough the Beat/Defeat use has been pretty awesome.

  20. 5 months ago

    >chapter 1
    Only one character, just like in DQ1

    >chapter 2
    3 characters: a fighter with no spells, a jack of all trades that excells at nothing, and a wizard. Just like DQ2.

    How did I not notice this before?

    • 5 months ago

      Something else I realized about this

      As you all should know, DQ1's dungeons are just caves (even the final castle is basically just an underground cave outside of the first room), DQ2 has caves and towers.
      Chapter 1 and 2 of DQ4 only has those basic caves and towers and it only starts to gradually branch out from there before eventually chapter 5 introduces new themes and mechanics in every dungeon

      It feels like they were really keen on recreating the DQ1-2 experience before introducing the new stuff

      • 5 months ago

        Chapters 1 and 2 are interesting because they're a mix of super duper classic Dragon Quest with totally new elements like the first monster hero.
        Then Chapter 3 is a fricking business management sim out of nowhere, using the world and systems of Dragon Quest to create an entire different genre of game.
        Chapter 4 is classic but they crank up the difficulty and change the aesthetics, with the new random battle theme for the first time in the series, and you playing as a pair of gypsy girls.
        And then Chapter 5 starts and it's like you've started playing a whole different game, but everything you did in the last four chapters happens and matters and counts.
        DQ4 really keeps hitting you with something fresh through the whole length, it never felt like it was running out of ideas.

  21. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      This is the one you said that the letters don't show when writing your name?
      Can't you put your name on an unpatched version and then patch it?

      • 5 months ago

        That's fixed now, it was just a clumsy mistake of mine

        • 5 months ago

          Can you add the puff puff line seen at

          Around 01:25


          • 5 months ago

            Somebody else will have to take care of those changes because I don't speak Japanese. I don't think anyone even knows the full extent of all text changes and won't without doing a full script comparison.
            Also text is annoying to work with in this game but that's only the second reason.

            • 5 months ago

              A shame, any ways thanks you very much.

  22. 5 months ago

    I wish i could lick Alena's feet

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