

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 11 months ago

    Post it.

    • 11 months ago

      Is this it?

      • 11 months ago

        both of them have lickable tummies, i can't tell who is the real one

      • 11 months ago

        Sorry but I'm going to need to take both of these Rabi to my bedroom in order to properly learn the difference

        • 11 months ago

          Careful there, anon...

          • 11 months ago

            The only thing I have to worry about is that carrot being in my way.

      • 11 months ago

        Where is the double rabi surprise?
        IT's criminal that there's no threesome scene with them.

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        This is it, right here.
        This is the proper cute boy mentality.

  2. 11 months ago

    Will the real Rabi please stand up?

  3. 11 months ago

    I'm gonna make it illegal to call having sex with fake rabi gay

  4. 11 months ago

    f a k e r a b i

  5. 11 months ago

    Hakika's doing a second popularity poll by the way, go vote for your favorites

    • 11 months ago

      >Fake Rabi (both questions)

      • 11 months ago

        Good taste. Clarbro.

    • 11 months ago

      Voted only Nyx. Why the frick is she so neglected?

      • 11 months ago

        At least she gets lots of fanart

    • 11 months ago

      >Nyx (favorite)
      >Fat knight of stunlocking

      • 11 months ago

        Ah damn, Shin was on the list. I should've voted for her.

    • 11 months ago

      Voted for Rabi (twice), Fake-Rabi, Sheila, Maria and Vyner.

    • 11 months ago

      How do I tell which character is which? Google translate is nonsense.

  6. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      He's just like me

      • 11 months ago

        So you're a cute bisexual femboy too?

        • 11 months ago

          pretty much

        • 11 months ago

          Well gay but yes

          • 11 months ago

            be in New York

            • 11 months ago

              I wish I were on the East Coast. Lot of my friends there.

              • 11 months ago

                oh it's you
                can't believe some anon hasn't flown you out to the lower 48 yet. or is it that you have gotten offers, but you have standards or something lol

              • 11 months ago

                Its kinda got near stuff like that but I'm shy

              • 11 months ago

                not trying to be a dick but it gives me a laugh to think that a FUB like me has gone through several relationships while someone with a body like yours has been chronically loveless for years lol

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not LOVELESS
                I'm just hesitant to move around, living where I am its not exactly simple to just pick up and move
                Its like moving to another continent but without the culture shock or need for a passport

          • 11 months ago

            pls be in texas

  7. 11 months ago

    Not gay. It looks like a girl to my dick anyway.

  8. 11 months ago

    Homosexuality is sodomy.

    • 11 months ago

      Only the good kinds.

    • 11 months ago

      And that's a good thing!

      • 11 months ago

        Only the good kinds.

        Femboy and troony genocide now

        • 11 months ago

          /nu/-Ganker /misc/ refugees please leave

          • 11 months ago

            This has never been your site and it never will be. Go back

            • 11 months ago

              >This has never been your site and it never will be. Go back

              • 11 months ago

                >muh election
                Go back

            • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            >troony thinking hes in good company now because he saw a couple posts whining about /misc/

          • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          we don't like troonys either

        • 11 months ago

          Don't you dare touch those innocent femboys, anon.

          • 11 months ago

            we don't like troonys either

            /nu/-Ganker /misc/ refugees please leave

            You are just as bad as trannies. You willingly destroy the sanctity of sexual intercourse.
            The only difference is that you do not delude yourself into thinking you're a woman. You're still a man in a dress with stubble and hairy legs.

            • 11 months ago

              Actually obsessed

            • 11 months ago

              >sanctity of sexual intercourse
              Your sex life sounds awfully boring, anon.
              But I'm not even a femboy. I just think they're cute and frickable.

            • 11 months ago

              >stubble and hairy legs
              do you just not shave?

  9. 11 months ago


  10. 11 months ago


  11. 11 months ago

    >be me
    >want to be femboy
    >cry when my brain won't let me be a femboy since I already have a femboyish body but my brain picks a part at it still and wants it to be more feminine...

    you guys lied to me...you told me I could be anything I want and that being a femboy is okay...you guys make it seem like being a "troony" is a choice, that these delusions are taken on willingly. Well what about me? I acknowledge them as absurd delusions that torment me and don't allow me to be what I want? What about me? Why do I have to be genocided over something i dont control... :'(

    • 11 months ago

      Please shut up and suck my wiener

    • 11 months ago

      God shut up already, fricking femboys need to learn their place (my bedroom.)

    • 11 months ago

      Just take the HRT. It made my life better even with chuds seething.
      At least if you don't live in Florida.

      • 11 months ago

        kys groomer freak
        femboys are perfect the way they are

        • 11 months ago

          Trannies exist, that poster is clearly a troony.

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        I already am, I still doubt somedays whether it's really dysphoria or I'm crazy, but I hate most trans people so it's not for acceptance, and I've been hiding myself from people for years and never posted much on social media, even before any realizations of trans shit, so it's not for normie acceptance and such. It's like a wholly internal thing that I don't know why exists.

        >At least if you don't live in Florida.
        Why? I live in Toronto, what's up with Flo ridaaa

        • 11 months ago

          Don't worry it's normal to hate reddit and tumblr trannies, they're genuinely insane.
          Florida is going to make it legal to lynch trannies soon probably.

          • 11 months ago

            >Don't worry it's normal to hate reddit and tumblr trannies, they're genuinely insane.

            based, it's so refreshing to hear I'm not crazy for thinking this lmao, if I met more chill trans people it'd probably be easier to accept this, but I'm alone trapped by my mother that thinks trans people are crazy, but atleast she doesn't hit me anymore now that I'm older lmao.

            >Florida is going to make it legal to lynch trannies soon probably.

            anyway, is this for real? I thought destiny said this was fear mongering and twitter trans crazies blowing shit out of proportion wtffffsfsfsgshshs I know for a FACT vaush was using it as fear mongering at the very least, last time I used to be into online politics.

            • 11 months ago

              /lgbt/ has non-moronic trannies, but pretty much every troony is moronic in some way. I know I am.
              It's not real, but they're coming for my HRT soon so now I'm pissed

              • 11 months ago

                >but pretty much every troony is moronic in some way. I know I am.

                lol, truest thing I've heard about this app. same applies to me too, just in non traditional moronic way lmao.

                >but they're coming for my HRT soon so now I'm pissed

                ooof, frick, yeah I'd be pissed to, I think I'd genuinely freak out, the few times I've tried to go off hrt, I got super triggered about my body, and the impending thought that "I couldn't stop it" had me in one of those "bruh" moments.

                but how old are you? surely they can't legally take it away If you're atleast 18+ right? obviously sucks for underage peeps, but my mom is SO conservative that she wouldn't even let the doctor give me adhd meds, so that never would have happened for me anyways.

              • 11 months ago

                >this app
                You're gonna get bullied if you call Ganker an "app" anon. Really bullied.

              • 11 months ago

                yeah, I try not to care too much. This place is legitimately too widely mentally ill to try to want to make friends with, it won't feel good, but for the comfort of expressing myself comfortably and freely, I think I'll take it.

                (also onimai is cringe :p)

              • 11 months ago

                yeah, I try not to care too much. This place is legitimately too widely mentally ill to try to want to make friends with, it won't feel good, but for the comfort of expressing myself comfortably and freely, I think I'll take it.

                (also onimai is cringe :p)

                post feet

            • 11 months ago

              Trans people are real and unironically have it pretty bad in society, like your example with your mom. Both the Tumblr extremist trannies and the /misc/chuds are insane and shouldn't be listened to, but I've met a lot of cool trans people over the years.

          • 11 months ago

            >Don't worry it's normal to hate reddit and tumblr trannies, they're genuinely insane.
            twitter trannies too. Most trannies I've met IRL (college town, what can you do?) are decent enough people though

            >Don't worry it's normal to hate reddit and tumblr trannies, they're genuinely insane.

            based, it's so refreshing to hear I'm not crazy for thinking this lmao, if I met more chill trans people it'd probably be easier to accept this, but I'm alone trapped by my mother that thinks trans people are crazy, but atleast she doesn't hit me anymore now that I'm older lmao.

            >Florida is going to make it legal to lynch trannies soon probably.

            anyway, is this for real? I thought destiny said this was fear mongering and twitter trans crazies blowing shit out of proportion wtffffsfsfsgshshs I know for a FACT vaush was using it as fear mongering at the very least, last time I used to be into online politics.

            >if I met more chill trans people it'd probably be easier to accept this
            you've got to ignore all of them and simply ask yourself what you want for yourself. Do it for you and no one else. Femboys are valid. Tgirls are also valid. And if you reverse course and start striving to become Mr. Universe, that's valid too. How far you go is for you to decide, don't let anyone push you into anything you don't want for yourself

            no one who's actually trans wants to be trans (beware trenders and MEFs), they want to be the sex that every instinct is screaming at them they're supposed to be
            whatever you do, don't get the chop unless you're damn certain, not all gender dysphoria is accompanied by genital dysmorphia

            I knew when I was very young, but I was bullied into repression whenever I acted even slightly girly. Wanted to die for years. Now that I'm on HRT I finally feel like me (not even transitioned socially yet, but I recognize myself in the mirror, which is a huge thing). HRT and transition aren't the solutions to all our problems, but for me they do make them feel worth solving

            • 11 months ago

              >no one who's actually trans wants to be trans (beware trenders and MEFs), they want to be the sex that every instinct is screaming at them they're supposed to be

              I don't actually believe this for most trans woman, atleast not right now. I think if you asked most trans people "would you rather be born a boy or girl?" they'd say girl. I'd say, I don't really care. That's the difference. I've talked to more than enough trans people to know this, and they don't deny what I just said.

              >you've got to ignore all of them and simply ask yourself what you want for yourself. Do it for you and no one else. Femboys are valid. Tgirls are also valid. And if you reverse course and start striving to become Mr. Universe, that's valid too. How far you go is for you to decide, don't let anyone push you into anything you don't want for yourself

              I don't like when people say this. I don't know how easy it is for all of you to just accept this. But I need perspective and understanding. I don't know why so many people blow up the "don't let people push you to do x thing" so much as if you can't possibly just want to hear from other people with similar experiences to understand yourself better. I feel like it's so anti...science? critical thinking? it's like people don't believe that they can make their own informed and reasoned decisions coming in contact with others. I can't figure this shit out on my own. I just can't. I don't know if its too much repression or whatever, but it just doesn't work. On my own, I'll just go on and off on hrt, never making a decision, coming into contact with and finally being able to actually talk about myself with other trans people has made me able to understand some things clearer. If there's a note on my back that says "kick me" I can't remove it, if I can't notice it, and I can't notice it without somebody else.

              I know you're probably just trying to be supportive, but how...indiscriminately this is said on here, just triggers me a bit.

            • 11 months ago

              >whatever you do, don't get the chop unless you're damn certain, not all gender dysphoria is accompanied by genital dysmorphia

              I understand this at the very least. Even if I somehow learned that I had repressed genital dysmorphia (doubt) I'd still be EXTREMELY hesitant because of how many horror stories I've heard about it. Despite how crazy the trans community can be, I've actually seen a decent enough amount of talk and pushback about this to know how to view it. So yeah, thanks for the heads up.

              >I knew when I was very young, but I was bullied into repression whenever I acted even slightly girly.

              yeah, I've always been bullied since I was young, I remember when I was very young crossing my legs during class, and somebody yelled that way gay and people were teasing and I was embarrassed so I stopped completely for a long time, and there were probably a couple more things like that, might've repressed or forgotten them, since I only remember doing "girly" stuff at home like speaking in a girl voice to myself, and naming myself girl names that were opposite of my given name. I don't think I'm as extreme as you though, I grew up very Christian, so the concept of "suicide" to me didn't exist till highschool. I just remember drowning myself in scenarios of being alone and abandoned or forgotten, or hurt, or pushed to death, stuff like that. Don't think it was associated with gender shit tho. That's all. I'm just doing this because there's no other therapy, and I get elated if I look in the mirror and see a feminine figure. Kinda weak reasons maybe, but it is what it is.

    • 11 months ago

      >listening to bigots
      Your first mistake.
      >listening to Ganker
      Your second, bigger mistake.

      • 11 months ago

        >dont listen to normal people listen to people on twitter instead

        >Don't worry it's normal to hate reddit and tumblr trannies, they're genuinely insane.

        based, it's so refreshing to hear I'm not crazy for thinking this lmao, if I met more chill trans people it'd probably be easier to accept this, but I'm alone trapped by my mother that thinks trans people are crazy, but atleast she doesn't hit me anymore now that I'm older lmao.

        >Florida is going to make it legal to lynch trannies soon probably.

        anyway, is this for real? I thought destiny said this was fear mongering and twitter trans crazies blowing shit out of proportion wtffffsfsfsgshshs I know for a FACT vaush was using it as fear mongering at the very least, last time I used to be into online politics.

        /lgbt/ has non-moronic trannies, but pretty much every troony is moronic in some way. I know I am.
        It's not real, but they're coming for my HRT soon so now I'm pissed

        >but pretty much every troony is moronic in some way. I know I am.

        lol, truest thing I've heard about this app. same applies to me too, just in non traditional moronic way lmao.

        >but they're coming for my HRT soon so now I'm pissed

        ooof, frick, yeah I'd be pissed to, I think I'd genuinely freak out, the few times I've tried to go off hrt, I got super triggered about my body, and the impending thought that "I couldn't stop it" had me in one of those "bruh" moments.

        but how old are you? surely they can't legally take it away If you're atleast 18+ right? obviously sucks for underage peeps, but my mom is SO conservative that she wouldn't even let the doctor give me adhd meds, so that never would have happened for me anyways.

        Trans people are real and unironically have it pretty bad in society, like your example with your mom. Both the Tumblr extremist trannies and the /misc/chuds are insane and shouldn't be listened to, but I've met a lot of cool trans people over the years.

        a nation wide ban on estrogen is honestly for the best for people of all generations, especially the naive kids. i mean, the damage caused by transgenderism has destroyed countless lives

        • 11 months ago

          >a nation wide ban on estrogen is honestly for the best for people of all generations, especially the naive kids. i mean, the damage caused by transgenderism has destroyed countless lives

          what is America? for 400


          what is freedom of choice? for 800

          • 11 months ago

            why do you post like that? i dont think this website is for you. kindly leave

          • 11 months ago

            Freedom of choice is a meme. If I open a casino in a place that previously didn't had it that place will now have more gambling addicts than before, and they will gain nothing at all from it. People act in short-sighted ways and are determined by their instincts to a high degree. It just makes no sense for a government to allow stuff that's objectively harmful and predatory just because of muh freedom when it already curbs freedom constantly in other areas anyway.

            • 11 months ago

              you do not understand freedom. this is like a grade level argument, you let people do what they want, because it's their responsibility at the end of the day, and provide resources for dealing with any problems that may arise because freedom is valued above all. there is no reason somebody shouldn't be able to make rational and informed decisions about whatever they want to do. You aren't making an argument against anything. Your making a statement. A narrative. That doesn't consider the realities and conditions of those making who make those decisions. Nobody needs to be told that freedom isn't black and white. We already restrict the freedoms of the mentally ill and children. Make a less moronic and contexless argument next time.

              • 11 months ago

                >i live in america therefore i have the right to do hardcore drugs

              • 11 months ago

                depends on context. and what is defined as hardcore drugs, but yes, a healthy individual can do "hardcore" drugs in moderation. Nobody is saying freedom is absolute, even the constitution doesn't believe that. You're making this conversation childish by going to the most surface level and literal understanding of "freedom"

                There is zero reason why Estrogen can't be taken when it's regulated by doctors, and bloodtests are taken to make sure your levels are apt. This is NOT the same thing as "hardcore" drugs or gambling moron. have a nice day.

              • 11 months ago

                The Constitution is an illegitimate document that the federal government pushed through lies and coercion because they were mad they couldn't tax people enough. I don't care what the Constitution says.

              • 11 months ago

                >literally gritting your teeth with rage because your suicide pills should be taken away

              • 11 months ago

                Here's a reason homosexual: you are not a woman. There are studies coming out that giving prepubescent boys estrogen is making them moronic. I'm not even joking. Testosterone is important for brain development in males and they are seeing IQ drops in the double digits after administering estrogen.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm sure there are, provide source

              • 11 months ago

                it couldn't possibly be that puberty blockers or antiandrogens are at fault for the IQ drop, not like Spironolactone is known to cause brain fogs or Lupron will fricking tank your IQ along with your T or anything

              • 11 months ago

                >Spironolactone is known to cause brain fogs

                ahhh yes "known to" the famous source.

              • 11 months ago

                My point: If you allow harmful and predatory practices people will get harmed and predated on with no worthwhile gain in the process.

                Your point: But we must allow that because...of freedom! And...freedom must be prioritized in every situation because...IT JUST MUST, OKAY?!

                > there is no reason somebody shouldn't be able to make rational and informed decisions about whatever they want to do
                There is a reason, we have more than enough data to know that a great portion of people will act like stupid morons if you give them the opportunity to. We know that selling heroin in a place will increase the number of heroin addicts, we know that building a casino in the same place will increase gambling. And we know the cost benefit of having those places those not outweigh the loss.

                >We already restrict the freedoms of the mentally ill and children
                We also have several laws that restrict the freedom of adults.

                I'm telling you simple reality and what should be done to achieve best results and yet all you can do is scream about some abstract principle, without backing up what benefit we have to prioritize this abstract in the situations I laid.
                So who's making the grade-school argument again, troon?

              • 11 months ago

                None of this actually addresses anything I said and just strawmans to paint a narrative. Can't be bothered with morons and bad faith engagers. I don't care, go be satisfied with your delusions, doesn't matter since the principles on freedom in the US are pretty robust and sooner or later if estrogen is banned it'll without a doubt be brought back. Don't want to bother with morons that can't follow conversations, at that point just use bruteforce power and show the illegitimacy of your beliefs.

                >Your point: But we must allow that because...of freedom! And...freedom must be prioritized in every situation because...IT JUST MUST, OKAY?!

                irrelevant strawman.

                >There is a reason, we have more than enough data to know that a great portion of people will act like stupid morons if you give them the opportunity to. We know that selling heroin in a place will increase the number of heroin addicts, we know that building a casino in the same place will increase gambling. And we know the cost benefit of having those places those not outweigh the loss.

                argument that has no relevance to reality. and doesn't address anything about estrogen. moronic subjective projection of "value" and "loss" that means nothing.

                >We also have several laws that restrict the freedom of adults.

                irrelevant redundant point when I already mentioned the mentally ill????

                I just listed all of this to prove my initial paragraph. I shouldn't even be RESPONDING to this at all jist for the last point alone demonstrating how moronic and bad faith you are and that you don't actually care to engage with any meaningful point in depth and just want to rant about your moronic narrative. Frick off. I don't care about morons who can't argue properly. Last (you).

              • 11 months ago

                troon literally shaking right now.

              • 11 months ago

                That's a nice word salad and all but here's the actual reality:

                I said that freedom of choice becomes a meme when the negative consequences of allowing something to happen clearly outweigh the benefits. And you could not refute that. All you did was appeal back to freedom in circular fashion like a child, without substantiating why freedom in those cases would be a good thing. Having your moronic worldview pressed got you all hot and bothered so you begun to ramble about narratives and strawman and bad faith, despite the fact the one constantly pushing muh freedom (narrative) over facts is you, obviously because you are emotionally invested in this point for being a troon, while i'm not.

                >argument that has no relevance to reality. and doesn't address anything about estrogen. moronic subjective projection of "value" and "loss" that means nothing.
                You are completely out of your depth. How can you call me out for subjectivity and for using arbitrary values as a metric when your entire point is the subjective belief that freedom must be held above all else? The only difference here is that you cannot argue for shit why freedom must be valued in this case, you simply appeal back to it in circular reasoning, while I already argued why it shouldn't.

                >irrelevant redundant point when I already mentioned the mentally ill???
                I'm puzzled looking at this sentence. Do you really think the only adults who have freedoms restricted are the mentally ill? Are you being for real? Please, tell me you are trolling and you are not that moronic.

                Next time don't get in an argument you are not prepared to, troon. If a post gets you mad punch the air a little bit and then get back to your chair. Don't make a fool of yourself.

              • 11 months ago

                >I said that freedom of choice becomes a meme when the negative consequences of allowing something to happen clearly outweigh the benefits.

                "clear" isn't being used objectively. I don't care what you "said" your argument doesn't mean anything more than a statement or opinion, you have substantiated it at all, only appealing to vague examples that have no relevance or context to anything. Just because heroin exist, doesn't mean every drug should be banned and vice versa. Your entire argument FUNDEMENTALLY lacks any nuance and consideration, and therefore any meaning.

                >All you did was appeal back to freedom in circular fashion like a child, without substantiating why freedom in those cases would be a good thing.

                What? Where's the circular logic? Make an actual reference. I'm responding to the actual words you use and statements you make. You're naming my argument, which is bordering on strawman. Your criticism means nothing.

                I'm not arguing against your moronic conception of my argument.

                >Having your moronic worldview pressed got you all hot and bothered so you begun to ramble about narratives and strawman and bad faith

                narrating and labeling without any substantiation. I actually quote and reference everything you say and dissect it. You just tell me what I said and dissect your made up perception.

                >the fact the one constantly pushing muh freedom (narrative) over facts is you

                the frick does this mean? I already just proved how "facts" can be used objectively to prove that guns are moronic in a response below, there are "dozens" of facts that can prove that guns don't outweigh the benefits, it's not a matter of facts, facts don't determine value, because the measure of a specific value no matter how little may be greater. That is the same case with freedom. You are moronic and have provided nothing but narratives.

              • 11 months ago

                >Just because heroin exist, doesn't mean every drug should be banned
                You know what an analogy is, troon troon? No?
                You appealed to freedom in a vague sense to defend taking estrogen, I then explained how freedom of choice was a meme and brought analogies to illustrate the point. You defended your lifestyle by appealing to freedom in a general sense, so I explained how appealing to freedom was bullshit. Again, you just love to go on about strawman and narratives yet anyone looking at your posts can see that's nothing but projection. I said nothing of ''we must ban heroin therefore every drug should be banned'', that's you putting words in my mouth because you are too emotional to follow the conversation. I simply said appealing to freedom in a broad sense to justify yourself is moronic, and the point of drugs was to illustrate that.

                It also cracks me to see you talking about nuance when your posts boil down to boilerplate lolbertarianism.

                >What? Where's the circular logic?
                You defended freedom of choice by appealing back to freedom of choice

                you do not understand freedom. this is like a grade level argument, you let people do what they want, because it's their responsibility at the end of the day, and provide resources for dealing with any problems that may arise because freedom is valued above all. there is no reason somebody shouldn't be able to make rational and informed decisions about whatever they want to do. You aren't making an argument against anything. Your making a statement. A narrative. That doesn't consider the realities and conditions of those making who make those decisions. Nobody needs to be told that freedom isn't black and white. We already restrict the freedoms of the mentally ill and children. Make a less moronic and contexless argument next time.

                >you let people do what they want
                > freedom is valued above all
                >there is no reason somebody shouldn't be able to make rational
                All of this says nothing on why freedom is good in the context I brought up. You are just repeating ''we should have freedom'' in different ways. Nothing about this speaks of objective consequences to a society having freedom. Lolbert troony fails again.

                I saw your post above. If you want to say the equivalent of ''you can't prove protection is better than junkie pleasure bro'' then I will just say you can't argue for anything. You can't ''prove'' to me that killing you isn't the best decision humanity could ever take. Thankfully we don't exist in fantasy troony land so in almost all societies for most of human history self-protection was considered to be above self-indulgent pleasure. Even in abstract logic land survival precedes pleasure and is therefore above it.

              • 11 months ago

                where's the proof of this? and even then one could argue it won't work on a large scale, and a small scale town is already going to have low rates of crime in the first place so a deterrent like that doesn't really mean anything. Not to mention the other things to be considered naturally in studies and research, of reproducibility to cross off luck and arbitration.

                What the frick are you guys talking about

              • 11 months ago

                You are right, anon. I shouldn't be dragged down by troon mental illness.
                I'll just let him ramble and stop derailing the thread.

              • 11 months ago

                tbh anon you started strong but that troon got you bent and that was kinda pathetic, a cop out like
                >muh dragged down to the same level
                won't save your face. Majority of people are lurkers, not posters. Especially easily impressible kids. So with that in mind, consider shutting the frick up if you don't have anything smart to say on important topics.

              • 11 months ago

                >You are completely out of your depth. How can you call me out for subjectivity and for using arbitrary values as a metric when your entire point is the subjective belief that freedom must be held above all else? The only difference here is that you cannot argue for shit why freedom must be valued in this case, you simply appeal back to it in circular reasoning, while I already argued why it shouldn't.

                You are genuinely fricking moronic and have ZERO conception or understanding of "subjectivity" everything is subjective, that doesn't mean everything is equally subjective. There is an obvious difference between the "subjectivity" of "everybody should be allowed to determine for themselves what is right FOR THEMSELVES" that's almost an inherent and absolute statement since its necessarily appealing to people inherent desired to fulfill their own needs and wants. The burden is on YOU to prove why people shouldn't be allowed to decide anything for themselves like...their judgement being impaired. GOD you are actually so stupid it's unbearable lmao, I can't believe I need to explain something so basic.

                >I'm puzzled looking at this sentence. Do you really think the only adults who have freedoms restricted are the mentally ill? Are you being for real? Please, tell me you are trolling and you are not that moronic.

                lol. "if you don't list every single way in law in which adults freedoms can be restricted you must only thing it can be due to mental illness!" lmao. thanks for atleast being blatant with the bad faith. I think I've countered everything you said sufficiently. I won't respond any longer.

                lol. moron.

              • 11 months ago

                > The burden is on YOU to prove why people shouldn't be allowed to decide anything for themselves
                Because allowing people to decide certain things for themselves takes a toll on society as a whole? Should an employer allow an employee to ''decide'' for himself when that impairs the company? Should a general allow his soldiers to act on their own if that impairs the troop? Even on an individual level the idea that people know what's best for themselves is laughable. You have a children's understanding of the world.

              • 11 months ago

                God. I don't want to respond to this. Just because of how fricking stupid it is. I genuinely can't believe it. What the frick is the point of talking about any problem or concept in depth if I'm talking to unironic children that I have to explain basic concepts to? omfggg I cannot believe people are allowed to be this openly moronic.


                >Should an employer allow an employee to ''decide'' for himself when that impairs the company?

                Employee should be allowed to decided anything anything in their interest that isn't an overreach of their jurisdiction. This Is half the point of labour unions. You can't frick with the company directly because you don't own the company. But you own your labour and your own body. Not to mention that the Employer can frick you over anyway since they have more power and can just fire you, which is fricked up and you should be protected from that.

                >Should a general allow his soldiers to act on their own if that impairs the troop?

                What the frick are you talking about moron? I can't even believe that I have to explain this? "Should a woman allow her partner to just frick her in her sleep because freedom!? that's ridiculous and rape!"

                Freedom is more nuanced than that. Part of freedom is the ability to GIVE up some of your freedom for an end that YOU WANT. If a woman gives her partner permission to play with her or have sex while she's sleeping then there's nothing wrong with that because she understands the risks, and trusts her partner, and wants to satisfy him or whatever. The same is the case with the general. When you enter the army, you are entering willingly with the understanding that you will have to forfeit some of your freedom for the end of serving the army and their interests, because they give you something you want, whether that's bed and board, or a sense of purpose.

                The fact that you can't even understand this BASIC principle of freedom and autonomy tells me that any conversation with you is a waste of time.

              • 11 months ago

                Do you also agree that we should ban access to guns?

              • 11 months ago

                Guns can be argued as providing the benefit of self-protection. Hard drugs have no benefit other than short-term pleasure, which even then is later negated by the fact it fricks with your dopamine system.
                I think a restricton on guns can be justified depending on the context and perspective though. It's just not the same level of obviousness.

              • 11 months ago

                >I think a restricton on guns can be justified depending on the context and perspective though.
                in fact it cannot. The words "shall not be infringed" should prevent congress from even tapping at it, but tap tap tap they do

              • 11 months ago

                The problem with your argument is no one is allowing hard drugs. They're illegal. You already seem to understand the justification of allowing something that can be justified for free access, if there is contextual purpose to it.

              • 11 months ago

                >It's just not the same level of obviousness.

                It 1000% is for some people, what even is this argument?

                >Guns can be argued as providing the benefit of self-protection.

                It's literally objectively proven that guns are ineffective for self protection, and there's a whole state monopoly on violence that is supposed to cover this. Not to mention there's no objective reason self protection is more important than "pleasure" you have no way to prove this. You're also using "pleasure" in the most reductive and biased way. "Pain Killers" also provide pleasure by relieving pain, and every SINGLE drug that exists to reduce pain can get you high. Your understanding of all this is unironically childish and moronic as frick. This is my point. You don't actually engage with the realities of any of this, and swim in the vagueness of "freedom" and "value" you never actually contend with anything as is and always twist it for some abstract narrative that engages with nobody's contention.

              • 11 months ago

                >It's literally objectively proven that guns are ineffective for self protection
                how about deterrence? An experiment was done on a town in Utah; every adult citizen was given a gun. The town has had exactly zero gun crime since

              • 11 months ago

                where's the proof of this? and even then one could argue it won't work on a large scale, and a small scale town is already going to have low rates of crime in the first place so a deterrent like that doesn't really mean anything. Not to mention the other things to be considered naturally in studies and research, of reproducibility to cross off luck and arbitration.

              • 11 months ago

                >trying to call anon's argument grade level and ''narrative'' when his point is literally just muh freedom
                lolberts really have no self-awareness. literally keking

  12. 11 months ago

    >only 20 posts until ruined by /misc/tards

  13. 11 months ago

    He will always be inferior to the real deal, sorry

    • 11 months ago

      I like both

  14. 11 months ago


  15. 11 months ago


  16. 11 months ago

    Taking estrogen to become a "femboy" is like roiding up to get muscular

    • 11 months ago

      You're supposed to tell people not to do this, not encourage them.

    • 11 months ago

      estrogen doesn't have nearly as easy or convenient affects as roiding, and it's not something like roiding where the effects are consistent and you don't need to maintain proper levels etc. not saying it doesn't have affects, just that it's not as convenient and easy, or affective. Roiding masculinizes, hrt is much more effective at demasculinizing than feminizing

    • 11 months ago

      Slightly off topic but why don't roids work permanently? Why can't you take them to build muscle and then just stop taking them while maintaining the same muscle mass?

      • 11 months ago

        Because what roids do is pump things like testosterone, which in turn stimulates muscle regeneration/growth. If you stop taking them your natural test production won't match the roided one. In fact, it won't even match your previous natural production as your body will get used to not having to produce test since it's getting from roids.

      • 11 months ago

        it does to an extent, people just lose their gains because they crash when they're off, so it's like they're on the opposite of roids
        just PCT better lmao

    • 11 months ago

      Can't hide the conebreasts though

      • 11 months ago

        this is not a meme i was a fricking moron that let myself get lead astray and now that i stopped before i went too far i have to wear tight fitting undershirts to hide this shit even years later
        dont be a moronic kid like i was and fall for it anons

        • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          do pull ups or just get cosmetic surgery to fix it's really not that expensive

  17. 11 months ago

    bbg you dont need to take all those hormones... ur perfect the way u are 🙂

  18. 11 months ago

    I am the only one who thinks Hakika's best game is L.Depths? It cuts the needlessly long stretches of boring gameplay that stood between you and porn and I prefer the minimalist horror gameplay over the run of the mill grind.

    • 11 months ago

      I really liked it too. The story, music and h-scenes were great, and I really liked the audio design in the game. You were able to tell how far away the monsters were, just from their audio.
      I'd actually say the worst part about the game was that you didn't get to know Miseri and Inel that much. They had less characterization than the average SEQUEL character. Some more conversations with them outside of the scenes and story would've gone a long way.

    • 11 months ago

      >boring gameplay
      I liked it

      • 11 months ago

        The gameplay is undoubtedly good in this series, but some people can’t get over the stigma that actual gameplay in an h-game has. Some people just want to fap and be over with it, they don’t want to play a 30 hour JRPG with fap material sprinkled throughout. Which is understandable, but one of the reasons why this series works so well is that there are a lot of interactions and you get attached to the characters because of them.

        • 11 months ago

          I'll go further: it has some of the best turn-based RPG gameplay I've seen. The class system in Blight was very cool too and it shouldn't have been removed.

          • 11 months ago

            Honestly it does have some pretty damn good combat, especially blight since it’s basically a modernized version of FF5’s combat with minimal grinding. Which is spectacular. I also like colony’s combat too though, and I heard a lot of good things about Innocent Rules’s combat.

        • 11 months ago

          I'll go further: it has some of the best turn-based RPG gameplay I've seen. The class system in Blight was very cool too and it shouldn't have been removed.

          I'm at level 10, and it's putting me to sleep. When does it get good?

          • 11 months ago

            Every single RPG has to start basic, anon-kun. It can't throw complicated combat mechanics to someone who's not familiar with the systems. At least get to chapter 2 or 3.

            • 11 months ago

              I'm trying, but there's frick all here that's interesting. The characters are fine, the porn is serviceable , the combat is basic, and the progression is dogshit. I've functionally been running in a straight line mashing 'z', until there's a boss. Where I just spend all my sp on attacking moves and healing.

              • 11 months ago

                Just keep going

          • 11 months ago

            It gets better the more you play imo. Blight also has a giant postgame and I personally thought that was the best part of the game.

    • 11 months ago

      Sell me on it
      Also I don't know where to find these games

  19. 11 months ago

    Which Sequel game is this character even from? I only ever played the horror game and the one with the other trap with the black hair.

    • 11 months ago

      featured in Blight and Colony, his best two games.

      • 11 months ago

        Which comes first? I'm assuming they're connected so I'd play them in order.

        • 11 months ago

          >Play order is blight -> awake -> colony -> ASYLUM (spinoff) -> kludge -> L.Depth (spinoff) -> INNOCENT RULES (spinoff).

          • 11 months ago

            is this image real and not edited?

            • 11 months ago

              The pic is from one of his scenes in blight
              And the text is just from the after-scene dialogue for one of Fake-Rabi's scenes. The after-scene dialogue is usually pretty funny. But it can also be wholesome too.

          • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            Man those games are so fricking braindead. Everything that's written is gold but combat is literally just hitting the auto button and and spamming skip for hours on and
            I don't think I have it in me to complete asylum

            • 11 months ago

              You can skip Asylum if you want, it’s the worst one by far. It only gets good at the end of the game and in the postgame since that’s where all the story and lore is. Until that point, it’s just quiet and boring. I’d say play kludge and if the postgame of that one piques your interest, go finish up Asylum.

            • 11 months ago

              >Everything that's written is gold but combat is literally just hitting the auto button and and spamming skip for hours on
              Did not play it. You can't beat any boss by auto attacking. They all require a solid strategy.

  20. 11 months ago

    >Ino, with canonically the smallest penis, gets to become the harem-master of monster girls

  21. 11 months ago

    Rabi and Fake-Rabi double naizuri

    • 11 months ago

      Someone drew that

      • 11 months ago


  22. 11 months ago

    the rabi is fake but the love is real

  23. 11 months ago


  24. 11 months ago

    I can't believe I was tricked into playing this as an H game. After a few hours, I dropped it.

  25. 11 months ago

    >thread derailed by troons

    Every time.

  26. 11 months ago


  27. 11 months ago

    I prefer Fake-Rabi to real Rabi

    • 11 months ago

      That’s fine and understandable

      • 11 months ago

        I will forever seethe that there are no male bunnysuits that I can find

  28. 11 months ago

    i dont wanna play the game
    where can i watch fake-rabi scenes?

    • 11 months ago

      sadpanda has all cgs
      dunno if anyone as uploaded the recordings, main difference is that you get the weird h-game music with screen shakes, hentai dialogue, and cumming sounds

    • 11 months ago

      This guy uploaded some of blight's scenes, check his playlist
      It just isn't the same without Fake-Rabi's dialogue between the scenes though. Along with all the other charming stuff in the game.

      • 11 months ago

        is nyx guy or girl?

        • 11 months ago

          Girl. The guy succubus is in awake, his scenes are on that channel too I think. I see an ero collection for awake in his playlists.

  29. 11 months ago

    I MUST breed with Faltoga.

    • 11 months ago

      Never ever

  30. 11 months ago

    Hows the translation for Innocent Rules, playable yet?

    • 11 months ago

      It’s on the way. Sub-par announced it at the end of July. I’m sure he’s working on it a lot now because the game just got its final content update.

  31. 11 months ago

    cba reading the whole thread and replying to whoever is who but if the homosexual who doesnt understand the benefit of restrictions and prohibitive laws in order to protect you (or the general well-being of society idgaf) because MUH FREEDOM just have a nice day you stupid fricking homosexual. you are the reason America has literal poisons in its foods unlike many EU countries. i hope you explode you dumb c**t, people will never know what is best for them even if given a choice via "freedom"

    also i have lost litres of cum to fake rabi
    best scene is the very first blight one
    good times

    • 11 months ago

      >cba reading the whole thread and replying to whoever is who but if the homosexual who doesnt understand the benefit of restrictions and prohibitive laws in order to protect you (or the general well-being of society idgaf) because MUH FREEDOM just have a nice day you stupid fricking homosexual. you are the reason America has literal poisons in its foods unlike many EU countries. i hope you explode you dumb c**t, people will never know what is best for them even if given a choice via "freedom"

      not an argument. dismissed. you morons are literally too stupid for this conversation, don't know why you even try, when you can't argue a single point without appealing to the bias of morons who one dimensionally view liberty in an incredibly "opposite of reality" way where they unironically cheered when Donald trump said "Law and Order!"

      just stop, and go back to being the moronic coomer that you and i know you are.

      • 11 months ago

        arent you a troony

        • 11 months ago

          man who thinks he is a woman is calling others moronic
          i am laffin

          also coomer (true) but its just funny as an insult from some1 who gets boaner from putting on a skirt and playing dress up and is invariably more of a sexual deviant
          btfo Black person you have no sauce, swag out

          strawman and adhoms to cope with the reality of being wrong.

          I never said anything about being a "troony" or ever implied anything about getting a boner in a skirt.

      • 11 months ago

        man who thinks he is a woman is calling others moronic
        i am laffin

      • 11 months ago

        also coomer (true) but its just funny as an insult from some1 who gets boaner from putting on a skirt and playing dress up and is invariably more of a sexual deviant
        btfo Black person you have no sauce, swag out

  32. 11 months ago

    >Fake-Rabi thread gets derailed into /misc/ thread

  33. 11 months ago

    Is this one of those games where enemies actually kill you or just ""bad end"" you when you lose
    Always was curious

    • 11 months ago

      The enemies kill you and your party for mana. Either that, or your party gets killed and you get drained of mana by semen demons.

      • 11 months ago

        I still prefer Calcarona's scene to Mefkas', but it's a fine scene nonetheless.
        I'm a sucker for lovey-dovey shit in normally depraved games. That second succubus scene in Blight where you survive mating with her through the sheer force of love got me the exact same way.

  34. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago
  35. 11 months ago


  36. 11 months ago

    Sequel Blight has given me a thirst for eroges that I can't quench. All I can find are RPGs or VNs. I would kill for a puzzle game or a point and click that has sex in it.

  37. 11 months ago

    Where is next Sequel game?

  38. 11 months ago

    >tfw no fake rabi gf

  39. 11 months ago

    I want fake rabi to frick the hell out of me.

  40. 11 months ago

    boring thread that keeps dying and coming to life and dying and coming to life

    • 11 months ago

      what are you gonna do about it

      • 11 months ago

        post bussy

        • 11 months ago

          Maybe I can

  41. 11 months ago

    Play good games.
    Already spent 50 hours

  42. 11 months ago


    woaaah...boy butt...

    what are those sucks you're wearing btw? they look so fricking sick

  43. 11 months ago

    i humbly request tum

    • 11 months ago

      request granted

      • 11 months ago

        i got secure connection failed bros

        • 11 months ago

          it works if you embed

  44. 11 months ago

    Kys you're the cancer killing Ganker

  45. 11 months ago

    incredible thread guys

  46. 11 months ago

    wish I could post bussy but shaving is scary and the thought of it reminds me that I have butthair in the first place, which sends me into an existential crisis

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