Drip Feeding Content killed Helldivers 2

That, and weapons feeling like pea shooters.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Furry power tripping community managers

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Something every game has is what killed this one
      Helldivers is LESS "pozzed" than most major games

    • 2 weeks ago

      You lost
      You have no where near the disposable income of a furgay
      You are no longer the target market
      You can leave now
      No one will miss you

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yiff in hell

    • 2 weeks ago

      literally doesn't affect me because I'm not some sort of homosexual who engages with video game communities
      OP's point does affect me.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >weapons feeling like pea shooter
    maybe youre just bad

    • 2 weeks ago

      Actually, I think the game needs to be made harder. I phrased myself poorly. I think the good weapons are certainly good enough for the content at hand. However, the good weapons are limited, and it just feels so samey after a while. When you hope new weapons will change everything up, and they are shit, it just feels like a gut punch.

      • 2 weeks ago

        All the weapons are good, you probably just don't know how to use them.

        • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          Calm down Chang. They're only paying you pennies to shill this shit. The game will be dead in a year no matter how hard you shill it

        • 2 weeks ago

          How much copium are you huffing to actually believe this?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Concussive liberator
          >Lierator penetrator

      • 2 weeks ago

        All the weapons are good, you probably just don't know how to use them.

        >weapons feeling like pea shooter
        maybe youre just bad

        This guy's moronic, the weapons that are good trivialize the game but most of the weapons are unviable. Take the current Conc liberator and tell me that's a good gun.

        Which results in a situation where everyone plays the game the same way because there's only one way to play the game effectively, and if you don't do that, youre effectively throwing. Which is fine on like diff 6, but not on 9 where people need you to use good weapons and strategems

        • 2 weeks ago

          Conc Lib issue is that i'ts a Liberator, the whole weapon line is far weaker than the average primary at this point.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Take the current Conc liberator and tell me that's a good gun.
          it is if you have friends/incendiaries/gas/laser dog. LibConc has insane pushback and very high stagger. it has awful damage, yes, but you don't really care about the damage, you use it for the crowd control. there are much worse weapons, including most Liberators

          Conc Lib issue is that i'ts a Liberator, the whole weapon line is far weaker than the average primary at this point.

          agree that the Liberators are bad and that most people haven't really figured out *how* bad. the ARs in general were all pretty bad (except for the Conc in my humble opinion...) Now, the Tenderizer and Adjudicator are also pretty good.
          Special mention goes to the fact that every AR in the game got buffed in the latest patch, *except* for the LibPen, which was by far the worst AR and is now even further behind.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The good weapons are good because they handle the most things simultaneously.

        Helldiver's problem isn't that it needs more good weapons - it needs more mission parameter variety.
        Think level 9 with brood commander investation, limited to 0 other enemy types, just obscene numbers of brood commanders, that you are aware of before dropping to the surface.
        Suddenly load out considerations are very different from "What will kill 4 bile titans and 9 chargers as quickly as possible".

        Helldivers 2 simply has the problem where the treat you ever face at a given difficulty level is identical to any other. You will be challenged by "everything", and therefore you gear for the biggest threats, with vague considerations for the trivial threats.
        No exceptions
        They could add 20 additional enemy types per faction and while the meta would change, literally nothing would have been added to the game so long as every mission faces you against every enemy type.

        • 2 weeks ago

          This is it. I loved using certain weapons at the lower levels when I was 2 weeks behind my friends, primarily the grenade launcher because it doubled for clearing small guys and some medium guys on one shot. After 4+ it became pointless because it did nothing vs a heavy and they came out with such frequency that relying on other stratagems didn't cover the weakness.

          But yes, after the Sony Arc and seeing they're balancing like its a pvp game killed it for me and other friends. That and somehow breaking shit all the time (crashes, things outright not working, etc.)

        • 2 weeks ago

          This. The meta exists because you have to pack for the broadest number of situations. Flexible weapons that can do multiple things OK are necessary.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >game gives most weapons 3/7 mags
      >a clip can kill 3-4 mini bugs
      >medium size enemies can eat an entire clip
      nah, game is fricking dogshit

      • 2 weeks ago

        Months ago I literally mained autocannon, could carry till diff 9 but only with my friends who are good at the game, but now ?
        I don't play this bs anymore

      • 2 weeks ago

        If the clips can really only kill 4 bugs then lower the difficulty bro it's a you issue

        • 2 weeks ago

          Difficulty only changes the amount of spawn, nothing about HP or damage. That's why Diff 9 is just run and hide simulator

          • 2 weeks ago

            Maybe for you because you are bad at the game lol

    • 2 weeks ago

      I've never seen anyone like Helldiver c**ts convince themselves that everyone constantly speedrunning the highest difficulty with no issue at all means that the game is hard and everyone is bad.

      >haven't played yet
      We know.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The first time they nerfed the basic weapons and doubled down that their design was the game was meant to be unfun was the only sign you needed to quit this game. Especially when morons like this repeat this asinine shit over and over again, as if you somehow can't win because the weapons are weak.

      You can, but why? It's not fun. It changes from a murder simulator to a marathon simulator.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >You can, but why? It's not fun. It changes from a murder simulator to a marathon simulator.
        Hit the nail on the fricking head. The game was a blast when you were mowing down hordes and blasting heavies weakpoints with effective weapons keeping strats in your back pocket for heavy situations. Now it's a run away and wait for cooldowns sim and it's fricking lame.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >You can, but why? It's not fun. It changes from a murder simulator to a marathon simulator.
        Hit the nail on the fricking head. The game was a blast when you were mowing down hordes and blasting heavies weakpoints with effective weapons keeping strats in your back pocket for heavy situations. Now it's a run away and wait for cooldowns sim and it's fricking lame.

        Why don't you guys just lower the difficulty

      • 2 weeks ago

        The game was never a murder simulator power fantasy. You're meant to utilize all the mechanics to survive the mission. You have 20 lives for a reason.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >You have 20 lives for a reason.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Co op game

            • 2 weeks ago

              But I've been playing it alone?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Not my problem.

    • 2 weeks ago

      people who post this should be obligated to also post their gameplay

      • 2 weeks ago

        I think the people that constantly b***h about how everything is too weak while pretending it's not because they're shit need to post their gameplay, actually.

      • 2 weeks ago

        They don't play the game

    • 2 weeks ago

      The relationship between guns and enemy health was very fun pre-nerfs. I agree the game was too easy, but they really should have looked into other tweakables to fix that. More damaging enemy attacks, more enemies, faster enemies, more threatening attack patterns, etc. Nerfing weapons has the effect of disincentivising gunplay in general, and one of the strongest skills to have now is the ability to simply not engage in combat.
      A game can be hard and still give me the thrill of 3-popping a charger's leg armor off with a railgun.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Can't wait for this shitshow to drop sub 2k players in a year from now because they keep patching out the fun due to mouth breathers like you.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I hope the game loses players because I am dogshit at video games and am a huge moron

        • 2 weeks ago

          There's no hope involved, the game is on a downward spiral and keeps bleeding players every month.

          • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        what's funny is they patched in more fun and you're behind the times. i hope the dwindling few things you still like go to shit like you want helldivers to

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Illuminate soon, trust the plan. Two more weeks

    • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Not until December.
      Cyberstan in September.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They removed the files for Illuminates, meaning we won't see them for few more months.
      >There is this cool thing that exist called "patches." They can apply them basically whenever they want. You should look it up.
      Yes, and that's a three gigabyte patch that they can't just disguise as "small balance changes".

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Basing your entire live service update plans on the whims of roleplaying Redditors is what killed the game.

    For le epic democracy!

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Stockholm, Sweden

    • 2 weeks ago

      this. swedes are morons. they let CIA/Mossad pump their country full of brownies that hate them. morons.

      good thing, in another 40 years the nation will be dead, and there will be no more swedes ruining their own shit to watch.

      Istanbul was Constantinople.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >only new content is paid
    >inb4 some cope on how you can grind credits when they keep finding ways to nerf the spawn rates

    • 2 weeks ago

      They have literally never once nerfed the spawn rates. I've never had to spend a dime and have gotten every warbond and every set of armor on the SC store.

      The update was about balancing, and everyone knew that in advance.

      • 2 weeks ago

        To be fair unfricking 70% of the dogshit in the game opened up a lot of variety

      • 2 weeks ago

        they patched restarting the mission to redo POIs with SC which is funny.

      • 2 weeks ago

        They definitely nerfed the spawn rate of the 100 credit pile. I haven't seen one in weeks.

        Other than that I don't think they've changed their rarity.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >good start
    >"We need to hurt the players more, they're having too much fun"
    >patrols changed, weapons nerfed
    >"Oh by the way you need to sign up for more accounts to link so we can harvest more data from you to sell!"
    >players go apeshit
    >171 countries blocked from buying the game
    >companies discord moderators constantly starting shit with players
    >relent on account linking
    >still block the 171 countries
    >discord mods still starting shit with players
    >"Guys we're unnerfing the guns and buffing all the stratagems! Come back! You're coming back r-right?"

    • 2 weeks ago

      >>"Guys we're unnerfing the guns and buffing all the stratagems! Come back! You're coming back r-right?"
      They unnerfed shit, each time they buff something they nerf some other aspects to nullify the buffs, the result is a game where the fun is being squeezed out update after update, me and mates uninstalled yesterday, it is clear the game is not improving and playing is now a buggy mess chore and we've got 200h+ since launch, so time to move on.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Rocket barrage damage nerfed to shit
        >Rocket barrage AP removed
        >Rocket barrage is now "more accurate"
        The frick does "more accurate" mean. It's good at dealing with heavies while still clearing waves, but now it doesn't do that, it just targets big targets but can't AP them unless the strike happens to come in an angle that hits their weak spots

        • 2 weeks ago

          It just does lower damage, the AP is the same. And yes the thing is way more accurate, it hits chargers mid run now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Oh by the way you need to sign up for more accounts to link so we can harvest more data from you to sell!
      It's nothing to fricking do with Data harvesting, they wanted it for wider reaching ban systems, stop letting progressives trick you into thinking the things they do are for profit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >stop letting progressives trick you into thinking the things they do are for profit.
        wtf? kys moron

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            its a company you fricking moron everything they do is for profit

            • 2 weeks ago

              Clearly not if they do things like the psn account and keep putting in wokeshit.

            • 2 weeks ago

              No it's not, no it fricking isn't how can you morons still cling to this moronic belief as titans crumble around you in the name of woke
              >muh ESG/DEI
              psyop precisely to trick you into thinking it's about money, and blackrock is a corporation too

              • 2 weeks ago

                EVERYTHINGS crumbling because they want to earn an extra dime
                >psyop precisely to trick you into thinking it's about money
                id love to hear your terminally online 16 year old take on it

              • 2 weeks ago

                Sure, moron. Any day now.

              • 2 weeks ago

                yeah stfu moron you dont even know what youre arguing about anymore

              • 2 weeks ago

                >id love to hear your terminally online 16 year old take on it

              • 2 weeks ago

                People tolerate evil more when they think the evil is just greedy, this is abundantly clear, these outlets are all run by true believers who want you to think they are just greedy, any way for this to be about money has clearly failed to work yet they still keep doing it anyway, the only parts of western power taking their foot off the accelerator a bit are military recruitment

              • 2 weeks ago

                >theyre evil!
                >they just are!

      • 2 weeks ago

        >they wanted it for wider reaching ban systems,
        They already have our personal Steam IDs, why would we suddenly need PSN accounts on top?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Can't moderate without PSN accounts

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Can't moderate
            They clearly can, as any other developer on Steam can.

            • 2 weeks ago

              You and PSN lost.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >They already have our personal Steam IDs, Valve moderation is weak and a joke and VAC is even weaker and a joke. Also, as pointed out earlier, now if they cheat while playing HD@ they'll get a Steam ban instead of PSN ban. So, TAKE THAT SNOY.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >This absolute vomit post
            You're clearly not from here, why are you even posting?

          • 2 weeks ago

            who are you quoting

        • 2 weeks ago

          Well they can't get away with restricting you from games based on your steam ID and they especially can't get away with it on single player games, it's not just about not having people in multiplayer they legitimately don't want you using their products at all if they don't like you

          • 2 weeks ago

            >>Well they can't get away with restricting you from games based on your steam ID
            Explain Game Bans then.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You're fricking dumb if you believe that, you should have a nice day.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >Spend more time balancing the game as if it was PvP then fixing or adding new content
    >Still a huge amount of glitches
    >The “massive patch” they’ve been hyping up is the = of reverting 3 months of nerfs & b***hing at the fans for not liking their choices (& even then they couldn’t help themselves but stealth nerf some items)
    >In fact their so awful at this their ceo has to step down to fix the problem
    >Have months + long event about super hives & evolving bugs but don’t add anything new, like the hive lords
    >Tease cyborg auxiliaries for months & still haven’t added them
    >Still no squid’s, in fact development for the game is so slow it looks like it’ll be multiple years before we ever see the leaked rebel or plant factions.
    >Potentially the WORST community managers in gaming history, (not including criminals)
    >Hiring the guy who ruined hello neighbours
    >Piss poor content drops, released 5 premium passses for grinding & no free content drops yet. Hell the latest one being clearly gutted content wise with half the amount of content being subbed in for useless paint jobs
    >The whole psn scandal somehow making of all companies Sony being in the technical right, by being so moronic you leave a dev only skip feature into the main game for sign up.

    You don’t get ass pats for wiping after you shit yourself.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    >media everywhere going on about how solo play and duo play is now viable because enemies send less spawns to solo and duo players
    >it's literally the same as it was before
    >gunships are now easier to kill so thanks I guess
    >but they still spawn like 5 at a time while the game teleports the infamout 50-bot patrol behind you because lol

    Serves me right for thinking they'd ever consider it.
    >Oh but don't worry anon if you put on the chicken suit and ignore literally everything while spamming the radar every 0.5 seconds to shit yourself every time you see a red dot you can win ez! it's just like my metal gay solid!

  10. 2 weeks ago

    As soon as they removed shrapnelt from eruptor i was done. They have no idea how to fix any problem.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Please buy the new DLC Eruptor weapon even though the damage output is just decent and the blast sucks you in and ragdolls you for some reason, btw the rest of the Warbond is trash like usual
      >We noticed you're enjoying using the eruptor so now shrapnel instantly kills you the second you use the weapon at most ranges
      >We actually dont know how to fix this now so we've simply removed the unique effect of the weapon
      >please buy the next Premium DLC weapons!
      >Known issues: Day 1 bugs with significant impact on gameplay

      They could have done literally nothing at all and it would have gone over better. This live service narrative is also non-existent, turning coloured squares on and off and asking people to kill 2 bajillion robots with a paragraph of headcanon every 4 days is not dynamic story content, its filler.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >shrapnel instantly kills you the second you use the weapon at most ranges
        nu Ganker is filled with so many shitters these days it's sad.

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            "...shots from the R-36 Eruptor explode and rebound shrapnel back towards the shooter, which has a high enough damage value to instantly kill the player. To prevent this, we're looking to completely remove the shrapnel effect from the Eruptor but will be increasing its hit damage as a result..."

            The shitter is you and the devs of this game

            Have you tried not shooting the weapon with a fricking explosive shell at close range?
            I mean christ they nerfed the weapon originally because of neanderthals like you
            Any competent player liked it exactly the way it was

            • 2 weeks ago

              The shrapnel had a chance to take your or a teammate's head clean off on a non-ricoshet hit even from 30m+ away you fricking moron. The gun was basically unusable because there was always a chance to just die when shooting it.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Again, you are a moron. Im not sure why im bothering to explain to an idiot but: Shrapnel from the Eruptor did 0 damage to players initially, being an unintended effect they changed that. Unfortunately due to a bug with the ricochet mechanic, the bundle of hitboxes was mostly going directly backwards like a shotgun blast instead of outwards in all directions as intended. At this point they admitted the thing was fricked and they'd fix it later, slapping more explosive on hit damage and calling it a day.

              You either never played this game or used the weapon when shrapnel did zero damage and now you think you're extremely skilled because the issue that didnt exist yet didn't affect you.

        • 2 weeks ago

          "...shots from the R-36 Eruptor explode and rebound shrapnel back towards the shooter, which has a high enough damage value to instantly kill the player. To prevent this, we're looking to completely remove the shrapnel effect from the Eruptor but will be increasing its hit damage as a result..."

          The shitter is you and the devs of this game

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Who can hate a bunch of Dad-bros just smoking a little ganj'. Maybe discussing some Bob Marley cuz we're just groovin' along. Vibin. You know how it is lol.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I dont think I've ever played this game sober
      Screaming obscenities while machine gunning socialist robots is just too much fun when high

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Dad-bros just smoking a little ganj'.
      you should fricking have a nice day and I hope your children get taken away.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The weed culture you think exists died in the 20teens. Legalization has made this shit normal for soccer moms and grannies now.

      • 2 weeks ago

        There's a single mom who lives next to me and as soon as her daughter moved out and went off to college I don't think I've ever seen her not blazed out of her mind.

        • 2 weeks ago

          You should bang her.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    I'm still enjoying helldivers but the devs are complete morons and it's obvious. They don't even test the shit they change.
    >webm shows them being brutalized on diff 4
    >everyone laughs at them
    >they remove the difficulty indicator
    Hilariously pathetic devs

    • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        Did they frick up the coding when trying to revert spawns or something?
        Jesus christ what a joke.

        One can only imagine what kind of shit spaghetti they conjured.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >One can only imagine what kind of shit spaghetti they conjured.
          There are only two options to speculate:
          A) They are useless incompetent and stupid when it comes to development skills. They essentially made a fun game by sheer accident.
          B) They are being malicious, they say one thing and behind our backs they make changes to screw with the player base even more.

          Could be a mix of both too though.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >A) They are useless incompetent and stupid when it comes to development skills. They essentially made a fun game by sheer accident.
            This is what I think. The changes they make are most of the time extremely moronic. I think they are trying to follow some philosophy with no meta but they don't understand the game enough to make that work.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Actually enjoying the difficulty with the buffed stuff
        >Its not intentional

        Top keke...but seriously why you people are saying they remove the indicator?Its there when you acess the map.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I assume he meant when the devs stream themselves playing the game.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >release patch
        >with zero testing
        devs are fricking moronic, it's a repeat of when they "nerfed" charger spawn which ended up making the game even harder, but they didn't realise it until players pointed it out because they dont play their own game

      • 2 weeks ago

        this was my first attempt on the new vision, we survived with 0 reinforcements and only one guy escaped, only 2 of us remained since the start of the mission, ITS INSANE

  13. 2 weeks ago

    i got the game a few weeks after launch, skipping the entire server crash arc
    after playing for a couple of weeks i uninstalled, had seen it all, decided i would come back when they added the 3rd enemy faction
    then the whole psn arc happened, i was watching from the side again

    are they going to add a new faction this year or what are they doing?

    • 2 weeks ago

      They're taking a rolling vacation starting this month. So instead of being shut down for 5 weeks they've staggered the schedule to ensure absolutely nothing gets touched until September instead. They only get like two months of sunshine, they need it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >are they going to add a new faction this year or what are they doing?
      Illuminate are still faaaaar from coming but they're losing players fast and they need the active playerbase to be sizeable for when they add them into the game otherwise it would all be for nothing.
      Basically they're begging for people to come back at this point.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Basically they're begging for people to come back at this point.
        Then put shrapnel back on the fricking eruptor. Thats the only thing the silent majority care about.

        • 2 weeks ago

          No, sorry, the Our special democracy furries in the discord keep killing themselves with it so no can do.

      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          This homosexual Pilestedt is going way too hard on bending over backwards for fans. Jesus Christ, I hope he secretly lurks Ganker so he can read this. Constantly getting on your knees and begging for apology and crying on your back does not win support, it encourages players to complain more and more because you WILL bend to them and give them whatever stupid shit they want. For every post you have of people saying the patch is good, you have ten people taking the opportunity to scream about the most asinine shit, and they did this to themselves. I honestly can't believe they actually made and are planning to release the review bomb cape, how absolutely cucked can a company be? "Hey, remember when you called us out on how shitty and worthless we were?" Honestly what the frick is he thinking. It's nice that he's putting the fun back in, but jesus christ you worthless swedish homosexual try to have a fricking backbone against SOMEONE.

          • 2 weeks ago
          • 2 weeks ago

            Thr gane is dying you elitist moron. Scream into the void about how easy the game is when you are the only one left playing

        • 2 weeks ago

          >What made you lose your hype?
          That gay should have asked me. I'd have told him that the game was never fun, and that the only reason people played it was because they were hooked to the promise of a GAAS game that would improve. 5 months later, they're still just wiggling numbers back and forth while the same critical bugs still plague the game. Nothing is intuitive, such as how you'd think clearing enemy spawners would reduce the enemies on the map, except all spawners do is determine which direction patrols spawn from, and if all are destroyed, they spawn toward the nearest map edge. If your extraction is on a map edge, clearing all spawners actually makes extraction harder. Ignoring all spawners actually makes the game easier, and there isn't even a reward for engaging them since requisition is basically monopoly money after playing for 5 hours. There isn't a reason or reward for doing anything at all, actually, since everything we can earn is capped, and once you hit it, nothing matters anymore except fricking around. Helldive is just as easy as difficulties 4/5. Almost every weapon feels bad, and I don't mean from damage, I mean from audio, effect, projectile, feedback, etc. They do things like add flying bugs, but you don't actually see those because attacking them makes the game harder for no gain at all. Everything in the game that is wrong can be summed up as
          >I don't want to shoot my gun. I want to walk toward the objective, press the button, and then go home.
          Every part of that summary can be dissected and analyzed into an essay on what needs to be fixed.

          >Something every game has is what killed this one
          Helldivers is LESS "pozzed" than most major games

          Dragon Age Veilguard has more white males than Helldivers 2. Your statement is false and is not a valid point of discussion.

          • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          >Slips into coma
          That implies the game is in maintenance mode or some shit.
          AI article?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >"What made you lose your hype"
          Pretty simple answer tbh
          The game being an average-at-best horde shooter, anemic in terms of worthwhile content, and being released in even more of an Early Access state than pretty much every other live service game. Most weapons having the modern FPS problem of being "same weapon with stat change", narrative having little impact or cohesion, and constant issues due to a lack of any QA doesn't help at all either.
          They only got popular because it released at a time when all other competitors were in their downtime or yet to release for several more months, as well as by appealing to the COD dudebro types (who left to go back to their PvP slop). Now that other games have either released or put out new content, its near impossible for HD2 to ever get the same amount of hype. Unless they do something like releasing a large content expansion

        • 2 weeks ago

          Speaking as a uber casual HD2 player who hasn't touched the game in months, I quit because the game became incredibly boring, honestly.

          It feels like you spend more time running around the map than actually shooting shit (and sometimes that works to your detriment and you're just wasting precious time and resources), on top of missions generally being too long. The player character is way too squishy and weapons feel weak.

          I remember trying out one of the early unlockable shotguns and I was really confused what use that thing could possibly have. The mech or whatever was slow and dogshit too when we first got it for free. I don't know what changes they've made, but there was a lot of jank when trying to destroy bug's nests and buildings, like you had to throw a grenade dead fricking center inside a hole to blow it up, and a lot of strategems don't destroy buildings or do little damage. Those kinds of simple tasks were annoying more than anything.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I thought they would add cars faster to make the maps faster to move around in, and add more modes

            was happy they dropped a few more enemy types but dont think ill be going back on until they add something.

            • 2 weeks ago

              To be fair they really needed to fix the balance before adding new shit but instead we just got minor buffs that didn't change the meta in anyway (at least against bugs) and no new content aside from a warbond somehow shittier than the polar one

              • 2 weeks ago

                A warbond that features mostly cosmetics, btw. Devs were quoted as saying "we want to focus on quality, not quantity" and yet this new warbond just reeks of laziness. "Look at all these Predator memes on Reddit! Wow, look at the one where it's the Black person and SchwarzeBlack person grasping each other's hands, with an EPIC closeup! Wowweeee bi-racial unity frick yea lets put that emote in the new warbond! Now THAT'S quality!" Quantity versus quality only works when your definition of "quality" contains a low bar.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't understand why people aren't complaining about this warbond like the last one. Only two weapons and they're both mid and the knives are a meme. Now that the tenderizer is fixed polar patriots is a much better use of SC

              • 2 weeks ago

                Maybe people are too exhausted to even complain, and resign to just live with the pain.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >*doesn't contain a low bar

                To me, the biggest offender is the armor (which admittedly looks cool) having a melee damage bonus. Who the FRICK ever uses melee in this game? Now, maybe if the knife could be used as a slashing weapon it would make sense. Encourage a new playstyle, etc. But no. It just makes your lame-ass melee attack a bit more powerful, you know, for when you NEVER use it. These are the things that make me seriously question if the devs actually play this game. It's been out for months, there's no way they aren't aware that nobody uses the melee mechanic in this game, ever. Either that, or they're incompetent and couldn't figure out a way to easily animate a knife melee attack.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Melee doesn't even work. It still requires the same amount of hits to kill enemies.

              • 2 weeks ago

                They literally don't play the game lol I just saw a screenshot this morning of that one guy twinbeard or whatever said he hasn't played the new update yet and was confused as to why people were complaining about the bugged gunship patrols

              • 2 weeks ago

                In helldivers 1 melee was useful for cyborgs because there were some enemies that were too fast to shoot down and all you could do was melee them at close range (and melee was much more powerful, especially with bayonets attached)
                Rest in pieces cyborg hounds.

              • 2 weeks ago

                melee is actually pretty decent but definitely not good enough to waste an armor passive on, even if it worked as it should
                still better than the arc damage resistance shit lol

          • 2 weeks ago

            >it feels like you spend more time running around the map than actually shooting shit
            That's how the morons over at AH want you to play. Throw your pokeball on the objective and run away for 40 minutes.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >It feels like you spend more time running around the map than actually shooting shit
            Have you considerered playing higher than difficulty 1 ?

            • 2 weeks ago

              The higher the difficulty the LESS time you spend shooting shit. Have you considered playing a higher difficulty than 1?

              • 2 weeks ago

                It all depends on when you shoot shit. Don't dig down and get into a firefight protecting a pointless spot.

        • 2 weeks ago

          As a super casual who mostly plays on comfy diff 7, I dont mind the lack of new content outside of warbonds, but the complete lack of buffs and especially the PSN shit really turned me off

        • 2 weeks ago

          What I don't get about this fricking studio is they are making a pve game. They specifically said they don't want pvp. They then spend all their time trying to "balance" the game like a fricking pvp game, and then vocal league of legends style morons on reddit praise them nerfing everything because somehow having fun in a game is going to make people less likely to play.

          Meanwhile the silent majority all just starts to drop the game because it turns out morons on reddit who want shitty balance and non confrontation are the minority and nobody wants the game they want except a small subset of homosexuals.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >morons on reddit praise them nerfing everything

            You're very wrong there. The subreddit is nothing but b***hing and moaning the vast majority of the time.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    I sold all my stock in Sony, Arrowhead and Steam today. Almost $300k, and I'm putting it all in gold. Something bad is about to happen.

    • 2 weeks ago

      steam is not publicly traded

    • 2 weeks ago

      >about to
      America and Europe israeliteed the frick out
      Asia is insectian hellhole as always
      Africa is a continent without real winter yet nogs gonna nog
      Ukie males decimated in israeli ritual to be replaced with nogs and israelites

      Go ahead janny ban me as always God wins in the end

      HD2 got a second wind because person responsible for nerfs got wiener and ball tortured

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nobody with a 6 figure portfolio is stupid enough to buy Snoy shares you disingenuous crypto pajeet. Go back to scraping the shitting street and picking up the pennies you find.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Holy shit my daily chance to call nuGanker shit at video-games!
    The fact y'all agree with reddit is telling of the quality nowadays.

    • 2 weeks ago

      you talk about reddit a lot, maybe you should go back

  16. 2 weeks ago

    >Take Crossbow to close outposts and do the occasional sniping, so I can run stun grenades
    >Take the Bushwacker and blast it in the faces of wienery Commissars, sending them flying
    >Take the HMG to deal with literally fricking everything else
    It's so good. I'm tearing shit apart now.

    • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        Must suck to suck.

        • 2 weeks ago

          We're not interested in your "art" uhhh... ma'am.

          • 2 weeks ago

            What in the actual frick are you talking about? How about you play the game instead?

      • 2 weeks ago

        ding dong bannu

    • 2 weeks ago

      I've only twiddled a bit with trying out weapons again with the new changes. How's the crossbow feels specifically? Are you using it as your primary or is that for the other weapons?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >How's the crossbow feels specifically?
        Same ammo supply and aiming frickery as before, but it's stronger. Seems to kill Devastators more easily now. And like I said, it can close outposts. It's like having an Autocannon as a primary, you're able to snipe bot fabricators and bug holes.

        >Are you using it as your primary or is that for the other weapons?
        It depends on the situation. If I'm against troopers I'll use it, but if some get closer I'll whip out the Bushwhacker and blast them. Against Devastators or higher I'll use the HMG to tear them apart. Gunship patrols are especially nasty frickers if the current enemy seed has them, so I usually aim for them first with my HMG.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I'm still not feeling the heavy mg even though it's much improved. Maybe I'll give it a few more tries.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Take an armor with a recoil-reducing perk and crouch or go prone, it improves the accuracy significantly. Also change the fire rate to 450rpm, that way you get more out of each magazine. I only crank it up to 750 when facing Factory Striders to magdump into their stomachs for a quick kill.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yeah I've got the fire rate on low and then the recoil is manageable. But the aim slugishness trade off for the damage still doesn't impress me.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The new armors might help with that, since Peak Physique is supposed to increase weapon turning speed. Usually I fire it from chokepoints, behind cover, or from the edge of a corner. Just gotta stay situationally aware and make a break for it if shit gets too chaotic.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Yeah I've got the fire rate on low and then the recoil is manageable. But the aim slugishness trade off for the damage still doesn't impress me.
                75 Bullets, 2 magazines...

              • 2 weeks ago

                2 bullets for a devastator head, 3-4 for a strider, 2 bursts for a hulk faceplate, and an rpm low enough you can tap fire it. HMG might not be S-tier but it's not garbage either.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The thing is S-tier to me. It kills all bot armor and lets me bring a supply pack for extra ammo, stims, and grenades. I love it.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Bad or baiting?
    Call it.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    I just LOVE the new changes to bots that now have them sniping people from across the map with rockets. I LOVE being rag-dolled for almost a full minute from repeated blasts while my character slowly stands up to start the process again.
    I LOVE dealing with randomly spawning gunships that do all the things the devastators do, but now with no cover to at least get some breathing room from rocket spam
    And I LOVE that the spawn rates have not been changed and I can see a clown car of Hulks trundle their fat ass into view from around a corner.
    But hey, at least some of the weapons and stratagems got buffed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >wahh why can't I win games immediately???
      use cover homie, why are you exposed enough to get juggled? Are you moronic?

      • 2 weeks ago

        You don't even need to be hit to be juggled, homie. All it takes is a near hit for the blast to push you down, then the next volley continues to push you, and the bots are eerily more accurate with their rockets as of late. Unless you can "find cover" from the random gunship volleys that say frick you and your cover.

        • 2 weeks ago

          They don't seem anymore accurate to me. The difference there is on billion of them so the chances are higher you aren't shooting at that particular devastator so they wont' have any of the aim penalties they get from being suppressed

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yes, but that's kind of the idea, these things are meant to be obstacles. If you're positioned well enough you won't fall into a loop of getting juggled repeatedly. I know because I've been there, it's all about prioritizing gunships and avoiding direct line of sights against devastator blobs.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Fricking moronic shitter. Just bring the AMR, Punisher Plasma, Stun Grenades, and a Supply Backpack and keep the bots staggered from afar. Let the good players then deal with them.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Something that's been buffed significantly is the rocket sentry. That thing's now an on-demand SAM site, and I've seen it down patrols of gunships alone.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Slaps hulks consistently now too, didn't think about gunships.
              I've been enjoying the mg turret vs. bugs now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yes, but that's kind of the idea, these things are meant to be obstacles. If you're positioned well enough you won't fall into a loop of getting juggled repeatedly. I know because I've been there, it's all about prioritizing gunships and avoiding direct line of sights against devastator blobs.

      The best way to handle gunships is to find large cover, like a small mesa or something. Don't let them surround you completely. If you're caught in the open then start running and diving for cover. Once you have some cover you can down them one by one, even if one is shooting at you. The missile barrage is their strongest attack.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Feels good to be one of the fews that remember how moronic the devs are since the magicka days and thus never bought this pile of shit in the first place.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    we did it we saved the kids

    • 2 weeks ago

      Based Helldivers. Something something democracy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Everyone should get a "Child Lover" title as a reward

      • 2 weeks ago

        Helluva way to celebrate pride.

      • 2 weeks ago

        This would be hilarious

        Helluva way to celebrate pride.

        But yeah because of this it would never happen

        If running with scissors developed helldivers 2 maybe they'd do it.

      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Can someone explain this moron already? What is this weird dudes thing. What's his goal? Posting shitty music?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Haha we chose to save the kids and you couldn't stop us.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Ignore the troony, he’s just starved for attention. It’s basically a blog troon.

        • 2 weeks ago

          T. ranny

    • 2 weeks ago

      I just hate mines.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Are there still only the 3-4 maps or did they finally add more?

    • 2 weeks ago

      There's a high forest map, but I don't know if any of the planets available at the moment have it. I'd like to play on it.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >played since day 1
    >used to have been able to probe then switch to sprint with a single button press with ease
    >nowadays I have to mash the fricking button while my character lies down like a drooling moron for bile spit or a rocket
    >healing button hit and the animation and sound plays near entirely but a single stagger from an enemy cancels it
    Taking a break until illuminates arrive but I don’t have hope

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Drip feeding content in general, kills games.

    I wish developers would go back to a content bomb model. Where every few months, about half a games worth of content is added. Instead of just giving us one or two guns every other month. Modern developers are lazy as frick.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >waterfall dabbing on agile yet again

      • 2 weeks ago

        >waterfall model
        That's just as bad as drip feed. Most games that drown their players in content, usually do so with low quality content; like asset flips, and/or reskins. That's why most korean and asian MMOs are so fricking horrible to play.

        • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          >usually do so with low quality content; like asset flips, and/or reskins.
          Name 3 games that aren't gacha/mmo garbage.

  24. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Why are there four alive but this is someone spectating that can call in reinforcements? Did the devs spaghetti in a spectator mode for this?

      • 2 weeks ago

        No? J4 and D1 are dead. One of those two is spectating U2, who is getting a team reload from N3. The Bile Titan then steps on them (cause they're morons), causing the Super Destroyers to send auto-reinforce because of a squad loss. There's three reinforcements left, so J4, D1, and U2 get reinforced, while N3 has to wait because he died last.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I played the game a lot but I guess I just never noticed the healthbars full or partially full on dead players like that

          • 2 weeks ago

            That's probably an old bug. It doesn't appear like that nowadays so it was likely patched.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Is the jungle biome in the game?
    I've been to two green planets and they're just reskins of all the other planets, nothing like the jungle in the Viper trailer.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    >devs finally forced to play the game
    >super samples now in 6
    >difficulty indicator removed because people were mocking them
    lol, lmao

    • 2 weeks ago

      I was wondering why the mission timer gets hidden, shit's fricking stupid.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    >largest content patch dropped
    >rocket sentry +1 damage

    >deep rock galactic drop
    >yea this gun is a mortar cannon now
    >and you guys wanted harder?
    >we added a higher difficulty and you can turn it even higher good luck

    • 2 weeks ago

      both are good you tremendous homosexual, I can smell the brown on you from here.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You should post about it in your DRG thread
      ... what's that there isn't one?
      is that because no one cares about your stupid fricking dwarf game?

  28. 2 weeks ago

    >Map has three gunship fabricators within close range of each other
    >And the enemy seed has gunship patrols
    >Sky is fricking filled with gunships, it's like Meridia except with robots here
    >Team is dying left and right
    >I can't take them down fast enough
    >Somehow we destroy all three at the cost of all our reinforcements
    >Bots cap off the carnage with a Factory Strider, last guy sacrifices himself to drop a 380 on it
    >I hoof it to the main objective and slowly reinforce them, one by one
    >We're able to get our bearings for a little bit and complete it, then extract successfully
    >Minimum deaths for everyone else was 7

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Minimum deaths for everyone else was 7

      • 2 weeks ago

        It was a slaughterhouse.

        • 2 weeks ago

          bro you can crank that up to over 1200 just by split pushing as a patrol spawns on each player

          • 2 weeks ago

            I mean in terms of Helldiver casualties, not enemies killed. Most of the enemies that mission were gunships.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I had something similar on a rush map.
      there were 12 gunships circling the extraction point, which was on top of a hill.
      it was not fun.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    >They said they made it, so divers that didn't extract won't play their victory pose
    >Still everybody does their victory pose
    >They said they made it, so heavy devastators won't shoot sideways anymore
    >They still shoot sideways
    >They said they made it, so there will be fewer patrols, and the game will be a bit easier
    >There are even more patrols now, plus gunship patrols, and the game is much harder
    Do they even test their shit?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Testing on live is industry standard.
      You get tons of reports AND its free.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Gunship patrols are proof they buff enemies every tike they buff us

      • 2 weeks ago

        Gunships are proof they don't test shit period. Who thought they were fun enemies?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >take off the stupid reflectors
          >take away their rockets
          There, they're fun now

        • 2 weeks ago

          They're alright if they're like 1 or 2
          They legitimately go down in like 1 AMR mag
          The problem is when you've downed a fricking gunship factory and somehow the game still decides to throw 5 gunships at you immediately after and while you're dealing with them the game spawns 3 million bots all around you.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Wait they just spawn now? What the frick?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yes, they even spawn on eradicate missions

              • 2 weeks ago

                I literally don't want to play until that's gone or weapons are good enough to deal with this. That just sounds like a pain in the ass for no reason.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The spear is really good against gunships now

            • 2 weeks ago

              Gunships can appear in gunship patrols, but unless you're laser-focused on the ground you'll see them coming long before they arrive.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >They legitimately go down in like 1 AMR mag
            Have you tried hitting the same engine twice?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Well to be honest the game would be too easy if they just buff all helldiver weapons and strats. They just can't balance shit because they plain don't play their own game.

        Gunships are proof they don't test shit period. Who thought they were fun enemies?

        Flying enemies is a fun and refreshing concept, but
        A) literally not a single orbital/eagle stratagem can hit them so all your red slots (most of your arsenal no matter the mission type, source: fricking devs themselves) are literally useless against them
        B) 90% of defensive strats can't do shit to them either
        C) 90% of primary weapons can't do shit to them because they can't penetrate even the thrusters, and the rest 10% either can't hit them (like crossbow) or can't do any significant damage to them (diligence)
        D) like half support weapons can't do shit against them either
        E) tldr; they are way too fricking tanky for the helldivers arsenal, considering there's always 3-4 of them on top of multiple ground patrols, and you also need some weapons to deal with ground patrols
        F) every single map is way too fricking open to fight them, there's not enough cover, and a single gunship (out of FOUR of them) can just randomly one-shot you with missile barrage

        tldr; Arrowhead suck miles of hiv dicks because they DON'T PLAY THEIR OWN FRICKING GAME

  30. 2 weeks ago

    >release new content
    >new content is half broken
    >armor perk doesn't work
    They have a QA section right ... right?

  31. 2 weeks ago

    i've been jumping and throwing stratagems and they're landing on far targets

    it has me lifted shifted higher than the ceiling

  32. 2 weeks ago

    What killed this game is the incompetent developers. They can't fix anything, they just break things even more. They think they are doing a great job, while they haven't fixed a single bug in the game.
    The reinforcement bug happens now even more often, and there are several new bugs.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Had an awesome game last night where the ore vein drill was called in, but it was bugged so you couldn't enter in a stratagem code to activate it. In fact, no stratagem code appeared at all. It was simply blank. Oh, it was great too because this was about 30 minutes into a Suicide Mission game.

  33. 2 weeks ago

    I will kick you immediately if you do the following:
    >bringing trash boosters, like extra reinforcement, faster shuttle call or muscle enhance
    >brining meme weapons/stratagems like 380mm
    >pinging objectives on the map (don't boss me around)
    >picking up my weapons
    >picking up my samples (I don't care if we all get it, don't pick my shit up)
    >brining support weapons to eradicate missions
    >don't everything yourself (you're not the main character, butthole)
    >going separately (see above)
    >taking more than one supply pack
    >calling extract alone (I don't trust you)
    >clearing main mission before side objectives
    >killing me (I don't care if it's an accident, don't throw shit near your teammates)
    >using voice chat too much (read: at all)
    >being under lv50
    >shooting down drop ships
    >not giving me a hug when offered
    >closing the gates on defense missions
    >reinforcing me near enemies
    >reinforcing me on far away from where I died when there is a closer teammate
    >provoking patrols

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Acts superior
      >instantly outs himself as a moron by calling the muscle enhancer shit

      Literally one of the big 4 until the new booster with viper commandos. You're fricking stupid and likely dogshit at the game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >muscle enhance
      >he loves moving slowly through terrain
      weird post oomfie

    • 2 weeks ago

      I would get kicked fifteen different ways by you, sixteen if you count weapons and strategems separately
      I still solo clear Helldives or do them with randoms easily so I don't mind

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not bad, but I kick people who don't have a mic. If they don't have a mic it's a pretty good indicator of who they are irl. Probably a squeaky-voiced, LatinX kid with social anxiety (probably autistic) too poor to afford a $5 pair of earbuds from the gas station. Having a mic is the new standard for gaming. You need to prove you have societal value if you want to play with pureblood whites of North America. So say I.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I have never played with anyone actively on mic and the one time I encountered someone who accidentally left it on the host asked him to turn it off.

  34. 2 weeks ago

    I'm fricking laughing that any homosexual here even bought this game when Arrowhead fricked up the code on an update for HD1 which had them de list the game. They were always shit and got lucky with HD2 but I knew it was a matter of time until they would frick up again. lmfao

    • 2 weeks ago

      Had I know they were the Magicka developers I wouldn't have bought HD2, they think killing yourself on accident or killing your mates is fun as shit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Killing yourself or your team on accident IS fun as shit.

        What isn't fun is rocket volley ragdolling when you have to watch yourself be rolled around helplessly for 15 seconds for what in the end amounted to an instant kill because you couldn't move at all.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    Sweden work culture gives them like a month of vacation every few weeks or something. This is why game handled this badly

    • 2 weeks ago

      >works in sweden
      fricking LMAO

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Live service multiplayer game
        >Every few months entire studio goes on a month vacation
        Happened with SLS games, happens here too, frick swedes

    • 2 weeks ago

      >its a moron american tries to claim leave from work is bad actually episode

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's actually 6 weeks and the team's taking them in cycles instead of all at once, so expect at least half a year of slower development with half the team working at a time

  36. 2 weeks ago

    this is why most people are just going to wait until next big patche

  37. 2 weeks ago

    Everyone put 100+ hours into it and moved on. This isn’t some tortanic “we did it!” moment you think it is.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Sony killed it because it wasn't popular with libgays.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    >pay $50AUD for the game
    >have to pay for any progression
    >devs have their hands on the scales so wars only progress when Joel says they can.

    i was happy to feed a bit of my extra coin but after the THIRD premium battle pass with nothing free i felt like a whale paying again so ive uninstalled the game because frankly im sick of being israelite'd by these c**ts and playing on the same 3 planets endlessly because joel said so is fricking repetitive.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    >someone joins while deploying
    >game gets stuck on the loading screen
    >literally every time
    Why is this game so fricking broken now?

  41. 2 weeks ago

    did we get the new race yet or is it still bots and bugs

  42. 2 weeks ago

    They just can't help but make the game worse with each update it's actually impressive

  43. 2 weeks ago

    >drip feeding
    Technically it was the act of releasing the game showing that 19 primary weapons were already created, removing the counter because "whoops you weren't supposed to see that", and then slowly releasing the content that was cut from the launch for real money every month. They released an unfinished game because they cut all of the content to resell. It's the worst kind of monetization possible.

  44. 2 weeks ago

    it was clearly early access pretending to be live service. Every 3rd game would have a large impact bug. Appalling quality and variety when all it had to beat was deep rock.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    >westa gameu baaaad! eastu gameu goooood! Make other wukong thread and shit on dumb gweilo!

    • 2 weeks ago

      genuine schizophrenia, kys.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    gunships arent that big of an issue imo
    they are a fun addition and only problematic when you dont have a strong weapon, they go down so much easier then dropships

    • 2 weeks ago

      Gunships are only an issue when gunship patrols combo with fabricators.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    "BaLaNcE PaTcHeS!" Killed this game. Launch Helldivers was great. Then they slaughtered every fun weapon. It's a PvE game. Let strong stuff be strong, and bring up the weak stuff if you want more usage variety.
    Unless a weapon is literally one-shotting every single enemy or there's something that literally makes you invulnerable, nerfs for the sake of BaLaNcE are stupid and kill the fun of the game.

  48. 2 weeks ago

    Drip feeding is actually what kept me playing it for way longer than I should have.
    When I realized everything getting dripped was shit for "balance", it was over tho.
    That and the many, many bugs never being fixed, and automatons being just not fun - with the third faction looking even *less* fun to play against.

    The actually enjoyable content was pretty fricking limited in the end. It was only a matter of realizing it.
    Too bad, I was really fricking hyped when I started.

  49. 2 weeks ago

    Hello neighbor guy is in charge of balance.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    Actually the weapons don't feel like pea shooters, you're just becoming aware of where the baseline is 😉

    • 2 weeks ago

      its mostly just the bots being shittily balanced.
      bugs feel well balanced
      bugs are just more fun in general for now, if the devs admit bots are harder then bugs and give an extra strat slot for bots more people would play on their side
      can complete 7 8 and sometimes even 9 without dying once most of the time
      I usually die even on diff 5 or 6 once or twice

      • 2 weeks ago

        Bug design is, and always has been, far worse designed than Bots. By a landslide. Bugs are far too heavy pen centric and there are too few heavy pen weapons to use against them to be fun. You cannot use half the weapons in this game against bugs that you can against bots.

  51. 2 weeks ago

    the sony shit killed the game
    it doesn't matter that they walked it back
    knowing sony has their filthy little paw in it at all soured the taste for lots of people, who suddenly remembered there are a thousands other video games for them to play

    • 2 weeks ago

      >still pushing this blatant lie
      Doesn't ever deserve a (You)

  52. 2 weeks ago

    I played for a little bit after not playing since the third warbond. Did they change the spawn rate of Super Credits? It felt like I was finding them at half the rate I was previously.

  53. 2 weeks ago

    I like the game but both the devs and the community are gigantic fricking homosexuals so I'm glad the game is dying.

  54. 2 weeks ago


  55. 2 weeks ago

    Wow they really fricked SC drop rates huh. I just did 3 diff 3s and found 30SC total.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Haven’t noticed a change. Still getting about 1.5 per mission average

    • 2 weeks ago

      The shadow nerf to SC drops and the medal/money cap is a ridiculously greedy anti-player policy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Skill issue

  56. 2 weeks ago

    Cool now I can cosplay as memeguy.

  57. 2 weeks ago

    Ban hungry mods and Sonya desire to sell data to AI companies killed this game
    >I-it just takes 5 seconds to make a PSN bro
    What's in it for me
    >Well we get to ban you whenever we want for whatever reason we want and have a single bucket with all your data in it to sell to OpenAI
    Frick Sony and frick their data collection scheme, wish you gays got more pissy about the data collection than the bans what you can't win em all I guess

    • 2 weeks ago

      You realize that instead of getting a ban on PSN you'll now have a publicly visible ban on Steam, right? I don't play with people who have bans, only people who have bans play with people who have bans. In short, no one wants to play with you.

  58. 2 weeks ago

    >they put super samples on d6
    At least now we know what difficulty the devs play on

    • 2 weeks ago

      It was a good idea. Puts less focus on balance concerns.

  59. 2 weeks ago

    I stopped playing when they nerfed the slugger. Writing was on the wall with their obsession with nerfing good guns instead of fixing game breaking bugs like DoTs not working for 3/4 players. Yes I know it's fixed but it took over a month and they were making balance changes with them while it was broken so you only had a 25% chance to catch game host and have your weapons and strats work. I'm not trying to spend all my time keeping up with constant nerfs and buffs to my guns in a fricking single player game. Get your shit together, release guns that aren't dogshit and we need to wait months to be worth using, and get some professional, non-furry freak weirdos to be your community managers so I don't have to wade their their ego stroking posts and tantrums to figure out what's going on.

  60. 2 weeks ago

    >gaas game is designed to have the most people playing in hopes they buy something
    >nerf shit
    >people leave game
    >releaae patch that doesn't change much
    >people still leave
    What is the cause of this? Its either stupidity or arrogance

    • 2 weeks ago

      Pure Swedish moronation.

  61. 2 weeks ago

    releasing a ton of premium content weapons that are almost all worthless, and then nerfing the one good new gun (Eruptor) is truly moronic shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Refer to

      Pure Swedish moronation.

  62. 2 weeks ago

    The nail in the coffin for my buddies was that the game is flat out HARDER for duo or solo play.
    It's so anti-player it turned a lot of us off since we also enjoy 2 player sessions or gitting gud solo, which this game is so anti-solo with no bots plus the overreliance on strategems. Then they make it even worse by upping the patrols so heavily that playing on difficulty 6 duo feels harder than Helldive with 4.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I fricking hate them for this.
      I really thought they'd fix shit because supposedly they'd "lower spawn rates for solo and duo players" but they did jack shit and bots still spawn by the bajillion no matter the number of players.

      Serves me right for reinstalling, I swear to god every time I do it I end up depressed.
      They don't care for solo or duo players, and honestly why would they. Frick this.

  63. 2 weeks ago

    are the MG and orbital buffs significant?
    love me BRRRTZ

  64. 2 weeks ago

    the game being boring gaas slop is what killed it, nothing more nothing less

  65. 2 weeks ago

    glad this shit is now dead. i can hide the thread and there wont be another "general" until tomorrow

  66. 2 weeks ago

    No game with more than 10k concurrent players at any time is dead. Why is t he number of people playing something that is only ever used as a negative? Game has tons of players? Normieslop fotm blahblah. Game doesn't have ton of players? Dead game with no players lol.

    It's almost like most people here either don't play video games or only play a small handful that they put on a pedestal while ravenously attacking anything else they see getting attention.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It's almost like most people here either don't play video games or only play a small handful that they put on a pedestal while ravenously attacking anything else they see getting attention.
      Pretty much. It's also ultimately just an easy way to shitpost about a game without needing to actually know anything about its gameplay, employ the slightest ounce of creativity, or risk feeling like an idiot when people point out things you never realized.

  67. 2 weeks ago

    I'm just waiting for the Illuminates so i can have fun for a few more hours. But at the end of the day it will be back to ignoring 90% of the map POI because they serve no real purpose unless they have a special effect attached to them like the jammers, and rushing objectives that fail at providing any interesting situation to resolve and prepare for by the players.
    To ne this is the biggest issue with this game, the maps and objectives are not interesting, they simply can't design interesting objectives, and the objective layouts are always the same, with maybe ONE extra variation.

  68. 2 weeks ago

    When are they releasing the new warbond so they can nerf all the paid weapons from the previous warbond into the ground and make us good paypigs buy the new guns?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Dunno but it seems fire themed.
      And there's nothing to nerf in the last one anyways. Shotgun secondary is just ok although they could always decide to "rework" it for no reason, Liberator variant is a Liberator so it's at best average and i'm being generous. And the dagger nade is a terrible meme with no reason to exist.

  69. 2 weeks ago

    Here's my proposal to breath life into the game

    >Special ops missions
    Normal missions are by the numbers, and while the devs scramble to figure out how to get players to use other weapons, just make special missions where only specific weapons are allowed
    >Snipers only mission (you're either fight stalkers or sniper bots
    >Demolition (only bazooka allowed and you fight big enemies)

    They should also remove the cap on stratagems. Instead of 4 make it 6 and add global stratagems for the squad so we can play with more lesser used situational weapons.
    If all 4 of your stratagems are on cooldown then you're fricked.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Didn't read.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Ok troony

  70. 2 weeks ago

    new battle passes what feels like every other week killed my motivation to keep playing because I was felt like I had to prioritize playing on a difficulty I can clear with minimal issues so I can hit up every PoI for creds instead of pushing the highest difficulties and barely making it out, or losing outright. and the longer I don't play the bigger my incentive is to not return because of how much stuff there is locked behind creds. I said on launch this business model would be bad for the longevity for the game, and every helldiver 2 dicksucker on here took personal offense at such a statement. and now here we are

    • 2 weeks ago

      >new battle passes what feels like every other week
      It's once a month, you casual scum

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Gankernler when he learns of hyperbole for the first time

        • 2 weeks ago

          >No I'm not moronic it's hyperbole guys!!!!!

          • 2 weeks ago

            >what FEELS like every other week
            >this means I think they were actually coming out every other week
            it's always the biggest morons on here who are the most eager to call others moronic.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >It feels like every other week because I only play once a month
              >Wtf stop calling me a causal, you KNOW what I mean!!!

              • 2 weeks ago

                the passes not being accessible to casual players is why the game is dying anon. nobody wants to play the game every day every of every week for the forseeable future so they can try out the new guns. and new players are going to feel intimidated from picking the game up because the majority of the arsenal and armors are going to be premium currency locked.

                you crying over your inability to understand even the most milquetoast of exaggerations and soiling yourself over being mocked for it isn't going to change anything else about what I said, which is why I think you're trying to divert the conversation away from my actual points.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You claim the game is dying but it's had a consistent playerbase of around 70k for the past month. If it was bleeding players it'd keep going down from that, but it's not. I need not listen to the rambling of someone who doesn't play the game but once in a blue moon, much less someone who is too blind to realize that Ganker is long dead.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >if it was bleeding players
                it is.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't see the problem, there's only so many gamers to go around.
                Helldivers 2 is a PvE Co-op with a relatively limited scope and without as much skinnerbox bullshit as other games on this list.

              • 2 weeks ago

                wtf is banana

              • 2 weeks ago

                the ultimate modern gaming blackpill

  71. 2 weeks ago

    >they broke the ship upgrade that fully refills ammo for support weapons
    Speechless honestly.

  72. 2 weeks ago

    What the frick did they do with the last update?
    the game crashes every 5 minutes now.

    Also the Eruptor buff is shit, give me back my shrapnel you fricking Black folk.

  73. 2 weeks ago

    >Take a several months break from the game
    >Come back
    >Still frickin excellent at the game
    With Recoilless-Chan, I simply cannot fail.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It got stealth nerfed and the reload is slower, but I think that's just a bug.

  74. 2 weeks ago

    >Slim body type
    >Voice pack 1
    Yup, it's gaymin time...

  75. 2 weeks ago

    Spear-bros, how's the targeting fixes?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Spear is now S-tier
      Unfortunately they fricking broke the lock on on bot fabricators.
      Only fabricators, I don't even know how they managed that.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'll take it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        On the other hand the crossbow can now destroy fabricators. I've been sniping them from well outside my effective range and from angles I have no business hitting them at, it's great.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's known broken, so it will be addressed. Bummer for the time being

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Can't pop fabricators
      Who cares

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's good but can't target fabs or bug holes with it unfortunately.

  76. 2 weeks ago

    >So they added a functionality when after your nade is depleted the game will automatically force you to switch back to your primary weapon. By going into ragdoll immediately after throwing your last nade you interrupt that process and...now you can trigger the infinite nade glitch like the old ways again. It's really funny actually.

  77. 2 weeks ago


  78. 2 weeks ago

    They killed an amazing game
    Honestly flavour of the month homosexuals were right in the end
    Oh well, back to palworld I guess
    Once I finish my current run of stellaris

  79. 2 weeks ago

    >nerf the railgun because people were exposing charger weakpoints in 2 shots
    >nerf chargers anyway because magic 8 ball said so
    >fast forward to today
    >introduce "new" chargers with even more armor thus lowering loadout options even more.

    In an effort to reduce the amount of anti-tank weapons needed they somehow increased the amount of anti-tank weapons needed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They nerfed the railgun entirely because they saw clips of it one shotting Bile Titans and responded to communal outrage instead of realizing they had a fricking moronic bug fricking everything up. Many such cases. Also that enemy heavy health was too high on average/EATs had to one shot them to actually fricking work in the game they designed.

      But of course the fundamental problem is they don't play their game and don't actually know what they're designing.

  80. 2 weeks ago

    The new drill mission is pretty fun, just remember to run away after priming the drill because it's a hellbomb.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Solo it's a clusterfrick when you start the drill because of all the simultaneous breaches.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'm having trouble deciding what to bring now to bugs, Behemoth Chargers are motherfrickers.

        • 2 weeks ago

          take the precision strike pill

          • 2 weeks ago

            I am, except when Atmospheric Interference is in effect and it can't hit for shit.

  81. 2 weeks ago

    Are mechs still shit? Can I still only bring in one mech (which is shit with a 15 min cooldown) when no other stratagems have these arbitrary limitations?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Mechs were never shit outside of the dumb accuracy issues. If at least two coordinated people run them (Emancipator on bots, Patriot on bugs) then it pretty much guarantees successful mission with extract if the two drops are chosen at the right time.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The Emancipator is the worst fricking mech I've ever had to use in any game. The damage is below dogshit, lower than the actual fricking autocannon, it comes with 75 rounds per arm though peashooters is more apt - and it has the same, atrocious "durability" of the Patriot.

        Frick you, the mechs are *dogshit* in Helldivers 2. Cumbersome, paper-thin, pisspoor damage and ergonomics in terms of handling and shooting.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The rocket mech is great
          For the 15 seconds you have rocket ammo then its only 10mins to wait for another. Glad my friend gifted me this cat vomit fotm slop, i'd be pissed if i paid money for such a garbage balanced game. Like seriously almost every single weapon performs the exact same and the ones that dont are either the best guns in the game bar non or trash like the stagger AR

        • 2 weeks ago

          Lmao sounds like you're just bad homosexual. Emancipator absolutely wrecks hordes of bots if you don't use it out in the open like an utter moron and keep it for situation where you hold out with cover, i.e. geo surveys and extract. Literally get fricking gud

          • 2 weeks ago

            literally outperformed by the man portable autocannon

            • 2 weeks ago

              Ha no

              • 2 weeks ago

                the Emancipator has dogshit durable damage and the only other "heavy" weapon that compares is the railgun which does a whole 10% of its normal damage as durable damage

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't know or give a frick about the stats. From experience the Emancipator is absolutely not outperformed by the autocannon in situations where it's meant to be used. Compared to other strats it excells in raw kills/min meaning it's nearly perfect for short-term, high intensity situtations where you're standing your ground against waves of dropships and/or patrols with reasonable hard cover, not attacking bases/objectives headon from out in the open.

                Saying that I hope everyone crying about mechs being shit makes AH buff their ammo count and defense, then I'd run them no matter the mission type or biome.

              • 2 weeks ago

                durable damage is the damage against heatsinks and chargers and bile titans and gunships and factory striders
                the only reason why it can do a somewhat reasonable amount of damage against gunships and heatsinks is because explosions ignore durability

              • 2 weeks ago

                I really wanted to run 2 mechs at once and just cycle them over the mission, but for allegedly performance reasons, they only allow 1 vehicle per player which is super disappointing.

              • 2 weeks ago

                they could have easily fixed that by turning mech uses into active mechs while giving you a rearm in the form of self-destructing all your mechs

              • 2 weeks ago

                Tons of different ways that they could have, but they didn't, so that just leads to more disappointment.

              • 2 weeks ago

                yes but active mechs lets them recycle as much code as possible without needing to optimize so it would be the best solution they could have

      • 2 weeks ago

        The Patriot missile aiming is complete dogshit and destroyed its efficiency. I'm not even sure last I played they were doing the right damage anymore. One rocket to leg + gatling used to be trivial on Chargers and the Patriot was usable then, and when it took two rockets to headshot a Bile. If it can't do that it's dogshit. It still needed more ammo for the gatling even at its best.

        The Emancipator is an absolute joke.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The damage of the Patriot rockets were 100% nerfed at one point which made them useless. It went from 3 rockets to kill a titan to 6. Now that there are less heavies though, it unironically isn't that bad anymore.

  82. 2 weeks ago

    Shit buggy ass game, was great fun when it released but they literally cannot stop fricking it up introducing MORE bugs and stupid bullshit balancing.

    Have they fixed the fricking SPEAR yet

  83. 2 weeks ago

    They need at least half a dozen new enemy types for both bugs and terminators and then make it so different mission types have those unique enemy makeup so you actually have to think about your loadout and not just go with your predefined loadout you use every single time. It baffles me they haven't realized the issue with not giving any specialization incentive flies in the face of having all these different weapons and call-ins.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That would also mean the mission would need to give you a heads up on the enemy composition.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Knowing you're going to dive into bile spewer hell ahead of time, or just any prevalence of species before dropping, would be greatly appreciated. If it's always a gamble you take the boring, do all loadout.

  84. 2 weeks ago

    Helldivers II is a fun game and outs morons that cannot fathom games being anything but a pure power trip.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You sound like someone who's bad at games

      I have never played with anyone actively on mic and the one time I encountered someone who accidentally left it on the host asked him to turn it off.

      Yes, that underscores why the HD2 community sucks so much ass. These are people who refuse to use mics for truly popular third world games they could play like DayZ. The HD2 community is filled with DayZ rejects. Let that sink in.

      so use the polls then ignore everything else

      by the same logic you could leave your opinion and exit the thread. Bye.

      Because they don't play the game, they just find drama entertaining.

      I sometimes find it entertaining, but you don't know the time I put in to make sure this game fails.

      curious to see how dead this game will be after elden ring dlc and xiv expansion come out at the end of the month

      Valorant is hitting console too

      • 2 weeks ago

        >but you don't know the time I put in to make sure this game fails.

        • 2 weeks ago

          At least two hours a day. Every day. Here, Twitter, Reddit, Steam, hell I even shit on this game on Gamefaqs when it's not too busy. Even if it doesn't affect their sales (it has) it makes people like you angry and defensive and brings down bad vibes surrounding the game which is an added benefit. I can't do nearly as much damage as the review-bomb did, so you still retain the moral low ground. Look at picrel and realize how cringe and short-sighted it was to celebrate your moronation. Just because you got to play with white people for a few months online doesn't mean we suddenly value you or your opinions. Now, go harvest some cocaina leaves if you don't have heads to chop off.

          • 2 weeks ago
            • 2 weeks ago

              Ah I see your a seething snoy mad that your hebrew masters got btfo.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Avatargayging is against the rules

              • 2 weeks ago

                you will NEVER be a janny (outside of the helldivers discord)

          • 2 weeks ago

            Ah I see your a seething snoy mad that your hebrew masters got btfo.

  85. 2 weeks ago

    No one b***hes about it but gun audio sounds like shit.
    >pff pff pff pff
    >spt spt spt spt
    Legitimately embarrassing how lame the gun sounds are

    • 2 weeks ago

      t. non mg43 virgin
      the mg43 is the only primary weapon worth taking and it sounds fine

  86. 2 weeks ago

    >making a stand while hipfiring MG-43 max fire rate
    still my peak helldivers 2 experience after everything.

  87. 2 weeks ago

    Make it so not blowing up but nests means exponentially more enemies come in the final ten minutes and extraction.

    There. Now it isn’t a stealth game anymore. People can lower the difficulty to find a new equilibrium.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It has never been a stealth game, it has always been an exercise in target priority + killing things fast. It's why they mentioned that you should depend on your stratagems way back then because YOU SHOULD finish fights in 20 to 30 seconds, and you SHOULD not pick any fights for a minute or two to restock.

  88. 2 weeks ago

    I was really hoping I'd get a refund with the PSN memery but alas.

    I've never had such a fun game like this from release to within maybe 3 months become so...mediocre. It really went from "This is how GAAS should be" all the way down to "It's just like the other crap GAAS now".

    Literally hedged a bet that the game would stay decent and farmed SC in the earlier days and now the whole game has been uninstalled for a while now. They truly are a reverse Fatshark, game started off really well but then became shit instead of a game starting off as decent and becoming really good.

  89. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah I agree.
    The shitty balance, the dripfeeding and then on top of that their AWFUL community managers and power tripping discord moderators made the situation worse. I would have already fired their PR and community teams, theyre just making shit far worse for the arrowheads reputation.

    • 2 weeks ago

      only autistic people care about the moderation of a public discord

      • 2 weeks ago

        tell me this, why do you Black personhomosexuals care so much about troonycord?

        because it's the official discord where the developers have polls and shit

        • 2 weeks ago

          so use the polls then ignore everything else

    • 2 weeks ago

      tell me this, why do you Black personhomosexuals care so much about troonycord?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Because they don't play the game, they just find drama entertaining.

  90. 2 weeks ago

    Same thing they did to GT7.
    >Oh, our game's fun?
    >Reduce the progression and satisfaction of everything

  91. 2 weeks ago

    >Team keeps getting caught in each other's orbitals and eagles
    >They start b***hing at each other for either being dumbasses running straight into bug breaches where strikes are happening, or for not looking before throwing strikes
    >Finish the mission
    >5 deaths, 2 accidentals
    >5 deaths, 2 accidentals
    >3 deaths, 4 accidentals
    >Me: 1 death, 0 accidentals

  92. 2 weeks ago

    it's so shallow
    I wish the starship troopers game that's like this one was actually good because I like the basebuilding and playing with 16 other people
    I just wanna build a base and shoot bugs.

  93. 2 weeks ago

    There are legitimate grievances like the mechs being weak as hell, and weapons like the purifier not working as advertised.
    That said anyone complaining that the game is too hard NEED to frick off, especially bugshitters.
    >waahhh wahhhhh the predictable computer controlled melee insects are literally impossible
    Holy frick

    • 2 weeks ago

      >why yes I love walking around wasting time for my AT solutions to refill because it's heckin good design for the heckin buggerinos to be entirely balanced around bile titan and charger prevalence

      • 2 weeks ago

        Every patch they lower the spawn rate of everything armored because of shitters like you.
        It would impress me if you could tie your shoelaces.
        Eat shit and die, your existence on this earth would be better spent on this earth rotting as nutrients for microbes and bacteria.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I get it, you love running the RR/EAT/Quasar/Spear every map.

          • 2 weeks ago

            You need at least one anti-tank stratagem per team member, this is OK design because the game literally warns you that part of the threat you will face is armored, and it is essentially designed around 4 players. 4 anti-tank stratagems cycling on rotation is enough to deal with literally everything the game throws at you, even bile titans. Support weapon AT has better uptime and more easily deals with Chargers, but explosives on the exposed rear works too, albeit more slowly.
            t. I played at diff 9 on launch and never had issues, and no, I did not run railgun + shield, that was gay. git gud.

            • 2 weeks ago

              And yet you don't for bots, and that's why bots have better design. Do you understand?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >waah my different enemies have different strategies! I hate options and having to think and having to choose things according to what is best suited!
                Frick you. If they were identical you would be complaining anyway. Remember to cut vertically and not sideways.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >different strategies
                There are no fricking interesting strategies against bugs because you're shackled to the only enemy type that fricking matters demanding you bring Heavy Pen. Bots have options. Bots have tons of strategies. Bugs don't. You are an enormous moron.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The only thing that doesn't really work against bugs are smokes, the only thing they help with is losing aggro, but you can try the flamethrower, the eagle airstrike, orbital rail cannon, 110mm pods,
                hell, even the autocannon sentry is actually amazing against bugs because it WRECKS both chargers and bile titans. Try different loadouts instead of staying stuck playing with boring support weapon that is only useful as AT and instead make your stratagems do the work for you. And then you combine all of it with any stratagem combination that you like (Gas+incendiary+ems for super crowd control, multiple flavors of different bombs, orbital salvos to throw at nests, etc.
                Black person.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >suggesting the fricking autocannon sentry like it's some obscure fricking stratagem
                yeah bro let me go use the flamethrower it'll be tons of fun against bile titans and spewers
                oh wait no it fricking won't. Meanwhile I can go into Bots with virtually anything except the flamethrower and I'll have a good fricking time because the majority of bot enemies are well designed with medium armour weaknesses or lower to kill EVERYTHING. If you want to use the flamethrower you even can, no one's gonna stop you except a Hulk with a bigger flamethrower. You still have plenty of incentives to carry higher AP weapons if you want because they're still useful to have, too! Nothing is off limits. At worst things like the flamethrower have the stipulation of merely being hard to place yourself to use because things are shooting you with guns instead of running at you, not because they're fricking immune to it.

                You can keep throwing bullshit at me like I haven't played this game for hundreds of hours but I have, I know what you can use. I know the options. I know how many more exist for bots than bugs and I know why that is: because bug design isn't fricking good by comparison at all, and it's not even a contest.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I was going to type a long response, but I'm bored of answering you, but to summarize, you do need some form of AT against robots too so don't be a hypocrite. If you truly believe you don't, you're free to solo them with cluster + gas + incendiary + ems or some other bullshit that includes literally no AT capability and tell me how that goes. You might have a fighting chance because the scorcher and other explosive weapons can eventually blow them up from the vents in contrast with titans that are immune, but you'll have an experience that is just as miserable against both factions if you refuse to take at least one AT.
                Even better nowadays that we have more gunships in the air.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The amount of AT you need against Bots is nothing though. Not only is all you truly need an AMR or Laser Cannon or any medium pen weapon to efficiently kill the majority of things and actually be able to kill everything. You can, in fact, drop in with basically a random loadout of gear to bots and chances are you're going to do fine, because unlike Bugs where every member of the team needs access to some level of true AT solution, even just half, maybe even a quarter, of your team having a dedicated heavy pen like the EAT or RR is enough to handle the worst they have to offer on your typical mission. The amount of options to kill Hulks, Tanks, Gunships etc are far higher than Biles, which you know you will encounter in every bug mission, every single one, in number. When the Eruptor was at its best you could legitimately just run anything against them at all with the rest of your slots. This is good design. It is not good design for all bug missions to demand the highest tier of armour pen when that cuts out so many actual options.

                Do you need an EAT to clear bots? Do you need anything with the highest penetration? No. You can kill all bots with more weapons than bugs. It's that simple.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I honestly think it's good design that bile titans EXPLICITLY need heavy-AT because why else would you use them if you don't need to? It gives identity to the factions where you naturally use different stratagems between them.

                I never use the AT-only support weapons against bots because there's no need to, I can use more flexible and fun options like the ones you mentioned yourself or the HMG, which I loved even before the buffs, and even then, I still avoid support heavy-AT because airstrike and rail cannon and 110mm pods and all other strats that kills big bugs exist.
                If even lower AT works against the most armored targets, it kind of loses the value of the higher AT, it barely kills heavy armor any better or faster, then why use it?.

                I like that the bots have more weakpoints in general than bugs, however.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >why else would you use them if you don't need to?
                The same reason the railgun wouldn't be OP if it was actually not nerfed, and why it could completely co-exist with OHK-to-head EATs too. Because it IS faster to kill them that way. It is so, so much faster to blast a charger in the face with a rocket launcher than any other method. Shooting the leg twice and peppering it with a primary is, by comparison, a fricking ordeal. Same with a Bile Titan in a better designed world. The best strategy, the quickest and most efficient kill, SHOULD be two tapping the face with rockets. Or a single shot with the SPEAR. I can kill a Charger with an arc thrower but if an EAT is laying around from another player, which am I using to dispatch it? The problem is there's no option like that for the Bile Titan. You have no realistic choice to use medium pen weapons like the autocannon against the Bile. It takes far, far too long to try against even just one. There is no reason it needs to be this high. They can provide weakspots and better ways to create and exploit your own weakspots.

                You still have plenty of use right now bringing EATs or the RR to Bots, too, or the Spear. You aren't going to regret it against tanks or hulks. They are still as efficient or more efficient than most medium pen weapons. This is a good tradeoff. The SPEAR especially feels great against Bots (well, it was better when you could target fabs but that should get fixed I guess) since it shits all over the cannons and hulks and gunships. The EAT and RR will mince hulks too, it's not like they're bad against them. You aren't being forced to not choose them and they are still plenty good options.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Alright. Fair enough.
                I think that they kind of applied this design philosophy with the Factory Striders that they should have tried with the Titans, just that in the TItan's case it's not enough to kill them, just disable them (shooting the green sacs below eventually destroy them and remove their capability to spit acid, but just that)

      • 2 weeks ago

        I personally have no issues if my team isn’t full of mongs like yourself who crumple to the slightest opposition.
        The end state for the devs catering to you shitters is a completely empty map with 1 or 2 static spawns of scavengers. Bugsloppers are that toxic mix of being incredibly bad at games and full of petulant whiners, truly horrible.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not one thing in my post indicated I can't handle it. I think it's fricking boring. I think in a fun game it would be more fun to shoot bugs.

    • 2 weeks ago

      my issues are arc weapons misfiring, not being able to stack mechs let alone the same type, and not being able to set the Purifier to an unsafe mode so it can closer resemble the democratic demolition primaries instead since its fire rate is already closer to them than the plasma punisher which is what its projectile is from

      • 2 weeks ago

        but it's a plasma weapon, it can't have good explosive damage despite having an absolutely dogshit fire rate because of the charge up time that rivals the crossbow in RPM but is closer to the eruptor because every sec of charge up is worth twice as much in fire rate

  94. 2 weeks ago

    curious to see how dead this game will be after elden ring dlc and xiv expansion come out at the end of the month

  95. 2 weeks ago

    Dead shit fotmslop game
    EDF fans are helldivers fans since 2015! EDF is a far better game with better missions, enemies, balance, community, gameplay, pricing, weapons, fun, everything. Instead of wasting time on this fotmslop seething over lgbtq folks you come play edf 6.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm literally just waiting for EDF6, no other game is worth my time, the only reason I played HD2 is because it had a similar feel. Obviously devs are gigamorons and ruined it.

  96. 2 weeks ago

    Did they change the bug breach detected/bot drop detected alert? I swear it looks different

  97. 2 weeks ago

    When the illuminates first appear they are going to spawn on planets already controlled by bugs and bots. I look forward to the bugshitter seethe

  98. 2 weeks ago

    don't care, still droppin

  99. 2 weeks ago

    Great marketing for a mediocre game tbh. Gameplay is very repetitive and clunky - it’s a miracle the game held for so long

  100. 2 weeks ago

    game is fun don't know what you lot are complaning about

  101. 2 weeks ago

    It's not dead.
    Nor is it dying.

  102. 2 weeks ago

    >Behemoth Charger and Bile Titan are chasing me
    >Bile Titan's bile sacs are dead
    >Stun the Charger and bait the Titan into stepping on it to kill it
    >Titan steps on it, doesn't kill it
    >Instead it kills me

  103. 2 weeks ago

    Constant nerfs killed it
    This is eagle1 cooldown simulator now

  104. 2 weeks ago

    Dunno about you b***hes but I think the game is getting better.

  105. 2 weeks ago

    The support staff on the Super Destroyer should have been cute bridge bunnies.

  106. 2 weeks ago

    Worked for Fortnite

    A PVE game like this though, the formula gets old. Map generation is so basic, all maps feel the same.

  107. 2 weeks ago

    anyone else's steam app freeze after exiting the game? i had to end proccess each time today

  108. 2 weeks ago

    My bot loadout has stayed 100% the same for months now. Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Laser, Autocannon, and a wildcard. Sickle as primary and Senator as secondary. Stun Grenade for grenades.

    My bug loadout has changed though since I got bored with the flamethrower. I am running Eagle Cluster, Eagle 500k, Spear, and Patriot. If it is a close bug hole mission I switch the last 2 with Grenade Launcher and Jump pack. Breaker Incendiary as primary and grenade pistol as secondary. High damage frag as grenade.

  109. 2 weeks ago

    >ctrl F
    >3 results

  110. 2 weeks ago

    what primaries are good against bugs at the moment it's been forever since ive played during a bug MO

    • 2 weeks ago

      Breaker Incendiary, Scorcher.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Breaker Incendiary

  111. 2 weeks ago

    We will get a new mission with automatons next week and then the illuminates

  112. 2 weeks ago

    HAHAH it's on Twitter that Pilestedt just got fired while on vacation im dying laughing lol

    • 2 weeks ago

      no he wasn't

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yes he was, they just announced it

        • 2 weeks ago

          post proof

  113. 2 weeks ago

    Hey look Starship troopers just added armor and weak point mechanics and they're actually being fricking clear about how it works instead of rating penetration out of 5 but actually there's 10 levels and we never really explain how it works


    • 2 weeks ago

      Too bad it's a shit game

    • 2 weeks ago

      I feel like in a year's time this game could be interesting if it doesn't die by then.

    • 2 weeks ago

      i was going to post the steam player count but it is so low that it's just kinda sad
      makes sense though, its a shit game, shill

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'm not trying to shill the game I am trying to make a point about the lack of transparency around armor mechanics

        • 2 weeks ago

          That game is dead dogshit. Even at it's worst helldivers 2 mogs the frick out of it

    • 2 weeks ago

      >they're actually being fricking clear about how it works instead of rating penetration out of 5 but actually there's 10 levels and we never really explain how it works
      >All Bugs will now have an Armor Rating and feature areas with and without armor on their carapace.
      >Armor Rating scales from 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest, with 5 being the most armored of foes).
      >All weapons will now feature an Armor Penetration rating.
      >Armor Penetration scales from 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest, with 5 being the highest Armor Penetration the Federation can provide.)
      So you're moronic?

      • 2 weeks ago

        You should read BEFORE posting. I know its a pain if the post contains more characters than the usual twitter limit but give it a shot.

  114. 2 weeks ago

    >That, and weapons feeling like pea shooters.
    crazy how Black folk say shit like that yet I still beat helldiver difficulty missions 9 out of 10 times

  115. 2 weeks ago

    can somebody explain the appeal of this game to me?
    all the footage ive seen just looks like warframe without parkour or melee or abilities

    • 2 weeks ago

      Starship Troopers meets Terminator meets 40k.

      • 2 weeks ago

        i was looking for gameplay terms
        do people really only like this game because it reminds them of some movies?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >i was looking for gameplay terms
          I can't compare it to Warframe if that's what you're asking, since I've never played Warframe. It's a third person extraction shooter where you fight hordes of alien insects and killer robots to liberate planets. It's fun to shred bugs and it's fun to dismantle bots.

          >do people really only like this game because it reminds them of some movies?
          No I like it because it's fun. Fun things are fun.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's a shooter with nice animations and very smooth gameplay where your wits and skills carry you, it has a nice learning curve for the different enemies and factions and lots of options for weapons you can use inside it.
          More uniquely, the stratagem system is fun as a sort of mini-game inside the game to use your abilities instead of just hitting a hotkey, so it naturally translates into being harder while under pressure and needing to do it fast.
          I like the setting tho because it's just absurd in a nice way. People will overthink it as some sort of criticism, but it's purely satire.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It has little, if anything to do with warhammer

    • 2 weeks ago

      it doesn't play anything like warframe
      it's closer to MGS5 but spamming iDroid abilities everywhere is one of your main tactics and the stealth is barebones

      • 2 weeks ago

        How fricking hard is it for someone to actually just make MGSV but co-op? Come the frick on already.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Legit, people would have had a lot more faith in Konami and probably bought the shit out of Survive if it was just a big co-op expansion for MGSV where you play as MB soldiers. Add some actual bases, bigger outposts with more enemies, some randomized missions, let you link your motherbase across games, and people would have been all over it. Astounding that they went with fricking zombies.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yep. Just re-release the game with co-op netcode. I don't even need new areas. Just put it out there. The game would be one of the best co-op shooters of all fricking time and all they have to do is support (at least) two players. It's been a decade and it's still the peak of third person shooters. I wish more devs would abandon FPS and go for TPS gameplay. Plenty of use for it in single player games but not nearly enough in co-operative and multiplayer ones. I'd suck a million dicks for a true successor to the asymmetrical MGS4/MGO2 game modes and hero implementation.

      • 2 weeks ago

        oh, and there's no rolling
        that's a big one

    • 2 weeks ago

      I haven't played Warframe in years but it's weird to me comparing the two. They play incredibly differently and I feel like that should be easily discernible even from footage. The other anon is more accurate comparing it to MGSV with a lot more action. It's fun shooting bugs and calling in orbital barrages on robot bases. Missions feel a lot more random and dynamic than Warframe as well.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's the co op shooter of the generation.

  116. 2 weeks ago

    I called the mods rude words and they banned me from the discord

    • 2 weeks ago

      skill issue

  117. 2 weeks ago

    Liking the new orbital precision strike. Feels a lot like a grenade now.
    However why the frick is the performance so fricking BAD now?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >why the frick is the performance so fricking BAD now
      Always has been. Playing with multiple people cuts my fps down by 20 frames compared to playing solo.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I used to get 120-140 fps back in February with a full crew. Now I get 50 solo.

  118. 2 weeks ago

    Gunships are the ultimate causal filter.

  119. 2 weeks ago

    They literally buffed half of the weapons in the last patch. If you still can't kill anything it just means you suck.

  120. 2 weeks ago

    What killed it for me was the devs refusal to fix the game. Worst performing piece of shit i've ever played. I think it crashed more than the rest of my steam library combined. There were also tons of bugs, softlocks and annoying shit months into the game life.
    I didn't need content of balance, i needed a functional product and they were too lazy to deliver

    • 2 weeks ago

      There's no hope involved, the game is on a downward spiral and keeps bleeding players every month.


  121. 2 weeks ago

    How the frick are you guys crashing so frequently? I run a PC that hasn't seen an upgrade in 8 years and crashed 3 maybe 4 times in my 175 hours.

  122. 2 weeks ago

    Didn't the last patch buff everything across the board? What is all the doomposting about?

    • 2 weeks ago

      eternal TORtanictards unable to move on after their high.

  123. 2 weeks ago

    >make a co-op horde shooter
    >weapons are weak as shit
    What were they thinking?

    • 2 weeks ago

      They assumed morons wouldn't play on the hardest difficulty.

  124. 2 weeks ago

    >5 planets in 7 days
    >55 medals as a reward
    It's feels like they hate you

    • 2 weeks ago

      The orders literally don't matter

  125. 2 weeks ago

    I will not play again until the illuminate are added.

    • 2 weeks ago

      i'm going to play some after i shoot around at the park right now

    • 2 weeks ago

      This but LGBTQIA+ capes

      • 2 weeks ago

        Glad you're never playing again

  126. 2 weeks ago

    >Game does well
    >Lie about it online out of spite

    Weird behavior

    • 2 weeks ago

      i think it's the PSN thing

  127. 2 weeks ago

    The problem is simple, a lack of any kind of progression or content
    There's no boss battles or raids or much mission variety really

    I know they refuse to do pvp, but the game needs something to do other than grind out the same missions with no end game

    • 2 weeks ago

      You don't actually like videogames.
      Try gambling or drugs.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The scripted galactic campaign is ironically their biggest downfall - just look how we've "missed" AT mines multiple times now. No one fricking cares, much less for a shitty strategem that should have been launch content. HD2 has like half the shit HD1s has.

      Should have released a full game and let the players grind out whatever they collectively decide to, instead of forcing a silly script.

      Some additional objectives are needed too, something more than either Terminal babysitting or deconstruction via orbital fire.

    • 2 weeks ago

      People used to play games just for fun and to pass time with no sort of progression for years.
      Why doesn't this work in modern times? Genuine question, I've played 2.5k hours of TF2, 2.5k hours of Dota, 1k hours of fricking terraria. Why does the modern gamer need so much to always be getting NEW STUFF NEW PROGRESS HIGHER NUMBER HIGHER HIGHER to keep engaged?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Why does the modern gamer need so much to always be getting NEW STUFF
        >lists multiplayer and procgen games

      • 2 weeks ago

        Shallow gameplay. Cut content. There was much less lines of progression in older games. Multiplayer games have progressively and increasingly showered players with stuff to fire off dopamine receptors. Once you get used to something, you expect it to continue.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I played COD4 when it came out as my first online gaming experience. I played it into the fricking ground. Then I never touched the series or a multiplayer fps again cause I was over it. Should've been more like me.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Fake gamer epidemic.
        Too many pussies too chicken to do drugs so they make their personality fiending for dopamine on battlepass grinds.
        Nobody behaved this way before world of warcraft made it a lifestyle.
        It's like the ironic weeb problem in anime, nobody behaved that way before commercial streaming and english dubs.

      • 2 weeks ago

        a ton of things are competing with gamers to provide them dopamine, so the game better be good at providing it. Hence you have most multiplayer games with a battlepass system, random crate drops, and seasonal content.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They probably should have saved the flying bugs for that event.

  128. 2 weeks ago

    it's "hoard mode: the game", it was never going to have staying power. kill the same enemies in the same super empty, open environments is boring. at least left 4 dead and killing floor have actual levels that add a some variety

  129. 2 weeks ago

    It literally just needs vehicles. Add that and it has staying power.

    • 2 weeks ago

      There have been leaks with cheaters calling in vehicle stratagems. Two different kinds from the look of things. Both have mounted MG's

  130. 2 weeks ago

    Its just a very sparse game in terms of purpose. There should be cool shit like bosses on certain planets that you can kill for mega loot, or perhaps after fulfilling an order a boss event opens up that people can play for 12 hours.

    I feel like you get up to 7, and the only difference is how often the same enemies are spammed.

    Also the warbond system of progression is shit, you get 300 to 400 from the new ones, and then you get drip fed credits if you want to play at the difficulties that are actually challenging.

    Feels like 75 percent of a game, championed by some of the most annoying fans in the history of gaming. These Black folk really think spamming "for democracy" is funny.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >There should be cool shit like bosses on certain planets that you can kill for mega loot
      It's not a looter shooter.

      >or perhaps after fulfilling an order a boss event opens up that people can play for 12 hours.
      It's not an MMO.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Having a boss like in Hell divers 1, does not make it an MMO, having bosses drop the samples that people are already hunting for does not make the game a looter shooter.

        As of right now, the game is not much of anything, and the player numbers don't lie. It needs content.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >It's not an MMO.
        They said they want to be more like Warframe and we have Clan Starship Stations coming.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They're on record saying the game wasn't finished but Sony made them push it out.

      Sony's an AWFUL company and everyone should know that by now, they're greedy beyond belief and expect a billion miracles and sales from you if they give you one dollar and then bawk and want to get rid of you if you ask for more. They're pure greed

      • 2 weeks ago

        that makes sense then

      • 2 weeks ago

        iirc sony was pretty generous with giving them extra time to develop their game. I think 8 years is more than the industry standard by far

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wow what an undemocratic post

  131. 2 weeks ago

    FOTM game

  132. 2 weeks ago

    >Oil extraction mission
    >Move to take out a heavy nest
    >Black screen, disconnect
    >"You have been kicked from the game"

    • 2 weeks ago

      Some hosts REALLY hate it when you wander off and aren't nearby to provide ego support.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Must've been that, cause I can't think of anything I did wrong there.

  133. 2 weeks ago

    the game is still using gameguard?

  134. 2 weeks ago

    What weapons are people using that feel like pea shooters?

    The Heavy Machinegun, the basic assault rifle, and pistol have all been dropping bots and bugs for me all week easily.

    You are not meant to use small arms against the big enemies if that is the problem.

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