Eyes on Me

>Darling, so share with me
>Your love if you have enough
>Your tears if your holding back
>Or pain if that's what it is
>How can I let you know?
>I'm more than the dress and the voice
>Just reach me out then
>You will know that you are not dreaming

For decades, DECADES, I thought it was "I'm more than the dress and the bow", I just now found out that's not the case.

Tell me I'm not the only one who mis-heard it that way. I remember it being among some of the first MP3s I downloaded back in the day after hearing it in the game and listened to it constantly.

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  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    It clearly sounds like "voice". You might have a hearing problem.

    • 5 months ago

      4:18 It sounds like she's starting the word with a b instead of a v, almost like she's saying "boice", she also almost splits it into two syllables, the "voi" part is louder and a bit extended from "ce" part.

      That and coupled with what

      Makes sense. Bow would have rhymed with the previous line and English probably wasn't Kako Someya (the lyricist) or Faye Wong's (the vocalist) first language so a lot of this song's "English" lyrics don't come out sounding quite right. I probably would've thought the same if I listened to it more as a kid. Im glad Melodies of Life's lyrics came out much more natural sounding.

      said about how bow would have more naturally rhymed with know in the last line is probably why I mis-heard it.

      Makes sense. Bow would have rhymed with the previous line and English probably wasn't Kako Someya (the lyricist) or Faye Wong's (the vocalist) first language so a lot of this song's "English" lyrics don't come out sounding quite right. I probably would've thought the same if I listened to it more as a kid. Im glad Melodies of Life's lyrics came out much more natural sounding.

      >English probably wasn't Kako Someya (the lyricist) or Faye Wong's (the vocalist) first language so a lot of this song's "English" lyrics don't come out sounding quite right

      And yeah, looking at the lyrics there are a few engrish-like lines, such as "If frown is shown then"

  3. 5 months ago

    Makes sense. Bow would have rhymed with the previous line and English probably wasn't Kako Someya (the lyricist) or Faye Wong's (the vocalist) first language so a lot of this song's "English" lyrics don't come out sounding quite right. I probably would've thought the same if I listened to it more as a kid. Im glad Melodies of Life's lyrics came out much more natural sounding.

  4. 5 months ago

    You just HAD to pic the Looking Good screenshot now didn't you.

  5. 5 months ago

    >heavily detailed new models
    >Background is still the same shit

    • 5 months ago

      Little you can do with pre-rendered backgrounds if you no longer have the original files used to make them.

      • 5 months ago

        It shows just what a cheap cash grab these "remasters" are though. I mean the original game was made over the course of a year and a bit, and I doubt the background 3D artists worked solid for all of that. If they want to impress us hire some blender artists to create lookalikes with all the modern tools and render out new ones.

        • 5 months ago

          they'd just make an AI upscale it and call it a day

      • 5 months ago

        How do you know they don't have the original anymores?

        Finding them and re-doing them all in high res takes a lot more time and effort than just putting the game's background in a bulk into some AI upscaler. The former would take at the very least 3-4 days of grunt work for one person, the other takes not even half an hour.

        You think they "lost" the sources because you assume they care about the quality of the "remasters". In other words you make an assumption based on another incorrect assumption: they don't give a shit, they just want to make low effort quick cheap cashgrab.

        • 5 months ago

          If they cared that little these remasters would not even exist because it requires reverse engineering the code since they lost it.


        • 5 months ago

          A friend of mine worked for a studio that got the job of porting some NBA game. This was done immediately after the main console game was sent to gold master. He asked for the original files for the front-end and the CG and stuff so he could re-render it. He was told it was all gone. Lost to some random PC that was no longer in the office where it was used.
          Most studios don't use source control. Their highly paid programmers are emailing zips of code around because they can't understand or agree on which source control system to use.
          Game development is a total shitshow. Losing source is just one of the many sins.

    • 5 months ago

      >models have more detailed fingers and faces
      >can't move the fingers or change facial expressions

  6. 5 months ago

    it's so funny, with all the money squaresoft was making they didn't bother with contracting a native english speaker to sing their music

    • 5 months ago

      The song was a huge hit china so who cares.

  7. 5 months ago

    FF8 is a shoujo anime

  8. 5 months ago

    The jannies let this guy spam multiple FF8 threads a day.

    • 5 months ago

      I have literally never posted about FF8 here before

  9. 5 months ago

    I was embarrassed by this song as a teenager and now I find it touching.

  10. 5 months ago

    >For decades, DECADES, I thought it was "I'm more than the dress and the bow", I just now found out that's not the case.
    kek same, until very recently as well

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