Facebook loses $3.8 billion on VR

Just 5 more years. Trust the plan. VR nation stay strong just keep wearing the moronic goggles for 5 more years.

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Twitter trannies hate Palmer Lucky now because he said some pretty chuddy things online.

      • 2 months ago

        >because he said some pretty chuddy things
        He's a weapons manufacturer for Israel now, there's plenty of reasons to hate him

    • 2 months ago

      the image that killed VR.

    • 2 months ago

      >makes a vr headset that kills you
      Was he trying to send a subtle message to VRgays?

      • 2 months ago

        No he was making a meme to draw eyes to his name so he could toss his portfolio around and shop for a job.
        He did just that too, I think like a month after he announced that "new headset" he joined up with some other company.

    • 2 months ago

      >le young fresh outta college billionaire
      what a cringy time it was

    • 2 months ago

      Why doesn’t he lose weight?

    • 2 months ago


      this is like complaining not enough games are built for your fight stick or steering wheels or dance pads. vr was always just a niche control option for games and not supposed to replace traditional screens. had plenty of fun with a handful of psvr1/2 titles and never expected anything else out of it


      Just 5 more years. Trust the plan. VR nation stay strong just keep wearing the moronic goggles for 5 more years.

      It doesn't help that EVERY normal human is poor as shit now. The problem with the economy is that VERY lazy fat frick CEO wants to be the 1%.
      What they don't realize is 5hat there's a static amount of money in the economy, that's how value works. So when every fricking dollar is siphoned into the hands of 8 fricking homosexuals, the rest of us 8 trillion people literally can not buy anything even if we wanted to. They're asking people to give them $600 when people can't even pay rent anymore.

      • 2 months ago

        biden will print more money and save the economy

      • 2 months ago

        Cost is certainly an issue, but when normies regularly drop $1,000 on [latest phone] every year or two (even when they can't really afford it) I honestly don't believe that price is the primary thing holding them back. If VR headsets were revolutionary devices that "replaced" a regular computer, you would have companies and Apple cultists lining up to buy the overpriced equipment. But VR isn't a miracle for daily use or workflows and there are still a metric frickton of compromises for VR when it comes to processing power / battery life / visual fidelity / wires / etc. It's just a gigantic money sink that will never see mass market adoption until those issues are solved, and that technology doesn't exist yet.

  2. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      If even braindead applegays aren't buying this shit you know it's dead.

      • 2 months ago

        in fairness the AVP doesn't regard itself as a VR headset, I dunno what the frick it's supposed to be but it doesn't want the only appeal of every other headset

    • 2 months ago

      It's great

    • 2 months ago

      apple isn't vr
      they thought AR was something people didn't already have and made an expensive shitty one.

      • 2 months ago

        It does both

        • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >advertise it as AR
      >it's actually VR
      deserved tbh

    • 2 months ago

      Their biggest frickup was going all-in on that Metaverse shit, only to have like 50 people play Horizons. Before that, the word "trillions" was thrown around. Anyone with two braincells to rub together knew it wouldn't work, but Meta's got too many Yes Men.
      Unlucky for the rest of us VR fans, Facebook had already bought up a shitload of VR hardware+software devs, damaging the entire frickin' VR industry with it.

      >make ultra-premium VR headset hardware with fancy-ass software
      >sell it for $3500+
      >FOV worse than the Quest headsets
      >literally no games by design
      >no controllers, not even optional ones
      >no FBT options at all
      >shit battery life, even though there's an external battery
      >battery is proprietary, using some modified plug
      >"glass" isn't even fully glass, they put a plastic coating over it that scratches easily (note: not a screen protector)
      >half the advertised functions don't even work that well or at all
      >dumb eye gimmick screen wasting battery life
      >standard locked-down Apple frickery, forcing you to go all-Apple or skip it, like all the other Apple products do, because all Apple devices interconnect well with each other but don't play nice with anyone else
      >barely any software at all, unless you resort to flatscreen apps
      >zero crossplatform content to interact with any other VR users on any platform
      >can't even use it as a VR headset via connection to your PC
      >weighs a frickton AND all the weight is in the front
      >the "stylish" headband is useless for such a heavy headset and it's very flammable for some reason
      >the "l33t gamer" headband looks like they made it last-second when people told them halo bands suck ass
      >probably just gonna be replaced by a $7k Pro+ S Max Edition next month anyway

    • 2 months ago

      This is literally what everyone expected when they announced this garbage

    • 2 months ago

      >Zuck comes in
      >Wastes billions on ruining VR by introducing shit quality cheap headsets thus bringing in morons en masse, introducing hardware exclusivity to VR and souring the whole idea of VR via Meta(tm), not to mention several games getting forever gimped on every hardware just so they would be playable on that garbage

      >Apple comes in years later just to dump more billions into it on an overpriced piece of shit that cant actually run any software that only applegays would be interested in
      Literally wasted fricking billions to ruin VR as a whole.

      • 2 months ago

        I have no idea how Apple launched a fricking headset with nothing anyone wants to use it for. It's the PS5 of headsets.

    • 2 months ago

      damn that thing was all over the place for 24 hours, then disappeared completely.

    • 2 months ago

      >make headset
      >dosnt play games
      >cant view anything thats not apple approved
      >devs didnt get sdks ahead of time to make aps

      Its literally just a 3000+$ toy with almost no use.

      Also my friend works at a game dev studio that apple contacted them to make a game for vision, they literally want mobile tier 10 minute experiences, its insane.

      • 2 months ago

        play games
        >>cant view anything thats not apple approved
        >>devs didnt get sdks ahead of time to make aps
        Exactly what I thought after looking into it. Who is it for? Why didn't they launch the cheapo version first? So many questions

        • 2 months ago

          VR gives you a sense of scale and motion you won't get on a monitor. As shitty as TES is, I admit being wowed by Skyrim in VR.

          Applegays are proud of looking like massive douchebags, so wearing ski goggles and an attached battery pack with no real function other than texting people in public is right up their alley.

  3. 2 months ago

    this is like complaining not enough games are built for your fight stick or steering wheels or dance pads. vr was always just a niche control option for games and not supposed to replace traditional screens. had plenty of fun with a handful of psvr1/2 titles and never expected anything else out of it

    • 2 months ago

      Did you sell your buyer's remorse VR or still have it hooked up?

      • 2 months ago

        i still take it out often for no mans sky vr,

      • 2 months ago

        NTA, but I paid less than $500 for a Quest 2 and accessories. I've spent more at a steakhouse.

        • 2 months ago

          >for VR I was just a fool with my money
          >normally I'm an absolute fricking moron through and through
          Did you really think that was clever to say?

          • 2 months ago

            VR has proven worth the cost, but you (not having experienced it and too poor to buy a headset) are intent on telling me I don't actually enjoy it.
            As for the steakhouse part, when you start growing hair in funny places and thinking about girls (or likely boys in your case), you'll understand how dinner for two with wine can get like that.

          • 2 months ago

            How poor are you? That's not even a lot of money to spend. It would be one thing if he wasted a thousand for like an Index or something, but the Quest is a fine purchase to try something different.

        • 2 months ago

          >NTA, but I paid less than $500 for a Quest 2 and accessories.

          • 2 months ago

            >you're stupid because you bought something you enjoy

      • 2 months ago

        NTA but I just bought more headsets

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah, me too. The games I enjoy in VR are worth getting top notch VR headsets and GPUs for.
          I'll get a Somnium VR1 if they release soon and a Crystal OLED at the end of the year.

    • 2 months ago

      >vr was always just a niche control option for games and not supposed to replace traditional screens.
      I know the sunken cost tends to make people say moronic shit to justify their past actions, but even if you genuinely believe this bullshit, the people who MADE these VR sets sincerely disagreed with you. They wanted VR to be the next new thing. Hell, there was a time Sony was really plugging their shitty "3D" television sets, too. VR and AR were supposed to be everywhere by now, but consumers don't see the benefit in dropping money for that kind of technological hedonism.

      • 2 months ago

        Millennials went to Gen X and Boomers to give sales pitches about Virtual Reality headsets as the NEXT BIG THING. Like Shark Tank, really. And now we've seen
        >Playstation VR2 dead in sales and software support
        >Valve Index dead in sales and software support
        >Samsung had one for phones? That's dead too whatever that was
        >Facebook still digging and burning with no return on investment
        Investors thought they were putting money into NEXT BIG THING not the headcanon cope of "yeah its niche but who cares it can grow" that morons keep telling themselves 5 years after their VR facehugger meme died.

        • 2 months ago

          They all moved on to AI.

        • 2 months ago

          >Millennials went to Gen X and Boomers
          Anon VR is most popular with kids. Because kids are the biggest audience for active games where you jump around and those are the best VR games

          • 2 months ago

            I was saying millennials are the people who go into big business and investing firms to drum up financial support. Gen Xers and Boomers are dumb enough to buy the VR snake oil salespitch.

            • 2 months ago

              this vr shit started like a decade ago
              oldest millennials at the time were 30
              the frick are you on about

          • 2 months ago

            Jesus you are fricking ignorant and stupid on so many levels.

            • 2 months ago

              Wow your post is so moronic (but I will not specify)

        • 2 months ago

          I will never laugh that second life does fricking nothing while everyone kills themselves much like valve does fricking nothing while everyone kills themselves.

          • 2 months ago

            meant to say never not laugh at

        • 2 months ago

          does vrchat not count as a metaverse? that has thousands of concurrent players daily

          • 2 months ago

            >does vrchat not count as a metaverse?
            To be considered "Metaverse" it needs to be controlled by a corpororation and highly moderated with a close experience (aka. You can do only what WE corpos want you to do).
            An example of Metaverse that died and burnt is Altspace VR, the metaverse of Microsoft, that got closed 2 years ago.
            This shit is just a fad because stuff like VRChat showed the corpos people want to have fun on their own terms, and as long you can just put on a private server, metaverse is fricked.

      • 2 months ago

        >the people who MADE
        lol no you fricking underaged moron
        the whole "metaverse" garbage is just bullshit fed to out of touch investors. then those same investors shove a bunch of cash towards marketing firms and propagate that crap between themselves

    • 2 months ago

      The best part is that it complements those things so well
      Simracing or flight simming in VR with quality peripherals is peak fun

    • 2 months ago

      vr is absolutely supposed to (and eventually will) replace screens
      a vr headset can in theory emulate any arbitrary screen configuration. any size, any number, enough to fill your entire fov and and more.

      the issues with VR are 3 fold:

      1) the tech is still not very mature.
      the best consumer HMDs currently out there are comparable to a 24/1080p monitor in terms of ppd. which is acceptable for gaming, but not impressive, and certainly not good enough for say a developer to choose them over 27 or 32 4k panels to do work on.
      at the same time, current HMDs are not comfortable enough for really long term use. they're fine for a 2-3 hour long gaming session, but not for a 8 hour workday, let alone a 8 hour workday followed by another 5-6 hours of gaming.
      in both respects tho, we're going to get there.

      2) price. obv, in order for people to switch over from monitors to VR, the headsets not only need to match the performance of monitors, they also need to match price. again, we're just not there yet. and even beyond the HMDs themselves, there's price issues with the pc hardware you need to run them, for gaming at least. right now, even a 7900x3d/4090 system is not enough to max out current games in current HMDs, let alone future HMDs with even more pixels.

      3) software. im not talking about lack of VR games here, as a VR headset can, or rather should, be able to be used to play games in 2d by simulating a screen. im talking all the software surrounding VR, in general. right now, its kinda annoying and gets in your way, no matter if you want to play a game or watch a movie or do work. its just not mature enough. also, the software we do have is mostly proprietary. we need a linux analogue for VR. possibly linux itself, there's no reason there can't be a VR display manager and/or desktop environment

      now, assuming investment into VR and/or technological progress in general doesn't stop, we'll eventually solve all those issues and VR will reign supreme.

      • 2 months ago

        VR will never replace traditional screens, at least not for another 300 years when we finally have full dive. It's just another gimmick that gets pushed as the next big thing and then gets pushed to the side once the novelty wears off, like motion controls.

        • 2 months ago

          If a headset is comfortable enough for extended use, I'll be replacing my monitors with one. Imagine having a portable multi-screen setup.

        • 2 months ago

          anon, if the bigscreen beyond had 8k per eye, good passthrough, 16 hours of battery life, wireless connectivity and cost $500, it would replace screens right now.
          that shit is not 300 years away, its not even 30 years away. in the current state of progress, its probably not even 10 years way. actually, 10 years sounds about right.

          assuming no WW3/etc end of the world scenarios, our children will laugh at how we used to need big ass monitors/TVs that we couldn't even take with us wherever we went.

          • 2 months ago

            A notable unprecedented issue with AR screens is sharing them. TV's for example are usually something social as well, and you sometimes do want to show something on screen when working with a PC as well.

            • 2 months ago

              >A notable unprecedented issue with AR screens is sharing them
              true. but i expect that in the not so far off future, everyone will have AR/VR glasses, so there won't really be a need to share. sharing will be like it is now with cellphones, just sending a link/invite via some messaging app and watching the same content/playing the same game together, everyone on their own hmd. and you'll be able to do that without the need for actual physical proximity

        • 2 months ago

          >and then gets pushed to the side once the novelty wears off, like motion controls.
          People always say things like this as though it is a bad thing, but motion controls are in a pretty good spot right now. It would be ideal if VR becomes just becomes a standard part of most platforms and games will be made to support it on PC without the developer having to actually do anything.

  4. 2 months ago

    >earn billions from insta or whatever they make money from nowadays
    >lose them all on the most dumb things no one is interested in
    what is zucc's plan here
    just throw all the money until something sticks so he can possible recoup a portion of his lost money?

    • 2 months ago

      If you want a genuine answer, the reason is that while taking and selling peoples info through FB/instagram is a lucrative business, facebook having 2-3 billion users by now means it is rapidly running out of any room to grow. Young people are leaving their platforms pretty rapidly, and although instagram/whatsapp still have young people, its only a matter of time before they leave there too.

      Being a publicly traded company, they have tell their investors with a straight face that their revenue will be much larger 5, 10, 15, 20 yrs in the future. Even if you reach the top, theres no reason to invest in Facebook anymore because theyll only go down from there.

      Thus, every few years Zuckerberg wheels out a new idea that will open a completely new market for them to grow in. A few years ago it was cryptocurrency, then it was VR, now its AI. They can tread water with their social media websites, they can even fiddle with their data and offer discounts on ad service so that demand artificially surges at the right time to make it look like they are growing "rapidly," but their investors know that Facebook and all their other apps arent going to get any bigger than they already are. Any long term investment in FB is based on some gamble working, kind of like how Amazon's web services transformed the company from mainly online retail to mainly data and web services.

      • 2 months ago

        >earn billions from insta or whatever they make money from nowadays
        >lose them all on the most dumb things no one is interested in
        what is zucc's plan here
        just throw all the money until something sticks so he can possible recoup a portion of his lost money?

        metaverse vr is just intended to be another form of data collection and a platform to sell advertisements. thats the plan. 90% of the tech industry revolves around selling data to advertisers

        • 2 months ago

          >metaverse vr is just intended to be another form of data collection and a platform to sell advertisements
          oh, like the internet that you're using right now?!

      • 2 months ago

        >Line must go up
        I'm so sick of this shit. Nuke investors and any other greedy shithead.

    • 2 months ago

      I am convinced that it was all psy op and money laundering operations
      he never earn that much and he never lose that much, there were never that much money involved

  5. 2 months ago

    Showdown came out yesterday. Finally got to play it today for about 3hrs.
    It was really fun. I love VR.

  6. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      king moron burning billions

    • 2 months ago

      At least his avatar looks more human than himself.

      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          Beards are truly makeup for men.

    • 2 months ago

      Uncanny resemblance

  7. 2 months ago

    VR is simply a product for smart people. The average consumer and Ganker user is far too moronic to research even the most basic information about the products he could potentially use.

    • 2 months ago

      >product for smart people
      >dumping thousands on upgrades and equipment for the same 3 types of games (shooter, smack thing, real life but not)
      >intrusive facebook shit if you go the Oculus route
      You're next line is Poorgay detected

      • 2 months ago

        >shooter, smack thing, real life but not
        What the frick is the "real life but not" genre
        >intrusive facebook shit if you go the Oculus route
        Hasn't been a thing for years now, hasn't been called Oculus for years now

        • 2 months ago

          Real life but not is basically simulator games and/or social games like VRChat, Job Simulator, Cooking Simulator, Vrkshop, etc.
          Also yes i know it hasent been called that for a while but I refuse to give Facebook the satisfaction of using their troon name

      • 2 months ago

        not that anon but my only answer is VR desktop

        • 2 months ago

          >VR desktop
          Why would you pay more for smaller screens?

    • 2 months ago

      enjoying gorilla tag and vr chat may as well be a mensa requirement

    • 2 months ago

      I'm not putting the moron headset into my face. And the majority of the human population isn't. VR is a dead market and the fad is over.

    • 2 months ago

      No you're just a shameless coomsomer. The only people I know with VR are manchildren with shittyy jobs trying to buy their way out of depression

      • 2 months ago

        I don't know anyone like that. Maybe that's just your weird circle of weirdos you knock about it.

    • 2 months ago

      I don't know a single intelligent person interested into VR, only actual 30 - 40 year old furries and other people who can't keep real friends.

      • 2 months ago

        >people who enjoy flight sims and racing sims are usually simpletons

        • 2 months ago

          People have been enjoying those for decades before VR.

          • 2 months ago

            VR makes them better, so it makes sense for them to be interested in it.

    • 2 months ago

      Strapping a monitor to your face and acting like you're in The Matrix instead of playing shovelware is one of the lowest IQ things you can do.

      • 2 months ago

        >Strapping a monitor to your face
        Why do you people keep repeating that as an epic diss? What do you care where the monitor is, you're looking at it either way. You're doing it now

      • 2 months ago

        >Strapping a monitor to your face
        people strapped LED lights to their face to get head tracking in simulators before vr

      • 2 months ago

        Physical screens are obsolete

  8. 2 months ago

    Zuck just really loves VR. No other company would have one of their R&D be in the red for so many years in a row.
    Also to clarify some things, they lose 4-5B a year on R&D but make 1B in revenue from Hardware and Software sales.

    • 2 months ago

      Zuck doesn't care about VR much, he just sees it as the future of the internet like every nerd, and he's right, but he's way too early for it. There are multiple innovations that need to come about first.

      • 2 months ago

        that's been the feedback every single time, as far back as the 70's
        it's good, but it needs to be better

      • 2 months ago

        >too early
        The idea is to be like valve with Steam, so there's no such thing as too early. If VR ever takes off, Zuck will be #1 in store monopolization. If he doesn't do it this early then a richer company would do when VR is just about to take off.

        • 2 months ago

          As long as Zuccsets are mobile only they'll never take off. Those shitty little games will never have a long term fanbase. Zucc needs to work with console manufacturers to support his headsets (PSVR2 is a money pit for Sony) and have native PC compatibility.

          • 2 months ago

            On the contrary, mobile headsets are the only ones worth a shit. With grafix hitting diminishing returns, there's no reason to tether to a PC for Zucc's closed ecosystem.

            • 2 months ago

              But the shitty mobile headsets aren't anywhere near the point of hitting diminishing returns. Native games look like shit in comparison to PCVR offerings, especially with the insane resolutions Pimax offers.

            • 2 months ago

              It's funny reading people who have only tried dogshit VR tell you how it's the pinnacle of it.
              You have no idea how bad you have it. lol

        • 2 months ago

          This is only if you operate under the assumption that what VR will eventually be is what VR is now. Nothing stops a new company developing a brain interface and just cutting Zuck off completely. Build your own store, real blue ocean shit.

          Zuck's approach only works as long as you can buy any competitor out. Meta will just be another Blockbuster, another Kodak.

      • 2 months ago

        >and he's right
        VR will never take off with normalgays. They like convenience, and VR will never be convenient

    • 2 months ago

      >Zuck just really loves VR.
      he's a fricking idiot, no morals at all of course which helped him frick over everyone who every knew him to hijack facebook guys a rich kid brainlet turd with no concept of right or wrong. VR has ALWAYS sucked and we had all this in the 90s with the vfx1 an descent and the nvidia 3d shuttering glasses. Facebook is cancer and should die. Meta is and always been garbage, imagine being some egotistical narcisstic fart like him and finding out you can't deliver because in the end of the day you're just a bullying thieving talentless c**t who hijacked a spyware company targeting teenage girls

      • 2 months ago

        I support what you're saying about Zuck but your reasoning is stupid as frick. Comparing todays VR to VFX1 and stereoscopic 3d glasses is comical and shows you to be the mentally stunted poorgay you are.

      • 2 months ago

        zuck is my best friend and he can beat you up in a fight

  9. 2 months ago

    Reminder that they didn't have legs in the Metaverse, they just floated around as torsos. Adding legs was a major update.

  10. 2 months ago

    >Facebook loses $3.8 billion on VR
    VR is dead, nobody takes it seriously, the only people who cares about VR are trannies ERPing on VR chat all day.
    It is still too early to give a shit about VR.

    • 2 months ago

      $4 billion in the last quarter alone, $21 billion since the beginning of last year. Insane

      • 2 months ago

        >$4 billion in the last quarter alone, $21 billion since the beginning of last year. Insane

        with no real software, meanwhile VRchat is still the most used VR program its free and users create shit for free or charge if they want.
        VR is cool as frick but the tech is nowhere near there yet sadly. It also doesn't help most people are literally NPC's and this scares them causes them to vomit get dizzy are unable to tell VR from reality and run into a wall or smash something hurting themselves.....
        Being against VR is fricking moronic tho, dont shit on VR because sadly facebook is the company that is spending the most somehow burning billions.... tens of billions every year....... with no profit software or products being sold unless its to companies who are buying it so they can get even more funding next year and its just the samething every year they spend a bunch of money on worthless shit so they get more funding for the next year. Which is sadly how so many tech companies that make stupid shit staff afloat.
        Once again VR/AR is cool as frick and indeed the future. People want neurolink shit where they close their eyes sitting still and poof you're in a lucid dream controlling shit with your mind while your body is in a static dreamlike state

  11. 2 months ago

    >still trying to push VR bullshit
    they never learn. no one is gonna want this shit until it's much smaller and less cumbersome.

    • 2 months ago

      >until it's much smaller and less cumbersome
      You forgot that it costs 1000 bucks and has too many wires. We're reciting copes from 2016 right

    • 2 months ago

      I wonder what all of the R&D is for.

  12. 2 months ago

    The whole head tracking screen shit has been proven to be an absolute waste of time with no possible value to anyone. The resolutions and miniaturizations required to get something half usable (weigh as much as a pair of glasses with 16k resolution) are so far off being viable that we're 20 years away, which is just as far off as we were in the 90s the last time this gimmick rolled around.

    Motion tracked controllers are still maybe useful, but only Valve put any effort into their tracking solution and it's monstrously expensive.

    • 2 months ago

      >ummm it's going to be useable when it's 157k at 12000fps
      Problems with VR are much more fundamental than this, people with a functioning brain simply don't feel comfortable when moving around in VR with a stick. You don't have to puke not to play a game, even a slight discomfort is enough for you to say "nah I'll play a flat game instead". Another problem is long campaigns are incompatable with games that are best played standing up. I'm not standing up for 100 hours in a row, binging VR version of BG3. And if I sit down it's a compromised experience.
      I'm tired of reading moronic copes from people who don't understand VR at all and think that high resolution or better shape of a headset is going to solve any fundamental problems. We're past those now

      • 2 months ago

        >Problems with VR are much more fundamental than this,
        Glasses that offer 16k are monitor replacements. You don't even need the VR side of things to be compelling, I'd have no problem offloading the screen to my glasses just to save desk space. Most people would be playing everything in "VR" at that point.

        Now, if you're talking about "VR" as in people walking around fake 3D environments and shit, that's many, many more years away. I'm just talking about "VR" as its marketed today, 16k glasses would offer a product that had a reason to fricking exist, unlike the entirety of the VR market right now.

        • 2 months ago

          >if you're talking about "VR" as in people walking around fake 3D environments and shit, that's many, many more years away
          Why? What technology is going to solve the problems I outlined? It's not any number of years away, it's already as good as it's going to get and it's merely okay.
          >inb4 ummm it'll be good in 500 years when aliens arrive and we inject their alien blood in our brains to get see video game dreams

          • 2 months ago

            >What technology is going to solve the problems I outlined?
            Magic full dive with brain interfaces. You don't need to worry about eye-ear mismatch when both are being faked, you don't need to worry about fatigue when you aren't actually using your limbs.

            VR as it is right now is as good as this current iteration of "VR" is going to get, I agree. But it could easily become ubiquitous within a couple of decades, all you need are passthrough screens that are as convenient as glasses and everyone will start wearing them. A whole generation has grown up with crappy touch screen input and sees nothing wrong with it, they'll be happy to do stupid hand gestures in the air.

            • 2 months ago

              >nah this tech is too early to buy yet, when a magical physically impossible upgrade happens, that's when I buy in
              You realize how unhinged that sounds? And yet I keep hearing that. What the frick is wrong with you people?
              >BMW? Nah I'm waiting for that teleport to come out, not buying a car
              Mental. It's never happening

              • 2 months ago

                I own VR buddy. I bought it to do one thing, it still doesn't do it, I had to build it myself.

                You're the guy shilling videophone in the 90s. Sure, maybe one day morons will occasionally use facetime. But nobody is going to pay that money for a low resolution piece of dogshit that only works with a few other early adopter morons, and nobody is going to buy into VR when it doesn't offer anything of value to anyone.

              • 2 months ago

                >doesn't offer anything of value to anyone
                Here's my value

                >for everyday use is very boring
                I use mine for porn, watching TV on a big screen in bed, 3D movies and exercise games (beat saber and 11 table tennis for me). And then once a year I play all the new "real" games in a row and realize they still suck.

                Let's not pretend headsets are useless, you have to be a massively boring twat if you can't find a use case.

              • 2 months ago

                >Here's my value
                >I use mine for porn, watching TV on a big screen in bed, 3D movies and exercise games
                The porn is awful, static cameras are shit, the resolution is atrocious. The TV experience is awful, absurdly low resolution on every headset out there, my 15 year old TV does a better job and I could mount it above my bed with a couple of screws if I was a moron like you.

                Exercise games? Here you have a tiny point. But I found them to be not much of a work out, overly sweaty in all the wrong places, and directly inferior to existing solutions. You should try zwift or something if you need to gamify your workouts.

                Headsets are useless for the vast majority of people. The fact you have buyers remorse and have to try and come up with use cases for your toy so you don't have to admit you wasted a few hundred bucks is sad.

              • 2 months ago

                >duuuude I'm just going to mount my TV above my bed instead of putting a headset on
                That's a pretty UNHINGED argument.
                Also you forgot to pretend that you have a way to watch 3D movies without a headset. Avatar 2 wasn't worth the price of the headset but it was still nice to behold
                >porn is bad
                I like it, not better than flat porn but a nice addiction. The eye contact alone is worth the inconvenience of a headset, it triggers shit in my brain

  13. 2 months ago

    It's undeniable that something like VR is the next step from using a screen, and all these soulless corporations are shooting their shot to be the first to figure it out. They keep failing, but progress on this front can't be made without failing along the way, and it'll be useful to have these turbulent decades for when the technology and hardware catch up. Right now this stuff is clearly only in the realm of enthusiasts and so that pisses off a lot of kids and poors, and sure seeing these corporations hype things up so much only to fail is amusing, but if you don't want VR to eventually become legit you're lying.

    • 2 months ago

      >but if you don't want VR to eventually become legit you're lying.
      I have no interest in letting a third party have direct access to my brain, and that's what VR means.

      • 2 months ago

        SAO isn't a documentary

    • 2 months ago

      Having a screen on your face is worse than a phone.

      That’s the fundamental hurdle VR/AR will never clear. We already have a better, more user friendly, intuitive to use devise that does everything VR/AR can do.

      It’s the answer to a question no one was asking, solving a problem no one had.

      • 2 months ago

        You've never tried eye-tracked headset have you? AR is definitely the next evolution in UI, once glasses for it resemble sunglasses.

      • 2 months ago

        >solving a problem no one had
        Have you ever played a Wii game, or a Kinect game, or flipping DDR, any game that requires you to move your body? VR makes all of those genres better, that's what it solved.
        Most gaymers never played those games though because getting up from their arse is too much of a hurdle.

        • 2 months ago

          You've never tried eye-tracked headset have you? AR is definitely the next evolution in UI, once glasses for it resemble sunglasses.

          It's undeniable that something like VR is the next step from using a screen, and all these soulless corporations are shooting their shot to be the first to figure it out. They keep failing, but progress on this front can't be made without failing along the way, and it'll be useful to have these turbulent decades for when the technology and hardware catch up. Right now this stuff is clearly only in the realm of enthusiasts and so that pisses off a lot of kids and poors, and sure seeing these corporations hype things up so much only to fail is amusing, but if you don't want VR to eventually become legit you're lying.

          It's not about what it can do.
          It's about what it CAN'T do.
          Look at it this way: Have you ever played a race sim on an arcade machine?
          That's VR. You are trying to pile on things "Well but now you can feel the suspensions when driving on dirtroads" "well but now you can simulate 0g for space games and it hovers a bit for real!"
          It doesn't matter what it does.
          You still have it there to play games. It's a "play games machine".
          You sit there and you can't do anything other than to play games by yourself.
          Even consoles cracked down this 30 years ago by allowing two controllers to be used, it is a "play games machine" also sitting there gathering dust when you are not playing games, but at least you can play with someone else.

          • 2 months ago

            >writes essay
            >no actual point
            try again

            • 2 months ago

              >I didn't get what he was saying so I'm gonna go with "there was no argument"

              • 2 months ago

                >big essay
                >point was he couldn't sit on the sofa next to his boyfriend and game
                >forgetting that you can play online multiplayer with people across the world, talk to them , see their eyes tracked, see their arm movements, etc etc
                Did you have a point?

        • 2 months ago

          Yes, I've played lots of these games. VR makes all of them worse.

          Well, arguably some of the original implementations were bad to begin with so it just makes slop on par with them, but compared to modern revamps, they're all worse.

    • 2 months ago

      Oh yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to trying out the first truly mainstream VR thing in my retirement home (assuming those will still exist in thirty years).

  14. 2 months ago

    I forgot I have the meta Quest 2 I got for free from my job. I tried it for a month then I put it back in its box

    • 2 months ago

      what kept you hooked for those 30 days?

      • 2 months ago

        I was trying sideloaded apps, showed it to family and friends. It's something everyone should try at least once but for everyday use is very boring.

        • 2 months ago

          >for everyday use is very boring
          I use mine for porn, watching TV on a big screen in bed, 3D movies and exercise games (beat saber and 11 table tennis for me). And then once a year I play all the new "real" games in a row and realize they still suck.

          • 2 months ago

            My favorite VR porn (warning: I'm a part time homosexual)


            https://f95zone.to/threads/rambunctious-rouge-rides-your-rod-final-greasefox-animation.187299/ (unreal engine program junk)

  15. 2 months ago

    It soley failed because people hate facebook.

  16. 2 months ago

    Remembering all the gays practically begging ms to make vr games and headset like sony just earlier this year.

  17. 2 months ago

    >the most profitable VR project in recent memory

    • 2 months ago

      Does this count as a serious investment? I still credit Nintendo and Microsoft for avoiding the VR cancer in video games. Sony has piles of unsold PS VR2 inventory and they're ending production to sell the remainder to PC gamers.

      • 2 months ago

        Nintendo did multiple VR things and had the biggest AR possible still going with Pokemon Go. MS was smart and just focused on AR and kept it to industry instead of trying to shoehorn it into games.

      • 2 months ago

        >Does this count as a serious investment?
        That's the trick, it wasn't a serious investment. They tested the waters, made a game that sold decently, and can move on. Compare that FB and it's clear Nintendo won. Also what

        Nintendo did multiple VR things and had the biggest AR possible still going with Pokemon Go. MS was smart and just focused on AR and kept it to industry instead of trying to shoehorn it into games.


      • 2 months ago

        I don't know how you could consider VR to be cancer when it hasn't effected regular video game development at all. Is it just because there's a half-life game that you can't play?

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        >gets proven wrong with the Wii U one years later
        Pachter can never get anything right, how does he have a job

      • 2 months ago


  18. 2 months ago

    If VR takes off, it's going to ruin the vision of entire generation.

    • 2 months ago

      but their kids will be strong, they'll be able to wear it for 4 hours, maybe

    • 2 months ago

      There's millions of american kids playing VR games on their quests.
      It did take off but only for children.

    • 2 months ago

      The focal length in VR is about 1.5 meters. You know what lenses are right

  19. 2 months ago

    VR will struggle for as long as its not super-comfortable to have the thing on your face for prolonged periods of time.

  20. 2 months ago

    VR died the second facebook bought in.

    • 2 months ago

      That ID Software Doom guy John Carmack went to work for Facebook right? I remember the drama of him being in court and the judge allowed evidence of him Googling how to delete a hard drive with a magnet. https://www.pcgamer.com/zenimax-statement-reveals-john-carmack-googled-how-to-wipe-a-hard-drive/

  21. 2 months ago

    >Make a game console
    >Hire every talented vr developer
    >Sell it at a loss to children
    >Make no games
    >Invest billions pushing a shitty vrchat clone meant for office meetings

    • 2 months ago

      >talented vr developer
      that eiffel tower literally looks like a first project of someone learning Blender

  22. 2 months ago

    >Make a mobile-phone tier headset
    >Force people to tie their goybook account to it whenever their reputation is at an all time low
    >Sell hardware at a big loss
    >Clearly a HUGE fricking loss considering every game on the standalone Quest is super expensive despite all being on par with mobile games or glorified tech demos
    >Spend your time developing no decent games, just try to appeal to shareholders with the "metaverse" bullshit
    >Turns out nobody wants to stand around and chat as a homogenized avatar whenever VRChat exists and lets you do whatever you want as an anime girl with massive breasts
    >By the time the 'metaverse' angle had clearly failed, Facebook lost all momentum they had with the Quest 2 because the novelty isn't enough to carry a library with no games
    >Quest 3 is overpriced, shares the same exact nogames issue the Quest 2 does
    >Quest 2 is primarily sold, still at a loss, to people who are just jailbreaking it or linking it to their PC

    I'm not surprised at all that Zuck dropped the ball with VR. While he does seem like a VR enthusiast, every move they made with the Quest felt like they were simply trying to justify its existence to a board of shareholders. The moment a new piece of tech starts to shift into how good it could be for businesses is the death toll.

  23. 2 months ago

    Frickerbook's whole push for the "Metaverse" alienated everyone with a previous passing interest in VR and killed the medium.

    Apple Vision would've been a cool innovation that could have been onto something if Apple hadn't ruined it with their anti-porn nannyjanny software and insanely high price.

    • 2 months ago



    • 2 months ago

      It's always funny as frick when people come up with the most minor shit imaginable as the reason shit products failed. Metaverse didn't alienate anyone, Quest having no games did. Apple Vision failed because there aren't that many braindead morons willing to pay 3.5k for junk.

      • 2 months ago

        >Metaverse didn't alienate anyone
        nobody was going to put on a VR headset to pretend to go shopping at walmart

        • 2 months ago

          no shit, your point?

          • 2 months ago

            The fact they tried to even make that a thing and normalize it while the economy is tanking and big tech is coming under increasing scrutiny in the public consciousness for greed and corruption than innovation probably did more to discourage normalgays from approaching VR than drumming up any sort of interest.

            It'd be like if they promoted a fricking pay-to-win dishwashing simulator a flagship exclusive launch game for the PS5 no one's gonna want anything to do with that.

    • 2 months ago

      >Apple hadn't ruined it with their anti-porn nannyjanny
      I don't understand why these tech companies keep trying to prevent porn on their platforms. You don't have to even acknowledge that it's there, just ignore it and allow it to flourish in its own market. Nobody is going after Google for having porno appear if you type in "big breasts".

      Flat2VR is the best shit to happen to vr gaming

      This. Playing games in VR genuinely makes them feel like a different game. I've beaten Half Life 2 more times than I can count but playing the VR mod made it feel like a new game.

  24. 2 months ago

    i blame indie shitters releasing nothing but dogshit for vr

    • 2 months ago

      Flat2VR is the best shit to happen to vr gaming

    • 2 months ago

      Flat2VR is the best shit to happen to vr gaming

      >Apple hadn't ruined it with their anti-porn nannyjanny
      I don't understand why these tech companies keep trying to prevent porn on their platforms. You don't have to even acknowledge that it's there, just ignore it and allow it to flourish in its own market. Nobody is going after Google for having porno appear if you type in "big breasts".
      This. Playing games in VR genuinely makes them feel like a different game. I've beaten Half Life 2 more times than I can count but playing the VR mod made it feel like a new game.

      VR Ganker threads for years has been nothing but Half Life Alyx Vance and VR troony chatrooms.

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        thats a straight up lie but ok whatever makes you feel better poorgay

  25. 2 months ago

    VR gaming will never take off because both companies and consumers are waiting for the other side to show they're actually going to support it. The only way it will ever change is if a few big name game companies decide to fully embrace it and create AAA games to lure people into buying them as opposed to expecting people to pay through the nose for nothing but shitty tech demo tier games.

    • 2 months ago

      >The only way it will ever change is if a few big name game companies decide to fully embrace it and create AAA games to lure people into buying them
      never gonna happen
      think of nintendo during ps2 era : nobody wanted to develop on n64 and it wasn't nearly as niche as vr sets are
      the only out for now is zuckerberg starting to developing games at a 100% loss

    • 2 months ago

      Valve is the one who can easily do it but they won't because they just don't care. Buy this outdated 1000 bucks headset consoomer

      • 2 months ago

        >we will never get a VR equivalent to The Orange Box
        They could genuinely just do what they did with the actual orange box and use the same engine/assets for multiple games, I don't think anyone would care if they were mechanically and aesthetically different enough just like Orange Box was.

        • 2 months ago

          >I don't think anyone would care
          Correct. No one cares about vr and no one cares about valves laughable excuse of a software lineup.

          • 2 months ago

            >valves laughable excuse of a software lineup.
            Go to bed Timmy

            • 2 months ago

              Im sorry Fortnite hurts you.

        • 2 months ago

          I mean Alyx is better than a single HL episode in the orange box and that little Lab game is comparable to Portal, although much shittier of course. We're just missing a TF2

          • 2 months ago

            Valve's mistake was thinking that Half-Life Alyx as a 'killer app' for VR would be enough to bolster the platform. In this current age, people want more, it's not like 2004 anymore when HL2 was enough to get people into Steam and VR is in a different ballpark entirely. You can't just settle for a AAA single-player game, you also need a self-sustaining multiplayer game to get people hooked to the idea and stay with it.

            • 2 months ago

              >people want more
              false, people want new stuff to work on hardware they already have.
              the install base of xbox, playstation and nintendo want games to work with a controller, needing to get an extra several hundred dollar piece of equipment just to play a gimmick is not what consumers want.
              VR will always be a luxury item

  26. 2 months ago

    What a shame, it's the best headset on the market.

  27. 2 months ago

    Now, being entirely fair, even though I don't care for VR much, the reason it's lost so much is not the hardware, the hardware is actually break even right now, meta keeps blowing money on their personal VR "world", only to get obliterated by vrchat. something like several hundred thousand more players at any given point.
    They've spent billions on horizon specifically, trying to make it an all-in-one space for facebook, and also business.

    Apple did the same thing with their face scan "make an AI version of you" thing, they spent millions upon millions developing this USELESS, completely uncanny garbage.
    Meta has pretty much dropped most of their horizon dev staff to my knowledge, so it should (in theory) improve.
    apple just sliced predictions and cancelled further revisions/models of the apple vision too.
    VR is just not something people want.
    People want what google glass was. But it got laughed at and now people strap things 800 times bigger to their fricking face for a worse experience.
    Or they spend the same money the glass cost on moronic pins they stick on their chest, that are half as functional.
    It's weird to see all this shit people get hyped about and say "oh, it's just worse than this cancelled product from over 10 years ago"

  28. 2 months ago

    Maybe people didn't want to pay hundreds of dollars to play a fisher price version of second life.

  29. 2 months ago

    VR will take off. Just not with video games. And not right now. It'll be an extra ball and chain for at home wagies, paid for and bought by corporations in the stead of work computers.

  30. 2 months ago

    was literally gooning in my vr headset last nite, stay poor flatties.

    • 2 months ago

      Lore accurate VR troony moment

    • 2 months ago

      Where do you get good vr smut?
      everything I find is like fricking 360p quality, it's impossible to enjoy.

      • 2 months ago

        Eporner has 4k live action junk, and hentaivr on kemono is a good place for waifus.

        • 2 months ago

          Make sure it's 60 fps too. 30 fps breasts look like shid.

        • 2 months ago

          VR "4k" is 2k per eye, which is sub 720p tier. To give you an idea of how bad "4k" is, imagine if your 1080p monitor was twice as tall. Now, imagine that screen blown up to beyond your entire FOV (these shit movies are 180 degrees, the human visual range is like 130 vertical).

          Literally unwatchable.

          • 2 months ago

            >he can't cum to some hot b***h whispering in his ear

          • 2 months ago

            >imagine if your 1080p monitor was twice as tall
            I can't imagine that, as 4 1080p screens can fit in my 4k monitor. The Quest 2 has a resolution of 1832x1920 per eye. A 4k SBS (which most videos are) video is 1920x2160, That said, I just want troony wieners waving in my face. If I need super high quality, I'll watch on my monitor.

            • 2 months ago

              >The Quest 2 has a resolution of 1832x1920 per eye. A 4k SBS (which most videos are) video is 1920x2160,
              Always funny when trannies can't count.

              A quest has a FOV of about 100. 180 SBS video has an FOV of 180, so you can turn your head around.

              So "8k" video, 4000x4000 per eye, would offer twice the visual fidelity on a quest 2, or really any headset that isn't a fricking DK1.

              God, it's embarrassing talking to trannies. You don't understand anything about video, or resolution, or anything. I bet you bought a fricking 32" monitor, too, you dumb little homosexual.

            • 2 months ago

              >That said, I just want troony wieners waving in my face
              You need to try VAM right now. All you need to learn about the software is find the pov buttons so you can go inperson of one of the characters while the scene plays
              There's tons of futa content on the hub as well so you're never gonna be wanting
              Example https://files.catbox.moe/wr9z1n.jpg

              • 2 months ago

                are these just still scenes or animations?

    • 2 months ago

      I just came to a e-girl riding me in vam
      I finally fixed my issue with fricking e-girl models and the solution was using some plugins so that penors go into vegana very easily
      Needless to say buckets were filled

  31. 2 months ago

    i only use my quest 2 sometimes to jack off

  32. 2 months ago

    did anyone try to get their dick sucked while in VR watching another girl sucking dick ?
    is it trippy ?

    • 2 months ago

      all vr porn is POV
      it's exactly how you'd imagine it

      • 2 months ago

        >Watching ass focused VR JAV
        >The girl keeps getting too close to the cameras and ruining the illusion
        >Half of the videos is spent with a butthole in my left eye and a butthole in my right eye
        >None of the directors or anyone during shooting decided to check if the cameras are calibrated correctly or tell the girl to move up like two inches
        VR Porn is great when it works but all of the stuff I like on it is shot like fricking shit

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah the fricks up with that, I get why they want the girls to come up and kiss the screen but it just doesn't work.

  33. 2 months ago

    Bigscreen Beyond with an option to incorporate wireless streaming (not standalone bullshit) will be the future.

  34. 2 months ago

    Facebook fricked up a lot but Valve was also too conservative with Alyx. It was meant to be THE game to get people into vr.
    Alyx should have either been a more hardcore game targeting VR enthusiasts or the index should have been way cheaper. What we got is baby's first VR game that looks incredible but has almost zero replay value. Its too slow, the weapon variety sucks, and they played it too safe. That could have been fixed if they released a mod kit but that's a herculean task for nu-valve so it never happened.
    >But can play it on a any headset
    True, you can. I played it on a DK2 I got from goodwill with ps move controllers, whole setup was less than $100. Valve's marketing, however, was horrible. Every normalgay I talked to thought that Alyx was a teleport movement game that required an index. Hell dumbasses on Ganker parrot the
    >You need a $1000 headset and $3000 pc
    meme to this day.

  35. 2 months ago

    I want a VR headset just to watch porn
    is the meta quest 1 good for it? it's like 100 bucks used now

    • 2 months ago

      No that's a waste. You can't get replacement controllers. One of the controllers will die eventually and you'll be left with a brick. Just spend the extra on a used Quest 2, shouldn't be much more.

    • 2 months ago

      The porn is really bad.

    • 2 months ago

      Get a used Quest 2, you can find them for probably $100-$150. I would just change the faceplate and clean the frick out of it since it's bound to be covered in human-goop and sweat.

      • 2 months ago

        Where I live everyone is a israelite and wants around $300 for a second hand Quest 2 which is the same price as a brand new one.

        • 2 months ago

          literally $100 here

          • 2 months ago

            02/11/24 329.99

            Oh man this is so funny and sad realistically for 100$ is it worth it?

            • 2 months ago

              quest 2 is the best VR device at the moment, apples whatever skigoggles technically have higher specs but theyre low quality and also apple, I wouldnt dream of buying a quest 2 msrp but for a hundo...

              • 2 months ago

                oh frick I meant quest 3, Im moronic. I have a quest 2, theyre pretty good. Please dont flame me

          • 2 months ago

            this is because quest 3 is out

            • 2 months ago

              and quest 2 MSRP got lowered to $200, it's not like they stopped making it

    • 2 months ago

      >not making it a Beat Saber mask

    • 2 months ago

      If you have a 400~600 ppi phone, just get a $20 shinecon phone holder from aliexpress. It's honestly not that different to the quest 2 for porn.

      • 2 months ago

        This is actually accurate, for porn and youtube bs

  36. 2 months ago

    How do you lose $3.8 billion in a year without producing anything at all?

  37. 2 months ago
    Stellar Glade

    I've pirated all my Q3 games.

  38. 2 months ago

    Vision Pro doesn't even have youtube

  39. 2 months ago

    If only VR had been allowed to grow organically as it was doing before Zuck decided this was going to be his hill to die on.
    Metagays can't look past the subsidized hmds to see all the anti-competitive shenanigans that led up to that point.

  40. 2 months ago

    >it took until this year to be able to lie flat and watch VR porn on Quest 2
    My device has finally been unlocked

  41. 2 months ago

    Wow, who could have seen this coming?

    • 2 months ago

      Facebook fricked up a lot but Valve was also too conservative with Alyx. It was meant to be THE game to get people into vr.
      Alyx should have either been a more hardcore game targeting VR enthusiasts or the index should have been way cheaper. What we got is baby's first VR game that looks incredible but has almost zero replay value. Its too slow, the weapon variety sucks, and they played it too safe. That could have been fixed if they released a mod kit but that's a herculean task for nu-valve so it never happened.
      >But can play it on a any headset
      True, you can. I played it on a DK2 I got from goodwill with ps move controllers, whole setup was less than $100. Valve's marketing, however, was horrible. Every normalgay I talked to thought that Alyx was a teleport movement game that required an index. Hell dumbasses on Ganker parrot the
      >You need a $1000 headset and $3000 pc
      meme to this day.

      VR ""Gaming"" (Porn chatroom with other trannies) starter guide
      >$1,000 GPU + NVidia Tip
      >$2,000 "Mid Range" Gaming PC
      >$200 for the low entry Facebook ID required headset or $1,000 Valve approved HR headset
      >Alternatively spend $500 on a PS5 and $400 more on the VR headset
      lmfao VR trannies getting ROBBED.

  42. 2 months ago

    dont care, VR will grow as fast as valve wants it to. when meta pulls out it will continue on its slow gaming trajectory to relevance in 10 years.

  43. 2 months ago

    What actual purpose does VR serve for the regular consumer? Other than for building models and CAD shit why should people buy this?

    • 2 months ago

      It's a mystery just how the CryptoMEME currency shilling and VR marketing campaign from 2016-2023 fricking died lol.

  44. 2 months ago

    I'm not gonna buy any VR until the technology has advanced enough to be turned into an easy to use suppository

  45. 2 months ago

    People wanted PC games with VR modes but Zuck decided they wanted flappy bird VR instead.
    I hope this mobile shit gets abandoned soon so actual VR can start again.

  46. 2 months ago

    Just fricking think about the sales pitch for VR Gaming
    >Bruh just buy a super powerful GPU to handle games that aren't mobile trash so buy that $1,500 NVidia GPU
    >Bruh just buy a fricking GOOD VR headset and you're set just spend $1,000 on the Valve Index Finger Anus
    >Bruh just uprade your PC if it runs too slow just don't be poor get a new Intel CPU and motherboard that's a $800 tip please
    >Post nut clarity kicks in after realizing VR games software is dead in the water
    lmfao. Sent from my Nintendo Switch btw.

  47. 2 months ago

    Maybe they should've realized that VR has a healthy but small market as a niche peripheral for autists and sim dads, like HOTAS setups and racing sim wheels

    • 2 months ago

      VR Sim Racing is so fricking fun dude. Little things like actually looking in your rear view mirrors or to your side make it so much more immersive somehow.

      • 2 months ago

        you're preaching to the choir baby, I am the final boss of simdads(tm)

  48. 2 months ago

    Don't care.
    Simdads stay winning.

    • 2 months ago

      dirt rally 2 is the best VR game. I hope WRC is good and performance isn't ass.

      • 2 months ago

        lmao even
        WRC is unreal engine its going to run like absolute shit

    • 2 months ago

      I'm flying across Norway!

  49. 2 months ago

    I've still yet to sideload my Quest 2. Does it interfere with the Meta account at all?

    • 2 months ago

      no, it's a misnomer, basically you just have to go through extra steps to allow non-"official" apks to install, same as on any android device, and those extra steps are: make a meta developer account, and then toggle on "Allow developer features".
      there's a step by step guide on sidequest's website if you want, takes no more than 20min absolute complete tops if you're a braindead Black person with no hands.

      • 2 months ago

        Ah, I've done that yeah, thanks.
        I do recall now I did start the process but at the time I was on like 0.5mpbs so it took 7 hours

        • 2 months ago

          Enjoy anon. My favorite sidequest games are the attack on titan fangames (be very careful if you don't have your 'sea legs' yet, so to speak, because the momentum and speed at which you move will make your legs give out, I've seen it happen and had it happen.), prey, doom 3, and the other id game ports (very easy you just drag and drop the pak files) and of course gzdoom, I played lots of chex quest.

          • 2 months ago

            Thanks. I did try some city swinging game via VR chat a long time ago and only had a headache for two days after so here's hoping

  50. 2 months ago

    VR's timing was tragic, we finally got the hardware to make it stomachable but it happened to come at a time when game dev is risk averse and unable to pump out anything decent

    • 2 months ago

      They can't pump out anything decent because everything has to be on a crappy, underpowered Quest headset so you will never see anything decent because any game with some actual ambition or scope cannot exist as it's kneecapped from the get go. Facebook also bought a bunch of companies and poached devs to prevent any sort of real competition in their attempt to get everyone on their Quest store, which has now resulted in a VR games industry that basically doesn't exist anymore beyond small, repetitive gimmick titles with PS2 era graphics because they must run on what is effectively a mobile phone with a small battery.

      At this point most of the decent VR content is being pumped out by random fans doing shit like modding or porting existing PC games to VR, because those games actually attempt to be good and worthwhile at their core rather than having no ambition beyond showcasing some "innovative" VR mechanic. Valve might've been able to give the industry a few kicks in the ass if they actually made more games at the level of Alyx, but it seems that Valve has checked out / lost interest.

      • 2 months ago

        PC VR games use the processing power of the headset less, so you could still make beefy games. PC VR is also headset agnostic, making it possible on pretty much everything.

        • 2 months ago

          Rather than the market all path all heading in one direction for it to grow it's now split into PCVR and mobile VR, with devs choosing the easier and more profitable mobile VR to make their games.
          Nobody will make a PCVR when there's too much risk. If Zuck wasn't a twat and fractured the market we could have had something really special by now. Instead people are getting shitty Quest 2 mobile games on their PCVR and mobile games aren't advancing due to their dogshit hardware limits unable to push further than Zombie wave shooters.

      • 2 months ago

        having PS2 era hardware didnt stop PS2 games from looking good and being fun, if anything games were better when they had to work around technical limitations. it's a shitty excuse from game devs that cant even optimize their ugly UE5 game to run well on a 4080, i do not care if the game doesn't have million polygon characters with dynamic shadows and realtime GI if the game is good

        • 2 months ago

          Should've got a 4090. UE5 stuff runs pretty good.

      • 2 months ago

        >it seems that Valve has checked out / lost interest
        Who would expect anything different from those lazy homosexuals nowadays?

    • 2 months ago

      It was "stomachable" at the launch of the first Rift and Vive, major studios were just too afraid of motion sickness.

  51. 2 months ago

    I play VRChat every day. I spend money on VRChat outfits and accessories. They chose to focus on other shit that is not called VRChat. That's why they don't get any of my money beyond the hardware purchase.

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago


  52. 2 months ago

    Anyway what VR setup should I get if I plan to just play Alyx and porn games?

    • 2 months ago

      just get a used Vive

  53. 2 months ago

    Has there been any actual FULL games on the level of RE4VR since it released?

    • 2 months ago

      the only "real" game I've finished in VR was Fallout 4 and it came free with my headset

  54. 2 months ago

    It will eventually be a useful and viable technology, but it's not going to be for normies until they have the ability to reduce the form factor to at least some sleek cyclopse goggles.

    • 2 months ago

      5 more years eh?

      • 2 months ago

        Whenever it's viable. They've gotten pretty far from the initial bulky ones. The problem is all these companies wanted to be THE VR company so they blew their load early, like fricking all those moronic Meta commercials.

  55. 2 months ago

    It's too expensive. Slash those profit margins, capitalist pigs.

  56. 2 months ago

    VR is falling
    EV is falling
    AI snake oil is falling
    Tik Tok is falling
    Society is healing

    • 2 months ago

      all true except the last one

    • 2 months ago

      society is falling too

    • 2 months ago

      >EV is falling
      Why? I thought it was gaining steam for a while there

      • 2 months ago

        Only in China they government allowed like 100 companies who never made cars before to pump out hundreds of millions with government grants so they were free to make. And chinese companies that export dont have to pay anything really so they sell the cars for cheap and also shipping is also basically covered. The cars are shit and killing people due to shit everything. Imagine buying a chinese car cause its a bit cheaper than Japanese/korean basic EV model.

        The ones for sale in China only 95% are basically rotting away written off the ones on the road keep burning down and catching fire randomly because cheap EV batteries are a really bad bad idea. Also the CCP keeps shitting on/banning teslas everywhere saying they are spying on people.

      • 2 months ago

        Tesla superchargers being neglected and decommissioned left and right
        Teslas being recalled
        charging still takes too long to do it at anywhere but work/the grocery store
        battery life still very shitty
        >the average person buys a new car every 7-8 years which is when most batteries start dyings
        the statistics are skewed due to the rate at which people buy beaters for cheap, and in todays economy noone is interested in buying a car that will die in under a decade and cost 50 grand.

        • 2 months ago

          Only in China they government allowed like 100 companies who never made cars before to pump out hundreds of millions with government grants so they were free to make. And chinese companies that export dont have to pay anything really so they sell the cars for cheap and also shipping is also basically covered. The cars are shit and killing people due to shit everything. Imagine buying a chinese car cause its a bit cheaper than Japanese/korean basic EV model.

          The ones for sale in China only 95% are basically rotting away written off the ones on the road keep burning down and catching fire randomly because cheap EV batteries are a really bad bad idea. Also the CCP keeps shitting on/banning teslas everywhere saying they are spying on people.

          hows the self-driving section of their EV though, wasn't that a huge selling point as well for evs

          • 2 months ago

            tesla specifically gatekeeps it behind a subscription service and you either are not allowed in the vehicle/have to keep your hands on the wheel in case anything comes up, defeating the purpose of self driving for most users.

            • 2 months ago

              >/have to keep your hands on the wheel in case anything comes up
              I can understand that one, I remember those pr nightmare publications about telsa drivers falling asleep behind the wheel with self driving engaged
              but locking it behind a paywall/gateeping is a sure bet to kill your shit dead, I get they need to make money but god damn the cars are already expensive,

              • 2 months ago

                not only are they expensive but theyre (some of) the most locked down vehicles on the road, I can take my explorer to any mechanic and they might need to use some gay proprietary wrench, Teslas will straight up brick your car if they find out you got serviced at a nontesla approved mechanic, and Teslas warrantys are complete horseshit
                >oh is that a stripped bolt because its made of chinesium, sorry the only way we can fix it is replacing the entire rear bumper which has some fricked up assembly that all goes in as 1 piece and youre paying out of pocket.

              • 2 months ago

                The ironic thing is DIY electric cars are beyond simple you need no gears its only a batter the board and a motor. It needs no repairs no nothing. Car companies hate this with a passion cause it makes up a massive amount of money.

                From the 70 to the 2000's people would place 10-10 12v car batters gut a car place in a motor to the driveshaft and solder together a simple board boom in a weekend you had a DIY EV with a range of like 100-140kms and a max speed of 120 with the most basic ass set up. And it cost frick all to convert a car really. When gm put out their EV people loved it, it had no computers in it. They recalled everything and smashed the cars people wanted them. They didn't realize people would love them, they thought they would hate them. It was only till tesla came around that people started looking at ev's again and they are fricking everything by pulling an apple but at the sametime frick oil companies so. I mean its the lesser of evils but EV's are meant to be dead fricking simple a car only needs batters and a fricking motor GPS and other shit is basically a tablet you can buy yourself

              • 2 months ago

                my dream car remains an old 90s rav4 EV convert, but I dont have the time or liquid to do it

              • 2 months ago

                Quality bait.
                For the clueless: car batteries are 1.3kWh, EV batteries are total 80+ kWh or so, do the math.

              • 2 months ago

                Tesla superchargers being neglected and decommissioned left and right
                Teslas being recalled
                charging still takes too long to do it at anywhere but work/the grocery store
                battery life still very shitty
                >the average person buys a new car every 7-8 years which is when most batteries start dyings
                the statistics are skewed due to the rate at which people buy beaters for cheap, and in todays economy noone is interested in buying a car that will die in under a decade and cost 50 grand.

                good god electric cars sound like utter shit to buy

              • 2 months ago

                I cant speak for nissans or toyotas, but Teslas specifically are showing to be hell for the average nonrich person

            • 2 months ago

              You can get passed the cuck system the government enforced easily. There is tons of selfdriving car porn. And tons of people are still being filed sleeping in their car while its on the highway.

          • 2 months ago

            For Chinese EV they're using stolen tesla shit for sure they keep hitting people randomly slamming the breaks at 120 hitting cars etc etc or the cars glitch out and because companies are dead/fake. The dude who no joke spent 100k chinese on some super fancy chink car cuz china strong cant get it fixed by anyone so its basically bricked and people are freaking the frick out as this becomes more common,

            I'm sure telsa is trolling China allowing them to steal their self driving shit but its not only hella buggy but musk himself said make sure it kills a bunch of bug eye'd chinks till the ccp learns to stop fricking with us.

    • 2 months ago

      >Society is healing
      >tech stonks are still at insane highs
      Yea sure thing buddy.

    • 2 months ago

      VR is stagnating
      EV/"green" tech is becoming more divisive as people realize how NOT green most of it is
      AI comes and goes with fads on the normalgay side, but is growing rapidly on the corporate end
      TikTok is IDFK anymore, hell if I know what those chinks are up to these days
      Society is getting massively worse

      • 2 months ago

        >EV/"green" tech is becoming more divisive as people realize how NOT green most of it is
        Is it the "Green Tech" itself thats faulty or is it how most of these corporations deliberately design their shit so that if one part breaks you have to dump the whole thing instead of just the broken part inorder to circumvent right to repair and make people spend more money on a new device?

    • 2 months ago

      >EV is falling
      >AI snake oil is falling
      are you just making things up to be right about? Both of those are infinitely more huge parts of life compared to 10 years ago.

      • 2 months ago

        AI is not snake oil and EVs are gaining traction
        VR and AR however are a meme

        • 2 months ago

          Neither of these is true. Ai is corporate only in practicality. Everyone's siri is the same and unless you're into the ai art your only new sight of AI is shitloads of shitty generated art.

          Evs are sitting in parking lots and not selling. We see these articles weekly.

  57. 2 months ago

    How does VR do with anything artist related? I remember a game came out for it

  58. 2 months ago

    VR had its time in the sun during covid. Now that everyone refuses to requarantine and is fiending for real human interaction, they all want vr to frick off, and one further, frick zoom and digital conferencing

  59. 2 months ago

    >$3.8 billion
    >Nothing for show
    What a moron.
    Give me another $2 billion, I can help VR become popular again.
    I will do that by simply producing 3 AAA game, and 20 unique and fun smaller game.
    Boom, I just saved VR and I only spent half as much as moronic zuck did.

    • 2 months ago

      To date Facebook has lost 21 billion total in VR investment.

      • 2 months ago

        Damn, that's even better.
        Now I have 5x the budget to develop 15 AAA games, and 100 unique and fun smaller game.
        If I made all of them exclusives, that's enough to make Quest to monopolize the market.

  60. 2 months ago

    VR was nothing but just a fad, most of the games weren't even good.

    • 2 months ago


      Maybe they should've realized that VR has a healthy but small market as a niche peripheral for autists and sim dads, like HOTAS setups and racing sim wheels

  61. 2 months ago

    bought the vive way back preordered got first ones, was cool but knew paying $800 for vr googles was completely a fad
    atleast no one took pictures of their vive with their penis on it

  62. 2 months ago

    Bros I just ordered a quest 2 for my mom's birthday next week for only 200 dollary doos. I'm so hyped to finally beat minecraft IN VR if it's not too scary. What other games are good in vr? Just minecraft?

  63. 2 months ago
  64. 2 months ago

    >still no .hack//sign vr mmorpg to give everyone seizures

    • 2 months ago

      I think you mean happy go fun time lucid dreams for days yay IT PUT YOUR ASS IN A COMA while also making you forget about yourself and who you are

    • 2 months ago

      You know no one at Meta knows about .hack//sign and are likely inspired by their gateway anime Sword Art Online?

  65. 2 months ago

    the bar of entry is lower than ever with people off loading their quest 2 for the new unit
    you can get a used one for $100

  66. 2 months ago

    It was over the moment oculus sold off to israelitebook.

  67. 2 months ago

    VR is a flawed concept.
    Your character is always limited to be standing position.

  68. 2 months ago

    I'm not anti-VR but VR gays are fricking smug and annoying so it's decline and their cope amuses me.

  69. 2 months ago

    you want facebook to make more money?

  70. 2 months ago

    Another nice tax write off.

  71. 2 months ago

    Remember when people were saying Facebook was a massive bubble in like 2010 but turned out it wasn't because they were able to diversify and monetize their stuff? Tesla is what Facebook was at the time if the boomers were right. It's insane a car company can be worth this much when they ship low volume, have this bad quality, have no significant monetized services and aren't a luxury brand. They are carried hard by their excellent batteries.

  72. 2 months ago

    >get quest 2
    >play alyx
    >this game is awesome
    >play TWD game
    >ok pretty cool, makes me motion sick though
    >play into the void
    >fun and cool
    >now let's play uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    >no man sky VR is dogshit
    >FO4 VR is dogshit
    >didn't even bother with skyrim
    >did some porn game that was kinda fun jacking off next to a detailed 3D model but it turned my PC into a fire hazard
    >played 1 (one) random FPS game on metaverse it was garbage
    >refunded the device back to amazon

    for some reason though a part of me wants to buy a Bigscreen VR headset because it seems so lightweight and better

    • 2 months ago

      skyrim is actually okay in VR, there are some INSANE modsets out there, my favorites are gesture based magic, you do hand movements to cast spells, and you can also queue and sling spells based on positioning of your hands, palm up can be one spell, palm down can be another, pull from over your back for another still, really cool shit. Definitely not worth buying VR for but I found it so much more engaging than shit like rhythm game #183910283192038190231871290412749801273412089371289 or superhot again.
      Thank god for wabbajack though, trying to manually install all those fricking mods and sorting is not something I have time or care for anymore.
      VR though, on the whole, yeah, it's just not great.
      Most of my use time has come from that UE injection, a HUGE number of old ue3/4 games are almost entirely playable in vr with just a simple dll.
      Valheim, if you enjoyed that, also has a fantastic VR mod, which even has a companion mod for people on non-vr devices allowing them to see your VR movements (arms/etc)

    • 2 months ago

      Play Gal Gun.

      • 2 months ago

        I thought the fade to black would get edited into YOU DIED.

      • 2 months ago

        Too old
        Do they have a GalGunVR set in anytime before middle school?

    • 2 months ago

      i like the beyond but the material they use for the facial interface is some 3D printed gel covered in ridges from the printing process, and it gets really gross-feeling after even the smallest amount of sweat

  73. 2 months ago

    I'm not putting a fricking Facebook head tracking camera in my room

  74. 2 months ago

    >Blockchain is a game changer
    >VR is a game changer
    >AI is a game changer

  75. 2 months ago

    >VR is going to remain a niche community

  76. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      frick right off, Black person, VR had half a god damned decade of full release before quest was even relevant in the market, nothing came of it.

      • 2 months ago

        Yes and if Frickerberg used his acquisition of Oculus to only focus on getting good games out there it would have continued to grow
        There's plenty of good games but the Metaverse fiasco put a very bad taste in the mouth of normalgays

        • 2 months ago

          There was already a bad taste from the half dozen HMDs that got shit out onto the market with
          get this
          NO GAMES.
          Nothing could have fricking changed it, quest is at least getting games out, there are more games released for it in the last 3 years than VR had otherwise in a fricking decade, man.
          They're not great, but I'll take asgards wrath and ac nexus any day.

          • 2 months ago

            Techbros seem to have forgotten that people don't buy hardware, they buy software. Hardware is just a means to an end.
            At least Meta tried something with the Metaverse. The problem was that they built it as a platform and not as an end in and of itself. If It launched with a dozen good games, people might've taken more to it.
            Hell, even Valve made one good VR game and then fricked off.

  77. 2 months ago

    I gave VR a chance but it does seem to be a gimmick. I think the main issue is that it's inconvenient and uncomfortable.
    To take off it would need to be lightweight and wireless.

  78. 2 months ago

    VR has been, continues to be and always will be a luxury item for homosexual youtubers to pretend like they're good perifrials.
    for normal people, a controller is enough.

  79. 2 months ago

    VR JAV is the main reason I still own a VR headset.
    This is some powerful, mind-bending shit man like it's almost real but in a fake way

    • 2 months ago

      >it's all in shit quality

      • 2 months ago

        >He doesn't torrent
        8K Japanese tittays right in my face
        >Each video is 20+GB
        This shit actually got me to setup a home file server lmao

    • 2 months ago

      >tfw spending 2 hours pretending to kiss and respond to a random jap porn star

    • 2 months ago

      >tfw spending 2 hours pretending to kiss and respond to a random jap porn star

      If you live in or near any major city in pretty much the whole world just get a Japanese escort. $2000 pc $600 headset to pretend when you can have a JAV star suck your nuts for $300 in real life.

      • 2 months ago

        im scared of interacting with real women who will rob me

      • 2 months ago

        ok but what if you wanna nut more than 9 times

  80. 2 months ago

    I won a vr headset because of a Christmas draw your name out of a hat contest since everyone pulled before me was late to work and was pulled 8th. I literally sold it and bought a switch oled and y'all can laugh at me but I play that switch way more than I would play a meme vr headset.

    • 2 months ago

      I can play Switch games on my VR headset, and at higher resolutions than you can.

      • 2 months ago

        Why would you do that

        • 2 months ago

          I wouldn't. I have a 55" 4k monitor or I could stream Yuzu to my 83" TV. But someone else could do it to pretend they have a big screen.

        • 2 months ago

          That's nice but vr sucks dick

          I can be a homosexual like this.

      • 2 months ago

        That's nice but vr sucks dick

  81. 2 months ago

    A lot of stupid posts. 1. Zuckerberg wanted a phone and phone OS but couldn't afford to in earlier days. 2. Zuckerberg is fricked with by android and apple on phone with regards to advertising and them competing for ad dollars.

    VR and AR is life or death for Facebook. They can't afford to miss out on VR and AR as a company and are in a worse position then others from the starting line. Hence the huge overspend. It's not about making money or profit but rather not dying as a company. FB/Instagram etc won't be huge in VR/AR as experiences or apps. So basically it's more that he rightly fears apple or others killing his company in the long run so he has to ignore idiots and critics and just plow forward to not end up like Kodak or Intel. It's way bigger of a product and investment for reasons gamer morons can't comprehend. Saying it is x year's ahead of time is not important

    • 2 months ago

      Things that can hurt fb/meta. - hardware and OS owners fricking them like apple and Android did with new privacy controls over their apps. Hence they want to own the hardware and OS for vr/ar even if it is super early.

      Next is new social and network effect apps that go viral in growth. Think how hard it would be to pivot to VR or AR if they have nothing when something goes viral. This is why they have a VR chat clone already.

      Nothing in their strategy is even concerned with video games and the only thing they weigh success on is market share. Take a second to understand why they do it and not "I'm bored with vr". For Zuckerberg he is correct in pursuing VR and the huge spend sucks but it's good security for the company

      • 2 months ago

        So they're just trying to maximize market share while the market is small because they assume it will eventually grow and they will scale up to profitability as consumers remain brand loyal?
        It's a bold idea, but I see some issues. If they're the market leader, the market isn't scaling up unless they drive it, and if someone else drives that growth, they won't be the market leader for long.
        It's also bold to assume their market share will endure a rapid expansion in the market. Remember Blackberry once dominanted the smartphone market.

        • 2 months ago

          Yes, they would be happy as long as VR and AR are open ecosystems and not owned by apple or Google(android) like phones are now. Being a big player in VR increases that chance but yes it is not guaranteed.

          Meta the company is happy even if they lose in VR and AR as long as it ends up more open for them to use their network effects from fb/insta/Whatsapp in the future hardware. It's a survival goal to avoid adverse long term outcomes. There are only 2 viable strategies, ignore this and squeeze current profits for short term stock maximization or go hard like zuck is into AI and VR to unlock extra decades hopefully

  82. 2 months ago

    Good. They ruined oculus back in the day. Frick them.

  83. 2 months ago

    AI is the new VR and will face the same fate

    • 2 months ago

      holy cope lmao
      let me guess, you're an artist?
      sorry bud, should've picked a REAL job in STEM or trades

      • 2 months ago

        >a REAL job in STEM or trades
        You must be a brainlet because IA is 80% used to replace code monkeys.
        We are using Gpt4 to make several applications for mobile with Unity (simple data management, data tracking and market control). We started 6 months ago with 2 UI experts (1 junior 1 senior) and 5 C# programmers (1 junior 3 seniors 1 was a professional under commission). 3 weeks into the project we let go 4 programmers and kept onpy 1 of the seniors. We axed him into the third month. We still have both the UI experts because IA does not suffice when it comes to precise tailroad art.
        But cope more.

        • 2 months ago

          programming isn't STEM moron, I'm talking about actual academic degrees

          on a related note, can you explain WHY you're developing something that will destroy your own jobs?
          I think it's funny that you're typing this all out and not see the writing on the wall

      • 2 months ago

        This is wrong because AI already has a real-world use case (in business, not your furry porn generators), is cheap, easy to use and with high levels of competition. But the main gamechanger is that it's readily accessible. Joe Bloggs can just go to a webpage and use AI. Apps can integrate an AI model from elsewhere. No buying expensive hardware or wearing something on your face for hours. You don't need to borrow your friend's $300 headset to see what it's about. Tech innovation lives and dies on accessibility, and AI is accessible.

        You're a fricking moron. AI is actually come here to stay and will soon replace most of the human talent.

        AI isn't an inconvenient consumer helmet. It's already being used everywhere for coding, photography

        Seethe harder cryptotrannies

    • 2 months ago

      This is wrong because AI already has a real-world use case (in business, not your furry porn generators), is cheap, easy to use and with high levels of competition. But the main gamechanger is that it's readily accessible. Joe Bloggs can just go to a webpage and use AI. Apps can integrate an AI model from elsewhere. No buying expensive hardware or wearing something on your face for hours. You don't need to borrow your friend's $300 headset to see what it's about. Tech innovation lives and dies on accessibility, and AI is accessible.

    • 2 months ago

      You're a fricking moron. AI is actually come here to stay and will soon replace most of the human talent.

    • 2 months ago

      AI isn't an inconvenient consumer helmet. It's already being used everywhere for coding, photography

  84. 2 months ago

    VR would be a success today if frickerturd hadnt stuck his oar in
    no one wanted to use the facebook headset that would tell all their friends and family what theyre jerking off to
    if it had remained oculus, it wouldve been a bigger success, many nerds (the main demographic for shit like this) immediately lost interest when they accepted suckergay's takeover
    all other VR setups since have been too expensive

  85. 2 months ago

    VR is good enough to keep getting niche support, it just won't ever be the next app store or phoneshit.
    It's just going to keep going forward at the speed of hardware development (basically mcfricking nothing) until the open source support becomes solid enough to take over every aspect.
    The mutually exclusive, walled garden ecosystems that force developers to go through a major company every time are just slowing everything down massively.

  86. 2 months ago

    Absolute tragedy. That money could have gone to isreal.

  87. 2 months ago

    as long as you can't actually walk around in a virtual world it will always be a meme
    awkwardly teleporting from place to place takes you out of the experience

    this is why porn is the only thing VR is good for because you can stay in place

  88. 2 months ago

    All this time and those dumb magic glasses in Heavy Rain are still the best use for VR yet invented: a literal 3D Microsoft Office

    Sculpting in VR and 3D printing it later would be neat too I guess

  89. 2 months ago

    >Meta is losing a billion dollars a month on VR
    What the frick are they spending all that money on?
    GTA6 is gonna be the single most expensive entertainment product of all time at a cost of 2 billion dollars but it's also gonna take 7 years to make. How the hell do you lose half a GTA in cash every single month?

    • 2 months ago

      They're spending it on ai research. But incompetent devs like to try to convince people no one likes vr cause once you go vr flat is like pong

  90. 2 months ago

    VR failed because it was almost exclusively shovelware.
    There were hundreds of gimmick titles for every one game.
    The few complete titles made had some pretty stellar stuff, but good luck finding them in a sea of bullshit.

  91. 2 months ago

    Facebook strangled VR at birth by buying Oculus and then trying to make it appeal to normies who were NEVER going to buy and use anything that big and clunky

    I still don't understand what the frick Zuckerberg was thinking? The people into VR are the hardcore nerds or gamers, AKA NOT the people regularly using facebook

    • 2 months ago

      do you really think these sheltered silicon valley reptiles understand how normal humans think?

  92. 2 months ago

    They ruined the market with all these forced exclusives.

    • 2 months ago

      they couldn't even keep shit within their own ecosystem, I own a rift S and was really excited when RE4VR got announced....only to find out that it was ENTIRELY exclusive to the Oculus Quest
      there was no reason to not give to every Oculus user except for the fact they wanted to sell the quest, and that's fricking disgusting; like I'm going to sell the headset I bought and get a portable one running off of mobile hardware instead of my powerful gaming PC? As if
      that was the moment I really realised how big a mistake I had made by giving facebok any money, and vowed to never do it ever again

    • 2 months ago

      Rich VC don't know what to do with a garden people infinitely more valuable to humanity haven't finished growing for them yet.
      Zucc, near enough single-handedly, killed VR with the 1-2 punch of
      >make your headset the most accessible and affordable so most of the market has one
      >make it a fricking walled garden so enthusiasts can't collaborate to solve all the problems for you
      >ontop of splitting a market that is already a fraction of a fraction
      Shit's pretty evil to be honest. Say what you will about Valve, but they understood that openness is the name of the game right now.

  93. 2 months ago

    cut the price lower it more keep patching it cleaning it up and maybe they can hit the curve first but no they sell over price garbage

  94. 2 months ago

    Meta has shoehorned itself into some shit mobile end of the market which nobody actually wants.

  95. 2 months ago

    I feel like we have a couple "VR is totally dead guys" threads every week now on Ganker

    • 2 months ago

      There's few people here who are clearly afraid of something regarding VR.

      • 2 months ago

        it's not fear. It's they can't afford it.
        It's expensive to get good VR, top notch GPU, good headset, games, etc.
        There's an instant knee-jerk reaction to everything which the average indian call centre worker can't buy with his monthly cow shit allowance

        • 2 months ago

          That can't be it when Q2 is acceptable, and piracy for it seems dead simple.

          • 2 months ago

            A Quest 2 with its simple mobile type games is exactly a gimmick though. A high end PC running good PCVR games on a high spec headset isn't a gimmick.
            You can pirate all the Quest 2 games you want, you'll never not play a gimmick shit game. You can't pirate a 4090 GPU and a PC.

            • 2 months ago

              What else is there that fits the "PCVR games" that aren't available for standalone Quest 2?

              • 2 months ago

                Just look at the steam top selling VR games list, there's nothing on a Quest which comes close to any of them.

              • 2 months ago

                >VTOL VR
                >Vertigo 2
                >Pavlov (the non-shack version)
                >Blade and Sorcery
                >Hellsplit: Arena

                The rest was available in the Meta's shop for Q2. Out of these VTOL, Vertigo 2, Pavlov, and B&S are more than a "gimmick", and B&S is debatable since it's a sandbox.

              • 2 months ago

                Do you think people with PCVR haven't tried mobile VR or something? It isn't an either or, Quests are cheap devices and it's not too difficult to own one. I've owned a Quest Pro and I still have a Quest 3 knocking about.
                They are poor PCVR headsets and shit VR headsets. Maybe good for children to play stupid as frick mixed reality zombies coming though your windows games.

              • 2 months ago

                Most of the games in Steam are built from ground up to support standalone quests, and added to Steam for a wider audience. Feature parity is there.
                The point I'm making is still that Quest 2 is a cheap, decent entry point, and that piracy for it is easy. High price is being the cause for VR hate is a headcanon of yours.

              • 2 months ago

                >Most of the games in Steam are built from ground up to support standalone quests, #
                What? No games in the Steam VR lists are built from the ground up to support Quests. There's like 2-3 games which are on the Quests out of 20.
                >The point I'm making is still that Quest 2 is a cheap, decent entry point, and that piracy for it is easy.
                And the point I'm making is that the Quest headsets are all shit. It doesn't matter if you pirate Quest games because you're still left playing shit Quest games, which are shit.
                >High price is being the cause for VR hate is a headcanon of yours.
                The level of entry for really good VR is £2-3k, which is clearly out of reach for a lot of people. It's not headcanon at all.

              • 2 months ago

                >There's like 2-3 games which are on the Quests out of 20.
                Have you checked? I just did for

                >VTOL VR
                >Vertigo 2
                >Pavlov (the non-shack version)
                >Blade and Sorcery
                >Hellsplit: Arena

                The rest was available in the Meta's shop for Q2. Out of these VTOL, Vertigo 2, Pavlov, and B&S are more than a "gimmick", and B&S is debatable since it's a sandbox.

                >Contractors Showdown
                >Beat Saber
                >Thrill of the Fight
                >Gorilla Tag
                >Walkabout Mini Golf
                >Synth Riders
                >SWORDS of GARGANTUA
                >I Expect You To Die Trilogy
                >Ancient Dungeon
                >Dragon Fist
                >Red Matter 2
                >The Last Clockwinder
                That's 14 of Steams top selling games out of 20 with Quest 2 support.

                >It doesn't matter if you pirate Quest games because you're still left playing shit Quest games, which are shit.
                Oh yeah? Please name the PCVR exclusives. The ones I found are

                What else is there that fits the "PCVR games" that aren't available for standalone Quest 2?


                >VTOL VR
                >Vertigo 2
                >Pavlov (the non-shack version)
                >Blade and Sorcery
                >Hellsplit: Arena

                The rest was available in the Meta's shop for Q2. Out of these VTOL, Vertigo 2, Pavlov, and B&S are more than a "gimmick", and B&S is debatable since it's a sandbox.

                . Which one of these are the magical titles which make PCVR non-shit compared to quests?

              • 2 months ago

                What list are you looking at?
                >Please name the PCVR exclusives.
                All of them which aren't on Quests are better than Quest games. Every single last one of them. I was playing better games on the launch of the Oculus DK2 than what you can get on a Quest 3 today. That's how dogshit Quests are. lol

              • 2 months ago

                I filtered with VR Only. Now with mixed games you have a point, but the tacked on """VR support""" is usually absolutely shit afterthoughts. The other plus you can give for PCVR is better modding support, so you can mod non-VR games for VR like HL2.

                > I was playing better games on the launch of the Oculus DK2 than what you can get on a Quest 3 today.
                Yet you still don't name them. The inverse is also true, there's games locked in the quest store which by all means should be available on PCVR like Asgards Wrath 1/2 and Lone Echo 1/2, but aren't due to Meta being stupid fricks.

              • 2 months ago

                Elite Dangerous. Assetto Corsa. Alien Isolation. Are better than any Quest games. I've been playing those since around 2014 in VR.

              • 2 months ago

                Now out of those which ones absolutely need a 4090 for a nice experience? Consider that you can also hook Q2 to PC.
                >Elite Dangerous
                These are the titles which probably do need a nice GPU. I have Index (which has worse resolution to Q2) and 2070 but no HOTAS/Wheel, otherwise I'd give them a try to see how they run.
                >Alien Isolation
                Probably runs fine with a 1080.

                I'm still going after your moronic idea that cost is the major reason for VR hate.

              • 2 months ago

                >Now out of those which ones absolutely need a 4090 for a nice experience?
                Having owned pretty much every headset released and the top GPU in each generation I can safely say that every single VR game benefits by a huge amount with a 4090, and will benefit even more with a 5090/6090/7090 etc
                >Consider that you can also hook Q2 to PC.
                And this is why you're a moron. Some video compressed 2k x 2k image streamed to a headset isn't comparable to a direct to PC DP connection.
                >Probably runs fine with a 1080.
                It did when I was on a DK2 resolution type headset. Headsets are much higher in resolution now and so require much more GPU power.
                You wouldn't buy a GTX 670 to run a 4k monitor would you?
                >I'm still going after your moronic idea that cost is the major reason for VR hate.
                You're getting it wrong.
                Shit VR is cheap. Good VR is expensive.
                People try the shit VR (Quests, Pico's) and think that's all it has to offer while being completely oblivious to what PCVR with a 4090 and a Crystal has to offer. They aren't comparable at all. It's like comparing a Sega Megadrive to a PS5 console.
                The hate comes from poorgays who hate everything they can't afford.

              • 2 months ago

                I guess I'm an outlier moron for enjoying "shit VR" with Index and 2070 then.

              • 2 months ago

                Asgards Wrath 1 and Lone Echo 1-2 run fine on any PCVR headset, my old 2070S handled them fine too. Well Lone Echo 2 is a notoriously poorly optimized but it still ran well enough with a fan patch. You should totally play them, some of the best stuff in PCVR. Also Robo Recall, I think that's also Oculus exclusive, another great game. Just pirate them and use that Oculus emulator thing, forgot what it's callled, google it.
                >no HOTAS/Wheel, otherwise I'd give them a try
                Try Project Cars 2, that one works great with a controller and looks awesome in VR.

    • 2 months ago

      There's normal vr threads being made to talk about the games but they usually die from lack of interest.
      Those bait threads of "VR is dead" is just an anchor to get the morons to keep bumping it while the double dozen of VR posters talk about the games.

      • 2 months ago

        >double dozen
        that's very generous of you. you can count the VR game discussion itt on one hand.

  96. 2 months ago

    >bought an index four years ago
    >had some fun with it but couldn't use it because of my eyes
    now this piece of shit sits in a box

    • 2 months ago

      what's wrong with your eyes?
      also if it's been sitting unused for 4 years you could still resell it for 500 bucks

      • 2 months ago

        near-sighted and one eye is lazy? or cross-eyed? dunno the english word for it, without glasses my eye just drifts away and I see everything doubled
        wearing the index worked with glasses but after ~20 minutes i could feel the strain on my eyes

        • 2 months ago

          This is one that English speakers wouldn't particularly know either, I don't think.
          I'm a native speaker and I always took cross-eyed to be when both eyes went in opposite directions and a lazy eye was when one eye looked off into the wrong point. Don't know if that was just an assumption I made as a kid, but it never came up regardless.
          After looking it up however - being cross eyed (Strabismus) is when the eyes look in any incorrect direction, while a lazy eye (Amblyopia) is when one eye simply just doesn't develop clear vision.
          Would lenses be helpful to you at all? VR optician does prescription lenses that go overtop the little screens themselves. I use them instead of my glasses because I accidentally scratched the fricking things with them on.

  97. 2 months ago

    VR is dead and it never got going. Quest hit 25 million being sold at a loss. PSVR2 is selling worse than PSVR1

  98. 2 months ago

    go woke go broke

  99. 2 months ago


  100. 2 months ago

    What's with the AI failed meme cope losers? It's use is becoming more and more widespread and diversifying as you cope.

    • 2 months ago

      >the media cycle that I download my perception of the world from talked about bitcoin, then NFTs, and then AI
      >this means that they're all the same, despite being verifiably different

    • 2 months ago

      You sound like one of the people who bought an N-Gage in the 2000s

  101. 2 months ago

    my gf lend me her quest 3 and ive been plaxing left 4 dead 2 on it
    great experience but unfortunately my graphix are on par of a wii and i dont know how to fix it

    • 2 months ago

      what software are you using to connect to your pc with the quest 3

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          Steam Link you mean? The one from meta store?
          If so you need to increase the encode resolution to the maximum in the settings when you're in VR and even then it doesn't go that high.
          Go to your steam installation folder, config subfolder and open then steamvr.vrsettings file with notepad. Change "streamFormatWidth" to 1536 and save.
          If it's not enough you either need to either go through oculus link or a third party paid app called virtual desktop (worth it but if you're borrowing the headset then heh).

          • 2 months ago

            im not sure ive tried increasing the encoding thing but it just jumps back to 1024. people suggested it might be my old 1060 6gb. can i break something by forcing the encoder thing above 1024?

            • 2 months ago

              Your card is shit. You can maybe try the fsd mod. Word is it doubles your performance. The min not shitty experience card is a 1080.

              • 2 months ago

                the thing is game itself runs fine its just that i get very low res and shimmering
                half life 2 vr is a bit better but not by a huge margin
                i think ill try air link just to see if its any better

    • 2 months ago

      Standalone is gonna for most games look like wii graphics. Theres an optimizer app that improved quest 3 standalone performance. No idea what the other guy is talking about, the streaming software has nothing to do with wii graphics. If you're getting chop, that has to do with streaming software

      • 2 months ago

        there's no left 4 dead 2 on native quest so he's doing pcvr and having issue with the video stream

  102. 2 months ago

    VR is a niche peripheral, nobody acts like racing wheels or flight sticks are "fads".

    If you though vr was going to entirely replace normal games that's your fault for being moronic not the fault of VR.

    • 2 months ago

      Investors thought that and that's what makes it funny. They funded my affordable fighter pilot larping goggles and they get nothing to show for it, that's pretty comedic.

  103. 2 months ago

    VR is this stupic thing that, every 10 years, someone tells you that FINALLY the technology is there.

    • 2 months ago

      it actually is, now it just needs to get cheaper and lighter, and now we wait for software

      • 2 months ago

        >it is but it needs to be cheaper and lighter
        see you in ten years.

        • 2 months ago

          should be 2-5 years max
          the tech already exists today, just needs to be assembled into a consumer product

          there's going to be a bunch of 4k per eye vr headsets/goggles/glasses coming later this year

          and then this isn't far off, the metaverse is internet 2.0 and you'll all be wearing glasses

          • 2 months ago

            >should be 2-5 years max
            no one can afford it even if it is 2-5 max, which no it isn't, you can't get the DPI high enough at scale (under 10k)

            • 2 months ago

              xreal glasses are $400ish
              quest 2 is $200ish

              I think within 5 years, we should have something like this that will replace your phone

              samsung's working on a bunch of stuff right now

              >there's going to be a bunch of 4k per eye vr headsets/goggles/glasses coming later this year
              am I the only one worried about how the frick we're gonna drive these things?
              I can barely run the quest 3 and it only has 2000x2200 resolution per eye

              DLSS and foveated rendering will help massively
              but 4k is the minimum res where it can start to replace physical monitors in clarity and readability
              for regular work, 4k is neccesary

              >I can barely run the quest 3 and it only has 2000x2200 resolution per eye
              qualcomm already designed a better chip for 4k, quest3 still uses the chip that's one step behind

              • 2 months ago

                quest 2 is old gen and having used one I wouldn't BE payed to use that dogshit.

              • 2 months ago

                my point is the tech is already becoming affordable, and in 5 years, even if you're poor, there will be goggles or glasses that will be impressive for $200-400ish
                it will replace mobiles, you will see

              • 2 months ago

                the fact you think 2-400 moneys is "affordable", now, is a fricking joke.
                VR is dead and so is the economy.

              • 2 months ago

                lmao how much is a switch? or a xbox or ps5?
                gaming is dead then! everyone works at mcdonalds now! it's over!!

              • 2 months ago

                >qualcomm already designed a better chip for 4k
                I'm talking about my PC GPU. I render most game at 6000x3000 so that after barrel distortion I get roughly 1:1 pixel density in the middle of the screen.
                Looking at the upcoming Pimax Crystal Super with its 4k panels, I don't see how possible it will be to render at 8-9k res and keep a high framerate in games even with the upcoming 5090.

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                Doesn't work well for VR since you get the awful temporal AA artifacting. It's a massive vaseline filter and you lose way too much sharpness.

              • 2 months ago

                >awful temporal AA artifacting
                doubt it's noticable, and it'll get better, nvidia are wizards

              • 2 months ago

                do you not have a vr headset?
                it's very obvious if you ever tried it

              • 2 months ago

                A Crystal for 1:1 resolution requires 5100x4300 per eye. It's already needs 11k.
                The new higher resolution Crystal is going to have to rely heavily on eye tracked FR as it's way beyond the spec of DP1.4 with DSC.

              • 2 months ago

                What's the max specs of DP? It's kinda weird we're hitting hardware limiting at this level. Meanwhile the rest of the board is happy playing on 1080p since they don't know any better

              • 2 months ago

                DP 1.4 is like 8k 60hz or around abouts. 25Gbps. The Crystal running 120hz breaks the limit somehow.

              • 2 months ago

                The 5090 is supposed to be 2.1.

              • 2 months ago

                hopefully, but will the new Crystal?

          • 2 months ago

            >there's going to be a bunch of 4k per eye vr headsets/goggles/glasses coming later this year
            am I the only one worried about how the frick we're gonna drive these things?
            I can barely run the quest 3 and it only has 2000x2200 resolution per eye

  104. 2 months ago

    >Atari lost $1.2 billion in 14 months from 1982-1983
    it's over for videogames, it was always a fad

    • 2 months ago

      same energy

      • 2 months ago

        damn, that aged well
        captcha: gay 20

      • 2 months ago

        internet is just a fancy radio, it's a fad!

  105. 2 months ago

    >mfw scraping by with 300~ a month while faceburg loses 3.8 billion because they make shitty hardware

  106. 2 months ago

    how the frick do you spend 4 billion and not even realise you need to invest some of that in software to sell your stupid fricking headset, make fricking VR games, good ones.

  107. 2 months ago

    The funniest shit, SONY was the one company that had a chance as the original PSvr actually sold higher then expected numbers....but like with the PSP and VITA and well anything they put out,.....they had NO PLAN. Yet ended up with one of the largest bases for the concept. But nothing planned for it, they just kind of put it out expecting it to flop like all the others had.

    They had an install base of 1.5 million at one point.

    Once the initial wave of VR games came out there was nothing else in the pipeline. For months, then people lost interest with nothing to play and the games that were out that were any good were racing or shooters and spooky games. Not enough to hold a consumer base.

    Then they got around to putting out some stuff later but it was too late, they missed the window to really capture the market.

    They must have thought, we will try again with PS5 and do some improvments etc. Problem is lots of people still could not get PS5, and worse, they made that OLD ps4 games incompatible with the new set up for some reason. SO the one that they kinda had a plan for....flopped cause the plan was stupid.

    VR cant make it cause the companies making it are more in love with the tech, then they are with actually thinking about GAMEPLAY and how to make that interesting.

    To this day PSvr had some of the most memorable game experiences for me. Racing and some of the flight sims were great. there were even some adventure games...but they had almost no replay value. Heck the stuff on pack in the DEMOS was better then some full games.

    In the end there was just nothing compelling enough game wise to stick with VR as gameing and its just easier to use a controller and tv for most things.

  108. 2 months ago

    VR is just like the Kinect, at least on the Kinect I had some fun with my brother

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah it's like Kinect except you don't have to always look at the monitor. Which is what made all motion games suck before VR, can't really move can I, if I have to keep looking at the same spot all the time

  109. 2 months ago

    it's up

    • 2 months ago

      Horror games in VR are honestly the best and worst idea at the same time. Best in the sense that the immersion is top notch, worst in that I personally don't want to risk breaking my headset from getting scared.

  110. 2 months ago

    Once headsets have all of the main features around 200 dollars, it will be a lot better. Facebook just has to realize that vision. Also phone VR really fricked it up by making most common VR feel cheap.

  111. 2 months ago

    Unless VR is at least Sword Art Online tier then you can count me out.

  112. 2 months ago

    >release a game console
    >make no games for it

    lmao, Zuck learned nothing from 40 years of console markets
    No matter how great quest 3 tech wise, nobody will use it if the "games" are 60 minutes tech demos where you play twice and throw it in the closet

    they should have spend 1 bilion to make like 10 big games, some PCVR, some quest only to make movement on the market, same way Nintendo does.
    Meanwhile white Nintendo produce a lot of first party title, Meta made ... 1(arguably, Asgrads Wrath is a sequel of non Meta game and was in development before Meta bought the studio).

    Where the frick is Meta Zelda? Where is Meta Mario?
    Why the frick not pay like 20 milion to those Moss VR game maker to make them a new quest franchise? Why close down Lone Echo makers when they make AAA looking games in a tiny under 100 people studio? It was their best talented studio and they just closed it down.

    Corporations never learn since there is no acceptability. When Carmack left he was clear 90% of Meta should be fired since they dont do anything.

  113. 2 months ago

    I bought a Quest 3. Played some game where little ball aliens make holes in my walls and I have to shoot them.
    Got bored after 10 minutes. Haven't touched it since.

    • 2 months ago

      you really spent $500 and only played a demo that comes with the headset? lol

      • 2 months ago

        yes. I have other headsets which I like.

        • 2 months ago

          why would you not return it

          • 2 months ago

            I don't know. I thought it might get good over time.

            • 2 months ago

              you sound like the biggest moron to ever walk the earth

              • 2 months ago

                Maybe the price of the headset to me isn't the huge debt spiral which it is for you

              • 2 months ago


                why would you not return it

                btw not

                you sound like the biggest moron to ever walk the earth

                i'm not poor was just confused why you wouldn't at least try to play a real game on it

              • 2 months ago

                >try to play a real game on it
                what like?

              • 2 months ago

                NTA, but
                >The Room
                >Borderlands 2
                >Fallout 4
                >The Talos Principle
                >Surgeon Simulator
                >No Man's Sky
                There's a mod for MW5, but it gays out between missions.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah. I've played a few of those on PC.

              • 2 months ago

                >it gays out between missions
                works fine for me and I've played the game an hundred hours in vr
                just need to disable decoupled pitch so that you can use the starmap
                only downside is feeling the motion of the mech during maps a little bit more

              • 2 months ago

                not the price that matters
                that you gave up on the headset without even trying any of the other software
                mega moron, like someone who buys dvds and never watches them

    • 2 months ago

      >Played some game where little ball aliens make holes in my walls and I have to shoot them.

  114. 2 months ago

    Anyone get the feeling this is going to be shit? I'm just hoping it's not a roguelike with copy pasted corridors.

  115. 2 months ago

    I hate VR. I hate the broken promises, I hate the missed opportunities, I hate how every single aspect of it is like pulling fricking teeth.

    SteamVR is the worst piece of dogshit software I have ever had the displeasure of using. It's so fricking bad, and nobody ever talks about how fricking bad it is, because nobody fricking uses it. They just boot a game, stick with the awful default controls because trying to change them through SteamVR is about as fun as putting your dick in a grinder, and live with it. Recently, my headset just doesn't fricking work most of the time I start it. Why? Who knows why. I have to click restart headset and then it'll work. My controllers need a fricking update. Why? Who fricking knows why.

    The most BASIC of features don't exist in SteamVR. Let's say I wanted to map WASD instead of a joystick so I could play some VR game sat down. Can't do it. Let's say I wanted to adjust the virtual position of a controller, or the angle the beam comes out at. Can't do it. Well, you can use a piece of software that hasn't been updated in a few years to kind of do it after you find a patch for it because SteamVR broke it at some point, but you have to set the offset manually every time, you can't save it.

  116. 2 months ago

    How did facebook make money?

    • 2 months ago

      selling our data

  117. 2 months ago
  118. 2 months ago

    I know the market is small but the amount of success you can have with a mediocre game from half competent devs is insane. There are so many VR games I would consider garbage that get positive reviews because there isn't much competition. If that same dev made a flat game they would be completely forgotten.
    There are so many good indie devs that go completely unnoticed because they're totally buried by competition, where if they made a VR game they would make so much more money.

    • 2 months ago

      It's sad there aren't more talented solo VR devs. VR needs a derek yu, concernedape, ed mcmillen etc. I heard Blow is making a VR game, I wonder how that will turn out.
      Looking at Vertigo 2, it probably made the dev a million dollars. Now, if he made a flat game, would it have gone unnoticed, or would he be talented enough to make it popular and make even more money?

      • 2 months ago

        I wonder if there's all-in-one bundle or libraries you can use for VR. I'm talking like IK solvers, hands automatically mapped to controllers. Bulk of VR settings like vignette/teleport trash for casuals.
        It feels like every time someone makes a game they're like "boo hoo VR devellopement is difficult, IK are hard, interactions are hard, network is hard" and they keep trying to re-invent the wheel every time.

  119. 2 months ago

    >MS pulling the plug on WMR
    >no more pc only headsets outside of valve
    >vr games almost hidden on steam
    >mass adoption happend during covid with the quest 2
    >nobody plays it today
    >only there for sim gays
    Its dead

    • 2 months ago

      >>MS pulling the plug on WMR
      Meta stated MS are releasing a new headset using Horizon OS

      • 2 months ago

        And Meta will either do the same thing down the road, or completely enshittify it and slap a subscription fee on it once it gets enough users.
        I got burned once with the HP Reverb, there's no way I'm buying a headset with Horizon OS.

  120. 2 months ago

    I just played minigolf with the bros today. Two hours well spent.

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Yes. New map came out yesterday.

        • 2 months ago

          Nice. It's one of the better VR games with a group.

  121. 2 months ago

    Bridge Crew, homies.

  122. 2 months ago

    I only want VR because I have AGP

  123. 2 months ago

    >jews can burn billions of dollars on failure after failure and their companies remain totally fine
    Free market, right, conservatives?

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