Face it anon, localization was never good to begin with

Face it anon, localization was never good to begin with

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  1. 6 months ago

    this people will be out of a job soon. Hopefully they starve to death

  2. 6 months ago

    There's a scene at the end of Spirited Away where the characters go off screen and the dialogue stops, but the dialogue in the subtitles keeps going for several more lines. I'm pretty sure those subs are a transcript of the dub. This from a Disney distribution that so heavily emphasizes how much of a genius Miyazaki is, yet the behind-the-scenes is all about how awesome their localization is for getting big name Hollywood actors.
    Localization is fricking shit because because the cretins who get distribution rights in America are full of hubris and have no respect for the words of Japanese writers. It's so ingrained in American media culture now that it's simply accepted as convention.

    • 6 months ago

      >Spirited Away
      Yes, the Disney dub adds dialogue to the ending and significantly changes its meaning as a result.
      In the original, they drive away in silence. It's fairly clear that she has no direct memory of the adventure, and it's ambiguous at best whether it had any effect on her at all.
      The dub adds a question from her parents and a confident quip in response, obviously intended to suggest that she does remember and has been changed by what happened.

      If your subtitles included those lines then you were using dubtitles unfortunately.

    • 6 months ago

      There's few things that bug me more than terminal writers disease where every moment of a character with their back turned is an excuse to dub in more dialogue. It completely fricking ruins the first digimon film. It's supposed to be quiet, stop having everyone start quipping the instant a character faces away from the screen.

    • 6 months ago

      >Spirited Away
      Yes, the Disney dub adds dialogue to the ending and significantly changes its meaning as a result.
      In the original, they drive away in silence. It's fairly clear that she has no direct memory of the adventure, and it's ambiguous at best whether it had any effect on her at all.
      The dub adds a question from her parents and a confident quip in response, obviously intended to suggest that she does remember and has been changed by what happened.

      If your subtitles included those lines then you were using dubtitles unfortunately.

      this shit is a crime
      frick these vandalizers of media up the ass

  3. 6 months ago

    t. son of a submarine

  4. 6 months ago

    incoming localization troonys to defend the subversion of characters and plots

  5. 6 months ago

    imo troonylator bashing should be constant.

  6. 6 months ago

    I've been seeing a lot of localization threads today and apparently even normies are talking about it?
    This is one of those opportunities where putting the pressure on localizers should be the strongest in order for them to break. Though I notice whenever these things start heating up to the point where actual change/influence can occur the mods on here act extra gay and try to stifle and stomp discussion down lest real change can occur.

    • 6 months ago

      seeing the gacha game one is what got me
      KR CN and JP all sounded excited to be paired with some other character in the party then the EN one plays its
      like seriously, why?

      • 6 months ago

        My feeling is that these localizers get it into their head that they're going to change the game enough to make the game their own, and the original developers either don't understand the significance of the difference in translation, are too busy to actually read the translation, or just don't care since most fans will buy this shit and never find out the difference.

      • 6 months ago

        >"i-i-is that a woman getting ch-CHUMMY WITH A GUY?!?"
        It's literally just their hate boner for straight romance or any implication of it as "woman need to be empowered and independent"

    • 6 months ago

      >twitter troons

      • 6 months ago

        I meant normies like asmongold
        the more people are aware of this and the more animosity is sown into the public the more localizers will be pressured to have to actually do their jobs and not insert their fanfic into translations.
        really the goal should be more to continue to push A.I translations more as a cheaper faster option onto the japanese companies themselves as a cost cutting measure and to push these people out of their jobs in the first place and set specific people up to take up A.I clean up work instead of having it fall on these people again.
        but that'd take too much work and coordination for literally anyone here.

    • 6 months ago

      >putting the pressure on localizers
      What's the point? They had their chance.
      MTL is the future. Not only is it cheaper (the only thing any company cares about), it's already more accurate than most professional translators.
      All we need is a editor / typesetting AI, and maybe someone to look over a script and make sure proper nouns get translated consistently.
      I usually consider anything AI adjacent to be soulless, but human souls have only been used for evil in this field. Get rid of them all.

  7. 6 months ago

    Better discussion is translating context vs cultural appropriation. Sure, translating context is always the superior choice, but Ace Attorney is the result of an appropriation.

    My idea, do whatever the localizer team want, but never touch the characters' intention (or their anything, really), but changing Yukihime to Snowette is acceptable, moronic as it is.

    Point is, translate the words used for characterization, localize the setting (unless it's pertaining to characterization).

    • 6 months ago

      Ah yes, that well known American city, Tokyo, Japan.

  8. 6 months ago

    Either i'm imagining things or localization threads have been popping up alot more lately.

    • 6 months ago

      people that can't read japanese realized that texts never were a 1:1 translation since fricking forever

  9. 6 months ago

    so when are these threads being banished to /vg/?
    honest question.

  10. 6 months ago

    Are there bad localizations that aren't from weeb shit?

    • 6 months ago

      Not sure about Chinese games but even in Europe, devs write their games in English first, or at the very least the scripts for each language are done concurrently.

    • 6 months ago

      Resident Evil is written in Japanese, then someone translates the script for the voice acting (since it was always English-only even in Japan before 6's release). RE Japanese scripts are VERY different from the actual voice acting.
      Especially 4 and CV

    • 6 months ago

      As in what, in games made in Europe? I think English is common enough in Europe that they can easily find people who know it well and can translate in-house or straight-up make the English script in parallel, at the same time. It's probably not completely unheard of but I don't know of any European game that was "localized" into English by some third-party. This happens with Japanese games because Japan has a strong, local video game culture and market while at the same time professional-level English speakers don't seem to be particularly common over there, so they make games which have a strong focus on their own market and culture.

      As for the rest of Asia, do countries other than China even have significant domestic video game industries in order to even have a video game culture in their local language? Even China seems to be in a weird place, most of their successful games are gachas which always look pretend-Japanese to me so I assume the Japanese script is a first-class citizen so to speak.

      • 6 months ago

        china's video game industry is growing and not just in gacha. the games are normally always MTL since they aren't big studios and can't afford to hire someone

      • 6 months ago

        It's gotta be some weird quirk of history that only Japanese media get this disrespectful treatment. I'm pretty sure even other Asian languages get more faithful translations. The Chinese games I've played at least seem to suffer from poor machine translations, or simply weak ESL, rather than a lack of interest in conveying the original meaning.

        • 6 months ago

          Chink shit's been pretty bad since they've started to get more popular and gotten "proper localizers" Azur Lane for example has troons trying to make it so that all the characters see the Commander as "gender neutral" and remove any mention of referring to him as a man. Even the Husband/Wife part is replaced because implying the commander is a dude infuriates those wastes of oxygen.

    • 6 months ago

      The castlevania and megaman series both have notorious examples
      Not sure what constitutes weebshit but ace attorney might be the most notorious case of localizations ever.

  11. 6 months ago

    To be fair they probably had to cut that due to word limit

  12. 6 months ago

    Your pic shows the difference, though. Localizations have always been bad. But they used to be bad out of incompetence and laziness. Now they're intentionally bad for censorship and/or message pushing purposes. In your pic the most potentially controversial part, the classism, was left intact. And the part that was omitted, two characters with an A support ending up together, wouldn't even be controversial now, let alone 20 years ago. So it was almost certainly just an actual mistake.

    • 6 months ago

      FE7 in general is full of incompetent localization so yeah I can totally believe it was just a mistake.
      Linus has 4 different code names depending on which part of the game addresses him for example.

  13. 6 months ago

    Back then it was actually bearable that you can tolerate but now it's pure cringe. Bearable is better than cringe any time.

  14. 6 months ago

    If I must suffer a localization, better it be at the hands of the guileless and politically-ignorant than the rabble we have today.

  15. 6 months ago

    threadly complaint about troonyslators changing names. everyone made fun of 4kids for doing it but it's ok when nintendo does it for most people apparently.

  16. 6 months ago

    I'd honestly have low quality due to incompetence and insufficient skill than low quality due to incompetence, insufficient skill but also an overflowing amount of maliciousness.

  17. 6 months ago

    ace attorney would've been better off untranslated. the dub as it is loses the subtext of "it's a satirical take on the japanese legal system" among other things and it paved the way for some of the shittiest translation practices in video games, as if 4kids or square didn't do enough damage

  18. 6 months ago

    "never being good" and "having gotten worse" are not mutually exclusive

  19. 6 months ago

    They also completely fumbled Nergal's death quote that paints him as more of a tragic villain, so there's that.

  20. 6 months ago

    You have 2 choices. You continue to get troony translated Japanese products or no Japanese products at all. Here's whats going to happen. Japan will start using AI and then manga, anime and games will be devoid of troony messaging. This will quickly spark a campaign to ban "fascist" material coming from Japan. In order to keep the international sales Japan will cave and let trannies fill every speech bubble with "die cis scum." There is no way out. Japan is occupied by the US military in case you forgot.

    • 6 months ago

      On top of that Japan is just over. They're about to get infinity billion Black folk imported at once at gunpoint from the US.

      • 6 months ago


  21. 6 months ago

    what led to all this talk about localization? did a game come out with a particularly shit one?

    • 6 months ago

      Japan is starting to use AI translation tools and cutting out the troony middlemen and the trannies are seething.

    • 6 months ago

      An announcement that The Magus Bride and some other manga are being translated using AI now. This led to localizers freaking out since they're at risk of being replaced.
      Now they get the 15 mins of fame they always wanted... just not how they imagined it with all their dirty laundry getting aired out also doesn't help with all these new eyes on them that they haven't changed their behavior and are tripling down making them look like evil psychos to normal people and NOT the victims they wish to be seen as.

      • 6 months ago

        It's almost like the global West has a narcissism problem and no modern Anglophone sees humility as a virtue.

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