Economic simulators

Old school economic simulators like Patrician III and Port Royale 2. I went full nostalgia as of last and I'm playing again the games of old. Speak about your kino campaigns if you are playing stuff like that as well.

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  1. 1 year ago

    I'll start by posting my actual game.
    I started in 1300 in Cologne as usual, medium-high difficulty, normal start with just a snaikka, and went for a slow start. I had some difficulty in the start, had to take loans and stuff, and in the end I decided to just play as a merchant and not get involved in politics. Right now I'm in 1314 and I have build in all the North Sea, using Cologne as a hub. I'm the richest merchant of the League. I'd say it's going failry well.

    • 1 year ago

      tell me about the patrician series
      why does everyone like it so much? i played patrician 4 and was confused

      • 1 year ago

        I never played Patrician IV but I know a lot of the mechanics were dumbed down and combat is shit. Also, it wasn't made by Ascaron, the original devs of the series. Is a bit of a pain to run Patrician III on modern systems thou.
        The game is set in the Anseatic League in 1300. 20 goods to trade/make between 25 cities while amassing riches and getting up in the ranks from simple merchant to mayor of your city or, in the end, the Alderman of the League. There are only 4 ships types but they are well specialised, some cities are inside rivers, so you can only use the smaller ships to get there.
        You start in one of the anseatic cities but you can build an office in other cities, and you also move out of your city so the starting city is not as important as it seems. You can't produce everything in a city, so you need to get stuff from other ports or you won't be able to give the inhabitants all they need to live. Another kino detail is that the population is divided into classes: mendicants, poor, medium and rich.
        Cities grow during the game depending on what you and the AI do and build, screen related Cologne started with 2k inhabitants and after 10 years from start is 12k. You can also explore the Mediterranean off-screen to trade.
        There is a lot more to this kino game with a lot of autistic details like different building styles for the various regions of the game, getting fined for eresy if you never go to pray in the church or you never wash yourself in the baths, the missions you get from letters or random people in the taverns, the treasure hunts, the prince or the barbarians sieging cities and wrecking your sht you build outside the walls, the fluctuation of population and production across the 4 seasons. It's good, and unlike the newer games the game will try and will frick you if you try to pirate your way and so on.

        • 1 year ago

          >That fricking amount of farms and apiaries
          What the frick? How many shops are you having, that you are producing so much shit?
          I never went beyond 4-5 buildings of a single type per city when playing Patrician or Port Royale

          • 1 year ago

            Well, you gotta feed the good folks of the League. Also I actually need way more apiaries.

            It does and. And when it does, you actually wish it won't. Each town has a maximal size it can go.

            Yeah the third wall is the last one, only issue is when so many cities decide to expand in the same time, having to pay 1kk in 20 days is kinda a tall order if it keep happening.

            • 1 year ago

              What fricking for?
              The point of the game is to keep the demand as high as you can, while delivering the least amount of shit feasible to keep the demand high enough.
              You are a fricking merchant, not a charity operation. Overproducing is literally main reason why the game enters death spiral after a while, along with giving you the wall frenzy

              • 1 year ago

                As a kid I loved naming my ships either with christian names like Santa Maria, Santa Isabela... or cool mitological names like Leviathan, Thanatos, Ares...

                It always puzzled me as a kid that every time I got decently rich, built high return factories, and set good trading routes, my income began to decline. I never realized that I was contributing to city growth, wich it leads to prize stabilization.

              • 1 year ago

                >As a kid I loved naming my ships either with christian names like Santa Maria, Santa Isabela... or cool mitological names like Leviathan, Thanatos, Ares...
                I remember I'd name mine after my friends, then some original names I'd think sounded cool and eventually would give up and just number them, so I'd have convoys like "Jake, Trogdor, Mountain of the Seas, 17-2, 24-2"

                >City growth also increases a lot the consume of a city. You can still make huge gains, just not with trade routes. It's more efficient and time saving to just build an office and keep stockpiles. The office guy will sell what the city needs when it needs. Just switch from quality to quantity and you can still make a huge amount of money.

                This, I used to consider my saves "beaten" when I had offices in every city automatically selling from my huge stockpiles and auto-trade routes set up to restock them automatically, I'd be making boatloads of cash without directly selling anything, thank god that the game didn't have a spoiling mechanic and you could sell a packet of meat that had been sitting in a warehouse for years as if it were fresh off the butcher without any problem.

                My last project was always to build a city from scratch but by the time I'd start I usually was so rich I'd just dump huge amounts of cash and goods into the tiny settlement and end up with comical things like a city with less than a thousand people defended by hundreds of elite soldiers and trice expanded walls with the best towers money could buy and enough pitch to throw onto any unfortunate bastard who managed to reach a gate continuously for a decade.

              • 1 year ago

                It's you to decide what the point of the game is, mate. Your aim may be to see the coins go up. My aim is to push cities limits as far as I can. While you plan to play in the puddle I'm planning to owning it, I'm the cooler one :^)
                Jokes aside, to each their own bro, and every game is different from the other. You can set your objectives and the game let's you do what you want if you know how to do it. It's my 22th year of game and I'm still making money. You don't see bigger number because I keep investing it and because of my gigantic stockpiles of goods.

                As a kid I loved naming my ships either with christian names like Santa Maria, Santa Isabela... or cool mitological names like Leviathan, Thanatos, Ares...

                It always puzzled me as a kid that every time I got decently rich, built high return factories, and set good trading routes, my income began to decline. I never realized that I was contributing to city growth, wich it leads to prize stabilization.

                As a kid I loved naming my ships either with christian names like Santa Maria, Santa Isabela... or cool mitological names like Leviathan, Thanatos, Ares...
                Yeah, I still having fun with this. I just love to think out good names for my ships, even if I usually go for moronic ones.
                >I never realized that I was contributing to city growth, wich it leads to prize stabilization.
                It's not that simple. City growth also increases a lot the consume of a city. You can still make huge gains, just not with trade routes. It's more efficient and time saving to just build an office and keep stockpiles. The office guy will sell what the city needs when it needs. Just switch from quality to quantity and you can still make a huge amount of money.

              • 1 year ago

                Frick forgot the number

              • 1 year ago

                Except you are not pushing cities to their limit. You are causing the economy to collapse. The game is simply not made for what you are trying to do: produce enough shit to make cities explode. What actually happens is a logistical nightmare to deliver, and then to maintain the absurd growth, insane production costs due to insufficient number of workers (since high supply -> burghers -> no workers) and the whole thing collapsing in 25-27 years, depending on starting location.
                At least Port Royale gave you a reason to heavily increase production in friendly ports, because you could easily end up with war with other countries, but in Patrician, there is no war and no enemy ships other than random pirate fleet.

              • 1 year ago

                >the whole thing collapsing in 25-27 years
                I've seen people play for half a century or a century if not more, building so much stuff into cities they literally run out of space, being forced to go full turkish building to squeeze as much as they can from the limited maps of the game. So no, keeping demand as high as you can, delivering the least amount of shit feasible is not the only way to play the game.
                I'll admit I never pushed the game so far though. I don't really like to rush the game, neither to stress out or use exploits just to race with myself. I'm not even overproducing goods, most of the cities will still be occasionally out of meat, or clothes, or honey, or even ceramics. I'm just taking care of not running out of beer, cereals, fish and wine, because I love vineyard.
                It's more than 20 years of game and stuff is still working, I'll keep posting as I play, so we will see if I'm about to hit a dead-end.

              • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        I never played Patrician IV but I know a lot of the mechanics were dumbed down and combat is shit. Also, it wasn't made by Ascaron, the original devs of the series. Is a bit of a pain to run Patrician III on modern systems thou.
        The game is set in the Anseatic League in 1300. 20 goods to trade/make between 25 cities while amassing riches and getting up in the ranks from simple merchant to mayor of your city or, in the end, the Alderman of the League. There are only 4 ships types but they are well specialised, some cities are inside rivers, so you can only use the smaller ships to get there.
        You start in one of the anseatic cities but you can build an office in other cities, and you also move out of your city so the starting city is not as important as it seems. You can't produce everything in a city, so you need to get stuff from other ports or you won't be able to give the inhabitants all they need to live. Another kino detail is that the population is divided into classes: mendicants, poor, medium and rich.
        Cities grow during the game depending on what you and the AI do and build, screen related Cologne started with 2k inhabitants and after 10 years from start is 12k. You can also explore the Mediterranean off-screen to trade.
        There is a lot more to this kino game with a lot of autistic details like different building styles for the various regions of the game, getting fined for eresy if you never go to pray in the church or you never wash yourself in the baths, the missions you get from letters or random people in the taverns, the treasure hunts, the prince or the barbarians sieging cities and wrecking your sht you build outside the walls, the fluctuation of population and production across the 4 seasons. It's good, and unlike the newer games the game will try and will frick you if you try to pirate your way and so on.

        Oh, I also forgot to mention there are some interesting campaigns in the game with different level of difficulty, I've never tried as I'm not so good with the game thou.

        As for the game fricking you, pic related check this graph, is the value of my company. In this game I started quite slowly, had to take loans etc. because I build some production facilities but cities were still small so I couldn't sell all I made.
        After a bit, around 1307/1308 I managed to expand in other cities and started to getting A LOT of money, which I reinvested building more and expanding more, building ships, facilities, houses.
        All went good until around 1313 the plague hit Bremen pretty hard, the city lost half its inhabitants and I lost a good part of my tools production. This in turn fricked my trade system and automatic convoys, so I had to slow down. As you can see my growth suddenly stops around 1313, and I'm currently losing money because I'm trying to fix the mess that happened.

  2. 1 year ago

    I just picked up port royale 3 last night actually. It's fun and I'm strongly interested in how detailed the simulation can get.

    Moving cargo is sort of a lesson in tedium though. I can only sell like 20 of most in demand good before the price stabilizes out.
    This might autocorrect itself once the cities develop enough over time.

    I haven't played patrician 3 in close to a decade so I can't really recall specifics. I remember wishing it had a deeper simulation for town growth and resource production/use. but that was just after I first discovered Dwarf Fortress, so literally every game felt under-simulated by comparison. Perhaps not a fair critique, is what I'm saying.

    • 1 year ago

      >Patrician III and Port Royale 2
      I loved both of them specially the latter, and played tons

      >port royale 3
      Is also very good and I feel the simulation was improved, better economics overall, it also added a lot of automization, which unfortunately inevitably makes sleep while playing the game, never a good sign, but comfy
      Also the worse bit about all the nautical games is that you need to game the sea battles hard in the most unrealistic way

    • 1 year ago

      >This might autocorrect itself once the cities develop enough over time.
      Yeah I think so. I didn't really play Port Royale 3, it felt way easier than Port Royale 2 and it bored me.

      Capitalism Lab is a must have if you're into business/economic sims

      I read it can really fry your processor, but I never tried it. Thanks for the suggestion, I could try it.

      >Patrician III and Port Royale 2
      I loved both of them specially the latter, and played tons

      >port royale 3
      Is also very good and I feel the simulation was improved, better economics overall, it also added a lot of automization, which unfortunately inevitably makes sleep while playing the game, never a good sign, but comfy
      Also the worse bit about all the nautical games is that you need to game the sea battles hard in the most unrealistic way

      >Also the worse bit about all the nautical games is that you need to game the sea battles hard in the most unrealistic way
      Yeah, it's annoying, but in Patrician III you can leave the AI do the dirty work for you. In my case I just use crayers thou, so usually even if pirates attack my convoys they can't even touch the ships :^)

      Convince me to play port royale 3. Really old games like that tend to be janky and run poorly. I tried to play vic 2 the other day and it crashed whenever I alt-tabbed.

      Is it fun? What do you do?

      >Convince me to play port royale 3
      I won't. Play Port Royale 2 instead.
      As for what you do: tl;dr money go brrr cannons go boom
      You start with a lone ship in a city of one of the nations that runs colonies in the Caribbeans, England, France, Oland or Spain. At first you are basically dirty poor, you grab stuff for less and sell it where it will sell for more. Once you get more money you gain ranks, and you can buy other ships and/or build production facilities or houses you can rent to workers. You can also get a letter of marque and became a corsair for your faction, sacking or conquering stuff. In the end you can even found your own city. Port Royale 3 is actually better on this, you can just turn pirate and build your own cities iirc.

  3. 1 year ago

    Capitalism Lab is a must have if you're into business/economic sims

    • 1 year ago

      This, Capitalism Lab is the quintessential economic sim

    • 1 year ago

      >looks like a game from 2000 but is being actively updated

    • 1 year ago

      >Capitalism Lab
      I remember this shit. Doesn't have a Steam release, so it's a real b***h trying to find a pirated version.

      • 1 year ago

        I can't remember where I found a copy, I think I got it off cs.rin.

      • 1 year ago

        I can't remember where I found a copy, I think I got it off cs.rin.

        >me lmaoing with a perfectly working physical cd from years ago
        sup, my fellow yuropoors?

  4. 1 year ago

    Convince me to play port royale 3. Really old games like that tend to be janky and run poorly. I tried to play vic 2 the other day and it crashed whenever I alt-tabbed.

    Is it fun? What do you do?

    • 1 year ago

      >I tried to play vic 2 the other day and it crashed whenever I alt-tabbed.
      A common problem, just change full screen mode to borderless

      • 1 year ago

        I half remember Patrician III doesn't go well with borderless gaming. I should check when I get the chance though.

        What is the best naval trading sim? Port Royale or Patrician? Or East India Company?

        It depends on what you look for in a naval trading.
        Port Royale 2 had some good improvement over Patrician III, first of all, there were way more ship types, naval battles were less of a chore, there are different types of ammunitions, duels between capitans and so on, but then again, dimension of convoys was kinda limited and I hated this iirc. Also, you don't get to do your political career in Port Royale 2, and of course no one is going to attack you from the ground, so from this point of view Patrician was better. And tbh I find a bit boring Caribbeans.
        I never played East India Company so I don't know how that was. If someone has played it tell me how it was.

  5. 1 year ago

    The Guild series was cool as frick even if it was a little simplified.

    • 1 year ago

      This. The guild 2 Renaissance is a almost perfect mix of an econ sim and something like ck2

      • 1 year ago

        I really wish there was something like that but less simplified.
        Like medieval sims/generational simulator/economic game/intrigue game etc.

  6. 1 year ago

    One of my favourite game when i was a kid. Played a lot of tavern's missions, assaulted dozen of convoys. Now I'm playing also the economic side of the game. Started in 1300 in Stettin, I have offices in Lubeck, Thorn, Bruges, London and Newcastle (founded with the Aldernan's missions). I am the Alderman for five years in a row. Playing really chill just for relax. I have noticed you have the italian translation of the game. I lost my cd yeara ago and now i have to play with cracked version

    • 1 year ago

      >ne of my favourite game when i was a kid. Played a lot of tavern's missions, assaulted dozen of convoys.
      Yeah, me too, nowadays I never do tavern's mission but I used to do them a lot. I also remember I never managed to get some of the ones you get from letters done.
      > I have offices in Lubeck, Thorn, Bruges, London and Newcastle
      Interesting, I always find kinda hard to settle in more than a sea. Like, since I started playing again I always start in Cologne, but then I usually don't get office in the southern or northern part of the Baltic beside an office in Stockhol to try and gather skins to sell back to home.
      >I have noticed you have the italian translation of the game. I lost my cd yeara ago and now i have to play with cracked version
      I still have the working italian version cd of the game but alas my pc has no cd reader. I just bought it on Steam and downloaded some patch a guy did to turn the game in italian since I figured out it was the easiest way without having to mess with the exe. I just wish there was a way to get fullscreen with the italian patch, but I guess playing 4:3 helps with the nostialgia trip.

      • 1 year ago

        Update about my game: after the plague incident in Bremen I had to fix here and there my production chains, as the issue was not only in the city per se but also the fragility of my trade routes and production as a whole.
        Pic related I think I managed to fix it. I imported meat and beer from the other cities of the Anseatic League while I build up several production facilities in my cities. As a result Hamburg went from 3-4k inhabitants to 8k, and London from 4.5k to 9k, so I had to expand other cities production as well. I hope I can hit the sweet spot and stabilise a bit, so that I can start investing in the norther Baltic.

        • 1 year ago

          It's Hanseatic, m8.

          • 1 year ago

            So, it's now the start of year 1321. I unexpectedly had to pay almost 1kk when the mayor of Cologne chose to expand the walls again a couple ofyears ago. I almost went in the redsince I generally just reinvest all of my earnings, which has left me short on cash for the past few months. On the bright side, the investiment I've been doing in London has started to pay off, and now my productionn significantly increased: pic related, red is meat, violet is leather and green is beer production. I've also started to build production facilities in Scarborough, I can't really afford to lose one of my production spots every time a prince decide to siege a city.

            Oh yeah, thanks bro.

            You should check GearCity out if you haven't already, it's an economic simulator of the automobile industry. I think you can start in the 1910s all the way to today and the future. It's a lot of fun.

            No I didn't know of the game. Seems interesting though, I wonder if I can start my company where I like.

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah you can start it wherever you want, with differences depending on the continent/country you start in. For example your experience of the World Wars will be different depending on whether you are an American company, a Chinese company, or a German one... It's a great game for sure and there's a demo I think though it's outdated.

            • 1 year ago

              No worries. Also +1 on the anon recommending GearCity. You can start all the way in 1900 and will find that a viable car company at that time requires very different designs than, say, post-WW2.

              You can start in any country you like, but some starting countries are a huge handicap. Again, depending on starting year. Japan is a great market in the 80s and later, but a noteworthy challenge in 1900.

              Amazing game made by one guy (and hired artists) that is still getting content. There's crowdfunding of new features happening right now. First "DLC" should release soon and adds emissions regulations among other things. But the crowdfunding thing is a bit complicated, don't remember all the rules for getting the content early.

              • 1 year ago

                Huh, I had no idea about the DLC but it's one of those games that's definitely worth supporting. He's also working on a similar concept from GearCity but with planes instead. Good stuff.

              • 1 year ago

                IIRC, the crowdfunded features will be available exclusively for people who funded them for a while, and then eventually sold to the public as DLC. You can check the website, details are on there somewhere.

                >He's also working on a similar concept from GearCity but with planes instead. Good stuff.
                Yeah, AeroMogul. But that's a long, long way off from seeing the light of day. For now he's done some backend stuff and a functional UI.

      • 1 year ago

        I used the java tool on for my gog copy, dunno if it'll work on steam though.

        • 1 year ago

          Honestly I don't know. I saw on Steam some guide on how to manually edit the Steam version .exe to have custom resolution but I never did anything like that. In the end playing in 5:3 is not that much of a problem, I find more annoying that the game will randomly crash if you minimize it, especially if you had the menu opened.

      • 1 year ago

        Basically I have two hub cities, Stettin (home city) in the east and London for the western area. Every good produced in the east goes to Stettin and every goods produced in the west goes to London. I have two big convoys for displacing goods between the main hubs. In the east baltic area I produce beer, pitch, iron tools, grain and in the west I have raw iron, fish, honey. Al the surplus is used for the mediterranean trade (import wine, cloth, spices).

        Which trade system do you use/prefer? trade routes or hub system? (or a mix)
        And then..I have the impression that the other cities (where I dont have office/production) are quite static. Is trading the only way to influence their growth?

        • 1 year ago

          >In the east baltic area I produce beer, pitch, iron tools, grain and in the west I have raw iron, fish, honey.
          Do you rely on cities production for meat? Don't you find it hard to supply all your cities like this?
          >Which trade system do you use/prefer? trade routes or hub system? (or a mix)
          I use a (mainly) trade hub in Cologne and another one in Stockholm, but only the first is supplied with everything. Stockholm hub is just to sell wine in the north baltic and get skins to sell in the North Sea. I still have some trade route going on but they are not my main source of income.
          >And then..I have the impression that the other cities (where I dont have office/production) are quite static. Is trading the only way to influence their growth?
          Yeah I noticed it too. I got the impression the issue is that usually AI doesn't get so many ships, picrelated I have more than 100 ships while AIs usually have less than 10. In one game I auctioned all the ships I didn't need and I believe AIs were a bit more active, but I'm not really sure as I didn't went out of my way to test it. In this game I'm not joining any guild because I don't want to go up in rank, next game I'll try to test it out.

          • 1 year ago

            Forgot pic.

  7. 1 year ago

    I remember a kino moment in the game assaulting a tower. I had around 7 ships in a line towards to the tower and sailed straight towards it, then i microed each single ship that came into range to either turn left or right and attack it and avoid the counter fire. It went down in seconds.

    • 1 year ago

      Kino indeed. I usually just parked my hulk fleet in a corner of the map, then I took one hulk at a time, parked it in range, shot at the tower and then move it away before the damage were too high. Little did I know that you get more damage when you are nearer the towers.

  8. 1 year ago

    What is the best naval trading sim? Port Royale or Patrician? Or East India Company?

  9. 1 year ago

    You should check GearCity out if you haven't already, it's an economic simulator of the automobile industry. I think you can start in the 1910s all the way to today and the future. It's a lot of fun.

  10. 1 year ago

    how the frick do i play the guild 2 renaissance? i'm so confused and google is not helping

    • 1 year ago

      Look up the Tutorial for base Guild 2 since Renaissance doesn't get tutorials.

  11. 1 year ago

    -Capitalism Lab
    -WallStreet Raider
    -Gear City
    -Software Inc.
    -Railroad Tycoon 3
    -Industry Giant 2
    -Transport Giant
    -Ports of Call
    -Free Enterprise

    • 1 year ago

      Wall Street Raider is a good recommendation. I think the latest version that was released at the beginning of the year is the final one. There's also Speculator from the same dev.

      • 1 year ago

        Its unironically great. Speculator could also have been listed, but i thought that Wall Street Raider is probably more attractive, because you have more options to make money and manipulate the market, while in Speculator you start out with a 100.000$ inheritance and have to open up advanced options et cetera by earning more money. Both are good educational games, where you learn how the financial world works.

        >Ports of Call
        Good memories. My dad got me that while on holiday, so when the weather sucked, I played it on my laptop for hours and hours. Pretty simple but kind of addictive.

        >Software Inc.
        I tried this a few times. Felt like I got the hang of it really fast and there wasn't really much progression to it. Like you could do the same software over and over and the process would never really change. Am I wrong? Because I like the premise, just not what I saw in gameplay.

        >Ports of Call
        There are newer, premium versions sold over the developers website, but i dont know if they are more complex or not, i only played the original Ports of Call as you did with my dad 😀
        >Software Inc.
        No, you are right, it tends to be more of an idle clicker game, but in comparison to other Game Dev Games its more complex in its options how to make money. There is also Computer Tycoon, which could become really good, if the game gets more complex, because you have an actual World Market with a Map, so you have a more complex Supply/Demand System than in Software Inc. where GDP, Population Growth and Spending Power doesnt exists.

        Sadly the only Game i know with a more complex economy algorythm, which is not that easy to predict, is Wall Street Raider.

        Sadly Econsims are a niche and current Tycoons are mostly cookieclicker games for morons, who want their numbers to grow, but not a real challenge. I think every year for the last decade i look out for new econsims or transportation tycoons and hope that something good is released, but i am still stuck with the same games i played in 2012.

        • 1 year ago


          >Game Dev Games
          I can recommend Mad Games Tycoon and its sequel. There are some annoyances with it, and it's not super deep, but the best I found in a genre littered with idle games as you mentioned.

          >Computer Tycoon
          Played it a year or two back. Wasn't too excited about it but if it still gets updates I might try it again.

          What I really need to get into is Capitalism. Heard so much about it, but Lab being only offered through their website with multiple DLC always put me off.

          • 1 year ago

            >"Wasn't too excited about it but if it still gets updates I might try it again"
            Yeah, that is why i wrote "if it gets more complex", it lacks depth right now for me atleast, i would buy it in a year or so.
            Capitalism Lab is good, but the only issue is that is becomes quite easy, if you have figured out how things work, even with the hardest settings, but i would guess you can invest up to 50h to reach this point.

            Haha yeah, I bought Wall Street Raider to learn about financial markets and maybe use what I learn while playing in a RL scenario.

            Here's some other games you might want to check out depending on your preferences when it comes to gameplay and whatnot:
            OpenTTD and A-Train.

            >OpenTTD and A-Train.
            Thanks for the advice, but i already played both. A-Train is cool, but i only own the newest PC Version of Tourism and i hate the lack of a sandbox mode, but its still a neat game. Do you know if the 90s classic pc edition is better than the current version?
            >"Haha yeah, I bought Wall Street Raider to learn about financial markets and maybe use what I learn while playing in a RL scenario."
            Only issue is see is that the market is predicted by a fixed algorythm, but besides that i teaches you all the different aspects that a college grad should learn about the financial market. What are bonds? How does a merger function? What is short selling?
            The issue with RL market is that there is a strong psychological element that cant be really predicted.
            But in general, the earlier you deal with financial stuff in a game, the earlier you understand the interest effect of your own fortunes and how you can stabilize your financial situation, just by saving and investing a certain amount of your income.

            • 1 year ago

              >can invest up to 50 hours
              That's not bad. Just wish I could pirate first to try it. There's a 1.5 year old torrent on GazelleGames, so maybe I'll try that.

              GearCity can definitely be figured out too. Even Nightmare difficulty isn't a problem for me anymore. Hopefully I can help vote some balance changes into the crowdfunding updates.

              All this talk about Wall Street Raider has me tempted, too.

            • 1 year ago

              The version named "A-Train PC Classic" is indeed better in every way and different enough from OpenTTD for example to feel fresh if you're worried about them being the same games. There's also the MS-DOS versions, it's a series that's been going for a long time. The "PC Classic" version is actually based on the 3DS version though I would recommend you wait for a sale.

              • 1 year ago

                Thank you, Anon. I played MS-DOS as freeware a time ago and it was very comfy, but the controlls of A-Train Tourism were horrible, i also get annoyed by the Anime characters. will check out the Classic Version, when it is up for sale.

                >can invest up to 50 hours
                That's not bad. Just wish I could pirate first to try it. There's a 1.5 year old torrent on GazelleGames, so maybe I'll try that.

                GearCity can definitely be figured out too. Even Nightmare difficulty isn't a problem for me anymore. Hopefully I can help vote some balance changes into the crowdfunding updates.

                All this talk about Wall Street Raider has me tempted, too.

                >"All this talk about Wall Street Raider has me tempted, too."
                If you need to choose between WSR or Capitalism Lab, i would rather get WSR. But it is really one of these Games, same as Capitalism Lab, that need to be played by oneself to get "magic". The Reviews or Tutorials Online are horrible. I think in general is this a genre that is very hard to present in an entertaining fashion in a Let's Play.
                I also was very hesitant buying WSR and bought Capitalism Lab instead, but in hindsight WSR overall is cheaper and presents a more "dynamic" gameplay. I mean, you played GearCity, in WSR events like a Black Swan, A Grain Shortage or even the Pandemic are more frequent and more impactful than in CLab. You can also open up your own Corporation in WSR like in Capitalism Lab, if you are more the Industrialists type than a Speculator.
                Capitalism Lab is the pinnacle of Tycoon Econsims, WSR is something on it own. Its hard to describe, but i also dont want to shill it even more than i did before.
                I hope you have fun with either.

              • 1 year ago

                Sorry for bad engrish.

              • 1 year ago

                The entire series is now on sale on Steam.

        • 1 year ago

          Haha yeah, I bought Wall Street Raider to learn about financial markets and maybe use what I learn while playing in a RL scenario.

          Old school economic simulators like Patrician III and Port Royale 2. I went full nostalgia as of last and I'm playing again the games of old. Speak about your kino campaigns if you are playing stuff like that as well.

          Here's some other games you might want to check out depending on your preferences when it comes to gameplay and whatnot:
          OpenTTD and A-Train.

          • 1 year ago

            Adding to this message I just wrote and unrelated, I downloaded Patrician III... I never really played the game for a long time but this thread makes me wanna try. There's a recent tutorial video series I'll have to watch because I felt like I didn't really do everything I really could during my first playthrough.

            why is the guild 3 hated?

            Is The Guild 2 even that good? I love the first one (wanna play it again soon also) because the graphics remind me of Thief and because the gameplay feels more focused than the second game.

      • 1 year ago

        >I think the latest version that was released at the beginning of the year is the final one
        oh wow, I thought that was ancient.

      • 1 year ago

        >I think the latest version that was released at the beginning of the year is the final one
        really, didn't the guy say something about maybe updating the GUI?

    • 1 year ago

      >Ports of Call
      Good memories. My dad got me that while on holiday, so when the weather sucked, I played it on my laptop for hours and hours. Pretty simple but kind of addictive.

      >Software Inc.
      I tried this a few times. Felt like I got the hang of it really fast and there wasn't really much progression to it. Like you could do the same software over and over and the process would never really change. Am I wrong? Because I like the premise, just not what I saw in gameplay.

      • 1 year ago

        Isn't it still getting regular updates? Maybe there's been more depth added to it.

    • 1 year ago

      >Industry Giant 2
      Based. The game is like Transport Tycoon, but you also control sales through your own markets.

      • 1 year ago

        Yep, its from the same developer and publisher as Transport Tycoon. This was the pinnacle of german econsims, genre died after shitty tycoon spin-offs in the mid 00s.
        Also i dont get how i was capable of playing these games when i was a kid, i probably was pretty shit in them, lol.

    • 1 year ago

      >Capitalism Lab
      I remember playing Capitalism 2 back in the day. It was like MBA the videogame. And it made a lot of these other "economic" games feel underwhelming.
      How's Lab?

      • 1 year ago

        Its the same as Capitalism 2, just with added and updated content, QOL features implemented and a still active modding scene. There are also 3 DLC, one about subsidaries and stock stuff, one about building and managing your own city and engaging with politics, and another were you can play as a bank, insurance, telecommunications, web or software company.
        You can still cheese the game, but only after some 50 to 100hours and even than you can get fricked.
        I would say CapitalismLab is Capitalism 2 just with 20 years of updated content by the developers and the modding scene. So if you havent played Capitalism 2 in a long time and are looking for a more complex econsim than its a good buy. The current price is 39,99$ for the game and all dlc in a bundle, but i know that some people are poorgays, so i know this can still be a lot of money for some people. but its a better investment than all the shitty current tycoon games.
        But i have to admit that i have more fun with Wall Street Raider now, but this more of an acquired taste.

    • 1 year ago

      Thanks for the recommendations. Ports of call looks really good, as does capitalism labs. Whats with these developers only selling through their sites ? Ports of call even says they will need 1 to 3 days for license delivery. I can understand not wanting to be bound by a 3rd party platform but eh.
      Anyone played the new Ports of Call with the 3d Module ? Looks perfect for my form of autism.
      Also anyone played East India Company, I am a bit sceptic seems less economic simulation and more cinematic battles ?

      • 1 year ago

        Sorry for late answer, they are selling through their sites, because the games and their distribution is in parts older than the Steam Marketplace, they never improved on their web infrastructure and they prolly dont want to pay the cut to Gaben or some other frick. But yeah zoomoids arent used to buying games directly over a website, e.g. starsector, and then zoomoids sleep on old gold.
        I never played the 3D version of Ports of Call, but looks neat.
        >East India Company
        I am always scepticable towards the 2008-2011 era of econ/trade games, but prolly better than all the idler tycoon shit on steam these days.

      • 1 year ago

        If we are talking about the same EIC game, then it's more like a shitty, solo board game than anything else. You will do like 6 "turns" to India and back in the whole game, and the economic aspects boils down to "buy silverware and tools in Europe, sell it in India and bring back spice" each and every journey, while iddling most of the time

        Sorry for late answer, they are selling through their sites, because the games and their distribution is in parts older than the Steam Marketplace, they never improved on their web infrastructure and they prolly dont want to pay the cut to Gaben or some other frick. But yeah zoomoids arent used to buying games directly over a website, e.g. starsector, and then zoomoids sleep on old gold.
        I never played the 3D version of Ports of Call, but looks neat.
        >East India Company
        I am always scepticable towards the 2008-2011 era of econ/trade games, but prolly better than all the idler tycoon shit on steam these days.

        Ironically, that game is idle as all frick

  12. 1 year ago

    why is the guild 3 hated?

  13. 1 year ago
  14. 1 year ago

    i dont know what i did right or wrong but i am producing too much bread and biscuits and am left feeling like pic related being spammed with "inventory is full" in the guild 2 renaissance

    • 1 year ago

      Load up your carts and send them out to further markets.

      • 1 year ago

        i am doing my best but it's tedious
        automating it just fricks up
        also the AI families are doing a weird loop near my inn

    • 1 year ago

      Isn't bread some low tier shit? Produce higher quality shit and you'll have less to ship out.

  15. 1 year ago

    patrician 3 or 4?

    • 1 year ago

      Patrician III brother.

    • 1 year ago

      3, it's not even a questiom

  16. 1 year ago

    I relaunched Patrician III thanks to this thread.

    • 1 year ago

      I should too, its comfy as hell.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm happy then.

      I should too, its comfy as hell.

      Just do it man. Let's play the good games of old.

  17. 1 year ago

    >gain money
    >invest money in a city
    >IA builds new walls
    >have to pay 1kk for the walls
    >gain money again
    >invest money
    >IA builds new walls
    It never ends uh?

    Pic related I'm selling bricks (and iron tools) to Novogorod to help build the walls BEFORE I build my office in the city. I'm not going to pay for those walls as well.

    • 1 year ago

      Ah yes, yes. Walls.

    • 1 year ago

      It does and. And when it does, you actually wish it won't. Each town has a maximal size it can go.

  18. 1 year ago

    >download patrician 3
    >install 3 patches to get it barely working
    would be nice to see a remaster of this game, like the treatment AoE2 got

    • 1 year ago

      Iirc rights where bought by THQ Nordic so I don't think that gonna happen. If we will see something like Patrician 5 it will probably be shit. I really hope to be proven wrong of course.

      • 1 year ago

        It seems like all the sequels of these games suck. Port Royale 3 is above average. Patrician 4 is considered bad. Port Royale 4 is bad. Rise of Venice I've heard is average.

        • 1 year ago

          >Make autistic game
          >Game has success
          >Make new game with dumbed down mechanics to attract new players
          >No new players because game is too niche
          >Old players mad because of the changes
          A tales as old as time.

    • 1 year ago

      >t. moron zoomie
      1) The original, straight-out-of box game works without issue on Win 10
      2) If you somehow can't install a game on your fricking own, there is GOG release, you dumb fricking homosexual

  19. 1 year ago

    I started in Visby, I like the feeling of playing as a German settler.

  20. 1 year ago

    Damn I played Patrician 3 A TON back in the day, good memories.

    Just for shits and giggles I'll repost an oldass greentext I wrote last time I played it when I wiped the floor with the prince's army when he tried to siege Lübeck. (my hometown in that save)

    > Lord Mayor of my hometown, lot's of extra money.

    > Recruit soldiers to the maximum amount allowed.

    > Send the city council a motion to expand the maximum size of the army and then recruit up to the new maximum, twice.

    > Expanded city walls, built the strongest towers available in the game, two in each gate. (maximum number allowed, on a total of six)

    > Replaced archers with musketeers and a couple crossbowmen to patrol the walls. (units stronger than archer)

    > Got a message from the prince, he wants more money gifts since It's been a few months since I've sent him one.

    > 0 fricks given

    > Check his opinion of me, it's very low. The prince's emissary said he's upset with me and I should send a money gift to cheer him up.

    > number of fricks given = Still 0

    > Prince is angry now, sent a message saying he was gonna punish me.

    > "Come at me bro."

    > The prince sends the largest army he can, two siege towers + two battering rams + two catapults and soldiers. (about 50)

    > His army shows up on the corner of the map and starts marching to the nearest gate.

    > After barely advancing my towers start shooting, cannonballs rain over the prince's army, targeting the first ram.

    > First ram is destroyed, the prince's army comes closer and my musketeers and crossbowmen start firing too.

    > The prince's army finally responds with one of his catapults targeting one of my towers while the other catapult maneuvers, shortly after his first siege tower is also destroyed + some soldiers, the prince's army bowmen and crossbowmen reach firing distance.

    • 1 year ago

      > As the maneuvering catapult tries to get in position it enters the firing range of another gate's tower and is destroyed by the two tower's combined fire, the other siege tower is also destroyed, on the ground the prince's archers and crossbowmen are fighting a losing battle against a larger number of musketeers and crossbowmen on the walls.

      > As the other battering ram is finally closing the distance to the city gate I open it, my pent up swordsmen flood the battlefield and surround the ram, which stops moving and is quickly destroyed, meanwhile the rest advances on the prince's soldiers and remaining catapult, which is destroyed shortly after being reached by them

      > The prince's army is now fighting a larger number of swordsmen while simultaneously being fired upon by my musketeers, crossbowmen and the two towers, it's swiftly defeated, I almost felt sorry for them.

      > The battle ends! I lost a single soldier (one musketeer, donated a lot of gold to the church on his name, also sent a prayer) and had some damage to one of my gate's towers (which will repair itself) while the prince lost his entire army, which never reached the city walls.

      > Check the prince's opinion of me again, it's on maximum positive, his emissary said he's "perfectly satisfied with the good people of my city and it's Lord Mayor"

      Back in the days, every time I became a mayor I had fun making the prince attack me. You can just keep gifting him 1 coin and he well get mad and attack you lmao

      pic unrelated, naval battles were easy even in Patrician III in the end.

  21. 1 year ago

    > As the maneuvering catapult tries to get in position it enters the firing range of another gate's tower and is destroyed by the two tower's combined fire, the other siege tower is also destroyed, on the ground the prince's archers and crossbowmen are fighting a losing battle against a larger number of musketeers and crossbowmen on the walls.

    > As the other battering ram is finally closing the distance to the city gate I open it, my pent up swordsmen flood the battlefield and surround the ram, which stops moving and is quickly destroyed, meanwhile the rest advances on the prince's soldiers and remaining catapult, which is destroyed shortly after being reached by them

    > The prince's army is now fighting a larger number of swordsmen while simultaneously being fired upon by my musketeers, crossbowmen and the two towers, it's swiftly defeated, I almost felt sorry for them.

    > The battle ends! I lost a single soldier (one musketeer, donated a lot of gold to the church on his name, also sent a prayer) and had some damage to one of my gate's towers (which will repair itself) while the prince lost his entire army, which never reached the city walls.

    > Check the prince's opinion of me again, it's on maximum positive, his emissary said he's "perfectly satisfied with the good people of my city and it's Lord Mayor"

  22. 1 year ago

    the most old-school capitalism simulator is king of dragon pass

    • 1 year ago
  23. 1 year ago

    i want to get into patrician and port royale so bad
    does the gog version have the kalypso launcher?

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know but Patrician III Steam version has no launcher at all. If the game crashes on launch try to check the game steam forum, there are a lot of workaround and even HD patch to play widescreen.
      I don't know about Port Royale thou, I know it won't run well on W10 because of the shitty way the game handles resolution or something like that.

      • 1 year ago

        >it won't run well on W10
        Install linux, play it through wine. You can just use VirtualBox or whatever the hot virtual machine platform is atm. Old windows games run great on wine.

      • 1 year ago

        There's no launcher on the gog version of P3.

        Thanks lads I am sick to fricking death of extra launchers for everything.

        • 1 year ago

          Ironically old italian (and I believe spanish, since it was the same publisher) cd versions of Patrician III had a launcher back in the days. Sounds moronic but I kinda miss that one, as it had no commercials and it didn't require internet (of course). It was fairly simple, it let you either start the game or tune the settings before playing.

    • 1 year ago

      There's no launcher on the gog version of P3.

  24. 1 year ago

    I see PR4 is on sale on Steam for 10 dollars.
    I never played any of the others but this one has mixed reviews. Should I buy it as a newcomer?

    • 1 year ago

      That series ended with PR2, and it was already a flawed game. 3 is trash, 4 is a joke

    • 1 year ago

      No, just no. As

      That series ended with PR2, and it was already a flawed game. 3 is trash, 4 is a joke

      said PR2 had already some issues but at least was enjoyable. I wouldn't say 3 is trash but is easy as frick and they removed much of the flavour and interesting missions, just feels streamlined and souless to me.
      I heard the first Port Royale was good but despite founding and buying the CD I never really played it. There was also another game, I believe it was called Tortuga or something like that, that came out before Port Royale but I might be wrong there.

      • 1 year ago

        Tortuga was just a Pirates! ripoff, the whole economic aspect boiled down to how much useless shit you could load into your cargo and sell later. It's like calling AssCreed Black Flag an economic game, because you can sell sugar looted from ships

        • 1 year ago

          I see, that's a shame. I never played the game, I just remember I saw someone play it in some Sky television gaming channel back in the days. For some reason the name kinda stuck with me, but I never saw it sold anywhere.

  25. 1 year ago

    I'm just gonna point out, it's Patrician II your talking about the entire time, OP.

    • 1 year ago

      I know in Germany it was an expansion of sort of Patrician II, but outside was called Patrician III. And well, the shitty sequel is Patrician IV so it make sense to call it P3.

  26. 1 year ago

    P3 is very comfy, but I would like it a lot more if auto trading wasn't such a chore to set up.

  27. 1 year ago

    I just liked that I impregnated my 14-year old wife.

    • 1 year ago

      how does that simulate your economy

      • 1 year ago


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