Elden Ring PvP

>7th time FromSoft has copied & pasted the Demon's Souls formula
>PvP is somehow shittier in 2023 than it was in 2008
>No solo invasions, can only invade into co-op ganks unless players "opt-in"
>No covenants
>No incentives to invade beyond rune arcs
>Nothing to make invasions interesting/fun at all
>Great runes stack the odds massively in favor of host
>Weapons like Moonveil & RoB that reward spamming and ganks
>Blue sentinels are the one covenant the bring over, further discouraging invasions

How the frick is this even possible? Is it seriously this way just because of casuals moaning?

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  1. 8 months ago

    And nothing of value was lost.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


      Show us on the doll where the early game twink invader touched you.

      • 8 months ago

        >If you don't enjoy a fighting game for low-functioning autists, you have no skill!

        • 8 months ago

          >Words I never said

          • 8 months ago

            >Taking words literally
            Yep, that's low-functioning autism alright.

            • 8 months ago

              >Makes up shit I never said
              >Gets called out
              >"I was only pretending to be moronic!"

    • 8 months ago


      Isn't PvP the main appeal of Souls games?
      People have been suddenly saying that it isn't, but I'm not sure if its just trolling or newhomosexualry

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, Anon, the main appeal of 60+ hour long action RPGs known for their setting, challenging yet rewarding progression, and overall feeling of adventure is PvP.

        • 8 months ago

          Stop being sarcastic.
          I have heard from many Souls fans for years how important PvP is, so its bit strange to see people dismiss it like that.
          Its like people going "Just play the way you want :)" like the Sekiro invincibility cheat journo.

          I guess its nice to appeal to casuals for money, but I hope they focus on PvP next game for the core audience

          • 8 months ago

            >PvP next game for the core audience
            Anon you're not a core audience that term is a myth.

            • 8 months ago

              I don't play souls games Anon.
              I tried to play the right way, and I tried the PvP. Neither were for me.
              But I don't want to the devs change game or intended experience for my kind of noobie. First play properly, and after that cheese with shields, magic, and leveling up VIT

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            >t. deluded, overleveled coward

            • 8 months ago

              not really, the games aren't challenging, they're just unfair, outside of sekiro and some elden ring bosses I can do entire runs where I die only once or twice.
              Like usually when I play DS3 I don't die until albricht

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, Anon, the main appeal of 60+ hour long action RPGs known for their setting, challenging yet rewarding progression, and overall feeling of adventure is PvP.

        It's not the main appeal, but it's always been an integral part of the series. Elden Ring feels like the first game where they've completely phoned-in the PvP element, if not actively discouraged players from participating.
        It basically only exists in this game to make bosses even easier.

      • 8 months ago

        Its newhomosexualry
        Worse than that its normalhomosexualry

      • 8 months ago

        It's a big part of it. And Elden Ring has by far the best PVP of all of them.

        • 8 months ago

          Post all the webms you want. Having “le epic moments!!11” doesn’t mean Elden Ring’s PvP isn’t the laziest, most barebone, shittiest, most casualized slop ever pushed out by FromSoft, which it is.

          • 8 months ago

            You don't play Souls games PVP

            • 8 months ago

              I was playing Demon's Souls PvP before you even booted up your first souls game, Black person. No one gives a frick about your homosexual webms either.

              • 8 months ago

                >I played Demon's Souls a bunch of times when I was pre-teen in 2009
                And I was already griefing homosexuals like you. Didn't ask, either.

      • 8 months ago

        >Isn't PvP the main appeal of Souls games?
        no and Elden rings is no worse than any of the others which were all side thoughts and not finished products.

      • 8 months ago

        For me it is the main appeal but the reason it is so good is because a lot of people think the PvE is the main appeal and I can invade them.

        • 8 months ago

          Except you have to go out of your way to make yourself open for invasions. PvP autism isn't even fun in the ruining other people's fun sense.

          • 8 months ago

            In Dark Souls 3 you can grief PvE players because they get opened to PvP every time they kill a boss. It's the only time I've ever PvP'd in a Souls game because I had to. I didn't even lose until I was high level and running to the Nameless King and someone who clearly knew what they were doing destroyed me.

  2. 8 months ago

    Elden Ring has the only good PVP in the series

  3. 8 months ago

    They really should just admit to themselves that they don't want to do invasions anymore instead of phoning it in.

    • 8 months ago

      Invasions are and will always be asymmetrical, if you are too much of a shitter to handle it then don't

      I assume a lot of planned pvp related features were cut because of time constraints and we'll most likely see a lot of them returning in the DLC.

      No, frick you, I won't farm invasions to access basic weapons and armor

      • 8 months ago

        Your replies don't make any sense, it might be time to take your meds.

  4. 8 months ago

    dark souls 2 had the best pvp, it all went downhill from that, estus for invaders the biggest mistake, also ds2 is the last souls that tried to be harder instead of normie friendly

    • 8 months ago

      Absolutely not. DS2 has the worst netcode, the worst matchmaking system, the slowest combat, and the worst balance. It's absolutely ridiculous in DS2 that invaders only get Warmth for healing. There's not even any incentive to invade in DS2 because all you get for it is a Token of Spite.

  5. 8 months ago

    >>PvP is somehow shittier in 2023 than it was in 2008
    >>No solo invasions, can only invade into co-op ganks unless players "opt-in"
    just like other Souls games, except it was called offline
    >>No covenants
    >>No incentives to invade beyond rune arcs
    GOOD and it's far better than flooding PVE players with embers
    to make invasions interesting/fun at all
    they are the most interesting and fun. having covenant areas that die in motmnths didn't make souls pvp fun
    runes stack the odds massively in favor of host
    no it doesn't
    like Moonveil & RoB that reward spamming and ganks
    >>Blue sentinels are the one covenant the bring over, further discouraging invasions
    skill issue

  6. 8 months ago

    I assume a lot of planned pvp related features were cut because of time constraints and we'll most likely see a lot of them returning in the DLC.

    • 8 months ago

      They specifically said they didn't like how covenants worked, that it split the community/playerbase into searching/camping specific locations and how they ended up forcing a farming process for your build rather than giving some cool roleplay backstory.
      There's several factions in Elden Ring, but they are all story/quests related. If they ever intended to implement covenants they easily could with what content is already in game. They just don't want to (and that's good)

      • 8 months ago

        Where are you getting this from? It isn't just covenants missing, the features that came with the covenants are missing. PvP areas like the forest hunter covenant or aldrich faithful, mad phantoms, rat covenant etc. All there is in ER are invasions and the blue sentinels, there's a lot of stuff missing.

        • 8 months ago

          >Where are you getting this from? It isn't just covenants missing, the features that came with the covenants are missing.
          Chatgpt post
          >PvP areas like the forest hunter covenant or aldrich faithful, mad phantoms, rat covenant etc.
          PVP areas are garbage. Forest Hunter grind was awful especially when the area was dead. Mad Phantoms is just invaders fricking each other which is totally out of place in ER, Rat covanant was one of the worst covenants to ever be designed, 2 absolutely garbage abusive areas ganking on the invader where i recurringly felt bad for the gray sprit and refused to attack him. Any host could destroy Rat King invaders with no effort.

          Sorry I'm not virginal autist who's terminally online and knows every last detail about the game, and how items interact with PvP.
          My point still stands anyway. Host is massively stat-boosted because... casual.

          You have no clue of how Rune Arcs work. Your opinion is worthless, and you are a complete moron

          • 8 months ago

            No like where are you getting your information from? I haven't read that anywhere, quit being a spaz.
            >every fun covenant ever is garbage
            Man it must suck being you.

            • 8 months ago

              >literally no argument
              last (you)

              • 8 months ago

                >literally no source, just a long rant about how everything sucks
                Consider me baited.

              • 8 months ago

                no source
                I played the games. Everything I said is true and anybody who actually engages with the system knows Covenants were garbage, ESPECIALLY Rat King.
                But I'm arguing with homosexuals that don't know how Rune Arc works in this thread.

              • 8 months ago

                I played the games too and I enjoyed every single one of these covenants, guess it's a stalemate.

        • 8 months ago

          >Where are you getting this from?
          Miyazaki interview on why PVP covenants aren't in game.

  7. 8 months ago

    Honestly, I’ve had nothing but good invasions over the years. One in fact waited for me to get back from AFK before starting the “attack.” I’m not a fan of PVP in general unless I intentionally seek it out, then I’ll just play R6 or CoD. I’m fine with it going away in Souls games.
    Don’t care
    >it’s always been there

  8. 8 months ago

    runes stack the odds massively in favor of host
    pretty sure DS1 was the only one that got this right, DS2 kinda did as well but it was closer to the other way around. Remember that in DS3 you had to be embered which gave you a hefty HP boost. In Bloodborne, phantoms only have like 30% of their HP and DeS had this too except there was the cling ring.

    • 8 months ago

      To clarify: I'm fine with the odds being in their favor, I'm invading them after all. However it's just lazy and stupid to give the host and his entire party a massive stat boost, on top of ONLY allowing invasions into co-op ganks. It's not even fun.
      No estus for invaders? Fine by me. But stat-boosted host parties, + co-op only invasions, + blue sentinels is just moronic.

      • 8 months ago

        >and his entire party
        >But stat-boosted host parties
        rune arcs don't work for any phantoms
        you are a clueless moron

        • 8 months ago

          Sorry I'm not virginal autist who's terminally online and knows every last detail about the game, and how items interact with PvP.
          My point still stands anyway. Host is massively stat-boosted because... casual.

          • 8 months ago

            NTA but phantoms can very often be overpowered relative to the invader due to how the summon ranges work. The matchmaking doesn't care if the host you're invading has phantoms at the edge of their summon range.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Colosseum mode made to make easy and fast PVP duel mode
    >morons b***h they don't get to 1vs1 hosts
    >DS2shitters still crying they can't bully newbies with the massively invader oriented arena covenants like rat kings

  10. 8 months ago

    ER is a casualised garbage with 0 soul. What did you expect? They have butchered everything that made the Souls games special.

  11. 8 months ago

    Online is boring in these games, they should go back to single-player Sekiro-styled games.

  12. 8 months ago

    Covenants are garbage and Elden Ring removing them was one of the many reasons why it's the best Souls game.
    Their relevance and scope was gradually changed from area based matchmaking to simple matchmaking rules, but they are a weak/bad idea and people complained having to farm them jn every single entry

    • 8 months ago

      >t. low iq mongoloid

    • 8 months ago

      Covenants were garbage because they were a half-baked idea by Miyazaki that FromSoft lazily never finished. I would've been fine if they'd have been removed if they were replaced by something else to engage players in the PvP. Ideally they shoudl have reworked and fixed them into the system they were always meant to be. There are already a bunch in the game: Radagon's Golden Order, Bloody Fingers, Recusants, Mad Three-Fingers, etc.
      Instead they just stripped them with nothing to fill the gap.

      • 8 months ago

        I have no issue with Elden Ring PVP. It works and plays 10 times better than any previous title and the viable pool of toolset is the widest. It doesn't need Covenants nor should be ruined by that garbage system, and Rune Arcs are a far better reward than whatever memenant currency that becomes useless after you made your build and makes it tiresome to reach that point.

        • 8 months ago

          I do. I invade a bunch, and 90% of the time it's boring as frick or completely unfun. Only being able to invade into ganks is the shittiest system ever devised by FromSoft. 3/4 of all invasions are:
          >Load in
          >Find host
          >Get within 30ft of them
          >Immediately die or spend the next 5 minutes running away from Moonveil spam
          I still win frequently, but it's not fun having to 2 or 3v1 every fricking match against Moonveil spammers using Godrick's great rune. Rune Arcs are worthless as an item outside of PvE. Humanity was a much better reward. No Covenants or anything to make invasions interesting is just lazy and boring.

          • 8 months ago

            skill issue

            • 8 months ago

              >Every invasions is moonveil spamming ganks
              >I still win about half anyway
              >"sKiLl IsSuE"
              moron issue.

          • 8 months ago

            >Rune Arcs are worthless as an item outside of PvE.
            >Humanity, which was worthless in PVE, was a much better reward.
            >muh discovery rate.
            So only for PVE, except it's hardly useful in NG+ cycles
            but boy, do I love having all gained humanity be soft so that if I ever lose my bloodstain i'll have to get hard humanity or never be able to invade, great system

            • 8 months ago

              >Humanity, which was worthless in PVE, was a much better reward.
              Ah, a moron who has never played Dark souls I see.
              >muh discovery rate.
              Does more than that dumbfrick.

              • 8 months ago

                >Ah, a moron who has never played Dark souls I see.
                I did more invasions in Dark Souls (ps3) than you actually booted up the game
                >Does more than that
                Chaos scaling bonus (a garbage mechanic too) is completely irrelevant and tops at 10 Humanity. If you are trying to claim Humanity is a relevant PVP reward because of that you are even more of a clueless homosexual LMAO. Rewarded humanity is always soft, and once the 10 soft humanity threshold has been reached winning won't help you. If you win you gain nothing, if you lose you gain the 10 soft humanity plus whatever you gained with your victories. But you actually don't know that because you are a homosexual pseud who doesn't really play games.

              • 8 months ago

                >if you lose you lose the 10 soft humanity plus whatever you gained with your victories

              • 8 months ago

                If you actually had, you’d know humanity does more than just boot item discovery. So either you’re a liar, or a clueless fricking autist who knows nothing about the games he’s played.

              • 8 months ago

                >Keeps trying to deflect on his bullshit claimz
                >Ignores that you literally can't use your victories to stack up hard humanity, and won soft humanity is literally a useless fancy number
                >All to claim that the system where at best 10 victories only ever count actually rewards you
                >Meanwhile the supposedly unfair and OP Rune Arcs aren't worthy rewards instead.
                What a wienersucker. Just admit yto being wrong or at leave have the devency to stop posting instead of doubling down on your moronation. Killing the host in Elden Ring gives you a Rune Arc, a very rare and always relevant tool that gives powerful boosts against other invaders or with PVE content in any cycle. Humanity, soft humanity gained in Dark Souls PVP, is literally worthless beyond the 10 digit, meaning most of the time (ESPECIALLY if you are playing a Chaos build and thus you should always have 10+ Humanity), is entirely worthless. Whatever extra sum you'll have is entirely lost. It's legitimately an awful system made worse by having invaders need to be human.
                But I bet you didn't even remember that you don't get hard humanity with PVP and you are trying to weasel your way out.

              • 8 months ago

                The only thing he’s wrong about is that, once you reach 99 (Ninety-Nine) humanity, you get a defense boost that is based on your soul level. It’s actually noticeable at lower levels but almost negligible higher up because the boost is smaller and everyone is doing way more damage.

          • 8 months ago

            >Humanity was a much better reward
            WHATTTT??? are you drunk?

            • 8 months ago

              He is the same moron tmthat thought phantoms use the Great Arcs, he believed you gained hard humanity in DS1. He probably barely played PVP

              • 8 months ago

                >Great Arcs,
                *Rune Arcs

              • 8 months ago

                >Accuses someone else of being moronic
                >”Great Arcs”

              • 8 months ago

                >Still no argument

              • 8 months ago

                Sorry, we don’t listen to morons here. Try again when you can articulate the English language.

            • 8 months ago

              Better than rune arcs? Absolutely. Rune arcs only last until you die. As long as you keep retriving your bloodstain, you can reap the benefits of soft humanity indefinitely. You need humanity for kindling bonfires and turning human. Humanity also gives defense, item discovery, curse resist, and boosts the damage of chaos weapons.

              • 8 months ago

                The soft humanity you gain from a victory only lasts until you die, then you have to get in human form again, wasting 1 regardless. The difference is that Rune Arcs are in your inventory, incentivize PVP and give far better bonuses, and you can't lose a shitton of Rune Arcs with your bloodstain, so all your victories are guaranteed to give you a pool of Rune Arcs in your inventory.
                Again you are a moronic pseud that has no idea of what he is talking about.

              • 8 months ago

                Rune arcs only make a big difference in the early game when Godrick's rune is at its most useful. After that, Morgott's and Radahn's just become worse and less reliable versions of human form in Demon's Souls and embered in DS3.

              • 8 months ago

                Morgott or Radahn give either 25% boost to hp or 15% to FP, Health and Stamina, they are essentially far better than talismans and free, just compare it with Erdtree's Favour just to see how insane Great Runes are. Meanwhile humanity does nothing besides situaltioanl damage resistance against a rare status effect, or discovery rate which is pointless after the first run

              • 8 months ago

                Humanity boosts the damage of the Chaos Blade, arguably the best weapon in DS1 PVP.

  13. 8 months ago

    i don't feel strongly about pvp one way or the other, i just got invaded occasionally and dealt with it, but it's absolutely true that elden ring's pvp is a disgrace. either properly support it or cut it entirely, don't leave in half assed features.

  14. 8 months ago

    Only trannies care about PvP in these games

  15. 8 months ago

    Only DeS, DS1, and DS2 had good PvP. Because it was broken fun that no one, especially the devs took seriously. People started to care with DS3 so they started balancing it which made it boring dog shit. You may as well play a real fighting game over the boring dog shit that is DS3/ER PvP. As it stands, modern Souls PvP is for people who where filtered by fighting games, ie 1v1 autists in DeS, DS1, and DS2.

  16. 8 months ago

    You can always do arena but you won't do that because your shitty one shot cheese build won't work on actual skilled players.

  17. 8 months ago

    The real problem with pvp in elden ring is that the netcode is fricking garbage. There's no reason to try and space or whiff punish attacks because latent turd worlders are immune to it. It's far more efficient to spam one of the million AOE ashes of war that does 800 damage than it is to actually hit them with your weapon. Skilled play is not rewarded whatsoever so the pvp gets boring very quickly

    • 8 months ago

      They have the best netcode in their respected genre, if you want to see what actual shit netcode looks like go play Lords of the Fallen.

      • 8 months ago

        It's still garbage. Ds3 had bad netcode too but at least you didn't have 50 options for hitting someone from 20 yards away. Elden ring's weapon system was obviously not designed with PVP in mind

        • 8 months ago

          No seriously the netcode is pretty good, you can play on insanely high latency and it still works even though a few things change timings. Most games shit themselves completely at even moderately high latency. There's no host advantage, you can consistently dodge attacks without getting rubberbanded back into it, animations play out the way you'd expect unless there are dropped packages.

  18. 8 months ago

    PvP's lame.

    • 8 months ago

      People dont do pvp because of this mod. People dont do pvp because PVP IS FRICKING DAMN GARBAGE BULLSHIT LIKE WHAT THE FRICK
      Fk you

      • 8 months ago

        ...is this really a thing? Holy frick this game is a steaming pile of shit if so.

  19. 8 months ago

    When I invade the overworld, I always sneak behind the host's party then join them near a boss. My favorite invasion was one I lost, it was a 3v3 tree sentinel duo and I vs this squad and the host got the final hit in and won. I made that fricker world for his win, alright? I know 99% of you guys never even fought those two as a duo, you lured one behind the gate and then fought them separately. I claim that guy beat the boss more honestly than most of you guys did, you just had to be there and you'd agree.

    • 8 months ago

      *work not world
      also by final hit i mean he beat the last sentinel

  20. 8 months ago

    >it's some gay being carried by his level 700 friend
    >summon two-shots me
    >get tea-bagged as if I was the one who is bad
    >invade again
    >it's a duelgay
    >buffs 20 times and bows before starting the fight
    >two-shots me
    >invade again
    >kill summon
    >host runs off through half the area just to summon again
    >kill host
    This game has the absolute most trash PvP in the entire history of souls games. Even Dark Souls 1 was better than this shit.

    • 8 months ago

      >>it's some gay being carried by his level 700 friend
      two-shots me
      your summoning dange depends on phantoms, not host

      • 8 months ago

        It is absolutely host, why the frick would it be based on the summon levels that makes zero sense? I'm not invading the summon, I'm invading the host otherwise how would it work for duelgays?

        • 8 months ago

          >It is absolutely host
          No it isn't, it's based on the finger rune level.
          Sorry it doesn't fit the scenarios you made up in your head for a game you don't even play

          • 8 months ago

            It's based on finger level and the invader can be 1.1 times + 20 the RL of the finger, so you will hardly be outleveled by Finger, far more likely than you outlevel it

            I always thought it was simply based on your upgrade/ level and host level, not the summon for this game. Then again, I can at least admit that I was wrong about it because I simply didn't look deep into the mechanic of it.

            • 8 months ago

              Then you can also admit that when you get 2 shot you simply suck at making characters

          • 8 months ago

            What the frick are you talking about lmfao. I've killed phantoms that gave me 70,000+ runes while invading at sl60. It absolutely works off of host level. If it worked off of phantom level every gank would be level 200 bullgoats with a level 15 summon hiding so they can lure in unupgraded players. You have no fricking idea what you're talking about

        • 8 months ago

          It's based on finger level and the invader can be 1.1 times + 20 the RL of the finger, so you will hardly be outleveled by Finger, far more likely than you outlevel it

    • 8 months ago

      You forgot the part where they run to the nearest summoning pool, pop a great rune, summon a third phantom who invariably has Moonveil, then decides to act tough. And if you manage to kill the phantoms (because host always just hides behind them) they just run away until they can summon again or summon a blue.
      The PvP is so shit in this game I seriously think I'm just going to play Dark Souls 3 again instead.

  21. 8 months ago

    Multiplayer has always been the weakest and dumbest portion of this series. I'm glad Sekiro didn't have it. Stick to phantoms and messages, get rid of spirit ashes, and learn to play test and balance your bosses.

    • 8 months ago

      >Multiplayer has always been the weakest and dumbest portion of this series
      And yet thousands upon thousands of people play Dark Souls primarily for the PvP, and many times more enjoy participating in it sporadically. Just because you're a grouchy homosexual who doesn't like it doesn't mean it should be removed from the game entirely.
      Sekiro was perfectly fine not having because it was an entirely different game, which PvP just wasn't compatible with. Invaders have always been an integral part of the Souls games though, as far back as Demon's Souls.

  22. 8 months ago

    >homosexuals making up shit and not knowing how the game works
    >Moonveil in 2023

    • 8 months ago

      >Moonveil in 2023
      What about it? If your character is built to use it, you can deal 80-90% of a player's HP with a single R2 weapon art. Costs very little FP to use as well. It's still easily one of the best weapons in the game. Incredibly strong for PvE too.

      • 8 months ago

        Does everybody you fight have 10 vigor?

        • 8 months ago

          I have a character at SL80 that I can use Moonveil with. I deal around 1/2HP on people with tanky builds, more like >80% on squishier characters with light armor.
          Anytime I get hit by someone else's while invading it does at least 90% of my HP, and my character uses the default knight armor and has around 30 vigor.
          It does an assload of damage, weapon art is easily spammable, has a bunch of range, and when there's two of you, you can just time it when they roll to avoid your partner's attacks and catch them with it. Moonveil is still absolutely busted. It's why tons of people are still using it.

          • 8 months ago

            >Anytime I get hit by someone else's while invading it does at least 90% of my HP, and my character uses the default knight armor and has around 30 vigor.
            >30 vigor
            I'm not impressed. You're not even past the point vigor gives its best gains.

  23. 8 months ago

    So far nothing beats Dark souls 3 pvp. Elden Ring was a major step back with the bullshit starting from how invasions work and ending with trashcan of powerstancing

  24. 8 months ago

    I didn't have the ethernet cable attached when playing Dark Souls and didn't know it had PvP until seeing people talk about it online. If you play these single player games for their PvP you are a monkey.

    • 8 months ago

      You missed out

      • 8 months ago

        Missed out on what? I had a lot of fun playing it.

        • 8 months ago

          Game becomes an order of magnitude more fun with co-op, invasions, etc.

          • 8 months ago

            Co-op, no. Invasions, yes. The most fun I had with any Souls game was going through DS3 on NG+ with the dried finger activate the whole time, mowing through invader after invader with my pre-nerf Black Knight Glaive.

            • 8 months ago

              Co-op, yes. Invasions, yes. Co-op is fun for playing with friends you know IRL. Be it for just playing through the game together or fricking with invaders in the Duke's Archives, Oolacile, or Irithyll.

              • 8 months ago

                Co-op screws too much with enemy A.I. About the only time I can recommend it is in DS2 because of the sluggish combat and absurd enemy counts in some areas.

          • 8 months ago

            I guess it's a matter of personal taste. It's not that appealing for me.

    • 8 months ago

      Sorry you're so moronic you're incapable of grasping the concept of a game that has move single and multiplayer elements, anon.
      I bet you also played Halo without internet and think everyone who plays that for the multiplayer is dumb too.

    • 8 months ago

      >I didn't have the ethernet cable
      >you are a monkey

  25. 8 months ago

    the only time invasions are fun for me is when the game first launches and theres regular dudes like me playing/leveling up and completing content and do a meme invasion as a side fun thing to see how we stack up against other casuals/normals. I dont wanna fight darksouls sweaty pvp veterans. If im fighting a regular dude who just is rocking his ___ pve build who happens to have to fight me i dont care if I win or lose. Fighting sweatlord dual katana dexgay rolly fishing for backstabs pvplord I know hes just gonna wipe the floor against me using my 'faith build halberd' or 'str sword and board' or 'mage' most of the time. So yeah most of the time I'll stay hollow, or only use a humanity if I need to co-op for a boss.

  26. 8 months ago

    pc has horrible latency because of EAC. there is NO spacing when every person has 20+ more ping

  27. 8 months ago

    If i wanna win invasions i pull out this and i win like 90% of them

  28. 8 months ago

    >turns out the minigame gets minigame attention
    just download some "competitive" appstore shovelware if you care so much about beating dumb kids with terrible mechanics and inputs

  29. 8 months ago

    Souls formula is really bad.
    >"build variety" boils down to whether your greatsword will scale with int, dex or str
    >have to spam talk multiple times with every npc and repeat this every time you come across them for the small chance you will get new dialogue, or even possibly miss content hidden behind quests that had to be initiated at a precise moment
    >all these awkward platforming sections where you need to double or triple check if you're really sure the game expects you to jump there, or if you're just seeing things
    >having an usable weapon is such a big investment that the game prohibits you from trying new weapons, thus leading to artificial replayability
    >engaging with the game's mechanics (especially summons) makes it pisseasy, practically playing itself, thus making you question the legitimacy of every decision where you decide to exploit the tools you have
    >big amount of redundant consumables that will probably keep piling up in your inventory and sell for little to no cash
    >requires soul grinding for proper progression without having any way of doing it that felt "right", you have to awkwardly kill enemies in an area and keep resting at the bonfire to reset the layout, you will question yourself if that was the intended way to play or if you were supposed to progress without grinding
    >everyone boasts you can do areas out of order, but this only happens with glitching and bug abusing, otherwise they will be far too hard
    >the fear of losing souls makes your gameplay clunky and divided in constant segments of pausing your journey to level up, buy items or upgrade weapons to keep your soul balance as close to 0 as possible
    >gameplay boils down to spamming two buttons and yet it is seen as the pinnacle of action games

    • 8 months ago

      >anime girl
      >contrarian opinion
      yep, it’s Ganker. Here’s your (you)

    • 8 months ago

      cheat engine fixes most of these, i cant believe actually enjoying a souls game without it

    • 8 months ago

      >Those last four points
      Jesus Christ

      • 8 months ago

        You really disagree with "everyone boasts you can do areas out of order, but this only happens with glitching and bug abusing, otherwise they will be far too hard"?

        Are you going to pretend that whenever playing a souls game, you play it out of order? You start DS1 with blighttown, right? Sure, sure...

        • 8 months ago

          I mean the shortcut is right there. It's not like you're playing through the shitty part of blighttown.

        • 8 months ago

          >otherwise they will be far too hard
          This definitely isn't the case with Elden Ring, have you even played it? Why are you in this thread? It's way, way too easy if you do most of the content or even optimize a build. Leyndell is one of the best areas in the game and Morgott is the one of the best bosses and yet if you're going to be severely overleved and kill him in a few hits unless you massively restrict your level.

        • 8 months ago

          I played through the game on SL1, so what is your point?

        • 8 months ago

          My dumb ass literally skipped all of Stormveil Fortress on my first playthrough because I was having trouble with Margit, and I ended up beating the Entirety of the Academy before actually going back to him.

          • 8 months ago

            Wait how do you get to the academy without passing through stormveil?

            • 8 months ago

              Just walk around the castle

            • 8 months ago

              You can go around along the side of the castle where that broken bridge is and there is a cliffside you can travel along to skip straight to the Lakes of Liurnia.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't think the game is particularly better as an Open World but you really couldn't have worded things in a way that didn't scream "Skill Issue" any louder.

        • 8 months ago

          You can go to Altus Plateau without glitches and without fighting a single boss.

  30. 8 months ago

    >PvP is somehow shittier in 2023 than it was in 2008
    You never played it, frick off

  31. 8 months ago

    >>7th time FromSoft has copied & pasted the Demon's Souls formula

    homie FS has been making the same 2 or 3 games for literally their entire existence. That's why people keep buying them, cuz they like them. They're the sci-fi and fantasy equivalent of Call of Duty.

    • 8 months ago

      Oh no, how dare a company use a tried and tested formula that's massively popular. The fiends!

  32. 8 months ago

    You guys do realize that invasions in souls games, especially Elden, aren't supposed to be a mechanism through which fair pvp combat is supposed to take place, right?
    The point of invasions is to allow players to become enemies in the worlds of other players going through content to enhance their experience if they're with a summon and can handle the extra challenge. You're not supposed to win 50% of the time, its not an even contest of skill and its not made to be that. It exists to support and make the main focus of the game more dynamic and enjoyable, which is the story and pve progression. They only added the arena after to appeal to people who wanted that fair pvp challenge, because again, not the focus of the game.

    • 8 months ago

      PvPgays are delusional, they won't listen to you.

    • 8 months ago

      Crazy how this was the "philosophy" in every other Souls game, and PvP/Invasions wasn't complete dogshit in those games. This is such a generic, pathetic excuse, you could use it to justify virtually anything.
      They could make it so invaders literally did half damage, and morons like you say:
      >That's just how it's supposed to be!
      >You're supposed to be an NPC, basically a hollow!
      >You're supposed to be massively disadvantaged to the point where you have basically no chance of killing the host!
      >You exist just to be fun to kill for the host and his gank squad, and to make their game "dynamic"!
      Please suck on a muffler.

  33. 8 months ago

    What are some incredibly underrated spells in PvP? For me, it’s Roiling Magma. It gets you through walls, and is absolutely hilarious in the subterranean shunning ground pipes.

    • 8 months ago

      Ambush Shard for getting people around corners.

    • 8 months ago

      Gavel of Haima has infinite poise that activates pretty much as soon as the gavel is formed. I like using it to finish off low HP players with a trade.

  34. 8 months ago

    >Invading in Hero Graves has a none-zero chance to spawn you in the path of a chariot
    >Invading in the over-world forces your ass to WALK in a massive zone designed around horseback travel
    >Filler dungeons are insanely uninteresting to invade in
    Legacy dungeons are okay, but there's only so many. Doesn't have the same staying power as past entries

  35. 8 months ago

    i did some invasions after getting the finger an i feel bad about this one my friend told me about it and i tried it and it worked though i was here for 30 minutes

    • 8 months ago

      >i was here for 30 minutes

      • 8 months ago

        You can't activate a lift if someone is pressing down the switch.

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