>end of workweek finally arrives. >time to play D&D and actually enjoy myself

>end of workweek finally arrives
>time to play D&D and actually enjoy myself
>go out to dinner (only do this once a week)
>eat nice big meal
>go to D&D game and sit down
>immediately am struggling to stay awake
kill me

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  1. 2 years ago

    It only gets worse the older you get.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm only 28.

      you're convincing your lizard brain that the hunt is over and you need hibernation
      eat after the game

      That's 11pm I can't eat then.

      Change when you eat. I've been doing intermittent fasts + full day fasts once a week and it's been better for my energy levels than drinking coffee.

      How do you do that?

      Stop playing D&D. Your life will improve immensely.

      Bro it happens if I play other RPGs too. Have had it happen with Call of Cthulhu, Savage Worlds, Traveller, and Lancer.

      Skip the nice big meal anon. or better yet, have dinner with your d&d crew.

      >or better yet, have dinner with your d&d crew.
      That's what I used to do. It still often happened. Unless I was the DM and sometimes even then.

      • 2 years ago

        Hitting 30 is literally like flipping a switch. You age overnight. Have fun 🙂

        • 2 years ago

          Second puberty SUCKS

        • 2 years ago

          extremely relevant

        • 2 years ago

          This is nothing compared to 40.


          I am 35 and I don’t have these problems at all, WTF? I go sleep at 1:15 and wake up at 7:20. On the weekends I go to sleep at 1:30 and wake up at 10:30. Gotta be the shitty lifestyle you guys lead. Then again my grandfather slept less and was overall less tired the older he got, might be genetic.

          >my job has me by the balls. that's what financial independence in your 30s is. being able to quit your fricking job without repercussions.

          I just lost my job because my employer went bankrupt. It can happen to you too!

          Dead man walking.

      • 2 years ago

        >Bro it happens if I play other RPGs too.
        I never said it wouldn't, I just said "your life will improve immensely."

      • 2 years ago

        >How do you do that?

        For intermittent fasting, I only eat within a certain window, from like 10 am to 5 pm. That means I skip breakfast and take an early dinner. Some days, I'll just eat a very heavy lunch and a light snack later.

        For whole day fasting, I choose day (usually Saturday, but it varies by week) and just don't eat the whole day, only drinking water and other zero calorie drinks (I drink sugar free arnold palmers and black coffee to help here). My whole fasting day is usually when I have tons of focus and energy so I usually whole day fast on game days, which happens every other Saturday.

        Whole day fasts are crazy, esp if you start off overweight and lower energy. You feel super hopped up on energy and focused, better than coffee. Obv talk to your doctor if you're super unhealthy, but if you have a dad bod and no other health issues, I recommend trying it and see if it works for you. I started doing it because I found that whole day fasting is easier for me than trying to restrict calories as I'm eating. Much easier to eat nothing than to eat just a little imo.

        And agree with the other anons that you really have to start taking care of yourself starting 30. That's the age where your lifestyle catches up to you.

        • 2 years ago

          >You feel super hopped up on energy and focused,
          How can this be? Hunger drains energy and focus! I don't understand at all.

          • 2 years ago

            When you're full your lizard brain doesn't see the need for further hunting and turns down your energy levels to save for next time.

      • 2 years ago

        28 is pretty ancient. life kind of stops mattering after 25
        t. 27

        Hitting 30 is literally like flipping a switch. You age overnight. Have fun 🙂

        god being old fricking sucks
        how the frick do you people live like that

        >How do you do that?

        For intermittent fasting, I only eat within a certain window, from like 10 am to 5 pm. That means I skip breakfast and take an early dinner. Some days, I'll just eat a very heavy lunch and a light snack later.

        For whole day fasting, I choose day (usually Saturday, but it varies by week) and just don't eat the whole day, only drinking water and other zero calorie drinks (I drink sugar free arnold palmers and black coffee to help here). My whole fasting day is usually when I have tons of focus and energy so I usually whole day fast on game days, which happens every other Saturday.

        Whole day fasts are crazy, esp if you start off overweight and lower energy. You feel super hopped up on energy and focused, better than coffee. Obv talk to your doctor if you're super unhealthy, but if you have a dad bod and no other health issues, I recommend trying it and see if it works for you. I started doing it because I found that whole day fasting is easier for me than trying to restrict calories as I'm eating. Much easier to eat nothing than to eat just a little imo.

        And agree with the other anons that you really have to start taking care of yourself starting 30. That's the age where your lifestyle catches up to you.

        >And agree with the other anons that you really have to start taking care of yourself starting 30. That's the age where your lifestyle catches up to you.
        fricking depressing. wasted the best years of my life doing frick all
        at least i cut out alcohol and i know how to diet but my fear of aging is unreal
        old people disgust me

        • 2 years ago

          You'll get over it. And the ones who don't, who still act like they're 20 when they're 40, are the most pathetic of them all.

          Imo, your 30s are when you really start focusing on the shit that really matters, vis a vis your relationships, your career, and your hobbies. The only people who are miserable in this decade are the ones who didn't develop any of the aforementioned.

          • 2 years ago

            >who still act like they're 20 when they're 40, are the most pathetic of them all.
            what do 40 year olds even do? all that shit sounds depressing as frick

            >Imo, your 30s are when you really start focusing on the shit that really matters, vis a vis your relationships, your career, and your hobbies.
            i don't really care about any of that stuff though. relationships are kind of a meme, most of the people my age i know are single.
            my hobbies are things full of people in their 20s
            and career i already failed since i'm a programmer and didn't retire at 30, so chasing after it while older is sort of a cope

            >life kind of stops mattering after 25
            frick, same
            but I had this problem since I was 23 and worked part-time (11-5) at a small ice cream parlor then walked up the street to play D&D with my bros after a dinner at the place next door, for like 8 bucks. god that was the life. when I was DMing it was ok but if I was a player in Adventurer's League I'd fall asleep sometimes. Or at least be struggling not to. Even if it wasn't AL I would be struggling to stay awake sometimes. Wasn't even a boring game it was purely chemical. I'm not fat either, I'm skinny. I eat fairly healthy and cook my own food 90% of the time.

            i've noticed it getting a lot worse after 25 or 26. it was a combination of a rapid lifestyle change due to the pandemic and a new job and just aging

            • 2 years ago

              >and career i already failed since i'm a programmer and didn't retire at 30, so chasing after it while older is sort of a cope
              >retire at 30
              No one actually does this lmao. The few random tech guys that did this in the early 00's were all working for companies like Google in its early days and ended up working on other projects after they got bored of retirement. Protip: there are no new Googles on the horizon. Unless you somehow invent a new category of technology, the early 30s retirement ship has sailed.

              >relationships are a meme
              Unless you plan on being single forever, you should probably reconsider this position.

              Tabletop is not limited to people in their 20s, unless you are talking about something else.

              • 2 years ago

                >No one actually does this lmao
                ok maybe not retirement but most people in the 2015-now era of tech workers plan on retiring in their 30s.
                it's very reasonable to expect someone who has worked in the industry since 2012 to have seven figure net worth. most people who started their careers on time at 21 should have a million by 30.

                for reference, i'm considered making far below average since i make about 180k at 27. that's how much a 22 year old college grad makes now

                the ship sailed earlier this year when the market crashed.

                >Unless you plan on being single forever, you should probably reconsider this position.
                i actually do. do not care for a relationship.

                >Tabletop is not limited to people in their 20s
                video games and tabletop games are overwhelmingly considered manchild things

              • 2 years ago

                >Makes 180k at 27
                The tech field is vastly overpaid, Jesus christ.

              • 2 years ago

                there's random small companies where everyone pays sub 100k then when you get into a big company or somewhere in California that's when the money starts to show itself.

                >Makes 180k at 27
                like i said, that's not even considered a lot. it's extremely overpaid, anything under 200k is entry level. you should be making that at 22-24 and if you aren't, you still have the opportunity to get into a company that pays that much (usually amazon) just through work experience.

                at 27 you should be making 300k at least. 30 year olds usually make 300-400k now

              • 2 years ago

                I'm 22 now and am thinking of shifting my priorities over into learning coding am I to late to start or will I still have a chance.

              • 2 years ago

                I got into programming at 30. At 5 years, I now make 90k, which is just below the national median for a mid level developer. You need to assess the following:
                >are you actually able to continually learn/teach yourself programming concepts?
                >are you actually IT competent in general?
                >can you get good at interviewing (important)?

                If you can do the following three, then you can get a job in software. But you will almost certainly be making low 6 figures unless you happen to be very talented and/or work in a desirable company. If you are working at a software company in bumfrick nowhere like I am, expect around what I make.

                That said, the most important thing is whether or not you can stand coding. Because the work is incessant and your managers will be shit 90% of the time.

              • 2 years ago

                >>can you get good at interviewing (important)?
                yes, i completely forgot to mention. this is extremely important. this is a different skill from actually doing the job but even if you have connections you still need to be good at this.
                i've heard the average FB dev grinds out about 200 problems before interviewing there, i do however think that in a few years leetcode will be obsolete. people are realizing LC doesn't select for good devs at all, just ones who are very good at solving pastiche problems that almost look like programming

                in current year i think however tech genuinely is the easiest pathway into six figures. mostly just because of volume. other industries if you didn't go to a top school you're fricked. nowadays, if you didn't get in the first time around they still give you another chance

                it might change in 5 years though

              • 2 years ago

                >>can you get good at interviewing (important)?
                yes, i completely forgot to mention. this is extremely important. this is a different skill from actually doing the job but even if you have connections you still need to be good at this.
                i've heard the average FB dev grinds out about 200 problems before interviewing there, i do however think that in a few years leetcode will be obsolete. people are realizing LC doesn't select for good devs at all, just ones who are very good at solving pastiche problems that almost look like programming

                in current year i think however tech genuinely is the easiest pathway into six figures. mostly just because of volume. other industries if you didn't go to a top school you're fricked. nowadays, if you didn't get in the first time around they still give you another chance

                it might change in 5 years though

                I've been thinking of learning coding as a backup if teaching becomes intolerable (and I got a pretty decent tolerance for bullshit). On the chance it doesn't become intolerable, is coding still worth learning as a practical skill to just know?

              • 2 years ago

                Imo, and I must stress that this is just my opinion because I know the fat/g/uys on this board will hate me for saying this, but if you want a practical programming skill that can be applied outside of work, learn javascript. Here's why:
                >everything that can be written in javascript will eventually be written in javascript
                >it forces you to understand stuff like functional programming, closures, and type safety
                >the entire web runs on javascript
                >it can be as simple or as complex as you want-- from a simple html page to a video game or even a neural network

                This is a handy skill to have if you decide to go into any creative field. Need a website? Use a website builder and modify it as you need with your javascript knowledge. Need to code a prototype for a game? Various engines let you write straight javascript and most scripting languages aren't that different. And so forth.

                As far as learning coding in general, just give it a shot if you're interested. Take some classes and see if you have a knack for it. When I took my first java class at a university extension, I aced it. That's how I knew I could actually switch streams into coding. You might have a knack for it, who knows?

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, and I realize this might be confusing, but java != javascript. The former is used by coders like me working at our shitty enterprise dev jobs, the latter is used by literally everyone.

              • 2 years ago

                >Imo, and I must stress that this is just my opinion because I know the fat/g/uys on this board will hate me for saying this, but if you want a practical programming skill that can be applied outside of work, learn javascript. Here's why:
                if you're trying to get into the field JS is probably the language with the lowest barrier of entry
                freecodecamp.org i think is a good route

                Oh, and I realize this might be confusing, but java != javascript. The former is used by coders like me working at our shitty enterprise dev jobs, the latter is used by literally everyone.

                java is used by a lot more than you think
                i mean it's still shitty enterprise dev but the better playing shitty enterprise jobs like amazon and google use java internally

              • 2 years ago

                >early 00's
                which is being repeated with the tech boom from 2014-2022

            • 2 years ago

              >relationships are kind of a meme
              I swear to god anon if there's anything you should carry out of this thread is to find someone while you're in your twenties, I don't even have the words to explain how much it fricking sucks in your 30s when you're single and trying to build a healthy relationship.

            • 2 years ago

              >relationships are kind of a meme
              I’m so glad I didn’t fall into this trap. No offense, anon, but that’s how 19 year olds think.

            • 2 years ago

              >i don't really care about any of that stuff though. relationships are kind of a meme, most of the people my age i know are single.
              You end up single with that mindset.

          • 2 years ago

            Man, that kind of hits close to home. I seemed to have been on track for the good things and then it just turned to shit. I've had a good career going and now suddenly in my thirties i realised that this company is shit, doesn't really care about people and also doesn't care about the products they are making as long as the stock price stays up. Covid and war only made things worse. At least i still have good friends and i just met a woman but i am afraid that my general depression will just ruin that.

            I don't even play tabletop anymore since covid murdered my club.

            • 2 years ago

              Damn dude, you work for Fedex too? Haha. Your job issues sound exactly why I'm trying to find another career after being there for years. I got an anniversary coming up with the company and I don't even give a frick, at the first hint of something different I'm out.

        • 2 years ago

          >life kind of stops mattering after 25
          frick, same
          but I had this problem since I was 23 and worked part-time (11-5) at a small ice cream parlor then walked up the street to play D&D with my bros after a dinner at the place next door, for like 8 bucks. god that was the life. when I was DMing it was ok but if I was a player in Adventurer's League I'd fall asleep sometimes. Or at least be struggling not to. Even if it wasn't AL I would be struggling to stay awake sometimes. Wasn't even a boring game it was purely chemical. I'm not fat either, I'm skinny. I eat fairly healthy and cook my own food 90% of the time.

        • 2 years ago

          >fricking depressing. wasted the best years of my life doing frick all
          30s is where life either starts to get fun because you have the money to what you want, or really sucks.
          Seriously though, never fall into the trap of "it's too late". Take the Chinese proverb to heart "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now." Use that time to start planning.

          • 2 years ago

            >30s is where life either starts to get fun because you have the money to what you want, or really sucks.
            what am i even going to do with that money though? i live like a shut in NEET. i genuinely just want to relive a more idealized version of my early 20s except with the mistakes fixed but being older makes that harder

            unless you mean i can free myself from wageslavery, that's early retirement and i missed the boat on that

            >Seriously though, never fall into the trap of "it's too late".
            it might not be too late but life just gets worse with age.

            I'm 22 now and am thinking of shifting my priorities over into learning coding am I to late to start or will I still have a chance.

            everyone and their mother is doing programming now because they realized it's easy money.
            if the job market stays the same as it did in 2021 for the next 10 years it would 100% be worth it, but we are watching a decline. companies are doing layoffs, pay cuts, lot of shit hitting the fan

            it depends on your plan and background i think.
            but holy shit, the industry will mindfrick you. you can only take meeting so many 25 year old millionaires before you start reconsidering your life

            • 2 years ago

              >if the job market stays the same as it did in 2021 for the next 10 years it would 100% be worth it, but we are watching a decline. companies are doing layoffs, pay cuts, lot of shit hitting the fan.
              Ah ok I guess Ill stick with my current path it might not pay as much but if you can stick with it for a few years you can get a government job and start building a pension.

              • 2 years ago

                what are you currently doing?

                >government job
                tech job market is notoriously unstable. money is good but i honestly would not want to work in this environment for more than 5 or 10 years

              • 2 years ago

                I have been learning to work as a councilor, school, rehab, disability, CPS, ect its mostly the same skillset and degrees for all of those take care of others non-medically jobs.
                As a field it really helps with my urge to help others but it is a very low paying field for the most part and most entry level jobs are basically working in disability group homes and the like. But perks as stated it all being the same thing means you have a ton of job horizontal job mobility and after 4-10 years depending on your job market you can get a job with the government or somewhere adjacent and start raking in the pension and desk job all being able to help people along the way.
                The Cons are that again it has shit pay, and the subjects you deal with can be really fricked up leading to a lot of burnout among workers. It can be hard to want to help someone but either having them reject that help or there being non to be found. Also while there are always jobs around unless your company is established for 20+ years there is the Sword of Damocles that a state funding cut will kill your job but again their are always more.
                So its well known that the progression path is basically working various min wage +2-3$ jobs for a year or two and unless a company offers you a promotion then you move on to another job, then when it becomes eligible you either start your own company or get a stable government job.
                Or you take the Masters Degree Route and get the state to pay for your classes and get slid into a gov job when your finished.

            • 2 years ago

              >what am i even going to do with that money though? i live like a shut in NEET. i genuinely just want to relive a more idealized version of my early 20s except with the mistakes fixed but being older makes that harder
              Maybe don't live like a shut in NEET, you frickin' moron. I've only gotten better games, better friends, and better times after I turned thirty.

              • 2 years ago

                >Maybe don't live like a shut in NEET, you frickin' moron
                what else would i do? i like this lifestyle, it's comfortable if not a bit unfulfilling and stagnant. it is sad to think about how it's unsustainable and most of my major regrets are not doing things like going to cons and hanging out with my friends and various other things that are best enjoyed predominantly in the 18-24 age group

                >relationships are kind of a meme
                I swear to god anon if there's anything you should carry out of this thread is to find someone while you're in your twenties, I don't even have the words to explain how much it fricking sucks in your 30s when you're single and trying to build a healthy relationship.

                >when you're single and trying to build a healthy relationship.
                i don't care for a relationship

                >relationships are kind of a meme
                I’m so glad I didn’t fall into this trap. No offense, anon, but that’s how 19 year olds think.

                what's the difference between someone who is 19 and 29? what exactly causes a shift in priorities? the deterioration of the body?

                >i don't really care about any of that stuff though. relationships are kind of a meme, most of the people my age i know are single.
                You end up single with that mindset.

                i'm already single. i've never had a relationship and the more i think about it the less i want one

                also i have a question to everyone here who is in a relationship. are you double income or do you work to support them or do they work to support you? all of those arrangements feel tenacious and unstable

              • 2 years ago

                >feel tenacious and unstable
                tenuous and unstable* lol.
                look at me trying to use big words and fricking em up

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm super unhappy, life holds no meaning, I live and act like a shithead, woe is me!
                Just don't act like a shithead.
                >lolwut why would I stop acting like a shithead? Yeah it sucks but I love the shithead life, being a sucky depressed shithead is great!

                K bro. I guess enjoy the slow crawl towards the grave.

              • 2 years ago

                >my hobbies don't cost extreme amounts of money
                >having no interest in a relationship
                and that makes me a shithead how? what's your lifestyle like that it's so much better?

                >like holy shit you're an adult I'm sure you can figure out a way to stay up late if you enjoy it so much.
                I have to get up at 6 am for work. Sleeping 5 hours a night is part of what made my problem even worse. But I had it even when I slept 9 hours a night.

                Reading this now I want to frickign kill myself. I'm 28 and never had a gf.

                >Reading this now I want to frickign kill myself. I'm 28 and never had a gf.
                for whatever reasons, i just don't really care for a gf. every time i imagine being in a relationship, none of it appeals to me at all.

              • 2 years ago

                >complain about how life is going to be terrible because he's getting older.
                >but no wait no my life is great what are you talking about

                You're just talking out your ass then. Frick off.

              • 2 years ago

                you're just randomly calling me a shithead, then writing like some deranged, autistic boomer who can only think in extremes
                like what the frick are you even trying to say? literally nothing you are talking about has to do with your age

                half the posts were just "haha you'll never get a gf" but i literally don't fricking care about that, and if you're the other anon, what the frick has being 30 done for you that being 20 hasn't?

                like yes, growing up fricking sucks. relationships, family, career are all things i don't care for
                genuinely, why would i care about that stuff? the only reason i care about my career is so that i can make enough money to not have to work. but if my career is going to last 20, 30 years then i wasted my life to prevent myself from wasting my life?
                relationships and a wife and kids would probably all be detrimental to my life. imagine having to pay for a family of 4, holy shit what a waste of money

              • 2 years ago

                You're the idiot who seems obsessed with having a girlfriend and kids. I literally do not care. I've never said anything about needing to get a girlfriend, dumbass. All i've said is that, catagorically, my friendships and games have gotten better post thirty. You countered with
                >what am i even going to do with that money though? i live like a shut in NEET. i genuinely just want to relive a more idealized version of my early 20s except with the mistakes fixed but being older makes that harder

                I don't know even know what you're b***hing about, dude. Play games with your friends if that is what you want to do. If you want to be a fricking shitass shut in, do that. But it's moronic to have the attitude of "oh, I'm 30 and I'm not a smashingly successful retired crpytobro, guess it's all a mourningful march to the grave from here on out!"

              • 2 years ago

                >who seems obsessed with having a girlfriend and kids.
                3/4 replies i got were mostly about that

                >I literally do not care.
                power to you

                >I don't know even know what you're b***hing about, dude
                getting old? growing apart from your friends because they move elsewhere or grow old? being physically weaker and slower and fatter with age? having to put in twice the effort to maintain half the body you had at 20? being the old frick because every hobby and interest you have skews under 30?

                >All i've said is that, catagorically, my friendships and games have gotten better post thirty
                which is nice, but nothing about that is a result of you turning 30. you saying that life "starts to get 30" seems to entirely be a personal thing. i don't know what kind of lifestyle you live that could only be lived in your 30s

                >But it's moronic to have the attitude of "oh, I'm 30 and I'm not a smashingly successful retired crpytobro, guess it's all a mourningful march to the grave from here on out!"
                bro who the frick wants to work a 9 to 5? a career just means that you have more to lose and your life becomes your job. i'm not at the level where i can quit without raising a huge red flag since i don't have the experience to just get a new one. my job has me by the balls. that's what financial independence in your 30s is. being able to quit your fricking job without repercussions. if i quit now i'm not even sure if i'm hirable since people will be like "dude this entry level was too incompetent to last at this company too long"

                like realistically i'm at the level of someone who is 22 to 24 but i'm almost 30. the only difference between me and my younger coworkers and peers is that i'm closer to all the shitty parts of aging

              • 2 years ago

                Well, when you put it that way you're right, you should probably just off yourself i guess.

        • 2 years ago

          >life stops mattering after 25
          And not in the fun way. I lived like life didnt matter before 25 and it was great. Now I have to answer to people younger than me at work and dumber than me at home. If you're going to live the simple life, you literally cannot do it with women or children involved.

      • 2 years ago

        >That's 11pm I can't eat then.
        says fricking who
        it's not always the best idea to eat late at night but if you don't want to be sleepy by the time it's nearly midnight I don't know what the frick you're so confused about.
        like holy shit you're an adult I'm sure you can figure out a way to stay up late if you enjoy it so much. Drink a soda, maybe even have an energy drink or some coffee with dinner, or just postpone eating to right before or during. I mean jesus christ are you four years old I don't understand what the mystery is here

        • 2 years ago

          >like holy shit you're an adult I'm sure you can figure out a way to stay up late if you enjoy it so much.
          I have to get up at 6 am for work. Sleeping 5 hours a night is part of what made my problem even worse. But I had it even when I slept 9 hours a night.

          >relationships are kind of a meme
          I’m so glad I didn’t fall into this trap. No offense, anon, but that’s how 19 year olds think.

          >relationships are kind of a meme
          I swear to god anon if there's anything you should carry out of this thread is to find someone while you're in your twenties, I don't even have the words to explain how much it fricking sucks in your 30s when you're single and trying to build a healthy relationship.

          Reading this now I want to frickign kill myself. I'm 28 and never had a gf.

          • 2 years ago

            >I have to get up at 6 am for work. Sleeping 5 hours a night is part of what made my problem even worse
            I see so you're just a sleepy boy who isn't used to staying up late
            well I don't know what to tell you man but if you don't have to wake up early the next day just have some energy drinks or caffienated soda with your dinner. Alternatively drink some coffee around noon. Caffeine in general lasts a really fricking long time but people don't realize it, so really you should drink something several hours before you need energy. But keep in mind that as other anons said eating will make you tired because 1: your brain will think the day is over and 2: eating and digesting takes energy and will make you tired in general

            • 2 years ago

              Better advice: get more sleep and fix your fricking sleep schedule instead of thinking that caffeine and sugar are going to fix the problem. Caffeine only masks fatigue, it doesn't make it go away.

      • 2 years ago

        >only 28
        That's about when I starts in earnest. Soon you will stop drinking at 9 or 10 on the weekends and go home to drink pedialyte on the couch.

      • 2 years ago

        Hitting 30 is literally like flipping a switch. You age overnight. Have fun 🙂

        I am 35 and I don’t have these problems at all, WTF? I go sleep at 1:15 and wake up at 7:20. On the weekends I go to sleep at 1:30 and wake up at 10:30. Gotta be the shitty lifestyle you guys lead. Then again my grandfather slept less and was overall less tired the older he got, might be genetic.

        >who seems obsessed with having a girlfriend and kids.
        3/4 replies i got were mostly about that

        >I literally do not care.
        power to you

        >I don't know even know what you're b***hing about, dude
        getting old? growing apart from your friends because they move elsewhere or grow old? being physically weaker and slower and fatter with age? having to put in twice the effort to maintain half the body you had at 20? being the old frick because every hobby and interest you have skews under 30?

        >All i've said is that, catagorically, my friendships and games have gotten better post thirty
        which is nice, but nothing about that is a result of you turning 30. you saying that life "starts to get 30" seems to entirely be a personal thing. i don't know what kind of lifestyle you live that could only be lived in your 30s

        >But it's moronic to have the attitude of "oh, I'm 30 and I'm not a smashingly successful retired crpytobro, guess it's all a mourningful march to the grave from here on out!"
        bro who the frick wants to work a 9 to 5? a career just means that you have more to lose and your life becomes your job. i'm not at the level where i can quit without raising a huge red flag since i don't have the experience to just get a new one. my job has me by the balls. that's what financial independence in your 30s is. being able to quit your fricking job without repercussions. if i quit now i'm not even sure if i'm hirable since people will be like "dude this entry level was too incompetent to last at this company too long"

        like realistically i'm at the level of someone who is 22 to 24 but i'm almost 30. the only difference between me and my younger coworkers and peers is that i'm closer to all the shitty parts of aging

        >my job has me by the balls. that's what financial independence in your 30s is. being able to quit your fricking job without repercussions.

        I just lost my job because my employer went bankrupt. It can happen to you too!

        • 2 years ago

          >I go sleep at 1:15 and wake up at 7:20
          You lucked out, average human needs 7 or 8 hours. Needing just 6 is uncommon.
          >grandfather slept less and was overall less tired the older he got
          that's all old people, the downside is they are less resistant to disease and take longer to recover from injury

        • 2 years ago

          >I just lost my job because my employer went bankrupt.
          my employer would do mass layoffs way before they went bankrupt. we're sorta expecting a wave of layoffs industry wide so it's definitely a possibility

          extremely relevant

          aging is a fricking disease

        • 2 years ago

          I go to sleep at 4:00-5:00 and wake up at noon.
          When I'm with my gf on the weeken, we sleep untill the 14:00-15:00

  2. 2 years ago

    I bet you feel like that thread you just killed

    • 2 years ago

      I have the same issue with my Friday night game. The key is caffeine timing. If I wait to start on the black tea until I'm already tired, it's too lake. I make a big thing of it when I leave the office, and start in on it as soon as it cools down, and by the time the game's wrapping up around 11 I'm fricking flying.

      This is realer than a lot of the gaming problems we see on here, zoomer.

  3. 2 years ago

    you're convincing your lizard brain that the hunt is over and you need hibernation
    eat after the game

  4. 2 years ago

    Change when you eat. I've been doing intermittent fasts + full day fasts once a week and it's been better for my energy levels than drinking coffee.

  5. 2 years ago

    Stop playing D&D. Your life will improve immensely.

    • 2 years ago

      I knew you were going to make this post, because I know exactly who you are.
      You are an 800lb, bedbound loser who your parents privately wish would finally just die in your sleep, and they keep feeding you greasy foods in hopes of you having a heart attack, and you spend every minute of your waking existence refreshing /tg/, waiting for any new thread that even remotely might be related to D&D, just so you can shitpost about it, because you have nothing else going in your life except getting revenge on the game that you never got a chance to play because the one time you showed up to a session, the group immediately kicked you out and started making fun of you even before you left earshot.

      I'm kind of on the same team as your parents.

    • 2 years ago

      The true solution to many /tg/ problems.

  6. 2 years ago

    Skip the nice big meal anon. or better yet, have dinner with your d&d crew.

  7. 2 years ago

    Welcome to getting old.

  8. 2 years ago

    Only eat in a four hour window.
    And drink a sugar free monster, because it doesn’t spike glucose and give you a boost for d&d

  9. 2 years ago

    stop loading up on carbs and greasy shit and you won't pass out from the itis.

  10. 2 years ago

    Do it on Saturday stupid.

  11. 2 years ago

    You're going to be fine, anon. I've been diabetic since I was 11 and this happens whenever I eat a large meal. If you front-load your calories earlier in the day or have your meal out on Saturday rather than Friday you'll be fine. Lifestyle is a b***h.

  12. 2 years ago

    >want to paint models
    >immediately doze off after sitting down
    >it's only tuesday
    Such is boomer life.

  13. 2 years ago

    It only gets worse from here on out.

    • 2 years ago

      You make it sound if aging is terrible.

      • 2 years ago

        pretty much

  14. 2 years ago

    Learn how to take 15 minute naps. If you're like every other idiot on this hell planet, you assume that you are supposed to wake up and stay active for 12 to 16 hours continuously and that's fricking wrong. It doesn't matter how old you are, you need rest.

    15 minute nap after lunch. 15 minute nap in the afternoon, preferrably before the sun goes down. Just sit or lay down, close your eyes, and do nothing for 15 minutes with an alarm set. Let your mind wander. You might doze, you might not. Doesn't matter. After 15 minutes, get up and go back about your day.

    Anyone who tells you that you are weak or unhealthy for needing rest throughout the day is a dumb homosexual and you should kick them in their goddamn homosexual teeth.

    • 2 years ago

      I hope you're fricking listening OP. Take a goddamned nap. Do it every day, even your days off, until it becomes a habit that you don't have to think about.

    • 2 years ago

      It also helps to put your feet above your heart, like prop them up on a desk or something. I don't know the science behind it but it works, Jocko Willinck talks about it on his podcast from time to time.

    • 2 years ago

      Going to start enforcing nap time at game night. Every 2 hours, take a 15 minute break where everyone just shuts up, takes a deep breath, and relaxes for a bit.

      If people are falling asleep at the table, they need to be taking naps before game too. If you're feeling tired, it means you need rest. So get some rest, for frick's sake. If you're past 30, you're likely not in as good of shape as you were in your 20s anyways. Caffeine and sugary drinks aren't going to help. If you're having a beer or two while hanging out, that's definitely not going to help. So take a nap.

  15. 2 years ago

    Try not eating such heavy and rich foods and ending the meal with a nice cup of tea.
    It is a little bit of caffeine and it aids digestion.

  16. 2 years ago

    Test your sugar. Seriously. Diabetes is one hell of a disease.

  17. 2 years ago

    my group cancelled for the 8th time in a row...already 4+ months without game. I think this is done

  18. 2 years ago

    Overeating as a young person just made me shit more. Now as soon as I cross the 10lb excess barrier I look like a fricking walrus. There are parts of my body and face that look old already, I have creases in my skin, wrinkles at the sides of my eyes. I have various malfunctionings in my body that piled up over the years and they've affected my daily behavior, but my old mind easily resigns and I just trudge on while I decompose in real time. I forget shit. I wear glasses. My hair is graying. My foot hurts. It's terrible, terrible! I will NEVER get laid again.

    • 2 years ago

      I never got laid in the first place.

      >only 28
      That's about when I starts in earnest. Soon you will stop drinking at 9 or 10 on the weekends and go home to drink pedialyte on the couch.

      I don't drink in general much.

      Test your sugar. Seriously. Diabetes is one hell of a disease.

      I don't drink soda much though. Except once a week at dinner out.

  19. 2 years ago

    I dont remember ever playing D&D late at night

  20. 2 years ago

    I have the same.
    >work all week at an office
    >look forward to saturday evening for my weekly rpg session
    >halfway the session I start to get tired and sleepy

    I found out that it helps to have a small cup of coffee. You’ll still be able to sleep later on if you have it early enough.

    • 2 years ago

      I do drink coffee during the week but I refuse to pay for it because if Shekelstein is gonna be the reason I need coffee then shekelstein is going to pay for it so I drink the coffee free at work.

  21. 2 years ago

    >end of workweek finally arrives
    >time to play D&D and actually enjoy myself
    >go out to dinner (only do this once a week)
    >eat nice big meal
    >go to D&D game and sit down
    >GM says he forgot to make the session and he didn't get a good night's sleep, so it's cancelled

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