Every Pokemon Game is Good. Every Pokemon Game is Bad. They all have Flaws, they all have Strengths.

Every Pokemon Game is Good.
Every Pokemon Game is Bad.

They all have Flaws, they all have Strengths.
There's Pros and Cons to every game in the series, whether you wish to accept that or not.

There is no truly "Perfect" Pokemon Game, as "Perfection" is subjective.
There is no truly "Worthless" Pokemon Game, as "Worthless" is subjective.

Enjoy what you enjoy, Play what you want to play. Cause at the end of the day, we're all just trying to be happy, and there's no reason to stomp on other people's happiness.

Every Pokemon Game is Good.
Every Pokemon Game is Bad.

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  1. 8 months ago

    My favorite is better than your favorite.

    • 8 months ago

      to you, maybe, but isn't that what opinions are? just thinking something is better than something else? May I ask, what is your favourite, anon?

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          ah, platinum. It definitely did introduce a lot of good, didn't it? Multiple evolutions for pokemon that needed them, the highest quality of pokemon spritework (in my opinion), as well as fixing a lot of issues within the series. but that doesn't mean it's not without flaw.

          • 8 months ago

            Sure but insisting something is better than something else doesn’t imply it’s flawless.

  2. 8 months ago


    incorrect, as pokemon ruby and sapphire introduced a multitude of amazing things into the game, like abilities and double battles, two of the most common staples of pokemon battling as a whole nowadays, and it introduced the first and quite possibly the only thing that connects the trading card game to the digital game; the E-Reader support.

    • 8 months ago

      >tiny short shitty 7 hour game is le good because content locked behind e reader gatcha-tier money grubbing schemes

      • 8 months ago

        clearly someone is upset at a specific game. we're not here to start a genwar, friend. we're here to appreciate every generation for what it has, as every generation has greatness inside of it.

        I want to like gen 7 but it is such a rushed shit heap even for pokemon standards. I don't care for the same things as the /vp/ DS era hive mind (dexit, route level "design", side content, third version scams) but SM are wasted potential

        Sun and Moon? It definitely introduced a lot of good to the series, though, didn't it? the music and region design were beautiful, as well as having some amazing characters inside of it. It also introduced one of the most interesting changes to the formula; Regional Variants.

        • 8 months ago

          Nope, I refuse to accept RSE any longer. It is hereby a lower class of pokemon game. There are good pokemon games, and then there is RSE, forever doomed to purgatory for its complete and utter lack of content.

          • 8 months ago

            then you may leave and start your own thread, and see where it gets you. nowhere good, might I point out.

  3. 8 months ago


    >as long as you accept some games are gooder than others, and some are badder
    That sounds like something out of Animal Farm.

  4. 8 months ago

    I want to like gen 7 but it is such a rushed shit heap even for pokemon standards. I don't care for the same things as the /vp/ DS era hive mind (dexit, route level "design", side content, third version scams) but SM are wasted potential

  5. 8 months ago

    >It's all complicated, so don't express an opinion.
    Kalos and Galar suck ass.

    • 8 months ago

      despite the fact that they both did amazing things for the series?

      • 8 months ago

        >"Wow, check out this sick new mechanic!"
        That's great. A bad RPG is still a bad RPG.

        • 8 months ago

          >A bad RPG is still a bad RPG.
          But enough about Xenoblade

          • 8 months ago

            >le enlightened centrist

            >shitting on Xenoblade but Pokémon is okay

            • 8 months ago

              that is not me, dearest anon. why would I ever insult another RPG just because it's not pokemon?

          • 8 months ago

            >OTHER GAME
            Cope all you like. Kalos and Galar are awful RPGs.

            • 8 months ago

              it appears it is not in the /vp/'s interest to show compassion and happiness, and must instead bash down on the games they dislike, instead of singing praise of what they enjoy.

              if you have the inability to speak highly of something without insulting something else, you are not welcome here.

              • 8 months ago

                No, I talk about the stuff I like plenty in other threads.
                I'm just not going to play the
                >"It's complicated, do not express opinions!"
                game with your dishonest ass.

          • 8 months ago

            Nah, shut the frick up moron

  6. 8 months ago

    Xenobabbies really mad. Pokemon is a better RPG.

  7. 8 months ago

    Been trying to say this for so long, and not just on /vp/.
    It's amazing the amount of manchildren who will just keep whining that their game is better and yours sucks just because they have the IQ of a rock and think the point of exchanging opinions is to 'win' rather than simply becoming aware of another person's point of view.

    • 8 months ago

      it's absolutely madness, isn't it? I love gen 8. is it perfect? no, it's filled with flaws, but did I put more time into it than any other pokemon game? you betcha.

    • 8 months ago

      it's absolutely madness, isn't it? I love gen 8. is it perfect? no, it's filled with flaws, but did I put more time into it than any other pokemon game? you betcha.

      People who refuse points of view that disparage things they like under the guise of encouraging "mature" discussion are even more pathetic than people stuck on their own opinions.

      Get over yourself an accept that some people don't like the thing you enjoy.

      • 8 months ago

        >Get over yourself an accept that some people don't like the thing you enjoy.

        Maybe it's you who should accept that some people like the thing you don't enjoy.

        There's a difference between saying "I personally don't like [this] for [these reasons] but you do you, I can see why you'd like it instead for the reasons you listed" and letting someone's enjoyment get under your skin to the point of not finding peace until you've shat on the thing the other person like and lead them to apologize for having "shit taste".

        If someone's enjoyment of something you personally dislike is source of such an amount of stress, restlessness, hostility and discomfort for you, you are simply engaging with the medium in an unhealthy way and should do yourself a favor by either distancing yourself from the thing or seeking help.

        • 8 months ago

          >Maybe it's you who should accept that some people like the thing you don't enjoy.
          I'm not the one chiding people for liking or disliking games or telling people how they feel about them. I'm calling you a b***h for trying to iron out opinions you don't like with "Well, they all have positive and negatives!" Let people express that something is shit or based without being a judgmental little primadona.

          • 8 months ago

            >I'm calling you a b***h for trying to iron out opinions you don't like with "Well, they all have positive and negatives!"

            Except it's true? Every Pokemon game has at least one positive trait and at least one negative trait.
            You should ask yourself why it bothers you so much that someone can see good where you don't.
            It sure doesn't bother me if you dislike something, I do have a problem when people insult and mistreat others over preferences over a game, however.
            And yes, if you do so I have at least the right to state that you gotta have the IQ of a rock to not see how this is detrimental not only to others but also to yourself.

            By the way, I definitely have some strongly negative opinions on some of the games, the difference is that I wouldn't insult people over it. Because me disliking something doesn't mean someone else doesn't have the right to love it without my unwanted negative opinion slammed in front of them.

            • 8 months ago

              >Except it's true? Every Pokemon game has at least one positive trait and at least one negative trait.
              That's true of any video game that doesn't crash on startup.

              >You should ask yourself why it bothers you so much that someone can see good where you don't.
              You're shifting the narrative. You can like or hate all of them; I don't care. I'm insulting you for adopting the "it's complicated" stance to encourage community complacency. It's a common tactic used in politics, religion and human rights discussions in order to allow the person who invokes it to avoid hearing opinions they don't like. You even admit as much right here.
              >Because me disliking something doesn't mean someone else doesn't have the right to love it without my unwanted negative opinion slammed in front of them.
              You're not talking about people being allowed to have and share whatever opinions they actually feel. You're saying people shouldn't be allowed to express opinions you don't like in front of you when you post your opinions in a public forum. Specifically, you're trying to push conflict avoidance by focusing more on negativity: it lets you feel "right" about the things you like without having to accept someone else's counterarguments or unpleasant perspective.

              Or, short version: shut up you lying c**t. You don't respect other people's opinions at all.

              • 8 months ago

                now, I didn't really want to start arguments in this thread, all I really wanted to do was make a safe spot for the callum-style shills to vibe out and for people to share their positivity for their favourite gen, but by golly god you're correct.

                personally, though, I would prefer if we left this argumentating by the door, if that's okay?

              • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            >I'm calling you a b***h for trying to iron out opinions you don't like with "Well, they all have positive and negatives!"

            Except it's true? Every Pokemon game has at least one positive trait and at least one negative trait.
            You should ask yourself why it bothers you so much that someone can see good where you don't.
            It sure doesn't bother me if you dislike something, I do have a problem when people insult and mistreat others over preferences over a game, however.
            And yes, if you do so I have at least the right to state that you gotta have the IQ of a rock to not see how this is detrimental not only to others but also to yourself.

            By the way, I definitely have some strongly negative opinions on some of the games, the difference is that I wouldn't insult people over it. Because me disliking something doesn't mean someone else doesn't have the right to love it without my unwanted negative opinion slammed in front of them.

            guys could we stop arguing? I made this post as a thing for people to post positively about their favourite generation, since they're all uniquely flawed, but it appears that all people can do is cry about the ones they dislike.

            is negativity really that much stronger than positivity?

            • 8 months ago

              You're right, I'm sorry.

              Speaking of which, I've never played SwSh because when it came out I didn't have a Switch yet, I'd like to get Shield in the future and have a Galarian Ponyta on my team.
              Initially I didn't really like it (maybe because that 24 hours live got me salty since I did follow it lol), but it grew on me sooo much in the last year. Probably getting myself a G-Ponyta plushie too for Christmas ^^
              Gen8 human models are really cool, and I like the soft blurred effect the graphics has. I think I also like the effects on the Pokemon models more than what SV does. The realistic textures are cool but I think on many Pokemon (especially furry ones) they end up turning the colors a bit dull.

        • 8 months ago

          Btw, I used to engage with it in a somewhat unhealthy way myself (not to the point many reach, but yes it did bother me when people enjoyed games I did not) and I worked on myself to be better than that.
          Guess what, it does wonders to simply not give a damn.
          Not owing anybody explanations why you like or dislike something.
          Not getting toxic over some game because some random guy on the Internet doesn't share my opinion.

          Spend your time online cultivating positive connections and sharing about what you love instead of grumbling and insulting over what you dislike.

          It does wonders to your mood and health!

  8. 8 months ago

    Unironically true.
    At most, objectively, some of them can be disappointing like gen8 because of how few content was in the base game, but no main game is bad.

    Remove the technical issues in Gen 9 for example, it automatically become arguably the best one in the entire franchise since it had way better gameplay and mechanics than the older games. But you'll never be able to make a genwunner realize it.

    • 8 months ago

      >but no main game is bad.
      Please play other RPGs.

  9. 8 months ago

    This is true because the gameplay at its core is fantastic and the games accomplish exactly what they set out to do which is be an RPG anyone can play with ease, however I do think it's fair to say some are better than others but ultimately it depends on what you value most from games.

  10. 8 months ago

    Every generation gave someone a new favorite husbando, waifu, waifumon for the homosexuals, and inspired artists around the world.

    That’s a fat W in my book.

    But it’s also okay to criticize what you love in the hopes that it gets even better in the future.

  11. 8 months ago

    I legitimately can't think of a single pro to base SwSh in terms of battles, region design, or anything else you'd want to be enjoyable in a game. Maybe the DLC has some remotely redeeming qualities, but I don't know because I couldn't even bring myself to finish the game.

    • 8 months ago

      Didn’t that one introduce pseudo open feel and was the first one to see Pokémon in overworld? My concept of time is frick so I’m probably wrong.

      • 8 months ago

        Calling anything about the Wild Area open is being incredibly generous. There's barely anything of value in it, all I remember if some random npcs and the daycare. There's no vertical aspects to its design so even exploring it is boring, all it does is connect about three cities together, it's basically a giant, empty route. It does have overworld Pokemon, but the execution was pretty clumsy due to some appearing on the overworld, and others appearing in the grass.

        • 8 months ago

          Ah when you say no vertical it becomes so vivid now!! I never made that connection but knew something was missing.

          Unfortunately game freak is 20 years behind modern game companies who are a fraction of their size and wealth so we have to roll with the baby steps.

          • 8 months ago

            To be fair, most game devs are awful at designing vertical space.

  12. 8 months ago

    Tbh all game freak games are incredibly flawed
    That’s why it’s so much easier to shitpost against a game than actually defend it
    The best pokemon game is Clover

  13. 8 months ago

    The viral marketers are out in full force today. Nobody likes your boring broken kuso, fanboy. People like Pokémon, and there’s a billion different ways to interact with the franchise beyond paying 60 dollars for a student unity project on an underpowered tablet. Frick you and your apologia. Imma go watch the anime and cuddle my plush and organize my card collection.

    You can enjoy your “good bad” games, but don’t pretend they’re something they’re not.

  14. 8 months ago

    But some are more flawed than others

  15. 8 months ago

    > there’s no reason to stomp on people’s happiness
    You’re not from around here, are you?

    • 8 months ago

      I am, I just wanted a positive thread where every generation is viewed with the guise of praise and constructive criticism. I would guess that that's too much to ask, though.

  16. 8 months ago

    Reshiram and Zekrom need to be swapped in this image

  17. 8 months ago

    Swap Kyogre and Groudon you moron. That's not where they fricking go.

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