>early access. >open world. >survival mechanics. >crafting. >rpg elements

>early access
>open world
>survival mechanics
>rpg elements
how can Ganker like this slop?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 5 months ago

    you're not supposed to point that out

  2. 5 months ago

    cause its good

  3. 5 months ago

    my 200 hours in Kenshi is the main reason I don't want to touch Palworld with a 10ft pole.
    Didn't everyone get this shit out of their system anyways with modded minecraft?

    • 5 months ago

      You mean is addictive?

      • 5 months ago

        After a while collecting resources from an open world to craft into a base starts to get tedious no matter what coat of paint you put on it.

        • 5 months ago

          Got it. Too true.

        • 5 months ago

          good thing the mechanic is designed to be entirely avoidable then

          • 5 months ago

            >uhhhh the game is good if you just ignore one of its core gameplay elements
            Damn, why are we so hard on Fallout 4 then if you can just ignore the base building?

            • 5 months ago

              fallout 4 requires at least some investment in building, kenshi does not. it's entirely secondary in a game that's focused on exploration. you can insist it's crucial all you like but the game and developer themselves say otherwise.

              • 5 months ago

                >fallout 4 requires at least some investment in building, kenshi does not
                >all the end game loot is stuff to unlock the base building tech tree
                did we play the same game or did you just sell all the engineering research you came across?

              • 5 months ago

                That loot is also just generically valuable. You can Hawk it at a vendor, go to Scrapyard or the Armor King, buy some badass gear, and skip the whole grind of building crafting infrastructure because you're only trying to provide gear for five dudes instead of 30.

                You can't even craft the highest two tiers of weapons. Edge III and Meitou stuff can only be found in the world. Masterwork items can never be crafted with 100% certainty either so you save a lot of time just buying it.

              • 5 months ago

                >That loot is also just generically valuable.
                No it isn't. You need engineering research for end-game base tech and there is no way around it. It is the rarest material in the game and the bulk of my play time was searching known ruins looking for it.
                >You can't even craft the highest two tiers of weapons
                nothing to do with base building.

              • 5 months ago

                I feel like you're just not understanding on purpose. he is saying that you can just sell the research shit for good cats and the best endgame gear you can get without building a base. Personally I like having a house in a town where 1 scorchlander is working tirelessly to level crafting skills while my main boys are out killing everything that walks.

              • 5 months ago

                >No it isn't.
                Black person. An AI core is worth 25,000 cats. Engineering research is worth 8k. Ancient science books are worth 5k each. And that's on top of the Skeleton Muscles and robotics components you'll find lying around in the same locations these are looted from. With some middling combat skills, acid protection, and some tools to cut locks, you can clean the Deadlands out and outfit like 5 dudes with Specialist+ gear without ever engaging in base building at all.

                If you don't give a shit about base building then the endgame tech is meaningless to you. You can get all the endgame armor and weapons without it and still have your badass crew of action heroes because stats are all best trained via combat or walking around.

                >If you don't give a shit about base building then the endgame tech is meaningless to you.
                Clearly. That's obviously not what I'm talking about.
                I'm replying down from this post.

                You haven't played the game. I've got a couple hundred hours in it and the closest I got to base building was buying a house in a city.

                The actual base building and automation is kinda shit. Which is why I never engaged with it.

                Eventually whoever I'm replying to moved the goalpost to here.

                The game clearly doesn't want you to build a base asap cause then you just get raided and raped to death as a horde of enemies take over your new build that your noob ass can't defend.

                >clearly doesn't want you to build a base asap
                Now we've moved on to
                >if you don't care about building a base...

              • 5 months ago

                Endgame loot is primarily Edge III and Meitou weapons and certain high tier robotics limbs that you can only buy or find. You don't need to build a base and the game is built to allow you to bypass the system entirely if you want to be nomadic.

              • 5 months ago

                >bypass the system entirely
                Sounds rewarding. You're right. You've convinced me the time I took making my bases and searching for books & blueprints was just a big waste of time and I should have been playing the game as a big murder-hobo gang. Thanks anon.
                >once we're finally done with the united cities we'll... just walk into the ocean!

              • 5 months ago

                >No it isn't.
                Black person. An AI core is worth 25,000 cats. Engineering research is worth 8k. Ancient science books are worth 5k each. And that's on top of the Skeleton Muscles and robotics components you'll find lying around in the same locations these are looted from. With some middling combat skills, acid protection, and some tools to cut locks, you can clean the Deadlands out and outfit like 5 dudes with Specialist+ gear without ever engaging in base building at all.

                If you don't give a shit about base building then the endgame tech is meaningless to you. You can get all the endgame armor and weapons without it and still have your badass crew of action heroes because stats are all best trained via combat or walking around.

              • 5 months ago

                Okay we get it. You are a tough guy because you can knock over a wall by bashing your forehead against it a million times. And you seem to think this is the only valid way to play the game.
                Most people disagree with you. The store page disagrees with you, and by extension, the developer disagrees with you (otherwise they'd be false advertising).
                Yeah you can have fun in TF2 taunt servers but that's not how people expect people to play it. Same here.

              • 5 months ago

                >And you seem to think this is the only valid way to play the game.
                I have 40 people in my current save running an armor/weapons/foodcube production facility in the Holy Nation because I'm prepping a globetrotting crusade to destroy Narko's foul agents. I do like base building and I always do it. But the purpose of base building is
                >nation building if you want
                >making more defensible camps if you intend to hang out somewhere without a city
                >getting food and equipment without buying it, probably because you want to hang out in a zone no-one has settled and don't feel like managing trade caravans
                If you want to go full nomad then the game has avenues for that and it's arguably more time-effecient than actually setting up a base because cats are easy to get and food is cheap. If your main interest in Kenshi is the exploration and combat challenges then basebuilding is skippable because it's only one avenue to get the shit needed for endgame.

                I'm going to be outfitting and feeding like 200 dudes so obviously I'll need an extensive base. Probably more than one. But for the player who just wants to roll around as five swordmaster ronin, base building is a mostly superfluous system because there will be faster ways to get where they want to go.

                >bypass the system entirely
                Sounds rewarding. You're right. You've convinced me the time I took making my bases and searching for books & blueprints was just a big waste of time and I should have been playing the game as a big murder-hobo gang. Thanks anon.
                >once we're finally done with the united cities we'll... just walk into the ocean!

                The whole endgame of Kenshi is killing powerful people. Yeah. If you kill the people you wanted, fulfilled your objectives for the playthrough, and hit your skill ceiling then the game's basically been beaten.

              • 5 months ago

                >I'm going to be outfitting and feeding like 200 dudes so obviously I'll need an extensive base.
                >But for the player who just wants to roll around as five swordmaster ronin, base building is a mostly superfluous system because there will be faster ways to get where they want to go.
                You probably should have been clearer.
                >fulfilled your objectives for the playthrough
                One of my objectives is having somewhere for my guys to settle down after the dust settles.
                >Okran's Pride

              • 5 months ago

                >fallout 4 requires at least some investment in building, kenshi does not. it's entirely secondary in a game that's focused on exploration.

                ABOUT THIS GAME
                A free-roaming squad based RPG focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story. Be a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, a slave, or just food for the cannibals.
                Research new equipment and craft new gear. Purchase and upgrade your own buildings to use as safe fortified havens when things go bad, or use them to start up a business. Aid or oppose the various factions in the world while striving for the strength and wealth necessary to simply survive in the harsh desert. Train your men up from puny victims to master warriors. Carry your wounded squad mates to safety and get them all home alive.

                Store page.
                You think you can just throw a lie like that and not get laughed at?

              • 5 months ago

                You haven't played the game. I've got a couple hundred hours in it and the closest I got to base building was buying a house in a city.

                The actual base building and automation is kinda shit. Which is why I never engaged with it.

              • 5 months ago

                >You haven't played the game
                talk to me again when you have multiple bases and your at war with a major faction

              • 5 months ago
                Santa Claus

                Don't get it.
                Most games have you kill your enemies.
                I would say that Rimworld is actually even more brutal.

              • 5 months ago

                at some point kenshi just becomes a numbers game and you stop worrying about how many sacrifices you make along the way.

                The game clearly doesn't want you to build a base asap cause then you just get raided and raped to death as a horde of enemies take over your new build that your noob ass can't defend.

                >build a base asap
                no shit.

              • 5 months ago

                checked but
                >kill your enemies
                where is the fun in that
                so many better options...

              • 5 months ago

                >implying the dudes being run over are you enemies
                if you want to build an ivory tower, you have to shoot a few elephants.

              • 5 months ago
                Santa Claus

                Someone should shoot you.
                Elephants are beautiful.
                I only take the ivory of Elephants who were already dead.

              • 5 months ago

                the elephants are metaphorical, santa, get your fat ass back to work making toys.

              • 5 months ago

                If you're too illiterate to understand the store page it makes sense you couldn't find the base building and crafting options in-game. Don't blame the game if you don't know what the frick you're doing.
                Fortunately the game is designed to allow you to come back stronger from defeats so even an illiterate moron can solo the holy nation naked after getting trounced enough times.

              • 5 months ago

                You haven't played the game. I've got a couple hundred hours in it and the closest I got to base building was buying a house in a city.

                The actual base building and automation is kinda shit. Which is why I never engaged with it.

                >You haven't played the game
                talk to me again when you have multiple bases and your at war with a major faction

                The game clearly doesn't want you to build a base asap cause then you just get raided and raped to death as a horde of enemies take over your new build that your noob ass can't defend.

              • 5 months ago

                >The game clearly doesn't want you to build a base asap
                That's quite the leap from "it's entirely secondary" so I guess I'll accept your concession.
                By the way, you won't get raided if you build inside a rented house on an established town (unless you skip rent ofc). So yeah, you can perfectly build, craft and research early if you so want. Maybe it's not me the one who hasn't played the game.

              • 5 months ago

                >Buy a house somewhere.
                >Build a research bench in it.
                >Spend all the books you find learning to make as much as you can.
                >Finally build a base (with beds and maybe turrets)
                Yes you will get your ass handed to you at first but the exp and dropped loot will help in the long run.

            • 5 months ago

              Ugh, FO4's was so bad. Placing every single piece was just terrible. I would have rather had a standing series of fetch quests that asked me to bring back materials so NPCs could auto-build the settlement up to a pre-fab "final outpost" that could defend itself.
              I would have installed the mod that does this, but the story was so fricking stupid that I wound up just dropping the game entirely.

  4. 5 months ago


  5. 5 months ago

    Guy With A Dog is the greatest starting scenario in the history of video games and you will die fighting me on that hill (because my dog will eat you)

    • 5 months ago

      I prefer Wanderer just so I can start in Hub and not get enslaved for being poor.

  6. 5 months ago

    The survival and crafting mechanics aren't like those streamer-bait meme games. But I suppose expecting you to have played or know anything of the game you're shitposting about is too big of an ask.

    • 5 months ago

      >The survival and crafting mechanics aren't like those streamer-bait meme games.
      Nuh huh.
      >buying slaves to stick them in the potato peeler so you can give them artificial limbs to make them work faster
      >punch Okran to death while holding a live beak thing on your dominant hand
      Wacky gratuitous violence and slavery is amazing viewer bait.

  7. 5 months ago

    >early access
    This doesn't matter at all for some games and this is one of them, the all encompassing fear of EA is perpetuated by morons who can't tell what is a scam and what is a game when it's fairly obvious pretty much every time.

  8. 5 months ago

    >Grind Masterwork Crab Helmet, Crab Armor, Samurai Legplates, Sandals, Martial Artist Bindings and Paladin Cross
    >Level up Toughness, Strentgh and Dexterity to 80
    >Kill anything and everything with a 20 squad of Sheks
    >Never play again
    the game is as easy as you want to grind

    • 5 months ago

      >The game is easy if you read guides on where, how and when to find materials and followers to become strong

      • 5 months ago

        Yes, you create your own challenge

  9. 5 months ago

    None of those things are inherently bad except early access.

  10. 5 months ago

    It's kino until you figure it out. Then it's just too fricking easy. Only the beginning is fun where you semi-struggle. After that you steamroll eveyrthing and it becomes boring as frick

    Add to the fact its coded like shit and even with a god PC running around the world just has massive amounts of "LOADING..."

    • 5 months ago

      You might be thinking I made this thread to shit on Kenshi but I'm not. I love the game in fact.
      I just copy pasted an OP from some hours ago to have fun watching Ganker bending themselves over to justify their "thing good, same thing but pal bad" doublethink.
      The best it could do so far has been subjective opinion and buzzwords. Sovl, basedsois etc.

  11. 5 months ago

    you are forgetting something pure SOVL

  12. 5 months ago

    If it wasn't still floundering for content I'd still be playing Valheim.

  13. 5 months ago

    No wholesome pals

    • 5 months ago

      moron shill don't know about bonedogs

  14. 5 months ago

    I tried playing this for a while but got filtered hard.
    Usually I like weird, unintuitive janky games, usually of the slav variety, with soul and philosophy and a dev team consisting of one guy and the roach under his desk. But for some reason this didn't grab me
    What am I doing wrong

  15. 5 months ago

    Internet celebrity told me to like it

  16. 5 months ago

    Yet it has more soul than nearly anything released since

  17. 5 months ago

    >go to avatar people town
    >hide in the weapon shop and wait for everyone to fall asleep
    >steal the most expensive items
    >never have money problems again
    >never have the reason to upgrade since the items respawn every few days or so

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