>drop down. >collect items. >walk for 15 minutes until you see someone. >die

>drop down
>collect items
>walk for 15 minutes until you see someone
Why people like BRs again?

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  1. 2 years ago

    skill issue

  2. 2 years ago

    >rent aimcheat
    >drop down
    >walk towards group
    >kill everyone

    • 2 years ago

      >Cheating yourself

  3. 2 years ago

    Sounds like you suck. Start landing at contested POI’s with one team (or outside spots with multiple teams) and get into fights. Use cover, play with your team. Unless you’re god tier, you will always lose 3v1 pushes.

  4. 2 years ago

    you contrarians dont understand that the fear of dying is the appeal
    dying in any other shooter means youll respawn without any true consequences and its fricking boring that way
    >but you lose your weapons and the enemy gets more points!
    ok, so? youre still able to play the game, thats a non issue compared to having to wait a few minutes to be able to play again
    of course none of adhd homosexuals are actually good at videogames so you feel the need to constantly play the game or else youll fricking cry and call the entire br genre shit

    • 2 years ago

      Sure but deaths in other games leads to losing the game, which is the same tension.
      In games like CS or siege, or just the elimination game types in other games, you still don't respawn if you die. But the difference is you don't spend 20 minutes running around looting trying to get a purple stock.

      An element of randomness is good for a game, but the problem with BRs is that there's 20 minutes of every round dedicated to running around RNG looting until you get the stuff you want just so you can play the game effectively. Or if you get lucky you get your loot and spend 30 minutes hiding around and waiting for gunfire so you can 3rd party.

      And you're acting like half the games in BRs don't have everyone hot dropping on the same few points and dying within 3 minutes, which also sucks because its just RNG if you get a decent gun or you spend the next 5 minutes having a shitty time.

      • 2 years ago

        The best loot is on other people. If you're spending 15 mins playing a walking simulator in a BR then you're a scared pussy that needs to git gud.
        Nobody needs a purple stock. Nobody needs a barrel stabilizer.
        The most loot you need is at least a grey/blue extended mag and some sort of red dot/2x.
        You need armor and shields more than any other type of loot in the game. Blue armor you can craft, cells are plentiful, and batts you can craft.
        If you're not ready to leave a POI with your kit within 4 minutes of hitting the ground, you're a fricking pussy and I will absolutely convince the other teammate to leave you behind.

        I guarantee I can do more with a P2020 and Longbow than you can with a fully kitted R301 and whatever secondary you prefer.

        • 2 years ago

          p2020 is a good gun, I'm tired of pretending it's not

          • 2 years ago

            I use p2020 because people seethe when you kill them with it. Getting gunned down to an r301 or flatline is par for the course, the 301 is overtuned, but the 2020 is insulting for tryhards

            • 2 years ago

              Its also the perfect excuse when you die because
              >haha I was using the p2k obviously I lost! I'm not bad you just had a better weapon!!

        • 2 years ago

          I actually like APEX, but its still heavily flawed and I can recognize that.

          Looting is terribly handled in the game. Its best handled on guns like the flatline or spitfire where you only need to deal with 3 relatively easy to deal with addons.
          On things like the havoc is pure cancer since the difference between a base havoc and top upgraded one is massive, but its also 5-6 additional pieces.

          A sniper can be great, but a sniper without a proper scope is terrible. And if you don't get lucky enough to get a scope you're going to have an effectively useless weapon.

          • 2 years ago

            >On things like the havoc is pure cancer since the difference between a base havoc and top upgraded one is massive, but its also 5-6 additional pieces.
            base havoc still shreds

          • 2 years ago

            Havoc off drop is literally one of the best weapons for a contested 1v1. By middle-to-late game though it does absolutely need a Turbo on it, but by then you've either found one off a deathbox, crafted it, or replaced the havoc for a different gun.
            It's why I always tell my team to ping a Turbo if they find one.

            Also, for certain snipers you don't even need a 6x/8x. Charge Rifle shreds with fricking ironsights, 1x/2x, 2-4x, all of it.
            Longbow is best with a 3x or 2-4x.
            Sentinel is shit I hate that gun.
            Then we have the Marksmen weapons like Triple Take/3030/Bow, all of which are serviceable in the 2x range.

            Legit the 2x Bruiser is the best sight in the entire game with the 3x Ranger being either equal-to-or-slightly-worse. I don't even know how often I use legit sniper scopes on snipers, not very often. But I also like to switch weapons often so having a 2x/3x means I can switch from sniper to marksman/AR/LMG at a moments notice.

            • 2 years ago

              >Sentinel is shit I hate that gun.
              shit player opinion disregarded

          • 2 years ago

            >a sniper without a scope is terrible.

            Git gud at quickscoping. Trust me.
            Doing 47-70 dmg per shot is nothing to scoff at. You can even get 100+ if you can hit their head.
            I'll never forget the time I managed to 1v3 a squad off-drop with a sentinel while playing as rampart. That has to be, hands-down, one of the most skillful shit I've pulled off in this game.

            • 2 years ago

              sentinal with no scope headshots is the most satisfying thing next to sticking wraiths with arc stars

            • 2 years ago

              It feels great, but you'll still get melted by the R99.

              IIRC, moving the mouse actually completely removes recoil. It's why jitter-aiming is a thing. Unless they patched it out.

              I don't think its completely removed, I still see some significant movement on a flatline even when I do that. But it is significantly reduced, or maybe I'm just not going it good enough.

        • 2 years ago

          Unless you're not hot dropping in the same few spots every game you're not guaranteed to see an enemy until the last few rings, it's the worst at Stormpoint and World's Edge, and then hot dropping is 100% RNG

          • 2 years ago

            This is all based on Ranked, I don't play pubs because pubs is for content creators and girl gamers.
            Stormpoint is godtier early game and late game. Boring-tier midgame. And that was the intention of that map.
            If you're colddropping Stormpoint early game and expecting to have any action, you're an idiot. Stormpoint is a big map, which means you have to force early contests to get KP so you can play rings to the final rounds for placements.

            Stormpoint is one of the few ranked maps where there'll be 10+ teams still alive going into Round 4. Stormpoint is ALL about early games setting up late games. If you play it safe early you're going to struggle in those blitzkrieg late games.

            World's Edge is fricking awful due to Fragment. But in higher ranked games only 2-3 teams actually drop there as opposed to 50% of the lobby in pubs. World's Edge is much more about early-to-mid contests in ranked. People drop edge and keep moving or they hotdrop and hope their RNG is better than the other guy.
            World's Edge Round 4 will have, usually, 3-4 teams. But I've had some games lately where it was the beginning of Round 3 and there were only 2 teams alive.

            Olympus is a god-tier map because you can run into action all goddamn game. Early, mid, late, there is no equation and no rhyme or reason to Olympus. People say it's a ratfest due to all the building, but honestly it's one of the best maps in the game.

            King's Canyon is fun early game and an absolute slog mid-to-late game because of how much the Z-axis matters in KC. People will win the first fight, get decked out in sniper ammo, camp beacons for rings, then go find the tallest megastructure in the game and just camp rooftops for 20 minutes straight. Unless you play exactly the same way and avoid 100% of mid-game fights since 3rd parties are so easy on KC, you will lose most end-games simply due to height advantage. Even if you can take a height fight, you'll lose due to other teams shooting you as you try.

            • 2 years ago

              Imagine getting on a high horse about playing ranked in a BR game.

            • 2 years ago

              You're talking out of your ass and have autism. That you take apex this seriously is hilarious as frick to me. The game is absolute dogshit from a competitive standpoint. I bet you main valk or perhaps that fat homosexual gibby. I can tell you're a filthy tourist as well.

              • 2 years ago

                Splatoon is more competitively viable than apex.

              • 2 years ago

                watching the last LAN tournament was a disaster. Mother frickers were disconnecting during live games and ANYONE who got tested positive for covid could not play, even though they had 60 separate computers in another fricking room were they could play on the LAN games. Match point is also fricking moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't main anybody, prefer playing to my teams strengths. I hate Valk. Gibby is okay, but like Valk he is too much a required hero.
                Newcastle/Horizon have been my current go-tos. But most of my hours are probably on Bloodhound or Fuse and then Loba. Fuse/Loba are just too fricking good late-game. Fuse can endlessly poke. Loba can keep your team healthy all game. Bloodhound was my first character cause scanning felt important but he just lacks any worthwhileness outside one specific ability. Being able to poke on Fuse is much more fun.

                >KP matters as much as placement in Apex

                In Masters coming in #1 with only 2 kills nets you +40 RP. Now with team-based KP if you have 2 kills and 2 team-KP and come in #1, you can get +50-55 RP.

                Winning an early-game fight for 1 kill/2 team-KP, then winning a fight or two Round 4 and Round 5 for 5+ KP, even if you come in 2nd/3rd, nets you 75-100 RP.
                It is never a smart idea to camp until the end just to come in #1. Sure, you can "go positive" that way, but it will take you 1000x as long to climb and you'll have no mechanical skills to actually win fights when needed.

              • 2 years ago

                Fuse is a shitter magnet for Black folk. Horizon is also a metaslave scum pick. Newscastle sucks. Loba is respectable since she basically doesn't have a tactical since it's always broken. You're genuinely fricking braindead if you think bloodhound is bad.

              • 2 years ago

                >Fuse is a shitter magnet for Black folk
                How? His Q and passive are two of the most useful abilities in the game

              • 2 years ago

                Utility is better than damage 99% of the time. The cases he's useful is massively offset by the noobs who try to use his abilities when its better to just shoot people or push. And outside of pushing, he has no real utility compared to most other good legends.

              • 2 years ago

                He brings utility through damage, his Q can go far enough that you can force snipers and campers out of their spot which gives you space to seek cover or advance on them.

              • 2 years ago

                Its not useless, its just not as good. Because bang could just smoke it, gibby could just shield it, etc.

                It has its uses, but it has niche uses. But someone like lifeline can always be used. movement legends like valk or pathfinder always have tons of use. if your pushing rev can provide more. and so on.
                but because fuse has damage every noob gravitates to him because "damage means its the best ability!" when in reality something like lifeline's passive is far more clutch.

              • 2 years ago

                >But someone like lifeline can always be used
                You say that but I'm seeing a lot of complains about Lifelines kit being unoptimized, her Z gives away your position and her res while extremely useful will only really work if
                1. Your team is in a safe position so that the fallen can get back shield and health
                2. The fight is already won.

                >His Q and passive are two of the most useful abilities in the game
                Yea, that's why. He has insane utility with free zoning through his tactical and nades. It forces enemies to push. Shitters just spam them because they can't shoot. Unfortunately this means they also do this when they should've been shooting instead.

                >Shitters just spam them because they can't shoot
                Hey we can shoot, we just can't aim.

              • 2 years ago

                She's not really great either but there's tons of utility you can get from her passive that can really change a game around. Last second rezzes or baiting people out with them has won far more games for me than anything fuse provides. Usually if I have a good fuse play it's just getting a surprise cluster on someone's face and making them panic, but I'd of probably of killed them anyways.

                But I'd rather have lifelines passive over fuse literally any match.

              • 2 years ago

                >His Q and passive are two of the most useful abilities in the game
                Yea, that's why. He has insane utility with free zoning through his tactical and nades. It forces enemies to push. Shitters just spam them because they can't shoot. Unfortunately this means they also do this when they should've been shooting instead.

              • 2 years ago

                Literally everything wrong with modern gaming in a single, discardable opinion.

                Its not useless, its just not as good. Because bang could just smoke it, gibby could just shield it, etc.

                It has its uses, but it has niche uses. But someone like lifeline can always be used. movement legends like valk or pathfinder always have tons of use. if your pushing rev can provide more. and so on.
                but because fuse has damage every noob gravitates to him because "damage means its the best ability!" when in reality something like lifeline's passive is far more clutch.

                Bang is solid, but Fuse will achieve way more with his utility than Bang smokes. Also, you complain about Fuses uses Q when they should just shoot, then advocate for Bang to smoke it... which obfuscates you and your teams ability to shoot.
                Also anybody using Gibby shield early loses teamfights 90% of the time.
                Pathfinder is only good on teams that wanna ape, or for soloshitters that wanna flee teamfights and corner camp until the end. He's a content creator hero, not a game winning hero.
                Valk is too useful due to her ult and beacon scans. Bloodhound is hardly ever picked right now since the meta shifted hard into Seer and comms. Seer ult is one of the fastest charging ults in the entire game, plus with active voice comms he can make more call outs than any other hero.
                Not to mention Seer can cancel heals and rezzes, even through walls/Gibby bubbles.

                Also Lifeline is not good. She can be useful, sure, being able to rezz and still run around is solid. Her ult is pretty worthless by end-game unless you're dying to have a shield swap nearby, which can be sniped by another team or a Loba anyway.
                Lifeline players are just the gamer girls. The Mercy mains of Apex. Her utility isn't game changing. Her benefit only increases the more hard-up your team is for meds/survivability. In which case a Loba ult will do more for everybody than a healbot/rezzbot.

                Also the best loot is always on a deathbox anyway, so winning a fight is more important.

        • 2 years ago

          >hot drop
          >find 2 stacks of heavy ammo and a thermite grenade
          >the 4 squads around you have weapons
          >bald orange/blue wraith kills you in 2 shots with a peacekeeper
          >you spend another 5 minutes queueing
          When will you stupid Black folk realize being good at the game means you play a middle ground between hot dropping like an 80iq zoomer and landing on the edges of the map like a moron?

          post stats you homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      on a BR you die and just queue again, 30 seconds later you're in the game again, 5 minutes later you already have the same gear again
      you didn't lose shit, where is the fear of dying? the 5 minutes it takes to get your loadout again?
      BRs are as moronic as MOBAs, its just an express version of a real game

      • 2 years ago

        >30 seconds later you're in the game
        try actually playing videogames before vomiting lies, apex queues take at bare minimum 3m

        • 2 years ago

          I play ranked and I get into Masters lobbies <1 min all day. CSGO lobbies take longer to start than an Apex queue, not to mention all the downtime waiting for CS rounds to start.
          It's why BRs are so popular. The longest amount of time you wait with Apex is the character select screen, which is timed, and how long you choose to be on the dropship.

          From clicking Ready Up to hitting the ground takes 3 minutes and from there it's your choice in how much action. No between rounds, no waiting for a bomb plant, no waiting for invisible walls to disappear so you can move forward. And dying matters way more.
          Average CSGO player has clutched a lot of rounds by himself. Average BR player might be able to clutch a 3v1, but they aren't going to win solo, which means teamwork/game sense/positioning is 100% more important in a BR.

          >die in cs
          >can't play for 5 minutes while your teammates jack off
          >this is different because reasons

          People in CSGO or SnD or any of those faux-objective based game modes which are really just round-based TDMs with one life rely entirely on cannon fodder teammates.
          The best player on a CS team is not the person who swings a corner first, it's the teammate behind the person who swings a corner first. Meanwhile in a BR letting your teammate die is literally one of the surest ways to lose yourself. It's why people that tunnel vision on fragging instead of helping their team are hardstuck platchatters.
          Platters have just enough mechanical skill to win gunfights but not enough social IQ to climb ranked since ranked requires teamwork.
          CS/Valorant/Search and Destroy are team-based, for sure, but they do not require your team to be alive for a win condition. The best CSGO players in the world are not known for being good teammates, they're known to be good fraggers.

          So losing in CSGO means you're bad mechanically. Losing in Apex means you're bad mechanically, socially, and psychologically. Losing in a BR has more loss-conditionals which means it also has highest win-appropriations.
          It's the difference between baseball and soccer.

          • 2 years ago

            >you gain nothing out of having more teammates alive in CS
            why are there so many zoomers that have never played another FPS game?

          • 2 years ago

            >you gain nothing out of having more teammates alive in CS
            Are you a moron? More teammates let’s you push angles an outnumbered enemy is holding, attack from multiple directions, or split off to do the objective while another tries to kill the enemy.

            • 2 years ago

              Which are all early-to-mid round strats. No end round has both teams fully alive. Even 2v2/3v3s are rare by the time the clock is ticking down.
              I forget the stats, but I think in CSGO 80% of people are eliminated before the bomb is planted. It is a necessity to have as many people dead as possible, and most of it done within the first 40-60 secs of a round. Most of the first people to die in a round do so setting up a kill conditional on the enemy team by way of bunting their life as a sacrifice to set up better angles for their teammates.

              The best way to know where an enemy is in CSGO is to force them to shoot at you. So you get a stalking horse teammate, get them to walk into hallways/rooms while you follow. You either trade 1-for-1 at worst, or you rouse out positioning 2-for-1 at best and may even get 2 kills off 1 death.

              Good luck winning a BR by sacrificing your teammates in such an obtuse way.

              >you gain nothing out of having more teammates alive in CS
              why are there so many zoomers that have never played another FPS game?

              >takes 10 words out of context
              >hurrdurr zoomers
              You sound a fricking zoomer with too much ADHD he can't read full statements.

              • 2 years ago

                If that's how your winning CS rounds you're not going to be playing at a high level.

              • 2 years ago

                MG2-LE. MGE was my most common rank. But I peaked at LEM for a couple seasons and some I did poorly and couldn't climb out of MG1.
                Once I realized playing for myself was the best way to climb in CS I started using other people as stalking horses and would follow them into firefights and clean up their kills. Most games I'd be the last person alive versus 1-2 enemies. At that point you either clutch or die.
                Me dying early meant round loss 90% of the time. Me living to end meant round win 60-70% of the time. This isn't a "I'm just so good at the game" mentality, I'm pretty mediocre but I have good gamesense and I don't get shook with pressure.

                It's why BRs are superior imo. CS does not rely on teamwork as much as it relies on using your team to set yourself up. It's like using teammates as a ladder to help you over a wall, but you don't need to reach down to help them up. All they care about is you getting over the wall. So you just keep using them to get up and over. The more often you get up and over the more praise you get from your team. In a BR though, being down a teammate is palpable. If your team calls for help and you tunnel vision on shooting some other enemy, you are almost guaranteed to lose that fight. If you ignore a ping or comms because you cracked somebody's armor, there's a 100% chance your mate is gonna get thirsted. Keeping aware of your teams positioning, trying to mentally map whether or not you could get to them within 5 seconds to help or not, will do more to win fights than cracking somebody's armor.

                >hot drop
                >find 2 stacks of heavy ammo and a thermite grenade
                >the 4 squads around you have weapons
                >bald orange/blue wraith kills you in 2 shots with a peacekeeper
                >you spend another 5 minutes queueing
                When will you stupid Black folk realize being good at the game means you play a middle ground between hot dropping like an 80iq zoomer and landing on the edges of the map like a moron?

                post stats you homosexual

                >dont find a weapon
                >comms: "I have no gun, I'm going to no-name pills to the North. Fall back with me, fall back with me."
                >teammates follow you while the other 2 teams fight it out since chasing you while being shot in the back means death for anybody that follows you
                If you mean you're trying to contest the same 5 feet of loot as an enemy and you lost the loot war on grabbing a gun, that's a (You) problem.

              • 2 years ago

                While you are on comms with your gay team I’m lighting you up btw

              • 2 years ago

                >well i baited my team the entire time. that means CS has no reliance on teamwork

              • 2 years ago

                >MG2-LE. MGE was my most common rank. But I peaked at LEM for a couple seasons and some I did poorly and couldn't climb out of MG1.
                I fricking knew it.

                MGE is in top ~20% of CSGO and I played for less than 1,000 hours total. I went from GNM to MGE in a season by playing stalking horse strats. LE was my peak and that's top ~10% of players.
                Sorry but it's a shit game if you're interested in teamwork of any sort. Fricking OW requires more comms than CS. I got to LE watching M*A*S*H on my 2nd monitor and ignoring all voice comms since it was mostly salty 25 year olds crying.

              • 2 years ago

                If you're not global then I don't give a frick about your opinion on CSGO. You're not good enough for it to matter.

              • 2 years ago

                If there's one thing I've learned about Ganker is that none of you have achieved the stats that you argue from. You'll read talking points from CS pros on twitter and regurgitate their opinions before you git gud at a game then you'll spend hours of any given week shitting on other games because you don't have their twitter opinions to squawk out.

              • 2 years ago

                I played at supreme/global for around a year before my friends stopped playing CSGO. I didn't enjoy the game solo so I stopped playing. I've got around 2k hours in GO and haven't played in just under 5 years. I've been playing 1.6 and source for longer. I know what I'm talking about.

              • 2 years ago

                If you're not global then I don't give a frick about your opinion on CSGO. You're not good enough for it to matter.

                lolling at both of u

              • 2 years ago

                I wasn't interested in letting ESEA mine bitcoin with my pc.

              • 2 years ago

                >MG2-LE. MGE was my most common rank. But I peaked at LEM for a couple seasons and some I did poorly and couldn't climb out of MG1.
                I fricking knew it.

              • 2 years ago

                >comms: "I have no gun, I'm going to no-name pills to the North. Fall back with me, fall back with me."
                >teammates follow you while the other 2 teams fight it out since chasing you while being shot in the back means death for anybody that follows you
                unless you're a 3 stacking autist Black person this doesn't happen. your rando team mates will run face first in to a fully looted squad after ignoring your pings, text, and voip and then screech at you like monkeys because you "left them to die". hot dropping is pure brain dead rng shit.

              • 2 years ago

                I solo-Q and always have. I'd love to find a couple teammates to queue with, but everybody is so metahomosexualry and egotistical obsessed with whatever the latest fad is in Pred streams. I find the randoms without a mic more willing to listen to me IGL than any twitch stream watching homosexual.

                If I call to fall back most of my teammates will, but I also play in Masters lobbies. Not pubs, not Gold. If you think hotdropping means landing ontop of an enemy and trying to loot the same pill as them, you are the pure braindead Random Black person Gamer shit. Because only monkeys try to get into fistfights when you can land 10 feet further than them and get a gun off drop.

              • 2 years ago

                You're the Black person for assuming that I meant landing on someone's head 100% of the time is what hot dropping is. Enjoy that 2020 while the horizon on the other side of the building found level 3 armor and a flatline. Dropping hot is fricking moronic unless you're doing it exclusively for fun with friends as 98% of hot dropping comes down to not getting mouth fricked by rng. I know you don't have any of those though.

              • 2 years ago

                Hotdropping actually means dropping where there's more than 2 teams. So 3+ teams (including yours). This is what idiots do and where your anger seems focused for some reason, maybe you're an idiot.
                Warmdropping is a 3v3, ie., 2 teams.
                Colddropping is where you go where nobody is. This is what pussies do and maybe where angry hotdroppers should go since they can't handle early fights.

                The absolute best strat is Warmdropping. You get loot, a quick fight for KP, and the rest of the POI to yourself to get set up for the rest of the game. Maybe even rotate into a crafter nearby.
                Colddropping is fine too, but you absolutely need to rotate quickly for it to work. None of this looting every building top to bottom bullshit. Get 2 guns, some meds, if you see a higher armor take the time to grab it, if you're on top of a crafter get Blue armor/batts, then rotate immediately. Colddropping should take 5 minutes tops unless you craft.

              • 2 years ago

                >those are all early to mid round strats…
                Pretty much everything you wrote here is true, but none of it actually proves your point that “you gain nothing out of having more teammates alive in CS.” You do get more out of having more teammates alive in CS, even if only to use as bait for flushing out camping enemies. Regardless, this applies the same to BRs, you literally just have teams moving from camping spot to camping spot, only intentionally being aggressive and engaging when they can third party another fight. Once the circle is closing and only a couple buildings remain, the exact situation you described in CS unfolds; there’s a team camping in the building in the circle, you have to have someone push as a sacrificial lamb to engage while you go in after them. The only reason BRs are harder to win with this sacrifice strat is because you have to potentially fight so many more enemies up until the final circle.

                Literally every BR round is mini-versions of what you describes happen in CS, where the teams inevitably have to push the camping spots of players within the circles get killed with third party wild cards thrown in.

              • 2 years ago

                If you sacrifice a teammate to flush out an end-circle camper, you put yourself at an immediate disadvantage to the remaining teams. It is literally moronic to do that. It is always a smarter play to disengage, retreat, heal, and reassess whether or not another team is pushing than it is to ape inside, lose a teammate, shield swap, and wait for a full team to 3rd party you.

                Now if you mean it's 2 teams left so it's a 3v3, sure, you could sprint full ape into a room drop a Horizon ult and arc star the floor and do 100+ damage to everybody and, as long as your teammates follow up properly, win. But in any case almost every single high ranked Apex game comes down to 3-4 teams final circle. Some maps it's even more.
                It's a three-legged race and you're advocating that amputating one of the legs of your team will make you faster because of the lost weight, without realizing you're gonna have to limp your way to the finish line.

                However, in CS, like I said, 80% of people are dead before the bomb is even planted. Most people die within 40-60 seconds of round start. More action happens within the first minute of a CS round than in any other moment in the round, and yet the only parts of a round that truly matter are the final deaths/defuses.
                In a BR you have ranked conditionals based on kills and placements. Which means teamwork matters way more. Nobody in their right fricking mind is going to sacrifice themselves for the chance at getting downed/thirsted just so they get 3rd-partied, it's just moronic logic. All the Path/Wraith/Octane mains that push teams early and die, they aren't the All-Stars setting up plays. They're just dying. But in CS being the person that walks into B-bend first and does a bit of dmg, which lets me swing in finish the guy, and also contest a 2nd guy (which will come down to 50-50)-- if I win that 50-50, we're suddenly up.
                BRs do not come down to 50-50 because BRs rely on healing and falling back. Not funneling into hallways.

          • 2 years ago

            Also mind you, if both your teammates die in apex, you can still rat to the top 3 and gain MMR.
            You don't need to fight to win in apex, you can rat all the way to diamond+

            • 2 years ago

              It takes forever without kp

          • 2 years ago

            >I play ranked and I get into Masters lobbies <1 min all day. CSGO lobbies take longer to start than an Apex queue
            That's because they match you with gold players since there's not enough people masochistic, autistic, or stupid enough to play ranked this season. Even before the braindead changes they made this season master lobbies were still 50% diamond players at minimum. Of course CSGO takes longer they actually have some semblance of matchmaking. You also clearly didn't play CSGO higher than MG at max. It's fricking hilarious how smart you think you are.

            • 2 years ago

              Lowest people I see in my lobbies are Plat. Which since the ranked changes most Plats nowadays were D4 hardstucks anyway. Also as I mentioned in another post I was MGE-LE.
              Most lower ranked players in higher ranked lobbies die early anyway since they do dumb shit. Endgame circles are almost always Preds/Masters/D1/D2s in my games. I'll see a couple teams of Plats get deleted early, maybe run into one in Round 2/Round 3, but by then they're culled.
              Also it's laughable to say CSGO has fricking matchmaking. I've gotten LEM/Supremes in Gold Nova games while playing with friends. My best friend is a GNM and he sends me pics of fricking GEs in his games because it's 3am and the game just shits you into any active lobby at night.
              All matchmaking in every game is fricking shit.
              I thought Ganker of all places understood that. Guess you guys are just as much metahomosexuals as reddit.

              • 2 years ago

                >some semblance
                Some matchmaking is better than 0 matchmaking. Plat means fricking nothing in apex. Plat had more people in it than nearly every other rank combined in it last season. Apex at any level but the very highest doesn't require skill, only a time investment, and even then it's a fricking joke because of the core game. The netcode, servers, tick rate, etc. are all a complete and utter joke.

                Because fortnite is for "kids" and has disneyland aesthetics. I want SERIOUS looking environment and real hard GAMING gameplay. The only real reason I hear anyone saying apex over fortnite is because of movement.

                >I hear anyone saying apex over fortnite is because of movement.
                Movement and gunplay. Fornite is dogshit from a gameplay perspective even without the moronic building.

                If you sacrifice a teammate to flush out an end-circle camper, you put yourself at an immediate disadvantage to the remaining teams. It is literally moronic to do that. It is always a smarter play to disengage, retreat, heal, and reassess whether or not another team is pushing than it is to ape inside, lose a teammate, shield swap, and wait for a full team to 3rd party you.

                Now if you mean it's 2 teams left so it's a 3v3, sure, you could sprint full ape into a room drop a Horizon ult and arc star the floor and do 100+ damage to everybody and, as long as your teammates follow up properly, win. But in any case almost every single high ranked Apex game comes down to 3-4 teams final circle. Some maps it's even more.
                It's a three-legged race and you're advocating that amputating one of the legs of your team will make you faster because of the lost weight, without realizing you're gonna have to limp your way to the finish line.

                However, in CS, like I said, 80% of people are dead before the bomb is even planted. Most people die within 40-60 seconds of round start. More action happens within the first minute of a CS round than in any other moment in the round, and yet the only parts of a round that truly matter are the final deaths/defuses.
                In a BR you have ranked conditionals based on kills and placements. Which means teamwork matters way more. Nobody in their right fricking mind is going to sacrifice themselves for the chance at getting downed/thirsted just so they get 3rd-partied, it's just moronic logic. All the Path/Wraith/Octane mains that push teams early and die, they aren't the All-Stars setting up plays. They're just dying. But in CS being the person that walks into B-bend first and does a bit of dmg, which lets me swing in finish the guy, and also contest a 2nd guy (which will come down to 50-50)-- if I win that 50-50, we're suddenly up.
                BRs do not come down to 50-50 because BRs rely on healing and falling back. Not funneling into hallways.

                You're a fricking MG player, shut the frick up.

              • 2 years ago

                Any competitive game requires a time investment. You think people are naturally gifted at CS spray patterns or Valorant utility tracking or just know how to Hadouken, or down-B-cancel-grab? Your entire point here is elementary school level.
                I'm the only person to actually honestly post my rank in CS, nobody else has lmao. Also I'm not an MG player. I'm MGE-LE.

                Also, Plat means more now in Apex than it ever has. Plat is actually a solid rank since they overhauled the RP system. And you can't be a hardstuck P4/D4 anymore since you can fall out of ranks, which means your point about "more people in Plat than rest of the ranks" means nothing nowadays. You're just harping on old shit and pretending it matters. May as well cry about your childhood on a therapists couch at that point.

              • 2 years ago

                >Any competitive game requires a time investment.
                Sure, but the time investment is all that's required with apex. You don't need to spend that time improving at the game, merely spend the time itself. Not my fault you're too fricking stupid to understand my point.

              • 2 years ago

                Apex requires gun handling both with and without equipment, movement which is better than any competitive shooter on the market, and the typical BR of ring/rotations.
                If you're in a higher ranked lobby and you can't tapstrafe at a moments notice, you will not make it to final circle unless you're a corner camping b***h. Which means you're not playing to win, you're just playing to not lose.
                Gamer girl mentality.
                CS does not require movement tech. It's just spray patterns and letting your teammates die for a set-up.
                Rotations barely exist in CS and any bait-A-push-B scenarios are realized within 45 seconds of round start.

                It's mindnumbing how fricking bad CS is as a competitive team-based shooter. At least UT/Quake had CTF as its main competitive mode. If you're not helping the flag carrier directly you're losing the game, which is more than I can say for any CS homosexuals still playing that meatgrinder of a game.

              • 2 years ago

                God damn Black person you are fricking moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                You don't have to pretend to know how CS is played if you're this shit. There's a reason it was the defacto standard of competitive FPS for over a decade.

              • 2 years ago

                Because it ran on and still runs on toasters. My friend has a Pentium 2 in his laptop from 15 years ago and he can still run CSGO.
                CS is the WoW of shooters. It's popular because even poor kids can play it on their hardware.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm MG I'm in the top20% of players
                >But one time I was LE! I clearly know what I'm talking about when I've only played pubs
                you're not doing yourself favors.

              • 2 years ago

                Top 10% of players with 1,000 total hours and only 600 in matchmaking is pretty solid tbh. If I took CS serious I could go higher, but it's a tiresome game where you spend more time waiting in queue and in-between rounds than you do playing the game.
                Typical BR game is 20-30 minutes of active gameplay. Unless you're playing Looting Simulator and make bad drops. Typical CS game is 30-40 minutes long, but only about 10-15 minutes of activity. There's more activity in WoW arena than in a typical CS match.

              • 2 years ago

                >Typical BR game is 20-30 minutes of active gameplay.
                More like 3-5 minutes of active gameplay with 25 minutes of looting and rotating. Just look at what kind of moronic esport the game has, 15 min round but you mgiht as well skip to the last 2 rings in any single game because nothing fricking happens in the first 95% of the game if you are actually playing the game like it's supposed to be played.

              • 2 years ago

                >play the game the way it's supposed to be played
                I drop on a team, win the fight, rotate to nearest teamfight for a 3rd party. Either push them or I scan beacon to rotate to next circle.
                Ask my team if they want KP or to play it safe. If they say they don't care, then we ape the next teamfight as we rotate.
                If it's one of the rare games where half the lobby is dead before Round 3 then I just go hunting.

                If you're finding lulls in your Apex games then you play at low ranks, in pubs, or you yourself play like a pussy ass gamer girl. The sounds in Apex ring out from as far away as 500m. You can pinpoint where a teamfight is further away than you can even land a shot with perfect vantage, which means rotating into action is literally achievable at any given moment.

                Unless you drop on the furthest edge away from every other team, rotate late after teams have fought and rotated before you, then there is no excuse to not find action. Shit, if you really want to spice up your gameplay get your team to shoot a lot and throw a grenade. People will think it's a teamfight and come 3rd party grief you, then you can fight them.

                Of course if you play pubs or like a pussy then you deserve boring games.

              • 2 years ago

                that's how I played when I played casual with my m8s, just hot drop and try to win the first fights, and just run towards gunfire, shit gets boring fast since you realize that's not how the game is meant to be played instead you're incentivized to just chill and feed on 3rd parties and get best ring pos

              • 2 years ago

                You're literally just at dunning krugner level.
                Top 10% of players means nothing, its the gold of CS. You see this in every game, MGE is the meme rank in CS precisely because of this reason. Its where all the slightly above average players bottom out because they do put in 1000 hours and think they're top shit but have no idea how the actual game works because they're only focused on themselves.

                What seperates the MGEs from the good players is that the good players actually know how the game works, knows how to play as a team and strategize, and so on. You're literally being the stereotypical MGE player crying about teamwork when you're the one who has no idea how it works. Hell you think you need to sacrifice to push, an MGE should know how flashes and smokes work.

              • 2 years ago

                GNM is the meme rank actually. But thanks for trying to turn it around and get personal with me lmao. I've spent more time in CS circles than you've spent gitting gud at anything but your argumentative style trying cop on some dunning-kruger shit.
                my fricking sides right now mate
                The irony that is dripping off your words could fill Lake Mead back up.

              • 2 years ago

                Just read your own posts bro, you fit it to a T and me making a typo doesn't change that.

              • 2 years ago

                Lmao you're getting desperate. Leave now before you embarrass yourself any further.

        • 2 years ago

          I dont play apex any more but ive never had any br queue take more than a minute ever

      • 2 years ago

        >on a BR you die and just queue again, 30 seconds later you're in the game again
        That's true but it won't be the same game against same people. You lost previous one and that's it there's no come back from that. You won't get any retaliation against person t bagged your corpse for 1 minute. This is why shitters seething so hard at any mention of BR. Unlike in most games you actually have to deal with a taste of defeat.

        • 2 years ago

          >you don't lose in other games
          >other games don't have punishment for death
          >only BRs have any semblance of a punishment (which is that you can't kill the guy who t-bagged you)
          so this is the power of microplastics.

          • 2 years ago

            Strong refute.

            • 2 years ago

              >Unlike in most games you actually have to deal with a taste of defeat.
              Every multiplayer game has a loss condition.
              Argument refuted.

              Or if you're going to cherry pick animal crossing or something.
              CSGO has a loss condition, 50% of players always lose. Counter Evidence given and claim refuted. Any game with gungame or a single player deathmatch only 1 player wins, usually 8-10 players meaning 90% of people lose.

              • 2 years ago

                I think in most games loss is more abstract and usually just a matter of who got most points or completed objective. In BR loss is more literal because you getting eliminated from the game entirely and it's keep going without you.

              • 2 years ago

                >die in cs
                >can't play for 5 minutes while your teammates jack off
                >this is different because reasons

              • 2 years ago

                Yes. It doesn't determine the outcome of the game.

              • 2 years ago

                have you ever played another game outside of fortnite-likes?

              • 2 years ago

                Yes. This is exactly why I have such a strong opinion about BR. I've been playing multiplayer shooters on pc since 2001. And I didn't liked Apex at first either. It was way too fricking stressful and my KDR was below 1. I wasn't having a good time, my arms were shaking from anxiety and I was sweating profusely. This is absolutely not what anyone wants from gaming but instead of quitting I got mad at myself for being such a b***h. I wanted to overcome these shitty feelings and get better and this is what kept me going. The game became so much more fun when I changed my mentality about how I play. No other shooter ever made me so invested emotionally and I think a lot of it due to core BR formula. It's so naturally competitive I feel like it awakens some primal survival instincts. In gaming it's just as wild as it gets.

              • 2 years ago

                >dying doesn’t determine the outcome of the game
                If you are alive at the end of either game (besides bomb defusal) and your enemies are dead you win, if you are dead and your enemies aren’t you lose. Dying affects the outcome.

              • 2 years ago

                >I think in most games loss is more abstract
                >usually just a matter of who got most points or completed objective
                How is this abstract exactly? You either win or lose. It's very cut and dry.

            • 2 years ago

              >Premium Snopes Membership
              What the frick would that even do?
              Give you access to premium urban legends?

    • 2 years ago

      Getting booted to the lobby is not consequences, it's just mild annoyance. If I wanted my death to have consequences I'd play something like Tarkov or Hunt.

    • 2 years ago

      >Boomer shooters feel casual
      That's why I play them. I have no desire to play some sweaty zoomer frickfest.

    • 2 years ago

      >fear of dying is the appeal
      >Yet everyone loves to hot drop, dc on knock and instant requeue while doing nothing but ape teams
      BR gays cry about arena shooters being boring yet end up playing BR's as if they were just area shooters. Players just want to fight all day and don't give a frick about being the last team standing, aka winning.

      The best loot is on other people. If you're spending 15 mins playing a walking simulator in a BR then you're a scared pussy that needs to git gud.
      Nobody needs a purple stock. Nobody needs a barrel stabilizer.
      The most loot you need is at least a grey/blue extended mag and some sort of red dot/2x.
      You need armor and shields more than any other type of loot in the game. Blue armor you can craft, cells are plentiful, and batts you can craft.
      If you're not ready to leave a POI with your kit within 4 minutes of hitting the ground, you're a fricking pussy and I will absolutely convince the other teammate to leave you behind.

      I guarantee I can do more with a P2020 and Longbow than you can with a fully kitted R301 and whatever secondary you prefer.

      Ironic the way to "git gub" at a BR is to pretend its TDM. Which is also a lie because you can easily place 3rd or better by never getting into a fight in the first place and 3rd partying the last team fight.
      >15 mins playing a walking simulator in a BR then you're a scared pussy
      Dumbass its a BR. The objective is to come in first. Your kill count, damage, and knockdowns never mattered despite what the latest ecleb wants you to think. Don't like it? Play an area shooter.

      Whenever you gays accept the fact you just wanted a more complex tdm with choices we can leave this moronic game mode behind.

      • 2 years ago

        KP matters as much as placement in Apex, though. Especially since they changed all that stuff a season or two ago. You can rat to 3rd and then wait for the other 2 teams to fight and kill the last couple of people, absolutely. And you'll get like 80 RP for 30 minutes of sitting around in a corner. You can't even finish downed enemies and get free KP anymore, you have to be the team that downed them, so taking cheeky killsteal attempts only gives up your precious cornercamping hiding spot. By the time you're in Plat/Diamond, 80 RP is fricking nothing. It'd take you 200 games of doing that to go from Plat 4 to Diamond 4 if all you do is get the final 2-3 kills and come in 1st. And that's assuming you can continuously reach endgame and get that 80 RP. Frick up 2-3 games in a row and losing your entry RP, it'll take you 5x as long to camp your way out of Plat.
        And all that camping is just rotting your muscle memory and mechanical skills.

        Not to say you should ape every single teamfight, but in no way is camping to endgame is a feasible strat to achieving any measurable goal. If all you want is to see the words "Champion" on your screen, by all means keep yourself hardstuck Plat 4. But I sit in Masters queue and I like to climb.

        Getting early KP, taking midfights if you can but retreating if you can't, 3rd-4th-5th partying midfights, and playing position late game will net you better odds. But that also relies on you not spending 20 minutes looting pills and sitting in corners listening to teamfights happen.

        • 2 years ago

          >KP matters as much as placement in Apex

        • 2 years ago

          You have to take into account that getting into early and mid fights are a huge risk not worth taking in high ranked games. If you are masters then you inherently know this and the idea of hot dropping is a joke espically with 3rd partying being so prevalent in Apex. Even at the low levels of play its better to let the dumb players hot drop for RNG loot, kill each other, let your placement points stack, and clean up the winners before they can recover to steal the best loot in that area and get some KP.

          This is why in a tournament or ranked BR game the first 2 rings are the most boring to watch because there's nothing really happening. They know the risk isn't worth the lackluster KP reward at the time.

        • 2 years ago

          >kp matters
          You can still get diamond without ever getting any kills. Just mute your team, drop literally nowhere, play inside the zone, craft shit ton of meds, after zone 3 begins start playing the edge and crawl. np now you can be top 1% apex player.

          • 2 years ago

            >that picture

    • 2 years ago

      >fear of dying

  5. 2 years ago

    Stop landing cold you don't get any better like that

  6. 2 years ago

    Puttin' down some cover for ma bruddahs!

  7. 2 years ago

    Sounds like you made the mistake of playing on Stormpoint.

  8. 2 years ago

    BRs are pretty great in theory.
    A team deathmatch game only has the goal of winning, which 50% of the people playing will get, or getting to the top spot, which the same 3 or 4 people will get and usually it doesn't feel like anything other than "Thank frick I managed to carry these babies".
    A BR game has a more interesting goal, with more flexible ways of being there. You want just straight fast shootan? Drop in a hot zone. You want to be a sniper? Drop far away and do that.
    It's just neat. Too bad all of them suck.

  9. 2 years ago

    Apex is great
    If you're not hotdropping and chasing kills you're not playing it right
    Sure you can probably hide your way to the top 5 but that doesn't work in ranked cause you actually have to get some kp to rank up
    Now move the goalpost by posting >ranked in a BR lol

  10. 2 years ago

    I refuse to play Apex until they add a permanent gamemode that isn't BR or arenas. Seriously, they've had Control as a LTM several times and STILL haven't made it permanent.

    • 2 years ago

      Control isn't that fun.
      The fact that BR isn't non stop action is a perk, you have moments of high tension followed by more chill moments where you can kind of play around and have fun.
      People don't want to be 100% concentrated every second they're playing, it's tiring. It's the same reason people play LoL and not SC2.

  11. 2 years ago

    Ah yes Apex Legends. The "hardcore competitive shooter" with aim assist, shit servers, shit netcode, bugs and glitches out of the ass, a new exploit every month, people boosting badges to pretend they are good and a developer who is awful at balancing and take months to fix anything just to reintroduce those same issues in a later patch.

    Nah this game is a meme. Play Valorant instead. An actual good shooter.

    • 2 years ago

      Valorant is so slow i can't bear playing it

  12. 2 years ago

    They're the evolution of arena shooters.

  13. 2 years ago

    Difference is Apex forces the player to play more conservative. You can't just go up to a squad and killed all of them unless you third party or you are a sweaty demon with a good Legend.

  14. 2 years ago

    >avoid dropping where everyone else goes
    >complain about not running into anyone for 15 minutes
    sounds like a you problem

  15. 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    all of this can be remedied simply by not being a massive pussy

  17. 2 years ago

    True solo mode when

  18. 2 years ago

    I enjoy the stakes and the knowledge I sent people back to the main menu when I kill them. Constant running, gunning, dying, respawning and repeating gets a bit stale for me imo

  19. 2 years ago

    They don't the playerbase is all asiatics.

  20. 2 years ago

    Battle Royales are only popular because of streamers.

    Has anyone watched a top tier streamer play a mil sim or a game with a story? Look at Elden Ring, you had streamers getting rekt because they didn't understand the mechanics. Then having a meltdown and saying they thought the game was "Ok, but too clunky".

    The audience they pull is short attention spam.

    >"Right guys here we go"
    >Lands in dies 5 games in a row
    >"I dunno chat, I'm just having a bad, not feeling it...."
    >SBMM lobby activates after getting shat on for round after round
    >"OMG chat only 8 players left!!!"
    >Literal morons stood in the open
    >Streamer uses meta weapon #21
    >You win!!

    • 2 years ago

      Elden ring is clunky and sucks though

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty sure this is how every 20kill game YouTube video gets made as well.

  21. 2 years ago

    >walk for 15 minutes until you see someone
    That's total bullshit, because average game is 15 minutes long. Stop dropping on the edge of the map, moronic Black person.

  22. 2 years ago

    PUBG is literally better because you actually die in a few hits and have to be really fricking careful about your movements. Apex is too forgiving.

    • 2 years ago

      Higher TTK takes more skill because you need to consistently land your shots and pick your battles.
      Low TTK means you can get rid of threats before its ever a problem and increases the chances of just getting lucky with shots.

      • 2 years ago

        >Higher TTK takes more skill because you need to consistently land your shots and pick your battles.
        What Low TTK game do you NOT need to consistently land shots and pick your battles?
        >Low TTK means you can get rid of threats before its ever a problem
        Apparently not since your saying they don't need to consistently land shots nor pick their battles

        • 2 years ago

          A low ttk game takes 1-3 shots to kill someone, that happens in less than half a second with next to no recoil involved.
          In siege there's never any issue with killing another player, if you see them they're dead.

          You don't even need to see them because you can spray through walls, land a single headshot and get an instant kill.

          With higher ttk games like apex you need to land a solid 15-20 shots to kill someone, that actually requires you to aim and land every shot while they're able to react to shoot back. If you can't outskill them it doesn't matter if you saw them first, because they're better at shooting.

          • 2 years ago

            I would argue it's both less and more important. You have much more of a chance to turn around and facefrick someone instantly if they miss one of three required bullets to kill you so there's occasionally less of a need to actually pay attention to positioning. That argument goes the other way though and you can get caught out and instantly killed. Higher ttk means you need to have much more consistent aim and learn to throw your opponent's off with better positioning and movement but it's also more forgiving since you can take a few shots before going down. At level 3 armor it takes like 20 rounds with a flatline to down someone. It's not an easy "this one requires more skill than this one" since they both require different skillsets to some extent.

            >ranger on a flatline says HELLO

          • 2 years ago

            >In siege there's never any issue with killing another player, if you see them they're dead.
            >You don't even need to see them because you can spray through walls, land a single headshot and get an instant kill.
            LMAO. If you spray at a wall in siege you just announced your position to the entire enemy team who will gun you down right after you get your one kill and thats because factors like sound play into low ttk games at a much higher level. Meanwhile in Apex sound is just to tell you the direction to go 3rd party.

            >15-20 shots to kill someone, that actually requires you to aim and land every shot while they're able to react to shoot back
            The ability to run away during a gun fight isn't skill. Lack of punishment for having terrible awareness and positioning isn't something to champion.
            You're never restricted from shooting back. You still have to land shots and your post about recoil is absurd considering low TTK games have extremely high recoil compared to Apex.

            I would argue it's both less and more important. You have much more of a chance to turn around and facefrick someone instantly if they miss one of three required bullets to kill you so there's occasionally less of a need to actually pay attention to positioning. That argument goes the other way though and you can get caught out and instantly killed. Higher ttk means you need to have much more consistent aim and learn to throw your opponent's off with better positioning and movement but it's also more forgiving since you can take a few shots before going down. At level 3 armor it takes like 20 rounds with a flatline to down someone. It's not an easy "this one requires more skill than this one" since they both require different skillsets to some extent.

            The idea is that positioning is so important because 1 - 3 bullets can kill you. Its the reason to have good positioning in the first place. Hence every example of high ttk is how good positioning is diminished because it takes 20 shots to kill someone. That doesn't make it more skillful it makes it less so.

            Also note were always assuming a headshot in low ttk games where in all these high ttk examples its 15-20 body shots. How can someone claim to prioritize good aim but not even bother with headshots as if its a lucky thing?

            • 2 years ago

              Most good apex players will kill you in a single mag. You can't run away if you fricked up. But at the same time you can still peak a corner without instantly dying due to pixel perfect awp shots.

              • 2 years ago

                Most apex players take multiple mags and even their secondary to kill an aware and competent player. And they are always running away to heal and reposition.

                Is Awp that sniper that kills without even needing a headshot? I don't know why those kinds of guns are even in low ttk games. I guess as a comparison Apex's Kraber was nerfed because people didn't even ads it and destroyed people. Which still happens

              • 2 years ago

                I rarely see anyone take more than 2 mags to down someone if they're out of position. People can heal because they play safe.

        • 2 years ago

          I would argue it's both less and more important. You have much more of a chance to turn around and facefrick someone instantly if they miss one of three required bullets to kill you so there's occasionally less of a need to actually pay attention to positioning. That argument goes the other way though and you can get caught out and instantly killed. Higher ttk means you need to have much more consistent aim and learn to throw your opponent's off with better positioning and movement but it's also more forgiving since you can take a few shots before going down. At level 3 armor it takes like 20 rounds with a flatline to down someone. It's not an easy "this one requires more skill than this one" since they both require different skillsets to some extent.

  23. 2 years ago

    I can't wait for BRs to die. The most boring "gameplay" I have ever experienced.

    • 2 years ago

      Based. Frick battle royale. I enjoy Fortnite but Apex is hot dogshit because having friends is mandatory to enjoy the game. No solo mode is absolute bullshit in Apex.

      • 2 years ago

        Not just that but the need to separate triple stacks from solos q

        • 2 years ago

          Like seriously. Why do people play Apex over Fortnite when Apex only has two game modes? At least Fortnite has options and better gameplay.

          • 2 years ago

            Apex actually has good gunplay. That's literally the only reason I play it. It has the best guns I can think of in an FPS game right now.

            • 2 years ago

              Halo is better. Even Fortnite has better gunplay. Titanfall 2 has the same FRICKING guns as Apex and is an infinitely superior game yet normies rather play Apex.

              Because fortnite is for "kids" and has disneyland aesthetics. I want SERIOUS looking environment and real hard GAMING gameplay. The only real reason I hear anyone saying apex over fortnite is because of movement.

              Apex legends movement feels slow as shit compared to Titanfall. Its literally a neutered Titanfall.

              • 2 years ago

                >good gunplay
                lmao what
                >tf2 has the same guns
                oh youre moronic and don't know shit about gameplay.

              • 2 years ago

                Keep playing shitty games. You're whats wrong with gaming. Normies like you would rather apex over an actually well crafted game like Titanfall or Halo infinite

          • 2 years ago

            Because fortnite is for "kids" and has disneyland aesthetics. I want SERIOUS looking environment and real hard GAMING gameplay. The only real reason I hear anyone saying apex over fortnite is because of movement.

            • 2 years ago

              The silly graphics is actually part of it, the guns don't feel like guns they feel like toys. Having Naruto and Darth Vadar running around just looks dumb too. Style is an important part of visuals, it doesn't need to be hardcore and gritty (as if apex is hardcore or gritty with their flamboyant characters), it just needs to be good enough to fit the player's tastes.

              But the other big reason I got turned off early from fortnite was the building bullshit. Frick that. I think they have modes that disable it but it doesn't make me want to go back.

              • 2 years ago

                Halo is better. Even Fortnite has better gunplay. Titanfall 2 has the same FRICKING guns as Apex and is an infinitely superior game yet normies rather play Apex.
                Apex legends movement feels slow as shit compared to Titanfall. Its literally a neutered Titanfall.

                Is the Northstar client still up and running? I never got to play the Titanfall games and have only seen gameplay. Anytime I am play Apex I know in the back of my head that there is a better game I could be playing. Also the current devs or whatever you want to call them in Apex are incompetent and don't even know the code for the fricking game.

              • 2 years ago

                Should be. Never tried Northstar myself.

              • 2 years ago

                >Is the Northstar client still up and running?
                It is, and vanilla Titanfall 2 works as well.

  24. 2 years ago

    >collect items
    >walk for 15 minutes until you see someone
    Where exactly are you landing for this to happen?

  25. 2 years ago

    Look at all these frickers
    >hurrdurr gitgud

    There's no opportunity to "get gud" when these have such a very small TTK and a long wait time otherwise. The ability for someone else to get a handful of shots to land means you're fricked - you can play one of these games for ages and do nothing except feed those who are already good without really allowing you to improve

    The issue comes down to all the different ways that you can fail and only some are really on you
    A) Failure of accuracy. This is the main 'getgud" part and the one most reliant on you personally. If the other guy can somehow shoot you more or do more damage (depending on on the weapon this may be headshots or something etc) you're fricked. Apex doesn't have a good single player target range that allows you to go up against MOVING HUMAN AVATAR TARGETS AT A VARIETY OF RANGES. Your ability to plink a dummy or a useless fricking square isn't going to help.
    B) Failure of gear matchup, character abilities, map knowledge, or other tactics. You can somewhat maybe improve here with experience, knowing where to find X or what drops at Y. However, you may still be fricked because its going to take LOT of time and of course you still have to compete with A and C and finally
    C) failure of teamwork or decision making. This is a huge one. You knocking one enemy out doesn't mean dick, there are at least 2 others so its going to massively vary depending on what kinds of teammates you have.

    There's a lot of frustrating shit about BRs that are beyond other titles and I haven't even gotten FOMO and overly expensive monetization. I WILL say that Apex is probably the best BR out there though and the one that's the least shit for various reasons.

    • 2 years ago

      >talking about Apex
      >these have such a very small TTK

    • 2 years ago

      >very small TTK
      FPS with high TTK is playskool babygame mode. Apex got better when it was lowered to something fricking reasonable but its still really high.

      What you dumb Black folk always get wrong is thinking you can play a game like this as if were a bouncy castle arena shooter. You can't. Its 20% aim and 80% positioning strategy. If you were seen first, you failed to evaluate the terrain and assess the risks competently.

      • 2 years ago

        But that's the point, its still one of these things where even if you're "dueling" if someone can manage to either critcally damage or knock you without having to reload, or do it in less reloads, they win. That's the majority of situations. Planning certainly manages, but the ability for you to paint the other guy with your shots accurately as soon as fricking possible is the name of the game and if the other guy can do it 1/10 of a second before you well you're fricked

      • 2 years ago

        >Apex got better when it was lowered to something fricking reasonable
        Apex was actually worse when they lowered the ttk. The game was designed around an average 1 second ttk so lowering it made the game feel like shit. Especially since they still had fricking low profile in the game at that point.

  26. 2 years ago

    It's a really good shooter but I got bored after a few weeks. The BR/Hero shooter genre really is tedious shit.
    Oldschool CoD Deathmatch with loadouts, perks and unlocks is superior in every way.

  27. 2 years ago

    >land in hot zone
    >don’t get weapons, other team gets them first
    >land in hot zone
    >get weapons
    >kill others who were unlucky
    >move to position closer in circle
    >enemy team is already camping there and lights you up
    >move to position closer in circle
    >get there before anyone else
    >enemy team is moving to position
    >light them up
    >while fighting get third partied
    >move to position closer in circle
    >see enemy team already there and fighting
    >third party and kill them
    >circle starts closing
    >rinse and repeat until dead or won

  28. 2 years ago

    that's the problem with other BRs game but not Apex Legends or Fortnite. since the game is fast pace and really encourage the players to engage in the fight rather than farming and camping for an entire game (looking at you PUBg.

    The point of BRs that it really testing your survivability, while traditional shooter gamea just shoot and dies, BRs give you the options, to do whatever to win the game even if it mean that you're going to camp for entire game.
    the reward that you get from BR game feel extremely compare to the sensation you get from winning a match of Valo or CSGO.

  29. 2 years ago

    Frick this game. It killed Titanfall and the fact its set in the same universe is a god damn disgrace. What stings even more is knowing that the devs did try making a Titanfall BR with Titans but said it was fun, but not fair. I call bullshit on that. If they could balance titans in Titanfall 1 and 2 they could have done the same with Apex. Instead what we get is Titanfall without any of the things that makes it great.

    • 2 years ago

      Which makes me wonder: Does a game have to be fair if it instead always fun?

      • 2 years ago

        No. Esports and compgays are a scourge.

  30. 2 years ago

    stay in axg babs

  31. 2 years ago
  32. 2 years ago

    Abilities and passives in this game are very unbalanced, they swing between useless or very useful. There is no in-between

  33. 2 years ago

    Just play Fortnite.

  34. 2 years ago

    Valkyrie makes my dick hard.

    That is all.

    • 2 years ago

      Think they made her some sort of canon lesbian or something. I remember they put her on the "pride" banner next to Loba (who I guess is also gay? They wouldn't let her be bi and the sexpot character or closest thing to one) and others like gibby.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        She's a carpet muncher, yes

        Dicking a lesbian is even hotter tbh.

        Until she opens her mouth. Valkyrie has some of the worst lines in the game.


      • 2 years ago

        Loba is bisexual, that was confirmed when she released

    • 2 years ago

      Think they made her some sort of canon lesbian or something. I remember they put her on the "pride" banner next to Loba (who I guess is also gay? They wouldn't let her be bi and the sexpot character or closest thing to one) and others like gibby.

      She's a carpet muncher, yes

    • 2 years ago

      Until she opens her mouth. Valkyrie has some of the worst lines in the game.

      • 2 years ago

        Switch to Japanese


        • 2 years ago

          >have to redo the voice line swap every update
          It's not worth it.

    • 2 years ago

      She may be the only character who looks normal in the game but she is a dyke.

    • 2 years ago

      Better Valk

      • 2 years ago


  35. 2 years ago

    This game is so pozzed its not even funny. Two black Legends in a row. When the frick are they adding Blisk? You know, a character thats actually from Titanfall??

    • 2 years ago

      According to the recent roster leak, Blisk got shelved.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Lmao eat shit. I'm glad this takes place like fifteen years after TF2 so they can say all the character from the story are dead and some of the BR characters are vaguely related to some of them.

    • 2 years ago

      Ash and Revenant are both white in their human forms.

  36. 2 years ago

    The fun is hacking and knowing everyone you killed just wasted 20 minutes of their life dying to a hacker

  37. 2 years ago

    Apex has way less of this though, the maps are way smaller than say Fortnite or PUBG, so you’ll get into fights faster

  38. 2 years ago

    once i reached plat apex got incredibly boring. Everyone plays like a rat

  39. 2 years ago

    It is unreal how badly the weapons control in Apex. I get they did this because battle royales are usually long distance and if the guns were laser pointers it would be a snipefest such as that one obnoxious sniper that literally is a laser pointer but the fact that the guns kick like your character has Parkinson's combined with the spastic movement everyone does makes all the combat fricking obnoxious
    The worst part about all of this is the fact that people on controllers get a gigantic handicap that makes all the guns insanely easy to control at the level of cheat programs.
    I'm not great at FPS games but at least in other shooters (even the ones that attempted realism like R6S) I knew that if I could point right I'd shoot right, in Apex I might as well roll the fricking dice that my shots will go anywhere near where I point them

  40. 2 years ago

    apex should win an award for the most legendarily awful and off-putting character design in the entire industry
    I truly can't think of another game that so consistently creates unique and new characters that all manage to be fricking ugly and horrible

  41. 2 years ago

    BRs are too slow paced for me

  42. 2 years ago

    Is the new Black person character in Apex a homosexual or not? I will not play Gib or Fuze because they are both gay homosexuals in canon. Even a Black person is more passable than a homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      Yea sure.

  43. 2 years ago

    How the frick did I end up in here

  44. 2 years ago

    running around an empty map looking for enemies = zoomer dopamine

  45. 2 years ago

    CS is better.

  46. 2 years ago

    The biggest question is how come a game this popular has such shit server infrastructure

    • 2 years ago

      >why is the game that ries on EA so poorly funded
      Anon... also somehow its the most popular BR game in Japan which just surprises me.

      • 2 years ago

        To be fair, Japanese are so overly saturated with "Cute" characters, anything that seems "cool" is novel to them. Most BR games tend to fall on the more stylized side like fortnite, or are too FPS like warzone. Apex falls into that nice balance for them.

        Plus its a dating game.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh that's easy to explain, it's because of Vtubers

  47. 2 years ago

    Bad at game

  48. 2 years ago

    Yeah its pretty weird how big this game is in Japan, also no anons going to talk about EOMM or the form that Apex uses.

    • 2 years ago

      I never cared about MM
      I click play, shoot some shit, and move on to the next game.

      I always hated the old server methods of games. It formed cliques and ingroups that I didn't want to deal with. I just want to shoot people and talk shit, not get banned because I called the admin's GF a noob who's mom fed her bleach.

      • 2 years ago

        >doesn't like matchmaking
        >doesn't like servers
        Just admit you don't wanna be competitive lmao.

        • 2 years ago

          I mean I'm fine with MM, I don't care about how they handle it I just want to be put in a game and shoot people.
          If they want to be me against preds that's fine. I get shoved against preds in arena all the time and still win half the games despite never playing ranked.

    • 2 years ago

      >no anons going to talk about EOMM or the form that Apex uses.
      Nope. Game devs said no more dedicated server browsers for games and players bent the knee so I could care less what algorithm they use nowadays to match players.

      Hope players abuse the system as they please just like their favorite YouTuber showing off their latest "20 bomb" against people standing still.

      • 2 years ago

        cheats are 5-10 bucks a month

        • 2 years ago


  49. 2 years ago

    apex is as fast as you make it. ive literally dropped and killed half the lobby in 10 minutes. if you play like a b***h its not the games fault

  50. 2 years ago

    I haven't played this game in 2 years, how many fricking characters are there now? I hope that doesn't happen with Valorant

    • 2 years ago

      6 million

  51. 2 years ago

    Attention all you big dick swinging I KILL EVERYONE IN THE ROOM types. Assuming you're not lying children, then how does one actually get and shoot accurately enough against live opponents that you can knock them? Playing a lot doesn't help, you just feed others who are already doing that. The pisspoor target range doesn't help . So how do you actually get better at the shooting element and accuracy of the game

    • 2 years ago

      >Playing a lot doesn't help, you just feed others who are already doing that
      It does help. Just solo queue and drop hot. Its how you learn the fastest

      • 2 years ago

        Are you kidding? That's basically the worst way. Go in with 2 people you dont know unsure of teamwork if any, into an area where its RNG for who gets to shit fastest or "punch each other where the hitbox, latency and animation have nothing todo with damage" , and those with great accuracy already will basically farm others if they get to a gun.

        • 2 years ago

          Learn to swim or drown. Outaim the people who are good. Or rise to the middle over the other scrubs who land hot.

    • 2 years ago

      firing range with a buddy

    • 2 years ago

      Play arenas.
      A big thing is there's a trick in APEX's recoil handling, if you're moving the mouse while shooting the recoil is lessened. So you could always be doing minor adjustment to your aim rather than doing twitch movements like you would on a recoil pattern.

      • 2 years ago

        IIRC, moving the mouse actually completely removes recoil. It's why jitter-aiming is a thing. Unless they patched it out.

        • 2 years ago

          It feels great, but you'll still get melted by the R99.
          I don't think its completely removed, I still see some significant movement on a flatline even when I do that. But it is significantly reduced, or maybe I'm just not going it good enough.

          You can still jitter aim easily.

    • 2 years ago

      If you're not feeling hot you could always just play with a pad. There's even pros on PC who play with pad. Like.. Just lmao.

      • 2 years ago

        if you're so bad at mouse control you can't pull down at an always constant rate you're not going to be any better with a pad

        • 2 years ago

          Recoils also throw your weapon to sides and you are often aiming at moving targets. Then add in how default crosshairs are purposely made to block your vision and you see why pad players have it easier beaming you after drop.

          • 2 years ago

            with unupgraded weapons especially the smg maybe, most ARs the recoil is still very manageable without barrel upgrade, that doesnt really matter though because the game also has a big rng component and spread values are large especially with naked guns so your first fight off the drop you might very well just lose because rng fricked you, frick me the gunplay in that game is actually horrible

            • 2 years ago

              >spread values are large
              you realize that if you ads its 100% accurate right?

    • 2 years ago

      >Playing a lot doesn't help

    • 2 years ago

      Literally just play Valorant, it's similar to Apex legends but the game is actually fun

  52. 2 years ago

    I used to defend this game, but man there's way too much bullshit.
    20 tickrate in a shooter with movement focus
    Visibility is a HUGE issue.
    It's a "battle royale" so after 100-200 matches, you get bored of the "loot before you shoot" aspect.
    Plus everyone who plays it is a jaded autist or a child. Just look at the /vg/ general for Apex Legneds. It's just NEETs b***hing about their team mates, "me unga team bunga," and the occasional coomer.

    • 2 years ago

      >defending a free to play game
      no shot bucko

  53. 2 years ago

    This is a game for children. Old day Z was the real battle Royale action. Hell, even PUBG was more ball clenching and took more skill

    • 2 years ago

      old h1z1 was pretty fun

      • 2 years ago

        Never played it always looked like a straight downgrade even from OG dayz

        People meme on WarZ / infestation survivor stories but it was quite intense. Good loot was rare and it was so jank every zombie was a threat

  54. 2 years ago

    I did not fight in three console wars for this soft belly shit. I swear if this was the early 90's, I would've thrown a roll of quarters at your b***h ass mid set in Championship Edition without dropping combo.

  55. 2 years ago

    >zoomers have adhd
    >zoomer games have least action going on
    It doesn't add up. I can get 100+ kills in Titafall by the time I have had 10 in gaypex.

    • 2 years ago

      I can watch game theory while playing apex

  56. 2 years ago

    Sounds like you don't know how to play

  57. 2 years ago

    You joke, but high level Apex matches usually turn out like that. The game basically turns into a "How much great loot can I carry for an enemy team to loot from my corpse" simulator. Unless you're consistently as good as Aceu or ItzTimmy, you're really not going to have a fun time in Apex.

    Shit sucks, man.

  58. 2 years ago

    Just play as Rampart you’ll never lose

  59. 2 years ago


    the vast majority of the time you die too quickly, its not because they were just better than you. I mean they probably are just better than you, but more likely you were just in a very bad position.
    Always play corners and covers.

    • 2 years ago

      Eh, I'm sure that can help but if you can't accurately shoot someone enough or if they can accurately shoot you every time you pop out, you're basically fricked. To say nothing for getting grenaded as soon as they realize "that fricker is hiding behind cover" I seem to lose a lot simply because they do better with accuracy. Positioning can be a part of it, but even when you are in a good position if you can't exploit it or they can recover or just shoot you more in defense, you're still fricked.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah but that takes awhile.
        If your first thought while playing is "what the frick how did I die so fast" it was a positioning issue and not an aiming issue.
        You'll still lose the fight against a better aimer but you should have plenty of time to get to cover and heal up.

  60. 2 years ago

    >he isnt hot dropping constantly
    if youre walking around for most of the game youre gonna be cold by the time you actually have to fight

    • 2 years ago

      What's the point in hot dropping? You're just hoping to get better rng and then feel smug about it. Just play a better video game.

  61. 2 years ago


    >Playing a lot without meaningfully knowing how to improve or where to focus doesn't help. You're just dead because the other guy was better in a shootout. You're just feeding the others, it doesn't benefit you.


    You're being lazy and want a shortcut no one can give you. If you want to learn how to kill live opponents you fight live opponents.

    • 2 years ago

      This is the mindless "gitgud" shit. There were people before talking about jitter aiming and how the recoil system works, that apparently there's massive aim assist for controller users etc.. and a bunch of other shit that isn't just "being lazy " but rather mechanics that mean the difference between those who are good and simply playing a lot of matches does little to expound on any of those things. If its the kind of game you HAVE to basically break down every fricking system and approach it like studying obtuse elements that's some bullshit and you get nothing on that level by just playing - you can die a lot and not learn any of those things.

      the vast majority of the time you die too quickly, its not because they were just better than you. I mean they probably are just better than you, but more likely you were just in a very bad position.
      Always play corners and covers.

      If the better aimer only needs to shoot you once to force you to heal, you either end up not being able to shoot back because you now NEED to heal, or you go back and heal until you run out. Of course, if they notice you're likely healing they push and, being better aimers end up winning anyway. Good preparation or tactics can allow you to contend against a better aimer, but being a better aimer will come out ahead the vast majority of the time because if you have great positioning but you can't make the shots fricking land efficiently, you lose your chance. They can ooga booga it and hit you faster and they still win .

      >You can't turn that into an actionable plan to do better
      There are many things in life that don't have that.
      Let's take, I dunno... juggling as an example.
      The basic idea of it is simple:
      1-Throw shit into the air.
      2-Catch it.
      But you can't just study it or learn some secret technique and magically get good at it. You have to try and fail many times to eventually get good.
      Aiming is the same thing. It's a physical skill, not a puzzle that you have to solve.
      It's annoying, but the only way to get good is to suck balls at it long enough until eventually, through repetition, you start sucking less balls at it than before.

      The difference that the juggling balls aren't literally trying to avoid your hands. You're not just improving a skill, you're going up against another person. Repetition does help a little but you can't pinpoint which of twenty different factors fricked you up this time and how to do better -they won't move the same way, be using the same weapon vs yours, have the same teammates etc... but like the shit above there are actual techniques, systems and other shit that seem to be helpful but aren't taught simply by playing.

      • 2 years ago

        >you HAVE to basically break down every fricking system and approach it like studying obtuse elements
        No. I guarantee you aren't losing against live players because you don't know how to jitter aim. The things your naming come after having basic competency at the game.

        You don't learn how to play a shooter by studying how to play a shooter. You play the game and start shooting people.

        This isn't a "git gud" mentality or whatever cope your trying to make it. What your doing is the equivalent of reading book on "How to do a push up", thinking it'll make you good at push ups when in reality you should just do the damn push ups.

        If you cant even aim properly at a "live target" which I take it means a moving, strafing player, then why the hell would anyone waste their time explaining how to jitter aim to you. Jitter aim doesn't mean your suddenly gonna hit that strafing Wraith. It means you have no idea what the recoil pattern of a Flatline is in the first place.

        Now stop being lazy and do the fricking push ups.

      • 2 years ago

        Alright then you gay, here's a little crash course for every aiming/fighting tips and tricks off the top of my head.

        As mentioned before, due to the way that apex handles recoil, if you move the mouse enough the recoil will disappear. So shaking your mouse like you have Parkinson's will pretty much turn your gun into a laser. But you have to find a balance, because if you don't shake it enough it won't work, and if you shake too much it won't help at all.

        2-Recoil patterns.
        Unlike many other FPS's, Apex's guns have a consistent pattern where the bullets will normally go (with some rng to add variance to it). If you can't jitter-aim learning these can help.
        Ex. The Re-45 has a very simple recoil pattern, it will consistently drift off to the top right.

        3-Crouch spam.
        While you're fighting someone if you crouchspam they will have to readjust their aim a lot more, as they will likely be aiming for your upper-chest/head.
        This can give you a LOT more time to kill your opponent. It can also make you accidentally duck your head into one of their bullets... but hey. You win some, you lose some.

        Like most FPS's, your bullets don't actually come from the barrel of your gun, but rather your eyes. So if you just barely peek over something you can shoot them while all they see is your head. Makes you very hard to hit.

        There's probably more but that's all I remember.

  62. 2 years ago

    How many of you casual homosexuals have hit master+? Or are even diamond this season?

  63. 2 years ago

    Use surround sound idiot, no wonder you're dying after walking around for 15mins.

    • 2 years ago

      surround sound is a meme

      • 2 years ago

        No wonder you get jumped in game because it's not.

        • 2 years ago

          that's not what surround sound is

          • 2 years ago

            THX Spatial's selling point is that it's literally surround sound.

            • 2 years ago

              nobody is gonna buy a surround system to play fps because 2channel headphones are infinitely better for hearing finer sound details

        • 2 years ago

          Audio in Apex is fricked.

  64. 2 years ago

    > People in here unironically enjoy playing Shitpex
    Enjoy losing your 20 minute matches solely just because some homosexuals got Red shields and you didn't. Frickin' clowns kek

    • 2 years ago

      Who doesn't have reds at 20?

    • 2 years ago

      >he can't get red armor in the first 3min of the game

    • 2 years ago

      You realize you get red shields by shooting people right? Its entirely related to combat and not RNG

      • 2 years ago

        > G-g-getting Red shields is related entirely to combat, not RNG bro I swear!!
        > Unless you can't find enemy squads to level up your Evo
        > Unless enemy squads get wiped before you reach them to level up your Evo
        > Unless enemy squads have better weapons and mods and you can't fight against them until you find better weapons and mods to level up your Evo
        Why are Apexgays so moronicly defensive of their RNG pachinko machine?

        • 2 years ago

          >X is 100% influenced by how much damage you do

          • 2 years ago

            > Ad-homeniem in lieu of an actual argument
            I accept your concession.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah not surprised you run away at the slightest sign of conflict.

              • 2 years ago

                > Still no actual argument or refutement of any of my points, just continued Ad-homeniem
                Again, I accept your concession.

        • 2 years ago

          >can't find enemy squads
          Apex maps are normally smaller compared to other br's. (The exception being stormfront)
          >enemy squads die before you can damage them
          Loot their boxes then. They have likely exchanged blows with the squad that killed them. So you can get a partially leveled shield at least.
          >better weapons and mods
          Oh, you've never actually played the game.
          Well, just to not leave things unfinished.
          All the guns are on a pretty level playing field. Some are better than others yes, but none of them are completely unusable, and if you're good you have a decent shot at killing anyone even with a completely naked gun.

  65. 2 years ago


    >You can't turn that into an actionable plan to do better
    There are many things in life that don't have that.
    Let's take, I dunno... juggling as an example.
    The basic idea of it is simple:
    1-Throw shit into the air.
    2-Catch it.
    But you can't just study it or learn some secret technique and magically get good at it. You have to try and fail many times to eventually get good.
    Aiming is the same thing. It's a physical skill, not a puzzle that you have to solve.
    It's annoying, but the only way to get good is to suck balls at it long enough until eventually, through repetition, you start sucking less balls at it than before.

  66. 2 years ago

    Why the frick is TDM a permanent game mode in the mobile version, but the regular version can't even get a fricking game mode that isn't BR and arenas. What the frick Respawn, PUT CONTROL OR TDM AS A PERMANENT GAME MODE ALREADY.

    • 2 years ago

      I know, right? What sucks even more is knowing theres team death match in other BR games like Fortnite and Pubg. What REALLY sucks is having Apex's great gunplay being wasted on elimination game modes only.

    • 2 years ago

      >Completely forgot I could play mobile and have Loba's ass in my face all game
      I kneel mobile chads

    • 2 years ago

      Mobile is made by a different team and a different set of writers. Thats why the lore in it is diverges as well.

  67. 2 years ago

    you forget the part where your random goes and 1v3's 90% of the time

  68. 2 years ago

    I am now going to express an opinion:
    The TTK is too high and makes the game boring as frick.
    Also the wingman is a gay enabler and the game would literally be a better game with the gun removed.

  69. 2 years ago


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