Dragon's Dogma II

Make way for the new King of Action jRPG's!

CRIME Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    I like how it´s basically just more Dragon´s dogma. No obsession with breaking what was not broken, no muh graphics over substance, no empty promises about how this game is going to change everything and make your life better (like, you won´t grow your hair back, get slim or laid thanks to this game)... just more Dragon´s dogma. I can respect that.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah I noticed that as well, benefits of actually getting the same guy to do the sequel and what he already made work instead of some frickhead that thinks they have to put their own inferior mark on things (applies to movie directors too)

      • 7 months ago

        >some frickhead that thinks they have to put their own inferior mark on things
        >'hit a buh in, somethin awsome happens!'

    • 7 months ago

      It's dark souls + shadow of the colossus, there's nothing to change.

      • 7 months ago

        >It's dark souls
        Black person

      • 7 months ago

        >didn't actually play the game but imma parrot anyway

    • 7 months ago

      I'm not sure if I respect the pricetag

    • 7 months ago

      I just hope the dungeons are as fun to explore. Bitterblack Isle was fantastic and is the baseline for my expectations.

    • 7 months ago

      I do have to wonder how they'll revamp the ending though. With you being another Arisen, it seems like you'd otherwise be railroaded into the same ending choices as the first game, unless there's SOME kind of change, either by you as the player or by an outside influence in that world.

      • 6 months ago

        My understanding is that it's set in a different world from the first game. So while a lot of the concepts are the same, the characters, dragon, and setting are completely different. I don't see them doing the whole Seneschal thing again.

        • 6 months ago

          We've already seen a Great Dragon quite similar to Grigori, and he's even using the same VA, and the one thing we should actually expect to be similar is the whole otherworldly thing with the Seneschal, that's what keeps the universe going basically, they will probably expand on that though.

  2. 7 months ago

    >gd that morningstar clip in the intro
    My body is ready but my mind may aught not be

  3. 7 months ago

    That elf girl is getting plapped

  4. 7 months ago


    simple as

  5. 7 months ago

    >westoid slop

    • 7 months ago

      >uooooh where is pantsu
      Frick off greasy weeb right back to your troony VNs and pedo (skin) crawlers. You don't deserve even to gaze upon anything this good.

    • 6 months ago

      >made by Japs
      >full of manga/anime cliches
      >J-rock in the soundtrack
      Absolutely braindead npc opinion.

  6. 7 months ago

    >"yer" and not thine
    but it looks pretty fun

  7. 7 months ago

    Which is more grammatically correct? Help anons.
    >I have pre-ordered aught.
    >Aught time elapsed between the pre-order button appearing and mine stabbing thereof.

    Pretty sure it's the latter.

    • 7 months ago

      Neither, aught is more like "anything" or "all" depending on context.

    • 7 months ago

      Aught is something
      Naught is nothing

      • 6 months ago

        Just replace the word "aught" with "something" and if it makes sense then you used it correctly.

  8. 7 months ago


    its a hack N slash, get out of our board.

    • 7 months ago

      if Fromslop, Biowareshit and overrated infinity engine garbage are all valid "RPG's" to be discussed in this dungheap of a board
      then Itsuno's ADnD inspired KINO is more than worthy to be included in the discussion

      • 7 months ago

        So how much will skyrimgays start shitting on DD2 and calling it a skyrim wannabe.

        • 7 months ago

          Luv Morrowind, Infinity Engine, Dragons Dogma
          ‘Ate Skyrim, Baldurs Gate 3
          Simple as.

      • 6 months ago

        >Fromslop, Biowareshit and overrated infinity engine garbage are all valid "RPG's
        they arent.

    • 7 months ago

      You're lucky we still deign to tolerate you on /vrpg/ the Official Dragon's Dogma Board of Ganker.

  9. 7 months ago

    I dont like the first one at all. I dont get the appeal. I just thought it was boring. But I hope the fans get what the want from the sequel.

    • 7 months ago

      >I dont like the first one at all. I dont get the appeal. I just thought it was boring.
      that's because you lack motivation

      • 7 months ago

        luv this lil homie like you guys wouldn't believe

  10. 7 months ago

    >the new King of
    why does this game have kickstarter tiers? video games are steak

    • 7 months ago

      I hope this industry dies. Its straight up not worth the few okay games we get every now and then

      • 7 months ago

        >Does the game have pre-order bonuses?
        >troony writers?
        >Marketing ploy using politics?
        >Made by Bethesda?
        There are more guidelines, of course, but you get the idea.

    • 6 months ago

      All of that is trash no one would even use if they got it.

      Like why would you ruin game balance and finding new weapons yourself in the beginning?
      The game was not designed with any of that in mind, so using it isn't even the intended experience.

  11. 7 months ago

    >moronic Gankeriggers shitting up the board again
    >first "FF" XVI and now this
    why do these morons want to be RPG players so badly? Just play your action-slop and be happy

    • 7 months ago

      >FF XVI
      still more of an rpg than DE

    • 7 months ago

      Shut up homosexual, suck my wiener.

    • 6 months ago

      Arpgs are RPGs you stupid Black person have a nice day

      • 6 months ago

        Tjhats just Barry being a b***h.

  12. 7 months ago

    >the bell has tolled on the age of the console

  13. 7 months ago


  14. 7 months ago

    I like Dragon's Dogma and finished the main game twice, but I've always gotten burned out and didn't enjoy BBI. Does it get better? I didn't get far, very early areas.

    • 7 months ago

      BBI is basically all combat, the progression is quite straight forward and crafted, the story/added lore is short and to the point (I liked it though).
      If you enjoy the combat and want to be at least mildly engaged by it:
      BBI is the best part of the game by far, it makes the rest of the game seem like filler content (Griggs is cool though).

      If your favorite part of DD is wandering around, mindlessly hitting buttons, and maybe seeing some funny janky scenes - move on.

      • 7 months ago

        My favorite parts were exploring, solving peoples dumb quests, killing monsters, and playing fashion dogma and dressing up the pawns in cool gear. I full cleared the map, did every quest, final battle with Grigori is sweet, then I did every map of the Everfall once through, killed the offline Ur-Dragon, and called it a day there. Didn’t enjoy the Everfall much, is BBI more fun than that? Think as far as I got was the first encounter with Death.

  15. 7 months ago

    This honestly looks really bad. I was hoping for more dungeons but it looks like they added giant meme god of war bosses instead and boy this voice acting is insanely awful, holy shit. Wew lads.

    • 7 months ago

      jrpgtards truly just want to play AAA western slop and are tsundere about it, this has always been the case.

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine playing rpg's solely to crawl through old musty crypts, solve poorly constructed puzzles and fight hoards of trash mobs. Dungeongays must be mentally ill or something.

      • 7 months ago

        If you actually played the first game you'd know the dungeons are where the best fights and environmental interactivity are. It's also what Itsuno excels at, and every game where he made a giant super boss it's been one of the worst fights in the game.

        • 7 months ago

          >dragons dogma
          Kek. The dungeons are the worst fights in that game since they're all skeletons and the few ogres are a joke because they can just be instant killed off ledges. The giant monster fights are the best fights, and that's precisely because they aren't in dungeons but in wide open spaces where you can climb them and pound them without consequence even as they try to fly away.

          • 7 months ago

            >they can just be insta killed off ledges
            >pound them without consequence
            So you're the one who's really getting instakilled in this scenario, because playing attention to the environment instead of mashing X to awesome like in every modern crapcom game is too hard.

            • 7 months ago

              So you're really trying to argue that knocking ogres off ledges to instantly kill them is a more satisfying and rewarding experience than fighting an actual drake mid flight, attempting to climb it, ground it, and position both you and your pawns correctly so you aren't instantly eviscerated?

              • 7 months ago

                >So you're really trying to argue that knocking ogres off ledges to instantly kill them
                Yes, that's super fricking based. I don't want to play dnd flavored monster hunter.

              • 7 months ago

                >don't want to play dnd flavored monster hunter.
                So in other words, you don't wan to play Dragon's Dogma? Kek.

              • 7 months ago

                Dragons Dogma was inspired by shadows over mystara, and it should seek to emulate the high points of that game. If it's just mohun to you then it doesn't even belong here, and no one then isn't a brain dead homosexual wants to play shit hunter world with God of War mega bosses. If the game winds up being that, and I truly hope it doesn't, then it's a 0/10 from me.

              • 7 months ago

                >Dragons Dogma was inspired by shadows over mystara
                Is this bait? Also why are you comparing a beat em up non-rpg to an action rpg? The two games aren't even comparable in design philosophy.
                >shit hunter world with God of War mega bosses
                That is the game though. You telling me the reason you play DD is to fight trash mobs of goblins, skeletons, and harpies as you do escort npc's and hope they don't die instantly failing their quests? That sounds agonizing. The only point of playing DD is the boss fights and customization.

              • 7 months ago

                >Also why are you comparing a beat em up non-rpg to an action rpg?
                That's literally the inspiration for this series, as per itsuno.

              • 7 months ago

                Inspiration doesn't equate to intention though. The games have different design philosophies and aren't very similar.

              • 7 months ago

                >Inspiration doesn't equate to intention though
                Yes it does and all of itsunos titles are heavily inspired by his career being deeply tied with arcade games.

              • 7 months ago

                So you're arguing that Dragon's Dogma, which is a 3D action rpg, was originally designed to be a 2D arcade style beat em up?
                >Yes it does and
                No it doesn't. Lisa was inspired by Fist of the North Star. Does that make Lisa a manga series? Inspiration does not equate to intention.

              • 7 months ago

                >So you're arguing that Dragon's Dogma, which is a 3D action rpg, was originally designed to be a 2D arcade style beat em up
                Have you ever played mystara? It's not what you think it is.

              • 7 months ago

                I have and the games have very different design philosophies.

              • 7 months ago

                >The only point of playing DD is the boss fights and customization.
                I hate this moronic reductionism.

              • 7 months ago

                >Dragons Dogma was inspired by shadows over mystara
                Are you sure you aren't conflating Dragon's Dogma with Dragon's Crown?

              • 7 months ago

                No, it was literally inspired by that game.

              • 7 months ago

                the combat feels vrery much like an arcade game.

      • 7 months ago

        as opposed to what, playing rpgs for dating sims and logistics management?

        • 7 months ago

          alot of people on the board see RPGs as literal spreadsheets to be balanced, worse yet a significant percentage of that number will then complain when they break the game and say it isnt fun because of how they broke it and blame the game

          • 7 months ago

            powergaming is cancer and people that partake in shouldn't be allowed to play

      • 6 months ago

        Imagine crawling out of them covered in spiderwebs and bat guano then getting a kiss from Mercedes while she tells you how inferior of a she goat she is :3

        Excited for this one and DA4 soon
        Gonna go sword and board in both. Looks like the combat is more finely-tuned towards awesome in DD2 compared to 1, much flashier stuff so far.

        > DA4
        We all have our faults and you too deserve fun and a merry christmas no matter what loathsome agenda you're failing to sell for EA.
        Yes it is.

        • 6 months ago

          this guy who talks about awesome buttons and dragon age is a shitposting troon btw, he's been shitposting the game in every board because the game having good animation and real time action = bad, for him at least

          • 6 months ago

            >pushes leftslop
            >tries to siphon dd's sterling rep to add to leftslop in keeping with tearing down others, rewriting history, from each according to arbitrary whims, etc.
            >estrongenated brain can't really handle action title which is akin to hunting

            Yeah it was self-evident, but xe's not fooling anyone and bumping a DD thread so I'll play along.

    • 7 months ago

      >voice acting is insanely awful
      It's not just the acting, the lines in general are just dumb. They shout out obvious shit with no regard for sound mixing. It's like having schizophrenia and the voices in your head are YIIK and Forspoken flavored.

    • 7 months ago

      Its more like asura wrath giant bosses than god of war

      >Dragons Dogma was inspired by shadows over mystara
      Are you sure you aren't conflating Dragon's Dogma with Dragon's Crown?

      Dragons Crown 2 fricking when ?

      • 7 months ago

        PC port of the first one (and the rest of Vanillaware's games) when?

        • 7 months ago

          I wish,they couldn't be moronic enough to believe it wouldn't make money surely?

      • 6 months ago

        >Dragons Crown 2 fricking when ?
        >leftoids cried
        >a title died
        You made your bed.

    • 7 months ago

      why is it that every time I see a truly rancid opinion on this board, there's a picture of this shitty animu girl attached

  16. 7 months ago

    i want to believe...

    • 7 months ago

      Sign me up for shield sage. Is this real or speculation?

      • 7 months ago

        so far we only know of those 9 vocations with symbols
        but a fair guess considering Trickster seems to be a hybrid of 2 base vocations never seen before

    • 7 months ago

      It's more realistic to assume that human and beastren vocations won't mix. And maybe there's a couple of elven vocations.

    • 7 months ago

      if this isn't bait, then I'm sure it will based of V from DMC5

      wtf is this pansy ass homie going to do in battle?

      >Ranger = Warrior + Archer
      >Berserker = Warrior + Thief
      Shouldn't be the other way around?

      >High Scepter
      >Spirit Lancer
      wtf are these guys supposed to be?

      • 7 months ago

        gays with ideas and no money should either shut up or get better at troonyism/whoring to make some, then they could aught fund their projects.

        Also weekly DD bamp, the shining pinnacle of all rpgs and threads ever.

      • 7 months ago

        A berserker wouldnt use a bow, so giving it the two melee vocations makes sense to me.

        Aside from the music, bard combat would probably be dexgay style, maybe some magic to really gay it up.

        High Scepter and Spirit Lancer are from DDO, the MMORPG.

        High Scepter is a spellbalde and Spirit Lancer is like shaman meets dragoon, but much gayer.

    • 7 months ago

      Where's swordmaster, gunslinger, and royalguard?

      • 7 months ago

        in another genre

    • 6 months ago

      They are 4 starting classes though, so all combinations only add up to 14 classes I want to believe as well though, because maybe, just maybe, one of those extra classes will let me 2h a greatsword while casting high level magic

      • 6 months ago

        i agree with the starting classes idea, but there were classes locked behind progression in DD1 so it’s possible that some of the more specialized classes (assuming a basic purple and a basic pink vocation exist) would also also be locked behind some form of progression.

        I just don’t see them adding in a pink and purple color without introducing a pink and purple vocation tree for them as well.

        Another supportive argument to the 20+ vocation idea:
        i wouldnt be surprised if mystic knight is the purple advanced vocation and is only added through DLC

  17. 7 months ago

    Amazing how it's blatantly ignored that the game is full of furries and Black folk with Netflix dialogue, but I guess the people who usually whine about these things are moronic jrpg gays shitting up crpg threads. Also lmao at the part where he just shoots 50 fricking arrows into that giant, nice gameplay morons.

    • 7 months ago

      >Netflix dialogue,
      Have you even touched the first game? It has the most convoluted, incoherent nonsense storyline typical of most jrpg's, and the whole part with Gregori stealing your heart was blatantly stolen from a movie also about dragons.

      • 7 months ago

        >most convoluted, incoherent nonsense storyline
        midwit detected

      • 7 months ago

        What movie then mr video game expert.

        • 7 months ago

          NTA, have you not seen Dragonheart? Duh


          I fricking hate Crapcom, they're finally gonna make me buy a game with Denuvo.

        • 7 months ago

          If you want to watch them, watch 1 first, skip 2, 3 and 4 are ok.

    • 7 months ago

      >moronic jrpg gays shitting up crpg threads.
      It's the complete opposite on /vrpg/. You gays never shut up about "not an rpg" shit all the time

    • 7 months ago

      This is not a Japanese game in the slightest. Capcom-Black folk are their own moronic breed

      • 7 months ago

        >game made in japan by japanese people, spoken about in japanese during trailers.
        >"not a japanese game in the slightest"

        words fail me.

  18. 7 months ago

    I don't get why they're putting so much focus on the story in the trailers and stuff when it was so shit in the first game, and I don't think it's what anyone plays dragon's dogma for. But maybe I'm projecting.

    I really hope the noticeboard quests are more of hunting specific monsters in specific locations, rather than a bunch of those "kill 20 snow harpies" ones that you just pick up and forget about until they complete by themselves. They could be infinitely repeatable in that way, just change up the monster and the location each time.

    • 7 months ago

      I think they outright said noticeboard quests are gone, they're trying to do more handcrafted unique side quests.

  19. 7 months ago

    Thats not a jrpg thats an actual rpg because you create the character and choose his relationships.

    • 7 months ago

      >you create the character and choose his relationships.
      So gta

  20. 7 months ago

    Every game is an RPG chuds

  21. 7 months ago

    I tried getting into DD twice and could not stick with it. Had some fun but could never follow through. I have some interest in the second one. Should I give the first a third try? Also do we consider Dragon’s Dogma a JRPG? I tried getting into DD twice and could not stick with it. Had some fun but could never follow through. I have some interest in the second one. Should I give the first a third try? Also do we consider Dragon’s Dogma a JRPG?

    • 7 months ago

      Shit game. Way too many questionable design choices.

    • 7 months ago

      >I tried getting into DD twice and could not stick with it. Had some fun but could never follow through. I have some interest in the second one. Should I give the first a third try?
      How far did you get the times that you tried it? Did you at least get to the capital city and start branching out and exploring after that? If you did, and you tried it twice, it might just not be for you.
      >Also do we consider Dragon’s Dogma a JRPG?
      It's a Japanese WRPG. Just like Anachronox is a Western JRPG.

      • 7 months ago

        >It's a Japanese WRPG
        There is no such thing as a wrpg. This statement alone shows that you have no idea what you are saying.

        • 7 months ago

          Lol, okay, anon. I hope you have a great day, bro.

      • 7 months ago

        >It's a Japanese WRPG.
        I love this new ultra coping method now. There is nothing particularly western other than the inspiration of it's aesthetics in Dragon's Dogma.

        • 7 months ago

          >There is nothing particularly western other than the inspiration of it's aesthetics in Dragon's Dogma
          That's it. It's a Japanese take on a Western game. Just like Anachronox was a Western take on a Japanese game.

          No one's coping about anything, if you dislike the game, then don't play it and move on with your life. A pearl of wisdom for you, stranger.

        • 7 months ago

          There is a greater degree of freedom than JRPGs usually have, similar to WRPGs. For example you can attack NPCs in towns and kill them, and the guards will come to try and arrest you. This is a feature that is common in WRPGs but nearly non-existent in JRPGs.

      • 7 months ago

        the only meaning of jrpg is japanese role playing game (rpg made in japan) literaly nothing else

        • 7 months ago

          By the same logic, is Italian food cooked in America = American cuisine?

          • 7 months ago

            >food analogy

          • 7 months ago

            I mean, yeah, Americans add shit to those recipes, they aren't the same thing

            • 7 months ago

              i dont get why people use Italian American food as an example like that when Pizza has a specific instance in "Hawaiian Pizza" that wasnt even invented in fricking Hawaii but invented and sold as a gimmick

              like, yeah its the perfect example of American entrepreneurs making wacky derivatives of an original and saying its original because its got a gimmick

      • 7 months ago

        I disagree calling it JRPG whe it doesn't have an artstyle that reminds anime, or at very least much more stylized

        • 7 months ago

          Art style is western, gameplay and battles are heavily JRPG influenced. Basically final fantasy battles.

      • 6 months ago


        >It's a Japanese WRPG.
        I love this new ultra coping method now. There is nothing particularly western other than the inspiration of it's aesthetics in Dragon's Dogma.

        It doesn't fit the mold of a JRPG either though. It still enables a degree of roleplaying not present in JRPGs and that makes it much closer to a western counterpart

  22. 7 months ago

    >moronic shill posts in pure reddit
    the absolute state of these homosexuals lmao

  23. 7 months ago

    lol no
    Get this shit out of my sight until Crapcom gets its together

  24. 7 months ago

    More like dogshit dogma
    I hope it will fail, just to spite you homosexuals for memeing me into even trying first one

    • 7 months ago

      I always see this
      "y-you meme'd me into playing this". It just exposes yourself as the most brainless moron imaginable. You have no original thoughts in your head that you can't just decide to try something on your own merit but because you were meme'd into doing it. I should not be surprised that you have such dogshit tastes you were filtered by Dragon's GODma.

  25. 7 months ago

    Does me a lot of good to see that every VRPG gentleman is in agreement that DD2 is both the best WRPG and best JRPG.
    I'd buy some of you a copy if I could really verify who you were since I'm just chad like that.

  26. 7 months ago

    >tfw Rogue Trader will outsell DD2
    Total RPG dominance. Action-troons go BACK!

    • 7 months ago

      >owlcuck genuinely believes his goyslop will ever pose a threat to Godsuno's DnD kino

    • 7 months ago

      The beta had 2k players and people are pissed at Russia, good luck with that

    • 7 months ago

      Why are you trying to start shit for no reason

      • 6 months ago

        It's literally a discord troon trying to derail the thread by pitting fanbases against each other. This specific tactic was discussed in their chat recently. Xir doesn't actually give a frick about 40k but trooners hate DD for not bowing to their degenerate fetishes

  27. 7 months ago

    You will never be RPG players
    action-troons GO HOME!

    • 7 months ago

      more of an rpg than all the visual novel garbage you trannies endlessly infest this board with

    • 6 months ago

      deus ex is better than all crpg's ever made and it's an arpg

  28. 7 months ago

    Go back

    • 7 months ago

      You first.

  29. 7 months ago

    It's instantly GOTY 2024. Nothing else that will come out will compete.

    • 7 months ago

      Rise of the Ronin

      • 7 months ago

        It evens comes out on the same day, but I don't think they're comparable.

        • 7 months ago

          it's seems to be like "Way of the Samurai"

        • 7 months ago

          >It evens comes out on the same day
          Its going to get rolfstomped
          What is Team Ninja thinking here?

  30. 7 months ago

    dragons dogma has to be one of most overrated game ever made. the standards are even lower for japan cuz they will actually implement something enticing for combatgays and really have no understanding of how to make a compelling rpg outside of that. like its such a boilerplate rpg with standards classes and...decent combat. itsuno really is a massive hack.

    • 7 months ago

      >no understanding of how to make a compelling rpg
      such as?
      >standards classes
      this is bad because?
      >itsuno really is a massive hack.
      whatever you say barry

    • 7 months ago

      I mean have decent combat puts it a leg up over most rpgish games that have shit combat AND writing.

  31. 7 months ago

    >homosexuals keep bumping this off-topic trash
    go back to Ganker you moronic dmc-keks

  32. 7 months ago



  33. 7 months ago

    Does anyone have that Gif of a black face arisen reacting to the dragon's arrival? I lost it after my computer factory restarted and tried recreating it myself but it did not seem to recapture it to my liking.

    • 7 months ago

      Sure anon.

      • 7 months ago

        Thank You, Anon.

      • 7 months ago

        >Japan has fallen to ESG dollars

        • 7 months ago

          It looks like animated black face, it hardly seems like Larry Fink is sacrificing the children of the developers to Moloch, like he does with other companies.
          Though, yeah, it would still be better without them in the game or the world at all, for that matter.

          • 7 months ago
  34. 7 months ago

    >10 vocations
    >no magick shield

    • 7 months ago

      Shield sage, trust the plan.

      i want to believe...

  35. 7 months ago

    >the absolute state of /v"rpg"/

  36. 7 months ago

    I tried getting into Dragon's Dogma because of the acclaim despite my initial hesitation and refunded that shit after a couple hours. Frickin' boring, does the shit where it keeps dumping tutorials on you and expects you to go around crafting frickin useless little trinket shit, wants me to upgrade my weapons with different ooooh little stat boosts (BORING, LAME), first dungeon was a straight hallway that had a locked door at the end. EXCITING!!! WOW!!! not to mention the combat which was absolutely beyond boring you just press attack over and over again holy frick what a piece of shit boring ass game.
    No disrespect if you like it though, to each their own! Glad people who enjoy it are getting a sequel

    • 7 months ago

      >first dungeon was a straight hallway that had a locked door at the end
      That's the exit tho

      • 7 months ago

        nah it was some little mountain cave mine thing in between the first two settlements that just lead to a locked door I couldn't open. Probably wanted me to go somewhere else and get a quest and a key from some motherfricker before I get to play the game (this probably isn't the case but assuming it is validates my feelings so I will do so irrationally)

        • 7 months ago

          >nah it was some little mountain cave mine thing in between the first two settlements that just lead to a locked door I couldn't open. Probably wanted me to go somewhere else and get a quest and a key from some motherfricker before I get to play the game (this probably isn't the case but assuming it is validates my feelings so I will do so irrationally)
          I'm guessing you're describing the Watergod's Altar, which is actually a pretty cool and atmospheric dungeon you would've came to for a main quest in the next chapter. It starts out flooded, and eventually after a boss fight you drain it and explore the lower depths. I'm guessing you were at the point where you're supposed to take the cart with the hydra head to Gran Soren, the capital city. Once you do that, the game really opens up, and you can explore 95% of the game world at your leisure.

          • 7 months ago

            possibly. I was right outside of the first town you go to (not the starter town but the one very close to it that you get sent to on the first quest). The one where you fight a monster to get access to the companion stone thing.
            Absolutely couldn't stand it though. Questlog filled with "kill 5 goblins" "kill 10 bandits" is just not enough to grab me with combat that dull.

            • 7 months ago

              >possibly. I was right outside of the first town you go to (not the starter town but the one very close to it that you get sent to on the first quest). The one where you fight a monster to get access to the companion stone thing.
              >Absolutely couldn't stand it though. Questlog filled with "kill 5 goblins" "kill 10 bandits" is just not enough to grab me with combat that dull.
              Oh, you were outside the encampment. You found the back exit for a small dungeon. There is a quest associated with it, it starts in the starting village when monsters are heard down the well.

              Most of the quests in the game are real quests, the "kill X of Y" are things you just accept and forget about, and as you play the game and end up killing them later on you get a reward. It's not like an MMO where you're meant to specifically go farm them. Either way, bummer you didn't like it, sounds like the game wasn't for you. I think it's possible you might've gotten into it if you played a bit further to the point where it opens up, but maybe not. I liked it, only played it for the first time this year (no nostalgia goggles for it). I did dislike the console interface and the grindiness of upgrades such, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Playing on PC there's cheat mods that give you the equivalent of a developer console to bypass some of the tedium, if you see fit to do so.

              • 7 months ago

                I ended up refunding it so I can't try the cheat mods. In any case idk if that would've been necessary, I just think the game wasn't for me. I don't think the core systems or world appealed to me enough to get over the parts I didn't like

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, if you disliked the world (I liked its quirky charm, to me it was a Japanese take on the WRPG genre, but more played straight, where Westerners would've been more ~~*subversive*~~) and you didn't enjoy the combat, might not be the game for you. Combat is a majority of the game.

              • 7 months ago

                The only thing you could have done, outside of ignore the gear upgrade system (just a new weapon occasionally if whatever you found is too weak) and realize the crafting system is optional (and mostly pointless) was play on hard so the combat actually had stakes instead of being something a turbo controller or auto-clicker could beat on it's own.
                A lot of pussies here say to play on normal so they can run into attacks and look at their phone when in the middle of fights and then come here and talk about how its "fun", balanced, and the better way to play the game.

                I guess you could have been intelligent enough to simply ignore the notice board quests but it is hard to blame you for not knowing that you could just completely ignore them with no consequences.
                A lot of gays will do whatever a game tells them to do then b***h about it as if they didn't have a choice.

              • 7 months ago

                >just BUY a new weapon occasionally if whatever you found is too weak

              • 7 months ago

                thats generally an accepted method of obtaining gear yes, why did you greentext it like buying stronger equipment is an outlandish premise for a game

              • 7 months ago

                Missed a word in the original post

              • 7 months ago

                I do all the kill X missions, but I flat refuse to do the escort missions, and the find the hidden medallion ones. Particularly since not all classes have mobility skills needed to get all of them.

                Also, hard is obviously harder at the start, but because you get shitloads of XP and gold, you quickly get overleveled (which is already a problem on normal, if you explore and do everything available to you). Hard was added after the fact and it’s meant to be a new game plus mode, it’s not intended to be played from the start with a new character.

              • 7 months ago

                Hard will make it so that enemy attacks matter throughout the game, even during the mid game you will run into things that can 1 or 2 shot you so you at least have to vaguely pay attention to what you're doing.
                Better than Normal where it never matters, just wait for anodyne until you HP bar shrinks enough that you have to pop some grass.

                Perhaps the last part of Gransys before you fight the Dragon is the exception in hard mode (because you're basically handed some of the best gear and your stats are high too), I don't really remember anything during that final part outside of the dragon itself - but by that time anything in Gransys is boring and BBI is all that could feasibly challenge a player that was actually looking at the screen and learned the most of the enemy animations.

              • 6 months ago

                Hard will make it so that enemy attacks matter throughout the game, even during the mid game you will run into things that can 1 or 2 shot you so you at least have to vaguely pay attention to what you're doing.
                Better than Normal where it never matters, just wait for anodyne until you HP bar shrinks enough that you have to pop some grass.

                Perhaps the last part of Gransys before you fight the Dragon is the exception in hard mode (because you're basically handed some of the best gear and your stats are high too), I don't really remember anything during that final part outside of the dragon itself - but by that time anything in Gransys is boring and BBI is all that could feasibly challenge a player that was actually looking at the screen and learned the most of the enemy animations.

                Hard is where the fat gold bags roll down the mountains and corridors with satisfying and kino physics.
                I need to know about the gold bag physics for DD2 anons.

              • 6 months ago

                >and the find the hidden medallion ones
                Agreed for the most part, but if you plan on looping a character a bunch and using them long term, it's worth doing once.
                You can bank all the medals after you grab them, then on each NG+, pull them all out and turn in all 100 quests at once.

  37. 7 months ago

    Not going to buy if it has random loot system

  38. 7 months ago

    I am planning to get Dragon's Dogma 2 to tide me over until Dragon Age 4 comes out. I prefer Dragon Age's awesome buttons myself.

  39. 7 months ago

    >Make way for the new King of Action jRPG's!
    This game is overrated.

    • 7 months ago

      >No L1

    • 7 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        >someone else doing the double aerial heavy
        I know it's not even remotely optimal, but jump canceling the casters' heavy attacks feels good.
        Doing the sorcerer's standing heavy on some goblin your red pawn is holding for you is my absolute favorite though.
        Like your pawn is forcing them to take the full force of the blast instead of letting them get sent flying, so it just explodes all their internal organs.

        • 6 months ago

          For me, it's the awesome-button KINO of blasting enemies via button-to-awesome mechanics

    • 6 months ago

      >uses Skyrim and Souls as a comparison for "real" magic gameplay
      Supremely powerful bait image

  40. 7 months ago

    some info on vocations:
    >Magick Archer is now daggerless
    >Strider and Ranger no longer exist, instead two new vocations have been created - Archer (bows) ; Thief (daggers)
    >each Vocation has a unique Weapon action (R1)
    >all vocations now have a dodge move of sorts, called 'dash', tied to the same button as 'examine' (circle/B) - just like [jump] it may be followed up with specific light or heavy attacks
    >Core Skills have been expanded, adding what were previously Weapon Skills to the Core Moveset
    >auto targeting for physical bow attacks has been introduced - manual aiming can still be done
    >Weapon Skills are linked to one weapon or set of weapons (with 4 slots), rather than being split between the left and right hand
    >levelling and stat growths have changed, and carrying capacity can now improve with level

    • 7 months ago

      How's mystic knight in this one? Any major changes?

      • 7 months ago

        It seems to be gone, it looks like "Mystic Spearhand" is filling a similar role...

        • 7 months ago

          there's no confirmation of that
          they might've just changed one of his base vocations (like

          i want to believe...

          pic suggests)

          • 7 months ago

            It's all speculation, of course.

            • 6 months ago

              but the confirmed vocation Trickster, is quite clearly a hybrid of 2 new base vocations

      • 6 months ago

        itsuno said he “cant confirm or deny” whether or not mystic knight will be returning for DD2, this coupled with an interview statement where itsuno said “there are still several vocations to be announced” this was right before trickster was announced, so either there is a mistranslation or itsuno just confirmed that there are more vocations than already announced so far.

        fighter and mage have specializations in warrior and sorcerer, but where is ranger and assassin?

        another thing to think about is that dragons dogma 2 is clearly importing models from dragons dogma 1 for weapons and armor at the very least, so logically it makes sense that they would import greatshields and thus they are likely readding mystic knight.

        for these reasons i do believe mystic knight will return along with assassin and ranger.

        i am still not sure what to make of the color coding for trickster’s class emblem. some other anon said new purple and pink base classes but what could they possibly be?

        • 6 months ago

          >where is ranger and assassin?

          some info on vocations:
          >Magick Archer is now daggerless
          >Strider and Ranger no longer exist, instead two new vocations have been created - Archer (bows) ; Thief (daggers)
          >each Vocation has a unique Weapon action (R1)
          >all vocations now have a dodge move of sorts, called 'dash', tied to the same button as 'examine' (circle/B) - just like [jump] it may be followed up with specific light or heavy attacks
          >Core Skills have been expanded, adding what were previously Weapon Skills to the Core Moveset
          >auto targeting for physical bow attacks has been introduced - manual aiming can still be done
          >Weapon Skills are linked to one weapon or set of weapons (with 4 slots), rather than being split between the left and right hand
          >levelling and stat growths have changed, and carrying capacity can now improve with level

          >Strider and Ranger no longer exist, instead two new vocations have been created - Archer (bows) ; Thief (daggers)

  41. 7 months ago

    I’m sorry no one is taking your bait anymore Awesome-button anon 🙁 here’s a (you) just because it’s christmas.

  42. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      man between MH and this what the frick is up with capcom and foodporn

      • 6 months ago

        seems like a Japanese thing, animes do this a lot too.
        I'm not complaining, I loved MH food animations and these clips are soulful.

  43. 6 months ago

    also hoping for a choice system like DD1, the same old dialogue choice works for other games but actually doing things out of your own volition is more interesting, like killing or not killing Julien, or resurrecting him afterwards, or watching the Duke choke the shameless harlot, giving forged items to see different outcomes during quests, it all feels a lot more free form and tactile, if that makes sense.

    • 6 months ago

      Mystic Spearhand

      i want to believe...

      • 6 months ago

        That's a dual glaive, duospear my ass.
        It's a sick weapon don't get me wrong, Darth Maul vocation, but I want a normal spear

        • 6 months ago


          • 6 months ago

            >open in the rear
            so the greeks did like to take it up the ass

        • 6 months ago

          >he fell for the spears meme

          • 6 months ago

            Well, can't say no to that.

            By Crom!

          • 6 months ago

            I hear and obey

            i agree with the starting classes idea, but there were classes locked behind progression in DD1 so it’s possible that some of the more specialized classes (assuming a basic purple and a basic pink vocation exist) would also also be locked behind some form of progression.

            I just don’t see them adding in a pink and purple color without introducing a pink and purple vocation tree for them as well.

            Another supportive argument to the 20+ vocation idea:
            i wouldnt be surprised if mystic knight is the purple advanced vocation and is only added through DLC

            That would be extremely based. And I believe
            DDO had progression based classes as well. All in all can't have too many classes. I just hope more of them will be available for pawn customization this time around

            >moronic Gankeriggers shitting up the board again
            >first "FF" XVI and now this
            why do these morons want to be RPG players so badly? Just play your action-slop and be happy

            Pic related

            • 6 months ago

              people being filtered by pause healing will never not be funny

              • 6 months ago

                And it's not like there aren't healing spells you can use if you don't want to pause the game.
                >Noooooo other people have to play their games the way I want them toooooo!

  44. 6 months ago

    Sorry anons wise tastemaker that I am I finally came to my senses and refunded the garbage DD2 preorder I had.

    >Then proceeded to smash the aughtsome button on deluxe DD2 preorder

    • 6 months ago

      Character creator is going to be fun.
      I'm going to try my hardest to have a pawn guy fieri.

  45. 6 months ago

    new Kino's Dogma gameplay

    • 6 months ago

      I can't understand what they're saying!

      • 6 months ago

        does it matter?

  46. 6 months ago

    Excited for this one and DA4 soon
    Gonna go sword and board in both. Looks like the combat is more finely-tuned towards awesome in DD2 compared to 1, much flashier stuff so far.

    • 6 months ago

      >much flashier stuff so far.
      is this supposed to be a bad thing?

  47. 6 months ago

    Good things come in pairs. Awesome-button-bros...We Won

  48. 6 months ago

    Its a good thing they divorced daggers from bow users, I for one will be happy to see Pawns actually using their bows instead of being a Ranger only to switch to daggers to use Cutting Wind.

    • 6 months ago

      It'll definitely allow the AI to focus more.

    • 6 months ago

      I have PTSD from Bow Pawns charging right into Daimon's space hole

    • 6 months ago

      Archer Pawns will still climb monsters and stab them with arrows...

      • 6 months ago

        Nah, that's just a George thing. He's moronic, its why bullying George is encouraged

      • 6 months ago

        just making sure he didn't miss his shot 🙂

  49. 6 months ago

    Does Khajiit sells wares?

    I hope the story will be more... tangible and less... weird. I also hope for big boobs and if they have to put an affinity system, a better one.

    • 6 months ago

      how was the original story weird?
      when the world's cosmic guardian starts to fade in power, he sends forth the dragon to select a mortal who is worthy of his godhood
      pretty straightfoward fantasy fanfare

  50. 6 months ago


    Better art as well
    BG3 trannies can frick right off, this is the new DnD king

    • 6 months ago

      The warrior is holding my favorite sword. Saving Grace

    • 6 months ago

      >i m-miss old f-fantasy art
      what now, c**ts. goddamn reignited my frickin faith in Capcom after the modern frickup that SF6 has been. DD2 is solidly into "AAA Passion Project" Tier and im glad Itsuno got what he frickin deserved after all that grind on bullshit IPs

      • 6 months ago

        >grind on bullshit IPs
        Da fuq you on about b***h?

        • 6 months ago

          i hate to tell you this but Itsuno didnt start his career on DMC5 anon. DD2 is a direct reward to him for the quality of DMC5

          • 6 months ago

            homie, after DDDA he threatened Capcom he would resign if they didn't let him do DMC5 without a deadline
            And the thing is, he could've asked for DD2 instead
            He literally choose DMC5 over DD2

            • 6 months ago

              yeah and DD2 is a direct reward for DMC5's success, why are you fricking chimping out over a very basic idea

              • 6 months ago

                you're the one who's implying the work he did before DD was just filler bullshit for him to get a chance at making DD
                and what part of "he choose to do DMC5 first instead of DD2" didn't you understand

              • 6 months ago

                there was no implication, i directly stated that his work on other people's ideas has finally been rewarded to the highest degree, regardless of whether he thinks the his previous work was "bullshit". Your entire career in a company is filler bullshit when you have your own ideas, especially if your company makes Street Fighter games

                I cant make it any clearer to you how much youre talking shit for literally no reason- which he chose first is irrelevant, you should be agreeing his skills and efforts have granted him the opportunity to continue working on something so important to him not rolling up and mashing out "well um ackshually he chose a different project foist" u belligerent c**t

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Cover version only

    • 6 months ago

      Looks sick, I can't wait to play this and talk to all my trans friends about it. We loved dragons dogma from the start and we're excited for our game to continue and expand!

      • 6 months ago

        Looks sick, I can't wait to play this and tell trannies to all rope. I love Dragons Dogma from the start and I'm excited for the game to continue and expand!

        The troony said it had friends and you said you were going to ask strangers to kill themselves. You suck at this, you admitted to being a loser. next time just use a soijak. Artless.

        Why are you like this?

        • 6 months ago

          culture war brain rot
          very prominent amongst the perennially online

        • 6 months ago

          Honestly I'm just trans and like the game, saw the weird le troon polbaiting and wanted to tease it a little before bed. I didn't expect the response to be "well I'm friendless!"

          Doesn't matter, we like the same game so it's kind of silly. The thing I really care about right now is the possibility of getting a spear using class with acrobatic capabilities.

          • 6 months ago

            Based, you can also tease and polish my big spear while we like DD2 together if you pass.

            • 6 months ago

              homosexuals don't become arisen

              • 6 months ago

                Non canon. All gays rule! All gays rule! All gays rule!

          • 6 months ago

            Be my gf (male)

    • 6 months ago

      Looks sick, I can't wait to play this and tell trannies to all rope. I love Dragons Dogma from the start and I'm excited for the game to continue and expand!

      • 6 months ago

        The troony said it had friends and you said you were going to ask strangers to kill themselves. You suck at this, you admitted to being a loser. next time just use a soijak. Artless.

    • 5 months ago

      Very nice i wouldn't mind having this as displate on wall

      • 5 months ago

        all the deedlitposting in dd2 threads makes me want to rewatch, its been a long time..

        • 5 months ago

          Got a link to a decent download? It's been on my watch list for a while but when I tried a few years ago I couldn't stand the english VA and was never able to find it in Japanese.

          • 5 months ago

            should be a good one somewhere on nyaa idk which would be the best though

  51. 6 months ago

    uohhh dev-san my herrro
    I ruv your action game and this action "RPG"

    • 6 months ago

      I need a Hideaki Itsuno dakki so I can practice saying this in the mirror to him without blushing and running off.

      Also I can bench 225 and own a jackhammer if that matters.

  52. 6 months ago

    One of the few new games i am interested in.

    I hope the worldmap is bigger, with more cities and villages.

  53. 6 months ago

    New Kinoplay footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OWekyfI_Xs

    • 6 months ago

      the fixed the pawn voices, thank frick.
      too bad IGN sucks but the game looks great.

      • 6 months ago

        All the pieces are in place My Chadgun's Godmen.
        WE GOT:
        >repetitive useless pawn chatter
        >aimless wandering
        >different materials can be combined to make items that are different
        >internet bloggers that have no idea how to arpg doing reviews for social justice to keep their 15 watt LED in their cuck closet burning
        >and LIGHTNING

    • 6 months ago

      whoever played during the giant monkey boss, was a clear soulshitter (always looking for high ground to do a plunge attack)
      this game is doing to filter so many From babies, it will be beautiful to watch

      • 6 months ago

        any game without a roll button after that absolute mental blight on the medium had people cropping up in every other game with real time combat saying "how am i supposed to dodge attacks??". I expect the same from DD2 and the regurgitation of such points once people start complaining a boss is too hard because they cant summon

      • 6 months ago

        any game without a roll button after that absolute mental blight on the medium had people cropping up in every other game with real time combat saying "how am i supposed to dodge attacks??". I expect the same from DD2 and the regurgitation of such points once people start complaining a boss is too hard because they cant summon

        dork souls combat is a blight on modern games, the only thing they did right was the voice acting, armor design, world design, weapon design. DDII will create a new era of fun action rpg.

  54. 6 months ago

    DD2 = Improved version of DDA and some nice QoL instead of some massive rework
    yeah, we're home boyos.

    • 6 months ago

      can feel it Arisen, the pure salt and shitposting from people saying "ITS THE SAME GAME" on release day while we chuckle about being as tarded as possible and seeing how quickly we can find the equivalent of brining uggo pawns, having the time of our lives

  55. 6 months ago

    Never played the first game. Is this one a sequel, a hard reboot, a soft reboot?

    • 6 months ago

      for now it seems like a reboot
      but considering DD universe is an endless cycle of Arisens, it could well be a sequel

      • 6 months ago

        >History is a cycle.

        Asians just can't help themselves with this moronic trope, can't they?

        • 6 months ago

          That's how they fundamentally see the cosmos dude

          • 6 months ago

            Yes, I know, and they're morons for believing it. Deterministic philosophies, or those based on "cycles" always give me the creeps.
            It's why I love the Legacy of Kain series, where it's outright stated by Raziel that reincarnation is the worst form of Hell he could imagine.

        • 6 months ago

          >he doesn’t realize the cycle he’s living through right now

    • 6 months ago

      It's apparently an alternate universe according to one of the trailers. Probably not like a multi-verse situation, just same general ideas but a new world. Sounds like they are trying to implement ideas that they had for the first game but weren't able to use because time/budget/whatever.

      • 6 months ago

        >Sounds like they are trying to implement ideas that they had for the first game but weren't able to use because time/budget/whatever.
        Iirc they had wanted to add islands with other races and kingdoms but this was cut. Dwarves, elves, I think. guess we got furries which I’m not thrilled about

        • 6 months ago

          elves are already in dragons dogma 1 and beastren were already a concept in dragons dogma 1 as well. its not even remotely furry.

          • 6 months ago

            >elves are already in dragons dogma 1 and beastren were already a concept in dragons dogma 1 as well.
            Got any examples? I can’t think of any except for elf ears in character creation

            • 6 months ago

              yeah its in character creation. its an rpg. just role play a bit. ive seen plenty of elven travelers on my journeys (pawns)

              • 6 months ago

                they're not a race in game or a part of the world, there is no real lore or implementation of that lore in DD1.

              • 6 months ago

                they are both in the game and part of the world i have no idea what you are talking about kid. you are moronic.

              • 6 months ago

                I asked you for examples of elves and beastren in the game, anon. I don’t think “humans with optional pointy ears” really counts, personally.

              • 6 months ago

                okay, i don't care about your worthless opinion on what "counts" and doesnt. thats a childish perspective when my statement is rooted in fact, not opinion. its an objective statement that elves are in the game. you can find them wandering around the world of dragons dogma 1.

              • 6 months ago

                Okay, so you’re saying there’s elves in the game because some pawns have pointy ears. Care to explain where all these beastren are in dragons dogma?

              • 6 months ago

                Not that anon and not elves of Beastren but there are a number of characters in DD that appear to be meant to be dwarves. The Innkeep and general store lady from Cassardis both seem to fit the bill.

                Short and stocky without looking like human midgets.

  56. 6 months ago

    I do hope the sequel doesn't have any bullshit like the iron golem. Like it's one thing to make it so that a party comp will be less than ideal, but to make a fight nearly impossible because you didn't bring the right party is obnoxious. I mostly mean the golem in the witchwood where for whatever reason they decided to hang one medal completely out of reach of melee and undamageable by magic. Was kinda frustrating.

  57. 6 months ago

    Dragon's Dogma must always be looking down on the lesser RPGs in the catalog. The rantings of up jumped zealots for the winds of the morrow, for the hairless Gate of Ur, for the diversions of the sexually confused worshippers of the orient, all make for tedious listening.

  58. 6 months ago

    New gameplay Arisens - Trickster vocation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hman7xDg8jI

    • 6 months ago

      Trickster seems cartoonishly fun

      • 6 months ago

        the gea looks great too.

      • 6 months ago

        Seems like the cuck vocation.

        • 6 months ago

          Action illusionist is a pretty interesting expansion to ARPGs. IDK if I'm too interested to play it myself unless you can combo it with something else later but that might end up being baller. If it's a base class it would make sense they'd build hybrids from it.

    • 6 months ago

      What a bizarre but amusing vocation.

  59. 6 months ago

    I hope 2 is good because otherwise I'll have a reason to reconsider reverse-engineering 1's AI.

    • 6 months ago

      please do this regardless, whatever concept you hope to implement that AI into will be worth it.

    • 6 months ago

      Please do it anyway.

  60. 6 months ago

    It looks like they are copying the shitty Korean mmo and not the original game. Don't think I will be playing this.

    • 6 months ago

      you never played BDO, it looks nothing like it, and it will most definitely play nothing like it, BDO is janky and feels floaty and like shit, as with most MMOs.

    • 6 months ago

      You are moronic and would be of more worth ground into fertilizer as plants are both more intelligent and more useful than you.

  61. 6 months ago

    New IGN video tomorrow at 1PM Pacific Time, it seems to be about the new Sphinx monster.

    • 6 months ago

      >the new Sphinx monster.

  62. 6 months ago


    i can fix her bros

    • 6 months ago

      or fight her

    • 6 months ago

      >tfw no big Sphinks dommy mommy with a lion pussy
      Why even live bros

    • 6 months ago

      I have a riddle for you: How do they stay so perky?

  63. 6 months ago

    ... Huh.

    • 6 months ago

      escort mission item

  64. 6 months ago

    Some new webms

  65. 6 months ago
  66. 6 months ago
  67. 6 months ago

    I'm so excited and at the same time so worried that my potato PC won't run it. Both my cpu, gpu and ram are lower than the recommended. DD1 looked like shit but at least it ran great. I hate modern gaming and the endless specscreep that is required in order to run anything made after 2020.
    I could run Elden Ring but only in 720p at 30fps max, and some select areas were still nigh unplayable. If DD2 is badly optimized I'm fricking dead

    • 6 months ago

      Elden Ring was a game meant to run on PS4, a 11 year console, and you're telling me that your PC could only run it at 720p and you only got 30 fps sometimes? You have worse performance than a PS4.
      I hate unoptimized games just a much as anyone with a brain, but it's obvious that you have a real toaster there... And if you look at DD2 requirements they are somewhat modest, I suggest trying the Resident Evil 4 Remake demo to check how that runs, they're using the same engine so if that runs alright then you can expect similar performance from DD2, but if you had troubles with Elden Ring I believe it's time to upgrade your 10 year old PC.

      • 6 months ago

        >I suggest trying the Resident Evil 4 Remake demo to check how that runs
        thats a great idea anon, thank you! I'll go do that
        and yeah its truly toaster tier, but its enough to make music so I don't feel like upgrading it.

        • 6 months ago

          I understand, maybe getting a console for the game would be the right move in this case? Though a proper PC would mean a far better experience.
          Also, if you can actually run the RE4R demo, you need to keep in mind that DD2 will be more demanding than it, not massively so, but still.

          • 6 months ago

            back from testing with RE4R.
            it was a disaster. Framerate was horrendous regardless of what graphical setting I was on. It was somewhat passable in the lowest setting at 720p but the blurry pixel soup was so bad it made me wanna quit within minutes.
            my shitty specs btw:
            >i5 6400
            >GTX 960
            >8gb ram
            Regardless of if I go for a PS5 or a decent GPU upgrade, that would cost me a good 300$ to 500$, and frankly I'm not willing to spend that much money just for one game, regardless of how (potentially) good it is.
            I hate modern gaming so much its fricking unreal. Seriko for example looks fantastic and runs great on my rig, why did everything have to go so much to shit starting 2020 releases onward? Guess I'll stick to my DAW and my shitty rpg maker games.

            • 6 months ago

              >>i5 6400
              >>GTX 960
              >>8gb ram
              Shieeeeet homie... Yeah, that's quite the toaster these days, at least for gaming, you'd need to upgrade your CPU, not just your GPU, and that means spending on a new motherboard and new RAM, so for a PC upgrade, you'd be looking more at $700 budget for those upgrades.
              >why did everything have to go so much to shit starting 2020 releases onward?
              That's about the time when the new generation of consoles started, 2019 to be exact, so requirements for PC games increased dramatically, but the visuals stayed pretty much the same, silly, isn't it?

              • 6 months ago

                >hate modern gaming
                >playing on a 960

                the entire point of PC is to have an unlocked platform wherein upgrades significantly expand performance. youre not paying $300 for one game, youre paying for every game to run incrementally better. Sekiro might run great but its a "last gen" game and these newer titles are only barely within the realm of being considered as such.

                strange that RE4R didnt work for you thoughever because RE Engine shenanigans should allow you to get SOME playability out of it even on that rig, but i believe you that that wasnt the case

                I talked about it to a good friend of mine, he told me upgrading my 8gb of ram to 16gb should be enough to allow me to run the game in medium at 30fps, without touching the GPU or CPU. What do you think? Buying more ram is far more affordable, could totally do that.
                Also I don't usually play AAA games, thats partly why I don't care much about upgrading the meat of things. DD2 is the only promising thing in the horizon.

              • 6 months ago

                I think your friend might be underestimating DD2's requirements, both your CPU and GPU are rather old and by today's standards, very weak, even if you get a decent $250 GPU, your CPU will hold it back, giving you a lot of stutters and you'll never have a smooth experience, even a 30 FPS lock wouldn't help you in this case.
                If you intend on playing this game on PC, you need a full upgrade, the only things you might be able to re-use are the PSU, storage devices and case, but you will need a new motherboard for a new CPU, a new GPU and RAM.

                You might be able to save a little if you re-use your RAM, you say you have 8 GB of RAM, which I'm assuming will be DDR4, assuming you have a single stick of 8GB you could get another 8GB stick for a total of 16 GB of RAM, but a new a motherboard, CPU and GPU are simply necessary, 9th gen games are this demanding, even if the visuals don't seem like much.

                If you're in the US, or buy parts from the US, I could give you some PCpartpicker builds with some budget builds, but do expect to spend at least $400 on said builds.

            • 6 months ago

              >hate modern gaming
              >playing on a 960

              the entire point of PC is to have an unlocked platform wherein upgrades significantly expand performance. youre not paying $300 for one game, youre paying for every game to run incrementally better. Sekiro might run great but its a "last gen" game and these newer titles are only barely within the realm of being considered as such.

              strange that RE4R didnt work for you thoughever because RE Engine shenanigans should allow you to get SOME playability out of it even on that rig, but i believe you that that wasnt the case

  68. 6 months ago

    Is dd1 playable or nah? It's 5 bucks for ps and I have a week off.

    • 6 months ago

      Fricking hell yes it is what is wrong with you that you do not already own DD:DA

      • 6 months ago

        Wanted to play it during lockdown, but the random loot system seemed repellent. Dd1 has ng+?
        Duo sorceror team valid?

        • 6 months ago

          Sorceror seems to evolve from mage, so both start as mage and later evolve to sorceror, that it?

        • 6 months ago

          Yes it has NG+
          I don't care for multiple sorc myself except for one specific style of party.
          One mage is enough for buffs and heals in terms of pawns. I delegate this to a pawn a lot, also because there is an item that makes them immortal so as long as they don't get death reaped or something they'll always get up and bring your pawns back.
          However a fun way to play sorc is all sorcs because not many know this but when the sorcs duplicate your big spell casts it is all sped up 'ritual casting' and you get the big spells off faster.

          • 6 months ago

            Ng+ is neat.
            Wanted to go with one pawn only. I assume it's an easy game. Yeah, will likely play sorc as I usually never play magic casters.
            Hope the combat is fun.

            • 6 months ago

              It’s probably the only game I can think of where ng+ fits into the storyline. You’ll see.

              You create and customize one pawn party member (your main pawn) and then you can have up to two additional support pawns, rented either from other players if online, or from a list of offline pawns. You can round out your party composition as you please.

              I did one run as a warrior + a mage pawn only, no others. You actually get a slight XP boost from the smaller party. The majority of the main game isn’t too hard, you could get through it without too much difficulty. Be warned there is a large difficulty spike after the main quest is completed once you’re in the post-game epilogue content, same with the DLC area (bitterblack isle)

              If you’re playing a mage type I would suggest a plain fighter for your main pawn, they are excellent tanks. Especially if you play as a sorc, sorc spells are very long to cast and prone to being disrupted by enemies getting in your face.

              Advanced classes open up at level 10, go to the capital city inn to change your class. If you haven’t yet reached the capital city (possible if you’re a completionist and do every side quest immediately) go to the Cassardis docks at night and talk to the lady to briefly hop over to BBI, change your class, and return.

              There are distinct story progression stages which limit the side quests available, check the wiki for a breakdown, to avoid accidentally progressing too far and missing quests you may want to do.

              • 6 months ago

                What about chrono trigger? Somewhat possible ludo narrative wise, too.

              • 6 months ago

                Thx for the tips. Advanced classes came with the dlc (bbi)?
                Didn't play the game, but watched the anime and I think I know why ng+ make sense.
                >story progression
                Will check it out. Might do the side quests first.
                How does it work? If I level as mage, I get little hp per level and if I level as warrior, I get a lot of hp per level. That about it? Do I change max hp when changing classes? Can I change back and forth? (hope not)

              • 6 months ago

                Advanced classes are part of the base game i believe, but I’ve only played DD:DA that includes the dlc, so I may be wrong. BBI is just an optional harder endgame area dungeon crawl and new endgame gear.

                Advanced vocations double down on the base classes and are more focused/extreme versions. Fighter is a tanky martial type with a shield and good damage, warrior loses shield and gets a giant two handed for very heavy damage and knockdown. Strider is a balanced and agile class hood with daggers and climbing, and a short bow for ranged, while ranger has a longbow and weaker dagger abilities but excels at range. Mage has mix of utility and healing spells with decent damaging magic, while sorceror loses healing and has less utility but specializes in slow-casting but hugely powerful AOE magic damage. Pawns can be any of these classes.

                There’s also hybrid classes available only to the player. Mystic knight combines melee and magic, magic archer combines, uh, magic and archery, and assassin combines melee and the striders agility.

                Your stats are basically the integral of whatever you leveled up as. If you level up a lot with a high HP class, you’ll have high HP, and so on. The earlier levels are weighted higher, too. 1-10 has the highest growth, 11-100 has medium, and 101-200 (cap) has lower growth. If you do everything but don’t intentionally grind you might finish the main game around level 50-60 or so. You can freely change class at any time after level 10.

                Another reason beyond stats you may want to dabble in multiple classes beyond the one you want to actually play as is augments. Beyond learning weapon skills and moves (which are limited to classes that can equip those weapons) you can also learn equippable augments (like perks or feats), up to 6 of them, and once you learn a class’s augment you can equip that augment on any class. So you can mix and match abilities, some of which are extremely useful.

              • 6 months ago

                Equipping feats sounds fun. I dislike changing classes or vocations on a whim as its very gamey. Still good to know, might go fighter the first 10 levels.
                If I go fighter 10, mage 11, can I go sorceror 12?

              • 6 months ago

                I believe so. You gain XP (to level up) and you gain DP (discipline points) at a reduced rate, as a fraction of XP gain. As you gain DP you gain class levels for your current class (which unlocks higher level abilities for that class) and you spend DP to unlock new skills/augments/classes (iirc you have fighter strider and mage unlocked from the start and it costs 1000 DP to unlock each of the advanced classes, which isn’t a huge amount). But I’m pretty sure all your DP goes in one big pool so you can gain it with one class and then spend it with another.

                Personally, it’s not optimal and it’s cheating, but I play on PC and use a mod that gives console-like tools, and so if I’m playing as a warrior (imo most fun class, though probably not the “best”) I only want to level up as a warrior because it’ll bug my ‘tism. So I level 1-10 as fighter and then only ever level up as a warrior from then on. If I want augments from a class I don’t want to play as, I’ll save up the DP, adjust my class level to unlock what I want, and then buy it fair and square before going back to the class I want to play as, without leveling up as whatever else.

                The “optimal” way to play and max your stats is probably a convoluted stat split that dabbles in each of the classes that optimize each of the stats, but that seems insane to me. If I want to play as a class, I want to play as that class, not spend hours playing something I don’t want to do in order to make numbers higher. Some people find that fun but I don’t

              • 6 months ago

                >I only want to level up as a warrior because it’ll bug my ‘tism. So I level 1-10 as fighter and then only ever level up as a warrior from then on. If I want augments from a class I don’t want to play as, I’ll save up the DP, adjust my class level to unlock what I want, and then buy it fair and square before going back to the class I want to play as, without leveling up as whatever else.
                Good you mention this. I can't do that on console though as I can't switch classes before level 10. I would totally play like that to max mag attack.

                >If I want to play as a class, I want to play as that class, not spend hours playing something I don’t want to do in order to make numbers higher. Some people find that fun but I don’t
                Yeah, people can't commit to anything nowadays.

              • 6 months ago

                If you want to max magic attack, level mage 1-10 and sorc 11-200. Boom, done. You’ll be something of a glass cannon but have unparalleled magic offense.

              • 6 months ago

                First playthrough hard or normal?

              • 6 months ago

                I would say normal. Hard was added after the fact as a NG+ feature. Enemies are much stronger and will one shot you early on, and give much more XP and gold. Some people enjoy this challenge and it forces you to play very tactically in the early game to avoid getting one shot, which some people think is fun. However, the high XP and gold rewards mean you’ll quickly get overleveled for the content, kinda defeating the purpose. Hard also greatly increases the enemies resistance to knockdown (and some classes rely on knockdown) and also I think it changes stamina costs/regen, so it somewhat forces particular play styles, which some people might enjoy but I dislike.

                Already on normal, if you explore everywhere and do everything, you will end up somewhat overleveled by the mid game. Just keep in mind there’s a large difficulty spike after the end of the main quest once you get into the “postgame” epilogue content and the DLC area. I’d save hard for NG+

              • 6 months ago

                Right, so I could play mage until 10, save dp, buy fighter perks and go directly sorc 11-200?

              • 6 months ago

                >Right, so I could play mage until 10, save dp, buy fighter perks and go directly sorc 11-200?
                You could play mage until 10 and go directly into sorc, but if you want fighter perks, you’ll either need to play fighter until you reach the class level for what you want, or if you’re playing on PC, you can use a mod to edit class levels without grinding in those classes.

                I suppose a pain in the ass workaround would to pay careful attention to your character level and your class levels, and always make sure when you get close to increasing your character level, you switch back to your main class and level up as that class, and then switch back to the class you want to grind on, until you get close to leveling up your character level, and so on. This should work but it would be annoying to do and also easy to frick up.

                On PC I would keep a folder of backup saves, also. Otherwise you only have one save.

              • 6 months ago

                >I suppose a pain in the ass workaround

    • 6 months ago

      Great game. I played it for the first time this year and loved it. Five bucks it’s totally worth it.

      • 6 months ago

        Alright, then I'll get it. Blind playthrough is valid, I suppose.

  69. 6 months ago

    Is farming if weapons and armor needed in dd1? Can everything be bought or are shops once again completely useless?

    • 6 months ago

      Most things in the main game can be bought from stores, eventually. Store inventory is tied to story progression, so some items won’t be for sale until later in the game. It’s possible to find gear from chests earlier than you could buy it. Items from chests are sometimes random (out of 3-4 possibilities) but chests respawn every few days so you can always return until you get what you want. If you want to grind a particular chest, drop a portcrystal there and then teleport back to an inn and rest repeatedly then teleport back, etc.

      The expansion has a more involved system of grinding for endgame gear but I don’t know much about it, I haven’t gotten far into that stuff. I don’t think you actually need it to finish even the expansion content.

      • 6 months ago

        >chests respawn every few days so you can always return until you get what you want
        Doesn't make any sense at all, but I do like it.
        >shops depend on stages
        That's a good way of keeping shops viable through the campaign.
        >there are teleport crystals
        Good thinking of capcom. Dd2 might become a good game after all.

        Did you beat the expansion?

        • 6 months ago

          No, I haven’t beaten BBI. I’ve played through the main game 3-4 times and done the non-expansion endgame content (Everfall dungeon and the offline Ur Dragon) but stalled out on my last playthrough at the start of BBI. I should go pick it up again.

          The portcrystals are cool. You will find five of them in one playthrough, although you can place up to 10 of them if you’re doing NG+ and have that many. You can place them anywhere in the overworld (and pick them up to replace them) and can teleport to them, and two permanent ones at the starting village and the capital city, using a reusable item (added in DD:DA, prior they were a one time consumable each teleport). You can put the portcrystals in distant, hard to reach places to save you time on return trips, or you can put them in central locations you’ll be repeatedly returning to. It’s also nice to keep one in your inventory as a town portal you can drop at any time and go back to town to sell/buy/learn new skills for convenience.

          • 6 months ago

            >No, I haven’t beaten BBI. I’ve played through the main game 3-4 times and done the non-expansion endgame content (Everfall dungeon and the offline Ur Dragon) but stalled out on my last playthrough at the start of BBI. I should go pick it up again.

            Same. No motivation to play again with DD2 on the horizon though. Guess I'll never beat BBI.

            • 6 months ago

              Shame, really. Increasing your backlog like this.
              Dogma bros, our response..?

              No, I haven’t beaten BBI. I’ve played through the main game 3-4 times and done the non-expansion endgame content (Everfall dungeon and the offline Ur Dragon) but stalled out on my last playthrough at the start of BBI. I should go pick it up again.

              The portcrystals are cool. You will find five of them in one playthrough, although you can place up to 10 of them if you’re doing NG+ and have that many. You can place them anywhere in the overworld (and pick them up to replace them) and can teleport to them, and two permanent ones at the starting village and the capital city, using a reusable item (added in DD:DA, prior they were a one time consumable each teleport). You can put the portcrystals in distant, hard to reach places to save you time on return trips, or you can put them in central locations you’ll be repeatedly returning to. It’s also nice to keep one in your inventory as a town portal you can drop at any time and go back to town to sell/buy/learn new skills for convenience.

              I don't get archistaves. Their only useful attribute is magattack? Does every archistaff has every weapon skill available?

              • 6 months ago

                Arch staves are for sorcs.

                Sorcs and Mages share some spells, but I do not believe they share the same weapons.

                Could be wrong though.
                Also BBi is very likely the best part of the game if you're the person that's new to the series.

                I guess there are two sides to DD fans:
                People that just play to mash buttons and see
                cool shit happen.
                The attention to detail in the world and the pawn system are both pretty wonderful on their own.
                People that enjoy the combat and try to get some kind of challenge out of it, or at least have the battles where it matters if you're looking at the screen. The cool shit is a nice bonus though.

                The first type will play on normal and can drunkenly stumble though the game without having to pay much attention to anything.

                The 2nd type will do Hard and probably love to death the ridiculous situations that you can find yourself in, especially early.
                Like the other guy said, outside of some of the tougher enemies mid-game portion you won't get 1 or 2 shot much on Hard.
                Late game in Gransys will be a joke just like in Normal if you farm and/or wear the best gear (don't farm any gear until BBI, waste of time. Just buy stuff.)

                Then BBI brings back the engagement because enemies are more aggressive, hit harder, and have new animations so you have to start paying attention again.

                If you are willing to Mod the game, I'd say the best experience is Hard mode with the Normal mode EXP curve (or even lower exp gain).
                The only issue is the Stagger resist enemies have is moronic in Hard More DLC areas (but that shouldn't be much of an issue unless you're a Warrior).
                Non-DLC enemies can be staggered just fine even on Hard Mode.

              • 6 months ago

                Like other anon said, staves are for mages and archstaves are for sorcerors. Some spells are shared between both classes (meaning if you unlock it while you’re a mage you can continue to use that spell as a sorc) while some are unique to each class (mage has the only healing spells, sorc has the really big AOE nuke spells, and so on)

                Your offensive stats are strength and magic, and you have some innate values that reflect how you leveled up, and your gear will also increase your strength and magic, primarily your weapons. Each skill has a different damage formula, consult the wiki for specifics, but as a generic example say a magic spell does like a base of 500 + 0.5 x magic. Some skills will have a high base component and scale little with your stats, some will have a low base component and scale greatly with your stats, each is different. Enemy defenses are then subtracted from your outgoing damage, meaning if your damage isn’t greater than enemy defense you will do minimal damage, so it’s possible for a skill that’s great early on to be weak in the late game, if enemy defenses outscale your damage growth. (Also note that you, the player, divide incoming damage by your defense, not subtract)

                Also note that there are perma-enchanted weapons in the game that have an innate element attack. These are usual for classes without access to elemental enchanting spells (mage and sorc can temporarily enchant weapons) or for exploiting enemies with elemental weaknesses, but oftentimes for other enemies this can be sub optimal. They do split physical + magic damage, and let’s say an equivalent physical damage does 750 while here this does 500 phys and 500 magic. In theory if the enemy had no defense this would do more damage, but if this enemy has 300 phys def and 300
                mag def, it will only do 400 damage after defense, while the pure physical weapon would do 450. Unless the enemy is weak to that element, of course.

              • 6 months ago

                A mage or sorc casting an elemental enchant onto a physical weapon doesn’t have this issue as you gain the better pure damage of the weapon plus the enchant will add a factor of the casters magic stat on top. Fire is useful early game, I like holy as a solid all rounder, ice is supposed to be good for late game BBI, and lightning is rarely useful for a couple bosses.

                I’ve never played sorc, just bought spells for a pawn, so other anons can give you better advice, but I’ve heard the combo of casting a holy enchant on yourself and then using the focused bolt attack skill is a very good main weapon for quick attacks when you don’t want to cast a ten second long nuke.

              • 6 months ago

                Holy focused Bolt is game breaking.
                But playing sorc like that is rather boring, playing pure spell casters gets rather boring anyway once you get used to absolute chaos your spells bring to the battlefield.
                Unless you're trying to enjoy the tactical aspect of "getting hit means death" while requiring yourself to chant spells to deal damage (probably requires hardmode, but you can do this with the more interesting clssses by simply wearing less gear or low level gear).

                As far as mage spells go one important trick is that it is often BEST NOT TO UPGRADE YOUR PAWN's SPELLS, especially THE DAMAGE SPELLS.
                Because pawns often stop chanting to dodge attacks or get closer to you, longer chants = less actual spells because the tards will find a reason to run to your side or dodge piddly attacks.

                Spells not to upgrade(for pawns) are ones like
                -Comestion(throws the enemy into the air, very useful even for sorc pawns. comestion is often a better fire spell if than even sorcs meteor spell if you're fighting stuff that stays on the ground).
                -Anondyne (let's them release it very quickly)
                -Most of the sorc damage spells (they still do good damage and they often stun the enemy even at level 1).

                Elemental Enchant spells should be maxed out.
                Often giving a pawn Levin or some other lightning spell is enough to cover Lightning but there may be times where its worth a slot.
                Fire is very good early game but later can be replaced by Holy (you're likely going to have at least one fire damage spell equipped anyway).
                Ice is useful even in BBI if I'm remembering correctly so it's probably just behind holy in usefulness late game.
                Dark enchant is rarely useful to my memory.

              • 6 months ago

                Oh and I said "Important trick" but it's not the end of the world or anything if you upgrade all of your pawn's spells, it's simply more optimal for a good number of spells to remain a level 1.

                Later in the game you get a way to get Grand spells (level 3 spells), I'd say most grand spells are useless for pawns because they take too long to actually cast them.

              • 6 months ago

                Can't they keep lv1 spells and sync them with your lv2 or lv3 spell?

              • 6 months ago

                Eh, I forget the exact way that works. I want to say yes though.

              • 6 months ago

                In the wiki it says so. If the pawns are dumb, might be the way to go.

              • 6 months ago

                Spell sync is one thing because it implies you are also a sorc, so it Is often beneficial for them to hang around you.

                But the general benefit of lower levels spells is it helps counteract when you arent a sorc and they still will stop what they are doing to get a bit closer if you move too far away, bad inclinations and the player not being a tard spamming "come here" aside.

              • 6 months ago

                True machine intelligence. Ai might conquer us any moment now.

              • 6 months ago

                Accept it, our purpose is only to train AIs to rant about Black folk, morons, homosexuals, hebrew tricks, jannoids and trannoids (free Tay Tay).

              • 6 months ago

                They aren't Hebrew, nor israelites. They are israelites and lost anything they once were after their temple crumbled. Same with Christians. The Vatican has shit to do with jesus and christianity.

              • 6 months ago

                when i learned this i had so much fun with magick archer and mystic knight. it’s really autistic, but using those usually useless perma-enchanted weapons for their magick scaling rather than their damage type opened up a lot of fun builds for me. One good example is sunflare, its a decent move on its own but you can become a nuke spamming crackhead if you equip enchanted daggers and get a nice buff from a sorc. sometimes as magick archer its even worth it to hit a magick rebalancer, sometimes instead of taking advantage of the downed state ill just setup 3 magick rebalancers so that i can knock them down again when they try to get up.

                Dragon’s Dogma is peak kino

      • 6 months ago

        you dont "need" anything from BBI but you can grind the artifacts or whatever theyre called for chances at getting some batshit broken accessories and armours. like a ring that boosts unarmed damage by 200% thereabouts or rings that boost specific skills like Immolate

  70. 6 months ago

    >action-slopper raid continues
    powerful /rpg/ board

    • 6 months ago

      Combat system does not define an RPG, moron.

    • 6 months ago

      its the best rpg in the last 15 years

      • 6 months ago

        its not even out yet and each trailer makes the game look worse than the last one

  71. 6 months ago

    How about quests, quest lines, reactivity to quests?

    • 6 months ago

      I wouldn't expect massive changes, but they promised better quests overall, there's also now random quests you can find as you explore, sort of like random encounters.

      • 6 months ago

        I for one like that they recycled assets. It's the same area, so shits similar.

  72. 6 months ago

    Is armor fashion dogma or is gear important?

    • 6 months ago

      armor is fashions dogma

      • 6 months ago

        I fricking love me some fashions dogma. I hope 2 is at least as good as 1 in that respect.

        Frick, I couldn't imagine playing a game and putting stats above what I like.

      • 6 months ago

        >armor is fashions dogma
        This. At first I thought it was a silly idea but it ended up being my favorite part of the game. I would intentionally wear sub-par equipment because it looked cooler. I ended up using utilities to customize all three pawns like I had a full party to dress up.

        • 6 months ago

          I would intentionally wear the worst equipment just because it was more revealing. Also the best stuff usually looked bad.

          • 6 months ago

            Same... Silk Lingerie was a must, I hope DD2 will also have it.

          • 6 months ago

            I pray DD2 will allow us to make even beefier amazons, SF6 was a good omen

            • 6 months ago

              >RE Engine
              >i pray

              ah you must be new. welcome to the engine, son

              • 5 months ago

                Looks like the options will be even better than the first game

                Oh yes I expect modded beef to happen (in the hope that it doesn't have that shitty Ehomie DRM...) but I have yet to see if the game will allow us to make shebulls like DD1, I think so though, in the video I posted
                >sliders for both top and lower body muscle mass
                >muscle strength for definition (presumably)
                >Not one but TWELVE styles of muscles, I assume to change the overall shape and insertions, potentially vascularity
                >even a traps slider
                Yeah I think we'll be eating good...

              • 5 months ago

                New video, goes a little over Pawns.

              • 5 months ago

                >We've done whatever we can to keep Pawns from repeating the same lines multiple times
                wtf, refunded

              • 5 months ago

                I'm legitimately disappointed by this. I felt like it gave them a lot of character and I never tired from hearing their lines.

                I hope it's just a case of them having more lines now that they cycle through instead of them talking less.

              • 5 months ago

                I just hope this turns out to be a good game. Only thing I can think of in development that I'm excited for.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm legitimately disappointed by this. I felt like it gave them a lot of character and I never tired from hearing their lines.

                I hope it's just a case of them having more lines now that they cycle through instead of them talking less.

                >We've done whatever we can to keep Pawns from repeating the same lines multiple times
                wtf, refunded

                theres no way they avoid repeating lines, they might have like 50 instead of 20 lines now though.

              • 5 months ago

                "Castle walls, or the ruins of such" repeated 50 times did not give Pawns character, no. thats not what that word means. the line itself maybe, the repetition of it every time you passed through Gran Soren was not "character"

              • 5 months ago

                you people cannot be reasoned with and your soul is unsalvageable. what could satisfy you? infinite procedurally generated dialogue? tongueing a bear's butthole?

              • 5 months ago

                frick do you mean "you people" DD is one of my favourite games im just threatening violence standing uncomfortably close to you whilst respectfully telling you that NPCs repeating dialogue is not character. the individual lines are what give them character unless you take the ethos of the pawns literally and imagine that it does infact create the image of them being forgetful morons

              • 5 months ago

                I was simply stating the facts and you people took it the wrong way. with that in mind, get uncomfortably close to this; frick your ignorant ass. the repetition in the lines is just another example of dragons dogma pulling liquid goddamnit gold out of the putrid dragonfire that is our world. would you rather they say 3 lines and then never speak again? then shut your butthole and stop shitting all over my dragonforged goat videogame

              • 5 months ago

                that is the most moronic 64 words i have ever read.

                have a nice day! quickly!

                literal fricking moronation. Reddit tier "its so goofy i love it haha, GOD you must HATE fun" posts except with 110% more seethe

                how can you read someone say they like the game but stil lgo off like a b***h because youre so autistic you think the standard NPC repeating dialogue is character. frickever, your mandated above 160cm pawns are getting brined you dumb c**ts

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                shut your ass up, Mr.Bones ahh goofy homie. posting in the thread bout "we" like youre shit without your lamp.

              • 5 months ago

                that is the most moronic 64 words i have ever read.

              • 5 months ago

                The sight of women excites it!

              • 5 months ago

                Plants of all kinds grow at the trees' feet, like so many verdant children.

                >Best delivered by your Deedlit pawn after an otherwise silently dark trek to the witch's hut.

              • 5 months ago

                You humans certainly do make a lot of expressions.

              • 5 months ago

                have a nice day! quickly!

      • 6 months ago

        I fricking love me some fashions dogma. I hope 2 is at least as good as 1 in that respect.

        Frick, I couldn't imagine playing a game and putting stats above what I like.

        >armor is fashions dogma
        This. At first I thought it was a silly idea but it ended up being my favorite part of the game. I would intentionally wear sub-par equipment because it looked cooler. I ended up using utilities to customize all three pawns like I had a full party to dress up.

        In that case im ready to announce that my female pirate sorceror will wreck havoc in dragons dogma land.

  73. 6 months ago

    Alright, loaded up my BBI save. I’m about a level 62 warrior, just fought the prisoner goreclops for the first time and it went not so great, I got him about half dead before I died. Any tips and strategies? Party is a fighter a ranger and a mage.

    • 6 months ago

      Real advice?
      Replace any and all Fighter and Mage pawns with Ranger, Sorc, or Strider in BBI.

      The advice you need for the issue you posted?
      Try looking at the fricking screen, jackass.

  74. 6 months ago

    Duo warrior playthrough dd1 viable? Plebbit says its a useless vocation.

    • 6 months ago

      Absolutely. It won't be nearly as easy as Strider or Ranger, and you may have to get creative when dealing with hitting golem pendants. But it's perfectly viable all the way through vanilla, maybe encountering some hiccups in BBI when dealing with Living Armor. You will have to get used to the fact that jumping attacks will be your main bread-and-butter attack, though.

      • 6 months ago

        >jumping attacks will be your main bread-and-butter attack, though.
        Warrior that bad, huh? So it's just a hp sponge?

        • 6 months ago

          Nah, just that jumping attacks are much faster and easier to aim/recover from than the standard ground attacks. There's less AoE per hit, but you won't usually have a lot of issues with large swaths of weaker enemies.

        • 6 months ago

          Warriors jumping attack is one of his best attacks because it’s quick, has a bit of reach, and gets a big boost from eminence. But warrior just suffers in BBI. His whole thing is big hits with knockdown but BBI really wants either long range or magic, and you’re frequently fighting bigger things than you that are hard to knockdown.

          • 6 months ago

            Ranger pawn useful or what do you suggest?

            • 6 months ago

              Ranged is one of the top builds in any rpg, and Ranger is the top pawn build in DD.
              It reduces time to start applying damage, and reduces AI wasting time running around in circles in DD especially.
              It doesn't suffer broken cast cycle time sinks, and it theoretically has less propensity toward climbing than something like strider.
              Additionally, you can load a pawn with a ton of knockback gear and let it cc with arrows while it does damage, and rusty daggers so if it does screw you and run do climb and knife at least it will slow the enemy.
              I would always equip my 2 ranger pawns with climbing gloves as well, under the principle if they were going to climb anyway they might as well get it over with faster.
              I trained them to stay at max range using things like scavenger even to cheese it.

              I did keep 1 mage because you could make them immortal with that certain mage specific staff whose name escapes me, and that gives you a nice selection of buff spell on top of the heal, so they keep the other pawns alive on auto as well.

              If I wanted to be ranged myself, I might consider swapping 1 ranger pawn for 1 warrior but otherwise I found that optimal for almost anything.

              • 6 months ago

                >ranged myself... swapping 1 ranged for 1 warrior
                Having that Warrior pawn is almost a necessity on hard mode. They draw aggro and will pull your dick out of the fire much more often than a Ranger. It's usually my setup because I almost only run Sorcerer warrior+ranger+mage(with a spellset I can't use comes in handy) or Assassin for sword+bow+iframe dodge shenannigans and bring warrior+ranger+sorcerer (I only play hard mode so healing spells are much less useful than magical nukes. If I get hit I'm pretty much dead anyways)

              • 6 months ago

                I only played hard also but me as MA or MK took on anything with my 2 ranger 1 mage setup. One shots didn't kill me since you know, big shield, or that MA preventative buff that's op. Been too long to remember all the detail but everything became too easy was the real problem except death and daimon 2 slowed down a bit.

                The healing spells weren't for me but the other pawns so I could just run around without thinking about them at all.
                I ran the other types of setups too, pretty partial to assassin solos at night but I never really liked sorc pawns unless I also sorc'd for sync casts. MA is the S+ tier class though unless we're talking about uberboss kill times maybe. Just too good in all regular situations.

                Warriors are cool, but every time I played one I'd rather be le bandit king assassin with a shield I found since they shared the most fun shield moves and well, assassin is assassin. Without using a shield, I went back to the unga jumping style, which is ok but didn't grab me as much.

                I wish pawn ai wasn't so bad about delivering climbing damage because I'd launch my gobbo pawns at enemies all day with the shield catapult move otherwise lol.

              • 6 months ago

                I went into the game wanting to play MK but I always ended up playing a warrior instead because I was incredibly triggered by the shield being slung on my back and clipping through my sweet cloak.

          • 6 months ago

            BBI enemies aren't hard to knock down on normal mode. They take considerably more effort on hard mode, but with a warrior pawn to eat away at their knockdown resistance, it becomes much easier.

            • 6 months ago

              Two warriors it is then. Conan +???

              • 6 months ago

                Whichever character you like. Though I will advise you this: Dragon's Dogma isn't the type of game where you will stay as one class for the entire game. There are passive skills that can be transferred from class to class that you can only earn by leveling up the profession. While you might 'main' a certain class over the others, do spend time playing as other classes so you can get good passive skills to transfer to your main class.

    • 6 months ago

      Warrior suffers in BBI due to lack of ranged options. I think a duo of only two warriors might be possible but it would be probably not fun and a tedious slog.

      Very viable for all of Gransys though. I finished the main game on one playthrough with a warrior arisen and a single mage pawn (stopped at the Everfall) and it was a lot of fun. It’s not the best but imo the most fun class.

      • 6 months ago

        Warrior + mage or warrior + ranger?

    • 6 months ago

      >The delightful and ever-novel pleasure of a useless occupation

    • 6 months ago

      At high enough level for BBI, yeah. But I find Assassin+Amazonian Warrior main pawn to be more fun due to Assassin's crazy adaptability. I always run it with a sorceress for kabooms and ranger/strider for ranged support though. It can be hard finding a pawn with the right magic setup for your play style and level though

      • 6 months ago

        its very annoying how shot in the dark blue pawns are, because blue pawns are the modt reliant on good pawn personality traits and you cant really tell how they fight before you try them

        • 6 months ago

          I feel you. And finding one who actually fights intelligently AND has useful skills and equipment is like looking for a needle in a haystack. And when you finally find one they're uselessly under leveled within an hour or 2 and you have to go through the process all over again. I would have made my main a sorceress and skipped the bs, but I absolutely have to have a scantily class blonde amazon with a greatsword to tower over my already tall Arisen for... reasons

    • 6 months ago

      nah warrior is fricking insane. dont listen to any moron that mentions jump attacks, that is just regurgitated information so you can guarantee their opinion is worthless.

      you are gonna want clout, vehemence, audacity, and impact.

      these augments allow you to make the most out of warriors charge attacks, which are the highest damaging melee abilities in the game. you can 1 shot most bosses with a good hit and some periapts.

      warrior is an insanely overrated vocation become most people dont have 10k hours in the game like me. they have like maybe 100 hours and 80% of it was as their preferred vocation, meanwhile the game itself encourages vocation changing and build experimentation, so they are missing out on actually understanding how the game works. theres not even that many enemies, like who is the warrior bad against? no one could tell you because they have no idea what they are talking about. they just say “hur dur 3 skills and jump attack” with 0 thought going on in their head.

      • 6 months ago

        >you are gonna want clout, vehemence, audacity, and impact
        What skills and other augments would you recommend? I am a warrior enthusiast who has played less than you and would like tips. Iirc I’m using vehemence, clout, impact, eminence, ferocity, and something else, maybe egression. Skills are currently indomitable lash, arc of deliverance, exodus slash. I’m guessing you use a lot of indomitable lunge? Am early into my first run through BBI, at the prisoner gore cyclops. Generally I play with a mixture of core skills and jumping attacks and then use indomitable lash as a guard breaker and/or maybe arc once big enemies are knocked down. Think I’m wearing two barbed nails for accessories. Wielding the holy sword from ur dragon.

        • 6 months ago

          pretty much the only thing you will want to change is the holy ur dragon sword. just maximize physical attack, and go with a sorcerer to buff your weapons.

          as far as augments, dont underestimate sanctuary if you find yourself dying easily. Also, augment stat buffs are capped at 80% or basically like 3 augments. so by that i mean don’t add anything more than vehemence, clout, and a 3rd strength boosting augment, like eminence which you mentioned. eminence is a good choice but i would recommend trying sanctuary + exhilaration, that one is quite fun to try, easier to activate and safer than it sounds. Usually though, i go with leg strength and sinew, just for utility. leg strength is admittedly better for if you are wanting to climb, but i still like it for grounded vocations like MK and warrior. what you have right now is pretty good, egression is nice to help with the minotaurs in BBI.

          as for skills, i just use arc of deliverance, exodus slash, and lunge yes. but the 3rd slot can be swapped out for whatever. most important thing about warrior is to make use of deliverance.

          lastly, i recommend having your main pawn be the same vocation as you because you can teach them specific strategies that way. for instance i spent a long time teaching my warrior pawn to spam the pawn launching skill and it turned out great. maximizing the intelligence of your pawn by teaching them specific strategies is probably the most mechanically deep and subtle thing that this game has to offer, its insanely fun. i recommend you try it, theres a nihil.0 video that explains the concept better

          • 6 months ago

            How do you use the lunge skill? I never really tried it after unlocking it, at lower levels I was mostly using corona and whirlwind. Also interesting combinations of augments, you hit critical HP and then you’re invincible to physical damage, only magic can kill you, plus a damage boost?

            • 6 months ago

              i just use it to start engagements from far away i guess. tbh its not that important which skill you use as long as you use arc of deliverance, and a lot of people like exodus for its iframes.

              • 5 months ago

                >i just use it to start engagements from far away i guess. tbh its not that important which skill you use as long as you use arc of deliverance, and a lot of people like exodus for its iframes.
                The level 1/2 lunge was very underwhelming but I got a band to upgrade it to lvl 3 and now I love it.

          • 5 months ago

            Thanks for the tips, I went back to the dragon weapons from Grigori instead of the holy-enchanted ur-Dragon weapons, even if they're way cooler. Also I'd swapped out my barbed nails for the dragonblood rings for status immunities, those are cool but I went with a stack of panaceas instead, which is cheesy but whatever.

            I tried using indomitable lunge and it didn't really seem that great, maybe it's cool if you have a downed boss monsters and can do it at point blank in the weak spot, but the damage wasn't impressing me.

            A big issue I have with arc of deliverance is that frequently boss monsters don't stay downed long enough to charge one up and pop them in the weak spot, seems many bosses will get up when the arc is only like 70% charged. That's why I like the baby arc, indomitable lash, it's quick enough to get in three good hits before they pop back up.

      • 6 months ago

        >you can 1 shot most bosses with a good hit and some periapts.

      • 6 months ago

        >meanwhile the game itself encourages vocation changing and build
        But dies it really besides few augments? Why would a warrior need levels in sorceror? Magic attack doesn't sound useful for a warrior.

        • 6 months ago

          because a warrior cant do any damage to the dark bishop, and can’t finish the last few medals for the metal golem in BBI. and yes, more than just “a few” augments. some augments i didnt mention that are extremely good are resistance and intervention. tbh its already a waste of my time explaining this very simple concept to you. the answer is yes, it DOES really, fricking moron.

          • 6 months ago

            I was merely asking, I never played the game. The levels in sorceror are for augments only then, aren't they? The stat increase in magic isn't really worth mentioning, is it?

            • 6 months ago

              stats basically mean nothing compared to gear, this further encourages vocation switching because what class you have leveled as barely matters, what matters is the fact you are progressing. the game is kind of like diablo in that way, you can waste a lot of time minmaxing ad infinum but you really just want to make sure progress is being made, therefore your time is spent efficiently. a lot of people misunderstand the design philosophy and complexity behind dragons dogma vocation system. The deeper you are into the game, the more powerful you are going to be, because of how gear works.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm now finishing stage 3.
              I did expect more of the story, really. The strongest point for me is fighting monsters like dragons or gryphons. They nailed sorceror. Feels way better than playing caster in souls games.

  75. 6 months ago

    The only issue with Warrior is when you fight flying shit, floating shit, and certain golems that literally have floating "life" medals in the air and you have to do ridiculous things like trying to jump off a monster's head while it flails around trying to kill you to hit a fricking small object in the sky that they game never intended for you to try to kill in such a moronic fashion.
    Oh and Pawns won't target those hard-to-reach medals either.

    I don't think you're ever forced to kill those type of golems, although not killing them can wall you from a few items, maybe an area too.

    For some of the more annoying flying shit you'll have to get used to standing around with your thumb up your ass until they decide to get close to the ground.
    Hopefully your ass clown warrior pawn will launch you into the sky instead of sharing factiods about how "the beast 'tis afloat, Arisen!".

    • 6 months ago

      >it's above our heads
      Owari da

    • 5 months ago

      >For some of the more annoying flying shit you'll have to get used to standing around with your thumb up your ass until they decide to get close to the ground.
      Literally me fighting undead dragon for first time last night, as a warrior

  76. 5 months ago

    I lol'd when they started showing off classes and I realized it's based off the shitty Korean mmo and now the original game. A lot of people are going to be dissapointed.

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        It's just another anon mad at awesome-button KINO. DA2 used to get the same hate-spam.

        • 5 months ago

          you can samegay and falseflag all you want you're not making any more sense
          did you forget to take your meds

        • 5 months ago

          ...Do you really need to make this place /v2/ or something?
          Fricking hell get lost

      • 5 months ago

        DD2 is single player DDO. It's not dark arisen 2

        • 5 months ago

          I thought it'll end up dd1. 2
          If what you say is true, it's literally a downgrade.

        • 5 months ago

          its literally the same foundational experience, if you actually played DDO you’d realize that game is nothing like what we’ve seen from the DD2 gameplay. moron

  77. 5 months ago

    New IGN video today, 1PM pacific, it's about character creation.

    • 5 months ago

      Is the bust slider returning? That will confirm it’s a good game.

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Not going to spoil the fun, playing dd1 for the first time and might go 2-3 complete playthroughs.

  78. 5 months ago

    >discorders still mad at Dragon Age 2: The Sister Game to Dragon's Dogma
    All awesome-button KINO games are RPGs, seethe more!

  79. 5 months ago

    I liked to play DD:DA a lot when I started in no small part due to its ability to purge the memories of how much of a letdown of pseudo action copy and paste maps DA2 was. I didn't even hate DA2, it just obviously didn't live up to its potential since they swapped too many OG Bioware for incompetent SJWs and corporate shills both in the dev team and in the backing corporate structure.

  80. 5 months ago

    This looks glorious;

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        The higher you set the traps slider the gayer the character, right? Because liking traps is gay and all...

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            >launches into the air from the sheer power behind his traps

  81. 5 months ago

    i know its a heart but i keep thinking of the ringed knights whenever i see that image

    • 5 months ago

      I didn't know. Thought it's a blatant rip off.

  82. 5 months ago

    Has anyone else noticed how rough the combat looks on these gameplay showcases?
    The animations are slightly off at times but the most concerning part are the jumping attacks. It looks like there's some kind of lock-in quality that makes the enemies hit their target no matter how far away they are.
    Pic related is the worse example I saw.

    • 5 months ago

      The most glaring thing is just that, the Ogre's kick which looks like it locks onto you, I'm not sure if it's some early build stuff, but it did look weird.

      • 5 months ago

        >I'm not sure if it's some early build stuff
        I hope it is. I've seen it in goblins too with their lunging attacks. Looks like there's no minimum range for those moves to trigger.

    • 5 months ago

      >jumping attacks
      it would only be a problem if the lock on remained during the attacks execution (i.e. tracking)
      but since nothing of the sort has been shown, I have no issues with the range of the Ogre drop kick (which he only seems to due when you're at a distance and relatively still)

      • 5 months ago

        If they're gonna give previously full melee enemies ranged attacks they'd have to give them new animations instead of the old ones designed for close range.

        • 5 months ago

          im not entirely sure they CAN use the old animations. I dont have any insight into anything theyre doing obviously but youre talking about porting MT Framework stuff into RE Engine, onto new models and probably skeletons.

          im sure they didnt just copy paste and actually had to reanimate everything anyway so "adding new attacks" doesnt sound like the improbability you worded it as. That said we probably will have Ogres and Cyclopes throwing random shit

        • 5 months ago

          im not entirely sure they CAN use the old animations. I dont have any insight into anything theyre doing obviously but youre talking about porting MT Framework stuff into RE Engine, onto new models and probably skeletons.

          im sure they didnt just copy paste and actually had to reanimate everything anyway so "adding new attacks" doesnt sound like the improbability you worded it as. That said we probably will have Ogres and Cyclopes throwing random shit

          The animations are new
          For DMC5 they had to redo everything because the REngine doesn't allow to just port them from MT Framework

    • 5 months ago

      The most glaring thing is just that, the Ogre's kick which looks like it locks onto you, I'm not sure if it's some early build stuff, but it did look weird.

      I dislike the whole " Player character standing normally on the moving, unstable, uneven, and somewhat narrow head on an enemy" part.

      • 5 months ago

        A gameplay concession

        The way I see it, monster climbing in the original game was a tacked-on solution to allow melee vocations the possibility of efficiently hitting monster weakspots like ranged vocations could
        The problem was that it was super boring - you hang on, move your pc to the desired spot and then proceed to mash the atttack button
        Sure you had to be mindful of your stamina, but still that didn't change the fact that while hanging on the combat lost most of it's depth, risk and fun

        Now by allowing the player to fight normally if he's on top of a monster, despite looking goofy as hell the benefit is that combat regains a significant chunk of its complexity (plus it's a higher risk since as that footage showed, if you get hit you will be put in a bad position)

        • 5 months ago

          It does look unnatural a lot of the time, but it's a good change from the original, and from what I've seen you're very vulnerable to just falling if the enemy starts to move a lot.

          I guess, I thought they introduced harnesses or grappling hooks or someshit in DDO to make climbing combat more interesting but maybe it was class specific.

          Also surprised the people that relentlessly shit on the game for even made up reasons don't bring this up "Look how lazy and janky it is! Elden Ring (or whatever game they bring up) would do much better!", Etc.

      • 5 months ago

        It does look unnatural a lot of the time, but it's a good change from the original, and from what I've seen you're very vulnerable to just falling if the enemy starts to move a lot.

  83. 5 months ago

    Check in time:

    Since I decided a world with DD2 in it can't be all bad after all and did the deluxe pre-order things are looking up all over:
    >lost 4 lbs in the gym (stupid holidays with everyone pushing food on you)
    >got back in the gym after holidays
    >made 30k in the stock market
    >finally landed on a good hairstyle out of a salon for the first time in my life
    >better diet and supplementation habits are improving my strength and mental focus
    >asked out two women with highly favorable responses, one had a LTR already but then kept asking about me, the other I then turned down since I found out she's too young

    Thanks DD2, you're the best!

    • 5 months ago

      Damn, maybe I should pre-order as well.

    • 5 months ago

      deluxe edition doesnt seem like it gets you much 2bh

      • 5 months ago

        actually its only $10 more so i guess its kind of whatever, i thought it was $20 more than the regular preorder which seemed like too much for what it includes

    • 5 months ago

      What kind of cuckold are you

  84. 5 months ago

    You guys are weird, I'm sure Itsuno meant that there will be less repetition of lines, as in, they've recorded more lines so there we will more variety, not that they will talk less.
    If it's also like the first game, you could tell your pawn to speak more or less.

  85. 5 months ago

    You will always be weak to fire

  86. 5 months ago

    Can I still make children characters or did they take that out

    • 5 months ago

      >Quota characters
      >MMO Gameplay
      >Everyone is ugly
      >Everyone is brown
      >Shit story
      Dragon's Brownma won't have e-girl characters chud. Get over it.

      • 5 months ago

        please check if you've hit bingo

        • 5 months ago

          haha I brought my card too but you beat me to it

        • 5 months ago

          haha I brought my card too but you beat me to it

          I lol’d at the watermark

        • 5 months ago

          You just made a bingo with all the reasons why this game it's shit. You either have zero self-awareness or Dragon Brownma suckers are this delusional lmao.

          • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              Congrats anon. You've won an entire battleship! It is made of iron.

              You just made a bingo with all the reasons why this game it's shit. You either have zero self-awareness or Dragon Brownma suckers are this delusional lmao.

              Have you ever been on an iron battleship? Or is the usual place you've seen that much iron is behind bars when you get thrown there for your troony prostitution side hustle?

              • 5 months ago

                >Congrats anon. You've won an entire battleship! It is made of iron.
                Tis a mountain of metal!
                Take aim for its glowing amulets!
                Burst strikes will best shatter the discs.
                Only physical blows will destroy the amulets.

  87. 5 months ago

    my favorite games:
    >FF XIV
    excited for DD2

  88. 5 months ago

    The Duke could stand to commission some new roads...

  89. 5 months ago

    >action-gays continue to raid /vrpg/

    • 5 months ago

      How come you're not shitting up this thread too


      • 5 months ago

        Not him but we both know it's because DD is amazing and Dark Souls is regurgitated slop for masochists.

  90. 5 months ago

    >/vg/ posting
    We truly have the best mods.

  91. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      I do.

      Fricking shit! On ps4 you have one save on total and not one save per character. What in gods name were they thinking?
      Is Dd2 also going to be limited to one save game in total?

      • 5 months ago

        I hope they fixed it, but they haven't mentioned anything about that.

        • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >behold, the first legitimate complaint against dd1 since dd2 was announced
        Took you frickers long enough, lol.
        Still, *pats pre-order smugly*

  92. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      something you never will

  93. 5 months ago

    >Re Engine

    • 5 months ago

      Nothing wrong with RE engine other than lighting, if they fixed that then I wouldn't see anything else to complain about. It's obviously a versatile engine and I can't say I've heard people complain about bad performance in other Capcom games.
      Even for lighting I remember people making mods that changed the light sources for SF6 and made maps look a ton better, and by extensions, the characters less goofy since lighting influences perceived appearance by a lot.
      I think DD2 will have the same problem because the cutscene characters look good, but then zoomed out in gameplay their faces look weird

      • 5 months ago

        Monster Hunter Rise was on RE Engine. anyone talking shit about it at this point is akin to someone saying every Unreal Engine is a brown FPS

        • 5 months ago

          >Unreal engine
          It started the colored lighting craze in the 90s anon

          • 5 months ago

            Im aware, thats why the example is ridiculous. We both know an engine doesnt automatically churn out specific art direction and this "RE Engine is washed out and dark" shit has gone on far too long.

        • 5 months ago

          Well to be fair I contradicted myself, because the mod for SF6 I mentioned shows that good lighting in REngine is possible, just that Capcom bungles it often for whatever reason.

          • 5 months ago

            probably quite a few things at play, for a fighting game, academically or mechanically you want clear silhouettes on characters when patikku effecto is happening, even if it might look off. For RE, you want a morose and somber environment without making the player model impossible to see in the dark. You want both for DMC etc.

            all in all i dont think facets of the engine are to blame for intentional design. I only really care as much as i do because i plan to procure "research materials"- in the same vein as those i acquired for RE2 and 3. iykwim

            SOAKED TO THE BONE

          • 5 months ago

            >because the mod for SF6 I mentioned shows that good lighting in REngine is possible
            I don't suppose you could link it or throw up a pic of a before and after?

  94. 5 months ago

    >mfw I'm in the BBI sewers
    Pawn 1: Panacea
    Pawn 2: Panacea
    Pawn 3: Panacea

  95. 5 months ago

    is there a way to reset your level in dd with all of your gear skill etc

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      If pc, maybe with ddinput.

      There are save editors too, at least for the PS2 version.

  96. 5 months ago

    So which class are you gonna start with?
    I was thinking fighter but I really like how fluid archer feels...

    • 5 months ago

      I have a very hard time deciding, I know it's between Fighter and Thief, but I'm leaning more towards Fighter, I love how you can now pin down smaller enemies and strike them.

    • 5 months ago

      Will start as fighter. Will either go for warrior, or if there’s those speculated classes and there’s a fighter/priest combo, I am all over that.

    • 5 months ago

      Definitely starting out as thief and moving on to mystic spearhand later
      I'll probably dable in incenser too that sounds really fun
      but realistically you just play every class on one character in dragon dogma, if only for the augment unlocks

  97. 5 months ago

    >it is rare, but occasionally equipment worn by the Arisen can be dragonforged for no apparent reason whilst wandering Gransys. This is most probably caused by a nearby dragon such as the Drake in Devilfire Grove or the Wyvern of Conquest Road dying by falling into water.

    • 5 months ago

      Dumbfrick drake

  98. 5 months ago

    Dragon Niggma
    Dragon Shitma
    Shillgon Dogma
    Kekgon Kekma

    • 5 months ago

      Kino’s Dogma
      Dragood Dogma
      Dragon’s Goodma
      Basedgon Kinoma

      Dragon of Dojima

  99. 5 months ago

    Kino’s Dogma
    Dragood Dogma
    Dragon’s Goodma
    Basedgon Kinoma

  100. 5 months ago

    I5 13400
    16GB ram
    Radeon 5500 XT 4GB

    I wanna preorder but iam afraid my rig cant run it

    • 5 months ago

      CPU is pretty good, RAM is good, but your GPU has half the VRAM needed, maybe you can run it at 1080p if you set textures to the absolute minimum, MAYBE, otherwise consider upgrading to at least an 8GB GPU, and there will likely be a Demo so you can try that and see how it runs.

  101. 5 months ago

    Some crippling aughtism I developed: since the pawn icons are red (main), yellow (2nd), and blue (3rd), I am required to only have pawns of those vocations in those slots.

    • 5 months ago

      Play solo or with main pawn only

      • 5 months ago

        I did one playthrough with main pawn only… but I was a warrior with a mage pawn and she had a red icon, I just couldn’t do that again. RIP. Could try editing the icon files I suppose, but I just have a fighter/ranger/mage setup now.

  102. 5 months ago

    have to stay alive...for dd2..must stay alive...

    • 5 months ago

      you will live to see the release day anon
      believe it

      Past bump limit my friend.

      Here's a pic of my pawn from the old /ddg/.

      Anyone still around from those times?

      >Past bump limit my friend.
      3 more days and this thread would be 2 months old
      kinda wished it managed to live until the game's release day

  103. 5 months ago

    why is this thread falling so quickly in the catalog?

    • 5 months ago

      Past bump limit my friend.

      Here's a pic of my pawn from the old /ddg/.

      Anyone still around from those times?

  104. 5 months ago

    i will make the bard girl my beloved

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