
I beat this fricking game, got all of the endings. It's genuinely one of the worst games I've ever played, not exaggerating. Getting all of the weapons is such a soul crushing experience. You know there are games like Shenmue and Majora's Mask where everything is 10/10 except for the actual gameplay but it's usually at least serviceable. In Drakengard it's so fricking terrible you are legitimately getting more insane together with the world of this game as it progresses, and please don't tell me it's intentional. Gameplay-wise it makes Mega Man X7 look fun. Yeah it's one of the most unique gaming experiences for me still but I hated every minute of it except for the bosses in Chapter 9, those were surprisingly fun and challenging. So what are your thoughts on this game, guys? Are there any fans of it on this board?

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  1. 5 months ago

    I unironically love the soundtrack of this game

    • 5 months ago

      I'm not really aware of what people generally think about it, is it considered bad? While we are at it, I can't find one of my favorite tracks in the game, when Caim and Angelus first meet

      5 40 damn it's so good

      >It's genuinely one of the worst games I've ever played, not exaggerating
      But you played it repeatedly to get multple endings? Explain this.

      >So what are your thoughts on this game, guys? Are there any fans of it on this board?
      Is this being asked in good faith or are you one of those obnoxious fat c**ts who spend the thread shitting on opinions that don't allign with their own?

      >Explain this.
      I liked the atmosphere a lot and I'm a no-dropper, I finish all of the games that I start
      >Is this being asked in good
      Yes I'm being completely serious, just want to know, maybe some people grew up with it and thus find its gameplay to be tolerable because they played the game a lot back in the days

      • 5 months ago

        I unironically love the soundtrack of this game

        Why add "unironically"? It's genuinely interesting and cool sounding music.



        • 5 months ago

          >Chapter XIII ~ Closing
          One of the greatest tracks in any game period
          >Route D Staff Roll
          This and ending A are the only times when the game got 'traditionally emotional', like a regular JRPG. Probably my favorite track next to the Chapter XIII one

        • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Why add "unironically"? It's genuinely interesting and cool sounding music.

      • 5 months ago

        It'd because the pleonasm abuse meme has rotted the brains of modern sub/post literates.
        Also, youtube.

    • 5 months ago

      Most of the rage towards Drakengard must be cuz of the music, but atleast you can turn it off. Even some good games on the PS2 you can't turn off just the music, DMC3 for example.

    • 5 months ago



  2. 5 months ago

    >It's genuinely one of the worst games I've ever played, not exaggerating
    But you played it repeatedly to get multple endings? Explain this.

    >So what are your thoughts on this game, guys? Are there any fans of it on this board?
    Is this being asked in good faith or are you one of those obnoxious fat c**ts who spend the thread shitting on opinions that don't allign with their own?

  3. 5 months ago

    the gameplay is so shit i just watched the cutscenes on youtube

  4. 5 months ago

    I know it’s not retro, but I’m playing Nier Replicant now, and I’m thinking of working my way back to Drakengaurd after. Can I expect another story that’s depressing as hell and makes you feel bad about everything you do?

    • 5 months ago

      There are some elements of that in Drakengard. The gameplay is actually terrible, on the other hand. Especially if you go for all the endings.

    • 5 months ago

      Have never played Nier but I doubt it's as depressing as Drakengard. Like one of the characters in your party is a literal pedophile who was jerking off to little boys in the forest while his little brothers were being massacred by the Empire. Also I forgot to mention that I finally bought a PS2 and actually played this game on real hardware! Don't know why I chose Drakengard as my first real PS2 experience though but I'm glad I played it and also glad that I won't have to frick with PCSX2 anymore

      the gameplay is so shit i just watched the cutscenes on youtube

      You honestly didn't miss much except for a couple good aerial missions. And even then I'd play Ace Combat instead. Those missions are basically Panzer Dragoon except not on-rails

      • 5 months ago

        >Have never played Nier but I doubt it's as depressing as Drakengard

        oh anon

        • 5 months ago

          Well maybe not depressing but dark, Drakengard is definitely a dark fricking game. Are you telling me that Nier is even worse? I will give it a try eventually. I've heard that it's one of the very few 3D games structured like Zelda

          • 5 months ago

            Aside from 2 which wasn't made by Yoko Taro the rest of them Drakengard 1-3 Nieeeeeer and Autobooty were all made by this man. And unlike a certain Metalgear creator "She..Uhh.. Breathes through her skin" Taro is an unbashedly weeb and quite literally theres a trophy for looking up 2Bs skirt. Oh, and Kaine exists. For example 2Bs ass alone has OVER 230,000 polygons.

            • 5 months ago

              >For example 2Bs ass alone has OVER 230,000 polygons
              Yeah I remember when that game came out her ass was all over the internet. I also thought that they ripped off Nomura's designs (blindfolded Riku from Kingdom Hearts 2) at the time

            • 5 months ago

              Kaine's excuse for dressing the way she does is a way more believable (and interesting) than Quiet's excuse of breathing through her skin. MGSV is such a fricking dumpster fire in general, it's the only Metal Gear game I legitimately dislike

  5. 5 months ago

    It was never a good game and is only remembered for how bad it was being matched by how batshit the story was. The best way to experience this one is a YouTube let's play, because then you only suffer second had but get to see the moronic story.

  6. 5 months ago

    the most meme of meme games

  7. 5 months ago

    I cringe when people play shitty games because "developer I like" made them. Come one, OP, we all know why you beat that game. Yoko Taro is a gay. Like Kojima but without the actual talent

    • 5 months ago

      >implying "I wish I was making movies" has talent

      • 5 months ago

        By the same token, Yoko Taro wishes he invented Evangelion. His stuff is just a poor imitation

        • 5 months ago

          the most meme of meme games

          Spot on, but he also wishes he was Tomino.

        • 5 months ago

          Spot on, but he also wishes he was Tomino.

          Yoko Taro is great. He came into his own at some point, and deserves respect with names like Anno and Tomino

          • 5 months ago

            He must have some really great blackmail on someone at square enix

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Hmmm, yes, let's pretend MGS didn't change video games forever or that MGS2 wasn't one if not the #1 best example of art in a video game

        • 5 months ago

          >MGS2 wasn't one if not the #1 best example of art in a video game
          Raiden is a homosexual and so are you.

    • 5 months ago

      homie I've literally never played a single Taro game except for this one. I don't give a shit about who made what as long as it's good. I see what he was trying to achieve with Drakengard, I can see that he is clearly talented, it's just that Cavia couldn't make the actual gameplay work

      Spot on, but he also wishes he was Tomino.

      By the same token, Yoko Taro wishes he invented Evangelion. His stuff is just a poor imitation

      Actually I noticed a lot of similarities in tone to Tomino's Gundam and Berserk. Also, probably a bit of a stretch but some structures like the castle from the first chapter reminded me of Ico. I mean look at pic related, if you've played Ico you know the vibe I'm talking about. Absolutely adore this aesthetic

  8. 5 months ago

    I picked the fast sword that shoots laser beams on the third attack, I had a decent time fighting with that
    for Ending E I got a save file to unlock the fight and I paused a lot during it, it was either playing fair or my sanity

    • 5 months ago

      >and I paused a lot during it
      Yeah me too, during the last ~20 seconds. I used to laugh at scrubs who couldn't beat the yellow devil in MM1 without the pause glitch but here I am now

      • 5 months ago

        since the button order is completely static, I found a clear much easier by writing it in a spreadsheet / on a piece of paper and just pressing the buttons as quickly as possible, rather than trying to read the mess of black and white on the game screen

        • 5 months ago

          >I found a clear much easier by writing it in a spreadsheet / on a piece of paper and just pressing the buttons as quickly as possible
          This. Fricking this. I remember after so many failed attempts, this helped a lot to develop muscle memory.

    • 5 months ago


      You didn't memorize the sequence after 100 fail attempts? What the frick has this place turned into to?

  9. 5 months ago

    Yep the controls are terrible and I thought I was crazy for dropping it. Remake never I guess.
    Would be cool if a better controls patch was made for this version though.

  10. 5 months ago

    Sounds to me like you felt the love of the Gods! A deep love. A great love. A love powerful and formidable. A love that crushes like a mace.

  11. 5 months ago

    If you think Drakengard is one of the worst games you've ever played, you haven't played Drakengard 3

  12. 5 months ago

    I just played it one and a half years ago, nothing to write home about but I've played worse.

    • 5 months ago

      That is a pretty exclusive club, tbh

      • 5 months ago

        Meant for

        If you think Drakengard is one of the worst games you've ever played, you haven't played Drakengard 3

    • 5 months ago

      >googled it
      >need to collect the weapons in this game too
      >HLTB says it's considerably longer
      >people say it drops FPS like crazy on most PS3 models
      Judging by this and my experience with the first game, it feels painful to even think about Drakengard 3. Like they must have playtested their shit, right? So they played the games and said
      >oh yeah, this is okay
      Hard to believe honestly
      >it's made by the studio responsible for Deadly Premonition

      • 5 months ago

        Drakengard 3 runs like shit 90% of the time, is way more repetitive, and is full of "comedy" that consists of the annoying as frick dragon literally pissing and shitting and when the dialogue isn't him being annoying it's the other characters constantly talking about having orgies with each other. Good character designs but that's about it

  13. 5 months ago

    Despite being a normalized RPG compared to the first game, I still do like D2 for it's airy spacey and sometimes bombastic feeling

    • 5 months ago

      Sounds like a regular JRPG OST but in a good way. Is this game actually bad even by Drakengard standards or do people pretend it doesn't exist solely because of 'muh Yoko Taro'?

      • 5 months ago

        "Great story, shit game." is the collective opinion of those who have played it. Dunno if 2 is any better though.

        The gameplay is a little better, but
        >or do people pretend it doesn't exist solely because of 'muh Yoko Taro'?
        Usually seems to be the gist of it. Imo it goes like this:

        >Nier => Drakengard > Drakengard 2 >> Drakengard 3 > Automatta

        • 5 months ago

          >The gameplay is a little better
          Shit, this actually makes me want to try it out. Apparently you don't even have to get all the weapons in this one, just go through it three times

  14. 5 months ago

    "Great story, shit game." is the collective opinion of those who have played it. Dunno if 2 is any better though.

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